##VIDEO ID:wW-7ohecoro## everyone around me we have to up and that's just seems like the ab thing ever my neighbor she to leave her house at 1:30 like who a she to go pick her up let SPL 1 130 doesn't get home till like 5 okay so anyway so if you're kind of go to me I always tell people like I know relationship but I would suggest more website because it's more like real this is the first time I like paid attention to it welcome yeah I'm gonna Senda and then on our your [Music] Mrs many books you can start taking roll right yeah okay oh she's a she Tak to again then other your just and if not you can knock we'll hear you see are all of you guys teachers well we thank you so much have to wait for Jessica she's thinking minut no it's fine unless you guys are making we can write down the time for and attendance is prettyy so I go ahead and call this meeting the order uh at 6:37 p.m. um let's do a roll call I do a roll call then I guess she to go on the room if yeah Claudia lues [Music] Jac [Music] jessicao so we're just started so you can have take minutes but I just took I just took the attendance all okay so yeah we start at 6:37 we started at 6:37 that was the time we started okay so order of business deferral additions and delions I need to add so I guess we'll add it to um under new business so 8v I'm going to add I I need to motion to add thank you motion to add the claw holiday book reading request that they made up for us of us excuse me of us for the um they need books I'll talk more about it now Mrs cla's holiday book reading is what it's called and it's when is it well go into deta I'm just giving you the title of it so we can put it in the agenda because it should have been under 8B anybody else 8B yeah anybody else um somebody second the motion every okay SL we're all um okay so and it's the holidays M passes okay um so any does anybody else have to do any other additions or deletions to the agenda anything okay so let's go on to public comments number four Miss to make it again today I did send her an email um I see C aisle for her asking her to see if she could help us with any funds for the spelling be to pay for the maybe the trophy or food for the kids that are coming or if they could help pay for they want to sponsor us for the our wordss of Excellence but she didn't get back to me I don't she just couldn't make it today can we reach out to the man who came last time that was he works under her um so she's really like the head head person there but I could try emailing him as well I don't remember his name I think he gave us a card he gave us a you have it you still have oh her colle her colleag yeah because she didn't respond I mean she's pretty good at responding but after I sent her that today she didn't respons she get her another day but if you have the card I have card I remember have it but I if you don't have his email like his name go perfect I will email him I'll see him you want to see can you forward your the email to him or no you have it right there I sent it today I on my laptop I'm sorry send it him and see if maybe they can get back to us on funding for either of those two um objectives for this year okay so there's no other public comments so we G move on to approval of minutes October 21st minut oh I'm sorry member um I don't really have much to say but I I am having a meeting separately with the students on Thursday December 12th at 5m with my on my own I'm going go over the book drive um thinking about doing and the spending b as well just to make sure that they're working on it um other than that I'll let you guys know on our next meeting how it's going and that's a zoom meeting right yeah a zo meeting my own how often do you have to those meetings it's once a month or once every three months once every three to two two to three months you're having depending on like you know what month it is she's having it through zoom and you'll get back to some anybody have any questions for her or any requests okay um so now to item six approval of minutes October 21st so go ahead and look through them and see if there's anything need to add or change there myo now motion to approve minutes from October 21st second second and all in favor minutes okay now let's go to um old business number seven so spelling the updates um and here you can see that M send in she sends in the the rules for this that was me oh that was you sorry Jackie sent in the the rules for this spelling me thank you for doing that um I don't know if the school you sent out you sent out two emails right for which one sorry for the spelling be to see if they started to do it oh he actually he sent it out to the school's uh when is the spelling January 28 January 2 24 24th and is it okay I three schools and the three schools kway middle and six yeah the Gres and yeah okay so it's sixth grade which six gr only sixth grade only sixth grade only sixth grade yeah K Bob Graham those are the three schools participating okay so it's only six gr Sixers and how many from school five five five so 15 kids are okay um there who's doing the awards I was going to talk to you about that so I sent you I sent out the the one that Claudia Claudia had found um a website and she had found a that does you know traveling trophies or whatever and I sent I it's like2 200 $200 right yeah pull $2 so we need to vote on tonight is if we want to use them because we don't have additional funds for it so we'd have to allocate the money from the EAB award to pay for it well to be very specific the the funds you guys technically have are not for the awards per say you guys decide that right but specifically the line item that the money lives under that you can take from is the event line um I just want to be here you guys won't have a line item for a wordss of Excellence it just lives under events it's under events so words of Excellence is also under events yeah yeah yeah it's on the back does it doesn't have a thing it's just called it's under event so we we' have all we have for is $1,000 we would have to take this from that plus at