##VIDEO ID:dDdiuNqUGqU## e e e e e e e e you're good you call yesterday yeah I only saw the second half the fourth quarter but there big one okay um Public Safety Committee calling our meeting to order at 608 uh we do not have a forum therefore we can proceed with the agenda but we cannot make any changes and then once the chair gets here or a fourth member we can make changes to the agenda okay you have what's today's agenda so agenda should be this one it's right there oh here so 708 you said yes uh 608 608 I'm used to yeah you're good I don't blame you okay so all right so we'll do this very quickly okay um I'm going to defer and I will I will seek guidance from the town on this I'm going to a roll call until I have um you can't defer anything on the agenda because that requires a motion so you have to go to the agenda as is you can just later go back to the additions deletions but what I'm saying is the roll call did I think roll call now or yeah whenever the next person walks in just you can draw up and let the record show you know that person okay um Nancy Rogers not here Johnny Tores not here uh Mr hor here caros Andre I am here obviously uh Lis Lopez not here here Dar here okay we are going to skip him number three because we can have putot on them right now however we can discuss the October 22 minutes if we can take a brief few minutes to to review them make sure that they look we know I think we need to include him in the we got oh here she is okay perfect the chair is the chair is present n's here and officer Amador is here too and officer Chief new CH fire hello andas okay with this CH okay so now the chair is here we can vote on the ferals additions deletions yes where are we okay so we are now on number three okay so I did a I already did the roll call and you were present and ab is here look at that got a full crew Everybody came inbody know we were together at I'm going to work so you're yeah I'm good okay so okay perfect so we have we officially have and you included the ch right okay M sorry didn't hear the begin van Damas b n d m okay okay I know sometimes we probably say bangang bangam was an ass at the end okay excellent so I guess n you can take over now I was just riding the bus or driving the bus while please so we're now in order of [Music] business FS auditions and dels okay Mr P don't kill me we're talking about a was already discussed last meeting the coins up here all right so the coins were delivered to Nancy well better said we have 10 you're gonna you do an order of business and coins is already there why are we having a discussion you want to add something no what I'm going to do is I'm gonna I'm going to delete it no because I have something to say about well you guys just so we're clear if somebody like for example if you wanted to motion to remove from the agenda you can make that motion even if you disagree then when you take the vote then you would not vote for that that's how that would go well in this case I'm going to withdraw I thought it was so you have to say well yeah yeah so then that case that stay with my apologies that's okay okay so or um I'm going to add as as old business we have to discuss the individual police proclamations that we we picked up for the individual police officers those have to be given to the police department so we can present them so you're going to make that what 7D that's be 7 yes yes sir individual police yeah police yes this is the recognition the pl so we need to make sure that that gets to police where we set up a date and time to deliver which at this point I think you have people in different shifts it might be better just to give it to Amador and then if you have it I'll take it if not the lobby anytime that's open beautiful the next we're not going to do them a council meeting like we do with the other stuff well there's no council meeting well let's not go into the discussion of it on agenda the discussion would happen at the time with the agenda okay the next one is home more Proclamation we got to discussed that to make sure that's uh something for u a January meeting so I want to bring that up to town management to make sure we can get that on the the agenda I know 7e yes I know it's a stale point right now because we don't have a mayor and just yeah okay all right hold on messenger guys sorry I thought we SP well we didn't set a date we did speak about it because we made a FL yes ma'am I'm with you okay I also told the girls that were here last time that we were discussing zon International all right that's seven hold on I'm still on 7 [Music] yeah 7 om for date and time okay 7e is s do thing I mean 7 up right 7 that ends up being our old business and now for new business I need to add nine uh nine I'm sorry 8B is veteran freid okay 8B is veteran breade veteran bread yes 8B problem yes that's the motion that I'm making to have additions to the agenda is there a second second Darwin second do we have a roll call here all in favor um while we're in discussion sorry um we actually have Town staff that would like to bring up to you guys a opportunity for a grant so if one of you want to add it to the agenda you would have to do so we can't do so because we're not okay I thought that was under public comment but I guess we're not really public right I'll do you want to edit maybe just your motion work yes let's make it simple yes let's add it as new business one number uh that's going to be 8C and that's going to be a grant coordinator presentation discussion we have you just need to add it and then we'll have yeah discussion when we get to it right so all right what do we calling it Grant no Grant presentation it's fine no that's sa yeah so eight eight 8B was veterans parade and h8 C is Grant coordinator presentation all right so I have D I started to write the letter see did I get ahead of you or something no you're good just got three items under new business okay yes yes a andc I don't know what I was writing are you guys all in favor of making those edits to the agenda yes favor yeah ition okay little too early for us at 7 o' all that stuff you just said you you uh made the motion and Darwin seconded all the stuff right and then we voted B yes sir okay that everything yes ma'am okay okay call or business sols okay um has everyone read the U the October 22nd meeting minutes and need if so we need I motion adop I second all in favor I'm sorry who made a motion are you second yes sir motion passes public comments did we hand out um she a grand hi okay who's going first a comment than sir no just happy St happy to be here thank you good to see you it's just a visitor right no I mean do we have we have to include the visitor that's why I'm saying no but that's why I'm saying do we have to include that in the she's present no no because I don't remember putting other visitors that's what I meant I'm going crazy here everybody came with energy today we're adding 50 million I thought I okay okay let's get going here public comments um one more Miss happy to be here okay now we are on special presentations uh I am thrilled to see someone from the fire department back coming to our meetings welcome thank you man do you have a report or anything with Statistics sometimes they give that they usually do um you know like pretty much for quarterly is that like basically any you know calls and stuff like that well they used to come every meeting and give us the uh the calls and statistics anything we needed to know I was not given those but I can have them for you for the next meeting fine wonderful I can't say they run a lot of calls is you get all no I'm laughing because I didn't have mine and then he was able to bring me mine so but I wasn't going to have mine either to bring Chief excuse me introduce yourself that you're gonna be the new so he took over Chief chavers oh yes nice chief chavers he went back to being a battan chief he stepped down so they gave me the opportunity to fill his shoes I don't think shoes to fill so I'm new to this position so hopefully you know it's a learning process so please bear with me well I hope that you know you can guide us in anything that you may need we can help you with and that type of thing and go from there and then we do a police and fire award and breakfast so we can do that soon I like breakast yeah nice to see some nor teach yeah yeah we're excited to work with you and U appreciate all you guys do I mean I had the opportunity to go with with darns in the different stations and like I said before was absolutely and rough taking how many calls you guys have so uh appreciate you