e e it's 6:33 call me and we'll begin if [Music] CH William Larry Gary hie James sorry Chris here Nicole h handro here Catherine Pedro Edward here pleas reasons United States ofer okay see bills in Columbia wasn't able to make it today last week as you all know we didn't have quum and this week it looks like we have some guests so we get we ince you in just a moment and first off let's begin there any public comments yes okay let's begin with our yes we started here thank you [Music] Mr girl count yes sir my name is and I'm I'm the 902 with Miami the B we are here today to share with you our silver award project Mission positive impact it is our goal to connect at least 12 Shelter Pet of veterans [Music] and create a happy home for both it is known that pets are man's best friends and this is because pets can help they reduce dress boost mood get more exercise and lower blood pressure and cholesterol that they more for veterans we hope to corate at least two adoption events and provide a Pome package or a started kit to help help start their Journey we we have partnered with Commander Caris and the American Legion Post 144 Miami B animal shelter and the Humane Society of Greater Miami and we hope to event and any support additional resources or contacts will be greatly appreciated thank you you guys we some flyers thank you guys um any additional information you guys need or if um there's any way that you can help um please feel free to reach out to me I am obviously Aon um like she said we would love to partner up with you guys one of our ideas that we ran with Jonathan was um maybe having an adoption event during the veterans parade one of the the Manny dat animal services will provide like a bus it's kind of like a like a trailer that will have at least six to eight pets um so that would be like a great start and to give people like a great opportunity to come and look at the pets and connect them with veterans that's a great idea and we have some uh members of of the veterans committee here that excuse me the um yes be great if we can coordinate it through them and have you and your bus and animals and everything else there be awesome yes that'd be awesome yeah because for the parade here on Main Street between town hall and 67th Avenue yes um actually between town hall and cellos yes they set up tents you know for the dolphins comeing all that and you guys can have a tent and you can work with the local animal shelter and they can bring you know coule L yeah that'd be awesome so who would we but right now this is actually we're talking about the parade for the first time at this meeting hi Circle November 3rd on your calendar November 3rd I had November 10th no we mov okay yeah had not break on let me get your contact information on the front page okay I'm going to give this to Bill pz we have someone from the parade committee contact with you okay and then we'll figure out you know how exactly you and your bus you can you can be part of it okay great um if you want to write my name on there which is not but my name is Rebecca Morales Rebecca Morales on behalf of Victoria and Alexa girl got tro 92 in they did a very good job's the 902 92 yep 92 and you're with um I'm with Head Automotive with head for automotive we're also looking for Community Partners to help us with some of the donations okay um first next next order of business would be the uh there's two more this is committee you a public comment or we want to wait till we get to the pr I was just gonna interject would you guys would your TR be willing to volunteer we can get also information for that as well so we have you connected sure as well Happ give you a flly just give them a call whatever you guys need so we can have you guys also like involved so s okay definitely we're always happy to help with anything okay we have you know we have the parade slated item nine B we can move that forward if you want to and you want to go ahead and discuss that now then rather than at the end of the meeting is that a better idea second okay let's talk about three but are we CL public comments no we'll get back to public comments but we're including this moving this being in public comments so have to close public comment before we can move on to anything else okay and then we can reop it later but we have to close it officially okay is there any more public comments yeah Frank Frank's with us Frank's just U just tell us tell us about you um uh moved here in 2000 um and just getting back in DC um inv for but um yeah so happy to be here welcome Frank thanks for coming okay let's talk about the parade comment okay we close comments move on to item 9 B and we're going to talk about PR back to back back up to thank you alist work I like that usually jump in teach three yeah okay so troop 902 usually volunteer they're in the parade right so do you walk in the parade or do you not want to walk in the parade she would probably not walk well they would probably not walk um to head the their yeah but the troop will okay don't exclude them because they're always happy to walk do you have any troop members that are in high school yes because we can go volunteer hours yeah okay I will let them know for the parade okay yeah that's kind of what I was okay definitely always happy to to take on that was he Adrian to the troop from daisies from kindergarten through high school oh okay yeah yeah yeah so anything under high school can walk the parade right and then the high schoolers can help volunteer and you perfect I let our troop leader know and we'll C on the information Jonathan we established a grade route for this year the same the same as year yeah the time the meeting all the same as last year yeah copy is there any in addition we need to bring up this time regarding the three um I'll bring up Isle our favorite staff member Isle P she won't be here for the parade so this is my is this your first par this is actually me Vol telling you that we have to be on our aame with volunteers she is chicken without a head she knows what she's doing I know what I'm doing but you know this is emphasis on all hands on De anybody here participated in the great for you you have you have a lot of experience I just I hope we have the I hope we have a quot again this year that we have for the past two years sponsored by the uh the American Legion and uh I think spread Center Page majority of it last year I believe we're going to have it again this year and everyone from veterans committee is invited to write on that thing any veterans that disabled that can't walk Three they're welcome to ding FL and of course thank you to anyone from the uh post n Coast 143 144 we're pretty close to opening up the bar Marshall Elations we have a relatively new staff member former Army I believe uh I don't want to take that out of okay um you know I don't know his exact relationship but I know he's former military it was brought up to me that maybe he could be a good option that's probably going to be like an internal staff nomination but I know that the past years the the applications the qualified person's interested kind of withered yeah um I think it'd be really interesting I don't know if he'd be willing you know okay schedules come all that okay St