##VIDEO ID:bVjMaNQGtQU## okay roll call please mayor M Che here council president Conan here councilman K here councilman dinino here councilman Dodie here councilman Quinn here councilman Rex here administrator of place here and attorney corini here okay as we move on down this I just want to uh make a note to everybody that the rescue squad presentation will not be happening tonight they have a a scheduling conflict so they're going to push that off and the hearing which is number seven at 328 Beachwood Avenue that will not be happening tonight okay this is a good night it only is 50 years in the making all right um pillars of middle sex I couldn't be more proud and more honored to be in the company of Jack Costa as he receives a pillar of Mill sex award so Jack come on up all right and we have a special guest we got this is a two-stage thing here because you're a special kind of guy my and and one of the things I didn't realize that you're still in your booth is that we have actually the mayor of Mer who spent spy 38 years with you he's actually uh prepared a little bit of a speech but before we get started with that we're have Mike he's going to read the the proclamation whereas the Gover body of the B middle sex recognizes that in order for a community to thrive and succeed they must rely on the service commitment and passion of others and whereas it is in the spirit that mayor mic would like to honor and recognize individuals throughout the community whom have made exceptional contributions to the B middlex as pillars of our community and whereas throughout the years Jacka has consistent ly demonstrated praiseworthy service an unprecedented commitment to the Bur and its residents by being an Irreplaceable asset to the fire department office of emergency management and the community as a whole and whereas under the leadership of Jack H the office of emergency management has benefited since his appointment as director in 1996 and whereas Jack has proved to be a fundamental part of the middle sex bur fire department since 1974 when he joined the Pierce H company as a firefighter and whereas Jack has served in various capacities throughout the years with the fire department some of which holding the position of Fire Chief from 1989 to 91 Lieutenant captain second assistant chief first assistant chief uh middle Six B fire department treasurer for 13 years HC Pio company treasurer for 40 years safety officer and Department training officer for six years and whereas Jack has devoted his life to uring the safety of others through volunteer service which is the backbone of the community ensuring the future of middle sex thus allowing the burrow to thrive and succeed whereas Jack's dedication and accomplishments have been recognized by others through the receipt of the outstanding Citizen Award twice the mayor's medal in 2001 Health citizen of the year in ' 07 and the distinguished service award winner in 2012 and whereas Jacka has displayed exemp service and dedication to the municipality and has become an integral part of the community now therefore Jack MC mayor of the bur of middle sex state of New Jersey along with the middle sex bur Council and on behalf of the residents of middle sex wish to thank Jack ca for all of his dedication sacrifice and labor to our community the witness whereof I hereby set my hand in seala Bur middle SE be fixed this 26th day of November 2024 couple of words thank you very much for coming tonight quite an honor you I since 1969 I got out of service 1969 time we started looking around for we uh found little town we found a realtor Nam Roy Reed please a lot of people don't know what and move down never never heard things one of the first things I've ever seen here we're moving in had a fire truck one day coming down the street coming down at the time with P Street where I was bringing Stu in the front door and he had Santa Claus that's pretty cool you know not KN many many years later i' wear too I lived there the house two years before and before the we all found out was a friend of mine I saw draging traffic one day in an accident I said to my wife I like doing it she told his wife he my door he St me like when we first moved here we said we live here for seven years seven years never came obviously we're still here I want to thank the mayor coun really nice my ACC accomplish B could not have been 50 years 57 marriage 50 years here and my kids I I guess got but U that for the last six months of my injuries she's been putting up a lot thank you very much he's got 357 p and also I have a little lyrical component to this good evening we're here tonight to pay tribute and celebrate the extraordinary career of Jack pasta with OEM and fire we are witnessing a profound 50-year Legacy the likes of which they probably never happen again just think about that in this half century of continual service Jack faced many sudden exigencies which required immediate and efficient action between all those frequent State directives EOC meetings communication glitches mobilizing the necessary assets including the coordination with First Responders to secure the various hazards and disasters within our town takes a well- disciplined individual to make it all happen just think about the incredible time and effort necessary to develop and maintain a rigorous burrow wide Emergency Operations plan alone this is just one burden in this quiver of Endeavors excuse me a true Spirit of his is is this station and obviously he took everything in strive obviously a great deal of preparing planning and providing for these domestic hazards such as fires floods weather or traffic emergencies all within the scope of responsibilities responding to and recovery from such as events are also Paramount to OEM activities in addition substantial training for Nims the national instent management system which you forgot about is also required drawn from his profound experience Jack has always been on top of the game and ahead of the curve middle sex burrow has greatly benefited from his guidance and experience over the years as we look ahead it is reassuring to know that his well proven potential is Limitless when Destiny comes knocking again we know that he will want to sign up for another 50 this part I call the OD to the next half century man the cck of the radio blares no time to finish the task the new message is loud and clear it's been on my list but now last with hastened response and resources abound the plan is now on the board but will it service the entire town or fail with this deficient cord so here's the toast the 50 years of