##VIDEO ID:nwINO2Td96w## you're going whoever spelled laser tag was that was in I think it was does an educator need to be the one taking notes now I believe nobody wants ising so we're gonna upate ler to laser tag pointed it out and where that uh old business uh 68 yeah yeah not discriminate people well that's question if there is a misspelling we fix it we're supposed to we're supposed to during the review of the meeting minute well he what happens if there's a mispelling and no one catches it aord it be in the air H laser it's a fren frenchs six months later somebody just happens to be perusing through and they see a misspelling six months later do like as a committee as a coun let's say a councilman or the mayor himself say says hey I saw this like okay all right justy all right late but if you guys catch stuff later you can always bring it back oh you can okay we need to fix smelling from last year million absolutely not okay perfect Lindsay's name is always messed up always for like the first year didn't understand my name okay why is strong emphasized on 6bi I where are you oh mus muscle muscle I I get that part but did it need to be emphasized yes we were really emphasizing on the fact there's only one man day bunch of lead leaders and I must have given him like 74 direct capital wait where are you all capitalized where are we at the bottom page five the bottom 6 b i so wait so laser tag wait a minute is that for the event that's the thing that we went over last sex because you sto me carrying stuff yes you did car her a lot she barked orders at she she Carri and her boyfriend carried stuff yeah I me wait she's saying her boyfriend that's not you carrying that's your boyfriend carrying counts he a nice Gary but it's fine anyway here we are let's re it in yeah focus focus y no okay there's a motion on the table to approve the minutes I second that motion with the corre as modified wait are we I'm just I was just joking are we actually gonna capitalize strong the quotations bother me if it was up to me I would take it R of the location motion to approve as modified BYO second by Perez all in favor I all right so just get rid of the quotation can I say one thing for event next time can we have someone help like for real okay so the kids were helping we discussed all that last meeting no no no I'll bring we'll bring you up to SC yeah yeah I mean I'll complain about it next time because I can't do no no 1,00% we all complain so let's go back this and it's great that you're here so that way she can hear what we've been doing so we discussed all the things that we could do better for the next year I have to read it I'm I'm whatever going no but it's going to go into because I put it into Old business and she can recap as well so we confirm the date for for this upcoming year October 18 2025 okay 10: a.m. to 2m Mario said he's in yes we need him no 1,000% he did the Expo for the chamber really well he was amazing but Cal yeah like PG yeah the the I think we proved oursel to the town is what we discussed in the last meeting um we were able to get all these vendors to come out andot so work we raised the the registration fee so that now it'll be we can actually hire a company who's going to come and set it up and take it away for us again remember we had no budget it was very brutal we learned I don't want to be doing that anymore like sweating and carrying and the chaos so we're going to hire it was 250 I believe right that we we set the we went from from the table it was 250 that's not because the just the the tent of loans are $100 to rent and now maybe we could probably negotiate with the company if we have more we're 4010 maybe we can go down on the price 75 you know mean for next year we start doing that yeah all right we're not going to be setting up ourselves we also discussed about the generator that was a big [Music] isue oh do you have a cop you have one you do okay um so so these are all things so now we already have the vendor for the pumpkin so we're going to January because they they take you know the pricing is going to change but we'll have all the vendors Mario the laser tag was such a big hint the laser tag was amazing amazing and then now we'll be better prepared we'll put the stage maybe a little bit closer we'll have the correct generators we'll have Mike now maybe we can actually pay him this time to be our DJ exactly we're going toble to reimburse him because now we'll have a budget I love it um it will be much better truck thing was good food truck was amazing maybe we can have a little bit more next you know like it was a first tryal we kind of try to a food truck you're I know you I know you're not but I think everybody else they loved it they love it they did so I think overall um it was very successful we did it really well for not having a planning of a festival and we had the speaker I know Rene is probably gonna want to participate every year now it was very last minutes and for last minute it came out so imagine now that we have time we can promote it kids had fun kids yeah exactly but now have more bu time um that was do we know do we know we know how much money was finally raised yeah I don't have a final number I think that's it by next meeting I should have your final perfect soon yeah um I know it's not final because it's too low based on um based on like the that's what we discussed L the credit card payments still have to go through and all that I was kind of hoping it would have final are we planning to reserve the two Pavilions yeah we already did she already put in I already have the date on the on the calendar so the town no so hopefully there's all other events going on we're doing this Saturday October 18th I have you guys reserved from 10: a.m. to 2m. why be pumpkins and could be like face painting yeah we we did face painting it was great yeah yeah but like under pavion face painting that it camouflage face um sorry so I think we're we're good so come January we can start already reaching out to the vendors Mario already knows talk about it at the chamber in advance ask was that really I think it it's gonna give us plenty of times now we have full 10 months to plan we'll have the cater like everything ready so out a lot of the organizations that participated already to me they're like hey Lindsay let us know when the next one is so we can prepare so we had maybe 30 vendors this time imagine we could maybe get double that and get 60 vendors right that's the goal is to get as many Mental Health Providers there yeah you have your event with every month correct and that's what I'm saying that those organizations already reach out put me on schedule if we want to participate for next year so we got the people we got the money um we now exactly so I think next year our focus is going to be to promote to those schools to get that momentum to have more families come out and then that we can focus on that we have more time um any other comments or any other question about about all that we're good um kind of covered a recap the recap of everything um we discussed about the change of the meeting time to the afternoon um I think it's also a great idea I know officer uh Robin he has another meeting at this time did I say his name in correct Amador offeror his first name yeah okay I'm not losing my crap I mean I am but like not know I said crap crap is a PG word PG um is just an example so do you want to change it to 4:30 is that what we're looking at four o' okay Wednesdays Gary gets out of three that way we're not too late in you know in staying in so is there a motion on the table to change the meeting time to 4 o' whatever but to continue sorry just continue the third Wednesday of the month but at 4 p.m. that's correct all we're going to is that possible perfect so third [Music] Wednesday welcome just to confirm because January 1st is on a Wednesday so that means that our first meeting would be the 15th 185 confirm o sorry um the 15 so on to 4 confir okay right that would be the third one that that we has okay that's fine all right so motion on table by me to change it second it by ro favor um great we got that done good wrong we can keep all of our members and hopefully that will allow um the lady from I have my phone foret [Music] um Marley for Marley to to participate in the meetings because she in school so then maybe that way we can fill in the the additional spot um all right so we spoke about also about the workshop responding with compassion and what I was trying to refer to is that now that we'll be in the afternoon and officer Amador can participate that we can have more of a cohesiveness in planning because he's the one that's going to be coming with a lot of the information how the police department would you know all that okay so uh come January hopefully he'll be aware and I'll let him know that we change so be here and that is how we're going to start formulating what's our task what do they expect us to do what are they going to do so they're going to come in and they're going to educate us so they have the CIT Coalition which is being Ram by hsky and she is a license social worker I believe or something with Miami day County and they're leading the CIT Coalition so I participate in have Pro out of side and what they're doing and educating the police department on how to respond to mental health and they need task force to what provide food provide what speeding I mean for this for this Workshop no it's going to be an education because I a lot of people don't know like let like we talking about the public for the public so we want the community to come out we're going to have the police department here I want to get through I mind mobile response remember the people that were here in that program um anybody that can respond to the mental health one that the mam day police is doing now that that's one that's CIT Coalition oh it's called CIT Coalition correct it's a CIT coition and that's what they're getting trained on on how to respond to these calls so they don't need us to do anything except endorse it we're just GNA bring in the speakers how like I was thinking like how like somebody asking the questions to to them they they ask Q&A kind of thing they're going to tell us on the program what they're doing and then I also want to get thriving Minds their mobile Response Team they're the only ones that instead of calling 911 you call them and they send out a licensed social worker when your loved one is having crisis they have very limiting access but it's another option as opposed to yeah as opposed to maybe just calling a cops and like a escalating because that's a problem right like a lot of the police don't know how to handle these mental health calls and instead of De escalating the situation they make it worse we had these officers coming in and explain to us what the so is that the CIT correct okay yeah so that's what they're doing and and my is doing like all these all these programs to educate the police department I've gone to a couple of their meetings and so I want them to come here and just explain that and like possibly invite all these medal providers yeah no not I mean our yeah Josh we you have one H we could take another the laptop sorry laptop that might be a good idea so as of right now do we know if 911 calls are being um I think they're working already that program the said that thing I think he said that he own has access to kendle did I get that right in some areas I think he said it's active in