e e e e e e e e e e e e e right if somebody shows up then we can vote and stuff just save the time it's 710 710 okay call the meeting order Public Safety Committee June 25th 7:10 p.m. I'm going to all of all Nancy Rogers present Johnny Torres here here Lis Lopez not here Omar Gonzalez not here Darwin Ville vieno here Lopez wait why is he twice okay and Carlos Andre's new member not here is not here [Music] and officer Amador is here do we have a report from the fire department I don't have I didn't think so it's two months that all right call Chief Mark so I save Chief Mark so it's on the record that he's not here because you stop that office door oh um Mark sh chers okay okay fire department not here it's absent and let the record show that we have a guest and um we're going to move so bus I'm sorry through the chair we cannot make any changes because that requires a motion and there is no quum you cannot make any motions I mean I think you're going to get through the items pretty quickly there's not yeah we we can't adop the minut the orderve comment is any I'm sorry public comments is up next we can't adopt the minutes so so all right um let's do I item four public comments if we [Music] F do you here I've got good U okay item five public comments well hello everyone I'm G to make public comments um I'm William forz I'm the chair of the veterans committee and the reason why I'm here and I think I I mentioned this last time I know I mentioned a few times is we do the 911 ceremony and the 911 ceremony is really first respond there's almost there actually is we don't even refur anybody in the military when we do the first responder like what we did last time was we read the biography I had First Responders read the biographies of those police officers and firefighters that you know Parish in the 911 um the World Trade Center um was no military quots to you know to be read and so we've been wanting to hand this ceremony off to the Public Safety Committee because you guys are all about the co strong of course we are willing to transfer our entire b line item budget to support this right you know we're not going to hold on to any money that we don't um and you can take the line item from our budget to that um the second thing that we're willing to do is support you guys on setting it up we're trying to make it simpler and more focused on First Responders we used to set up all those flags in the field and stuff like that that actually was very time consuming very costly and um you know what we want to do is actually have the ceremony on September 11th whatever day that falls in the morning and probably in front of town hall right here was the idea being that the First Responders show up and then we provide them a breakfast you know as an appreciation something simple something more intimate something where we can spend a Time soften you know um and uh make it more Sol you know because uh fortunately you know not too many folks show up in the 911 c one um I think if we maybe we did it inside in Chambers in the morning it may have be more people because I think part of it is the Heat and the weather issue so that may be something we look at as well um but anyway so what I'm here for is to ask guys that whenever you can to add to your business you know the the oton you know uh taking the 911 ceremony from us we of course already voted on that and we proposed that at the last uh chair's portal meeting um so we had you know and the order a business taking over 911 and we will help you guys out for this first two or three or may that you need um until you guys are ready to do the full handoff you know um and uh I think also um if and I think NC was going to bring this up but if but she can't but I'll mention it we also have the veterans parade Veterans Day parade and if your committee wishes to march in the parade please do you know just let Isle and everybody know that you guys will be marching inurance or whatever you know what if you're going to pass on flags whatever you're going to do if you want to do that please do you grade we have a lot of different participants you know we have veterans we have had um had last we had some mascots yes we had like the sports teams we had sports team mascots then we had the panther from the did oh wow now you're feeling pretty bright aren't you we PA him good money that was her that was her idea we're like What okay fine and now big well we'll see how good she is if you could get him this year now he's big time now he's big he he charged a lot of money last time but anyway you know of course we have the Star Wars folks and we have all these high school students we have Boy Scouts we have everybody so one of my favorite EV Jeeps yeah and the Jeeps and all that stuff if you guys uh you know want to be in it the old police car have vehicles the veterans veterans parade there yes so you know you're welcome to marching it we can you know just let us know and you know we'll see maybe we get next if I may butt in and and bring you up to date [Music] um that's on our agenda primarily because um there's two ways for me personally to go with this I I'm only allowed on two committees but as far as the Vets are concerned as Gary would tell you um uh gar be and the previous chairman um that I volunteered this time I'm thinking if we decide to be a part of the parade we'll do that but if not I'm letting him know that I am available to once again uh I I do the signning right for the people or whatever wherever you want to put me so uh one way or another I know I'm involved so we'll vote on that as soon as we're able to and get back to you and okay let me know and also please uh add once you have able to add about 11 ceremony that's through the chair that is I think that's what she was mentioning this is um it is part of their agenda 911 yes and I do have um small update for you guys so I'll wait till we get to that agenda item to share that's all I have thank you okay you're welcome to stay we're not throwing you out no I'm going to stay gu we were we were told to make our meetings quick so people stayed home we're going to six right hold [Music] on Police Department report from officer Amador good afternoon everyone sir good afternoon Target crimes stats