##VIDEO ID:_9JH-J3gtcs## e e e e e e e e e e e order uh neighborhood Improvement committee it's August 21st 2024 the time is 8:35 call R Felicia Salazar Helen present Isabella pres Jus M ju present rudo present you have cor awesome thank you we're going to move on to item number three order of business theer Edition deletions no um no okay all right seeing none we're going to go ahead and move on to number four public comments anyone from the public would like to comment good with me yes go ahead yes yeah hello everyone um there was another pressing matter but we already talked about that was fine um just a reminder school has begun again last Thursday we started again with the battle um we're trying the best we can to expedite traffic uh we even have another two officers at bogram for now to try to get it all to flow um it's just a reminder you know um a lot of people are are complaining about the traffic but you know I guess in the summer they kind of forget that it's gonna come yeah so 15 minutes early anything after 720 be 11 I'll tell you I can comment real quick is what I've seen is a lot of people have forgotten there's been an increase in residents in the area yes and that they what they've forgotten in my opinion is that now it's traffic's more compressed because everybody's rushing to get to school now all together so you have all of a sudden this big battle because I'm telling you like today all Summer Long you know I've been working from home in the morning uh leave a little bit later because it's been horrible in the morning and like even leaving at 10 o'clock throughout the whole entire summer traffic was horrible now 10 o'clock is things are a lot lighter because everybody's moving all together early in the morning right right I think that's where you're seeing a lot of well thank you for all you're doing thank you thanks it's not easy people like me and drivers like me about being honest all right so thank you moving on to item number five approval of minutes the Nic regular meeting uh meeting minutes from uh June 17 I motion to approve one I second [Music] okay any additional discussions no seeing none all in favor say I I I Against I st in present okay the I have it she might have said it I missed it all right moving on uh P St have updates um no most of my updates are related to the business item to the item okay but I I will mention just because it's not there um I guess reminding you guys about the workshop for October and I'll make sure to send you guys the registration link uh they already sent it to me for the rain bar oh awesome okay awesome what what day is it I will sorry sorry my emails are close Okay no wor all right so we're going to go ahead and uh thank you for the update we're going to go to item number seven a wasted beautified under pometto Express R Mr so we've done all our footwork on this side we're on the holding side until they beauy that medor so yeah you guys had agreed to keep this as part of your Dum just so you wouldn't forget about it and and we're just right and that was point just make sure to see if there's anything new that could have come up is there anything so everything still still waiting all we need is a resolution but that won't coming so they could evaluate it after the Medan is done okay all right so pretty messy it's it's it's a process oh the median yeah just right now it looks it looks neglected but the traffic Bo is wrapped so it's all right next item is the um aen Perry your life ring initiative um yes um I know we haven't seen each other in a while so I just want to make sure and I have a copy here if you guys need it and obviously public records so I'm gonna reading this for you sry but I'll passess around um so you guys presented in April to have this um item pass and I just want to make sure you guys are on the same page because I think the contact was also a little confused so just so you guys know night steps here um I know you guys identified the 10 where you would like to see them sponsored so that information has been passed on to the parks department um and they're just checking like where in that area they would Place those um and then I want to read the motion that was passed by Council so we're all aware um council member quo moved the item and directed staff to see if a program can be created for sponsorship opportunities for members of private HOA and residents to sponsor these life brings throughout town in public and private areas and that passed so I just want to be clear because um the contact was under the impression that yes it was approved so we were going to move forward with it however we got Direction yes we can move forward we're allowed to place them but the funding wasn't given hence why it says create sponsorship package pretty much so um I've been in contact with the vendor that does the signs which the lady provided that information so asked them hey I need you to quote me on what it's going to cost to install these and for all the materials and the it so that we can create a sponsorship package based on that cost um so they finally got back to me with a final price last week so I am working on that package and once it's ready I will share with you guys and then we can you know we can go out and try to get sponsors for that um I also will mention that in that discussion with Council uh council member quasa did state that he would like to sponsor one of them at his lake at the lake where he Liv on so um and then the cost in the sponsorship package is just going to be the cost of materials and installation and labor for it because the organization themselves provide the license so that's we're just paying for the rest of and that's where we need to find that funding but we are allowed to move forward once we have the funding secured good question for you um as part of that do we is the sign that they're going to create are we able to maybe do an engrave sign because I think it would be good whoever the sponsor is that we have it noted on each of those posts we can um the signs are yeah we can custom um customize them based on what we asked for so that's fine and the the signs people have already confirmed so the same people putting up the signs would be doing everything okay and the cost is all built in together with organ and it so you guys know what the cost is it's $395 yeah she seemed a little concerned because I guess when she goes to other places they kind of approve and means like they provide fun for it and and that was and to be quite honest with you I'm a little Disturbed on the response and I'm personally GNA make phone calls tomorrow because every municipality has taken on this and and that honestly I'm taking by words for something like this that that we've delayed to sponsorship for this little amount of dollars and the impact that can have in