##VIDEO ID:NI87gv9X-90## someone now I don't know what [Music] order is 708 [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay we go Elsa Geraldine Justin [Music] okay any comments I review and approval of minutes the minutes are going to be a part of your February agenda packet I won't have them as part of the packet I asked you to bring him in because last time we had someone that was with other we G have to I think you may have sent me the email and um I haven't gone draw my email so sorry about that if you want them I can get them to you but it won't be right now okay next I have a copy of he has a copy but I just did one I I can get you guys a copy for right now oh okay but like in 20 minutes not right now is what I'm saying well minutes you have to remember if you're requesting something on me I don't look at my emails right away oh okay thanks for no I'm not sure if you guys that okay um I mean we can pass these around real quick and then I think are you guys prer it's short it's a short the minutes are short just briefly look through or you know what you can pass it around if you want we move on other it report to Old business item 7D and 7 e so old business we're going to have elections today should we wait forette yeah yeah trette is already late wait yeah let's wait okay let's do con the part ofd coordination Charles conting the park live and will I haven't talked to I lately but for those that are new um it is scheduled for this Saturday I think we're asking everybody to come by 5:30 6 p.m if you can to be very Frank before I recommend to be there like five 5:30 we did something it wasn't enough time I think it was one of the events that we had we need more time that's fourth to July that's the big have to do what do we have to do that's what I'm saying with this there's not a lot there's not a lot to do there's not a lot not lot to and U for those that U new uh everything we already have this we've done this about maybe 10 12 times we have the artist we use the have some food uh for the artists um I think we have two food trucks we have those same ones that were confirmed for the original and then we have food truck but we ask a lot of people bring the own bring a blanket you know you got by Subway or Stu by McDonald's or whatever bring the Libations and then you yeah it sounds like the yeah about s we start out by introducing now we have you know we have a new mayor so we'll give him the Limelight have him to introduce Council memb and then we'll turn it over to the uh artist she'll go about 8:15 take about a 15 minute break and then she'll come back on again if we have any other announce we make we make it in between and then she goes to about maybe 9:30 and then so we have a gar garbage people will bring their container and we have lights that we've already paid for the stage is already purchased and uh so now we're to the point that a lot of things are already in place we just have to tweak the events and so we've gotten to the point now where there a lot less we have to do now we might uh if we get our sign we might put it in the front of the stage CHD we either I get with the chair bring couple pars up at the beginning or we introduce them at intermission whichever is most approprate but I think the I talk to the other day he's all jacked up about it he's all excited about it he's sent it out to everybody that he knows so we're looking for a good crowd and also too for you guys that are here if you could take a picture of this and send it out to ient I sent out about 50 so I've had a lot of people that call me and say yeah I'm gonna be there and and the better the crowd the better it is for us because unfortunately we judged on how many people come we not judged on how good the program is so you know we don't get a big crowd why are you spending $110,000 and you only got X number of people so we try to balance to with trying to advertise and get as many people as we can to come so uh we can go to the town and say I think something tells me about this group that we're going to have more participation from the town than we've had before if it was I saw four council members there today all four of them say come we've never I I we've had them well we only have one so I think initially this going to be a good group we can show them that we have a really organization I think we I think we'll we'll gain that confidence so we're going to go with them later about something extra I think said oh yeah they did this and even at the um you I'm finished even at the um Mrs Claus the mayor came first time ever he came we almost had to usher him out so mayor we know you're busy oh no now let me take some more pictures let me see so we we we've never gotten that I've been on this for about 20 years we we've never gotten that count so I'm very optimistic that uh we don't have a good year 2025 I ask a question since I'm new where do we advertise the events actually we'll be doing a word of mouth I put it on WhatsApp and send it to everybody or Instagram and we ask take a picture this and just your friend that you have on Facebook you have just message sent it to a lot of that's way s reminder last thing uh in the are we going to have a sign we G have to sign up electronic one the electronic on4 yeah it's already up it's up already okay I I saw it but good yeah thank you okay it's a free um event are we allowed can we put it on event bright that's a when it's a concert like that it's very hard to to gauge how many people coming people come all they don't such a large Crow but it is advertised every other way through the town the social media channel I sent it to a lot of people from Miami Lakes that they have no idea and they're like so excited oh yeah if you guys ever have anybody who's like interested in events and they don't know about any of our events I would encourage if I were you I would encourage them to sign up to our newsletter because that goes straight into their inbox if they want to receive it once a month and it tells them everything that the town is doing signed up on the on the website we have a link where they can subscribe to our newsletter okay send a reminder yeah for future events sign up yeah so anything else char no I think that's it we uh I think we're ready we're ready to go you need help before the like I I don't know a lot but we do that say 530 good 530 okay I'm gonna here I'm mention mention the table and the two chairs I I already noted it okay at the table okay next um day County Grant application process update um anything new that we heard I know we had a deadline very close our checklist afterday they haven't received anything so the chair the chair I read before my trip that the BR administrator from here send me all the details I'm going to read it quickly because now with a AI is very easy to apply for a gr so if I I think that there's something that we are interested on I should who should I pass it before her to her to her and then for for her to yeah because I know we need to re it or have person review because it's not my only decision it's I like it so when the committee has and concrete what it is that you guys want to submit on behalf of cultural Affairs then it gets passed on to our granders um so when you're done the next step would really be for the committee to review it I don't know if that gives you enough timeline between now and the deadline and the deadline is this month I think this month no it's very very short but I'm going to check yeah okay please do because it's very important and especially the outdoor l theth of July we need as much help on that as possible thanks so those those are like like that's a critical item yeah yeah they do and and Ashley Thomas who works in the culture Affairs Department um the times I spoken to her she's she's like really happy and actually I send her event that we have and she sees oh this is fantastic why did you apply so uh yeah we need to take advantage of that thank you uh next item art around town um I want to concentrate on just this item which is the Miami Lakes library house scultpure and basically the update that I have is U I sent an email to Mr tlio tiglio the director of the library and the artist and the Garden Club and and then he replied that um there's a project manager I don't know if it's the architect actually I also s to the architect of the project the renovation and and um he gave me a name of a lady that's going to get in touch with me so as soon as everybody is in in you know in sync we're going to meet everybody so we can discuss it in general you know what the the the object of U what we want to do you know the logistics the timeline of the project so I see this project and I spoke to actually um the artist today and she's