like to call this meeting to order under the provisions of njsa 10-46 notice of this meet notice of the time and place of this meeting was given by the way of the annual meeting notice to The Star Ledger cover your news and the home news and post it at Burrow Hall we're going to have the salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag to the United States of America stand indivisible withy andice for all jce okay roll call please mayor M here council president kehan here councilman K here Council Dino here councilman Dodie here councilman Quinn councilman Rex here administrative place here and attorney corini here okay let's start off with the appointments please read the first one we have have resolution 59-22 promote promoting Sergeant James delinsky to the rank of Lieutenant effective immediately at an annual salary of $149,950 we don't have to do about right yes we do we do okay i' like a motion please motion second all right P okay council president conam yes councilman K councilman doino yes councilman doie yes councilman Quinn yes councilman Rex yes okay okay let's do a swear in here okay for our brand new lieutenant come on up Mr delinsky and your [Music] family okay first of all though I just like to read that Lieutenant delinsky began his career with the police department in 2011 after graduating from the Somerset County Police Academy Lieutenant delinsky served with the Department in various capacities including assignment to the middle sex County Special Operations team lead Firearms instructor inservice instructor and training officer Lieutenant delinsky will serve as the deputy Patrol Commander okay all right right hand up left hand on the Bible go I I James delinsky do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this city under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully imp partially and justly and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of Lieutenant perform all the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my be so be got congratulations right all right got some pictures here you got them you sure you you can get closer to congratulations thank congratulations all right moving on resolution 60224 I have resolution 60224 promoting police officer Paul stefanelli to the rank of Sergeant effective immediately as an annual salary of $136,700 coun too yes councilman Dodie councilman Quinn yes and councilman Rex yes okay come on down okay all right left hand on the Bible right hand in the air oh sorry quick file with you all right Sergeant Stephan Elli began his career with the police department in 2014 after graduating from the Mercer County Police Academy Sergeant Stephan Elli served the department in various capacities including the detective Bureau and is a field training officer Sergeant Stephan Elli will serve as a squad as a squad supervisor in the Patrol Division conrat all right have fun all right I I do L swear we solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and partially and justly Faithfully partially and justly perform all the duties of Sergeant perform all the duties of Sergeant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations congratulations thank you congratulations picture you got your picture you got you got a good one you sure all right good congratulations Chief you want to say a few words congratulations want to thank you all for coming tonight I want to thank the mayor the council our bu of administrator their support of these promotions and for the Department throughout the years the promotions will enhance our operations and allow us to provide more efficient services to our community while we're here to recognize the significant in both of our officers careers I also want to recognize the significant milestone for middlex Police Department this Friday um we will celebrate 85 years of service to the resident of middlex on February 16th 1939 the governing body of middlex burough established a full-time Police Department with the appointment of our first Chief of Police we did some research and we learned in the 85 years of our existence our department has celebrated the promotion 27 lieutenants and 49 Stant I know that both officers that were promoted tonight will carry on that same tradition of service and Honor on behalf of my on behalf of myself my command staff and the entire police department I want to congratulate Lieutenant James binsky and Sergeant Paul Stephan Elli on their promotion this evening you should both be very proud of this accomplishment I know our department and your our families your families are happy for you and support you as you take on more responsibility to fill your new roles to our police officers past and present thank you for your service to middlex I realize how hard your job is and I appreciate you all for the sacrifice and hard work you you do every day to keep our community safe again I know it's been a a trying day with the weather so I really appreciate you all coming out thank you for for being here and supporting both of them in our police department and I appreciate you for your time and your attention thanks all right we're going to move on a little bit here you guys are more than welcome to stay as long as you would like however I'm sure the the celebration Starts Now congratulations guys well deserved really excellent all right back to uh appointments all right we're GNA accept the resignation of amarie cver from the swim pool Commission uh do I have a motion motion second uh all in favor I okay all right we're moving down we have another Proclamation tonight this one we're appointing John El mad Mayor ameritus John if you please step up to the lect turn don't have to put your hand on the Bible out anyway this Proclamation appointing John El mad mayor amerus whereas in special recognition of his distinguished service to the burough of middle sex the governing body wishes to acknowledge John L Madden by appointing him the honorary title of Mayor emeritus of middlex burough and whereas John L Madden served as mayor middlex burrow from 2020 to 2023 and whereas mayor Matton served as an invaluable and influential member of the governing body and consistently demonstrated his passion for Middle sex burrow through his service on numerous boards committees and commissions and whereas mayor Madden provided indispensable leadership to the borrow middle sex at a particularly challenging period in its history and now therefore I jack michek mayor of the burrow of middlex state of New Jersey along with the middlex burrow Council hereby appoint John El Madden as mayor ameritus of middle sex burrow thank you coming up what you in the picture I she to rescue this is as much yours as it few few words few words over well what an honor what an honor thank you everybody tonight I got to tell you since I recently left office I had some time to reflect upon my four years as mayor we soon recognized that life's brief Journeys but a fleeing Excursion interspersed with many byways selecting the most Pleasant or rewarding path may not necessarily be ours to theci side and if difficulty and hardship presents itself we must surrender to what what it is before us I have been most forces have engaged in the most challenging time in milx buror history adversity and resiliency became the of dissonant voices however staying the course while we put us on firm Financial footing this was only possible with my wife's support encouragement and Guidance with our special needs grandson who's here tonight in to and all his requirements cannot thank her enough quote it is not joy that makes us grateful it is gratitude that makes us joyful that's from David stol R one last word on this the words of Winston Churchill we make a living by what we get but we make a Life by what we give thank you all it was wonderful appreciate and the good part about all of that is that makees sure that John stays in the loop thank you John I'll be around thank you okay moving on ordinances for introduction we have ordinance number 2,111 d24 an ordinance authorizing the mayor to approve and sign for the release of conservation easen executed to the benefit of the burough of middle sex as part of the Greenbrook flood risk management project with the United States Department of the Army Corps of Engineers okay can I have a motion motion second roll call please councilman kingham yes councilman KS yes councilman dinino yes councilman Dodie yes councilman Quinn yes and counil Rex yes okay the public meeting for that will be on March March 12 12 public hearing yeah the