##VIDEO ID:F38krg0snxE## e e y okay please no no I'll do it meting call like to call the meeting to order at 10 minutes after 5 1700 and5 minutes roll call Judy B Perez woo 100% we're out number fls we have public comments here we jus Sarah okay Pledge of Allegiance flager na indivisible any public comments any comments all right let's do it um new business any um order any deferrals additions or deletions okay we run discussion I have happy to say that I have bringing $6,000 in the bank that's from uh I have um J's $5,000 this is new new J affordable AutoGlass is joining us once again are are new and um I have an upd $5,000 from yeah a th000 from affordable auto and truck blast and 5,000 from Jim Moren and Jim Mor y ,000 from glass autog glass and I got a commitment from uh Fred and the email the chamber yes when you say Fred you're just referring to the yeah not the aut one yes that's that's why I was asking yeah talk about right sorry I did how much did I last um chamber the chamber gave what they give I don't remember helping us promote the oh they didn't give us any dollars oh yeah so got dollars this year that's awesome huge okay I'm GNA ask him for money I'll see him this weekend we have illusion weekend J are you still used to look at stuff uh Judy just while we're here um do you want to forward me I'm assuming you have an email from this person Jim Mor yeah and affortable we have their info from us and it's just but if you want to if you have me anything so like that we canar you talk some for Logos and stuff all that to so we have total we're over 40 we're at 45 we are at 44,500 wow let me see where we're we don't I'm done yet I got maybe two more we not that might be it I don't think matching so I wanted to go through them with you anyways okay we Chad W that was a surprise so happy I guess now they B out of out that's okay we we'll get the first batch out let's get him out I think I was PR need to be realized thank you oh wow yay that was a surprise what about Chad can you ask Chad to bring tomorrow's a meeting yes will you ask him to bring the money because Dominic wants me to pick it up on Friday I'm not gonna be here so I had actually sent an email to Chad a little bit of them because I saw I was cing up with my emails and I saw that he said you guys he was in but it sounded like they were getting money this year last year they didn't yeah they did oh they did oh yeah oh yeah warmup sponsor they're the warm-up sponsor and they're giving a thousand okay that's what I wanted to know how much because I don't they're the podium too yeah yeah the podium will be for the warm up so we can not okay yeah so I'm counting 41 so I want to off yeah okay if you want to go through your and I'll well I have 40 two on the for the real real no and I don't mean and I don't mean money that's in I mean like okay all right so let's start with the top um healthy spine said that we're going to give I'm still waiting I think that's what it is I don't have them it's 500 bucks but it's not it's not in yet I don't even I'm not counting I'm counting that as a likely okay so I'm not counting that no don't count it it's likely um the next one I have is Coro you have that jonathan5 yes and then I have sou Eastern shop 5,000 which we're working on with jany yes their payment was received perfect awesome upgrade yeah and affordable a glass you have in your hand now, and BDO 2500 I'm sorry affordable for a th000 yes okay video for 2500 yes you have that money no you will I mean they did all the paperwork with you did you send them the second email no I sent it today to when I'm in um but I did I sent them they asked for there is a form just so we know like this is a form that they're asking I need approval from finance and attorney to make sure I'm like what okay just I don't know cuz you're like agreeing to Stu okay um so I have to wait until I have that so we can get process mov I don't know how we want to handle that because I know when reserve the codes and they were passing their codes yes but they get to what wrong with them 100% okay you want can I see the form let me see if I can just talk about a needing that form if it's going to make that much of C well I mean I know f is very good about to me I don't know if I'm do they already have the copies did you already give it out so they look at it I sent them today oh good okay yeah if you want we can cross we get there I'll give them to the end of the week to see if we P something in and I'll keep you upd on that one this is nothing you'll be fine it's just information okay um you spell k pluffle it's K RF very much but I'm sorry we were at V 2500 yes okay what else and then kerly a th000 and they just committed today I don't have any that's JJ comping can you fix it from a donation to a sponsor he he did it online and he did it wrong oh can you send me so I want you to send me contact I and J yeah but you didn't get anything from them they gave you that check without anything I can't believe they made that check without any information because they're they're not like that they're crazy like BDM I think something might have been cut off no that's the way it is oh you don't have any emails or anything from down this is a company no I know but you don't have an email from them like with all the paperwork no no no no