##VIDEO ID:zqOB3BIdI-I## Library okay so I uh call the meeting to order at um 5:49 p.m. and since we don't have our chair or vice chair this time I'd like to um ask who would like to be the um temporary temporary chair the um acting chair for today I can do that you I second is that I so so you're huh that you're Vice another but it's just PR it's just I don't think it matter roll call was somebody else like to do it just in case there's conflict of interest and then just turn it over to me there you go Jesse will be all in favor okay is that would that be Julie okay so real we have John absent H Vivian absent I'm here Francisco go ABS GL here and one here perfect so want to turn it over to the okay that's up to you go ahead okay so this time mine will [Music] be um order of absance do we have any deferrals additions or deletions yes I have too um we need to add a dojo because we need to vot on that to Old business or new business it should be old business you want to put it as F yeah F would be Dojo so I would like to motion to add as item F to Old business or 6f the dojo Program start I second any other differ addition divisions yes and then the second one is for to speak about the hope for autism Valance about getting a the March yeah for next year in do we have name yes Mar it's called help for autism M inch that's [Music] all a second that the vision also to add for G and October 26 so make a motion make a motion to add for make motion to add item six H to Old business for and then you say what it [Music] is October 26 second for you said October 2nd so I don't know I guess I was thinking of second motion here 26 M that's the H house over at the park at the park yeah and he getting more and more because of Ood drugs and all that yeah it's the week we have any more deferral additions or deletions know the last one oh I do not have any than uh um public comments Hi how are you you want to say your name so we can in so my name is j car Rodriguez um I just got added to Mayor s Leon for the Ada [Music] um he brought me in to discuss a for the transportation was going on here in the county especially for the STDs program that we have here in the county so myself as I've been writing STS and public transportation and as I spoke to Joseph last month and discuss if the mayor gets to county office does what needs to be changed in the county a lot of changes need to be done um there's also as I spoke to Joseph there's a lot of funding in the county that needs to be looked at on how trans how the SDS well I should say is there miss the way the budget is being used for the you know system it needs to be looked at okay um so that's why that's how that's one of the reasons that I what brought into and see what can we do and look forward and make this better not only for you know the special needs but also for our elderly that use the program itself and also the transportation system as well because I believe this is like what our like sports largest in the country I'm not mistaken but yes okay welcome welcome thank you congratulations for being a part of that thank you so um um John while you were gone trying to get here I should say welcome um a medal for that trip well I make a motion to now pass the chair back over to you because we did have someone else acting as shair anyone second second oh there you go it's all you we are on approval of all um know what we added sure we added um uh F to the order of business we added F to number six the dojo to um take a look at that for um startup we added G also in number six old business to speak about the hope for autism Gala in March and purchasing a table for that event then we spoke about adding H to six as well um to discuss the G Playhouse um event on October 26 and then we were reminded that that is a big Halloween week event and that's where we are right now do you have oh and then we had our guests speak about being um added as mayor s leison and working on the transportation concerns that we have here and um do you have [Music] any no that's not perfectly you are good to go all right then let's take a look at the minutes folks take a minute to look at the minutes I'll take an hour and a half sure oh man I think Frankie is absent again today I believe that CH said he would all time like that's funny which part oh it's it's uh committee agreed well done 88 88 we did say that I know I'm I'm notating that it's fun to see it in the minutes I I motion to approve the minutes no changes second all those in favor I passes okay let's kick off this round of conversations let's start with uh special needs safety program Mr Amador we have new Flyers with the new safety program on them they printed them out last time around and we gave them out at the Four of July so um that's exciting Bal that one of the things I was G to ask for I need more because I'm bring out so my house get them absolutely okay absolutely I have a like a little tin back because I was um the last backpack giveaway I was there on Saturday here at um in town hall and um I was there promoting it um with the Flyers that's why you know running out I noticed that there were people that were there that weren't from the town and I kept telling them that there's an occupant um with autism program that the county has so I went to our headquarters spoke to the people that are the Liaisons that we have there and they told me that what they're doing is when they go to an event they they take the car and they put basically this as a big sheet and then when people ask they have them um run the QR code so what I did was I made this so that I can give them out you know I shrunk it down and that's what I've been doing so I I've give them both out now um but I'm trying to work with them to see because the thing is it's the county where's the money there's no budget to figure out a way making something like this because when I show them this WOW but yeah but this works this is what we need not this you know what is this what is this you know so I'm working on that trying to figure a way of getting the funds for for something like this for the count good any new registers yet we one more one more little bit by a little bit get and I spoke to a lady this week that told me she was going to email me one so I know we've discussed this in possible that I mean I'm not sure you know the legalities of it but we've discussed this before is it possible for you to see if you could reach out to um I don't know and whatever organizations that specifically focus on my Mees to do like a notice in one of their newsletters or in an email blast that they normally send out you know the GRS or something but you know does the police department not the newspaper they already do it they already do they've already done articles on it I'm about something else like does the does the Town Police Department ever do anything posts on their Facebook page do they um you know for you guys do do you ever have um you know like if we could connect with um I'm trying to give me a second my mind is not here well we have the the next door app that stuff gets put on there like that and that's really like my sergeant is the one that controls that and I could tell him hey every month let's do it yeah like just a notice like hey just want to remind everybody right now it's every like three months three or four most I whenever I tell him hey just put it out there he puts out he puts it out again um that part we control now the town we have no control over over what they put out and it's however they want to do it you know they have their own they always tell us that they have their own format and they don't want to break their format so that's really however they would well the maybe