setting the bar so high when the stars align as it appears your long-standing legacy is Justified so on behalf of all our residents we wish to express our deepest gratitude to Jack Costa for his unwavering dedication and inspiring leadership thank you okay okay sure just like mine that's quite a legacy well we know that guys if you guys want to sneak out after this before the be Starts Now is your uh your big chance to do this otherwise you're going to be here for a while ready all right well let's skip back into this uh tonight we have uh two ordinances for introduction Linda okay we have ordinance number 2138 d24 in ordinance fixing and determining the salary range of certain officers and employees of the burough of middle I need a motion motion second okay I would like to make a motion to strike the entire thing except for code enforcement zoning officer Recreation officer and Recreation Office on Aging director Recreation program coordinator and Recreation clerk okay so we are we okay right which is what we just discussed all right we need a motion to accept the amendment so you're make a motion to amend right make motion to amend second second to amend second all right and we're amending it so it's these four lines uh all in favor right all right so Linda you'll just the final ordinance that will appear in the packet next time will include only these four positions every other one may be removed that is the amendment now you go to vote okay now we need a motion to to vote on it introduce amended motion to introduce as as amended right yeah you got a second okay all right roll call please counc president Clan yes councilman K counc din yes councilman doie counc Quinn counc Rex yes okay uh the public hearing will be at the next meting December 17th okay second ordinance please add ordinance number 2139 D14 in ordinance amending chapter 247 development fees of munici Municipal Code of the bur of metal sex to reconfigure chapter order motion motion second second all right roll call please Council pres Conan councilman corned Council Dino yes counc doie yes counc Quinn yes Council ref yes okay now we're moving on to the adoption of the minutes all right um you ready yeah oh I'm sorry approval of the October 22nd 2024 regular and executive meeting minutes motion second all in favor I okay and we have approval of the October 29th 2024 special meeting minute motion second second all in favor I okay very good thanks all right let's move on to the mayor's report all right I got a I got a few things going on here um first of all I'd just like to make an announcement and express our condolences for Bob bucko who uh passed away yesterday um he was on the land use board for many years and he was also one of the engineers going back and forth um he was he was a longtime part of what we did in here in this town and we're sad to see him go unfortunately um over the last couple of weeks there's been a few things happening um I did attend for the seniors uh the puzzles and pastries that was run by the police uh that was over in the community room that was actually a very nice uh event it was a lot of fun looks like it was well attended and everyone had a great time it was a banner day also for the seniors because they managed to uh they had the senior Thanksgiving luncheon at the wreck so I went from one to the other I was able to go right over there they had a nice turnout there uh once again they had a bunch of stuff uh the people were in a in a great mood and um it was it's it's good to see a lot of events happening for the seniors you know and they're doing a good job all right couple of things we had we had Pond Avenue going and I just want to like I did last time just read back and forth where where we stood all right regarding 207 this is 207 Pony yep okay so on November 4th after the meeting hi Carol any update on this matter you were due you were due to receive a response the week of October 21st okay uh basically she gave us an update saying that the it it still was under consideration at that at that time uh she said it was actually going for we did not receive the response from the GDB until last week it is currently under review I'll let you know when that review is completed is what she said she responded on the 6th uh we thanked her for the update how long does it normally take for that review at that point she sorry about that uh she responded back after that I put the PES in the wrong order um I'm trying to read it going backwards and I put them in a forward order so it just made my life a little bit more uh interesting but anyway on the six she said I have not been given a time frame for the review thank you we followed up again and then we on November 20th good afternoon please be advised that GDB has withdrawn their plan inclusion request for the proposed class D recycling facility on Pond Avenue I'll be sending out the official response to comments document tomorrow for information purposes only the county will not be taking any further action on this matter so it is not going to be a Class D recycling facility one of the things that is going to happen is that uh the administrator sorry I was looking for over there is uh we're GNA actually have uh Tyler make a little stop by just to make sure that everything is on the up and up that's that one okay this one's a bit longer so you're going to have to bear with me okay lot of pages to this one sorry okay November 4th it's been a couple of weeks any word on the 2-in reflective strips this is regarding the railroad crossing additionally it may take an extended amount as it may take an extended amount of time for a final evaluation on the above grade crossing I would like a meeting to discuss some intermediary steps that can be taken that may address many of the safety concerns before a final decision is made that was sent by me on November 4th okay on uh the eth they responded hello mayor NJ do railroad will work with NJ New Jersey transit to complete the 2-in reflector strips New Jersey DOT railroad as someone reviewing assign locations okay a couple of weeks after that I went back good morning Barbara and August I have received word that the 2-in resp reflector strips are installed thank you unfortunately last night this was by 8:20 in the morning after that they had the car get hit by the train the next morning unfortunately last night we had another incident where a train struck a vehicle at this Crossing unfortunately fortunately there were no injuries or fatalities this time this event reaffirms the urgency that we need to take intermediary measures at this Crossing and