some areas okay I think maybe the Miami dat areas wouldn't be here it's everything from no but I mean like cor's Department would not count I'm assuming that's what I interpreted okay because I had heard that he correct focuses on Kendall so far more people what I'm saying is I'm not too worried about content what I'm actually worried about is planning and tasks yeah I mean because what I what I want to know is what is the expectations that work have to do like do we do they want us to have like coffee and you know those kind of things there have chairs there have tables so people can put their materials there um we probably need to do up a sequence of event and you need to talk so that way you can present people and stuff like that yeah I think it's more of it's it's definitely a you guys that you guys are planning on just the content they're bringing they the cont they're bringing the content and we're hosting it here in the in the Town Council on May that's mental health awareness month we may we could do okay let's very yeah go ahead that Council Hall does not have tables so we're going to have to request tables do we need to do a request for table set up rectangle tables we can accommodate we can accommodate R tal tables and the full chairs are the chairs from cting good so many tables can you guys fit in there do we need to do a specific request for that yes so I have an event request form I think it's been shared with you guys and not I'll reshare it and we kind of I think that's a good starting point um in terms of tables just let me know I guess what type of are you guys trying to do like an audience we get spor that's I think we should do so what's the location everybody so let's let's read let's go back fure start do you guys have you guys ever been to like I don't know like like kind of like the panel that you they try to do here for mental health remember that you participated chamber correct you guys been to those chamber events where you go in and you're it's an audience so you come in I come in I sit down I have my little agenda for the day who's going to speak and what we're doing there's going to be food provided that's the goal find somebody to come in and have some like snacks or treats maybe a bakery or something here um the community comes in I sit down I'm a parent and then they we introduce our speakers and then we can either do it in a formatting in which one person is doing like a Q&A like I'm here to present and whatever or this is something we have to speak to officer avador is if they have something already kind of set up that they use which I think they do and that way in January we can sit down with him and he'll and they just run the course like an educ oal workshop at the end hey you want ask any questions it could be a PowerPoint presentation in the box so that the so it's interactive correct that's what we doing Chambers that's how we doing all like all the chambers do events like this so that's kind of like my idea of what how I want this to be presented yes we can then offer and put together a little package and see if any mental health providers that helped us want to I sound ridiculous because the little Bell's going off I been move my head you always did we can get some of them to sponsor I know bapst would probably want to sponsor so we can get some funding to maybe either pay for the food um for the to make the little agendas for everybody that day to come in you know maybe even um giveaways like little giveaways on Mental Health we can ask Rogers for example to come in and they can have a little table on the side and they can have sponsor they can give information and resources that day we got it be here when we be in the afternoon because they already tried to do this with the seniors and it didn't work out because of the timing both going to show up in the middle at 8 in the morning everybody's working so it's going to be in the afternoon we haven't said it yeah we haven't said it again let's speak let's wait till January when we have officer Amador because we need the the cohesiveness of planning with Police Department to see what time they can get here and all that all right but I know that I just so you guys know I have the council chambers held for you based on last month's conversation 5 to eight so that means nobody else would use it one really important point that I think we need to remember is that this has not been approved by Council correct I you have to go and and PE remember the whole thing no no I know I haven't so it was another thing to so this is what we have attentively but just so we understand what we're trying to let Council know and then when I go up in March I believe right yeah you go up in March so I will make a suggestion because I know you guys are trying to get ahead of it I mean if it gets approved March that's fine I already have the dates held um but if you guys want to get approval in advance like maybe January or February the best thing you can do is talk to the Committees that are going up in y Fe and see if maybe they are their slots so that maybe you guys can go up instead so so that's a can switch with them yeah so how about this because January we're GNA need officer Amador to give us all these details so when I go up and present I have much more information so maybe I can swap with somebody in the February so just so you guys know this is the committee reporting schedule you guys have a copy of it in your packet it's p so please just for anything else plan accordingly for that um so in February you have special needs and public sa I think they're get no and in January you have do you know if the veterans filled out their report for this month and are going up or no oh yeah we're we've done it um I just