we can do um remember what we did that we put like an ad and it was us putting it it was like a $100 or something like that I don't know what we the one we haven't gotten done yet has been newsletters I mean it's I just feel like we're missing that it's got to be I know the Grahams put out a newsletter I know that the uh the other committees does the elderly Affairs committee ever do like a I have no idea cuz I'm not a member of them but um CS cultural Affairs and we don't do a newsl I think elderly Affairs does some kind of print thing for their members that they post at um like the centers and we should also have a flyer at the centers yeah but they're much bigger like 50 60 people in there they're the ones that are supposed to be in this this program so that would be necessary so why don't we work can we get can we get like our flyer posted in the in the centers like in the glass container or on the windows or something like the one that we just ordered the safety program we should be able to yes yes but the safety program that we just ordered yes yes that would be a great idea I got them you want me to give them to you put it cuz at every part at every um Community there's a there's a glass like a like a buet board with a with a glass they put flyers they put different things I see them on the doors definitely put that yeah but they they have a they have a bullettin and like that they have one in the front and in the back so some even have like more than one has there out front they have two out front in the front yeah okay so I'll bring you some if we can get them posted in there that would be great that's really good that's what I was thinking like just a place for people to be able to see it yes CU right now it sits on tables and sometimes people see it sometimes they don't about plus I think we need to replace all the ones on our tables too I was thinking that one I mean ours I don't know but that talking about this one I'm talking about that the S thing yeah yeah okay all good there um so let's post push the the theater thing to the end let's move B to um information oh you do I can I can represent okay good because I'm gonna say she's not here yet H go ahead then the second the um at first we we're going to table it off because some all the summer movies all the kids movie Char appropriate movies were released in the summer but as of this morning I just heard Moana 2 is going to be opening up Thanksgiving weekend so maybe we're we're aiming to get a a proposal or a bid for December 7 the following week a Saturday yeah December 7 so we're going to get a we're gonna get a hold of I forgot his name me too manager yeah har haris har Harris Harry yeah Mr Mr Harris that's what we call them yes Mr Harris to give us a an update I'm pretty sure we're gonna aim for what we did last time which is better because they had room to spread out yeah and what was that full theater it was 100 the 100 theater or 150 you didn't sell all the tickets no we didn't give out all the tickets it was uh we did 60 50 for special needs and the other 10 to the open public you said 6050 you meant 60 no 60 total 50 understood for the special names community and then 10 to the public and then we were actually a smaller theater but he said that he the bigger one okay to give us the that's we didn't we didn't purchase all those seats and gave it to us that was I know right so that's our tenant to date will be for December 7 we'll have all that information for our next meeting and when we do finally get it approved I want to reserve four four seats out of those seats for that lady that's um the lady that was you know let her come back I can't remember her name yeah the one that has the seizure I yeah don't you think that would be nice give them a special space all they went through that not theat went let's Reserve um I'm like oh it was I thought I want the whole theater we're going to have different movies in every theater for all walks of special needs okay so that you'll get an update next meeting it's gonna probably be Moana too unless something else comes out that weekend okay good all right so we'll follow up on that as we get closer to November very good uh the um card fall barbecue event again another one that Vivian was working on and I thought Ivan was supposed to be here today we were hoping at the last minut the one working on it I was going to say it I don't think I don't think it was she didn't give me an update on that one no she was emailing back and forth between Ivan and I but Ivan said he was going to be here so we can finish the discussions he did show I guess because I saw it on so John and Ivan will be at our August meeting to discuss details John and Ivan oh well he hasn't talked to me about anything on it so then we need to defer defer next meeting need to be deferred to the next meeting okay so I mean you get a hold of I the whole the whole thing is really on on them because we're just waiting for them to finalize the okay to do everything who then I yeah card okay so then I make a motion to defer item 6C the um card F barbecue event for all right second um question well you can finish the motion all in favor I motion so um I believe that there were two dates on hold yeah we had no October 19th and November 7 okay um would you still be interested in October 19th I don't think so I think we should stick with November 2nd think let's leave both it's I I I I think let's talk about it in the next meeting because I think it's always good to have two options just in case because maybe we say November second and he comes back oh no and then she takes the hold off of the thing and then we end up using that what was the two dates October one 19 and November 2nd so get a hold of him no I will say John if it's if it's gonna happen in October we definitely at the next meeting already need to vote because we need to have time to be able to you know Mark it and put it out there because they like for us to give which is a thing at least a month or two in advance yeah so it needs to be September okay all right so we'll depart to next Mee I'll contact I figure out the end all all right Festival of Lights uh Vivian was supposed to talk to Audrey about trying to get in touch with um Heather Graham it's Heather Graham right Wonder same this Miss gr about getting uh arts for autism and we also yeah is from Mar so there's somebody else the one that actually like puts on the me just find your name so I can say it right Andrea Andrea gram so we want to get tou with Andrea about getting arts for autism to do dances um in the main stage and then so see did you think that that Sensei would like to do a a practice or a show off on the stage as well should we give them the opportunity um I think he could I mean I don't know what he would say because I mean it don't give him three months depending when we start the Cass back up do you want it to be on the main stage or on the second St stage remember the one we did I think i' would rather speak with him and see what he thinks because I think they could perform fine well then again let me not say it because we do have a new group because I was going to say because we go through like the big karate competitions but I don't know about the group we have talk to him see what he says I think maybe he would be better off doing it on the second stage because if you remember the first the main stage is up and the secondary stage is flat on the ground right in front of Snows so that one's a little bit more like controlled you're not gonna fall off anything yeah it sounds better especially since they're all still learning because it'll be mostly a new class and the arts for autism I'm not sure if they're going