to think about start out start you know IDE the PO can be I do want to put a motion on floor to start getting the ball rolling on the subcomittee creation um yeah that's a good idea would all in favor of establishing a subcommittee for the um better a grade second what second second okay so we're going have a subcommittee so what we're going to need is volunteers for the subcommittee and that'll require as we did before you know additional meeting for the for all the plan the planning which time we would ask that we get the veterans our other veterans St parade Committee involved and yeah in the planning right so um is there any volunteers at this point for the uh I'll volunteer okay these are all volunteers can we write their names down and we usually also have volunteers from Cal Affairs and Public Safety yeah the the Charles and you know everyone everyone will be there um you get AO after we establish subcommittee asking for volunteer I already fled and I already sent out an email to Bill thinking about dates so we have dates sort of on board for availability it's either going to be the 5th for Monday we'll see about that um the 14th the 19th the 21st or the 26th we're going to still hiring that one out so will you be in charge of reaching out to past participants asking them if they want to participate again yeah yeah that's yeah we have the list from years back so it's really just yeah we we had a list last year of all the things that we needed for the S committee beginning with you know the water stations all all that is pretty much walkie talkies the good thing is communication it gets better every year and is keep her notes and we just going to redo it all we're try to get the Panthers between now November we still have plenty of time but we go think to advertise for the for the U for the Grand Marshall yeah yeah that's to bring all the things made is has the notes from the previous um grade yeah to our next meeting at that time set up the schedule for the subcommittee meetings and um or is that something we want to do now I mean probably sooner rather than later um figure out that it's specific date but um it's next week that we after I mean we can do it at the date for the initial kickoff meeting and from that meeting the subcommittee can create the followups I think another thing might be a good idea to have to put someone to establish a a a chairperson for the subcommittee the sub commmittee does pardon the subcommittee doesn't the subcommittee does that the subcommittee does okay so but this time we get the volunteers and then once the volunteers come they all elector president I hope you're okay any more comments on the parade anything we need to add for our next meeting to U take note of now so uh let's move on to the next SL okay well let you I like the idea having dogs in yes this is not Disney okay we also have the radio which is December 14 it'll be 8 a set that's great toate that with um with shelters and we'll get it done thank you thank you yeah order of business referals adds the L I want to have an addition um something it's technically old business because we a long time ago about the papers outside for the V Memorial reestablishing because I've had a few individuals reach out to me asking me since they know I'm part of the committee about the veteran papers replacing the bricks you mean doing new ones new bricks adding adding I mean on talk okay we'll talk when we get to it let's put put that on the agenda for the next meeting or is adding to this one this so technically it's old business because we brought it up in the house but right they just went away yeah do 7c do we ever get a price and what it would cost to replace let's be about when we get to 7c 7 C add add the agenda get to it yeah so s okay any other additions dels approval of minutes for April June and July this anyone have the minutes for April all in there April and June are but July is not July is separate oh that I remember that I had after get stitched can we take a minute review those I were having this meeting today because we didn't have was on vacation thank feel free to make a motion at any time I'll put a motion because I wasn't yeah you can I put a motion to approve them second we have a second second that's one Mo you take them all together the motion for all is for all that's that's for all for all okay all in favor all in favor I I any opposed okay motion appr okay whole business data presentation of Miami Lakes veterans family scholarship checks to families pre- Council ceremony you that one first we were supposed to what's going on with that John we GNA have a check meting be presented council meeting we mail the checks out to the the meeting that we had last on the 18th yeah that was like the day after or the same day that I submitted the checks they're already out so the official checks we can people already have them in hand it's it's just a ceremonial you know presentation which I'm still getting I have you know the one big check yeah yeah have a big check we have okay I know Bill made one but it's not the individuals receive their Tex haveone you mail the money out they have their money yeah I've been getting emails you know received received it's now I think I have like four or five confirmations for an August meeting right it's really just you know sh up and it would be nice at the next meeting if you if you if there were any thank you letters or anything like that you would bring it into the meeting I'll see my emails do they have any motivation to show up since they already have the real checks uh he was actually very you know excited to at some point get the at some point get the ceremonial part done so I mean I think there's still motivation especially if they want to get it again next the emails I mean I'm pretty sure now these have money they not the show you Michael's kids we sent wait did we send the funds directly to the students yeah okay you all know that I'm doing gr school now I applied and received a $5,000 scholarship from the BFW the funds did not come to me they went straight to the school along with a letter saying this is to be applied to the fall semester we decided not to do that right there are like specific yeah scholarship I guess protocols for those type of yeah you know structures um it kind of mired exactly like the gram scholar which okay directly to the student you know okay I mean I wish we could like earm market for them on have like talk to school directly but since there's I guess yeah you you don't want them to go to shopping spree but it's cleaner that way it's very much cleaner or sending the uh like three checks to one family right something like that happened students one the same brought up last meeting that if there's specificity to be made on for student for household uh are we going to do like next year not the same people again right like if you already qualify if student got it they're disqualified going forward because I know Juni juniors in high school could have gotten it or senior you know there's no room for them to double right um yeah yeah and like I brought it last meeting maybe expanding it I brought up spouses of veterans which and then it was brought up to me that they already are covered by the