comparisons from this year last year and this year so last year we had four homicides thank out we haven't had any this year we're at zero and for robberies we had one and unfortunately we're at three we we two over a robberies yes robberies are to to um to a person right and they're unfortunately it's not not nice reason person person yeah person person Auto thefts we were at 36 were up to 41 so we did go five so far uh for commercial burglaries we were at five we're down to two so we're under and for residential burglaries we're at six we're at 4 so we're down on everything else only thing high on is the um the auto test went not but this was going to happen regardless because we were so low with covid and it's slowly creeping up back to the numbers that usually they are yeah was you and then what we had were internal company issues at all so one increases by one that's a 25% 30% increase you know I mean when your totals are three you know you see an increase of 75% CU I looked in yeah like you know when your numbers are that low right one or two more doubles or tries it's significant so I think should be a per cap yeah because even the homicides for last year a includes the family the family that it just happened to be in the town but it wasn't a location that it just they got off the car there they could have got off the car anywhere else yeah fire department you know we didn't get one last month either no we didn't we didn't no no saying you didn't oh I MIL so so now they're just totally not participating is there anything we can do to kind of um tap them on the shoulder I think for my understanding it's I would guess it's a volunteer position and I'm sure they have important things to work on so I don't know what I'm supposed to you know what he didn't pull those I'm going to Second told you out he didn't pull those statistics out of a hat they keep those statistics so does the fire department keep those statistics they got to be printed out from one group to whoever they have to report to oh want us a copy if they can't make it I understand yeah especially because they're on shifts and who can make it and this is dinner time and they got calls again but I think I would not sit still and be quiet until we at least made a request and then if we get ignored okay fine we're ignored and that could be as simple as a secretary that could just send it you there a lot of things one computer to the other but I think I'd like to have us whoever you recommend I'll do it not going to be nice about it but you know ask if we can at least get the report if we can't get the report and they're out I get it and uh that'll be one less award told can I ask you a question sure what is the report consists of does it have to be obviously like a chief position because I mean I could I could get that I was never briefed on what the report is I just isn't something that yeah so I don't know service call probably just to push a button and get a print out that's what I saying I mean it's got to report to some my question is is that something I could get you I mean I could get it but is it is it allowed that a member gets it again I wasn't briefed on like this is a specific thing they even have to give us right so I don't I don't see why just no the reason I asked is because technically obviously even though yes I work for the fire department but I'm not a fire department like you know I'm not unlike officer Amadore you see what I'm saying so is there a conflict would you um I guess just to get that point would you be able to maybe have a conversation with uh with him and see what he says I think that that gets the point across of we' really want it from him and if not can you help him that and that's it that's all yeah I that's that's a click well as long and it's based on last let's say I'm just well he always brings it when he comes he just doesn't like if he doesn't attend then sometimes he didn't so I don't know if it's a requirement in that position so my question to you let's say next month's meeting basically assuming everything that he was he he he would have been here it would have consist of the service calls for the month of what June that's what I mean that's kind of what what is it that's pretty much it right in the town Mi Lakes I don't think he does a year to date I think it's just current I don't I think it's the call go back we have to go back to Ema I don't okay when yeah you can always call me let me I'll look it up and I'll I'll I'll send you the latest he s me so you have an idea okay thank you great you know even even if let's say that somebody decides that this Committee Member there's a conflict of some right that's my that's my if there's a conflict then perhaps the next option would be and not mandatory would be to contact the County and ask for they they're making that report not for us they're making that report because it's got to go to exactly you're having to make that report anyway regardless all we're asking for is send it in an email to us if you can't do that you can't do that but it's not I just sent you you have problem to ask the question okay uh hold on or you just might want to say so you're not like in the middle is there any way the secretary or whoever's in charge could send the you know a report that way you're like right if anything I it probably help them out yeah it's one the yeah because they're probably dealing with that thing on 36th Street you know one of the things of many I'm sure he deals with um can we talk about are we allowed to talk about this we have no Forum you can talk about it you just can't make any motions ores so I did finally um for what 7 just okay are we there I'm sorry yeah I didn't hear where where you he's moving to the next item 7 that's what I thought so Nancy can because the number I know you called me and I this is the number that I have from her I emailed her I I I you know I haven't gotten anything yet but that's the number that I have that she gave me [Music] so no her handri all right I'm I'm I'm I'll get back to you on this let's keep the meting going and um I will give you an answer I will mention because I have it in my notes that the last we talk there was going to be a conversation with the fire up to see if they wanted