know everything you guys do thank you thank you uh Police Department you're up detective again for bring get this earlier today though did not there wasn't going to be a report so on homicides happy to advise that we are at zero we had the four from last year uh robberies we had four we're down to three so we're done we're one down Auto thefts 85 we're at 75 so again we're down with auto thefts uh commercial burglaries we had nine we're at four we're down on that uh residential burglaries we had nine we're at six we're down at that so at this point we're doing 25% better than last year year today [Music] and were you going to mention something about ice cream to the top they have it in front of the or something is that proun well give you a report I've got it in in in parentheses on 6p you guys also have it under 80 yeah me your business M well one's coffee the other one ice coffee and the other one's ice cream unless you're going to combine and then cop I don't even know that office or was the I think it's the same event under 80 because you guys have had ideas for new things and stuff like that oh okay yeah which yeah yeah we're we're already scheduled for December 13 for coffee of cop at Earnie on wait wait now you're getting ahead of us so let's just so we're all on the same page let's continue with old business a because that little part is really of 88 anyways moving here's mikong to 70 okay the coins update are there any left or they're all been handed out we we handed out I think Johnny you didn't get yours right no okay so you have to give Johnny his you have the coins you took the balance last time right okay so in that case I mean whenever you know next meeting or you want to coordinate with Johnny to give St so I've got any ones that are left all the other ones yes okay we ordered 100 we ordered 100 of what you ini the brand new ones yes right so I think there's like only something like 10 left if I remember correctly that right there which would be his yeah I think we have a lot more than 10 left okay because remember we order 100 um Amador took about 15 I believe for a unit yes and that was enough and that was enough and then and then we have 10 that we gave to the committee members so yeah there should be more than them could be in the minutes yeah you guys can review it in the recording you guys went you guys went to the breakdown last meeting you can view it at the recording right so we owe 10 coins to Mr joh CH to 7 7B yeah but somebody was talking about it and I thought you were GNA finish talking about it we're on 17 was going to talk about G films yes so um I wanted to ask the town what is the status of the 3054 police uh not emergency number video I know that that was being reviewed by Town staff I don't have any was G to look at it I think is the is the the major he has he reviewed it I haven't been made aware of anything I haven't received an email so I the last I knew was when we were with uh when GH came in and then he he went through it and then after that I haven't received any emails or anything to that extent usually I'll receive the email with the major or right or with the lieutenant the major I haven't received it yeah is there any way we can get that expedited because I want to get that out before the holiday you know unfortunately holiday brings some fun stuff at the police department and who who are we waiting on for that waiting for town to approve the PSA the PSA has been done wow so I guess we'll hopefully have an update um think yeah yeah I'll them okay thank much okay now the second video which is we're just calling it don't text and walk for the sake of it uh the uh the gentleman that was here last time the producer he gave us three different versions okay so um staff has these three different versions that we can look at we'll review them and then we can take a vote on which one you all like okay so um video yes the public service announcement but don't text and walk okay here we go thank you James my job way too easy okay hold on I don't hear the girl so we're picking the uh ending was that what it was should I hit this guy try it and play Let's see no this is three different he changed it because remember we had a lot of commentating yeah he wanted to add a lot ofu yeah yeah so this is the revised there's three different three three versions so keep in mind I guess this is number one so you guys know which one you're voting on number one here we go I wish I'm yeah I just people hit my car right now what's your location um I'm walking to it I think I'm 16000 I don't know I'm walk got hit by a car I think one of them a child a child yes uh a woman and I think a child I are they phone and all sudden just hit and left are they responsive the childing hold on Che on the b b breathing or house a pulse he's uh a little dat but she got get quick on the way she was cross the street looking straight at her she didn't even see the car are sit down the car the hit her took off it was like a white SUV I think I think she's gone I don't know are you sure phone see it man okay that's number one I wish yeah my car right now what's your location um I'm walking through it I think I'm 16,000 I don't know I'm walking through it I'm you got hit by a car I think one of them a child a child yes uh a woman and I think it's a child phone and all sudden left are they responsive the child hold on check on the ma' maam breathing or has a p he's uh little but got to get quick on the way she was cross the street looking straight at her pH she didn't even see the car how are you sit down the car the hit her took off it was like a a white SUV I think some sort I think she's gone I don't know it man I'm never gonna see my son again okay I want to see she talks yeah at the end she talks on that one okay right come on hurry up I wish yeah hit my car right now what's your location um I'm walking through I think I'm I don't know I'm walk car I think one child a child yes uh a woman and I think it's a child they phone and all of a sudden left are they responsive the child moving hold on check on the ma'am ma'am breathing or how a post he he's uh a little dat but got to get quick breathing was on the way she was cross the street looking straight at her she didn't even see the car are youzy sit down prob the hit her took off it was like a a white SUV I think some sort I think she's gone I don't know phone talk at the beginning right yeah that's the basic thing yeah I mean they're all as you can see they're all pretty similar I mean probably yeah no girl to end so that one doesn't have anybody she just does the yeah so he pretty much puty here first one is no talking at the end the second one she is talking at the end at the and then the third one she's not even at the I'm stucking between the second and third yeah because he explains it was on her phone calling the street but the whole point is that the kid was still on the die not her right okay so in that case for me it'll be number two she makes it clear she makes it clear a lot of people be like I think with for me as well so you want to make the motion to I do the motion for number two what do you think face that at all watching it's no what we have the guys doing all the talking and huffing and puffing I don't know what the heck he's saying I mean I do but I don't know one I got a feeling we all feel the same way about one it's not number one and it's either two or three uh I I she's she's crying but I think if I were a mom because I was texting not paying attention I would be showing more more guilt than doing so much talking that she's doing something on the order of I shouldn't have been texting I wasn't paying attention and and really emphasize that it could be number two it could be number three but either one um all that crying and all that other emotional stuff so you don't think you don't think it's delivering the message the PSA that's a very good I want to hear her say it's my fault I shouldn't have been texting pay attention to my does number two say should have known better but it's not into detail like she says so if number two will have more detail and it's not as clear that he got hit by a car I mean let me tell you a stranger got hit by a car I'd be she says my son I son he says it she's saying my son guys I'm not I'm not gonna I think we're past that we I think youall can pick number two as fre one is a definite now joh you're making a motion yeah I'm the second John okay now keep in mind guys before we take a vote remember the video needs a few edits at the end all right our logo Miami Lakes you know and the committee