J I don't know that was just me that's only if that happens during their point of service where they trans can also be in general that's just me trying to think like okay now what opening the box How about if you're not a child of a veteran but like I mean I don't know this works but I know when I went to school there were kids that were in the r RC so maybe if we can show proof that you're in the RC that makes you eligible for the scholarship well what we did is that we opened it to not just potential students from like high school but returning veterans that were using like their GI to go to school we also opened it to those V so if those RC kids eventually join even if it's reserves then they would but I'm just saying how about a kid just yeah don't to be kid of a veteran just kids you get what I'm saying something like that yeah yeah we need to establish that before Judy starts getting this all that money that's a lot of money man like the idea it again once she makes a commit commitment to be people that contribute to the beneficiaries then that's why we you know whether it's going to be directly to Veterans to whatever it's going to be she can present that when she makes the the U the sponsoring packages or whatever sets up I'm just trying to make a bigger universe that's all okay we're going to cover that again a little bit when we get back to the I mean the let's just do the same guidance as USAA Navy Federal whoever can can become a member of USA Navy Federal can qualify for this that's too many people is it us yeah there's people that like they're there's people I know some uhuh who can join USAA because she is married to uh a brother of someone in the Navy yeah she's married to a brother of a Navy person her brother-in-law is in the Navy yeah yeah so what you can do anything no yeah no I mean at some we have cut the line off at some point yeah so does how about a kid that wants to go straight out of high school until military do they need help well we didn't care where they were going they just had to be a junior or senior of so they were going right I'm saying a junior senior someone that was a veteran but I'm saying how about a junior senior that wants to go into the military then they be more than happy to qualify for once they return be or show us proof of either Of Enlistment well that's what I'm sayen I would think those guys be help too of course yeah and I can't remember for the obviously the we weren't applying this to going into the military but do we require any proof of enrollments or acceptance at any University it was a trans it was a we did okay student student I think we focused more on the veteran part yeah we veted the veterans make like your dad or your mom or whoever was I wonder if there is some way to move the needle a little bit more towards verifying that there isn't likelihood of the shopping spree I mean not to be like yeah and you could still sign up for classes get our check and then withdraw immediately but there's only so much you can do but I wonder if there is a little more we can do to be more reassured at the very early stages of this all I I kind of wanted it to run through that mechanism where it's if you're you're not just giving me an application yeah you're going through a portal that is connected to a school that if you you get the funds it goes to the school you know I mean I think we only put in the car the works we haven't really established where the funds from proceeds are going to go uh from from the next event AR we doing the scholarships again or are we looking for Judy generally sets that up and she has her her meetings and uh but I mean everything everything's you're saying is good but we're not at that point yet so there's no guarantee that's going to be for scholarships again next year it's whatever the committee agrees to right yeah it's likely but not guarantee that's the only thing we it took us three years to get to that yeah BR had to do that already made commitments to the sponsors right okay where the money and marketing and marketing the proceeds to our to our to our Runners to our our participants wa we needed that that's something we to be really clear with really early on should we get to that let's get to the reindeer run let's go through the agenda sorry yeah okay the U the QR codes I know bill was taking the lead on that but wait so we are we not going to do the big check to the families we can do it I'm getting I'm getting uh RSVPs I guess for an August I think it is the 13 It's pretty much I'll let you guys know I thought we pretty much kind of said that was we did enough with that well the official checks are out now it's just getting I think I have four four or five yeses that they could Pi August how many got checks like 10 seven seven seven checks did we did we actually approve did we vote on the fact that we're going to do the big check thing or is it still in discussion it's was said that he he would like for the actual checks but then we agreed on doing the big checks because then again also if you are presenting the actual check they can commit fraud with that if you take a picture of that you know we don't want that I like it when we just nail it we could question is there any to be no it's all ceremon this project is done but this can be used schedule it and advertise it and then we can also kick off our our whole look this is the of this event to put on for so hopefully August 13th we can do the big ceremonial check I mean I'll let you guys know that I'm collecting that makes good sense if we're going to do the same thing next year to have the pictures that promoted that makes good sense can't lat on August 13th is I'm get theot photos regardless I I want photos of everything to happen will be there right is there any more discussion on that for this meeting no okay okay going on to the QR codes um bill again taking the lead on the QR codes the website design are we Jonathan are you helping with that or where we at on clis and I are talking about the website for not just the tree markers for the park but for cuz now Bill brought it up to Council of having like any historical or significant place in town which kind of opens up the breadth of the project um how about them how about the bricks too of those people right all of that their bios their service history yeah all of that like the history of facilities People Trees when where like all of it it's kind of not as just it's not as simple as going out saying hey this it's kind of like we have to establish a historical record now which is fine but we to figure out how that's going to look you can't do it all one hit it has to be in Sprints so you start off with the veterans see how life feels and then you do the build then use yeah yeah you take you take a baseball and then later on you add the power windows and you add the you know I think Jo had some ideas on that he was talking about it I don't know how far he's gone with should we should we make a motion to table this for next next meeting I'll second yeah whatever ends up being it'll be post okay we'll table this till the next meeting and here have that okay new business no s c papers which one seven C papers we just added that we just added excuse me papers Alex if