the end of the year this well to be also just for reference because I know a lot of you are new the $1,000 is never going to be enough for the event never but we'd have to borrow from that item $200 now for the trophy um no no it's just one trophy but it's a it's a big big trophy that would be you know we just replace the every year the little tag what it'll be so every school every but it's 200s yeah got that one yeah so we have to vote for that I mean unless you can find a sponsor that can I think I can um if you can give me until Sunday I'll you know aisle but not if you guys want to make a motion if I don't find the spons before Sunday to use the funds what are your chances of getting the sponsor um so I can make a motion for that you'll look into getting us a sponsor and then if you don't find the sponsor do you guys but my question is do you guys want to do that do you want to okay so I motion that we allocate that that Haley will be looking into getting a sponsor this weekend and if she does not we we will allocate the $200 from the item the line item uh for special events um for purchasing the trophy is anyone second I second okay all in favor I I okay pass so we'll do that um the other thing we don't have is food but I think we can get I'm going to try I know I have one contact with Ricky Baker so I'm going to try to get the Vicky Bakery see they sponsor like you know like maybe bitos or something for the kids because this is at what time again it was at it was at evening for 6:30 p.m 6:30. 6:30 p.m. um how long you guys think I've never R A years when I was little but that was I would think you need pizza or something right they after or they can come fed before they do like the shows like the little talent shows and stuff like Christmas shows: either they before after after you think um who do you have I can also contact no if you can yeah no no no I'll let you I didn't know who your contact was F no no no it's their accountant or somebody I've emailed them before to get did for the YF but it's been a while so yeah if you have her that' be better if she can get us some like B do and stuff whatever she wants to donate would be great for the event um drinks maybe like I don't know yeah no I'm just saying do we need to get soda or water is there water well I will say the food we always try to put it outside right encourage people to I see you leave water fountain that is a water fountain water okay you know little water bottles from Costco around they those little I can get those I get I'll get the I'll get a thing of little water bottles just in case and then you can get the make thirsty I have some napkins you got you got it okay so Jack you will bring napkins and you that should be enough napkins the napkins that matter at least they get a little something um and M is going to be the I mean she's going to be the one running it she said right see so and the words they were already okay so that's my other question so do we know about the schools if they're doing it have they started he sent out the um he sent it out this week so we have to wait you guys gave them a deadline of next week Friday December 13th for them to but I know it was sent to the do any of you have contacts in any it was well you're in K through can you find out in K through if they're doing it and they started like already to prep the kids and stuff if you want I can I'll forward you the message that was sent to the princip yeah Jess you know all right I please I printed out sheets of words spelling the words for sixth grade just in case anybody anybody in Miami L's uh middle school or Bob Graham so are there certain words that they're preparing with or we sent them no did we send some we didn't I don't think we said any words so they're just preparing the kids on their own and then coming here and then we'll have our own words we didn't send it thep we didn't send words we didn't send the words no we we just sent this right we you them like in general wherever right he just said the will be hosting spelling B on January 24th May would like for identifi five grade six students com and team for this competition I would recommend identifying our sponsor who make Co and organizing students for a competition please provide the students need FR December 1 more information I don't think we should six okay so that's where a coach com in right so a coach or a sponsor would say okay let's start working on these words okay and well we sh the we sh the SWS okay so we'll use those words I don't know it'll be the words that I sent you I sent you two with this stuff I sent you words with this words I didn't put it there because everything is public record that's why I picked this one because this one says the scripts National Spelling be provides the following rules as guidance for local spelling bead so we qualify as a local these are like suggested rules right good so you'll bring the words and those words and then we just my question is these are these are good yeah so we can use them okay I printed fifth but we don't need fifth grade 300 we might need so I so how do we do that do you guys think um do you guys want to call a subcommittee sorry before I forgot do you guys want to call a subcommittee for this if you you need to need to we need to work out we can kind of work them out now yeah you can but I'm right now um our next meeting I was going to talk about that because well kind of going out in order but the the next meeting would be that week of the 23rd and I'll before Christmas I don't think anybody can make it here I don't think I think I have probably already removed you you had removed us yeah so then this does this count like December this January um I think this was to replace your November but if you guys still feel the need to have I mean that's fine I can set up another December meeting or no can we just skip it into January yeah yeah most committees do that do that okay perfect and then January our event is on the 24th we would be meeting the um the 20th the Monday four do you guys want to ear okay we meet the third