##VIDEO ID:vMDlfsSpv9k## e we'll start off with the roll so I'll just go one by one George AU pres Blanco here Eric Brandon not here Matthew here Jano J Medina not here Manuel Perez Romy Ro not here John here Carlos FIA is not here and Daniel Gonzalez is not here all right cool so we can move on to orders of business deferrals additions deletions does anyone have anything extra to add throughout the week that we need put on the agenda good to go happy birthday happy birthday to Andrea happy birthday on the agenda cool so we move on to public comments I we have two seconds of you guys because we do have a birthday I'm the chair of the medal task force I am just doing my due diligence and going to all the Committees I want you guys to please participate we're doing the first mental health awareness Fall Festival you hear me up yeah sure um we have the the point of the festival would be to um raise awareness on Mental Health I am a mental health provider so I am trying to get as many Mental Health Providers to be there you know providing resources different levels of care from recovery uh outpatient inpatient all kinds of programs I have Nami that's going they the National Alliance of mental illness that are going to be there Baptist um Chen and a bunch of other providers we're still looking if you guys have anybody food vendors um what else like car there be like a carnival kind of thing activities we're G have a pumpkin patch to try to like bring in the community in like a free pumpkin $5 and get three pumpkins per family or something like that um so please we need it's our first event awesome so we need all the support that we possibly can and so I'm inviting you guys please spread the word and if you guys have vendors or any mental health providers in town that you think might want to participate so they can reach out okay sorry what did you say your name was Lindsay wall I'll give you one of my business per thank you Lind and if you know anyone that might be interested in sponsoring they can if they come here they'll be able to get tickets for that redeem you know type of thing F the event so this ISB only only so you're also looking for like vendors and but but mental health professionals you're looking for like set yeah to provide the resources there got it so cool awesome so by guys happy bir thank you cool cool awesome so for the record myi here thank you s from farther back from the zoo a half hour three4 all right cool let's move on to the approval of the minutes so we've got a couple in here because last time if you guys remember there was a little bit of confusion with the minutes that we had printed out and stuff like that not sure if Donathan has all the minutes here St on this let me see I see August 20 and then I don't see the July meetings minutes here that we needed to through but have to more time it's the one where they changed the date was that yeah because we had the he had attached the meeting minutes from or subcomittee meeting meeting minutes from a sub meeting a year before that was the one a year ago the wrong dat so we changed it and that's why I wrote that down in there 716 and 820 so 820 is in there but 716 I don't think is that's the sub I think right was it 716 or was that our actual that was act Med that was the yeah all right so we'll look at last meetings minutes most of it's going to be covered again today it's just the getting prepped for our big boot camp on Friday exciting stuff and then just what we're going to do with some of our advertising and marketing materials which we have ready to go for now but like I said a lot of this stuff we're to cover again so I guess if anybody wants the motion for the 82 minutes and the 716 minutes will for the 820 August 20th I second cool in favor on 820 716 let's see if we can get that again yo Jonathan we get that chance I think on the next meeting I I put it in here but I'll send you like an email like up front I guess we need to do the meeting minutes for July remember we July 16 June 4th that was a sub meeting I don't remember who go back it's really just looking at the YouTube video for that I wasn't here and I don't remember who the sube you're saying uh no for that I think that would been okay so for this me is what you're saying they're just right now okay all right can we get that for the next meeting you think or like do I put that on the agenda or is that something that we just go yeah okay I'll put that seven all right cool so we're good on 820 all right so we'll move on to budget and I know we kind of just finished up but um and we're kind of moving into the new pis year now right is is where this begins Jonathan so I don't think we have the budget in front of us now right I have I have my uh written up budget related to specifically this this that's about to end um all the bra Downs of you know what local Intel takes from us uh between that and the event what that leaves us with the seminar and socials all that stuff so I have it here um if we can like pass it around kind um it's fine what I what I want to do for the next meeting if we can is if we can do print outs of that for everybody yeah and if we can make next meeting about the next year's budget because I think a big poll that we have is that we save the budget for kind