##VIDEO ID:lQ-nEdi9dBA## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Tony breast cancer awareness they have a [Applause] right e e e e e welcome welcome to our October uh council meeting I don't know this one does it work is it loud enough I don't know if the other one's loud testing testing testing testing testing hey everybody Welcome to our October council meeting uh we'll have two Council meetings this month but in October it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month uh and a great local resident uh suszie and uh and her entire team her uh husband are here these are Miami Lakes residents who have donated some in Awareness for breast cancer they're hopefully going to be working with some of our vendors uh to be wearing this around town uh in honor of breast cancer awareness month so I know we're going to take a picture as a council but Susie was going to say a few words what's really cool is that she is a longtime uh Miami Lakes resident and she came up with the idea while she her company provides this to large corporations ER she came up with the idea of honoring all the all the women uh and Men ER who are fighting breast cancer throughout our country who've who've lost their lives uh due to breast cancer so it's actually a pretty cool setup so I'll let Susie say uh a few words and then hopefully we'll connect her with our team and maybe you'll see our vendors around town uh wearing these cool gloves the cool GL cool glasses and and cool vest yes hi good evening everybody um so my name is Susie PCO and my company is bullet construction supplies and first off I just like to say thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity toce myself thank you m Manny um and um so what I was thinking was I wanted to try to connect with some of the vendors from Miami lakes in order to be able to turn Miami Lakes pink I mean it is breast cancer awareness month and what better way to show our support for breast cancer than to see all of our people in pink and showing support so that's why I'm here today and Manny for allowing me this opportunity I would really love to connect with some of the vendors so that we can try to get this going I know we're in the middle of October but we still have half a month that we can actually uh show our support so so thank you guys again so much and I appreciate it thank you Manny you guys look amazing no let's get a let's get a picture let's get a picture let's get you uh let's let's move over let's move over that way let's move a little bit thank you Susie appreciate you apprciate it thank you so much of course yeah gloves are yes than e e when when it starts the meeting you will hear me you will see me approach the podium state your name and address for but you'll hear me of course e e e e e e e e e e e let's call the meeting to order Madame clerk please call the role council member Diez here council member coyaso present council member Garcia present council member Mora present council member ruano will be participating online but she is right now absent vice mayor Fernandez present mayor Sid present mayor mayor you have Quorum thank you madam clerk please rise for the prayer led by our Deputy Town attorney Lorenzo COA thank you mayor council members uh let's bow our heads in prayer uh dear heavenly father uh we thank you for this opportunity to be here all together um to uh do your your work uh here in the town of Miami Lakes we ask uh that you grant the mayor and the council uh the wisdom and the serenity uh to do your will uh and and to do what is in the best interest of all Town residents of the town of Miami Lakes uh and we ask for all those uh during breast cancer awareness month uh that are dealing with this horrible illness uh that that you grant them uh your strength Lord uh to be able to deal with with uh this cross that they bear in their lives and we pray for all of our residents and we ask this in your Holy Name always amen father son and holy spirit amen remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance led by our town attorney raess I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you you may be seated we have deferrals additions deletions Council mayor let the record reflect that I see in the TV screen councilwoman Rano welcome welcome thank you very much Madam clerk deferrals additions deletions yes mayor I have uh two one uh I would like to move item 11a to right after public comments uh many of the people in the audience have to get leave to get to an HOA meeting since our rescheduled meeting conflicts with uh uh many of the monthly HOA meetings and also I'd like to move 14n to right after 11a got it 11a after public comments then 14 uh n right after that one that needs a waiver and then I'm I'm going to be moving from consent item 10 L 10 L I'm going to move it from consent so moving to 11a after uh after public comments and then 14n right after that and then moving from consent remov from consent item 10 L I'll move the agenda second all those in favor I any oppos see none the motion passes we're on to public comments Madam clerk good evening and welcome to town hall and as I always State for the record if you have any questions please direct them to the mayor in a cous tone and to ensure the orderly conduct and efficiency of this meeting public comments shall be limited to 3 minutes maximum per person and if you're at home and you want to also participate which I do see in the TV screen several participants please just raise your hand um press number nine and it will let you in welcome to the meeting and if you're here in town hall in Council ch MERS just approach the podium and state your name and address for the record and welcome good evening Angelo Quadra Garcia 16441 Northwest 77th Place actually what brings me here today is to talk to you about SpaceX actually this piece of plastic that it took me about a month a little more longer than a month to get it from uh one of our departments this is actually supposed to be a root barrier uh we have been planting trees I've got about 20 of them on my phone and none of them I say none of them have this uh beautiful piece of uh um you know scientific whatever you want to call it so again this is not being installed and we have them somewhere laying somewhere and they are very expensive according to the records uh I'm going to use the uh rest of my minutes I have to leave I've got to go to work I wanted to uh make you all aware of something that came up to my mind last night as I am running uh the on the campaign Trail I've been seeing uh that um on the actual West Side we have an association and um yard signs were permitted for and I'll say it directly Mr Mayor actually when you ran for mayor your signs were on that side on the actual west side and nobody nobody that means nobody in the association said anything about your your signs but meanwhile while there's other people running including myself every person that has my signs and other individuals that are running have been attacked by the Association let me make this clear this is for sure I can guarantee you that this is going on um I went to the association and I spoke on one of their meetings and I said please make sure that okay and the and um Cruz that actually asked the the lady that runs the association if it was allowed if I was allowed to have my yard signs and she looked up in the ordinance he says yes he is allowed to have in every in any body else that's running can have them 90 days into election so why so why it what's good for the goose is not good for the gander so please I want to put this on the records that we need to find out why why was it good for somebody and not good for somebody else okay I don't know if I'm explaining it correct I'll just give it to you in simple L terms why was it good for the mayor running for a county commissioner position and not good for us let's make sure I want to find that out do you want to say something Mr Mayor no no no you at your time that's it I'm done thank you thank you very much and I just want to set the record straight when I was running for for County mayor that same Association sent letters to people who did put up my sent and then and they had to take it down so just want to put that further record because I had multiple people uh tell me about that but that HOA to their credit has been always consistent because every single election they send letters to to folks regardless of uh proof is in the pudding well um Bonnie sron from Lewis Road in Miami Lakes good evening mayor Sid council members and staff I'm here tonight to enjoy the momentous step forward that the council is taking the ordinance regarding the special tax districts NSD proposed by councilman morera will be read for the first time tonight it's a huge step in the right direction and I commend Mr morera and the council for bringing this issue to a just solution you give us hope that our town government will indeed begin to listen to the voice of the people so thank you um before I leave the podium though I would like to comment on item I on the con on the consent calendar I just want to say I think it's a fine idea to pursue having Madden's hammock added to the National register of historic places I'd also like to comment on 11e uh B I'm sorry 11b that uh councilwoman Moran um ruano has proposed about the leans I am in favor of taking steps to make the leans be paid in a timely fashion because code enforcement is what keeps Our Town looking lovely and it keeps our property values up finally under the new business item K I'd like to thank councilman Diez for proposing a town hall meeting for the public to try to improve the flow of traffic in our town I remember the synchronizing of Lights was suggested years ago but evidently it hasn't calibrated very well um we must come up with some more ideas so this would be a very welcomed meeting and especially because of the format being a town hall instead of having to observe Robert's Rules of Order which are not very satisfactory when we would like to be able to ask and have answers okay thank you thank you Bonnie good evening esperansa Reynolds 8465 menas maybe we should adopt the rers rules of orders that they use at the parliament in England and we can all have a really fun time but we are in full support of the proposed special taxing district ordinance in first reading thank you for finally making us feel as though you are listening and incorporating the right thing to do by adhering to the original ordinance which was the result of a petition to self-impose assessments for a guard gate with one guard who for 30 years have been allowed to take breaks and have lunch in accordance with the employment laws of the United States a level one guard which is all we're willing to pay for and for recognizing that the LPR cameras be as good as they may should not be imposed on a community budget when they benefit Miami Lakes at large we reserve the right to request the reopening of public comments during the deliberation of this item just in case we feel as though there is more to add again thanks for this ordinance which is a victory for taxpayers a victory for property rights a Victor for victory for representative government and a victory for the United States as you are finally adhering to the constitutional principles on which your oath of office is based make us proud and by the way SpaceX was awesome we got it back we have actually broken history awesome thank you parans good evening foris Foster 15221 MTH Place uh good evening mayor council members I am here to support proposed ordinance to create chapter 38 of the Miami Lakes town code let me share an analogy to explain why this proposed ordinance requiring the approval of the special tax in District owners before additional services are added that increase their taxes is so important let's say I want to purchase a 50-in Samsung TV I decide on this specific TV knowing that it costs $250 that is what I can afford I give my credit card to my cousin and ask him to purchase a TV while he's at the store he decides to buy 55 in lgtv because he decides it's a better better value and then he adds an Apple TV subscription next he buys speakers that I never asked for all without my permission now I'm stuck paying for this and I these things I didn't want I may not be able to afford this is what has happened with our special taxing district the Town Council has decided to add services at taxes without asking the owners for their approval it is like using our credit card to buy services and infrastructure the owners did not ask for and may not be able to afford this ordinance will give the owners back control over how our money is spent all the owners should have an opportunity to petition before any new services are added that will increase our tax burdens and I really want to thank uh councilman Brian morera for all his hard work in spearheading this uh this ordinance and also council members m Rano Luis colazo and Josh Diegos for supporting the owners and voting and voting to do what is the honest moral and right thing thank you thank you Boris good evening mayor council members Madam clerk Mr Town attorney Mr Town manager uh I said it last time I'm here again regarding the Christmas event I don't want to I don't want to make the whole three minutes about that cuz I do have other things to talk about uh the other week like a week or two ago was the Bike Rodeo uh vice mayor Fernandez was there I don't know about you Mr vice mayor Mr but I wasn't very fond of the results of that event um while there has been a lot of talk about you know being more let's say conservative about our spending I do still it would be a little bit hypocritical to me to say you know cut our budget to not do this event while also saying you know we have to preserve Town tradition so the point I'm trying to make is that I believe that it would be in the best interest of the town if you guys spoke to your committee members and sort of push them to craft this event in a more creative way where more uh Town residents would take advantage of the event and not just to select few um and I I don't mean a select few I just mean a certain sector of people which you know the overwhelming majority of the population did not take advantage of uh I don't think that the results of the event were satisfactory at all and I think that there are better ways to go about it so I definitely urge you guys to you know to do your part in reaching out to the committee to do a better job in that regard I also do want to announce that I'm in the works for October 23rd with Council Woman ruano and I'm trying to get everything set with the town clerk as to Sunshine and all that because I have invited uh multiple council members I have not invited for the record um vice mayor Fernandez nor um uh council member dieas because they are running and I don't want it to serve as a platform for your campaign um and I am in the works of inviting mayor Sid sort of as a farewell for his time and how you know his eight his eight years serving the town the event is called the future of South Florida and it will be based around three pillars technology and sustainability education and development the the event will partake in a couple speakers and then at the end we will be having hopefully if all the invited council members attend a panel and have an open type of discussion with the with the community and the people that attend this event will be open to uh town of Miami Lakes residents and neighboring areas that's why it's called the future of Florida and not necessarily the future of Miami Lakes um because I personally don't live in the town but I do go to school in the town so I think that it's best if we open it up to region like to other regions um and with that I just want to say you know God bless you guys and thank you for the work you do thank you Diane uh Justin C 6320 Simmon Street uh yeah so I'm a member of the true 529 for Boy Scouts so about last year about December maybe like early January of this year I got um a grant through the Tom Miami Lakes foundation for my ego project that was uh related to Veterans and stuff like that so actually I did part of my e project over here at the the veterans uh parking spot I painted that about a couple months ago or so so that was a part of my e project that I did so I wanted to kind of extend an invitation because this Friday I'm going to be doing um my opening for One of the sections of my Eagle Scout project that was for a soldier the died over in Afghanistan and he went to barberman senior high school so I want to extend an invitation CU I'm going to be doing an opening that his family is going to come down from Tennessee from so since I got the Grant from the T of Mi Lakes Foundation I want to extend to the to the mayor and also to the other council members to see if they would be able to make it um this Friday at barbar Gman senior high school at around uh 9 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to see if they would be able to make it and then I also had um Flyers so you guys would um be able to RSVP through my email or through uh my phone number so I want to ask you guys where I would be able to give you the flash for that you you can give it to the to the clerk and or and some to Joseph as well I'm going to try my best to be there I should be there so I'm putting it on my calendar I know I I had said yes so and I already informed the clerk but consider this my rsbp yeah you work you worked really hard on this and and I know how much it means to uh to of's family right and know and and doing it in his memory you know somebody who gave his uh his life for our freedoms right so very commendable that that uh that you would do that for for his family so thank you very much you yeah Justin and I just wanted to congratulate you first of all because I'm a Miami Lakes toown Foundation board member and we have a few of the board members that will be attending as well on Friday morning all right so your mom and I see your parents back there your mom back there your mom is uh is awesome you've raised some incredible kids so you all have uh both of your kids have been awesome you I remember the picture keep them but I don't know about I remember the picture for for discussion how long you all have been involved I remember the picture of your daughter reading with Nancy Simon way back and she was a little tiny tiny baby yes sir and um just so you know she's at the University of Alabama on scholarship and she is reading um weekly to kindergarteners um it's called engage tuscalo us so she's continuing the work that the town did when she was a little one with the Dolly Parton foundation so it is making a difference and we appreciate that that is awesome God bless you all thank you so much for the time for helping helping out and obviously Justin's project and and definitely would need play how the project that uh my daughter did so it really worked out well so thank you all for that you all make us proud so kudos to to you all thank you so we're jul and Rebecca corer from 63207 Street and we just wanted to um request consideration of item k um which deals with the um approval from staff for the scouts uh Julio is with 529 I'm with Girl Scout Troop 902 and then of course the American Legion is near and dear to our heart um if you would please consider that you would approve that it really means a lot to us to have beautiful facilities to go to that are safe for our children and we can spend time as a family so we would appreciate your consideration on that item course thank you thank you so much thank you thank you guys for being model parents so cool to see you all excuse us because they actually have a Boy Scout meeting to go to but thank you for all your work we appreciate you where where are you going to school what's uh what's the next step yeah is the right answer that's awesome yeah good man thank Alex arano Lake Glen Allen during the last council meeting Ray Garcia took a moment of personal privilege to ask his colleagues to show a little decorum and accept what is said at face value while I believe that people should speak up for others that can't defend themselves that display of benevolence should be evenly applied where was his defense of the meeting where Marilyn ruano was verbally attacked and called a terrorist by Tony Fernandez where was the request for decorum when Tony Fernandez stated that he was was done negotiating with terrorists and then pounding on the deis to say that if the other council members did not get on the bus when for voted in favor of the item the bus would run over them where was the decorum request when Tony Fernandez walked out of the chambers isn't walking out of the chambers when there are items to be voted on a violation of the rules this is another example of selective behavior when selective defense is applied only to the people that Ray Garcia sides with also after viewing the debate between Tony Fernandez and yanette Gonzales when the audience voted in her favor as a winner of the debate Tony Fernandez asked for a recount for something that was not even an election and when there are more people in the room that attended in support of Tony Fernandez thank you thank you Alex thank you Alex hello my name is Britney Ramirez I am new to the area so excuse my lack of knowledge of the area um since I am new I have picked up that this is a beautiful city might I add it's very beautiful and I commend all of you for it um what I have noticed is wood poles and in an area like this beautiful I'm expecting the security and you know protection of the residents and I want to just say how dangerous these wood PS really are especially now in our hurricane season where you know these pools can be knocked down and with surges you know one unfortunately someone could get harmed or die so that's all that I wanted to say thank you so much for your time are you referring to the wood poles for like the telephone lines for the power lines okay if I yeah if I may um and I'm sorry I didn't catch your name I usually write everybody's name but we Britney we we just vote voted on um a recent um action for for our town staff to actually start working with the utility companies to start removing them because I couldn't agree with you more there was a new business item we we voted on that I think that was maybe two months ago what happens is that utility companies are very slow in transferring over all the utilities so while we have most of our polls upgraded to concrete the old poll still stick around until those utilities so we pass a new business item and that's an issue that that that was discussed so thank you for