##VIDEO ID:tLq9auAjIcY## e e charity issue call the meeting to order at 6:30 530 present and you you and I there you go you're doing minutes right I'm doing minutes you're got to do the minutes okay good okay um yeah so I I think the only update I have for you is um I know and I guess just to fill you in Memorial Healthcare Systems um they have sponsored a lot of our other town events right so I had a talk with them about two three weeks ago and they told us that they wanted to start like solidifying an annual package which is great timing so I make sure to include the 5K on there um they told me they would have a response for me for the entire package which includ other town events um confirmation by September 6 so end of next week I should know if they're in or not I put them down as the funone sponsor um I had a brief talk with her today and it sounded like they were going to make it happen I just don't have you know the 100% confirmation if they do come in they're going to be coming in at $3,000 for the for the great great okay and they are a new sponsor right so if we get if we're able to confirm everybody from last year and we already have we're starting off with one new one I think we're at a good start yeah and then if we can get a couple of other new ones in I think we're headed in the I want new ones is really what I need your help with new ones I'm going to go after the entire own what are our sponsorship package LC is this what it's kind it's gonna you can kind of go based off of this um I was waiting to see what Memorial was going to come in so I can finalize it but this is kind of what it's going to look look like the only thing is that we're including a f Zone sponsor for memor the title gone from title yeah and fund zones gone but they're going to put more than that so you have to figure out how to make their their sponsorship more valuable right um they're going to be this with Funzone kind of a thing so Funzone gone so we have gold and then we have silver and Bronx yeah we talked about pricing and Judy um mentioned that obviously you know everything is quite expensive nowadays so it felt it didn't feel right to go up on the pice I can't go up yeah no no no that's good no just not just in general right like the package entirely I think it's kind of going to stay where I can probably get some possibly a silver sponsor and I will say to J this point I think the biggest help because a lot of the event is going to be copy and paste that's not to say that there's not work that goes into it like but I'm saying we have a good guidance right as to what to do but I think the biggest thing that the the committee can help us with this sponsorship and getting the word out getting the word out for the run and registration so money money registrations and sponsors yes yes 100% do we have any kind of flyer or thing that I can p so here's what I need for us to go we already signed it's contract yes contract signed contract is signed so we're set for the date with race time n uh 12:14 yeah uh yes yes okay yes 12 so now we can start social media is set with the Running Company r with reuben reuben um what I need from you guys to go live is the pricing calendar I mean I'd say leave it like it was last year we had an early bird special and I yes change it I'm not I'm just make sure you guys know we do have to have the committee agree on this everything that we talk about our sub so the second let's re remind me of the pricing calendar I believe we had students running for free we had allocated a certain amount for students yeah I she'll find F like 200 students Run free and then it was like yeah find me though and I need to get the recruiters as well I recruiters there and she's going to hit the database because we have a lot of we got the pass two times we got pass Runners so she'll hit them with a with a with you know with a nice yeah and I hey you guys get first dibs hurry up they're selling out p the only thing I would say is I don't know if anybody agrees on this and I don't want to throw any wrenches but return Runners any any anything to think about for the return runners or no just let them jump into the same schedule of of of early bir because it's pretty good deal I mean as I recall if they're a student then they they register the first 200 students get for free okay let's talk about normal Runners that pay so we had pre-registration at $25 okay okay last year Ed a September 30th early bird um $30 which is all of October and then final registration period which is $35 was November 1st until event so 111 to race was how much 35 like that was the highest it went okay and then the special rates that you guys designated last year free students you did a Max of 200 registrations and then we had the early per and you had students so pre-registration $25 until September 30th pre okay early $30 all of October and final registration period which is $35 of November 1st on do you have the the breakdown of what we got on those from the from the website let me would prg 25 bucks until when the whole till 9:30 it's all of September and well that was last year so let me know if you know that's good and then what we else do we do with students and then so there was only two special rates which is is why what we tried last year was if there was going to be any promos we should know them from now we shouldn't be like you know um so we did you guys agreed on three students Max 200 registrations yeah and after that you would have a a special discount code for students at $20 after the free was a 20 20 when that's gone students 20 after okay