##VIDEO ID:V4qRBaOr1hw## one yes [Music] I anyone to the table I know but anyone who the guest gets one to it's like a like a council meeting all the people the council get right am I say that always go to everyone even even our guests like council meeting that's as long as we have a copy first yeah right cl's copy right here that missing okay we're okay um we call this meeting to order at 5:39 p.m. I'm present Vivian here Julie Francisco here clar is on her way Jan here mine anything okay order of business any deletions deferrals or additions to our agenda uh I don't know if it needs to be added but it does need to make a motion to add to the agenda somewhere um um a purchase of a shirt from me okay I second all those in favor motion passes we'll put it under new business a shirt anything else guys anything you see on there missing take off that would go under old bu old business number eight letter H all those in favor I passes anything else where did you want to put it old business where H H H then we'll move on public comments so this we don't have any particular guests but you you guys are welcome as public Comics that's the time where you can talk because you really can't talk during the rest of the session since you're not actually board members but but you are welcome to and we can open up public comments again if you have something to say during specific particular item if we need to but right now if you have anything you'd like to say go ahead all right E I think I'm good I I think get their names just so you can they were pres uh see no one else we'll move on from public comments they're closed approval of minutes please look over your minutes um um under old business 6D didn't we discuss a backup date for the [Music] barbecue yeah it's that there were so many dates discussed that it was back and forth I just noted on our um then it's the tentative date that we all kind of said at the end we said okay so October it was going to be October 19th and then we weren't sure about the next date because we weren't sure about location we motioned and discussed the location right but we had a backup date know that we did we did and it became our official date now the backup date was November n nth which is now our official date so we add that [Music] there was a motion back up date November 9th but not a set location in not I believe was at you Cent for November 92 as a backup yeah and Mary Collins which we ended up picking Mary Collins anyway we ended up picking no we had to pick Mary Collins Youth Center does not they will not allow us to have any over 100 people there so we end up moov it anyway and when you say Mary coton so it's at the actual Mary Collins Community Center or it's in the park itself no it's in the center direction umth we actually have a flyer what yeah I no it's okay it's supposed to be approved by the town but Dr alry somehow got his hands on it and put it all over social media I didn't know that he was GNA do that I don't think anyone knew he was gonna do that he was he's just really excited after the gall had go everything I think except for adding the date to the 6 I don't see anything else wrong with it do anyone else have a problem no all right I'm motion to move to approve the minutes with the addition of the date on 16 second all those in favor motion passes all right old business special needs safety program officer Amador what's up hello there everything's good as it should be uh haven't had any register um and the Bike Rodeo was the same day as the mayor Gala I don't know if you could attend I tried to promote it the best I could but I it's not my event but it is kind of my event in the sense that we bring all our assets from accounting so I try to promote it as best as I could but I didn't do a very good job like I try normally to do um but I'll continue um promoting all the events as no worries um are you doing okay with uh anything do you need any refills of papers pamphlets I need pamphlets which ones the new ones the new one the new on on yeah they're in my house I believe they're in my house or are they in that box that's in your office I have a lot of things upstairs this next week I'll come by and pick everything up if you don't hear from me by Wednesday coordinate them I need in your office absolutely abely write that okay sounds good Item B the fall barbecue which is now Fall Festival events um so we had discussions that we would we had backup dates we had backup locations and in the conversations between you and card Gabby and parks department and one it was determined that they can't use the youth center because it has to be under a 100 people they won't let over 100 people and the event that we have can't be any less than 150 based off of the way the hard works with these vendors though obviously we had to move to the Mary Collins the only date available for Mary Collins was the November 9th date so it's been secured it's been agreed upon they've been in contact about paperwork and all that stuff so it looks like everything's good Ivan had asked to what involvement we wanted do they want to be the LA on for the event do we want to help with something I said listen you tell me what you need from us and you we'll do with whatever you think is best so well enough mean that they're just going to take care of almost everything and we're just going to give them a donation after the cause is over for what the extra was to do whatever amount that they need to do I think it's like close to $600 or something but they're going to cover the other five grand themselves all the vendors have been secured they're going to have a m musician they're magician not a magician a a magician and uh food is being prepared and um they're going to have seating and stuff so if centor should work out just fine uh 1 to 4m yeah I think so and let me get the we need to motion to for the money that you're saying I know we don't have a set he said no he I I asked him I said we're we're voting tonight do you want me to motion for money he said no because we still don't know what the total amount is going to be and it's going to be a donation to us anyway because we can't bill you for services and we won't know until we know so um Dr Michael said we're going to cover everything and when it's all said and done then we'll come back to you let you know I asked him and that's what Michael said because they didn't want to they don't want to ask for a number or say here's what we think it is and then it's not that or it's less or it's more so but do they have a range do they know what that's what he told me was right now we it's about 600 over like 5600 and they're covering five grand guaranteed we're covering the rest because their Grant covers the five grand that they already have the event um why I didn't get a chance to email it to you right let me email well you have it so you have to email it through them I guess B yeah can we get it approved by staff first I mean whatever you want to do I just want to do he's accidentally already posted it but what else did we we wanted to look over it to see if there anything that we need to add to it yeah my oh I sent it to everyone in that photo gallery so you should have it off the photo gallery you want to look at it but yeah don't waste any paper unless you need to put one to breakfast is this going to be mostly inside of the building or the whole park I think it's both because they're going to utilize the ability for kids to go play on the playgrounds even though it's open to the public but the majority of the stuff is happening in the indoors we've got a a musician a magician magician a um so we have the whole right side yeah I think so of inside the center you have the center um the whole Center because there's no [Music] other the classes are over by that time yeah I S to Parks already I think we talked about using the big side for the activities and having some tables up for people to sit and eat and the little one the little black classroom off to the left is a sensory area which we could bring all of our sensory stuff and turn lights so um that's you know they up handling everything else and we talk everything we talked about last week last month is um what we're going to do whatever all