##VIDEO ID:qjLECZ_E3AI## e e um H order time is 17:33 um let's do attendance present Forman present Chad G here here there isent here here n here Judy here Malik here C absent fedro here ABS please R for pledge moment pledge alleg the United States of America the for it stands Nation indivisible sit down um is there a secretary that would to oh that's right I still owe you minutes from the last time you asked me the they my computer seem quit his house I visit my house does anyone wish to volunteer to take uh notes minutes crickets Cricket crickets crickets don't make I contact I you won't get them in a timely man do send a sample I'll do turn on the AI why don't you turn the AI on and'll do for us yeah the we don't do trans we have to do the textual I already want you this I shot down wow be so nice what it does awesome it does everything can I take the minutes I don't do it agenda so I kind of have outline motion discussions and the vote so just have to do the vote um I'll send you Sam how's that thank you all right we have public comments no public comments moving right along order of business to feral auditions and deletions think we have any we do not have any of that okay old business basically we're kind of dealing with the reindeer run and we need to vote for the veterans committee to approve some stuff on the reindeer run uh we talked about last time so I'm going to summarize real quick for folks who were not here first of all we have to vote on the pricing calendar we're going to request that 200 first 200 students Run free all armed forces recruit applicants those in the you know pulley as they call them will run free pre-registration pricing is 25 bucks until 7 September 30th birie bird is 30 bucks until all of October and then registration 35 bucks from the beginning of November till race day we're asking for a marketing budget for $2,000 buses cost for buses which we think to be about $900 is that correct um for the bands because multiple bands and the there's no it's one band but it's big one band but it's big yeah all right it's huge buses were band 100 bucks so you can need two or three buses yeah um and then the age race categories we're going to have male female categories and then we're going to have these age group breakdowns um the top three finishers in the male female category you're going to get a metal but it's going to have a different color band so if you're never if you won your age category it's going to have a gold band if you're in second place silver band third place place bronze band uh trophies we're not going to do because that costs quite a bit of money everyone's going to get a participate participation one that has the Red Band um okay boom brand long um so also we're going to have the overall top finiture male and female which will be like some 18 19y old guy track female is a track star you know that's the 13y old a girl again yeah that's right 13-year-old was T twice yeah twice she she like sub 19 minutes quick um be getting the college scholarship oh yeah so also the band will be changed because it's going to have the all the Armed Forces emblem on there as well yeah the thank you as well as the title sponsor all the other stuff yeah I know you know was our subcommittee I tell you that subcommittee stat there's two of us in it do you want to join the sub commmittee you're supposed to be in it but you're always in New York we right now we have 100% representation of the subcommittee in this committee right now you know I'm the secretary and it's like Duty's here I'm here okay so um all right so all that is what we need a motion I make a motion to approve all that that the subcommittee had requested approval can I have a second second Pedro second by Pedro third all those in favor all right so that passes uh next is a point of order motion um we need to revote on how the fund will be expended and I I need to explain why and it's my fault I called Larry up to tell him why it's you know why we need to reot it and I was supposed to call Larry up when I was in Columbia and explain to him why it has to be this way um so basically um the the problem of giving all the money to the American Legion is you run into a conflict of interest issu because every American Legion gets her 501c3 uh individually each post all right and so you have three of the incorporators putting on this committee Gary's the president I'm the vice president he's the secretary of the incorporation of the post for core in 5c3 status um last year the year before we tried to give uh money to the charity I have which was you veteran story are and the the town said that's really because I'm the incorporator and the president Etc um but we have the same issue um however we're going to get the same thing done but without the conflict of interest issued by um doing it with a point of order motion and rev voting on it and doing basically the same thing we did last year and and I actually think and know if you weren't here last meeting Michael C came and he gave us these cards that his kids wrote um who are who are recipients of the college fund each family got about each kid got about 2,000 a little bit over 2000 how much 22 22 something 22 something um and he just happen to have three kids going keep have more kids no no no no it's cheaper to have a pet rock and but um anyway so uh and he basically had two kids in graduate school and one going into like a trade kind SCH something yeah and so it really came at the right time and he