##VIDEO ID:6RTNCvrncjw## e e e e e e e e they turn it back on Mee here we go all right good afternoon ladies and gentlemen Aloha from Hawaii um let's get this all the order it's 1833 let's take roll the secretary is absent so I will be roll myself present Larry present Chad absent Gary present Jamie Christopher absent pH ni here Nicole here Judy absent monque here Catherine here fedal here and we have four please rise for [Music] first all like to thank Larry for uh taking charge of the few subcommittee meetings that you know we had and I think one committee meeting while I was I really appreciate that that's right are there any public comments okay none um let's please review the minutes for the subcommittee meetings we have one from the just a reinder corre oh yes so in the ring we're we're on a backlog of a few uh I think at some point Gina I think you all know Gina she will be ringing my neck for it so I'll be reaching out on on yeah Jonathan try to speak just a little bit louder are you are you the secretary yes the AI is going to be the secretary I think it would be I think it would be wise to have some notated minutes as well yeah we'll take notes on the side too when we do motions and St that way we make sure we know what motions are made by all right please uh review the minutes e yes only for five was like sub commmittee of two r any comments and cors as you were there uh Larry what's we always we used to have go sponsors and title sponsors now we're trying to create a new category called Platinum sponsor I I really don't understand that yeah we have I think we have table sponsor bronze sponsor gold silver sponsor gold sponsor then title sponsor were you there Jonathan yeah I mean I I mean specific to a change from last year I'm not sure I'm we were supposed to get a menu of the sponsors with the the different PL the different qualifications were no there was a platinum last year was there okay okay because I guess I was PL okay idle platinum gold Fone silver bronze okay all right what's the level for platinum five five at least let me [Music] EV yeah the title yeah yeah that okay all right uh can I get a motion to approve the minut motion to approve the minutes by can have a second second second by Mr all those in favor I all right okay any referrals additions and deletions um I guess we're going to be talking budget so I to it on there um so let's add budget as item S car 7 C that's your motion yes my motion is to add the budget as item seven Charlie have a second time motion second second by all fav that is added to the agenda s Charlie pleas right hey veteran bra um there's a subcomittee meet for the veterans pray who was who's in the subcommittee I was nor a but I was in anybody here in the sub yes were you that very was okay you want to update us on what happened I don't have my words there were discussions on we still didn't have a Grand Marshal Grand Marshal no we didn't know aren't we supposed to vote in that today is there another meeting before the approve no today would no no no the Grand Marshall nominations are meant to close they're not close yet no they on the seventh is one they're do yeah we haven't seen any have do we have any in yet yes I can I you that we have actually you was Say ni m mmit one you know you said that Mike nomination well there there there's one nomination how many there's just one just one I think that one of the reasons just to let you know one of the reasons why you may not be getting nominations the information you require on that thing is a lot and if you don't have all the information in there it doesn't allow you to submit it so if they don't have that person DD214 or whatever it is you can't submit it and if somebody else wants to nominate somebody it's very difficult for them to do that because of those reasons yeah you end up self- nominating exactly so you mean at the time of submission or in general the the form that you have to to do a submission is a very difficult for it took me 40 minutes to fill out that form I'm pretty quick at stuff like that only because you know I had to look up each individual thing and go back and if you don't have it in there 100% including photograph of the person the the the proof of the military whatever then it will not allow you to submit it this is why you're not getting any submissions nobody's going to go through that well well the thing is we need that information of course you do but the idea being that at least you would know that you have a submission pending and you need need all that to to complete what do you recommend a in the in the past that this is based off the timelines of contacting noticing people making sure they they have confirmation they can even attend sending it to the Laker well the point is I've already heard there were other people that wanted to be submitted there per work here you had mentioned but none of this has been submitted and and Vine's even brought up and and my reason and I think the reason being is because of the difficulty in the form that he made uh put online to to to nominees well it's the same form as it has years right re and the same things happened in previous years so I'm just bringing a point out I've never done it before until this year and and I saw the difficulty in doing it I mean it requires the photographs it requires need 214 but we kind of would want those kind of I mean maybe not the photograph I I we could eliminate photograph I think that's just for publicity but these 14 prior to being nominated for being being voted on person has to be vetted correct so I mean that would be all part of all part of verification they would have to be vetted so I'm just you may maybe I'm we vet them by getting their d214 exactly so that we do need that and I think that's a lot of the issues but can the nomination just be like you nominate first and then once you have a pool then give the person time to like gather all the documents versus if I want to nominate you but I don't have all your stuff I can't so maybe make the nomination process simple and then once you have that person okay like we'll have time to gather things thank you that's what I wanted to say right well my only concern will be is are we going to make it