that stuff was it's on my notes somewhere I don't have time to look it up Vivan you have yeah what do you want to say go ahead um I just I think think the flyer should say you know like well a little bit about the event like uh you know magic show um food sensory area or sensory space whatever you know just add those things just fall F say anything it just says Fall Festival you know we need something to attract uh you card did to attract uh which in a way it if we see it from the point of view that they send it to their to their followers at least their followers know what it what it should be about that they might have food and things for the kids so that's probably why they didn't do they didn't do it open so next thing you know we have hundreds of people showing up that have nothing to do with special needs world or anything like that no no no everyone on their contact list is no no no I'm saying if they publish it they're if they sh social media say free food and magicians and things for kids then people outside that don't know who you on card is or Oh you mean they will think for okay you mean people that would not be in the on the Spectrum prob well I know they're going to put this in their email so their email blast is at least 150 people um and maranella already said she she already sent it all over hope brontis and people so they're all going to know um I had said that he wasn't going to promote it too much outside or on social media the other one we weren't going to do because the spot or the youth center didn't have enough room for that this one has plenty of room for it we have rooms to spread out and they said that they they already they already discussed it on their side adjusted their their payments for to make it so that they can cover up to 200 people thank you only thing that we're actually going to be covering is the magician itself and I think one of the half the food or something you something yeah I it probably should say something like like little blurs over here is this um food be food and and and um hot dogs Burgers sensory Space Magic Show I agree with [Music] that I mean it's pretty it's pretty evident at the very top here what this is it's like it's bold as can be autism special needs Advisory board if you really can't catch that and you bring your ner typical kid to it well then inclusion so okay that's fine but I guarantee you this will be full cuz when I went to the one in to the one that they had in um Coral Gables it was full I mean it was it's like the I think the room that we had was half little about three4 the size of the chambers here and it was full of people families therapists and the and the adults the kids I see that there's a QR code on there is that like any EV code I think so yeah it is so we could not that you can depend on those numbers so much but at least kind of track who has signed up for it yeah and they're handling that too it's yep yep it doesn't take it to the van well it says it here it says join us for a funfill fall festival it's not on the fire but on the C on the skin it says music food games bounce house we having a bounce house face painting we having a face painting magic show discover all the programs my special need that board has to offer while enjoying your fantastic does say it does say okay is that enough you think I think so it should be I mean I see how many people start registering do you want still want it on the flyer or do you want to leave the flyer if they made the flyer used to making it like that yeah well then I guess we can leave it like that that's that's and then you see Ivan is the point of contact in there too so basically they're going to handle all this for us because they're taking the insurance on this too I think right that was what you guys were talking about I saw the emails back and forth so they're handling the insurance so that we don't have to worry about any anything all we have to do is just be there as a sponsor basically what we are and it's still our event just they're hosting their event and with us at the center so that everything is kosher it's more like it's their event and we're like partnering with them right I feel like like it yeah that has to be that way yeah because in reality they're the ones pretty much doing everything we're I mean we're helping with providing the location and right right right we'll be there we're just partnering with them this is what we all we do anyway everything we do is Partnerships so did they mention anything about desserts we had agreed to uh he said he was going to make sure we got desserts I can email him though I can um talk [Music] to about parking right parking is oh thank you thank you um how do we connect with the grams to get permission to use you do that if it hasn't already been done okay try to do that for find out for me so we're doing the cookies right cookies and um cookies and cupcakes it was some kind of desserts you want to do cookies and cupcakes or just cookies cookies cook are less less messy cupc will be the little ones at most yeah but still cookies let me let me email Ivan and find out what they decided because I think we did decide at the last meeting we were going to cover the sir need to get an order to hand and Ian had mentioned that they weren't going to put it on the newsletter for that main reason he puts it on newsleter it's going to be way too big well he asked me he asked me last week now that we're in the new location we have plenty of space it would be okay if I shared it on one of our newsletters two or three days before couple days before because they they were planning on us Listen to I know reling it they were planning on us doing what was it we we were trying to hold it at like 120 at the youth center and their typical line is 150 so we were planning for 150 with no other with no extra and then he said now that we have the bigger space and we have the whole place we can open it up to 200 so he priced everything out to 200 so they covered five grand of up to 200 for everyone including the bass house including the um the magician and all that stuff and then they're going to pay for the whole thing when what he told me is they're going to pay for the whole thing when it's done it's all said and done and then they'll just let us know what the final total was in the week instead of reimbursing done so that's it everybody cool with that everybody okay with the flyer yes all right now I have a question about the giving back over the five grand since we've never had to do this before what's our limit that we don't need to go to council 600 700 700 so it's if it's these calculations are right at 600 we probably should be fine this would come out of Grant right um the only thing oh wait you said don't use that you said use the community events uh if you're donating money directly then yes it's Grant and needs then it would be Grant yeah um like hope problem to them that it's just like food patters or decoration that's Community awareness soci social recation right this one is going to be a grant because we're donating directly to um card for the event that they hosted yeah which um no it's a reimbursement technically so wouldn't it fall under Recreations because it's out because [Music] it yeah no what I thought we had agreed to pay for a couple of things like the dessert and the magic shirt that way they can just bill directly send us an invoice but there was so much inde it turned out to be F that you were going to discuss it further with I didn't need to talk about more details this meeting yeah I think some of the things we covering for here would be we're still covering the magician that's part of that the large price is the magician I didn't include the cookies because I forgot about the cookies myself um and I think some of the other costs are part of the insurance stuff I don't remember that part well we weren't originally going to have insurance but the town requires it all vendors have to be in the insurance didn't you say that they're the ones providing that yes they're going to provide the insurance through the vendors okay now for the cookies did you guys well I didn't see anything in the minutes so we would need to vote to allocate money to purchase the that my