##VIDEO ID:WwJkuGRK9gE## e e this one leave B yeah very sensitive in case we say something they can beep us following the veteran sub committee committee meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. roll call Larry and Judy and I any public comments nope all right BR onun updates I was hoping there was aou more of you because I need assistance you can imagine yeah all right so I guess we can start with um talking about the t-shirts yes so um before we get into t-shirts you want to go through the list let's make sure we're on the same thing and then we go into the sponsor the sponsor list I didn't bring it oh well I think we are we agreed last time we agreed last time yeah we were good you were collecting the last thing and but we we agreed I received um the only last few minutes we were missing was and Payway and did B pay you has not but I'm not concerned about it only because they had that whole request lender forms our our our CFO got involved she's been in contact with theirs like it's been a whole thing so I I feel okay about it um Payway paid today oh okay so that's it good so we're only really outstanding video which will be on the lookout for and I'll and I'll and I'll vouch like I'll give the money if they don't they will and I know that I just had yesterday yeah you're handling it so that's fine um so we have add them [Music] to we have to add them to the finish my barricades okay on the t-shirt that was concern they're on the T-shirt right I have to check because they hadn't even sent me their logo I know Jonathan had tried to pull up some that hadn't sent their logos in yet so I can the thing with the shirts with my um I can go back and double check but I'm pretty sure with the shirts last year when they were doing it for us they were putting the logo because it's not like we had any style for it it was literally 5K in the front like the logo for the event and the back was just the logos and we just told them what order to put them I was like yes and there was no particular order other than the town veterans headquarter and then everything else yeah that was it yeah but I'm saying we didn't create a design for it no all we did was send them theout they did the layout and they just yeah yeah so now we can officially go out with the shirt if he can wait for if we can send him the final tomorrow I'm happy to do so and then we can go forward with that I know that the the point was that he was trying to get it to us by December 2nd but I wanted to ask you we can push it well the bags won't be here till the second either just just got changed to the third okay so and that was more to give you I think that built that was a buffer it was a cush yeah it was a cush it was a cushion um so I think we're good if he can get it to us well I guess if he tell us what the latest fre he's freaking out he's freaking out because they're closed on Thanksgiving and on the Friday yeah so you lose two days um so I don't think we'll get them on the third maybe we'll get them no the third sounds crazy and I wanted to do the bag stuffing between the third and the fifth so I wanted to ask you is it because that's when your stof is available no it just gives me the cushion too in case something goes yeah yeah just yeah we can Wiggle all way through the you know to the fifth the sixth the Fridays are tough at would you be willing to start the bags without the cuz you'll have the bags what you won't have is the shirts everything it's too much yeah once we're out making our production line like we've got this whole thing and stuff stuff so separate by size all that stuff like then it would be then we' have to push it and best I can do is make obviously have the volunteers go and help you the student volunteers and then we really should have the committee members go out and help us well whoever is available at said time well I know you open it it's a big range I mean I did say so people pop in whenever they can yeah for however long they can right yeah I was I was opening it for three hours a day from three like three to six but I I did the three because the students they get out and they'll get there and yeah them and I have people that work that'll help too so what days works based on this change now it's going to be based on when I can get the shirts so we can maybe we can just get the shirt order to Ronaldo now like I told him I'm meeting with you tonight did it to him tonight I can send him what the logos are and he can tell me what yes what's let's do it but I I don't even know if Payway has sent it to meia they happen they just send me the payment let's just get it off the website just scrap it off and give it to them right but I can pull it like that but it won't be a high resolution that stuff can do theay te requ h i do that kind I do that I do I do that kind of work it's it can be portal send them send them and say it's okay if it doesn't then tell these people like they're working on sending it to me anyways because I saw an email come through saying hey send it to whoever their stuff okay there's probably Google um Google Payway logos they they probably a brand book that you can get to yourself like J does J has an open brand book that everybody go to no to that Investments I'm it and I'll I'll save the logo right now the thing is I also don't and I and I will say this I don't like to do that because sometimes companies have more than one logo and they want to do the specific one that's why I always ask for it yeah they they just haven't sent it to me black and background that's really why we ask them to do [Music] it that's three black or white backg just in yeah I'm going to send him a follow up right now ask him if he can give us till tomorrow end of day I'll give him the full list anyways and he can tell us what no's missing okay because I can send that to him and send him just send him scrape a Payway logo just tell me you can use this for now and we'll as a placeholder