where they push the information to us or we pull the information from them and right now we have a push system where they have to push it to us if you want to create a pull system then somebody has to pull well do you have access to pool no meaning somebody here will be the one contacting that there's a pull that information complet the application um so it'll be an additional duty that someone have to take on I'm not you know when you have uh information flow that's either a push or pull you know that's information flow management the most useful is the push where the information is pushed to you as opposed to you having to pull it because that's time consum right right so I mean I I just you know I'm just saying that only because you know information flow and information management it's been something that I dealt with for many many years so I unless somebody wants to take it on I question one more question unless there's a way to Gary just brought up an interesting point in order to have a banner they have to have proof of military service correct so wouldn't we have if we had someone's name wouldn't we automatically have their picture and proof the service with the with the with the fire and the bance how do we do that how do we all we have it already Gary has it they have a banner they they have a banner we have a picture we have a but then you still got ask that works out for somebody that has a banner but if they don't last year they didn't exactly like if you want to apply exactly and then to if the person wants to be the their own picture a lot of people a lot of people are modest and they really don't want to apply they' like to be asked you know it's be invited for that position I think that's how most people would feel about it I mean and when when we we try to make you Grand Marshall you didn't apply we asked you to be Grand Marshall yeah I [Music] didn't we could we could put it out in the in the Miami Lakes newsletter it is there it is there is there put in the I today oh okay I mean that's the thing I mean and and and even even if we tried to ask somebody like I asked a few people in America he and they said no and then we they have banners we can easily put them in or like I don't want to you know so it's like okay so I'm not going to keep on going around asking people I asked three folks and they said no I'm like okay so here here's what's required of the before it can be submitted name just a yes or no if they're a resident an address an email and phone why they're deserving that's more so uh of the user to explain why a photo and the24 are any of those those are that's I think that we shouldn't have as required no leave it the way what I'm saying is leave it the way it is but you know if they if they're missing something let them send in what they have and then we can go back and get it what's happening is they're not sending it all at all they're not just not the problem is I mean I wouldn't want to move forward with a nomination without a dd2 and we wouldn't we wouldn't but in order to get more interesting it I'm just thinking another way because what's happening now you start to put somebody in that doesn't take it next know not getting put all I'm saying is let's let let the let the app go through with the namey we need this and this you're going to make it a p you're going to make it a p all right who's going to do with that I was going to say there has to be some be happy to do it's a big deal okay I mean if we get 30 nominations then maybe we we condense it to like five and pick from the five and if we have to pull we pull but then at least you get more nominees right that's that's someone to do the action [Music] I'm like they were you got you got you got to for those folks who are pulling information you need to reverse plan and you need to come up with dates where if they don't submit it they're done I'm just going to put it right back on the person what do if there's there somebody that nominated okay okay nomin we need this we had from we have people from Port St Lou put it out in the Miami VA you know me stuff like one of their Billboards bu boards oh I like the idea of keeping the person's it's been opened up have [Music] people people from being nominated to be nominated is the speaking part well we've had I mean when P was P he was a great speaker right so okay so let's make let's let's make a moot to uh um well basically those folks who are volunteering to P the information um welcome to the welcome to the welcome to the veterans parade subcommittee um can I a little bit what we're saying not not to change anything that Jonathan's done leave the way it is accept don't limit them from putting in the information okay sending the email put what they we just putting what they have and then if I'm the person in charge I'm going to call them up and say hey that's great we want to have a Bill Jones in there for but we want to need this we want to need that and I'll put it back on them again that's all but in the meantime we we we have their name in and we can follow up with that person to see if they want to you want to want to follow through so from that list the only thing that do you want me to un require all of those and so they can submit it's still going to be required it's to be required no my use of required is whether or not when they click submit it will go through I would say the picture in the whether or not through if it's incomplete if something is missing is more what I'm saying right if something at least we can we'll contact them let them know what on the form I will unrequired is what right exactly just on the form only just on the form for everything no no I think you've got just allow the form to go through if it's missing things here's another example too you won't take a standard picture you can't upload a picture out of your camera you require a PDF to be uploaded a lot of people oh yeah oh yeah it must be a PDF in order to be upload J PNG I all the it's PNG let me let me make a colel decision here okay here's I want um they need to have their full contact information name address phone number Etc everything else DD214 and picture don't make that requirement and then the uh and the subcommittee Personnel