public hearing March 12th couldn't read my own handwriting it's bad go ahead okay we have ordinance number 201112 d24 an ordinance authorizing the sale of property known as block 278 lot 52 on the middle xbo tax map and located on Drake Avenue to the United States Army United States Department of the Army Corps of Engineers okay can I have a motion motion second all right roll call please council president con H yes CC corn coun dinino yes counil Dodie yes counil Quinn and councilman Rex yes okay the public hearing on this will be February 27th okay ordinance for public hearing and final adoption okay we have 27-24 an ordinance amending chapter 420 zoning so as to update the iindustrial Zone based on recommendations of the burrow Administration okay can I have a motion motion second okay a roll call this is to open up the public discussion you don't have to roll we don't have to roll call all right all in favor I okay uh this is for opening up the public hearing now does anyone have something to say on this okay seeing nobody coming forward I'll have make a motion to close motion mayor second second all right all in favor I okay motion to adopt motion second roll call please council president con H yes councilman cors Council dinino yes councilman Dodie yes councilman Quinn yes councilman Rex yes okay okay next one we have ordinance number 28-24 an ordinance amending codebook section 24810 filing fees Within Chapter 248 Land Development so as to provide a reasonable increase escro fees for development applications okay motion to open to public hearing second all in favor I okay the uh public hearing for ordinance 28-24 is now open seeing that no one stepping forward I'll ask for a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor I motion to adopt motion second okay yeah council president Conan yes councilman cors yes councilman dinino yes councilman Dodie yes councilman Quinn yes and councilman Rex yes all right motion passes okay uh ordinance 2109 we have ordinance 2109-4 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 40 entitled fire department to add section 40-5 to be entitled employees who are members of a Volunteer Fire Company or Rescue Squad motion to open the public yeah second all right all right all in favor I all right anyone want to step forward and discuss uh this ordinance 20119 no okay motion to close motion second okay all in favor all all right motion to motion to approve motion second council president Conan yes councilman corns yes councilman dinino yes councilman Dodie yes Council yes and councilor Rex yes okay okay 2110 please I have ordinance number 2110 d24 in ordinance amending chapter six the bylaws of Council of the municipal code of the burrow of middle sex motion to open to public hearing motion second all right uh all in favor I I all right the uh public hearing is now open for ordinance 2110 anyone step forward at this point motion to close please motion second all in favor I I all right and now motion to accept motion second council president Conan yes councilman cors yes councilman dinino yes councilman Dodie yes counc Quinn yes and Council Rex yes okay that passes all right adoption of the minutes please we have approval of the January 23rd 2024 regular and executive meeting minutes motion to approve motion to approve second all in favor I okay now we can go to the mayor's report all right uh mayor's report for this week for this actually this time I'd like to congratulate Lieutenant James delinsky and Sergeant Paul stefanelli on their promotions it's an arduous process and your promotions are well deserved by proclamation I'd like to thank John manard as our mayor Emeritus for his willingness to continue to help our burrow uh for everybody else I hope you all remember to get your cards off the road today it is a safety hazard to our crews out there trying to plow and I have to say it was a nice job done by the DPW today all right later on we will be discussing a pillars of the community recognition program during the workshop it's time for us to start to recognize and thank the many residents businesses entities and Families whose tireless efforts Have Been instrumental in making middle sex a better place to live all right we have several meetings coming up with various groups as we start the budget process uh 2024 will have its challenges but we're starting now and we hope that everybody's going to be able to tow to line fiscally we're going to be very tough on that okay all right at the last meeting I proposed a change to the cultural and Heritage committee and I believe I have a consensus to continue but for the record let's make sure so this is about a consensus to split the culture and Heritage like I presented at the last meeting um Doug you there Doug yes I am are you do are you do you agree yes I do agree all right thank you Martin I would say leave it as it is okay Mike I do agree may I agree agree Jeremiah oh I do not agree Kevin I agree all right we got four so we're going to move forward thank you all right as I mentioned in uh in my speech earlier this year I'd like to have presentations during our meetings to the public they could be departmental topical or informational at the February 27th meeting we will recognize the police department as they celebrate its 85th Anniversary which is actually February 16 uh 2024 they will have a presentation on their Traffic Safety Campa campaign taking measures to prevent fatal crashes in our community it will be a focus on poor driving behaviors uh also for a March 12th meeting assembly woman Michelle mukus I hope I said that right will be having her mobile office hours here on March 12 prior to our council meeting and she'll also have a presentation during the council meeting stepping forward I'm I'm kind of excited about that because it's been a long time since we've had anyone from the the next Echelon up coming in to to visit us mayor when when is that I'm sorry is that next meting March 12th March two me yep uh I'm trying to put together the schedule of the library will actually be uh presenting in May and now that we have Council matics I'd like to line up the council mtic committees and I'll just read them off all right 2024 Council matter committees uh number a ad Administration legislation and Department of Senior Services uh Jeremiah KS will be the lead Robert doino and Kevin Dodie will also be on that committee B which is fire office of emergency manate police court and the rescue squad that'll be headed by Kevin Dodie with Michael conahan and Martin Quinn all right C Finance Finance taxation real estate insurance and Public Utilities that will be headed by Michael conahan with Jeremiah corn and Robert dinino D the Board of Health zoning legal code enforcement shade tree and construction this will be spearheaded by Martin Quinn with Kevin Dodie and Doug Rex e Public Works recycling buildings and grounds and environmental commission that will be spearheaded by Robert dinino with Martin Quinn and Doug re Rex also on there sorry guys um F Recreation Recreation field swim pool commission and Community celebration that's going to be spearheaded by Doug Rex and is also going to include Jeremiah corn and Michael conahan uh just some Basic Ground rules guys if you're the spearhead please you other two guys that are on there go through the leader because we don't just want to have a a runaway with everyone contacting everybody and all over the place it's just easier if all the information flows through you I am expecting that you guys will have Council Matic meetings and be able to report back to the council so we can keep we can be very transparent and just keep things moving along all right um I believe that's it thank you uh now council member reports uh council president conahan uh yes mayor I want to thank our entire tpw team for I know you mentioned this a tremendous job today uh picking up the garbage and also filing all of our roadways I want to congratulate I know they left Lieutenant delinsky as well as sergeant stefanelli regarding budgets the mayor and myself had a preliminary review of this year's budget with our business administrator Michael and our CFO Carolyn 2024 will be a lean budget year uh the ba and CFO will be taking the first pass at tightening up each and every budget Department by Department line by line for recreation uh baseball and softball registration the deadline is March the 1st uh our next big event for wreck is the Bunny Hop it's a big uh it's an annual uh event it's been going on for many years it's on March 23rd 