you please take take on the pap so I know that in the past we've brought up uh I remember one of my first meetings back we had spoken about the possibility of adding more papers to the ones that are already there um but after that basically got quiet and never brought up back again I believe you were working on getting prices from vendors and things like that no oh no no the last the only time I've ever had this discussion uh within the Committees when Gary brought it up for the pressure washing I think that may have been four or five six months ago um weren't they like losing their you couldn't read them well right where it's like weathering wearing away that was really just a bit thing like following up on our cycle yeah speak about prices though that back then they were $100 for paper yeah I think it was marcher oh so I mean I'm kind of so I spoke with cler today about it because I have no familiarity with that project at all not a single brick was ordered while I started working here which is you know maybe two and a half years so that tells you the the length of it all um Fe doesn't remember or I have to sit down and see who the vendor is um cuz we had someone that that wants to get one I believe from staff at least but reist in general it does that dip into okay we ignore the maintenance and the the cleaning of it if it's weathered just get a new one we're so trying to figure out the produce the vendor I guess um but like as of right now I have no answer on the price the who the the old method of who could get I don't I really don't know I know there are some families that was the liaz on during the time that we did that and she created what looks like this this massive postcard that you selling the mail and on the bottom corner it even had the little squares where you put letter by letter what you wanted to say on the paper I don't know because that was back 200 we're in 24 now so I want to say maybe 2015 oh it's probably in our second but ask her they were I mean they were they were 8 by1 but they were a little bigger than this yeah got contact information what's name oh clarisel I talk company what I'm that was back when we did Memorial should we defer this to next meeting so you can get back with us and tell you tell us your findings so stays okay let's do that let's defer that def for the next one so that we second with Town staff get their get their ducks in a row y favor yes any post I'm get we'll get you there we'll get you there we'll take screening aw okay um new business Veterans Park Memorial vote motion up or down similar to which Kanas revolutionary Memorial picture attach to agenda page two okay you got picture here so our printer is like possessed so it's only black and white right now on the screen I put it up on the I've seen this in real life it's it's it's it's really really nice yeah and exgirlfriend yeah okay I I was on the committee when we did the the memorial that's standing town hall right now one we have to look into public art and public spaces because there's certain requirements there's funds there that are available to us and we also have to put an RFP to see who can do it for the best price or you know we need to balance out price vers quality because when we did that we had three different memorials one of them was by by Al does everybody know Al no no he's done he's the one that did the V Memorial at Royal o Park the mural that's inside of the Robert Alo he's the one that did that and he brought us a beautiful bronze eagle with you know but it was way out of budget um the one that we have now was actually the one that was the best within the budget that we were equ with but it was a hurdle so you know it's a long process this is really nice and I see you saw it in person I'm sure that looks 10 times better than person does in the picture but we do have to look at requirements for art in public places and you know like I said before the good thing about that is that there's funds there available to us at a county level I think also Alex I agree with you but I think also we should look into some other options sure the town that I'm from has little monuments for each war that the town residents were participating in right I me look at some more options and then and find out at the same time talking about what happened to the boot the boot with the knife on them the uh the battlefield cross we used that at the Memorial Day event which it it really went well Michael C actually gave up and got up and gave an explanation as build did the previous year right and I think it was well received you know my person portable boot at this point my personal supposed to put into the it's supposed to been mounted yeah I think there's a lot of people that people as I do on this I think it's a beautiful tribute but on the other hand got to remember this park was a picnic Park and it's a kids park that's kind of a really solemn type thing it's a very special and it belongs in in a sacred kind of place not out on a playground so um you know with that what's I'm sorry what's the difference between that and something like this exactly that's where I think we should explore some more options right like what I'll say on the on the cross than you um I know the committee or you know people's reservations on it being I guess somber or you know I guess for the park it was approved by Council to go in the dirt to go you know installed so I don't know I don't even think it's like a decision that we can it should have been done one of the things that happens is and this is a when when we as veterans present something to the council they're pretty much looking to us for guidance on these things and sometimes they automatically they just voted whatever we say they okay and I think it's our responsibility to look a little further in it and and take into consideration the other things cuz the council is usually going to go along with us on this and I think on this case we need to slow it down a little bit as Alex said look at our other options look what's available what kind of grant money we can get and then you know collectively make the make the best decision and then bring it to council y this is good like I don't yeah are we breaking Rules by not doing it since done it's beyond us right the the statue was procured the base was procured we already have it made bronze okay it is like where is it right now with everything else it's in the garage in the in the park I I don't disagree location within the park I I mean they they established it it's really just the permitting that was the last part because you can just you know roll into the clb it has to be have wind calculation for how much force it can hit like it has to go right all there respectfully Del beach has a Veterans Park and there's the one there there's stuff there that honors people that died fighting for this country and there's still slides and my kids have been on the slid there's stuff at Veterans Park already that honors that yeah I don't again not trying to be little of the point but this is done this could be the first sign of Veterans Park being Veterans Park like are we why are we rehashing this to add like I don't I'm sure this is beautiful but I don't even understand how what is this