Monday I think yeah I don't have myal but that me okay we can do it before do you have do you want to move us up to the 13th or because the 13th would be two weeks or four which is fine yeah I have a there's availability the 13th let's do it okay with Monday the 13th yeah January you guys are stay at 6:30 right yeah I guess it's two weeks before and that's better because push exactly exactly so my question is for that Monday the 13th meeting should we like decide um by then do we need to pick the words ahead of time or these words that's a lot of what we need to decide is like maybe like formatting do we want like for M to have like the list and mark off or do we want her to have like a card that she picks from like picks from better randomly it's like oh you pick those so I spelling be recently and it went all day they just kept getting the words right maybe we need to put some higher level that's my tip for you so where do you te um I run [Music] a yeah yes I remember you now so but yes and it took all day and we we need to pick like a lot of heart and it it was exactly the same amount of kids so when I heard you say like maybe not pizza I'm like you might need the pizza I don't know has to be like a 2our yes so you want to do the challenging challenging words I mean you can throw a softball in here and there here and there so do you want to like pick the words with or like really hard words and stuff so you guys do want them like separately I think that's best where the person just you're going to put them on on so we'll have the cards in and what else and I'm trying to think of is there anything else that we need for this other than how are we going to do the rounds are we going to follow what's here rules we should probably go by what you have yeah you always start yeah you always want to start with obviously the lower and then the second round you want to give really hard words so you kind of knock out and you cut it in half so instead of saving the hardest words for the end that was a mistake that I made my rookie time doing you give them the hard words and then you can you know give them a little less of a round but you'll knock out a lot of them that's a good idea hard round one harder words they're nervous yeah they're nervous so you want to give them like step in hard hard I see here should we throw some of these exors take I know my daughter in sixth grade took it so so we should get some of those hard words for the end okay oh my brother goes there very off yes he does there all the time trying to make it better a lot more but yeah but the the hardest P words so okay really hard R um and I think that's I mean I don't know if there's anything else that you guys can think of that we have to and then at the end we just award the winning person gets the award winning School winning School sorry winning school gets the award but is so yeah because are you doing them individually or by teams that's what I meant like the rounds so I did them by team um and it helped shorten the time if it would have been individual it's like the okay so teams teams but how does each team each team rotates okay that way you kind of knock them out of a round if that makes sense you know it's 5 1015 so I mean it'll be five and then only one so it's really three answering per round if that makes sense it's kind of like they're kind of not really but how you at home you don't like you make a line of five okay first they spell then they go to the end the next one they go to the end I did it like with a buzzard so the first the first one yes and only one can but what if that same one keeps I think that takes away selling I think it's more like what she could go they couldn't go the same the same person couldn't go twice so it was like once you buzzed in you were out that you had to you know we had to buy buzzers yeah that's more money okay so we're doing lines so we're doing lines I guess I mean I would think it be cheaper lines so it's like yeah like two lines no three three lines three lines oh so not that much it's just three lines yeah that's quick yeah I should be should answer how many so in our case we did five words per round it needs to be less I think because again it'll just be it just depends how quickly with it three words for round maybe what do you think that's what happy medium happy medium three three words for round okay that way you always need an odd number yeah okay so it's not sign so that's to to Wi three lines three rounds okay and then winning School get the anything else you think we just need to have the names of the kids maybe make like they're Frid to have kid names yeah the kids names and school I just sent um my princi text the if we have their names to do certificates a certificate anybody want to volunteer to do the certificates I can do them okay thank you okay perfect so thank you um so I yeah when you will send us all the list of the names of the kids right now yeah as soon as I get I mean when they send it to me I'll share it with you guys yeah we need somebody to get Miami Lakes um Mi Lakes Middle School no the middle school and the brown bob gr that's that's oh you're in Bob sorry I need my sister teaches a k so I'll send her I proba ask okay Mar said yes um she received it yesterday from Mr Torres she sent it to Mr C which is um and they're working on it the name do you need me to help you get the little water bottles you but then there's harder words so there's like 300 that's awesome I was glading I said that me bring it if we don't need it we don't need it do we need decorations SP any money I $200 I know I know I know for the for the award and then I know at the end of the year with much Mone maybe we can do like maybe I'll do it I I'll look into do maybe like a just like a little like balloon stand little Tower to like a little tower that would be cute like some bees like that would be cute sister the you have them too yeah oh okay oh wow have the pum I have a pump in you volunteers we can bring volunte before before they're inside the air I mean I can't do anything