our December meeting cannot come soon enough please schedule a meeting as soon as possible a Saturday amm meeting at the Crossing in December with a followup at Burrow Hall would be ideal for me or even this Saturday at 8:00 a.m. this needs to be urgently addressed um that same morning the chief of police Matt gist he sent an email over to them basically corroborating what I said that we do need to have this meeting uh a little further that morning I also sent them a little at 10:17 I said them here is the Press today on the accident last night I sent them the article that was written so this way just kind of letting them know that hey it's out there this is what we're hearing about intermediate steps need to be considered if the long-term solution of a bridge is not in the immediate future at this point okay I Reed the I am in touch with Captain Kaminsky this morning I'm working with Barbara fan to set up a meeting with the state do after the Thanksgiving holiday to address these issues and concerns it looks like it will be the week of December 2nd I'll make sure I'm available to attend uh thank you for response I look forward to meeting the week of December second have a good weekend all right this actually on the 24th which is this past Sunday which actually brought this all about on Sunday November 24th and this is from C uh Captain Kaminsky uh going to the middle sex Police Department command who forwarded it to me on Sunday November 24th at approximately 1:30 a.m. the cedar have railroad crossing gates remained in the down position with the flashing light signals activated New Jersey Transit was notified New Jersey Transit Police Officer arrived on the scene and took control of the crossing technicians arrived on the scene and determined a circuit breaker failure on the conre North folk southern railroad crossing gate control box that's a mouthful had failed which caused the gates to remain in the down position the New Jersey transit officer directed cars around the gate once it was confirmed no trains were approaching the repairs were completed at approximately 9:30 a.m. no incidents occurred at the Crossing during the time of the m function at that point uh I sent another note to them she corroborated they concurred with the request there's a couple of emails that went back and forth today um hello mayor the New Jersey do railroad safety unit will schedule a field meeting to review the crossing concerns we are circulating dates within the department and with the rail roads presently we are trying to schedule the meeting for the week of 122 which is basically what what they said it went back and forth two or three times next Wednesday at 1:30 at the at the railroad crossing we are going to have a meeting with all the uh related parties they got back to us so we we've gotten a lot of progress on that and that's because we we hit them from a lot of different angles and I'd like to thank the the captain and and the chief obviously because you know when when things are going bad to to keep hitting at him you know and to your to your point Kevin you just got to keep being the greasy wheel and that's what we are are so we're going to have a meeting um cuz the status of it right now is based on that original meeting five years ago there was a short-term solution and a long-term solution well with the 2in reflector strips the two the shortterm solution is now done so in their minds until the long-term solution comes nothing's going to happen but you know they're evaluating a a grade crossing and all that by the time the engineering and all the rest of that you know a lot of us won't be here to even think about it you know I because these these long-term things are really long-term and that's why I wrote in there you know if it's a long-term Solution that's not going to start pretty soon we should be looking at having other steps taken in the meantime um they're going to come down the the the police are going to be represented by the chief and the captain are going to be there uh I am going to attend that meeting uh they have a whole host of other people I'm sure administrator the place is going to make a make an appearance for sure the thing that I personally want to see is I want to see them do some intermediary steps which to me I think at the very minimum they should be putting crossing gates on the inside of those two things because the one fatality was because the person was on the one track and backed into the other one at least if the gates are there and you're inside the gates you should be feeling relatively safe that you know you're in a good spot you you should you shouldn't have anything happen um that's all I have to say on that last but not least um it is Thanksgiving week Thanksgiving came about because it started in the 1600s with the pilgrims and all the rest of that good stuff and uh there was an Indian tribe that they got together and they actually learned off of each other and they met but the the reason Thanksgiving came about is Thanksgiving was they wanted to give thanks to God actually for getting them through another year well the way I look at it is I'm almost through my first year here I thank God I made it so far and uh I'd like to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and that's my report okay moving on council president thanks mayor um congratulations to Jack I I was hoping he'd stick around but I I know he's not feeling the best um I wanted to congratulate him again he's truly a middle sex treasur I want to thank everyone who attended our last meeting which is the town hall back on the 29th of October um I'm hopeful that we could summarize some of the key takeaways maybe uh either the December meeting or even the second meeting in January maybe the reorg but but sometime I think January is probably more realistic um next week the parks meeting will host the uh newly appointed engineering firm for the first of many meetings related to the creation of a master plan for Victor Crow Park that meanss du Tuesday December 3rd at 7:30 in the community room uh thank you to our Police Department for hosting coffee with the cop uh at the superfood grocery store it was very well attended uh I think the I think the mayor addressed this but I was going to bring up gbd paint the 207 Pond um thank you for thank you to DPW for renovating and relighting the old burrow Hall sign at the corner of Mountain and 28 across from reita there thank you Bobby um actually lit with the solar light um and saved us tons of money so I missed the library board meeting which was last week but the next uh friends of