to want to do it on the first stage because of the froud that was the argument of that um the viian wanted him on the first stage because nobody was there to watch us on the other stage they wanted us to be in the thick of all the events to show off what's going on so I am okay with that as long as Audrey's if Audrey thinks they can do just fine up there then that's fine if not then we can always ask for the same so that needs to be wrapped up probably by the end of August so I'll just reach out to Andrea and see if we can't set a conversation between her uh and and Sensei and um Audy Audrey yeah me write that as far as the Festival of Lights do we want to have a booth do we want to have an actual table with our tent and everything now that we have the ability to do that where we can have you know maybe officer Amador can sit and you can hand out you know stop about the special needs program be closer to the front this time what what day it sorry I don't know when you know one don't you have to represent the Poli department on that date since it's no that's not one of those events that we there's a few officers there it's not one of those that like we come out and like like at the parks where it's like us and we're positioned somewhere they haven't listed when the when the next one's going to be uh last year it was on the 18th of November so it's a November event yeah so just a general thought because when I talk to Andrea I can find out can we get a space because I would want us to actually have a space not like we had before the one we had before we were outside uncovered against the back corner where nobody was and I would want one as close to the front last time I had talked to you guys about doing this we had found that giving Gators was doing a kid Center and we were going to talk to them about putting a tent with them in the end we all decided that we didn't want to have the tent there we'd rather do the performance and that's what we W up doing so I could still talk to Andrea about see if there's a space for us or I can talk to giving Gators to see if they're doing a child kids event again um I just I would want to hear your in up before I proceed with it I think what giving Gator does is actually col toys on that who puts me personally I don't think we need a table or a booth or a tent only mainly because who's going to manage for how long what's the purpose of a tent exactly it's probably just to hand out our fers and give information hopefully sign people up too um yes that would be it just a hand out information we also last one we did have a table we handed out sensory toys and candy canes the candy canes didn't go very far but the sensory toys went fast we kept giving them for like five more minutes we we may have bought a few morees than we needed to I I don't know my mathematics very well so I I overestimate say we still had in our April event we actually still had some up until July but I accidentally left them in the garage and they melted so that's my opinion have you guys thought of because a lot of times we'll have the the table and there's there's a lot of stuff and and you have the banners and stuff but I've been to places where I have a small TV screen and you know like our our video on Loop I can do that I have the TV and I have the computer to do it I already have that set up because I do it at other events for cosplaying um it's just a matter of then it becomes John has to run the the tent all day which I don't care I would mind I can just ask P and M to handle the kids that day so if if we're okay with it I'm fine with that because I think that would be great to have a presence especially if we can get up front and be able to play our video and do slides about the programs that we offer and be able to hand out flyers to people about the dojo about the safety program about the animation classes and the and for arts for autism you know I think it would be good because you're looking at one of the largest events outside of Fourth of July and the Easter egg in my opinion for this area but it's one that's more it's one that's more controlled you know when you think about it because it's you're in that Main Street you're in that whole section they either going to walk this way or walk around you you're going to get traffic if you're in the right spot so you want how about I just pursue asking and see if we can get close to the front because if we don't get to the front then there's no sense be doing if it's in the back end where everybody's just kind of lingering to to just chill the last two times we've been back there I it's not been there was only one year I remember going to that event where that backside was packed and that's because they had food trucks around the backside and they didn't do that the last couple of years and nobody goes there so but why don't you talk to her find out how the setup is yeah do all right so we'll discuss that again okay sounds good moving on May's Galla so I talked to Joseph today uh let me see if I can heck I'll just do it out of memory here's the essential of what's going on we are moving to the Miami Lakes Hotel it's going to be just like the same setup that we saw at the chamber um they're going to have it with food in the left casino on the right kind of a little bit modification we're going to try to have the the alcohol bars in the corner on by the food we're not going to do five fenders of food we're going to try to reach out to three maybe four the Max uh the theme is the last night in Paris so the goal here is to try and actually bring in restaurants that are Paris likee we've uh he's already started talks with the French bakery that's right in front of the hotel I want to talk to vanilla espresso and a few other the locations that are kind of parisy here and see if they can come join us crpe maker which is in P Pines great at G they were very popular they want they were interested in coming so we might get them um then on the other side of it I'm still waiting for him to give me the actual draine of the room but the other side I think they're going to put casinos here and it's going to be three or four tables and that's it not the whole room like we're used to it's just it's those tables are too big yeah those tables are too big they need a different kind of table and then this side over here is where we're going to put a VIP section for our title sponsors our title sponsor this year is an individual we're not sure if he's going to use his name personally or if it's going to be his business he has a child with autism who is going to perform at the event um then also title sponsoring it as well the gram companies because they donated the whole hotel to us without cost um they're going to do set up and takedown for us and we also got the CI back but we have to pay half to the party so we got it for 50% off but they're going to do two bars and a beer and wine bar U which will be over here on this side too between the between the casino and the VIP room auction area will be out here in the front like the other one had plus we'll have a a two stepping repeats from fantasy designers one here and one over here the one over here is for everyone coming in to do a you know a shot with themselves or with the mayor the one over here is our live broadcast we're going to do another Facebook live like we did last I don't know if it's going to happen or not but there's a large chance that not only will we be live but we might also have Channel 7 Channel 6 maybe tundo there as well because it's the last one for Manny and he's going to push it and if Manny gets the Republican nomination he'll also be running for mayor at that time so it'll be people wanting to talk to