for getting involved and and welcome to the town yeah and I think the the the ones the wooden ones at the Optimus I think we reinforce them re there's a sleeve on a couple of them but not all of them right Mr manager not not all of them have sleeves only maybe a handful correct some of the polls at the Optimus Club are already uh concrete some of them are still wood and we reinforced some of them that needed reinforcement madx Smith 1532 fire throwing lak Drive good evening uh members of Miami Lake City Council my name is madx Smith and I'm here to speak to the importance of improving uh sidewalk safety in our community as Miami Lakes grows so does pedestrian traffic and it is crucial that our sidewalks are safe for everyone whether it's children walking to school um families taking a stroll many of our sidewalks are cracked uneven and poorly lit uh passing a danger to those using Mobility devices like strollers or wheelchairs I urge the council to prioritize regular maintenance and upgrades to our sidewalks this includes fixing uneven pavement improving lighting and ensuring proper signage by doing so we can make Miami Lakes more of a walkable Community but also a safer one thank you thank you sir Mr manager how much money did we put in the budget this year for sidewalks I'd have to check mayor uh but a lot Tony I don't know if you want to talk to that gentleman to see which one's exact mayid and Council councilman um so I had nothing prepared because this is my first time here but I just wanted to talk about um so my address is 8881 Northwest 166 Terrace and um talking on the safety issue um I wanted to talk about the palm trees that we have planted in our front area of our of our homes these palm trees are huge they are overgrown they are super dangerous um the palm fronds just fall and they fall everywhere they fall on top of cars they fall on top they've fallen on top of mailboxes which have had to be replaced over and over again because they keep continue to fall and the the danger of somebody walking on the sidewalk and a palm fron falling on their head is can happen so um I think we've been wanting to discuss this for some time but it hasn't I don't I don't know but so so if if the council something if something can be done maybe have those removed and maybe put something else I missed your address I'm trying to 88 8881 Northwest 166 Terrace and that's right across the street from Royals Park I promised Susie I was going to put there's something going to be on the agenda for next meeting but it's actually really bad like it's yeah you saw you saw them I mean you saw the Palm frons all over the place they're just all over the place my neighbor has had to remove move has had to have his mailbox done three times because the pal PRS have fallen on it and those PS are like 100t tall like yeah and the the things that it lets go those those things it looks like it's snowing like literally we have an ongoing joke that it's snowing in Miami Lakes because those things just are all over the place they get in our pool they get on our cars so it's really bad so and just to confirm the these are uh palm trees they're on swes they're on the public side they're on the public side yeah they're they're I I think they're called um queen palms but they're they're huge yeah they're really it's a major issue but it'll be on the agenda for next meeting thank you thank you and what is your name I'm so sorry I didn't get her name Susie Susie and last name p thank you and thank you again for bringing the uh breast cancer awareness month thank you uh good evening my name is Maria Sant say I live in 15205 Don Barton place and the reason why I'm standing here is after here hearing the young man and this lady talking about uh the palm trees I don't know how many phone calls I make I live next to the lake glenellen uh Beach Park what it's called the beach park and uh those trees those palm trees nothing is getting done and I know that it's supposed to be every every three years nothing when the Winds of the hurricane came by a lot of them were down um that uh there's a couple of coconut trees at that Beach Park and it's still there the Coconuts are there the beach park every every week is full of coconuts on the lake okay about a couple of years ago one of the trees in the park got hit by a lightning and until I didn't thread my phone call and I said I will suit you because it was right a few days before a hurricane was coming it was not taken care of they completely took it off but the sidewalk is completely broken from the trucks and uh my concern and it's going to be your concern because we in that Park in the morning around 8 8:30 a lot of grandparents babysitters go with the strollers and babies to that Park and I am afraid of one of those kids or one of those elderly people falling because it is completely cracked and now because of the roots of the trees they're coming apart okay and uh uh the other part I also have is the in front of my house I have a street drainage that is the only one that works for that whole section in the back and we have a Palm Island there and it comes the last time that we had a real bad weather they had to send a truck to get it off and I am afraid I do complain also to the people that do the lawn The Cutting of the grass and everything because the other part of and this is the Miami lak that do does this they can't stand seeing me because I'll go out there because what they do is they just put all the leaves all over the place and they don't understand that when it rains all that comes into that only drainage that work because many years ago I found out that the ones that are across the street that is not on the lake those don't work they just fill up and once after it fills up they start coming into the street and sometimes I stand in my house and I see all this water like if I was down at the beach coming towards me and the water has gone all the way up to my garage door so it there is a problem back there with drainage and the trees and all that stuff and another thing that we did learn way back because we were stuck the trees need to be air to avoid all those big trees that we have falling off thank you thank you Maria Mr manager can you get Tony or or one of the folks that talk to Maria real quick please Gabriel lado 5809 hey fine get evening everyone due to the weather fling has been an ongoing issue in certain areas of Miami Lakes typically after a heavy rain what are the specific measures the town is currently taking to improve drainage systems and reduce flooding risk also what is the long-term strategies that are being considered to address the increased risk of flooding thank you for your time and have a blessed evening thank you Gabriel lado 5809 H for Lane thank you so much anyone else for public comments again please just approach the podium and our um participants I see a few online however I have been informed that they're just listening that they're not going to participate in public comments but again help desk if they wish to participate please let us know we are during public public comments now mayor I don't see anyone else for public comments thank you madam clerk public comments oh we have one more yes good evening uh my name is Jose soan I'm uh at 6870 bamboo Street um last time I spoke and I actually congratulated the city and its um uh workers for doing a fine job with our Lake and we were actually I was highly commendable of the work and I still am very happy and so is my wife and the neighbors um we requested that the um the method that we have between you and between this City and US maintaining the lake B preserved now they were they were about to dissolve uh or considering dissolving um because of the other parts of the city that had problems with a methodology uh that was being handled they weren't getting anything done uh with that and so they were going to take away all the um I forget the name now of the um the committee yeah for the neighborhood service District exactly so I asked and I encouraged for them to keep at least the ones that are running in the lake the ones that are running the lake they're doing a fine job is an exemplary work of service to the public uh the Lakes have come around quite a bit they're not there 100% yet but they have been greatly improved really really and I can say so again and um very happy with the services but now I understand that they're all going to be taken away including the ones that are functional that's throwing out the baby with a bath water that doesn't make sense and I encourage you to do away with only what's not functional correct it fix it do whatever it is that you need to do an individual problem has to be taken individually these other two that work well let them be the others that are legitimate problems very serious problem and I part every 100% those need to be addressed individually for their needs and that's all I got to say thank you very much thank you sir all right anyone else from the public anyone else from the public wishing to speak once twice public comments is closed councila Mr Mayor I believe it's an ordinance in first read ordinance in first reading an ordinance of the town of Miami Lakes Florida C creating chapter 38 titled special taxing districts creating section 381 titled special taxing districts creating section 382 titled amendments creating section 383 titled implementation and administration for inclusion into the code providing for repeal of ordinances in Conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date Council Council may have priest um I was speaking about the advisory boards yes okay I just wanted to make sure cuz I forgot the word no worries no worries we're on that item right now thank you all right councilman Mora thank you are there any motions to get discussion going I'll move or second whatever yeah I I'll move the ordinance in first reading I'll second anything you want to add councilman just to say you know a lot of has been said um about this issue in both Direction I think that this is uh as Miss Reynolds pointed out about listening to our residents uh and trying to find the best possible solutions for them um I definitely understand the position of Mr sto and many people that are uh similarly situated where maybe the lake the lake maintenance nsts uh didn't really have the issues of the Guard the guard house nsds but at the end of the day the NSD is staying it's not going anywhere we're just removing a middleman uh right now if you want to get anything done you got to go through a committee and then assuming the committee agrees with you because if they don't agree with you they don't have to bring it to the attention of the council we're just making the council who actually makes a decision come to you uh so we're actually making ourselves more accountable to you and I know I'm not going to change a lot of Minds on it you know a lot of minds are made up but I think that the input from the residents uh on both sides of the issues should carry the issue uh and with that I'll leave it to my colleagues got it I just want to make a motion to reinert the uh advisory boards for the lake maintenance second discussion just on the amendment discussion just on the amendment Madame clerk please call the role council member Diez no council member coyaso no council member Mora no council member Garcia yes council member ruano no vice mayor Fernandes yes mayor Sid yes the motion fails thank you madam clerk we're back on to the main motion as amended any if there's no discussions Madam clerk please call the role on the first reading ordinance in first reading I 11a council member Mora yes council member coyaso yes council member Garcia no council member Diez yes council member ruano yes vice mayor Fernandez no mayor Sid no ordinance in first reading item 11a passes thank you we're back on to council Mora's item what Happ what just happen yeah so it's mine it the next item is 14n I believe a new business item 14n Council M MOA you have the floor all righty uh so the I apologize uh 14 n thank you can you give me the agenda page number I'm trying to run there Council this uh there we go this item council member Mora we need a waiver for this item so I'll move uh for a waiver of section 7.2 of the special Rules of Order do we have a second second all in favor I rules are waed thank you uh colleagues for waving the special Rules of Order uh this item I couldn't have actually brought it any earlier because because it is a result of the 40th uh anniversary of the Miami Lakes chapter of zanta international which uh we know has a very proud history in our town um they had an event on Saturday which uh or when was it it was two Saturday days ago and I apologize the hurricane has thrown off all of my timing um we attended this event uh on behalf of the town to present a proclamation on behalf of the mayor uh which uh Mr Mayor I am very thankful for for the fact that your office did that um during that event the the zantas being the zantas and being the advocates for women and girls around the world that they are living up to their reputation they came up to me uh and started uh telling me about the 16 days of activism against uh gender-based violence um and they started explaining that this is an issue that is uh not just here in Miami Lakes not just in Florida not just uh in the US but actually internationally uh and it's done in conjunction with um the United Nations uh as well as a few other International organizations uh as part of that uh they had asked that the town um joined with countless other government bodies in lighting up their the exterior of their municipal buildings Orange from the period of November 25th to December 10th uh so that is my ask uh my I I'll make the motion is to light up town hall orange and I did check with the ma the manager that we had the ability to do this um light up town hall Orange from November 25th uh to December 10th in honor of or in recognition of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence second discussion discussion discussion all those in favor I I any oppos none the motion passes thank you and before we move off of the item uh I did have a a secondary item in here which is uh uh actually a second and a third item to correlate at the same time I'd love it if we go a little bit further the the zantas didn't ask me for this uh but I think it's something that we can relatively easily do and it costs us nothing um I'd like to see that during this period from November 25th to December 10th that our town website uh have a drop- down Banner sort of like the ones that we have during the the emergencies and stuff like that that would be orange and it would you know mention the fact that we are recognizing the 16 days of activism and also um that the town of Miami Lake supports efforts to eradicate gender-based violence and welcoming anyone interested in taking action to to join or support our local Miami Lake zanta Club and or visit the website that I have on my on my item on the agenda all those in favor I oppos see none the motion passes and the third and final is I would like to direct staff uh probably specifically uh Jeremy uh to work with Zant on a is it a mural uh it's a mural we've already been discussed yeah just to continue that work and and you know that you have our support on it I don't know if you wanted to explain it you can probably explain it a little better than I can so that my colleagues know what it is and we can possibly offer you uh our support good evening mayor council um yes we have been in talks with the zanta club on a mural of sorts that they have seen uh actually it started out in Europe um which speaks out against all violence um particularly yes it's violence of gender-based uh entities however it is essentially a a stop call to violence all throughout um right now we're looking at a location that makes the most sense it's going to have the most traffic um and it's going to kind of partake to the general population versus anything specific so not placing it directly next to playgrounds and so forth putting in in more of a common space so we have been working with them and I think they're also going to be talking with the Nic is there anything that the council can do to help um other than us give us the okay once we get an uh a location potentially that that might be the only the only location for now no no no motions thank you we're moving on to appointments there are no appointments M ments but we have a report from the cultural cultural Affairs committee chair Salazar chair Jeremy Felicia felici salar cultural Affairs report they're strategizing on the mural they got the they got the wheels going on the mural yes I know every time I hear art no I know I know I know okay uh good evening uh mayor council members Town manager attorneys uh town cler staff everybody um thank you for allowing me to give my presentation today um in front of you you have a package that we're supposed to present to you um is by our what's they called the semiannual report um we have the the list of the roster of the members and our activities um I'd like um to thank uh council member Diez and member Fernandez for attending our uh Hispanic her Heritage Month event on Saturday it was uh it was a rainy day but the place was packed and fortunately um geraldina Mandola was here but she had to run to to another meeting for the L Affairs um she and Justin trillo were the ones uh coordinating the event and being a very new members they get they did a fabulous job so I I commend them for doing doing that and um just I don't know if you seen the pictures but it was a beautiful event we had the traditional I mean the food from Graziano it was fabulous and then the performers were very good especially the tango dancers W so we we're hoping to bring them back so um again um this is some of the activities that we're very proud of and uh we have uh we were supposed to have a um a concert in October October no September but it was postponed because of bad weather so we're trying to see if we can reschedule the the jazz in the park concert um I don't want to read through this because it's kind of like but initiatives we have um like I said the jazz in the park uh we have our holiday book reading we're going to see if we can bring um a Christmas carols and combinate com you know to change a little bit for the kids besides having just Mrs CLA which was very successful last year and then we have a collaboration which um you know we used to have the the Main Street Live back in 2005 it was like a test from January to June and we had bands on Main Street and and basically very Lively uh I've been working with them I had like uh seven bands already who want to perform uh for us and we're going to have um singers dancers art it's going to be very Lively and uh I'm working with again with a Economic Development with the merchants and hopefully we'll get the Chamber of common involved and uh it's I think it's going to be a great collaboration to bring you know people uh to Main Street because they're they're hurting um because people you know I know sh is very active every every weekend but they need to come in to Main Street and and that's our their purpose to bring the arts and um and so forth um in your package you also have the minutes of our last meeting as required um the attendance um that's something I'm going to be talking about um and it's a memo that I submitted to you I hope you read it is uh just to request the council to change the rules regarding um attendance I think the way they changed it is very lenient on people who don't attend meetings uh if you see the chart the red means not attending the meetings so it's very uh counterproductive for us since we have to vote for you know what events to do on the budget and so forth so even today we were supposed to have our rescheduled meeting and it was postponed because we had no Quin again so it's something that is hurting our committee and I will appreciate if you could review the the the rules regarding attend end and normally and clarify this for me because the way the way I think it is is you have excuse ACC absences which do not apply to your I think you're supposed to supposedly before it was three absence and then you you were supposed to um you know send you know not be member anymore but now it's like there's no commitment so I always say the first part of committee is commit and if you cannot commit don't join so uh it's been hard for us like I said especially for me to to get the committee um you know to participate we have like 12 members and basically five or six are the ones that do all the work and attend events some people don't even attend events so it's it's something that uh concerns me and I hope to have your support in in in getting um you know the I know you can install and remove members according to how they perform and um it's something that I would love to to see if we can you know especially you know is is you know bringing the activities together and some of us work very hard and um like I said uh sometimes at the last moment I always tell them we need eight months to a year to put events together luckily for the 4th of July we were because we need to get sponsors and and so forth and if we don't have consensus we we can't move on so I appreciate it very much if you can help us on this um are there any questions through the chair uh Felicia again thank you for everything you do sorry I couldn't make the the festival I told my mom she was really excited she wasn't feeling well um but she she'll get she'll make the next one she loves the concerts you you guys put on question how often are you uh not making Quorum well if you look at the chart uh I I I know it may be a little bit confusing but I I you know mean I'm very picky about how to provide I I'm very graphic oriented so I try to do this uh the red means not attending and then um the the ray with excuse that means an excus absence uh some people are sick or have appointments uh with doctors and you know the pre medical uh procedures that they get done before they see the doctor some some one of the members had their uh you know their parents uh got injured or fell and they have to attend to them or a death in the fam things like that but I need to know exactly because some some oh if I travel is that excuse I said no I mean some of some of our members are traveling and uh I mean it's like if everybody does whatever they want it's it's like it's it's hard for us to function as a committee so uh the X means attended and I I I try to clarify as much as possible so I hope you you understand it if not that will clarify it for you yeah