##VIDEO ID:mFey0gg5xY0## call to order 9:34 a.m. good morning everybody morning morning thank you for being here inviting roll call Rose Roo Gary here Maria here Lindsay here William here and Hector not here yet but most um order of visits any deferrals additions or deletions that we would like to add to the agenda or or I'll let Maria catch up you're good all right perfect so um public Comics that would be me good morning good morning morning good morning my name is Rebecca I'm here on behalf of troop 902 which we are headquartered in here in Miami Lakes at the Mary Collins Community Center I am here actually on behalf of my daughter Victoria and her project partner Alexa they are working on their silver award which is one of the high Awards of Girl Scouts and they are looking to set up adoption events and connect them with veterans or people who might need Companion Pets or service [Music] pels I did at the chamber after the shot I think you remember [Music] before someone um so uh we are working with with the American Legion postor 44 and the amazing Commander Cardin us um and he invited us he invited the girls to amazing amazing positive with each other see this is why we con it's perfect um so he suggested that we can't communicate with you guys because of your mental health walk however we were recently advice that animals are not allowed at the Veterans Park all right well you can still have a table and spre awareness on the sure for theun that I was wondering how we would be able to collaborate with that yeah that would be a great idea okay love it we have to vot yeah we'll vote on we have a lot to talk about so then we'll kind of bring that into what we're gonna I guess okay vote discuss and just toting you guys up I do have some free Girl Scout cookies know you guys want thank do not have anyon we are that's the best way to get to work so please feel free to take there is more than enough you can only be an official M that diabetes you guys thank you for your time and than you anybody else for public comments just can I can icome can iide some comment on the public comment the first thing is the act e a WS okay Act was passed by the ba or passed by Congress and expanded eligibility for C go to Veterans who suffer from PTSD not just those who have missing Lim and stuff to include the training of those animals and the funing of those animals and one of the things they're going to start in the veterans committee in the town is they're going to start a permanent subcommittee on service animals and P wine therapy I know because I'm G to put it in the agenda next week and so and uh so we're going to have basically the you know you're you're are formally invited to every feter committee meeting if you want because we're going to have a standing committee now on a standing subcommittee on you know SE ad um also uh um I work with his other organization called Starlight of Valor and they have us a subsection called PA of Valor and they're working on bunch of different things but one of the things they're trying to do is connect uh or agencies that train service animals um for veterans and they do it for free service the veterans and real service animals that turn on the light get shoes I mean I saw a demonstration in West Palm Beach we found one in West Palm Beach because we're trying to Target the areas that have VA hospital so West Palm Beach has a large VA Hospital Miami has a VA hospital and we found U this thing this place called Big Dog Farms and rescue and Cano and training and they basically have a whole bunch of service animals that're training you know the veterans bring them and they train them and uh I mean they do things like if they see there's one that if they see the veteran crying they did the demonstration if the veteran like this the dog will come up and keep on asking for attention looking the face until you know they pay attention you know what I mean uh and of course they'll pick up you know Keys they'll pick up cards you know if you drop a car they'll pick it up they'll close the door they'll open the door they turn on light um and all the other things that uh it's really interesting but anyhow we're trying to find a similar organization in Miami that's willing to do training for veteran service animals and if you can help us Society does that do they I mean do they have availability though that's the thing about this organization is they almost are totally dedicated to Veterans you know and sort of sort of like they will bump anybody else if it's a veteran showing up where Humane Society um um I don't know how certified their trainers are first of all but I'm pretty sure it's you know come you know come one come all you know so that's one of the things I've been trying to figure out is somebody in Miami area that does it County I have connected with pet for that's and they did advise that they do have a service animal um they have a trainer a single trainer because they do do those same events but they have um like locations in other places but they have a trainer well one of the things that this West Palm Beach location told me I talked to the director of training he will do a train a trainer okay program he'll do a train training program you should do that yeah yeah so maybe that's if we have a lack of trainers because what I'll love to see is if we set something up here in miam lak and Veterans Park at like the uh Mary Collins Center without you can't have pets in Veterans Park even for training no well they allowed on any part but no one enforces it well I mean I mean I guess I guess it's service animals allow service animals that's Ada unless they want if they want to violate federal law good on you 8 years yeah I mean so these are service these are service animals being trained to be service yeah that's a facility I'll raise it up with the coun see if there you know that one thing that I was discussing with Commander pis was um maybe we can push the the town to change that policy to allow pets in the Parks and perhaps just install like the food bags thing well I mean I don't want P Park County County ordinance I mean I don't think they can do that I don't want I mean the the ad is clear about service anal and the thing is my endstate goal is basically to have like one time a week training at the Mary col Center for veterans and their service animals or anybody in their service anal you know now I think for the veterans it may be free for the anybody's they may have to pay a fee you know you Pavilion we can do it inside I mean I think inside the Mary col and the dogs on overheat and stuff like that but I mean I'm going to work on that with the standing committee standing sub commmittee that's cool and the trainer thing is free well I gotta talk to the director and I think it may be I don't know if it's free but he says he you know he could they could offer that as well so okay so we have a lot to talk about so I don't need to back on here um so send this more you send you this do you want to with like the concerns from the town or I don't know uh sure just go through just go agenda okay so so the town has some concerns about um the walk right about being a walk I'm sorry adoption I'm sorry adoption we need minut yeah [Music] the [Music] cookie we've done virtual programs for the girls amazing [Music] dirty so back to