going to do at Veterans Park are we G to add everyone that lived in Miami Lakes that died like I I don't get this man doesn't make any we have something we can use already why aren't we using that why is that nine in the ground why AR we we have yeah that's it it's beautiful that's what's in the that's what's in the real we have that in and we have a playground there doesn't have to they what they think was that they chose a part where whenever we have a veteran St parade or cery there do it in one part which is the north side of the installing it kind it kind of got we the base like it has to be done yeah um the holdup was the permit Council approved $10,000 for it the permit would push it I think about 12 13 but since you know if you zero out that 10,000 and then plus however much you know the committee agreed on Veterans Park improvements I think that's the the bridge um so I won't H I won have have things and I don't see kids climbing for example this has a but in a separated the pl way back there there's like order the flags we're going to do these flags these flag Poes it will go with those where there's not community center community center other side bkb FL basketball beond the basketball cour yeah be the basketball course is the street so that would be that would be key establish exactly where to put it where it's not in playground off to the side somewhere would be it would be a special area just Dy to do as well those discussions had already been met with Jeremy I think they have the spot did we ever pick a spot there Jonathan where that where that bet near the playground is is where iall maybe there's space for you know discussion on moving that but in the for where it's supposed to go right I think we should have more conversation on this and like the table the bad thing is like we can't take stuff to to the C Council we can't get stuff approved and then come back say yeah but and start changing stuff no that's not how things move past this and get get rid of it and work on the two even done one yes this for a couple years how about that 7,7 we're table this for now no I'm going to I'm going to bring back a quote for the permit the permitting like for the battlefield cross that engineer that's the word you're talk you're talking about Battlefield cross okay but I'm talking about this particular picture right here let's let's go back to this this is what this this what bills up and down like who's for and who's against I think a lot more to contribute to this and it'd be right to only table this to the next meeting let's vote on it no let's vote we have quum we can vote we don't need bill here I put I'll put a motion on the floor to table this for you on the line I'm sorry this is this is a down vote up and down no it's an up and down vote that we vote up or down on this on this on this item right here okay let's have a vote all in favor of having this this I mean just for the the Committees you want to discuss it um the city of Mi and the county as well as Miami Lakes are under the same obligation to wave pering fees for veterans who are disabled 100% or more now that is the letter of the law that's enforced statute that's come down from the mayor in the past and that's on the books in most municipalities I don't think it's a very indirect argument to be made for waiting permanent fees for something like this as well it's not an immediate solution but if permanent fees are the only thing that's holding this up I don't know I I I may have been playing like very Loosely with that permitting the getting it through the city I don't think would be the problem I think it's it's the engineering cost that you know the wind loads the bearings all like um lighting lighting associated with this either way Larry's right that's not a we were just talking so that was the right question motion up or down to I don't even know what are we doing here with this Memorial so I moved that we have a roll call Mo uh on the motion up or down up saying you approve this witch talk Kansas Revolutionary War Memorial down is that don't approve so do I have a second I'll second second okay okay so let's have the vote then all in favor my person he said roll call who yeah roll call so okay let's begin with it Alex I have to say no because I don't know what that is it's like seeing a Ferrari up there yeah beautiful I want it but I don't know if I can vote I I don't know if it's going to be that exact one but no for me no no I'm GNA have to say no no no no no that's it no okay so this item is voted no not minutes please okay so any more discussion on that we could I I comp tell you to have a motion for you know reconsidering the the battlefield cross and I can bring back the the actual cost of the engineering and closing that out let add that to D and let's put it on the agenda and let's do it yeah 8D 8D yeah okay a battlefield cross the motion on the floor to speak about the battlefield cross at our next meeting with engineering quotes Okay and other details and making sure we're looking for the grant money or the waivers of fees from the municipalities because the veterans so we're gonna make that that's a big battle through across a okay reindeer run 2024 co-chair volunteer and subcommittee meeting dates motion for proposal proposal of funds assuming same level proceeds from 2023 $166,000 10,000 Bron veteran scholarship 25,000 Etc uh Jud you want to take a lead on this please um I'd like to First make a motion to change that from co-chair volunteer to chair subte subcommittee chairel so that the next after this one is over that will be the new chair of that subcommittee okay is that subcommittee only composed of it's whoever wants to volunteer on it no no no yeah all right do we need to make a motion to establish a subcommittee as we did the other one I yeah yeah that's part of it the other part is to Chang this from from a co-chair volunteer to a the subcommittee chairel that you're making a motion I need to bring up the veteran sub commit where I brought up the fact that the subcommittee itself decides on the chair of the CL and secretary okay well whatever it's going to be it's going to be a chair El whoever votes for that we can say that's what it's going to be as a committee okay yeah yeah okay all right so that's G to change so you want to make a vote do a vote on that make a motion I'll second it okay all in favor I any post no okay approve so um we need we need some subcommittee dates yes do you have dates have the room we have date do you I'm gonna be out of town next week out of crazy the end of the month I'll be out for foror right yeah I'm G be when's our next uh committee meeting September September 5th would be the first Thursday that will be the subcommittee meeting for the uh when's our next sub no we can't wait that long we can't wait that long it's got to be in August um I'm going to if you guys would wouldn't mind I can get with a again on combining meetings for the the parade and 5K oh no you want to up please no that's too many too much that's crazy the the ra way too many moving Parts well list of dates that I read up before those are the dates for one for one another for the other I have to give you one I'm going to be a to how many subcomittees meetings do