10:00 a.m. to 12 at the in the mount in Mountain View Park in the Grove uh we had a productive Parks meeting last Tuesday thanks for our thanks to our business administrator Michael and uh DPW superintendent for attending our next shared service meeting with the board of education is February the 27th I could not attend the monthly Library Board of Trustees meeting which was actually last night um because of a a wreck meeting but I'll have a more to report on this mayor next meeting a big thank you to uh councilman dinino and DPW superintendent uh Vidal for making the fire the free firewood available has been yeah in the recycling center it's to all residents I think it's a home run and one last uh big congratulations to our very own and my friend former mayor John Madden uh who was recognized um earlier tonight as mayor of Meritus I got to get used to that uh thank you again John for all of your help and wisdom and everything you've done for the bur so thank you thank you that's it mayor that's it Council mccorn yes man' last week I would like to address something that Mich Edwards made in the points specifically that just they just were not true him being a form of councilman gave me a deep impression that he lacked the awareness of our roles and responsibilities and the duties and the difference between them and his actions were a political retaliation they with false allegations and defamation per se was succeeding moving forward as I can see tonight I'm always open to a conversation which nobody has done but I have not spoken Miss Edwards since he has resigned so I choose to move forward in love but I will not not allow friendship to be in our cat film what a blessing it is for news12 to give a local community giving them a chance to show off their entrepreneur spirit thank you mayor as me myself the mayor and the police chief make up this committee and the mayor has given me the privilege we've been reached out by two and by chance encounters with two other businesses currently there's a cap of four I'm ensuring that everything's going to work out with this and I've been keeping the mayor uh up to date with everything that's going on um for the seniors and disabled I mean I heard everyone's doing um happy and amazing I'm not surprised because it's great leadership over there so I have no doubt that this community and this department is receiving top-notch love and devotion in the Cent culture and Heritage I got my answer super Shady we're talking about transparency I thought ordinance amendments went through two readings um this is just it is what it is at this point um James Johansson was going to be appointed to it who has a passion to address such things as food disparages an opioid academics he has a deep career in handling these things so I guess is it still going to go through two commits Mr cor does it still go through the two reading process the ordinance was was read in normal course put it was two readings yes I mean what was the changes with the orance this was on last meeting for introduction and tonight for for there was nothing culture Heritage what are you talking about I thought hit the council madx no there was no so I think an appointment if I understand then I think the sunshine was by no no no no no so so I thought you meant the cons mtic so as I said in my email to you on this issue the appointments in the ordinance are mayor all appointments um mayor's discretion uh as to the consensus I believe that uh the mayor took tonight um we'll need to discuss the the implementation and that ordinance if in order to necessary will take the two meetings as you said okay so chapter 19 talks about appointments being Council mtic suggested within with the that is the culture and Heritage committee that is this it takes it and it says that we make the suggestions and the Mary they're approved it and without I had I was just lost so I don't think that's transparent so there I want to be very clear what your question is so two reads there are going to be two readings to change this ordinance to separate the culture because the members that were not interviewed were the successful members that have been running a festival and one's been running open mic night there's a couple things going on and they weren't interviewed right so this is like very biased very the appointment process Remains the Same as as it is at the mayor's discretion I think we agree on it correct you have my email on that and the ordinance is the ordinance is clear on that but if the we're changing the council mtic and we're finalizing it tonight wouldn't this take precedence so therefore it's still how it's supposed to be so they run on two separate tracks right the council mtic is one part of the ordinance make sure I satisfied so catic the third orig is you were talking about yeah which did get two reasons culture and Heritage the Amendments the mayor has gotten consensus for may require amendments to the ORD those have not occurred yet we discuss it with the administrator um what it's necessary to do that um without a consensus it made no sense to receive with that now that there is one okay that will this cons what's based off of a reading I was cut off so fast that I didn't have the appropriate time to to make comments so I just want to make sure that was clear the council yes after yeah few things not the previous there's plenty of time for that so is so as to appointments that are made or not made we do agree though I want to make sure you understand Council for the culture and Heritage the current ordinance is effective and those ordinance that that's what I followed and so when I followed that suggestion for that code and then I got a response was what just hold on jar we're going to get to it that was the mayor's email that was not I was confused I want come with the consensus to to Amendment so I'm just understanding that this is going through a two readings and the other members can come and have time to talk about what a blessing the committee has that that can happen that is going to happen yeah yeah that's certainly there is no instrument proposed right now to make the change only a consensus right mayor correct so we there's time to discuss that I mean I I have not been authorized at this point I to the administrator I will discuss what if anything is need to change the ordi to implement the consent and was has there been since last meeting has there been any attempt to reach out to the active members of the the chair of Vice chair none okay thank you mayor um the administration report um I'll leave it up to our wonderful administrator um he has been awesome so everything he says I think will get way better for me thank you man okay just just one just what tell me to just no no I want to hear what you got for me no I the bottom line is that at this point we have a cons I just want to make sure I'm clear we have a consensus to go ahead with splitting it up the way I asked we will write the the ordinance to fit that and we will put it out for a vote right exactly with respect Jeremiah with respect to not interviewing everybody it's not my job to interview it was your job to interview all those people because you had four months to do it but you didn't interview me or ask to have a conversation with me either Jeremiah you why would I interview I didn't even get a response I didn't even get an email I did not get a phone response when I said please respond by answering these questions about these five people never got it when you finally came and you finally address hold it Jeremiah I'm speaking when I came here and I asked I said do you have anything to say on this I have nothing to say you had four months all these people are asking at every meeting what's going on what's going on it's not like we deferred to give you an opportunity to research it there's no mystery what all these people and myself were looking for when we got to that meeting there was no mystery we wanted to know what was going on and why you chose not to answer not to follow up which told me that you weren't really interested in it I did the research on my own because you did not and at this point the fact that I interviewed five people I'm not interviewing the three people that won I might as well interview the seven or eight other people that that left the the culture and Heritage at the end of the day I'm G to have the numbers that's what it's going to come out to is that people have left more people have left than have stayed for whatever reason and I'm not pointing at anyone in particular