##VIDEO ID:cxnjcpjlUTs## you know you also three there's going to be F we're moving 13 that 2:30 I'll give you that for 4:00 in the afternoon but not in the middle of oh okay all right call the meeting reporter it's 704 call R Nancy Rogers here Donnie [Music] perz George here andrees here and Darwin Lopez wait a minute SK hold on leis Lopez darwi here [Music] we have one for the record okay um order of buisiness referrals additions deletions I think we have to add the issue of the um Church no the U Heroes parade motion to add oh bringing it motion to add the issue of the heroes parade to discuss participating or not second I'll second motion okay hold on so that would be line item be yeah it would be we we so um I also make a motion thank you hold on let me write the first motion though sorry one motion and do it all just okay so and then whatever item yes whatever you're going to add okay we have to add uh the review of the minutes or well how about this the adoption of the minutes is on the agenda but we are discussing two minutes we're discussing the minutes from our last meeting and the meeting before that because that was conferred I don't know why it's not part of your agenda though why it's not part of which agenda it's not part of your agenda the attach the attachment of the action I guess it was just missed on so Carlos your motion is to ad the previous two minutes the previous minutes to the last two Mee yes do you guys want to add that because there's no minutes oh yeah we can't it yeah we can't review it all right so then we had to defer both minutes so now we're going to defer three minutes three three meetings minutes yeah we got to defer under under item three your deferrals are three minutes correct you have the dates um it's actually two minutes because two and this one well you're right apologize so yes the last two the last two uh meetings that we have we have those have to be deferred under order I'm sorry if this is any change to the agenda what it means okay adoption of minutes we just ad yeah I have the dates n um August 27th and July 23rd August 27th and July what 23d yeah those are the two that have to be only add to agenda uh we also um I'm sorry this is the 10 okay you can go on the public comments no no we're still on edits to theed I'm sorry we're still under order of business okay um yes sir I think under order of bsiness business we need to add here um any miscellaneous uh voting for the budget um because here we we talk about in in Old business we talk about the correct thing we talk about challenge coins we talk about committee Polo update we talk about PSAs okay um but we also don't bring up um there some conversation about flashlights you know that we got a quote on that's new business to discuss if we're going to go through with that so there's a new business you'd like to add yes so the flashlights the flashlights y sorry I started to WR now the still and what's add c8c on your new business it's adding Heroes parade adding flashlights and the deletion would be adoption of minutes yes and then uh item e is going to be challenge points reorder okay wait I'm wait a minute I got challenge coins yeah the it's old business challenge coins update delivery distribution it doesn't talk about reorder unless well that's part of the update we decided because we we spoke last meeting Sayre minutes for appr minutes we're deferring the minutes from July 23rd 24 and August 27 that's a deferment okay August in July 23 and then new business uh George wanted to add the heroes parade participation that's 8 C and then there's D which is flashlights okay 8 I got it all here with that that oh you should save it okay let me just it down just need the moment minutes that's fine give me a second sry and then 8D is flashlights right yes has anybody complained about my and the pudles in yeah they did a really happy job on that bu let me justatee let me just restate the motion so we're clear I have uh motion by Carlos second in by Darwin voting on Heroes parade participation and the deferral of the minutes for July 23rd and August 27th and then I have eight SE Heroes parade participation voting and then D flashlights yeah and you mean the motion way for well yeah your motion was orig and I have to type I'm going need who did what but not now no he's doing the minutes that's right he's doing the minutes yeah so we just the chair can't do both all right so now we have to vote on that I'll just vote that you guys are okay with this yeah yes all in favor okay okay those check those those additions what ands yes so now we're on to public comments this is where going to have this gentleman introduce himself on mind go ahead so good evening to all I come into to this committee by mayor Sid um Mr Daren I think he spoke to m s about me to come in um I'm already in the special needs Advisory Board committee um with officer Amador um so yeah that's me introducing myself then I wanted to mention to you and I guess to the committee because I have the official roster here um officially as of right now I only have there only shows one opening on the committee and that appointment is from council member Garcia so if somebody's going to appoint it has to be council member Garcia uh mayor Sid has an appointment currently and it's D toward us council member gets one so if you guys want to talk to council member Garcia if you'd like to um I think that's the person to be yeah that was It was kind of weird because I think When I Was Here U right after the veterans um no I'm sorry the 9911 and then the mayor just went ahead and put me on on the committee so I'll have to talk to Joseph about it yeah have him talk he'll know he'll know more of having you attend to see if you yeah ex it's something that you would interested in yeah um but if you guys want to talk directly to the council member that can help point it would be council member Gracia for this open appointment we currently have one you do have one appointment one because you guys have six people people sitting in the committee you for and Johnny and Le all right who's who's the open the absent council member Garcia is the one that has an open appointment who left the committee Omar Omar okay that was the one I Wasing talking about it last month he had to [Music] do okay and your name sir it's g a an b a r l o last name Rodriguez Rodriguez Pronounce John Carlo Jean Carlo yeah Jean Carlo okay I'll let the town clerk's office knows any know anyways because in case the council member wants to appoint they always want to know if somebody attended to me so I'll just for the record state that you already attended and I'll just talk Joseph tomor on the comments yeah you can yeah are we all caught up now one second any more special presentations be good well yeah yes yes no I okay you can you're good Nancy I'm good okay all right Officer Amador the bike Roo yes so everything is moving along just fine um it's going to be here at the the Overflow on Main Street uh we hope to have a nice big turnout um especially because we have the farmers market right next door so the complain in the past has been that there's no food and people they come by and yeah they have a good time but then they leave because there's no nobody holding them in so now with the food they can walk back to there they can walk back and you know see the presentation of the the the bike uh tricksters so everything's looking good um if again uh a table with you know other the public committee stuff would be great who's hosting that event it's our I mean it's the town's event but really it's almost like a police thing because it's a rodeo safety and safety dat so there a lot of the our equipment out there okay and the date September 28th that's the same um wow that's the May dat as the mayor's about 8:10 to 1:30 thinking about it to 1:30 to 1:30 oh so it's through to day yeah yeah early in the morning oh okay that's and there won't be a bike ride like last year just we want to focus more on the the event all right I um have usually helped out with that if I remember correctly yes we do a tap and so I I have a large Banner we could get a tent and a table then I can hang the banner on the back part of the tent we don't have tents but we can have table have them anymore we don't have any tents there's never been tent in the time I've been here the tents we use are always borrowed or rented rented yeah because last time when we did it at that University over there by um business part yeah that's the only one we did it we had a canvas and we were able to tie the the thing in the back so somebody lend it to us or we rented it or something happened we did have one the Farmers Market has has let us far a littleit for I or some one of the Committees I'm going to I don't know if this is an appropriate place to put it but you know we we do have some money and we do have a lot of events that I especially try to go to and pour in on and whatever um think about it and then vote on it next month maybe or whatever I also got to add it to the agenda now but I'm thinking that tent comes in handy they must Florida it's hot and we can hang that large Banner if we had our own tent so um we can talk about it tonight put it on the agenda or maybe we should put it on the agenda so you maybe somebody can come with a quote because it's getting towards the end of the