the library Jazz program is actually Sunday December 15th that's the last for this year that 2 p.m in the community room uh the recreation department will be again hosting the annual Winter Wonderland Festival this is one of our biggest events by far that's December Saturday December the 7th from 2: to 7:00 p.m. at M VI Park um free admission and that's our traditional tree lighting uh music food trucks uh entertainment DJs other activities uh Mr and Mrs claws photos a lot of good stuff so um Saturday December 7th and uh Happy Thanksgiving and all that's it mayor okay thanks uh Council M KS yes mayor thank you um Happy Thanksgiving everybody enjoy yourselves um Administration I received no updates no information on anything um on the administrative side um disable senior same thing film committee same thing I haven't received anything from anybody uh culture and arts um they're doing well they're excited they're going to startop moving on a few things for the next year um been doing well uh Council mtic meetings Finance meeting I haven't heard anything Library haven't heard anything recreation no I haven't heard anything swim pool commission no I haven't heard anything and Community celebration no I have not heard anything on anything thank you man okay councilman dinino also being the member of the JB my condolences to Bob bucko and his family also I work with him uh probably three or four years but I know he's been here a lot longer than me and he was a great guy so he he surely missed um as far as DPW um they have a new Facebook page DPW recycling Facebook page which is helpful they have download that um gives all the information that Days clothes garbage pickup recycle all that stuff that's great also our recycle center is closed Thanksgiving Friday and Saturday this year because that's our that's their holiday there so it's closed also Saturday they open Tuesday so some of the road work Lenny's done um on Pearl play a lot of the the curbs and gutters were damaged there they replaced all those gutters they did this the Cy work they did a good job on that so that's good also there are steel still Leaf Bags bring your coupon um the depart Lenny also assisted the environmental commission with getting some of the Lots cleared to plant the trees unfortunately we couldn't use the lot that they cleared because that's where the flood walls gone so they utilize the area behind McDonald's and plant it and along that thing there so that was a good thing no longer collecting bulk until February please do not Place items on the curb which happens often so power is aware of that so we work on it lendy also worked with is working on the tree inventory Grant and the local Recreation Grant um as far as snow plowing and snow we're all prepared all the plows are working Salters brins that's all ready to go um mayor as far as the hydro Lake the hydro thing in the lake lake is low Monday after the holiday they're going in that's the ex report I have from oh really okay as far as the environmental um we had a meeting Zoom meeting with uh Claire Lenny myself and um Silver Fox uh with the jaran we're trying to get that environmental resource mapping done we're we're on our way so we have to see what what we need there so also uh the green team has appointed members in their roles as we move into 2025 we talked about the tree trees planted also um CLA Lenny and The Intern recycling coordinator they had an agreement with plastic services on L Boward for a stof um they won't give us any money for it but we want to pay to dump it and keep it at a land so that's a plus we're working on the logistics to get that and we're going to collect it at the cycle B that's a good thing okay that's all that's all you have Ju Just a couple quick questions at the end of the day and this is actually maybe you know or or Claire Claire how many trees did we wind up having we planted we started with what 300 okay wow so that so in terms of what we set out to do we accomplished it that's a that's always a plus congratulations it I know it was a lot of work on your part thank you very much on behalf of the burrow okay councilman Dy yes mayor uh first thing but since we're talking about trees sh commission has put off their fall planting because it's so dry and Lenny would have had to have a hard time watering everything so they decided to put it off if you see a bunch of work going on Linda is spending their money now to get trees taken care of so don't be shocked if you see uh Predator out there cutting trees that that's for the shade tree I also have the fire department for October had 47 calls uh let's see some of the highlights there was three unauthorized burnings which I don't get it with how dry it was so they had to show up three of those there was eight motor vehicle accidents with no injuries and uh six with injuries uh the chief sent over a little report to on October 9th um they were dispatched to the rear of 429 linol Boulevard for dumpster fire they were able to extinguish it and everything was clear within 30 minutes the 18th uh they were dispatched to 46 North Mountain Avenue helping out brenbrook for a brush fire uh they were there for just under an hour and they were able to help them control a rush fire over there in GRE uh 21st of October they responded to the re middlex high school for reported smoke condition first arriving unit is located a falling tree in the woods on fire and extinguish without um incident um they had members attend a flob liquid drill at middlex County fire academy on October 6th and they they held Fire Prevention Day at all burough schools on October 8th um another note for them I believe may be corrected but 14th s will be in everybody's neighborhood so if your neighbors have kids make sure they're ready to listen for the trucks coming have was announced at the last meeting with that that's what I have for the fire uh court for October 272 tickets 46 parking 226 moving violations three DWI uh they had 18 criminal complaints two local ordinance violations for zoning they did three court sessions one in person and two virtual 195 defendants 217 cases were deposed 10 dwi's deposed total assessed fine costs were 28,42 58 uh Burrow's portion is 13 92434 and they from what I hear they are backed up for a couple of months I'm sure the chief can attest to that and so can Tyler because they have they're just backed up in the court I also have the police report that came through 2,129 calls to service in October uh 19 adult arrests summonses Motor Vehicles 266 Radars 40 and motor vehicle crashes they responded to 41 our detective Bureau