the to the walk so the town has some concerns about it being in walk per se event just because of I guess the structure of the sign up and the event bride and like you know like maybe us not being prepared yet to kind of overtake something like that um and they had suggested that maybe we could like U partner up with the health fair and do something in conjunction with them that's what February March something or so then I and and then you guys tell me what you guys would want to do so I or or this is what I presented back to them is like we'll meet you kind of halfway and and I understand like the like them being said that we're not going to be able to bring in enough people and like proud like to justify for our the first first time but we got to start somewhere right so I am again I personally am against doing something with the healthare because I really want it to be a standalone event for mental health like I don't want it to be linked up with h cuz it's going to be the same thing that we're just going to be doing you know but so then I suggested maybe doing like the fall festival and just kind of minimizing the whole taking away the walk concept like a familyfriendly event and it we just have the resources there for mental health and then something like that Four of July so I so I did like a whole vision board and I'll present it to you guys on like what I was thinking is that they're hting something similar at the um CD Smith Park obviously it wouldn't be to that grand scale we would have to see what is allowed at the at our Parks this is just a vision board of something like a fall festival but in Awareness for mental health make it sorry like fun for family to promote to families to come in um I've already had a contact for a pumpkin patch which they are a wholesaler and so we could get like a pumpkin patch and then do like one free pumpkin per child to kind of like how pumpin I'll show you the bins I made so you guys can see like what the bins are and this is just one of my vendors every sh there's a bunch of different we always look into that but like a bin of pumpkins could or like um like little mini ones for like a 100 or I don't know 50 bucks and like so we could get Indian corn like I mean corn stocks to kind of like make that pumpkin patch kind of vibe with the bounce house and then other vendors like face painting like to make it like a family friendly that would kind of get more attention and then we'll have all these mental health uh again sponsors or you know agencies they're giving their information uh you know to to the community so that we can bring more traction um I like that I it would take audience and and it will cover whole PES exactly now if we want to charge for the event $5 per family they get the free pumpkin for that I mean I don't know that like the details on that you could guide on on that uh but I think if we do like the one free pumping per child it'll bring some traction for families to come out there um to incentives and in terms of sponsors um we already have some I don't know if you guys have anybody that you guys have already reached out to but Nami I reach out to them and they gave us the commitment to participate uh which I think will bring a big thing and they're like will'll be there even though they have their re on that Sunday um and then we're going to just figure out what kind of ink kind they can provide to us um sonami is going to be great and a big sponsor because they'll promote it on their social media and Kate is a good friend of mine she like I'll you know we we'll be there and we'll help promote it um Chen Med I think also submitted their their form for sponsorship uh I know Baptist as well did thank you guys um Roger behavior is going to be sending theirs they're only going to do a table but I have other ones that are coming through I have not even shared it to my whole list of contacts because I don't want to come in and just send them a sponsor sheet like give me your money without having a formal flyer of what the really idea is and if we're going to change it um I know that once I we submit that we'll get much more people even if it's for table sponsorships so I think right now we already have what how much money $1,000 doll in sponsorships we have about I think so yeah like commitment or enh so there's one um that they paid for sure the other one I know they received the invoice I'm not sure if they've already paid um that one was 700 and the other one was 4 so I'll make this happen if you guys support like I'll get all the contacts like we'll do the vendor like I don't know like what do you guys think do you think that would be feasible I like it too fact I like that as actually the thing we do the pkin patch mental health thing because I I know when my kids were young you know Brazilian years ago uh I took him to the pumpkin patch all the time they loved it you know and has a pumpkin patch already event actually reached out to the church to get their vendor to see who they use as a vendor so they're going to get back to me with that information but another close friend of mine she works in produce and she gave me this contact do we get a petting zoo too yeah well that's well I was going to ask I do have the contact for petting suit and they would be willing to come but I don't know if we can bring animals because of their jur so I made a little list here of things not allowed that I'm going to write in hopefully that's the thing of town and then I'll go back and then go to my vengers and all that and we can and then I can bring you guys what you know what we need for so when is this because was now almost okay to bring you up to C so we pushed it back a little bit just to give us more time to really get Oran nice and make sure that we're not so when would this be October 19th it everything say October 19th location and the and the time would be 8 to 12 I think it's great families are awake little kids are up at that time you know I think we don't need to change or address the time I don't know what you think it's up to us in the morning what time the same time we can leave it at the same time or we can make it later like 9 to 1 if you guys want I mean I don't 10 to yeah Saturday at too much okay the whole week having to okay so let's go step by we approved to change it to that event first then we go to the so what so it would be what like a just like a family Fall Festival the fun [Music] Festival the fun Festival the concept to just having we have to ask CH what's good well the will come up with the name that's that they they'll figure that portion out and they'll come up with the fly and all that but but like are we are we in agreement with that do we take yes I make a motion I make a motion to uh modify the mental health awareness walk become the uh mental health mon patch I mean whatever we want fall festival and I second all in favor and to set the date for October I make a motion to set the date for October 19th between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. okay what do you need us do you foree the town having any push back with dates or anything like that that you you know of before yeah we have to find have a question would this Encompass um like also like autism ADHD no mental health cuz we have a special need special needs we don't fit in there m okay they