year and we got we need to spend that money okay do we hear uh I'll make a motion to add eight 8 e the 10 or the whatever is called yeah who second it I'll second it TR see if there's some place to put it yes ad ad e yeah e down the bottom a a a flash e e but I want to make sure we don't lose out though I know a lot of fun things to report okay well we're g to go we have to vote on the motion can we just tag it up okay vote on the motion who made the motion I made a motion second motion you second we need to vote all in favor I okay so okay off just finish the mic yeah we're we interrupt you yeah no no that was it basically um we have everything set up um um by 305 unfortunately they're not going to be able to attend I just got confirmation today so we're looking at how we're going to do the the helmet fittings but have that resolved by that and that event is I mean do you when you say you have your equipment out there what exactly you guys bring out it's the helicopter which that's like the main thing that everybody wants to see you know uh the helicopter we're going to have um the mount Patrol so we're going to have the horses we're going to have the um comfort dogs a and a bunch of our specialty Vehicles okay um that are wrapped in in certain things and Northwest is going to bring out their command bus and they're going to bring the ATVs this is like a almost like a national line up during the day it it's like what we have talked about kind of for a national R out um basically that how's the been in years past we had well the it's been going on for 20 years oh wow so there's been ups and downs when it was here many many months ago the attendance was extremely well over here at at the same place where we're going to have it now where you going to have it behind the ill house that parking lot no it's uh like the behind of the hotel right that basically behind one the ends like where the farmers market is okay it's towards Main Street not towards the gym right uh actually let's say you're going from corner from S 4 40 on to 67 okay so and like Clos towards your right is the back of the hotel it's an overflow parking lot where car park that are there Flyers fire comes out Corrections is going to come out they're going to do the fingerprinting for the kids uh there's a flyer yes they table now front they're I don't know I know that the town put on websites there's one right there all right let me see there you go that's it we'll start putting it in you know we'll start circulating in social media to help you guys out awesome next year let's figure out how we can even do it together as a part should figure out how we can help you out Comm in that part is really what helps is the I have always attended those with a table Yeah and the whole bit so you know whether safety gets the table or not I'm there to help so if we're going to vote on having a table and then we get a few of you to uh you know put in some hours we can do it that way officially or I just show up like I usually do and they Park me somewhere but I think Public Safety should show our faces we've been doing this so long one year remember we had those huge boxes with helmets bike helmets that we gave away so we've we've always been present if if you want us to have a table and your guys for whomever you show us how to do the the bike helmet no I don't think we want to get involved in that it's not for us to do you can help with like the paperwork and stuff like that for the actual cting they saying do they have to sign in tell you what we'll have a mini conversation let's don't ey upbody we just have all the stuff that we give out is always at the table and the little kids where their parents come and get the stickers the prayon the coloring bols yeah the helmet so worry we'll figure out how I touch Facebook might send somebody over for that so we'll figure out how to do that hel so I how do we get uh two chairs and a table and a 10 well that's a coordination of Youth activities task force um I'm happy to write to the leum to make the request I don't know if they already have somebody coming out with tables if they are then it's an easy app but I can't speak for them okay can so can you ask them on behalf of the public safety commit yes I'm and then get back to uh send an email to all of us then those who get the email can decide if they want to participate or not and then call me okay anything else where are we are we doing the stats is it I mean it hasn't been so long since our last meeting so something the stats are probably the same right I have I I I was looking through them I think maybe auto theft we might have gone up from that I don't remember exactly what they were but I know that homicide is the same we had four last year we have zero today thank God for the robberies we might have one more robbery but three and three we're at the same three we had last year three we're at three this year um Auto thefts we're up by three we're at 66 we were at 63 last year uh commercial burglaries um we're down we had eight we're down we're at four that's good um and residential we were at 9 we're down six which that's historically that shouldn't be it should be hired yeah because after Co everybody started going back to to to work so that's great that we're having that those numbers on on that end yeah and and now um to the chair what I was talking to officer Amador about was the Bob gr traffic has been a major issue and officer Amador is actually that's his school where he's at and I know they just currently or two days ago they had a yesterday I'm sorry they had a meeting with uh the school board and also with uh I guess the homeowners association or um you know some concerned residents right they were concerned residents but not specifically Homeowner Association Personnel um but it was downtown us a Schoolboard police by downtown I mean the the second in command of of of their um of their area um it was a traffic concern specifically on 7 we we kind of debunked some things out that were talked about that they weren't too in tuned with and we explained really what it is so that they could understand more of why things are done a certain way we talked a bunch about things that cannot be done internally in the school because a lot of there's a lot of talk of oh um I'll give examples so that we can have it on the record um the field in the middle what if we add parking what if we change what nothing can be done in the field because the drainage project for Bob Graham is that the school is self-contained any rain goes to the field okay right so that way it doesn't go to Royals so you can add anything in that field and that's a big one because a lot of people always say oh can we add more um you know area actual solid you can't and then you can't put the cars there because they're going to sink into the that makes sense into the area right um another thing I was talking about was on the North and um having the cars come in and line up on the sides which makes sense a great idea too but the problem is and we saw it this morning as as the cars were coming in uh the parents aren't paying attention so when you have that line on the left and the kids are crossing over now they have to cross in front of cars that are passing and I tell you I think that would have been a great fix but for the safety of the kids it's not a great fix because the parents somebody's going to get run over they're not going to pay attention can you have the kids cross over like at an end or something I mean I'm not familiar with the layout but I mean instead of Crossing everybody between cars like walk to the end and have somebody at the end stop the traffic and have them go over or theoretically yes but then you would have to put them at the ends and you have it's a whole block of cars and and you would still have to walk them in front of other cars to get them to the car so theoretically but it would it would be very complicated to to be able to get yeah I'm not familiar with the layout but that's the first thing that came it's a long stretch and you can fit three cars so the thought was let's have cars here and let's have cars here and then in the middle whenever the kids go into the cars they go out excellent idea but the problem is crossing them over to this side because these cars that are passing by today we had a truck uh saying bye to this kid and he ran over the cones like this could have been two kids so that that happens and it happens more than but but in this case when you have last year you have okay so you have spaces for three cars yeah three cars could technically at 245 they would open up you would have two lanes open up and the free flow was the last Lane right right right right they're they're bunching up to the to the side to the right so these so my question has always been why is it that Miami day County doesn't allow the school to open up the gates at 2:30 and just have them lined up they were saying that there has to be a time frame where there're they can open the gates but there has to be a time for where people can't be in the school grounds and it doesn't uh the 2:45 or I'm sorry 255 opening the gate is the smallest amount that they can have of people actually being in the school while they're still teaching inside because the earlier they open up they're still teaching while having the