to say that they're the cause of it what I'm saying no I'm not Jeremiah what I'm saying is that what the way it's working right now is not working not not working at all you got a couple little things done fine but we're our argument here is not to tear things down or because you birthe it or whatever our argument right here and it's not even an argument the suggestion was made to split it up because this is how we're going to get better results we're going to put Heritage with the library where it's where they have they're ready to go they're chopping at the bit they're already moving on it as far as the cultural stuff it's part of the it's part of uh the recreation which the way I look at it right now you're part of it so make sure that when you go to these Council mtic meetings that you bring up what you want to see and make sure that it happens that I mean so you you you're trying to make believe everything got torn apart and nothing got torn apart it got split up into two units that that actually do this stuff to get it done better that's where we're at listen mayor it is what it is um I strongly believe that this was done in an unethical transparent ways how much maybe it's untransparent if you were showing up the meetings you would have been it wouldn't have been my liaison spot like requested even though it wasn't required of us liaison to apply to these meetings under mayor Madden's wring with why we're changing back to a council meeting I didn't need to come to these meetings but I still involved myself not once not once was there support or care for that committee that's fine everybody on there was amazing there's great people that are on there they are amazing and Mr Edwards the same thing he did great things and those thing there was just a bunch of disagreement that came out but there was no conversation just like this there's no conversation I would like a date of this email that you just made public that talks about our communication I would like this my opa's open check my private phones that we talk on that you email me on your private phone check Oprah everything I'm an open life I'm not I can tell you it's it's there's an email because attorney cour was copied on I would like to see this email because I sir have not has the Lea on I don't believe that there was I'm not going to argue with Jeremiah the counselor will send it to you because I'm sure he has it because you were copied on it and he was copied on it because I will not communicate to you without having a lawyer involved right so I'm not looking to here but I will the mayor did send email Jer I will send it to you is that okay yeah absolutely I just want to make sure there's no there's no you're talking about the four months but you're talking about when you're talking about this whole string of absis where there was minimal meetings and I was sick and there was things that were going on there was articles about that as well that I felt were like okay but I was sick because mean I did reach out there was communication all of a sudden there's an executive thinking let's photo to get this guy out of here nobody reached out to me let's let's open the phone laws nobody we're not your I'm not your mommy I'm not going to email you and reach out to you you're in charge you come to us but you're going to Mr Edward Jeremiah this is going to be cut off right now fine you'll get the email and we can go from there but I think I I we dotted our eyes and crossed our tees I can't that too far away it's your M yeah okay I'm gonna send it to Jeremiah and maybe you in the mayor can discuss this offline that's perfect okay I'm send this Jeremiah come up with your things put it in writing I not I'm just requesting I would like for you to reach out to the culture and Heritage leadership I think that's a fair request may I will reach out to the other two people and I will tell them what which way we're heading and they are more than welcome even been an offering of splitting it let's give them the culture let's give them the Heritage and let's transform chapter 19 into something like a community impact community so therefore we can still there's no discussion there's no discussion because you decide to discuss it at a meeting where have you been the last couple of weeks public officials man public officials like what's going on going on Jeremiah is that you're you're sitting there taking the easy way out you have to sit there and do the you're taking the easy way out you wait to the meeting where have you been the last couple of weeks where were you the last few months I I sent that I sent a reminder I sent another reminder I don't know why you're telling me I'm taking an easy way out it's not easy to talk about this in public it's not easy to serve with things that are happen Jeremiah you you thrive on the public why aren't you you don't you can't call me on the phone right I'm done yeah it's just nuts you can talk over me but I can't talk over you like this is crazy okay she can keep okay we'll move on you you're G to get your email and we'll go from there appreciate it okay councilman dinino yes I'd like to also thank Lenny and his guys for picking and I was in contact with Lenny from 5 this morning throughout the day and he did a great job he kept me updated on what they were doing and everything was great so congratulations to those guys also um getting some tpw the park Department they've been working around town and there been a lot of comments on the social media how good everything looks they all the barn rails which they can't get to in the summertime because they're covered with poison ivy so they've been working on those areas uh Union a by the streetcape they did cut that all back 28 by the lake W Second Street wor Road Oak Drive they look really they look great and a lot of comments and a lot of positive feedback from we also mentioned the firewood the firewood has been hit so that is a good thing um that's for the question you have plenty more left yeah we have plenty more left Jay love met on January 24th there were two applications approved one was a garage setback the other one that I'm really happy about is the 700 southe it's a dilapidated building and disrepair and there going to be a beautiful building built there so that's a great thing the next meeting for them is February 14th um that's all I have may okay very good thank you uh councilman Dodie yes mayor uh I have the monthly report for the fire department I think everybody got it La for January they had 50 calls that which means they'll have 600 calls this year if they aage that let's hope let's hope it doesn't come to that um just a couple highlights they put on here motor vehicle ACS are eight there was one structural fire they had arm activations say smoke detector activations unintentional malfunction there 16 of those um gas leak seven couple highlights that the chief would like me to have read in on the 1 at 5:34 p.m. 112 Mountain Avenue there's an open fire an open fire that's self extinguished no problem there January 6 Street 37 Edgeworth there was a vehicle fire right next to a detached garage and the vehicle was extinguished without any incident or damage to the home the ninth they had a uh they had a do standby because of um weather at that point when the storms was coming in uh link Boulevard to Mountain uh for a smoke condition they located moderate smoke condition that was coming from a fire hydrant that was struck by a tractor trailer that was on the 12th 13th Wilson Street responded to report of fire in the back backyard they located some more fire and was knocked down and the last one he wanted me to mention was Pier Pon Avenue responded to report of the tree that fell onto the structure structure and his utilities were checked and the construction official was notified okay we also went I know um council president Khan was with me we went over and had a meeting with them about the fireplace because the office of emergency management has been Manning a lot of the fire bus so there's was discussion what happens IE structural fire they can't be fire police their first duty is for OEM so they're tomorrow next week is their uh Board of fire officers and are going to try to change their bylaws a little bit so that you can join just the fire police because right now you have to be a full-fledged fireman to be on the Fire Poli so somebody like you or Mr M ex- mayor M if you want to be fire police just to go direct traffic which is a different school he couldn't even do it he would have to go to the fire