don't fit in with us the vendors will probably be there no like I mean a child with attachment disorder depression I mean side ideation I mean anything for substance recovery you know there's a lot of providers out there that that families don't know about the resources right so then that's the point is that they can come to the spare and let's say my kid is suffering from anxiety and like mental health and kind of just raise awareness on the on the topic and then we can go in there and there's going to be Rosies child the first two years of life or one that say it's critical to development seual already does all these events for for that so we just want to focus on Mental Health which I am the Leon also for the special needs Advisory board so you're interested comes with fre C okay because we work with GG's Playhouse okay and we have a lot of on contacts regarding um special needs I guess more like autism ADHD um partners that that work that so I have from 10 to 2 yes um so the only thing is that there is another committee that has a hold on that day they still haven't voted so I day you guys be us yes but after because it's from 1 to 4: is when they have the but um I thought the day was special the day was set but because of the time frame so if we're moving now the time frame go lower and I guess like to be outside or inside Mary col inside inside Mary colge maybe B more traction if we the autism they walk it wasn't interfering but now now we're overlapping and you have no clue what they're doing so 9 to1 that that would that off of 9 to one we you guys will be able to know who it is was yeah I mean but they have Mary Collins right they reserving Mary Collins we're doing ours outside yeah ours is out have people going in and out of the Cent that's the only thing rest yeah but it doesn't matter do you think you have to use the restroom inside that no it's fine that they're going just there's just two different things going on at once that's my only what about November 9 to1 again that makes it really hard for you because you are both of them L on a boat live I see the issue so why don't you why don't you go and ask that's a hold they just gave me some dates and I put a hold got it you vote on it right now on it so if you think nine to one and then that way because with them I it might not even happen just a so then if it might not I say let's keep it there we got it first we voted we got it we don't die we're we're like very family kind of topics like it's not a crazy committee has nothing to do not we can figure it out so here's the activi that um that I thought of to propose to see and then please we're good so is it keeps we so potential vendor so the pumpkin for the the pumpkin So that obviously we would need definitely activities like face painting and any other ideas are welcome that is not going to be so complex and table a craft table like that doesn't have like consent forms is that going to be like over have Girl Scouts do a craft table for you guys amazing that be great I love that BCE house I'm a little intimidated by that because then I don't know like if the kid jums breaks his leg and like what like all that so maybe we could do something more interactive like a cardival where they throw things like a ball like a basketball hoop or something like I know I already looked at some Avengers here um yeah with anything like a carnival kind of looking thing I saw one there's a company here in Maramar and they have those kind of like exactly like things yeah so they're not actually jumping and like the for them to hurt each other the kids to hurt each other whatever hay ride I don't know if that would be something that we could do like a little hay ride they also have that as Avenger but I don't know if that what is like a little truck and they just take them around for the little it's it's very I it's part of the whole in the little track around it but I don't know you guys trying to I'm and then I put petting zoo is this allowed it is it is I don't know there have been previous that could be but if something changed and it's not I just just let us know if you can look into them and see if that is if that's allowed and then the dogs well I was going to bring that therapy dogs as well but they told me that they were not they have to be um like service animals but I don't know then they're like so I don't know that's it right anything else you guys would want to yeah we check on the what about offering like a yoga class so like to the parents so yes so there's this organization that I work with at my facility it's called yoga for change i r child to the girl yoga bring in they'll do like little present they'll be a sponsor and they can do a yoga there as well but I to send it over so get approval H what's your name I don't remember I have to look at the emails yeah they're awesome they're not profit I like so we uh need a motion for okay motion to request a petting zoo motion for Bas painting a motion for craft table provided by the girls guys is that all one motion yeah pretty much but is said a request to to get approval we approve it and then we go and get it what about the five dollar you were saying that'll be a different let me get this one okay so I got a motion to I'm making a motion that we have a petting zoo uh face painting and craft tables etc etc I don't know we got to say exactly what how about Carnival like instead of bounce house like Carnival vendor I don't know Carnival activities that are not going to be harmful to children where they can bring such ads such ads of liability I'm to approve activity they not going to be for the children such as pting Zoo face painting craft table not limited Sho you have table like where you have Jango for teenagers our school I we could have our our club there our club and we can put that table [Music] pain and then okay so that motion right we're doing that I the last one said no no no to have a you're Goldman oh yeah have our mental wellness club at Goldman come in and sponsor a table like a against teen craft table what te craft event teen event you think we get some volunteers from Gan to help us set up CU I'm pretty sure they're just going bring us a truck full yes yes abely for the walk they said yes so now basically ativities so I'll second that motion all in favor um who you did it present within those activities you had presented to maybe have the band come and do a presentation so would that still be an option or that would be an option the only thing is that when I asked the band director he said that he would need buses to get the kids there so I don't know do that's possibility yeah but which really talking about all of this finding it will come out of the budget then I guess whatever we and you would also have to make a motion include that as one of the expenses four buses four buses yeah I mean but what what are they going to do they're going to play what for how long I mean maybe just some Mar music would we still have one more meeting before the actual event could it be something that we kind of table depending on realistic numbers of sponsor come in the only thing is he would want to know so that he rehearses because I know they're also rehearsing for the veterans parade and they rehearsed for the games and they so he just told me them as soon as possible I don't know