eror and not including it only because we had we had voted we talked about it motions were made about it but then all of a sudden it was a big confusion as to whether we could even do the event or not due to space the time and then it was a lot of confusion cols um who would get back to who um parking so I did leave a lot of that out that's my error if um you know I may need to go back and adjust that and need to read it again but maryn's listening to um mad she's um to the meeting from last time unless she just want to start fresh I for cookies magic show possibly one of but I yeah we we had a specific budget didn't we didn't we have a specific number that we we put out there I think there was a number that we put out there we didn't it was under 700 because we talked about that same we talked about the same amount I do believe it was 650 oh they we're right on Target because that should include the the cookie should fit right in there do we know how much the magic f is I can get him to give me an invoice for it let me send a mage like if you want card can invoice us for the magic show I mean cuz the for the cookies we will have the Public's receip now do we motion to pay for it even though we don't have the mount yet and when we receive the inv voice we like because I don't know we've never done it like this I'm a little confused I think we should just vote for an amount for the event and then we spend it accordingly okay from the same line item or two separate line items because one sounds like more of a donation back to them are you doing both with invoices and receipts they're both exp I think they're both just they're just both expenses for the event okay so social Recreation right [Music] motion well I don't know because you said that last meeting you guys well but again it was after after all of the Motions were made and everything was discussed and Ian had um given us all the information we very end and that discussion confused about what date we could possibly do when we'd be available what was in Conflict which Park had which Park didn't have parking okay the conversation really went nowhere this is better now that we now know for sure the DAT the location how many people so okay I mean I said my era leaving it out but I think that may have confused us further so now we know we're getting Bakery items and paying for a okay um so the price for but so I motion to allocate $650 for the autism Fall Festival to cover the magic show the cookies and whatever other expenses from the social and Recreation night second all those in favor motion passes thank you sorry to make it so confusing no I think we were just with a lot of information the last meeting and few of us were here with little information so now we have information this makes more sense the magician is $550 then we got to go back to budget how much you spend on the yeah I'm so hungry I'm sorry okay you guys the baker the finances huh $100 magician is $550 yeah $100 for cookies that's that's one enough yeah because it looks like that this is the one that this is the invoice that he sent me before and it looks like the total was $553 so that would mean it's actually a little under but we're giving more cuz it's 550 for the musicians so literally 50 is probably all we're going to wind up giving them that would mean we would have 100 to spend on cookies which that can't and there's nothing else that we need to do all of our sens stuff's in boxes from the 4th of July and we already have the space Reserve so I think that should be we get them if anything we have a meeting before the event we can always vote for whatever we need to do okay because the the events on the 9th so everybody good with this one I can move on did we vote we voted for the money right the money is approved right Festival of Lights so um I have not heard back from Andrea so I'm going to ask Manny to call her because I don't know if it's just me they don't want to talk to me but apparently when they talk to him he gets thing th that's how he got the gall spot so I'm going to ask him I saw him yesterday I told him I told him to do it I think I forgot to tell him they again remind them again but I'm going to ask him to call and and ask her to call me so we can ask to make sure that the hope forers and dance team can get on the stage for this year's Festival do we have a date I don't think so I haven't seen anything with with Miss Audrey the dance teacher I remember you said that was something she would want they don't ever announce those things until the last minute for every year that I've ever seen because the if gby doesn't even know yet a date then she I can tell you that we don't have not a that's not a technically that's not a t event It's a grand company yeah but they always posted here and it's not been posted in fact all we all I can see is the gala I don't see anything else so they still don't have a date for that event yet which it's going to be in November kind of a little late to get that out don't you think I mean shouldn't they've had an announcement by I me we SE in October oober listen the fal year is ending and in my head is September 30 so I'm still stuck in September November 18 say no that's 2023 yeah see I told you okay that's what I said I still don't have a there's still nothing can we request for them to give us a table closer to the stage area we decided not to have a table anymore oh well that's right we like in August was July no it's not here it's available at least not on the town um Advance I'm I'm trying to load main Street's website and it's not taking forever no it's the same one that's where I so then then I haven't announced it yet so all we can do is ask if we can still be a part of it I'm glad that you mentioned the events because the 45th annual veterans parade is Sunday November 3rd which means we'll be meeting after so we would meet to vote today if we're going to take part in it or not doing a Veterans Day it's in veterans on a Sunday so I guess we would have to first motion to add that to the agenda right we would I would like to motion on December 10 I would like to motion to add the veterans parade to new business B November 3rd no second a second all those in favor M I don't know should have been weekend 10 and there's already eight people that have signed up for it like that are showing that are going and 62 interesting I haven't even seen it yet okay well that's crazy so all I can do is get them grams to give us approval of the stage is going to happen if the lighting event is going to happen because it's October 2nd and you're about a month away from the event it hasn't even been announced so I'm going to ask Manny to call them again and see if they can get me answer that's all I can do on that one okay and we're just focusing on arts for autism because we had discussed in the past maybe we get the dojo up there maybe we get you know something else I don't think so first they're not ready and Audrey's class is ready so I think we focus on Audrey's class everyone okay with that all right moving on mayor's Gala recap ladies and gentlemen we had the greatest Gala we've ever had in our entire lives you're welcome I was there it's off I have to say everybody looked amazing it was beautiful I mean I just everybody all guys amazing and how about G's video you know he edited that video up to an hour before he played it really it was incred me questions like dur I'm like he did he had he had video he had people in the G in the G like he's filming them as he was going around adding to the video and the people coming in it was like it was real time it was incredible and it really made a huge difference because this year for the first time we had a live auction that actually succeeded we auctioned off two for you I know because you weren't there and you weren't there Julie we auctioned off two paintings that were donated made by adults with autism one went for $800 50 one went for 7 so just that alone and that was purchased by one of our own mind you Tony Fernandez did by one of those pictures I actually I I took count of all the politicians were there Manny was there Tony was there Ray was there as he always was you know we talked I talked to him about remember when he first the