got the report yesterday but you guys are meeting in December now again yes no we're meeting in January January no oh your ideas to turn in yeah okay so never mind but uh yeah cuz I can fill it out with that you know input but I don't mind if we need March fine we have we have two months I really I really don't think they're gonna say no be honest with you they're not gonna say no so I think I think we should being for sponsor like I won't be able to get you a package until I have direct and I want to clarify that we can like hit the ground running at when I presented one of the previous times I did already mention this workshop and they were like and I got no hesitation from them they actually like that's great so what's happening with the Tas course on March 18th so okay I have the no I'm gonna like take this as opportunity to refresh all of you guys for the committee rules which the sections are stated Down Below on page seven those are the parts of the committee rules that are relevant to this you guys have to go to council twice a year and give a report to council based on what you're doing what you're working on Etc wow so so these are the dates you guys are scheduled for you guys are scheduled for the March council meeting that's what March 18th is the council meeting that's where you happen to be presenting and then you also have July 15 oh and then July 15th is your counil meeting so those if you guys have any requests for anything new any funny anything that you need requests for from councel that is your opportunity to do so need us there it looks good it looks great like the last one that I went will was there and and I asked everybody to come up and speak with me Maria was there so we went up together and it looks nice that we're all there together in this okay what time on March 18 so the council meetings are at 6 right they are at 6:30 because 6 they do special presentation the Mee start at 6:30 and they usually put the committee reports towards the beginning of the meeting so you guys don't have to wait the entire meeting but don't quote me on that it's happened before where you guys get push thank you so much the only the only thing I'm worried about if we wait till March to get final is marketing and advertising get about two months that's a very short time frame and you know we we want to is there any way we can swap with I mean how do you can swap with me I mean so you can have my January now then I would have to submit um so at this point it wouldn't be a full-on report only because you guys didn't you know you didn't come with the report and and need to be brought in front of the board but if it's just a memo like requesting what the what the event is based on what we just discussed we can do that yes yeah do we need really need to switch anything though to do that I mean can we just submit a memo requesting that this be considered by if you want let's go over the details now so I know what the Memo's going to look like so that I you know I have approval from you guys as a board um and then I'll I'll talk to staff to see if if it's something that maybe can go under I don't know where where maybe the committee doesn't even have to report but don't quote me on that I do not know my understanding is you guys are supposed to go up and rep we can try at least I mean it seems to me cuz if they tell me yes then we'll keep veterans comittee on you get me yeah if not I guess I'll call you and I'll let you know all right so I guess you know the memo will basically be asking to be able to start planning and um the responding with compassion I'm taking which is going to go May 15 2025 25 and specifically we want to be able to fill out the requirement forms for tables of chairs yeah we want to uh sponsor get sponsorship forms so food coffee um and be able to start doing the marketing and advertising trash do you guys want to give me a little bit of I guess what your I would like to have details possible okay well the goals what's the goals of it yeah I guess I'll bring awareness it's to to connect the town or the people of the town with the resources Creer my right now well I mean I think it's it's probably um more of to connect to inform the town and other stakeholders students and teachers Educators businesses and businesses as to how the police department is able to respond to a mental health crisis you know or the options available like because I wanted to kind of because I would want to bring bring Minds also and their mobile response team so I would want to have at least two options for the community like options available for crisis response that are that are not like 911 you know I don't know how to and outside and and can we emphasize that may is mental health awareness month well B is going to be 911 like a different proc when they call they they transfer off and like they're do not a legal thing more Mental Health crisis not a legal and it's going to be a panel right it's what you guys are trying to that's what my mind is but if you guys have any other you know panel discussion plus presentations yeah to keep it kind of you etc etc I think that's pretty good yeah so I'll copy and paste this into a memo I think also mentioning that officer Amador is is already on board with this yes and because that way that that they know will be informing us resources and we'll have a w why not sure ma' ma' all right so on marketing and advertising uh what are we looking at town website yeah on the town then we'll do a website we'll do a fer for you guys um again I for you guys like share chamber the Lakers always aware of our I had them on our personal calendar um however in terms of like maybe writing a stor I can't you know thank you thank you you're welcome who's gonna reach out