and I mean one one of the members already resigned Mareta bonds and then the NA means this is for the fiscal year so basically is is from from October to October and um and then basically you know excuse absences I think is is is don't don't count against the if we do the the three per year or fiscal year and then um NA means they were not members yet and so forth so and then we had to cancel the the October 9th because of the hurricane and then we rescheduled it for today and it was cancelled because no Quorum so it's uh we have uh one two three four meetings already without having quorum to which is the fourth because uh what I was going to mention uh through the mayor to uh council member Garcia is that you actually conveniently put it right at the very top of the chart uh you can see December 13th uh March 13th and April 10th they say in parenthesis no qrm I assume that's no Corum which is the fourth one that you had no Corum okay today today I mean it's it's after to sh because we we put this together for the oh okay yeah because we're supposed to uh have it ready like before I mean we we're supposed to have our meeting last last last uh October 9th so we had to have this a few days before so so this doesn't show um yeah the the one for today will be October 12th so it's it's not in the chart but um and so that's four times in less than a year that you've failed to reach a quorum we we we didn't meet Quorum exactly and none of these are subcommittee meetings these are all the regular meeting of Comm that was in January which was um which was very good by the way subcommittee everybody attended but then with the subcommittee you you have the regular meeting to approve what was in the subcommittee meeting I said that's that's redundant we already approved everything so um and then in the the second I think we did have Quorum on the February 2nd because that was getting us ready for the for the women of Distinction uh event so yeah it's it's been and this is the first time ever I mean we never had issues with corn before but I guess by when they change the rules it's like okay I go when I want and you know it's raining I won't go and it's to me it's not you know through through the chair rain or shine you know I I attend through the chair to the town manager um correct me if I'm wrong I I thought that the rules were recently amended to make it more strict no actually the reverse before there used to be a rule that if uh uh committee members missed a certain number of meetings they automatically were removed and it was incumbent on the council member who appointed that person to reappoint that person or appoint somebody different it was changed and what it is now is just it's a notification the Committees will notify uh the clerk's office of uh committee members missing X number of meetings and then we'll notify the council member and say hey your appointment to this committee has missed so many meetings and then just leave it for the council member to decide whether they want to remove them because you may be more familiar with special circumstances and so forth that was the logic behind that change there no automatic removal okay yeah if I may interject just briefly just to provide additional context a the the change also was intended to kind of balance out by requiring that they go to two different meetings prior to joining the committee so just wanted to provide additional context there that you know they're supposed to attend one regular meeting um or rather uh two but the second meeting can be substituted by meeting with the chair um and the idea was to try to gauge how committed they will be to actually serving on this board so I guess we're still having some issues even after that change yeah it's it's U it's not working out and uh and then this is not just us I don't know if the other committees have the issues with Quorum too is is uh by you know revising or bringing back the rules to the original um intent I think it helps all the other committees too if in case they have issues with Quorum but I know in our case we do as you know we do almost activities every month and and especially big events like the 4th of July and and the Hispanic Heritage Month the big the big ones the big ones that we that we need sponsors for and we need to uh get approval for budgets and all that that affects us it's you know it's something that uh we need help with especially the council needs to vote on accepting you know our recommendation or request and I'm sure one of the council members will bring it back as a new business as soon as possible please I already wrote it down thank you so much thank you for all that you do okay thank you God bless you all we've been volunteering here for for decades already so we we really appreciate you that all the years that you've been volunteering in the in the town you know you I enjoy doing this I mean also Felicia uh I I live very close to Justin tro who you mentioned and he Raves about you he he he says that you're awesome um Geraldine and and Justin I mean they were fabulous I mean they did a great job being so new to the committee I wish the rest of the old committees did that or members thank you thank you chairwoman uh we're moving on to consent I had pulled an item and I just want to vote no I've been voting want to be consistent i' be voting no on a lot of these piggybacks and and uh waving competitive solicitation especially for something so mundane that I think can go out within 30 days and come back but I just want to register my no vote I voted KN and many many of these that have come up um in the last several years so just want to register my no vote on this so any motions to approve you all can go ahead and approve it the item is 10 L correct 10 L yep yep um I'm it's on consent so I'm going to go ahead and make a motion to uh move the item point point of order is it on consent it was pulled the the item was pulled the mayor just wanted I guess to make sure that everybody knew that he was Voting no but it is on consent so you're only voting on this and he's just making sure that he everybody knows that he's voting no and maybe the reason why he's voting no but I'm going to I'm going to go ahead and move the item so we can move forward with the meeting the reason I'm going ahead and pulling you pulled the item you want to make the the reason I pulled it is because if I don't pull it I have to vote on the whole consent and vote no on other items so I've done it many many times throughout the several years there's items move the meeting forward I'm going to go ahead and make a motion to approve the item and then there's a second there's a second if not there you go all right just move the move the meeting forward got it Madame clerk please call the rooll item 10 I council member goaso yes council member Diez yes council member Garcia yes council member Mora yes council member ruano yes vice mayor Fernandez yes mayor Sid no the item passes thank you madam clerk we're back on to the consent calendars uh any motions on the move the consent com second all those in favor I I any oppos see none the motion passes we're on to ordinances first reading item 11b Mr attorney an an ordinance of the town of Miami Lakes Florida creating amending chapter 8 section 8-7 of the town of Miami Lakes code of ordinances titled recovery of unpaid civil penalties unpaid penalty to constitute a lean interest to be paid on leans foreclosure prohibition of the issuance of permits licenses certificates of use and occupancy or zoning approvals to violators with unpaid civil penalties or leans civil penalty reduction providing for inclusion into the code providing for repeal of ordinances in Conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date councilman Rano this is your item any motions that you would like to make thank you Mr Mayor I would like to um approve the the there's a chart that was prepared by staff um illustrating the summary of the proposed changes I know that we are on first reading I don't know if the uh Council would like to go over this or if you've had a chance to review it but I would move to approve um as presented by sta there's a motion is there a second I'll second second discussion discussion seeing none Madame clerk please call a rule ordinance in first reading item 11b council member ruano yes council member Garcia yes council member coyaso yes council member Diez yes Council member Mora yes vice mayor Fernandez no mayor Sid no the ordinance in first reading item 11b passes thank you madam clerk we're on to item 11c Mr attorney in ordinance of the town of Miami Lakes Florida approving the devising of certain land owned by the town of Miami Lakes in consideration for land owned by Miami date County providing for severability providing for expenditure of budgeted funds and providing for an effective date any motions on the table Council it's an ordinance in first reading any motions anyone all right I'll move the item I'll second it any discussion seeing none Madam clerk please call the role ordinance and first reading item 11 C council member Diez yes council member ruano yes council member goaso yes Council member Garcia no council member Mora yes vice mayor Fernandez yes mayor Sid no the ordinance and first reading item 11 C passes thank you madam clerk item 13A councilman dieas hold on give me one second okay yeah so this is just uh my item uh ensuring that the council roles are amended so that the charter officers are are seated together again um I think it makes more sense that way and the the attorneys took uh a little more leeway to go ahead and add additional items to explicitly spell out things that were not always as clear in the rules so with that uh I move the item and urg AD option second it so at at first I didn't know what to to think about this item it was a little little strange because I know you had walked in and you moved Raul uh from that uh from that seat but I definitely have seen the value where you're you've been coaching uh councilman morera pretty well in terms of the uh the the not motions not how to vote but I've I've seen you guys talking a lot in terms of the Motions because councilman morera I don't think he's brought up to speed on Robert's Rules and there's a lot of times where you're like no you have to for my fraternity so yeah but I I just want to say kudos to to councilman dieas um because I see him always coaching you up over there so the other the other thing I wanted to bring up and because I again I never really thought of this as an issue the I've had a chance to see some uh Council meetings in many many cities throughout South Florida and one thing that is that is interesting that I like is the only folks who sit up here um in some cities are just the elected officials and it and it brings in a tremendous amount of of accountability so I would prefer for staff to sit with staff um so I want to make a motion hopefully a friendly Amendment just uh I want to motion that to amend this item to have the uh the town attorney the town manager and the town clerk sit with all other members of Staff while the elected officials and those who are ultimately accountable are the only ones that uh that set up here so I just want to make that motion I'll second for discussion discussion councilman Garcia um so just wanted as as thinking about just um the efficiencies of having the manager and and and some the staff and the clerk up here um I don't know if you consider that the efficiencies of having them up here and things like that um as far as I understand you're you're thinking about having the elected officials because we were elected but the efficiencies that it comes with um so um you know because of that I I I would I would uh you know at this time wouldn't be able to support that but I understand what you know your your background on why you're saying that but I I found that having them here uh helps me so I just wanted to put that out there look we're in the same room and being 2 feet away compared to 10t away is not a big deal but I have seen and I've asked other cities why they do it and look the the ultimate accountability is us and I it's okay if you guys are our for for this I'm fine with it but the ultimate accountability is with us and I think sometimes we get way too much banter back and forth and I think it should be simply the electeds and we call upon those who who uh who youve all had chartered uh uh to run it so I got no problem but I did see it already in several cities and it and it was a it was a a a good model where they they're sitting on the side they're sitting but I thought it was a good model but that's Madame clerk please call the role council member Garcia no council member goaso no council member ruano no council member Diez no council member morera no vice mayor Fernandez no mayor Sid yes the motion fails thank you madam clerk we're back on to the main motion Madame clerk please n vice mayor yes so I would uh I would also like to uh to offer a friendly Amendment much to the uh to the mayor's point I think one of the uh one of the Dynamics that has changed um uh a little bit over the last couple months is the amount of uh banter that happens between us colleagues up here uh during items in between items some of which um I think Teeter uh Teter on the brink of uh becoming Sunshine violations right and I think it uh it serves the public purpose to make sure that all the conversations that we have amongst each other uh are done so um open for the review of of the public so I would like to edit the uh the section that says council members shall not engage in Cross conversations with other members of the public uh I would like to amend that line to uh also include um other council members when they are not duy recognized what's the section number if 4.1 Council discussion are any seconds on the motion I'll second that discussion discussion sure um I I know that when I was when I first got elected and speaking to the the the lawyers um if you notice that you know the the cross conversation for me is you know if if I hear uh anything directed to me that's not on on that I kind of freak out I I I truly believe yes absolutely if we want to be follow the letter of the law and it's it's you know everything should be in the sunshine and on this mic um and I I I I do my best to make sure that I'm you know not having Cross or side conversations uh to respect that so I would be forward I think it's what what we were we're supposed to do up here is make sure we're following Sunshine everything we say every opinion we give is on the mic for the residents to be able to pull up and see what we're saying and how we feel so that's why I'm supporting that that item uh that that Amendment further discussion all me Mr Mayor councilman dieas I actually want to add a further amendment to that and actually prohibit the use of phones by any member of the council throughout the entire meeting uh that would be my amendment I think if we're going to be consistent between not having sidebar conversations I think it's also important that with these conversations on the phone that none of the council members are also engaging public business uh during the meeting um right without the benefit of the public knowing so that would be my my further Amendment to the amendment proposed by the vice mayor question does this count as a phone does it make calls it does cuz that every electronic device regardless you'd have to come back and sends messages all right is there a second on on this one second I'm sorry could you explain would you restate the motion please very simple can't have sidebar conversations next to each other and you can't also have any conversations on the phone while the meeting's going on that's my further amend you're saying with each other so my my wife send me a text let me finish please I'm going broader I'm saying no uh device that are capable of sending messages so we don't send the wrong message to the audience that there's some sort of separate Sunshine violation going on so no electronic devices for anybody that's on the dis correct that means staff and everybody nobody up on the D this governs the council right because it's a special Council rules through the chair um I I use the city uh um iPad uh it helps me um especially if I have to make things bigger uh but um I mean I use it as a tool uh it's very helpful for me I don't I don't send messages it's it's public record because it's the towns any anything that's that I do here even searches that I make are public record so um I would be against that because these These are tools that we need in today's Age We disseminate a lot of information and to take away a tool tool that helps us be more efficient whether it be a phone or it be uh you know I I I think it goes against good governance now I can see where talking to each other you know if I'm I'm having a conversation sidebar while you're talking it's just a bad look and it's against Sunshine so I think the the the residents understand the tools that we use here uh as far as uh to make to to be able to make better decisions but they expect us you know when we're on the DAT is not to be having sidebar conversations but I see where you're coming from in that sense uh councilman but these tools are very efficient I know that counil morera as well he I mean he uses it to take real-time notes uh I still use this uh but I'm going to I think I I was I was thinking about buying a pad like that because it's more efficient it transfers quickly you can save it and you can go back and follow up with the staff so um that's why I would be voting no sir for that for that Amendment so as a followup um you know again I'm just trying to honor the vice mayor's Spirit of his item right um and of course a blind spot would be not doing something about the electronics up here that are capable of sending messages right now I understand that it's specific his item was specific to council members talking to each other but for example if council member Mora just leans over it's like which item were we on because perhaps he was addressing client concern or whatever is that going to become an issue now right you know so a again if we're being consistent I think we need to just look at the full range of ways that that we can communicate with others and with potential conduits right because remember that the Sunshine Law is not just about whether we speak directly to each other but whether we direct somebody to deliver a message on our behalf that's where the item of or the spirit of bringing up these Electronics is coming from you know if we're going to go this route let's we're we're on this let's take a vote I was just going to say one more thing sir yep U Madam clerk do you know where where we're at I do know it's the counil the amend amendment number two from council member Diez for all cell phones to not be allowed so that electronic electronic devices that can have outside communication right he specified no electronic devices but only for the Town Council was my understanding correct council member Diez not not for the major over and I need a second for this motion yeah there was a second I just wanted and then in close so we can call just one more thing as far as just I I think we understand that um hey where we at I mean that's common sense right one little quick hey you know what item I'm you know I went to the bathroom I went to get water 100% I think that's common sense right I think it's you know just being professional and saying hey where we're at so we can that of course I I feel that that's that's fine because everybody sees we're just asking where we're at and um uh so I don't think it includes that aspect of it I mean as far as for me um but just going back to what I said before you know having actual conversations about what's happening then that's that's that's where I would be against but the electric the electronic devices are a tool that that we need to be efficient uh and um I mean there's a lot of information we have to uh disseminate quickly and although we do uh prepare for these meetings I mean it would be like why don't we just bring crayons and and and and coloring books I mean we need these electronic devices they're part of the side Guist and they're part of a tool to make you efficient as a government official look and I I will uh I I will also app that you know some of us have families some of us have children some of us have elderly relatives and it's it's important for us to be able to stay connected so um I I'm not I'm not opposed to the spirit of this motion but I think in uh in practice uh what it's going to lead to at least on on my behalf is my phone will be in my uh in my pocket and uh when it rings I will have to step off the uh the days and do one thing at a time but I will um I I I will need to be there and available and respons and responsive to to my family and I think that takes president uh over over everything else so just wanted to put that on the record well then perhaps um perhaps a further Amendment would be an order then a just to uh at least provide the town clerk this will be my my my new motion I guess um to my own Amendment withdrawing withdrawing the one corre yes withdrawing uh my prior Amendment and instead uh requiring that the council members will have to log to the clerk who messaged them or who called them through the council meeting is that fair across any media that would be the the next motion just to for them to actually provide to the town clerk a list of of calls that they got during the meeting and text messages just that in that format um and providing that to the clerk um and that I think is a better compromise including the content of those messages or just the recipients and the I think the you can draw a lot from the recipient just like with metadata as you know right so this is not getting into the content right now which is going to the you know the who messaged who all right Gentlemen Just so you know this motion amending these rules requires a two-thirds vote and as lawyers especially the two at the end there are clients that we all have that nobody has and that nobody knows and if someone sends one one of those clients who you don't want to know is a client of yours because the client doesn't want you to know that they're a client of yours and they want that privacy and he sends you a text without knowing that you're up here under that rule you're going to have to disclose it this is first reading there's going to be time to to flush this through this is a reso you're right it's a reso I mean look I hear where you're coming from but I'm just trying to close the loop right um