is working on some cases let me get to that page um they invest start investigating uh simple assault one of those seven harassment calls they had sexual assault SL sexual contacts through investigating they had three Burly trespassing and uh two thefts that they are currently doing and the rest of it is the usual stuff today I know they will be around make sure you say Merry Christmas I saw them on Halloween handing out candy to officers I was over by the mayor's house and we saw the police officer over giving out candy to the kids so yeah um support your police they're doing a great job for us right now that's what I have there okay um I guess with the time change the people forgot how to drive a little bit because the accidents are a little bit High I did want to say last on on the environmental side I did go to the middle sex County um household hazardous waste drop off that they had that was quite the oper a and they made it super simple that I mean I went through the house and I literally filled up half the back of the van with all kinds of aerosols and sprays that were half used and you know you know you dig it out and you say how long has we even had this thing they made it super simple what a great that they did a super nice job it was up at uh middlex County College and it you know you're figuring it's going to be like here you're going to see two people they must had 50 people they're coming out with shopping carts it's it was quite the operation okay sorry to digress councilman Quinn okay so just to beat did that always again um the Board of Health rejected a bunch of the incomplete records that were brought to us um hopefully it gets better with uh somate County left see and other than that Happy Thanksgiving middle sex all right very good okay uh councilman Rex I don't have anything to report it with to report off what I do have a comment uh I haven't been it's been more than a year for me and uh and I'm grateful and humbled to have been your councilman for all this time and I and I I support all the support that the council and the residents have given me in this period of time where I've been here I've tried to bring me as active as I can be but I'm I'm here tonight and I plan on going forward to the best of my ability we're looking forward to seeing you next month and you've been an excellent councilman okay administrator's report thank you Mr Mayor good evening everyone um the middle sex Public Library's new local history room is now scheduled to open to the public in January if anyone has anything of local and historical interest that they'd like to contribute to the new facility please contact the library director Christy George the state of New New Jersey requires municipalities to complete an annual survey of best practices staff recently completed the exensive survey for middlex bur the survey involves a series of questions both scored and unscored to gauge if the municipalities are following required State statutes and mandatory deadlines as well as to gather information pertaining to current topics under consideration for possible new legislation the scored questions this year Focus on topics such as required components for our website including minutes meeting minutes calendars audits posted budgets posted and confirmation that all filing dates for Budget adoption annual debt statements annual financial statements and our audit has had been met and that the documents have been properly submitted to the state a lot of housekeeping other scored sections involve questions about cyber Security Financial disclosure compliance and any shared services for statutory positions Like Chief Financial Officer tax compliant I'm sorry tax collector municipal clerk and tax assessor as well the unscored sections focused heavily on statistical information as it pertain to such topics as um lead remediation inspections on rental units and the most recent affordable housing fair share current and future possible obligations by by various towns these unscored questions are always a good indicator of things that the state plans to focus on in the upcoming year and things that may be discussed in the upcoming legislative session the good news that the burrow needed to score a minimum of 35 points or to continue to qualify for our full allotment of state aid which we get each year and middle sex score for 2024 was 45 which was a strong score so we're in good shape um moving on the state's blue Acres Program which is set up to purchase properties near waterways with homes that experience repeated and extensive flooding has informed the bur that the residential property located at 239 Ron Avenue that's that last house on the Westerly side of Ron Avenue is in the process of being purchased if the blue Acres purchase is completed the house on the site will eventually be removed the recruitment of our new full-time zoning and code enforcement officer will proceed of interviews in December we received applications from 10 prospective candidates so we got a good response Council resolutions on the agenda this evening include authorization for the buau to apply to Sustainable New Jersey climate vulnerability assessment technical assistance program and authorization to participate in the Sustainable New Jersey and Public Service Electric and Gas Energy Efficiency partnership program also authorization for the middle sex Police Department to purchase 10 new rifles and new equipment from Atlantic Tactical in the amount of 8,723 189 and authorization for the transfer of funds for um operating 2024 operating bu budget and the 2024 swimming pool organization budget um as far as tonight's agenda There's No Agenda Workshop discussion scheduled and an executive session this evening we will have a discussion of potential litigation regarding ing the middle sex County Municipal joint urance file and um I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving we have a lot to be thankful for here at midboro I'm certainly thankful for being here and I thank everyone my staff and members of the community and mayor and Council for all their support guid thank you all right very good you know the only thing that was a little disheartening with the uh the r Avenue memo is that there are three more properties that they're considering which you know everyone's always about revenue revenue revenue well the problem is that four houses go out that's you know almost the full tax Point going the wrong way okay uh right now I'd like to open it up to the privilege of the floor uh you coming up state your name and address for the record see4 you have um of