him and which was great eyes for us to get more attention on the event I discussed with with with Joseph I said you know he's like we need to push to get auction items like we do every year and I said every year we do auctions they don't do any good half the time the only thing that comes through is our gift cards and we make very little off I said why don't you but Us sell sponsorships this year so we negotiated a deal we have 28 tables total each table holds 10 people yeah full size each people each there's 10 t 10 people per table so here's what we're going to do we're g to section off eight tables because the mayor is bringing special guests we don't know how many we haven't calculated that out yet but we're going to start first thing now between now and the end of the month into September the first week of September and our goal is to sell sponsorships of the tables at five seats each it'll be $1,000 for five tickets and what they get out of it is their name will be in the program it'll be on the banners around the room it'll be on the table and all five tickets guarantee a seat at that table because once we've sold out all the tables there's no there's standing room only for for tickets and from the what I understand from the mayor and from the the hotel they don't want to do standing the B so basically if you don't have a seat at the table you may not be able to just stand there and watch except for us because we've already given up our table to make money so we can bring in more for the board we're going to be walking around doing stuff anyway so I didn't really think we needed it but the goal is for us to sell bunny tables at $1,000 per five seats so you'd be getting 2,000 per table if we sold all 20 but you said it's five seats yeah five 10 five out of 10 split the table in half oh okay there's five on this side five on this side okay I'm like hold on so if you want a whole table it's two grand do want half a table to one if we sell all 20 we'll make $440,000 okay but what happens to the people that just buy one ticket they're not available until after September if they're available because the way that the hotel those the sales they cannot do individual tickets unless you buy a ticket in the sponsorship with the table isn't the gallon September yeah so if you want to go to the gala you either sponsor or you wait until a week before the G that was their that's why it was saying $1,000 like was it sold out last yeah it sold out every year but every we never had Max 100 Max and people just go up but we didn't have if you have 28 tables there's 10 people table more than 100 people this is new new facility oh going bigger we're going bigger and bigger this right all right so because we used to be in the CER we used to do but it was in full tables I remember we talked on the tables okay yeah so these is this is an actual table you can actual meal because we're going to try to have at least three to four restaurants restaurants provide food on trade and uh we'll have party so there's going to be F free drinks for everyone and so what I told them I wanted to do was go with you guys I know that Vivy and I are gonna probably start working on trying to sell sponsorships I know I figured you would be an expert person to work on sponsorships what I wanted to see was who else wants to work on sponsorships or who wants to work on trying to get gift cards and auction I we still are going to do the sil auction we still need items he's not going with the people that we did used last year because the stuff that they brought didn't do anything for us so he's going to go in a different place and supposed to give us more relevant stuff to sell at better prices I hope um because we we barely sold anything so I figured as a team we could split up the work half of us are working on the sales of the corporate purchases of the table the other half are working on trying to get gift cards or donations or you know that you're new to this so what we have done in the past is we've gotten restaurants to donate gift cards we've gotten um organizations to donate time so like if there's a daycare center they could do they can do do donate um a month of free daycare or if there's a swimming center free lessons or you know U and so on and we try to focus in on everybody that's in Miami Lakes or near and around Miami Lakes because all the money benefits miny Lakes from our our board um and we try to collect as many auction items for free as possible so that whatever we sell them for we earn the money back question yeah did Joseph B chance check into the live auction that no they that they had because that was very organized and a lot of the stuff was sold I made I'm think yes but I can ask I can definitely ask and send the information to Joseph CU that was a lot of hotels a lot of travel and golf and stuff and that sold a lot did it come with the live auction you put together or did you guys go get those no that's a it's a company they they do that it's like a you pay someone that it works and looking for those those eyes find what it is send it to Joseph tell them what or send it to me and I'll send it to Joseph because the thing with Joseph is is that I think he's very stretched very thin but he did pick up six interns who are going to be working on the gala specifically so we have help and most of them will be available the day of our setup for this event is completely different than it was at Robert Alonzo we have restrictions we have rules um we're not allowed to start setting up until about two hours after 10 o'clock or something in the morning of the event and we have to tear down immediately after because there's event the next day um we only get half the room at I think at 10 or 11 and then we get the other half at 3 so basically we're starting at 6 hoping that everything is together and it's from six to six to 6 to 10 I guess but you said the grams are setting up and and tearing down they're helping with set up and tear down yes that's part of their contract but um we have to staes and stuff we have to do fancy designers is not going to be putting up the big you know stage because we don't need it they're going to be doing the theme stuff all around the room we're going to be adding the signs and benefit posters um arranging the auctions like always um and other than that I don't think there's anything else for setup wise but I'm free that I'm Gonna Be Free that whole day the kids are with claudus so I will be with I'll be with joose trying to make sure it's 2 2 what 28 28th yeah yeah 28th pass that information to me I'll pass it to him we'll see what we can do I think that would be a better oh anybody we do get to come in if like you happen to talk to someone that has a French type food or it wants to be a food vendor there's a new kicker they have to have outside food insurance we cannot have them set up and give out food unless they have inurance because at the event we all went to someone tripped on a power card from I guess one of the vendors and they got in trouble and now the hotel says everyone has to have any chance we're not covering them so um the food items you mentioned they're that's not really Like Ur or dinner food is more like sweets well Bal espresso sells some amazing kiche uh um and sandwiches too I don't know about the French bakery yeah and they all they have is from C this stuff I was thinking they also have sandwiches it's pretty much the same as right right that's not really if you think about no it's not or $100 a ticket or $500 wondering I was wondering if we shouldn't go well it's had pick Paris who pick Rome or Italy place of um the dessert could be the theme and dinner is different because you know great