the notifiers Larry thank you for volunteering um we'll contact them for the information and if they don't get their DD214 in the Killer is DD214 their picture is not the Killer um the killer of DD214 so we need to come up with the date that it absolutely has to be in the DD214 what date is that right now it's October 7th that's when they were closed okay so October 7th will be the date that the dd24 has to be in which would call yeah and then we'll do a special call to vote on who the person's going to be for the Grand Marshall but uh so basically basically we're doing it about 30 days out we're closing it basically is that what we're doing about 30 days gave us the buffer of you know getting all doing certain redactions doing certain right so they got so everything but the picture and but the dd24 yes okay is the picture is going to be needed for the which was which was part of this the timing deadline run but but if they run the Laker paper later that's fine they'll get the picture eventually they can contact l also contact individual get a picture so okay so that's what we have yeah that me okay so um do I need to make motion for that or is that something I don't think so it's already just modifying whatever exist all right that was good thank you L um it's not going to really help us this time but it should make it easier next time all right veterans parade how are we doing with the bands and all that stuff do we have to approve funding for the bands and stuff like that I think we did already I I think we did already uh that is a note that I believe I would have better um understanding of but yeah I couldn't I couldn't speak to yes or no on that okay one of the things I was hoping we would do the next time we have a subcommittee meeting um regarding the three is that we have a checklist available for everyone to go down I know that I I know that um you guys had one um but I didn't have one we the rest of us didn't they have a checklist of what need of what we have done uh to go over one thing at a time so each so we're just not half hazly talking about this and talking about that much easier to have the list broke on there the list should be should be part of the agenda may maybe as an attachment or something it wasn't part of the last meeting that maybe was my responsibility but that was needed to be there who is the sub committee chair for the you am I right eye on my ice chair thanks jle thanks Larry throw me under a bus and then turns around and go back on your left how you like a that that's what happen when I RSE play more for what I have what I have at least is we spoke about color coordinated zones for the areas we placed orders for Flags to you know indicate you know if you're in the Red Zone that's the flag for it okay go to that uh we already reached out to the gram regarding the party because I'm pretty sure first subcommittee thing I had an agenda laid out did yeah I don't think I was there we talked about we talked about the the volunteers and they're what they're going to be doing as far as having a couple volunteers out marching with the parade and going to Charles James Charles James and him know what group's coming up next so we can announce them coming uh we talked about the the uh the color guard the honor guard uh being there at the store parade and hopefully you'll be there again at the finish I don't see a problem with it something comes up from here to then it was was confirmed that yes we've never done it before yeah but I I don't know if you heard we we already have covered closing off parking the night before or or I don't know if it was one or two nightes before it would stretch it we we mentioned we mentioned the parade that it be good idea to get some VIPs you maybe Alex Rizzo or Renee Garcia and uh you asked me to write a letter I did gave it to you I believe you made some corrections to it did the mayor ever get that does that ever um sent out no because we we we haven't sent it out to the entire circuit yet I think it's important we give these VIPs I mean they have a pretty time busy schedule you need to get get that ahead of time formally or informally rather we have it on their calendars uh their their uh their staff I guess would be the way to put it their calendars the formal letter is not the thing that has gone out we have we have it on their calendar you give me the letter I give it to indirectly because I meet with it once in a while the letter is not just a letter it's an invitation like if you go to a wedding or something you know there's a wedding but it's nice to have an invitation you yeah only invited yeah one thing we only have one sponsor at this moment for the veterans parade for the veterans parade and so we've been we've been sending out our our packets we've been you know trying to F the water the only one that we have right now is memorial and that's because they they entered into an agreement with us regarding like a Year's worth of sponsorships so please reach out to people about the the sponsorship packets that you had sent are they a title sponsor or what are they no I I I don't know they bu see the thing about their recognition is since they agree to a year long I don't exact tell us we had sponsorship last year total yeah how much yeah [Music] [Music] we got 5100 5100 on top of what is the budget it's not our line on budget must be budgeted by town somewhere else and then I'll be able to involv us2000 2000 all right we got a $3,100 if we could find we have respons here from toyot yeah I think there was an agre on that or getting more water as well um yeah stuff that we already discuss the signups as of now right now we have 16 signups uh for the the groups that's for the pray for the pray yeah I re I for you an email I got from uh Linda from the M Laker somebody from the air force it seems like a I got she said did that also yeah so Chad said that caution fitnesses van the Air Force van mention about the we request I have to change the DAT right so I send the email for all the assets and um the only problem that we're having is that a lot of stuff is getting either cut down yeah or none at all because of the uh transition m oh that's the only problem that even for the Bike Rodeo everything basically got cut in half even the district That was supposed to be out here got enough I'm going to invite them also because they have like TVs and stuff like that to see if they can also come around um but I'm waiting to see what what they tell me to come headqu you know about you know about our golf cart cor corre what golf the golf cart contest we have do we have anybody how many golf carts do we have uh so far that would be I think it's two oh we have we have seven signups for she's for but she's also like working outly [Music] [Music] [Music] no I'm [Music] sorry how manys the we ran into was the I excuse me the are we to that they have a town permit 53 [Music] can we get can we contact them individually send them out a little letter something that are not in my group are pered so if you send it well what I'm going to do is send a mass email the the main parage page speak the main parade page has the registration the sponsorship access the golf cart nomination the volunteer uh registration I'm going to send that all with the sponsorship package if there's going to be I probably format it into a generic you know you guys can send it the second you get it um to whoever you know sign up for a golf cart sign up to sponsor sign up to be involved uh kind of thing just so we're all able to you know maximize the can can Jonathan can you send out a personalized invitation to the 53 golf court owners to invite them they are registered no those haven't registered 53 register the 53 going to register all right I I know um yeah see if I can D even an email something just you know TR a contact from individually uh what I'm going to do is I'm going to get close on the trophies remember we we approved trophies for the first second and third place right I'm going to get some votes for those and we going come up with the design have some IDE question yeah dressing room for Star Wars yeah I have no no reply I no I I just don't have an update on that that's something in the aisle um coordinates with the grams wish those guys are really super cool Star Wars awesome their uniforms are so damn not too no they have to be exact the movie that's why that's why that's why the Stormtroopers can't get anything [Music] [Music] son right any other any other issues or discussions on veterans parade something yes sir so we received an email from the town referen the um I think they're Colombian horses that are always on the parade having an end problem at the end of the with Crossing some streets we're going to take care of it we're going to take care they're those forces are exhausted by the time they get they're triple stepping full yeah and our next meeting scheduled on the 7 yeah I think when is our next meeting it's but the special call is before that special call on the 7th no the the next regular schedu meeting is on the 7th um yeah that's November 7th parides November 3rd so we need to do we need to know when the special call is going to be for well that look the calendar figure it [Music] out so normal parade registrations are due the 21st if that's if that can give you guys any reference for when special call we you look for so October 21st yeah that's our regular meeting that is no no that's that's going to be our special call it's a special a Monday oober October 21st October 21st all right can I have a motion for what time folks you want to make it 5:30 or 6:30 I think 6:30 to get people time 63030 we got to know where the rooms available yeah I I have to check I'm going to be out of town for the 23rd so you're not going to be here the 21st we can do the medum so do it before that you zoom in no is be cover for you she will be uh I mean it's only we're only voting on the on the uh there's no availability in this in this room no no there's an education Advisory board meeting and a blasting Advisory board meeting what about the 22nd Public Safety starts at 7 so it could be a30 yeah it will it'll be no I I say 5:30 because it can run over can be late just to have the room 5:30 to 7 5:30 7 fine we'll start it at 18:30 we start that's only well that that giv you half an hour so 1800 just one hour it's it's quick it's just to V that's well let's just have it then if we're going to be here we can show up any time last time when we voted it was not quick but if we send the the application work you're there was a lot of discussion about d4s and the validity of some of the D2 used to get the registration yeah we had some guys trying to falsify yeah when you see 10 arm accommodation medals and in 12 years of service you kind of go that looks odd 1800 they get 1800 then you got an hour we used to get the uh the nominations okay so on the table October 27 2nd 22nd 22 1800 at 1800 from nicker bucker do I have a second second the [Music] 22nd 6:30 600 18 and that's a special call special call me all those in favor okay so we passed 1800 oober 2 second it should be good for is just because she's meeting right after [Music] but alert put in second I got to do that like right now if I walk out with doing it everything any other issues for veteran spr thank you Larry foring this um oh just to know on the horses Island I did get that we're trying to figure it out I don't know that there's much we they were moved to the back because of the theal concern uh I don't know how we can adjust that I know the issue with you know it trailing off with attendance we're we're trying to figure out they were they were saying on our hand it was something like help them cross the streets or something like that we can accommodate all of that like there no problem it okay yeah that's our specialty we'll take care of it the motor but you will not be following up with the spers right no no no that is not our speci clarify that we get an update on the reindeer run for those who want um were at the subcommittee meeting well we got notes we have we have ouri notes Here Yeah are good yeah this is kind of you know Judy is kind of a oneman showing this thing just amazing she's she just is involved in every detail of of this of this this event and um even the things like little dog that you with the car that walks all the little stuff the coffee truck being there she wants everybody there at 6:30 the sponsors are set