I pledge ALG flages United States of America stand Liberty Justice like having a slap like a delay delay the delay all right okay W fall please okay mayor here council president Conan here councilman K here Council dinino councilman doie Council Quinn Council re here administrator place is after attorney cor here okay tonight we have no presentations uh we have an appointment uh I'd like to accept the appointment of Bob Sher as alternate 2 to the Board of Health uh motion second all right uh all in favor all right motion passes okay we have no ordinances for introduction tonight but we do have several for public hearing and final adoption Linda okay we have ordinance number 212 24-24 in ordinance forend chapter 351 solid w section 3514 Gage receptacles and the code mle all right I like a motion to open the the public hearing motion May second second all in favor I okay anyone wishing to speak on this subject please come up state your name and address all right seeing no one wants to step up uh motion to close motion second all right very good a motion to approve motion second all right any discussion on this it should be uh pretty straightforward at this point all right so uh P the rooll please we have council president caran yes councilman corn yes Council dinino yes Council mie yes Council Quinn yes and Council re yes okay okay motion passes all right number two we have ordinance number 2125 d24 a bond ordinance providing various Capital Improvements and acquisition of various Capital Equipment appropriating 2,1 187,00 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1,658 500 fond and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the bar of mle p in the county middle section New Jersey okay motion to open the public portion motion second second all in favor I all right anyone wishing to step forward John Madden 39 R couple quick questions um this probably a Caroline question's here uh the um Grant portion which is 44144 40 is that a participatory Grant or is that full Grant it doesn't have it's not a mat required that is the that we would get and we put in for the project and tell them go with the project the estimated cost and then that's how much they so we're anticipating that we're going to be getting that Grant right it's it's for future yes we've been that's the amount that we've been awarded yes okay the other part of that I'm a little confused probably my ignorance um so this Grant's going to be for I guess for Mill and overlay for of s and first and second street right the portion of the first and second Street on the high school side okay so there nothing for the other work that we need like the laterals the sore laterals anything that we need the do stuff Road um I'm not exactly sure um how much all of that is scoped in the project that was something that Lenny and the engineers worked on scoping with the project was submitting it and the last question I have about the ordinance I remember um we had the the jetpac we had the sheriff service scream with dellan um are we anticipating using getting some of that money uh for uh Den know's end of this to participate we yes we have already signed Le agreement with the dealer and so Den Allan is paying 50% of the cost we're paying 50% of cost s year Le so what this year is our portion of one year I like that was very suc thank you thank all right anyone else all right see no one else i' like a motion to close the public portion motion second second all right uh motion to approve motion second all right carollyn by the way excellent job as always on this thank you I do appreciate it um roll call please counc president Conan yes counc corn Council Dina yes Council doie yes Council Quinn yes and councilman BR yes okay motion passes all right number three please ordinance number 212624 an ordinance Amendment chapter 320 registration landlord of the municipal code of the bar of mle to clarify certain compliance States okay motion for the public portion motion there second second all in favor I I all right anyone anyone wishing to step forward okay that number again 2126 2126 the landlord registration oh my name is Jee H and I Lincoln Boulevard and um I got this letter here uh last week and uh it was pretty confusing um the last time I was here we talked about this I thought that um that landlords that were you know small landlords not the uh the big Apartments like you know mil Village would be notified when this was going to go and and get U um you know you know talked about and then U so my question lot so another question I have is um that uh you're asking us to pay $150 per tenant by August 31st uh 2024 and then later on down the line here just telling you that you got to pay Again by January that's what it says here says January 31st beginning in 2025 that's 7 months so what is it uh every six months and then you you had the uh I don't know I guess it was approved May 28th the day after a holiday which I think was kind of funny to you know affect so many so many people's uh uh livelihood and and and living conditions because landlords are just going to pass it down to the tenants and tenants are struggling now to uh to make the payments uh to make the rents and you're going to hurt them even more with charging $150 for what every six month or S months or even a year so um I don't know I just uh I just don't think it's right for the landlords or the tenants in this uh uh town to be charged that much money and then uh I can understand I can understand the uh the inspections every three years you know that's uh that's reasonable because you know some people don't keep their houses up like I do but um I don't know um you know some of my tenants I've had for 30 years and now I'm going to have to raise their rent for this and and every 3 years they're going to have to get their house inspected and and I I'm not sure I understand what you're inspecting you're inspecting like um smoke detectors and uh and um things like that uh they got a 10-e battery so you know once you put a a new uh smoke detector in then uh it's you know it's going to be good for 10 years that battery I don't see anybody Tak taking their anti-tip stove uh out and selling it for scrap metal or or anything else you know that you might be you know looking at and uh I don't know uh so I think that that's about it except for I think um I don't know I just I just don't agree with you know that that much raising raising our the rents and I don't agree with having to pay in five months again okay I take that on the the one thing you have to remember is that the the rate for this year it's it's it's an annual rate so you're paying for 2024 and then you're going to pay for 2025 and there won't be one coming out a second one in 2025 it won't show up till 2026 this is more of a timing issue to get it a little bit straightened out to be quite honest this this process started almost two years ago and was messed up for 2023 it it was in our opinion we it was done incorrectly so we decided to let's reboot let's restart and get this right for 2024 and that's what we've done and it's a fairly standard practice for most rental places and most people that have and most Burrows so that's what we did we're just carrying it forward yeah I didn't realize that most burs pay that much Annual fees registration some of them pay more well I'm sure well all right I guess that's all I got to say except for that um you know these rules and regulations that you have you know infringing on landlords and tenants on legal tenants and I there may not be this problem in this town but there's a lot of lot of squatters in other parts of the you know New Jersey where you know if F should be on that that's all thank you thank you anybody else we vote 375 L Boulevard uh to Jean's point I think that he should be pushed to start in January and then have an annual after there so it's not a double hit within 5 to six months that would prefer thing to do um can you clarify that an owner occupied unit does not pay the Fe because the paperwork wasn't clear on why would I why would I pay is if I'm living in half a two family that's my house I have we're gonna have to check and get back to you on that one I would I would in my mind I would think that the owner that's living in the house would not pay and it's and it's a rental unit but let's just make sure we may have to clarify the language on that but that's that that would be my interpretation of it because it's not an appartment it's my house exactly so I