relationship with what's their name the uh folks that have the Brazilian steakhouse in Dr Leon and his his other plac is that what it's called for the Brazilian house I would think that they like having them do like a full full dinner would be amazing so but you know what it doesn't matter it's whoever we can get to do it let's just not make let's just make sure it's not french fries not fries that's no no french fries why not not for ,000 you know what's funny french fries are or some TR okay so they eat french onion soup din anden Fri well beon would be for a $100 ticket what about lrga I think it doesn't really matter right that's what I'm saying the dessert and stuff can be it doesn't have to be that be the French part van espresso they have like tons of pastries and desserts they could bring a bunch of that could bring of cappuccino so the dessert is French yeah and then the dinner and the dinner could be classy you know I mean so it's no longer going to be those it's not it's not supposed to be it's supposed to be a mix of finger food dinner and dessert you know what I mean like you you should be an appetizer and I had suggested Vivian said we should skip it but I had suggested we have cello cellos come back as they always do and do the finger food and then we have two restaurants do the choices of and Mexican too but they did a really good job so we have a lot to do we have to call these people so let's find out now between you guys who wants to work on auction and who wants to work on table sales and finding businesses to sponsor this well you're still waiting for I have a question what are the interns working on so we're not double working they not working on sponsorships I know that but I I think let's find out better what they want us to do just because that's what he just told me he wanted us to do was to focus on this on the table sales and function sorry um I spoke to Joseph earlier this week um and he said that the focus for the committee were the auction items he just talked to me this morning we changed that the sponsorship is always he to that's what I mean he wants us to do sponsorships because we sell the tables than try to get littleit no but I mean because of the interns that he said that he does have interns that will be there on the day of the event yes we know that so that's what was I to Fus in the action and let him focus on the tables you know he has he's not gonna be doing that he doesn't have time he's too busy he's not gonna do it Gabby can you just clarify that for us can you get that like inviting force or get that clarified I mean he he can if you want call him right now I just got off the phone with him and Vivian was here she would verify because she was on with me we asked him what he wanted us to do and he said we rather us get the tables sold so that we can have the money from that versus the auction which takes a lot L lot more work and less respon less money out of it but we still need to do auction too so I had said why don't we break the team up and half of us work on auction half of us work on sponsors if you guys want to just work on auction I and Vivian and I work on spons that's fine too I don't care how are you guys want to break it up it's fine it's just someone has to be these business calls and he's not going to do it because he's got too much going on he's got himself plus the the mayor and the mayor's rice for for Mighty day County it's not like the years before where he had the time to call people he's barely got time to even go home what kind of script do we have to call that I don't he's I think he just sent that to me hang on I believe there's a letter that we were given last year something different yeah he he didn't send me the letter he was supposed to either because I wouldn't know where to start I wouldn't want so we have an event we have an Eventbrite Gala purchase thing see how you get tickets for $1,000 you have to buy a your table we're going to be using this to make the purchase or they can give us a check so if you want to work on the sponsorships with us that's what we're going to be using to sell it is the is the event right and um he's supposed to have sent me yeah it's the same thing he was supposed to have sent me this the sheet he didn't do that so I have to reply to him tell s the sheet so I just wanted to get from from this point I wanted to know from you guys what you want to do which ones you want to do because that way I can be able to follow up with you and say I auction you want auction okay so clar is gonna do auction Julie what would you like yeah I'll work the auction with you m auction remember it's the beginning of school year there's I'm barely GNA have time to even do auction I understand Jesse auction so then viian Vivian and I will be doing sponsorships which makes sense I mean we so you'll get that to us that shows a script as to what we will be sharing with people the auction yes I'll get that to you I'll get Joseph to send that to us all because he can email that to us all legally um now at least I know who's working on what so between Vivian and I we can coordinate with Joseph on who we've sold tickets and if by the way any of the people that do a donation for auction say want tickets and you can you can sell them on a sponsorship if you don't want to do that you can tell them to call me and I'll do or call Vivian and show okay so that way you don't have to get into the mix of trying to sell tickets and office arm door are you going to be selling tickets he's like what excuse me I just want clarification somehow later um I don't believe that waiting until one week before one week or two weeks before for the single items there the single and how many tickets are we talking about total 280 I don't know give me an answer today because we don't know how many people the mayor is bringing to even know how many tables we can't that we can't we have to hold back that's why we said 20 out of the 28 we're going to sell right that's 80 for him that leaves 80 yeah and assuming that he doesn't bring 80 people then those individual seats get sold as individual seats but later but right now up from now until I think it was the first week of September he said that they're they're not selling single tickets they're selling the sponsorship tickets and that's it yeah right now it shows as a thousand I thought I thought it was a mistake I'm like I think just put on that would be one two three that would be four weeks that would be one month of selling the sponsorships and then two week two and a half weeks of selling individual tickets but that's what he wants to do okay and mind you this is the one thing that I don't have control over it's their event it's our event but it's not our event it's our name on it our money is made from it we raised the funds from it but the mayor and the mayor's office is in charge of actually producing and running the EV well it's their event mainly the mayor's Gall right we just benefit from so we can suggest things but doesn't mean are going to happen um I already made our point that we wanted Audrey to do a performance and they said well we have four performers I said I don't care who El are performing we still want our people to perform because that's we've been missing that the last three years in a row it' be nice to get it done so hopefully that gets added in but we'll see any questions about the Galla besides that I'll get you guys your sheets to know what to do with the auction items so but it's probably the same as it was last year yeah just what just find out um in detail what it is we need to be asking for and a deadline as to how and where mine do you still have that sheet from last year that you asked them