members right so just he was trying to get a 911 call but Amador I think that's that's okay right I mean he was trying to get an perfect I think that's perfect I don't really think that sounds like okay all right I mean the expert right here ni take those calls would you be okay with maybe put like a message towards the end yeah don't text and walk whatever don't can we put like a link to something else that get them pointers you know and we're going to discuss it might be this I think it's too long you're going to lose the audience want keep it yeah maybe that's part of it too you know and and I think that if I were to see a kid get hit by a car i' i' the mom can you know cry because of her guilt and whatever but on the phone I'd be saying hey look you got to get somebody out here at ambulance whatever you know I mean he's speaking like he knows the kid is dead here's here's the one thing I will tell it's not his job if you go ahead and you tell him that you want to change what she's saying he has to go back yeah and do the whole thing again and do the whole thing again there will be a feet there will be a feet but but what she said what she said is true because it wasn't until I saw the second one that at the end she said I'm not going to see my son again that I put one and one together because at the beginning I thought it was ear because he said she got hit on the car she wasn't looking at the phone but then at the end was like okay so the kid was the one that pass away but I want to say that I think in in the last one it was the it was the the last one the second they two different people pass last one that's the last one right here we go see it man I'm never gonna see my son again that says it right there let you know and that's the third one right dies in this one she dies in the last one right no I think it's more you UND the kid more the kid dying is more impactful so the second one right right and it goes more with me as as parents i k because my my my daughter something happened to her forget about it that's yeah I I think the guilt you know yeah now time just a recommendation guys you can make a motion with changes no no but Chang is going to incur that we going to have to do no I'm saying if you want to have them cut the video anything that you guys what's the length on this fine it's good no no but that's good that's fine yeah our logo put the stuff at the end that's and'll be Give A Plus on that is that you don't really find out what happened to the kid until the end and you even people you know what happened what happen and I think that's great because they're paying attention to hear the end of what she crying about and then say what it is it kind of hat you what you know what is she talking about and then you realize that that the kid is the one who pass so I like that one okay fine I think we're ready take vote discusss done we have yeah all right to do one two and three or who who made the original I made I made the number two for number two second in favor okay all right number two is done okay uh we're on to the next thing PS shirts I came with presents today I have the shirts right so here the shirts small small um all right hold on how about this guys do you mind if I just pass it out after the meeting yeah we can moving yeah okay Carlos just going back to the videos what was the name of the first one that we're waiting to town approval on all right so now P sh okay um now just to let you know that counts out I'm still waiting for an invoice she told s it to me but okay okay um Nancy where you move on to um 7 C2 oh my I'm up huh okay um I have been in touch with uh the town attorney and checked the rules and there I just want it to be clear because we do have new members and that type of thing and and I just want to be clear about uh wearing the shirts [Music] um we have to remember that we're supposed to wear these shirts when we're doing Public Safety Committee business our meetings our events and if we're assisting and have been in touch with another committee and pretty much you know let them know we we're available and would they like us to attend their events wearing our shirts just for security purposes nobody is supposed to put on a shirt and just go somewhere to an event with the town without us discussing it or letting me know usually I'm the one the different committees are contacting me but to just put on a shirt and go to an event direct traffic or be in the way or anything like that it comes back to me and it comes back to the town and employees for the town where we've been identified as employees of the town and that's not the case but nevertheless as far as I'm concerned I don't care if you're volunteering or you're being paid the point is we're not police officers and there could even be an incident where if I don't know you're there and you get hurt or something like that we've got an issue with taking care of business with the town and if it's not an authorized visit or there's some kind of Complaint to the town and we're seen as employees it's a big deal and confusion and uh I just want everybody to know we have rules you put this on that's fine by me I feel like when there's a big event any help we can put out there for the town even when we have uh like the haunted house you know that was a nighttime thing a couple of us went out there but um wearing the shirts and and not following the rules is not a good thing it comes back on us it goes to the mayor complaints are made uh we're not police officers we're not to be standing in the street with whistles and whatever I'm going to be honest with you I did it a couple of weeks ago helping out something with with voting because I had my shirt on there was a big issue with cars coming in and out of uh Mary Collins the building there you know voting and whatever but I felt like it was something that needed to be done but truthfully I'll be the first one to tell you I probably we shouldn't have been out there God forbid I got to by a car what's the town going to do then what am I going to do then so the town shouldn't have been there what they would tell me so we have to keep in mind a we can't behave as if we are officers and have a right to wear these shirts and not pretend but but behave like police officers number one and number two we have to also be light and uh aware of not being in the way when there's a parade or anything else going on I don't know how to tell you what to do and what not to do if I'm there or if we all know that there's some kind of there's a bingo event coming up tomorrow I believe it is right all right this month sometime a bingo event now there's no need to be wearing my shirt and whatever there because I'm on the committee but if I weren't on the committee there's no need for me to be wearing a shirt acting and behaving like a police officer it's just not right and then you get mistaken as a town employee and then it gets escalated so anybody else got any questions or comments so just to summarize it's it would be approved committee events only just for me to put it in the notes um approved I I would refer to to the actual rule I get boarded to you 27 you know Town shirts uh this may contain the town or town committee logo or considered intellectual property of the town of Miami Lakes and can only be worn at approved Town committee or town sponsored events approv Town committees Town committee or town council meeting or in the performance of a town associated with a approved Town committee or town sponsored event the reason why I like to be informed is so that the first thing they're going to do is come and say to me you rather share and you don't know what your people are doing and whatever and I then I'm I feel responsible I want to see any of us getting in trouble volunteers here but we care and uh just don't want to see us being mistaken for employees number one mistaken for employees and in any kind of trouble PR for doing things we shouldn't be doing or getting hurt for that matter okay thank you okay we on 8 yes we're we're ready to go copy over cop at Ernie December 13 on Friday uh hopefully you all can make it I know it's stuff with your work schedule uh but um yeah look looking forward to it people are excited getting a lot of different businesses involved in you know marketing the event yeah they're a yogurt food placee name it yeah so that um and the date again please uh that is December 13 and um we already have a sponsor for the next um coffee where's that place that is in shoing Plaza so that's right next to Pizza what time is it 8:00 8:00 I'd like to clarify something