yeah and do the do the design and then we'll have that thing for him tomorrow and that Heir starts I just I don't like to rush sending this and if I'm Meely honest with you because then I'm scared that's something's going to go wrong and I like to like double check oh me too I'm a double Checker I'm a triple thousand Checker that's why I don't like the idea of like okay we're just gonna it makes me feel hey we just doing money they're not bringing food I don't know what they're bringing to be honest with you okay I just know they're going to be there because they confirmed today that they were going to be using their area that's the trick too I need to get all the swags like stuff bags with people's stuff M I haven't gotten any of that we're going to send out crazy mornings I only have Memorial Hospitals paper it's a paper oh and they're the ones that said they were going to I think they may be sending something else because if you remember the email like Okay okay something else is coming but I didn't get it yeah that's what they were they were asking for the extension for that okay so I mean I can I'm the only thing is I'm like running around the 10th and 11th I have Christmas parties at my stores so I which is a date that I have no control over um the 10 11th and 12th I'm all screwed up and then the 13th is package pickup so that's what I needed to do it next week maybe what we'll do is just send the veterans committee instead of here on the 5th we'll just go to my work and stuff bags yeah I thought they were gonna stuff that over there though yeah that's what they said let's cancel the committee and send the committee toota and then the committee can do it what day what day do you want to do J this Thursday the 5th we're still back at the shirts we need to get the shirts well we also need to get the stuff to put in the bags besides the shirts well nobody send it we've sent reminders at this point I MEP yeah not my stuff I have 11 logos plus Town logo veterans and the fr the shirt will have the date the new year on it do we already look at the front I think he set something up already now the what the front like or is it just going to be just the no year just this yeah you would just put the year that we could do that in text okay like just the date yeah the date the date on the shirt will be nice I don't remember what last year shirt I had to go find one are you asking him [Music] we can wiggle the bag stuffing sleep to the six I know it's not ideal but if you really could just have the students go on another day and stuff all back with a missing shirts but I me that yeah just like it's chaotic I have to like put tables in the middle of my showroom where I sit and it's just yeah I don't want to do it twice tce yeah yeah but I mean if we have to what if they Stu the bangs and at some point just deliver when they're done and all they're missing out the shirts and have the students do it here with whoever from the veterans committee can meet that's an option well let's see let's see when we can get them P down the shirts and I'll go get the shirt so he doesn't have send a delivery people so there's not there's no delays like I I send my part TR to go get it let's see he's just getting he's just getting nervous so maybe tonight when chill him out four and then I'll move on from this you can have the stuff which sucks the whole point was to do it there but oh because then we have to take them back to yeah and it's it's bulky and the front of the shirt I'm shirt I'm in my meeting ising okay it's 5:30 to 6 all right okay bye I'm in the meeting my granddaughter is already in her high chair and she's looking out the window for me I gotta go hard stop J how many volunteers do you need for the bag sign um like 10 10 student volunteers we GNA you want to go reach out to a barber gold she's already got all that we already have volunteers done because we put it up on the website so you just need some of us old guys yeah old guys come too that's good backup old guys always come when they say they do all I'm always there you guys are always when you say you go you go if you don't say you go you're not going to be there 10 volunteers yeah as much and as much of the Committees we can get just to be in charge dates again well I'll move it now from 123 to 126 We'll add Friday on which I don't like Friday but I'd love to leave this in that week because it's just going to be so chaotic from 3 p.m. to 600 p.m. sure okay so I just so I notify them okay is it on his okay all right perfect and then one other thing volunteers I need somebody from the committee to Fe need not for stopping I know like you'll be there unless you want to assign one of them I need to know for the DAT of the events I need somebody to check in check out the volunteers and make sure that they're keeping an eye on them the same way we had um on for the parade yes day of the the person in charge the volunteer coordinator who's going to be our is there any other volunteer any other veterans here the volunteer no no okay Larry's gonna be the volunteer you're not running the race yeah yeah I'm in the race so that's a problem it has to be somebody who's not in the race it could be my booth we have people that have done this before at my booth somebody at my someone of our our people yeah um I honestly would have preferred the committee only because I need somebody that knows the end and out of the event but we'll leave it at that no worries what I want is the volunteer to feel comfortable going to that person being like okay I'm done with my task what do I do now like I need somebody who knows the entire event so one of the other veterans that are not ready so we'll leave him as or her as backup and I'm going to send yeah if we can't get any other veterans to do it you know I'll do it could enter my age group and win anyway if I start L that's fun actually by the time they start running I don't know how much more help we need