crazy like right the little towers where they pict they can take a picture yes definitely that'll be very memorable we don't need anything for how we're GNA set up the the chamber how does this yeah how does it have to be set up because where would they when I know they're gonna have three lines so have to have the three lines right now we have two lines we have we have two open should we do the map in January or should we do the map I think kind of roughly do paper no we walk well we can see it but I we have have to have space the parents of kids okay so where are we going to have the parents they have I know I know when you're in there it's a square and the council sits up here the council normally for a council the seats all there and there's two aisles right okay we did one time well however many you want one time we did a presentation and we had the presentation here and then we have the seats here like they were facing this way when we did a presentation for mental aw mental health awareness um obviously we don't use this but we can either do them this way and put the chairs here cuz I don't I think maybe we can fit more chairs this way and have the kids line up this way and then have the podium here maybe with some that sounds fun because I don't know if this way we have the seats this way if we're going to have room to do the three this three lines right the three lines of the kids and then the podium over here I don't know if it'll I think we might have more [Music] chair can be set this way and here and you could do like the we can have them come in here and then do the balloons here at the that's nice or you want the balloons next to the podium I think next to I like the podium I don't know if entrance or next to the podium I feel like would be coming in and out so like can't get pictur at the podium byct so by the podium we do the balloons okay yeah we'll do the podium the balloons there hey do we um because haey has an app to do um by the way diagram she's very ti do you want do you want do you want do you want um so if Haley sends you the diagram then you guys can set it up for right yeah I actually um I have an event request form that I'll ask you guys just in case there's things you may not think of that you may need I suggest you go through it like coolers ice podiums things that I don't know yeah so I just need you guys to tell me in advance so I can get the stuff ready for you okay so you can send you will send you the diagram and part of the reason is part of it is you guys need to give me the the layout we can go look at it too before we leave good I was trying to think what it looks like so we'll do that now real quick yeah that's a good now we have that so we have so when they come in it's set up do the three rounds more presentation I look at the price of the balloons if it's reasonable then maybe we can have two cuz I have two of the smaller stands and then she has her sisters maybe you know what don't buy the balloons we can get the balloons aren't that expensive we can put them in the have somebody white and need a program program yeah a little program right now all the kids Nam maybe too with certific everything matches there are certificate and the program she's gonna do a program now what are we WR well she's gonna put all the kids is there I is there like one that you can provide as a sample I mean I have a home the programs yeah yeah I think the council has to be the name we can do that update if you want more than anything if you like we can do the design if you want to put it together we'll put your logo the town logo and we'll put the elected officials for you guys um more than anything I just need like the text that you want s it to and yeah my trophy um [Music] snacks I'm bringing napkins I can give me something to bring by you bring I'll bring that I won't be in town that day but I will be here to do all the things I can before I mean there's kids so 15 assuming I can get the little the same thing that we're doing with the programs and certificates the same program that I use I can do the water bottle label and it's just super cute and it's easy to print I can print that at the school we put with tape you can you know how there's let's say Zephyr Hills that you can literally put it right on top of it no no it's an adhesive adhesive like a paper you buy it's just a sticker yeah think of the same way you print no the little ones work for the 23 right the how are you going to get it the before you and you're going to contact for the for the food oh did you tell your sister did you tell your sister about okay sister I do at moment so it's like even if somebody said the text early or something like okay I'll do it right now so the balloons are going to be set up the the day before do you want me to come and help do you need set let me know earlier they'll be done like but just bring them we could do we do a few hours that's the [Music] question no but they have meetings here all the time I would room somewhere but that's that's hard we come before like when I get out of work I can come not like a ton of balloon let me know oh I we had a quick question for that to can they come can we come the day before to do the balloon arches there not balloon arches let me just make sure there's nothing yeah to leave them there towers are day before or if you have like a storage what there's an event that we leave them is there what time is the event they finished at 8:30 okay what about yeah we what about in here do you have anything going on in here then 23 coun chamber you want STI them in there what about what do you have going on in here the 23rd well nothing right now but they can always book meeting yes okay if you have a meeting that's booked then we could just do it in the kitchenet behind there the thing is that they're using what the kitchen okay you have to do can reserve it for the entire okay perfect yeah so after work we have everything ready we can come it's not that much hard invitations go out to me get all it to you on that 13 if we have all the names I can have