okay um all right so 200 for students 200 free students early b pre- 25 until 9:30 all of October 30 bucks um so November 1st until event day was 355 okay I would like to put in all recruit Co leades you know those are people who are who have signed the paperwork to enlist in the military um they haven't shipped to boot camp yet recruit police of the Armed Forces fre I love it you know recruit police you have a way to get to those people yeah the recruiters so the only my only concern is and things to think about well if you'll know better than I will but um I just hear free and then my concern is okay if we're giving away free what are we raising in terms of funds like I know the sponsorships obviously cover a big chunk of it anyways but to a certain extent I think we need to be cautious of how many freees we give out cu at this point you're already starting with 200 student I don't know if we used them all last year but is just something that keep in mind when you put them all together all the Frees I guess so maybe we have the students end at no the students are last minute leave the studes because they're used to it and they've been coming and doing it over and over okay I will say I think I mean I I I gotta tell you I think it'll be Max 30 people Max so we allocate a set number the first the F copy 50 will say just 50 will say 50 look I'm going to copy and paste this and and then also I what you're telling me so we can I guess adapt it as part of the regular armed forces and you're going to tell us utilization of the different rates yeah I'm put us Armed Forces so that would be an extra yeah category us sorry say that us Armed Forces recruit bullies b o l l [Music] e i i maybe I think so like a pool yeah they're in a pool they're the ease of the pool that's right they're about to go they're in a pool of Rec possible recruits and then I'm sorry how many did you say 50 and and he thinks the 30 will use but so max 50 since 12 the army many [Music] people I think I have already requested theal oh yay' be next to your he'd be next to your ridiculous car my teeny tny car your teeny tny car oh no it's hilarious the pig's going the pig's always gonna go that oh the pig's going hilarious hi good evening please don't forget to mark your calendar for December 14th for the reindeer run in miny Lakes trying to pull the here is a website live yet from from Ruben we can make it live but we I mean live I think means we we can get in it right yes I have access to it it's the same um website you had access to it last right so okay I don't know if he has it but I'll make sure to ask is going to be the chair Alex yes I know who's in the chair next year oh this the Rainer I am going to figure that out as okay I know I'm still coming and I'm still here I'm still gonna help I'm gonna watch banners assuming I'm going to be the chair than I'm gonna be a gr next year you're not going to be pres me yes I'm just not GNA I can't share the no no I just can't share the race anymore it's taking it takes a lot takes a lot not be I may not be the chair next year since this Tak so much time will you stay in it though yeah I'm going to start I'm going to stand up to standing commit two standing subes so the things just don't off one's going to be on the memorial so now probably appoint myself to be the chair of that sub committee you know even if I'm just a Snuffy grun and the other one's going to be we talking about but it's going to be on service anals there uh there's a lot of movement going on with service animal well do we have those kids visit the Vets for Pets yeah and so the Girl Scouts yeah I know they're doing Vets for Pets oh that's what it is and I can get them all trained as service animals for free there's a whole program exist the VA funds wow and I could Broda here as a spokesperson the dog that drives the car remember that dog dog tell you she better put I'm like yeah so anyway and so and then Nicole she sent me something about Equine Therapy she told me that she wants to and I go and so I'm G to ask Nicole I'm to send her a text say I going to make you the chair of this subcommittee dealing with service animals at on therapy so dos um because there's a lot of stuff going on because they passed the Falls act I'm talking to our committee chair and they are incorporating a service dog movement for veterans period so even more so that Koda comes with you would be great so what I'm going to see if I can do is get some kennels who maybe didn't be sponsors who do service do so I'm looking here we had a total of 507 registrations last out of that 507 in September we only had six signments in October we have yeah 47 because I know it JD freaks out I'm not going to forgot anymore because I I got it now now I understand yeah I'm done I out less this year it's not a you guys thing I that's just the way people are RAC are but like I think across the board right from what Ruben was telling us um and then the month of of November December you had 4504 there you go and how many were for the free students a different time there I go there's a where it shows all the codes so students will use 127 okay that's within the 454 right yeah okay all right what was the total registration money can you see that just registration only yes in registrations you guys raised 10,000 under the me all right so we're still within our like 200 because I don't see us changing yeah so even if we have the buies they'll probably eat up to 200 we'll be under 200 still with the students I don't know if any of you want to not take the leave but I would say encourage your commit