for five and a half months to together you already created can you share that with everyone I can find it you can because I created my own and try to get their letterhead on it because you know it's time the one I usually used as my school Mone essentially what we're asking for is that a company or an individual that has a product or service donate that amount in trade for an auction item to be sold so if they gave us $100 in gift cards to go to gabas we take the $100 gift cards from them they get their name put on a list of donate of people that donated to the auction items I understand how an auction works I'm asking about just details in specific for this event um that someone might be asking who isn't aware of how an auction works or wants to know what they get in return specifically and then also what's the deadline for this how how are they getting this to us is it coming decorated in a basket or they just and it over to me and I make it look good I just need to know those Julie honestly we would all like to have to answer that question you've been asking for three years well here I am to ask again so we've had meetings all of them and asked that question and still didn't get an answer when we were sitting at say she has so new business yes so we're done with so it's um goj go girl goj hey yeah what's up with the Sensei are we ready for September okay so um I asked him and I asked Manny I haven't heard back from any yet but I did hear back from Sensei I asked him when he would be ready to start again um and also like if we would keep Monday or if there's other availability um so as we know school starts August 15 September 2nd is labor dat and then he has a conference which he be out of town for and it's from the August 26 to September 4th so I wrote to him and I said that I'll be bringing of course this information to the board and I think the best thing would be to start after September 4th now Manny hasn't written back to me so I'm not sure if it'll already be available I would think that the youth center is available because it was used for the summer I don't think it's gonna but then again I don't have confirmation from him um he did offer to do um a a different time if we wanted um it says here option one um one of the options is weekly we could do Mondays we could keep it the 4:30 to 5:30 he also has Mondays 5:30 to 6:30 we had talked about doing 5:30 because everybody had said that they liked it they just had about a half an hour rush to get there so I think I I mean this is something of course that I would bring back to him um now then again this is something I'll put it in the email because then I'm going to leave it now for him once we vote on whatever it is that we're going to vote on that he needs to get with Manny they need to draw a new contract so then he also offered two times a week which would be Mondays and Fridays I keep it here 4:30 to 5:30 so we can do one time weekly we could keep the 4:30 to 5:30 which he has us already allocated for that time or separated we can change it for the 5:30 to 6:30 or two times a week Monday and Friday 4:30 to 5:30 I think when he's doing Monday and Friday 4:30 to 5:30 just the same time so it's not confusing because it's like oh wait Monday is this time and the Friday is that time if that's something that we want to do if want to do twice or just once so to start September 9th um I would think that that would be the best September 9th but again that you're waiting for him to get back for that or you waiting for we information from many from from here to town as of right now from what I have access to on the calendar there is nothing okay but that doesn't mean that maybe there is something it's just not on our calendar okay now the next thing that I want we so we need to vote on time slot if we do decide to do it two times it'll stay the 4:30 to 5:30 and also for how long because remember last time we did 10 weeks that's my daughter don't get um we did it for 10 weeks um we we saw that it was very successful we got great feedback from the kids and the parents so I would like for it to be longer I think that's how we should do it so I those are two things that I you know I would like to discuss so we can figure out okay so number one we actually have three different options we could keep what we have the 4:30 to 5:30 on Mondays we can the second option would be change the times on Mondays from 5:30 to 6:30 or the third option would be Mondays and Fridays or3 to 530 how's the participation to have to suggest that for two days a week how would that be on monay and that Friday I'm already saying that it should stick to one I agree I'm perfectly fine with with that mostly because the second time the second time is not good Friday afternoons it's going to be a no show for most people well and even Mondays Mondays you have holidays Mondays or Fridays weekends um but but since we did not fill up yeah last one there's no need to a second class not now anything do you think some of the no shows were because of the 4:30 to 5:30 and you would get more 5:30 to 6:30 that's what I I think we could probably get more from 5:30 to 6:30 I think that's what we should do I think that's the option that seems more favorable to me but and I was also thinking maybe five or six then she said that people just why does he like the half hour there a reason he's in half hour No 5 to six and I'm asking the last CL was 4:30 know our last clat was 4:30 to 5 but the the other karate program that we have here is also half hours program at the centers okay right I don't know they blocked up that way all right hold on a second I want to give you some insights so if we did 10 weeks okay starting on the 9th of September that' be one two three four five six S8 9 10 that'd be the 11th of November I would like to then you got maybe one more week and then you have Thanksgiving week one more week so that' be 11 weeks if you did 12 you would do it on Thanksgiving week or you could SK skip over Thanksgiving week go two weeks into December and then You' hit December break that would be 1s 13 weeks minus College Columbus Day yes I think so yes that's one less nower it's also Veterans Day is the 11 now you're back to 10 so that's 10 weeks even if we go two weeks into December minus we should just do 10 so keep it at the 10 yeah because if we're at 10 we're at one two three four I mean we the 10 I think it might even be easier when it comes to the contract the 10 takes you still right second week of December if you take out the or you taking out the two holidays I'm taking out the two holidays and taking out Thanksgiving and that would put you um hold on December 2nd yeah which is right before everyone goes on their normal breaks so be no Columbus no veterans and no 25th week of Thanksgiving and then we finish on so you could do 12 then Monday let me just let me throw this out here you could do 12 and that would finish the week before Christmas that's what I'm saying if it was 13th and if they did Columbus Day that would take it to 12 so if you went all the way to Christmas you take us all the way to the week before Christmas you get the 16th minus the two holidays and the Thanksgiving break what do you think guys you want to do 10 or 12 12s good I like the 12 I feel like it makes up for those days they don't get to get over there right what's the difference between two so then based off of that information I motion that we continue the dojo program at its current rate and price that we originally agreed upon I I don't know if the price will change I would think it won't you know the price that we have now I would hope that it wouldn't little bit not to exceed because we got to vote on it today yeah same price