want you to clarify that um you know we were last time bringing up some points you know I just think it would have been nice if somebody would have reached out to the average landlord to get you know some of our input then you wouldn't have people there explaining about this but at a point I know last time somebody said well we pick $150 that's what b b does uh I just registered a six unit building in another town $100 fee to register a six unit building and the $25 that's to the state $25 to the town that's about $40 where you guys want $150 the town doesn't do inspections the state does every five to seven years so you guys are over and above on all of that seems like excess excessive stuff and I again would like to know what exactly are they expecting for we asked that last time and we didn't get any any answers on that okay thank you anybody else okay at this point I'd like to close the public portion make a motion second all right all in favor all right all right U make a motion to approve motion second second all right uh roll call please counc president Conan yes councilman Korn no council din yes councilman Dodie yes Council Quinn yes and Council Rex yes okay motion passes all right number four please all have ordinance number 2128 d24 an ordinance fixing and determining the salary range of certain officers and employees of the B of M okay motion to open the public portion motion second second all in favor I all all right anyone want to step forward okay see no wants to step forward i' like a motion to close the public portion motion second all in favor I I okay um Linda if you okay council president Conan yes Council corins yes councilman deso yes councilman Dodie yes Council Quinn yes and Council R yes all right thank you all right adoption of the minutes okay we have approval of the June 11th 2024 regular executive meeting minut motion second all right all in favor all all right very good okay let's move down uh I'm going to give the mayor's report at the at the end because I'm going to do also do the administrator's report so I'll do them both then actually no I'll do the mayor's report right now um Let me let me just start with um we had a we had a loss in the town uh for you guys that are here I just like a quick moment of silence for for Ed Benson thanks Mike conahan has some additional info he's going to pass when he does his report he's gonna talk about it I just uh I have a few points that I would like to go down here and I need a couple of quick consensuses or at least one at any rate um it was a hot one like to thank Lenny and actually everyone else who been outside dealing with the heat you guys are doing a a bang up job we uh weren't expecting rain the other day we got enough uh to to basically water the lawn again because which we're all turning brown so they're going to be out cutting the grass again okay um over the last over the last couple of weeks we did have a council debrief on the uh on the Carnival um basically the the police and the fire and the OEM all met we uh we discussed we're going to have a couple of uh more meetings about this everyone's interested in keeping the carnival going but we do have to review you know what's what is it going to take to make sure that everyone's safe you know it's going to we're weighing do we change the hours do we raise the Inc increase the the fee and maybe reduce the um reduce the uh ticket price for the rides um a lot of the considerations were it was a pretty eye opening for the people the fire the fire uh Department because one of the things that did happen is that they were they did not realize what was going on in the streets at that time and there was a lot of action on the side streets um there was it kind of turned into a safety hazard because some of the people that were driving down the streets to pick up their children literally stopped in the middle of the streets and were not moving so there were you know there there was a problem there that we had a bunch of people that wound up running into some of the local businesses and waited for it to clear because they they they were afraid uh the side streets with parking on both sides there was if there God forbid there was a fire or anything like that no emergency vehicles were getting around there it was just totally blocked up so they're going to we're we're probably going to have a couple more meetings and circle around on that because the the firemen offered uh some some items that they want to see changed the police offered some items that they would like to see changed um it's going to go a couple more gations before we we we find out where that one uh that one goes uh one of the things I am looking for and this is for tonight and for actually the the the future I think we should actually have a consensus uh because Victor The Rock snake wants to come back uh he is actually starting back I think um this is just to put it to bed I don't think anyone's actually going to have a problem that that it goes another round this year um but actually I would like to just take a quick consensus and also put in the ctisle that this consensus tonight means that we don't have to come back every single year and ask for the same thing if there's a problem we'll we'll say something about it but I just want to make sure is everyone okay with Victor D snake coming back all right we're good thank you okay um we also did have a meeting uh that I attended was one of the health the the health uh the Board of Health meeting um there's some questions going around one of the things we're looking at is uh do we stick with middle sex do we go with Somerset um there's there's a lot of discussion happening you know a shared service with dellen so they're they're basically running out of not running out of time but there's an impetus now to really get this pushed along Because by the end of the year we have to be in the next spot I'm sorry Mar if I took your spot about talking about this I just so happen to show up gave my report thank you it's one less thing right you know and and it's going to be a good thing that pop share is coming back I think that's going to be a big help uh John Ellery being there is actually help I think you know right now we have to turn up the heat because we're paying I think we're paying dearly for some of these services and I don't I I personally don't think we're getting the service that we we deserve out of it um you know one of the things that Mike kanahan president Kahan is going to talk about is that the pillars will be back in July he's going to talk about that a little bit later um obviously uh the landlord registration is out much as Chagrin as some of the landlords um you know one of the things that uh Linda did send out which is a note to a lot of the people that are on the the Committees and commissions uh make sure you get your website updates in make sure that you know you're following the the rules and rs as far as you know posting your meetings and sending in the minutes and stuff like that because that's all going to go on the website and that's going to make life a lot easier for everybody concerned um if everyone was around you you saw that we actually had a a podcast the chief and I attended a a a podcast with Bill spia it was about middle sex burrow I thought it was well received it was seen in a positive light um one of the things that we that I did mention during that time was that I thought we were getting very poor in the terms of community uh support in terms of things from the state which actually turned out to be uh pretty interesting because on Sunday I got an email saying we got $65,000 as a grant for cook field you know coming in so I thought that was uh timing is everything and and and that was uh pretty pretty timely well have to thank them for that um the high school graduation was last week uh it was a little warm for both of them I think they did an excellent job uh I think the they were well received and I think they they were well run the kids had no problem then uh you know congratulations to our salutatorians and Valor valedictorians I think they they gave very nice speeches during that and let me see un covered all right that's it for the mayor's report council president conahan thank you mayor and and nice job at the uh graduation for the for the high school um it was very hot and uh the mayor's speech was 2 minutes or maybe not even it was very it was very very good especially his opening line which I'm not going to repeat