course the trains uh my suggestion is to go in in demand what needs to be done if there is a thre that causes a derailment the entire sound can be done this has already happened in other places across the country I know from the time when I was calling on is they know their responsibility there they know what they need to do five years ago they talked about a long-term plan enough du it they did their markings it cre nothing the next day somebody was on the track now one suggestion when it comes to crawling up their is have someone from the fire department possibly OEM possibly Police Department contact the rail line and tell them they want a full inventory of the chemicals that passed through this town on that freight line and they have a right to that information I know that the fire department presently should have an updated list of the chemicals that are at across the tracks all the businesses across the tracks are supposed to be submitting chemical yeah that would be Community right to know everyone's required to do that right start having people call Conrail or the freight line Community right to know what's passing through here and keep calling organiz people that somebody calls every day or call me back in a week call them tomorrow call them the next day becomes such a problem they want to get rid of you because they're not moving on it they're just not this has been this way for how long now and there's going to be other incidents there there's going to until they put a bridge over which I know sounds like a huge project but if you looked at those links that I had sent to everybody they've done those huge projects and they've done them in other areas crossings that were not fatal well at at this point we're going to you know the next step is we got the meeting you know one of the reasons that I that um I shuffled my work schedule around is that you know we haven't been very mey mouth about it at all I've been pretty much on them that just we have to do something it's it's gone far enough it's long enough you know what are you g to do right but when you say that you know the long term might be something that I us live to see I mean that's me well listen which is exactly my point if they're not gonna do something I mean it takes them a long time to get certain things done but there's other things that they should be doing now including the long term they haven't told us what the long-term thing is or how long it's even going to take that's what we're waiting for we want them to tell us and we want to tell them while we're waiting for them we still want things done I say tell them what the solution is instead of waiting around for them to come up they were here five years ago and long term long term here we are there's been another accident of course now all accidents are terrible but seeing the buses that cross that and and seeing buses get stuck on that I was behind the bus of the video somewhere who was a green light on the Piscataway side who was a red light on the Lincoln side and his school bus went across and got stuck sitting on those tracks some as terrible as the things that have happened there have been what could actually really unfold is catastrophic oh absolutely and and it needs to be addressed and I understand you're on it and everything else and and Kudos it's great now there's another meeting and everything but I'd win that meeting I'd be demanding stuff because when I spoke with August he told me after that one death of the two women he said all eyes on Conrail because they knew it was their responsibility because those tracks did not always run side by side there was a point in time where those tracks beered off and didn't come into middle section through here the way that they do they Consolidated it for their own benefit and in August's words and since they did it it's been killing people ever since so they know they're in the wrong well we're not we're not there we're not going to let them off the hook again we got them we we have their interest and we're not going to let it slide I I mean there's certain things can't be done within confines of a burrow and you know shame publicly and all this kind of thing protest doing things to stop train couldn't pass through here they you know it's gonna get somebody's attention so you know they start slowing the schedule's coming through because people are stopping because you're hearing you know you can't P there's something going on here there's something going on there they start getting jammed up where they're not able to just blow through here the way they feel like it they might start paying attention but that's something outside the scope of anybody you know within official well the next step is let's see what happens on Wednesday see what they have to say right and you know we're not there to say we when are you going to get around to it because I really don't want to hear that either I want I want dates tell me what's going on I mean you it a long term it's five years it's five years since it started to to right now right right now in most in my world long term at five years it's done right and it's the very least the start of right so you know we're not getting now they're telling me they have to report and they're going to start talking about it well that's a little it's too far for that what what are we going to do right you know you put up a bridge dig a tunnel I don't care what you do but you come up with a plan right and like I said they have done things on that scale and other you know and and and listen I mean you hate to say it but right now we have a little bit on the run I know I know the the police department's been very aggressive as far as going after and right now we're we're like a dog with a bone we don't want to let go because it's the timing is on the the timing is right for us to try and push something through so that's why we're going to stick with it uh then my other question was how many inperson interviews we have for the code enforcer how many none yet no I said we're going to do them in December oh December yeah I've been reviewing the applications they all qualify so I'm going to put together an internal group to go through the look over the applications that we've received and we'll we'll probably pick several that are sort of R to the top and schedle interviews okay and then regarding the training for the noise coordinates which the noise has been better um there's still room to to tighten it up but it's certainly been better uh when it comes to the training for the individual that take those readings I know when Tyler