first time he joined us he ran the wine bar for us before he was a politician right um they were there and they were there the whole night I think Tony bought a table um briano Brian Moreno was there I did not see Lewis so I guess he didn't make it Marilyn didn't make it and Josh showed up for 10 minutes and then left um towards the end of the hour that's all like s so those your politicians but otherwise it was pretty good I mean I'm looking for Joseph to get us our numbers but we only had three Marin was it three Mar both done um did we only have three auction items that did we get sold think this it was just three of those Sportsman Rion things that didn't get sold oh three of those that were not sold and the lazarito stuff lazarito um $100 of Outback that they never put it out of paper well we had a team of interns they did an okay job I think they did pretty good for for what for what we could give them for teenagers they did pretty good I think the only the reason why that didn't work out for the sales of those pieces or they weren't done right was that that idea of putting the table against the wall with just the spitting items I think people didn't really know it was there you mean those three items yeah no the all the gift certificates were against that back wall yeah I I made sure that as the only place I showed up all those were set at the registration yeah I know I couldn't I ordered asked them for a table they're lucky to put them over there and at the time um Joseph had mentioned that that's was where the the photo booth was going to go and I don't know how big I was picturing one of those you go in yeah you thought so too so I said there's room on the right and that's the only reason I was able to get the table and then we realized it's a little thing that wasn't going to go there anyway no for next years I think we know what we the reason there wasn't anything there except the the bid thing I know but they a lot of people knew it was there they did yes because a lot of people bid especially the flanigans Okay that's good so I saw some of them that were like $5 and I was like people not know it was there that was not okay for future and I'm going to suggest this again for the third time you need to put increments of you had three um CP ERS $100 gift certificate no increments so what happens $5 $6 or starting bid you could put starting bid an increments of five they probably all should have had a starting bid so they got together and they realized we can each get one for $5 and they did oh well and and there was Al also munication with the with one of those frames which I still wonder what ever happened to that oh but the we forgot about lazarito stuff so we didn't even wind up selling that we could probably have the town put them up for sale on the Facebook page like we did that one year then we had extra stuff left over but what's really funny is if they paay five bucks for the crate Banker thing they still have to pay more money because it's only $100 for8 catering event it it I saw the certificate certificate just say $1 gift certificate it's towards their they don't have a it's towards she said it was toward their catering events to cater something in your house so if it's $300 you're 100 bucks off a good deal yeah anyway I do want to mention something we don't need to add it to this agenda I don't know if we want to add it to the next one okay um you mentioned Laro I I saw him recently because Jake gets his haircuts there we saw him and we spoke about the the car oh gosh I forgot all about that exactly so you might want to add that to the next agenda today I think it's way too much but he said I'm just waiting for you guys like basically you know and I think you know it's one of those things that would be nice however it is that's going to take place so yeah thanks for reminding me about that you I think we said something we asked for the town to pick a car and then that's where we left it off at they hav car I believe we were waiting on the design we have to come up with the design M we we'll take for the next one yeah I'm just saying because I know it's long I don't want to like spend time on that but I think it needs to be handy okay okay other than that anyone else G you don't have to raise your hand you can just yell um I want you to find out the casino how are really Mak it seems to get smaller and smaller every year which I'm fine with that but is it worth the space you know giving up that space for you know like what are we making because I'm sure we have to pay those Fe I don't think we need it anymore because the whole thing was all the previous events at Alonzo was based off of the casino idea right and if you noticed that this one they shoved it in the corner yeah and they charged for chips and they charged for chips and only a few people played it and I think that that what we experienced um Saturday that was a traditional Gala feeling and everyone loved it they loved the seaing they loved the food they loved what they got and you know the for what it's worth I I did hear some of the staff from my Lakes Hotel saying that they were concerned about the donated food and not being Hotel food and how it's going to go and from what we saw it went amazing cell and kavas and um Sergio they really came through am Misha they really came went over Vick really did awesome so so they they nailed it with the donation on that and I think it worked really well cuz it's wasn't traditional a chicken with salad that you get when you go to the Mega Gall it was fun it was still aw it still fun it was finger food like it was no it was it was well yeah it was finger food like U Sergio had these burgers with Ras on [Music] them was at home eating soup um so it it's the feel and the vibe doesn't warrant the casino feel in my opinion like I felt like it was kind of just there I even forgot about it and had to go over there and do an interview to let people know there was Casino tables there because when I went out to check on everybody knew was there so when I said something people started coming to play but I don't think they really care I don't think they want to go for that anymore they they were there for what we were doing so we could take that space and we could bring in more vendors like we did with with v and and CH chis College I mean vas V had a those cigars I think he said there were 75 cigars all donated and they were printing people's names on the cigars and they sold out of everyone including the one that was on display so that's $10 a cigar minimum donation minimum by the way 10 times 7 all to [Music] us so yeah I really don't think if you guys when we go to the next year's I don't say we need it it we we have enough AC activities and things to do on the auction and and on the C the the activities were really instead of playing games we were watching the stage which is what you've always said all along is why aren't we showcasing our people that having um Glenda play and then we had Lewis on the drums that was so cool people are still sharing that video I keep seeing it on my feet that of him playing the drums with abadam and he did such a great job I think we need more L the casino and we can also showcase I would think the dance class of Dojo yes cuz that's where the money you know a lot of it is going so it's well that was on the video I'm saying yeah yeah I don't see I think we would have done that for this event but when Joseph got the um artist family involved that kind of they wanted to have their son on the stage so that ended that is the only other spot that we could have put him was where Glenda played the second time I think that would have been fine I don't think she needed to play twice but did it anyway um so yeah we could have is happening again next year I pretty much think so I mean it was a very good setup I think there's some there's some tweaks that needs to be done we didn't have the tables quite right because we had screens that were way too large they didn't need to be that big probably needs to just be a couple of large regular screens not these gigantic blowup screens that took up so much space that we had to push all the tabl back um and I would also switch the layout yeah yeah how would you do I