please um just to be fair I feel like uh officer Amador was always the one arranging these for us and um are are there going to be a thing like we've been doing where you tell us that there's one and we um and assist or are your things going to be separate I don't want to be stepping on toes and having that kind of a problem it's always been the town mies tells us hey we're having a coffee with a c ah they set it up yeah okay and and I've had conversation with Town staff of like you know if I could lead this Venture because I'm speaking to so many different businesses on a weekly basis and just want to know so wear our shirts type of thing represent the Public Safety Committee and yeah you guys are essentially taking ownership of the event yes ma'am so so we're all on the same P yeah and I have two people already lined up for two coffee cops in next year okay think the twoe credit helps I mean it's more work for you and the committee but it's less work for the town and you guys can kind of work it out you know I think it's it's a good move right for on both parts the town and and the community thank you okay that okay that great how can delete on that so these things aren't nice to say but they have to be said because they have to be said um the one problem that we had at the Veterans Day Parade that I'm aware of was that there was a town and this is the this is the major problem with with the distinction between an employee and and a Committee Member there was a town of Mi Lakes employee that was disrupting the event at the um main stage many complaints I received many complaints I have pictures and I was identify the person at the main stage of the main stage uh the person was in the way the person wasn't moving the person was asked to move why is the town of M allowing these people these employees to do this I got a bunch of complaints uh after further investigation um being the pictures that IED it's a it's a Committee Member of this committee that was a person that they were talking about so I went to I went to uh the veterans commit I advise the situation because what happens is everybody needs to know it's not a town of Miami leak employee it's a Committee Member you're not this is the Bain thing it's not an employee and then um after that I advise um the GU media T so listen we had a situation it's not a town of mul employee so I went to veterans committee and to the town to advise them that they should not have they're not going to have any issues but if something were to arise and I don't know if after that anything was arise because at that point I've only had complaints from the citizens um the town was made aware of the situation and they were made aware that if anything comes from it it's it's already been resolved in the sense that it's not a town employee whatever the committee does with that that's the committee but that the distinction needs to be made because of the shirt right that you're wearing people thought that um L that open Raise his hand was a town member and people were having issues with that and all that so um that's that's as far as it's gone and this is as far as it's gone with with us with the police on our end it's okay we identifi the situation we come to the committee and we tell you what happened and and that's it we don't on our end we don't have anything extra to to to go with it and it you know everybody's made aware of of the situation and the distinction between the the committee and and what the committee is and what the what the town of mi's employees are so basically when we wear these shirts we're representing the town and people have a tendency to assume for Town employees so Town employees got blamed for something they didn't do and by the same token it needs to be discussed what our Duties are when we're asked asked or we asked permission or let someone know we're here if you need us not to throw on a shirt get out there in the street and play policeman okay or security guard and um it could have been a lot worse to some degree it made the Town employees look bad because of the misconception but I wasn't happy when I heard about it I'll be honest honest with you guys you know a lot of us we put on our shirts and we go and we stand in a corner we do something help with traffic or whatever and I take my cue from whatever police officer is on the scene [Music] and if what I'm doing is okay fine and if not get out of the street you don't belong there you're not an officer and I just don't want us looking bad and people think when we're Town employees it's just not good so not good for business I'm not scolding anybody I'm informing you of an incident that occurred okay well one person's action is to make the whole committee well the whole committee my goodness they were blaming a town employee those people thought it was a town employee who ignored requests to do what needed to be done and the person didn't do it so there was a problem and got reported and mistaken reported as a town and and that some black sorry okay all right let's move on better news yeah I'm sorry do you have something to say uh well yes through the through the chair you have something to say with the the whole because I want to say something real quick I didn't know I was not aware that incident but my advice when it comes to stuff like this regardless if we were in on our we we are part of Miami Lakes and we represent this committee so anything that go out there like not sure as soon as you see Miami Lake it doesn't matter it say committee they're going to think it's somebody from from Miami Lakes so you need to you know when you wear you need to be respectable and whatever going on and just use common sent and don't get yourself in a situation that you're not supposed to be I don't really don't know what happened but just F your reference if you're wearing the the shirt be aware what you're representing and don't get yourself involved in anything that's going to put you or the committee or the town in general in a situation that not supposed to be the chair I'm sorry because there was some additions to the uh agenda and we didn't discuss the individual police proclamations if we can give those to um to Amador so they can be given to the police officers because they're running different shifts so two okay that was 7D yeah I'm sorry PS yeah they're in my car okay perfect and then the the Omar Proclamation is there any way I know that we're we're in the dancing till next Tuesday but is there any way that we can put you know when is the next date for available proclamations would it be January meeting or or it would be January meting okay so if we can try to put that on the docket for Omar um we're GNA ask you guys to send the reminder clode into January day to the Leon just because there's nobody we can even try to move the message forward to right now because there's no one in that place yeah and I spoke to C good right yeah do you guys know the date of the January meeting I do not okay so keep in mind quick note um Council meetings have normally been the second Tuesday of the month starting 2025 they're going to be the third Tuesday of the month so that brings us to January 21st yeah so you guys can calendar yourselves already for that thing and you didn't talk about the 7f yeah yeah the Z International I really don't know much information about if we can I'm sorry just cuz we're jumping done the items we were at 8C well actually we ski these by accident because they weren't on the physical paper yeah they were added yeah they were added yeah so we skipped it by accident you guys had 8C after 8 B this is was a well you know 7D then let's take away the zont proclamation the Z Internationals I mean I guess right now I was one that made it because we I promised the girls last time we were talking about it but if nobody has any discussion on the zon International on the grow I think the issue is just that we went back right that's the only issue we could no you guys did you have to add it to the agenda to discuss it so he was bringing it to this agenda item that's why he's asking if there's any interest is there any is there any discussion about the result International before we go into discussion we were on item 8 B if I'm not mistaken so 7f yeah that's the issue we went we skipped it if you guys if it's okay with you guys I'd like to continue with HC just so we continue on talking because we have the person here Wai and then we'll just go back well that event is actually we can always talk to the next me if they give you an extra five you can ask yeah that's fine yes I'm sorry