was very very appreciative very very thankful and I and I wish you know everybody was there to see it because it was fantastic what he said and he was the chair at the one time and he really did a great job laying the groundwork that we now have to be able to do this for veterans families and like I told Michael Michael you know we're not giving you that money to honor your kids we're giving you that money to honor you because you're the veteran without you they won't get that money you know so it's uh really it's an honor of those veterans who serve um and continue to suffer and carry the scars of service um anyhow so I wish to propose a motion to spend $10,000 again on family scholarship $55,000 on the Veterans Memorial uh for Memorial and Veterans Park and $1,000 to replenish the American Legion vet Relief Fund which has been being used we already have repaired three cars at and about we came out to about over a th bucks so we would like to replenish it to make sure we have it just in case somebody else has to know that issue I just have a comment so when we end up with less or more proceeds than what we have here maybe we need to make well by percentage you mean no in case we get more than this like I would say that we get 20,000 this year or how about if we get less or if we get less okay so so I guess we can do a proportional thing right you know we can say let's say be proportionate to the numbers you would just say change that percent same same Bas Yeah so basically I'm making a motion to provide proportional amount let's say we gain 16,00 than the proportional amount to each charity event like you did last year can I have a second to that motion second any comment discussions [Music] nobody then okay all those in favor you want take the percentages to put in there so we can put it into the minutes like the ACT percentages so that it doesn't come up next next meeting that we have to vote again yeah yeah yeah we have it and take it then divide that amount into each thank you yeah do that she's a she's a Chief Financial Officer you know I'm so glad no one asked me go math I have a computer on it's knowing to form 60 30 and 10 awesome and we need to add one more line on it didn't make it to the budget I just kind of popped it in there I nine that's the bags the bags need to come to the budget so we need to vote on taking the bags out of proceeds the cost of the bags um there the the bags that everybody you know the packet pickup bags with things in it they're $1,400 more or less we can't I can't take on these extra you add them in we're going to take it into put it it comes out of proceeds okay we still going to give the 10,000 for the had spor 10,000 of my hours I hear you okay so do we need a motion for that we do in a boot okay so your what's your motion to remove the bag or add the bag to the budget yeah take the add the bags to the budget which will be plus or minus 1400 all right so uh J makes a motion to I that motion to add the plus or minus $1,400 to our to be expended by our budget for bags on which [Music] item what are you talking about 4 me amending yeah it needs to be agenda agenda where's why is that b where's a oh it's five 6 A1 okay so 6 C I think would be 6 C so we're going to amend the well first let's make a motion to amend the agenda to add 6D C which is motion uh which is adding the cost for the bags all right I make motion to amend the agenda adding item 6C for the bags anybody second it I do buer all those in favor I okay now I make the motion restate the motion like Judy made um that I seconded to included in the budget that we will expend $1,400 plus or minus for the bags all those in favor in order changing the percentages you okay and I want to do of water motion and re and re amend the approach 6 A and C point of order motion to amend the proceeds how they'll be expended um we do whatever is raised we'll do 60% on family scholarships 30% on Veterans Memorial Park and uh 10% on the veterans American Legion veteran Relief Fund anyone want wish to Second by amend a motion second Judy all those in favor I I so sry just Robert rules can get really all right new business um I I'm I want to make a motion to create a permanent subcommittee for Veterans Memorial Park development and the reason that is because it's going to take a while to get this project going um uh one of the things that uh we should revoke is the witch Hall Memorial example um I know a lot of folks Got U hung up on the uh Battlefield crops but the battlefield crosss will be part of that Memorial display like it it goes this a long wall that goes kind of like the and angular goes along and the ground behind it and then the the battlefield cross will be P centered and then there'll be spots for flag PO for the all service flag um I trying to make the subcommittee now a formal subcommittee I've been meeting with the town and meeting with folks you know formally seeing what they would be okay with you know showing them all the different designs that we had Etc that we all looked at and they basically said yes that one they basically were happy with that one because they felt that they could put a patch of grass in the back you know like little Hill and so be a little so a little play area for kids to kind of roll down the little Hill and they could put you know that exactly and see where that Center thing is that's where the battlefield cross kind of thing you know um and so uh once I I already have also a verbal commitment from Senator Renee