would do the layout that they used for theber of yeah the Chamber of Converse C because the people that are sitting all the way in the back they feel like oh they shoved Us in the back yeah I thought that at one point we they had to tell they couldn't he Dr Michael I think it was yeah that told them to be quiet yeah because they were in their own world over there right because they're too far from the stage yeah if you have the stage in the middle then it's more I don't know if the tables were too big too well and I had suggested that we do you know there was did you notice that the he Joseph brought it up there was one set of table that was rectangular yeah and I thought you know if we did rectangular and now with your idea here rectangular here rectangular here and then Circle the middle to the dance floor that would fit and you just have the rectangular tables be these super tables that you could sell for two grand because it's 12 people and the the single tables the circle tables would be the one grand table and then you have along the edge here your food and drink or just maybe let's do food and something else and over here you'd have drink and I said there was a section over here in this back corner where you could have those old cocktail tables like we used to have so the people drinking could just go and stand yeah I felt like that was missing cuz they were all standing right in front of the in front of the bar they were it's like everybody was just standing there so there needs to be a space for them to have cocktail tables to stand at because they some people didn't want to sit so that would work for me I only have one comment about that is um not that in particular um it needs to be next year whoever it is whoever does it whoever uh organized it definitely has to be better organized when it comes to tables I love the idea of sit down tables because a lot of people were like and then sure enough it came down to oh hold on I don't none of the event bik people had a table and then we mixed the tables so it's it was a lot of the seaing chart arrangement I don't know how to really say this that if they had a ticket we should have a place for them before they show up I did hear negative comments this is ridiculous why am I doing this why this is disorganized that reflects on us just as much as the mayor's are and also in reference to the casino taable they also like oh we have to pay so that I saw I barely saw anybody go that way so I don't even know if they sold any casino chips there were like six or seven people there when I went by but they're not used to it being pay like it was before where it used to got Manny money and I don't know I don't know if Tony or no I'm just I'm just making a comment I'm just this is recap so I'm just making a comment not of who makes who what who does Just for future yeah I don't think we should have those Casino tapes anymore but I thought Joseph was going to have a lineup of everyone where they sat and he didn't get that didn't get done I guess CU I noticed that the last minute when I was looking at the tables I didn't see people's names on the tables no which is what he said it was going to be every T chair had a name right and I didn't see that we we can move on from this we can move on from the rec there was a lot of missing elements so Dojo is next Dojo I wanted say something I'm sorry justce security wise Joseph had um res out to us reference um were they're worried about people crashing apart and all that the The Wristband the colored wristbands is perfect right because we know automatically Who's Who belongs and who doesn't belong so we told them listen that's how we're going to base that off and if something happens we'll take care of so what we do there and then we walked in we noticed that the two entrances were were not a good idea so we quickly asked the staff to bring some ropes and and they put it on that other interest to the paring lot and they made the one interest for you guys to to come to and maybe for next year we get some some signage for that so that people know as they walking up not to go up to that door because a lot of people were still you know just confused or we switch the layout instead of the registration being in that way put it on this side when they come in yeah but he's saying if there's two entrances confusing yeah no but the entrance they came you weren't there the entrance that everybody was geared to was the one on the far was this one little door not the one that coming the double doors you know saying so he had to be never [Music] mind to kind of control the entrance of the crowd it it worked because you had everybody lined up were there and they were just there like they they weren't passing that so they knew not to pass so I think that part but just one entrance is what you need not both right however you guys chose just do one instead of the little one door the other double door and close that one yeah do one yeah moving on dojo so the dojo is doing very good we still have open spots um that we need to fill if we can do some promotions I don't know uh if we can put some promotions up on Facebook let people know there's still some spots open for the dojo I think at the parks we need to put some too not now that you said them yeah actual Flyers yeah actual Flyers there there were flyers before four I don't know yeah they cleared they cleared thems are open John uh was three I think or four um hang on okay I'll just put three to four just an oh yeah three to four three to four spots so we got six get's dance class a copy of it right now with me here but it's not it's four I know there's four four so there's six feet so yeah Mass monday30 530 everybody seems happy with it they they're all on time nobody's rushed nobody's rushing in so it seems like that was a better that's all I got for you all right uh animation update how's that going going amazing aming I stopped by there on Saturday um in between picking up food and going home to to change um since I wasn't able to be there for the orientation day the weekend before um looks great you know the teacher is amazing they're working on their project um do we have any openings or is it but fully booked down I think there's one opening but there was a student who ended up dropping out was a sched conflict so I believe there's one of them and there they have their two extra assistants and their software is working everything working great did you see my message about the movie okay [Music] she told us to share it but they um the animation team is having a Legos Premier piece by piece right piece by piece you got invited specially for this piece by piece preview only in theaters October 11 but however they got approved for well they didn't get approved they were offered um on Saturday October 5th which is this Saturday at 11:30 a.m. at AMC Sunset they're going to sort of it's not a field trip here say if you want to if you want to go you just show but she needed your name be put on the list um and it's a Lego Lego Movie piece by piece and then afterwards anybody's invited to go to the arcade which is next door that mall is completely dead aband I again this is for AMC Sunset John if you wanna who do you contact who is it the instructor that you're Conta Satur this Saturday so this Saturday there is no animation but you have to notify what's the lady's name cine a so what do we need to do for it I ask we have nothing to do with it if you want to attend right yeah they invited the special advisor they're super grateful to us for everything we're doing to help them to help with the program okay and it's at what time 11:30 this Satur 11:30 okay so the um I'll go with my kids and my therapists the end of uh semester part October 26 yes that's the presentation right told yeah the same way theion um right now there the time is 2 to 4 right but I think they're going to try to change it more like five to [Music] six that's the presentation here or four to six I'm sorry yeah they yes here in they're going to ask to move it like earlier because there's a hope for autism event okay was something earlier let me seea do I need to message Catherine what's her that I have no idea send it to me when you can I sent you the the flyer and