you think we'll need this year J it was last year it was one per we prepared them up with our meetings but I think we need I think we need about we need two between now and the end of August so yeah so one in August one in September would be fine probably but the one in August is going to need to be you know everybody needs to be there we got to do it um do we have volunteers for the subcommittee yeah I've never been in it but all you will be happy V thank you I did want to say um and also um Bill said yes too we are the the contract with race time is still not done no they had Insurance questions that apparently we that hadn't been addressed years past and they didn't have an issue with it now they're not an issue because they're within their rights that you have insurance questions the it's really just the base price I got affected it went from $6,500 for the yeah first half second half 30 to 503 is 50 now it's total 7,800 jeez um more sponsors you should make a motion to create on Race companies but yeah that's the base price that's not t-shirts that's not but or the that's yeah like they will show up but then it's and again I don't want to miss because I knows it better than I do um that is not the t-shirts not medals that's not that's just it's just the the timing technology will caution be as resp sponsor always yeah that's just my I want that point everything's going on gota pay for this warming you up oh my God great maybe we can get massage en to sponsor that way people go massage after I I will say as Asos to last year this is you know anecdotal at least um we've been getting a lot better luck with sponsorships compar the last fisc year I think it may just be the nature of you know the economy business willing to interact and what we can offer as a town for Fourth of July we had an insanely good like return on sponsor being interested um is and I are very like you should see us upstairs we go crazy with getting our sponsorship packages down what you what your appearance is going to be on social media on our website Facebook timings of emails like we're very years ped of saying yeah we'll throw your logo on a post it's not good enough um getting into it sponsors have been really receptive to it so I'm hopeful that it'll be um a lot better this year right and like you know just legit like we we we tiptoed into it with the logos on the barricades you know what I mean it's stuff like that where we are not bending over backwards you know the nature of these events will carry the way of sponsor being interested so that's my two sent on I think it'll be really good so that b price went up hopefully you're correct hope I believe you are with pockets Warrior Project they support local community stuff I got emails from them on we're doing this we're doing this J we need to cover this meeting R we have there's a motion propos use of funds again this is for this year I guess motion propos assuming same level of proceeds okay so that can be discussed at the sub commmittee meeting yeah yeah but the committee has to votee on it so we there and then bring it to the committee for the next okay all right I don't know if we're yeah so we may not even do it again I think we're we're in in a crossroad with it what to do with the fund the scholarship thing yeah sounds a little sticky so I think the easiest solution is that wfw did with me and send the money directly to the school directly to okay so I think I'm going to be to the punch here I like and I know the ad fees are you know pain in the you know what but I think just cutting a check to a reputable organization has always been the way to go we did that we we we donated a large portion of funds to the American Legion Post 44 $5,000 either do give it all the American Legion or give it to veterans that live in Miami Lakes that have served just give it to them thank you for your service here is something to help after the holidays to recover pay your bills that's what I want to do I've been say that over and over and over there's a lot of veterans good well that means it will be it will have a greater spread you know what I mean and it might get more sponsors in it might get more Runners the mayor always said he wants money going to them I I want it like that the town has a senior and uh disabled citizen Relief Fund I think it's essentially that where it's just hpened and there is a veteran qualification for that um but specifically if they're disabled because of their I have to look into it there may be some overlap that we're talking about now I mean maybe it's a non-disabled veteran that can benefit from this now so we can see yeah because if you're already get service connection I mean that's yeah part with that's we need to look into the different what what our options are and not let it go as we did last time to the very end and we need to do it quickly because sponsorship practice years ago many FC years my block alone we have 14 houses I don't hold Su there are seven veterans good so if I have $155,000 maybe everybody gets $100 in their pocket here's the here's the kicker something that was completely the banners completely free to them every time I would tell them hey let's get you a banner no give it to somebody else that that wants it or needs it because that's that's how we they won't take it give it to some there's somebody in worse shape than me give them that money because they're going to need it that's how we are and that makes you know you know what that's a great thing to when you give the money to somebody it's like a double gift and they said we give it to someone who needs it more they've received that and they appreciate it and they you've also given them the ability to to benefit from It Again by giving it to somebody else that's a good thing I like that I think it's a good idea and let them do it let them give it to somebody else or let them give it back to the Pod and double I mean so then it becomes kind of like the scholarships as we divide the grand total by however many people we hear from and whatever that is it is right we can call it a holiday GR they get a terrible donation and a tax at the same time so they don't actually they get a little something out of it but they get to pick tax right what was that Frank they get a little something out they get to pick little goes to but they also get to write it off because techically the funds came to them first and picking a beneficiary for it they got they gotta they get it's below $600 maybe I think it's a great idea I think something we need look into for I'll I'll run the the of it of to finance I think they'll be able to see better to like how they identify people and or or just American Legion they what do you guys I know I know Gary talked about fishing with America's Finest celebrating their they participate in every single grade there's something American region are very good stewards of the money you give them they have their own committee which Gary here to give you details but they have their own committee that consists of people that are not members of this veterans committee that that run that port por of it yeah and they vet where that money goes very carefully whoever gets it they vet everything there was one person for instance