if instead of taking the whole band if he brings half I don't know like the I'm not sure a quartet a brass quartet we'll pick them Up's like Jump On In a little you know I just I feel like thousand big am for project we're going to need it for pumpkin no I totally agree and I think that's how he felt that it was a lot also for him to spend to transport band but the band for the parade for the ven parade they all ask for buz it they all come in don't and I forget because I asked them that oh they dve provide I don't know if that's something that comes through esack where they have a special fund for that already because they've been doing that for years and maybe that's something they just do for the community but or maybe they get some fund yeah I think I actually think that as I've seen Goldman's band they're very good but they're a huge band and yeah you put them in the middle of Veterans Park they take up Veterans Park take I like when you spread them out no because we have to have a pumpkin P I would love the idea but $1,000 in our budget is a lot if they ask volunteer students like who from the band would like to practice and and get a couple of them to volunteer [Music] to bring some you know that I could I thought about about that too I can ask we have a new uh person in charge of the cheerleaders and she's actually an ex alumni and she is also teaching a psychology class and she was also very psychologically oriented as a student so let me ask her maybe you can bring some activities for the teenagers because I think this for teenag with all this that now that there's like a lot of little things that we're going to can we do or can we vote on a special call meeting for sooner date than our next meeting yes would you guys be okay with coming in again so that way we can finalize more things like I don't know September 11th maybe like within a week or two September 11 I was just looking that's what a next like a Wednesday that's not next week would be oh I'll be here for the morning 11 ceremony anyways correct I don't know is that something yeah that's fine if not it'll be next Wednesday I I can't or we could do it another day if you guys want I don't meeting special calls meting so we can vote right I got it I learned I the name is different very different we like IE the town provide community service hours for the girls who host those lables what time you want to the table that could be um I'm not sure I know that um volunteers was something that was me that staff mentioned we might need different amount of volunteers I'm not sure if they reached out time to um but for sure um it's a possibility if you can I would I would give it to my students because I can do that and girls could probably right only when we do Council events oh when they volunteered with Council events then yes Council will give them volunteer hours but this would be more of a town events that they would volunteer their town I they can register with Town a volunte sure since you're tabling but I think it well if we wouldn't be tabling as far as showcasing the Girl Scouts it would just be to provide that community service for your task force that um we we're gonna vote on you for a special pause meeting for September 11th at 9:30 so that we a lot [Music] of check for the event okay so how much I should be able to $100 for table let's finish this motion guys first so let's make a motion first for I make a motion for special cause meeting September 11th Wednesday at 9:30 I Che that all in favor okay perfect we only have 20 minutes left so we have like a lot of things until 11:30 I do yes we have two meetings know guys like of things that we're going to have to put for request I just want to get this as much as possible so we can get that F done so the to can kind of come back with that stuff yes my concern is yes time because now we're switching the event which is great because we're kind of simplifying yes um it doesn't take as much as when you're planning a walk but we're still very close we can make I mean I feel like we can make Happ it's either now or never it's either now or never to a Sunday instead of a Saturday why why no how did it come up what were you guys I don't I miss that the town is very the town is just a that we don't have enough time to pull it all pull it through and we're g to just block okay what do we what exactly are we doing in I mean no I'm asking honestly like we're gonna bring if the band can make it no B at all so sorry we have the group yeah table here's the tasks I see so far we have to have a petting zoo um so somebody needs to contact the petting zoo arrange and lock that down we have to turn around we have to have a pumpkins so we we need somebody to contact and make sure we get the funding for the pumpkins and we don't have price how much is the pumpkin again how many how much would we prend to have to spend on pumpkins 500 price in theory I don't know there's a bunch of different op I mean like gu I don't there's a bunch of different we should probably approve those funding things right now as well so we need the pumpkins which is they say 500 bucks for homein okay in theory all right I guess um we're going to need uh Goldman high school they're going to have to show up probably around if we still doing at 10 to two about 09 to help us set up the pumpkins and also take down the stuff and they're going we're going to need volunteers for setup um and assist in pumpkin distributions so and then so we got a few tasks but I mean I think the bakey ones though those are yeah petting zoo and the pumpkins and the petting zoo is like a birthday party balance house concept you call and you get that done with a what like two three weeks right um I don't does the not want to move forward with the events is my question no we do okay the only thing is the time that there's a lot of things that we still don't know we will know by the next special call just we so now we' changed it we've simplified it like I promise you the V I'm not scared of what whatever I really don't I'm not F that we're going to put come through so if by next meeting we bring the petting Suit Company more and we bring whomever and everybody has a name and we all vote and those companies are agreed and we present it to the town will they feel better okay so the biggest issue is biggest concern it's not just planning the event and reaching out to all the contacts to get all the activities and everything it's a matter of you need sponsorships because you don't have funding so you're kind of on pause for everything else so the concern is that we don't have money to do anything so let's start by the money how much is how much is a ping how much do we have the sponsorship money of a th we have a th whatever conservatively I think it's really 1100 so we have a th as of officially I'm not sure about if one check they have how I don't know I don't has anyone ever G A petting zoo how much does a pting zo take, 1200 um I don't know what I'm looking mini pumpkins 100 for $47 you can get I mean how many many pumpkin we possi pumkin right many pumpkins I think are like this yeah pum pumpkins like this6 four Gladiator pumpkin I don't know but like you just buy the the B the girl table is we can have the little pumpkins and they kind of in and this way they take it home and it's not like a whole so