to give feedback on maybe what she was proposing which was doing a photo monage and printing a I know on rabit right correct that's right yeah so anything from the fire no it's it's actually unforunate what was happening is that remember we have a bid system so the station Captain's still there okay but obviously station Captain's responsible for the station so typically he's going to check with the crew and it's it's basically there was a lot of people that bit out so now there's new members so that's where're at with that that hey this for and it should not be an issue but I guess just out of heresy and respect for the other you know station Captain wants to include the new people so that's where we're at with that so we are waiting for their yes ma'am okay yes I thought I had her email I have her email if you you do okay then uh her phone number is it okay please but now I'm going to give this to I don't I don't need it to see yeah but then we can give the paper back to him and tell him that it's what I'm going to afford it no I'm going to afford it to the one I have okay she's responded to this with soul thank you know where are we 7 B Okay police and fire appreciation month Proclamation okay we got the proclamation and I left it here no this is for police and fire appreciation that hasn't he said seven b yeah it's I'm confused I think there's things that are B and C seem to be the same maybe I'm interpreting it wrong oh no C is what I was just talking about I I then we skipped over so it is the same no it's listed twice in in 7B so it is the same yeah I guess I don't know if it's going to be discussed as a separate issue or not no they're two separate things B and C seven B and C are two different okay so what is SB 7B is and we already voted on this so we're all excited and we were going to do it and then I realize but what is the item because you said we already received the proclamation and I think I'm understanding it as what you're supposed to right let's do 7 C first so we'll get that out no no no 7B is what's next so that's when I'm at you mentioned the Proclamation was and S C are two different things correct so I'm asking you what is 7B about 7B is about the proclamation and the food distribution and all that other stuff but okay so my question okay you're ask about my question is no no here's my question there was something you guys already did for national law enforcement like two months ago and there is a future thing you guys are going to do which is the appreciation breakfast which is now changed which one are you talking about from those two 7B we're going to talk about just the um the food and and the food distribution so for the future event the future one the one that hasn't happened yet right that's the one where we the one we we decided that um okay so we're talking about somebody was going to make packages and deliver them and all this other stuff I got confused because you told me we already received Proclamation and that hasn't happened yet you just said I received the I'm talking about Proclamation thing like that over there so those are two separate things yes that's s c okay so take out month uh a a proclamation off of 7B then right if it's going to Beed on 7c yeah if you want to okay no it's just listed twice it's justed no this this would be spoken about here the stuff in B the stuff in B and the stuff in C are two different things and he's right Proclamation written in B should not be there apologize crazy at the library all right so 7B place and fire appreciation month date of food distribution and all that business we still need to decide and get information regarding the plaques and the recipients of police and fire person of a year right you're looking at me I think that just that just has to go to the to the major and to nominate okay and then how do we give that we're going to do it Town Hall my you guys already confirmed that you were going to do so we're talking about the future so you guys already discussed that you're no longer doing the weekend breakfast you're going to be delivering meals to fire you're be delivering meals to police you guys requested to bring out quote gavana to this meeting so you could review and hopefully vote and approve it and you guys had requested that I reach out to the fire rep police rep and ask them to send in those nominations cor yes okay where are we on that did we get it did we get anything from them yet we were supposed to you were going to bring a quote today for calana that was the food part of it and then in terms of was I sorry I didn't okay I didn't so don't may I make a suggestion vote on just talk about it talk about it Nancy in the past when I was working operations listen we would bring a a big public of um Subway whatever little subs or or um chicken wings whatever I mean that's we can keep it simple you don't I don't know Catan seems a little bit too it's gonna be more well so here's because I think we're just gonna go back and forth on something we've already kind of discussed well I don't know if you guys agreed on it I know you discussed and it was General agre but the idea was that so this is what was talked about last meeting and they kind of all agreed on calana so that's why we were to bring the quote to this meeting have a good night so again the idea of the quotes is so you guys decide you're not married to one H not everybody can have different opinions I would suggest if that suggest maybe bring It Forward just like an estimate of what you think that's going to cost bring it to the next meeting so like that when NY brings the kasavana one you guys decide hey this is what I think is better um the only issue we had we had we had guesstimated 55 officers and the uh the buyer was to be determined we don't have bodies we don't know how much that I can tell you here's the key with the here's the key with fire department shs do we want to do just one shift or because we just through my here wearing my other hat with the police department we actually did something similar we went through all three shifts I think that would be appropriate so that would Pro and again we're going back to dinner at one shift and you're doing breakfast at another it gets and you do lunch the I whatever