and attorney corini here okay we have several presentations tonight I'm going to start off by just giving a little background here what we did is that we were we started this pillars of middle sex because for a few years nothing's been happening which means that there's a lot of people coming going they doing awful lot for the town and one of the things that always struck me was like you have a lot of people that do a lot of things for the town for many years I'm not fing two or three I'm fing 40 30 40 and guess what they Rel leave not so much as a thank you not so much as a goodbye you're just gone well you know what and it's it was unfortunate that it came down to that and I and I get it that you know this is the way that things were with Co and all the rest of that but you know one of the things that we talked about was it was time to bring it back and we were trying to think about what's the best way to do this because I know they used to do the medals and stuff like that and there are some guys who tell me they had to 12 one you know like okay but you know what we really thought about was putting up the pillars of middle sex and what that means to me is these are people that are basically part of the foundation of what made makes middle sex the great town that it is and uh when when we came here after this and it's our intent to do this every second meeting of the month from now till we run out of people but 15,000 that but um you know we really the good part is we really didn't have to go too far to think about who are the first two recipients of the pillars of middle sex award and uh it's my distinct honor tonight to have the fermans come up here and receive the first pillars of middle sex award and I would also like to invite council president Michael conahan to come down because he's the one that gets to read the proclamation and hand you the prize we got people ready take some pictures so there here yeah you have to put your hand on the Bible been this okay John fman former mayor and my friend uh pillars of middle sex governing body of the burough of middle sex right recognizes that orderve and they must rely on if anybody calls now I can't I can't get to them to tell them and where is in the May have made exceptional conts to the of and whereas John fman has been a resent of middle sex burough for over 60 years and has dedicated his life to the betterment of middle sex burough by serving in numerous capacities and whereas John Ferman served on the bur Council for nine years serving as council president twice and was appointed mayor in 2009 for which he rose to the occasion by providing the stability to the municipality needed after the unforeseen resignation of your predecessor and whereas John Ferman has been an active member and shair of various committees throughout his longstanding residency within the burrow which include included chairing the committee that secured a $7 million grant for the Burrow's 86 unit senior housing complex watch UNS in addition to helping the burrow receive $300,000 annually to subsidize rents for extremely low income Rises whereas in addition of volunteering over 12 years on the zoning Board of adjustment several of which is Chairman along with his participation as a member of the planning board for three years John was an active member of the parks and field development committee the local JC's for which he was president from 1968 to 69 he was a very prominent member of the Democratic Party by serving on various campaign committees and as the fourth district committee men throughout the years whereas John Ferman has aided local organizations such as our American Legion John Lupo Memorial post 306 with their annual Memorial Day Parade as well as helping to generate funds for the olmv COO with the development of the weekly Sunday newspaper stand and whereas John Ferman has displayed exemplary service and dedication to the municipality by integrating himself within the burrow as an integral part of the community and now therefore Jack mic mayor of the burough of middlex state of New Jersey along with the burough Council and on behalf of the residents of middlex wish to thank John Perman for all his dedication sacrifice and labor to our community okay uh one more John's better hat and the reason that we have a department for senior services and uh stable Services Sheila Ferman uh whereas the governing body of the burough middle sex recognizes that in order for a community to thrive and succeed they must rely on the service and support of his residents and we as the wisdom history commitment and passion as so many of our residents uh exhibit and extended their neighbors in the burrow make them the pillars of our community and where whereas it is in the spirit that mayor mic would like to honor and recognize individuals throughout the community who have whom have made exceptional contributions to the burough whereas Sheila Ferman has exemplified her passion and Devotion to the burrow by serving in numerous capacities over the years such as nine years on the zoning Board of adjustment 7even years on the planning board and six years on the board of health throughout her residency and we're as Sheila began volunteering for the senior Department in 1992 and eventually became a burough employee and helped establish the current Office of Aging and Senior Services whereas not only does Sheila support Municipal entities but local associations such as uh the feeding hands food pantry the blue jay booster club in which he was a founding member in 1976 Board of Education member including six years as vice president she served terms as voters service chair uh president and vice president to the League of Women Voters and she also edited this is Middle sex of know your town Bo whereas sheld Ferman has been an essential member of the friends of the middle sex Library chaired the cultural committee within the CYO adult Advisory Board was a committee woman for the Democratic County organization and educated the minds of our youth by teaching CCD at a high school level she firm and supported the neighborhood girl Scouts by undertaking leadership roles for the cadet the brownies the junior troops in addition to becoming the referral and recruitment chairperson within the organization and whereas Sheila Ferman through the years has exhibited praiseworthy service and commitment to the burrow by incorporating herself as a vibrant part of the community and now therefore Jack mic mayor of the burough middle sex state of New Jersey along with the burough Council and on behalf of the residents of middle sex wish the thank Sheila Thurman for all of her dedication sacrifice and labor oration thank you thank you all very much volunteering is really important because the volunteers of our community are the people that make the community go these homes here are all volunteers and there are more the directors and they come up with ideas and they pass them on to the staff and the staff makes sure that when these ideas are put in place that they're within the parameters of the state protocols these same volunteers this board of directors appoints commissions and appoints committees it's very important for body politic members of the uh uh have to find out and look into serving on these committees and consider what their talents and how how they can th be used on the various committees and commissions commissions by the way uh can pass ordinances so they're super super important and I look forward to the results of our revised environmental commission I think that's wonderful really is I I'd like to uh acknowledge the presence of some folks here uh members of my family son Matthew daughter-in-law roelle my daughter may my son-in-law Dennis Gregory oh great I didn't you know uh it's in the the DNA the the public service uh my grandfather was 30 years the assistant controller in the city of Elizabeth and my father was a municipal engineer in many Union County uh communities and I remember I remember I started working at Carter at savings and there was a very Stern lady we at the servicing Department in the mortgage area if you everyone stly get the G runs the St the mortgage compan so it Happ it turns out that we were having a conversation and she said uh who from Rosel Park Rosel Park had flooding problems like little and I said oh my dad the engineer in in roselt park and she says I know so you can't everybody anyway I I have for years that public service is a high goal and uh Noble Pursuit and one of the reasons probably the main reason is because those who us who get involved with that are given the responsibility of honoring and keeping public trust and that so it's not thank you very much turn off the the microphone oh I prob that we have made close friends with over a period of 60s like be 60 years here in September yeah and um moved here and weend I'll tell you just the personal he knows he knows all the official things we moved here we planned on living here until 55 years and we were at the point then of expecting our daughter made and we thought well we didn't have two boys and two girls and we have two empty bedrooms so that'll be fine and it worked out that way and and they grew and they grew and they grew and the first one went to kindergarten the day after we came here and I discovered that children are friendman if your kids know some kids you search soon but know some parents and that is a wonderful way of making friend and then the friends invite you to go to the p they invite you to go to other occasions and you make more of it because if we moved in here we didn't know so our father engineer John he met the DPW get that engineer Little engineer he wanted to get down to the garage and find out how well the streets were and the I wanted to know if CL John so that was our beginning we have found a great joy in volun there may be nothing better in the world and there is nothing that a town doesn't need that someone can do I look around here and I'm speaking to the choir all of you have contributed so much to this community that anyone of you could be standing up to I'm I'm looking at an audience of pillars of our and I thank you for that I had so much fun you know they never say well we think about Hing you you say all to they're so happy they accept you and it's really hard to get doesn't matter what um thank the mayor and Mike for their kind words I thank all of the council people um for commenting us and I would like all of you just I really say anything but I would like all of you to see that we are V we're not piing people that you know are our party or not not but we are known to be Democrats looking have a very dear friend who was a republican candidate from office this year um and that's a nice thing about living in a small town we know just about everybody we help each other and the one thing I want to say about growing up here I didn't grow up here but all of our children best Trends pretty much come from their 8ighth grade class at BO school which has been Central School EX for so uh I'm going to close on that personal note that we this all been a joy and I hope I I I I applaud May Council for starting withy you don't have to be knowledgeable about a lot of stuff you can learn if you see something that you have something you really love and you don't see it here start it it doesn't take much find another person who like it the library can ra yourself the school system can always PR that okay I get it the life schools can always um make used to parents in a lot of ways that's starting a raing reading two children reading with children um Boy Scouts any of the sports activities here he didn't can tell you that getting uh rest and stuff is a really important job so there's no lowly job in volunteering it's never too early to be a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout and hethy community and it's never too late you can share your talent with students and help them with their PR so I C on that I hope I don't want of you volunteer and I hope that you will encourage other people all right guys um we're going to continue with the meeting there is another presentation but for right now we're going to take uh as I said before we do have three presentations uh this one is uh we have Mark CR from the swimming pool commission stopping by Mark the floor is yours thank you good evening everyone um for those you don't know me I'm Mark CRS I'm second par plac in town uh I've been the uh chairperson of the middle set School commission for quite years now and um I guess this is all predated on updated the commission got together updated some things in ordinance because it was like 100 years old so we figured it was time to make some changes so um which we presented to you guys um and most of the changes are minor are just ages uh membership descriptions we put in our most current fees in there because the season the ordinance were old um some date changes and a few small vocabulary Corrections outside of that no major changes um we also went through the roles of the pool which are not part of the ordinance and need some big changes in the worldes because we're having some issues with uh guests and parties you birthday parties and stuff like that so we need to change some of our rules that the pool for those things to to update them and correct some things that were happening um just some you know know in April when our manager goes into open the pool we always hold our breath