was here he suggested he was going to be doing that training during December is that something the burough is paying for that has not been schedu so I we didn't schedule that yet Kevin all right well I just know he said that he was going to be taking training so I was just curious because I've mentioned to councilman president Conan that I felt if you were going be paying for any train that it would be more appropriate possibly train some officers who are already in the field anyway and there may even be funding available since there be additional police training um rather than training you know a kid who in my experience has been hiding for two years but that's my own personal experience well you know and I I don't want to speak at a turn because I did have a couple of of conversations with the with the chief over this you know not necessarily do we need to have a specific number assigned to every anything as much as at nighttime disturbing the peace is that right Chief huh I think it was after 9 that was it was after 9: it's disturbing the peace if it's disturbing the peace it doesn't really necessarily have to be a number associated with it as much as it's a disturbance to people that are going around right no I mean and then I noticed you know with well they they've been there and we and and we've gone after them a few times with with the noise and they did not realize that they were making as much noise but we taken care of Matt do you want to say any yeah our ORD is in times specific so if it's 3 in the afternoon or 3 in the morning the plane comes in we'll investigate the officer doesn't witness it or feel that it's it's too loud or violates the of or the caller will have the opportunity to Cle plan okay yeah and like I said the time i' called they were responsive and and I heard it stop so you know it has been effective it's just that they are still and again I realized the guy has how many people working for him he's got to get all of them on board it may take a while with all these guys you know he has continuous Improvement you know there's definitely better impr with I made our staff reached out for the armies out of the country he immediately called on one of those complaints his staff that was there been pretty good since yeah oh no now there's certainly respons so 9:00 time I was saying was because um he he said he wouldn't be doing the aluminum rims after 9 that was the 9:00 it would be outside it wouldn't be working out that after n but if there an excessive noise it's still a complain right right some was just yeah but yeah so that was always try to sandwich a good thing you know Open Face Sandwich so Clos it with but yeah that has been improving so appreciate that all right good thank you a p kage to 40w uh questions on a couple things mayor uh there was an ordinance introduced tonight second one I don't have talk regarding development fees um those fees that are generated what are they used for does the money just go into the general fund the ordinance tonight just changes the the title of the ordinance the the location in the ordinance uh as to the development fees I think they we have to ask car exactly where they go that was not in our perview okay my real reason for asking that was um at the Town Hall you know a lot of things got discussed somebody thought up somebody said something about affordable house and I know there was a decision recently and now I think I've read something the other day there's already litigation being discussed there's all sorts of things going on with that do do we have any ordinance or any mechanism in place as a town to charge uh Builders you know we don't have any large scale developers here but even you know small developers um affordable housing fees when they build something or they you know add on to something yeah that that that would be in that ordinance and those fun those funds would go to the COA fund which the affordable housing fund which I know carolan is doing some work on so and I think that when there's also a pilot they pay into okay do we do we know how much we have in our affordable housing I I've asked that question car's working you and I are thinking quite aik so I Know Rich rut was really big a few years ago that when p b built I guess the first highrise he was supposed to put $100,000 into that fund and somebody said one meeting that there was a the check and there was $100,000 the only reason I'm asking this is I I think from what I know of that of the law um if a builder builds and gets charged to use affordable hous Fe they can be charged up to 1 and a half% I think of the assessed value of their that sounds right yeah something I think it used to be 1% that got raised up sounds right I was just you know we're not a town that's got a huge amount of open space we're not going to get hit with a three or 400 unit development proposal but we could under the this new decision new you know guidelines be hit with some expenses I mean I think what was the thing came out say we owe like 90 units 81 they won 14 now and you have 10 years to get up to 81 or something like that you but even though 14 um you know if we had to rehab units there's a cost well and if you can if you can collect money from Builders or developers and let them pay it instead of us I think that that's a good thing well at this at this point they it it's one of the things that we are looking at in terms of understanding for ourselves what we have to do because there's a there's a bunch of different parts that are they're involved if you're you know you're Shadow way they tell you to put up 100 units you know you go to the next Farm over carve off a little piece of land we don't have that you know so we have to figure out what what do you do when you're sort of landlocked and and what are the requirements that that we have to do do we have to look to try and buy somebody's property and then turn it into low income or or someone's going to do a project force them to be low I don't really know we don't know the answers to that or at least I don't and that but that's what we're trying to figure out is what exactly do we are we what's Our obligation and I don't know what the answer to that is I know there's periodically been discussion here about you know more senior housing in town um and I believe Mr but I believe senior housing counts for that it counts it's a it's a REO I think it's like 20% it really is a construct the form to's say the least but I'm just saying I I would just like to see you know even you know the 10year number again you're right who knows what's going to happen 10 years