very excited uh but I said we need to coordinate this very carefully so you spoke with who Marcy Marcy I spoke to Marcy got reped back from Pig about um coordinating with everybody so everybody when we meet we all meet together via Zoom I rather be meet personally though uh it's hard to get everybody together in my place um so basically is it's making sure this is going to take a long time because I don't know what the status of the plans of the project are so this lady I guess will update update us on the status so um I'll bring more information next time but I think it's moving but it's just basically getting that cow which is needs to be removed so it doesn't get damaged dur construction and and then um the artist will have to bring her artwork we approv because the the person who bought that c was um former Day Count commissioner Natasha Seas she's that was her first bety and she um she no longer lives here so I guess the the library like owns it so they they want to incorporate some something in the design of the artwork so that those are the things that we need to coordinate very carefully time line like I said so I'll have more information but at least the bow is rolling and things are getting done um Main Street Live I had a work through with um Andrea today and her assistant Sarah uh from the Gams and um you go we we have a jackon BN at the feature performer for that night which is Friday January 17th from 7:30 to 9:30 um everything is in the in the works uh this is the flyer that they approv they're paying basically for everything ta done he spells it D and and that they're going to do two two big two big posters for the kiosk in the front and the back on Main Street so they're working on those so it's just ready to go it's just coordinating for the lighting the stages just been um requested and we're doing the the lighting want to make sure that sound and the lighting is perfect for that night so I'm very excited about it they're very excited about it and and we're being they're going to be actually today she told me she was going to give it to all the the merchants on Main Street so they can put it up so people go the Main Street can see that settings the chair is that the band we hired for Fourth of July when yeah yeah but they're going to do mostly Jazz was more like American pop and very he's very excited about it and you're looking at the minutes now right yeah so okay who has the [Music] minutes I thought it was around [Music] here already spoke about that one c d e and um we have a guest here today that U came in after we we have publica comments um officer Amador would you introduce the gentlem please sorry through the chair are we opening are we going back to com comments yes yeah want hear oh uh motion to I motion we reopen reopen public comments okay in favor second second you need a second second second who second it second second favor I okay you have the floor happy New Year again everyone another fantastic year in the committee um in we were talking about the concert series of the Main Street and all that uh Oscar is from family food trucks he came up automatically um he has a lot of information uh to sh shair and the main thing is that um other committees are already using the services to the town and nothing not because it's here but I have nothing but good things to say about how everything's worked out um everybody's happy and specifically because through his company they streamline everything so if you're you want food truck but you want entertainment you want the bowling guy you want uh the paintings everything's one one place and that's really where the other committees are are very happy with with that let Oscar take over can I have your full name please Oscar Oscar Flores Flores and what is the company name uh family food truck events Family Food Truck oh Family Family Food Truck okay okay so H I wanted to propose basically to the committee a a freestyle that you guys pass on it's pretty much you guys can pass things on as well it say uh everything about the event itself but mainly what we do is we're already doing most of the big events here in the town through the other committees we wanted to bring in real talent and like a real music event to the town so through my connections and what I built throughout the years working in the music industry I have have the ability now to be able to bring these events to the town to the park at no cost so completely free to the community we are bringing on our own sponsors to cover a lot of the expenses for the events so the goal is to be able to tie in a partner with the committee that's doing something with live music or in that sense uh to be able to do this event together with us um again we're bringing in sponsors already but we would want to get sponsors from from the area to be a part of this as well um most of the acts that we're bringing on to the table I mean we wanted to introduce kind of like a a live series of four concerts from here to the end of the year so we could do uh different types of music we have Lain music a country music a freestyle and then we have something for locals for local talent uh for kind of like the kids at high school or anyone that's interested in doing music uh that would be the day to Showcase them so uh the idea is called Lees live kind of like Main Street live in a sense this is Main Street Live yeah so it's kind of like in Main Street I guess it was trying to do something we did this in 2005 so yeah we uh we're Reviving it okay so the idea is to use the park that everyone's already used to is kind of the custom Park to go to to to do the events in miam Lakes it's been working out great with the kids activities and everything else that we added along to it to contain the people there um we just really want to bring some some real entertainment and good solid uh eist artist so we have uh Grammy Award winning lener a Cuban artist he's kind of like in the works we wanted to do him around uh Valentine's I know he's very short notis but we're just keeping in in you know we wanted to kind of be in the good weather season we don't want to go rain January to June so we're in the same process um again for us it's all sponsor driven so time is very important for us because the sponsors are the ones that are going to cover these acts um what we ask for the town and what we ask from the city and the committee will be the basic things that you guys are already doing which is uh you know the police uh maybe the cleanup maybe a request for the stage kind of save on on our cost uh but as far as our end you know we do promotions not just Word of Mouth we we actually have you know a system and we do online we do geo fancing we do targeting so everything that we would do we do in the Miami Lakes area for the Miami Lakes residents um again keeping it free uh our food trucks our vendors our giids activities our sponsors will all cover the expense and the cost of the event so so you guys you guys don't have to raise the money for it it's just a matter of maybe helping us if you have any sponsors already on board or anyone you're already working with and to kind of just send them our deck and see if they're interested to be a part of a good event do you do the because I know in April they have the part for C no which one one we [Music] last because I know I notic that you have a beer and wine bar so you do have we have the license we have the license and we partner up with with someone that has a catering license so we're able to to legally as long as the city and the town is okay with it and they usually ask us for some sort of Certificate of Insurance and uh we we have everything events like the part now because that's property of the of the town but if you do something near M Main Street we need to have like what they call the um ear permit or no not a permit it's the home Harless form that they require oh yeah so U those are the the things that you know we to do we yeah we have that already from the town we we were actually presenting uh not long ago the Drone show to the town of yeah so we're actually in that process of signing that waiver for them thinking of changing instead of having the fireworks yeah doing drone you know so we we actually just measured last week the whole lake and all that area back there to give us right we we'll discuss this with the group um as far as you know what budget we have to provide you what you need and how many because our calendar is pretty pretty Qui um as far as doing again budget wise we don't we're not asking for anything budget wise we are asking for the date obviously uh to get the Park yeah and then we we are asking to maybe help us request a stage like you guys always get and certain things that you