thank you for joining us app thank you sorry I'll be super quick hi I'm Olivia shock the grant governmental Affairs manager put on a reford my name and stuff um so I just wanted to come in and ask for you guys to provide a letter of support I provided her a sample I can make it if you guys want um but we are looking to apply for two grants that are in the transportation Alternatives program Federal money um and it would be we're applying this year but for funding in fiscal year 2031 so okay I know they all work like that it's very annoying but giv us time to provide a match so again like I said these are four very far away things um sorry there two GRS those two are for you these two are for me looking so these are for the greenway on Northwest 170th you guys might be aware of that um sh used by impact we're looking to to add safety improvements in I'm doing a cwalk study looking at adding lighting safety curbing things like that again this is for a further out uh money thing and res to improve Ada accessibility and all of those kind of things and then again on um so that's Grant one and then Grant two is um Northwest 59 Avenue so again doing uh bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements on there also adding again lighting FR signalization um signage things like that to help improve again Bic and pedestrian safety in this community so that was why I was seeking your guys' support as community members and as a town committee to see if you guys are interested in supporting these grants question let me ask you something because I know that 170 yeah is kind of in between Miami Lake and PS and because it's in the side of the of the of the the street it's only you only need our support you don't need to reach out to them no it is on town okay land we already own this it's not in it's not it's not on the border it's on our side of the Border however I am actually reaching out to the PSN civic association for a letter of support from them as well to see they because I don't want them to then you get all from us and then they jump in oh no it doesn't require permission from them um it is also it's an existing Greenway and we're looking to make a lot of um improvements to it again in 2031 so we're talking a little far out but just so you guys so no one's expecting this to happen tomorrow I'm emphasizing that okay yeah my question is does it have to be for these particular areas so yes in this for this round of funding these are projects that we already have um options of probable cost for we have um a lot of like information that we need to be able to move forward for these ones however if there are other and I was I know I was we were chatting a little bit before the meeting this is something else I wanted to say to you guys was again I'm I'm new to the grants position if there are locations in this community that you guys have safety improvements that you have the need for I am definitely if you guys have projects that you want to emphasize I'm happy to look for grant funding for these or apply for them for this grant next year um if there are things you can we have to there's obviously a whole process we have to go through of planning out these projects and getting all the information but if so if are priorities for you guys as both again community members and as the Safety Committee um if there are things that you guys are looking for funding for and projects you want to emphasize um that's absolutely something we can work together to do in the future and coordinate with myself and public works and yeah all of those or police or anything like that you got anything in mind yeah I mean this might be way above my PVE rate that I have a p here but I mean you know the biggest uh conversation has been what's going on with the grams and that they put money in in know escrow for a turning lean on4 and Northwest 77 Avenue that is currently they are moving there is already a grant for the for the4 turn lane that is happening are you is there a specific safety Improvement you wanted to see at that location well I'm just saying if we're applying for Grants I would love to focus on that to make sure it gets done because that would it's happening already I believe like this year or next year construction they're like they're already moving forward with that one um we have grant funding for that and they are is happening okay I would love to I would love to just see the location before I sign any yeah absolutely hopefully in the summer not during school ask I know for example like by the the soccer field the Sun Street they they have Lighting on one side but the other one they don't is completely pitch black in the area can that also be requested for Grant or that's a complete different exactly what what soccer field you're talking about but 87 that's if it's on public oh that's public so that should be something that we can definitely talk about in the future for this grant probably not not for this for sure that definitely be a conversation too again looping and in that case Parks myself looking for funding for that so you just sign this and I mean just someone from the a committee chair or anything like that and I'm happy to if there's any more information you want me to send to Isle to send to you guys before you sign or if you'd like need to I mean I can show you on the map where they are but um I'm happy to share any other when you need us our support by so the actual deadline for this grant is December 6th I know you guys didn't have another I was trying to get you at this meeting to tell you guys about it and have you be able to discuss if it's something you would like to support um but I don't need a signature I mean I can get a signature in a couple weeks if that's something you guys would like I would love more information if leaz on can for us the information I would love to actually see the locations and then you know we can communicate you know the support I don't think be well if you're approving something you guys cannot communicate outside of the sunshine meeting that's why I will mention this I know some of you have been here a little longer normally the way this goes is you guys get some information from the grant uh coordinator on unfortunately sometimes the deadline for these are not perfect because they opportunity comes up and the St goes so usually the committee will tell us yes you guys want us to go forward with it or not and the chair will normally sign it with the approval of the committee of course yeah yeah is there anything I can show I mean I can show you more now to if there's any discussion again more specific questions I can answer yes so so exactly what is happening so those are improvements is it a crosswalk is it light splashing like what the canal is they now they have thing there that they they use for bicycle and running yes so that at night completely pitch black so what they want to do is yeah no no no you're okay we be adding street lights all along thaten way path and then so for this again part of for the crosswalks would be part of this grant is doing a study to determine what improvements are are needed slash available at those locations um but yeah again increasing pavement marking signage for these um in an ideal board we'd love to add again more signalization and flors determining what can be done at those insection will be again determin it on a study through this for that for the Northwest Greenway again adding the lighting we're looking at adding curbing so that ours can't drive up onto it or sve on a request be also a cross wall Crossing from one side to the other but in the middle because right now when you go through that lane it only have one in 80 second and one in 87 do you mean across Northwest 170 or across like Crossing 170 from um uh from the Miami Lake Side to the es side that becomes a little bit more complicated depending on who owns that road is the only um conversation but again absolutely pending the study that we do in this if it's showing that we can add more signalization in those loc and we're legally allowed to I think that's something we're always in favor of doing now we go I notice that when I'm driving that road a lot of people cross when they're not supposed to and because it's pitch flag you're can hopefully again also the lighting will really assist with that it's again more towards lighting the greenway itself um but and then 59 Avenue doesn't that have to do with the big project with the extension so there is the bridge that is happening there that will be completed by the time this is going on and this is from the area