Garcia that if we approve this and we get the drafting plans which is why we are we are donating to it because we figured an architectural drafting plan will be about 20 grand now if anybody knows an architect that's a veteran that wants to do with for pre yeah case we know one you know and anyway so and so he says that if we can get the architect gra plan that he will try to get the county to help fund it what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to go around and see who I can uh basically government state County government because really this should be fiscal dust to them you know um it should not be too big of a deal to them um and then we can finally have a nice memorial you know that uh honors the service members and you know honors uh and makes a veterans part like a veter yeah um so anyway so I'd like to make a motion to approve this design since of all the 10 to 15 designs I showed pwn this is the only one they liked you know and uh it'll be different they'll probably not be a little there may have to be like the removal of that there where it says American Revolutionary War in that little curve thing I don't know it depends they have to scale it to our size um I like to make a motion to approve that design I like that though that's like the bench where people I do I do too and I think we could put the service emblems on across that you know like you know exent into the stone you know what I mean and I think that'll be really cool I Che your motion thank thank you Pedro all those in favor all and remember if you ever needed P always tell me that you need any well yeah obviously it's not going to be the American Revolution right I mean but it'll probably be that shape it'll probably be that design of design yeah probably be that you know it be that form and that's grass behind that goes yeah they put a little mountain little grass but or it could be it could be a drop off wall I mean it's so invite the speeding I think come back I'm pretty sure they will help us that'll be the FL be inside the or out on the front of it um that's something we got to yeah figure out because where it be where where you going to put it um well they have a spot that they want they're thinking about um but it's going to be as you walk in um from the sidewalk there's a tree area and they're thinking about putting it right it's near Mary colins M it's near Mar cones but uh that's one of the things is once they get the schematics and the size and everything too much to put the flags inside that little space I don't know how small that space really is I mean it could be because I'm talking about the ones we have for the American Legion and it will just be for the moment it's just going to be post so the black are not going to be always there eventually make it permanent and then we'll have probably a permanent flag moral in another location on the you know yeah so post so where are they talking about okay not right there no no not near the heads it's actually little bit no the other way no I think it's over to this side yeah the other way farther to the right okay you mean here yeah right around there oh yeah yeah I was up this there was when we that would be yeah so it'll kind of be angled around and we could have the wall on both sides because they may not be enough terrain to do that dirt little hole we're not interfering with the player so that's where they're thinking about it that's back to the overhead I don't know how helpful it be like right here when I mention it I think it was kind of like in the sense of a memorial garden almost CU that's the space like if you have papers and you know a a curved Monument that's a good spot and I think it probably for that area would have to have it won't be that little grassy area in the back it probably be double wall you know but I don't know I'm not a designer I don't know what they can do I think fun no one uses that space the time nobody uses that space and it's perfect location and shaded yeah and we can all the dirt so grass make it night and it catches your attention as you ler the parking EXA right okay so it's exactly right during they can all hang out there yeah I know we can put them the flag PS on or we can put them on yeah which will be really noticeable when we have Center and then yeah so we have like like I said we have this postal for you know temporary flag placement for ceremony for now until we build until we get the we all want we have a longterm plan the long-term plan also includes like a van shell clam shell clamshell yeah we're going to get that I think that look they're doing jazz in the park this weekend so you know you just head up a little spage you why don't we just have a permanent one um anyway so thank you for voting on that um so I'd like to also make a motion to approve the permanent subcommittee for the veterans memorial develop Park development um anybody second that motion please i' second all those in favor I okay and I will volunteer to be the subcommittee chair for that um even if I cease being the chair of this committee proba M doing that since I'm making all the you will be the the chair of that but I believe that that has to be voted on by the subcomittee going me does well right now it's only me so it's going be [Music] I'm second right moving right along um I'd like to also stand up you know folks who weren't here um actually Nicole you know was talking about echine therapy and what she does with the echine therapy and stuff and you know