academy to become fire police so they're working on that that's what's going on with that um I got the report too late from the court so that'll be next one that's all I have M okay very good thank you all right councilman Quinn okay so the County showed up to the board heal meeting um once again they made all sorts of promises yeah we're going to fix all the forms we're going to give all the pr reporting so we gave him a more bite-sized sort of thing they're not going to do it all at once and give it to us in October of last year they're going to slowly start modifying these forms now and bringing the reporting back to it that way um we're going to be having the uh nursing staff in at the next Board of Health meeting to the County Nursing staff to talk about some of the programs they run that we don't even see reports of so there there is things being done by the county apparently but they're just not telling us about it I don't know really if much is going to change or if we're going to have to move forward with a new contract um as far as shade tree I didn't get to the meeting because I was the for a health meeting with the county Kevin would you be able to attend shade Tre in the future if I can't sure just let me know we'll do and that's all it happens okay uh Lindy you were at the shade tree is there anything a note there um no we just did the tree management we got that done and actually we submitted it you this one son okay yeah that was a big thing that got out of the way for the year okay great all right slow time of year Well slow yeah um that's the management report yeah no the inventory we're going to go out for an RFP okay um Jason's still working on it with Karma okay okay okay councilman Rex I own okay all right thanks Doug all right I just want to go through um the rest of this list here if you don't mind before we get to the administrator's report please uh for ED Mike did you mention anything about that I did uh we have a meeting coming up in two weeks okay Board of Health Martin you talked about uh County swack and and HUD I saw two emails on that that were going I think they did have one HUD meeting they they had the HUD meeting and the swack and then were put they put the paperwork forward for approval Uh Kevin OEM OEM do you haven't met yet and I talked to Jack everything seems to be gone I know he turned his budget in nothing as usual you know right you're not asking for much all right Bobby you talked about the jaylo tree swim pool I know that they uh put out their their thing starting to look for uh members already I could have sworn I saw that I want yeah it's kicking around out there the sign yeah yeah it's on the the sign up front Fire Police Court zoning we talked about uh re we talked about Public Work Finance Administration Construction at this point nothing anything okay uh Rescue Squad we have a meeting coming up on the 20th right yeah that was going back and forth yeah it was going back and forth we have a meeting we're gonna meet with those guys uh at their request and see uh what's going on with that um the environmental commission I know Claire you sent me a list of names uh we're going to just give me a little bit I'm going to try and get our our ducks in a row to get that all out there uh we have um you know the early days in the budget discussion we did talk about the um the tree planting and you know ways of getting that done no matter what so we're keep that one in the back of your mind because I'm sure what's going to wind up happening we're going to give you a yay and you're G to have all of minus 10 minutes to get it all done all right um film Parks Improvement that is everything I have uh administrator's report please thank you mayor members of the council members of the public um as you know there was a big spoting snowstorm today and as it was mentioned um the uh Department of Public Works really stepped up it was not only a garbage collection day but then we had the weather so they performed greatly we're very proud of them um we we didn't close the municipal offices which we try not to do but we wanted to give DPW a chance to get you know stay on top of the storm and clear the residential neighborhoods and the major roads so think that was the best decision for the day uh there will be a council work workshop session at the next meeting to go over strategic goals for the buau both long and short term I'm also lining up a speaker for a public session on local government ethics for some time with frame we will invite members of the boards and commissions to the session as well Council resolutions on the agenda this evening include ones to authorize a grant submission to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs fiscal year 2024 local Recreation Improvement Grant and this is for new playground equipment at Cook field there's also um we're going to be hiring the police department authorizing that and the approval of new names for two municipal sites the Victor Crow Annex at 302 Union Avenue and the Mountain Avenue facility formerly known as the middlex S plan plant uh staff is D is drafting a request for proposals to select an appropriate firm engineering Ing and design firm to work on a new master plan to Victor Crow Park the plan will address engineering and environmental issues and the sensitive incorporation of the Victor Corral Annex into the Historic Park we'll also be working closely with the parks Improvement committee on this process burough departments are working with the middl seex public library and staff to accelerate the development of a local history group and archives at the library and um just to let you know what's going on right now DW is going to be moving some Surplus furniture out of the room that'll be the local history room so we're we're trying to help it as much as we can um regarding the B Brook Road room 28 Street skate beautification project the proposed Street lighting review has been completed by New Jersey Department of Transportation we are expecting to hear from our Municipal Engineers soon about the installation date for the new street light so literally the light the light is at the end of the tunn see com very exciting uh there are two topics for discussion during the agenda Workshop session this evening first is Heather Lane of course where we're very concerned about the erosion impacting Residential Properties there and the second topic is consideration of a program that the mayor mentioned at the top of the program called pillars middle section this is a proposal for the council to identify and honor deserving citizens who have made middle sex a better place to live and work uh finally executive session this evening will involve a discussion of Municipal real estate located um well known is block 265 Lot 25 and a report from our Council regarding L CR that it that's it all right very good thank you very much okay let's move on privilege of the floor uh for the record please state your name and address I'd like to open the I need a motion to Second all in favor all right Frank Bryan 303 Street Maple Street um maybe I didn't follow it tonight uh you were uh talking about promoting individuals or businesses I couple weeks ago I was talking to Mike conahan and he had brought up about maybe promoting businesses is that what you were in other words we got let's just put this way people families entities I mean part of it could be just the you know a department um basically items in Middle sex that we feel have been beneficial to the town long term I think talking I'm right uh I was under the impression I'm just picking Beyond these or the bagel place we've got a lot of nice businesses in town that I feel are worth promoting if there's a way to promote them this this is going to be part of it because we're it's yeah you know like the farmers market that's our downtown ex a lot of good businesses in there and I think they need a little recognition instead of going well exactly and that's what that's what the purpose of this is I mean we've gone a few years now without recognizing anybody for anything yeah you know including people that leave commissions that have been on there for you know some of the non non some of the other commissions where you'll have a member there for like 40 years and they just leave yeah and you don't hear a Peete nothing you know no thank you I think you already or the library um was promoting our veterans that beautiful out there a lot of people but I'm saying promoting individuals could be different than promoting a business somehow I