all that the next meeting I was uh any invitation sent out to like the board member to adjust you guys want like Tes and alono and anybody else coming so you send that so m is the one that's going to say the word or prepare that perfect I'll be preparing it should be be okay we just sit next to her and when parents get here they get here a little earlier than the event starts no you so usering people in we can user people in and sit them we need any or I was say that music but is there a background music computer can play something oh okay background music is background music background music back invite the invite who are we inviting Council Robert Alo no I think it's your name yes and also the um his name is here yes yes yes and also the um no Leo Tes region one superintendent I forgot um I okay yeah coming together a learning curve and it come exactly I think we should look closely at the rules like I think something maybe should say something about the parents remaining quiet phones off the sensum we have on the TVs you know they have like you just like sence your phones like something on the TV me yeah um I'll check for you we write something up computer stuff after hour like that requires an IT person to be here so music so let me find out for you yeah I'm sure if we get the music person one then we can get the person CU they can leave that loaded from before let me [Music] [Music] see till the end what is it the the sespan Happy Hands Happ hands Happy Hands should that be in the program too some of those things might should be it sounds silly but that what that's what drag to mine on like they collabing and yeah so yeah let's put that in there definitely put it everywhere it's gonna [Music] happen hopefully I think that's it for off anything else want if we think of anything else we always have that meeting two weeks before hopefully which [Music] janary Frid Friday okay two weeks after it's the same week as the mar 13 weekend but it's on the Friday okay oh okay I was gonna say if it's that weekend then no no no it's weekend FR okay so I think we'll move on out into the next um next item which is 7B the last council meeting so that was we were there that was bad it was it was was rough night yeah um I turned to a little bit about it but yeah we were there till what time was it it was past 11 11 yes yes dying I can't do that again guys so thinking in January I think you should run for the chair Phan I think you would be perfect I think you're so good at organiz sleep on start you know that could be your Christmas gift to me that could be a Christmas gift to us having and I think you're doing just fun I think should be we're starting to to get started we're starting to get excited our first little new a new committee here like I'm the only old dog here not here oh right no she's even more when I started she was the chair and that was like oh my gosh years before Co remember when I started well hopefully God stay she was talking about we have to see what's going to happen she said she know she's going to stay my person L is mine mine too and I'm brand new don't leave us please okay I just know I'm not doing that again no I think we have to figure out a way to make sure that it run those meetings that we can go earlier you know to well usually you guys are supposed to go the committee reports are normally towards the beginning of the meeting however Council can dictate if they change the order of the meeting that doesn't normally happen it was because it was um two council members last meeting so they had like a presentation and then they and then they voted on that very controversial topic it wasn't they pushed it up and then everybody I me there were well we were here forever so yeah um I'm GNA next time I don't think be afraid to interrupt and ask somebody to see if they can move us up because um I've seen other committee members do this yeah just yeah I'll just speak up and I was being polite and I just sat there and yeah it was way too so that's all I have to say about that for now happen again it won't happen again not happening to us again okay eight new business um so obviously we're not going to start planning it but we need to start thinking about it and you're familiar with it because I'm not familiar with remember when I joined last year I was I was there helping I was at the end so when do you guys start planning I wanted to pick your brain when you start planning for this and when you start asking for money so after the spelling after the spelling be so that would be February yeah we give the schools I believe you have all the information I think we usually give the schools till mid or end April to give us the names because make your work no well I don't think the schools give you no the schools don't give you me for the award the Nom the nominations nominations they give us nominations don't they no people individually have to go in and nominate what we do is we send obviously a message okay we send the information to the schools in January for the teachers to nominate and I think also um really for us to go out with the community can also nominate let me when we did it last and they have to be my L president or so that's something I want to talk about you guys yes I think in that I think as years have gone by there's things that have come up so I just want you guys to be aware of like okay where they're resident um I don't know maybe the awards that we were doing maybe you don't like that that that um that category anymore is there a category you want add is there a category you want to remove like look at the criteria is it still something that applies before we go out with the whole initiative I need you guys to look at that so when do you s let me give for reference when we [Music] this yeah so it takes a lot of time since there's a lot of out of area kids and they do go to the schools we should just make it that they attend exact I don't think it should be that they should but we also have had um no no that was for the scholarship we have also the scholarships that we have