here um but for tonight I want to extend uh the mayor mentioned it my deepest condolences to the entire Benson Family on the recent passion of Ed Benson um for those that did know had spent most of his life in Middle sex dedicated many many hours uh volunteering in town primarily on a zoning board um a board that's near and dear to me where I got my start had spent an incredible 26 years on the zoning board with approximately 20 of those as chairman which is just unprecedented if you do some quick math uh two meetings a year it's it's you know over 650 meetings in a lifetime again it's just uh that that's the kind of record that'll never get matched um finally some good news the mayor mentioned it um regarding Grant Awards we received the $65,000 award designated for uh cook field playground I did want to mention that this will place the approximate 55,000 roughly right Caroline for Heather Lane which is what the burough put out um it was at least originally ear marked for the playground I cook uh because of the sale of Daisy Park to the Army Corps um and we just found out 65,000 65 Grand is coming back to us uh thanks to all those involved and securing that uh I'm very pleased to announce our next pillar of middle X will go to uh Jim Grim uh July 23rd that's our next council meeting at 700 p.m. for those that don't know Jim is our longtime manager of our swim pool Community swim poool he is celebrating his 41st year at the pool this year um please come and support Jim on July 23rd I think there'll be a lot of folks here uh for all that he's done for our pool thank you once again for to our OEM and library for coordinating and hosting your the help until the help arrives uh that is specialized training they've done it for other groups in town um and this was designated for our summer camp counselors for Recreation summer camp just started yesterday um the mayor mentioned our schools finished up this past Thursday um Parks committee is waiting for the Victor Crow Park RFP process to end um and then administrator place he's on vacation tonight uh he'll meet with the part committee to review the proposals and then we'll move forward um upgrades to Mountain View Park including new bathrooms and new playground uh as well as some other things like a senior fitness center uh both of which are 30 years old they'll that'll start roughly in September uh last but not least some highlights on our library for those that don't know our library offers tons of Summer programming I encourage everyone to check it out it's on the on the libraries website so for adults there was a workshop just last week to learn how to plant a butterfly garden uh upcoming there's a zoom Paint and Sip these are very popular now on July the 8th from 7:00 to 800 p.m. on Zoom uh we have many more programs for kids so each week uh on Mondays there's a toddler time and there's also another family story time uh stage and story as well as uh crafter NOS is uh every Tuesday on Thursdays there's stage and stories uh pause to read with Clifford and also there's pajama Story Time on Zoom at 7 p.m. um marker space happens every Friday that's another program for kids uh in addition to all those they have special events for kids uh they have an interactive movie it's actually ET it's going to be on July 10th at 1 balloon twisting July 18th 12:30 at 2:15 the magic of Conrad it's a magic show uh July 24th at 3 p.m. there's an international snack tasting on July 31st at 2 p.m. there's a zoria animal show on August 7th at 1 and a stuffed animal Library Camp library on August 14th at 5 uh all these special children events require registration prior just the special events not the week Bo um you can register quickly on the library website there's no charge um again Lots going on at the library especially in the summer we we don't talk about it enough um and I also happy to see Victor The Rock back in the Park thank you Mar and that's it man okay councilman CS thank man' um I do have a quick for the culture and arts committee they have started off with a pretty big boom we received $1,000 donation um culture and a few other and the uh color and Flower Festival is going to be pushed off for 2024 because of um communication of the date so we're going to rebook 2025 so there's um peric communication booking and there's no um overlapping programs or anything to that uh aspect um there is a new member that I emailed recently Mr James Johansson that W wishes to um join again that will bring the committee up to six and um if anybody is looking to volunteer this is a beautiful way to get involved with the committee there also um um they're going to be working with the chairman Mr cron to uh get some neurals going around town um one of the uh High School artists that actually helped create the logo for this whm is going to be participating in that so that should be going on whenever they get that get around to moving on that um the film committee I was trying to talk to a few people and um configure out what we need to do in order to get uh more attention to our Beautiful Committee and the sites that we have and definitely the new development that we're hearing in the Parks is definitely going to be an amazing um film opportunity to get it when people decide to come in so we're going to work on that um disabled to Senior Services um Melissa is amazing she's um operating full skill and she's Rock in r in administration I'm not too sure what's going on between me being sick and mrl um being on vacation I have not had a full conversation with them uh my child is for recreation my child is involved in happy campers and pristine so this is doing an amazing job that's rocking and rolling as well um I'm excited to hear that Mr Grim is going to be good he is always a good uh person to see us that's it all right thank you Council M do uh yeah mayor I have a couple reports U let start with the shade when did you gave you the minutes I'm sure she can give them to everybody if you need um they gave a spring planning update uh chairman B did and he listed on here 21 trees so far I know they didn't have full uh budgetary money yet so now that it's there they can move forward and they've been working with the DPW has been doing the planting on all these so Lenny is coming in in September and they're going to have a meeting to review how plans have been going and correct species because sometimes DPW get stuff so he can coordinate with them what they what he would like them Lenny to get if he has an opportunity yeah on that uh the the tree inventory qpa they didn't receive any bids it went back out again it's GNA open I think might be the 23rd yeah okay we'll move on to police who be next on my right page here with me May 1960 calls for Service 13 adult arrests 412 summons motor vehicle summonses 56 uh radar summonses 33 motor vehicle crashes they responded to this doesn't include people that they pulled over not necessarily didn't didn't get aums just say hey slow down pay attention you on the phone they've been doing these safety programs throughout the year gotten money for that the state to step up this enforcement distracted driving is a big thing that they're trying I know everybody try to cut down the detective CLE things here from um they had aggravated assault there for May simple assault I see six thefts and there was two motor vehicle thefts and I don't know where they are in the investigations but they're being investigated currently for that uh we also had two new officers just start just got out of the academy they're being trained I thought there was some issue with the trainers because they had uh one of the trainers was uh going out on some medical leave so he's been juggling around the schedule but as far as I know it's been going uh smoothly he's Jo the people around get train so they get up to Snuff and they can get out on their own um OEM we'll do really quick next they are doing their Cadet program again there was three Cadets coming in with their parents tonight to sign up for it um I believe they have four or five right now something like that Barbara dep I don't know how she does she gets people in that door she's amazing it's just incredible what she does the curriculum for the what Mike mentioned the training for the counselors they she went to them and had that done specifically for the counselor so it was like teenagers and younger kids she had them do that particular training you know specifically for younger kids so that the counselors knew