up she's pretty she's pretty much controlling this thing and they even talk about it without her being here is an injustice it's uh because she's really she's just even even the sponsors only thing that um I was looking forward to getting would be the U the sponsorship um chart the Platinum whatever it was that we said we want to change the the prices on those what the qualifications are going to be for that and so we could start go ahead and start soliciting uh you know some some new sponsors and Judy wants she said it seems like we could all get at least two sponsors if every one of us do that in addition to what she's doing this is going to be a big success yeah yeah that's really just the so as of now and I I'll let you guys know we opened uh registrations a month earlier than years past we're at 17 now which is we need package right I know my my point on sponsorship is going to be that that's the only thing that we need to we also we also need the posters and the uh and the Flyers yes so the flyer the the generic flyer cuz we SP about having the generic fly instead of you know a company one that's pointing out with a a mass email we'll just call it uh to you guys as well but also to the sponsors that we we're going to keep bombarding them for involvement right the only update I have regarding sponsors is uh Memorial again and then there's going to be some involvement from chipa again from years past and then and we have chipa you guys will be getting a finalized generic email again for this is our event he get involved here's the upsides here's event uh I think I included the album of the event from last in the video like here's what you're going to get out of it um there's another thing John I wanted to can I get the the sponsor can you email the sponsorship agreement to me so I can out to somebody we need the package package whatever usually and also the um you know one of the things that the uh the corporate the corporate run you the Mercedes-Benz corporate run in Miami or whoever sponsoring it this year the Miami Marathon one of the things they do is all the participants to which we have their information now for a couple years running we have all our email addresses and everything they send out emails and and contact months in advance to let you know this events coming up have we done that have we began to contact the previous it happens automatically as far as I'm aware with the service we or I have no problem utilizing their the past Year's register list I'm assuming it did though because yeah we got we have a company that does it hasn't cuz I haven't gotten anything it couldn't have because before before we went public with the race from it being published on the back end to it being announced on social media we didn't get registrations that was my understanding that in email did go out to years pass regist as a result because I mean as a right now nothing I haven't gotten I'll I'll double check with that that's yeah and and that's something we should have at least I would say at least a half a dozen emails to previous participants go out and Bo race just remind them it's coming up you know set the date aside all the things and with with the the discounts yeah the discount know about that I have no problem with that but I don't know who who who are we looking to to do that is that something we do it's our that's our list that's our we we maintain those lists uh we just have to go to years prior pull them and just send out an email so John say you're going to send an email out to the Past participants yeah with the price list and letting them know we're doing this again you know who in charge of Instagram you [Music] are won't [Music] be we don't post Instagram unless it's a story $100 each un it's a story which one is m so when when is the next subcommitte for we have a date set for the next 5K no we don't yeah jud's going to set that dat jud's gonna set it when she comes back yes you should put that's like 6,000 flowers they put a bunch of flowers any other issues on the uh the 5K all next [Music] item oh Gary cardin's Pavilion I got a text you talking about I got a text from uh JY um he asked about November 14th but I think November 14th we're not doing the 19 it has to be the 19th so I'll correct the date with an amendment his idea is to do it because um it's rented out in the morning from 10 and if we do the event at 9:30 wait say that again sorry this ISS 10 yeah yeah November no no he was he was asking October 14th and I he had the wrong date but okay so it's October 19th the day of our meeting and so what I'm trying to do is I'm going to tell Jeremy that and we because the Pavilion is rented out to somebody but they won't take possession of it until after 10:00 so we're going to try to do a ceremony at 0930 right before our meeting um and then then we'll you know do all the eating and all the Talking inside so we're not we're not wor about s so that's one thing I need to verify with Jeremy is if we can have the space for 0930 on the 19 they don't those until about 10 I'll have to I I don't know the logistics of the mental health event uh it that doesn't start till 10 I know but I don't know where they're setting up pumpkin like I'm just saying this in like they're not going to take over the pav know that that it's already been taken care of yeah so they're they're moving it somewhere else they know that the provision so they're not going to touch theion that was me just not knowing any any yeah we're not we're not going to touch the Pavilion and I got to be there for the face pain is there is there um we need you h the sound system there so uh sound system is something I can ask J is there anything that that that we could do or I could do to to contribute to getting that ceremony set up on the morning 19 well I think those folks who are coming to set up they just come up set up about z9 who's coming to set up well right now I have me I'll set you got me okay now I got you and and that'll be great and really what I'm thinking about setup is we get the flags from the from inside the Americans we need a key and we get the uh what you call I call the Sandwich Board signs you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah oh sandwich