where she volunteers and we had these Girl Scouts who are doing this uh Mission positive service service and and and also there's a a charity that started up called Pauls of Valor and starlight of Valor that works with the VA here and I reached out to West Palm Beach and Big Dog Farms and have this huge program for veterans and and service animals be trained for free and so I realized that here's a need that we are not corralling all the resources you know um and you know doing the old one B blue arrow you know and our Focus effort and so I thought you know uh it would be a good idea this stand up a permanent subcommittee on on service dogs and that fine therapy or PTSD or any kind of therapy actually um that way we can have kind of like a u for like better term a synchronization cell to synchronize and coordinate all these folks and agencies so we can start developing a really robust uh method to match a veteran with a a pet and have the training done at no cost and then as well as kenneling that pet if that veteran has to go for treatment whatever Etc so um they have a pretty fascinating Mission and I think a pretty interesting Mission um so I like to make a motion to create a permanent subcommittee on service dog and incline therapy can I have a second second Gary yes thank you all those in favor I now I just need whoever wants to be on that committee thank you Nicole thank you Monique and I'll be on it as well and then we'll somebody to be a shair it ain't gonna be me so it's a 5050 chance I wish I could I work from 3: to 11 typically and yeah so I don't want to be able to come to something that I'm not gonna be able to be sure that I'm gonna get the permission to well this we'll have our first meeting and then we'll figure out uh you know a good you know meeting can can subcommittees meet on like uh Team or anything like that or that be live same sunshing subcommittees don't vote correct uh no but they make recommendations to the committee to the committee those have to be memorialized in minutes something Mee we don't have to have quum for a subcomittee no well if the subcommittee is three people for would be two [Music] yeah I gu one person showed up that's not much yeah yeah sometimes only two people play you know you only need a good man I'll say hear that just all right Next Issue sorry uh my early input on this is in the midst of like parade 5K stuff maybe that can start building up towards the end of the year when there's like a little less oh yeah but that mean that's no no I mean I'm still kind of collecting information that's good so that way we can kind of our goals for this subit I like they come to our meeting tell us about you know how whole thing the process is goes on with the dogs and you know there is from West pal Beach they actually Big Dog Farms is they mainly deal with veteran service dogs and they train veterans with their service dogs and even do training and trainer stuff what I've been trying to find and i' I've had some request for information out there and that I've even have somebody contact is it see if there was anybody in Dave county that does the same exact thing because West Palm Beach is good because there's a VA Hospital right there in West palom Beach yes and so and then there's so we're trying to figure out who can do the same thing who's doing it for VA Miami nobody that we know of right now so and that's the thing so probably a need yeah because I've also worked out with big dog they they will they will kennel a service member who has to go gets admitted to the West pal Beach VA hospital they will kill their animal at no cost you know up the ACT West pal Beach was one of the pilot facilities so they had started off like back in 20 when started it so that's probably why it's so much so like well established there they were one of the pilot facilities of like 5 when well the great thing about that is they have a road map and they have lesson learned so all we got to do is get the VA interested and just cop the success and then push it at a town you know and uh and get other government agencies to push the VA here to do that because there is a need is there someone the VA Place went went it's like 15 AC there's and it's only and they even have a building they're putting together that they had a bunch of people away who give them money and build problem the [Music] VA and for each do you know I me like I've stayed in wor like was amaz and so so anyway they have a great project they have a great project so if we can just copy that that'll be fantastic all right moving on to item 67d before we start item 67d I was introduced toi a while ago um she has instent comments and she's a permanent member of our yeah you does everybody know am I the only guy just she was here last week yeah wedn th last Thursday when you were youa we were picked up by short Patrol you know all that kind of stuff you know still happens anyway well welcome she's been trying to get on me for a long time connection actually we're actually got several man I ask what you do there I'm a social worker I work with um the mtba program so any transitioning uh active duty member like getting them set up with Primary Care Mental Health and like kind of connected to benefits you get involved with the blue team and the red team yeah so I work I I support the post- deployment Clinic which is the primary care clinic for the transitioning um veterans coming off of Dr Duty so they're one of the primary care clinics I work out of excellent