yeah well we need to create I don't like you guys that's up to you guys I don't like the idea of having somebody in the race that's the lead for the volunteers I think it's somebody that should be ready we got somebody yeah I don't think all of you run it uh okay back bill or one of those Bill runs it Bill nickach oh bill yeah Bill Nick I don't know did he even go last year oh wait he won't be here he'll be in the uh the game last was at the game too I'm G to call in conver she's putting out to the committee let's see let everybody back stuffing yeah we have another is December 13th yes do you need Student volte and Comm that or yeah let's try to get um like a total at a time probably only need like five people at a time okay so I'll to both the student volunteers you know who came last year Nancy okay yeah I can I can tell committee members that are involved yeah 10 volunteers for put here for just for notes and it's from pack Pi but it's a long day that's the entire day 10 to S yeah so it's whenever that's the point it's whenever people rotate yes from 12:00 p.m. to 7: 10 a.m. oh 10: a.m. 10 to 7: let's see we'll open in the morning case people want to come oh hold on I think I just s a let me see yes 10 a.m. to 7 perfect uh I know you said you were sending uh water balls yeah 20 PES do you have an intended purpose for that it's just for anybody is it do you want to prioritize the runners like how do you want to we put them we put each one like usually we put one at each of the sponsors so they have water and then we put them at different places you guys told us to put them down places they were all over the place but you tell us tell me where you want them and we'll put them where they need to be the runners can't be like drinking water out of a bottle while they're running it's too much of a pain in the I think they went to your tent last year to get the water bottles I think we had something together water bottles for the runners yeah they wanted water to go to me that sounds great love it so all the sponges will get a case and the rest will be at my at my booth okay okay um I guess I'll have to send an email if nobody answers all the email Dy so you can get on their case uh I need somebody from the committee to go pick up the boxes from C cost and bring what boxes the boxes that weuse for Podium winner box maybe Chad maybe Chad I think he I don't know if he's gonna be available because he came to talk to me about it last week and I thought I was going to be able to and what box some of these they're like Podium he just had a baby or he was having a baby soon or something I'm unless I'm making this up I'm pretty sure that's I don't know I so I don't know so I'm saying I don't know if he's that available okay so we need a truck to like somebody with a sprinter van has to be somebody with a big you have a sprinter vanand I got I got I got a couple one so go to caution CrossFit pick them up and go with them but you have to do you have to uh coordinate with Chad just to make sure they're open and they're ready for you and what am I picking up the boxes that they use for CrossFit the boxes but we use them Podium we use them for the podium they need to bring them here so we can do theing and then you going to handle it from here to the from here I can have uh stop take it okay uh so I wanted to ask you about the fun zone and I you have some notes laser tack was confirmed um same as the mental health house course event okay cool um I'm pending on receiving two quotes for a snow machine and to do like a little Christmas thing um face painting I don't have anything I would make the suggestion that we asked the Girl Scouts I know you said you were going to give them a table because I'm pretty sure they did it at the mental health task force event okay do you have their information to call them uh Rebecca can you talk to her would you yes okay if not I need the committee to like Source somebody Source A lender for that I is she confirmed only because I saw your email is she did you talk to her is she confirmed for the event yeah for the T yes and so was fishing with my responds they're confirmed I said sent him an email anyways today yeah to get something so from the town supplies we can put out the big Connect Four and the cornhole games to add to that area you know that's a real that's AIC sport they tournaments in that uh oh I wanted to ask you are we having the petting zoo this year uh yes and actually let me so I need the Certificate of Insurance I think right because I know you just have yeah I'm just do it again so my idea is just put everything in I know that the petting zo has been like oh you know where they're normally at they don't get a lot of traction but I think that if you add like the snow machine and the laser tag in the area naturally people will go there so I think they'll be fine um they need to we need to make sure that they're there right be there at what time like have them be set up by 7 a.m. because last year they were trying to get in I think in the middle of the rate tell them to be there at 6:30 a.m. that's it yeah be there 6:30 so they have time to set tell to be there at 4:30 and be there be there 6:30 I'm just I was going to suggest a Sansa but are you too late to get one from a vendor I don't know if any the Committee Member you want to address with us stand I'm sorry that you think any other committee members want fernes used to do it they want he's too skinny now right that's what they all say I didn't understand hear you oh a Santa for the 5K it would be nice to have one we get we need a fat one the cow is coming the cow from CH will be there send them that way so that they're like people go and always my my pig is coming too okay Fernandez would have been he was he was at the first at the first one I've ever been to yeah he got skinny eyes Mr Bean now do does anybody on the committee we the Comm do you have a suit I can ask our parts par I don't know