I think we need to cover all so now you've got a company or or three different restaurants different and we didn't discuss all that no you guys did discuss this last the discussion was discussion right because there was no vote the discussion last meeting was that they would do one meal one delivery to Fire and they would pretty much reheat the yes it yes so only one ship was getting the fresh but that they would order enough for all all three you better be on that shi and that was a discussion for police two yeah because something if you are proposing to do three I'm not I'm not saying you can or can't I would say bring that estimate of what you think it's going to cost because maybe seeing the cost they change their mind they're like oh no you know maybe it isn't that I don't know and we would do both stations station one and station yes it would be three deliveries one to police and two different fire stations and it's all in September 13 at 12:30 so right there that's I can tell you right now 17 people 17 yeah eight and seven 75 I'm sorry so you want to tell me the number for one for I guess one station and then the station one is seven people station and there's we're going to do and it's three ships so there 21 so 21 station one yes okay and station 64 it is eight people so 24 24 okay and I think assuming we do three shs yes we should because it's not they were around that number you guys were guessing right 50 yeah you were close okay so then give n the total figure I you give her the total figure she only has she didn't have the so those are your three numbers 21 241 people 64 8 people * 3 is 24 and what did we say police was 50 or 55 55 55 to those are your three orders just remember the big numbers Nancy don't worry about the individual like that would get 55 whatever the 55 and whatever the other two numbers are the other two now the only thing question I have is it's all going to be delivered at one time yes so three deliveries yes right and it'll be up to the people getting the meals when they eat it when they yes when they come in or they save it for dinner whatever the case is yeah that's that's the easiest like I said they're not they're not delivering three three different sh three stops yeah right okay because it'll be chaos and I will tell you that I feel like this event is watered down I'm not really crazy about it so I would hope that in the future we we can we'll see how this works and if it's great and everybody likes it because we're we we did this purposely to accommodate the families that are not wanting to come on the weekends all the time well like I think point where it's hard on weekends not everybody you know can allocate their mornings for for whatever reason yeah family whatever you're going to reach more people by doing this that that that was the reason why we were planning on that and we can always be visit again I started 13 I'm sorry 1 Friday September 13th 13th yeah so that's for police and fire appreciation so the reason I was confused is because you put Proclamation um the other part of the Proclamation hasn't that hasn't happened that would be in September as well and the idea was that we were going to ask councel to honor it in the special presentations part of the meeting the recipients for the um yeah the two the police and the fire so that's 7 C no no we're still on the same event 7B 7 B police we're talking about police and fire appreciation month okay the proclamation will be in September as well part of the September council meeting right that's what we discussed Yes dear yes I don't where I lost all this and then based on the names we would order the plaques correct so we would need those names in August hopefully yeah I gave them a deadline of August 1 yes it's awesome and they've already had this sitting in their inbox for a month so I think they should be fine anything else on that oh and the meals are going to be delivered on the 13th okay all right so now we are at 7 see we received a proclamation like similar to that over there I don't know if you all got to see it and I left it here where we got it and somebody told me that that would be taken care of do know where that Proclamation is we have it the police you have it at the police yeah we have it didn't it have an airor or something wasit looking into it but we already have an location to put it in so all right so you have it yeah yeah we have it bring that up so it's stage all right coins quotes in the middle like that is I a lady was supposed to give me the information the size of the coin is um something we discussed today and she was going to send me the pictures of this and that we decided on no spinner we we knew we wanted one coin with police and fire one thing she wasn't able to do was get me a quote yet you talk to Johnny too because Johnny I know was gonna do so that didn't tell me anything so um if that's good then we got two question yeah that's we shouldn't just go B so the new member wanted me to let you guys know um that he's willing to work on this if you guys haven't been able to make any progress however he just needs a picture work on what coins yes to get bring the to bring the the PO well I asked the lady to send me a picture and it's I purposely said the badge similar to like well you you're not wearing one you you've got a bch right but the old fashioned that shape you know and she sent me something that looked like it came out of the Wild Wild West so I think she might have misunderstood me so I no but I guess the picture we I would need is the inspiration one that you had brought back I think like ending of last year beginning of this year like you had on your phone and you passed it around that's what the picture I'm asking you for so I can share with him cuz he didn't see it since he's new all right I'll look and see if it's on my phone hopefully it still is but we're I'm still working on it is what I'm saying is that's the information okay that's fine it helps to have more than one so not a bad thing yeah let see what you will bring one Johnny will bring one Carlos would like to help in this but I need the picture otherwise I can't guide him unless you guys want to give me a small description and I'm happy to well I say wait till the quotes