glad you're all right 70 fishing with America's Finest they showed up and basically they requested some financial support $55,000 to put this event on um Malik uh you stated that W wed War I already emailed somebody there I haven't heard back but I mean I emailed them today so okay okay see if they would find we got time we got time so yeah that that that does like Midway through next school year yeah um I mean when they said when they said around 5,000 that didn't really seem like an insurmountable fundraising or sponsorship Hill so I mean there's time and there's yeah we can start worrying about that but it'll be nice to see what if we can t that would and get those funds what was the name of the organization was that the same one that did fishing [Music] event2 didn't we got it own sponsors but no they got they got all the PS came through was Congress yeah I have no reference that was in april2 that's when Victoria was here I have no reference as there was wasio got them the money noo Rizo contact yeah because I can contact uh you know toio and see if you can get with theart I to give you this this is tomorrow they can do it see if they have tomorrow will be here this is tomorrow at BMB 8 o00 there and will be there both of them all right I going yeah let me see I can get up that's should try that see oh yes 7 C we skip is gol all right um we were asking for the parade that we have golf carts um besides the Jeep or instead of the Jeeps because that way people can actually see who's riding in them and uh so I I met with Maro Panero because apparently they did some kind of little golf cart parade a while back and he was able to assemble you know a bunch of golf carts and so I want to make it incentive for these folks you know that they decorate golf cart you know we'll go out there and we'll judge and we'll compare notes and first prize will be 200 bucks second prize 100 bucks third prize 50 bucks right so I need a motion I'm making a motion to approve the uh like add something that sure because I think most people that own golf carts golf carts are expensive to nowaday and I think they'd probably be more interesting than bragging rates and they would be 400 bucks I think maybe something some sort of other type of recognition maybe a trophy something like that these are people 100 bucks or 50 bucks is going to motivate somebody own SC honestly if you just put it out there that there's going to be golf courts involved I was part of the one last year we made our own one during Christmas time so what was what was your awards for the best ones no no no everyone just decorated like Christmas H theme things and we went around with no motive so just to have fun yeah so I think in this case all I'm saying is I think it I think something other than the dollar you know and awards prizes other than other than the dollar trophy be it a basket or a trophy or something you know you know expens they're a lot cheaper than money they're cheaper than that talking 35050 here the end that be something you present shout it out right get all all the golf cart members rather that'll give them incentive to come up and get their their Braden rights to to to leonell will be there yeah I like that okay I like to amend the motion to instead of uh providing prize money that we do trophies um and yes significant recognition at the uh we do we presented at the end of the parade right before the uh Grand Marshall's comments second you know um so a motion was on the table for providing a first second and third place trophy G seconded Gary seconded all those in favor what would have happened would haven't happened yet it would be like early edition hey thanks Larry that was good and you're right they just up anyway um and then Shenanigans a lot of how many I don't know but there was like more than 20 oh not a dozen going to in the morning coming because it started at Royal Oaks and came right in front of my house and then so it was think we got ride in the golf how many CS do we have to usually get for this 12 that's it yeah oh well then you have plenty you're wait easily you probably have over 100 golf cards oh my God it's be cool it's gonna be cool basically there's only going to be like two people watching the parade and The Whole Town's going to be in the parade you know so okay that was a golf cart well I have a i you guys didn't know I'm unofficially the town history because I'm the only one who's interested in scanning old slide film and and archive but I have this um on the this I mean this old photos this is like very easy get people excited you know throwback Thursday you know leading up that's cute um so there that's great way that's a great way to get people involved history is what I'm saying so we used to we used to do it with the the voice no I mean you can shoot that out you know and basically and that's a that's a golf War type camouflage pattern from the that's interesting yeah you could shoot that out as a throwback Friday or Thursday and then say uh hey we have this uh decorating contest you get bragging rights oh this is going to be so awesome but there's not going to be anybody watching them playar hours through we still have don't forget to stop it please don't get him back no no don't get me on De all right uh September along 70 September 28th um there's a dog adoption event at K9 Co um that's being done by positive Mission postive the girl Scott truit uh K9 Cove where is K9 Cove I know it's my by by the service room if you can attend