to work on and that's another thing that we go out with with time because you guys have to give yourselves time to Rie put those out in January invite them so we also have to put out the scholarship for January January it is any Resident of the town because the grams give the money so it has to be residents of the town so that can go out to like other schools like McCarthy um B any of the schools that the kids are in it goes out to every school every high school and then they can nominate their seniors any seniors like we've had schools from St Bron yeah all high schools going everywhere so yeah since they can go to any school they're in high schools [Music] own but you had your own age you see the American Heritage bus like when I make it to Starbucks at 65 they pick up there yeah there's a lot of kids right behind Starbucks so I would say I mean I would say I'm gonna send you guys the link the press release for this year and look at it because it has all the information that we went out with to and there's anything on this that you don't like you don't think it FS like I guess come prepare next meeting which is your J and let me know what it is we need to change so we can go out with it right after that meeting um so I'll send you the and in there there's so we can but so we can change some of the requirements like we can say oh you don't have to be in the town this is totally an initiative like from us so we can decide how we want to do it okay perfect and I'm gonna try to go into the back end because the link no longer works um so you can see what the nomination form looks like okay and you have like a do you have like a timeline it's all in there or is there like a timeline what's in there is the categories um uh but I guess what I'm looking for is like a timeline of like when things have to go out or well that's the thing you guys have to tell me based on that like if the event is have we set a date for the event we can certain not because you might want to book Roberto Alonzo before there's oh yeah graduations it was really B so that's what we have to look at when the graduations are for high schools and then we have to work around that we don't get those like March until like March and we can't wait till that starts at it starts like the second week of May that's when graduation started I think we did this at the end of April we did we had may you guys had it May 9th this year early and I was doing and last the year last year you had it May 11 around that it tends to be around that week yeah so it's around that week we could but we could also do like May 2nd is a Friday the first and Friday of month I kind of like that before all I Thursday we do not did we not do a Thursday yes it was a Thursday right you don't do Friday Friday the weekend okay from May 1 May 1st or May May May 1st or May 8th or I don't think graduation will be May 8 I don't think they'll have any graduations I mean that's really early that's testing so I don't no that's a testing I think the first two weeks of May or but does the F start May 5th and 12th jaie I don't know this year starts May May 5th May 5th so that's why I'm saying May first AP T hasn't started so be that something I just randomly thought of awards of Excellence um usually other initiatives come together kind of I guess to make the event a little have like pack the event a little more so in the past the mayor's office had requested from EAB to consider them giving out their word they them funding it um giving for the retire the retiring teacher so that may be I don't know if that's something you guys want to continue I would start having that conversation but I would start having that conversation with the mayor obviously we have a new mayor so see if it's something that they want to continue doing as well it's just something I thought of and then Haley brought up a good point um YF right YF also does their own award and I think last year they collaborated and they funded it but they also gave out the award at the awards of excellence and then we also give out the other initiative that you guys do which is the scholarship the scholarships at the awards EV yes for the May it's a big run of show yeah the scholarship I don't think she'll have a problem giving them out there um yeah yeah they've always done it there's anue I mean I can ask her I can send her we haven't even confirmed the money with them yet but they so I'll just ask I know she's not going to have the money but I'll just ask her okay so scholarship what about the mayor's office so who has to email the mayor's office is that they just would R like they would tell us as we were leading up to hey by the way we want to like acknowledge the teachers and then I guess I would let you guys know but if it's something you guys want to already get on yeah I think we all and also because it's a new mayor so I don't know what they're I don't know what they're looking to do yes to all three yes to the Grands yes to the mayor and yes to the YF YF oh no YF doesn't want to do it this year yeah oh sorry no no to but yes to the first two send the press release send the nomination so do we like the date of Thursday May 1 I kind of like that it's before all the craziness starts and it's on a Thursday nobody right now has any attemped anything crazy so let TR to shoose for that Thursday May first I think the earlier get it out of the way the better before all the craziness happens the end of the year Thursday May 1st Thursday May 1 should we have like a backup just in case are they booked well as it right now it's likely not booked it's not booked right now um I have to double check just the only reason I have to double check is because we have sports and we've done it before where there's already Sports and it's all you saw that was one of our issues last year but I also think we didn't confirm the date to an advance so it may have I'll try my best to see if there's some can make sure that nothing is it's not a Friday so there's no like G it's a Thursday it's a Thursday that day last year there was there was