because we never know what's going to break over the winter and we just pray that it's nothing major fortunately this year it wasn't we had some boiler problems but outside of that everything seems to be working great the covers are off the pools um most of the pools are filled up um and now just running on the filters to bring up bring them up to where they need to be for opening on Memorial Day weekend um we will be having an open house um on May 18th which we instituted a couple years ago we have quite a few people that come by to walk around the property and ask questions and things like that hopefully fill out some membership forms um so that'll be May 18th um we're well into our membership drive for residents residents memberships start on March 1st um and they get a residents get a small discount until April 15th which just passed and then uh out of town or non-resident membership start on May 1st and last year we instituted there was never a discount for our out of town members and last year we instituted a small discount from May 1st to May 15th for our non-residents just like our residents get the residents get a month and a half um nonresidents get roughly two weeks um we're our membership's down a little bit as far as revenue from last year but uh with respect to 2022 and 2021 we're right on target those two years so I'm not overly concerned um we should have a big rush on May 1st when nonresident that first week or so we have a lot of members come in um quite a few years ago we instituted uh memberships are are able to be purchased online through credit cards um it used to be just checks which was really not just as times are changing now where people are using credit cards and now the majority of memberships are bought through online using the credit card um we still have quite a few checks that come in but most of our memberships now are through uh through credit cards um this year we're going to Institute a point of sale at the snack bar which we've only ever taken um cash this year we're going to expand our credit card usage so people can use credit cards at the snack um so we're excited about that we think that will uh bring in more business our snack barard does good but I think that'll bring it even more business where people will be able to use credit cards instead of carry cash because that's just the way Society is going right now um outside of that it's pretty much status quo we're looking forward to uh May a Memorial Day weekend we're open for weekends until school lets out the end of June and then that weekend when school lets out we're open every day from noon until 8:00 p.m. until laor day so great that's pretty much it our staffe much hired uh Jim our manager hires uh uh staff for the front desk for the smack bar and lifeguards which are always in short supply unfortunately this year we got plenty of lifeguards and our staff seems to be totally full at this point excellent you guys have any questions no everyone's good thank you Mark great thank you thank you Mark all right okay uh moving on we have a couple of appointments here okay we have the appointment of Todd nicolay to the Joint Lan Bo as a class FL member we need a motion motion motion motion second all in favor okay very good second one we have the appointment of Spencer Durkin as alternate one and Rich joh Kelly as alternate two to the Joint boort motion second all right all in favor okay very good we have uh two proclamations this month all right we have uh oops you going to read it sure all right yes what the want me to read it there sure sexual harassment Sexual Assault Awareness Month whereas Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the observance of denim day draw attention to the fact that sexual violence including sexual assault sexual harassment and sexual abuse is widespread and whereas sexual violence has mental and physical health implications for survivors as well as public health consequences for uh the middle sex bur community and whereas statistics indicate that every 68 seconds someone is sexually assaulted in the USA and every 9 Minutes the victim is a child and whereas violence and abuse decrease in supportive and connected communities that promote respect health safety and wellbeing for everyone and whereas by building connected communities we ensure the spaces in which we live where in work and play are inclusive and Equitable so that sexual violence can be stopped and whereas antiviolence and preventative programs of middle sex County including the center for empowerment and sexual violence prevention Coalition promote challenging norms and practices linked to a culture of violence increasing all forms of equity and prioritizing the health and wellbeing of survivors and the rest of the community and whereas the New Jersey sex crimes Officers Association and the middle sex County sex crimes liaison officers in connection with the middle sex County prosecutor's office and middle sex bur Police Department are dedicated to ensuring the effective investigation and prosecution of sex crimes through inter agency collaboration and training and whereas with commitment we can reduce sexual violence and middle sex burrow by raising awareness cultivating healthy individuals relationships spaces and communities challenging all forms of Oppression increasing all forms of equity supporting survivors and holding perpetrators of violence accountable and whereas throughout the month of April middle sex burrow supports the efforts of NA national state and local Partners as well as encourages every citizen to understand the realities and root causes of sexual violence support survivors in culturally specific ways and Joint join I'm sorry prevention efforts now therefore I jack michic mayor of the FOH of middle sex along with the members of the governing body do hereby Proclaim April 2024 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and promote the observation of denim day on Wednesday April 24th 2024 joining Advocates and support service programs in urging all community members to help end sexual violence so move thank you okay we also have a second Proclamation for Arbor Day Kevin yeah Proclamation Arbor Day 20124 whereas in 1949 the legislature set aside the last Friday of April as Arbor Day to promote the planting of trees and to encourage the protection of our forest from fires and pests that destroy the beauty and usefulness of our woodlands and whereas Tamp of New Jersey's total land area is forested or tree covered and whereas trees play an important role in the ecosystem in which we live and trees reduce the erosion of our precious top soil caused by wind and water clean the air we breathe and the water we drink produce oxygen provide habitat for birds and wildlife and reduce Heating and Cooling costs by moderating temperatur and whereas trees are renewable are renewable resource giving us paper for fine literature wood for homes fuel for fers and countless other wood products and whereas trees provide increased property value enhanced economic viability and pleasing aesthetic qualities along streets and properties and municipalities and whereas trees planted in yards and farms in schoolyards and parks and along Street and highways creates an enduring Heritage for Generations that follow and now therefore I jack mck mayor Bur middle sex to hereby Proclaim April 26 2024 as Arbor Day in the community of middle sex and urge all citizens support efforts to protect our trees and Woodlands to the support of our Burrows Urban Forest forestry program and further I urge all citizens to plant trees to Gladden hearts and promote the well-being of present and future Generations thank you okay there are no ordinance for introduction there are no ordinance for public hearing and final adoption we are up to the adoption of the minutes we have the approval for April 9th 2024 regular and executive meeting minut motion second all in favor okay the mayor's report all right well we started with the pillars of of middle sex I have to say it was an excellent choice I think for the first ones I when I sit out here and I look around I see a whole like Sheila said a whole bunch of other pillars that are sitting out there um couldn't be more prouder I mean I think it was I think it was awesome I'm glad we're back on uh on track for that I have uh a couple things that I do want to talk about tonight the first one is I got a letter from the Department of Community Affairs state of New Jersey on the resilient communities program application thank you for your interest in the resilient communities program after conducting a thorough evaluation we regret to inform you that your proposed project could not be selected due to program funding availability I mean it's a that that's a little kicking the teeth guys for all the stuff that that everyone's been talking about however a second round of the resilient communities program is anticipated for later in 2024 this presents another opportunity to apply and make a valuable contribution to building resilient communities obviously we're going to we're going to pitch it again it's a shame I feel bad that it didn't happen uh we tried our best we tried getting uh you know some officials a little higher in the food chain than us um we just have to keep plugging away at it however on the weather related side it seems that the weather's getting better and I'm looking right at Mr uh Vidal right there it would seem to me that within if we keep up with the decent weather within the next couple of weeks absolutely well that's that's a plus because that's a long that's way better than the August that we were originally bantering about so I'll be glad to see that happening thank you all right one other thing I have here is that we actually got back the year-ended report of audit for our financial statements okay and usually we just gloss through this real quick but I think it's important to just get down there right to the right to the end schedule of findings and question call for the year ended December 31st 2023 all right type of order report issued unmodified that means what you see is what you get no no games the the the numbers are just there in uh internal control over financial reporting material weaknesses identified no none significant deficiencies that are not considered to be material weaknesses no none non-compliance material to the financial statements to be noted during it no none State programs internal control over major State programs material weaknesses identified during the audit no none significant deficiencies identified that are not considered to be material weaknesses weaknesses no none type of auditor report issued on compliance for major State programs unmodified any audit findings disclosed that are required to be reported in accordance with the New Jersey om circular none no all right let's go around internal this is now this is where they start talking about findings internal control findings none reported compliance findings none reported findings and question cost relative to Major State programs State programs none reported all right oops you know what one last little piece I have to say the recommend s all right that there be a signed contract approving a third- party provider that's ADP ideal with ADP at work good luck trying to get some them to sign something once you're already signed up and trying to get a renewal out of them all right that all deposits be made within 48 Hours as required by the state statute that we have to we're going to improve on that a little bit it does come down to a Manpower issue and the timing of the checks coming in I mean all I want to say about this and this is on page 61 of a public document this is we're in really good shape and and Caroline you deserve a lot of kudos for that because this is just as clean as clean gets because they you know they got to talk about something and if this is what they're talking about for recommendations you go home and sleep good tonight nothing to worry about all right um let me just see what else did I have that actually that was it uh moving on Michael thank you mayor um couple things I wanted to again congradulate I know they left John and Sheila Ferman as our first pillars thank you for Michael for sourcing that um that Crystal out uh designing the crystal thank you Michael and Linda for coordinating the presentation thank you Linda for the flowers the table looks great I I'd weave that cover on the table um thank you Mark for uh coming in tonight thank you for representing the swim pool commission and your presentation um my biggest thank you yet along with my deepest appreciation while doing this goes to Barbara Benson as well as Lee bandle uh for delivering a fantastic volunteer Fair it was our first one on Saturday for the last three months Barbara has led the overall coordination she did she organized it uh she it was ultimately a Flawless ex execution of our first ever volunteer fair at a total a total of 20 organizations 19 participated uh and they exhibited at the fair these organizations uh included but aren't limited to the American Red Cross our American Legion Post 306 middlex County came uh burrow departments participated as well uh including the police department the fire department rescue squad OEM Library Recreation was there and DPW all of our burough boards committees and commissions and we have quite a few all participated as well uh the rescue squad and some some good