por signs put it out there and we just need one Podium I don't think we need a speaker system because the only person going to be talking out there is me um because we're going to go back inside to then roast Gary and he get the last word because it could take a while we're let him [Music] talk know right before he right before he talks I'm gonna ring the child right he gets last word it's like a roast you know then I want everybody to be inside sitting down and you know they can move around and stuff like that make heads whatever take a nap whatever they need to do what time you want 9 o' yeah I think N9 o'clock you know so we can just set everything up I had the key and uh I had the key you have the key okay cool I should I bring the uh the sound system if it's if it has power oh yeah yeah the smaller ones yeah yeah yeah it can't hurt I mean I can project my voice but yeah it can't hurt yeah charge we're ask $5 five for the americ any time they rent it they have to give Gary $5 five for the American all right so I'm adding this right [Music] now that's the other event be there oh that's thing I this is more of a town a town side not committee side I will be there for photos cuz I will be out of town that's a good thing to get photos of it may be worth reaching out to tic I as T to go I feel we can we notify the uh the the um Miami Laker maybe they would it' be nice we also need we also could you let the uh to Mu the officials the elected officials no because some of them actually reached down they want to know when Gary's doing some like it's Gary yeah if we have the lak there could be could be a nice phot I think I think this they've already closed out the issue for tomorrow but 18 it'll be a [Music] good it could be Laker can be there at 9:30 just for I to yeah it's going to be a short ceremony I would think it's going to be a short ceremony I mean the roast and and the food and stuff no we go inside we're going back inside I'm not GNA leave all these old visioners outside for we're g to do we're going to do a 10 15 minute ceremony dedicate to stuff probably I'm going to try to arrange for the Young Marines to be there so we can do a color ceremony it'll be very solemn very official no roasting of Gary and then we go inside and then tell them how we really feel about and then and then you try to find them you know that we have we have something for his family the family can go wow they really respect them and then we have something for us we need we need to let the guys in the in the post know to be yeah so we so but uh let me take care of that with May on right now and actually say 9:30 I had to give you the newspaper for the event that we did with the mayor medley medley yeah I have it I forgot okay um all right so that's it for the dedication of Gary gard it's going to be really short it's going to be really sweet but um for the food when we get back in there Gary we'll talk offline because I think the the American Legion should fund the meal whatever we and you get I think I already talked to Pedro I think we're going to get some kind of deal or something on that so yeah on the on the par the better day we're going to have like 50 people in the morning with coffee and and Mi and then uh lunch will be at 11:00 charge you give me 50% off price yeah we need to do we need to do something also for for the 19th for him so how many um we could few you're probably going to have at least 25 yeah we usually I ask I ask FR because FR is very good bra of yesterday with yesterday we were withy on the PED well you know we the legion has the money to pay for if we get a good deal I can get it cheap okay get cheap get it cheap you get it for nothing fre is good more better 50 people 50 people 50 people um yeah and we got to pass him out cu last time yeah yeah they decided to I went down you want to be there 10 o' no no no I didn't it has to be after our meeting after the uh naion meeting 11 11:30 11 o' 11 they could be here a little bit earlier to set up but and we need that bigger room we get that the K well okay we'll do what we can well you know here's here's the thing um we need to talk to we have events like this special events they should take that into consideration and the kids should be the ones that are moving that was our room to begin with I think that we need to talk to we need to talk to jery and we did that we had the Memorial Day event it wasn't a problem here we are having another event it shouldn't be a problem you you do that change pardon me gave choices we could meet at night or we meet on Dat well we should give him Choice maybe we need to speak to uh to Ed Peter well we'll figure that one out we we'll talk offline since that's a legion issue um well it's not it's more than Legion issue it's the it's no it really is our Legion meeting so it's not appropriate to talk about during this committee the celebrate at 11:00 the celebration of the event we're having the legion meeting then we're having celebration 11:00 which is basically a function of the of the I hear what you're saying I hear what you're saying but let's let's talk about were we going to talk about 7c yes Miss okay let's go back to the budget 7 Charlie everyone should have in front of them the appropriate budget town it's a pretty unexciting for yes I just wanted it if if I a bill sorry uh I wanted it out there because sometimes we have questions about moving money to and from places we don't know what accounts exist because they don't show up if they're not funded these are unfunded uh accounts as well we only have three funded the banners the Arbor Day planting trees is what it's most mostly written as and the uh Care Pack package which is you know man obsessed is being flower deliveries in the past those are be funded accounts everything else is more moving money from places throughout the year so those are the accounts that's my little update the new fa started Tuesday so this week Russ yeah I guess you know the I was talking about is we have some line numbers here that really no longer serve a purpose and so so I like to Cle of our budget if we may um I don't recall us ever doing a veteran job there may have been something that we did one time what was the uh sorry Bill because