parents in the school physically all the cars physically being in the school and they can't have that through whatever they have yeah a lot of it is from from downtown it's not really the school because the princip's also trying to like oh how about this how about that and it's always no there's a rule for this there's a rule for that they were talking about the the um the school buses right there's 16 school buses that are are coming through very sporadic so why don't we have cars lined up there because the school buses have to go through you know so like everything everything has kind of been as as uh as efficient as it can be after like kind of realizing well there's not much more that that we can do you know so what does Schoolboard people what do they say and no we can't do that no we can't do that with youve created the problem with all these rules how are you going to fix it why should it be a police issue we had they're making all the rules we had very small problems when the cars were allowed to park on the swim there signs that say no parking that work someone came up and said all these cars can't be here because they're signs so all the cars were taken out of the swe can you go steal the sign so now all the cars are everywhere that's what's happening they're everywhere they're all there's fights breaking up because the parents are are you guys don't enforce no parking on this well do you on that in that yeah the thing would be take this who put the signs up or put at time no parking on the soil from this time to that you know that's what's there now it's between it's the school uh Engish and and Engish the school had the signs put up I don't know where they so then who's enforcing it you know what I'm saying like like who's pushing enforement if you guys know it's impossible to enforce and it's dangerous to enforced or whatever somebody's got to speak up to the school board and say you got to it will be the town and and the Command Staff of of the of the police department because then they would be okay so if we're not we're going to enforce them but if they're not there then we don't have to enforce them so take them out that would be take them what's the purpose of them parking on the swell during that time and then afterwards you can park the swell is still going to get messed up you're still going to be able to park there whatever so why is it just during that period who owns the Swale area who owns that land put in cement and let the cars parallel park or dump some other thing so you're not going on the grass there's nothing there's no muddy grass that has to keep being fixed and that would that would that was the small issue before and one car or two cars would be parked on the on the sidewalk they would go too far and then it we would deal with like one car two cars not a thousand cars that are because not a th cars are showing up before the gate but there's a ton of cars that are showing up and they're all over the place when they in front of people's houses and now mov my my poor motherin-law feel every day you know and it it's rough and I did it one day because I and it was nuts and Vias is like he's losing his mind it's the parents getting nuts even the administrators can you know are having a hard time because the parents literally lose their stuff because it's bad because you have some parent that's there for 45 minutes waiting and then someone just comes and just butts everybody up and then it just becomes chaos how much effort has the specific school and principles and whatever put into having let's say all the parents have a a thing in the auditorium let's say have they done it any of that to like we're discussing it I don't even know where the school is yesterday yesterday there was a meeting yesterday how many people attended no they couldn't because they're they're working or something but they had to go to work there could if see I would say the town would have to like come up with a forum an open Forum so everybody can speak because what happens is like we had um the people that were talking about their current situation which is past the guard gate they're having cars in front of the house which we will take care of that right that's going to be taken care of but the main complaint is not that the main complaint is why can't we park on the r like we did before yeah because that was a compl that's the main complaint that we get so two two things that I see happening a do something about that grass and B have the town it's a town issue have it the mayor whomever has some thing over here yeah so everybody can voice their opinion what I tell everybody is don't come to me and complain to me because I understand your complaint and let me tell you 99% of them are valid but there's nothing I can do about it come to a council meeting and speak the council and way somebody about it can on that side but have the town representative School Board represented and the police as well and and have this discussion this is not for us to do right now it needs to be taken care of but it's not just a public safety issue because there's more groups involved and as a Public Safety Committee I think perhaps we should come up with some kind of request through with the town and the school board or whoever the parents I don't get how we do it but just we seven people we six people here talking about it isn't going to get us anywhere it needs to be done so so in other words what end up happening with that meeting is they said listen that idea with the free flow in the middle ain't going to work right so in other words there was no Solutions really had to get them get okay so this is what we're going to do Hey sir see you so let's do this I'm going to make a motion that we bring this up next next committee meeting we talk about it as new business and then we're going to see how we can work with the town and in in helping out this issue you know I mean they're already talking about it but I think it should be a public safety responsibility again to a certain extent like that's what I keep saying let's get rid of all this other stuff we need talk about real problem this is a real problem we don't need a motion for she'll just put on the that's it next meeting we're gonna hand it okay not handle it okay excellent all right I think I think we're good there which school is this this is Bob Graham Education Center okay all right we're good there let's just add that to next month's agenda yeah we talking about it for sure we we're going to be getting invol in especially me okay just so you know all schools have issues let me tell you my elementary PS comments record show that Lewis has arrived uh police department is that everything Bell [Music] abent okay old business police of fire appreciation food delivery got more what else did you guys through let me say one thing before anything else everybody's very appreciative everybody like wow is amazing now my suggestion is because this was the first time that we received separate actual box box lunches normally it's it's a big um container tray of whatever they calculate would be able to get to and I think I just assume that is probably cheaper only because they have to charge more for separating everything one by one I think they surprised to see it myself yeah I did not I did not request that individually oh God it I said 100 people and the 100 people are going separated in this format oh the vendor probably just assumed because when we use them for elderly Affairs they individual so he probably saw town and was like okay I'll talk toino for next you next time yeah because we we can just like we always gra you little bit some people we more some people less though no I agree you know and it all balances out was it good it was good wowa Cafe yes okay so we like the vendor but we want to talk about just not separation individual portions keep that in mind okay excellent um award that where we're at here 7 yeah at Town Hall yes you were here we were here yes you were here oh yeah we were here we were here no it was it was it was good I mean uh U fire couldn't show up unfortunately but she got her plaque right and uh well she will be getting her plaque she comes back on the 22nd of for her good for her um uh speaking of that that's actually um under under new business um I got a quote for individual 5x7 plaques for each member of that unit uh to vote on so we can talk about that with new business but yes it was a good event and um uh you know police was very appreciative I I prefer that we we keep it with the where it's at the 911 ceremony Kudos and and and you bring that up now because okay um the plaqu rather I got ITA ceremony I got it right here okay so um these I printed in both Pages here this is for individuals the smaller for individual yeah yeah yeah I'll have to ask the committee to uh pay back my printer and paper Okay okay so when you you me and I I know but I'm Ain so you're we only need eight need eight that's all there's eight people I believe in that in the police group right yes so there's eight people okay these are two Poes that I got obviously the one in the back is a lot larger by the way uh Lewis this is for the police unit because they it was a unit that got one block so this is to give each individual person in that unit their own 5 by seven PL yeah that's fair okay we'll beat up