was there a second on I I don't think we even got there I think uh I think the attorney willine just before but um but I will go ahead and I'll withdraw this but I just wanted to be clear then you know all the ways that you know things are not as airtight as we think when it comes to Sunshine but I also want to make sure that with this motion that we're not going to to just ding our colleagues for again for just simple sidebar conversations which are not subject to Sunshine disclosures anyway right because the content is what's important um but I'll again just I'll withdraw it for now and if anything in the future this can be addressed your thank you councilman Diez back to the main motion on the amendment to the main motion the discussion vice mayor just to be clear because councilman dieas brings up a a valid um a valid concern does your motion is the intent for those the the hey how you doing you know how's your family hey you know the heat just won or is that is that no not it not at all nor is it you know when we we need to get water from the back and you know would you like a bottle of water or I need to you know go do number one in the bathroom I don't think that needs to be a uh a public record when that when that happens I think that conversation is understood um but but it is definitely my uh my opinion that a lot of the the noise that I hear during the council meeting is uh relevant to the the matter that is being discussed and that's what I want to to curtail because I think a lot of us up here lose out on some of that context and some of that information I think the public is best served when when that all of that business happens completely in the sunshine the Mr Mayor the the other aspect I mean we could just have hot mics the whole meeting right so I mean there that I love because you're spot on there's a lot of snickering there's a lot of like stuff that happens under the breath that I think exactly what you're talking about especially when a side is a hotly contested issue wins or fails bro look at this guy you know you hear that I love that let's all pin mics have them hot the whole time headset can you order the headsets yeah no no but that's yes yes and going back I had the floor mayor right so I think that's kind of exactly the corn we're talking about through the chair I agree through the chair through the chair um guys I think the item was just to have us police ourselves with too much excessive side conversations you know just to excessive side conversations where this is going I think we're we're trying to solve an issue that is not there the only issue that I've seen and I've been here for almost two years is yeah there is excessive sidebar conversations hey can we as a as a as the body try to mitigate that as much as possible that that's as simple as it is guys I don't think we need to start Banning uh phones and laptops and and being miked up God forbid we go to the bathroom and forget you know uh I'm just saying guys let's not we're I think we're taking a little too far I the spirit of the item is hey guys let's try to keep the side conversations down especially if it includes details about whatever we're discussing simple as that let's not take it as far let's not go farther than that guys let's just keep it where it is that's just my my two cents that's fine let's let's bring it home and then councilman Mora in closing and we'll take a so I'm going to try to say this as nicely as I can without letting the litigator and me come out um we are all grown award adults we do not need these kind of rules placed on us we have been entrusted by the public we have sworn an oath to uphold the laws of this state and the constitution of the state the charter of this town and the code of this town if we're not doing it here in front of their faces then then I mean we're obviously constantly talking about business items outside of these meetings I believe what we're talking about here is chitter Chatter excessive sidebar as was just mentioned I agree with councilman uh Garcia if that's the case then Mr Mayor that's literally your job you are the chair of this meeting if the meeting is getting out of order that's where you need to step in that's what that Goble is for that's it councilman I just want to say that's why maybe this rule is important because right now I don't know I can't just gavel you down hey I hear sidebar uh councilman Garcia spoke to councilman R you guys got to stop you know and you're right we're all we're all adults and I think that puts an onus on on me that I'm going to be calling people and you it might be for no reason hey I just told him the heat the heat Omari Cooper just got traded today you know so um he did he did and Devonte Adams got um but I'm fine with it let's move forward and and let's call the rule Madam clerk please call the rule I may Mr May yes if I may before you call the yes um I've been on the council now for for many years and this has never been an issue and I know that no one has addressed it yet but I did take offense to what the mayor said about council member Mora and the fact that uh council member die is is telling him what to do um I think that that's incredibly offensive and uh since no one's bringing up decorum or collegiality I find it important for me to do so um when I joined the council I sat next to council member goasu and thanks to him I learned the ropes right because when you sit next to someone for the first time on the days there are little nuances that you don't quite understand and the meetings move quickly and sometimes you need someone to explain something to you not necessarily tell you how to vote or guide you and what to say but kind of place you in in the right posture from time to time until you get your feet wet I think that we've all been there so I don't think that it was It was kind or proper to say that that was the reason why council member dieas uh switch seats um with regards to this particular conversation I think it's absolutely ridiculous I think that we can all govern ourselves and I find it suspicious that this is coming up now at this time right because we've had sidebars since I've been sitting up there we've had all sorts of conversations we've snickered at each other we've made comments that perhaps we shouldn't have made when we're not at our happiest and we've also talked about children and vacations and we sit up there for hours and hours and hours and sometimes we lean over to our colleagues and ask you know how are the kids how was your vacation I think this whole conversation is absolutely ridiculous we can all govern ourselves um and I don't think that any of that any of this is is appropriate so I won't be supporting this thank you very much councilman Ronald um and that was a great point that she made similar when she got up here sitting next to you and that those were the same same point I was making never insinuated that councilman dieas and and uh and councilman Mor were breaking Sunshine Law it was very similar right hey this is not a point of order this is not it was never that insinuation so Mr Mayor just before we close and I think a lot of it has to do and I I agree with with Council Rono a lot of it has to do with timing right when we applaud a colleague and say hey great job coaching and then the very next item is to talk about how things are happening here sidebar right I think the timing of it is suspect and that's why I think she took offense to it at least that's why I'm going to be quite honest with you I came out very offended by it because at the same time I have never witnessed anybody here especially Tony yourself councilman Garcia or anybody here ever say anything relevant to an issue that we're talking about I have heard Snickers and queers and jeers and people slamming things but never to the point where it rises to a sunshine violation so I think the timing of it right to compliment a colleague for coaching another colleague through a meeting and then at the same time a few moments later having another colleague put an item that questions our integrity here as a council I think is what what kind of rubbed everybody the wrong way so I couldn't agree more with Council Morano kind of speaking up on that issue so I don't think it has an issue to do with what you said it's just the timing of how it kind of came out that kind of put everybody on edge so I I agree with everybody that's comment that we're kind of adults but I have never witnessed uh Sunshine violation or something that would raise that level that our council's integrity is being questioned and and um I'm very devote on the item but you guys vote I'm ready to vote as well I just like to ask the The Madam clerk where are we at is there an amendment or it's the main motion we in the second amendment by vice mayor Fernandez motion seconded by council member Garcia to amend or edit section 4.1 of the special Rules of Order specifically so that no cbard conversations are held amongst the Town Council am I correct vice mayor that is the amendment number two are we ready so I I I just wanted to make something very clear and why I I said those comments I get here one day and I look at ra ra what happened councilman dieas told me to move and I never thought about it then I see talking about time an item that has come back three or four times and has been postponed three or four times so I haven't had a chance to speak on this ever since that move I can't call councilman dieas and talk to him hey why did you make that move you know so I didn't know in my in my 12 years up here a council members never done that in terms of just shown up one day said hey tell somebody move this is where I'm sitting we've all kind of respected hey this is the process this is where you sit so that's that's where I'm coming from and and the same way on timing I haven't had a chance to chime in on this because it wasn't like I can't go up to councilman dieas and tell him hey why did you tell the town attorney to move when we've been doing that for years and hasn't been the reason I had moved it that way so it could be symmetrical in the middle it's not that big of a deal but that's how it was it was brought to my attention was the attorney I looked at him I'm like what are you doing sitting over here just told me you know councilman dieo showed up and told me to move so and then then I see that but it's that's that was my perspective and that's when I first heard about it so if I may Mr Mayor um maybe you missed a meeting though when I presented it as an NBI but I did put my thoughts on the record where that came from which is that I you know from observ observing other cities and observing how things were working between us ever since Ro had been moved here I did make a comment that I always thought it was more efficient for them to sit together because I've seen it countless times where either Loreno has to waltz all the way to this side to talk to rul which can be in itself a little distracting or other staff members have had to walk over here as opposed to keeping them all all of staff and the charter officers on one side so it's more efficient to me it's less of a distraction in general for the public um and you know again I've seen it the attorney and the manager need to be right next to each other they kind of you know remind each other of things that that were covered in their briefing they it's just more uh proactive that way and and more efficient that that's where the idea came from understood and I think we're ready Mr Mayor just very very quickly I just want to put it on the record in case you know for for the education of anybody listening at home the the three Charter officers are able to discuss items and and things amongst themselves they are not bound by Sunshine so when councilman Diez mentioned that they they speak to each other I I wanted to clear up that they're allowed to speak to each other during the meeting thank you madam clerk on the on the amendment please call the RO and to you so council member Diez no council member Garcia yes council member coyaso no council member Mora no council member member ruano no vice mayor Fernandez yes mayor Sid yes the motion does not pass thank you madam clerk please call a rooll on the main item so item 13A motion by council member dieas seconded by council member Garcia council member Diez yes council member Garcia no council member coyaso yes council member ruano yes council member Mora yes vice mayor Fernandez no mayor Sid no the motion passes item 138 thank you madam clerk we're on to the next item uh which is item 13B um Miss shock I'm sorry let me correct the roll call we have four yeses and three knows but I have we were all instructed by the town attorney a few minutes ago that in order for the special Rules of Order to be amended we need is that cor is this a Special Rule of Order where I sit e 13A is amending the special Rules of Order so we were just instructed I'm just repeating what you said 15 minutes ago no I I understand that but where I sit as a Special Rule of Order well that's the item amend they're amending the special Rules of Order so we have four yeses which is for the motion to pass but you instructed us that we needed 2/3 so that would be five yeses but this I don't understand why this is a special rule of order because traditionally uh where we sit is dictated by the mayor but that's just set by custom there's nothing formal on that so in the same vein this was just formalizing that the charter officers should always sit together and for that reason in order to make it binding the special Rules of Order for that reason to make it binding it's going into the special Rules of Order which govern how we run the meetings that's why all right but hold I'm trying to understand you you said it a couple minutes ago and I know the clerk heard it as well you you you CH in thank you for reminding no but you know what I'm saying but you chimed in and it it's a 43 vot I just don't understand why this is a Special Rule of Order well if I if I may Mr attorney um again I'm just following the advice I was given so I think uh but is isn't the special Rules of Order it says that the mayor I I know it's custom and practice dude I I've sat everywhere up here I don't mind I'll sit wherever I have to sit it's not because of that the the resolution that's before all of you and and the attachment was to enshrine the position of where the the charter officers sit it was part of the special Rules of Order but a while back you all amended the special rules of of order to require that any amend future amendments to the special Rules of Order I think it's rule 7.2 requires 2/3 vote so look look look look look look it's a 4-3 vote this is asinine this is petty I'm not going to move councilman dieas right just move forward that's it that's it it died I'm not going to move him this is these types of rules are not necessary if he wants to sit there let him sit there it it is outside the custom I prefer you being there but it's fine I'm not going to go back and forth we move forward not one resident has called to complain about this nobody called me and said that they wanted to change in the way that we're seting let's move forward let's move forward and focus on more important things councilman dieas you can stay there it is what it is we're moving forward um we're moving on to the next item which is 13B which is adopting State Legislative priorities for 2025 yeah mayor yes yeah these are the items that were the product of the workshop that the council had and it is the uh the projects for appropriation request as well as the U policy or statutory items the 5G tower that have been uh passed by this Council in the past as well as The Rock mining legislation that had been passed by this Council in the past are there motions to adopt our legislative priorities still moved second all those in favor I any opposed see none the motion passes great presentation Madam shock good job you're ready you're ready uh we're moving on to item 13c mayor yes yeah this item came before you a few months back when we were in conversations with the uh Miami date police department and we thought we were in agreement on uh on the extension but also one minor change which was the uh change in notice for leaving either the the police department giving us notice that they don't want to service anymore or we providing them notice that we don't want them to serveice anymore we had uh put before you a change to make it 36 months instead of 12 months since that time the Miami day police department has gone through some Command Staff changes and with the Advent of the sheriff coming up they approached us and asked if we could just leave it as is the same way it's been for the last 25 years so it's still a five-year extension the only change from what you saw in the summer was the change now to revert it back to what it's always been which is 12-month notice either side so through the mayor to the to the manager how much time is left on the existing contract um minus 11 days or whatever it's been it it expired on September 30th okay so I'm I'm going to make a motion because I really think this is awesome news I going to move to hold this off till the council meeting when the new Council gets sworn in and the sheriff gets on in I think there's an amazing opportunity to sit down with the new sheriff and renegotiate specifically the uh administrative fee we can save hundreds of thousands of dollars um so and it's only holding it off for about a month and a half till our next meeting I'm going to move to table this to the next council meeting and give that new Council an opportunity to meet with the sheriff specifically on that fluctuating um percentage of the ma of the management fee um if we can move it down to a flat fee instead of that percentage we will be doing really well we'll have more than enough money for to hire officers but I'll leave that up to that to that next Council mayor before um you mentioned until the next council meeting uh in in and November when the new Council right after the the new Council so when the sheriff gets warned okay that's the clarify so I'll second discussion it's an item to table just Mr Mayor what gives you the idea that if we hold us off I think did I hear you right saying that we're at1 days yeah the uh previous so right now there's no contract governing our relationship there's a provision in the contract that so long as we're uh uh in negotiations and and going through these kinds of process of getting this approved that they continue to provide service they're still here so we have but we have uh Mr Mayor zero plan in place to go towards our own Police Department we have zero funds set aside for that purpose don't I don't know who I don't know who mentioned that I feel that I know but I feel that the sheriff would know that why would they want to renegotiate or or bring down their fee because the new sheriff it's a different process new sheriff is accountable directly to the people one of the things that happens now of all Miami D not of Miami Lakes 100% and both of the candidates are extremely supportive of contract cities a lot of that that fluctuating fee if we whoever it is maybe you're you're the one that gets tapped to negotiate on behalf of the council that fluctuating fee for me is is is asinine right it should not should not happen it should be a flat fee where we were a were able to save hundreds of thousands of dollars today we're I mean I know when you were like $800,000 in that fee I mean it's really really high where the reality is our residents already pay a a larger millage to the county for operational purposes than they do a just to the municipality and our residents don't get as many services we end up providing a lot of those services so there's a there's a great opportunity there with that new sheriff which they're both one of them actually already stated that they're going to move to Miami Lakes publicly um if they were to get elected it is very advantageous for us to go down that route because I feel if this get gets approved I mean it's only a month this gets approved tonight that Sheriff's going to get it it's going to become a big bureaucracy but I think if we go in good faith whatever that new group in 30 days I really believe there is and I've I've spoken to both in the past I've ran into both on the campaign Trail um both very supportive of of contract cities and I think it's a really phenomenal opportunity to to to do some positive change um in terms of that that administrative fee nothing against our all three mayoral candidates who are present here but candidates say a lot of things while they're campaigning especially for an office uh like the sheriff which we all know has been you know it was a wild west of a race especially in the primary um I I'm looking at this as a contract attorney and and it's all about leverage when once they're there she owes a duty to Miami day County not to Miami Lakes why would and I said she I shouldn't have said that uh uh whoever gets elected um is is going to have a duty to Miami dat County not to the town of Miami Lakes uh why would that person not try to bring in as many Revenue dollars from existing contracts or from new contracts as possible especially knowing that they have all the leverage because Miami Lakes has no plan and no fund set aside for its own Police Department which leaves us with one option the the the County's Police District uh that that's just where I struggle our residents our residents actually vote right today they don't today they're completely held out of the process our residents actually will vote for that new sheriff I mean and our residents will be that new Sheriff's constituent um even though they're going to be tasked with specifically um a lot of the unincorporated areas but that new sheriff is accountable directly to our residents who vote in this process which that's the big Difference Maker um in all of this right in our residence you're going to have 18 th Miami Lakes residents vote uh in this election that's where I think there's such an awesome opportunity look if you guys decide not to do it I when I saw us on the agenda I said we could hold this off 30 days and if it's you councilman morera in terms of gets tapped to negotiated I promise you I believe it's very well worth it so I'll give you an example years ago uh the previous manager tapped me to negotiate some of the the changes to the contract and and they worked the county wasn't going to say no we went in good faith one of the reasons why we have the major now for for uh over three years is because we changed it in the contract one of the reasons