yeah there soccer he do we have to do any motions for any of this stuff or it so you figure like no no it's fine so Thursday May 1 I have here sub submit papers to make an official event two months advance that would be so that would be sometimes the center gets like so they open the community well Monday through Friday we don't allow external bookings so I can reserve the day for you guys the problem is yeah whatever the sports they can't book even though we already have no because their schedules go out like you know for the season like they go off well in advance so I just have to check that part of it okay but inside you guys are good yeah the problem is a break I mean we did do it with our situation I think last year we had did we had people were like calling they couldn't get it it was people were parking in it was bad it was bad another thing I will mention just things are um the food um I want to make sure that whatever catering you guys use we cannot have any cooking inside it was hor that the AC is one and two it's we have don't worry we're going toy has we have a were there last year making list of everything we making list of everything that went wrong table we have to order new tablecloth they were tiny go to the ground trust me good so we have to make sure that yeah but we just I just want to get the ball rolling so we're not waiting till the last minute at least we have a date May 1 for now we know that we're saying yes to the mayor's office scholarships with ground SCH retire teacher and you're going to send us everything via email so we can look at it and then come prepare on 13 to make any changes that we want to make right and I know the awards would just have to given the name three weeks before at least them to engrave it yeah they have the template and everything so I would prepare like for even earlier than that just in case no no we're going to do anything very much earlier very much no no I know but I said did you does the vendor did the vendor you used did you have to pre-order the the actual wordss I'm just asking some some vendors don't even have it like you have to let them know hey I'm going to be using this in advance the vendor yeah like they don't have oh no no they're fine okay I would say they'll give them a head up just so that they know hey we're going to be something well he had asked me about the Stelling be but I wasn't in a meeting so I had no idea no but they don't do like I they don't do you sure asked because this is $200 if she he can do it for cheap you know was G to reach out to Zoe yeah but she her awards are not that they're not that old so 30 I don't know I have no no no it's good for like metals and small things like like substantial like this tend to be substantial like the traveling trophy weer and they kind of you know but if you find it cheaper before we said yes to it but if you find it cheaper please let me know before because when would how would that work to place the order I you would place the order for the for the SP yeah I mean you can start sending her whatever it is that you need and just make sure send me an invoice M so I I if I were to order it like you can place the order I guess email her or the person yeah hey I want to go ahead and place the order please invoice and then you can give them my like our town attention to me and I'll make sure it gets paid okay okay I'm gonna hold off then to placeing the see if she spor the sponsor yeah we're hold off anyway so but if you something us yeah okay let us know and then wait because I don't want to if we can get it for cheaper than $200 but that it be like a substantial you know I really wanted it to have like a bead but nobody does that like for that kind of a big award they don't have like a bead like to create a be a little be on top or something like a you know but it's hard I don't know I couldn't find anybody this is this is like a a crown thing it's baby you show um yeah so for now that's good for the EAB at least we were thinking about it and our minds and we're starting to to after January we have to hit the ground running ladies start February we have to because this is a huge event it's a huge event okay so with that being said is there anything else that I'm forgetting anything talk yes you were gonna talk about Santa CL oh write I WR I didn't write okay so um oh I just lost her okay cultural Affairs cultural Affairs so the cultural Affairs committee reached out to us they're having the Mrs Claus holiday book reading on this Saturday December 7 I know none of us are here we don't have to be there at 11:30 it's 11:30 at Main Street players on Main Street and what they need are the books they want us to uh get them books to be able to give out and our T they can also we can leave our tablecloth I don't know that we have we have it table we do okay I don't know who has it and just very few books Halloween order we ordered new ones so they are in I went like two weeks ago and they were there in fact that might have what's left in the car in my back in Mary Collins there are books there are books how can so she wants to know how she can get remember right now I don't I tried to order everything that was on clearance to maiz yeah we don't have any holiday book I don't I mean I can look through email yeah but she what she needs to know is uh how she can get the books from us and get the table the table I'm us to I told her I can't go I'm you have that I told and she's said no guys just give us a table from the books and we'll pass them out but if one of you wants to go that would be great you want birth Saturday this Saturday at 11:30 a.m. probably what I can try to do if you get me the book I'll deliver I don't know that I have availability to go over there tomorrow so I don't want to promise you guys that if you guys want to go but is a disaster normally I like when they tell me in advance so I can try to get the things out she just like I said she texted me and she had emailed us and it was yesterday she texted me yesterday I can try to make it tomorrow but I don't want to promise