that's why I had never heard of them I'll nothing went through because they're very sticky with getting money I'm do search the JM family is their email J if we have a number we can call them oh yeah we got no problem have a direct contact even better oh yeah I will I don't have it yet okay he's going to have it to me by Friday that brings me to 42 that's where you're at I have 43 Okay so no got no actually should I should be 4 42 without K so we're off way one more thousand okay next JJ copy link you see that can you fix that put change it to a sponsorship from a donation oh so two of them did that just one not HDI technology no they didn't do anything that was last year they didn't do anything oh okay okay I up so JJ yeah you have access right it's the same as last year yeah but I never went into that side TR playing around with that I didn't want to touch okay yeah it works thank you for how much you said it's a thousand and he's going to donate his T so and I have which is fine I me it's fine it's just last year there was like we were off by a number and we were confusing it with that I do you use Haku for anything else or just this yes yeah that's him sucks he p and everything just J J so that bring me to 4 I don't know if that's where you're I'm 44 now so let's keep going all right sweat 440,000 uhhuh okay fpi 5,000 fpi 5,000 yes and we received their payment insurance Nation 5,000 yes caution CrossFit pending don't have it yet thousand okay me 10 yes and I got your payment and Memorial Hospitals yes already got their payment 4,000 right no they're 3,000 oh there's where we okay they the value is at 4,000 we just reduce it for all events because they did open okay so okay so we are we're in agreeance okay 43 all right let's move on to some notes I take I took does Ruben have designs for metals and ribbons to produce yes invo I have to pull of last year I really don't know but it and he's doing 700 of the red which is the finisher and then 18 bronze 18 gold 18 silver straps and the medals we said they're all the same yes look you didn't see the Artin I sent I sent Jonathan oh it's fun it is design with my profile on it and it's actually your you can see your silhouette inside of it waiting to see what you should show me now Jonathan find the one oh yeah isn't that fun yeah that's actually kind of cool I know that's really cool yeah yeah they did it they pulled it off with antlers that is really really cool it looks kind of Spacey that was an inspiration because I sent them the Jimmy Buffett one that was a flipflop shap flip flop I know saw a flipflop you can make anything oh those are nice and they have all the services on yeah and then we checked the B yeah that is fantastic Isn't it nice yeah so the red one will be for all the winners yeah every everybody's a winner I mean sorry for all the everyone's a winning everyone's win and the other the top three are the wiers best I think those look pretty cool they came out man my agency did so great they did a great job they look really they look much better than I thought wow they look legit yeah they legit they do like we know what we're doing okay so what we say because we need to order them so we don't 2639 how 2450 perfect let's it oh do it yeah yeah yeah I just wanted to tell get on time I confirmed with email he yeah all good we'll get them oh yeah so no problem awesome quick question for you last year were the medals already po onto the yes we didn't do any of that unless Jonathan did it we would have been volunteering for that came wrapped in the the metal reveal okay perfect Oh yay we have the same DJ of last year great yeah we did um so did you answer um did you answer Ronaldo kala about the shirts and bags questions I talk about that okay so based on the sponsorship I was looking at the package we gave people till the 22nd I know so we're not meeting at the same level I think we're going to have to find another I don't see any other way around it or the bags just the shirts the bags are fine because the bags are fine except that one question quantity I ordered 1250 it's going to be more expens yeah but we didn't need that right I just used them because I was being optimistic at some point but we didn't need no we don't need them but we were using the bags from last year basically no we're going to get new bags it's fine it's going bit more per bag it's going to be a cheaper order because it was $1,410 last year it's going to be less so it's going to be less anyway in total the line item will be less so we need a new we need a new shirt SP unless you want to go to four color full color bag printing to to do the logos like you asked him I mean how did they do it last it's just red it's just a white bag with just red even even the reindeer run logo it wasn't the what that logo wasn't on there oh well then we can do it without I mean I figured add it but if they can't do it I mean it doesn't make sense to pay for that one extra what they could do is they could take they could take the animals out and just put a red 5K with reindeer run on it with just outline red okay so we'll talk to him to see what they can do need artwork that's going to take time but no you can do that you can take out the can you one color or whatever can you pull the a 5k you can redo yourself so you just need to reinder