come back from Johnny and Nancy I'd rather you might not even have to get involv if you're good quotes I would I would rather at the quotes um who's ever let's say person her be right that they understand what those coins are supposed to look like the lady that I spoke to today uh I told her what I wanted and it came back wrong now don't want to see the same thing happen with person A and B and now we're standing here and everything's still Groll so I would like to as the chair explain to anybody getting quotes that we want to see one side fire which would be like maybe a police helmet a fireman's helmet on one side and and then on the other side the um police badge I thought that the shape of the badge that M and I call menra uses today I thought we were doing something different I thought we were on like a flag with the two lines one blue one red I I saw that what we had spoken about before I saw that yeah but I didn't um I don't know if anybody if you go on your phone that's what you're going to see they're kind of drag and if we we want to go back to that we as long as you and Johnny the same page and getting the same it's kind of knows that part it's also going to cost more money yeah I don't think you're goinging based on the feedback that they that you guys discussed for the for the for the look of yeah because I think he's going to get what we spoke about with the two lines I mean you can you can bring the quote of the one you're working on and he brings his and maybe like you guys have two different I think sty different styles because I think you have different ideas and maybe you guys like one more than the other and that's it I think the one with the wasn't the flag with the two lines and then the Miami Lakes uh seal on the back I think that's what it was but whatever bring whatever quote you want and we'll compare it to Johnny see what happens and we'll take it from there and then the the wording there's also wording that you can put you got the going with you I don't have any words with me I was saying put Public Safety Committee on the the circular part of the coin you know the words on on one side of it I don't know we we we could do that we don't have to but I think we have to identify that we're we're Miami Lakes get your quote get your quote like that like you want and let Johnny bring whatever it was we discussed and then we so anybody got an idea or seees something they like send a picture you know print it so we can compare prices and then we compare which one looks better and we'll take it from and there's also just so you know when you get your prices in your quotes there's uh a decision to make about the uh metal itself you know if it's just something like like M just something circular like this with no engraving or whatever around the sides it's very plain and you can do that or not do that so there's there's too many choices um and we haven't discussed them all we we just talked about the wording but I like the idea that it's not plain and flat like a like a like a it's got no feel to the engraving what's the word I'm trying to say get the quot with everything that you want on it and we'll compare it to Giant I know what I was going to say too the one with the flag with the red and the blue very dull the coloring is very very dull so you got to you know you get it on your name that they use there's a lot of choices so yeah and that's not just somebody who's been designated as someone if if you want to submit something let's come up with some I I had given something to Brian some in your hand uh ideas you're welcome to do so as well I think we we I remember I was talking about going the simplest one was uh The Thin Blue and Red Line yeah and then having the town many that's it so let Johnny get that quote you get the one that you want with all the things you want and we'll see which is nicer compared to pricing and we'll make a decision well the I got lucky once in a while making sense Budd maybe I just want to get out of here Bo we're we're good today yeah all right um I'm going to ask for opinions I'm G to ask for opinions so I know what I'm doing got I know we're going back a little bit um I didn't get a chance to ask so I'm G to ask name this Veterans Day Parade okay so this isn't on the agenda a no a is in veteran committee 911 event right yeah we're not talking about parades he brought up the parade now yeah that was just part of his public C right and can I make a comment on that does anybody here does any this is so messed up because we don't qu um does anybody here want to be marching anybody parades any any parades if not then I volunteer and I user work the uh checkin desk table so was that lightning yeah so anybody want to be in a prade we've I I mean we've done the I've done the veter before and I mean I've been in the parade but I haven't marched it like walked it I've in the parade in the golf cart and you're talking as a public safety group right because individuals do it you're talking as as a committee I can tell you that on my end as the one who organizes the parade um I don't need an answer right now we haven't started but I Me In terms ofion in terms of the parade Logistics I do walk up but not in the fun way in terms of parade Logistics I was everywhere that day I yeah I don't need an answer right so you guys are welcome to think about I think they don't give me that work right now other words I'm just throwing this out there there's [Music] um uh National Night Out yes is your department taking part in that every year what does it consist of please and uh are we as a committee a part of that so normally it's um or it's normally at the park over here at ven Park in a pavilion and uh last year we came up with corrections they came out but I'm not 100% sure yet it looks like there's going to be some changes it's not confirmed but what they want to do is to set something up here at the station and then people come to the station because at the park nobody's going to the park I'm telling you it's it's a flop so we talked about it maybe doing it here at the station we open up the back people can come to the back you know it's like a not a station tour but just come come to the station and T and um and go from there but he's not confirmed