what to do it wasn't just a broad you know some of it was broad but it focused on the teenagers being able to be the first ones there and help the kids that I do know she worked hard on that too fire department uh there was a uh the the chief's report he wants to mention a couple things May 15th uh there's a contractor working at on Giles Avenue and waterline a home was electrically charged they found out they there was a minor smoke condition they called pscg had it saved off um 23rd uh Hazelwood Avenue there was moderate smoke condition in their basement they located a melted pump in the basement turn the power was secured and the basement was ventilated for them they had eight members of the uh middle six fire department attend a 16-hour Swift water operations class the weekend May 4th so that they can be uh become members of the middx fire department in middx County Swift water rescue teams which is important we have floods you may need people to be rescued um they also attended a department expectation drill on May 8th behind beber Firehouse uh they use a vehicle that was donated by a member of the fire department cut it into pieces just not too long ago it's a bunch of pieces um they had in May 32 calls total which is a good thing when it's going down for them that means things are quiet uh they had a mul fire they had three motor vehicle accidents with no injuries they responded to um an electrical issue that they respond resped to they had four uh authorized control burning I guess areas that they burned control burns they did for small areas uh and they had 14 alarm system activations no fire unintentional they' been keeping track it at pretty close um so that it doesn't get out of control I have one more thing and that is the course report um we already sent over for May there was uh 417 tickets there was 386 of those removing violations N9 DWIs six criminal complaints six local ordinance violations five res zoning um new business there was three court sessions they did a total of 210 defendants 118 P are disposed of joint Court total assess fines were $4,999 126 the burrow portion for this month for that month was 21,6 3968 I know they were having a problem with the payment system and I think uh they were working on that hopefully they got it straightened up the other day I saw her send an email out and hopefully it's back going I haven't heard so apparently it's going that's all I have man okay well Bobby I skipped over you by mistake so that's why I was a little surprised Pi your by that's all right keeping on your toes um for sport last meeting was canceled because there no applications there is one tomorrow we have one application for uh duplex on I think that's on there um environmental commission um they have a couple things going on last night they had a meeting I wasn't able to attend they they're trying to form a green team I don't know how many members I have talk to clar today about it but uh that's a big thing they also installing the rain get Forest behind the library that's R money from Ruck that's moving along so that's a good thing umse I um okay as far as DPW um there was a little issue with the juneth when garbage was going to be picked up there was a lot on social media it wasn't on the website I know I talked to Lenny today and her him and Linda or they got it back on schedule so that will be taken care of in the future that holiday so we know that's thing also some of the DPW stuff the evence finally was installed at the girls s and boys baseball field par which is a good thing the DPW helped remove the old fence where the contractor save us some money also they did the Project Graduation concrete for all the kids sign their names again this year um they also did some concrete work here at for LA on the side prior to all the stuff that's going to go on with the parking lot they're going to resurface that this week at the entrance for construction on that side yeah that they've also been power washed and they power washed for a whole of recreation police Library building playgrounds benches and stuff in the Parks as well the far as the trees that Kevin was talking about and you know non-rain they put gar bags in all those trees so they keep up with the bags and keep those trees war and Stu so they also have a lot of issues with um roots and the sores they got a new uh jet pack and they've also got a new root cutter so they were had some training on it yesterday some more guys because I think the adults damage be on know your time in the S they did that yesterday but uh that's all I have may okay and I seem like I said Lenny's been out there uh Admiral Lenny has been out there on the lake a few times so you know he's Navy the Navy it's been out there he's it's scooping up a lot of stuff though so they pushed about 20 yards something yeah I saw it okay councilman Quinn you you covered most of what I was going to well that was a big one but I would like to add to that that we do now know that the county has received the uh current contract we have for comparison so hopefully we'll hear back from them soon okay very good thank you all right maybe uh councilman Rex I don't have anything this evening May thank you all right thanks okay uh Michael before he left left me the administrator's report I'm just going to read it as it's written earli this evening was a hearing of the middlex burrow 2024 Capital plan a sincere thank you to Chief Financial Officer Callen Benson for fine work on the plan and for coordinating all the requests from the Departments as well as addressing questions from the mayor and councel all right introduced on June 11th and set for a hearing on July 23rd is the proposed resoning of surplus Municipal property block 306 slot 17 a parcel of land on the northwesterly corner of West persing and Madison Avenues the burough intends to resour the site from Municipal to R50 one family residential in order to sell the land for residential development during the agenda Workshop this evening the proposed tree ordinance mandated by the state de will be discussed staff is looking to clarify the specific issues that the Department of Environmental Protection has within our current shade tree ordinance in advance of the current in advance of the upcoming Council discussion on this matter it has been suggested that the ordinance be revised as little as possible so we will be considering the minimal changes required for us to conform to the D an amendment to the massage ordinance will also be discussed during tonight's Workshop session Council resolutions on the agenda this evening include approvals for various property owner sewer fee appeals and wavers the approval of the members of this Summer's Recreation playground staff and the approval for advancement of middle sex Police Department officers April Mido and Christian duelan concerning the bound Road Route 28 Street skate beautification project psng psng wiring is complete for all the fixture and one of the new street lights will be replaced after being damaged by a car two weeks it made it all right executive session this evening will involved the discussion of real estate located at 1190 Mountain Avenue and litigation regarding kraton Lake and that was all he had for his report you go Linda okay moving down privilege of the floor all right at this time I like a motion to open the the public portion motion second second all in favor okay please come up state your name and address please I am clber 116 Chestnut um I'd like to thank the mayor and Council for claring the passway Victor The Rock snake uh to go on every year um Victor is currently in Victor Crow park at the moment but we are looking at another spot for him to take up residency this summer um just way the DPW can keep Parks beautiful as they always do it'll be out of their way so they can clear grass and do whatever they have to do but thank you very much for bring that to Victor okay thank you maybe putting it right on the edge of the of the ma might be an answer I mean they don't drive there so good evening mayor council Michelle 149 Our Place Jersey um um I'm one of those people who comes up to talk and forgets 90% of what I want to say by the time I get to my seat so I wrote it down not real long but I'm going to read from here so after the last meeting I received a telephone call from someone who advised me that the burrow was in the process of adding two pitchers to the wall of Mayor while I completely agree with mayor mtis should be added