I don't have any reference for these things either uh what was the context of that job fair like was an event that went it was an event that happened they were at the were at the Coast Guard Station was it just once no it was done at the at the hotel not was that just once yes one what year about I by it wased by okay well um I like to recommend that um if we're not doing something we haven't done it for several years we should consider it removing it as a line know whether or not the che Financial Officer can do that at least we should vote on there um and then uh veteran committee shirs obviously we need that um we have no money for that right now um we have our Arbor Day right now is at $2,000 I think we approved spending some of that money for what do you recall last buses last was a few things I think it was The Reef the memorial R um P ends for performers yeah um there there are a few things that I I know we moved buses didn't we move buses or stuff like that no I think the bus the buses would have been straight out of the the account okay right out of the great account right which is not on on here that's a separate account right yeah all right so I'd like to have some some money in the veterans committee shirts fun because we need some shirts right um how about 200 bucks should be able to buy buy about three shirts right full shirt I was going to say I can get a quote and bring it back to but you guys can move up to 700 I would not recommend that yeah no I say uh I'm making a motion to move $200 from our Arbor Day budget into the veterans committee t-shirt I'll send up yeah send out an email get quantity and sizes right well basically anyone who needs one he needs one um and uh yeah I think he's medium but I think 200 bucks should cover the two new members B I think you're ready ni yeah later that's R we have a new mayor coming in he has to keep the he has to keep the committee I mean he could throw us all not just in the mayor up in the mayor with about mayor seat one Steven herberg JC Fernandez got three three seats three seats I don't know I've made so many graphics and election post that I'm not even remember there's a lot I don't think they said could imagine but all those in favor of moving $ to the committee shirt from line 13 to 13 to 14 all in favor motion pass and you could still like the $700 you can have you need to get more shirts you can still move money over there I had a little a little uh point about 911 if there was room to work it into the budget talks as well or like a a recap of one and um looking forward to the next recap of the event I think the the ree was a big H we left it in town hall for like a week and change I can't even remember it was beautiful as far as yeah we funded that didn't we I was going to say as far as the veterans committee's involvement going forward with that event if that's going to be the involvement I think it's good to have that put us at 180 I think it it was 180 yes um just ideas I don't see a need to create now especially having ceremoniously handed off the event to create a line for 911 event no we're just always donated for that event right I mean it's long that but and that was sort of my seg to if there's anything that we can like beat over the head now instead of oh we don't have an account for that oh we can't move money for it it's kind of we've gone through the motions over the years that we have probably all we need that's just me I think we could probably stick it in dedicate the line number five or record number five D ceremony Veterans Memorial they stick it in there the uh Mone last year it may have I think we did sck it in some I think one of the memorial it's like the proper line seven okay there you go line seven there you go we'll put it there I me that's that's 11 months away but I think it's all right so I like can make a motion to move $200 from the another $200 from the Arbor Day fund to the Memorial Day event fund to purchase uh the wreath um can I have a second for that motion please the motion on the table is to move $200 from the Arbor Day fund reducing it to ,600 and moving that $200 to the memorial a day event for the purchase of a reef to assist Public Safety um made by F by all those in favor I motion proba with my last point because I think it would involve more than just you know couple minutes of discussion is the banners uh they're getting expensive last year was specifically expensive because it was an entire reprint slate um wasn't that covered by Mi Le aom yes they did Cover the difference on top of uh burning out the entirety of the 4 five we're not going to be doing that for another couple years I would imag but I think it's good to open up the discussion about because now we're now we're having a space limitation along 154 between education banners military and then education again I don't know what the process is going to look like going forward I brought it up before of like what disqualifies a person if they if they move out I know there's like weird discussion about all right so here's what I recommend the way ahead on this is I'm going to create a straw man plan you know something we could just use to as a starting F discussion and I think we should create a subcommittee on that um that way they can uh you know decide but it's always good to have like we used to have conops and con plans off PL and it was always a shell the plan you fill it in and it was a straw man plan basically that then you started adding things to and taking things out but uh as a way of starting the discussion so I'll create one and then we'll set up a subcommittee for that um in our next meeting because right now I want to get through the reindeer run and I want to get through the veterans parade yeah so we're looking at January let's bring that up from January again have that as an agenda item so we can start addressing that yeah it's good to give us time cuz whatever it ends up being I think if Will reasonably have to go before Council because this is not this is not well I mean I have I have I have a working idea of what I I think how we should you know par it because um I think we'll figure it out something'll figure out we'll have at least a proposal and then the council