uh Sergeant uh Soto next year and going get to you so I didn't have that much power may all right how come um did you happen to catch on why the the diff there's such a big difference in the two prices you know I I didn't ask the question why I'm I'm starting to realize there's certain vendors that are really good for certain things and maybe just trophy land is maybe just very good at plaques I don't know or they sell more stuff and they can the cheaper who did well no they they all right but so I put it in oh I get CU he's using a different material uh yeah Drew is using a different material I think he sent me something let v v yeah Custom Design this this is Drew yeah a larger amount okay yeah he's double but he's using this right here you see he's using like a like a silver black thing like it's like metal kind of is the trophy Land one like the let's do okay I I'll give you my opinion no absolutely this open form about this topic then I think we should stick with the wooden ones traditional the traditional wooden ones because I've seen the smaller ones and they're still very very nice and I think if the other one is so different than the ones we've been using somebody's going we get one of those you know right and plus we have other stuff we want to do so we need money absolutely sorry we there's other stuff that we want to do so we need money yeah yes so now keep in mind guys to keep it simple I trophy land the same aplex because in my mind I was I said this is confusing if we say okay this Proclamation is for this unit this is person down here I thought it was kind of misleading but there might be other committee members that think otherwise just want to at the very beginning of what you said you go you're going with what eight plaques with the unit all saintly people get the same plaque with their all the names on there with all the names on correct but if you wanted to go and say oh no I'm going to give a plaque say unit and then the individual person I thought that was confusing and that's why I didn't do it individually it's all the same yeah no I the duplicate of the big one of the main one yes I agree okay okay have we had enough discussion I make a motion to approve trophy l for for $17.60 okay and the style that okay done a still on 7B right or you you're still on 7B or you're jumping to we're not jumping to new business this is this is this is 7B because she wants to throw it in together not to separate it I was going to put as a new business she said let's just talk about it okay so uh eight plaques for $172 yes this is Walnut finish plaque with full color plate 7 b a miniature of the of the actual one that was G so who did the second now we're having discussion all right second so now we're having the discussion which is we all agree that we'd like the wooden plaque just a smaller version of the original yeah I think we had discussion this is now a vot a motion well I'm repeting it oh Sor sorry sorry yes yes yes yes yes I AP keep it in order okay so uh your motion you made the motion I made the motion is approve trophy land to approve trophy land with the wooden fla with the whole all the names on that your yes ma' okay you got that George yeah I'm just putting eight individual boxs I'm not going to go into detail of the uh for Darwin second all right all in favor I I okay motion pass all right we're off to uh 7 SE is the the no that's eight that's Jo yeah I'm sorry what please uh 7 ceremony Kos well we kind of did it we can't brag on now how did everybody feel about that I thought we had a great turnout uh I was happy to see a lot of people from El Affairs came that's my other committee so I'm glad that they uh were told about it and came out I was very happy enjoyed it I was very happy the way it turned out it's funny because I I reached out to the colonel after the event and he was like you know that microphone you were using was hard to hear from and that's why you had to get so close to it because I guess it's that's like a karaoke one or something I guess but I think it depends on cuz some you're for some reason I feel like you without a microphone is better than with the microphone I think so your voice the way you project but then like Nancy on the microphone was better on the microphone than her talking yeah I don't know I guess it depends how like far or how you project your no I I was very happy with it I mean uh you know I thought that we all did a really good job and you got to consider you know we really had about about a month to prepare for it a little a little over a month you know and uh the vendors came through we had B's big house we have bigy Bakery we had Elevate Church which is a huge first a huge church year in Miami Lakes he was more than happy to come thank you to officer Amadore um for me it was a test run because I said if we can be successful at this this is just the starting point for future events who ordered the um flower arrangement that was the veterans commit the veterans the veterans or okay so we don't really know what that cost that was beautiful how much 200 200 and uh later on either that day or the next day I saw that it was uh at Town Hall it's still there it's still there other flowers I mean it was really really beautiful and lasted a while so thank you whoever ordered that anything else on that I I like the venue I think this is a good venue actually for that I think just by default you're going to have people unless it's on weekend obviously and even then I think we should have more people until the weekend central location yeah and it's early enough where the sun is not baking you the whole time because so I think we just yeah build off of that most of the chairs were taken up too if I remember correctly we didn't have a lot of empty chairs and I think with more um hope about it and whatever next year we could really do out or a week day you know week day people working all that that was early in the morning a lot of people couldn't make it because it was traic again yeah yeah and a lot of people just coming out of the apartments and watching and whatever you know coming over was well done yeah yes yeah Okie do um 7D 7 d challenge coins update what's going on with those who's working on that oh we definitely need more so they were all so the initial bats I actually where did you scr up the initial bat from I I always have my stash so I had a stash from from last year so um just between fire both States all three shifts and to L District just at that it is 100 that's not even counting us getting so um Lewis took like 20 you know coins so I had to replace what he took I'm kidding you know we so I think I think uh I think 200 from this point on but just so we're clear the back that you guys already ordered and received it's been distributed according already yeah yes we have none left we have enough for one for each member yeah L took two I took one already so whoever's left right you know so I but we will um the hope is for us to order at least 100 so from this point on I would say definitely 200 so but but for now just order an extra another 100 yes ma'am and in the future 200 right that's fine by me somebody can make a motion to so here on what we're voting on okay I'll make a motion to order additional 100 coins or whatever you call them coin challenge coins um a reorder right reord yes well just to make sure guys I have the code in front of me and I have the code in front of me for 50 when I was communicating with Drew he said that if we go up to 100 we get the save money there you go so if we go right now it's $760 of coin and I'm trying to understand what he was telling me about what happen to we over 100 hold up should be less so he says have the mold already yeah because usually they got to pay the indust are you going to Second it yeah nobody second it okay yeah so pretty much he saying I would have to update the Go Guys but he's saying that it will go down approximately a dollar so right now you're looking at 420 or 50 but I want to say if we go up to 100 it's like $6 something so well you guys had done 100 the first time right but I I thought we were say I we have something to go off if you guys ordered 100 the only thing it would be less than this invoice because there was a one time mold yeah set so if you looking what is the uh price per coin there so it was 636 per coin okay so then in that case the C that I'm going to pass out to everybody changes because it ends up being 636 okay why don't you pass that out number we can make the change on it okay but but keep in mind guys I just want to throw it out there to State the obvious this is thing we're discussing with uh the police department there is a sheriff January 1 we will no longer be a police department it'll be a sheriff's off off off what date January 1st January but that'll go for next year right but I'm saying if you're going to order 100 coins we got to get rid of them property people always the good thing about this is this is going to be like the last raw okay and then you got new ones later this is collect and people always collect them even though there might be a change on the year reporters what are they saying on them now for coins it says Mi please oh it says it well it's not Miami Lakes police in the first place you know what I'm saying Miami date so it's in of sheriff it's in a change of sheriff