to the wall as soon as possible I have to express my concern about adding the ex- mayor on theor I am respectfully requesting that the council reconsider adding here while I realize this is part of Ben history I do I don't believe he deserves to be added to the wall as he is a complete embarrassment to the burrow and a convicted felon who went to jail because of the incident involved in the burrow he stole from the citizens and the children's scholarship fund he was dishonest and conducted his business right from the very office where he took a smart oath to protect it work for the people of midle I don't believe he deserves the honor and respect of all the men on that wall today many of us look at that wall and you think of something good each one of those men did to contribute to the history of midon sparrow and when you get the one and only thing people will talk about will be that he was a convi convicted felon who went to jail because he stole from the people of not to mention single-handedly destroying the Democratic party if it is a matter of having a picture on the wall still in the years I would make a suggestion that Kathy Anella be added as barl clerk as she was the one running the barel honestly while he was deceiving the people again I thank you for listening and hope you can read your thank you Elizabeth Spencer 172 Ming middle sex New Jersey um un like Michelle I talk about um but she basically said everything um most of you who know me I was born to raised a Die Hard Democrat like in to and um personally as as well as politically you know Mr um you know part parten a lot of activities throughout the years and I don't personally um however what he is supposed to represent is not what middle sex is all about um middle sex burrow is Unified we come even though we're you know we may be on different political sides you know we all come together and we do what's in the best interest of our our children um the residents and so on and so forth and I believe that um by displaying his picture on the wall portrays the children that um you know he somewh up like not a hero per se but something like as that um so with that being said I feel that um it would really be a disgrace for our town to display a mayor who wasn't even able to continue um his mayorship um he was arrested prior to finishing his term and I feel that um there should be something there displayed of someone or even an event that had occurred that was good for the town in place of that because we don't want to really give um recognition to somebody who really is is not doing not they didn't do what they were supposed to do and I just feel that if we do that it's just showing the Youth of today that it's okay you know you can be excused from doing something not only to the children but also to fellow citizens that you reside with as one of your neighbors and I just feel that it would really hold heavy on my heart if the mayor and council did approve of that I think that maybe we could you know do something else in L that just so we can keep no sex United as one and show basically good sportsmanship and to be awarded for things that you've done for the good and not you know that you have done to hurt other people all right thank you know so that's but thank you hi Christy T I also live at 149 in our place I'm just going to add one thing I just think that us putting that up there honestly it's like negative reinforcement like what does that say to like future Mayors anyone like that if they're going to see his picture up there I know that any kind of like bad behavior like that will still get him recognition they're you know what does that really say to them honestly like this might be out of line but like you don't go to Germany and see like pictures of Hitler around like no one sees that like you don't get recognition for bad things and I think that speaks a lot about us if you do that this thank you um are you going to mention that subject also Dave no okay all right all right just for you guys you know we never really firmed it up we just said what we were going to do if you guys wouldn't mind at least sending to me what your opinions are on the subject so this way maybe we can come up with some type of of thing that we could address somewhere down the road besides we G give John another chance to get like a better picture thank D po kage 240 hawood uh I wanted to ask about uh resolution 185 2024 see on the agenda regarding the waving of sewer chares everybody's favorite topic I'm sure um you know it doesn't list on the resolution who's getting the name of property on took the liberty of looking at some of the the block and lot numbers and I noticed that if I'm correct Hampton Gardens is getting $44,000 plus is this a fee waiver um and and why is this going on and I also there was a list a whole series of reductions or waivers or whatever for uh block 204 lot one which I believe is Middle sex Village and I total allall up and that comes to like $80,000 um can you tell me why they and the other property owners listed on this resolution or getting these reductions well I I'm not 100% sure on all of them day but I know a lot of them do come in and what they do is that they they are able to verify or or you know pools sprinkler systems that type of thing where you know it just bumps the number way up I mean I know I had a year where I had that I had a hoing pool in 23,000 gallons went right out the door in in in a night so you know that was that that bumped mine up for that year and I believe also on the uh like the larger apartment complexes there was it went back with their there was something that happened with their taxes I I know they changed ordinance this is mostly the tax collector and the engineer who work on this I say change the or and it has to do with the number of meters and that somehow affected the apartment complex we used to do it by unit it's not really Forte there so but yeah um something would have been reviewed by the tax Lector and the engineer because if they submit if they request an appeal it has to go to the engineer for okay but my question is and I could be wrong about this and that's why I ask questions here sometimes I am wrong and I'd like to try and get the way information but uh block 204 lot one middle seill departments somebody somewhere thought that they should be built close to $81,000 now they're getting no charge that's my interpretation of this um who thought they should have been charged $81,000 and who made the decision that they get nothing no charge and who makes up the difference because I got to believe that whatever was produced out of that apartment complex got um treated and someone paid for that to happen and I'm think guessing it's the people in the audience that paid for it so can you explain a little bit about you know it's 204 what Dave what's that it's 204 it looked like 204 204 lot one I looked that up online and that was M Department there's actually nine listings for that block so I'm guessing that's each of the buildings over there yeah I would believe that we're going to have to get back to you Dave because I I'd rather not just guess I'd rather find out what the answer is and give you and get back to you with the what it is okay well I don't know 100% I think you guys should always give you know if you're not sure kind get back but does this mean the resolution going to be Ted or is there going to be approved because if you don't know what you're voting on you shouldn't be voting on Dave we're going to approve the we're we're going to vote on this tonight because if it needs to be adjusted we'll adjust it but I I I would have to tend to believe that at this point that that the proper due diligence has been done I just don't have to know the right answer okay I mean that's Stupify to me that you guys would acknowledge you don't have information that's okay but to say we're going to just wipe these fees clean and not know why and not know who came up with this original figure and why it's wrong I mean and you're just going to because again Mr Mayor this $81,000 if it's not being paid by middle vill departments and all the other ones that are listed in this resolution somebody is paying for that and if it's not them then it's me and all the other people in it's audience so I would think you know putting it off for one month and getting to the bottom of this is not that much of a hardship for these property good with that all right we'll table it thank you two quick