members um I know I mentioned the last meeting we talked about the 5K for like two minutes pretty quickly um but yeah we're all agreeing the sponsorships are already important um I think that everybody should make it a goal for themselves and hold themselves accountable to at least one sponsor or for every two committee members one sponsor whatever you think is reasonable yeah i' like everyone to bring one yeah everyone should bring every Committee Member should one sponsor I I guess my concern is we'll talk about it but who's actually be tabs on it and I don't mean me because I mean yes I can look at who did it but I think it takes you guys as committee members yourselves to come back and okay we're going to report we're going to go around the room and Report how many sponsors I have I don't have a r she want to be in charge of the others so you want to be in charge of that okay thank you yeah because I tried that and I please help me please help me but that's what I'm saying I think we talk about no I think I think I think you know but I think maybe saying it out loud and well no I'm GNA ask you know we need everyone to bring in one sponsor and it to be at 500 1,000 whatever it500 you know and by that we don't mean the like returning one because I think at that point rur someone easy job um so if you want do you want to start reaching out to the old spons or do you want me to I'd like to the ones that I that I know you brought in a lot of yeah the ones that I know I'm going to do it so now that we have the date and we have I guess send me an email letting me know which ones you've already sent it to and then based on the on you did and I'll do the other okay and you I just want a nice new 2024 package so I can give that to them my hands I'm gonna go in person so people okay in the next two days mean last I sent them a thank you package and gave them swag and put a card and but I'm going to go to them in person again especially like the one that did like doctor the chiropractor I want him to come back he said he might come back the following year and he skipped last year um do you guys want to give determine a an amount of a dollar amount of what you want to spend on promotion this year what did we do last year was 1500 was was it 2500 could have yeah we need to raise a little more because I'm not paying for the bags this time I'm getting stretch too thin with all the money too else it's going to kill me secure time and and and and and relax fix and I also have a LIF to last year that may have not come in but that we each out sponsors that you tried to get yeah okay cool we do have that is there an actual sponsorship package that gonna send that's what I need to send an update for this year yeah so I'll send it to the entire committee are you going to make a new category for the hospital though you got to wait till that happen I don't want to wait anymore I don't think we should wait um I think I will customize it at you know as needed with them and we'll go from there um is it fair I'm not too worried about them because if we're looking at it just like the single event it may not seem fair but I'm kind of looking at it as a whole picture on what they're contributing to the town as a whole so you're not as long as you're yeah um but yeah I think I'm aiming for about 3,000 parade two to 3,000 so I'll let you know not okay and then um make them the bag sponsor and the Fun Station sponsor and then you're good because the bags are a doll4 I'm going to get you the invoice if they're $140 each you got to call 50 because we had to have you know EXT ra but we we can get less so we can get I would say to still get a th000 you guys need those bags I've given back the bags to the town for like School drives and stuff I sent bags back um so let's say I mean that's that's $1,400 if we if you get a thousand of them, 1400 yeah so that's kind of as a perfect with the the Fun Station is50 that's 2650 so it could be the bag sponsor and I sent you my not TR and the invoice you needed you wanted to look that and the bag sponsor that that's a clock bag isn't you no it's a little plastic bag oh it's those are more the ones I get yeah yours are the little plastic bags right they draw string with like they're almost they're fabric but they're like a weird fabric but I think the year before we had little plastic ones in there I'm just used to race package being no I don't have anything from you I when did you send it last week on Monday that's okay I'll re no I don't have anything from you on Monday get so it was just the post event notes debrief that we went um well the ones I had because you had told me to share them with you and the invoice for so one of the things we discussed was if we had the money for elevating the Fun Zone area um kind of similar to what we did for you were there um and we had like a bigger station for the kids something like that would be nice or like a snow area or something but do you think kids will stick around I mean it seems like everybody R and then they all Le I personally think that last year was a good like I think people did stick around not forever the way you set it up cu the way you set it up and you made them have to walk through yeah so I think people were like forced to see what was around and then stay around yeah so we have to do that so I think last year you had more people stick around than the year before so the fund Zone really is going to turn into something bigger so like what was the total spend on the fourth of July with those stuffs for those for of July we spent $ 3,33 God so that's a whole that's