to the Laker on Wednesday morning than for um this is like a plus thing that might not apply to this particular thing but um if we ever want to receive any sort of um the chamber does events and we'll do events and sponsor or donate to causes the same way we did our mental health thing if you guys want to do that I put it on the table again for the board okay so we can present the chamber present don't money they could be a sponsor is that we saying did I say that I don't know the that we had the dance or masquerade thing went to Angel bre uh G's Playhouse and Arkansas florid we want to be one of those I don't know if you're gonna sponsor it but if you want you can put me down to sponsor ma for mental health awareness I'd like to sponsor the the lunch in that for for the chamber I don't know because I don't think we have a lot of well sponsor right okay so I make I make I make a motion that uh the mental health task force be added to the list of those organizations that the chamber sponsors yeah I and I'm saying like if you guys can go talk about it because I'm the I'm on the board yeah we'll go talk about it I don't want to talk about it I try to keep myself anybody want to second that motion wait what they no no just no I made a motion to add us to the list of organizations the chamber sponsors to great and so I just need somebody to second that motioning no they're giving us example I came up with a masquerade Vault along with the lady from Ark and then I okay we don't just want to give it to one person we have other people in the town we could give it to so whatever the proceeds we G I don't know the split that was done because I'm not part of that but whatever the split was those other two people got as well and then there's a golf tournament that we're doing too that goes towards something else I don't know so if we come up you guys more than me because I don't want to be a part of that because I'm on the board um I don't know you guys want to do a potato sock race and the funds go to you know half the chamber whatever the chamber decides whatever get under the chamber we as a committee keep the other half when people pay for correct we we end up you know cost is 5,000 we keep about that in our pocket half the chamber half l whatever we can whatever we want we should invest in like M like little giveaways for the mental health task force yeah second I definely okay so motion made to be added to the list of sponsored organization by the chamber there's no official list I think it's just you know put on the yeah let me talk with st see what we can do okay all in favor all in favor what what am I asking bre I talk nothing what am I gonna ask bre you know about hey we're added to the non list yeah for any other event you need something to donate to and they on that so we got a lot start guys I'm excited any new business I left it kind of open because any anything that you guys want to talk about or any new ideas I think we have two good events in a year I think that's more than enough for us to handle right now um as we continue to come up with more things and and stuff that we can do I still think that we should maybe consider doing a couple of the farmer markets little visit throughout the year next year maybe persisting more with the chamber like you know the chambers and and we get to meet businesses that might be willing to donate mhm correct I think the farmers market would be a great idea to get us out here up to two more Farm Market AIT on everybody show up canote like it would be really nice like how how he's saying like if we go to the farmers market before the the workshop and we can OTE the workshop right and then we can do one before the festival and promote the festival with our Flyers that would be a smart thing to do so you guys want to maybe add that on there so we could do I wasn't listening because I was asking what happened at the park but it was on there's more events there's more events because I'm saying like like G brought up a great point is like how about using the farmers market again doing that again and and putting us up for one before the May a workshop one before the festival and weed that opportunity to give out our Flyers to to the people there participation so do you guys want to do something to do the farmers market in April or May I don't know be Saturday right what's the what's the minimum um what do you think is the minimum amount of committee members to be present at the farmers market think realistic if like three or four of us is is good enough to help us kind of set up and and like you know and kind of go around three or four is right that's how much we were there three four is it your round like it's every Saturday right no it's not year round it's not year round I don't think it's year round it is is it now isn't it when it's really hot it stops no no it used to not starting last year so do you guys want to put in on motion that we do the farmers market in may like I don't know what like two weeks before the Saturday two two Saturdays before so we can give our fers for the workshop have to go earlier earlier anything think yeah have to go like you two can go this that's how I'm asking what the minimum would be yeah I think table walk three or four one table person and one walk and she gave her the fers and then somebody held down the this is a very nice group just saying hello thank you for everything you guys do Merry Christmas May the vice May okay in we got minutes toise your hand that's just a habit of myant oh um the spot we have here the place the can we ever go maybe once we finalize like the referral list that we have and all that the resources list can we ever go and do an event with them then something then yeah the the park back