guys can possibly get for us will be the most ideal but uh the event it's it's it's set up to be paid for itself uh again through sponsors through vendors and not through the through our guests so that that's the key we just need the time to be able to do so we have a projected date of March 1st which is what we're looking at again being based on we don't want to run into bad weather and and and hot weather um so that that is for this particular uh event itself the artists are available which is the most important thing uh for the freestyle event um we believe yes okay uh is there a there's a link to they are there there's some more information on the on the other package but you could Google them um you know if you're anywhere from 40 55 years old and you live in Miami Leakes uh you know you're going to know exactly who these people are um you're going to be excited about them as well okay I'm excited so you said it's a it's a freestyle event yes um but got be Latin or no the type of music is freestyle it's like disco it's kind of like disco music okay it's it's 80s 7080s uh okay music old school old old school old school techn the event itself is called Old School I'm sorry oh I see now now my question is what other committees are you planning to work with so we don't the thing is we don't want to conflict on dates or times because that happened before that the same day we have events and then you know it's it's hard for people to the one that gets more advertisement goes there and then the other one suff we're doing a lot of stuff for the Youth committee on the events that they do and then we also do for the mental health right which the brand new committee as well um you know they're very limited on the events they do and their events are are kids driven so they're mainly for for the Youth um so for them we we don't we don't do this extent of things we mainly bring their activities and and all the other stuff so this is why the Halloween is one the biggest one that we Halloween I saw and I was very impressed yeah so March 1 is what is that a Saturday March 1 is a Saturday it's a Saturday and you have that already I have the artists the main two artists I have on standby you know I can't hold them long but they are aware of the date and they are aware what we're doing and it's a matter of of start sending a deposit and signing those contracts in my end secure that I can't do that without securing the park so so as I do we remember the weekend after that is our lady of the link best to it and that's huge it is March uh you second now the first week okay no yeah s food and wine is the first week of February yeah that's why we need to coordinate all the make sure everything is done properly uh sounds exciting um we'll discuss it with a group because we need to I have a copy of schle I mean this the first part of the year right here there you go is that the latest look and see maybe this January 11 yeah same one okay I have more in the car but U Yeah so basically that's what's coming and that covers up to my May so like I said we'll we'll discuss it with the group okay and then um sounds like something that we're looking for someone that so you basically will need the stage the trash whatever we need stage trash and police stage lighting and sound we're going to take care of stage and trash and police we have that on our budget as long as we could cover the sponsor is this something you're going to do anyways with or without this is something that we have a backup plan and we have a backup site but however at that point we will be a Charged event it w't be free for the town so if if we move it at that point it you know it's going to be a ticketed event it's not going to have the same by what dat do you need a response from us ideally in the next week to be quite honest uh just so we could have enough uh time to have things ready if we were to move forward to have all the promotion ready for the food and wine for the magaz andne so next week will be January we would love to be able to promote it [Music] we the 13 okay sounds exciting I like it it's oh I heard aers within the next week thank you and yeah I love I love to that's what we need to do is bring activities to the town and yeah people are hungry for it yeah um okay any questions anybody any any other questions I have a question for the chair yes are we adding it to our agenda tonight what you have to they need an answer we have to make an decision needs an answer by the 13th if any of you are interested you can make the motion yeah okay H can I have a motion to basically are you making a motion no you can make you can make a motion yeah but the motion I know what how to make the motion to make the decision today or to to try to work with them I know what the motion I made a motion to consider the event proposal for old school freestyle festival for March 1st 2025 okay here a second can you repeat the motion one minute please consider the event proposal event proposal for the old school freestyle Festival to be held on March 1st 2025 that's the only play you have or do you have more no there are more oh okay no you give me one yeah he doesn't have any more to me it's a packet yeah it's a packet oh it's a packet with a different yeah the different okay okay I'll make a cop J second you got that yeah okay you made the motion at Charles second okay all in favor against okay thank you who consider this back to [Music] you so I had to add item did I have to add item at the end no yeah so consider it is you're listening to it right now yeah are you guys taking on the or not would be the motion yeah the motion would be to accept she said she wanted to discuss it stud IED add she was add bu add yeah that make right there we go added to new business HC second well you're just risting new business C8 c yeah okay for the old school freestyle Festival to be held March 1st [Music] Oscar you thank you we need to do the elections we're not done not done oh no wait a minute sorry sorry we have the minutes we have we have the minutes we have all of new business yeah yeah yeah I'm sorry I was I was looking at the at the at number seven okay has everybody going back to minutes the minutes has everybody review the minutes yes okay any I make a motion to accept the meeting the minutes from was the date from December 11 December 11 2024 okay let's [Music] uh 742 yeah um okay everyone approve the minute the minute yes say I yes okay okay next item will be want to go back to elections yes elections another is here okay we're going to have elections uh as required by our rules okay let's see so lects are going to be for chair Vice chair the secretary through the chair before you move forward I just want to make sure you guys are clear are you going to continue doing the minutes or just try not take on from here just so that there's no confusion no I'll continue with a minute okay because not it's going to be conf I'll continue doing right thanks okay so we're going to start for chair I Nomine Felicia Sal discuss accept I do accept and are there any other nominations a chairperson no okay okay yes oh I don't okay okay Gerald everyone in favor we have to go by you know which person raise their hand what unanimous so Fel he need chair okay Vice chair have hear any nominations I like to make a motion to Vice shair the vice if she accepts if she accepts yeah I will accept okay any nomination any other nomination I nominate myself for vice chair okay so for vice chair is GNA be Elsa and S any other nominations any other nominations no so I guess we're going to go around the room and you guys see you're voting for okay let's start that okay okay for okay I vot for me okay H should h ah go can I can I have somebody else okay I vote for me Jal okay Justin um okay Charles okay okay okay five against three [Music] oh all right so we got six six for Elsa and three for Matt okay we still love you secretary secretary any nominations for secretary I nominate do you accept the nomination okay are there any nomin other nominations I nominate her what's her name secretary there we go okay so all in favor okay congratulations Jette okay so we have the new board uh chair Felicia sh Elsa well actually just one and secretary congratulations to the winners do we need to congratulations we had we had but yeah to the point that was it's not an official thing you not I mean it's something that is like if we need it we'll make okay so we're done with the election new business um shs Ambassador corral they all excited you know they were on break I think they come back like this week or next week but you know colleges go a little longer but they all set for the 22nd and for those of you that are new it's same thing we go to the Methodist