and he'll just add on the two extra weeks because you had all the contct yeah that's right just we but he charges those per session so it's not like okay 10 weeks I think yeah all the cancel cancel motion um retract motion wait for data then yeah meanwhile uh the time 5:30 to 6:30 yes 5:30 yeah I think 5:30 Monday's 5:30 6:30 at the you Center just like it was for 12 weeks starting on September 9th finishing December 16th okay so this looks like one of the things here says 125 an hour which I think is for is hits but then for the RVP but it was 35 35 35 for the hour 160 times 12 1920 you want to make it yeah gives us room for a budget to do some you know stuff at the end celebrate like we did last time okay yeah about 80 bucks no but that's just for him we can allocate money for that separate separate oh okay so just a spare room I just round it up I think October 14 11 and all right I would like to motion that we continue the dojo program starting September 9th at the youth center 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for a total of 12 weeks with the dates that we selected um being off of the 16th of dece of um of October sorry 14th of October 11th of November 25th of November finishing on December 16th total of $2,000 September December good I a total $2,000 out of our programs budget all those in favor that was lot for I got it you I got it she got it girl I have it here iail us I got motion passes can you please reserve the youth center I reach out to let them know it's September 9th through December 16th with the reception of the three holidays through December 5:30 exceptional uh October 14th November 11 and November 25th holidays and you Center again yes 5:30 6:30 you Center Mondays starting September 9th okay okay congratulations team another round of the dojo looking for meeting us and we're almost done anyway what's the next one well after F no we added wanted to talk March yes so the gala for the hope for autism is March 7th 2025 and it might seem like we're a lot of months in advance she has 11 tickets left um wow yes she just posted it y yes so that's why we need to bring it um it's $70 a ticket so if we get a table um it would be I would make my day because I had already reached out for two tickets and I know Vivian always does so yeah with the whole the whole group go I would love that is it table for 10 yes so well and we don't need to include Vivan because she gets a table at um she I know what meline told me I was going to say I don't know what you're talking about don't throw me on that he told me that Vivian sits at her table I was like can we sit with Vivian she's like well she's at my table so my table full that's her best friends I said she goes if there's room at my table I'll let you know and I'm like ouch so if we buy a table then we're good no okay so then I motion to buy a table at $70 per person for a total of $700 for a hope for autism data happening March 7 2025 comes out of the uh it's comes out of Grants comes out of Grants because it's being given toiz that's what we usually do for um yeah it's grants like for G yeah it's grants coming out of the grant the Grant Line it I'll second all those in favor I can you repeat the amount $700 70 so that gives us um 10 spaces corre okay um how do you want to toine up those tickets well let's find out for sure that she has a ticket just confirm I'll need to check with so get plenty in Space six if you include our missing man who never shows up office you want to go I do that's seven would be eight with Vivian and we still have two to give away to someone that can join us Gabby you want to go I not very okay yeah like it's too far from now it's March we'll try and hold a ticket for you that gives us nine if Vivian needs a ticket so then we'd have one left so he can make all right sounds good and now our H you wanted to talk about the full [Music] he so we do have that the the fashion show the G we do every year for for DS and but this year is going to be in October 26 so I know the hunting house event at the same day um but if we want to come all together for like a just like we did last time or maybe a donation for like the kids to have a table and and then parents don't have to pay for them to I love that IDE I'm that how much ticket it's 75 how many people for ticket for table is 10 so it's either 750 for table for us or 750 for table for others I when's the October 26 now do keep in mind that it's also the event for the so I don't know we don't I say we get the table for the kids I think that would be a great thing to do but which kids had youde everybody like that you met in the my favorite you know be D and one I like that idea too um we all agree all right I'll make a motion that we're going to purchase um a table at the GG Scala to be donated to the special needs adults uh total of $750 from our grant line item all those in favor motion pass that's done I like that let us know what you need from us put on the table or give out or whatever you know we could get like a we could work down the the road and maybe next meeting we could get some sensory toys to put at the table or something for them to have as a gift I like that with a little tiag on it this that special from us I like that that we give them a little one of our water bottles too so good good is that it well um yes for the um old bus old business so anybody new business I didn't have any new business any J should have been new business and so and so should have for I apologize I can move those yeah I am motion to move the GG's Gala the hope for autism Gala to the new business which would be 7A 7B second second all those in favor I think it was just we kind of we did yeah I'm think about that's cool you can make a modification in the notes okay any announcements your next meeting is September 4th what's the report oh no no I thought John I had the same the same thought I was like wait hold on do we need to change it us when she mentions that we have a meeting that means that there's something wrong with me yes just a reminder thank you any other announcements n we like to thank you for joining us um I wasn't here to get most of your presentation that'll give me some insight into what you said um I I know that we're going to be working with the with with the mayor's office and trying to improve Transportation here which I agree needs to be improved and I have special needs friends myself that use um the uh freebie and it's two and a two and a half hour wait on the app I think he was specifically speaking about the STS and it's the whole entire system the whole system the whole entire system in because what we what we bypass SDS with with 3B you know try to get away from having them because with s you have to book it like what 30 30 minutes minimum at leasts is the day before but my thing here is um like I spoke to Joseph um the county has it with a third party yeah they do which is should not be like that for example like in the hospital like we like some offices doctor's offices we allow to pay for patients to go in a uber why would someone with a special need disability don't have that same option well it all depends on insurance too so let's say if someone has CMS okay I don't know about other other plants but I know with CMS you can take the I don't I don't think it's Uber I don't think it's Uber I think it's CCS but the actually no it's not it's a different no uh if you have Medicaid me yes it's called logistic care yeah that's right logistic and how is that work that one's only from that one's from destination to hospital but it's medical medical appointment medical appointment so I used to logistic here I used to I used to use used to use it I'm sorry and then I