down but that 14 units even if it's just rehab and some units that are run down if it's there's a cost to that it's a couple $1,000 you know if you get it from developers and we don't have to pay it I think that's POS thing um there's a couple of other things what's what's the status of the Presbyterian Church property that hasn't showed up on the executive session it's out of our purview right now nothing nothing exists what does that that means there's no contract we're we're not obligated to buy that it's that the presbyter owns it and it's their property to do with as they please so those within the constructs of whatever fits in the code those discussions that were going on like earlier this year have sort of just like dissolved it it didn't dissolve they it's terminated yeah so we engag in negotiations that the government body did for many many months couldn't come up with the deal and the the contract which is just a term sheet basically is over okay so even if I know you passed a resolution some point for a reduced price even you're considering A reduced price it's not only be purchased at the reduced prices they didn't fite they didn't fite okay all right that's good okay last thing we terminated it after that yeah and it was terminated after that day just so you know it's like we made it a counter offer They didn't accept it and after that we just terminated the so it's done the resolution got passed and then there was two or three meetings where it kept shown up on exective session you got like an opposite talking about it and you just kept saying nothing ort nothing important just hadn't heard anything in a while and hadn't even seen it listed on Executive session it's done and dusted okay last thing Mr Mr reported that the local history room is going to open went to January yeah um what's what's been the delay with that because it seems like you we've been mentioning that for a long time yeah we um it's it's pretty far along so it's it's very close to being open what delay it was Library staff and some of our bur staff had to look at other aspects of the library building that need repairs and maintenance so that took them away from the history room unfortunately I'm anxious to get it open as well but that was the reason for some of the delay staff just had to focus on some other projects other stff okay all right thanks very much all right anybody else okay motion to close the privilege of the floor second all in favor okay Linda you have 22 Go De breath resolution 297 2024 acceptance of standing report resolution 298 2024 accepting the resignation of Ronald Cass as school crossing guard effective immediately resolution 299 2024 approving the contract for floor mat services for a one-year contract beginning January 1 2025 and ending December 31 2025 to National bus control in an amount not to exceed $ 6,672 190 resolution 300 2024 authoriz to sustainable Jersey climate vulnerability assessment technical assistance application resolution 31 2024 authorizing participation in the 2024 sustainable Jersey PS Energy Efficiency partnership program resolution 302 2024 authorizing the refund of $1,875 in favor of guarantee service corn LLC 2675 Route 70 M1 New Jersey 08736 for Street open department number 20241 resolution 303 2024 authorizing the purchasing agent to sell various Surplus personal property on an online auction website in mun bid.com resolution 304 2024 authorizing the purchase of 10 new rifles and equipment for the police department from Atlantic Tactical in the amount of $872 389 sentence resolution 305 2024 accepting the change of property class status to tax exem for blocks 126 lot 4.16 resolution 306 2024 refund the duplicate payment on fourth quarter 2024 taxes for Block 224w 11.01 resolution 307 2024 approving the reimbursement of $300 to gelle Peralta 808 F Ferell Court Oldbridge New Jersey 08857 for the 2024 2025 barter fantile license resolution 308 2024 amending the middle Six B Personnel policy and procedures manual to amend the following section 3.6 page holiday policy resolution 309 2024 authorizing America to sign the lease agreement with Jer mail Systems LLC in the amount of 10,962 for the folder inserter for the term of the lease of agement resolution 310 2024 authorizing the mayor to execute the memor memorandum of under standing between the state of New Jersey DP and the B of mle section regarding the acquisition of property resolution 3112 24 weth writing to transfer of funds for the 2024 operating budget and 2024 swim pool budget resolution 312 2024 authoriz cancellation and Improvement authorization for the 2019 Library H and tax revaluation resolution 313 20124 authorizing the cancellation of improvement authorization for the 2020 Redevelopment area bonds resolution 314 2024 authorizing the treasure toit the condo reimbursements for 2024 to various properties resolution 315 2024 acknowledging the change the status for certain properties under the veterans tax to Veterans for Block 224w 11.01 resolution 316 20124 refunding the homeowner of block 84 lot 15 for a construction permit application as he has been declared a 100% disabled veteran by the Department of Veterans Affairs resolution 317 2024 authorizing the qu qualified purchasing agent to enter into Cooperative pricing agreement with by board resolution 318 2024 approving an agreement concerning permitting adjust adjustments for 2022 Whitney Drive I didn't get that you want to repeat the whole thing again now just all right does anyone want to pull anything at this point no okay could I have a motion motion May second second all right any any comments discussion real quick gu didn't think so all right roll call please council president Khan councilman cor same Council Dino yes coun doie yes coun Quinn yes and coun re yes okay very good non-c consent agenda we have resolution 319 2024 P things motion motion second all right any discussion all right roll call please counc president Conan yes counil cor coun Dino yes councilman doie yes C Quinn yes and counc Rex yes okay very good all right at this point we don't have an agenda Workshop item so we don't need a privilege of the floor on the agenda Workshop item we are going to have an executive session uh no action will be taken and uh right after we do the resolution we're going to take a f minute break for the room to clear and once again before everyone goes have a very nice Thanksgiving um hope your turkeys turn out good there's there's plenty of them out there and plenty of good recipes and uh outside of that be safe so Linda we have resolution 3202 2024 executive session motion