church and they come uh I think we have it 7 to 9 no I think it's 7:30 7:30 but anyway we use the use church and U we Supply food we get food we have a thing of sandwiches and stuff that we get and we also buy some food for students because the director doesn't want them to be eating trying to sing so we get that and we put it under the under the table and so when the bus get ready to leave they open up the back the bus whatever water we have left whatever soda we have left and then we used to do uh chicken wings sandwiches and made a cheese tray and we uh we put that in uh for them to take back to the school they open up the cafeteria and they can sit there and eat and take the time eating but um every time we have they put on a a very good show so uh the Methodist what was the United Methodist Church right pumin yeah and this group um we alternated them last year we used the the mot time review because you know we didn't want to have the same group but um they're very talented these are students from Florida Memorial University and the kids that you know I was talking I think the dean of the school came last concert that we have with him and these are kids are very talented and you'll be impressed they're they're amazing and glad to have him back I mean it's good you not to have him all the time but yeah iair a side note is that uh the director called Dr Johnson they call her Dr J she indicated to me that um for the first time in the history of fla Memorial uh they've been invited to cor hall right in May and so they were asking they were so grateful for what we give them but they were also interested in if anybody wanted to help them help the kids because all these 99% of these kids on scholarship almost none of them pay they all on scholarship so um I have I met a young lady that's she's my god daughter she's a graduate of of Florida Memorial so she's going to contact some alumni and see if she can send out a letter to the lunni like a GoFundMe and I see if some of their teachers their principal their band directors brother memor has a lot of graduates in this area she has a list of uh she's going to get a list of them and send out a letter and see if they will contribute to help them to go to U I think they stay like two or three days I'm not sure how how to go but it's pretty expensive and so what we're giving them is uh they're very grateful for what we're doing for okay um one of the items and I sent you an email um regarding you know since we hadn't heard I I sent um an email to the church inal and back in November and they were very happy that we started early but I never heard back from them I contacted her again today send her an email call her personally and um she thinks that it will be no problem with that date and she happy that we they're preparing the calendar thank you is that the pastor is out of town and by the end of January we should know what the calendar has so um the same thing I had um what's her name Renee laon from the from the the symphony the syphony asking us has has they approved the venue for the other succeed I said you know we sent it to them so the same the same issue so hopefully we'll have the venue they're happy that we got in tou with them so we'll know by the end of the month we in the calendar the thing that she told me is that they have to make sure that the sound person which before they didn't have a sound person I have a sound person um will be available those days that's the only you know and that's the only sound person that can be used in the church I mean like when we did the concert last time remember that the video and made it very nice done live and everything so why they doing that now before we didn't have that so that's a new new gig that they the guy has so um if we can do without it fine we never had him before but I guess they want to do it they want to use their Sun so I so they'll let us know by the end of January that's gotting it really gross no I I'll I'll keep I have the the pastor okay yeah because you know she's and then when when Rene called me back in December I said you know it's it's hard time because the holidays don't respond and basically I guess he was out of out of the country out of town so we'll know soon as soon I I'm going to keep contacting but are we supposed to give a something in reference to this event so you guys can give it to me later um I like to have it in advance to make sure that I can assist you guys with whatever you need the closer we get to it the harder it becomes to get you things confirmed that's all the form and then it gives us less time to promote it because we're not going to promote it every single day just because we're a week out when we get confirmation we do it in a way where it's very organic so the more time we have to promote it the better well like I said I'm gonna see if I can reach out to the pastor again tomorrow because that's what Jimmy from the church told me and maybe he can say yeah we of course going to be very I like to have things in writing but it seems like it's okay you know they they like to they like to you know help us with the venue I me exposes the church and you know the Acoustics there are amazing so um I'm confident that they'll approve those students so like I said they approve the venues that the sound people that they're using that they need to CH Felicia have a bless you if they say something about say well you know maybe we could help out in that know we don't want to lose the V well if the pl requires you guys giving money that's something that should now you guys don't meet until well February whenever that's they need to submit the the invoice for you know using the space which normally is like a thing and I think what was it that we last last time 500 500 it wasn't that much okay uh so any questions any any motion on this item to I guess we need to have a motion it's just basically checking the dates that I mean the DAT are there already we need approve it and the EXT is being approved no that has been approved that we we received an email stating well what what hasn't been approved is what she's talking about the venue hasn't given confirmation to the town saying yes this you know for sure we're having this so we can't go forward with formation okay so I won't have a flyer for you guys until that's done yeah that's all I that's really the the mean issue with this so as soon as soon as we let's think as soon as we get confirmation of of the dates um if we need to have the sound PR we can can we have like a quick special meeting and then that day we do it and that's it I mean I want to do it like I said before the February but we need to move on this I mean we're ready it's just that they they don't have their who event is it Charles the Charles you think you can get it done just sound people I mean they microphon microphones right microp we might can even talk to them to Bron yeah yeah yeah because they they tie with and I remember long time ago I I used to sit there and and play with the lights and stuff it's not and the thing is that the the sons of the previous Pastor they know how to do that so I don't know why they need to hire somebody else so so they're making it a little bit difficult for us you know unfortunately and I don't think it's necessary but you know we'll we'll we'll we said to him by the way what is it that and I'll talk to her I'll say you know we're going to provide you know mics or whatever just have somebody there that knows how to operate a little we say what she tells you first yeah people so um okay so um you wanted to make a motion no no no everything is approved we even approved that the last meeting we approved the extra money for yeah we approv we have to either pay them or pay the chur yeah but we didn't talk about paying for this additional fee so would highly suggest that if you guys plan on having a plan B you would put that plan B here otherwise we so let's make let's make a motion about the what we want in Plan B is to not not to to have a sound person just find someone of our own to do it or they they allow us that's the question will they allow you exactly they allow you to okay well tentatively let's say to make emotion to to approve Plan B which is to you know either do without the sound um M do they have a fe that they wanted the fee did they have a fee that they want they just wanted to make sure they were available did they last year they didn't ask we had to change it one time because the S wasn't there right but we didn't we didn't pay them no no no we don't pay the S we just a so you're making a motion to go forward with the event without a s like I said it has to be yeah but see we don't know if the pastor would allow that either so you know I think