things john9 Ry Ro first of all Edie Fenson um I got to tell you his participation on the planning board before I got involved on the council it was tremendous tremendous boost for this town um he and my wife work together in mortgages in Dayton New Jersey and uh I know as of probably I don't know a year and a half ago he was still he wanted to be considered to be on the JLA and the timing wasn't wasn't there as far as I'm concerned so I feel bad for him so God spe number two I have to thank U Lenny the DPW not only the garbage detail but everybody who worked in that grueling heat and humidity I mean that was just awful um so they U they deserve from to hear from all the residents that they did such a good job that's all I have to say thanks all right anyone else okay all right uh motion to close the public portion motion second second all in favor all right uh Linda let's go new business consent agenda resolution 184 2024 acceptance of standard reports resolution 185 2024 authorizing W to jused se charges for various properties resolution 186 2024 approval of the 2024 sewer billing wave appeals for various properties resolution 187 2024 authorizing the tax collector to issue tax pedal lean redemptions for Block 362.00 one lot one resolution 188 2024 approval of summer summer playground staff for 2024 resolution 189 2024 authorizing reimbursement of medicare premiums to certain eligible pensioners under chapter 3 public Lo 1973 New Jersey health benefits plan resolution 190 2024 approval to police officer April Mido to police officer class age at an annual salary of $ 69,1 c0 effective July 13 2024 resolution 191 2024 approval to advance police officer CHR Christian Duan to police officer class eight to the annual salar $ 69,3 effective July 13 2024 resolution 192 2024 acknowledging the changes status for certain properties under the senior citizens disabled persons veterans tax deductions of lot 302 Lot 29 okay at this point I'd like a motion to table resolution 185 uh six oh Sor V and 86 okay 185 and 186 185 and 186 motion second any discussion roll call counc President Conan yes Council corn counc Dino yes Council doie yes Council Quinn yes councilman Rex yes all right very good okay um I have a motion to approve all the remaining does anyone want to pull any of the other ones or we good okay second all right any discussion roll call please president caran yes counil cors yes counil Deo yes counil doie yes coun Quinn counil Rex yes okay all right very good all right nonc consent agenda okay we have resolution 193 2024 pay claims motion motion second all right any discussion on these okay what was that a 12,000 Mark for the playground I was just wondering like what piece of the playground that was for in the CL usually I talk to that didn't happen let's see where you're at [Music] [Applause] here this is the same as the red folder so my brain's not twist up right yeah [Applause] what page you on there Jeremiah I looked at it on the fer you did already yeah I didn't sign it right so you good with it 12,000 for Remington verdict Mountain View Park playround which 12,4 340 Caroline just left too darn she would know what that is I think isn't that the bathrooms I don't know that one off the top of my head I thought it was for the bathrooms you want to pull that one out I don't really see see it here yeah I gotta find hang on one second jeremi I'm just looking on this list to try give me one second what's under that folder like the first let me see let's just see if this lines up with this 12,340 hang on she might be this may be for it's not here right this is not the this is not the bill list that's in here that's why so we don't sign that but we're okay for this okay so approval of the bill listone everyone has to sign that then it gets to here yeah next to me that's for next meeting right thank you all right CU up on top of the date's different took a minute to to to figure that one out because I was trying to figure out what you were looking at okay all right so I don't we still don't know what this what we're currently you got you don't sign just say yes all right all right so let's stop where you at now Jeremiah I'm for now sir okay all right so motion second we have a motion is second we've got stopped on the discussion roll call ready roll roll call okay council president Conan yes councilman corn Council din yes Council doie yes counc Quinn and councilman R yes all right very good okay agenda Workshop we have uh two items tonight we have the massage ordinance Amendment which uh basically if you guys you want to read the bullets yeah sure want to okay attorney corini looked at this ordinance and amended it we had a meeting with the police department and um they made some minor amendments and it's put in a rough draft to introduce potentially if everyone agrees to it at the next meeting um if you looked at the ordinance that was submitted to the council um the additions or minor additions that were added were proof of Incorporated documentation has to be included in the in the application the owner that owns this this um this massage po basically is must be a licensed masseuse a therapist in the state of New Jersey um it clarifies a specific documentation to provide identity which includes age and residence they want they're asking for certain documentation to prove it um the new J the therapist must provide the New Jersey lure certificate and be fingerprinted each year by the police department and the police department will now be included in the initial application for this license and in the approval process for a renewal of a massage license you know the annual renewal of this license and the police department will also conduct inspections of each establishment not less than twice a year so this is what's been changed or minor changes just to incorporate a little bit more um that of items that the police department wanted in the ordinance right and if I read the whole I read through the ordinance and basically it's exactly what you're just tightening up on who it is and making sure they have the price proper lure and it's and it's basically replicated in several spots along here just to make sure there's there's no loopholes you know that's basically what it comes down to with this um do we have a consensus to move forward on this for the next meeting yes cons you guys Jeremiah yes yeah okay that will be on the July 23rd meeting for introduction all right okay now the second one is the world famous tree ordinance all right Chris do you want to speak on that ju Just um we uh obviously took the feedback of the council um and uh made the Amendments as minimal as possible it did is awfully close to the original ordinance um that was submitted to because that ordinance contained the U minimum amendments the only um the only amendment that um is not a direct requirement of the DP is the um the measurement for trees which you find later in the ordinance second I'll tell you exactly the measurement that we think is uh the 4 to 8 in in section 4 um while that is not strictly requ required by the D we we the best we can guess on why it was in there some of the recommended language is that it makes the uh tree easier to measure and the new it's a more standardized measurement for the dbh the diameter breast height as opposed to the prior measurement it's not required it just happened to be in recommended language that the BEP sent out um the rest of the language is required so the 4 Ines is required it is not we is not required this was that was put in the ordinance because the DP had circulated a model ordinance and that language was in the model um I discussed this with with Linda we left it in you guys can go to four if you want I don't we tried to figure out why they did it because because it's in there so they must have had a reason the best reason that we could come up with was uh when you switch from the DB the ini the initial um measurement which is your DPM to dbh that the uh corresponding measurement to to the measure becomes more relevant that makes sense so we don't have a strong opinion um on keeping it but we did you know we talked about it I chat we left it so you guys can take that if you want well it's it's a measurement of where you're measuring the the tree from you know but the the 8 in the down the four so it we could we can make that we could keep that eight if we want correct so um I don't know if that that changes with the um so the dbh is diameter of breast height that's