a guy who was under privileged whose car broke down he couldn't get to work he was a war veteran and they helped him get his car fix so he could he could go to work and support his family are you to be a member of 144 do you have to live in a certain area yes oh you do 144 is Miami Lake but they accept also okay so it's predom 14 okay well I make me yeah I make a motion to put all the proceeds to American Legion I would say have motion on the table to put all the proceeds if you're if you're a member of 144 you have to exclude yourself from this and I excluded okay but so is anyone else here besides me 144 okay so I'm not going to vote the motion is the the proceeds from the the U reindeer run this year but I guess I have a question so is it still letting them determine how they want to disseminate the right they they disseminated all in favor this will have to go to council to council all in favor of bringing this to the council no no do you have a second on that motion I second now we have all in fav hi hi hi can't vote can't I can't vote either name the reason I'm saying name is because there's many organizations out there and I know that from personal experience I'm a conser Survivor and when I was not working no income because of all the operations soldiers Angels CER five fun they believe it or not the one that turned her back on me with a pregnant wife and I didn't have $2 to go buy the milk was the Le so and there's organizations out there that they physically somebody came to my house made sure that we were okay get you know and and and stocked up our fridge so there's many organizations out there I don't want to just fine tune it to the yeah I'm just saying why I'm saying all right so that's that's what we wanted so we have it tonight right so bring something else table some more ideas that's why I wanted to put on table to bring so that somebody had like compiled or vetted organization and presented yeah it took two years to figure out what it's very frustrating then let's do this if anybody knows of organizations besides the American Legion bring one to the next meeting or bring it to the first subcommittee meeting and that way we can review and say that a conflict of interest even like that's delion yeah that's already out no what do you mean it's out there's no conflict right there's people staying on this no it's three to two no no we lost but what I'm saying is generally like think about the conflict that that that if not realistically at least visually the conflict that there's people that sit in this committee y make choices and then sit in a separate entity and get to now receive those funds receive those funds and spend it how they see fit that's not excuse me that's not how it works the uh just just to let you know for the American Legion and and the votes already done so we can't change it at this point but when the there's a lot of members here there's Pedro there's Gary there's there's bill there's myself there the other Bill Neer we're all members the majority of people the veterans Council are also members of the American Legion and if we a member of the American Legion and you're also a member of the veterans committee then you are not allowed to participate in the distribution of these funds at the American Legion just last we're not allowed to participate in on this end so we' we've ex five grand you guys voted last time you guys didn't vote for that no sir we we did not we did not and at the American Legion we don't we do not participate we're not allowed to be check signers on that account it has to be done wherever the money is distributed has to be approved through the American Legion without people from the veterans committee involved so we so that way there's no favoritism or the things conf interest exactly conflicts of interests and then the American leion if they decide they want they want it to go to homeless veterans or whatever they feel that they can do they can do it and they can do it pretty easily because they don't have all the red tape they need to go through the town through Council to get everything approved and I'm sure if if you had an idea of where you wanted it to go or someone else you would come to American Legion American Legion meeting and make presentation and in all probability if it were a worthy cause they will donate the money so that that's what what the American Legion does but again you know at this point we voted it down I hope we voted it up you didn't vote it down we voted up you guys won oh excuse me I had a bad count there L all right so anyway that's the way that works and I'm just saying there's obviously I'm it's fine the visual Optics are there you are not wrong at all but knowing the four profit organizations were dragged here right or or or were brought here under I believe not a proper mechanism right and they talked about that and then it would just pass off oh just come to the American Legion what I'm saying is there's Optics and those Optics matter particular when you're using money that belong to other people that donated for certain cost we just don't want the American Legion to be a passor to afford Prof the American Legion in addition to that I can assure you I'm Vice chairman Vice Commander the American Legion they will okay they will every penny that's given away okay they will report back to this committee and let you know where it went so you'll know where every dime went there's no that's fine Larry I'm not saying not true what I'm saying is you don't want to blend the lines the Optics okay I'm saying you don't even want to blend the line right because I'm telling you I saw the the the the funeral home that saw Pedro at the Martin game and they came here and thankfully they were they were honest and said they were for-profit and then bill just sat there and like oh just here's my card go to the American Legion what I'm saying is this is a separate committee and a part and I think it be it behooves us to maintain it as such and not have Optics that somebody could come and say hey this isn't fair that's all I'm saying and we did it already last year yeah did it last year I would love to see it doesn't matter I'm just saying let's keep everything nice and neat that's all I'm saying I know the American Legion does great work I'm not trying to Sully their their causes or anything I'm just saying when there's seven members here that also are members of the American Legion that we should keep that in the back of our mind when we're doing this that's all that's all that's all I hear have clear any comments thanks I appreciate what you're saying I understand it that's the same thing also saying is that that people are in this room that live in myy lakes that I want to give direct money to they really shouldn't take it I don't think you can sit on this committee and take money from it no like like he can't get part of that so I don't think there's anything inconsistent about that position I think we can discuss this a lot more a committee meeting of the when Judy has so so our recommendation to the subcommittee is to give it to the American and the subcommittee can can ultimately decide I think the council has to end up approve what where the funds go essentially I mean I can have