of later so I want to see if we can already do it again with last year's budget kind of referring referencing and then we can be good there and I think we're stuck with local Intel for another year right yeah but we we already spoke about the cycle um cool yeah because I think yeah because what I want to try to do and again I don't know what the situation will be because I know we got to do the whole chair and voting thing all over again but in the future I think it would be awesome if the EDC can move some of those dollars from local Intel into being the town facet for that whole Main Street and just Miami lak's General kind of business growth thing because right now the town you know it doesn't really have anybody kind of there to helmet so it would be cool if the EDC can kind of step in and maybe not helmet because I know you kind of need a specific marketing individual but at least we can be the town side you know and provide funds on that end because you know that's kind of what our budget is for the E you know stff grow small business and I don't think local Intel has really been doing it for us so it would be cool if we can advertise maybe put a little bit of money into advertising I know we have here one of the ideas we talked about last time I'll talk about it again is the airport marketing idea I know we talked about doing um I'm forgetting what these things are called the giant Billboards that are on the side of the roads and things like that like so we talked about doing that like getting something like that related to Main Street or Miami Lakes in general you know because we're not just Main Street but Miami Lakes in general and all that so I want to start playing with that but we obviously don't have the budget for that right now but once local Intel's gone and we've got all that money would be cool to mess around with that if I so sort of on a tangent related to that the Council on T or last Tuesday decided to look into like a lot of grant funding specifically for economic uh development opportunities and stuff I can't remember the exact conversations around it so there is going to be like a lot of a lot of on that just cool awesome so I'm going to make a note that next meeting will be like a big budget recap and then budget for the next week or next year excuse me meeting and that'll be we'll be done with all our events and everything too so we'll be able to freely think about it budget so if you were to mind J I'll send you an email too I gu to reminder but that we can have all the budget printouts for everybody for the next one all right cool so we'll move on real quick or anybody have any comments on the budget we get to go awesome so we'll move on to Old business just real quick the Main Street collaboration meeting just a quick followup I know we've got Andrea here in Carlos here I'm just wondering if we kind of need to step in anywhere I guess you know I know you guys are kind of doing your own thing um and I know I kind of said what I had to say about local inel for now but yeah I know that the merchants are having a meeting with Diego so that's obviously with the town um that's that's a Town Event um the farmers market so that's happening this week so they're moving along sweet I I mean obviously right as we discussed the missing component is that more holistic version yeah of Miami Lakes but um on behalf of the grand comp the merchants I know that they were working towards some working groups um so enhance collaborations nice that's awesome yeah there's like a WhatsApp group and stuff like that being made like people starting to do some stuff some communication cool awesome um being cool beans um good on that guess we move on to the new business which is exciting stuff we got the business boot camp this Friday R's been doing an awesome job being on top of everybody I really appreciate it um and Jonathan too for you know all the advertising the Eventbrite all that good stuff so I guess just real quick a quick little status update if you don't mind Jonathan how are things looking with the event bright with the advertising and everything I got little I got a message from too yesterday asking us uh Comp US uh to open up more spots from the it was at 150 even though we we let uh enery know that it was going to be like up to 100 but we know how registrations are with pre- registrations what you know the risks that run with that so it's back open so I've unpaused the ads um yeah I think it was a pretty it was a lot more of a slow buildup than last year I think people just kind of bit onto free registration fill it up fill it up and so I I already have the uh see before you go email so how many register do we have right now I think it should have been 154 last time sure yeah 15 oh 155 so we have capacity up to right now well we told them up to 100 no no no I know the space I'm saying the registration the event Right is open right now until what uh 175 I think we should move to 200 I think we could do I think I think we should move the evember to 200 I don't think we're gonna have don't think an issue of that many people showing up at anes last year we had over a 100 registrants and we had about 60 show up at the event I remember that very clearly so and that was with on-site registration because we