yet okay so once you get it confirmed we can decide to attend it individually or a committee and maybe put a table somewhere banner and that type that's a good night to hang out hand out hand out all the crime prevention stuff yeah put it on the table and let them people take it if they you know if we're going into their quarters I've only been in there once probably outside before they people going in the parking lot set up table with all your little all the little hand outs and our Banner night time thing yeah it's :30 around 6:30 was it so it's night time we need lights and all that jazz and no mosquitoes well it's not it's not going to go past more than two hours it's daylight till 8:30 two hours yeah people come a little bit and then they think off okay we can we should be good we can think about it just wear long pants just in case yeah see me short okay um nothing else to vote on anybody got any other you guys haven't gone through new business 8A or what 8 a well that's the other part too is do we want to collaborate with the veterans committee and if there's a parade be in the parade or so already gone ahead and um has drafted what this view event hello yes um this St house has already kind of uh drafted what we want what we're suggesting this 911 event look like now that we're are moving it from s now that we are moving it from um from Veterans Park to town hall this is I'm sorry 8 911 sorry I um so yeah that's just to give you an idea let me tell you I love it I was trying to WR about it I love it yeah and um it's it's so much simpler but yet it drives the the message so yeah this would be the idea that's a setup you see the speaker that it's very small speaker stage The Bell the memorial right the the wreath and fire truck and then the police and then we would just talk to fire about how to do the flag correctly the hanging and all that so that would really be the the look of it and I just wanted to share that with you because if you guys are okay with this look um this is kind of also based on the feedback that they've talked with Bill from the veterans committee so that's kind of what we're imagining and we're open to feedback from you guys the only thing is uh that if they're going to do it the actual day a lot of people are working yeah like I know I won't be able to attend the idea for that one is definitely to do it day off I I know I know it's I know it's that but even on the weekend you still it's still it's always it seems to be always a small crowd anyways because it's not like you know a happy fun event that's just the me no I'm okay with it so please collabor that that we're on 8A and it's going to be a veterans part no no this is Town Hall he switch they want to switch it they want switch it to here okay it's not and I want to be clear because I think the the hesitation you guys had last time that was discussed was the cost of it but there really is no cost Associated to this event unless you guys are trying to add any parts to it like I mean I have ideas for things you may want to add to it that may be May um may have a cost to them but again that's totally up to you guys I think it would be nice to maybe have like a nice little coffee station for them there he mentioned breakfast at that point now we're talking cost yeah but that's for you guys to decide well um in terms of like setup itself there's not a cost to it and also there is always an opportunity to to drive in sponsors for that event given that it's so small too you may be able to to leverage that and he's going to give us I guess whatever portion of their budget they use for this so I don't know how much they they don't oh okay they because the event is it it doesn't cost anything other than they as of recently now they do work with like a local restaurant and they end up getting sponsors off for the food that's really line item but not really an am right yeah not really an amount I can go back and double check but as far as I know well I can't help you with so so this collaboration with veterans committee you're saying to me that they're going to be having something at Town Hall this is a proposing based on what what has happened in the previous years staff is suggesting this for you guys so I'm providing it you guys see you any feedback on this and maybe maybe um ncy have you been to that event at the park where there's a bunch of flags on the floor we been there okay that event instead of having that event there scratching the flags not not because nobody wants the flags it's because there's a lot involved in getting the teamwork to put the flags out scratching that moving it over here to town hall Veterans Memorial and doing it front of the Veterans Memorial and doing something so the thing but but without the flags and then doing everything just without mini flags and then you're saying maybe something inside town no no no just doing everything just like if we were there at the at the park and if it's if it's a bad day or something you move then plan B is you're just moving location basically and not using the little flags all over and more importantly the difference is also the fact that it's now involving Public Safety when it's yeah he want vet yeah um I know I know Jonathan had had a discussion with veterans um and he did feel that it was more of a public I'm I'm not seeing I'm missing something with the connection with 911 in the police First Responders that's why they're throwing it to the public saf they're seeing us as First Responders and that type of thing anything that we do would be so who somebody mentioned coffee and I'm just saying those are things you can add to the EV outside we're not coming inside that was what I was trying to clarify so yeah the event is outside everything's outside if it's a plan but then you have plan B of the inside in case it rains oh I mean you can have the coffee and D to say if it's strictly outside based on weather only if we simply do something like coffee and danish that's something that can be moved and kept outside or inside anything else beyond that yeah it's a very it's very small Logistics and it doesn't take it it only lasts what maybe an hour then not even I think the ceremony is very short it's all I think 45 minutes yeah