the paper it's booked from 9 to 1 on that day the 26 can we have from two to four would it give you enough time to decorate that was my only thing because I don't know what event I don't know if the person that booked the 26 before if they kind of did like us that we put one hour before her set up and one hour after for clean up because let's say that their event only has set up so regardless they're booking it from 9: to 1 right I can't guarantee that it'll be ready for two can you find out for us since last time there was like I mean I know wasn't like maybe too much decoration but still like you do need need some time stairs because I don't know how the other events going to end up maybe 2:30 or 3 don't know I know it's yeah I had it set for 3 to six so then that's okay like so the actual event would be with what I have right now cuz it's an hour before setup and then if you want to change it to three we do set up maybe by two which might be fine but I don't know know what it is it would be better to do two to four starting the event I mean I could got our town calendar but Le one hour and then plus whatever me two to five no but what I'm trying to say like from two to three at least you have that time to decorate and whatever time before like let's say if the event does end at one and they're out by one then technically you have two hours if they're up by two at least there's one full hour and the event it'll start at 4 and then or it's two hours isn't it one hour the event itself I believe was just one hour and then it's one hour pickup after right that's how they have reserved it they reserved it for three hours for you guys I put from 3: to 6 so the event would be from 4: to 5 oh okay but I'm saying we can do we can do two it would be two to five two to five with two to and the event three to four exactly the event itself three to four okay yeah I mean it's still real close but I don't know so from two to five then yeah and now question can it just be done the following Saturday or would that be too much to pass when's the last class you get what I mean because I feel like [Music] it's now we would have to vote today though you can put the back up date okay leave the 26 as you have to be done for your other the first one I guess not just that it's getting ready and you know it's too close it's too close cuz you getting ready and all of that it's a [Music] lot I don't know let's talk to them uh I'll talk to them and see what they want to do if it's an option to do it the Saturday the following Saturday from November 2nd November 2nd is available as of right now I think for on our time yes it's available oh you have all day okay November but let let's block it can we try to block it out so no one comes in you can pick if you want from 12: to 6:00 p.m. if you want because you have the whole day say because I don't want to wait and then tomorrow someone books it and then yeah I would like to motion i' like to motion to block off a set of time from 1200 to 6:m on November 2nd town hall for the possible second day second date of the animation class presentation yes second all those in fav do we have do we already have the did we already motion for the original one yeah right the October 26 um I'm not sure but if you want you can go ahead and also motion we also the initial date and then back up the other one we would also like to motion the initial date of October 26th from you said it was 2 2 to 5 2: to 5: p.m. at town hall for the animation presentation second all those in favor I not throwing the food one I would like to allocate ,000 for food decorations etc for the what they call the culminating event yeah whatever actually no be pram PR programs I second all those in favor you said that's good when your last day class 19 is it in Saturday [Music] yeah where we're do presentations [Music] October it's I know there's two dates in October for the said it was the yes Gabby October 19th isn't that the mental health thing yes what time time is that 10 to 2 and what time is our animation on October 19th yeah but two but the mental health isn't it happening here in Tom no it's over there no it's in Mary Collins well it's outside they don't need be oh okay I mean you might have to keep going into the restroom but that's it what time is ours yours is normally is what two four the who dis there's something no that's what I'm double- checking they have to double up the class originally it was going to be two to four but since they're going to the movies they needed the they were doubling up I I was double checking to make sure that there wasn't anything behind it but no they already did it two to six yeah no because the other thing that you have which is not it's arts for autism from 11 to one yeah no so all right yeah they said that because they were going to the movies they had to double up on that last one okay we all good with animation all right so the next thing is the awards for the council meeting um we've already approved the budget on it we just have to go ahead and Get It produced um did we we were trying to determine which one we thought was the best um and I can't remember the name of the website now off the top my head I don't have my dad there was trophy land and MD Mega words posi Mega that's the one we used not we here we somewhere else is it trophy trophy another committee it was mega wars that is a vendor I'm not sure if that's the one that one used but it could be possible then I've G to this Trophy World I get the feeling it wasn't troph and land no trop found to expensive there was another that you used G yeah you had was another one you were on it too though John you showed us a blue one remember yeah I can't find it because I don't have my tablet we didn't yeah we did oh we didn't say it we didn't because we couldn't Define we had to yeah but is we didn't I a bud for it yeah we did $500 to purchase three awards from the community W milennium awards no mum mine do you know the committe one say they were local too weren't they yes I'm sorry guys that I don't remember what it was what oh I had a feeling and it's for which Conant meeting it's going to be the last one that they have which is she was looking at the date before we changed over to looking at Mary Collins again so give for a second um I think it's the 29th that's a Tuesday is November October no October they're doing two in October I believe they're not doing any in November October 2 I was going to say with the election 29 what hold yeah October 29th that's going to be an fact I'm just saying well we're going to give them the awards while they're giving us the check for the gala I just remember do you know what event this my early loading starts you [Music] knowas that sounds right what was how do you how do you well the first the first um yeah the SE silent no it sounds like c c c yes okay I don't remember see let's see silent yeah I'm I'm confused I don't remember hold on let me see it has a different maybe I one the word it is mega wordss mega words yes you didn't say that before she said I that is it that's it m go on that yeah that's what I'm for right now it is it is I think in the meantime we have discussed um what needed to be put on the awards that's what we had to vote on right Gabby um well remember we had discussed it and and we had to make that correction that we need to discuss it here and vote on it yes yes that's why we waiting till the next meeting I would also suggest I doing everything because this is still an order that I would need to place yes so that what do you mean wait till the next meeting joh no that's what we're doing right now that we said last so while you're looking at that we need to be discussing what's going to go on these Awards what the actual awards are going to be then and you just make a motion to put those words on that award is that what you need yes okay so it makes what do you guys want me this last meeting John very nice um it was it was um an appreciation for your dedication to the special needs Advisory board right or something like that of your dedication and commit service and dedication say like to the special needs Community I would how about I put both to the special needs Advisory Board theyve been very supportive