numbers here from Barbara secured 11 new applications which is unbelievable for the rescue squad so we needed um OEM secured five new applications and the fire department secured four new applications uh over 50 existing volunteers exhibited at their respective tables uh PRI pridefully engaging with prospective new volunteers handing out informational materials and even connecting with the other organizations that were there when down when the when downtime allowed roughly 100 plus residents attended including 56 which actually signed in with an email address we had we had many more but just some didn't opt in for the email some additional thank yous uh they go out to uh Jay am me Jay is the owner of the middlex Dunkin Donuts next to marber middle school he donated lots of bagels and donuts for the breakfast uh John Ellery owner of Eller's neighborhood Pub who donated lots of pizzas for lunch so we had breakfast and lunch all donated um many from the governing body also volunteered and helped throughout the entire event a special thank you to Chrissy George who I saw she's here somewhere our library director thank you Chrissy um she really Chrissy Works seamlessly with Barbera I know you always do anly uh but really helped in planning the event he was in the community room at the library um and everything look great really good um one last thank you again to Barbara and Lee they couldn't be here they're at the carnival tonight volunteering for OEM um but they really made this truly made this event possible uh thanks to Lenny and his DPW team Victor Crow Park Annex looks fantastic really really looks good if you haven't seen it yet please drive by um our new environmental commission is off to a great start and I know Greg and Claire are here thank you um I attended along with councilman Ceno um they had a their first event the tree giveaway it was on Saturday the 13th uh the mayor was there as well which was well organized and very well attended by our residents for a first event the tree seedlings were free um and uh we had I think Claire had like two sheets of of of residents that signed in a lot of the seedlings uh went and it was a very cold day on the 13th so congratulations to the commission and thank you Bobby who's also on the commission uh please support our fire department and their Carnival I'm sure Kevin's going to touch on this all of this week which uh it ends Saturday night it looks like a great week first one in years for for the fire department uh I attended last night it was uh busy everything looked great I told Lenny uh the food was really good probably better than last year I don't know it just seems like it was better and uh the weather was really good really good so I am uh to the mayor's Point very disappointed that we we lost out on that grant money and uh for and for those that don't know it's for the Heather bank restabilization and uh we put a lot of time and effort into it so it was a big big disappointment and I I I didn't know this it's in the letter but apparently projects catering to low to moderate income individuals were prioritized and and I guess that was a parameter and I'm assuming that's why uh at we we appli for five million bucks we got zero so but we're gonna we're going to apply it again to the mayor's point and um for recreation along with our American Legion Post 306 they're planning our annual Memorial Day Parade uh it's on the 27th that's Monday rain or shine spread the word it starts at 10: a.m. in Victor cral and uh that's the ceremony and then the pradey gets going at 10:45 um hot dogs and Birch Beer will be served as always at the region and uh save the date Community day isn't far away it's plus it's 6 weeks away uh Saturday June the 8th and that's uh 2: to 7:00 p.m. in mountain New Park so that's it mayor okay thank you councilman carence hey thank you mayor um I Heard the volunteer Fest was amazing um I was down with the Girl Scouts group cleaning up Point Pleasant for event so I'm glad to hear that this came out and obviously I wish I was could have been there for our volunteers you're amazing as Mr Ferman mentioned before you're all pillars in your own way to to do this um before I came in I had for the um chairman of the administration report I had a quick conversation with um councilman Dino and councilman Dodie about like what how to them afford I'm still learning how to act in this role um I do I do want I did write a little something there's been a little back and forth about the understanding of our financial Council mtic committee uh I would like to just express my professional disappointment regarding the inv Concepts like the recent actions the involvement with this committee um as someone who recently attended a budgeting class I've been increasingly aware of the importance of a financial oversight from our new former government despite the lack of my experience on a financial subcommittee or Council mtic committee it has come to my attention that I was excluded from all types of meetings regarding this whether it was on this board or caucus related despite this being a member so despite being appointed as a council mtic Committee Member this exclusion left me feeling marginalized dis connected from the decision-making process which is a disappointing not only for me personally but for the voters and the future Municipal leaders who deserve transparent inclusion governance and of course the most important the public trust had I have been included in these discussions I would have raised my concerns about my suitability for this finance subcommittee and the eventual changing of the council mtic committee I mean I would have suggested councilman Dodie or councilman Rex both who have possessed more experience than me in these Finance related matters um moving forward I hope that that this body of this board of directors would be more transparent practices within our governing processes to ensure all voices are heard and valued I remain committed to serving our community to the best of my abilities contributing positively to our shared goals I did reach out to the to finance chair his response was a little disappointing to hear um as a state home parent I also work 65 hour plus weeks as well I am constantly tired raising two three kids and then co-parenting with the fourth I don't really think that's a valid excuse for you to tell me and let me quote um your response to me this will be your um first and only response to me I don't understand how that's fair or appropriate definitely when we supposed to have equal roles um on the finance committee uh other for that I do believe this is not uh an overall opinion of you being a badle leader I do not think that's true I just think there needs to be um more communication even if it's with people you do not like and after there a comment of not only being Mission I was dead to you this is more evidence of that of that type of behavior towards me and I've also been invited to all types of meetings in the past so what made this year different I'm not too sure um I would like to thank the mayor and Council for um listening to our volunteers about the culture and arts committee um I know again I I seem to stumble around a lot right um I do I am very appreciative of every volunteer including our library director and everybody else who makes efforts to make our community better and if I as a councilman had made that harder for you to do I apologize from the bottom of my heart that was never my intent I always do my best to get clear transparent honest Integrity filled in this role when our country is desperately in the need of to uphold the highest Integrity of standard the six of us representing 14,000 um I think everything should be out in the public and the more I learn the more I understand um things should be held on Workshop the public should be aware and that's forever be my spance until the day I die thank you mayor okay thank you councilman dinino he just a couple things uh as far as JB our April 24th meeting has been cancelled our next meeting is May 8th as far as environmental we had our first meeting last week and it's it's a wonderful group and I look forward to things um moving forward with this as far as April 13th tree giveway as L said there were 40 plus signed in 150 trees given away he also collected uh the eclipse glasses over of stuff for uh there's another event on May 19th it's greenbook cleanup it will be in four locations greenbook by Regional greenbook Regional Center McCoy Park Mountain Park and greenber park um you can register at lower our next meeting is May 21st at 7 pm um mayor gave me a letter I want want to read the sport associate New Jersey environmental committees D mayor M iek and feral council members I am writing to express my appreciation and gratitude for the recent reestablishment of the middle 6 bur environmental commission I applaud the burrow for adding this important advisory body as it demonstrates commitment to the environment stewardship and Community involvement this addition will strengthen the B's ability to make well-informed decisions concerning the environment these efforts don't go on notice as they serve as an example to other municipalities striving for positive environmental change in today's world where environmental issues are a Paramount concern to work and dedication of the environmental commission is not only crucial but becomes a positive force for Middle bar residents this is from Jennifer coffee the executive director um that's the one you have a copy of already yeah we have two members here from enironmental thank you for coming Claire is a we need more of Claire and everyone else Claire is you know she's wonderful um how many trees are left okay well that's all right you're gonna go Lenny will be busy as far as DPW um the woodwork was fixed at the PEX the KOA and and Lenny advised me the painting will start next week the mayor had touched on Heather lean I talk spoke to Lenny today he's planning on hopefully being there next week um so as long as a contractor is available for those things um he also received 25 shade trees that will be planted around town um big trees not just Stevens right yeah and also we talked about the hydro Lake Lenny's open for if we want to meet there one day I know a lot of you guys work during the day I don't know how he can do it if you want to do it on but he'll do a demonstration and we can all take a little ride if you want but he's open to that so we tried to go today but he was busy with the engineer so I didn't get out just send an invite and whoever comes comes and that's all I have mayor all right thanks c m doie yeah a few things mayor uh we'll start with Jade Tre uh they met and um they are working on the uh model treat replacement ordinance the D the state of New Jersey is requiring verbage and specific things in it so they're working on getting it Incorporated I believe uh the attorney's office is looking it over to see how they can put it in was the first thing uh spring planning um he's been working with Lenny on that Val about planning for them um this spring uh there's an Arbor Day event Arbor Day tree a pink flower weeping churry tree will be planted in front of burall think it's there there's one already on the one end and they're putting it on the other we have two shakes over there I guess I got it right uh as far they receive some jayb stuff that they're working on three different properties and also while they're looking at the ordinance they want to go over some of the enforcement to include some contractors because they're taking B trees down and just the um and I believe they're going to get that over to the attorney also to see if he can incorporate it in there because they want to go after the contractors as well as people who contractors should know better because they work here all the time also the mayor just gave me something from the Arbor Day Foundation we are on behalf of the Arbor Day Foundation I'm Trill to congratulate middle sex on earning recognition as a 2023 Tree City USA residents of SE should be proud to live in a community that makes the planting and care of trees a priority founded in 1976 Tree City USA is a partnership between the Arbor Day Foundation the US Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters middle sex is part of an incredible network of more than 3600 Tree City USA communities Nationwide with a combined population of 55 million that's the short version of it since I just got sorry about that that's okay okay we're going to move on to let's go to the police department for March there was 1978 calls for service 15 adult arrests they slowed down in MV motor vehicle summonses down to 430 a little less than a month before that was 589 radar summonses were up 54 motor vehicle crashes they had were 24 uh I don't think the for March for the detective Bureau the big ones they they're investigating one theft and two shoplifting I'm sure they have many more ongoing that we don't know about currently that's our Police Department for March moving on we'll go on to the fire department they had 38 um total calls uh they had alarm system AC ation no fire unintentional they had 11 calls for that three motor vehicle accidents a cooking fire a building fire some of their highlights that the chief wanted me to talk about were on March 5th uh green Avenue reported smoke in their room and possible electrical fire they went up find finding an electrical outlet