we're able to advertise and write the advertisements for new officers we changed it in the contract we made a lot of different changes through that process and that was through a bureaucratic process now our residents actually vote in this process um which I just really see it as an advantageous um position and they're both very supportive of contract City so again it's not I'm not going to be here I just see it as you all having a tool there that you can in good faith bring that that you tell that sheriff to come in sit him down they're not going to more than likely I could tell you they're not going to say no if you tell them a flat fee you're going to have not only us you're going to have Palmetto Bay and color Bay following our lead um on this on this issue um so again if if you all vote not you vote not but I really see it as advantageous our residents are going to vote for that person um and and they're going to be constituents of that of that sheriff um through the chair to the to the manager if um as you mentioned before if we're if we are uh debating this and negotiating good faith um and postpone that till next month are Services remaining the same as far as the police department the number of of officers in the street is there any any service level reductions because we are negotiating good faith and we postpone it for about a month yeah yeah there is no meeting next month so really it wouldn't be until January till we have another council meeting um but I don't know so they may say we negotiated in good faith this is what it is we've extended they did not want to extend for five years they only wanted to extend a shorter time period we the ones and uh Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay have already ratified their their elected officials have already ratified this agreement the same agreement that uh that's before you through the chair to the town manager I mean to the City attorney um what are your thoughts as far as if we are discussing the current contract and the service levels if we wait till till January will um will the service L remain the same according to the contract yes okay thank you thank you very much again I mean we can vote this up or down and if it goes down it goes down but mayor I'd like to be recognized I have some questions to the manager councilman Kazo thank you so much mayor um you know and again you make a very compelling point and you always do with regards to you know just just take a month and and and we can save 100,000 200 300,000 put new officers on the street and I think that's very compelling at least for me um and I just wanted to make sure we're not oversimplifying the process so I to not get the wrong idea and I think councilman Garcia's kind of was kind of prefacing some of the questions that I have can this be done within the next 30 days you've already clarified it's not going to be done within the next 30 days at a minimum you you quoted January but I want to make sure that we're we're we're comparing the right numbers yeah within the next 30 days there is no new sheriff because I don't I believe that the new sheriff even though they'd be elected now at the beginning of November they don't take office until January so these negotiations wouldn't be had until sometime and I'm sure this is not the first thing that he or she is going to be tackling so it wouldn't it would be probably several months before they'd uh be able to have a conversation about this so you're estimating possibly January no they take office in January and what I'm saying is that this is probably not on high on their priority list they have other things of just establishing their office and and the transition between the county and and the Sheriff's Office there's going to be a lot of things that are going to be much more important to to the Sheriff's um before this item so I believe that this item is going to be many many months before they would get to have a conversation about this and in and the provision in our in our agreement um the this uh status quo uh provision that allows them to continue serving our community has a limit it's not Perpetual right so you can be having conversation and I believe if I'm not mistaken I haven't looked at it in the you know today but I believe it's only 12 months so by the time the sheriff gets uh gets uh elected gets into office goes through all the transition it could easily be bumping up against that uh 12-month period and then our leverage in the sense of our options of what we can or cannot do would be uh would be diminished right so I I'm understanding what you're saying and move M it along you you believe it'll be closer to 12 months with regards to um this particular administrative fee have you tried to negotiate this particular administrative fee with the county prior to the new sheriff it it is an item that that is uh a countywide uh administrative fee it's a percentage that and the percentage is not just a number that they pull out of thin air the the percentage is uh an item that they pull uh by quantifying what the cost is of their um it's not countywide it is Department wide it is an an item that they quantify that they create by saying okay the training center right obviously we don't have a training center the miamidade our officers go to the Miami Police Department's Training Center so then they say the cost of running their training center is X they have 3,000 police officers they say Okay divided by 3,000 police officers and we have 50 police officers then we pay our fair share and that's how little by little uh uh training uh Internal Affairs uh all of these different elements that make up that administrative fee is built from the bottom up it's it's not a just some percentage that they come up with it is built from the bottom up almost like a zero based budget and they build up from the bottom based on all of these administrative operations that go into supporting our uh our uh operational uh officers here in the field understood so being that we're not going to get to the well you don't believe that they'd be open to administrate and I guess um negotiating this anytime soon is there any way that you can get feedback from the Department well we did as at least at least the department th those in command now until the Advent of somebody else being in command this is what they want to do they they they want to just leave it as is the only thing they want to do all parameters or all Provisions in the agreement they want to leave it as is other than extend for five more years is there any language and this now to the attorney um Mr attorney is there any way that we can insert language that would leave the administrative fee open to negotiation and ratify the current contract as is could we propose language to revisit just and and I guess it's it's in the spirit of trying to maintain or keep open lines of communication and negotiation moving forward and then seeing if they would be open to revisiting that yeah um councilman um the the problem and I think the manager could allude to this is that we've been negotiating back and forth with them I think since last summer is the first time that we started talking we initiated this conversation over over a year ago yeah and and we had everything kind of squared up the the one change that they made which I think is is a significant change I can't say otherwise is that in in other under the original provision we had to give each other three years notice if we're going to you know uh break away from the agreement now they've want that reduced to one year um which if that's enacted it would give us less time to uh look look at Alternatives councilman coaz you still have the floor no thank you no I'm done thank you real quick councilman Kazo brings up a good point if we can add that similar to how they changed it if we could add that in there and if need be we'll bring it back at the at the next council meeting um because I I I think that's a that's a good compromise add that language send it back to them it's not controversial and then bring it back at the next Council me I'd be fine with that and that is a possibility correct it's always a possibility the contct has similar to how they changed it if we add that language as an option we send it back to them and then you guys bring it back at the next council meeting yeah I mean understand that that department is in complete flux this is not something that's number one on on their priority we can present it to them there's a good chance that they're going to say no no they have to agree to it yeah have to agree to it I I'll get involved in this process so if you guys want me to I'll get like I I was involved in in the time before the the last major change to the contract so if you guys I would be okay between now and the next council meeting if we would add that next Council just point of word the next council meeting is in less than two weeks correct yep so in less than two weeks do you foresee this delay causing any issues with a contract I I don't think two weeks Mr manager to try right to try what the with the mayor saying to try to give him the opportunity to see if they'd be open to it if they're not they're not I I believe it's worth a try I I'll make the the I'll get involved so I mean if if if nothing's going to happen within the next two weeks the opportunity to try I think would be a wasted opportunity if we didn't take it so I would be completely in favor of just trying within the next two weeks then bring it back if if they say no they say no and we move forward so I withraw my motion make a motion to bring this back in two weeks give us a chance to add the language that Council mqu proposed there's a second um all those in favor I I any oppos see none the motion passes a so Mr manager Mr attorney please involve me in that I'll make a call to a to that County staff um then we're moving on to the next item uh that's councilman Mora's item morera uh item 14a um there's no we're not changing anything in terms of uh there's no motion to wave any rules Council morera item 14a so this is a item that is probably more complicated on paper than what it really is uh and it's because I have a tendency to try to find the solution from the moment I find the problem um but in talking with uh the manager uh and um the building director the the solution that I offer in the written version of the NBI um apparently doesn't really work out here's going to be here here's my motion and then in discussion I'll I'll elaborate a little bit uh I'd like to move to direct staff to work on amendments to uh section help me out here uh 13-1506 of the town code to make it it a little bit more fair to our residents with uh smaller backyards I'll stop there for for a second then and um I'll elaborate if I do get a second I'll second thank you if I may yes Council uh essentially the the the main issue that I found um there was a a pnz meeting not too long ago where an application for a uh pergola was denied you know I not to second guess or or or question the The Authority or the Judgment of the pnz they were just applying the code uh that that's their job and and so no nothing against them rather on us as the the the ones with the power to to make the code these residents with smaller backyards that precious little real estate that you have you really want to maximize your use of it uh for our residents in West Miami Lakes especially west of 87th uh both south and north of sator um those backyards are limited and the way that the rule is written kind of unfairly makes it to where they can't really put a a decent sized pergola in the backyard so I want to work with uh um Danny to see if we can come up with a more Equitable rule to that uh allows them to use it up because right now you know we live in South Florida if you don't have shade you cannot be outside um and that being said I don't think anyone up here is in favor of I'm not in favor of allowing free reain to cover up an entire backyard that's not what we're aiming for here um we can impose uh proportion limits based on the proportion of the required uh rear yard um but let's just make sure that people are able to use their backyard for something other than tanning basically because that's all you can do in some of those backyards there was a second correct yes all right vice mayor so I have a a couple questions for staff do we um do we have an idea how many such projects have come before uh Planning and Zoning for very es I don't know but I think that that is a a recurring uh variance request in the pnz board Lorenzo is that something you would know I know Susanna's not here repeat the question so I I had an interest in knowing uh how many how many applications um you know for similar structures have been reviewed for variances by pnz so there is there has been several especially dealing with with pergola uh and and there is some disconnect with regards to the proportionality especially when you deal with are1 zones and you deal with Ru Z zones uh and maximizing that space um so I I believe uh and I think this is something that both uh R and I took a look at uh with regards to pergolas uh that a revision in the code to make it a little bit more uh Equitable U is is a good idea I just I just thought that the the way it's worded is just not and I'm I can't remember exactly what the situation was but the way it's worded it's just it's confusing because there was what I recall one person who wanted to build less of an encroachment could not do so because he was too far away where someone who was closer could build it was it was very quirky and hard to read I think you're describing the difference between accessory structures versus uh canopies did I get that right d correct see you'd be proud uh uh and yeah essentially there's a different limit if the structure is physically attached to the home uh like on one side like a regular pergola is versus if it's a gazebo that's fully separate it's a different limit um so you know just to clarify make it a little easier to read uh and understand and maybe hopefully take a little bit of a case load off of the P pnz yeah council member what what we could do and just to expedite the the meeting is schedule for you to meet with Susana Danny and Lorenzo that way you guys can beat it up and then because you're not really approving any any final uh change tonight then that way you can beat it up you can get uh their input and then you can decide what you want to propose and then you bring it back as a ready too ordinance change and then uh we can do it that way the the main point of bringing it here is so that when I go to meet with them if any of you had any comments or or or any point of views on this you know it saves a lot of time of me not bringing something unnecessarily up uh and and then it just gets bombarded but you know like I said to just work with them if you have anything that you want me to bring to them I'm happy to do it right so the the point that I wanted to raise was was that I wanted um staff to do some du d on exactly how many um applications have come before us for for variances in time for the next h meeting and then I I want to make sure um to review all of those uh applications that were submitted for variances under the lens of whatever change we make just to make sure that the change that we make to the ordinance would eliminate the need for those uh for those variances right and I think that's that's something we should try to do more of if we have um situations where we're constantly getting a lot of requests for variances that are being approved then tweaking the code in that in that respective it's something that we typically approve anyway Mr vice mayor the the one change I would ask to what you just said is you you said by the next meeting we're meeting in two weeks uh if you could eliminate that that restriction no no by by by by the I'm I'm sorry I misspoke by the next meeting at which this item will be heard yes thank you thank you I want to bring a point up and and I believe that um Dr Alonzo has a question or some some comment she wants to make is some of the changes you made tonight especially with regards to the fees and the fines uh and pegging those to uh wind you know kind of Aging them right is going to have a huge impact I believe and I think Miss Alonzo believes as well on various requests that we're going to get why because unfortunately folks know exactly how our mitigation program has worked until tonight which basically allows someone uh to build a pergola many times without permits they get a code of violation they don't do anything they wait until uh time is to to sell the property then they try to pull the permits so they try to uh make to fix the the situation or even maybe demolish the structure and at that point maybe they'll get one day's fine uh for coming into compliance that no will no longer be the case uh and so the way that the fins are structured will have a lot more teeth what that's going to mean is that there's folks that are really going to want to come into to the uh town hall and request uh these variances for for these structures uh many of which we have many illegal structures and I think Danny could probably speak a little bit more to that uh in which they're going to be wanting to come into compliance and what I wanted to add to that is that most most of the variances that we most of the variance request that we have whether they're gred or not because obviously they're all in individual bases afterward um they're they're actually request for existing structures that were built without permits so these are not necessarily requesting a variance because they do have a practical difficulty or a special hardship that would make the request in any way necessary if the structure wasn't already built they would not be requesting the variance because there's always ways to get you know shade in your rear yard with without a variance and and there is plenty of Provisions now can we discuss whether you know I think what um uh uh Mr gastesi was referring to was a property that was uh so the limit right now is 25 ft to the rear yard so if you have a a yard that is less than 25 ft which is our minimum uh setback for a re yard and if you're but we do have some yards that are 20 some that are 15 especially on denser areas where even some people that only have 10 feet worth of a yard in the back under the current canopy and or and accessory structure under the prior canopy and and accessory structure um ordinance that we had they couldn't get any shade in the backyard because it basically didn't fit and what we did is allow the same amount of shade that they were allowed as an accessory structure and allow them to basically Stick it to the house right so that now is attached to the home and they can have more or less the same amount of square footage covered but it's now not encroaching or or because you do have to have a separation from the home you see what I'm saying so basically by moving the entire structure next to the house we're coming up with the same more or less square footage of coverage and they are getting a nice shade structure where they can put in a summer kitchen and or other things now uh the issue is that because the the limit was for smaller yards um which which allow them to have half of the distance to the setback in a 25t yard that's 12 and 1/2 right if you have a smaller yard you get 10 if you have a 20 foot yard you get 10 feet if you have even a smaller yard of 15 feet now you get seven and a half but you do get a little bit more space than if you're just doing in separate structure am I making sense uh the problem that we encountered at one point was a gentleman who wished to have the 12 and half ft but his yard was a little larger it was 26 feet or 28t not the 25t minimum so he didn't meet that portion of the and that variance was granted um and he was given the variance for the 12 and 1 half ft it's a proper use of the variants uh and we could consider whether we want to allow the same but even if it's a 20 foot you know a 28 foot setback we would have to do then 14 because it would be still halfway right so now we're really granting a larger structure does that make sense so that's why the the the 25 foot kind of was a happy place to stop because it was making 12 and a half ft which is a nice set a nice you know area to to be covered and and big enough and not huge if that kind of the uh the the other question that I had that came up while the uh the deputy Town manager was EXP explaining the uh the process I'm sorry Town attorney the the uh item that was approved earlier uh this meeting re changing the uh the way that we enforce these uh these violations is that it was in first reading is that effective tonight is that how is that is it zoning in progress how does how does that work it would be zoning it could be considered zoning in prog progress and be enforced as of tonight uh going into second reading yes Council anything else there was a motion second are we going to uh Council Mor you're going to meet with staff and bring it back or is that the game plan or yeah okay all right we're good thank you uh next item is my item uh I brought this up because I've I have a have a lot of residents who ask me about different employment opportunities with the town obviously we know we're at Contract city um and I had several residents ask me about how to how to get employed at one of our guard Gates and just a quick search I saw one of our vendors sfm had employees that they were looking for across the board guard Gates a UT folks to work sometimes at our Parks depending on which contract they have a lot of things that actually have to do with the town so I just wanted to make a motion to see vendors like sfm vendors like um our tree trimming folks if we could put their links on our website on their on their employment opportunities and just make it very clear obviously you won't be a town employee but these are Town vendors that are have open positions like sfm has 14 positions today a lot of them security uh guards specifically here in the town janitors and tree trimming folks so I just wanted to make a motion to that effect to add add add their links on our off second second it as well so I I was I was going to bring up the uh the point that you made at the end just you know making sure that we have a disclaimer that says that you know these positions do not constitute employment with the town of Miami Lakes directly and we have a a disclaimer there otherwise I'm I'm fine with it I think the uh a lot of times when we get to the um to the part of the the budget process where we review