didn't have even 50 show up at the event from the Eventbrite registration we had people register on the spot so I really think we should open it to 200 I think we'll be fine I think so too and if we're at the point showing up outside of registration then if we right if we have to turn away if we have to turn people away hey that be problem we can have Manny and Jose bounce the door you know Mar speaking of I know we spoke about getting volunteers yeah because there are they don't have facilities crew it's not going to be more than us moving chairs and like three tables that they're providing but we won't have volunteers because there was a Friday school hours and we only get high school age kids so help skip school okay that leads to the next little bullet point who can arrive at 8 show is GNA be there she uh well I'll tell you guys later but uh I'm going to have her again I don't think it's going to be more than moving chairs they're going to give us three tables you know one person can handle three tables but you know as means of being present I hope that everyone can have the best for their so can be there at 8: a.m. to help set up I can be there Carlos yeah I'll be there I have my bag my car and all the goodie bags and the pull up display Banner everything so okay perfect yeah I need that to throw more stuff are weow so we have five five people including you and I yeah I mean it'll be it'll be pretty Tri what's the time you let metion registration opens we we open it at 9:30 but we're going to have the table set up as of 9: yeah I in the event email I'm I'm letting people know come early traffic sign in whatever you want to be on time where to park all that stuff so 9 9:30 is when the agenda officially um registration officially is stated on the agenda at 9:30 but if we have early birds we'll open it up as early as 9: um breakfast says Serve Yourself uh the the welcome and introduction by Matthew starts at 9:55 okay and the first uh speaker is at 10:15 yeah we'll get there we'll address that all right cool um so Anna G is confirmed all that there uh Memorial confirmed that they're covering the cost for an a because with an it's a security guard and it's a what else clean up crew yeah right did we did did it cover the whole thing cuz I remember oh it did okay cool that's I was wondering it being really Che yeah you you said like six something that's what she told when Carlos and I went there that's what she told me stressed she stressed me out you know but no it winds up being like less than 200 bucks security 100 uh facilities 155 okay so it was great yeah we were we were concerned as well yeah so that was good so we probably have more spending money for gift cards and whatnot awesome cool so then that leads me then to the budget adjustments because we spoke at the subcommittee meeting to vote on it here that we were going to move $50 over from the open budget over to the raffle budget but I guess now we can kind of play with that a little bit more since that open budget doesn't look like it's going to really be touched now since everything looks like it's covered so we've got 400 at this exact moment there's $400 set up for the budget or for the raffle budget and then $600 that's just open-ended for the boot camp so I'm just wondering right now does anybody have any recommendations to do with that 600 at the subcommittee yeah we recommended moving 50 over 50 well we we talked about moving 50 over so we can make it an even amount to be able to purchase gift cards from all of the restaurants involved in the culinary Bike Tour how many restaurants are in the culinary now we're up to 11 so we'll need more we so we'll need a little bit more the other thing that I think we should allocate to is more to vitrola because the Thousand doll that we originally allocated to vitrola includes gratuiti so that's going to eat away from the actual consumption budget so I think we should move over there whatever is left and just so you guys know all sponsorships um First Citizens Bank sponsored our breakfast which that sponsorship went to a local Miami Lakes Venter which is H Chef Veronica she comes to a lot of events and she's going to cater the breakfast and we got a super last minute sponsorship from Ernie's asai they're going to donate some asai to breakfast cool so they're gonna huh that yes um so they're gonna they're going to bring in a few mini asses awesome awesome and uh just real quick I guess not smoothie say smoothie before we uh before we do the whole voting on the budget thing because this might change a little bit did you so are we finalized on that agenda in the program to send it to print because remember we wanted to print out those well I guess I need it literally by today that's why to send to easy Graphics to print I can pull it up it's literally just adding I guess in text earnings and then their logo yeah whatever you can send it to me tomorrow too you like tomorrow in the morning or something like that could work listen there's is like super late like he could have responded to me a long time ago and he just responded to me like an hour ago so they missed the vot on the print first cool do you think you can do that tomorrow morning I guess yeah you can do it now that works too just so I can I'll send you