that was burned they secured it and they were told to contact an electrician the 8 they were uh an oven fire at on cook Avenue okay the oven was secured and disconnected for the homeowner and they were advised to replace it thanks G Avenue a working fire on the second floor bedroom that it was under control of 30 minutes they remained on scene for a while um to assist the fire marshal midd six County Fire Marshal's Office March 24th uh Bound Brook uh asked for their assistance on a 20- yard dumpster fire near the front of a home um and they responded with Greenbrook and they were both on for an hour and a half and then they had uh department members attended two different train session this month one was about bloodborne pathogens and the other one was CPR refresher we'll move on to and also don't forget this week is the carnival please go down and support and we're finally having a week where it looks like the weather is going to help them every the last few years especially they've been suffering seems like they picked the week somehow that it always rains so please go down here I'm sure you can still buy I think the wristbands are still for sale and all that I'm not mistaken yeah the next uh band day is Thursday yeah so you know a fireman and want to buy a band buy it okay Rescue Squad I spoke to them at on Saturday at the volunteerism day 11 applications the people that they had there Manning that table did a fantastic job I want to give them Kudos the young people that were there they had people's ear and were really talking them to them about the rescue squad and I believe in my heart that's why they got the 11 applications they got because they really sold the rescue squad to those people so I give them a lot of credit hopefully it turns into members never know last thing is Court total ticket this is for March total tickets issues 437 tickets a 26% decrease from February uh 50 parking violations 387 moving viol violations 13 DWIs five criminal complaints that had total criminal Place were five seven local ordinance violations three zoning uh new business they had four Court sessions 238 defendants 129 cases were deposed during court five DWIs were disposed of total assets in fines $ 41,48 72 and the burrow portion that we will receive this month is $2,773 6 sense that's all I have mayor that's it what you doing your spare timebody everybody sent the reports the same time that's all right nothing wrong with that councilman Quinn okay so I only have a very brief report today uh we had a Board of Health meeting the county did not come they said Harrison couldn't answer anybody's questions on any of the reports that were submitted so everything got tabled to the next meeting there is some good news though we're having a h conference call with another vendor tomorrow at 3:00 so maybe not the next council meeting but the one after I should have something to record there all right good thank you anything else no okay councilman Rex no no may I don't have need to report thank you all right thank you uh administrator thank you mayor members of the council members of the public good evening the successful sale of the old fire had quarters property on Grove Avenue is moving ahead with the purchaser having made the down payment on the property last week staff is ready to work on the next sale of surplus property and we're recommending the bacon lot on wton Avenue it's Lot 27 in Block 274 and the lot measures 50 by 100 ft the property is located in the IND industrial zone so I was wondering I get a sense of that Council want to move forward but that's the one second from the corner right it's one in from the corner yeah South Aven everyone's comfortable with that keep the momentum going here all right it I just want to say um I mentioned earlier how what a great success the volunteer fair was on Saturday I really enjoyed it I was so impressed with all the cables and all the volunteers and I also wanted to not only thank um our library director Christy George for hosting the event um the library at the community room but thank you for this s preview of theal history room which you know I'm very excited about um lots of lots of good things happening um on the agenda for the May 14th council meeting coming up we have scheduled the police Awards and the hearing for the 2024 Municipal budget at the request of the tax collector we will also be introducing an ordinance to amend section 33 3 32-43 of Sora ordinance 2017-22 to reduce the waste water discharge subject to a service charge on that' be from 120,000 Gall to 100,000 G probably more information than you were expeced but that's coming up and the council will be also considering an ordinance to vacate a portion of factory Lane um pipeline realy receive preliminary and final site plan approval on September 25th of 2019 to tear down and reconstruct a warehouse at that time it was determined that a portion of factory way was of no further use to the public and could be vacated um that way the borrow would have to maintain it any longer the joint land use uh board concluded there was no need for the buau to maintain this section of the road but once the vacation is to be completed an emergency access and utility easement um which has already been approved by the council would be recorded so there still be some public and emergency access to the site um as mentioned by Council minino the Department of Public Works DBW continues to be really busy with early spring beautification and maintenance projects throughout middle SE new trees are being planted and general cleanup of the parks and other public sites is underway at Victor Crow Parker contractor has made repairs to the trim of the attic building and soon it will be painted DPW has completed work on the site such as smoothing out the gravel parking area marking parking spaces and painting the guard rails and we're really excited uh that a new tree farm has been developed on Rock Lane in partnership with the environmental commission the environmental Commission really hit the ground running so um you may recall that I presented a draft request for proposal on RFP to the parks Improvement committee for their review I hope to complete the RFP this week as a reminder this RFP is for selecting professional planning engineering firms to work with the community on a master plan for Bri prow Park and um lending the addex tit to the rest of the parment burrow clerk Lind chismar has worked very hard on the next issue of the Burrow's newsletter the May 1st edition of the newsletter will be posted on the municipal website and printed copies will be available at Burl Hall the recreation and senior center and library uh Council resolutions on the agenda this evening include the hiring of a substitute fire inspector the authorization of a memorandum of agreement with middlex County regarding the installation of video surveillance surveillance cameras at at Major entrances to the buau and a resolution to acknowledge the completion and review of burrow audit which mayor talked about earlier um just a reminder to council members actually two reminders please complete your cyber training as soon as possible those emails that you keep getting to remind you that's what that's about if you have any questions just let me know we'll get you the assistance need and please if you haven't already finish your State financial disclosure for 2024 that's really important so um the clar for myself we could be have any assistance please let us down uh regarding the bber road Route 28 streetcap beautification project I am happy to report that the wiring for the L fixtures is just about been completed by public service they were out there today as a matter of fact I think finishing up we hope that the fixtures will be installed shortly there is repair that's needed for one of the bases uh the footings for one of the fixtures apparently a vehicle ran over it and damaged the anchor Bol so we're staying on it we're gonna we're going to drag this one over the finish line so uh topics for discussion during the agenda Workshop session this evening um about the erosion of properties in the head Lane area revisions to the swim pool or ordinance and a personal matter involving the Chief Financial Officer and in an executive session this evening we'll be discussing a public safety and code enforcement item potential litigation with the middle County Municipal joint Insurance Fund the uh public works department Union contract amendment to it to contract and real estate located at 1190 M Avenue the Presbyterian church and that's all I have all right thank you okay moving on we're going to have the uh privilege of the four at this time please come on up if you're coming up state your name an address John mad 39 Ramsey Road couple things first of all um the volunteer fair that was a fabulous success it was very Dynamic and I'm glad a lot of people showed up and secondly I want to thank Carolyn working along with the U Auditors perfect job I love there's nothing to worry about um I know we're in for a tough year but the job well done uh also I want to thank Chief G and the middle sex Police Department uh that we're recognized uh middle sex Burl is the 20 safest pwns in the state of New Jersey a wonderful wonderful shaking I'm sorry it's all right it was a big report sorry U okay uh couple things I want to thank the governing body for bringing the Jay love to a Full Slate again it's a we all know it's a real important U uh out and and we have to make sure that the volunteers are working because the training is extensive and people do not have a planning background or land use background um my one question is the um I guess we're still waiting for the d report from the um phase two of the environmental study for the church has that come in yet do we know half and two years we paid for that already we have not received it wow do you think it's it's actually a viable report I mean we wait again see if us I'm not blaming anybody I'm just kind of surprised that U you know it would be good if we can get that before the final uh vote is on uh for the response that's all I have thank you very much thank you 40 days um had a couple quick questions I saw on the the uh agenda on the packet uh looking at one of my favorite things to Bill list um I saw and I thought it said I I don't have a from there's a legal bill on there for $14,000 is that correct I don't know exactly what ours was last month um uh no this is I guess one on tonight's packet I believe it says $114,000 and it says January and I the one you talk about a couple that may be a mistake but the one we talked about a while ago said January so I just wondering what's going I don't know I don't to I don't know what's on this my bills are out there for everyone to see so if you want to ask me if you want to ask specific questions I don't know I don't pref the bill so I don't know what that includes there are other attorneys that work for the town I mean probably most of it's me but yeah so it is me shock I don't know what that mean I did learn after our last chat Dave uh that there are six um tax bals you reference S your post and those are significant matters so we have had very little tax work in the last five years so I was just that was going to be another one of my questions the commercial appeals I know we talk two weeks AG whenever it was there was six commercials if that the extent of it any more than those six because that's a that's a possible you know reimbursement that the taxpayers have to make if they get a settle it's true and as of now there there could be more I think the deadline has passed but there could be More's and yeah there could be more years to come okay all right so Chris doesn't have any understanding or doesn't doesn't know why that bill is on the list for $14,000 and anybody know why it's for $14,000 and why it says January when previous Bill said January car always hate to put you on the spot could it be February sometimes normally when we get build in s shop there are every month there are probably between eight and 10 different items going on so if you see that the purchase order in the check is $114,000 that's not one invoice that be8 10 different invoices that apply to different matters some of them are litigation matters some of them are General Services Bill some of them are the tax bills so they all get paid at once they get them at once no I understand that sometimes when we get like February Bill there might be a stray January in right might be one there was Dave there was time last year where just that there were some stuff left over October and whatever Reon could have been escro matters could have been any you know there any number of reasons for my part I'm happy to provide you whatever I subed to car I don't have problem that last that I looked at was very detailed I'm just again when you know like if some if a plumber sends me a bill for January for you know $200 and then they send me another bill and the next bill says January $100 I'm thinking didn't I just pay the $200 I think probably there's some Fe probably something over sure yeah there might be one that didn't make it January feary okay but you don't know why it's 14 on top of 10 you would I say I don't prepare the bill list to Caroline raises an excellent point I I hate to put her on the spot but there are 8 to 10 right you know we we typically how I do it typically is you've seen my bills there's a general account