the carry forward some of the some of the services that we budget for H go unexpended because the contractors are not able to to perform those duties because either they they don't have Staffing or they don't so I I think this is a it behooves us to make sure that they're able to to staff and provide the services that we expect from them yeah what we'll do is we'll put it in our employment section but separated from our jobs so that there's a clear distinction maybe some kind of a bulletin board where they can post jobs themselves you know we'll give them access or something to that effect and we'll figure out the right way to do it yeah and Mr Mayor if I could be recognized councilman qu thank you um that's exactly kind of the idea that I had when when I read the new business item if it could be something that is um passive to our staff and kind of puts the onus on those um employers just because I'd hate to task our staff now with combing through all of our vendors seeing what jobs are available especially Miami Lake so if it can be something that's kind of passive that they can have access or they can post or they can kind of manage that process I think it'll be a lot better than kind of putting it back on our end on the on the back end of our of our platform to to put it on there so if you can figure out somewh with that software if they can do that I think that'll be right on point Thank you got it thank you all those in favor I I any opposed see none the motion passes councilman dieas with item 14 C thank you and this is very straightforward um this is just co- designating uh Fairway Drive as uh rusie Shel uh way or drive whatever want to do but the important thing is that um Miss schel is a longtime doctor in our community a pediatrician actually uh councilman coros just pointed out um that she actually is uh Luke the boys uh doctor correct uh yeah and as just a point of order um I believe that when the agenda was published I had requested from the clerk to be added as a co-sponsor on this so if you're okay with it I'd like to uh co-sponsor the item she's been a pediatrician here for many families for many many years correct yeah I have no problem with you uh joining as a co-sponsor and again she has been there in the same location too for many years well over uh one or two decades but she's also a longtime member of the zanton club and so this request actually came from Marie cornstein uh specifically so this would be something nice to do for uh Dr scho and to honor uh her longtime commitment to our community so that is my motion and I urge to option second Dr schel is awesome people I love uh I love Dr schel Ruth is an amazing person and a 100% in favor all those in favor any oppos see none the motion passes uh we're on to the next item 14d thank you Mr Mayor and this is uh this is my item so you know one of one of the things and I know councilman Diez in the in the past has championed um improving the onboard in process for uh for electeds uh but one of one of the things that that uh that I feel that we can definitely do uh to improve the the process is adding uh a a training on Robert's Rules of of order right and we're going to have a a situation unlike we've we've had in a very very long time in this town we're going to have a lot of new uh council members and a and a new mayor sitting up here in a in a few months and I think it's worthwhile uh to to go over Robert's Rules and and some of uh some of the constraints that that go with it you know I think just and and this is a very very experienced uh Council that that's up here the the mayor's been here 12 years uh some of us have been here four years six years eight years however much but just last meeting uh there there was a situation where uh an item that was under discussion the uh the budget which is probably the most important thing that we do as a body was up for uh for discussion and one of the members of this Council called the uh the question and there was um unfortunately a uh a a lack of uh parliamentary uh clarity as far as the issue Robert's Rules requires that when uh the the question is called uh that there a be no debate and no discussion and that there immediately be a vote uh that requires 2/3 of the body uh to approve it subsequent to the vote on calling the question then uh if if the motion to call the question is successful the question is therefore uh called subsequent to that right and and that's something that we did not do um I I felt that I had uh comments to to put on the record uh that I was unable to to do uh because the the question was called uh prematurely an incorrect and I want to make sure that that does not happen to other councils going going forward so my uh my new business item is to make sure that we have a Roberts Rules of Order training for the incoming Council second your item Al one one just thing is uh in terms of timeline I would just recommend uh December uh once the T settles and everyone has a chance to get into their seats got it all those in favor I hi any oppos see none the motion passes uh we're on to the next item uh 14e uh councilman Garcia thank you Mr Mayor um as we know Amendment four is coming up on November uh 5th ballot um Supreme Court decided to allow the states to make these decisions as far as uh the termination of pregnancies um I would encourage my colleagues to um not support the amendment because it uh does not allow the state legislator the elected officials to uh make the determination that the Floridian voters would like uh they're receiving thousands of calls on on this item and um they will be able to make these decisions in the legislature um and be able to make the decision that best fits all of Floridians so I would encourage um with this resolution uh not for us not to support uh Amendment four I'll second if for discussion councilman dieas thank you and I'm going to join in uh uh supporting the uh the motion but I just also wanted to clarify that the legislature still has a role to play in this but the problem that I have especially is that um the amendment text states that uh abortion is allowed up until viability so what's going to happen is that the legislature is going to say well we determine viability is X and then the special interest groups are going to sue and say no we believe it's why and then we're going to go back and forth litigating this it's really not going to solve anything um so I just wanted to clarify that but I'm 100% supported this especially myself as somebody who tends to be pro life um so thank you for bringing this councilman Garcia I just have a a question mainly for the attorneys uh I 100 first of all to council member Garcia I actually really thank you for bringing the item I 100% agree with the position stated my question to the council or to our town uh attorneys are we allowed to do this like I feel like this is very political and influencing like taking a a position on a political item yeah that's fine as a body you're allowed to take a position on any legislation that's coming before the the state or federal government and you're allowed to we do it all the time okay just want to make sure so I I wanted to put my uh my thoughts on the on the record and obviously my my uh my Pro my position being uh being pro-life is is more than enough to uh to influence how I'm going to be voting on on this item but uh similar to council M Diez I wanted to to talk about one of the uh the items of concern uh regarding parental consent uh that that's an area that to me is very troubling and could uh have um very troubling uh you know mental health uh consequences and making sure that parents are informed about what is happening to their uh to their children and able to to help them through through that process is of Paramount importance to me so um that that's the reason I really support um the the resolution as a matter of public policy I think it's it's flawed uh notwithstanding that you know my my views on on being pro-life are unwaver thank you any further uh discussion I'm 100% in favor of it I I heard uh I know the arch dasis has taken a a a very strong stance on on this issue even at church CH the church this weekend and the priest uh talked about the viability of life for a very long time and how important is it is so definitely very important to people life um all those in favor I I any opposed see none the motion passes uh we're on to the next item my item wanted to bring this up Marcel phelipe is a is a good friend so is Diego Suarez they've with the influx of so many of our brothers and sisters from the island of Cuba the last several years I think there's about 750,000 there's been dozens upon dozens of people who've been former agents who've actually um harmed other human beings one in particular had a role in the brothers to the rescue um planing shootdown and one of them was um a a resident PSN right down the street from us they visited the town often um and what I promis them was to to pass a resolution in support of their efforts to weed out a lot of these folks that are in our community one of the failures of the Southern border one of the failures of of even our poorest u u water border is a lot of these bad folks Bad actors are here and specifically in our community in day County and they're working hard with uh with the state department to make sure that all those folks who were Communists in Cuba who committed uh acts of repression violent acts it harmed human beings similar to that General that came in through Miami International Airport that those folks are are sent back to Cuba um that they should not be here and in in the efforts of the American Museum of the Cuban diaspora just want to make a motion in support of all their efforts because that's I I saw it from from folks who were in disbelief that a lot of these people get here they did Terrible Things in Cuba they get here and they're giv uh food stamps they're giv housing they're giv Health Care um yet these people were the oppressors of our parents and grandparents and great grandparents and now they're enjoying all the fruits of the labor of the Exile community and everybody else in in uh in the United States so you want to make a motion in support of the museums after second it discussion yeah um can you um for my benefit What specifically is the uh the museum uh doing like what what are they advocating for so Marcel Marcel Philipe and and dieo had a press conference the other day and I know our meeting got cancelled they had invited me I couldn't make it so I told them look I'll put it on the agenda there was one particular person there's many dozens of cases but one particular case that they are petitioning directly the the federal government to intervene because the individual is a witness um in the shootdown of the he was a general the brothers to the rescue um years ago he was he was there so they want to bring him in as a witness in that trial against the Castro regime specifically R Castro um but there are dozens of other collaborators that are here today I mean they get caught all the time so they've taken a very strong stance directly with the state department to make sure that those people aren't here like people are can't believe that they come here they murdered US citizens and they get free healthare right off the bat I mean so are they trying to Advocate then for a change in state department rules that that's specifically well in in this specific case it's it's to bring that guy in because he's a he's a witness right he was part of this it's part of a bigger trial of of the brothers to the resue against um the uh the Cuban government so I told him you know we're we're we're in the heart every single one of us is a member of the Cuban Exile Community we're in the heart of that community and and uh and yeah these I couldn't believe when they told me the amount of folks who are here today is it's insane but in this particular case is that and their role seeking out some of those folks that are literally coming in through Mia or the border that they fly to Nicaragua and they literally walk from Nicaragua to the Mexican border um and and but yeah and they cross the border and since they have protected status the US just brings them in and a lot of times there's no background checks in Cuba we know that the Cuban government these folks are here today so um the museum has taken a very strong stance they had that press conference with everybody but that is the specific case which is the brothers to the rescue case to bring final Justice for that family F yeah that's fine I just wanted to get a little more clarity and and I don't know if you know this but Nelson Hernandez sits on the board with Marcel and all these guys I Think Jesus also does as well so so I'll reach out to them as well and and get you know some additional input perhaps on how else we can help as a as a community uh in support of those efforts but thank you for the clarification thank you councilman dieas uh all those in favor I any opposed see none the motion passes we're on to Lake quality councilman dieas so uh about a month and a half ago a resident reached out to me she was concerned because after her daughter had played in one of our Lakes uh she was complaining of of a headache and and wasn't feeling well it turn turned out that everything was okay but it just brought home for me the importance of making sure that our Lakes live up to the recreational nature that they are supposed to um um exhibit you know to that that they are supposed to be and and this is kind of going back to my time on the neighborhood Improvement committee where I had made lake quality awareness a huge um uh part of what we did there and this is just simply uh directing staff to go ahead and reach out to all the remaining uh voluntary Lake H like like Sarah Etc and ask him if they want to hold NSD elections as well so that they can become an NSD um you know obviously for example on Lake Sarah for many years and I think even to this day the crooks the crook family are the ones that uh that you know take care of the lake Sarah voluntary HOA but obviously you know death and taxes right so they won't be here forever and so this is I think a good option for making sure that lake maintenance is never neglected so that would be the first prong of my item uh and then secondly a uh having staff come back to us with minimum standards for uh lake maintenance that we can go ahead and and formally adopt if we don't already and then provide for regular testing to ensure that the lake is meeting that minimum standard um so that is my motion second got it a question for you so options a what if these folks want to have an Advisory Board they want to do the the uh they want to go down that right that that route but they want an Advisory Board my answer would be the same as it was before no um they can pick up the phone and call us directly they can call JP they can call Ed they can call any person directly and say hey this is what we want um as part of our NSD and they can provide that feedback um and you know but again there's no reason for them to have to take up staff time have these regular meetings bind themselves by Sunshine creating a conversome process that where they put them m eles in Jeopardy that would be my my response got it okay um all those in favor I I any oppose no I'm a no as well um 52 Madam clerk ER we're on to the next item uh the budget vice mayor thank you Mr Mayor and and I think that was actually a uh a fantastic segue into uh into my item so um the the reason I filed this item was to to be able to talk of talk about some of the uh the observations that I made during the the budget process and these were some of the thoughts that I wanted to put on the record uh last time for the for the benefit of of my colleagues going forward right we know we we don't know what the future holds but you know when uh when I observed certain things I wanted to make sure to memorialize them and put them in the uh in the record for for POS uh posterity one of the things much to the to the point that counil dieas just made now is Staff time regarding NSD committees or lack thereof right so two years ago when we went through the uh through the budget process one of the things that that um and and I want to thank Melissa and the manager for uh indulging me for as long as they did during the process ER one of the things that we looked at extensively was the administrative cost that we pass along as a town to the end nsds right and uh there there was definitely a desire on my part to reduce that administrative cost to the uh to the NSD the uh the biggest um culprit of Staff time and and uh the justification for a lot of uh a lot of those expenses was the fact that we had the Committees and we had a lot of committee meetings right we had seven committee uh seven committees and 12 meetings a year you can you can do the math that's a lot of Staff time and a lot of committees it since the uh the Cil has chosen to eliminate the uh the Committees I think it would be prudent to go back in and recalibrate what that administrative cost is uh because now that we are no longer hosting all of these committee meetings I am sure that there is a a savings right we're providing less Service uh we we should be providing a uh a savings to these uh to these nsds by reducing their administrative fee going forward that was that was one of uh one of my observations the other observation is and this one will be a segue to my uh to my later item um I'm I'm a little bit concerned about the growth over time of of certain uh certain departments within the organization specifically departments that are are ancillary and and provide support services to things that are not necessarily core essential M Municipal services so one in in particular that I've become a little bit concerned uh about is and it's it's it's a little bit difficult to track uh in the uh in the budget itself that's actually one of the requests to have the three line items Consolidated because there's there's a line item for communications there's one for Community Affairs and then there's one that's somewhere in between Community Affairs and and Communications it's very difficult to track on the on the budget um but the uh the the the net of of those three uh the the aggregate is a little bit shy of $450,000 a year which I think is maybe a little bit more than we should be spending on that type of of function a that also includes the the support services for the Committees so it it may be a situation where we may want to separate those functions but I wanted to to put those thoughts on the on the record too just for the the benefit of whomever uh will be sitting up here in two months thank you was there there was a mo there was a motion okay all right thank you very much there's no motion so hey thank you vice mayor uh we're on to my next item real real brief um one of the best processes that that I participated in was our uh M Mr Mayor I think you might have skipped over uh did I did I did I'm sorry I'm sorry pressure washing I'm sorry you see remember that c work yes you see but I told yeah so thank you thank you uh so I had the opportunity to speak to uh the the town manager on this um I know we had a situation uh we saw it on Facebook that someone brought up the fact that uh um we had pressure was the sidewalk and uh you know an hour later after it rained they got muddy so you people thought that we weren't doing our jobs turns out we were doing our jobs we did pressure wash but that area um continuously because of I guess the the height of the of the um would you say the the grass or it's the just it just it runs soil um so since this continues to happen I I I guess I would want to direct the staff and yourself sir if you don't mind is there anything way we can mitigate that by by removing that sod lowering the level of of soil to get that grass to a point where it because it's in a slope that that soil will not run off and for us to continueing to have that problem and I guess second thing is if this if you see these situations or staff see these situations that continue to happen um you know you can bring it to us we'll figure out a way because it just it it it cost more money and time to you know continue to have to uh pressure wash that if there is an investment we can make in lowering the level of the soil bringing the sod down or doing something leveling the leveling that that area so it won't happen again just you know for us to be more proactive when it comes to that if that's a that's something we can work on Jeremy come and uh explain your assessment is it the sidewalks too low or the grass is too high or good evening mayor and Council Jeremy Brown director of Parks and Recreation so yes we actually assessed it that same night when we got the report and what it was is these are all low points Within These pocket Parks so both the soil and the sidewalks are taking a dip so what happens is after they finish pressure washing after all the water has been pushed into the grass and it comes back to the low points it's bringing in all that fresh soil so we found that night was all the soil was dark it wasn't mildew it wasn't long-term effects from not pressure washing so looking at it essentially only way is to level and bring up so add ground workor to remove the sidewalk lift those areas with uh ground cover so soil and grass and then redo the sidewalk now the point here is also these these Parks were built and developed in a way where these green spaces were absorbing the water to keep it off the roadway so by lifting it we're then going to be looking at mostly pushing it back into the roadways area so they act as retention areas essentially so when you're pressure washing that uh that turns into that that soil Black the dark soil goes into the low low areas eventually it finds its way back so does that happen when it rains normally where it rains the the soil gets eroded some soil but not to the extent I believe of pressure Wasing costing the issue in areas like that can we request from our vendors hey be on the lookout for this if that happens can they push the soil away from the you know just takes I mean the pressure washers are pretty powerful they can push it away in seconds to somewhere else well we can definitely look at is I can ask if uh timing wise labor wise because it's going to be time um if they can have a Second Sweep once they're complete of going ahead and picking any of these areas but there may be a cost Associated we can look into that well I mean if how many areas I mean because it happens because there's areas like that there are multipliers I don't have the total I wouldn't