we do go and grab yeah we adust to we adjust to the budget here's my thing with the hesitation of getting of reaching out to more to like the alliance is like I don't want to just give them a sponsorship sheet and say Hey I want money I want to have like a flyer of the event say hey guys I'm inviting you to this event and if anybody would like to sponsor that's my name on the line I don't want to look like I'm just like you know like I'm also on my business level not going to go and do that to my contacts and I've done this to the people that I that I you so adopted and you guys were really on board and all that but I'm not going to reach out to 193 people and just blast it out like that well I mean when we have them sponsor things like we need somebody to sponsor the pumpkins so we need somebody to give us $1,000 for p not a thousand ask for a thousand you know no we we we'll keeping with the same again we also have to adjust this we have to vote on the sponsorship we need to now remove the Walker registration components of this so that we can maybe vote on that so we can get that updated yes um so with going back everything um there's other committees it's not that everyone is they have their funding and they're ready to go corre but I I think it was brought up that for the ranger run it might be um that they have a major sponsor who guarantees and like WR that second when the sponsorship form goes out they give a big chunk M which this is also of course not as big of a scale as that Tye of event but it's just something to consider so that's just sounds that there's a lot of loose ends can the town make a flyer with the we just need more information who that's another thing who is the funding going to of course obviously to pay for the event but besides that okay so let's put a motion okay so let's let's regroup guys let's focus on the things we need to vote let's vote on this sponsorship thing so we can update it correctly so I'll put in a motion to the sponsorship sheet to reflect mental health uh Fall Festival instead of awareness walk uh update the the time to we time to two remove the anything that implies walking on any of the sponsorship levels s walk to event yeah I would like to puring the mental health Festival we'll keep the same the same amounts that's fine um the deadline to confirm is that that's fine anything else you guys need to remove or add or we need the I think that's we'll get to that okay so somebody want to motion everybody in favor I so that's one thing down let me ask a question do you want to start by the maap so we know what we need to pull this out we can ask the CH let's start this we got to do this is the worksheet that we need to with them and it will go with all the resources that we haven't thought about and we'll get to the T and all that in here so basically what they asked us in last meeting was to go through this worksheet and then we come back to them with what we think we might need like cooler water tables chairs table cloth dish wear food trays janitorial services handyman so we can go down the line and those of you that have done events before kind of give us a heads up on what you think we we realistically would need for this kind of event I mean is that and we provide that and we we put in this request for the town to see if they can you guys could possibly do it Poss I got you were thinking also food I don't know if that's still a thought so but yes at least we have one I can guarantee you that so why don't we request it right I mean might need it so what part of the agenda would this be um resource list to submit to Town the first one yeah all right yeah so what we water as many possible as many possible what possible do we need to give you this paper to you doing it she's going to do it again oh so we don't have this is just for us and that's you present yours okay I mean if you have it in the minutes just yeah so yes to water as many as possible I was saying yeah tables rectangle right yes right Chim in something you guys yeah you guys have done it before the teen station and the other kids station um so we would be in the in The Pavilions maybe and so then the Pres the are not available no are I also brought a map of the part so we can kind of do a floor sponsor gets a table every sponsor anticipate 10 rectangular tables yeah say 10 tables and 10 tents and 20 [Music] chairs table no people bring their own tablecloths they're be sping want their own going do the painting and yeah probably need many have ask me 40 this wear no we don't need dish wear no food tray warmers no food trucks vendors no janitorial no we have every clean or do we okay and that's fine Center we're not pick we're using the inside the center you're using us it it'll be open forro use yes okay so then what does that look like how many all the four hours that we need that's fine so I say as far as water goes and then what put manys kind of div so you it's only no we let's say have but let's say 4 no we don't have we for the next one 4 to six hours to be conservative you can okay yeah so we're g toest that sorry take care about 300 bottles of water it's only for the volunteers it's only for the volunteers no but this is what we're requesting yeah well this is not all from us M now a lot of people sponsored the okay perfect this is basically a worksheet for us to figure out okay so then we could fill it out and then put little circles or Stars by the ones that on theist U do we need it Tech no no we do need a PA system do we need microphones and audio yes we don't have stand up one well I mean the little yeah with the speaker that's what the put a request for that you have one do we need a photographer no the town will on that yes but it's just Town DJ that' be pretty cool we get a DJ would beor we could probably get one that'll volunteer their time so that they can get um how does that work do we get Avenger DJs or do you guys have your own DJ DJ I would our own vendor but if you we have vendors for but if you find a better quote or whatever we put it out there and somebody says oh hey I sponsor through DJing services or something like that once we we promote it then we can switch that out okay but if you do want a D in general regardless if it's one of our vendors or someone that you find then that's fine just I think the DJ would be fun it would make it more like you know cuse attention invocation can inv anyone could do that no parks department to Brass the cut and the no all right let's move faster public works I don't think we need that uh registration page we need that yeah so why put a little commitment and then just to like announce to the public for event right but you still need you still want people to sign in so at least you know that's normal that's a good one to secure the pumpkin5 if you want this side after we'll make a vote on that yeah like programs we don't need that do we what's a like a like a fly I think that's well in your case would be flyer if it was a program if it was like agenda exactly we would have like an bike helmets no uh freebie no micro Mobility Services what is that for the fairies no we don't need that do we need police we're not walking we're not doing anything my own taser just in case I'll bring my AR I mean it's always nice especially when you have family events to have at least some kind