that is the interactions my time here the interactions on a daily basis then I split out matters that are more voluminous right some of the stuff you see on Executive I break those out so that the public can see um the the linear line on complicated matters right then you have escrow bills right the stuff that the bur doesn't pay directly but carollyn may pay me because she's the custodian of fund there could be some of that in there um trying to give other we we do it um you know it's out there I mean it could be that there's it could be a log gem I mean Finance may take escros take a while they have to be reviewed you know in the different set of principles so I would guess it's some combination of that um I hate again Carol on the spot but I'm sure she could break it down you in better detail than I could because I don't prefer the bill list I prefer to bill so you know right and obviously I mean all the bills like I said they are all scanned and attached to purchase order so they are all available I understand I I want my last question is for the mayor um you know um I also look on one of the state websites and all the firms that do business or most of them anyway they submit these you know pay to play reports Mr cor's firm does I think it said last year you guys to be $106,000 or something working in this town I think that I think that was the figure that was on it from last year that sounds right we were under budget all right so $106,000 if these two bills as we're assuming are you know separate things 10,000 and now 14 that's probably right now you're saying right yeah regardless of whether it was January or February could V or what but they're two separate bills they total 24 or $25,000 together you're about after two bills you're at a quarter of last year's legals legal yeah concerned about well he got you yeah well Dave you have to understand if if you're doing nothing you incur no bills if you're we have we're trying to buy properties we're trying to negotiate for other properties we're selling other properties we got all kinds of stuff going on internally we're busy you know I and typically if you look at the way the the bills would run you probably see that they e and flow you know during the summer when no one's around and nothing's going on they're probably very low you know right now yeah they're high and and there's probably a good reason for it I'm sure there's a good reason for it you know I I think some of it is our own self gener Genera and I think some of is because we have a lot of uh other stuff going on I mean the you know with the buildings and all the rest of it one one last question this arises from something that Mr just said if you were under budget last year leg legal budget um you apparently budget a c budgeted x amount and you only spend less than x right this one's coming to car but yeah go on she knows it's coming away I don't know what the number is but you spent less than what happened to the money what happened to okay sure so the way Municipal budgeting works is there are always two years of budgets open so right now technically the 2023 budget is still open and the 2024 budget is open at the end of 2024 when we roll to 25 the 203 budget closes and any funds that are not used from the 23 budget go into the fund balance which is the Surplus okay does that mean that if this year's budget does Edge if it ends up being a little bit over budget can use the left from last year no it stays open because we can get bills from 2023 that we didn't receive in 2023 so you know tomorrow company might say hey we found an invoice you didn't pay that was issu done in November we can charge that for 23 budget but you can't you can't use it for anything in Fall correct you don't use it for okay all right thank you very much okay anybody else okay uh motion to close motion second second all right all in favor okay all right Linda take a deep breath resolution 128 2024 acceptance and standing reports resolution 129 2024 the governing body has complied with the njac 5 30- 6.5 and has reviewed the annual audit resolution 130 2024 authorizing the 2024 Municipal budget to be read by title only resolution 131 2024 authorizing the tax collector to issue tax title lean redemptions on block 333.03a for certain properties under the senior citizens disable persons tax deductions resolution 133 2024 approval to to Surplus the 2006 tal line panger 1200 resolution 134 2024 authorizing the tax collector to issue tax title lean redemptions on block 262 lot 1.01 c26 resolution 135 2024 hiring of Carl W Maier as a substitute fire sub inspector for the bur of middle sex resolution 136 2024 authorizing the mayor to execute the memorandum of agreement fing between the county of middle sex middlex County prosecutor's office in the B of middle sex regarding installation and responsibilities associated with automated license plate recognition devices and our video surveillance cameras owned by the county of middlex okay does anyone want to split split any of these items out um I I'd like to split out number nine because I just like to make a comment okay okay motion okay we have a motion for the rest second second right any discussion okay call the rooll council president Conan yes councilman corn councilman dinino yes counc Dodie yes coun Quinn yes counc Rex yes okay okay resolution 136 please okay I okay uh i' like a motion for resolution 136 motion second second the only reason I I want to pull this out is because I don't know if you people realize what this is this is about the scanners that the police department is looking for that's a light the license plate scanners they catch people coming in going out you're going to start to hear more and more about these things because I believe there was a a crime that was just solved specifically because of these I believe was down in mamit that there was a crime they were able to find out the they they were able to track a car that went out they were able to track it when it went into another town and it was they they figured out using the time and where it went and um this is going to be a big win for Middle sex this is really this is really The Cutting Edge technology and it's really going to help it's really going to help our police force do a better much much better job and could potentially save them tons of manh hours that they could be used to do other you know other important duties that they have around here um that's all I have I also have a question on that may sure how how many m one or two just one the county middle sex wants to install two to four yeah and then there an additional area that we we looked at town if they're looking to deconflict and give us a final price quote they're willing to buy all the equipment and pay for the first two years of service and then the bur responsible for three I believe we're still waiting for those final calls okay thank you yeah their maintenance contracts for the last three years correct correct and this is uh it collaborates with other municipalities that have the entire to Ming through huge win all right any other items okay call the rooll please council president Conan yes counc corn yes counc Dina yes counc Dodie yes coun Quinn yes Council Rex yes okay moving on to the non-consent we have resolution 137 2024 pale claims motion motion second all right any discussion no okay call the role please counc pres conh yes counc mcor counc now yes C Dodie yes C Quinn yes C BR yes okay we're moving into the agenda Workshop here let's uh let's start with item number one Heather Lane property erosion at this point um unfortunately we heard the bad news that we we had nothing for our resiliency Grant despite everyone's efforts um and we're hoping for some good weather because Lenny I know that's been sitting over your head for a while and we like to get that underway and get it at least stabilized before we move on 100% I actually uh visited the site before the meeting and um I took a look at the other side it actually seems pretty dry so I've reached out to the contractor and I'm actually going to try to move some of the staging material that we need tomorrow so that's really going be well we're getting closer so so we're there and especially the next 10 to 14 days are looking like okay thank you problem all right swim pool ordinance Visions okay we kind of beat those around a little bit before um as far as this item does anyone have any discussion on this at this point or we're just going to continue to move through and wait for the ordinance to come through yeah you want to introduce the ordinance at the next meeting next all right we'll introduce the ordinance at the next meeting Mark we move on for that okay Personnel all right there's a I'm going to pass these out all right for the guys up here you go pass those going that way this item here is um there was basically a basically an email Trail where one came from the councilman corns it our uh CFO made a response uh the councilman decided to challenge Benson on this uh he asked for an executive session over this um as is her right she was able to ask for this to be done in public which is what we're going to do and I'll start this off by basically I'm going to read I'm going to read the email that that brought this about and then we can go from there all right this is coming from councilman K's email I also heard that you told mayor that you did extend me budget meetings we both know this is not true I hope communication there was misrepresented interpreted misinterpreted thank you this extends to last year when I asked you to attend a budget meeting with the council president and CFO and you decided not to attend which is the meeting where the council president and CFO misled me and councilman Quinn over the digitalization of the jayb archives okay that was councilman kin's statement this is the cfo's response this is 100% full false at no point in time during the meeting between myself councilman corn and the council president did anyone bring up anything regarding the digitization of jayb files and councilman Quinn has never once accepted any invitation to any budget meeting operating or Capital that I sent to him after the 2023 operating budget had already been adopted and the day before the 2023 capital budget was about to be adopted I became aware that councilman Quinn and former interim administrator Joe Costa had discussed this digitization process not once had Joe Costa mentioned anything to me anything about this to me not in any budget discussions or even in general discussions once I became aware of the desire for this project I worked with the purchasing agent to find a company to handle this and then at the end of 2023 when we were legally allowed to make budget transfers I took the necessary steps to transfer funds so that this process could begin budget worksheets are sent to All department heads for both operating and capital and no one from construction or zoning code ever included the requests for record digitalization on the submission of any of their worksheets uh here's a text from the email that was forwarded to me the first time I became aware that there had been discussions about this project on June 26 2023 at 8:53 p.m. Martin Quinn wrote Guys someone dropped a ball on this one in the capital budget I was assured that the monies would be included in this line item for the construction Department by the previous administrator when we passed the regular budget at a council meeting this is to digitalize records I've been told that it's in there by the mayor and can't find it anywhere here here is the corporation's website blah blah blah www uh was from Caroline that was her email the response was sent by Jeremiah Corin Thursday 4:18 10:31 a.m. um call me a liar again Miss Benson I would like to review over this comment from the CFO as well there needs to be an executive session over this sent from my iPhone so that's where we're at so Jeremiah yes May thank you so my statement for that is a b is based ridiculously on this is 100% false professional as it may be like it's a nice thing but that's saying there's no honesty in this when ultimately when we had our meeting that I was referring to we sat right here in the meeting right like right here I sat facing here and council president and Benson invited there was a phone call with the administrator who was brand new at the time and had a whole bunch of responsibilities going on so at that time I was like cool I understand that no need for you to come I agreed to this this this was also like the process was um councilman Quinn was out of out of country he extended like he said yeah we've been talking to Joe cost about this if I if I'm correct and I didn't want to waste our our Pharaoh's time confirm that that actually happened if I'm if I'm correct um I can I believe that if we ask the the if we search the emails between the Construction office and Joe Costa through an Oprah we will find that this actually was discussed Not only was it discussed in person right here in this courtroom which I wish was recorded I really truly wish everything was recorded um with everything to do with it cuz there would be no disputing this but there was like um I think something that was like a little more conspicuous is like when I was like seeking thing is we discovered that the um YouTube videos for those meetings are mysteriously missing from our video on our YouTube just those meetings just just just those