can fight over it and then it'll decide all right so moving right along um we have this photo contest I'm looking at number 12 um when's the last time we did a photo contest on that I can't recall one okay so that one that one and I'm just pointing out the ones that I think are right for removal recommending removal um this Veterans Affairs committee o dark line 11 seems to be a repeat from line too but I don't know what old AR means yeah my only understanding of the old AR is how to Darkness and that is lit all I know the title that's well out of the darkness well yeah you can eliminate that yeah because I think the mental health task force will be working on those kind of issues so I think 11 is probably another one that could be recommended for removal we'll do a motion capturing all this we're good with 10 um what's this milit Veterans Affairs M no are there that's an RFI figure it out will you let us know next time I um met veterans M Le veterans have passed away did we buy flowers or something this is for flowers flowers okay yeah I like to let's keep that I mean um Memorial Day events that's good flag retirement ceremony we Haven done yeah we we basically have the mail the mailbox there and the Boy Scouts do that the Boy Scouts they do they're going to do a big retir ceremony coming up I think six is another one so that's retirement ceremony okay dedication ceremony for Veterans Memorial I'm not sure what you know anybody know um dedication I mean we we do need a Veterans Memorial Park fund because we gave the town $10,000 and we're going to give it $5,000 or so or 30% of the proceeds from the reinder Le and I like to see it reflected so we know it's being earmarked exactly for what it is guys referring to when the new building it could be a ceremony that happen so five I'm looking at five being one that we don't longer need uh veterans fa committee here that bus did you say remove five well we haven't we haven't voted yet I'm just thinking out loud right now um yeah that's feder affaris committee that's number four number four what was that it says care packages do those anymore so that 500 should be moved out of there do we need shirts and the uh we what was the care packages about what were they we used packages out to oh AC overseas yeah well we can even get the names and I addresses and all that yeah I mean that's something we can we can actually um be nice we can donate that to the Red Cross forting well here I mean that's a great the idea itself of sending out care packages to military folks who are deploy it's a good idea but we don't have to duplicate the effort that already exists in town what we should do is part like Goldman High School our lady legs they do this and so what we could do is partner with them so that way we use their labor force and we just give them some resources some money and stuff like that or put a veteran's face on it you know in context so I'm more I'm more of a person who likes to partner and get things done and use the Synergy and and coordinated efforts you know move those big blue arrows in One Direction as supposed to trying to take it all on so I I say we um we could move that entire amount [Music] into recomendation well you just leave it there yeah I would I would probably just suggest leaving it there we need it we okay so let's leave it there'll leave it there it's it's it's a bodified line let's keep it there and I will I will reiterate at $700 which we've already moved for we have to go Council uh contributions and donations you can't really touch that that is that is when we get sponsorships that compan yeah that's outside okay 5K we have something the Veterans Affairs committee too is fine contribution on anything that's fine so I make a motion to remove the following line item on the record number remove number five dedication ceremony V Memorial remove number six flag retirement ceremony remove number 11 that was committee o dark remove number 12 Bal contest patriotism and remove number 15 so it's motion to remove what about what [Music] about five 6 11 nine I don't know what it is yet so I asked him to figure it out number eight keep it I think that's that's good to have Gonna Keep it yeah that's good to have in 2013 or 2014 well I think it's something well 21104 so that's a long time oh I thought it was like a mistake it is a it is a I'm going with the Tyle we got we got a 99 years span that's going to be open for 99 years 80 years 80 years that's that's a long budgetary cycle never seen that done so 5 6 11 12 and 15 yeah the town budgets in a 90e cycle okay 11 12 15 and 15 all right so gonna have a second to recommend removal that's right you got too many already for you all those in favor I we just voted on removing 5 6 11 12 and 15 15 for the record record number line number right and I like to make a motion that a line number record number be added or Veterans Memorial Park um they'll be up to the CFO as to what record number line motion to add Veterans Memorial and that may be what mm stands for so I actually just found it um this is for parking parking yesk at a Miami Mar gate okay very clearly it to me is a one year thing I'm assuming all right I don't have the context I'm assuming veterans were invited to we we are we still are I think it's it but the the seniors will will coordinate field trips nowadays I'm assuming this was a marriage I never we never did that all right let's uh let's do the motion that's on the table to add Veterans Memorial Park line number and record number M by PR second and by hour oh no it's form I thought you were gonna say something all right all those in favor okay now going back to remove another line number now removal of line number nine uh make a motion to recommend a removal of line record number nine um Veterans Affair committee Miami Marlins parking fund um [Music] where's second bu [Music] I know this is kind of administrative folks but you really want to clean the budget very otherwise we'll be doing we'll just be passing piing the can down the road the other folks saying what's this for what's that for all those are favor I right budget is done all right motion to ajour don't take any any any uh final comments okay motion to adjourn by nicker second hi