of us like specifically [Music] no our logo we kind of like like at the end we we should put special needs advisor okay signature you put special in Advisory board with our logo got it okay so this is actually what we had wound up looking at was does that look right is that what we were talking about does everybody see this yeah it's like the glass there's blue so it's blue and it's glass um it's a cly it's yeah it's not glass it's shut up John I was trying to see if it tells us just $65 per one without the stand does come with a stand it should some no might not because it stands on its own like cuz Oreo got one one time oh they stand on their own where are you looking at me yeah the Octagon award and it was so funny no the microphone to [Music] email keeping I was actually watching yester this empe keeps screen was like okay just email you like you like better yeah we like we I think we all liked make better and the prices were better because toy land one was 100 something and this was 60 something did we look at toy I thought we looked at trophy trophy sorry trophy land you mean I was like wait a second St um what did I say again an appreciation commitment and dedication to the you had said especially the vaj bo but she's I like better what the community full sentence you got it John you're writing it down I'm trying appreciation for your dedication and commitment to the special no different you mommy [Music] oh well I don't know how much we have to engrave on here without you know I mean it's going a small one do we want to just say you said I'm sorry you said special needs Advisory Board just start it doing have the recording yeah so how does that war the top to say this award is presented too how how does that start because we are in charge of all the engraving right have to vote and I I mentioned that with the logo might be more money because of the logo the color I think that's why we all allocated the five 500 because we set between the three of them we go a bit over with engraving I don't think color because it's just an engravement engraving but someone have a picture I don't know has this award everything I would say presented to Name by special needs advice report or we could just go with snack oh that could be at the end had said it could be end the signature by to the special needs Community blah blah blah blah blah I'm saying but what I'm saying that at the end follow follow let's follow their let's follow what they so logo at the top would be snabs logo right and then where it says Special Olympics it would say hold on you want the snab logo or the tunel Miami Lakes SN logo we're paying for it okay snab logo and it would say special needs Advisory Board are you're going to spell that out so you have the logo then you're spell it out right cuz it's you got the logo and this says Special Olympics so we got logo Specialties advisory um presented toe award to the mayor his full name and recognition is uned board hold on right here it says honors the it says honor I like the word honors honors mayor Manny Sid for the VA for the work for the dedication and commitment to the special needs Community thank you that's actually right there it says for the volunteer work at the 28 to 29 games if it fits that it can fit this and this is a small one yeah get specific you the logo the special need Advisory Board honors mayor Manny sa for the for the um commitment and dedication to the special needs community of myates or there well no it's one it's one at a time or yeah not there for for the this just sounds weird saying for the really for your for your for your that's what I was looking for your for your commitment and dedication commitment and dedication okay well we don't they're redundant let's just go with dedication s of mys blah blah blah special needs Advisory Board honors the legacy of is what you said the that's what you said you got real fancy was long twice and twice their dedication to I think the word of dedication see I pulled that out of memory dedication still there all right so let me okay so we have to vote on so we have the logo at the top and then in order it'll say special needs Advisory Board honors whoever for your dedication to the special needs community of Miami Lakes anything need to be changed on that isn't it supposed to have the DAT yes and you put the date where the word thank you is on this we can put the date yeah for the date so we'll put um there's a month in the year what what month is this going to be November October October dedication of our special needs advisory when are we doing this what date is this going to be October 29th let's put in the yeah that's the date of the last meeting his last official meeting so I think we got to be on the agenda okay so October you have to we should be on the agenda because they're doing the check presentation so I was planning on handing this oh they're doing it this year oh good I was plan on having us hand it to them during the check presentation because they have no idea it's coming because usually it takes listen all right you have to be on the agenda anyway because the hope for is on yep yep I have the M okay so we're gonna have to make a motion to this so now's your time hold on I'm writing this down to here we go the SN log at the top and then it'll say and then you have to tell me where you want the words snap logo snap name written down hold Done Right wa I haven't gotten yet snap logo and then special needs Advisory Board honors the name for your dedication to the special needs community of the to in the town of Mii in the town of the town of Mi Lakes then in date is October 29th 2 like that in hold on listen mayor Manny said for your dedication to the special needs community in the town of Mii Lakes yeah then October 29th repeat I know I don't I feel like there's something wrong with that do we switch say do we put the town leaks before the other part okay so special needs of board honors mayor Sid for your dedication to the special needs community in the town of Miami Lakes or it could be the town of Miami Lakes special needs community no I have it this I have it I suggest it this way because you were special but supposedly as people first well what I was trying to say was the special needs Community was affected by the mayor in the town of mies in my train of spot versus saying because usually you would say for your dedication to the town of Miami Lakes special needs Community but then that makes the town of Miami Lakes more important than the special needs people so I F saying saying you your dedication to special Le people which happens to in the town of and that's how it's worded right okay so we like special needs of board honors mayor Manning s for your dedication to the special needs community in the town of M Lake State October 29th now question do the names do we put mayor manid council woman or do we just put Marin and Ronald council member um with Joseph what do we put let's just put their names take out the title so Manny s Joseph Sosa Marilyn hold on we added one more person that wasn't no he was there Joseph I think you should keep the title yeah especially the mayor yeah I don't know about the council members but at least of May I think you who is his who's the secretary Joseph Joseph he is he is he there a female name we um I brought up Marilyn right after we we were going to do it only for Joseph and Manny because they're leaving okay so just are we doing names only or with titles I think we should do the titles okay we need V on what do you guys think you want to do okay so we're doing mayor Manny Sid are we going to do councilwoman Marilyn Rano that's a lot to put in there that's okay she's earned the title that's what she's been as your I just trying to make sure it fits in your brating well if it doesn't fit then we'll take it out a book and then and what's the last and then Josh um no no no but what just Joseph I mean not just but assistant name why don't we do that with Marilyn too prob put her title all right mayor man said councilwoman Marilyn Rano and then Joseph s yeah because Joseph would have to be like mayor's assistant like that sound yeah it doesn't does he have another title than than that I thought it was a cheap something