yeah that's for the entire de so then that's why this could be one of the things that we can kind of see where we're at dollarwise as we get closer but we are gonna have to do something so that this uh for the and I'm just referring to 4th of July we had the N9 hole mini golf we had like a spray and race thing where the kids were just shing with the water and then we had a an inflatable like sports thing basketball football bounc house it looked like a boun it was an inflatable like you throw basket and stuff into it yeah okay it doesn't have to be that was there a bouncy house to no we did not have BC okay and then that included obviously right like there has to be a generator for these things there has to be staff attendant for that so it included all that so there were three for four hours that's it for $3,000 God wow it was over 3,000 3300 oh my God $1,100 okay I mean if people loved it it's I mean we have plenty of kids that come to this thing so and then the other thing we wanted to discuss was if you guys last year we didn't do it and I think you guys were fine with it but I don't know if you think it's a good opportunity um the kids the the little kids race the the the dash what do we call it yeah um the thing is that if we do it I will say two years ago we did it right right but we didn't like organize it as a little separate thing like yeah they did it after um that didn't me sounds like to me it sounds like something they should do at the Fun Zone we have a fun zone if we can set up a mini mini Dash yeah that up proba Don Dash something rery rudol no Don Dash there was a little Dash or a little little Dash was like that that's I mean I think we can do like a little set off some little cols around little area inside the Funzone then just run around yeah or a 50 yard straight just 50 yards 50 yard dash it's great um yeah it doesn't have to be in the same area um another thing we not that we didn't an account I think we weren't clear on the amount was what was it that we just paid the second part of their transportation or something the bus is for the for for the band but we're going to have that's going to be in the budget we voted on that so no just something to be aware of um so just obviously expect cost to be higher I mean the obvious right [Music] um MH and we have DJ the medals with the different straps yes yes so okay that's what we we all had like different ideas or we're not on the same page so I just want to no no that's what I had yeah like um strap not the actual theal got to be only one metal that' be crazy it's going to Fortune to get different made but that I thought that that was the point only for the top whatever winners no the handful no no I think so I think it's better if we have yeah because it's always the same young people you know we want to encourage the whole Community to come out we want everybody to you know okay every age group to have you know be able to win you know I'm only saying that as a winner but uh you and I think the cheapest thing is to have the straps one's gold one's silver one's bronze for the top three PS in each age group and everybody else is red and we can get let's get a price on price winner SEC first second thirds to even deluminate further I don't know so we're saying get rid of the trophy right yes trophy I got a trophy one that one year I ran and where's that the garage it's uh next to this my stack of military awards inne my Val yeah you know yeah and then um now you mentioned the age groups I like the way we did last year but from hearing what the committee was saying at the last meeting they wanted well they well the the problem was the community last time was trying to expand the age groups because we thought we were going to Mint different Metals but if we're doing the same metal and we're just changing the scraps then there's not a there's no real worry about the cost cost or yet so I think keep it the same age group you doing a five year four year five year thing but when you say same what are your friend last year we didn't do that last year if you don't the previous year the previous year back to the other Year's category category we'll bring that to the committee I'm going to I know it's it's a committee um decision I think that's a terrible idea just being frank with to many you remember do you remember want to leave we people left and get trophies there was people we were calling out that weren't even there I know because I was one because the problem was the problem was one I didn't even know that a troph first place second I didn't even know I won first place of the slowest run in my life so I go surely there's somebody faster than that but um the other thing was we didn't have the setup the way it was where people were able to walk around it was very much the new setup forces interaction with all we can set up like an awards table like we can really like highlight it you know don't placed you're going to get a you're going to get a special although it's gonna be hard to figure out what to give them when they're coming because we give it to them as they run through it was like that's what that cuz it was the same metal that was for every that was the finisher everybody will get that okay so then we'll have they'll get a second medal with the good strap at at the call out of the wins otherwise you'll lose your mind you won't no yeah they will separate yeah um I would suggest that you go you guys look at something in between okay I think what happened two years ago was it was way too much despite people not being there being there it was like we were calling