be able to yeah I'd have to take a look in what I would ask Jeremy is this this I'm sure it's not the only area right so just to see if I guess ask our our vendors to be a little more proactive and if they same issu is happening over again hey by the way this is happening how do we resolve it between the town and this hey maybe they'll be willing to say we got this you know this is all right you know you we have a relationship we want this to be safe we want it to look good and I'm the employee who did that job doesn't want to go back and see he did his job and it's dirty again so I mean just common sense things to be able to to address that uh with any any vendor where we see things happening constantly that maybe require a little more from them and I think I speak for all of so we'll support that I mean as long as the job is is is done right yeah council member yes sir obviously you know as Jeremy explained the the real solution is to raise the sidewalk a little bit so that does that does not happen right so and since we have limited dollars for sidewalks we always prioritize the ones that are damaged these are they may be dirty but they're intact in most of these areas so we have uh concentrated the dollars that we do have on areas that the roots are raising them and they're cracked and they're they pose a danger yeah 100% danger I'm not asking for uh I mean honestly if because if you clean the sidewalk and then that soil runs there and it it does become could become slimy and it could become dangerous um so instead of lifting that up which by the way water needs a low point I mean it it to to direct it to to uh drainage and just coming up with a simple shovel and just getting rid of that dirt I mean I don't think I'm asking for you know too I mean I don't think it's that complicated maybe it is I'll go out with you uh I'm just trying to figure out our way we can get it done without having to go back and to that extent I think what I can do is I'll talk to our ground mainten and on their normal cycle visits mowing blowing edging if that can be something they can task on it's few low points here and there and multiple Parks but it may be something that we can work out with them so we can definitely look into that thank you appreciate that I guess that I would ask uh our colleagues to just have the the staff look into how we can mitigate that thank you Mr manager mayor if I could be recognized yes councilman thank you um Mr manager there a similar situation came up um in one of the pocket parks and you came up with a unique solution using um some barriers to kind of divert the water to keep it from coming back again in particular the park across the street from uh Miami Lake element right and um I know while that's might not be the appropriate solution in this park I think sometimes that you guys have have worked with your vendors to see how they can add some barriers to divert the water and I know ever since you guys installed that particular solution in K8 it's never been an issue and I and I would actually argue it's been a cost savings because it doesn't need to be cleaned as often so I I think the other thing rather than trying to address the low Point by diverting the water to other areas through the park that that aren't going to create that dirt and muck and that buildup I think you you found the solution that actually saved us money in the long run so it just I don't know if that I I don't know the situation in that Park but if you guys can take a similar approach or similar look at it that might be an opportunity thank you uh councilman and thank you to everybody um we're on to my item just wanted to bring this up uh we all had a an opportunity to to participate in in the Imagine Miami Lakes 2025 plan about 90% of it is either done or uh in progress which is a huge fee kudos to the council staff and and our residents um but one of the things I I'd like to do one of the gifts that I think we can all leave the next council is that at least a um especially knowing that their council meeting is in in January gives time for staff to work on it is for staff to begin the process of at least outlining of what the schedule will look like for the next strategic plan right whatever it may be but already start looking at who the the survey company's going to be start looking at who the actual facilitator is going to be start already kind of putting it together so that first council meeting in January that new Council uh which you're going to have a lot of rookies up here um they can hit the ground running similar to how we did in terms of having a road mapap cuz this one end now in uh in December and I think I realized that not everybody it likes strategic planning there's a lot of cities in our County that it a strategic plan doesn't exist um which is okay it's their prerogative but I I think having a road map is really solid and I think that'll be one of the best gifts that we can leave that next council is hey staff's coming back that first council meeting hey guys what do you want to do here the dates here what we're proposing we're already looking at at uh at uh at survey companies what do you questions do you guys want we're looking at this at least so starts outlining a process for them and I think it'll it'll be a great way for us to leave off now on November 5th and at least that new Council can start already thinking about what strategic planning is um which I think it's it's awesome for them to hear that in their first uh first briefing so I just want to make a motion to that effect um just for staff to start formulating what that would look like and then have them bring it back January February for that new Council I'll second second and uh just for for discussion it's uh it's crazy for as long as we've been talking about imagine 2025 that imagine in 75 days it will be 2025 um and that is that that to me is absolutely crazy so thank you mayor I think this is a this is a very very uh good thing to to leave the incoming uh Council I think it's a great starting point for what I hope are very prosperous uh discussions in 2025 uh through the chair I'd like to make a friendly amendment to make sure I know this is a public process to make sure we do everything possible to uh educate the our residents that this is their this is for them and we would like do everything we can for them to participate you know through the process and even kind of take a look at how the process worked last time and see if we can improve on more participation right because we're we're we're planning the the town for the next decade and um a lot of uh there might be a lot of changes and and their voice is something that we need to listen to and I'd love to see this I mean this full and for us to participate and actually going to them as well doing at different Park sites so it makes it easier for them to come out and and and and give their give their thoughts and open it up to zoom and just everything we can to get their their opinions uh so we can plan you know the next decade of Miami Lake's future got it um all those in favor I I had one question yes sorry councilman dieas thank you through the chair to the manager um refresh my memory do we have have we set aside funds for this uh facilitator or do we anticipate that we would probably get it from the carry forward Amendment whatever money's there we do not we estimate because the last time that we did it was just an update of the first version of the 2015 version so uh this next one is going to be a a full strategic plan version which we had estimated we got the pricing from many uh cities that are comparable to us and uh we I think we had put in uh the original budget request $100,000 and it is not funding funded at this point so uh we will have to rely on either uh funding it a year from now in the uh 2526 budget or through the carry forward in the spring well this is exploratory so I'm going to go ahead to and support it but I just want my um our colleagues and our future colleagues to be aware of that as well that you know we we have a funding Gap here in terms of the facilitator I I will say this I think we have a staffer who's underutilized which is himang and and if we don't if we don't have the funds he's more than capable I mean he's the one that's shephered the plan um all along and dude is really talented and I don't think we've tapped into his talent uh enough but this is an area where he is he's already learned enough that he can facilitate uh that I think the I think the main cost of of this would be what we did before in the survey the facilitator could be himang could be Tony folks that have been through this but the the the real hard cost will be the surveying right that aspect I mean how do we do it do before last time that was the most expensive part right going out but I think there's a lot of different wiggle room there how that's fine I just want an information um that's it I like I said I'm going to support the the thank you councilman all those in favor hi I any oppos see none the motion passes uh traffic town hall meeting councilman dieas thank you and uh this was kind of inspired by a lively discussion that I had on on the Facebook mies residence page regarding uh the new traffic light that was recently installed on 154 I think that there is a lot of confusion to this day out there about what exactly the town is doing with respect to traffic mitigation as well as to uh the jurisdiction over our roads right because as we learned especially through the bridge litigation just because we may own the road does not mean that we necessarily retain complete control over them even afterward right um because the county retains uh traffic engineering responsibility so the idea is to have a town hall that would be uh in person streamed live and um a and would have uh particular departments involved like the town attorney that can explain the jurisdictional issue Town manager that can explain what we're doing in terms of traffic mitigation um and traffic synchronization um and then after uh we have this for that would explain that you know again Road jurisdiction traffic mitigation efforts traffic synchronization efforts um Etc then there would be a Q&A as well that would be live and also us questions that were submitted and I want the whole thing to be recorded So that in the future we can just refer back to this video for the residents so in in that regard by having the the live questioning um and and uh or remote questioning by submitting your question in advance um my goal is to make this more useful than the open mic forms that we previously had approved um and unfortunately people did not take advantage of so this is just trying to utilize technology to kind of have a better product and and uh get more input as well as uh something that we can just send to Residents in the future to explain to them how this all functions that's what this uh what this is about and I urge it's adoption I move the item I'll for for a discussion councilman Mora just a quick thing this is actually something I've wanted for a while and it's a map similar to our zoning map uh with the different colors saying what the different zones are I would love to see a map that tells you whether the town owns a road whether the county owns it whether the town owns it but the county runs it uh whether it's private streets we have a lot of uh areas um just west of Miami Lakeway Drive um actually your area big Cyprus where there's a big blur in the lines in terms of whether it's a Miami Lakes Road or a private road from an HOA or something like that and I think it's useful not just to our residents obviously but just to us in terms of knowing hey there's a pothole here is this on us or do we got to contact uh our our county commissioner or do we got to contact an HooHa who do we got to get in touch with I just think that that would be extremely uh helpful uh and that being said also a town hall like this is going to be very beneficial to everyone I would recommend that it's probably done held uh or that it should be held closer to January once most people have returned from holidays and things like that uh and it also gives time for maybe a map like this to get drawn up yeah I didn't I like I like the idea um especially since the item was supposed to include renderings because you know there's a lot of visual people out there but um I didn't want to put a a Time certain for this to take place um just to leave it up to staff and make sure they have adequate time to advertise this right if we were to have it in January for example one of our challenges would be making sure we advertise this correctly during the holidays right um and I think it also Dov Tales nicely with the vice mayor's item um in you know coming up on the marketing strategy right so I just want to um I didn't put a specific time certain for this to occur because I wanted to give them the flexibility and give them an ample opportunity to advertise this but I'm fine with uh with them incorporating that map that you described no I'm sorry I should have been more specific I I meant January or later and I'd like to uh I'd like to chime in if I uh if I may I think uh I I I completely agree with the spirit of the item I completely uh agree with the uh the use of technology is always something I'm going to I'm going to support to uh to enhance processes and look this is a this is a sort of confusion uh all the time I mean even even amongst us uh elected officials sometimes there's there's confusion about who owns what roadways or what projects certain uh certain officials can or can't be helpful uh with there's there's a lot of disinformation out in the uh in the public space so I think this is a good opportunity uh to to kind of set the record straight and make it easier for both us electeds and for the residents to know uh which which jurisdictions and which um agencies are are responsible for different roads so I'm I'm going to be in full support of this item and I I'll I'll chime in and I think one thing that we need to look at as well is the transportation master plan right I don't think that's been touched since 204 you were in high school right and I I just gotten out of high school so we were we're traffics change right globally and I and I think those assumptions are no longer the truth anymore right so and that's on our website right it's not that I'm it's literally Transportation master plan 2004 um it's on there so I'm fine with that H see no further comments all those in favor I hi any oppos see none the motion passes uh we are on to the next item uh committee social media strategy thank you Mr Mayor and and I had kind of previewed uh to this item earlier but the spirit of the item is is to uh is to direct Town staff to really sit down with the committee's house have have somebody from communication sit down with the Committees uh at the uh at the beginning of the year as as close to the uh beginning of the year and as as is feasible um and really sit down and and talk about the the town's social media capabilities and and marketing uh capabilities in general and really help um work with the Committees to come up with a with a plan uh that best meets the needs of that committee and those those events right so I think we've we've uh we've taken approach a very Noble approach of trying to cover every town event and giving every Town Event um similar coverage but the the reality is that some some town events um you know may uh May Garner more attention than others and some may need the help of more marketing resources than others and really having having that discussion individually having somebody from communic ations have that discussion uh individually with with each committee and crafting a plan together you know I I I can think back to my time at you know in youth activities or neighborhood Improvement you know the really crafting how which events we would like to highlight which events we would want to focus more on on participation which events um we think might be a might be a success and we're you know we maybe just want to Market the successes of it uh and not necessarily uh promote so that that's really the the spirit of of my item I'm I'm definitely open and receptive to uh any feedback from staff or from my colleagues on this on second discussion discussion discussion yeah mayor if I like to be recognized Council Co you know this um forces us to have hard look um not so much at the Communications component of this because I think that there's um you know a process that happens internally um and with social media a lot about algorithms and how you post and what you post but the reality is that maybe the community is not interested in certain types of events right and and we've had and we've gone through this but that doesn't fall on the staff that falls on us we're the ones that write the checks for these events right and we're the ones that approve it every time a community Community Falls forward the problem is that none of us here ever want to be the ones to say no right so shoving that onto staff and putting staff in that type of position to a committee is not the right solution right it's on us right so if we have an issue with how people are attending or what's happening in the Committees and and how an event is being attended it's not because of lack of promotion it might be just because we're funding events that the community just doesn't want to be at and maybe we need to have a harder look at what we fund right so you know putting staff in that type of position is really just us again the same reason we voted against the nsds right at the end of the day we're The Gatekeepers if there's a problem here happening with an event the community is not coming up to it it's it's been promoted up the wazo on all the social media and it's just not getting the traction maybe the vent needs to be changed and at the end we have to look in the mirror and see what are we doing to change the characteristics of that right what are we doing up here to change that Dynamic what are we because I've never seen us say no to a committee here I have never seen us say hey we're not going to have this Bike Rodeo or we're not going to fund this concert because people are just not going to it to put staff in that position I think is just us not having that honest conversation so that I'm in agreement you know with having these hard conversations maybe that's how you get this started right by by your new business item but at the end of the day I think it's it's up to what we fund and what we not fund and and um you know as I look back at at my tenure here right and and and the things that we've kind of gone through one of the things that I continue to remark on that's unquestionably undoubtedly Miami Lakes and I think the young girl um Britney the one that came up um to speak is just the sense of community right and 1,000 and you brought it up you know there's there's a cost to that right I think you you've kind of done the research on it right $400,000 price tag why because we're building a community right and undoubtedly that's what every resident loves they love the bike rides they love the food and wine events and they love these things right but then there's sometimes right as elected officials we're held accountable and we're maybe funding things that aren't working right and and maybe we need to take a hard look at that so I'm in agreement kind of with what you're doing here but I I think we kind of have to shift the gears and say okay what are we going to do about it what are we going to fund what are we not going to fund rather than kind of put staff in that position to say hey committees you know what what what are we not doing right right cuz I don't think it's it's it's on them I think we have to have um I think we need to take some ownership over that so um I appreciate it I'll be supporting the item but I'd like to see it come back in a different way you know one of the one of the things and I I talked about this a while back that has changed um when we first started doing for example um Facebook lives right the algorithm Facebook and and IG wanted us to get a lot of uh attention because they wanted you to get hooked to that perspective what happened happens now is as a business owner in the town and and talking to other business owners that are on the retail side you you have to boost every post right so one thing that I would like to see even on the committee side is that you got the Bike Rodeo you should put a 100 bucks you you literally boost it for seven days and you could boost it within the town PSN anywhere else you want specifically to certain interest right so I mean those are those are things that I I do on every event right and I and I think uh and I know business owners who are highly successful because of and there's other strategies right looking at influencers different things like that but um from that aspect it's it's both the same right the business advertisement to very similar to to an event right you you you you want to curtail it to a certain interest to certain people but it takes I mean that's one thing that I do I talked about a while back and it takes time to educate some of those committee members but it works right um but yeah um I'm in full support let's move forward unless there's other any other comments seeing none all those in favor I I any opposed none the motion passes uh we have krook palal uh enforce new extended school zone area thank you uh Mr Mayor so the this this I consider a a a success from um the working initially with councilman coyazo on this item extending the Crooked Palm um school zone going Southbound 67th um and we finally got it done and um you know a lot of people were happy however what we've noticed and What the residents of crook pal noticed is that they extended the sign to get there however residents are still either they don't see it or they think the school zone is over um and they speed up back to like 40 m hour then they see the sign they slow down so in order to continue to make sure this is a success I I love to see if we can not only in the short term have have us do a u you know a detail there where the where we can make sure we're enforcing this and also push push the uh you know the county to add uh you know to add the no school ending or add you know paint the the line where school zone ends to make it more visible for residents so they know hey by the way it's been extended maybe put another one in you know before the end one so they know it's still going on um so I would I would I would just ask staff to do that whatever it takes I'll I'll I'll set up a meeting as