of because police presence their overtime is astronom astronom okay then they're just gonna be like for the but do we need to have police like is it mandatory like going to tell you I'm going to throw a number out there the reindeer run where we only have for about almost 2 hours it's 7,500 that but that's also a major yeah exactly they like look at this it's ridiculous many just having the card part is different levels of police presence like the card is pared and empty or guys but that at least you will see there is a police car you find out you're going to find out but they're init okay never well will be a great guest of course once you have to like with like a major EV a walk or like the Bike Tour something but you have to have more that's more police presence you have to have like the streets like kind of closed off that I'll say no in this you're inside the park so it's much smaller so I put invite police and do we need question mark no we don't volunte maybe the time it I don't know volunteer so volunteers speci yeah we want town and then we get students the more the barrier and it look like there's more people at our event too all right check me an estimate of 40 that many aot many on the line for the the line for the face well they would probably their own people they I think I could probably bring you 20 from my groups but I could ask like the key the club what the town okay I mean the more theer I here 10 students ma all right so what about the town in general if you want want to be a part of it not the town like our people I mean I'll tell you that uh yeah so this would be I could only Bring No to talking I would just say 10 by going by this I'll will tell you that say yes whatever you want to give us 10 we had we had a meeting on the reindeer run and Gan offered up 40 like those nothing that's a big event to be conservative because I know the people I have spoken to we might be able to get more once you give me a fire I can um I don't know not on October 19th we have a lot of activities by Council if we can move it to a Sunday that would definitely help no the DAT but Town gave us that dat we already went back like back and forth with the DAT and I can offer the seniors which is for the seniors ambassadors okay so let's we need 24 25 okay but we have what other schools what other high schools do we have on only allowed to have 10 you're only allowed to rec recruit 10 no email that they are planning it says Max 10 student volunteers from from the no just in general just in general but we can bring people here yeah for right now we're just GNA get volunteers and then once we get a flyer and we have more we can move forward so stage no no uh permit request no no litter removal yes $33 per person per hour dra STS is $10 and liners $50 per R I [Music] know and we'll have a pick up as fast as you can Pi huh volunteers pick up yeah pick up her phone so why would you say yes and then once we have a formalized a volunteer then they down the line when we get closer to EV we can say thank you guys we don't we're not going to need that portion and then we can vote on that when we have more realistic numbers on volunteers probably street closures no no holds harmless this is requiring when requesting permission to use property owned by anyone other than the town probably a form no yeah to we're using property if anything May for the parking I think okay that's not okay Honor Guard no others is it has the line others it's a box it's a box so this others would be where you're mentioning the craft table face painting that's what I would put there okay so what was it again CRA table face painting craft ping zo table games table you [Music] guys activities c table activities so DJ DJ oh okay pumpkins was there was there a block or pumpkin I don't think so block think the and pumpkins so I got the craft table for bman Girl Scouts penes pumpkins what P food truck oh no we'll talk about food like I guess we need permission to for it or to say want to do that there's no there doesn't have to be a food truck we just like food vend we there's a category yeah you invite them and like let's say there's a small business or something and they want to have a table with donuts or something so their Fe maybe not necessarily a food truck got it so their fee is going to be litter remov buy that cuz they I think that's or Bron maybe there's someone that just want to donate and you can use those funds food trucks are always nice people love going to Foody I love and it's not money that you have to bring out that you just hey come out and they come out because they're going to get the business if you were to get let's say we some a food truck does approach us for that do we need special permitting for that for food trucks you'll have to find out so if they come and we talk I'll just send them your way do you guys have a list have list I have put thank you so okay um motion to do everything that we just talked about resour I'm not gonna repeat everything EV form so motion to approve our event format fill out I'm going to put attached I'm going to scan that and attach to this so you do the motion I'll second all in favor I would you like this okay our flyer the Spanish portion of it let's review it if we're okay with it let's motion it this will be going this is what we have right now to public from the agenda so this is what we have so if you guys want to share sorry you have what support the agenda the third one in a you have liar for public oh forgive me and then SP okay mind forgive me English I'll you so that's what we kind of have right now so we had one of our events and we realized that we don't have anything in Spanish and we had a lot of Spanish speakers so we were trying to translate what it says in our English version to the SP and that's basically what it would look like we just want to make sure that we review and approve the text that that makes sense I'm not great on the whole Spanish thing we had a wonderful volte who translated it to us so if you guys want to just take a look see if it makes sense and then we can approve it and and that way the town can have these ready for the event have this brother committee but that's what we're approving right now you guys [Music] finally what we I don't know and what is this for you it's our flight so that's when we go out to events that's what we give out to the town to introduce the task force welome [Music] CU in this one it could be either or right no I'm asking her no in English they what I'm saying the signs it doesn't you don't have to have all the signs could be one or all right yeah so this is not a translation of this it's kind of like the equivalent to gist of it yeah we're not like literally just to kind of get an idea to the Spanish communi so when they get remember that day were there and they were like are the yellow mint no they're lemons but they have inspirational signs on them they're amazing I am you are and that inspire you even more they have inspiration of oh that is so cute I am a leader you still can what do you mean you can your that's 12 number one you can always be a leader and Girl Scouts of tropical Council also has an adult troop which is troop 305 which we have quarterly meetings and also campouts and amazing events for just really oh do you have that information tomorrow group too