oh no right so we agree on that yeah so care which which is on which line so it's a lot of words there you have obviously the word honors after special needs advisor this award's not that big well but where do you want the wordss though no I'm saying this award is not this big so we have the logo and the name his signature says assistant to the mayor so if we're going through you tell them what you want and they send us the mockup they position it ah I know what to do have a good night right Ethan here's what we do let's put the what we we agree upon this wording let's let her contact them and find out what it'll look like and if it'll all fit in the small one and if it doesn't fit in the small one we can do the medium one which is the next size up I think we allocated the medium one is 95 yeah right I that's fine so it's still under it's still in our $500 that would be1 that' be $300 for the more or less okay so make your motion down um okay I motion to use make Awards to make to make the awards PL the plaque thank you um acrylic the acrylic award plaque with the wording that we just said right here to be ready for the October 29th meeting we already uh all those in favor motion passes we already budgeted so we're good second so I do you want me to type that out and email it gonna have in the minutes I'll do by tomorrow she'll have it I'll do them so like I send you the proof either way send us the proof either way yeah and ask when you talk to them ask them if the small one's not big enough if we need to move to the to the medium maybe just do the medium yeah first of all we gotta make sure they have that those three in stock because uh it usually takes two or three weeks to get what's the um item number on that John uh a0 6bl is the small one [Music] and a07 bl is the medium okay I'll put both of those together so we're looking to get the blue one if if the blue one's not available we'll get the clear one they have those in stock I know they will okay they're the same prices we just wanted to get the blue because of autism gab I'll put all right good hey look at that folks we got it done okay cool new business we need a shirt for Julie uh how much do it cost on that or what do we need to do to what happened to the movie that's actor I believe you're old business we're still on Old business is movie movie good call it comes all right guys so the next like big kids and I include myself in the kids movie coming out is Moana too so that's coming out the weekend of Thanksgiving like that Wednesday before Thursday Thanksgiving so uh we could do it on the 30th is the opening weekend it opens on a Wednesday but the 30th Thanksgiving weekend okay because otherwise it would the next one would be on the 7th but that's hope for autism's Christmas party if not and you don't think that people will be on vacation it won't be here because that's Thanksgiving week next there's no school I don't know that's why I'm asking like I like my two dates were the 30th which is that Thanksgiving weekend or the 14th which is two weeks late 14th sounds better yeah 14 yeah that's my anniversary we'll go see more some popor would you like not we don't have anything in December right no that would be our December thing de yeah we're gifting them yeah do de okay so by next meeting I'll have the invoice so we can vote on a November's meeting we vot the should we motion already though so that they can do the flyer even though I know we I know how we keep it but no I think it's too far ahead okay because our next meeting is November I got this I got what I know what you're saying here's we do November 4th I would like to motion that we're going to have or we're planning to have the movie on December 14th at the theater here and uh that we're working on that's it a yes that was ask where our movie dates will be December 14 piting the date we don't have to now they can start working on the all those in favor so now they can just we don't have that yet like we can build a flyer without a time okay have the day out it's gonna be like early like it was last time right like 10 11 it'll be [Music] 10 okay movie's over oh uh shirt for Julie um yes I'm looking it'll it'll probably be around it's 26 I believe for the shirt only with the embroidery $6 and then shipping which is about like9 shipping I we6 motion to order a motion to order a sh for J at um will allocate $60 out of the Community awareness Community awareness all those in favor small size small please a women's uh women's that's I was going to say they they've all been ordered men yeah but before they used to order exra first no who second it yeah I did did she did motion okay all right nice Veterans Day Parade Veterans Day Parade yeah okay I motion to participate inet parade o i second all those in favor long no no it's November 9th okay um we're almost we're almost finished here folks let's try and get it through so veterans is approved what do we need to do we just need to communicate with them and get in the Jeep again okay um we need to know who's going to go well as you always do okay announcements I have one we you all know about it already there's a event being hosted here by the mayor by esax and no I did not know about it so we did not sponsor it but it is going to be the guardianship legal event thing so if you'd like to attend the flyers in your special photo Gall and I believe Gabby has the announcement if she wants to share so no I'm still with you it's not you it's me wow I am still with you but we do have someone coming on board soon and that someone will take over some of the other groups and you will stay here right it's part of your implicated said I'm still with you but we're hiring let me say according to this contract that you sign with it says that your job description is to do all the things that they told you to do plus be the lead and only for the special needs of sorry I'm always here you know we know you we know where to find you we know where you live too prob best eater so um I'm still with you and I will see you in November even if we have someone else of course so yeah yeah yeah I was going to say please yes no I have um binders for both of the Committees and I also have that has all your minutes oh my since I started um and one with your receipts and vendors and every you will be in great hands so she's leaving B I would like to end this meeting at 7 sorry I didn't hear you speak up um you know the mental health um awareness festival at their setting up for October 19 they I was just at their meeting before and they just want to see if you guys want to maybe have a table there or something for their event be an outside first I did put it on my calendar to I guess I don't know [Music] oober that great my son has three baseball games on the last three week of October that weekend Claudia and Mike are taking them for the their morning therapy so I would be free what time is the event sure genda two I'll BR a table up for us I I have the stuff in my house so if you guys want to join me just come on by I'll put up T for them so tell well we would have to vote we have motion oh we have to vote for that we're not we're not putting out I we I thought we always had to you made a motion for veterans yeah veterans parade you need a motion for yeah I think we always have to motion whatever go one thing is we're attend at Le year and then another thing is we're going to have a table okay well then I motion to have a table at the health who else is going to go there should be at least I'm not going I I9 a.m. to 1 11n and AI John will be there that is amazing that yes it is in my opinion we shouldn't have a table you think so I think if for 10 to and you're not going to be there all by yourself from 10 to it's a long time John because think about it you know I don't know I think it's I think there should always give me the date off I'm fine with that there's no more all right then scrap that I I scra that motion where we can't go sorry well you can still attend at Le your leiser and no table attend right a Leisure be event I think it's dumbing like it's short noce I mean I even okay but we're not going we'll visit all right thank you guys 716 like to call this meeting to end please I all those in favor over