there yeah that's fine you guys just have to let me know in advance because they do a lot of kids programming there so we just have to check schedules as all um I mean like not not solicit but speak to promote to their to the pro theid I have to Che I think we just it's a matter of checking let me know what it is is your turn and then I'll ask um I do have a question or a request um if we can bring back the possibility of requesting one of the town's lawyers to be present with us to discuss a possible mental health task force W she to put on our website to have people fill out at our events Etc okay um I'm sorry I this is since I've been here I think this is the first time it's brought up but so last year bring up last year we decided we wanted to do like a worksheet kind of like um like a status on what whatnot and then post it on the website so somebody wanted to go on there and I think that the feedback from the town was that it kind of was like a liability because like where was that worksheet going to go to like who was going to actually let's say somebody there is in need of services who was going to assess so I think that was the reason why they decided not to because we had worked on one and then they removed it and it wasn't on so I think that's what if any of you right corre I said everything yes and the last time I've heard that there was a lawyer a town lawyer that said the um the what's the word no the liability was not enough or it didn't do so if it was if he already said no that it's a no unless you feel like there's a great area I mean I'm happy to set up a meeting with whoever of you wants to tackle that I can set up I can try to set up a meeting with you and him and maybe our Communications Department as well just to see what if there's any issues what are they okay and if it's something that can be done they can give you a more direct answer and I you can bring it back to the group and you can bring the one that you created where does it go I check off yes I think I do have a town attorney and um again like I don't want to be the person in the middle trying to get your message across you want to just directly I that would be a better approach so what do I just email you for an update yeah I'll email me and I'll try to schedule something you guys all right all right so there's a motion to do the farmers market in April and September pror the workshop the Fall Festival event by card seconded by any all in favor how many in b a r r o s um anything else that we want to end this amazing year on we did awesome guys together they cic okay but that's not oh yeah the certificates that we wanted to give out to the organization but I think that's not going to happen until we get all the numbers finalized from the town she wants to see if there's going to be any funds to be a and then give that to them at one of the council meeting just for the Girl Scouts right the Girl Scouts it was half for you guys whenever we made the profits half us and half them so hopefully we have that by have a number for you guys by okay so put it I'll put that in the on the agenda for January um finalize profit budg what we did right and the next meeting is January 22nd 15 15 because or 4:30 I we did four weed right everybody go with four we're bringing our kids so we have to bring activities just food just food and a food and a tablet we're good Charger Charger Charger not good toote motion to you done I think I don't know there's nothing else happen this okay so we have breakfast com up we have the farmer market um anything else guys we have our shirts we have our we don't need to put myal meeting with the attorney on you guys be in oure anything else anything you I mean you can add it just so you can bring updates if there's anything you guys don't on yeah exactly like so you end up having a meeting before our next one let me know and I'll add it on to the agenda so you can tell us what happened how about that excent mon um Marley did you s your application but I hav got a response and do you think the 4:00 on Wednesdays will work better for you perfect no that's perfect for me and then I wrote Gabby then Gabby told me to uh follow up with her and then I left you a voicemail I've been out the last couple of days if it was in the last couple of days that I the class but I think you're think you're I mean vo I don't think anybody else is no but I just want to know where the application it really it's the town clerk right now um the the liaison um don't really work with the conven until they're official committee members um right now it's a matter of council members tell you if if you um if you submitted the application through the I did I just want to make sure that it is submitted and it's somewhere correct so we have to confirm with the town cler's office because they once they receive any application the process goes once they receive any application they share with council members and then whatever council member has an appointment we'll tell the town clerk hey we can appoint I left them a message to anyone that you think I should um here I will tell you that I think the last month and a half was probably crazy with elections and the change of stuff so now that everybody's settled in and sworn in I think you have a better chance of being appointed any number I should call or any person particular um give I'm sure I have give me your email just so that iil you right now that is Mary M a r l y h stat schools.net I'm going to connect you with the town clerk's office and one of them will get back okay thank you anything else I don't know what is your last name Hernandez hernandz yes speak now or forever hold your peace until January 15th merry Christmas happy New Year Merry Christmas awesome to adjourn