you that I'm going to be it because I don't know if I can it if I go tomorrow where would I find them is my question nobody knows but it's in reason for theet and they disorg like sections I have the tablecloth I leave in my car in your car but the books that were left I gave all books like crazy but you said you could bring the tablecloth and if I have it in the car is there anybody can contact that I could go at what time so well I don't get out till 4 tomorrow I have M practice I couldn't get there till 4: tomorrow unless somebody wants to go by and get the books the Mary Community Center that's next to Veterans Park right right next to veter Park let me see hold on let me see what my craziness look like to little together that's fix that closet it really that bad whatever I've like found stuff like from years there wow can barely walk I get in there would Ernie be there or who would be there that could open it up for her what wrong with Sor are you if you give me a window just so I know somebody's there no okay 4 o00 tomorrow's Friday jaie will leave highly High by 2:45 okay so yeah like 3 3 3:15 I'll try to beat you are you going to go you're going to go I'll try oh bless you I have to go to that closet because I have another event so I mean the boxes say the bushel of books right that's that's how I knew they were okay I don't want to be so my question is how are you going to get the books to her house or to her you call each other her and then you just you just so you'll go and take the books but you're not to the event able to stay okay no probably not okay so CU if that's the case if not you can give her the book The the tablecloth you have in the car now maybe the lady I can give you the lady's number you can meet up with her you want to do that or what's easy for you I can't do anything else in the afternoon I'll get the books but no I then no then uh get the books you want me to take the books to WR easier to give it to her and easier for you to drop it off yeah then try to get a hold Saturday should I drop it off or do I drop it off on Friday once I get it from her well here there won't be anybody to drop it off to let's make sure we get the books tomorrow the book contact you de and let me know what time Saturday I can ask her right now what time we can be here on Saturday 76547 okay Miss CLA will be arriving at 11:30 in the morning yeah start it says 11:30 but they they have a little flyer she s me well what time can they drop off soon drop off I went to that event where is stre here on Main Street the playhouse Main Street Playhouse it's right next to where the old Victoria seet used to be like next oh okay in that shopping center there now it's more toward it's a little bit more isn't it next to f45 or did they change 40 no they moved like two three years ago the last time I saw them it was they between that corner that way okay I me I'm going to wait for to text I'll and you let me know and and tell me who I have to see okay and you give that the book how many books cuz we have like a limited Supply yeah we don't want to give her all the books some of these books were supposed to use for well the space is limited to 50ss 50 total oh people so so those are kids or well I don't know it depends on how people show put you want me to ask her how many books I need I'm just telling you that how many books how many isot so SS the end of the year for the for the other thing no we also do like the Mother's Day other committees events and put out a tape that's what happens but aren't you doing a book drive that's the plan to do that um she says 11: a.m. 11: a.m. Saturday and her name is Elsa Elsa say I'm going to send you her phone number and we got to make sure she picks up the table CL no yeah I'm not in the car no that she brings it like back oh I'm sure looks on to the theater yes and iting meeting at that time oh tomorrow I can do can you do a little bit later I can do a little bit later yeah but my question is if you don't go somebody can open up for that's what I'm trying to confirm I just kind of want Miami lak Playhouse Miami Lakes Playhouse Miami lak it's called Main Street players 682 Main Street the address 6 68 12 M I can give you the committee member's number also number I just sent it to our new group check because I added um I added is it on whatsa or regular no regular chel so that's for this this are you guys getting those messages or no you did get it okay okay okay put there there's her name Elsa M cult first com that's her phone number okay so it'll be drop off at 10 at 11 a.m. okay this Saturday perfect okay and she says do you want me to take the books with me after the event yeah right everything in the Box the table clock um a bin do we have a b b we ordered bins put everything in box with the table C to return I'm going to try to if you want give me a call um it's on my signature okay I'm going to try to go in the morning and maybe I can just like pull it up okay and have it aside there's two they can but anyways I emailed our Park stuff just in case perfect thank you so much okay so that's that that's that was the only other event for this Saturday none of us can go but me they can um while I have your attention I'm just going to give you a couple of announcements for the town uh we have Saturday as well we have a dog event any you are interested that's going to be a ke angle um and then the following weekend Friday the 13th there is a winter fest that the YF is a holiday festival with movies that The YF is putting on and then Saturday the 14th there's a 5k supporting the veterans uh very early in the morning same location the par the jingle B Jingle the reindeer I got them all mixed up yes okay thank you so much for letting us know any other announcements that we need to talk about no okay so with that I will adjourn the meeting at 7:39 a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 all in favor meeting ised thank you ladies you want to look real quick at this at the at the room I I I was wearing a Christmas shirt every day and then today I was like I