day yeah that's a couple days to print it we should be okay if you do it today or tomorrow in the morning all right cool I'm emailing it to you now awesome cool so then I'll move on real quick to those budget adjustments that's really the last thing we got to do to the business boot camp so what's going to be the official vote just to recap right now there's 400 in the actual raffle budget and there's 600 open-ended we need to move a few dollars over so that way you can cover for 11 businesses what was the original thing that we said in the subcommittee was how much for business so we originally have 400 right yes so we were going to do I think um was it $75 gift cards might say minutes here $50 you need 550 where but but it was originally nine businesses that's 44 11 then it was what do we do I forgot what math how that math worked out think the Min whatever yeah at this point now doesn't matter now we know the numbers now there's 11 and we've got and we have how much 400 right now and then the 600 open play with so if we do that can also cover the gratuity correct so if we do 50 times 11 that's 550 and then we have a total of a thousand so that'll give us just shy of 500 bucks for additional for vrola 450 yeah okay I think so so you're saying about 600 you any for the breakfast or you're good with that I think we're good the I don't know if we want to have like any kind of I don't know if this is normal in these type of events if we have any kind of like Teddy cash like something like a 100 200 bucks that you know I don't know I asked so Chef Veronica is supposed to be including uh yeah I mean I told her to and she said yes utensils and napkins and coffee creamer and cups and little things like that but like heaven forbid that we have a shortage of cups or something and somebody needs needs to run to Publix and grab a thing of Cups like is it normal that we can have I don't know 100 or 200 bucks petty cash in case we need to buy whatever is that doable is that is that like out of the question well it could be it could be a reimbursement okay okay Che think we can cut the checks as long we have the deliverables we cut the check the week after the new SCH year starts okay I think okay okay um the thing about re says we we can't reimburse the taxes paid oh that's interesting whatever a couple bucks okay all right so what's the official vote on the budget give me a direction yeah You' got 600 on the open-ended and 400 in the raffle right who's the color your bike tour who are they dice Vicky then it Go dice I just up okay so I'm just wondering if any of I know she's she's brilliant like your jaw is on the line right now I just a million times that's why I'm just wondering because I know you mentioned last year some places were challenging to get gift cards from right so do we need to be concerned about spending this money in any way shape or form or is are you going to be able to figure it out in the two days that we have left before the event uh some people don't have the materials to provide a gift card you know so that was and dominical specifically that I remember that were hard just give a paper with sign on it no no dominical but maybe by now they hav start with those 100 as is the one that is across from the hotel yes yeah okay and they've raffled this in other places in other events that we've gone to before so they have to have something on okay whatever okay but yeah I mean I would motion that we allocate uh $50 to each uh participating restaurant so we'll need a total of $550 so 150 from the open to the correct so 150 from the open budget to the raffle budget exactly cool all in favor awesome so that's GNA be at 550 awesome yeah you're good you're good happy birthday do you want to talk real quick about your spot if you want to well the building department is not participating with me so if anyone would like to participate with me regards to how to do business in mi L and I'm gonna have the mayor's I got would also like to Hound Manny uh mayor Manny Sid because mayor Manny Sid would be fantastic for that spot because he's the mayor and a business owner locally and nobody would be better to talk about that so on behalf of the town so yeah I don't know if I'm the expert for talking about the town and how to get permits and everything but I do know the process or if anybody has a recommendation for a business owner in my like a brick and mortar business owner in the town that is also a half decent speaker and can you know wing it with Andrea about you know the what it's like the permitting process etc etc BTR so think about that yeah cool thank thank you guys huh cresy would be a good one that's a good idea Alex cresy L orthodtic in the shopping center Bagel is well maybe he going through now that's true new office that's true in it what I'm pick two to do 100 screw ask Ray can you text Ray you're texting okay oh I'm sorry about Ray first origins Ray i r because he just open or not just but he opened upstairs you need permitting as well I don't know I can but yeah but actually yeah Ray would be great and I Ray speaks a lot in public so that would be great and he's part of the U from first origin first origin mortgage yeah I I I reach out again to Joseph from the May's office okay all I got last time his response