it felt like a participation thing all over again like oh everybody's a winner well that's I don't think that's the case because you have different age groups trust me if I was when I was 40 years old I would have beat the top finishers of every AG group I I was running sub 20 minute three miles you know but at my current age which is not 40 I need to be in that age and I'm retired I need to be in that those age category to even have a chance it's a big difference between an 18yearold Runner a 18 I agree I would have been I would have been like you know looking at my watch waiting for everybody to show up but I still think the one for two years AG was too much so maybe trop I think with the trophies those with the winners like we're call them the winners the the categories of winners so we needed the side but I gotta tell you I honestly think people were very disappointed that we didn't have separate categories I know a lot of folks were like why don't we have different categories and then Judy and I talked about it going because the trophies are crazy expensive and now everybody stays and I'm like well why don't we make it cheap just have a different strap and that's really not that expensive to do and we're talking about let's say we have 10 age groups you have that and you have to do 20 because you have girl and boy yeah so it's 20 yeah so 20 * three so it's 60 straps 60 60 people's names that out but you're not getting that b price because from those 60 straps you have three different inations right what first second and third in each right yeah but it's it's all going to just be 30 30 20220 2022 have 60 you're going to have 16 you're going have 20 gold you're going to have six 20 try it up so that we're and 20 silver yes I don't think that's a big deal for printing to do a printing on the problem it's keeping a while I just think it's an appearance thing I don't think it's so much anything how what do the normal what races do there's got to be like some kind of like it's got to be some kind of they have categories other races have categories how many years do you do like like orange theory does here I'll tell you what I show you guys we can do 50 we can do like 10 year periods we can do that's what I'm saying I think we did very like small you know 10 to 18 always ask uh the race vendor what are the usual age brackets well I think we did went kind of what we like talk about and we agreed that whatever two years okay so here's what they have 29 and under which I would I would do kids they don't do kids at wi so you have a kids bracket at some point 30 to 39 there 10 year brackets 40 to 49 50 to 59 going guys how are you doing well how are you is this the actual comme meeting or subcommittee how are you good how you guys doing ever really met you met you I'm Judy from headquarters meet you head to yeah nice thank you yeah you know it's it's it's good when it's that Cas you know how much it was do you know how much it's worth how much we've been in business 34 years think about how much money we've put into that Years start it's got to be worth a lot 30 3039 40 49 50 59 60 69 and 70 plus so 202 9 so it's 10 year brackets so let's do 10 yeah and now okay you know what it was also I think I think it was like five no like let's say we did 10 years three years the problem was that within that you didn't do top three you did top three male three feemale times however many brackets so it was just like an extensive list we would have it same though it be yeah I think we should need to do top tail man top tail how many groups are we talking about well so got when you say kids what ages are you referring to that should all be grouped together you probably have to SP kids in half because there's B real young ones and there's 18 17 and okay you got you got 13 what they got is I will put I would put uh 7 to 12 on bracket 13 to 19 how about to 12 because there might be some six and a half year old that's CU everything up so 12 and Z to yeah 12 and 100 okay and then 13 to 19 13 to 19 oh the 18-year- old get to run with the kids yeah okay cool okay 20 to 20 you got some C you got some track stars I know yeah oh 20 to 29 30 to 39 30 40 49 4 50 59 60 and up no 60 to 69 oh you want another one huh and then you know all right 60 year to 6 and then 70 no so we're talking about three four five six seven eight different categories okay eight categories six so you're talking about 48 winners that you're going to be calling up on yeah first second and third six is a girl and a boy first second and third right yeah that's fine yeah yeah that's fine okay well we'll take it to the command last yeah I'm sure it could be I think this is way too much because I'm I'm I'm going to tell you my perspective I'm thinking about it ratio if you had 500 people sign up and 50 of them are winners 10% win yeah that's pretty low top 10% for each category I mean the thing is the truth is yeah 70 and up there may be only four people in it so you're right you know so you know you're going to have three out of four but I think we should encourage you know folks to do it and I think not having those categories and not recognizing folks in the different categories I think that would kind of lessen the whole aspect of what we're trying to achieve so these are the cats so we're going to have 1200 eight categories and three female winners in each and we'll just we we also need to put that in the like when we send out the the blast the email blast but the categories of so people have their eye on it right off the beginning yeah that's going to be important in that blast so