it might be one that the marry Colin center with everything else like it's like the Smithsonian in there that's Tony where he gets his suit why don't we ask I mean we can always buy a suit on Amazon that's the least of my worri it's more like who's going to do it uh animals are confirmed ask we can ask at the meetings to some them are you guys having that I'm just asking we're going to December which meaning the fifth yeah yeah it's on the calendar yeah it is on the calendar [Music] yes wanted to okay anyways that was my idea for the Santa but it would need to be come from so I'm I'm gonna leave that on you guys um you want to get a Santa you love that Santa stuff Jewish it is s you know most most of the stuff they have all that they're all Jews Christmas Carol a lot of stuff okay can you can you can you well to let's see when's your election when's this when's this mayor election it's like tomorrow tomorrow I guess we go wait see what happens if he wins we could ask Tony Young whoever's the mayor should do it well reach out to both of them tonight and let them know that the the best it's a good night are tentative you know you got five you got five boats sitting here four boats sitting here you want to be Santa Claus so I'm gonna put here Judy is going get I'm gonna ask you're not gonna ask you said you I'm doing all the heavy Li thing can you please be in charge of getting the Santa thank you T will find us is it on your notes please help me thank you okay uh thank you for coming to so yeah I think that's pretty much it for this year in terms of that area uh shirts and then the band I wanted to ask you band's good set I need an invoice from them they still hav't I'm still finding that bus lady from last year if they send me a vend if they send me that invoice for this year like I'm not dealing with them so let's do something can they just send us an invoice for their feet and for what their BS called like put it all together and they figure out their bus situation okay cuz at this point that invoice is going to affect this year's budget okay which is sah um building the to Mr Gman good evening Mr Gman we're in a lake miy Lakes meeting right now just working on budget and invoicing period could you please send an invoice for the band and just add the bus charges on online on the invoice and then you guys can deal with the bus company as we're still not square with that and it's a concern period just enforce the town of Ry Lakes for the band and for the bus daners got a question s Santa Z got together I have to ask but if anything we can like if we don't have one from the town we can buy one they're coming out of the budget well yeah it's GNA go into the into the Smithsonian for other people they're not expensive well no you could use it for next year it would be a gift for the Fun Zone not expensive I after the meeting on 5th right yes okay after the meeting we don't get a volunteer at the meeting ahead of time we need to get a costume here quick CU that's not going that might be the hard I will ask the team tomorrow because I think we have one I really do think we have one I yeah but they come in different sizes you got to show it's probably huge everybody just Jam in there and fill it up with FL oh well that's a different story you might have to roll up the cups and the Destro person maybe we can get Mike who to be Santa Claus he's probably going to run it I think oh who's gonna be your MC normally you you know what mik who could be a a great s already got an elf suit but he'd be a great he's trying to lose weight though I may even him if I ask him to be s he's trying the hard with he we I'm gonna text you call so I'm gonna find out a painting I'll bring out the big Connect 4 the cornhole game um and I'm C he'll do whatever you say J stop and I'm going to try to get the snow machine I think we have the snow machine like it would be nice and fun oh that would be so cool that would be that would be a great touch the laser tag is confir cuz I thought the laser tag personally I was like little off for the event but at least if you add snow to it then it's like you know the winter lays it t so then it's okay did you call me those are most of my updates you talk to me I just texted him no I just ask that's question number one the other question I had for you is when do we have the student volunteer meeting that's why I wanted the the committee members because like that we can sit down with the students have a meeting meet here I know you're like to do that week based on what you just said but whoever from the committee would leave the volunteers will meet with them can we bring them to our committee meeting on the 5th yeah yeah okay but we need to have tasks ready so who's gonna do Kathy put all that together well who did what who who dealt with them last year it wasn't me but I I like I've I've taken a lot of committee stuff on and I need the committee members to jump in this yeah but do you have like what you made them do last what I have so you can yes I gave Kathy something like that and then she went based off of that and created a task like she finalized a task based on my suggestions okay who's who's GNA invite the uh I can email them to come out I have all their contact information oh there's an updated invoice see if this is good I from last year for the bus he sent it to me on the 12 I didn't know he send it to you and there's the lady she's in there and there the phone numberers there too Mercedes she's the owner that we've been dealing with back and forth and they always asking us what do you need upd when you respond and they will send it to okay see if that what I just sent did did the trip hope to God okay so he knows that this year he's going to send us an invoice just one invoice no problem yes said no problem he'll do it uh so what I was saying is I can send the I can pull up the suggestions from last year but I still need one of the committee members to finalize