before any motion is made Felicia if I were you I would go in person I meet with the pastor but he's not in town he's not in town what about this lady she cannot make decisions this is a new pastor about so when is he coming back the pastor of January he's coming back at the end of January I I'll call him I'll call him tomorrow I have cell number hopefully you have his cell number yeah okay you going to need a special call meeting yeah quick one just for this just to so okay okay so you still want to make the motion for this no I wasn't making a motion I just wanted to know no no it's just they're making it difficult I mean we never had this issues before you know so um just it was hard to find a venue the time that we were looking for them to yeah be somewhere I think we went to Barbara Gman and so no Barbara Gman forget it we we had people didn't show up so the key is to get the church yeah the church is perfect so let's let's like I said let's go ahead and you know take a chance okay because otherwise we'll never get this time okay so okay um the women of distin okay women of Distinction ah okay thank you okay uh I passed out the proposal with the attached quotes to make this simple please review it um I broke down on this page the very first page it's a breakdown for the budget purposes the caterer for 60 people is 1935 the Awards coming out to $52 flowers right now it's $200 Linens it's going to be10 tables which will be eight chair eight tables and 64 chairs 292 janitorial will be 170 and then the remaining balance will be if we needed additional guest or the price goes up for some reason um our total budget is are 3500 and I propose the 3500 to be used to the women in distinction okay do we want to um approve this as a package you want to go and talk about the the whole thing will be fine huh I I don't think I need to do individual no that's the whole proposal so I'm making a motion to accept my proposal for the women of Distinction Awards lunch in brunch okay who second you can take it you take it Jerry you take itry [Music] yeah in fav favor we always forget about the but I guess everybody okay we can do discussion um you can see the menu is pretty much brunch that's the most reasonable one that we can get because lunch gets into more money are we using Maria noica okay it's good to buy new people she gave us a very competitive uh thing and since you know we had little slights of problems last year I decided let's try somebody new yeah I agree I every year I try to get but all the bu everybody has always been high Chef Veron was very kind to work with us okay we're gonna have scrandle eggs bacon and sausages waffles mini Bagel fruit chicken salad baked ziti with chicken okay that's good coffee creamer mimosas and everything deliver total 60 and that's where 60 people right now other items that um yeah you give her the the tax them right oh yeah and when it comes closer we'll have an updated invoice where did you see her where has she she's been known around town around town she's done a couple events for around town okay good and where the seniors of us for Bingo Lun economic development for their small business last year she gave me a PO but it was too high right so that's why yeah okay thank you okay now also like to discuss the women of um distinction event we need to set a a date a start time and a cut off time for the nominations yes the sooner we start the better and you guys need to discuss the awards um I think in previous years you guys have like said one thing in the beginning and at the end change your mind on how you were going to do with the winners I think you guys should be clear on that um and that lets us go forward with the p you know that you guys are going to follow as well um same thing with categories I think two years ago you removed two categories so just let me know based on what we did last year what you're changing what you're keeping the same the six category that are um we'll be considering are Arts business education government health services and volunteer okay I'll make a motion to keep the following categories Arts business education government health services and volunteer as our categories for women of Distinction award have a second second discussion uh who who's in favor Ma perfect idea is to get the form ready hold on a minute ours business education government health services and volunteers and volunteers six [Music] okay um on another note also [Music] I'm suggestion for each winner to invite all we're trying to get our keynote speaker mayor I can't pronounce uh the city of Miami mayor oh a aava Cava and as she hasn't responded if not I have another one in mind meanwhile for each award um reward each winner each winner thank you uh approximately six to eight yes total including the winner for a table for a table now uh do we want to discuss if we're going to um open it up to uh nominees outside of Miami Lakes or do we want to maintain it inside Miami Lake live and work yeah that was an important de last year I think you guys change your mind maybe based on the amount that you were receiving but it doesn't it's not a good luck on the committee to change last minute so I would urge you guys to you know make a decision now talk about it thoroughly and move forward with that so that we can also promote it right because it was it's also unfair for us to then change it and then maybe some people didn't submit on because they thought it wasn't going to be approved and then you know you guys end up approving how many how many did we have last year that were ided one person one person one I think it should be kept Miami leaks and by Miami leaks here's a good question because we see it with words of accidents with EAB are you referring to people that live like or work the teacher one to live live and work or live or work amen in Miami yeah that gives flexibility because you could work here you don't have to live here and you guys just want us to request the address I only ask because you know we don't we're not we're not here like typ address for the work or the job because I think what happened ask you that we didn't know and they vot it and then the person won and now was like okay are we going to open it or we're not going to open it so request address uh request am my yeah that makes it on the other note on that I'm we've been keeping it to inside Miami Lakes and then last year one of us one of them got away and the year before there was a little mix up of who and what um of one of the winners technically had an address here but lived in New York so another note on that is we're getting less and less and less nominees we're getting to a point of one to two or three sentence nominations and maybe one person for the nomination maybe if we open it up to a little bit out you know out near or out our surrounding areas we might get a better nomination I'm just is that because like people are we doing a good job of like making sure people are aware of exactly that's what I was going to say I think that is that is the problem don't know that this thing exists and they work here or live here and we put it in the the town events and we put it on the Miami Laker but unfortunately the Miami Laker by the time that we put it in there nominations will be closed like in five days no that's why we need to start early we need to start like yes start that's what I know that in education we always get a lot and volunteers we do well get a lot got yeah exactly do you guys want to set a requirement for the nomination amount like the what they're submitting you mean as far as the writing yeah I'm asking because there's been one sentences yeah no no they have they have to be minimum so many that's what I'm asking so I can 100 words minimum the description 100 words 150 words 15 yeah there was one that was like very lengthy yeah how about just one paragraph yeah I would say a paragraph a minimum of a paragraph put it that way yeah because if you you know recounting the the words is kind of hard well paragraph could be two sentences you know so we got to be careful of that words yeah oh a paragraph technically is supposed to be five sentences technically a lot of people don't know that okay just let me know when you're M okay okay usually when they do I could just copy and paste this last year I'm just trying to get your feedback so it's what you guys want but usually when you see around things like that you words 150 words usually they go by words not paragraphs you know yeah that's why yeah so let's with 100 words minimum 100 okay um anything else no I'm thinking of 100 words how big is that go ahead go for it that's so much faster yeah Google okay go okay meanwhile while he's doing that okay um I want to start the nominations