presentation of colors but he's he's passing it on to Public Safety and I'm want wanting to know he wants to we'd have to vote what we're going to do yeah that's what I'm looking well that would be you guys would plan it so you would input the ideas on what you want the event to look like I'm not familiar with what they did so that we can continue with let me explain very simple it's very simple they just bring out they connect with fire make sure that some of the fire reps are available because they give the speeches of some of I think the speeches are what based on like some of the last calls said biography Memorials of these people that passed away in 91 yeah yeah it's all remembrance of that but in terms of of what you guys would be helping with that's also the idea here like the flags that was the biggest um work related to that event and now that we're not doing it it takes away a lot of those Logistics so it's just putting out a couple chairs we have stop I do that the fire trucks it's just confirming them hey you guys are available this works for you okay cool we need this from you and telling police what we need that's really all of it anything you guys want to add to the events food drinks or anything else ideas you guys may have that's really what you would work is there any idea that you have now you think of something and then or find out what other places are doing or whatever and make suggestions so that we're doing more than just because let's say that we decide we're going to do something for for cof coffee and we my family we call coffee and so if we want to do that there's a company that we can hire that comes and does that so we don't have to do so much of it so out of our budget we would just pay for that that's appropriate that's real simple right then and there if you're doing something in the morning you know I'm not I'm not looking to hand out sandwiches and meals and and all that other business people will come if you do the coffee and Dan coffee and and and bagels from Einstein it's super simple not very expensive that elderly Affairs I'm going to check with um elderly Affairs there's somebody that they used Rec recently the coffee and the and the and the Danish or whatever was Unreal and they're kind of new so that's why I'm not familiar with who who they recently used because we've got a new chairperson so they might be the prices might still be uh pretty compatible they're I'm not familiar I'm the one that processes all the invoices and I'm not familiar with anything really Rec did something recently did Roberto Alonzo perhaps it was there because there was a senior day that happened last month it was not elderly AFF it it was an outside company that came and did that event that's why I'm wondering if you're talking about them then I don't we don't have the information usually the reason why I mentioned elderly Affairs is because they usually do Cofe no that's what oh are you referring to the lectures in here yeah that was some somebody yeah okay well elderly Affairs normally just does Panera they do coffee and they're the ones that normally pastries yeah we have time to figure it out we'll figure it out well the idea is if you guys do want that please bring a quote or an estimate to next meeting if not we're not moving forward all right so let's stick with you know if you know somebody and you know somebody and I know somebody or I'll check with him the other committees have used and and go with something like that what is here's the bottom line got a lot of money in that in our account and we need spend it because we're going to lose it and we were already talking about going and asking for for more money and $4,000 range and how much is it that they can move without going to 6599 700 under 700 but it has to be related to a line they already have I don't know I have to check be simple a simple move may we should say I have a feeling for that I have a feeling for that you're not going to um especially if you keep it outside we don't come inside just to do coffee in I wouldn't do that well but you got the you got you got the police that are going to be there the firemen that are going to be there and then whoever else shows up so it would it be safe to say maybe 80 people or is that I think it's less maybe 40 yeah I would go based off of 40 it's not that's why we felt that we could move it in that small area because it's not that the good thing about like something like that you have them set up is let's say there's only 20 people that's fine but those 20 people that it's hey guys the rest of the guys that couldn't make it when you ever get a chance come by and get some fire guys that are somewhere else that could have make it oh yeah come over real quick and we have some coffee here for you guys I'll see and having it here their staff can come over also but we still need a number like to get a quote they're going to ask us well how many people so we comfortable with 50 I think 50 is more than yeah yeah even with the officers and the V hey go get some absolutely it's a very small event okay yeah so 50 I mean okay because the first thing they ask is when you're trying to get quote how many people are we going to have um to have a table and a you know a tent and our those are the logistics you guys need to discuss that's what we we we're going we're only going to need one table if you're going to have coffee right you me for for the the setup for so one table and one tent and that you you put the banner tent we've got a banner we've got we just need a let me tell you what have you have you been to it you remember at Veterans Park it's it's just a little um like a and the T for people for you know for the S and stuff but not that's it it's it's not more it's very basic yeah but I'm just saying depend it's not different and whatever like no I'm just saying I'm just saying the because you could put the coffee and the Danish Under the Tent on the table and you put your B in the front of the table depending and depending on who you choose for catering if you do decide to go that raw in terms of catering I mean lunch or whatever whatever you guys decide they sometimes just bring the set of themselves you don't even have to so it just depends on what you guys