January 1st it's going to say town of Miami dat you know what I'm saying how much of this is going to be changed the bad will probably what about the fire no we're not changing so you got town of Miami Lakes than Public Safety Committee and then on the red part you've got just fire department safety and rescue but next year's a New Year anyway Nancy it really doesn't matter all right so I'm just trying to just to help you guys make that motion you might have to edit um again the old invoice that was for 100 and it was the first time was $841 thank you you take away the 165 set of fee that's $676 that you should be pretty good account right okay so I'm going to just add the the amount to it 676 even 676 should be yours I'm trying to figure out what's going to change on this from just the police side that would come out a future future this is what they're proposing to still going to be town of Miami L Public Safety Committee the small part that has to be changed on the police side with that badge it's the badge says Miami D police so it might be Miami Dade Sheriff's Office be so what can't it just say Miami D police no because the police has still approved that change anyway matter I I see where where so you guys very small part if Rosie went you already know I would add um in the future just to add the date on them because this was nice to have when they yeah the year that year issued issued yeah would the year fit under to pay a set fee well the bad is going to be changed so we don't know if you if we can fit whatever you're going to say now might not be there next year we save something bucks well also it wouldn't make sense to change in mid year when you guys have already been going with that design who can see all right I got an idea right well hold on links say 20 two here 25 excuse me yeah Gap got two Z on the police on the police side yeah you can go on the police side side where the badge is it says Miami day police whatever they're going to change to can't we stick with miam day police however around the seal it this is where I want you to read it for me I see Miami Dave County and then the rest you're going to have to read tiny In God We Trust is what it say but Nancy might Florida in God we Trum it might not be police next year it's going to be Sheriff it might be I see where the change is going to be well now that I hear it rather I hear where it's going to be so and these are just could be shared yes and these are just for the rest of this year and to some degree they're both this one especially will be more valuable it's the last because they are the left maybe we ought to order how many of these have we got left none right just enough for one for each member we're adding we're going to add 100 so we should be good we should be good n of these yes that's what I'm saying they're G to be obsolete so to speak so these are your are a bigger collector item over the new one I have now that we're discussing this and I it's steering in the right direction are we able to sell these at an event to generate money for the um for the committee I think you guys would have to go back to council for that because the idea is that they're giving you a budget for that c we can always more but you see what I'm saying like like maybe 911 and I and I don't know I'm just saying maybe for us to make raise money to donate to something to a cause something that goes back to yeah you definitely have to go to council because when it comes to donating you guys don't have the authority to donate the other thing you guys would have to go to councel request that approval like hey we want to take this money or fund raise and give it and then get their approval and then that's it and if we get money they might give us less for the budget the other thing too is that for 911 um I don't know it might be something that feels weird right making money off of that well yeah it's icky that's the only word I can use it's like iy some people are going to have a lot of people came from New York and New Jersey that were all Ed you know and then then it's not going to be one they want to save and it's not a great event to have saved in the first place I would just assume uh vote on ordering a specific number right now yeah we did we did we did we just need to see make sure the motion pass what was the the number 100 100 I say 100 more we had a 100 to start okay I think so we have to vote on it just see the right I make a motion no there's a motion the motion made already to the motion is order 100 additional coins for a total cost additional cost of $676 second favor did everybody vote Yes right yeah I okay uh you're off to 7 committee shs slowly committee poll insurance update okay I ordered this for me no just [Laughter] kidding this is for lisis but unfortunately I'm just kidding um the vendor what I Cent her the uh neighborhood improvement's committee uh invoice I was pay for their Polo the first page misrepresented where the PCH was on the actual invoice it said that it was here she scroll to the second page the second page has it the way Nancy is worried so this go to the aisle I think we should follow the branding guide of the p right I would agree which is going to cost more money I mean I'll figure if I have to if I don't know I can always pay whatever difference is and I go back to the committee so you guys can reimburse me um but I guess my question to you is something very Petty but I'll ask you anyways in the neighborhood improvements PDF that you sent me they have your seal on the left arm but we have it on the right arm is that okay there's no problem that right who has it on the left neighborhood the what she sent me from neighborhood and from yeah I'll double check um if there what is the correct way usually all the Committees should be the same okay um so I'll double check what's best and you know okay is the idea that she's going to fix those Stu because that's already that order was placed that's a problem it was already placed already yeah I feel extremely guilty about it you know so I was just like I mean I don't know I mean I I was going back and forth because I was saying to myself do we all need new polos I mean can we just figure the one out I mean iay back does it as a a group as a group just to get one order like rather than it's usually more expensive when you only do one shirt okay so I'll go back to her for the for the right branding and ask her what the price is the other thing is too is that I think what's very important because actually Nancy brought this up she goes wow this is a very thin material you know so I was hanging out with Darwin Dar really like built and stuff and all his fire buddies are all built too and I was wearing mine I looked little overweight it being so thin um so I'll have to see how much it is for a you guys want to place a new order now or I want you to see as a female this shirt is a ladies medium it looks more like a small to me just so you know that if this is going to be well then now you guys know how this way don't order a lady's shirt for me no all my Shir that shirt it looks yeah shirt my shirts are men's shirts yeah look at all that I don't really care I'd like to have chair on it but if we can't do that we can't do that cuz that's one shirt that's a paint in the neck but the bottom line is I thought the town was a bit particular about this being on the right side now that other group has it on the left yeah let me know I'll double check but I know that definitely that's not correct okay so that's the logo okay so 7 e is gonna be the first now I don't like the the how the letters are printed if they're going do that and you know it's one if that's the case I would suggest because if not this is just going to you know like you're going to be meetings before you get it done is you guys if you guys don't like the font if you don't like how certain things look maybe you should bring examples of what it is that you do want it to look like I think you should brought me an example right there maybe maybe n if you don't mind I'm gonna take that PO with me and I'll give it to a does have her send the proof to me I will I'll have Jonathan just double check but we'll check against what other committees yes yeah you have to see what the the if it's a pain in the neck for one shirt to get chair printed don't worry about it no no you guys know who I am the big mouth but he need maybe he should take that so he they know how how it is yeah it's okay D leave it there okay so we're going to theer 70 we're off the 7f this is the one I'm giving back right I mean we all have to give give back no that's you're the only one that I had left I'm going to give it to her I'm going to give it all to her and see what she wants to do that's what I'm saying I'm going to give you this one two and this one yes she's gonna fix what is she gonna do with this I don't know I some I don't know if she's going to trash everything I have no idea tell her to put share on that one okay then if it's just one because what is she G to do with it it's for the morning I don't know don't know either all right okay seven um f okay so um I got in contact with which I thought you know just a recap officer Amador um last last committee meeting was mentioning a problem that's hold on the school the problem is that kids are texting and walking as sad as that