open up the nominations starting uh January 13 and stopping it on February 10th my whoa what was that again febrary February 10th February 10th starting on January 13th stopping on February so that way by our meeting February 12 we vote on the winners and it gives us gives them a whole month not to cancel on I mean to attend the uh the lunch and Breakfast Brunch brunch so what what are we going to call it it starts at 11 award CER I don't we don't even we don't even post it so I guess that's a good question are you guys going to do it closed going to be open because I think it was closed but last where you guys let somebody in so I want to just one guest of the town I know I know but I'm asking cuz I feel like it's only fair that open it when we did CU then we have other people asking I have to tell them no and used to do it when we used to do it in Shas were paying people were paying were eager to come in so we have to add tables we don't you get that K speaker we don't know how many people are yeah that might come with her yeah so it'll be a close by invitation By Invitation invation okay here's the 100 words just so everybody can see it's five sentences is what they came up with that's five sentences yeah I mean chpt rates really well so there you go yeah minum yeah minimum minimum okay what was the other thing do I need to make a motion for that what invitation no the dates of the nomination or a motion to just everything for the package oh but we need to already voted no I mean everything the the labor work in Miami l a minimum 100 wordss uh January 13th 10 invitation thank you I make a motion to for the women's of Distinction awards that the nominees are restricted to the town of Miami Lake limit limits that they live or work in our limits Town limits that the nomination start on January 13 will be closed on February 10th and this will be an invitation only event second second discussion in favor yes pass um do we need to do another motion for the speaker or yeah no so you going to contact that person well we we've been I was been in contact with her and I have a backup have you talked to um her before it was Thomas alala her her assistant and now we have um actually getting on her um what about the new sheriff yeah that what about the new sheriff or and I have give me one minut women that the nominees live or work within and then January 13 I don't think we're going to make the man L for uh deadline by the time no by the time the it goes out their next one it will be only give you like three days no no there is not like I'm telling you based on the next dat we would call on the next cycle and then it gives you three days to comination CL you can still put it in she'll still put it in yeah she'll still put it in I mean I think so but she'll definitely do it online I know that when we're tight on De she likes to help us online online they online yes that's the good thing about they online so um but at the same time something could be put on the on the Laker when is the the deadline for the next one my computer died but I had looked at it before the meeting so it only gives you three days before the deadline like the next issue goes outu Friday February 10th exactly so it doesn't give you many it doesn't give you much yeah but I'm saying if we if we send her something this month based on last year oh you said it'll be online but it won't be on paper and when we're already in the next print and it falls close to febrary I mean yes you'll possibly be able to do it onlineer and even if she does do it only you like days we have to do it now because we can't wait vote on in March and by way three days from now you gota come show up and I can't ask uh any of the other get the mayor response okay but uh who who have you been contacting we haven't only contacted the mayor doesn't she have a something there we go there we go until she says yes or no I can't ask someone else that's consider but um if she says that I I have the email of the oh her name is something she is our with the m before it was we we got it we've contacted everybody we need to contact with since November when for the the March 15 2025 depending on the calendar Scotland the speaker Scotland right that's why we had to check with her we did it early enough so hopefully we're hearing back anytime soon you you contct in November okay yeah November to January is very hard to people celebrate okay any other question on this item thank you J um okay next item is going to be the event proposal it's GNA be like one proposal the one we today old school old SCH that's yes we're gonna be in fav of that yeah because we don't have think that concerns me comment can you let her borrow it she wasn't here oh the thing that concerns me is that you know he needs a stage otherwise you need to get it right Oscar and our budget is very limited so I I really don't know how we I you what is he needs the stage the police the stage and TR and the trash so provide that you know that would help oh but we unfortunately we don't know how much that is we don't have any proposals for that how big how big a stage the the performers need that's that's important you need to that you guys can um that elimate if you want motion to make a certain amount This Is Res what do we have in budgets or okay what here's your um your budget just want to add something for for the new events any have a new event um what I was instructed on is if you guys want to go through the town and not have to see if you can it has to be budgeted from here it would be for Theon to somehow through to email to the town manager and the town manager would say We'll allocate this amount yeah yeah he has that someone asked me that today and I said well I think the person that can do that is the manager so you think you can what my thought was okay let's um we have 27 limit this a stage how much is the trash normally this how many hours from trying to end it at 11:30 so from 5 to 11 5 P.M to 11 11:30 so 11:30 that's that's the itself or the because I know that the cleaning people they beyond that to clean up yeah they don't get here I think they get there they set up couple trash cans and then the actual team that comes to pick up they don't get on site until like way after the event okay but the EV itself the event itself we're going to run it from well we have plan to run it from 5: to 11:45 at night wow night like it's attach you get it doesn't get busy until 7 set ear yeah so we like the the actual Fisher event won't get started until there's a timeline on that package are vendors Who start setting up around there already some sort of traffic and the police is very expensive I know because many times because the TR the police and the station yes are any of your sponsorships be covering any of this expense as of right now we don't have them on we don't have any of those on ourg we can out we're against the time of no well it's just one perform yeah it's two main acts but he has his own they send us the writer and then we provide the writer with the sound that's when we usually take care of the sound oh okay so there's no basically is one one person the stage what is smallest stage because what he just told me is that it's one group at a time so there's the the biggest group that we have there is three people three people so the St doesn't need to be and they don't have the the musicians you have you provide the music okay so they provide the sound so the the size of the stage what is um I guess we have to look up uh well the one the one that we're using is an 8 by 16 I don't that's big enough for him for the main stre life is 88 by 16 that should be and that's for four yours he said it's three yeah he has three no but this the one I'm talking about in Main Street is they bring in their BRS here is just the person does the stage have to be covered ask because that you requirement of the AR ideally yes so that's a cost to into so and I mentioned that cu the county the county sometimes will donate a stage to us but I don't think it's covered half covered and they need their the point is that they need their yeah when we did uh when we did the city in Miami didn't they have yeah that's one the county that's what I'm talking they'll donate it but they don't they don't have like a full but they one last time it was pretty good it was half covered but it had this back scen too if you guys want to coordinate with the county um I'll I'll the reason I'll tell you why they're usually very helpful in the sense like they'll always don't need to Stage to us I don't I prefer to work with a paid vendor because they are not very good at following a timeline and it's yeah remember remember so the artist is like okay we're going to do sound check at this time