##VIDEO ID:-6nctHJItBc## e the Veterans Day parade the date is November 3rd what's the time we're starting that parade it starts at 10: starts at 10: yeah the assembly area is the same assembly area as before the locations yes sir all right any changes to the route we're still going to go from uh what is it right in front of that uh yeah the old the old Chase yeah and then go right in front of like the intersection P that pass the main stage main stage Bank of La at uh public CVS public CVS and then go all the way down and all the way around y okay are we planning to invite mascots and bands about let's talk about it what what do you have in mind we had some mascs last mascots last year they were nice and now and now one of them's famous because we won the Stanley Cup it was our good luck yeah how much of those Mas doots cost let's talk that comes down usually nothing they cost they come out the professional sports team yeah yeah not the not not the not chickfila get the disc how about Obie orange B that's going to cost more that's at all at all you know is that orange right how about okay while you're looking for that are we sending out invites to high school bands that we did last time so um here I can we can work on sending so staff can work on sending um like invites inviting them back the ones from last year okay so we can start that however I won't know like uh um just to let you guys know we've already published the sign up form online and we've already gotten a couple of signups okay now we had to pay for transportation to one for one school last time yeah the junior RC yeah so find out if there's a no uh yeah IC uh North senior yeah it's um you see the one that Charles helps us with either Edison or what was our budget what did we spend last year for transportation for these folks do you know I like I like to cap it at the same amount maybe uh just 10% more should be I have the budget here so I'm sorry back to the mascot Panthers mascot cost us $500 wonder if we'll do it for 500 bucks again um I think the Marlins one was free I think stamina cup up charge yeah hey man and Miami he was about another 500 as well what's my mask Bernie get one we get one for the that's the one we had last year the Panthers oh they're going to be here this year too right well that's what we're yeah okay I see I see it was 500 last year these are I'm going off of last year's numbers we don't know what this year's so let let's let's invite the obviously let's invite the the panther I've gotten in the past when we used to the events at the coast guard station for the veterans meals they never charges got the never Char they want to stand well they also have a they have a big veteran yeah push I mean they have their their veteran of the game there every time the guy who owns them is a West pointer I think it would be an honor for them to bring the Stanley Cup to the parade it over why not every make a note ask them to bring the cop okay look what I I think a good way to get started anyways we can't make the CIS right give give them a Flo no we can't can't them make a footp we can't make decisions but so let's let's but let's talk about what you guys want Envision I guess for the event we can start getting quotes yeah let's get the panther the Marlins and Bernie so let's ask for those guys and the Dolphins no that's the one we didn't get last time he was that the image of the I have to request I have to request the tactical vehicle I already did but I gave him the wrong dat hold on on before you let me see Bernie and so that's where we are with mascots right yes and then bands let's figure out so we Panther the Marlin fish and Bernie the thing Mar team masc of panthers yes Marlin fish Marin is Billy and Bernie the it's stress to them this is the veteran they never Char I get heat bir I get it okay that's very creative yeah realize [Music] you're St Wars the yeah for the band find out what who needs Transportation I I mean I want to talking about the high school band just the high school B exactly I remember we had to pay for transportation from or two that was for the Jun see whoever that was I'd like to be able to offer that again but I want to you know maybe it was two of them look I have them right here it was Jackson and North Miami yeah North Miami there you so I think we need to be able to just kind of like uh what theost for North Miami was 390 for Miami Jackson was 360 yeah a th that's so yeah let's budget basically 800 yeah let's budget 800 recommend we'll recommend 800 to the main committee and it's first come first serve Ming on somebody's taking notes of these so 800 for transportation for bands or Junior Ro Jackson so Jackson of Miami 400 each okay all right set up Logistics before we get to that going back last year the prior we all met in the morning uh p i coordinated with Vicky Bakery they had the pastri and we and we were and we brought in coffee from dunin Donuts yes I think the coffee was a little over $100 and the I talk to to think see what see they say you're going to check them again sure and what about the about the coffee any morning um that was pretty well received a lot of people drank it around the we ask for 50 people how many do do we ask is like 50 for 50s it's the five of the boxes boxes cuz each boxes for 10 but I think you can actually get like en not everybody drinks a four cup yeah but he WR each um I forget what they call it but the box is yeah it brings 10 10 the the I picked it up last year I long here to do it again this year you wanted the coffee yeah um I guess the question is how do we get you let's I mean let's set $100 for coffee okay I don't think that'll cover it that'll cover it you be a little bit more than it's about $30 a box $28 a box so you get five box that's 150 or do you guys want to maybe not four boxes 40 cups I think you guys can prioritize like certain expenses first and then as we get closer and see how much we raise and sponsor maybe then bring back certain things that are so let's let's let's set aside the coffee because everyone can bring their own coffee if they need I think I think it was well received I think that a lot of is appreciate even more than the parade especially the people that are in it the morning you know drinking coffee walking around seeing all the people talking to different no I agree I agree but let's let's first deal with the other logistical issues that maybe you know um uh it's more needed than just coffee um we can always figure that one out okay so for setup Logistics are we going to have what's the family that always assists us yes so they're actually um Kelvin and Omar told me they were going to come today however they're stuck in traffic so he says that he expects to be here by 6:30 um and I did want to mention uh what we're gonna I don't know if I've already talked about it with you guys but um we already published the volunteer opportunities for for the parade okay and for the five and um we are having the students involved from now like we're going to have the students come to the subcommittee meeting so that they're well informed as you know how the event runs and they have as much information as we Doo um and I think that that would be a great help for morning event so obviously students may not be able to make it to all meetings but we're encouraging them to attend and we're going to be giving them yours for the meetings as well okay and National own Society I already spoke miss about it um yeah so I'm planning for start coming to this meeting to the subcommittees related to either the parade or for the fkss Fantastic um and we just published it when you say they're coming the student the whole group of students no or student represent will not be able to student Representatives no but it's the volunteers the ones that are volunteering hopefully they s representes well that's what what I'm saying is I'm hoping they have some sort of an organization yes where the organization gets represented at the committee and we don't have like well the idea is actually for the students to hear it firsthand so that when event date comes we don't have to brief them they already know everything they know as much as you and I on boarding yeah there's no onard because what happening this venue may not be good for a meeting I you are you talking are you talking are you talking of confirmation bre are you talking to confirmation brief that's what we have we have a confirmation brief after we develop a plan and the confirmation brief basically says here's what we're going to do here are the tasks here's everything so that way they all have situational awareness but are they going to be here for the plan no we want them for the planning you want for the planning un okay okay yeah now what I'm saying is all of them may not be available because they have other activities um if we do see that we all grow this this room for the remainder of the subcommittee meetings we can try to book Council chamber and you know and I mean I would say that uh have them select representatives to come to the planning meeting and then they all need to attend the confirmation meeting once we have a confirmation or we can just start getting them toward the end meeting you know when we're just like uh tying up things right yeah yeah that's the conf okay yeah that confirmation bre well I'm just saying because we did advertise it as that so some of them may well that's fine they can show up you know and they have input and ideas that's my PR okay so that's for the logistics and then speaking of uh of the Gonzalez family I did give them a debrief um well them when the parade was over last year uh I sat down with them in this room right after the period was over and went over like things that they thought uh that we could do better do better um I'm happy to go over the list now unless go ahead please okay um so the American Legion should be placed behind the Jeeps I guess they didn't like the area where they were at last year um to keep Barbara Gman before the Jeeps um to add water stations along the Route maybe add two after the main stage area Add Water stations where the kids performance B are being C out prior to the parade start I don't know if you guys remember last week but we had one student that almost passed out it's really hot and they're waiting as a really early there so we're going to have to get more water um start calling last year's participants three months out so we're around that time frame now and we need to know if the groups are going to be using vehicles in advance I believe D took care of that the signup form now specifically asks you if you're going to be using a vehicle um as you guys know that's an issue because if they're using a vehicle they should not we trying to get into that area um let's see um we we need to let the groups know that they need to come prepared with some sort of banner or uniform that identifies them and we do need to have a better communication with the Jeep pullup group letting them know that they should keep certain amount of space between one another when they're going down the parade um I think either they were either too close or too separated like it wasn't a comp um it wasn't uh the same Gap all around and besides our float the legion float the Graham companies are going to have a float well I don't know that yet oh I know that okay yeah was with Andrea y since last year she she talked to me and she said be on great go what's going to be on their employe they staff their employees and oh that's nice it'd be nice on she just her maybe put a how in the middle could we reach out if I you know I think that's great and they they're doing that because you reached out you told them about it they saw us with a float no I didn't she reached out to me she said my question is how could we get more companies or that was my idea when I went to the chamber chamber of Lun yesterday and I'm fishing that out to them I said you leave you work play here I mean this would be greatest pride in your town you know Pride your company your business that is advertised what better grades right that's what I talk about how they response so I don't know so today maybe tonight I'm going to send to Rosie the the date the time the contact information for the FL people they did not raise the price getting the same price as past three year thanks 25 uh PR had already committed to ours and for rosi the secretary to chamber to send out to all the members call me here the let's let's let's get since we got time uh we got a Time hack we got to be out here by what time 7 o' 7 o' so let's let's move on okay the water stations what's the concept on the Water Station um bottled water what or should we tell them to bring water we should but I mean they're kids and they're they're standing under the sun for a couple of hours oh yeah there's there's I mean that's a lot of water headquarter Toyota gave head yeah but headquarter Toyota gave us water for along the Route now we're talking about adding water to the Kat area so that's that means more the small bottles are the best yeah so that's just it's a budet get more and it's also the logistics of cleaning up all the bottles well I will say I'll remind you guys we do have Doral uh litter removal that we do uh before for this event because there's no there's no other way around there we need to clean up the how about the Search Group like we've done before they set up they help with setting with um giving out the waters right what about getting the Barbara Goldman uh volunteers to follow up the parid afterwards and clean up the streets and everything they get no no that's no no they're already that's an yeah because volunteers we need to make sure we can't rely on volunteers to clean up BR property we're never going to use that property no that those usfm right but I can start reaching out to Sir now that you you brought it up yeah um we need to confirm more stop signs and we're going to need some of the volunteers to be briefed on how to do the G uh do the parade Gap coordination do you know you guys know what I'm talking about yes how there was too many space that's something we got to work out um we want to use car clock the size of of of letter paper and put it on the windshield of the Jeep so they know the number they were given for the parade all right does that make sense yes and we're GNA do um we need a volunteer to duplicate efforts and by that I mean um there's a volunteer that needs to stand in the similar area to Ora at the start of the parade to call out the numbers and guide the groups out of the parking last year it was both of us right y yeah so and the reason that this is important is because he may be calling them out of the the parking lot but you have to remember that then they have to unite in number with the ones that are lined up down 67 that makes sense um so we just need somebody to know to do the same thing that Kelvin does um we're going to start promoting that the group sign up for the parade as we mentioned and we are in agreement that the registration needs to close do you need like an adult to volunteer for that yeah I think we're dealing with big like trucks yeah registration gets a little yeah unfortunately I will not be here this year so I can't do that anybody was a former Road Master guys and Jonathan is gonna be doing photo yes he can't do that also time um registration needs to close two weeks before the event I know hey Gary let's ask for a volunteer from the legion see if anybody can help Kevin andin well whoever is doing that can't be on the parade I'm just mentioning because I know you guys have a float right right that we have to up on the two weeks registration always always group go the same thing that hasn't changed they don't want to go other walk other committee members from other committees to see if they're willing to do it yeah we can do that all right does somebody want to be designated to talk to a m sure talk all right so moving right along confirm Co sare working so how many stop signs are we talking about because I know last year I L mine yeah no we need to just purchase them as town like because I I Le I have some because we didn't plan for for work but I have to have to get it that way we have we need to just purchase them um cheap uh registration as I was mentioning was make sure we get the right ones to we need to close registration two weeks before the event um I know we've waited till last minute for this we cannot wait till last minute if whoever didn't sign up two weeks out I mean we're promoting it with three months whoever didn't sign up two weeks out needs to wait till Parade day when they show up they will be lined up and that means you're going to the back we cannot make exceptions I think we've been in agreement about this we can't be making exceptions yeah that's that's um but the only difference that we're closing it two weeks out before we've done it like a few days before and it's too much right um I want to know if at the Grand Marshall ceremony do we need to have honor guard and National an it would be nice that would be nice I mean we kind of had it weird last time cuz we didn't talk about it so I think we had I made an assumption because the last time when Bill did it we had that yeah you know one thing so I assumed that's the way it was and then this next year it wasn't that way at all I can ask him from now if that's the that's why I want to know from yeah I want to do that you know cuz having that beginning of ceremony when no one's around to see it is kind of not use last year no one showed up at the end I mean there were very few people and I think we need somehow to promote that we're having this uh Grand Marshall presentation at the end so that we get some audience there because we nobody showed up last year when they turn around here thebody they just ex disappeared Off to the Races they leave yeah be it'd be nice that we are so yes to the honor guard and yes to the National how do but that's also in addition to the because they usually open up the parade right they start the parade you mean the the honard and National is what starts the parade that's kind of a Str St to start parade so I guess that's the question are we doing it in both spots or are we doing it in one spot usually both at the at the opening and then at the spare so both and both places yes I would say so I'm getting I mean I mean most parades do not start with the national anthem they just parade starts I mean but do they start with honor I guess well the color guard the color guard Color Guard should March near or at the front of the parade that's so they would start the parade yeah right you don't have other you don't have the national anthem ceremony you don't normally have the national anthem at the start of a parade no but you do have theor guard no no you done goes wrong that would be that be that should be a cermony at the end where like Bill would introduce it exactly and then you rise for the presentation the colors and stuff like that let's go back to the main stage starting Color Guard yes yes the color guard always leads but no National Anem atge Al nothing and then at the Grand Marshall ceremony that's when we have the national anthem and the national an thank you for clarifying it so what Grand Marshal ceremony I love a parade you were the best Grand Marsh you you were the best talker I you did the best y you did absolutely my years come to the I like your video video one the video my Sunday Mike C agreed to uh be nominated this year if we elect him did he as done it before no he last year he was going to do it then he changed his mind so this year I told him he can't let people down he goes well okay that'll be perfect now we have somebody good but then do we need to put out do we need to put out a call for Grand Marshall because why are we putting out a grand a call if you guys already are because it's only right because there might be someone else that that would also want to be Grand Marshal and you don't know might change his mind last year at the last minute hope he won't this year but I think it's a good idea to go put call as many as we can yeah not only not only that but we become aware of other people that in the future we may want to you know bring forward for other activities and things like that moral day ceremony for 911 I would like to I would like to be able to grab some folks from the American Legion we have a bunch of veterans there that he's his wife doing well for me again all right so next meeting American Legion yeah let's Reach Out know there a retired Colonel inor he used to be like of L she was the head of the wi academy in Fort Benny now for Liberty okay so no Liberty I'm sorry so the Grand Marshall speech in the event um are we going to have food afterwards for the veterans like we usually do and we usually that don't we we have volunteers no no we pay for everything but just remember that some of the things are offset with the sponsorship what's the name of that barbecue the uh mission Mission Barbecue really gave us great deals that but now they changing they're expensive 50 50% everything's now 85% the last time they told me I only can give you 15% so who who gives us a good deal um oh you guys have to shop around yeah shop around would you pay I think we should many meal um how many I mean unless we can find somebody here in Miami yeah Miami Lon is I just today every month so he's very that's mainly Seafood question Peruvian that's Peruvian us the memorial food yeah but they're yeah he own okay he has three other places too yeah he see what kind of disc no no I just talked today he gave me a for the for the next he already G me a price he took down we to $700 okay too ask him ask okay we're not doing B you guys are not married we're going to check a few places but this seems like to be a good this way he brought it in individual that's nice yeah and also I want to support my businesses m is not my we didn't have enough food at the uh we 54 yeah so here's what here's what Mission Barbecue did yeah but people gentl gentlemen gentlemen gentlemen gentlemen we got to be out of here by 7 so Focus um just so you guys are aware Mission Barbecue last year we paid for 100 meals and they gave us 45 free it yeah that's like 50% off well let's ask him again see see who does the better that's I say cheed please ask how many meals um so they 200 last time so let's do 200 again no that's 145 no they did 145 145 145 we have was that enough F was there any left I think we left we had so much we had a lot we expect a better turnout this year too yeah 150 how many 150 yeah 150 we'll pay for 150 and whatever they give us okay we give you you know I mean because a lot of veterans will leave with extra food so so I'm going to put down veterans committee is going to work on proposals right for the food yes Pedro has a forac I talk to him okay um we need to determine a backup for the Jeep I don't know if you guys remember but last year they promised a certain amount and they actually came in show Fred Fred handled that Fred is one yeah but that was on the spot so I want to get ahead of it he kind of just volunteered his car and like that's you know I want I want us to have a backup we should talk to Fred he's got good inventory this year and he'll probably do it so I think that would you gonna talk to Fred Larry me you gonna talk to Fred then I'll talk I'm FR he's a good friend of them so um you know another option is you know we do have I like golf carts who was that remember that brother her golf cart like go that would be the C golf use golf cart instead of jeeps but first of all cuz when you're in the golf cart everybody can see you or if you're in a jeep no one knows heck it is yeah yeah it's true it's a good point yeah they only know because of the yeah it look like a tactical golf cart yeah it was a really cool golf cart terrible driver why don't we do both why don't we see if we open pickup trucks are good because theying the back no we're not going to have council member and stuff standing in the back of a pickup truck who do we get golf carts from that's what I'm ask so golf carts this is at a cost can be rented but now how are you going to get them fre is a different sort well then you got to get them delivered you got to get them L well yeah there's vendors that do that they just rent them out they'll you want it go right really okay so cost well let's find out I mean that the Jeep is free well sort of in the same vein that the Jeeps were provided you know in kind by the owners I got the Jeeps by the course no I know but in the same in the same we would do that again in the same ve driver no do what if it's golf carts is my point because I know there there this group in town set up their own golf cart parade I'm wondering if there's any way for us to say Hey you know you and your team could be your team you and your who set that up I actually want to say Mario paneer yeah something some sort of golf but then you're asking the person hey can you drive our committees around and you can't like come with your family right it's just you're just acting as a shuer to your offer while you carry other people around I don't know how that's that's what the Deep C does yeah but those aren't residents of my always ask that was a one time always say no they've been a for the last well they've been in the parate but as far as driving people around it was a one time thing because you couldn't get the cars from Fred no no no they the only they've only been in the parade to drive people around right okay so there's two options one we figure out the cost to rent these things so let's let's look at that let's look at that one option one is renting the golf carts and then option to get with Mario Panero I'll get with Mario okay I'll look at the I'll give I can get you guys pricing for get with Mario Panero and see if I get bring pric golf I had the B already for next the other I will say speaking of renting the golf carts that come out of cost um what you guys can also do I know this is has has a it has been done historically but you can also have the committee say hey if you want a golf cart like you guys need to fund it from your committee hey you that's an idea you know if you were go Mario and just invite the go Carters to be in a parade and and if they would also like to carry I mean it'd be fun just to have I mean that'd be a nice addition to the pr the golf carts they decorate them that' be a great idea whether they drive people the only thing worry about is a signage yeah but they already have the signage we have to reproduce it every year because we have sponsored all those time okay yeah um okay so I'm gonna look into the pricing for renting the golf cart and you're out gonna stick the go all right just not gonna stick to the golf no we have to look for other ways to to Brand them is there any way it's just a shame we just have all those antique military vehicles out out there that was great and then all of a sudden the the the insurance dealers came up and they didn't let them in the parade well we didn't not let them in the parade they didn't want to signed the waer and there if the attorney says that the waiver needs to be signing something was wrong with that because it I mean that that waiver they should have signed there's no I mean wonder if there something we can do about that yeah ask when to sign and they say no yeah um we're asking for a tactical vehicle from uh The Reserve Center so we had one last night maybe they'll give us two we does the town have any pickup trucks and trailers no I know we talked about it but where I live in Plantation it's the whole city all their pickup trucks and the trailers are allos worse um okay um I know I've been talking to Omar and Kelvin um we're going to be purchasing feather Flags I know we had one last year for registration this year we're going to purchase different colored ones to break up the groups in the Corral CU you know it's like five different number sections we want to differentiate them so that when the group comes to check in we give them a number which is their line up in the per okay you're 39 and 39 with a yellow index card so you're going to The yellow section all right make sense yeah have talk last year there flag we're going to do Fe you can see them from above yeah so while we're talking about the assembly area we're going to need more Porter Johns than we had last time okay it was a line it was quite a line you know and if we get better quality P John that'll be nice because you know I mean we we're basically have Construction level Porter Johns you know and I've seen some pretty high there's nice ones I've SE very high cost no there is no they have air conditioning and they don't they don't smell so that's yeah if we can get we definitely need more than just one or two probably need about three probably need about six you know three up front three the back you could probably use less of them if we cut down on the water sponges are there any other issues that you want to go through yeah is there a way um we want to make sure that each group I guess we're going um we were wondering if there was a way that each group that participates can appoint a head person that will then hand their name index card to a volunteer who is near the stage so that their name could be C out if you guys don't remember it's an issue because sometimes people cut so we can't have like a real time list of who's actually coming up next Charles Charles is pretty great Charles H last year he had somebody down there with with a with the uh the microphone and he called Carls up and told him who was coming up next and he announced them as they came do the does do the groups when they when they check into the assembly areas do they check in with one Central person one person is that where they go up where Nancy is and stuff like that right yeah that's where they check in okay so I guess what we have to do is we have to add a process where we inform them that one person has to be the one to hand off their name part to the person near the so we need the main stage what we need to do is we need to develop a set of instructions for the people checking them in that you want them to know so please if one of you guys can type it up a set of instructions because Nancy is going to need written instruction Chad whoever comes up to volunteer we're briefing them right there on the spot yeah so we need a set of instructions as to what they suppos but I want you guys understand and we're happy to type it up but the idea is I am with Barbara gan's National Honor Society I am the head person I'm going to write my name I need to hand it to the person who has a staff shirt near the main stage so that my name could be read out loud there has to be a runner to Charles makes sense Char that's Charles coordinated that and he does it every year very well he does it off of memory because he's done it so long that he no he had someone down there we had a there was a problem end out did we have did we have a runner is that the problem we didn't have a runner but now we're gonna have volunteers so okay okay and now we have instructions for the people at check in is there any Gap in our plan I mean besides you know Murphy's Law so if we have a checkin and they're telling him one person and they have to hand it to the runner and then the runner takes it down well we have the runners there at the check-in so they know who the runers are yeah and we're going to have um shirt that identify event stop for this year and and really we're going to make them understand if you do not pass on your index for your name may not be called we can't guess that's right that's right you have to do that twice don't you have to do that twice one for showers and one for p at the end the end oh yes good point two cards so um yeah Kiki is the one that helps us at the end call out again so yes it would be twice we need to give them two point two cards yeah so two cards let me write that two cards you're saying a runner within organization that would run up in advance to let them know is that we just have to hand a card you have a b you have a there's one here yeah call one for main stage and one for the final come on so it anyway sometimes they use radios they used radios like or two years ago I provided radios yeah we get some flyers print it maybe 100 or so I I'll go to the other schools nearby Spanish Lakes U advertis the paray yeah we we always go through intergovernmental anyways um town has to go through intermental to get any message across to the public schools um we'll do that in we're having to print pliers for you guys um ban we remember the year we did the banner out there that was that that that's really it for my we about do you have the ban any other any other issu genten you have the little trailer that has the electric sign that says 67 will be closed for parade byal the Marquee yeah yeah you want to start telling people on advant that's how I find out about the parades in my town oh yes adverti the event yes yes yes we they us should yeah CU they just telling you that the Street's going to be closed but they telling you why yeah yeah when they tell you why it's like I know days take veterans parade and we'll put the date we can do that yeah yeah street closure signs people pay attention to and tell them why that's a that's a great idea so yeah I have here um start making residents wear road closures which Jonathan will promote through all social media but if if you guys want to get together a week before and start like putting them out in the cars here like just a paper notice I think it's better to overc communicate and so all right let me let's go over the specifi tests so we have Pedro you're going to contact the food person to see for 10050 150 yes I'm gonna talk talk to Mario Panero about the electric golf carts is PED also I is gonna contact backy too bigy Bakery and the other and Mission you want to contact yeah see what they off but I want to because I think do all so and then going back to I'll reach Mar Panero I you're GNA reach out to see what golfs cost to rent [Music] um we're going to get BR instructions for those doing the check as to you know what the person needs to do in order to get self announced um sorry what starts Run start we need instructions that for checking now you're going to reach out to see how much the Panther and the fish and the the four of um we're going to approve transportation for two bans or whoever um for 400 each yeah the watering stations we're going to need more granularity as to what that means it's not a commercial parade it's a Veterans Day Parade it's for the veterans by the you I'm sorry I don't on me the watering stations exactly how much water what we talking about you know for the water I mean how people do you estimate per per section that's what we want different yeah we need a lot yeah I mean that's the thing how outs of water section one section two is 20 each section three what did we use last year5 say 20 per and each grou has the ones that have kids have what did we use last year do you know we didn't we didn't have water have water if we had a plan from last year I would say let's just execute that plan um but didn't I thought that headquarter they did but that was to go along the route we're talking about so that means from the moment they arve like a 7 till 10 those kids did not have water provided to them by us and they're standing waiting there you know I remember that or maybe just ship those water and water the water did come because they they came it came late I remember that I was there the uh headquarter headquarter Toyota brought water in they brought in a bunch of cases of water in the cooler to the to the assembly area but it was later exactly it was like a last minute didn't it through so the the main thing was they needed to be there earlier yeah yeah that's year before they had a water drop there at the staging area and then they had another one so we still plan on doing that that doesn't change the the extra is the water at the coral station where the staging area so we need like a thousand bottles of water we need a lot of yes about a th000 bottles of water so see if headquarters Toyota could fill that with I guess if she could double what they you usually give us about 200 I don't know if they have a th000 Bott want or I guess ask what they can give right yeah and then we'll go from there that's cheap little bottles small one is not so expensive back of 70 or 80 and play right off because it's it's advertising it's got their yeah has their log yeah we get them in time value for like we honor them as a sponsor all right so we'll ask them okay so any other specified tests so who's I'll ask Judy when I see them uh I'm sorry we since we got there late I don't know if we talked about are we is there a way to notify the people in the staging area so they don't park there the night before I know we can't block it off because it's yeah we can start putting signage okay so it's gonna we're going to need to get together days before the event I think one we should do a walk through well maybe not of the entire route because they're street but just so we understand how the gaps and all that works um and then really to pass out signs letting people know hey like these streets are going to be closed I don't know what you guys think well I mean don't we have just the lighted up billboard signage and stuff we have A-frames we could just do a big A-frame days before put it on put on the street they say that the streets closed whatever they light up but he wants to let them know in advance people talking about the assembly area area we can put an a frame out but there's signs the town I know the town has them I've seen them I think they belong to town you know sign I'm talking about like on a little trailer they pull behind a car and they light up little generator whatever the problem is that in that area it's not that's not a residential right that's a yeah so people will leave their cars there and it's not necessarily residents it's mostly a people that live across the street from there they park there we the grams do send out a notice just so you know but that doesn't mean everybody reads it any way we can get caution tape and tape it off no no because then you would have to do it the night before yeah we do that at six o'clock in the morning but by thenns I mean can we do you want people to exit on Friday or sat yeah Friday Saturday and for them to not even touch the parking lot how about if we put the caution tap two days out well we have to ask Andrea if she's okay with us disrupting that parking the day before but how much problem was it last year that mean is it justify last year we have to move around a bunch of kids so people can get their cars out they were going to work and then they were all frustrated looking for who to talk to because they needed to get to work and then there's a b you know the question is yes Andrea if Saturday they would allow us to close out that part that's right well hopefully the people last year won't make the same mistake this year well they it every year going so you're going to take that for action I'm going to ask Andrea if she would be okay if she's okay with us closing off caution T this time or get a sign it lights up they pull it up in little trailer parking lot will be closed do do you know it lights up so they can see that see it the night before anything else any other rent those like Bob's barricade else and they light up so when they pull in the parking lot at night they can see this going to be Clos oh yeah that he saying rent a sign not just a sign the one that the little that lights up it's a little Bill like the Marquee that we have on exactly we can do that but what do you guys think about well I'm trying to say does it justify that expense based on the amount of trouble that we had last year getting those cars out I mean it's worth see what it cost they just say I don't know what the expense is it would cost $500 volunteer to look into what a cost for that would be I think that's something the town does they rent bar they rent barricades and things all the time well this is a tassel we need to divide the task oners I know but this this would be a town employee I would think the person that would go ahead when there road construction and and things like that with the town the same person same vend Public Work public yeah maybe Public Works I can ask them if there's already a contract in place there's contract in place or whether there's homes or something else where we can block it off the night well first if we make them aware with the sign step if they say yeah then we have I know Public Works going to have the cones and we'll get some volunteers that put cones up so then we can go from there yeah you need as soon as Andrea says if we can do it then we have a plan now we have the figure something else we can get a th000 small Bots 1,50 small botles for 110 bucks you talking water yeah yeah a thousand thousand I for let's see if gives it to so cheaper cheaper free better it l water what kind of water you get there right water that concludes I guess the last thing I'll say on the parade is I'm gonna prepare a sponsorship package and I'll share it with you guys and we'll invite the old s all right great so that concludes discussion on the Veterans Day Parade um we basically got six minutes for reindeer run what you want to bring up here my notes with J um the Le I'm already locking up with them hopefully uh where they changed last year they used Harbor Place that's still available so I left a message for Andrea to let me know if we can still use it the what I'm sorry haror place for the Star Wars characters to change oh about it already yeah still available I mean now we're on the reinder run so um just so you know she does want to keep the theme she does want to keep the theme for the the thing look of the event it's the brand recognition of you know the established event but we do want to update the metal if you guys remember the metal was kind of like the same thing as a year before so we want to update it but with the same thing well with the ghost of the medal you know what we didn't do last year and we did it the year before we gave out trophies for each and individual winning of group and that was costly and a lot of people didn't stay for the trophy and stuff like that and so Judy and I talked about why don't we have some that have like a gold band silver band bronze band and then everybody else's participation is just red yeah so like an elevated metal for the it's the same metal it's the same metal but it has a different band you know oh no the way she explained it to us was actually the actual metal was like a nicer what a nicer medal for the winners and remember when you mentioned two years ago we we kind of made the mistake not knowing where we like everybody was the wi there was like insane um last year was a lot better we narrowed it down yeah but that that just basically you just got a bunch of 16 and 18 year olds who are winners I I that's the thing what I I did like I did like that we had every age group but nobody Stu that was it it was nobody stuck around for it we were like talking because knew about it no one knew about it you know well you didn't know I didn't know about it and I had won so this is something so this is something we need to talk about and theit make a decision on because I think we have mixed feelings about it okay I know from stockand I we don't think that the how we did it the first year was good it was insane like the amount of people winning no but it was every every age group so maybe we need to narrow down the groups of the winning but it's still shouldn't be like six people per C do you get what I mean maybe it really should just be the top of that c five age group or 10 three for age group that year they were like it was like an insane amount but it was a five year like 20 to 25 year old to 26 old so 10 year age groups cuts it in half a lot of races do that 30 to 39 year olds 40 to 49 year old that cut instead of being 70 to 75 it'll be 70 to 80 yeah 70 7980 if you want what I can do is I can share how we did it two years ago versus how we did it and also we did trophies two years ago and I think that was expensive for no reason be in a group of but I you know and really what we're talking about I mean with Judy I don't know if she may change it now she's talking about changing the medal entirely all we were talking about with a low cost the guys who went first place or the girls wins first place you know because there's men and women's right they just get a gold the gold ribbon around their regular medal and then silver and then bronze you know if you're third place or whatever um so I I'll to share the options from the last year and the one in the previous one so you guys are informed and make a decision right um and then the other thing I think the most important thing to stress is as you guys know everything goes up every year and last year um I think she would have liked to have raised more funds Judy does an amazing job at you know getting her contacts involved in sponsors but we really need the support of the veterans committee members so maybe commit every two of you bringing in a sponsor or something would make a great difference in terms of funding um you know if we want to raise as much funds as possible for the for the uh for the organization that's benefiting so do you guys think that's [Music] reasonable I might you mind well I'll have the sponsorship package ready I already discussed that with her um we're kind of keeping it the same and the good news is that I already know there's one additional sponsor interested it's more a healthcare system I got one to already yeah so just remember they have to sign the reply form and send it back to staff and we'll confirm them um but I really want to stress up because I think we sit here and we say yes but how many people actually pull through and bring forward sponsors is a story all right so but bring us a sponsorship agre we'll go get yeah we're wrapping up now they have a meeting at all right thank you sorry guys no worries all right well that is our meeting if you guys have any questions for the next one just um just email me and I do have a next meeting date set for the 5K so we can go over thoroughly I'll send you guys in okay when was the next meeting schu don't that's what I'll send you guys in EM thank you very much gentlemen