meetings so that makes one's mind Wonder right I don't think her skills at all I think she's amazing like there a lot of things a lot of compliments and I lack the skill to understand that so I trust my colleagues so the council president made a comment like yeah okay this is this is right but I'm really truly concerned and I actually mentioned to Mr corini we should do an internal investigation which he said would cost about $20,000 into this because this is crazy like there should not be a burrow employee who's able to say this is a 100% false when when it when it's not and to the point to where it got put to resolution right because of the confusion we had the changing of an administrator right an inm bur administrator who personally um said a few things which I'm not sure if I'm allow Mr cortini or about Mr Costa and Inter interactions with the business interim administrator if you interacted with Joe Kaza you can those conversations are things you can talk about if you inter I mean things you observed or things you heard yeah sure yeah so Mr CA not only accused um I Library director of of um um forgery but she also he also accused Mr Videl of of forgery um to multiple to multiple people and during this SP when there was an egregious email that came out and and I believe I forgot who mentioned it in the public meetings but there was a topic of acious email it just kind of got swept under the rug real fast right and this came to where I was accused of spying in a public building with my children in toe so this came from the CFO from the mayor mayor Madden's email which is still on here right like I still have it accusing me of give me one second though how does that fit into this well it's 100% false this all to do with laser fees and the connection with Mr Kasa there's a little bit of a story to it so I mean this you're explaining your part of the story yeah because they're saying there that nobody's ever discussed laser fee like that's not true and that's true at the meeting that we had on April 6th of 20203 that was myself councilman car and councilman Conan we did not discuss this Le spe program at all I do not dispute that councilman Quinn probably had many conversations with is appropriate to be interruped like this the middle of one second so hold on I mean it may be um Whoever has the floor Ru so please please hang on one sec you will get a chance so I think that mayor you chair the meeting you decide us right now right now let him finish I think that you can recognize K in appr time y so go ahead J finish so again like this is a treatment that I'm consistently been with with the CFO like calling LI or stand on line when when I'm not because there's evidence that I believe can be brought to light with the council now it's like whether I handle a scenario right or not I mean this is what committees are for Council to come in to have a discussion to have some type of meeting but I mean then why did it go to uh in my opinion then why do you feel is this appro is it appropriate for me to engage with Miss Benson to let her talk or no no not at this point okay so it's like my question was more if if there's this deep deception that's willing to be put to to to to bend untruth to elective Council to elected officials why would I even do this what do I have to gain as an elected official to sit here and talk about this for somebody who's so well connected and has deep friendships with the council president like there could have been a palk I have no idea but my mind goes crazy yeah but he can nod and do the same thing I don't think it was fair of a lot of things yeah but when when I should here and I read through this I mean basically what this is just one email May mean I have a lot of emails and it was like it's like um but well let's stick with this one because this is this this can we get a um an Opa report between the Construction office and figure out like if you can oper whatever you want and bring it from there but uh so what happens is it proves that this discussion did happen the bottom line is Jeremiah when I read through this is that you have you you mentioned the mayor in here well he's not he's not here anymore he's he's done then we also have mentioned the sorry John don't take it the wrong way John then then you also have an intern in business administrator he's he's he's not here either I mean no one at this point the that I see when I read this is disputing the fact that for whatever reason it got missed off of the the the uh the budget the uh the capital budget but once we were made aware of it we did what we had to do to fix it I mean that's that's what I'm reading out here no one tried to be deceptive or dark or any of that nonsense they just wanted to make sure that this thing was here and you know at at the end of the day you know uh Martin followed up to his credit said hey I don't see this then they look at and say hey you're right it's not there the the driving document for any accountant and that is is the worksheets and if the budget worksheets do not come in with it now they could have 700 conversations the budget worksheet is what ask is what drives it okay can I just interject something here real quick sure all right so my quote from this email right here on January 26 2023 at 8:53 p.m. Guys somebody dropped the ball I sent this after the council meeting correct prior to the council meeting at 8 in the morning I got an email from Miss bson about how we need to pass the capital budget anyway don't hold it up just pass it that email I have and I can show you so this isn't the first she ever heard of is it all right hang on one second yes at this point yes answer is question may Carn you should probably sit in in the old chair [Music] there so in the email that we're discussing now I took the problem I had was with statement that I would misled you because we did not discuss it at that meeting which was April 6th 2023 the email you're referring to is June 26 2023 two and a half months later uh this one is June yes yes two and a half months later that was the first time that I became aware of this project give me one second I mean we I mean to be quite honest we could split hairs over when these when these specific emails come in hang on one second please Caroline sorry but I mean at the end of the day the way I I I see this is that yeah someone dropped the ball it got missed it got put back in but the I guess the real question at this point is is was there any intent to to do anything wrong I would say no it's it's it's a mistake for sure but it's it's not someone going out of their way to to to do something that's that's harmful to the town right and all these documents were sent for review the original a breing budget was sent on March 31st can iink sure I got one here yeah they the original email for the operating budget was sent on March 31st 20123 and that had was about a 70 page attachment with an itemization that was was the email that you responded to council mcars that set up the meeting that budget did not have anything in it for this item this digitization because I was not aware of the project yet at that time that budget was adopted by the six members of the council then on June 12th I sent out the 16-page attachment of the capital budget that showed an annalysis of all the items that were requested denied and approved I ask that any questions or comments ments regarding this draft be submitted to me by the end of that week as I needed to send this to the bond Council to have the ordinance drafted I did not receive any questions or comments from any members of the governing body by the time I got the email forwarded to me that councilman Quinn had sent the administrator on June 26th we were set to do the ordinance the very next night at the council meeting at that point I did respond to that email and say I would appreciate if we move forward with this budget because if we did not we were then going to go to Council meetings only once a month which means it was going to set back the capital budget by six weeks and at that time we were dealing with a pressing issue where we wanted to get them funds available to work on the HVAC of the police department because there was a 40we lead time in ordering the system so we were hoping we could get the HVAC done by this summer we pushed it back six weeks that wasn't even going to be an option that was the point when I explained that we could take other measures to get take care of this project so to say that there's no transparency that there's no way to know what's in the budget that I'm misleading you all the documentation is attached to all the emails the documentation did not include this appropriation for this project because I was not aware of this project until June 26 so to keep making accusations about misleading and deception implies intent on my part to do have wrongdoing and what purpose would that serve for me to do that M am I good man you have more to say Caroline are you good I more to say but good Jeremiah so you're saying I just want to be clear so you're saying that when we had our meeting right here before the capital budget that we personally had zero discussion about laser Fe and printing that's correct okay that's it because I just know that's not true well I I was in the same meeting and I agree we never spoke about laser fees at all in that meeting ever that's fine I me and your relationship is not good and honesty is not there that's that's that's an unfair statement Jeremiah you can't just say that just like all your stat just like all that's listen that's not right Jeremiah you don't say you're saying what you believe he's saying what he believes there is a here for constantly being accused of being liars and and deceiving him and it's it's getting to the point where it's just the entire staff at this point including the government the entire staff now that's not even a false statement because there's other staff members that can't do it so it's like um I don't know I'm not too sure how I do apologize that was a little rude so that's uh the reaction little you even refer to other events you even ref this is good I'm not I'm not scared I'm not feeling bad I'm not doing anything because I know from the bottom of my heart if we took liar like we took it in my brain or polygraph I know I would pass it so it's like in my head I feel like I'm saying right things if I'm not it's not my intent but it's true that the that me and the council president res relationship is not healthy that's not a false statement that's not a whoa maybe how I said it got up cuz he's well-liked does a lot of good work I understand why he would be well-liked in a lot of ways these are what I'm calling the paper cut things I know we had to discussion I'm wondering if we should get a discussion between either Joe CER or over something to figure out what was um happening um between there because I know that we discussed it and I'm not debating that fact I I don't know what who else am I accusing why I'm confused because I was just told I was just told it the entire staff and I'm like okay well what's go to the entire staff then you just in your discussion before you the enti I'm trying to figure that you were claiming deceptive or Li to you you just said that in this conversation I do feel like I been deceived by a couple people and this right here saying that it's 100% lie I feel like that's not Jeremiah that's that's split in hairs Jeremiah I mean she's basically saying this is not correct yeah I said that one statement that you made that I misled you in that meeting was 100% false and I stand behind that because we did not discuss it at that meeting you also way you phrased it that councilman Quinn was at that meeting he was not at that meeting I wasn't even in the country yeah and I had another email I sent you referencing the fact that you were not in the country saying if you wanted to discuss when you got back y all right it also comes from the thing for saying it's 100% false right and I know that um being new I forget to document sometimes which is definitely going to fail in some things but I do believe um in a very open and transparent thing and again I'm not saying that you're bad at the budget that's not at all what I am saying I think by vote of yes and my actions and that and supporting you in the past have been that but I know for a fact when we sat here we talked about it because then I asked if it's not going to be on this budget is it going to be on the capital budget but then you and the council president then which I really wish I never said no to miss Jal place and being there because if it wouldn't if it would have affected our tax pay and it's like Jeremiah this isn't going to work we can't afford this we can't do this let's just knock it off for now I would have been like cool I don't understand that Mr Mayor I'm just trying to understand where I was asked to come to a meeting and I called in was this what I was stuck the airport in North Carolina L I'm trying to remember why would I not be at this meeting if I was asked to come to the meeting I'm totally drawing your it it was like your second week year oh okay yeah and you were trying to get my prcess and it was my my recollection of that was that it was uh sent in like an optional matter if you'd like to attend and you and I had just met the day before to go over the whole budget and you were had other things that you need to get up to speed on so