don't know how we're we're going to work on that to figure out what's the what's the criteria we use to pick all right and then I don't know how I'm going to get away with this one but it seems like everywhere I go John Madden is showing up and uh a lot of accolades getting sent to him the other day called me up and he said are you coming to the meeting tonight I said why he said no we're going to bestow some another Honor on me I'm still trying to get my $65 back from that dinner uh and he said he got a call from the state John bramnick and I don't know if everywhere I go when I see him should I just turn around and and run because I it's just uh but it's welld deserved you know what it is if he's outside get him a Podium and if it's inside get him a Le turn unbeliev but welld deserved but I'm saying it's got to end it's not a fair it's like a farewell tour he doesn't go away all right all right thanks Frank oh and I want to thank everybody up there again I can sit in the audience that was my last thing to say it's easy to throw stones at everybody up there and but the time you guys spend away I keep repeating that away from your family the Committees it's an on 24hour a day job whether you're a councilman the mayor to do this and then tonight uh there a couple people supposed to come oh let me know let me know and then oh the weather's too bad well you guys all showed up how bad is the weather it's not so but those people will what happened and when and why so I give you credit for Vi there thank you Frank thanks cage 240 hawood I have a few things I want to ask about um it was a little unclear sitting here in your audience listening to the whole conversation about the cultural heritage um so I know you guys have a consensus of what you want to do and it's going to be done in ordinance form over the next couple of months or whatever that seem that seem that seems like we did I have to really look at I mean we'd have to change the ordinance almost certainly yes okay but you may not have to change the Ordinance one has to review it um one wants to one wants to know what the consensus is before we expend funds but whatever the consensus is will be done by whatever means okay um I want to make a request about you I hear a lot about transparency and wanting to be open about things some of the other towns that I've been to meetings at um you know you guys do a good job online have a packet has a lot of information about the resolutions and stuff um but I was wondering if you could uh in the future put a list I know you guys get a build list some towns like Watchung obviously they don't have the expenses that we do they put every single bill in in the packet it must be a lot of work for the clerk's office I'm I'm not asking to do that but I know there's you know sometimes when I've opened the bills in the past you get a sheet that says yeah this company psng is getting this you know we're paying this for water whatever um and it just has the list of the vendors and how much they're getting paid at that meeting do you think that is something you guys could do going forward at some huh we don't get it until today like I don't have it until today too late for the agenda right I mean we could obviously good I mean is it is it worthwhile doing it that way I mean one of the discussion that we're talking about she doesn't get it until today yeah the finance gives it to us tonight actually and and it comes and gets you know gets approved so Finance gives it to you the day of the meeting um normally we get it you know the packet the day of the meeting but it's not like when the agenda goes out which is the week you know like it was last week well taxpayer this not any way against you um that's a little concerning that you guys get the bill list on the day of the meeting you don't have RW it I mean it does get reviewed Dave I mean a lot of those bills list I mean they're they're they're pretty they're pretty standard I mean there there's not a lot of variance and usually the variances are asked about for sure right no I I agree a lot of them it's a recurring Bill and pretty much you pay it quarterly or every month I've seen those in the past but occasionally you know you get you get the one or two page you have two or three that stick out that really like wow this is like a onetime expense where it's a little bit higher than normal or lower than normal and you might want to ask about it so when do you guys get an opportunity to ask about that if you get the bill list on the day Mr Chism doesn't get the bill list till the day of the meeting when do you have a chance to ask about you can look at it right at the meeting you could look at it before a lot of times I mean for guys like myself and Michael the finance committee we're asking all the time I mean it's ongoing you know it's a it's an ongoing dialogue with the CFO and and everything else about any types of anomalies okay well again I'm not trying to I'm not trying to be argumented but I think oh I'm not I'm not taking it that way I'm just trying to tell you I mean normally in a in a course of business which is what I do we you know usually we report things back and forth I go I go through the the CFO or myself because I see a lot of the bills where I'm at and it's like I know what they are I see them all the time so you you know and in your mind it's like all right this is right this is right that one got to ask this one you know so you know plus when you have your conversations with you know with the CFO you would talk about is there anything popping up did anything happen well this broke that broke uh you know uh we needed one of these it was an emergency I mean usually the things that pop up that pop up that are or anomalies are usually I hate to say it for the fire department or the police department because either gotten an accident or something blew up or you know that's usually where the where the big ones are and and the nor noral ones or I mean you just see them I mean usually if you get an OB one for DPW us because they bought sand or they bought some uh you know some sort of Supply that they use over over a period of time so but I mean it it's not there on the day of I mean we get it the day of you could they it's a computer report you could print it off almost any time but I guess the the question is if you're if you're curious I I mean that the easiest way is it's not really practical to do it every time I would just open it if you're if you're if if you see anything that's out of out of the ordinary do that but you know then the onus comes on comes on the public to seek the information and I'm thinking if some of these other towns excuse me that I've been in can just provide the information why can't you guys just provide the information even if okay if you got I understand Mrs ch's point about the agend in the packet was out on Friday all right you don't have it then you got it today okay can it be posted tomorrow the bill summary from tonight can it be posted tomorrow can it be posted by fridy of this week somewhere I mean I I you know you guys talk again I'm not trying to be argumentative I'm just saying you guys are pushing for transparency you all talk about transparency this is a way of being more transparent something we could do I'm might be something we do like post the list it's just like you say it's a one page list I've got no it's more one page we upload it may it's it's sizable but a PDF it's right here mayor I I can that I meet with the um the CFO and and we'll see if one we can maybe get that build a little earlier and if not we can certainly look at how to post it as soon as possible I say I have a problem I don't have a problem with that it's not a matter having a problem with it because like you say my selfing taxpayer could over it but it's just like I said some other towns maybe I don't know how they do it or how what their timing is but I've been to some meetings and some towns and and I look at the you said watch watch I mean well we could take I me can you bring us one sure I mean they at times put every single invoice in there and I'm looking at it I'm like this supposed be a ton of work care care I don't think that's to put every Dave I'm sure there's some sort of Middle Ground that'll be palatable okay all right well here's my next item um no no um I know you you mentioned tonight talked about this being mayor mad talked about this um reinstituting the environmental commission which I think is a great thing I think if we had had an environmental commission when some of those