so but my KS to approve the Spanish version I second motion all in favor I know that you need because my my word document didn't didn't put one word yeah so can we work on some ideas to give this house so they can do a flyer for us to to the Bo I wanted to that we can get that to us and then I can start sending it put theer that we have you know ping Zoo pumpkin so do you want to give this to the town and be like fall F whatever they want put on take we're still here wait we're still at the what wait really quick what is the difference between this and this so this is I think one is the flyer is ours and then the other one is a flyer that we're going to do for the event we talking which we have we skipped out we're gonna do this right now so we agenda okay okay sorry it's just to keep track that's fine now this one that we modify who gets that so the this is the that we give one because there was two commas and a word that we changed because Gary had said that instead of saying he wanted to say person in this version no we just did it now you want me to take it change it and send it to gabri or okay just okay as is on so now we can move you were saying about the fly I think we should do a big ball Leaf I made that I love it the tow will Design the the design pum but we can just kind of give them a frame so in the flyer what they need to know is who we're going to do the donations of the funding that we that we take so these are the suggestions that the town okay okay [Music] um speed it up so donation of fundings is meaning what is left yeah to yeah you weren here for that collect well in case you guys I think you should all have it I emailed it to you in case you guys need to know our events will require um one of the animal services Human Society does require a $500 donation in order to provide the animals at an adoption event so any donations you guys are willing to do will be great appreciated do you have the email of um gab I don't know I know we all got it I think we were all copied in that you guys look at the the organizations I did not just say yes I I was in colia welcome back one of them was thriving M was Nami and then I I completely disagree I think we should do something local on the con but I'm just gonna fav um it is South Florida Wellness Network Mental Health America of Southeast Florida and thriving mind South Florida no no no no I make a motion to say no if you guys I'll agre to those I mean when I talk to the mayor in Town Council uh he always wants to keep it local they always want to keep it local that's one of the reasons why when we do the reindeer run we completely change it we used to get money to the wound of Warriors they get hundreds of millions a year 16,000 thing it's like none they paid their CEO over $400,000 a year those organizations probably have the same kind of ministrative cost for fact I mean I know funded by the county and they have a lot of money I and so it just but then we have to come up with another organization exactly so what we did was you know we we did the veterans family scholarship so the families of Mag Lakers who are veterans their kids get scholarship we gave out over $2,000 to each person who apply it's the largest scholarship give away by the town period it crushes the grand so do we want to vote on an organization now that we canot back to the town and we see what they what they come back to us with and so oh because we're we're we're not choosing no we vote on it we'll vot we vote on I've yet to see the town ever turn around but that way they can approve it right they have to and include it on the do we so what organization is it that we're going to promote I mean we have everyone say an idea MH I heard yeah we could we could give like like I said we do we actually give to three organizations in our so we can do more we don't have the funding right now for that we barely need to cover mention 302 it's a 501c3 yes we are because council is so we're technically run through Council so and you're and you're in Miami Lakes we are in Miami Lakes Girl Scouts troop 902 is patient in Miami Lakes out of Miami um out of Mary Collins okay I make a motion to support uh girls uh Girl Scout Troop 902 and their pause for veterans program I second all in favor I that's where the money that makesense thank you you guys we appreciate it okay you're welcome so what else January I got you wait wait wait wait wait okay so for the flyer so now we have the person that once if that's approved um they'll do the design so it's kind of going to be fall um what else will the tell me from us to be able to put that together so we have the DAT time loation um where the funding you mentioned % organization do we still want to keep it at a 5050 what that okay to maintain no M if not already v33 go back to the agenda that we are not following okay um it's okay sorry I didn't know was hold on what about the the poster we already voted flyer for public we're doing the public one right now we're speaking so the thing is we don't know what we're going to have on the event to put it on the flyer yet meaning you should put so maybe what we could do is like right now we'll get like a basis and then as we special call let's say we already come in with the vendors maybe we can ask the town to see if it's okay for them to then make a couple updates as we come in and like have like the the what what we can do is we can do kind of something simplif yes and then what they usually do is if anything write a comment that says please join us on this day we will have all these activities and all this just be dragging it all and there's no information food crafts or food trucks crafts trucks just just leave it very open and like food uh crafts the pumpkins for sure we know we're GNA have that start and like fall full of fascinating how we can like open so that we don't like narrow it down but it's kind of open-ended and then we can kind of put it in the remarks when we get more details on what we are because I don't want to say food trucks and then we don't get food trucks and then we look yeah make cookies bring cookies all right so we'll do something like like food definitely pumpkin patch activities family activities family friendly fun family friendly fun and then for a good cause for mental health awareness mental health awareness proceeds will go to this wonderful organization do we one free pumpkin per child with the $5 entr Fe to the event official I do think that that would be a great option if they're going to take a pumpkin because you would be competing with the umum five a lot more expensive than that so it's still an incentive to come and get it a yeah motion motion to yes sponsor put motion to char flyer for public because all this information will technically have to go on the flyer all them ready so I'm ready she's going to do it a second all of [Music] everything y l y r o y r um motion to create the to have the time the date location location sorry time dat location registration fee of yeah and [Music] said them oh you said they leave something don't worry too much on the design just say fall they're going to do what what you know they're going to do what they prove it any that's so I motion I one two seconds should have a pumpkin understand waste a pumpkin and aant very different scary which is kind of to Second motion