that's the new metric that's being used in in terms of of where to measure from um again I am not an arborist uh you have a very good arborist that you could talk to um these uh the diameter at point of measurement uh if you look in the in section one was the old um U measurement kind of metric um you'll see the difference of them I do not proport to be someone who knows about about Arbor you know the arborist profession um we could go down to four I don't know if that creates a problem later um it's not required by DP which leads me to believe that maybe it won't um it's outside my expertise uh specifically so so if we want we could leave it as the lower limit at 8 in rather than four yep yep yes you know I I very specifically asked our our staff that question they I mean to me i' I'd rather keep it as at eight at eight but you only caveat that would be is I can't tell you from an arborous perspective what impact that would have well it just means it's a lot bigger trade so I would yeah I don't presumably I mean intuitively yes mayor uh I would say if you wanted to introduce it you can talk your arest if anyone is concerned about it right you just talk to your AR you can go you can keep it the way it is and then if he has he has a concern um you could have well the thing is if you have like some of these properties I mean you can have a tree get up to 4 in in diameter in less than a year and next thing you know that pops up as it just shows up in your yard if you're if you have a and you go to take the thing out and now all of a sudden we have to you're looking to replace it with four trees and all the rest of it I mean eight 8 in you know is just you know that's 8 Ines right there it's just it's fairly it's an established tree the measurement is up to you guys um I whatever you want to do Linda will do right Linda we talk I mean I'm for that's just just my thing but what I also don't see in here is that and and I was looking for it is that it doesn't specifically say that non-sh shade tree designated trees if it's dead are not subject for replacement I thought that was a part of what was there if it was a dead tree you did not have to replace it so you guys asked for the minimal that the DP required right that would be more than the DP required we could add that because it helps the resident if you want there well we want to help the resident oh I agree I agree but that wasn't the instruction we had no no no that's okay I get that I saw it and I looked at it and I was like well where did this go because I mean you know some guy say you have a a thing where what was it and I don't remember what was it the the the boar Beetle or something came through the Ash boore and took out a whole bunch of trees well if you're some guy who has a whole bunch of these trees on your property and next thing you know five or six of them get taken out through no fault of your own all of a sudden someone says you have to put 50 trees at $500 a pop on your yarde things was mentioned in there if it was it was disease tree but it doesn't say it here and it didn't say anything about dead trees so it it's not in the um the amendment as presented I can do a quick check to see if it's ordinance in a section that was amended happy to do that yeah I was kind of reading I I saw disease I I didn't think I saw that but that was specifically for shade trees it didn't say all trees and it also didn't mention if it was dead and that was something that we all talked about it was a dead tree you don't have to replace it there's no there's no fee no no permit no nothing it just environmental commission is is hot on yeah they they don't want the minimum they want the maximum you guys it's up to us obviously well it is up to us and we're trying to we're trying to come up with something that's practical because you know at the same time I mean who's going to you know no one wants to pay fees no wants to do anything who's going to go run around looking to see some guy who took down a 4 inch tree in the middle of his backyard then you know was going to be running through all these backyard said that nothing for the homeowner was on their property shade it was only shade trees now we're going for every tree I know and this is point you got to do something to still try to protect the homeowners correct yeah so we don't need to go crazy either there been a discussion in you know the sh Tre commission me it's a tough one state wants to include everybody right irregardless there's no choice even if it's not something you guys want to do you know you know we're our our thing is if it's a if it's a dead tree and I mean if it was in my backyard I wouldn't want to have someone come chasing me for a tree that's this big if it's this big that's something else I thought the language originally had if it was dead the inspecting Authority can come in and say yes it's dead and and there's no Fe right but it doesn't say that now it sort of was there and now it's gone I mean in the original I was looking for I didn't see it this way back when when we first started talking about if there was if it was a dead tree it would just you could take it down but the it's not up the home owner say oh it's dead look some guy had to come in and say dead whether it's the code enforcer my question may was it says enforcement official I get that is that enforcing are we going to determine that tonight do we have to designate an enforcement well it said do you have to like say the enforcement like a definition say I think it could be administrative yeah I do okay I mean you could put it in words but you could also do administrative either is fine I think whoever it is to Chris's point I think they have to have the training I think if it's Tyler he has to go get he has to go to a class If he if he has no background in trees you're a class because I don't know if he has a background in trees somebody has to have a background some minimal training how do they determine if a tree is alive you know I just think we need internally to know that now what about it asks for you're supposed to have a permit for any tree that you're going to yank down now does that it but we're questioning you know do we want to have a a permit fee I think a lot of people don't want to have we told not to we change yeah and if like if you look in the original Tre section 395 this is what the original one it says fees no fees shall be prior for issu of a shade tree permit so that's what's in there Shadee this is not a shade tree permit it's it's no we model the check after I get it but it said shade tree and a tree now are two different things we were we were talking about I know in the shade tree commission was no fee for the permit right okay and then the money going in potentially to the replenishment fund right instead of planting a tree on your property you're putting up a debt right okay but you can pay in like they do shade trees take it down illegally pay into the fund to have the tree replac right no I get that I understand but do we have to specify shade tree or we just say there's no permit for removing a tree I guess they're all considered shade tree is now rather whether they're on private property or public because of the way the law the state wants to law R so I think that that's a great Point C do um I think that in the absence of a of the mentioning of a fee for a non- shade tree assuming that there are non shap trees I think that you don't need to have that I think that its absence as it's zero it's zero that's fine yeah that's my view and the state basically said even if it's on private property it's a Shad yeah okay so that that's a valid point that Kev brings up and also even if the shape they hadn't given that's what it sounds like to me even if they giv that gu I think it's imp what doing and he agree so that's good that's trade trees there's no permit fees and with our non- trade trees there'll be no permit fees yeah you were saying no so there's no permit fees no permit fees TR either replace then you can replace the tree if you would like that's on your own or you pay into the fund so that the tree could be put somewhere that you know we have plenty of space that we want to put trees on yep right and I also that was the other thing I forgot to mention in there I told them to keep an eye on what it costs because right now we're doing $400 for a tree you know I'm not a commission as we go forward because trees start going up and costing more we have to raise the fee to