it what I don't want is the to come here and then they're like what tells love right all right well we got to it has to be somebody El yeah I do it that's thing it has to be like that's your one task and that's it yeah well it's his job he's in charge of need to know what to tell them what to do I gotta go my granddaughter's waiting at the door for me fre food Larry [Music] umite the I can give you I can put together the list of the volunteer names and uh their contact information so the day of you can like you know call them hey where are you if anything um and you did check them in then no but we said no Larry because Larry's running can't be Larry it has to be a designated person so we need you send it out to the committee yeah yeah but that's the thing like okay I'll send to committee hopefully somebody responds promptly and if they do then I I can invite the students to here meting you know don't find Cofe can you put their emails in there in the top we're not talking about money we're talking about work work we're talking about logistics we're allot to do that no because I the problem is that if somebody responds and now opens that now we're into something and I'm the one that c that so I cannot do that but I can send it individually if not that is I can't do that uh so let me put in here I will send the email to committee we can send it to them individually if you want yeah with me no like I can send them in yeah do your communication I will send so it's direct to them [Music] I not and just specific that you're not running if you're going to do this yes okay not be you have any me yeah those were my notes no that's it you had my email you just answered everything cuz I I made it based off yes and I think that's all that we had pending honestly so no wrong the Billy so here's I'm gonna tell you this just in case you they they keep building it to you or here C I'm going to try to take it to um what is I'm going to try take it to finance because it those on Mye but then it says I don't know I've sent them all the information I need I I'm surprised they being like that because they know they they deal with you know with uh government with schools which is just like government you got some of these right you put some in your bag you got new ones in these you bring me some new on I do not missing that I think put my not I think I did yeah no yes okay cool oh and the last thing I wanted to mention to you so polar beverages is going to come back out with a tent and they're going to donate um for up to a thousand people their drinks nice uh and then the invitees for the N so I'm I am still waiting that's what you wanted to ask who we're still waiting in terms of tense response if you happen to know and I don't please let me know and I'll update my trer on people who are going to use their tent area okay yeah I have I know that insurance nation's going to use it um there's yes we'll be using it but do you know if they're bringing out if not no one's been following up with them so I'm just asking you in case you already know fbii I think is going to use a tent FBI told me yes and to give them a tent yes so I already have them down um I have 10 tents reserved and I told the company that I may add or delete based on my final responses but they're on hold definitely no self shopsite no affordables are no on on southeastern they're no so no okay um temp a no they're not no and it's a n from Jim Jamie sign yeah s for 40 is probably coming home oh yeah and caution it yes affable Auto Glass I think there are no yeah there are [Music] no I think they busy I'm gonna wait to see what Noah what responses he get he's missing up checking with you and then you saw that the ER this year because I had reached pregnant baby I feel bad I didn't know what was you can keep track everybody I mean you sent your emails out nobody read her email so we'll keep your mind for yeah for sure and and obviously you guys are coming on right we are coming out oh yes we will be there do you bring your own t or do you want us to no please put a tent okay perfect and then the last thing I wanted to tell you is the people that I reached out to about t about coming out were I invited the Wonder Warrior Project out okay Stephen military family to they were supposed to come out for the the grade United Way Mission United that came out last year and then fishing with America SP and the Girl Scouts so those are the five I invited Warrior United Way Girl Scouts stepen a Cohan military ten let me let me write those down from the minitary what are they again I too Stephen AO and Military clinic and fishing with America SPS that's five I'm waiting to get yeses from them but if there's anybody else who want me to send invites to let me know okay do you have any more on profits if you think of any just let us know that are like little military based veteran based nonprofits the guys that were there last year that were like they give clothes to people and was that them were were that they wer they were some kind of they had army shirts no that was maybe a recruiter who was that group of the old cars out there the old military cars are they invited again I don't know who they are is not of Columbus no there were a group that we had a bunch of jeeps and old military vehicles that parking 5K they were parked out the f I think Bill got them bill got those that was that was a nice touch that added to the Army and your fire truck you're bringing they're coming on your fire truck right you're coming out bring your fire truck put it with my little yeah with your car my little car my little pig mobile it's cute they're littley little together and then we were next like a hum it was so cute bring out what it was military I think haveed than you move to to end the meeting well that's fast do it thank you it wasn't it was 45 minutes wait wait we missed something announcements we got any announcements nope no announcements for journ John