high rises were going up on the boulevard were proposed maybe things would turned out a little differently but I was wondering what's their role going to be um because in other towns and I'm sure Mr corini could speak to this um environmental commissions reviewed development applications they don't have any say they can't re check that they can't approve it but they weigh in they say okay we think the drainage on this thing needs to be looked at a little bit more or is our environmental commission going be doing that type of thing so the environmental commission is statutory of which that is one of the statuto roles so yeah I I haven't looked at the ordinance recently Dave I will look at it actually right now but I I when last I looked um it was pared the uh the statute so yes so they will be able to do that when when the joint land use board is looking at a a site plan they will get a chance to look at it if they have any recommendations they would they would be added to the checklist checkl that's how it is in other towns that's a good thing and I'd add to that just so you know that the idea of the reinvigorated environmental commission is to also take on special projects and initiatives right well you know I've heard you know we have a Comm Community guard and this and that and I was hoping sitting in the audience that that they weren't going to be relegated to just that because I think like I said especially if you have people with expertise on it sometimes you know even if they say you know it's a joint land you guys should take a second look at this maybe you know I I don't think that's a bad bad no it's actually a very good one right right I to look at alternatives for drainage and other things that could be helpful right okay my last question um Mr L place has mentioned it a couple times at these meetings I've been at that he's going to bring in a speaker at some point in the spr to talk about ethics can you tell me who this person is going to be and and why they're coming and talk about ethics it's actually something I wanted to do because I know in my past experience in other communities it's been good from time to time to sort of have a refresher about local government ethics just basically you know every aspect of being a local official being a member of a board or commission being on a council um I see it as a refresher um and there's a speaker I have in mind I'd rather not say his name yet because we haven't signed him up yet but he's very good he's very an expert on land use particularly in terms of Ethics okay so and not just land I'm sorry but this this will be at a council meeting yeah we have to not notice it U because it'll be the full Council mayor and Council so it'll be to public be like a regular counil meeting like a presentation presentation will the public be able to ask any questions of this speaker I wouldn't think so I think it would be a healthy do have a dialogue and have you know answer questions I no problem with that at all okay all right I don't have any question any more questions thanks all right anyone else stepping up good evening my name is uh hary 3 Cleland Avenue miltown New Jersey I want to thank you all for honoring John M have know John most of my adult life and uh he's been a wonderful person uh everything that you want know bam I know also and uh I'm also counsilman in my town and I'm not sure I would have been there if not for the help of John the guy who said he's given a lot of you and uh I get a chance to appreciate him in front of all you so uh God bless all you and uh I know that maybe you'll find way to bring him back I don't know that he wants leave thank you he's he's busy having his Proclamation bronze at this point from turn all right okay uh anyone else I'd like a motion to close the privilege of the floor motion second all in favor okay let's go to the consent agenda Linda we have resolution 44 2024 authorizing the release of the performance bond for the route 28 streetcape project to Black Rock Enterprises LLC Inc and accepting the maintenance guarant guarantee resolution 61 2024 acceptance of standing reports resolution 62 2024 authorizing the tax collector to cancel the balance of 1 and second quarter 2024 taxes on block 329 L 21 resolution 63 2024 authorizing the refund of recording fees on tax sales certificate 22-1 resolution 64 2024 authorizing submission to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs FY 24 local Recreation Improvement Grant program resolution 65 2024 authorizing the tax collectors to issue tax title lean redemptions on block 236 L 8 resolution 66 2024 we authorizing the tax collectors to issue tax title lean redemptions on block 256 lot 6 resolution 6722 24 approving the temporary discharge approval application at the factory Lane site to be submitted by the mcua at the request of new fields on behalf of Bayer crop Science Inc resolution 68 2024 authorizing the superintendent of public Works to submit the recycling enhancement Grant application to the middlex county vision of solid waste management resolution 69 2024 approving the refund of $1,875 for Street opening permit number 20228 to awt environmental post office box 128 serville New Jersey resolution 70224 approving the refund of 1875 for Street opening permit number 20234 Mario Landscaping 174 Mountain Avenue waren New Jersey resolution 71- 2024 approval of renaming the property formerly known as a sampling plant to the Mountain Avenue facility resolution 72- 2024 approval of renaming the property formerly known as 302 Union Avenue To the victor croll Annex resolution 73 2024 hiring Chelsea Hackney as full-time employee for the police department as a police records Clerk effective February 20th 2024 in an annual salary of $45,000 resolution 74224 authorizing the release of the performance guarantee along with the balance of the inspection fee escrow account for Block 141 lot 11 resolution 75224 authorizing the purchasing agent to sell VAR Surplus personal property on an online auction website entitled Muny resolution 76 d224 authorizing a release of the performance guarantees and escra funds in connection with the joint Langan board application 20231 all right do I have a motion to approve oh wait first before we do that does anyone want to any of them 14 just want to make comment about okay 14 yes sir the Chelsey one okay all right anyone else the 71 and 72 just for comment sir 71 excuse me 71 and 70 72 the two names okay um all right so a motion to approve all the other ones except for those three those three motion second okay okay discussion none P the roll council president kiman yes councilman corns yes Council Dino yes Council doie yes Council Quinn yes councilman Rex yes okay okay um just a quick question before we do this are resolution 71 and 72 basically the same discussion or are they separate the same discussion okay do the two together okay 71 and 72 okay I need a motion oh sorry second okay um discussion I just was um this was kind of chosen like among the council I was just hoping that everything forward can just go back to the people and like naming things I don't really know how the names were chose but the beautiful you know everyone's right right it needed to get done instead of calling them but that was it that's just my only okay anyone else I would I would chime in just for clarification what do you mean by go back to the people go back to a committee or yeah the parks andov committee yes that can be done they have subcommittee so I figured the sub the Victor Crow subcommittee could make comments on the future for Victor Crow Park and so on so on we know how that works all right take it under revisement all right so we have a motion we have a second do the roll call the roll call counc President conham yes councilman corns yes councilman Dino yes councilman Dodie yes Council Quinn yes and counil Rex yes okay so 71 72 that was 71 72 right so now we're going to do 73 okay so uh I need a motion for resolution 73-20 24 motion second all right um discussion yeah I just wanted to make a comment about this mayor um I know captain ksky and chief G they interviewed literally everybody that applied it was 35 people from what he said so they did doe their due diligence here and you know hopefully this works out for them they had a big pool to pick from so they were pretty happy with who they chose well that's good it took them a long time they were he there's nothing more regretted saying he would interview everybody listen which was crazy anyone who's been in the hiring those that we you