that's about um 158 up towards 167 which would be where about where that bridge is going to end continuing on this road so all the way up towards kind of where it hits the pal Meadow or not but going up 59th to continue to again add those pedestrian improvements curbing um and to make that more to make it a safer pedestrian area uh specifically again there's a school right there there's lot of local businesses that kids walk to and from so we'd like to add again he is there yeah we'd like to add the better lighting and again curbing expanding the sidewalk yep you have my support yeah in both them okay so should we discuss it and get it approve whatever decision we make and get it out of out of way we just giving Nancy the direction that you know she going to sign on your behalf as chair of the committee just making sure you guys want this want the public safety I guess sample approval so we have to make a motion to uh have her yeah that would be good for the record I'll do a motion okay second I mean if we're just going to discuss it really quickly I mean this is a brand so you know it's it's not free money but we're getting money in addition to what we get I'm going to make the motion and then uh Donny made yeah joh he second second and I do think that 59 Avenue is going to need this improvements tremendously and especially 170 like you said that's a very busy street and I know that the cops have a lot of issues on that street too yeah yeah that's anything that can and find in the I will mention the next committee is a little restless so we can wrap it up okay oh just going clarify again too this is just a letter of support supporting us applying yeah there's willing for scope adjustments later too yes so all in [Music] favor you have to defer the other items here yeah International I think is already next week so that's not same unfortunately we've been talking to but I know they has supp work on other committees and the Parks Department I think Jeremy's I'm sure I'm sure about other committees but I know it was in talks with cours I know where it's so we can't take a quick vote on that and we get off the problem is yeah I think that was a like lenty discussion because there was ideas for things to do if you guys wanted to funding I don't think it's I don't think it gives it the proper attention if you're okay so somebody's gonna make a motion to defer that to the next let's defer it I mean I don't know if if it's happen well maybe it's worth planning for the next year yes I'm trying to if it's something you guys are interested in you guys can defer just Whatever item are left on now defer okay so you're going to make the motion yes I make a motion to defer zon International okay second second second okay that's it we're done I think we can 79 I don't think next time take a WR on to I don't think anyone's actually made the mostt [Music] motion all in favor 709 thank you all right L and gentlemen Happy Thanksgiving we have a next meeting January 21st e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 11an here it is Ry Blanco here absent absent yeah he tell me Esther present order of business is there any addition solitions to the agenda I think so okay I'd like to make a comment I'd like to that any future agenda this repetitive stuff has to stop it's just repetitive there's only so many times we can talk about updating the agenda that's just one of them so so if we can kind of streamline it that's the purpose of a meeting not to have a dissertation or we can put it old business I'd appreciate old business any public comments I think that there's two onl nothing online but you do have no ma'am you have public comments no ma no okay not applicable adoption of minutes I believe we received the June me the June minutes the June meeting June 17 meeting yeah is there a motion to accept motion I accept it they are is there a second second all in favor I on July 15 is there a motion to approve I motion to approve Fran second frest second second all in favor all August do we have an August there was no meetings for August yeah we had a meeting on August 19th we we have a meeting I don't have minutes oh I got it now oh is there a motion to approve the August minutes there's almost a replicate of this agenda but right yeah that's what [Music] bother I'll move to um what do you call it amend the I'll go over it [Music] again is there a second I have a question because isn't the intention of the minutes only to record the Motions not to you know to review the agenda again going into details it's okay yeah the main things in the agenda would be the motion and how that it failed it passed the maker the roll call the time to the time in theend so these are okay these are okay whoever did the AUST is okay okay perfect okay so the motion to approve with Rudy the second was can I second it even though I didn't yeah okay second all in favor I um I will note I did send in this September minutes and I wrote the time we started the time we ended and I also wrote the deferral and that it's not here and I did send them so I'm gonna talk to the ton cler because I don't know if they I don't know if their minutes go in for me that didn't happen Okay so I'm just going to get clarification because that the last thing I want is somebody from the public to say oh there was a meeting this day and then we're like no there was so I am used to in my years of service even if it's uh no Quorum you put go for order uh attendance right October Mo to adjourn right oober and then the motion was to defer the agenda to the next meeting so that's what I'm used to but you can do what you can check okay yes because now you just copied an agenda how do we know it's what the chair approved this meeting the agenda was what you provided to me the staff does not put together theend no but this is the same agenda as last one right for your email you said to use the same one yeah right that's why I put it in minut okay yeah the same okay Mr chair old business item a go ahead old business item okay letter for Min P I think that was an audio old request I think it was in I've followed up with them and I have not received anything nothing yet I don't have anything for you audio that's what we're talking about yeah yeah yes yes next Item B followup AC agenda of 2024 Advisory Board chair okay with the municipality involvement we I talked with Miramar Ral but they're going through their issues they're going through their situations with the incinerator election city managers and so forth so they I have not seen any interest for any municipality at this moment this time to be involved you with us at this moment at this you know particular moment in time so that's what I have you know to report on that for the minute and Mar has a couple of issues you know besides incinerator and and D is dealing with election still till December 10th and they uh and they might also have issues with the county M County no contact as as of today yeah nothing there today [Music] next um item lobbying is lobbying efforts well on Monday of this week let you guys know I reach out to the great Mii Chamber of Commerce government Affairs committee and we're going to see we're going to get accepted with them so they can lobby with us the more lobbying efforts we have for Tallahassee the better it is I really believe that very strongly and it's chamber chamber yes I'm part of the government Affairs committee so they are a big voice up in kahase and so forth and their lobbyist Peter Campbell Joan go will help us yeah pretty much they have an idea that I've reached out to the Realtors me just one at a time to unify e un un to join efforts to join efforts all right okay the next one is you spoke to and and the real Association the real Miami real also but I have not heard from them back it's okay as long as you the um item three State office I have not heard anything from them I have no reports from them I'll probably follow up or somebody wants to follow up on you could do that no contact November 18th a followup with Miami Dave County Lego Cities I have to follow up that with u chairman I mean council member rcia who I know he's involved with that and some of the other stuff they're going right now through elections of their own their own boards and and so forth coming up with them but follow up with them I know that they're going to go to tasse in in January mid January next item is the bab website does um that was to I'm not sure I honestly I don't remember it was so long ago so I don't so that was but I can p up the website so we can look at it if you guys want perfect I Mr