put the tree back in you know someplace else so they're going to keep an eye on when they go out you know for their um tree you know tree inventory if the prices go up like everything in this world does out of nowhere you know next year if they go out and trees double we we got to look at what we're getting for the P I think I think in here you actually almost have to specify well we do the annual replacement fee we well we we may have to revisit it just to change the number it trees are going up but do you include that in this it's not required that was our that that's okay I'm just saying but we don't think that I mean certainly there that language could be expanded upon if the council desires so all right so at this point what we're talking about just so I know the four becomes eight right we're going back to eight we're not reducing it to four all right and there we increase that huh Can we increase that Beyond um I don't I mean I think I if you want to make it 12 I'm happy with that too that's probably a baseline um but then you have to pay the cost of a 12 tree to replenish how much is that yeah but anything anything less than that you don't anything less than that just disappears forever yeah so anything bigger than a 12 in there's no fee to the homeowner at all so the government no no no anything anything 12 in and bigger would go by the replacement tree schedule that they have yeah we'd have to check that what I'm asking what is that cost for 12 in bigger is that more you you won't put a 12 it's four trees you got it's right in there yeah um we'd have to go back and check Quinn um if uh if there are any any applicabil um permissibility pardon me for uh tenes what um we looking to eliminate the whole cortile so that's there yeah this was not amend this it says that dis trees ter enforc shall not f as trees to be replaced okay we never touch thatou so that's still in there we never touch so that's good so we're down to the 8 in as I was saying um we could let check to see if if we could push it Beyond eight8 is in your ordinance now um I mean how low how low do you want to go high do you want to go all right guys I don't know if we could go much higher I mean can you remove that whole core tie um I don't know we'd have to look at that I don't really have any guance for all right so at this point let's just just let's let's just go through his real quick just so let make sure the first quartile the the first thing that's here we want to go as large as possible right that that that that they would mandate us to do you know so we want to go as big as far as everything else the the language regarding the dead tree is in there it's in a different section um right it wasn't here we said we talked about you you said the language was good with the no need for the permit so basically as this right now with the exception of that first measurement this thing is is good to go only because we have no choice yeah I agree that was our mandate right which is which is fine we've done that but it so for right now we're g it's a minimum of eight we're going to see where we can go however we want to get this on for July right we're almost mandated to do that so at this point we don't have to come back to this with the exception of you're going to find out for us what the the first quartile has to be and that's where we're going to go and it'll be done via email with a consensus back to you and then whatever that is we can still get this going for I could do that I could also just put in whatever it is okay that's fine I mean if you want I mean that way we could just get it to Linda and well get you let us know what it is let we'd rather know before you go crazy just know what the number is okay Linda are you square yeah well no I just saw another question Chris is that this was eliminated also was that this is where we made the changes but this this here is it seems that line not the one I wrote the one above it is that it's that Amendment yeah that would just be not be changed if you prefer for clarity would you give that anguage but it doesn't struck through which isn't it's it's lack of being included doesn't change okay the code the code book people would just but I can put it I mean for clarity purpose if you would like to include that because yeah because you said to amend it pardon I okay I'll just add it I can add it in there I'll add that line back if it's okay it's just it's just elimin yeah I mean either is fine Linda I mean put it back okay okay got all right got it so Linda you're Square yeah everybody else good good good good good you're going to get the number for me yeah we'll have that he going get all right so at this point uh we're going to move to the privilege of the floor on the agenda Workshop items could I have a motion motion second second all in favor I all right anyone having a a a point of privilege on the the workshop items please step up um regarding the uh tree wance um couple things um it sounds like this is going to be more of an expansive ordinance that's going to include more trees than the original um ordinance and the thing we have to keep in mind is you know if if the tree is going to be considered dead on someone's property and now you have to send inspectors out or fough official so it's going to be more cost to the burrow so something to keep in mind more importantly I think there should be a clause somewhere in in the U revised uh amended ordinance for an incident imminent incident of a force mure I don't think it's in there right we should have something in there but like the tree gets knocked down well a big storm AR flood you know then then what are you going to do you're going have when the Sandy hit we lost 450 trees can you imagine sending a burrow official out to determine if tree needs to be trimmed or cost the fortune would break the the bank so I think there should be a clause in there for a force meure situation occurring that's just my opinion it's not a bad thought John because you know you have to come up with something in in these Oddball uh type situation to me protecting the uh the burrow in case that happens in fact when I when I relook at 395 like a state of emergency you could you could a state of emergency can't alleviate that ordinance huh no if iter you can not alleviate that ordinance so we have to put in a force majure line you don't have to you can you want one we'd have to check to make sure that the uh the RS don't don't specifically disclaim but we could look at it yeah but we'd have to like all right you have a storm now all of a sudden you have trees blown all over the place right now I got one sitting on the garage that's not really connected to another tree and it's just it's a hazard sure so you know the first thing I did and was what happened to me is I called up the insurance company and the guy said if you can get it out of there without you know hurting anybody because it was eminent it was it was it kind of broke from the top it was hanging in the tree it wasn't on the ground it wasn't up there it was definitely a problem had to be taken down you needed to you can't really wait for an inspector you're just going to get rid of it so yeah I Look to make sure that language is permissible is lad Perfect all right and then in closing on this um so I have my son passed I came to Burl Hall and I I put the I redid chapter 395 I took samplings of of the tree towns like Summerville Greenbrook and I took the best of them and I took the um the things I could uh be uh participatory as far as money to come into the burrow but um I just think that there's a lot of things that we need to consider because if we do have a major situation we're planning thousand trees and half of them don't take and they're on bural property or they're on even residential property was it going to cost the burrow to have an inspector orer officially come out that's my only Point thanks thanks Sean anybody else all right uh motion to close motion second all in favor all right guys we are going to have an executive session tonight uh it's to cover the 1190 Mountain Avenue also Lake kraton uh Linda is going to read that in a second just for you guys who are gonna leave the next meeting is July 23rd for the pillars please make sure you show up Linda no action will be taken tonight okay we have resolution 194 2024 executive session have a motion moot second all right roll call coun pres Conan yes counc K counc Casino yes C yes Council Quinn and Council Rex yes yes yes