I can bring it up to Legal I if it can't work it won't okay well they've approved in the pass on why they wouldn't do it why they wouldn't appr did they approve the 5,000 or do that without asking they did so if they did then it's it's already done I can always ask the question like you guys can vote to pay green the veteran so if it can't work it won't if it can it will yeah the veterans are the American lead is a nonprofit veterans organization yeah in Miami Lakes yeah and they have extremely good representation reputation in your for a long time but I agree with that I mean I can't you can't take that away either it's it's it's appearance is the way it looks and it should be you know crystal clear and you know no I think this vote was perfect right the people that are somehow related to the legion they didn't vote didn't vote and that's fine yeah we should travel under that same idea moving forward appreciate that yeah I agree okay any more any more with the um the reindeer run no NOP just we need a subcommittee meeting before the council meeting so that if we need to have other ideas we we'll have them ready for your council meeting so that we can get something done before it's December so council meeting so the meeting has to be sometime next week yeah you guys well Jonathan be okay let's move one item uh I don't I don't know on the veterans report also I don't think it's I don't think it's on August anyways but um the veterans report no but well we had something at the we need to clear it so that we can advertise it start our marketing for 5K it's already going to be September by now and back will she be here next week yes okay all right so let's try to coordinate with her so we can get a date next week on the on the books I just am not here okay anymore e so have to that's my wedding and be here how many years Monday huh how many years 16 you're a young man be married 16 basically Tuesday to 6 the only day next week I have Tuesday whatever sorry what what day Tuesday the 6 next Tuesday okay so I'm I'm goingon to be I'm going to lift a schedule for the pray to end the r run all of them okay I need all the meetings that we need to start can you try to six for me I'll see it's really up to I cuz I I won't be here I won't be here except for this I have to be here for the okay we moving on thank you Judy okay uh 911 ceremony it's on a at 911 is on a Wednesday this here yep 911 what it's on a Wednesday um I thought we were handing that over to Public Safety exactly what done it is oh good so what's our are we asked being asked to participate in this or what where do we stand with this so this is from this is from Bill last Monday or no this Monday let the committee know how Public Safety is taking late on 911 they just asked that we show up um okay so it's pretty it's pretty much done we have an interested vendor for breakfast and coffee and the sort of stuff that we showing up to volunteer or we showing up to just attend I me we could say both it's really just the chairs we have the Bell upstairs the table everything's here um the inside or outside outside in front of the V was just we were so happy with our last Indo indoor Memorial Day it was the best yes it was outside but the idea is that we want to get that fire truck with the flag big flag uh police car SL I fire truck they put 3000 Flags out in in the grass too we can look to that uh already told me that the I think I I mentioned this last meeting the the flower arrangement out front is going to be red and white stripes just you know coincidentally landcap yeah the landscap not planned it was just coincidence but um one thing that the committee I don't know if they had like some heartburn on it I don't know that would but I think it's still up in the air is the wreath we sort of talked about getting a you know beautiful ceremonial wreath that is like the Focus where police um Chief maor excuse me and fire chief would carry the wreath up you know that's the it's the memorial aspect of the event Memorial rates aren't cheap we we got a quote I think was like0 $180 like $200 something around that ballpark but like beautiful I'm talking very beautiful um that would be a nice contribution from the veterans committee and so I was going to yeah there's some money that's goodidea if the veteran contribution want to be that I think they're I think that's a great idea how much do that cost it was it's gonna cost I'm gonna find give me one second $180 do we have an line item on on 911 we can we can take the funds from um I think you guys opted to make a 911 line item it would be uned yeah that that that sort of read do we have the funds to we can make a vote on this to go ahead and purchase this for the uh event you've got the money you've got a memorial account that could like and the to add it to the the re the store where I got the there's a price from they said that they'll honor the 180 even if they add more stuff to it there's a dedication ceremony account there just close so there's no there's no accounts specifically for 911 but there are there's money available there are accounts we have to make a motion to move a line item in order to take money to buy this can we clear that up now and go ahead and and make a Lo one so let me I'm not good on August 6 I so okay I can do [Music] anyes so here here here's what I'll lay out for you all these are these are all these are all of the veterans accounts so we'll just play this better job pair exist no money shirts um the care which was for flowers for I believe Fallen I still don't really remember it's that account how much money is in that account 500 okay and how much money are we talking about 18 18 may say up to 200 all right need make a motion no they're gonna honor it whatever they add to it even if they add stuff to it or anything they're goingon to honor 180 okay let's make a motion to take the the 180 to 200 out of the flowers account that president has $500 and use that to or 200 200 up to 200 up to up to 200 to use that to buy flowers for 911 event every all in favor second second second thank you all in favor I any oppose okay motion is appr thanks for stra on I think okay that it's it's already done invested but it'll be a nice event simple honoring we lose the you know the thousands of flags are you know the running away Mary Collins the battle cross but I think we're going to gain something by focusing on what and you know and you know what's nice even if we don't even if you don't show up at least we know we can oh no okay um that's I like I love that idea the veterans a fre we already spoke about Y is there any more on that and then we we want to speak about um pardon me I left out the um before I get to that the vitamin vamin D item D the battlefield cross again Alex you wanted to read lead us on that no was to a motion on the floor then we have to for the next meeting have to have okay so I need a motion Mo on the floor to do research to the for the enging out the project um yeah okay everyone heard that all in favor no second second second second all in favor I any oppos no motion approve s in the closet two years get out got to give the money away we got to take out I think does anyone like to make a motion to adjourn like motion I'll second it