are looking easy coffee and D especially in the morning if you dealt with for now let's call him a vendor if you've dealt with a vendor who already does all that and takes care of all that and the setup and all that thing let me know well for coffee I did share one with you guys a few weeks ago I sent you guys a coffee one that they had used for an all dearly event so they have they bring their whole car and they just take care of everything well that's you know I'm not even thinking money anymore did did you you don't have the work with our with our our U budget how much money yes done the I want you all to look at that amount of money that we still got I know okay and there's no way in we're going to ask for more money when we sit here with this now with everything in dat we have to have Public Safety Committee like our breakfast or whatever this year what's on this budget am I right we haven't had that yet no that's so we that takes about $4,000 so we don't have a lot of money no no because we're not doing remember we're not doing the hotel and all that stuff that's true so it's going to be so we need to get that quote in order to know what we're going to be able to do for this other event so we can wait I know it's going to be am but we're expecting we're not going to spend as much so there there's going to be plenty of money for that event and more but but I want us to be able to do a lot of things I am I'm still not crazy about delivering those meals we'll see how that goes this year right we can always revisit it yeah it's just do something and then that's when we ask for more money to revisit because the prices after Co those prices have gone Sky High let me tell you something the other day somebody brought um like an appreciation thing they brought a bunch of sandwiches the station little sandwiches tons of them fcy that was great everybody was happy nice little sandwiches you don't know what committee it might have been no it wasn't a committee it was a private person private person they were from uh I think Jersey mik or one of those little tiny sandwiches they were perfect everybody was happy you know that if you put even a box of sandwiches Public Safety Committee done I sent her an email guys the public safety center email thank you very much everybody's super happy it doesn't have to be anything big fancy you bring cookies people are happy you with finding out who that was yeah I'll ask to see let me but but what I'm trying to say is that whoever was doesn't matter in that sense what matters is I mean I think it was Jersey miks it was like little sandwiches and we could want a good sandwich after we deliver these breakfasts I mean these this food if down the road we have money left over for any reason we could just send another day send something else we're going to use it up you're going to use it up like that absolutely the cookies that always be appr yes yes there shouldn't be money on the table this year we're going to be good we're going to figure it out even if we have to send cookies and these guys can't a little bit of weight or Nancy has to bake again we'll we'll knock it out we we'll be good all right okay so those are our ideas okay before uh we adjourn I just wanted to give some information for what part would that well before the adjournment I just add some information for this for the public safety to if that's okay before we do that are you our new member no because he's supposed to be out of town you're just here to visit I am yes I just for five seven years so back okay you know there's more people that all good yeah we don't go so crazy like this so for um for the summer normal regular routine for Main Street is two officers Friday Saturday Sunday now for the summer we opted to three officers per night because the kids are out and about and unfortunately they're not uh being accompanied so we have a lot of unaccompanied Miners and that's who we're fighting uh already we had a situation where some units observed a guy that was um just walking around um acting very suspicious they went up to talk to him the guy started running they chased him down he had a gun turned out to be a a 17-year-old minor with a gun on Main Street that had been emancipated as an adult because he he's he should be at home on house for us for a homicide um not a homicide um man involuntary mans slauter and he went straight to jail not instead of like the juvenile he went straight to tjk so that's the type of stuff that you know we deal with luckily that's not the norm but show helping yeah off is helping so that's the difference I just want to talk about that for now for the summer 3 three and three what's the um this as far as what's the age cop or anything under 18 right you be a company 17 and under 17 and under you have to be you have to be a Main Street or that's for Main Street what happens sometimes is um the 19-year-old brother shows up and goes and like you're just as bad as a 17-year-old so if we don't see a parent you got to go and then it's oh no no you got to go and then Main Street um the GRS gets involved no we don't want you thank you very much have a nice day go complain to wherever you want because that was how they would getting around they were getting around it you know 18yearold and then 20 12 13 year olds that all they're doing is running around causing man they're not there they're not consuming they're not just at the movie theater and then waiting for the parents no they're running around on night uh causing beh so fortun is being mitigated we can't even make a motion to journ well no you can like you can we say um it's time for Town Hall is closed all right so you're gonna do it Nancy you gonna call the time during the meeting at let's say 8:15 okay and then our next meeting fourth Tuesday of next month 23rd July I mean you guys always mean on the same fourth July 23r July [Music] 23 which which I told you I'm not going to be here so um and Omar's not here so I can tell him about it you guys are missing too many days he'll probably check in with me tonight at the meeting um they they will have to dis out I just wanted to give a heads up yeah change the date you st for that the chief you right all righty we're good any public announcements right