the community um I I typically have a lot of words and I have a lot of things to say and and and and for me to [Music] be I I I'm I'm disappointed I'm very disappointed I I was I was not aware of that motion I thought it was approved we're you know taking a little longer that you know funds were being located I understand either be $5 or $100,000 you know they need to be found somewhere and you know go through the right process but it's embarrassing it is embarrassing that every municipality that this lady has knocked on the door has hasn't hesitated at all to move forward and and expense this and and that we're putting out I'm I'm good I I I will I will make phone calls I I I don't know your guys take on this but we spend I don't even want to go down that path and be one of those residents that say we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on 30 million events and our sidewalks are all damaged I don't want to be individual but read through the lines I I'll leave I'll leave it to you guys but I I'll definitely start making some pH gos tomorrow because this is embarrassing it really is in my personal opinion I'm on board with like a letter from the committee like something that we can all sign on 100% yeah that's some so um who would write it the town attorney Town attorney is that something that uh do we need to figure out language right now or we can just like you motion that you're going to give you know I guess and I can share share with you guys um I mean on my end all I would do is share with the to clerk's office to make sure that goes to the mayor council um but that's related on my and then separately we can obviously like communicate with like right you guys do what you guys are welcome too um but yeah that's my update um you do the letter I can I don't mind okay you have more to say on it well I was gonna tell you just just once you're done you know share it have it bring it back to us and and a Word document and maybe we can R line it and then send it back to you um and then a find one yeah yeah it's if I write that letter probably be a five page it like outlined everything because we really did think that they were funding that yeah the just the minut so you guys I'm happy to share with yeah because I was gonna ask that like what was I don't know if you saw the discussion or what it was what I wasn't um I wasn't there I mean there's recordings of the meeting so you guys are welcome to go through it I know one of I think it was um uh Committee Member he's that went and did the presentation because that's when ni went up yeah so you'll see in there mentions that there was a conversation on it um yeah that was a motion and that was the directions of stuff when is the next uh our next committee presentation for the council yeah I guess I'll make a motion to um have an ni Co write a letter in support um getting funding for the Aiden very very by the Mi yes that they okay any additional comments I think the motion needs to be that we'll have the letter is going to be drafted we we're approving a letter with that concept yeah so that way we don't have to come back and and we'll just revise it so it's not that we have to reapo it because we can't vote outside of right and so that we're approving a letter okay I amend my motion to sa this um to make sure that we don't have to come back um so we'll email it to I I'll email it to I um I can share whatever feedback they give me I can share with you and I guess you can put together final one based on okay I and it'll be a letter requesting you know just okay all right any additional discussion all see none all in favor say I I I against you guys have it thank you legal awareness item at the last meeting we I basically said that I spoken to it to the council make basically I I something really quick to make it part of the if you want to add something to it you want to read it really quick memb of the council requesting on behalf of the neighborhood Improvement committee uh that a fertilizer ordinance be drafted with the assistance of the attorney and we it to the Town Council for their approval and that set for be part of the Miami Zing code and implemented to protect all the lakes and waterways within the to to me yeah so um the what's it called said that um we need a m first okay then the council approves it and then we meet with CA and he drafts the ordinance and then has to be approved by the council only 17 steps before it gets approved right right this is one of 17 that's actually no I think this is like third of 17 so I guess I think the only thing that I I kind of if we're gonna do this I think it would be nice to get specific with um making sure that the town is I don't know auditing or something ordinance we we'll read it and we go over it and this is just the I think for I kind of going into is I think what is it that we need what is the the council's going to need in their memo obviously you know just telling hey look we want this type of ordinates I'm I'm assuming they probably would want more guidance from us in respect to hey look you know these are the key things that we need to make sure this ordinance covers you know fertilizer types what can and can't be used you know I think a little bit more detailed so that's why I don't with the yeah Didn't didn't K already told this is what he was looking for yeah I think need yeah to go to the next step yeah is that so do we have to go to the next Commission meeting or council meeting like what what do we need to do for next app after this is submitted I guess we can either request request the council um or like a request to the council it doesn't have to be in our regular committee what is it we do report to council we can I mean it's going to be I mean it's not going to be done right away I think but the idea is to for them I mean it's better to do it after the election because we're going to have a new Council so if we do it now yeah the old Council would approve it but then the new Council may have some I would think like that change it or whatever but I think the basic is to to have them aware make them aware that we we want to and um we can we can show them the I don't have a copy I look for all over the house but there's there's one for the City of Miami and one for the city of T and they may even add it to the existing so but I think it should be stand along the same way that I think Jorge did one for the three so this should this will be our like protection then it goes into detail of the mans the inspections all this kind of but but that's is one of so you want a motion just so we can I mean I I don't mind sending it out now regardless so we can get the ball ruling if the new Council whoever members come in we not okay with it then we go back to the drawing but I say we don't waste any more time and get that going question