well we'll push you know like this work because we all for a long time all of us together kept pushing and pushing and it got done the residents you know the staff and and the council so we got to continue this isn't perfect and uh we we shouldn't uh accept not perfect when it comes to the safety of our children so uh I guess the my my motion would be to work on that with with the staff and the county and also have the short-term solution of having some details There To Remind the residents hey School the school zone has been extended uh so you got you got to keep that 1550 mil an hour so that's my that's my motion second no discussion all those in favor I any opposing the motion passes um this item was brought to me by an Maria at the Realtor Association and town staff um asked me yes yes yes yes I heard you guys 25 times yes I could hear you guys give me a second give me a second sidebar conversation you I hear it waiver waiver waiver 14 45 times um it needs a waiver but I wanted to explain this real fast um before I make a motion I'll ask for the waiver Anamaria brought it to my attention I sent it to staff staff requested a new business item so that's why it was late and hence why I need um a waiver I'll move to wave the rule second second all those in favor I any oppos see onone the motion passes so staff has the pictures I think it's it's a gift from the Realtor Association it just says Miami Lakes it's really nice I think depending on where you all want to put it at I'm okay with it I know initially there was conversation to put it on a non- toown property to put it next to chellas in that green space um but it it you know I don't I don't know wherever you you guys prefer to to have that to have an I I like well I'll second the the motion to at least receive it correct so we receive it and then make a decision of and and yeah I also say that that's a great location it is that public property no private we just have to talk to the gram see if they would be willing to put it uh but yeah that that's a phenomenal I believe that Senator rodri I had a conversation with Senator Rodriguez and she says that it's important for you guys to designate the location of where you want it and a non-public site would be complicated so you should consider you should have a brief conversation if you have some ideas about a public site that would be an easy install so that we can communicate that to her for her to complete the uh the application for is it complicated because they want it to be a public site because they don't want the interference by the by a private actor suddenly changing their mind she said it needs to be a public site a town owns because that was the very first question she asked me was is that are these there has to be a town owned site then uh you know Mr Mayor I don't know if you want it to be in an amendment or however you want to do it but no no you just get staff to to suggest locations for it I I think you have to pick the option first because the option will then dictate where you can put it if one's two DES in and the other one's 300 and something inches so I'd like to make a motion to select option one I'll second that third there's two options there's one one that's 175 in and it's a little bit taller and then there's another one that's 338 in so the reason I'm selecting optional one is because it incorporates um both names but I also think just from um not keeping as long the balance of it not not as short actually will bring your eye more to it and will make it stand out a little bit more so I like the first option on based on that those two criteria got I uh I I will uh defer to my colleagues artistic uh in tuition all day he he went to our school so he knows all those in favor of of this uh amendment I I any option one ER any locations the one location I could think of is the ramp up 154 kind of like it's a Hollywood Sign you know what I mean then the grassy area there we could put in a way that it's West eastbound traffic con seeed and then people getting on the pometo or getting off but that was just one suggest but any I think I I think I'd be open to hearing all the options that are available from staff you know whether it be uh public private location I like the idea of it looking like a Hollywood sign but you know now that you have the the parameters of the sign it'll give you an opportunity to see what what location another one you can consider is right at the southeast corner of the town on the Green Space that wraps around the industrial park so it's visible from um from Red Road that may be that's an entry feature there it's one of the entries to the town that may be an area for you to consider so they'll bring it back staff will bring it back at the next October council meeting and then we'll take a vote then all those in favor I I any oppos see none the motion passes we're on to uh reports we have major Gonzalez up first and then we have uh director Santos and then we have deputy attorney COA on here as well good evening uh T Commander Jose Gonzalez with the uh police report um crime is uh been steadily decreasing we have good numbers across the board we are uh doing um really good this year compared to last year I think that's a tribute to the hard work of our officers obviously the uh high visibility enforcement and even with our high visibility traffic enforcement they see our officers out there um continuously um last month we assisted with the culinary bike ride it went very well um we also had the Bike Rodeo uh we assisted with the mayor's Gala and um just to let you guys knowz I know it was a subject earlier the traffic light at 79 Court um it's been off a little bit I think they were trying to get out here last week to fix it but we have an appointment with them at 8:00 tomorrow morning so we rescheduled for tomorrow and it's it's good on 154 Street it's it's going smooth it's just giving too much green and not enough for the side road to come out so we're going to give make some suggestions and they're probably going to tweak it in the morning and after that everything should be good but um you know I mean I hear different talks and comments but the lights on 154 Street are they're synced they're green across the board when you look at them um and I always welcome anybody that wants to go out there with me and look at it we could explain it I mean that's the one light at 79 Avenue turns red a little prematurely to let that school traffic and all the residents coming out of ryal Oaks onto 154 Street can flush it out it's not that the light is unsynced it's doing it on purpose it's going red a little early while the other light is green so the traffic could flush out continuously and flow on to 154 Street so everything is working smoothly um and again we'll we'll pick up the detail at uh on 67 by the school for the school traffic and uh you have any questions I'll put up questions yes I have uh I have one and then I'll go to councilman Garcia so a lot of I'm looking at the stats and a lot of the a lot of the targeted crimes here here to year to date there's some that it's out of your control right um but there's one in particular that that I want to see what your thoughts are because it kind of stays consistent right Larsen is one that obviously that's very difficult right that's taking of somebody's property um but auto theft right that's one that stays consistent you know year over year a and I think if we were able to tackle that we would be a community with pretty much no crime auto theft yeah ER what are your your thoughts on on that like how what else do you need on auto theft yeah so that's a great question um we're actually down one on auto thefts um but that's that you know the lprs are doing a great job um that they actually been quiet lately so things have been like our our vehicle burglaries have been significantly deep down I think last year we had 22 um for the month of October and we only have one this month so far do not wood do we still do we have the the funding already for the other two lprs that you needed I for the police impact fees from the new developments yeah I don't get those fees so I so you have you have an you have one that's about to get Danny they're about to get their TCO right the new project on uh on Commerce have they paid their uh their police impact fee Fred Fred's Fred is has that project the the project at uh the new project the Canadian billionaire that's building 37 homes I don't know how much money do you have there Jeremy for cuz I know there's two sites right correct me if I'm wrong major two more sites that are needed yes um and we're done yes two more sites okay I know if anybody else has questions when they finish and those are like single Lane roads so there should be a cheaper cost to to facilitate that there should be single cameras just for police impact fees yeah and the and the golf course development also because I think the only permits they've pulled are the demo permits right so when they go to pull the building permits those will be more and I know if I don't know if you guys saw not to change the subject but they had a highlight of the the shoplifter from Costco that they recovered like 60,000 approximately in stolen shoplifted goods from different cost he was hitting a whole bunch he was wandered down in Kendall too cuz their their security put everything together and they they have him at other stores yeah he was he was on a on a shopping spree early Christmas yeah unbelievable he's probably going to take it to a house that was probably his day's catch for the day and he was probably going to offload through the chair night time but we just caught him probably his last stop good so the chair just quick question uh major when you say auto theft does that include the actual stealing the vehicle or opening it up and stealing items from a vehicle no that's the the actual theft of the vehicle burglary the the vehic burglary is the when you steal from and we discussed um earlier that a lot of these vehicles for some strange reason remain unlocked MH um I think that's a low hanging fruit the mayor the mayor was talking about what we can do to educate residents I mean well we have it on our message board yeah that you see when you drive by it it has a 9:00 p.m. routine lock it or lose it let me ask you when when area does get burglarized are do get are you allowed to say not open the door but go like that oh it's open knock on the door and say hey just uh just let you know you know this you know your door is unlocked and we recommend you locking it and maybe if we do maybe we hit the neighborhoods where we have the highest crime with those education campaigns even if you don't you know I mean I don't know what you're allowed to do as an offic what we do do is um we do have like an area that's been hit um we our neighborhood resource officers and our bike guys go through there and they leave everybody a lock lose a fly or a 9:00 p.m routine reminders you know through that whole neighborhood um just try to remind everybody around there you know you got to lock your cars to lose it but you know I and there's some certain ways that certain Vehicles you could tell if they're unlocked uh but I won't say how it goes but by a certain thing that that looks some you know looks on it they they know so easy to Target it because um what I would like to say uh to the residents watching today is please our officers are doing everything they can to mitigate this and stop it from happening they need your help please lock your doors of your cars and your homes and help them don't help the criminals you know don't give them a leg up you know if they're going to open that door they see it's locked they're going to move on unfortunately they're going to move on to your neighbor who forgot so remind each other please do your part to help our officers do their job to keep you safe thank you yeah yeah they're not breaking windows and stuff like that I I like the I like uh council member kaz's idea if you see the ones that are obviously unlocked you should actually open those up and put the lock it or Loser on the driver's seat that that that'll make them change all right Council any any other questions for the major thank you very much appreciate you thank you on we have director good evening Council and mayor so in infrastructure we have the 154 Street turn lane project under the paletto this uh was awarded tonight so we'll soon have issue an ntp the notice to proceed and have the contractors start uh the widening of that section Mo some of this work will be done at night to limit the impact to the traffic in the area uh 50 Avenue project we're close to finalizing on boarding of our the consultant pm and also for the RightWay relocation assistant it's close to completion we have one tenant left and it looks like within the next two weeks the building will be vacant yeah lock Loman drainage improvements project this was recently awarded uh two Council meetings ago uh and it's ntp is November 1st so you'll see the contract tror moving into the area uh during November yeah and I do have one question about that a couple residents from that area have approached me they're excited that it's happening we're talking about Glenn Eagle right uh it's uh okay so they're excited it's happening but they're just concerned given the length of time that it's expected to take place about starting now with the holidays so they wanted me to ask if there's any way at this juncture to maybe delay it a little or um at least until after the holidays or see if the town has some kind of plan to mitigate the traffic impacts and whatnot so as far as delaying it we so we already delayed it to avoid impacting the Halloween problem is the contractors is very eager to get started and they have already investments in place to to get this going uh they're counting on the work to start to start essentially building um but what we have put in place are some um some stops as far as production uh before they have to restore and go to the next section so we don't have large areas of unrestored asphalt so that's something that in other areas uh has has been an issue and we've applied Lessons Learned and and other projects we've done the same limit limit the area of of impact before it gets restored and then let them continue after that I think that would be phenomenal so I I'll let them know at least on on that front that that is the way you're planning to proceed I think our PM an has already been in contact with the HOA president with with Patrick con yeah okay and with other some other residents we we typically send out notices before and we and we get feedback especially since the signs have already been installed for the project we started getting calls and we we feeled a lot of the the questions in the in the beginning perfect and a lot of these contractors especially during the Christmas in and around the Christmas they usually take a week or two off not so much Thanksgiving but Christmas and we'll make sure that they don't leave equipment around that they've restored the area if they're going to take these breaks during that holiday uh push so that uh there won't be that disruption for parties at the resident homes and so forth perfect and uh lastly before uh before I let you go to continue on with your report while we're on the topic of lock lman um do we have an update on those holes regarding burck way yes so we first I don't want to say one after but we inquired with the uh communication companies who are usually the ones that that do this type of work they both uh reported that they didn't have work in the area so in for the purpose of safety we're going to go ahead and get that taken care of we'll continue investigating and if we find that is in fact one of those companies we we'll request a refund yeah because it is very bizarre that nobody's claiming ownership over over these sites that were dug up um are we even sure what utilities are under there like have we looked to see what kind of um the first there so there were three one of them we confirmed there was AT&T and they came back and filled it the other ones no the other ones I think we we could see a pipe but it looks more of a irrigation um but it's that's not a hole that was done by irrigation so interesting yeah well thank you D director I think I might have missed this because I was I was outside for a second um did were you able to finalize the uh negotiations with uh with the PM for 59th Avenue so we're very close we have uh one more item that their legal team has question we already got we've uh had a lot of help from our legal team we've already responded and we're waiting for them to to say if they approve it or not and and that's it understood yeah thank you through the chair yep um can I ask you a question about the replacement of the H HV HVAC at Robert Alonzo yes what's the timeline on that there this week it's been delivered right yeah they're working on it this week the expected completion is Friday Friday yeah oh wow okay thank you so much Friday if not before it's just we we have on Friday uh um oh sorry thank you mayor and and um director Santos I know that you were here during the public comments you heard the young lady talk about the the wooden poles and the removal and I appreciate the the hard work that you've been doing to kind of hold our utility companies accountable and I know that's going to be a work in progress as um you know you continue to to serve in your role but I just wanted to compliment you on something um and I guess again going back historically you know you jumped into this role you embraced it um um all of these arpa projects that you're going through everything's being put out everything's being procured and and you've put this on your on your plate and you have not missed a step and I just want to congratulate you you've done a a Yan's job in your professionalism but more importantly you've done it quietly you're hard worker with your head down and you're never really given the Kudos that that you probably truly deserve for doing the hard work that you do and I just wanted to recognize you in that regard so thank you so much thank you and also want to put out there's the the purpose uh I'm able to deliver uh the product I do is uh the amazing team I have uh and you you can all see them on iy Stanley Jerry our V truck guys uh our new team member uh Rachel that that we have as the new Public Works manager they're all they're all great and also our facilities team uh Dario and and Brian if I miss somebody sorry but demonstration of leadership right there you just the ones that make me look good yes I'm good I'm good I'm good and to finish off um there's several other projects drainage uh from from the arpa that will be starting soon uh a lot of these are in in the west side we got the the Genesis that in our next meeting will be going off for a war that's the Northwest Quadrant all the furthest Northwest uh section of the town are Seva phase one Royal Oaks D second and fifth um Royal Oaks a Edition in in the RO West Community so we're going back into heavy construction uh please bear of us but we're we're almost we're almost done with that with the heavy portion and we will and the last item I had to report was the Roberto Alonso HVAC but I already it's being done this weekend as far as as far as our day-to-day work orders we're preparing those work orders for sidewalk street light roadway so that's just a Non-Stop uh uh operation for us thank you director we appreciate you have a good and the folks that work on you yes I'm good there's nothing there's nothing to report so that there was an item on there Mr Mayor and Council I'll be very brief uh months ago uh councilman morrera brought an issue up with regards to uh Lake access uh by the public onto uh some of the uh lakes that we have uh public parks on uh most of the Lakes no not most all of the lakes that we have in the town of Miami Lakes are privately owned and they're managed by by H or by nsds now under Florida law right when a developer develops Lakes such as the ones that we have in our community that are in these private uh Abed by private homes they many times create what are called riparian rights for people who don't live on the lake uh and and allow easements and access to the Lakes that's an issue between again the HOA and the the private homeowners as far as it uh with respect to the to the town we do have certain public areas and little parks that are but the Lakes some of them have little beach fronts uh it is been the the rule of and the law of the town uh that really not to uh allow people to to go in and take you know and and and bathe in the in the in the lakes or uh definitely they're not allowed to launch any uh Craft on the lake uh whatsoever uh and there's there's nothing there that allows them uh to to to swim on the lake that's been the position of of town do people do it yes uh the problem is is that just based on the way that a lot of those Lakes are are built and a lot of the property rights on those Lakes uh if a person goes out you know they may end up trespassing onto somebody else's property so that's not something that we can necessarily encourage huh take down pictures I get it and and some but a lot of those pictures are upstairs are are people playing on the beach and on the shores that's fine uh but going into and onto the lake that that's that's kind of a different story uh so you asked to for us to report back and that's pretty much my report I don't know if you have any questions that's pretty much what I anticipated as as has been mentioned before I brought that item up even though I was dubious as to its merits uh but I did feel that the the resident had the right to have the the item considered by the council uh but I I agree with your assessment from the beginning have have you swam in the sator league listen that thing at certain points is 80 feet deep I am you would not catch me going in there that was a that was a quarry back in the day it was a quarry at one point yeah at least not not not without like concrete blocks on my feet and last but not least there's ju just to put it on your radar uh there because I've I've heard discussion from some residents with regards to short-term rentals that's coming back for you for first reading uh on some of the corrections um Danny's been wonderful and going and and and looking through it uh and working with staff and and and bringing something so we'll have something for you uh in the next couple of weeks got it thank you very much uh we'll see you all later in October for another council meeting God bless have a good night this meetings a journ