Le reflect that P chairman M Mar have joined the the B and I [Music] didn't the changes to the website yes yes yes I'm aware of that and I sent them to I that's why she oh okay here um so I'm just pulling it up so we can look at it together I believe it was some changes regarding the P it was in the in the resources and the report complaints tab okay let me pull up my email really quick [Music] because yep what have you sent me a word mhm so member roster should he updated right now yeah the roster is updated vacancies um I don't know if they show them oh there you go vacancies file a blasting complaint for complaints file okay so the button is there I'm going through like oh okay I was trying to open it all right and then yeah this is what so file a blasting complaint is there okay that's we can double check that it works I know sometimes there's been issues yeah okay so I think we're good there MH I don't know if you need this oh I guess it says it already you will be date time of event name address email summary okay last rep CS are here y I think so far we're good yeah so far everything's good resources you guys wanted oh here I think this is the that's completed because we wanted to add the videos as well yeah the archiv stuff House of represent the three hours long thing so there was supposed to be an archive section too because I remember explained how you know we couldn't delete it off the website it had to be archived somewhere you know that you can check the website before you come to a meeting to make sure that you gave was done absolutely okay simple so this is I'm what I don't see right M tell so I think it's additional resources at the presentation and these videos that's it so I think with the archive that may have been a mention of a Committee Member but I think her Town we're fine too we I put the notes instructing you to Archive based on what was discussed in the me but you were going to confirm with the team itself if it was necessar the process and all of that I know there's we have to keep anything that's like public record right but I don't know that that means that we have to keep it on the web you what I mean so I don't know how they do that I just have to ask okay because you guys were telling me to Archive it so it's so it sounds like you are okay with it not being on here right but the way it was discussed was that there would be an archive action I all the arch so it's still readily available just under one link right right okay but the video testimonial you're asking for it to go up as it's own thing not under Arch correct I think I got it and then add presentation but it said don't need to update an at secretary that's still thing well because there's no secretary make the floor that's at the end of agenda okay on the member roster I think that that was a note for that okay right but if we're going to create the archive folder like you're mentioning that needs to be a motion because it's not something that we actually voted on and discussed okay since at the time we weren't sure if it would happen or not I don't think we defined that what the archive link would look like um I guess if you guys want to give me direction on that and then I'll go back to the team based on that okay cuz I really I can't tell you how it's going to look I I have no idea right right but now that we know that it's not a requirement okay how do you guys want to move forward with adding it or with leaving it the way it is and just adding additional resources my opinion is that if it's a public record is really available on site you just need to look site to look at The Archives because they have a lot of Records on Arch they have a lot of archive records so you want to add so add and let that live under there okay I'll make another if any if I have any other questions um I'll reach out to you and we'll go okay do you guys have any other things that you think should be added on there because I can I don't think the presentation was ever added and the reason for the delay was because at the time you know Stephen we knew was leaving so we kind of like needed to update that based on the new member do you guys rather we hold off until or add it without the member information that's a you do MERS have [Music] to items going to be discussed that's fine I'm talking about the presentation that gets uploaded do we want to include information of the members on the presentation or just the presentation just about what we do because if we do just toest presentation because like that you don't have to go back and forth back okay is going to say enough so then I'm going to have to update it to remove the member information towards the end so I'll provide you um new business number seven opinion deferred to January elction correct discussion regarding ideas of proposed 202 propos legislation you have to say yes before today was their first tahi they're getting organized they moving offices or first day of as soon you know I think they submitted already the draft of one Drafting and other bills of course but as soon as something is uh you know put in um written form it will be shared with he submitted a draft Bill okay thank you great perfect thank you um the next item um the I think we just did that the B archive that was done with i c 6C so I'm going to refer to C daer um Rudy brought speak of the house I don't know the mayor ever got I just put defer to January because obviously that was never done right so I guess we have till January and he just got elected and so forth and so on so yeah you're right J on and then the municipal Workshop proposal cost we have to defer that to January because we don't know what's going on here we don't know what's going on either that in the municipalities and everything else although I was see you and so forth I think we should have some type of Workshop internally of ourselves and with staff and with the counil we agree with you but we can't do anything until January the other item is the municipal Workshop has to be the first of January of January and then the Maramar and Dural dealing with elections that has to be the everything has to be deferred to J and they're going through their issue item is six letter appreciation for Angelo that have to withina on that I have to rec um I have a comment on that item I think I made the comment before but since I don't see it on the notes um I don't know why my comments get left out um I really have a a personal sentiment with this we have other members who have served on this community on this on this Advisory Board longer than both of us and we have never done it so if you're going to start this practice then you need to go back and recognize everyone and this is something personal to me I have been with Miguel forever I don't even know Miguel probably hanging out with him or his wife right you know and it's not only Miguel we had somebody who who just left not that long ago so if you're going to start doing this then you have to be equal and fair to everybody we volunteer our time and everybody should get recognized I think that brings you know another I think I think the town should do that too do it do it we got to get approval from the town this is my opinion because I've done it on other committee so what we've done is we actually have a template and we actually feed it to the temp and then Gina just gets it sign yeah this way it's a template they all know what it is it's nothing you know nothing fancy for another person everybody get the same yeah it's a standardized letter appreciation because while I might like Miguel more than Rudy that doesn't mean I'm going to put more cave to Miguel than Rudy and vice versa I know Rudy for a long time but I just met you of course I just think it should be a uniform eff yeah okay so um question we have all the members that we have had at least that I know of um so we're going to do it I think we got to do it very I a motion that the letter appreciation be um sent to All prior matter all in favor I just to be clear so you guys are going to provide me that letter so that we send it out I think that there's already a a template for that fin I think there's already a form there's already a from a certificate so if it's a certificate I mean certificate certificate that's what that's what was meant a certificate of appreciation C okay I'll be in touch with you because I've never done this for any of the things well that's what makes us different that's right and to be sent what is the request to be like mailed out well email you can email it they can print it if they want it who's second [Music] motion second doing minutes okay um next discussion um I believe that the records that we put in January that's going to become the next agenda for January because in the December there's usually no meetings right okay bring it up do we want a meeting in December well December we normally DEC the council doesn't have meeting or committee meetings yeah I think meting thee that's up to the I prefer not to because we can't do anything anyway until January I think it's January what will be on next meeting the 16th I think it is I have the the 16 Mond yeah you guys fall under that holiday you guys that's for January Jan iing December or you are here I have a cop was Emil oh yeah I got one okay so Rudy what I'm saying is since January 21 he said it's did is is January 21st 11 is and that would have been the day that's our blasting meeting so it says January 21 that's your dead that's the meeting I mean the commit that's the council meeting it say committee request schedule right so you guys are reporting right that's that day that's that day that's Tuesday the 21 that's correct okay so we're going to meet Tuesday the 21st no that's that's that's the date of a council meeting not our question do you want to meet the week before the 2 if well pay attention to the deadline so if the deadline is January 9th it does nothing for you to meet the week before agenda with duplicating the agenda no this is for the memo the report to council everything needs to be in by the stated deadline of January 9th so then we do need to meet in December because if not you have this is the report to the council that should have this done already cuz we have all the three minutes here and then this minute he's going to have so this is number four to the council well no because you guys have not brought the drafted report to council I have not seen it and you guys haven't brought it in front of the no I'm saying he would have it ready right but you guys need to see prove it at a meeting so we want me that's what I'm saying no no days in December no not Happ year I mean there's times where I'm not but there's a lot of times where I am so you guys can me the second week of January but then you the the secretary whoever the secretary is would have to provide those minutes like you know turn around 10 those minutes are going to be in your mailbox tomorrow morning okay then that's fine I'm just letting you know then you're putting that pressure on the secretary that's up to you guys I got no pressure they'll be there tomorrow what do you have in January so January December the second December 16 hold on before we move on to the next thing you you are not here even the first week of December I am asking that's why I'm trying to figure out November on the first the first week no what I need no that's her calendar December 2nd I don't use my phone on Mondays usually the 2nd the 9th the 16th if she has the first open oh wait when do I come back the second will be Monday Monday is the first hear Monday I'm not hear that second okay so you're not here the first or the second which which is a Monday the second is a Monday so we can do it the first if we're here that's a Sunday December 1 is a Sunday okay the second you're not here the second December 3D that's fine with me well that would be Tuesday December I'm doing it right now not here here that day so I cannot confirm that there's going to be a got to confirm with confirm with what sorry I after that not well then worst case we not meeting let's give you a couple days and then you tell us the day that yeah give me I'll work with so we know December can we meet November 22nd what that Monday week a Friday the end of this week these minutes she'll have them tomorrow and you will everything will be ready say 11 I'm only asking you does you have how many level do you have after five I'm okay does it have to be after five no no that's up to you guys I just I'm sorry I just assume because that's usually one of meetings 3:00 you available the 22nd thank okay so can I write this here tentative tentative I'll send you guys November 22 Friday 2024 can we do 4:00 and stuff 3 p.m. well no she just said she's not here 5 after 5 she's G no no that's fine 4 oh yeah four I Saidi we understand out okay yeah is that okay with you okay so the tentative is November 22nd a Thursday Friday Friday Friday Friday November 22 which is okay with right and I promise everything will be done I sent him the minutes day after the last meeting I don't play I don't got time to if not then you check in December right so the tentative date is November 22nd at four or Tuesday December 3rd at 7 p.m that's the ultimate if it's okay with you I'll send you guys as we know the better so Rooney doesn't have but anything these are the months of giving and you know nonprofit work and all that kind of stuff December's like a super busy month is that okay is there any motion to ad is there anything else any other questions anything else I just have a question for you for in preparation of this obviously she need the agenda on meeting I'm sorry we had added um the appointment of the secretary that's at the end oh you had time no we did have to open discussion is there anybody secretary board I have no choice if somebody else is not here then we nominate Esther col Secretary of Advisory Board I know you are second nomination on in favor I I I I yeah I already know of course we have I will mention you're supposed to have El din I know we having din I was gonna say that I was say but anyway temporary have a comment um allow you m has been absent four times if not more yeah um I make a motion to keep I mean St take direction does that how does that work so I'll remind you guys yeah so yeah how I know that's so when you guys go to your committee report part of your committee report is the attendance you're welcome to add it you're welcome to make that comment that the comme R that's a direction I remember Fel you you can make that request however it is up to council to remove it right the council you can request but you have and you know who's famous for that over there that's right continue to be absent be absent be five six times call for call for fair to watch that we call for and I know that's a big like last month correct and I know that's a big issue with the council right now what I can tell you is it might be going back to originally and everything else we don't know that yet we don't know that let include to put in the report um motion to and right now just so you guys have the information um her the roster the appointing council member was the mayor so right now I'm just letting you guys know no we already know okay but I'm letting you guys know that because there is no mayor there is no removal or adding a replacement of that person until that SP I thought that's what I thought but I wasn't Genera correct I I had a question about this January meeting that we're prepping for we're either meeting on the 22nd or the 3 you're the 22nd I already checked okay awesome so that's confirmed okay thank you so when we meet on the 22nd the objective is to come up with uh like what happens on this day what do you need PR the report report Rudy has to repair report of what we've accomplished in the past couple of months right so he already has all the minutes here going back to June so he will have minutes from June to November he has the cou you by the way there's a template for that there's a template St prepar I'm trying this is like my second perit meeting since I join second or third so template and Rudy can fill in the you fill it in okay and then he present okay it's like no a at we have to like I put the rules here it's semi annual report that you have to give her conversation of last year or this beginning of this year I want to say you guys had mentioned that for blasting it makes sense for you guys to go up in January and in March because I we getting that we all set on that okay if you want to see it um I'll send you a copy of the report of the template that I share with everybody and the chair will fill it on he bring a Dr copy yeah send it on Friday send that over no you can't that's a public record if you want her report template I'll share the template I make a motion to Second all in favor ah yeah you'll have these tomorrow and so I need the agenda tomorrow by end of business so who's gonna send it me send it to since I'm the secretary and I already know everything we defer to January okay so 751 751 and you guys are joined M anything M welcome again m thank thank you everyone so you'll have tomorrow thank you guys we know