had to stop because out of nowhere every time I made a reservation and on the day that I needed to be picked up never show up never show up that was my problem yeah so I went back to using stop using it in the hospital because it was the same issue and we say no more so practice is Bing for patient to going over what what improvements are you looking for fors for SS I think the county instead of using that whatever they told me a long time ago that the count is paying a third party $5 million to use the third party and that service is and I think and I think there that $5 million has gone up more it's no longer five million I think it's more I think the county should be able to run the the system without using a third party I have I have been like I told Joseph I have been to Chicago and Los Angeles they run it their own s they've got it right over there you had easier Transportation over there we have a lot of problems with Miami day's Transportation I mean I've been arguing about this since I was on the radio because even on top of St well STS we have stories s facts of STS leaving students random places they they didn't they didn't get to their mom their mom's not there so they just drop them off and we've had Escape situations because of that with STS with my kids the first time they took my kids to school Claudia had to ride with them in the car and on the way back they said that well we can't take you back you have to find your own way home yeah that's and then when we said well can you take the kids individually well no they have no verbal skills so no we can't take them at all so then what's the make sense it does make sense because depending you know on because they they might ask them a question or like even just getting out it's not like they're GNA walk into the door you know like it It's Tricky it's it's not designed right though and also I've noticed them they do let the person go for free with them they do so so that's you know that's a plus it's just the getting back that becomes a little I feel like he's also talking more about transportation for young adults who are looking for transportation to go to possibly work or to run errands that's what STS is for I understand but you're talking about younger children getting places I'm talking about him as an individual adult trying to get to where he needs to get to because the children have other resources please yeah it's but it's more of a g the whole entire general because it's also as well if like these like disability people that cannot walk that cannot speak and defend themselves they get picked up from their schools and they're in the van for hours and hours going around the city yep because it's a share right and they don't care they don't care they might care they just don't know they can't express it exactly like I have family they go to therapy and they have to be for like six seven eight hours therapy and you have a kid that is one year old and you're waiting and waiting in therapies for to be picked up buses you get on the van and then you're traveling like two or three hours in the vanand picking up other people pretty much story writing around the town my exwife is blind and she that actually happened to Jacob like more than once I remember one time they picked him up I believe it was like at 620 in the morning and he got where he had to go like 10 times oh boy well it sounds like you're on an important commit over there part of and I like your attitude that you're willing to to share that you've had experiences in other places and it can work so as far as and especially because you know firsthand experien so it's not something that you just heard even though I'm sure you heard it from other people too so you're being a great Advocate not just for you but for others too so thank you as far as what we can do I mean obviously if if the mayor decides to get if he gets elected there's a heck of a lot we can do to help we have great advice but locally in my Lakes we can improve freebie a bit I think because I think right now it's kind of set up as only like a here let me give you a hand if you can't ride your bike to work right now because they when you call them for special needs assistance there you have to make sure that they know because if they don't bring the right van then you got to go back and ah you got to get all the B the worst part about it is the app if you do not if you're on the app and you do not sit there and app your phone constantly string when soon as they call in and say okay we're coming you got 5 Seconds you don't say yes drop got and for people special needs that is extremely like hard to deal with because you don't even know that you missed it gotta so but he's got a point STS is terrible I mean I I've had experience with them from my family for the last six years it's terrible hope I will say something and it's and and I I like that I'm saying it publicly uh for children that needed for school again SCS is a one-way thing but even if it were to be like an Uber or something they who step up there's a $750 stien specifically for transportation for kids that use public that go to public school yeah it has to be public because they have the unique abilities which stand for either private or home school but this is specifically for transportation for kids that have a school of choice and don't qualify for transportation but it can't work for charter schools because that's a choice school and because of that they can't qualify for the scholarship as I've learned the thing is that charter school is mdcps is public yeah but they still won't give it to you money I try with step the unique abilities but just type in yes for Step Up For Students yes not not the not the unique abilities then they changed something in the last three years because I tried and they made me give the money back back cuz remember Claudia was no we did Step Up Step Up step up but the unique abilities one that one's different that's one that get yeah that yeah that'sa because that was for either private or home school you cannot use it for public that's where then they send it back mine has one more announcement before we're done our animation classes yes uh they're going to start September 14th from 2 to 4 I think that's a Saturday and the open housee or orientation is September 7 so September 7 2 to 4 no what you said September 14th 2 4 well the orientation will be at the same time I will not be able to go to orientation September 7th from 2 to 4 that's a long open house okay I'm sorry I just two to three is it at the U at the spot um yes ma'am do you need to make a motion to place an order for that open house oh yes we meet that Wednesday before so I figured if we needed to or we already have I'm not sure we can always do it that Wednesday I think we should vote it now just so that you remember how much or anything last time we did this we did a huge budget for it so that it was open for this for the whole year to use I didn't think we spent the whole thing did we from the last open house you're right that's what I remember us already already voted and V and budgeted yeah you said the open hous is on September 7 September 7 okay either way you still have time three yeah and we meet that Wednesday before it starts and then it starts officially September 14 from 2: to 4: oh good Vivian will be sitting with us yes Vivian's watching the me hey Vivian hi Viv do me a favor and let her know that I won't need my ticket either well she's watching yeah anything else guys I just texted her Riv contact n so we can get the table I didn't know she was watching well I would motion to close out the meeting here 7:09 p.m. that's all those in favor motion passes end meeting