and the stage doesn't work yeah yeah and then or they come at a time where then they told us 5:00 p.m. and now it's 9:00 p.m. and now there's no stop to direct them of where to take yeah that happen my my question here uh C of stage the trash and the police do we have to have those numbered now to approve this or no well you guys need I need direct from you guys and he sends me an invoice I can many yeah um yeah well and with the Lees it's rough to estimate unless because we are under a contract with them so the events that are already included for the year it's just one big package I don't have to worry about paying them out individually so I wouldn't know what an individual cost to be EV like at least 50 $60 an hour maybe and depending on the event it's different so they are the ones that will determine how much police he said probably around six police office minimum six because minimum of six all those events you want two guys together um to to be able to cover yeah the July a lot more yeah like 10 but there's like thousand people there um I would love to do this because I love freestock but I think due to time constraints we're not prepared to vote on it no we don't have any numbers yeah we don't have we don't have enough numbers when is your your next dat that you can March 1 after March 1 we really have to reevaluate just because of the artist more than anything so it happens that the artists are available as well this there's a very Niche genre of music so there's not many artist to pick from because we don't know stage we don't know police and we don't know garbage we don't have any garbage I can tell you it'll be like $600 600 okay so let's say the police is and Stage I would assign a couple thousand too like maybe three or four yeah yeah say 4,000 4,000 let say and then you said police how much the police it'll vary it probably be let's say $70 an hour probably 60 to 70 so 400 for the 4,000 for the stage 800 for the trash how many hours what 5 to 11 11:45 I I suggest if we go to the town manager and see if he has any money available my concern is that we don't have the money here no we don't we don't have money so I would I would say we go through the town manager see if he has some kind of funds uh that he could uh he could have to right now we're talking see just guessing here for police officer how many police six I think it's it's more 60,000 hour [Music] tosing that would be 36 39,9 [Music] at least 60 you said [Music] 60 find six uh 2100 2200 officers at 60 yeah that's 360 for officer 6 hours at at six 21 2200 22 2200 2200 rough very rough plus 600 for the trash not 800 800 NO2 that's $7,000 they say 8,000 [Music] yeah okay we have to this by the he has any money for us the problem or if the stage becomes a problem if we know in advance we could probably move around it ideal will be to use the reegar stage that we constantly use at the park uh that's perfect size it has a roof it has everything that we need if they donate it if they don't donate it then we could try to find a solution to to it yeah uh if if if you guys give me time to to find the solution when you have us because the problem that um I was saying is that they don't fit their on time and the set up and all that have you we've always had this I mean I always get there in the stages set where someone believes I guess where it's always I've never personally seen them drop off the stage because I've never been there and I don't think I've ever seen anyone be there on like when they drop it off it's some that I guess they've dropped off in the same spot so many times that they kind of just drop it so you know decision time again it's it's an expensive uh decision I guess um so for me I I think it's awesome I think it sounds great for the for the town I think it' be great the question just comes down to can we do it right so I don't think we can have that answer today it sounds like based off of what we actually in front of us um yeah so if the town manager says oh yeah we have this amount we can you know throw into this which would be great then I think sounds like at least everybody here is not against it yeah do we need a motion to take it to the town manager so just some feedback on my end on my staff end I've been directed by by Town manager that the Committees are not to go to replace anything outside of their Council committee reporting um you guys do not go up until May it's May that's my direction I don't know if what you're speaking about is maybe something new that I haven't been briefed I've only been back for a day from vacation so I don't know maybe you know like I I really I'm giving that disclaimer I really don't know I can ask um but I don't want to tell you yes because I don't have the direction to do that um you guys you guys can always talk to your elected officials you know as individuals you can do that but on my end I can't place it officially as part of a commit report unless it's part of your schedule I have a question is the date set on Stone it has to be March 1 that's the date that we kind of we're able to coordinate the artists more than anything and we're trying to stay away from the raining season as well and the hot weather as well so now um this is just throwing it out there if Oscar takes on the the the stage the stage that would leave uh $3,000 balance 3,000 3,000 which I think we can use it out of our concerts um you call this thing bucket what do you call line item line items yeah concer line items I think that's our summer concert that's SU concert so you guys have at least the last few years that's what you guys have used it for the concert on The Fairway is for the jazz in the park that's happening this weekend okay and the one that says concerts you guys have normally used for your summer the symphony the Symphony of the America correct as AE you guys can use that money for other concerts but I'm just telling you what you guys have been doing yeah that's a you know concert on The Fairway is the Jazz one or the one we're having now now correct happening this Saturday and but that's not we're not doing oh no black culture is the church correct yeah and then concerts concerts is the one that you guys are planning for in the church and all we looking to get confirmation for August or September should we use all the fire yeah especially with the new people coming do we use all the money to five well the money hasn't been used yet but yes that's what you guys were planning to do and we don't know about donations and contributions yet because they haven't been applied right well there's no contribution going to that I know I'm for okay and are we spending 10,000 for this Saturday 10,000 I can't pull it up right now my computer oh okay cuz I don't think we're spending 10,000 I think it's like 2500 on the on the band you guys save them the whatever from last time oh don't St is probably you're probably sending close to but not all of it no maybe like a thousand or two left over okay you guys can also move money around you have the discretion to do that there I can help you so anything over $700 has to go to counsel however if it's just to move money from one item to nine item that I know that I could add it to the manager's report and he can request that on half at the next council meeting which is a week a week or two yeah I know that we again that means you guys are giving up money from one thing for this so it's coming back down to time no yes that's what I'm saying if you guys wanted to right now say we want to move $3,000 from whatever event for this into concerts supplement this follow so far um you guys anything over $700 that you're transferring you have to take it to counsil I can do that yes I have direction from town manager that I can make that he can make that request on your behalf as long as I have the minutes showing that that's the committee's intention you don't have to wait till me to do that but that's just me giving you a scenario I don't know if that's good but we moved at the last meeting we mov $1,000 on juneth correct to the black his stre right that hasn't been processed yet but correct so that we don't have those ,000 for June that is that was put into the Black History Month event black history has four gr 4,000 right once it's updated I'll say 4,000 updated but so again we're back down to Ely strings the only one that may be with my house if you guys are planning to go to I don't think you're looking at the big picture because if you're planning on going towards the cultural Grant which I explained to you guys is dollar for do dollar for dollar then you need to be showing those you need to be setting aside that money that you're claiming you're going to use when you submit that gra I hope that makes sense