sounds that we're in this position in their society and unfortunately kids can get hurt while fex on next I hear that this is also a problem that's being discussed in other committees so nonetheless I went to uh tior at AC Graphics I'm sure most of us know who he is and he's working um also with someone that helped shoot a video for another public service announcement that officer Amor helped out with I think abuse youth activities T force or the uh special needs right so what I came up with was um a 30 second video um my wife's going to kill me but I volunteered my daughter if anybody else has kids I want to volunteer for this 30 second video the idea is that we want to get kids that are kind of walking and texting and then they're going to use uh T going to use my car because he says it's the like I said it's the it's the ghetto car I have a Dodge Charger so so he's going to almost hit you know the kids with the cell phone and then the idea is is if that's okay with the police department is to have officer amore like a something about you know teally walking in the danger of it right that what would um I I'm sorry what what I was putting up there is basically the same thing yeah sorry just because I owe you guys uh I know you're new so you haven't seen it um this is the one that Public Safety did either last year or the year before I think you should actually hit the kids to get the point across don't kill them that will definitely get me all right before the car h k you throw a dummy out there or something there's a pedestrian cross the new LED crosswalk systems flash a barrier of daytime visible LEDs directly the driver's L sight making the crosswalk dramatically more invisible than it would be with static signs targeting the attention of drivers affected by tal vision is one of the most important traditional Warning Systems fail INR warning lights installed in a crosswalk Remain the only warning system that stay in the driver's field of you flashing light meets coming to a complete stop on behalf of the town of Miami Lakes Public Safety Committee let's continue that old lady that was like 26 seconds I think okay so this video the quote that I got was $500 okay um you know the idea with this is I'm going to say blow in the face social media social media social media okay the idea to get hopefully I I mean I I would think the T would assist with this process and and get it on their social media um I know you s me the GU say we would but it's not and I do want to make this CLE because you guys saying this along with 12 other committees please post our stuff on social media of course we will but it doesn't mean it's going to go up every day that's just not the way we follow communication strategy but no just want to make sure because some people think that that's what it means and it's not and I don't want I don't want to not meet your expectations got it [Music] me I just let me just say one thing real quick guys our remaining budget is roughly 1,800 bucks and I see we have the the um fla I mean sorry the coins for 676 is this the point yes sir and if that the the video you just mentioned 500 so we're getting close all right keep going okay and we have the uh the plaqu wait I yeah I added the plaqu video and um coins yes yes sir yeah right now I'll tell you right now how we do 15 points and then we're getting we're getting close you want to get close no no I know but I we don't want to what was 676 be fine with those three c yeah we're at we're at right now with those three if this motion passes we're at $1,346 perfect I just wanted to make sure that Adam we're we're in the range for the money now I'm G to pass on this phot now this and I'm gonna throw a curve ball at you guys because you know um if I don't throw a curveball then that fun right so even though I'm not following the agenda I'm GNA do it anyways this same document if you turn it around there's another PSA I'm proposing that we vote on a second PSA but the problem is that we're getting very close to what is available for our budget so we would have to decide between the flashlight well I I got I got to do the numbers because actually we might be okay now that I think about it we might just be right on that Target now that I think about it okay let me stop I'm talking too much so the second PSA is 305 for police this is a big problem and I mentioned it in my presentation or our presentation as as a committee I think that we're all bothered by waking up in the morning and seeing a ring video of someone getting you know their car broken into or their door banged and you know someone not calling the cops so I propose a second PSA obviously to control the flow of information you would not do it together you would do you wait a little bit to push the second one out but about this would be you know our mascot Amador again talking about 3054 police and what it's used for okay I don't know and this would be something for for Darwin I don't know if maybe the fire department needs to be on there too because the complaint that Darwin and I were getting in the fire departments is that 70% of their calls are non emergencies you guys have a similar number for non-emergencies like three police oh okay so you can incorporate both I want to say that when you call 3054 police I'm we can do it right now it's it's routed yeah oh so it's police and fire okay all right so so if if and and and and that's what I found interesting and maybe you know the logistics better officer Amadore but they don't have an off they don't have a firefighter amidor in the fire department I would have to go to to I would have to go to the Miami day fire and go through their Pio right M but I believe there could be a possibility of a tag team here between Miami day police and fire and talking about what that number is used for the idea is to have both heads talk and then put a quick little image of this is why you call suspicious vehicle suspicious person how you door we did it with uh um not block blocking the box with fire oh you did we did uh blocking yeah we did we did it kind of what your it's educational yeah it's an educational type of thing yeah it was with uh one of the Chiefs who was it SP well it's it's on the video well and they spoke also okay so this second one that you see is less than the first one why this doesn't have actors okay this is someone and there's a image on the screen the first one is AC little more so those are both of them if and just to throw it out there because we're talking about numbers and God knows I love numbers we're at 1648 and that leaves us with that leaves us with a little less than let me see something at least over $150 and the flashlights I believe are a little more expensive than that so we can order less number of flashlights I don't know how many you were looking to order well the flashlights yeah I'm I'm I'm totally like screwing up the Advent now I'm doing anyways Nancy can Nancy is so far in the dark right now okay well we'll just move through the all that quickly because we're get numbers okay you know I promise I'm going to summarize it and you can you can hit me under the table later no so these flashlights done you know this was something that Nancy bought up last time which I thought was a really cool idea you know these are these flashlights the problem with these flashlights is you have to order a minimum of 100 yeah and how much is the 100 so according to ogga which is our polo girl she's saying that you would get a 100 with an imprint of one color and one location so the question that I have for her is and this is where I was kind of I I I wanted this flashlight to say Miami Lakes Public Safety k p non-emergency call 3054 police CU I was trying to you know poke social media the flashlight whatever it doesn't have to be I don't know if that's too long for such a small flashlight the flashlight size of my pen could they do have they do have and I might say down at the bottom here um how many lines I remember I remember reading it if you go to the um I tell you I I told him a bit of history about this real quick the reason why I'm so picky about these particular flashlights is they're rubber R they're not the metal ones which the metal turns off and they get scratched up these are so nice but the part you left out was how bright they are I believe there's nine lights in there but they're um LED lights and my flashlight that was given to me by um a particular person I think she's running for office I'm not sure uh attorney in the town um it's so bright but it's the other purse I didn't bring it and uh it it's really a special flashlight it's worth whatever that you pay for how would we distribute this what would be thatal to out handouts so I don't know um you know everybody's got hand up since this will go in two seconds wherever you put them I know and it looks like it's 250 and we don't have that money right now I know so is it something maybe we could push to next year we're talking about other things here tonight so we can hold off on this but in the meantime um the only place that I always see and outs going down well is these different events that we have where we have a table and what draws people to the table is giveaways now do we want to spend that much money on a giveaway I don't think so it'll be gone like this people will take two and three at a time they