everybody knows we'll have an award tent we'll have we'll have we am seeing the race don't forget to go to the award T if placed you're going to get a special medal come get your special medal yes and a free breakfast at mayor's Cafe no I'm just kidding pretty cool I think all the should wear a free breakfast I'm G to talk to sergiio and talk to Mayor and see if they want to give some free breakfast 48 right did we say 48 it 48 how many categories yes 48 eight categor 6 25 free breakfast for each for each restaurant back America C get all four to do it C I'm pissed at and we eat there all the time we do their Christmas party with them and they like totally totally like ghosted me I'm like you know what I'm not even walk in there again you can do pass on if you want really what they do they just didn't answer me oh yeah my partner oh yeah and I went in there went in there I got in his face I'm like hey what's up yeah they didn't want to do it but that was money if I'm asking for money than asking for a voucher for for somebody to come eat so yeah because they're going to bring somebody else yeah and you know give them so they're you're basically you're gonna have somebody who's one free breakfast yeah yeah for the winter just a free breakfast one free breakfast voucher and breakfast is cheap the cost on breakfast is cheap um I guess just so okay so three female winners F in each so then Reuben is the one that that was the vendor for the for the medals last year so I go back and I ask him this is a task if anybody wants to take it on um I don't mind getting a quote from him because this is separate than the contract I don't mind getting a c from him for that and then I'll bring it back if you guys are able to find a cheaper vendor we can always go with a cheaper vendor um I think that's also some way that we can save money is you know getting different C different that kind of business that medals I don't really know but we could buy Google well anybody like I'm sure we use aot ask them um but I will say those are things that we do have to confirm in advance because some of the providers need to like like order the material and then they you know then they do it they customize it to the event so sometimes they have to ship it you know we're going to are we going to say we're going to get to 700 again let's just keep the 700 number well I think that that's what we want right to see the number grow because if it grow that means that people are getting like you know that it's getting attention so I'm going to get quotes based on 700 so they have 200 Extra metal but it shouldn't be 700 right because if how how many do we say 507 no of the category winners 48 48 so it should be 652 652 and then seven well no because they're gonna get both they're gonna get both right are the ones hand to everybody yes they're gonna get both Winn medal anticipation when get what are we do with it yeah what are they doing let them keep I'm just spring no Jud don't judge sorry I'm gonna pull up just just so that we're done with this topic I'm gonna pull up what we paid last year for the winners trophies that we yeah but that's a lot expensive yeah but that will give me the breakdown I think we [Music] did I get her early what time is it 6:30 you're 6:30 you're welcome to listening o and if you want to join subcommittee we're accepting applications you you good [Music] man I I look for this um we're asking as say R and chck we talked about that yeah and as all we do um recognize them as sponsored or whatever the value is y we were going to call them gold that's where they kind of came in at I'm bring in 700 things 700 portions of whatever they're [Music] doing and then we give them like first STS kind of thing yeah yeah and ble everybody loved that ble free food that was yeah they did they did loved it and it was significant what they were giving so start talking to yes okay I'll do that yes yeah I get sick every time I eat there but it's good I don't know something there is not right for me think it's that black rice which I really love so we're doing the logo the same we're going to put the year on it so that'll be different oh we did talk about maybe changing the not the logo right the logo is what it is but kind of looking changing on what the nails going to look like so it doesn't just a little bit different a little different yeah which we can have my art Department to that is there a cost okay so yeah last we only had six winners first place all around okay was all these like 18 or 19 Rockets but you also need first place all around all around yeah you have to do that say that again like are you you have to do that like what's up hey what's going on we need um we need sponsor sponsors for our yes really cowards cowards both of you and I say that on public television um we have to do first second third place all around men all around women also you have add six more I think this is how we got so the very but you do have to have the allaround winners of everything well we did that last yeah because we're gonna have a stage we're gonna have only but now I I yeah I don't think you cannot have a race without all with all around winners but then wouldn't somebody just speak a winner twice they are the category winner no they're the category winner of their category and own around they beat that's when like a 40y old let me tell you that's when 54 years old I beat 29y old at rowing so okay so then it's nine categories not eight it's nine that's yes categories the nth category all all we just have all around winner first second and third no just first I