to email was okay I sent like a beautiful detailed thing on how the mayor can be involved all right cool um so I guess that's pretty much it for the for the time slot good question would be one moment are they the first ones no they are not the first ones I only I only did that to myself 11:30 11:45 and they wouldn't be alone they would have a budy oh are we talking about Andreas yes yes they would be joint with Andreas 113 to 1145 C they would just have to speak about their experience with their experience and also you know like tips you know like and and kind of like whatever they can remember about the process so first thing you do is this second you know you want to meet with this office you need to get these ducks in a row you know they're going to want to see XYZ from you Etc like that um last thing that I can remember I only have I believe I only have your presentation R so far um know we're good for Andrea we're good for Andrea I've gotten to too emailed it to me so I have it I need to send it to you um I need uh the bankers aren't going to do a presentation they're just a panel so they're fine there so I don't know if you want to put like a cool graphic in the background while they're presenting okay Works um and the only one that I don't know if he's presenting and I wouldn't be surprised if he's just speaking is Patrick I think Patrick might just speak um but I will double check with him and that would be it that's it cool exciting that's a Friday times trck right it's Friday this Friday the 20th 11:30 to 11:4 cool cool cool hopefully everybody can make it to this boot camp thing if you can no worries I have a sorry a question about the budget adjustments do we need to vote for whatever is remaining in the budget I think it's 450 to be moved to vrola or can it be left open discretionary as needed that is a good question um I the idea of open discretionary is needed kind of fits that I mean for for that event so you're marked for this event um whether it be you know covering more food or drink AV vrola whether it be you know last minute needs that we need to fill I feel like the open discretionary fund kind of okay fits that Ro I know it's a little bit vague but I don't know we had budget line it of last time that were also super vague so I feel like can I yeah that's why we we just have that left that's it can I make a motion to earmark that open budget of $450 specifically to the boot camp event as needed to be well that's 150 from the boot camp event oh okay so iess you can say if you want so we're good you can motion I guess for okay I guess that's but it belongs to the boot camp so it's already it's already set up for that that get worse okay and as of right now that's why next meeting we'll go over the budget and see how bad we did I guess in terms of going over but I know we did a pretty good job because I remember we went we went pretty crazy towards the end when it comes to the pushing of this the advertising getting materials I know we ended up you know doing well with know getting all everything for this and making sure the budget was put to use no for my for my math I'm pretty good on there um you guys are like taking yourselves healthfully to zero cool which listen if you don't use it it it really is not the end of the world but you guys are use of it which you know some commities can't say the same but nice nice I just want to make sure we use this that we when local Intel opens up in the future and we've got the what is it the 10K or whatever that that has or if not more that we can actually you know that we can use that Miss speak but I think it might yeah that's why I think it is too but but that's why that would be a lot of money that we can use for various things like we could really actually be the EC of the town like really know push things the local Insel has been e up a lot but all right cool so the next thing I guess kind of going with that is that easy promotional video and I'm not going to lie I I need to do more research on this the airport marketing I hav yet I I so yeah my little thing I was looking at uh opaka in Mia it's like I was having like dead ends on their websites and their contacts it's like a very un thing maybe I just don't know better you're you're better off searching lock FP which is like the five that are in there yeah there's like five five different terminals in there all righty um sorry one last thing on boot camp stuff um yeah I know uh we determined that you guys are printing the programs but it was too short notice to print the name tag so are we going to do anything with the name tag or I so not giving too much away we have some money left over in our own department and the communication Department I know that there was some hesitation on like the hello I am and then people writing their names I I really don't think it's a bad alternative especially on the on the time crunch um I think we might just eat the cost on like getting them in Mass uh not just for this event oh gotcha okay just anybody no big deal I mean know it was just project for next year yeah we see more time kind of registration is not happening before then we can do that like online you know what I mean like on a four type thing like there might be able to like there might be an online