run the words no flag the flag's not going to be a flag anymore because there's not going to be any more colors it's going to be it's just going to be white it's going be red the writing is red the color is red again unless we move up to four colors I don't how much more money it'll be you want to ask them that's a we can ask yeah let's ask him we can bring that to committee tomorrow I'm going to tell him he better answer you tonight okay I me just tell before even ask him that better you better answer her tonight if you do you say the background is black and it's red no it's white white so just yeah like you said the red outline with leaving the white blank in the middle so to do the reindeer run you can do it exactly like that and then you just do the red 5K and get rid of the flag and get rid of the reindeer so you just have the same reindeer run with five you can do that too okay and don't leave it alone don't do the colors or don't ask for it and see how they you guys save money yeah yeah save the money okay save the money you'll get me that by Third when we need by two I wonder I wonder why we sent well not gonna be able to take sponsorships that late anyways and me that's late the 22nd that's that's for payment but that's a payment that's not that's not like oh okay you're going to tell me the 22nd year in and I'm going to wait two weeks for a check that was like I think if anything were earlier this year than last year I'm GNA push him to give us we'll get all this money in by next week yeah so what we need is the money and but I feel bad I'm going to tell you like I feel bad doing that to the sponsors when it's like you guys are you know like this is what we agre I didn't even tell they just listen to me and I tell them the money right now I'm going to I'm going build they looked that we did tell yeah we I mean I guess let's write that for improvements on next year although I really I want to talk because I think that this year we did do it earlier that would be to certain I would earlier date earlier for for payment and logo we they didn't well I'm giving them a deadline for the billboard which is a big ask and that pulls them in anyway so they they've all been fine because I'm like come on sh in the billboard get in the billboard and the billboard is start should come in the next day or so I'm assuming now the presidential election is over and all these people's faces can come down so ask him for the extension of maybe a week I don't see why not though because I think in his original email he said 10 business days so that gives him more uh so we'll say 10 well hopefully he can attend till next week and hopefully we have everything in and if we don't then we will have to work with another we're going to try to stick with him hi I need to extend a deadline for the shirt order because we need at least a week do me favor let me know okay um Town sponsors followup cathic costus I didn't get an answer lordis is no longer no wait is she no she's she's out costus lordis yeah she's um the Chamber of build on and as Express let me go I don't think she's got I have to double I'm pretty sure I but if I didn't yeah and if she says no for any reason which I don't see why she would say we can try the other outside the new one I would like to give her obviously though yeah ha plus they didn't say anything the one I'm missing I know I'm missing is W will no answer yet I have I haven't gotten I haven't connected with them yet so see Express follow about Redemption [Music] law you a lawyer don't you know every lawyer is yeah they were the Marines um I have to double check because I don't know I don't I definitely don't have anything okay um follow up on payments for the email so I think you're all caught up now right we can do that though we can um follow up the conversation I had today with via email with video no with insurance nation was good like she already confirmed they're going to be there and all that so I'll do that kind of email with the with the sponsors that we missing okay and if not I guess now's a good opportunity to ask what you want to do what you did last year that whoever didn't bring your tent whoever didn't take opportunity at time you want to invite like veterans yes so I have two already um fishing with America's Finest they already confirm yeah okay I I'm G to send them like I'm G send the sponsorship package just tell them just to fill it out as using a t Okay so that you have some kind of paperwork on them and then Girl Scouts dog adoption project people the truth that's all I have for notes confir I'm super excited about these flyers thank you very much Jonathan want do will you have more for for tomorrow's meeting yeah so I'll take all these okay you get here you didn't take enough we take one no I let me to see what we need the shirts obviously ready yeah uh All American Kids is in right and we got a few extra here go to like fin that area and your same Banner stuff is all going to go up again and you said you're going do a little more right something different you said something was missing and you wanted to do something else like the last meing you said that you had maybe you wanted to do extras so fill up the area I can see that right but like adding extras of the would you yeah asking like a visual we already have the DJ um you