just want first for female Top Male and top female I'm okay that I'm not 100% okay with it but I'm okay take to here is a noral thing still have your overall in there and they those are from each group I'm thinking we need overall so what are we proposing it's just four more this just do first second first second third overall please okay men and women first [Music] I think it's important so like just in something I'm looking at right now from Orange sh this woman a 29 year under woman won first place in her category and third place all around and then you have so we're still ordering 700 right the general 700 uh Metals Plus 48 plus 6 so 54 and 700 yes 54 wi 54 and it's but if it's just they're getting the just getting the same metal they they possibly could have gone but it has a strap but they can change to trade it in whatever give it to put no no no what I'm saying what I'm saying is the first all round let's say the first all round was they're getting three let's say the first all round let's say the first all round was the first they will I mean I mean what are you going to do but let's say the first all around is was also first in their category no I know so they're going to get two first place medals in addition to the finisher no no no I'm talking about the finisher one no they're going to get a get a finisher when they everybody gets the know yeah the red strap and then the top one gets a a gold and if that person has to be well there only be one person happens to be the first all round they'll get two gold that's okay they'll get two gold yeah I mean that's I mean that's it's only going to be one first yeah so the finisher one finisher strap is red think when you design metal you could like maybe add you know something that has some military commentation maybe the surface branches or something or even more like on the back side you know with the veterans committee I'll send you a logo that I'll working on is it a logo that's of all the military branches yeah it's uh and it was actually with the veterans committee with the town of Miami legs we have to put I don't think do the back it's going to be all in front because that's like a whole keying of a machine yeah that's even more dieas stuff but you can put the logos on the straps oh yeah yeah I feel like that's sounds like an easier yeah thing to do yeah like each service emblem six right yes six six there's six branches now we have the spe fors yeah server symbol on yeah and I'll make the metal cooler for the drink Cas and I I'll I'll speak to my these people about changing the design a little bit on the outside of the edges of the thing leaving our logo the way it is it's going to have a year but I don't know what we could Jazz it up to make it look really different than the other one Whatever creative people yeah they get yeah exactly and I will see we'll will price the 54 winners to see if it's going to be too much to do something like call it first second third like make it a bigger metal or something different about it if it's not a huge amount of money and if it's cheaper than trophies we we'll bring to the committee sure okay all right the shirs um what I will work on getting one quote for you I think I said work on getting one quote and then mine is you can ask the same vendor no you already he's same price so what you have is in last year he's not going to go up okay so do you still want me to get another one the same case yeah why not yeah abely make sure there those those nice ones I think the material is in the invoice so okay and then the bags he says are $140 each the bag [Music] nice oh don't forget to Mark the calendar December 14th is the reindeer run helping with volunteers thank you thank are you bman oh nice I wanted to mention to you I know I talked about it with duty but just so you know we wanted to have one t dedicated to volunteers this year okay so that that's where they're signing in that's where they're checking out and I I'm going to assign one or two of the committee members to oversee that I pretty much want them to be briefed by the committee members and then in case they have any question that they're coming to those two designated committee members um and in there we'll have Waters you know for them and maybe some snacks then we talked about bringing your own tent if you're a nonprofit and it hasn't been allocated by a non-using tent sponsor so would B yot that's essentially any extra than the original yeah and we we did did you go back to the marketing budget did you find it500 or 2500 you work with me and you're going to be all over the place you guys did set it up 1500 yep then that's fine let's do it like that again and are we okay with the same branding as I that's what I wanted to your bra about branding last year I think it was great yes same I think it made sponsor fact yeah um that was wonderful all over the fenes and everything yeah that was great that was great and then the marching B I want I want them but they don't answer their phones over there barberman they're too busy they're too busy with competitions no you guys don't do competitions your Maring manand does them I no does they do the competition I have to give them right right of first refusal let me just make sure I'm sorry the last thing the bags are a dollar for and that's for draw screen are you guys against doing is whoever becomes the bag sponsor be selling 1400 bucks and they want L looks nicer and we'll only do that L there yeah no no the town has to be on there title sponsor but that's the thing that's it no tit title that's it yep with a bag yeah that's