can go and hire interview 500 people and then all of a sudden you think got the right I think you I think he would regretted it like aord oh yeah that's a lot he said they had 35 applicants and he they wanted to talk to everybody all right any other discussion no no all the role counc president con hen yes counc Corin yes counc dinino yes counil Dodie yes counil Quinn counil Rex yes okay okay very good Okay non-consent resolution we have resolution 77224 pay claims motion second counc president Conan yes Council M Corin counc I'm sorry saying I did not read with that was just what was talking about I came in a little later I did not get time to all okay so you're upstanding uping okay councilman to now yes councilman doie yes councilman Quinn yes and councilman Rex yes okay okay okay all right moving on to the agenda Workshop item uh number one Heather Lane property erosion um at this point I don't any update everything's ready just waiting on Lenny waiting on weather and Lenny I think it's more weather than now I mean everything's there just a matter when we're starting that's was was there any further damage from these recent storms I haven't gone there this last this last storm but I haven't heard anything so probably you're not right right my understanding is um engineering and DPW they have been out to the site the Bron we're hoping next week we don't get another snowstorm to start working there was a pipe that showed its face somewhere I mean they're thinking I think that was somewhere yeah between the two houses lot of time that's a storm drain a lot of times they'll run that off of like the gutters the problem too thick yeah it's it's probably from the old ranking F form I think I would think the problem with the PIP there is it's allow water back in too so they're going to have to do something with that yeah I guess it depends even do they know where it even came from It Go they they were ask the camera but where it is is hanging over the you can't get the camera have to hover there the camera you can't can't really if you dug back you're gonna have to dig back and then cut a hole all right so assuming it's it's cold frigid weather the next week I mean would would they I mean is it safe to say if it's not if it's dry and cold that they would start we would hope so yeah the biggest challenge has been uh the condition of the land actually across the river of Township for for accessing the site which has been very wet but yeah yeah it needs it needs to be dry even if it freezes though a lot of times you ride the you know the vehicles back and forth because they're heavy they generate a lot of heat and then you you get mud quick but we are checking it daily so okay all right uh number two pillars of the community um this is something that I basically put forward I think that we should get into what I'm what I'm looking at is at the first meeting of the month every month to recognize somebody something not 12 Awards one you know and then but every monk have one you know for someone that we deem you know worthy of an award and it could be an individual a family a business and or an entity you know you might say hey the just pick one out you've had someone on the the you know you had a group of people that have been on the swim pool commission for 50 years or something like that um so are we asking for recommendations from the public or are we doing this we're gonna I Envision doing it internally there's enough people here with enough background that if everyone submitted 10 names of individuals five families five businesses and five entities we can come up with one a month to get us through the year I would you know um Michael's been charged with finding us and appropriate uh award I guess to give out and I know you're you've been hunting them down so you know basically what we're looking for is is is a consensus that this is something that we want to move ahead with we want to we want to get it get the names in get it started for the first meeting in in in March would the stop sign crossing guard all these ways would that something I mean anyone anyone you guys any anyone you guys think I mean but I think I would try and limit it to more people that have given to the borrow other than something exceptional from a business like if a business donated food during a flood or something like that you know what I mean I I would tend to think smile in the morning a pretty good you know what I was thinking is that as far as like if you're asking me I would say if like at most you'd have a business one and three yeah you know like one a quarter I'd like to see it sort of be something for service to the bar rather than just some you know what I mean ex exactly like Frank mentioned before I mean like Beyond's been in town for long generation exactly so what I'm what I'm saying is that you know we have we have a year to lay these things out um I would I would sit there and say that there are some very long-term people that we should look to address you know just because let's you know know I mean we should we have a lot of people that have been doing a lot of things for a lot of years and they that's where we should start and I don't I'm not going to say I have any in my mind I got a couple but for the most part let's start with a list I would imagine if people think along that lines the the the the high Mark should come out pretty pretty soon in in the process and you can send them to me or send them to Michael send them to Michael he'll collect them he'll Cate them and he'll give us a the suggestions and we'll go from there all right so once again do we have a consensus that this is something that we want to do sure sure Mike Doug yes all right Bobby Jeremiah yes all right so we're we're all on board what would be the target date I would I I would tend to think the second meeting of March the second meeting or the first meeting of March Michael you think what do you think it'll we can make I think the second to be all set up if you don't mind F all right fun at least we got a plan perfect okay um privilege of the floor um does anyone have anything else to add at this point no all right privilege of the floor on agenda Workshop items uh motion to open motion second all right all in favor all right anyone have something to say step up to the mic give your name and address please agenda Workshop items only I can't believe you let this one slide by John can't believe it that's okay all right that's all right too late n n you had your chance to blow up like try the stuff box 7 John Med 39y Road two days ago was on Heather Lane and stunningly number five now now lost about 16 in of their backyard and he has rows of rocks like layers and it exposed two pipes the one looks like a ductile pipe which I think um councilman that's probably what would you say it could be anything drainage that won't set either a six or8 in pipe and then there looks like a PVC pipe on top but the point is five he Lane now is getting whacked again and you know each storm they're they're very concern so hopefully Lenny can do his magic with ppw and do the thing well it's not as we know we're just trying to stop the erosion I mean we still have to keep the pressure on the powers that be to to to do what there's they they tell us they're going to do well I I hope everybody can get those resiliency grants I think that's that's going to be the key it would be a it would be a help but you know the the the odds are you always hate to go there with your hat in your hand and have to beg for things that there supposed to be doing for us as an underserved Community well that's and John a lot of warm weather I mean the big issue now is Mother Nature that's right that's we need some help yeah so anyway that's my little contribution and thanks again thanks for the resolution real quick what Frank was saying again I am shocked to to get all these little Aces I got something Workshop items only I'm sorry talking about pillar of the community yeah you're right stock is Fallen all right all right thank you thank you mayor Meritus all right uh motion to close motion uh all in favor okay at this point we're going to go into executive session um there's no action tonight that I believe no there'll be no action taken um we're going to go into we're going to have a motion motion to go on Executive roll call resolution 7 78224 executive session motion I had motion second counc president pan yes counc counc Dino Council M C Quinn counc re okay minut minute break break we have a f minute break okay so we're going to