thing that you can just put in an Excel sheet and then it sends it in a day or two you know it's just not us it's the variable data takes us we we have um been we have like a probably like 300 lanyards upstairs that we ordered specifically for senior field trips as like contact cards which which they have been like very receptive to it a lot of lot of pie of mind so we've been like like this a very specific thing but we're like really cracking down on this uh like really getting good at this name tag thing um but like I think now it's going to have to be that hello I'm fine next year goals for next year um and the one uh thing I wanted to bring up um do we have finally I don't even remember do we have a video from gani that we can actually show at the this event we do have he did the voice over chain on right so can we plan to show that at the event maybe during your kickoff and welcome yeah yeah we just have to uh we have to get with n g right for that yeah I've been talking to them em sent me an email about the logistics okay cool she said that we would have someone there like Manning the computer or that at least would give us access to the computer so I mean the biggest thing that we need is access to the internet so that you know whatever files are being sent can my presentation requires an internet connection so do you still have that video by the way files I have all okay my file organization all right cool yeah that's pretty much it there was just like I was saying the airport marketing and then doing you know doing things with that promotional video oh sorry and then last thing um this guy from vrola still hasn't filled out the W9 or giving me a formal invoice I just sent him a follow-up email I think you should have W9 it's remember it's a new owner it's a new owner new tax ID he bought out yeah he bought it out that's what we were questioning last time that we we just how exactly so I already no no no so I but just so you know I already called him spoke to him emailed him like told him you know if you don't want to wait for a check for $1,000 doll we need your W9 and we need a a an invoice beforehand so we can come to you with payment in hand so I just sent him another reminder today email yes and I well I I called him and I spoke to him I've copied you on all the emails that I sent him yeah I just sent him a reminder today okayo is out entirely I guess yeah oh yeah you hope he did well during the meeting yeah but I also sent it to him like last week I'm just saying like not I'll see if I can pull anything it's always surprising hard the w9s surprising another irrelevant story from the reindeer run the 5K which happens in December we are we only just got their W9 for payment for like $900 for a vendor so I don't get how people go nine months without wanting their money but they're doing well we we prefer not to wa by the way um speaking up give people our money how do we uh do the invoicing for vaita remember he sent he sent an email that I forwarded to you I just want to make sure they get paid because they gave me all the stuff ahead of time and they were really nice about it I have their invoice right here cool um and I know this came out of the seminars budget yeah um I guess it's just an approval but didn't we already approve the funds for the Dy bags and stuff I thought we already did that but that was in the subcommittee that was not in the subcommittee that was the but I was not here we went D in the budget that one meeting that's it was a lot of different numbers I don't believe a lot of things are okay then I'll just skip this to fin I'll a check cool well and anyone from Vos do at the event no cuz they're out of town he told me but but he put his business card and all little things I told him I'll give him a little shout outs because we usually sometimes we hand off the check on arrival which is something I'm trying to figure out with energy I already got all the stuff in the back Su in my car it looks good it's nice yeah but I definitely want to throw some extra stuff in there cuz the bags are a little bit like light so we to throw some extra things in there cow like the cows and yeah we know we have folders and things and other pens besides Matthew myself and Carlos are any other members planning on attending the boot camp that can man the registration table Jessica John cool I'm looking forward to it I think it's gonna be good event we get a lot of people yeah oh that reminds me too so I guess last thing so that's pretty much it for new business so announcements September 18 which is tomorrow it's Steve's goodbye party I know I think we had the RSVP before but I don't know you but whatever you want to give him a goodbye she didn't sound very pleasant when I spoke to her no I mean I got called I don't know if you got yeah I don't I got emailed twice and called to confirm this is a really big deal Bas she was yeah I was like Wow three separate confirmations you might still be able to RCP through the link he were emailing whoever that was and respond Steve got a September council meeting oh they Benny did it I didn't know it was going to happen I thought the idea it would have been nice to have the committee there which is like wait you he already did the whole thing and everything yeah I found