guys I've seen the ads go out we're going to have a attachable vehicle from Mar yes I have a list of things I have your car I have the somebody was I think uh Larry's car right little yeah I have notes of that um we have video confirmed fin we're not doing trop this year uh like in terms of cost well the tent rentals obviously so I'm asking everybody if they have a branded tent they can bring like that we can maybe save yourself some money yes I do not Brent they're in sorry save that again whatever it is you say I don't bring a tent you don't bring it so you need one okay marching band is in same people same everything paying them yes that's in the we have that invoice from them yet no that usually takes two years oh go no sure does the buses the buses are we paying the bus or we paying them too both okay so we need both invoices now we need invoice for B performance and you have Joshua Guzman's uh email he's been all R for the for the for the B email and we need for we still have not that you guys were all wiped out correct they should really not use that proba I don't say we used one of the other like big bus companies for the parade and we got it like right away yeah okay so email um student volunteers based on how the parade went you guys want to meet with them like a week before yeah are you GNA be here for the yes I will when's your last no you're out you're not GNA be here are you gonna be here for the 5K right her and Noah I heard her and Noah no I she heard Noah initiation this you got the good one the case and the national anthem girl made it like we're all good and you're good with the budget you saw it on the agenda and everything approved okay no the parade went well parade was we need a bag stuffing team oh that's what I want to ask you when are we I don't think we've set a date this year for when we're doing when we're doing the early pickup at your package pickup date is that's not on the uh early pickup date what I sent them was deadline of when to send your items by but it's not on the registration page when package pickup is at the bottom yeah it is or I want to say I want to say you're right prob yeah yeah the 13 It's on there use C yes when's the bag stuff do you need for that for the stff for last year was great okay suud volunteers to meet a week before for events and you know what they can meet we can do the meet and this package stuffing as part of the meeting we'll just do it at and we'll do it at my dealership because that's where the stuff will be we yeah what we doing the stuffing like a week give everybody time give me let what deadline I let me see what the deadline was for them to send the items to you headlines are just suggestions almost we're dealing with IIA man there's a yeah by November 27 November 27th is there dead before two and a half weeks I think I did that to give a question yes so then we'll do stuffing third yeah should be fine yeah like the third make sure town third or I guess that week fourth fth yeah that the third through Friday is great so let's put tentatively 123 or to 125 is stuffing there might be two days of stuffing stuffing what time for the students they went right after school yeah right after school for them it's great it'll be all set up I have some people at work what when's after school what time do it let's see let's say 3:30 I don't know kids get out like 2:30 the high school kids yeah 2:30 so we'll say 3 3:30 let's call it 3 it's 3m. it's been a lot longer you know you know last time Nancy what like hours finished hours us have a great time yeah it's it's been really nice and although last thing onended I will work on confirming the fun area that we wanted to like do differently this year maybe do like a little bit more decorative holiday season thing okay [Music] no we do we're having fun area fun zones like I would love to get hn but I need to get well for the that we're also work so I will tell you something we did in the mental health task force that was a big hit and I didn't expect be was laser tag and we had the kids you know we had little face painting and we had laser tag we had company laser teag during the day during the day it works and the kids loved they went crazy they were running around that's sounds fun laser t very nice we had it for like we had it from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock completely free and only cost us 5 oh my God please call them that's perfect oh I didn't do that um who did that yeah I mean in to whoever yeah yeah Gabriel know was pony rides no that's the horses rides no no oh the animals why can I call the school okay animals but the laser tag would a hit they set up and they monitor it they already said yes they're in but burm them I forget they had somebody here you guys brought them those put ask Gabriella and he said it all up it was fantastic great time cheat I mean basically five hours 500 bucks bucks an hour we're not going to be there for five [Music] hours awesome all right good um make a motion toour we all right so who's are you going to follow up on the laser tank with Gabriel do you think we need to meet up on the second in like two in a I would say two weeks in two weeks okay who's who's going to follow with Gabriella is we did face pain awes do Monday the 25th well yeah we're going have face face you guys oh