how they've always looked I don't have any with Mees bag sponsor's name won't be on the bag at all what bag no the bag sponsor the bag yeah the bag the title title sponsor the and the town okay got you a draw people hold on to it I love it it's right between go uh gold and Funzone which Funzone end up being $3,380 maybe I will say I guess as a side note one of the other events they are looking to sponsor is the parade so that's why I'm dividing off the funds did you confirm December 14th the marching plan the five month and then the last thing and I'll mention this at another meeting as well is last year um Bill did a lot of labor for us we need other committee members to stay behind an assult obviously if they're running but whoever is not running in yeah I'd like to run this time yeah so we just need to designate people you know that are willing put in that will work problem is a lot of folks are not that not that fit on the committee no not so and then Chad's not he's going to be L and warming up or some version of but we'll mention in an event I think you know knowing what we need now I mean that's what I'm saying we get some maybe Young Marines to show up maybe some Goldman students to show up to help set up yeah they I was gonna speak to but when you're done with the meeting I just want to make sure but yeah she already has it on her calendar and yeah I just want to make sure the thing is that I'm not going to meet with them till September 9th and I think you wanted a respond before September 9th no but it's fine it's fine we're just getting started on our own so let's yeah and how many how many Max can we bring because we have a lot of kid I was maxing it at 20 I don't know if you guys think it's I just again the only thing to keep in mind is I am going to assign one of the committee members what do you guys think would be a good count for you guys right I mean we got to have like business units like you guys are the make sure everybody has the water you guys are the ones that um make sure everybody knows where to go and so we need toig out how many jobs got to figure out the tasks these kids and give them a you know and I send officers so the officers direct the regular members so just instructs the officers on what to do they can officers have done this for like four years here's the question are the kids okay with like carrying table I just want to make yeah we have you know yeah set up why not teach want to pitch T and clean up yeah put away not garbage because there people that then what time do you want them there what time do you want morning till no not so earlier oh because it starts at 8 yeah all right 6:30 630 yeah and then the the event will be done the clean up will be done right the event by n but people sck around for an hour an hour and a half I would say like 11 yeah 11 11 and you said 40 kids right that's for the um the reindeer de and then for the that's another sub committee oh that's another sub now the the veterans they're doing right R right now okay what day is it again I'm sorry Saturday December veterans no I and can the kids run it to there's yes and we we have 200 spots for kids to run for free or no yeah for free oh okay the first 200 but I will say the ones that are running should not be the volunteers no course no no but I know we had kids running in the past so you have any kids who are like joining them military they're like recruit pie they already have a signed contract they run for free okay good anything pressing that you want us to get started on IMM yeah the package so I have here I have the pricing calendar um tell mben to start opening up the page um I have to send you the updated package with all of veterans committee um you're going to reach out to the old sponsors whichever old ones you don't reach out to I'll know because I'll base it against my you know Master list we're saying no trophies this year eight categories of Ages and then the all around first second third male or second 1 okay stop will include the six branches and then the strapp is Will differ for the winners and we're gonna get a price on I'm gonna get a price on a different medal too on a winning medal to see if it's how much price difference yeah maybe for maybe for the for the winneram yeah okay so we'll see if it's if it's if it's insignificant we can yeah I mean again that's one of those things that we can wait till last minute to not last minute but you know we can decide later based on how we're looking with funding when you start the email blast for the for the last year's participants you're going to get really specific on the categories and stuff [Music] yeah stay there going to be food there going to be if you if you place category a different you know different they don't know it's a St and photo with maybe Chick-fil-A cow too okay you're asking Tri yeah okay I'll talk to the vendor yes and you're gonna bring that little stage no she brings that that's her that's that was something that we work with CAU oh caution for caution okay cool cool um I will uh the quote for the Shir you said yours is staying the same I'll compare it against another quote and then want do a category for the bags yes bags about category absolutely make it I notes for $2,000 and then you're going to work on making sure that the committee M get sponsored yes and every other Committee in the whole town too guys want to sponge we need Mone everybody needs money everybody needs money and then anyone comes up with me know and then we'll work on getting another date okay yes thank you appreciate it great thank you thank you very much