it was just a three of us at that meaning and again going back about what discussions were had about this even in the emails that or the I believe your email that we have from councilman Quinn he references that he spoke to Joe Costa about this that he spoke to the mayor about this he never speak to Joe CA since 22 about right he you you and I never spoke about that I was never cced on any of the email or any of those discussions the first time I became aware of this was on June 26 which is very clear in the email response that I sent back to councilman Quinn the administrator and a couple other Council people on that as well well I just want to May yeah I mean I was just again told that I'm being in this deceptive nature but my job as a council person is to protect the Integrity of certain things a lot of people in here um I don't think really understand ADHD and the capabilities I come with um the Ada compliancy of what I am right and I require to ask questions three four five six times I remember when me and Mr Pell were getting along in a hethy PO it's the same type of thing whereas like I feel something that I view and that was Mr Costa saying that you were capable of forgery that really impacted my mentality on an burrow employee so I'm willing to work as all types of things so if that's what you're referring to about um like the not too sure I'm a little lost where you going all this honestly I just she just said that half the staff just accused me of like being St and accusing the lion so I figured it was appropriate no I'm saying that you said that about the staff that you named a staff memb saying we li you said the I don't think she I don't think she said that I mean listen I I I think we're getting caught up here in the hyperbole to say something is 100% false that's just you know a ridic call someone lie which it's not calling someone a liar which for Ada compliancy let's be honest like that bothers me it set me off like why are you call me a liar about Jeremiah you should provide us all with a rule book of what you need to be be working with because I don't know our codebook not our codebook I'm just saying what does all of our complaints based sorry mayor are based on the um code of conduct which I'm trying to figure out how that's supposed to work when the trust when I as an elected official I think it's should be investigated I truly think this should be investigated and I think it's worth the value of our money to look into this and look into overp and there's nothing to what's what's investigate there's you know for sure huh the trust and local government I provided you all the budget documents as attachment email I sent you and they were not in any of those budget documents how was I being deceptive how could I misled you we had a personal conversation right here and it's a lesson learned TR trust me I I've learned hard lesson right here in his room without having a recorder or without having time it was a hard lesson all right we're not going to beat this around the the block 700 times Mr Mayor can I give a little perspective on this I have the privilege of working with the department heads on a daily basis and I've been impressed in the year almost year and a half that I've been here of their integrity and their honesty at least in my interaction with that so I think that needs to be said because I'm a little concerned about how the reputations of our department heads might be harmed from what's being discussed this evening when they've shown me nothing but honesty and integrity and I just wanted to say that for the record the second thing is I don't understand why this council is not thrill that despite some misunderstanding or something falling through the crack last year as we were changing administrators is going to change digit the digitizing of the of the records is underway right so that's the good news I'm just saying this what triggered me is being called a liar when I'm not and it's like that was unnecessary it's unprofessional but but no one called you no one called you a liar no one no one called you a liar I don't know what this is 100% false does that mean I'm being 100% honest I'm a truth taler like this isn't saying that I'm telling the truth this phrase you're reading into to something that's that you're going a little bit over the top Jeremiah and I'll tell you why because it's 100% fault because maybe the understanding is that it's a misunderstanding there's a big difference between lying and misunderstanding lying lying denotes intent I know what happened well no one else does because we don't have a record of it here I know what happened here too it wasn't said and I don't forget a lot as the administrator like to U say to me so I I I I know for a fact it was not discussed at that table period that's all I'm going to say well at at this point you my Integrity on the line I'm not surprised at at this point we can go we can go around the block 900 times at this point my question is and let me just ask oh okay sure Council M what action are you looking for this the honesty of the thing now when it comes to the work it's nobody's saying anything about that I'm saying whether the the discussion of the miscommunication and again I believe there there's a subcommittee or financial committee that will prevent stuff like this so my intent is to prevent any future issues of transparency at all to create feelings like this that we have right now to stop that from ever happening again so if once I leave or whatever if I stay or I'm gone there's going to be other people sitting here and so are they going to be able to um have a discussion with a CFO and a council president and then have both of them sit in front of friends and people who they well know from their hard work it's not like they're these are like um horrible people they're not but there are issues that are being oppressed at I feel as a councilman and my du's responsibility I have to protect as well because it's just the people so I you know I learned my lesson you know you're talking about the people but we're all sitting here and we you know I know you think that we're all friends we're all buddy buddy but when when you sit on this chair you got to look at things objectively and with the facts and the facts in this this case here seems that there's a misunderstanding and you know I asked you what you what action you want to take you're saying you looking for truth I mean this this is a council that tries to be nothing but the truth and also to be very transparent and open you know I mean at this point I don't know what else to do we give we give information to everybody that asks you know we don't go looking to give stuff away but if someone asks us a direct question we usually try and give a direct answer okay what is the purpose of a finance uh councilmen a committee then the the purpose of the finance committee is to look over the budget when they get it and if they have questions bring them forth so what the difference between the May 26 which we just got in the purpose of having our final submitted so this is where my head's going and saying but what does that's just not we want to answer those questions for you but what does it have to do with this right now with Caroline in the future I guess for the finance that's the department and CFOs you feel that a fully attended three Council Matic committee would prevent anything like this from ever happening again the council Mantic committee could meet amongst themselves if they choose to the council Mantic committee could request to meet with me if they choose to I would do that if they want to do you feel that would prevent is my question do you think that would help from something like this ever happening again I don't know if it would because we already had two other people at that meeting and you basically say that we're both lying about it so if there were four people at the meeting I'm not sure how that would necessarily make a difference it would be two other people say Jeremiah you're inappropriate vote to get me out and that would have been done what if all those people stories stay the same and you did not remember then we be a reverse scenario because both of your stories are opposite of mine and it's like I know what I talk to you about and I believe that if we did a um all right over report oh I thank no we're going we're going in circles here so at this point does anyone feel the need for any further action here no no no I'm good huh har me I'm okay no Jeremiah I mean I'm not even sure how to handle it I'm just just disappointed I mean it's I mean I mean as far as as far as like a lot of this other stuff I mean the only thing I could tell you as far as being put in the light and being transparent is ask questions she's there Carolyn's there she's never turned down a request for information I know at this point Michael asked you several times uh even as recent as the other day because we want to make sure that you're in the load if you got to be told five times we'll tell you the same answer five times but we just want to make sure we're not holding any information back we wanted to be in there the finance subcommittee would have met the council president would the chairman of the finance committee whoever it may have been would have assigned things and there would have been communication any multi-million dollar organization they what's the point of a subcommittee or a councila committee then like what's the point of it what's the point of the people being able to understand things when it doesn't feel like what you're saying is true so hang I don't feel like what you're saying is accurate I I disagree and I'll tell you why first of all if the rest of this the council mtic committee understands what's in the budget and they're okay with it and they don't need a meeting and you don't say anything say hey I got questions I'm not ask I'm just going to sit there and wait for someone to contact me no's call form of government so my whole point of confusion is not only did we change form of government I'm sorry yes sir we didn't change former government you changed the or the committee structure structure sorry I'm for government the bur is the way I don't want people thinking Township all of a sudden although John Madden may love that but right but but at the same time Jeremiah there's been plenty of opportunities in emails and questions asked to say do you have any questions do you understand it do you do you know what's in the budget do you have I mean no understanding I think this is getting confused I understand the budget I am asking what is the point of a finance sub committee for a multi-million dollar Corporation if we're just going to treat everybody as they just got it on March 26 like how did this get formed who's in charge of that like who's supposed to take the analytic list who's supposed to take care of the thing like that's I understand what you're saying but you got but but I'm GNA say the same thing I said the last two times the budget process started with we had a it was we said we were going to introduce the budget the first phase of the budget was the business administrator and the CFO we're going to have departmental meetings meet all these guys go through the budget then they were going to make some Cuts or adjustments as they see fit to try and give us a as near to a complete budget as they could at that point they were going to release it to the council and the council was going to have their chance that was I think the 23rd or the 26th of March and you had from the 26th of March to April ail 3rd I believe or 5ifth whatever that Friday was to have your questions or and just ask all your questions because after that we were going to introduce the budget and as a matter of fact to even though the budget is introduced to date it's still not but voted on and it's still open so very true yeah yeah you can still go to Carolyn yeah yeah and the public that's why we have a public hearing during meeting for the adoption reports cuz I I'm I'm actually remembering the Construction office sending a um letter asking Mr CA about laser fish asking about it Jeremiah Caroline sorry at this point Jer about laser fish I'm confused what's that have this whole point of discussion is laser fees and and this so all I'm saying is if if the email does no op do come back and it and it's okay yeah we did talk about it then what happens then I'm not crazy and there's facts so this is why I was like I'm not I didn't want to get confused she's not disputing that other people talked about it but the bottom line is what she's presented as a budget worksheet is the is the Bible wait a minute so you're saying that people did talk about I believe that they did councilman Quinn says that he spoke the Joe Costa about it numerous times sure but that doesn't mean anyone told me about it see this upsets me because I had a business interim Ministry tell me so many things about people when we were talking asking questions and these things like I brought it up to my colleagues and stuff and it kind of got like pushed under I don't know I mean it's but that's what I'm saying they should have put it on the budget work worksheets that get submitted as part of the process those worksheets are in the packet that I sent out to the council as a review of the budget they were not on there I understand but this is what I'm saying like when I had it up I asked why it wasn't on there