all in favor I what did I just okay okay for president that's we that's wor thing the dict okay um I think this we can just we can we can discuss like the FL plan on we have a better idea of how many tables are in sponsors because that way we can kind of that could be special that's it oh the only Point missing from the agenda is the social media I'm gonna table that for next if that's def motion to defer social media post [Music] give I in favor okay inor good when they make social media post is it like you pick someone from the town like our mayor to to announce it or is it like the committee makes no no I know you done with the Mee S no no we used to do that no [Music] we a post like just like hey this so we were um so you're being recording the task force had had suggested maybe that we give like the town like each month mental health has a different topic like you know September suicidal awareness prevention awareness and oober mental health so we were going to give the suggestion on like the what that month is for the town so if the town chooses to make a post on Mental Health they could go based off on that suggestion that basically that was very yeah good job thank but all they do is post it on the website say just to kind of get that awareness from from mental health so it was I was kind of just giving them the the topic for the month ohse for the fly I think the fly is good I'm sure when they bring a design well they email it to you beforehand yes before it goes live because we need to get it all right oh we have to no you all kind of it's just the chair person or she the make sure I watch make sure the nose is perfect for real the nose nose okay we're gonna vote right I mean have to vote heal Tas has a table at our event right like do we have like our little we are the end I know but like fers there I don't know we have to like put it out there that someone sees local at least that we should have your own because whatever events you depending on the type of event but yes I have I still have the table cloth okay that's the same we're going to be using all right yeah anything else that we are still pending that I think we did everything how soon can we have that flyer um I can try to have it by if not the end of this week next week just heads up that will close Monday so definitely not Monday I guess the [Music] thing I have a question since we still have um Alex Alexander on our list we need to stay here like he's no longer in the he already reached out to the thank you okay yeah U no just let me just review this to make sure you're not forgetting anything that you need to hold on um okay so um going back to the sponsorship form so of course we're not doing a walk anymore so there's no longer eight Walker registration so are we just removing that we're not subing for anything else we're doing registration the was for the sponsorship c um if you're just a vendor which is the lowest one for 100 um you just get a table 10 and chaires wait I think I misunderstood you are you talking about like random people or this is no don't listen forget it so you mean this part where they sponsor people yes the three tiers um the silver one is five Walker registrations and gold eight Walker registrations of course you're not doing a walk so why don't we say eight pumpkin rich Swit for pumpkins you get five you get eight pumpkins you got five pumpkins or let's change it to entry 20 10 cuz this a pumpkin or entry whatever yeah that's but more than eight we can do 10 20 so just take can we just take off do we have to give any but if this is to go to people and say hey do you want to be a gold sponsor right like Baptist so Baptist doesn't want to pumpkins to take home with their sponsorship level I mean they would want maybe like to bring more staff members at the event for free I don't know like kind of like you know that would be like what are we going to give baptis in return for $700 which is yeah that's basically the question because then if you look at opportunity to give welcome remarks you you didn't request a stage so I don't know on the microphone then on the little on the DJ or the D but they will have a stand no but if you want to request it you can a table it comes with a table Yeah sponsorship like to say like thank you Baptist for being a sponsor Nam here like social media not thing you could do that I've seen that from others that you do a social media post it says thank you Baptist or thank you blah blah blah for being a sponsor for this event even before yeah can you put the on the fer exactly that's where all of this logo printed on the banner in main stage area so this is going with the there was a stage so do you do we want to go back on that and just a stage get a banner I mean I know that they have um I don't know if You' seen the one at the Mayall we have that one that's just a raise patform yeah exactly oh let's use that that's the town owns it right we don't have to rent that are they going to charge us no you do not to rent all right so let's use that and then the podium they have always they have a podum and do some remarks and yeah allow to speak a little bit more yeah they have they have them at the col Center they just pull them out so motion to what was it called name the platform no the I motion you attach it to the event form is motion to modify the event correct yeah modify the put it right there just in we added that right now faor I so let's have like uh for the gold sponsor let's have 10 par you know 10 you know it's open it's for free how about 10 pumpkins 10 free face P you know you can just call it like entry or something or 10 10 particip get very regation very more more broad so that then you can reuse that sponsorship something else and then cre aity get remarks we got that Li area with table um f during the event local recognition and get an event bner going guys I loal that's just looking obiously you see walk remove all that but then do you want to substitute something else um just to make sure that it the package is tailored more to the event because if you're not having a stage then how are you giving welcome remarks and all that we fix that so now we for silver making eight entries instead of yeah change the word from walk there you go so uh I make a motion to uh modify the sponsorship uh agreement [Music] you s if if I may um for the walk we might be able to get the a yoga instructor or something sorry Fall Festival able to do Zumba I can ask yeah we I mean it's part of our team so we can yeah I we can ask and then if we can then we'll definitely soon L everybody you know so that then we can also split it up if we did one Zumba and one yoga or something like one at 11 one at 12 something like that a 10 minute thing we have super broad motion activities Etc and maybe the yoga instructure and do something for the kids too like cuz yoga for kids is different than for yoga so they can have like that we I have to see if my if the yoga instructor that we have does kids okay um for yeah can you show up this special call meeting on September 11 so we can nail everything down yeah that Beed we have to [Music] be because if we know for example like the yoga stuff and everything put that on sponsor by yoga class at 11 right Tober [Music] one of us be here okay to go that we're done motion to adj all in favor all in favor