yeah know from what I heard from the Department State they the kind of U rant or money that they provide again it's like we we cannot it's not guaranteed it's they approve it and they have to provide a lot of information and so forth so it's a risk we're taking counting on that money and it needs to be done again right away I think the thing is that if we have money left over from this weekend then that would be something that maybe we could use but we have to wait that's the only event that I think we might have to a chance to draw money from conert on The Fairway yeah which is uh the conert in the Park concert in the park yeah but there is here on theway 10 $10,500 I don't think we're going to spend 10,500 yeah because we're GNA pay her Char but in our pack today I gave you guys an agreement I think it's in there it is yep it's 2500 the big the other big one is the state but I don't know I can't tell you right now I don't I didn't get them I didn't get this was thank and we're getting a stage right we're putting the bill on stage 2500 oh but if our budget is 10,000 and we're paying stage and I guess food the food trucks there food trucks coming no I not here last year so I mean last week last yeah we have to pay for trash right yeah you have to we're looking at $3,000 yeah and how much was that stage if we take it out of on The Fairway that would be leaving I think $5,000 for the stage I don't know get the food I don't know what you guys voted on the food yeah but CH l money100 oh yeah the food for the for the bank that oh we should have the three grand then yeah but we should have the three grand available on on The Fairway we got 2500 $100 food and the stage if we 2500 Le 8,000 minus the 3,000 that we would do for this concert leav 5,000 not to mention the fee for the food truck you know what I'm saying so really there's money you guys can move around correct it's it comes back to you guys do you guys want to move the money around for this or do you not do you want to do we want to do this for 3,000 not not to exceed 3,000 somebody can put the motion forward no I would say not to exceed or put not put either motion forward because we're not moving on this item and we need to move on time you want to make the motion yeah um the thing here is let me think because I'm thinking right now he would need close to what uh 7 3,000 3,000 3,000 he'll try to get the stage and he'll try and get the stage well we could all try to get the stage we can that is if the police will charge us $60 an hour now I don't know how much they're charging there is one thing it is based off of over time how many people come up from there a it's a very small event that it can be less than six de event six and then we vote so if we say that we're going to work with $3,000 not including the stage then we can work around that I think but I still think I think it depends on because if you know 5,000 people show up we need officers and then the town is going to say you know how many officer how many um people are estimated to be oh about five you know we have so many people yeah you need yeah the to is going to say you need this amount of at least to be out there just for the safety of the pat so six officers approximately 5,000 people no that's that's just a a rough it's it's it's in Halloween you guys do in Halloween we're doing eight and 10 we're doing 10 and that's a big right how many how many people do you get hallowe that come to this event this year I don't know 10 last for sure I think over 10 10 10,000 it's between 4th of July and I think a lot of people stay I think Halloween you get more like they off for a little bit and leave of July I think a lot more people stay like at the park at one time and this this EV will be probably like that yes you have musician iide yes you from 8:00 I know we should be really packed from 8 to 11: it should be like 10 offic 3600 yeah just for the office yeah but if we tell you that we we can come to approximately $3,000 and you work with them and if there is any discrepancy or any what what do we do that's the thing we have to put in more money that we don't want that's a question that's question we get sponsored from here to March 1 he has sponsor that's another you know like we're getting the sponsors for for pretty much what we had what we planned on covering um but there's also you know other sponsors that are sure left out left out that could possibly help for things that are not on on our side that we wanted to cover uh such like the stage or any other remaining uh little balance that we might have that's what I mean if there's a difference right that maybe work with that yeah for for for getting the sponsors it's it's a lot easier when you present to them an actual you know artist and and a well-known event then just uh J at the park or a random Fourth of July or you know there's a lot more value to whoever is trying to get involved with the event right um so you're saying it's from 5 to 11 5 to 11 our setup starts at 5 since we have kids activities and but we usually run the music and you know start kind of getting going uh we will not get going until 7 o'clock that officially the event starts but I see on your timeline 3 pm Festival opens 4: to 7 P.M guest DJ yeah that's all through our set of time since the park is always busy and the police are going to clear 11:45 so it's going to be 5 midnight Midnight at least it's s hours seven [Music] hours can we Mo make a motion you know we want to allocate the three to this G event so I want to make a motion $3,000 to not to exceed right not to exceed $3,000 to the proposed event we owed School freestyle FES Anya okay and and does it do you say that you're going to move it from somewhere oh what we were discussing yeah so then we put that on the motion right the concert on also be from diff pile piled up from different line items like it again it depends on you guys where you want to touch okay so we don't have we don't need to make a decision now where the money will be coming from well it's going to come from your budget exactly exactly but um if you guys want to do it uh if you guys want to tell me next meeting that's fine too at the point the point is that at the end of the year it will be moved where it has to anyways would be are we in discussion now no no nobody second more than $3,000 to be allocated to the event to the new event so is there a second not to 3,000 if there's no second the motion dies and that's it so is there a second for okay now discuss okay okay now when it comes to this we'll be sponsoring $3,000 are you guys ready to cover in case something like more manpower more I don't know how this works yeah like if the police cost succeed if the P cost succeed whatever like I guess what the promise they're making to you we're only going to support this up to 3,000 like is that something do you think you can work with you guys let me know now then I could you know I could cook corners and have scrape the money I just want to make sure that you're cleared in case whatever six hours seven hours maybe the police can be five in the main one will be in the afternoon when it starts many but the town will dictate depending on the amount of people yeah but that that's a good point because if at 5:00 they're not estimating so many people because at seven is when the coner starts then you can cut a couple hours there and then have like two guys in the beginning and then two more after that and then two more come after that and and that's something that's been done before we're very flexible with about 300 not to exceed from the CAC budget for the what do we call freey Festival whaty any other discussion okay right all in favor all in favor all in favor yes any any Nam [Music] not that Char left yeah but we still have one yeah any yeah yeah no any announcements announcements oh basically you know like I said I didn't want to make the announcement yet because we have this concert this Saturday and we didn't want to confuse with the other one but uh starting January 17 we are on you may be very you already mentioned yeah I know but you may be [Music] getting collaborating collab motion CL for Saturday the next meeting is going to be February 12th uhuh and or Saturday's event Miami dat sheriff's office will be there just to give you guys clity though on this money so the next step is I need the minutes so I can take it to council Council meets the 21st 21st so that's where it will be requested based on that answer that's a yes or or no usually they're okay with the moving but I can't speak on their beh so the night of the 21st we have final answer okay oh my God we went on board y okay adjourn 850 make a motion to adjourn the meeting at 850 85 853 53 sorry 853 patience know