like I asked why it wasn't here of course you're going to tell everyone it say no which is fine but um all right that's what I'm going to figure out why would I have send an email in June that said this is the first time I'm hearing about this all right budget I mean I'm not I'm not too sure I'm not too sure why you either don't remember or maybe maybe it went over I'm not too sure but um okay yeah listen unless there's anything further I mean you could feel free to Oprah whatever it is that you feel that you got to Oprah as far as this matter is concerned right now we're done thank you very much thank you thank you all right um now we're going to move on privilege of the floor on agenda of Workshop items all right we need a motion motion second thanks all right all in favor I all right Mr Po 40 Years of Journalism I've been covering Municipal meetings all over the Central Jersey area I've never witnessed something like what I just witnessed it's I don't know if the rest of people here thing they all have can have their own opinions it's sad sad I agree Dave I agree you know good new you came into office wanting transparency and wanting this I think you've done a good job of making like the bill this tonight I know you were probably irritated by some of my questions but you put you given me the information to ask those questions I I give you credit for that straighten this out because it needs to be straightened out somehow that's all I'm to say thank you anybody else so mayor I'm going to ask the commission to speak freely possible it's an open form I have to agree with Jeremiah there should be an investigation so the investigation should be on the other hand my name is Lenny from uh BPW superintendent I think there should be a investigation on everything that this individual has for everybody including myself I have been targeted some members on Council know exactly what's been going on now it's you know went to the library director and now it's going to town I don't think it's right I don't think it's good for us to work in this environment I know I love my job I've been here 25 years but uh I just want to put that out there uh I stand behind her and I think there really should be an investigation and reference I'll make the motion for an investigation I'm Chrissy George I'm the library director and I agree with everything Lenny said um I'm so disheartened that a council that promotes working together with all the Departments and that there's one individual here that will still go around and trash all the department heads I'm corrupt you're going to call a library director corrupt to one of her Library employees you beyond damage my reputation this is not accurate Jeremiah it's her turn to speak I'm so disappointed I'm so disappointed okay that's all I thank you anybody else am I allow to respond at all or no no like I'm like literally why don't you let them get the speak Jim Benson 445 haris Avenue I'm the president of the library board and I just want to support what Chrissy just said I had a conversation with Mr KS outside the library one night after a parch committee meeting where he admitted using the term corrupt but said that he didn't mean it in the sense that it's being interpreted but he did use that term he did say she was corrupt he said it in front of other Library employees and this has been going on for probably two years or more it started with Lenny that I know then it went to Chrissy now it's gone to Carolyn who you all know is my brother and somewhere along the line that's St this this doesn't this should not take place in the town that's all I say all right thank you you can deny using the word corrupt but you did you aded no I agree with you Chief vinon and it's like um this is where it comes in and I had to conversation with the administrator too and he got veryy upset with me and he's like that's not the right word I said well what do you call it when there's not um an understanding of what happened one more thing I'd like to add to that we actually had a meeting with the administrator and her attorney and uh Christy George and I over this situation and we asked that to brought back to the the entire councel and they made aware of it and that did happen as far as I know in executive session I don't know what action the council mayor taken or did not take regarding Mr cars but some action should have been taken and it wasn't that's why this problem is continuing until something is done this is just going to go on and on thank you hang on one second anyone else J sza 321 salur I find it interesting that three people are at a meeting two of them agree that nothing was said the third one insists that he's right I wonder if maybe he's a little delusional or maybe a little bit um confused about that meeting maybe it was another meeting where he thought he was the June meeting and not the March meeting that it was discussed that the problem is he insists that he's right and I think you should be reprend okay speak on this issue does anyone else want to speak on this issue okay if there are no further comments that anyone on the day can claim a por of order under the rules of procedure and make whatever statement they want basing what was said uh yes that I'll do that so um I'm really I know as I'm sorry made you guys feel that way you know um I never was my intent to do it I know you can laugh and Mock and scoff all you want that's fine I'm used to that type of treatment um but there's also I agree I will set actually set a motion for an investigation not only what Mr Videl said and our interaction of what caused this this corruption cost but also the same into there so we need to set uh thing I'm all game let's open up emails personal emails let's open it up um and investigate it let's investigate everything all three of them I have a couple people who are all yeah I've got nothing so no no we really need to keep the comments from the floor yeah this I mean but this is this is what is the lack of respect the lack of opening that I I have gotten in a lot of way and it's like the same Comics like the same type of thing there's a deep friendship and I made this comment in the past meeting like there's deep friendship in this community which is beautiful but I don't I think it makes a way up here sometimes and maybe maybe I shouldn't have been part of this maybe there could have been a couple things but I think other people who are going to take this place we going to see it and then it is what it is you know it's not easy to be up here for that but all right does anyone else have any other points of order anybody let's move on all right Linda are we all for the investigation is that like that's kind of like ignore all right all right so is that your point of order point of order so it is that you you would your point of order is that You' like your motions to be considered before this body all right is that it yeah so my point of order is I would like a motion to take very seriously what all these employees just said and have it investigated in that way what happened I'm not too sure like what it is to do but I mean I also want them to be happy and satisfied if they feel I'm that toxic I'll remove myself from the scenario so they have a healthy work relationship so what do we do like I'm okay with that there a second I'll give a second all right um you could you probably this your call all right R call council president Conan yes councilman KS yes Council dintino yes councilman Dodie yes coun Quinn yes and councilman R yes all right there you go so who's going to conduct the investigation uh I would imagine it has to go through you okay briefly when we mention this before you talked about special attorney or something like that I mean you may have to appoint a special counil I might what is the cost to this is where this is what stopped me in the past like this has stopped me several times from looking into think as the cost that would be incurred by the barel to investigate totally maybe I should have made comments before Mr Mayor may I ask a question sure order I guess um I'm a little confused as to this investigation um as you know in this former government council members are supposed to go to the administrator when they're communicating on a day-to-day basis or you know if there's project in they have in mind with department head so I don't understand now the council's going to be in investigating or or looking into the conduct of the department heads department heads opinion of one coun I I my understanding is is that it's going to be I Mr com like if he feels that it should be reversed and that's why don't you read back why don't you read back from the minutes the motion the motion was for okay wait that was just a was a point of order he made a I made a motion what what the to investigate himself all three of them I I think my biggest concern in terms of as administrator heading up the staff here for the buau is that I I know that my some of my department heads feel that they've been evaluated by council members and that they feel uncomfortable or that it's been unfair Fair evaluation but there's a problem here you know there's a power Dynamic here where you are the policy makers you're on the council we need to protect our employees and we need to protect their reputations and give them a fair say I don't know if we're doing that tonight I I'm a little concerned well I don't think this has anything to do with the employees I mean other than the fact that they're going to report on how they feel they've been treated okay so that's what we're that's my understanding you think that Linda should reback because that's that's why I went to Jo didn't go second qu employes all three I had all three of them to inv qu second investigation I mean that's my understanding be wrong but that's what I think um yeah I mean you know the governing body should consult with the administrator as I mean that's the the consents of the governing body based on a motion in a second coming out of executive procedural motion um I mean I would have to be refined a bit I think based on what Linda hased back um I I don't know what else there was a motion in a second for something Motion in a my understanding is and this is what my understanding is is that it's an investigation into the fact that Jeremiah's been disrespectful to the to the employees in both ways like no I that I don't I don't know that that was that's what it wasn't what said I don't know that was what was said I thought this was the acence to the that's how I would rule from the share I think if you want to amend your Mo if you want to what's that yeah if you want to amend that motion Jeremiah to include more you might want to do that and give people an opportunity what would make the people who made the CL what would make you Havey I mean I have so it's not like this is like Bas stuff when investigation comes there are documents and emails that I'm willing to support So if I had a rule you know just the from the chair I would say that what people thought they were voting on was an investigation into your interactions with the council I thought that that's what that was with the no the department the department I don't you that can I make a motion to disregard what I said form a correct thing and then we can get it together J I think it might be best um if you I just want them to be happy yeah so I think it might be best if you digest perhaps what happened what's been said here tonight um you have you certainly don't wave any rights there's nothing prejudicial to you I think perhaps digest what you said maybe perhaps resend your motion with the full understanding that you can maybe go back and listen at the tape again um ponder it the rest of the council can do the same and then you may that motion will be ripe again in the next meeting the money hit me in my head again I like like I'm going to Expo your so I really think that action might not necessarily be needed tonight that reflection might be better and you would lose anybody so I think that perhaps there might be a motion it I think that you might not have understand exactly do you want to make a motion to resend yeah to resend everything and then figure non prejudicially so that means Jeremiah is that it wouldn't be held against you going forward you could make another motion you could submit a request of the administrator um all those options will be open you I just perhaps the exactly what you're looking for should be refine refine okay that I itend myus I'll all right and roll can they send what they're asking as well can the department is that allowed I mean I would also like I I think also Jeremiah if if there's any material that anyone in this audience tonight thinks is have order in the crowd please if there's any material I think that is necessary to be submitted that could submitt to the administrator anyone can anyone who's listening with out of my voice so there's a motion in second Linda motion second to resend I have the motion to tap right you no I think just whatever whatever that motion was is gone okay got it okay we have a motion in a second I'll take roll call Quin I got council president coningham yes councilman corns yes councilman Cena yes councilman doie yes Council Quinn yes and councilman re yes okay okay okay let's move on all right now we're going to go into executive session so there's going to be a rebuild resolution there's going to be a five minute recess