please do I will be in Hawaii wish I could be there but I'll be in Hawaii but I'll be thinking of all of you um so I there uh their request in terms ofe support would be in the by means of funding uh because besides that there's not really much committees involved with this event so they were kind of just seeing if there was any interest in no we're getting some money we getting some money already been 300 300 probably we should be getting 300 maybe 500 more to them yeah from American Legion from 100 from and and and they also are they're the you said the mental health task force Fall Festival if it's approved they're the charity that's going to be receiving yeah they're they're getting involved so yeah so um and I know there's already been some fundraising being done by the mental health task force for that event um so so they'll they'll they'll be they'll have PL plenty of funds I think for what they want to achieve all right so so the outcome is we are not going to honor their requests to fund them no they're getting plenty of funding they're getting outside fund they're getting outside yes talking about the agenda oh no the agenda is just to show up that's just FYI you can make it attend that's it um all right any uh any other business issues uh 911s on Wednesday that starts at N9 right starts at uh we have a volunteer from the Public Safety Committee who's going to get it Darwin Chad did volunteer but it was Chad's Volkswagen Jetta versus darwins I don't know much larger SUV and and I don't know what the size of the reef is but they were pretty adamant about making sure it was like plenty of space so I thought we'd ear side of caution who's the MC of that think Carlos he's from Public Safety yeah he's one of the newest members he's a real oh he's a real buy got food Vol contacted my C regarding Flags in the park right we we planted um about half the amount it was I think about 1500 Flags we planted uh good a good portion of his Flags came from the American Legion Gary got this sent over uh the students just wanted to do it they wanted to get community hour and they wanted it's even though there's only half the flags it's a monument and the thoughts there and I think it was by the town anyway no no I we we uh we discussed that in last meeting mik was here we talked about that and so we thought it was fantastic and we said whatever we can do to help them the hours a great thing and I just tell Mike you know since now that Public Safety owns it I don't think they'll have an issue you know but just run it by Nancy there Saturday I think so I I don't know I don't want to see I don't know what the result of the meeting was but there kind of I mean they're in the middle of the park naturally or not the middle uh I'm pretty sure they are where they have been for the last few years is that correct yes know they are same place they the same place so we have a concert on concert in the park on FR or Saturday excuse me and there's a trim cycle for the grass uh so it's either I I don't know I think they're going to have to remove them between now and then it'll be it'll be fast yeah yeah that's after you can't leave it out like you you normally do it or just have a bald spot not a bald spot rather an overgrown spot with half out it doesn't take to pick them up and the flags just incidentally the flags that were left over from the previous we had stored I would say probably 75% of them had to be thrown away I yeah they all the woods rotted and just so what we did we separated the the over to Mar comp Center we separated the flags from the flag poles and put them in two different areas so that the boy so that I believe that the Boy Scouts Haven been notified you notified them he's good to go Sean what he's gonna what is he gonna do he's gonna buy get new flag no they're doing a flag re return oober so going to pick those up well all right good all right they throw away the others in the P there over 2,000 about 2500 FES you don't throw away any other issues any other I want to make a motion to approve the November 3D parade lunch sir you give me very good price I want to pass it around if you want to look at it that's for $1,200 $1200 l g us 72 veteran SCH and probably a lot of the golf cart people because we're going to be doing the award how many how many people are figuring 15050 what did we figure last year and then we already got the 50 the you know the helpers from the morning help us with 50 Del was you know you know we're obligated to these people because twice yeah twice tce no I don't want to know Ru it on two different occas surg are supped food for us no charge really nice well that's about they really seem to be priced right here and it seems only appropriate that we use them because of their no of course of course of course I make a motion to before on the other hand I mean Mission Barbec's also been very nice last we did this last all right so I the sandwich chips and cois for $1,200 want second 30 seconds the motion all those in favor all right we're 900 and and maybe some mildly concern you should see their pair is written in my dealership the the complaint the customer all right sois and CH can you give it to uh Jonathan so he can make sure they get uh paid for the chis and sandwiches brutal why don't you go ask him for money do Tom a legit ladies and gentlemen I know we're trying to imagine what the cocky looking like and you know CHS all those favor thank you very much I really appreciate it I can't wait to have that lunch