do the and these are the these rubberized ones are the only ones the rest are all the metal ones these numbers don't make sense to me and um the available budget not what's the question we're going to have to come up with a way to distribute it say this for next year's budget maybe I look at the numbers you know what maybe drawing if it's free people come and get two and three at a time and they're going to go like this I see twice a month at another committee's events so I mean unless you guys don't want to do one of the other things but I think those PSAs are good I think the PSAs are good where are they going to be shown social social media okay yeah well I I as much as I like these I have mine so um we can maybe tangle it for the next our next budg it'll give us something to put in there also I'm sorry you had a question about budet yeah so you're so our budget is $4,800 correct okay if I if I do the math we got a lot left over because I got 1494 was with whato FS so we the available is the 1815 though yeah but so if I go to if I say to myself okay so you're saying over here that we spent $2,900 where actuals uhuh a total of right yes okay so we have the polos which is 150 I recognize that 154 yeah okay then you say Ed Ma public you come in that's educational material4 then that 255 I want to say it's it's it's includes $1,400 that was PID to Roo 820 that was for the coins 841 for the coins 841 for the coins and we have 160 for the plaqu 164 okay 164 for the pl okay I got, 1400 plus 841 + 160 I'm at 2401 okay it's right I'm sorry okay so we're thinking of pushing the flashlights to next year's budget we can as an item you know some something to do because if we all agree the PSAs are good and we we're definitely going to order the coins so that all we can do is we can can go ahead and put a maybe make a motion to pay it 50% now and then 50% of delivery I don't know I don't know if we can do that on the on the flashlight uh I think something comes up incidentals I mean I don't know those are those those are ordered like through online it's not a vendor that's local oh really yeah I believe so then you know what technically you're right that $200 is the polos okay so so we should be close to uh you know we shouldn't have to give anything back no the polos the polos I think I I don't know if we want to vote on an estimated number that it's okay to fix the problem and then if you guys if I can get it fix under that number then I go ahead and proceed with the order but for now just to keep the agenda and and this this this meeting clean I'm going to make a motion to approve both PSAs yeah and I'm going secondment okay let okay n you can call roll you have a motion in a second so you can call now those who say I those who approve say repeat the motion the motion is to approve both public service and nowers one for don't PEX and walk and the second one is for call call 3054 police that's the motion uh combined $800 all in favor any opposed motion passes okay um I believe this takes us to new business this chair I'm just going to give you guys a 10 minute reminder over here what's the number again we're in new business I believe you have an appreciation PL for Omar Gonzalez a heay yeah um Omar I'm not 100% sure uh I maybe you know probably he's been on this committee more than 10 years because I've been on 10 years than is's been with us and when I came on he was already here so he he's been on quite a while anybody here got more than 10 years on this committee I know I don't so um long you you been 10 years L maybe n thank you for well you resign right now uh Omar uh has resigned from the committee and I would like to see that he get an appreciation of the service okay or however we want to word it you guys give me an idea if I get a second and then we'll have a discussion second so you're making a motion motion yeah in appreciation um of I don't know I don't know that we could confirm how many how many years but just uh you know be able to against that information out I'm sorry I can definitely say a minimum of 10 because I've been 10 and he was here already November 2013 2013 yeah and I came on on 14 what is that yeah I well do you all right just we're in discussion how do you feel do you want to say 11 years or do you want to just say uh exceptional exceptional service to the lak folks CIT in appreciation okay um I would ask you guys revise a motion just so that because you're just saying appreciation what exactly are you asking of the committee I said service yeah right but what is it going to entail that what that like issue how many commemorating his years of service for the town or committee well so you're ordering a yes I didn't think we got to the exact wording yet but no no we don't have to do the exact wording but it we're talking about a PL going to be a plaque appreciation um not like those things that's a piece yeah no I I want to say more like a plaque okay so you guys just need to bring that bring that proposed PL what the proof is going to look like what the invoice is so you guys can prove it okay so just for usually get our flags from tropy okay good somebody somebody is going to Trophy land with this other or he's already going for something I don't know if want to comine it what do you want to do Omar's plaque we're thinking of getting him a plaque because of his years of service okay for his for to the town of my Lees 5 by seven you want to do 8 by 10 what you want to do do an 8 by 10 Let's do an 8 by 10 I'll take that'll eat up to 200 bucks Omar gonzal the shirt cover still be cover we'll figure it out if I have to pay for it you guys back next SCH year fun we'll figure it out on the motion maybe we have to put any more discussion oh but hold on a second you're going to send me the year of service started November 2013 how about we put that and then and then uh last month well that's that's what you guys don't have in front of you like what are you writing on it unless you want to give it to somebody now that you mentioned when he started right thank you for your 11 years of service to the town of the public years of service the town Mi lak's Public Safety Committee that's it keep years of service that's it years of service I like that it's plain and simple and no mistakes okay you're the service consider it done guys I'll talk to you Jackie um so we have the motion Nancy we just have to I'm going to send it to the uh to you guys so you guys just the language repeat repeat the wording and the I'll repeat the motion but I want to get sure everybody is aware of the word oh yes the it's going to be Omar oh his name's not here um yes I'm sorry I'm sorry Omar Gonzalez Omar Gonzalez thank you for your years of service to the T Miami lak's Public Safety Committee no not thank you an appreciation of an appreciation yeah of your years of service service to the town L Public Safety yes no if you say thank you and all that other Stu birthday part so just vote on the motion all right you got the wording in appreciation of your years of service to the town of Miami Lakes Public Safety Comm okay all in favor are you opposed motion passes thank you Carlos you okay 8 B 8 by 10 we didn't say 10 just write it down corre 8 B 8 B 10 minutes ice cream with a cop collaboration with officer Amador at menes I think we should beer next meeting what about I mean what about it it's when is it when is it going to be you know why because you had said that I think it was last meeting somewhere you said that um sounds coffee with a cop was an issue prob was I didn't he the national R night out that's R here national no no no this was no because because we said something about if you everybody's at menes you said everybody's at menes after yeah but so I was saying if if let's do ice cream with a cop instead of coffee with a cop oh well and you include something from his so we're going to make a motion to for have them to do it was just something that was kicked around at last month's meeting and I thought I would put it on here that we talk about it and decide if we'd like to try that sometime however that is worked out I don't know we can say for next year because I think you have to get permission first why you can't just do it the the town does it yeah like the vendors and then we so we already have a December we're looking at a December lined up for doing it with pleas say you got us in um I think I mentioned last this is just filling you in on what we're already working on um I think I mentioned last meeting that we wanted to do an October one because it's National Coffee with a cck um it's October 2nd I am going to try to confirm it by end of week because I still don't have a location unfortunately the one that I can get you one the one that sergeant stto had requested isn't working out um because it's Einstein and Starbucks and they're a little harder to get like a hold of so I was going to look into vanilla espresso because they're usually very but this is for the month of November I already have I already have support from B's big house well the thing is that the last one we did is at BB's big house so we wouldn't do the we wouldn't do the next I can contact rcky Bakery and see if they will to do that's fine because my whole thing is but I need to confirm it by the we I know she's very responsive yeah so he's always willing to to help so yeah