you had a motion to send it we real quick on the just right before we do that motion is when would the new how soon after the election do the new council members take my understanding is after okay I they don't the only thing that's on Election at this time is Mayor right because the other two are no there's three yeah there's three people running in that mayor and I don't know what but just so you guys know because I think this pertains to either going back for the aen Perry thing or for the the lak stuff um you guys are scheduled to go to council um for the October 8th meeting so the deadline so that means you guys would bring the report here by September yeah okay that would be part of the initiative yeah so I guess if you want to do it just in one report I would include ficia item on there for next month's meeting than you guys M so in that so in that case then at the next four meeting we can finalize that letter right and then add it to the report okay I'm good with that make sure be a little bit more dramatic in first oh we can be dramatic I would I would make the suu because I think it happens with committees that they go up and they think that you know because they present it kind of just goes um so just to be very clear I would listen to what the reception is right right there and then and just be clear about what you're requesting um and what you would like to emotion I think that that's what that's the key word get with anything thanks like come with the Motions of hair that we're looking for yeah yeah okay if anybody what you were talking about with examples just you know I just looked up on mun code real quick the city of Miami theirs is under Section 22.5 I have a copy just time fertilizer ferer [Music] cont well that's the main article and then they have all little subcategories yes does it say how they enforcement oh yeah but unless you catch somebody red-handed I mean how do you have it is written know okay it's a lengthy it's a lengthy doc I think I read it it's just neighbors was yeah that's there it is Code Enforcement I got one for you you have to leave your name and number not try to make sure I have on IIT don't like what time should we be there for 6 p.m. yeah typically you don't get seen until like 9: but yeah done [Music] that I have it for that's go ahead and yeah just go ahead and motion to submit it to to make oh oh I'm the one Mak motion okay I'd like to make a motion to U prare the memo to councel regarding the you know the orance accordingly but this is so basically is to um motion to prepare a m to the council for this one isn't thiso that's basically the body of the memo got it so you make a motion to send the presented memo memo I certain is it approval consideration well consideration is the right word because they have to approve their ordinance right okay I do know man I'm enjoying how stop you how stop you I'm enjoying every bit of it all right all in favor say I against the eyes have it motion passes uh beautification of remaining electrical boxes you have anything Mario the funding on this was approved um I think I explained to you guys that we were waiting on that so funding for this was approved we all already uh the contract with the artist was already signed so this is in motion um we're just waiting on the dimensions from believe it's the county because they're the county boxes so they have to give us a dimension so the artist can proceed with designing the art this it the same artist right there was a no different that she doesn't feel comfortable doing the Patriotic do a lot ofing so do we know who they order this um I will send you the artist name yeah I'll send you guys the artist name are they going to submit artwork or but already pick they I'm sure they already the artwork is based on the things that were provided person is working on the yeah the artist is the one going based off the theme okay um so we're gonna put in whatever they designed well I'm sure given that it's appropriate and it it meets the blends with environment that's the key I think one is going to be right across the one that we have by the elev church and it has to you know I know it's thetic but I think it should I will tell you I I've seen these things more and more and I mean now I'm seeing like people's pictures on them like portraits of people so yeah they're getting very very I think I like yeah they are they are okay yeah mov on yeah I feel like that out of our control now yeah ways to connect uh with the community so I know that we talked about that and I'll probably go um into the next which the HOA annual meeting uh we talked about it that we were going to come up you know keyot speaker that kind of stuff um you know we basically we need to try to you know engage with them and find out you know what do you guys want us to work on um because I mean honestly if you ask me we're good I mean I drive a r i don't see major issues um me personally I don't have anything written to report come up so it's it's good to way so people maybe that you know you know ask around hey is there anything that may be affecting your neighborhood that necessarily not you live on the West Side may not necessarily be affecting the east side and we should look into it um so I'm open for ideas or suggestion I don't know if we can do some kind of survey that the town consent M you know a thre line kind of thing like you know what should we basically which in your opinion what should we look to improve right I don't want to go into there that the roofs are dirty or you know what can we improve yeah no I I hear what you're saying it's funny like you say that and I'm like lately I've just I've been seeing so much more trash in like my area I'm by um like the Goldman neighborhood okay so like the roads i' I've just been seeing like sidewalks are the worst I've ever seen like since living like in that in that side of town um there's been like a lack of like upkeep I feel um so just yeah it's it's funny that like I'm seeing like the opposite like I'm like where did this come from I've never seen this like growing up in this in this side of town um but I agree um I know the town um sends out like a male survey like a few years ago right I don't know if that had a question on like big issues but maybe it would be good to to that that's a good idea I we did I think we did put something out there yeah will you have access to that um I'll find out I know there was something since out I don't know what it was specific to but I can I gu see if we have the results to share I don't know if it's like too old of data now but I like the idea of a survey right well at least maybe we can have some how can we starting point um we don't even go like I'm sorry I no just I guess to know I know that when it comes to service because other committees have proposed for different things right um I something to be aware of is the pricing like if you really want to get a real um data survey like it's going to cost a lot of money and I think that that's what's stopped it from happening before um so we've like we did one uh recently of events but it doesn't capture everybody you're not going to get it so how much we can at just have I don't know but I know it's expensive I think that that may have been the one that they did in the past thousand so statistically like accurate yeah well that that was out to put out an email if it's notem on social media question and it's like whoever running soci Med just tell us what you those types of things if you're getting you have to be careful with like the social media aspect of it because you're not you're you're you're getting extreme well there's not even extremes is that you're you're not even going to you're not even sure if you're getting even people from the community cuz there's a lot of a lot of people just go post and they'll jump into those things then all of a sudden he just Skuse exactly what you're doing that's one of the one of the challenges with that aspect of I'm not saying not to do the survey right right right no but it makes sense I didn't have an idea that was like 20 you have like Rudy that doesn't have social media and he wouldn't be able to thank you for the reminder I'm sure I'll find somebody that's not going to vote and said put it in there for me no that's the issue that you're not able to reach everybody and if you really want to get an idea you want to reach everybody knows a lot of people just say that's well I think let's let's just get a quote I'm gonna ask the communications team too because strategy how they do yeah because I don't think it has to be statistically accurate or anything but just getting something very general that we could send out to the folks you know if even if it's something like maybe we can even get the Miami lak or to try to run something because they get out the people they do that's put a little QR code in there who can I put as like I guess the person sharing this from you guys just in case there's any questions you can put my with you okay yeah from from town staff no no for the committee questions on that issue that's his I really like theidea in the Laker if we come up with a survey and have people go there I don't care if 10 people respond that's 10 people would be probably be able to DRFT them sometime you know she probably could talk to Rudy and just put put an article together and say hey look you know they're looking for responses and she put it in there have ever thought about do like an oped iner we could not 20,000 no not not bad they just they just give us a section of they just give us a section of the newspaper and they just put that in we love you I think it'd be great later I totally will write a drop and bring it back to that's a great that's a great idea I'll put a little column there and say hey this is what we're doing ni corner corner oh my God yeah okay okay okay done for years ago we had one that was for the environment and was called um something tips about what to do you know don't don't you know don't put gas on your car when it's very hot or you know it's like Earth tips or something like that this if you have that type of idea and I'm sure you sell it to you can I'm sure Linda will be like hey look she'll give us a little column when she'll tell you how many words and we could do talk about all these little initiatives we have and we can just have every single issue or once a month or whenever she wants and can have a little provision we not only that you know what I'm thinking maybe we can switch each month and have a different commit provide their comp because honestly we're not going to have enough to really like you know people to drive and say oh yeah let me go read that little you know corner but I say if you know instead of you know Town comites whatever something along that and every committee because we have a lot of Comm I think every morning every month a different I don't something I think so that way it'll be different information every month and by the time that it's our turn again then we'll have some informar right can you send me Linda's information are there tickets for this I think yeah I got tickets where is what may got um October we were gonna ask you anyone you had what wanted to invite us oh I September 28 so September 28 yeah there's only like 40 tickets left left 40 oh wow from what I talk I don't know how oh if anyone has extra tickets from their sponsorship September like I I just looked I swwa the month and I looked at November I said wait no that's that's that's [Music] kiding yes sep all right so so just Rudy will be that going to contact right in case I have any feedback or any questions to that send them my I sent you the contact information thank you yeah we to L she's she's really nice all right next item yes next item is 7f p honor meeting last we we talked about with table that um you know he no speaker you know what what's uh what do we got what are we GNA what good we know who want we know who we want talk I'm we know who we want we want Ron Miguel I mean that's who I want I know him you come back again I think I think so you know I I think so why not were you here I wasn't he was good he incredible he he ped the house we've never had an attendance okay are there any plann be re SE though so the purpose of this is like the H meetings have not been working for us for the last few years we haven't been getting like like people turn out um so the idea is that we'll have like one big meeting instead of like four smaller meetings to bring in more people and actually like get use for the HOAs um I'm not in an HOA so I don't really know what so get talked about but so I'll tell you so yeah I'm not going to tell about that so I think the one good thing and it did great for us will be legal um definitely I think we should bring legal there's a lot of changes in the statute when it comes to HOAs and condos there a lot going on there with different type of reses that they need to you know uh be generating so I think definitely a legal firm and I know we had one here from the town I came last time and she did awesome so that will be one you know one topic is I think we can definitely tag I would say maybe we said three topics within that meeting so how do you feel about legal legis upate top yeah you could have I think Tom forro was one of the what insurance was it was for was the one who submitted the bill for theas but here's the thing I think it's do we want to we can invite multiple right but us this is more like HOAs but not what's happening with the reserves and the condo Kendall for that will be legal we can definitely have the legal IL legal firm come out I'm talking about from just the legisla legis talk Lego's property insurance that's his big thing um you know but I was just trying to think who did the who did the Bills I can't remember was it Vick's big on Vick's big on that if we want to talk like condos and what's happening oh she's the girl he's the condo Queen yeah um and we should invite her for us is more like HOA governance than the the fraud that happened in Kendall that was a big Bill and then foros like property insurance well definitely we can bring him because that was my next topic it was insurance insurance is definitely driving so why don't we do this we could do a legislative update panel okay invite the craft questions to do the overarching theme and kind of cover those those items legal Insurance yeah we already had the CEO of citizens he was here he was attendent but he was at six o' and and then we had the commissioner of insurance so we have two big big people here that you know represent you invited and it was very interesting actually I'm trying to get updates on the latest because I think citizen is requesting rates Ines and to that so if we do it that way then then instead of bringing it what we could do is at least invite two legal firms right they can come out and they set up a little table we can do the same thing with insurance companies right we can bring them on and that way you know any other questions whatever it is and they can reach out to them what else I think like we need that like exciting Factor so I mean obviously um but hey your is going on but catch any water just hit him with aete one of my friends is on the board of the zoo foundation so he can have that contact but I know they're going to ask is what exactly do we want him to talk yeah so we need to have that narrowly Focus if you tell me that I can reach out to my friend and he he'll we can I'm sure he'll ask ask Ron if okay but he's goingon to the first question he's ask me is like what is it that you want him to talk about because he's not going to go to him and just say they just want show wants to talk what did you talk about animals he talked about like the wildlife that we have here like foxes coyotes whatever um what else do you talk about then people had questions about like their dogs and stuff like peacocks are their communities yeah yeah but um so it was like really educational so it was like more about like that side of thing so like Wildlife um wild local what else anything else enal Miami mini celebrity CA just won I don't know where did she get she should talk more about this area so I don't know she needs a she has a new budget I think that's for talking point now can reach out to to Annabelle which I the other day I can ask her did we ever picked a date I think we did I think no I thought it was like January February she already had her calend Ron was GNA I don't know the last minute say item was tabled like two yeah the reason is because yeah definitely got to look at the notes because we're going to do something like this we got to brew it up I agree we need have time huh and we have time to promote it right that's what I'm saying I we need to know the day because if we're going to buy people of this caliber I'm not going to show up here when when does session startch a little later so yeah maybe we start end of we just got to keep that in mind if we're going to be getting legislators we got to make sure we're g to lose them post election like right after election was your Buzz yeah so one month then I would say after elections like say January January under everybody's January mid January yeah you got to check their SCH no the problem is before the session starts they have communitys I know and I know the dates look and of have to be after all that yeah and after the holidays yeah so worst case scenario February meeting no no January January but she says they start committe meeting at the end of January so you have to have it in those first two two to three weeks of January yeah I would say the third well our meeting is they still haven't sent a memo with the B of the Committees so January 15 just I I know it's stive but Almost sure the house and the Senate are gonna have different committee weeks that's what's thow so let's put let's put ATT tenance of January 15 okay okay which is the same day as we you know let R and that gives us enough T right because um Biggie's up for reelection um I thought you say biggy's M we got him too are there any other local celebrities like all I had excited about all this but no we could we could but the only problem is is you know it has to do also or a i about what having him or no like anyone else can invite well that's around here locally or that people would care to go see speak I feel like we're kind of a disengaged Community we're so like like when you think about like the whole County the county as a whole we're so removed what's one we're removed but the thing is that you just have depends on the topic that you want to talk about that's really what it gets down to and like I didn't have to look into I I've just been to find out who's the one that's on the circuit right now I guess you can talk about that the top yeah depends on the topic right because I think like going kind of crazy like Flor stuff on does a ton of work on like sexual assault so like I know she's running the circuit in Miami for that right environmental stuff as you know what now that you say that uh one Hot Topic is happening is the adoption yeah kids and stuff like that start women's but we're GNA do human traffic yeah she go yeah we just have to get our calendar and just find out okay so we got our three topics plus if Ron can make it wait we have three topics I don't have legal Insurance human legal insurance and human trafficking is that something for the panel I thought that no topic yeah a typ of right right that'll be the closing correct topic is animal I guess ohy all right so we got so we got our dat you want to have a co- panel with kfr I would watch that if it is Ron has to be the one to introduce Ron oh my God normally it's you but okay with that I'm okay with that I have no problem introducing I have no problem having introducing her and have her hold an animal in her hand as she introducing she has to have a picture of that all right good so we got a date and we yes yes sir I have a contact with Department of Agriculture and with the attorney's office that um they both do um talks I had uh lady from the Department supposed to come out and talk to like the elderly Affairs um at uh at one of the Bingos and she spoke a little about like elderly crimes right but they they both have great presentations for who it from the human TR forie that's from the Communications office right she the Communications office yeah send it to a so that way we can uh yeah they more Mur yeah they're both okay good good job guys securing the date for the meeting instead of the meeting it's the yes well typically typically what we do is we'll we'll meet that day a little earlier just probably about 30 minutes before so we'll do um in this case we'll probably do like 6:30 meeting and then 7 p.m. V have to make sure 6:30 to 7 for your meeting 6:30 right and then 7 PM start the video yeah and you let me once you confirm that you let me know and I I'll call the State Attorney last I'll talk to about it the chambers yeah either she'll appear or she'll have someone from her office I'm sorry it's 700 p.m. to what time no Nic meeting 6:30 and then s we don't have an end time yeah seven is a good time stop talking too long I mean we'll do a little timeline ourselves yes so once we have that I can help secure the legislative update and I'm sure we can help to yes yeah yeah while we get to go just get the confirmation from which which should be good because we're way ahead us yay hopefully we'll be able to get like some feedback on like what people want too before then well to be to be quite honest with you that that topic and another another one that I'm gonna make myself a no is who have here research studies companies and engineering firms okay so they can have a table because a lot of the engineering firms are the ones doing the uh SE resarch study so really yeah well and what just structure on we're going to do some landscaping companies too we had talked about that at some point we had talked about like trying to add papers right well that that could be tied with the organ by the fertilizer yes I think I we need attendance we need attendance all right so we're good with that guys so moving on to the next one it's item 7g legal dumping by Northwest 92nd Avenue I know that was Mario did he uh mention anything now no I don't know anything about that one all right let's table that I reached out to him but couldn't get a hold of him um so I'll call him again let's table that item the next one is uh item 7h Green Space near Northwest 87 that's also him well this I mean all I can tell you about this um there was no motions made for from you guys on this um but what you guys just just wanted to know I guess as a starting point is who identify who owns it so the town does maintain that area however it's not our land to develop without requesting it from that so that's I guess your starting point and that's the green space or yeah H Elicia what do you think is that run along your [Music] maybe just as Mar exactly what he wanted kind of he wanted to develop and put something in there we remove well this is I think these are two different oh mini part I think owner was going one you oh you're talking about Green Space okay I mean I'm not sure I I I'm remembering things it was a land that wanted to be donated and uh he he was proposing like U some kind of mini part yeah he was proposing a that was the the confirmation is it's not our land without like we would have to request it from okay you wanna you want to go ahead and just speak to him see how far he got or information that's so put it on I just don't want you guys I don't I feel like the next step would be something else because that is the final information that we email right but what I'm saying is is that a possibility you know where do we go from here I mean I don't want to just is it a possibility to request the land is the question is the next question yeah what to request the L that's the confirmation but I thought it was going to be given to us no private no this is the this is the response from from stop that we do maintain it however it's not our land to develop without okay so question okay and then the question I guess will be if the wants St and got p and wants which I guess is a decision to be made by right mayor C okay do you guys want to maybe add that as part of your sure um yeah your committee reports so reaching out no no they wouldn't because if council's interested I guess they would just have staff with he look into what it would cost or what we need to do to you be able to get back to us on that if they're interested or not so we don't well like the staff isn't going to be T to do that unless it's something Council you wants to you know move forward with they look into okay so then that's what I'm saying I think the best thing is to present the I think the idea is that you wanted to do a pocket par or something okay and I'll send you the last so you have it a little like no just a little no just a little and bring back at the next meeting to so I don't know if it's one the east or the West asking them something theye to work one across the street all right uh next item is eight I thought it new business vote to fill the secretary position would you like to nominate I nominate you accept this aome spech perfect okay you're welcome any other that's it any other any other nominations for secretary no seeing none all in favor say I Against you guys have it welcome back awesome um all right announcements I'm going to add to the next agenda for September the bike rats we're right around that time again so that way we can um start choosing you know I I know we cut it down so three or every other month so we did four okay so probably going to be three yeah because I think we did November and maybe even two the price right it was November no we didn't do November we did December December we did the Christmas one we did December February and April and April you still have it I mean will be December February and April so I'll bring that um if we can get a cost no march to make sure that the costs haven't changed right no I yeah I'll find because that'll really Drive what we can do no yes and then the other announcement is I went ahead and forward um to I and I'll send it to you guys a communication from the town's Clerk and basically is uh four applications uh for our committee I believe is from Ray Garcia right yes U from Ray Garcia so if you can please take a look at them uh just provide your feedback to a uh so she can pass it on to [Music] right Victoria and and that way we can get some new members um you know for our next meeting I know we have somebody you know that came in can but I'm not gonna say anything are we only from the floor only having one number join well that was a question I had for a um you guys have where's seven spots that are open right so you can if you want them that's the most we've ever had yeah open right like open yes that's yep wow and again this is just your feedback because some council members will just go ahead and just a point but they want to get you guys involved in what you think so Ray it's missing one yeah okay keep in mind that there's your friend right more so there's someone there's some um council member Diez is already interested in appointing him okay they were just pending the meeting requirement okay as long as he's interested he's gonna be appointed check but that so then that leaves you with six so let me ask a question so so these individuals they're not necessarily just raised so that me they're not no no it's just so anytime there's an application on file it's forwarded over to the council members that have an opening got it so so they can consider yeah so they can consider whoever they want to consider I think that's what I did but it sounds like uh council member Garcia said okay like I'm ready to appoint some and then they send this these are the ones right these are the ones all on file so what the other ones if you guys want to reach out to the other Cil members hey appoint this that's exactly what that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm going to call you know all the ones that are and just to see hey what's going on you know we're we're yeah have it guys we're hurting all right um and the last announcement I have um I get it guys we are super duper busy I can definitely get on on that race with anyone here I probably won't beat you but I'll give you a r for your money mean that I understand that we're all super busy you know we we working on a lot of things project wedding you know all that good stuff the only thing I I ask please and I've always request that is just reply to the email look we can't make we can't make porn it is what it is I I understand that but all I ask is just that when I does send that request just please make the 30 seconds time just rep say yes or no if we don't have it we don't have it guys again this is volunteer work and I understand we all sit in many committees we're involved with a lot of things um you know including in addition to our personal lives but the only thing that I ask is that so that way you know we don't show up here or then at the last minute you know we're calling people hey can you make it can you not make it that's the only thing I ask other than that look it is what it is if we don't have corn we don't have corn u i i do say it we're not this this is not the Pentagon okay we don't have the run to send the missiles so if if it's an urgent matter or really important one then I will let me know and if we have to have an emergency meeting for any kind we we'll call it out a different but for the most part I mean I've been here long enough and I've never had a need for calling an emergency meeting okay so and the town is very good at if is a pressing matter correct me if I'm wrong I don't move it along yeah so like anything money related or anything that town manager can always make the request for you guys and same goes for any message I guess that needs to be I mean obviously you guys can always reach out to your elected officials individually but if you ever wanted to go through staff um you don't have to wait till the council meeting that you're reporting at you can always give us information for us to pass along good all right does anyone have any other announcements yes all right go okay so um through the citizens crime watch uh we were able to bring a the class is called R and it's it's a rap defense class for women only for women uh 14 years of age and older if they're minors you have to they have to come with their parent uh it's free of charge three-day course uh self-defense rate but it's a it's a self-defense course three days uh 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. it's going to be at Ros Park uh September 3rd 4th and 5th you guys should be receiving if you haven't received already an email from Jonathan or maybe I'll I'll say you I don't know about that but I can send it if you okay I I'll I'll talk to you tomorrow um with all the information you just have to um apply online and and you know set it up we haven't had it here in the North End they've all been down south flager south and everybody says we're great um many have gone several times to the class because it's free self-defense class good question um is it you have to attend all three classes or is it that there's just a class for each day yes it's one course of three I didn't know if it was like it was just given three times in a row okay yeah it's one it's it's and and of course they they tell everybody to please come to three sure sure to get all the benefits no I think it's a great great idea to do it I just hadn't even heard anything about it yeah a week and a half away the uh two weeks away the town should have put something out um a couple weeks ago um through social media I don't know how however they set it up um because I was out for a couple weeks uh but again the emails you guys should get the emails and then if if you know you know anybody or you forward that along um I'm sure there's still space in the class you know what I just thought really quick what do you guys think if we're since we're doing human trafficking um have you know a few officers give some kind of U not training perhaps some examples of just us as parents just basically telling my kids hey if somebody's about to you know grab you like scream stranger run you know maybe there's other tactics other ways of doing things maybe that can be also that they it could be exposed that way you I can tell my kid hey don't just do that because guess what can happen right if you do that they can do this this and this but if you do this other thing then you know the person you know doing the instruction would not be able to overcome something like this I went 8 Hour course uh last month that was amazing brought from our department okay and uh that section has people that that do like smaller you know workshops and stuff okay and I you know they specialize in that so they're they're person CL the department so let I know about those get them yeah get hey sound big I don't know if that program is still active and it ties into the the rap U defense course they used to have like crime watchs and I remember this lady that plan that program she came and it was very good tells you you know I remember you remember that yes was very good do we still have um active there signs that are yellow ior my neighborhood your car keep the distance and take the purse Let It Go your life is more important than the purse things like that depends who you ask yeah trying to pull my first girl to pull know um just an announcement I just want to say is that if you guys hadn't seen over in lock a right on the corner 154 Street and Fairway or and um M Lakes Drive where they put up uh the the town they put up Ballers all around the circle I had you I mentioned that one me about two years ago um and the Miami Laker just did an article on it which was really nice as the town finally did their study and they put a Ballers on that corner oh my God the wall yes it's for the wall but it's s