it was there was walking in oh I saw it post it on social media it's happen quick he was quick with it damn told him he did it quick quick programation cool hey whatever that's good for Steve it was last Tuesday so what day is is Steve day last Tuesday last Tuesday so that's that's is there link I don't have I only have the September 10 cool highlight cool good for Steve that's cool I'm GL I'm glad we slight disappointment cuz I wish there was the committee there I wish we knew I wish I knew about it as long as he was there in his family that's a was so that's cool cool that's awesome nice nice that's awesome all right cool I'm glad we're help make that happen all right cool um all right and that's it in September 20th we got our business boot camp event October 19th we now know about this mental health awareness Fall Festival if anybody wants to help L out with that that would be cool the uh going to open up the the best of Miami Lakes Awards very soon I know is kind of shed towards this event but um the dates for that are going to be I believe October one is when it opens up but it's going to be the same thing I think going forward it could be nice to change the I guess the format of it because right now it's these these categories of like lunch dinner shopping which has worked out I just think it's from what I've seen in other municipalities it's usually you know less small business and there's a poli location like less than I don't know what the threshold is best large business best um you know so more general not General but like like and along with that people basically have to attach essays like it's a proper nomination process and then but I'm trying to see what's different cuz right now it's many people could just you know spam the same response which you know we do our best to filter it out but that's that's secondary that's happening Saturday culinary bik tour everyone you better be there Cheng is going to be on the route uh we're trying to beat last year last year sign up count we're six off so we've got a couple days because I take it very first one when is that you said Friday or 630 it's my favorite event and I can't go I thought I saw your registration I did I PID for and I can't go I didn't know until after I bought oh you want me to it no it's I yeah like go spam comments on Facebook I pre TI um I don't know if fisc year October one I think the budgets are going to be in Sav when do I have to do the nomination thing for like the voting for all this when does that have to happen for best no I'm saying for like the positions for the EDC and stuff I know SE oh January DEC um so first budg are the same counil uh they've kind of indicated their their intent to P the strings um I don't know that it's going to touch the Committees I don't even know that it like would be relevant to us cuz clearly our events are covered at cost by our sponsors and we're like really on top of it but think I think those are my R said yes Ray said yes you have and so um so I will connect her and Ray together can you text me Ray's email um so then we would can we throw in the first origins logo into there somewhere the first origin and yeah um and send me Ray's phone number I'll call him and give him a little walk through of what's the deal I kind already told he says it was two one of them recently he's on the boards for the building you can mess with actual that was the most recent oneing s tomorrow in the morning Jose wants his legal name on there no do not put that on the record the official name is first origin mortgage mortgage lunders right yeah mayor's Galla that reminds me because they're mayor's Galla sponsor we're going be the 28th uh good cause it's it's Mar it's last one everybody tickets or have any interest in sponsoring the you need his email like mine cool bike rodo the 28 there's a k9 Cove event do you guys know about K first where it is at first origin it's the only place in town where dogs are allowed to be off leash technically I know people bring them to the parks that's not it's not technically allowed uh there's an event at K9 Co the 28th in the morning 10 to2 Girl Scout Troop 902 is um mostly hosting it it's about connecting veterans with pets like service animals um um I think it's a very nice thing that the veterans are kind of like taking on under their wing as like the town support um let's check our calendar cool yeah that's my over lot of stuff going on all right cool that's pretty much it for the meeting I don't know if anybody else has out any little announcements things to bring up but I think we're good it's going to be an exciting blue camp on Friday yeah see you guys there and then be throw out at 12:30 after so if you can't make it early in the morning but you want to show up in the afternoon to the to the little networking event you better show in the afternoon a lot guys we got a lot there's a lot of we need to work through that food so feel feel free to come you send two emails also not only R but to sure what's RA why why cool be a funny event a lot of Miami likes people speakers it'll be fun a good showing of Miami lakes's that's what it's going to be displaying it full display yeah that's what this is is best and brightest anyone a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn