##VIDEO ID:2jK7D6z0DQs## signal okay all right meting call to order it's 1834 um let's do the roll call over the members Perez is here Borman is here necro is here Mr Garis has resigned Chad is in Ohio not here Gary's here CH is not Chris is not here Cole's not here Cole's not here's not here C's here Monique's here Pedro's absent Ed is here we have Forum okay please ride for pledge allegiance pledge allegiance the United States of America stands na indivisible and justice for all sounds please take your [Music] seats look comments got the comments no no the comments I have a couple comments um I just wanted to recognize and thank DC uh Vice chair Borman for an expertly ran special call meeting it was extremely cordial and collaborative so thank you Larry than you down thanks Larry have to thank you I on that thank for kind meeting fantastic right um order of business deferrals additions bels um I don't you wanted to see about something with the parade I know that's kind of already discussed in the old business 7A so that's I think's okay all right minutes very motion to approve well please take time to review the minutes first I did yeah here you had a motion to approve all right motion second approves a from Mr card Mr nicker discussion all those in favor motion minutes okay old business uh veterans parade after action three up three down three things we did good three things we did down um I would say our Grand Marshall was fantastic yes his speech at the end of the ceremony was superb and I and I really also want to thank Pedro Pio for getting the food with the cookies that sandwich and that cookie was delicious were Del were cookie that was ridiculous at the last piece of cookie it was really really good and also all the volunteers Kiki her announcing was awesome you know and everything you guys did to lineup everything and like all our plans they all F upon first Contact you know every son a bunch of people showed up that we didn't expect um and uh so it was amazing how you guys were able to adapt and adjust and keep the thing going and keep the flow going pretty darn good considering all the other folks that showed up and things like that um really I thought the weather was perfect you know the announcement was perfect to control the crowd which is just seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger was fantastic um the uh golf cart contest thing which was inspired by Katherine because he drove she drove her you know a golf cart here um was fantastic um the trophy passing on thing was fantastic which Larry had the idea the trophies and that was great they loved it um all right so those are my positives anybody else has any other positives to add no I I agree I I noticed that we had a lot audience this year last yes yes a lot of people yes even around when we I don't know maybe they advertised it better I'm not sure what happened it just seemed we had a lot more people a lot more folks stuck around and it was fantastic I spread out L yeah and uh okay things we can improve um I was happy to see you guys got another Porter John instead of just two por John we have I have to say we may need a fourth portter yeah you know I mean before you go I I positive I do want to say uh with Isle being out of town she's usually point a b and c for you know day of you know bossing I really do appreciate all the volunteer work that was done you know Captain Co everyone the family you guys were a killer on the morning so I want to personally thank you all for you know before the event during after making sure everything was taken care of and cleaned up it it was like smooth as butter to me which was you know at 9:30 I put my cameras on so it was really you know I needed we needed the hands and you guys you guys really delivered so I want to thank you just didn't recognize you looked like a turist no I was running around like good five miles of uh up and down the street and photos it was really it was really awesome so thank you all you know I got to tell you uh something he provided us that I did which was the minute by- minute hour by hour breakdown of what had it happen you know specify tasks that was very very with the maps and stuff like that and she was thr Community C with us even while she was in an entirely different continent so we have to you know hip our hats to her she's not here she's enjoying her evening you know it's nice preparing for another big event which we all know about and so yeah big big big thank you to like everyone in this room like big thank you and yes thank very much your family has been fantastic you did good too man we figure it out we had it done we we had all we didn't we weren't missing any equipment so yeah everything was there it seemed to run smooth and but I I really think is I laid down the plan really well and yeah we had of course adjust but when I got here at 7 with pill to pick up water we had plan we knew what everybody had to be we knew to Stage we pick up trucks with water and I know I know you and P it up you guys had meeting we had the meeting when I was out of town remember so we there was I you know where I was out of town and Bill was out of town and then I went out so it was like this really I think yeah but she did a good job ofing us on what needed to be done and it was a well communicated plan she had written it down yes and then gave it to us to look at and we all had copies of we all printed out and that's really the the key is the communicative plan while you know get executed but fantastic to everybody I didn't see fire did the fire ever show up Le I don't know at what point they entered the parade but I saw one fire truck leaving I happen to be standing next to cat and I'm like where did they come from the opposite yeah but they were coming out like from the end of the parade line they were coming out and you never saw I have a question for Jonathan Jonathan how many um how many groups actually showed up this year as and how many last year B your total organizations 50 have increase wasn't but not individual like I didn't count individually the dignitaries um we had um American High School that showed up and they were not registered no matter what they say not registered and they gave me a really hard time because they didn't want to be behind HML and you did a great job you had everything organized out there appreciate I just W to give a big shout out to the student volunteers they were phenomenal and I made sure to let their um sponsor know that the sponsor at Goldman because we did have student volunteers from Miami lak's Educational Center um but the that I'm in contact with um is at Goldman and they were thinking on their feet you know um if there was anything going on at registration there was any kind of confusion the kids came up with like problem they had excellent problem solving skills so you know I don't think um teenagers get a lot of credit all the time um they did amazing so no that was through misso right maybe they were a great bunch of kids well played they were they were they were eager to help and it was you could see the enthusiasm and it was good yeah no matter what sent them they were like okay let's let's do it but you know I had plenty of volunteers but they were they were wonderful and um you know I I went before the parade took off I went to each one of them because I had I had given like section leaders I had assigned section leaders like make sure that everybody is in the position that they're supposed to be and they did a very thorough um job in making sure that everyone was signed up correctly there was anybody missing they came out to me they they let me know who coordinates the letters for them so they get credit for their their Community hours well I well I communicated with Jonathan about who was present and who volunteered and Jonathan will take it from yeah we're we have our list so we're going to get them the hours and some um I don't know if the thinking certificates may have been in reference to like any involved party but I think I wanted for the thank certificates I'm looking at like large groups lar maybe not participants in parade but those volunteers that yeah yeah yeah so yeah we'll we'll we'll be taking care ofing some letter um on staff behalf on the community behalf however we want to right some combination yeah committ behalf it's just whatever is faster I can sign pretty quick yes so I don't know I back to your original question I don't have that exact number but it to me maybe it's because I was very presentating photos it felt like a lot I couldn't tell you the number of you know exact groups what you know if individual elected officials counted individually last year or this year or as a bunch this year last year so I don't you know that that's maybe an interesting way to um do like a cross tabulation of what changed but it felt busy it felt busy in a good way yes and U any negatives sorry back to the negatives yeah one more p well the interesting thing is they blocked off every single Crossing coming down 67th okay well Judy had two people in her truck so she got out and moved the cone I just ran over the cone yeah because I couldn't get from I couldn't get across because they blocked everything off and they didn't leave enough room that you could in fact turn and cross traffic yeah they should probably do that just maybe they need to find someplace because some of us had to get here yeah and coming south there was no way to get here I know maybe like last year it may have been a timing issue when we when we got to it we had a a big enough Gap to get through the turn uh left into the registration area right um going north of course and uh last year there was an officer that was able to move the cone like they were just stationed there so I don't know if it was the time we got there if there was a different set of Duties I don't I don't know but I mean but at 6 at 6:45 they had every Crossing with with hes and coming south there was no way to turn left without going through the we were told is that no one was going to be coming to the event on 67 everybody was going to go through the back and that's why 67 is always block off every Bill brought up a good point I couldn't get here without coming south and going I guess I could have turned the light up at Miami LEL Thorn yeah that would have been brought up a good point you mentioned the about sending a letter or something out to acknowledgement the students um I think we need to do the same thing with our sponsors your Fred Cerna with the cars and and the other whoever else sponsored whoever donated the water whatever either either on letterhead or something not just from the town from the veterans committee is that something we can do though yeah in fact I have I have the certificate stock and I can print those out I already have one done up actually for I'm sure I'm sure we could well we're down without I just kind of want to know who are the big organizations that donated stuff besides the autum M who else what are you good mid Warrior did the hydration what Warrior I I need a list of the sponsors cool do that cop and everything we recogniz Bakery and then the sandwiches that come sandwiches Sergio Sergio Serio oh one one thing that Larry and I had discussed um I had sent out the language for a letter to be signed by the mayor to be sent out as like a proper invitation invitation you know I always think of ways that I can do better the message it didn't go further than my email to the mayor's office I could have followed up on that so you know to that extent uh you know just pounding the inbox next time around but uh that's right I think it turned out well well the VIP list we kind of you know we've had much better turn out VIPs that Senators a lot of the other politi want to come and this year we didn't we had representative we had representative Tom it comes out events but I mean I'm talking about other mean you know Marco Rubio could have been there there's a lot of people that could had they received a proper invitation they they may have came but they do it right was an election too sure were they would have loved they would have loved to have been here right especially an election year course I was in contact with B's office for other things and I said well the par oh when is exactly they they don't know they need to put it on their calendar or we should tell them you know when we set up our schedule we should suddenly notice and say hey do this on such and such a date and this let their Chief staff put it on their calend an official limitation an official limitation on letterhead is is a lot more effective in this type of things we can do that in like January or February and tell them this is the schedule you're all invited one left no I know I think I think that's a that's a great idea because you know we give them the early calendar we give the early calendar Aid pops it on the calendar trust me it's it's not the congressman or whoever filling his calendar it's somebody in his office filling calendar whoever yeah [Music] that's think I think I should interview a couple of the VPS personally and find out what what what affects them the best maybe a combination of things I always they have they have certain folks do those things all right and but those are all great ideas so I think uh give me the list of those sponsors I'll crank out the certificates and you know I have the certificate stock and all I good jazz and out sign them wor thank you and them out um before you finish yes couple things I go Ahad touch me so uh first my children were honored to uh P The Pledge and we working on the national anthem for next year yeah she has a nice voice um Corrections brought tons more stuff that we thought they were going to bring so we're super happy with that um very thankful for that because they kind of filled in a lot of stuff that we didn't have yeah even though I was able to get the military car at the end but and another car showed up and we had a couple things the wi warriors did you guys bring all the military vehicles that was pretty cool I had the mar love that so we had like five tactical Vehicles bunch of Young Marines sitting in the back W had a good time well we were ready the honor was ready to present again at the end but we're happy that did it and encourage them to do it uh the one complaint I don't know if anybody else got anything else but the one complaint that we did receive was it was a town staff person that was um blocking the uh spectators at the um at the main on Main Street and they were asked to move and the person was moving but through a little bit investigation it wasn't a staff member it's a actually Committee Member from the public safety and that will be addressed at their meeting oh okay talk to Nancy about that yeah as far as we didn't get official complaints so she was fun publicly nonissue internally we got to get R he went wild on this band is making too much noise I can't hear the people trying to register that rout and then last note I think the route you know I know you've had at some point the route's going to have to get bigger yeah well I I think so a lot of the crowding is naturally around the stage on Main Street in 67 and then uh at the at town hall right out here uh side note on this side note the attendance at the main stage here I feel like was way better than it has been in the past like people stayed around more there was like a specific uh like Town Hall spectator group that lingered and had fun so but I think made an announcement to stay around for the closing ceremon and I think that helped and so what I think it happened is it kind of created two nodes of attendance where it was main stage 67 and Town Hall stage and I feel like along the Route it kind of just naturally thins out um you should probably look at ways of getting more maybe ins spectator zones or you know however we can compel people to I know we had bleachers in years past I don't know if there's be any gravity that bleachers actually have into like burning people out but you know something that C I think more people but it's still kind of you know once you get to CVS it's like nobody's really yeah there's nobody there and then I can imagine the parade participants as they're making that corner North making that bend up to then go West on Main Street it's kind of like empty they're just practicing their songs instead of actually performing and then when they get to Main Street the go town hall then it picks up again so not a complaint but just there a no on the nature of the route one one other the things uh make sure that we send out the announc the invitation two to tell perspective participant you must register you must be registered and those registering would be based on time of registration rep placed in the respective units and in the proper order that they are and if you don't register then you're close to the end of the line and to avoid some of this problem like so when perspective participants meting we we emailed participants from years past hey it's opened up again kind let know yeah that first come first it kind of enticed him to register early the other thing is no throwing of cies from Vehicles yeah that was that was crazy know what I got hit underneath show you yeah Cy forget it hit him in the eye get somebody in the eye I agree going to be in trouble that was brought up for last year yeah well we never used to we didn't allow year I know that that should be said fire to like hand out candy and not throw it they can walk around it out little b or whatever that makes sense like the flag you I mean I was spending with someone over [Music] yeah there some near the main stage on Main Street was got they have come in that when they registering online maybe more like something in the registration that is along the lines of if you're giving up things make sure you're not throwing that should part of also the invitation participant you know and or like Thee the day before email another thing we're missing at this parade is Norm traditionally our veterans committee chairperson rides in a car this year he walked yeah but I don't care about a lot of times we we use the car for the elderly Affairs committee we got plenty of cars gave us plenty of cars last year let them use the Y the Affairs I think well the the idea being that if you were to bring there and you were to bring your significant other or your family members whatever purpose it and it honors it's an honor to us to have you be honored there because you we're we're your team want to see in the front of I appreciate that but I mean if we don't have enough vehicles in the L Affairs I'm it understanding or or misunderstanding perhaps was that the veterans would be in the float yeah and so that there was like okay we need the float there's no need for a vehicle I don't know if well I mean one one year Fred asked me mhm because the Zant folks did not have the vehicle this year was last year he gave us 15 vehicles and then so this year someone asked me I forget about the Affairs Happ here so if we had enough I didn't know we had more than enough and we could have had more said plan yeah we yeah we had elderly we cultural Affairs indicated they would come I don't think they did um and then we also prayed for for Education advisor board which they also didn't show which there was not a lot of uh eagerness I'll say from the Committees which was weird but um yeah I I agree and the reason I I you know last year Mike C couple years ago when Mike C was the chair uh his mother who was very ill uh wrode with Mike in the par and that was like a highlight it was like the last big thing she did in her life and she was so proud of Mike out there and was just it was just a great thing you know no I appreciate that's really fantastic I'll say something about the Committees um special needs was telling me that they didn't have a car to ride in so I don't know how that works with the cars but they would have come out if they had been offered a car who was that special name I had a meeting yesterday with okay so we need to coordinate next year with all the Committees yes that that their chairs are invited and if they need a card let us know we can range that or if our sponsor Fred I think it was toong it was so we had 15 vehicles and then once they were picked up by any confirmed elected or uh yeah confirmed elected and then it was opened up to committees afterwards on a firsters serve so they should have gotten that Emil I think I'll follow up with the aisle to make sure okay so you guys are already pushing out the information yeah okay yeah we we we did open it up to the Committees because elderly fairs had um yeah they were there I just yeah well yeah we'll double check on the special news one yeah I notice I didn't notice Mr senior Mrs senior Mi Lakes there wasn't uh there wasn't a pageant this year there wasn't a pageant no that was a big one the uh the other thing is U looking forward um dressing room for the mcot for mcot and the Star Wars we've been fortunate that we've been able to get something from the grounds but that's because the door front has closed and we got there but it if it isn't available we need to P back in Pati what not even a fall we could have we should have the gr be the fallback yeah like we should be committing to a you should have like a constant commitment every year this is not as we've been doing this 4 times well I mean I meant not not like uh we're not compelling the GRS I meant more like we should be providing maybe a portable you know air conditioned tent like I don't know you know some sort of something something yeah and then the GMS would be like that would be a fall back so than right anything else okay let's move on to 7B the reindeer run update I was at the subcommittee meeting um right now we have $43,500 of commitments and actual money given wow that's an excellent job yeah um UD has asked for everyone to try to get two sponsors even no matter you know a little of the amount um I I got my two so I mean my quot um if everybody else can get you know one or two sponsors that'll be fantastic um that way you know we can increase the amount um we're going to have like a little fun zone and in that Fun Zone we're going to have uh I think we're going to laser tag and uh we had a laser tag during the mental health task force fall the kids went crazy over and it worked in the day I don't know how do it's like a um and the kids just loved it and so uh I said you know and it wasn't expensive it was like 500 bucks for 5 hours 100 bucks an hour and it was free you know for every kid and and then we had Parents running around playing it and so it'll be something for them to do either right after or before or whatever heck they want to do or the during if they're not running and stuff like that [Music] um do you remember anything else from St besides that need to be passed on no it was just uh us going back and forth making sure our lists were matching judies because again since aisle was out we could the best of our ability had a parttime one of our part-timers was uh keeping our sponsor tracker up to date um yeah and know and I I took a look at the uh um the sample metal and ribbons they look fantastic I mean I don't know if you guys have seen them especially the one with antlers your idea Larry it is so darn cool I I thought I was going to be kind of like you know Pokey and jokey but it actually looks really cool and uh so those are the the red ones are the ones everybody gets all participants get red ribbon with a metal and of course first place gets gold second place gets silver third place gets bronze and their age groups and they all have and then that's the metal that's pretty cool the antlers that looks pretty cool oh it's face yeah you got the idea yeah and on the ribons can you large one so we can take a better look logo we have all the emblem we have all the surface emblems which I I asked and they they were able to do and it's going to look fantastic I mean they won't look this sharp out of print but yeah less you'll be able to distinguish them yeah yeah yeah the arm looks make it look really bad that metal it's not just a circle now look all right so that's basically the updates but jud's doing a fantastic job he's just incredible yeah I'll I'll read I'll send out the uh the updated fire because we've been again getting all our sponsors back in order and back in line so updated logos um of data recognitions I'll email that and I'll email that like generic hey please participate here are photos from last year was a video from last year you know that that beautiful Outreach message so I'll okay here you go I actually have pass around take a [Music] few can't wait to see my com competition with you guys going to be in tomorrow no I'll be at army yeah you're going to be there I need some competition you're the UN your age group you're gonna win you're gonna win the go they had some Li last year I and you tri good job all right um are we ever going to do the family presentation for the veterans family scholarship yeah I sent out another email uh about you we only have one person one family member no I mean that I have a question on that on that scholarship are we um are the same people that were that applied last year are they going to be allow to apply again was yeah we we voted on that we did yeah yeah it was like a two or three year ability something one and done um really every response has have been at the 5K this year is like the only time all the alignment is going to happen because I mean one we don't have any more Council meetings until swearing in ceremony on December 10th but December 14 so you want think we should do the presentation there the the check presentation is that what you're saying no I think that's going to be dedicated to the swearing in I don't repeat what you were just saying because I kind of got but we don't have a there's no council meeting this for the rest of the year because they don't meet in December um and yeah we don't have a mayor have a mayor we don't have a mayor we don't have a vice mayor councilman coming in we have a new mayor so that's just is is running the government right now no but um yeah they were all indicating uh December 14th so I mean that's kind of what I I had brought that up at the very beginning I think you know towards the end hey thank you all for coming this is you know the very first class that all the money last year was raised help support and they come out and they do that sort of thing so do it at the at the that'll be great let's do that yeah I'll bring the big old fake check and I will say next year it could be earlier in theory because but we were only able to cut the check because the scholarship was like decided on relatively late yes and then we had with a vendor that set from the total so we had to recalculate all there be earlier and we wouldn't run out of Council meetings to have uh options with okay so we got a plans for December 14th right I'll bring that stuff when we can do it actually it sounds like that's a good plan for an annual time to do I think so too you know instead of doing it instead of doing it in front of the council yeah do it at the event well both I both okay because that what that says is hey this is what we're doing with your money yeah we don't know what we don't know what the final F this is what yeah no no I'm talking about the year before I'm talking about we get the money this year at next year we give it away and we and we do it maybe right before the race starts when all the runners are there right before the race starts when everybody when is there and are captured a before why not no not giv them cereem the ceremony do the ceremony obviously need the money before school starts they need the money before school starts but the ceremony come to the race okay one they see the race two the race the race goers see where the money's going okay becomes a wow we did that 2023 fund recipients will be I guess honored or you know hey this is where your money going at the do this year you saying for next year no we're do it this year we're going to invite the reciprocans from the mik Mike's [Music] and and and because you're putting a face to the race well I think it's more even for the sponsors the sponsors you know sponsors see it is idea this is a great this is a great advertisement for why we have now if they were eligible again for the money this year I know they show them right but I don't know I mean I don't I think Mike's not that shallow so there was was again I will do there was like an excitement in the responses so people are still excited to be part of it yeah um to show up I think the corero will show up I know they received it and everything yeah they'll show up yeah so I want to make a motion that we do the presentation at the beginning annually at the beginning of the reindeer run and anyone second I second seconded by nicker Bacher any discussion yeah who's going to reach out to the uh the previous winners and ask them to attend Jonathan no I already have them yeah yeah now they have a date certain and know you're going to contact them and give them all yeah but Jonathan we discussed earlier is that going to fall into the time frame uh it'll be taken care trust he trust the government from the government I see all all the conser smiles today everybody's happy you okay so there's a motion on the table to uh approve that the presentation will be annually on on race day right before the race starts yeah all those in favor that's a great idea fantastic all right uh QR code markers and stuff like that I I make a motion to table this until after the race sometime um after the swearing in of the new council members and stuff like that so that way we can uh approach whether or not town of Miami it's going to create a historical department so yeah the first uh so Gary has his page up on the website with the QR code that links to it now yeah yeah it's up I don't I don't know that I could pull it up very easily but uh you I a check so we'll find out tomorrow tomorrow we'll check it out when we go to the meeting on Saturday so I was out of town for the dedication uh and so when I was I was made aware that the Cod wasn't actually active I had to you know I was I was the middle of a mall in Minnesota and they reactivated the code so it's up so we have the basis for it I'm sure you know as we spoke it'll be easier with new Council to iron up Logistics Beyond just making a page on our website that we linked to because it is like a proper if it's going to be like a proper archival service in a sense like there's probably more sophisticated ways to go about it but it's up and we have the precedent and it works and at to town posted who the new council members are that were elected yeah that went I didn't see anything this morning yes or see where on the town's website or somewhere yeah I mean it's on the it's on the council page and we we did a post of uh congratulations see one winner they'll be swor in with the two that run out of POS yeah we we have to work it into a yeah promotion by the way if folks are trying to figure out what we're talking about uh the town approved the dedication of Pavilion B to Gary sting Gary Cardis and we had a dedication ceremony um and thank you Larry you were very super helpful in that dedication ceremony and because I was running around trying to deal with mental health task force I was MC for that setting up for that and then I was MC for uh Gary's thing and setting up for that as well so it was very well attended we had you know a lot of councilmen numers there pretty much almost all them we had Brian morera Marilyn Rano L colazo leis Fernandez josas I don't think he was there Jos both there yeah so I mean it was super well attended um it was a nice ceremony your whole family was there and Young Marines did the color guard ceremony hey look there's your QR code um there it is I mean there are some things that we want to do the uh Legion wants to do to make it a little bit better we want to fix a sign on the Pavilion we talked about it's kind of weird and we kind of want to put like uh Gary's picture on one of the posts that picture not this picture that picture a young handsome Gary and uh and then you can do the QR code and then that way people can put a face in the name stole took it down said I told to him about it he and he said that's easy to do you can put on the metal yeah yeah just Electro plate yeah yeah it's not hard to do so I'll figure it out your banner St no one took it down that the uh the banner we put up on top of the Pavilion it's still there oh I I didn't take it down it's still for you if you want it put on your car ask I'll bring a ladder up there and take Saturday okay yeah so we'll we'll get the American Legion to fund the uh new sign and the picture plate they have it donated to town okay there any new C numbers all right so on motions on the table to uh to uh table item 7D until February of 2025 once we have new council members and the new mayor and all that stuff can I get a second that motion second from Larry Borman any discussion right all in favor right new business I sent uh I think did you text the email I sent out you didn't oh kind of wanted part of the uh official record um I uh sent an email to the deputy Town manager which I sent be printed as part of the agenda because I wanted to be put part special part of the public record um basically requesting that they complete architectural and Engineering plans for the Veterans Park Memorial as you know we gave them $110,000 town to do that and so I'm basically telling him you need to do that and so the way ahead basically is you I spoke to Tom forio and I talked to representative Tomo and Renee Garcia Senator Renee Garcia our County Commissioner um and they are looking at how they can help us fund these things fund the building of it Etc um and bottom line is is they're going to need the town to have some skin in the game besides the money we've been donating to and we'll have to figure out once everybody gets elected and figure out what their budget is and figure out how much skin the game is and also they recommended that the American Legion Post do a fundrais it so that's something I'm going to probably bring up at the American Legion meeting Saturday um that we you know authorize some kind of fundraiser for this Memorial Etc and then that way we'll probably be able to get uh more particip from the state and the county so that's maybe that's all going on there um okay if I could I maybe I can tie this better into so last meeting there was discussion on the accounts the deletion the creation of certains uh deletion is not on the table I already knew that was going to be the answer but the will of the committee is what it is so I brought it to our CFO and it just can't happen for we can't just delete an account because that has history that has you know invoices and records that we can't okay that makesense I mean they're inactive so it's like you know you're talking about the line items line it yeah yeah we can't which is it's you know functionally not an issue how about adding the account the addition of the veterans parking world I'm still ironing that out with her I I sent you know a pretty good memo I guess about the history of the account the race uh it's money the original you know $10,000 is money from the 22 race so there's a lot of context that I've had to get Finance because it's right uh but that's still on the way my hopefully they will put that into our as a line item so that way we can I I I mean and so also sorry it's because I know that there is already a Veterans Park administrative you know thing that the parks department has so I don't know if there was any sort of you know blow with an extra Veteran Park Memorial account uh so we're we're ironing that out but it's going to it'll be fine either way maybe all we need to do is have visibility already have a line number account under Parks Rex for better maybe just make us you know put it on our report we have yeah so so in that email or in that discussion with the RCF included Jeremy so we're all you know what it looks like going forward because the intention of the group was to keep funding it in part through the race I believe um so I think it you know setting up that Foundation was a we're we're way to do all right fantastic okay any announcements that's a schedule of events uh any final thoughts motion to adjourn [Music] motion time is 192 [Music] up for life up for life you put it on your shirt your C or your C