for no I so finally you know that's they they did that they I think it was 18 posts that they put down wow that's a lot they took them yeah when did they do that they did that uh in June yes their their Ballard Post that they they put down they they go deep so that way they can stop the vehicles from going through yeah that's good the curve right yeah there's a bunch they put yeah they put them around the corner well it's a long it's a big corner I presume they have reflective reflective paint right talking about they're green next to no but but they distinguish behind because the wall is cream colored so they stand out when you're going around like I'm telling you I've seen I they put any reflective stickers yeah when you pass right side when the Cur and did he put in his reflective strips no well people are seeing it trust me go just there when you're coming around the tur yeah I can what's what's very sorry the same thing with a wall it's there but they don't see it well they were were there was a lot of them that were grazing it there was a lot of cars that were grazing it because I can tell you this year I saw a lot more marks and you could tell there were like little circles where the wheel ring along the side of it and you would see it there um is it closer to the street or to the sidewalk it's on the it's it's on the grass side but it's on the edge of the the outside edge of the so about 2 3 ft off the the no right along the edge of the sidewalk also Al it's pretty close on the SW good that's [Music] awesome that came and talk about and it's amazing you those things really Stu yeah I saw when they did it they did it deep so well I it's not gonna stop st but no there's another another Corner my that like constantly gets crashed into like by Goldman like I don't know you know the on 87 87 yeah yeah 87th like right before you get to um that new neighborhood like is it at the end making the left yeah when you're making the left the southwest corner yeah constantly get them you got to do what I did and you just continue going to all the councilmen you got to go to the meetings and you got to talk about it during public comments they'll then they'll they'll direct staff start looking into it um you know you got to talk to at least uh one of the council members to be able to take on the initiative to make that motion to direct staff to look at it they'll do traffic studies they'll pull police reports seeing what they can get um having photographs and reports like ours uh when I did the presentation to the council you know I had uh you know the the major accidents that were pretty bad and I had photographs or couple of them that I came on scene um I had the one where I literally saw the rebar that grazed the girl's arm that was inches from her it went through it went through the the the windshield of the vehicle and had Grazer arm and she was just like oh my God the car I was like you understand you almost died this reir would have gone right through your chest had it been a couple more injes and we had the one you know there was the fatality that happened in 2015 at that corner you know so we provided you know the link to the you know the the the news reports that still had that information those aspects and also with all the other minor accidents that go that were the reported accidents and then obviously just showing hey look there continue you can see the crashes into the wall that you know don't even get reported people that just are either not paying attention a lot of them are racing uh and just people just lose control and they just go over that side and you know go through it but you know thankfully they have that there and I think that's how you go about it you have to get those facts you have to be able to present it so that way they can initiate you've been taking that on I remember talking it years ago yeah I appreciate it and I wanted to get kudos over to you know to your department is you know I do see you guys are actively you know I've seen more of the uh the speed enforcement over there on4 because they'll park right in front of uh right in the meeting there and you'll see them and I've seen them pull folks over so I really appreciate that wasn't that about the cops you were complaining the other day all the time's hiding you know like like I have you in the lights flashing and you know so like you get pulled over you're like oh please give me a break like the the car was in the purpose you're not trying to you that was your break you know slow down and still but it's happening a lot at the school I'm at the school and the car's there and like in the morning I no today today I was I was actually you know left my office I I take Fairway Drive with him and I said this guy you just run the how did he go how did he go I was fast I was fast I was oh man that was fast that was not as fast as the guy's going by by by by his Corner slow down there's considerations you guys are putting up speak yeah yeah yeah there's some discuss about it yeah the lprs are are active those are awesome yeah you have any updates on that justly what are you guys single month there's been arrest related to the the cam and then we had like the other day we had people going to Satori and when they were caught they were um they were homicide subjects wow fromard and they were connected to that house where they were CAU and the LPR as soon as they came into the town picked up the car as it having been involved in a in you know robber and and an armed robbery but then the guys that were caught were subjects from a homicide so you know it was a disaster sounds like a rice with mango all right felici what is your announcement they don't live but they need somebody the wrong time yes Felicia announcement yes not announcement I uh I had a question question I know we used to be heavily involved on this we're not anymore get cons to have all commit we had all commit invol in this I don't know that answer you're probably gonna have to go to staff for that remember one day we were're talking about it and then the next everything was already on oh about the culinary yes well that's because last year we had we still have the Committees involved as of last year and we had a lot of members that were confirming restaurants and like they never moved along we had to we cannot publish tickets from the restaurant confirm so as of last year so last year we had meetings and everything and people took on tasks that weren't completed and unfortunately when it's a big ticket we need to make sure that's compl so the commit driving that's way to do it I the staff was just more efficient more efficient it all right uh make sure it get your tickets don't forget about the conary B grade and any other announcements no all right so I motion to adjourn the meeting 9:46 p.m. is there a second second