we haven't done vickies and in the three years I've been here we haven't done but I remember a Vicki we ever done it that be want there yeah that would be perfect let me let me texture tomorrow my whole thing is all right so we are saying October October 2nd is National Coffee yeah you see my whole thing is I and I know that the town does this I would love to work with the town sure to put this as a PSA a PSC Initiative for the coffee of the coffe the only thing is that again this is something that the town has always done um and I'm just I'm only stating because we've already been working on this one because we've already been working on it from before you guys getting involved right for this no we just need more publicity that's fine and that's where I'm at and and I think what's funny is that you know there was some conversation with commissioner Garcia and having like a like a partnership between PSC and all that and look he had a real successful I wasn't there and the police we vote to do this because we're having discussion now no we haven't voted do we have a motion to do coffee with a cup in October or that's already set up no it's a it's a national all right so we need a motion to participate in National Coffee with a cop day then go into discussion about who's going to talk with you don't no because it's G to happen anyway I'm talk about us get involved with it no or the town's involved Town's doing we need to get more involved in that yeah but we don't need a motion we could just show up be president cuz when they did it at that State I always tell you guys when yeah we just showed up yeah but for example like I I think this is me being selfish for the committee if I reach out to Vicky Baker and I get their support I would like it to be a Town Event hosted by the Public Safety Committee so it is a Public Safety Committee National copy of a cop and we're the one hosting it I don't know yeah I guess we I don't know and that's October 2nd which is the new that is the new fiscal year for us if it's a national thing it's probably um uh won't the town Take the Lead since we already on it I don't have any answers I don't copyright I'm trying to something like copyright if it's National Coffee with a cof day is it already put on by some other large group no bigger than the town and we're horning in on it we can't call it Miami Lakes we can say participate as Miami Lakes residents or taking part of or in association with however we have to get in there you can't just claim it as our own if it's already registered with right the nation last time I checked it's not on the it's not on the town website as an event it's not Town that's why I'm saying it's a national thing but but a national thing like think for example National Night Out because we have our own like satellite event as part of that we do put it on our website once it's confirmed yeah we still to this event yeah okay all right they want to get on they want to get on municipality conjunction with abolutely I want to get in conjunction with that's I want to get I want to get us just as long as it's worded and we don't get in trouble we we could put in conjunction with they've asked us they've sent it out to municipalities because they want everybody involved they've already they've already sent it out to municipalities that's enough for me no there is I don't know what it is the group the main group behind all this effort they already reached out to us as a municipality saying hey like we want as many municipalities to get involved they're not doing they're not giving you money for it right no no no no that's all I meant yeah it doesn't matter that we can do of course we can votes okay so wait no vote no vote 8B we went from Ice Cream to poy all I thought we covered that we went we went from ice cream with a cck to coffee with a so what are we doing with a there to much and cop they don't like ice cream I like all right we're gonna get rid of all right table ice cream with a cup for another time defer and um take part in the October 2nd National Coffee with a cop day yes yes it's already it's already no we don't need to vote it's already happening well to to drop the ice cream we don't need a motion to defer the but we had a motion to do ice cream account no no you don't need it's just being deferred being deferred so now we're vote it that's good 8C this is we're probably GNA have to vote on um the heroes parade participation let me let me tell you what my involvement has been over the years I'm part of the parade itself and then that's it you know and mingling and stuff so I don't know I don't know where you guys could all uh be a part of it because I'm not there I'm in the parade the honor guard in the parade or as an officer in the parade a officer in the parade with my car with your car yeah yeah okay I think the email the email I was sent on behalf of the mayor I don't think it was for you guys to participate in the bre it was to attend that's what the that's totally different it was an invitation to attend all right so we don't need to do anything there nope I do think it's a good idea I I'm gonna try to make it why not we attend as it's a parade so there's no such thing as having a table right no the the the invite was for you guys to attend to attend that's what the email that I for you guys says we could if you want we could wear our shirts and attend a group but the only we can do October 19 to show uh support as a committee how do you feel about that we get a motion I'm make a motion that we attend as a attend the event so I need a second wait I think we should just leave can go just show up I mean I don't know was already I don't think we need a motion yeah was on our group chat we just hey who's going to attend to see that yeah but you I was just saying show up and attend as a group I wanted to vote and see how you felt about that so if you're not then you're just going to show up and sit there and you no we'll we can coordinate but I don't think it's something that we have to vote on to go as a group and we can just hey are you going will we here well then you're leaving it open I was trying not to leave it open but that's okay I just draw it I mean I don't know you guys do what you want to do I just we get closer man we get closer yet I I mean I can't commit to that right now now that's in November oober we got a ways to go yeah so back to ice cream with the cop we deferred okay all right we're done we have yeah we have to defer the the flashlights because we don't have enough money for it okay all right and we need a motion to do to and the 10 we need to defer that too we don't need motions to Def I'm just letting you guys to the agenda so we're deferring flashlights ice cream with a cop and the tent right I see you guys are done with your agenda items I'm just goingon to pass out because I know I owe you this I'm gonna pass it out to all of you and it's public record it's resolution number 15 1297 and this is the latest resolution um yes thank you related to the Public Safety Committee and yeah but it was C I have probably thank you this is uh by way of REM us that we should um uh discuss and change our [Music] um no this is not for you guys I mean that's a you guys decision that's not you mentioned us doing that though no it wasn't me somebody else it was not me um I'm only sharing this because I was speaking to Carlos um since he's the newest member and I was explaining to him that um the committee should probably review the resolution I don't know when it's the last time you guys have reviewed it just to refresh your memory on what your initial mission mission statement that's what this is the mission statement comes from the resolution okay exactly yeah that's what I I couldn't think name so since you guys were planning as you go into the new fiscal year I think it's a good reminder that you guys kind of go through what you're supposed to be working on and make sure that you're aligning your yourent it is with your res it just want to say something for announcements pleas a culinary Bike Tour this Saturday coming up 6 PM uh great event GNA be riding around the hot town eating oh that's a culinary yes culinary bike Saturday night okay everybody got a bicycle bill for I don't know what the exact route is but I know we start here um and I I think we're going to go to T we're going to go first to viy yeah they the first okay and then go around yeah but there you got to pay or no yes you have to right event right yeah because the restaurants check the bracelet and the bracelet people are the ones that get the samples cool okay that's F if check into it because everybody no it's every no you guys last time got me in the the truck I almost overheated late it sells out right yeah we have like 20 you got have golf cards too no we don't allow golf c one we that's something different to talk about yeah yeah Nancy when they're done we're ready for adjournment and next meeting date okay we ready for uh we finish we ready to adjourn yeah I'll make a motion to turn I'll second one second your meaning is ch October 22nd at 700 p.m. October 22nd at 7 7 p.m. wow like a whole world watching Fast all right we got some homework you or at least I all right what are those other coins that you have there those those are for the the rest of the numers that's for you we got to talk the