##VIDEO ID:9eRdm3MLcbk## board has been an executive session for the past 19 minutes for the purpose of discussing confidential matters as outlined in 2.01 the matters that were discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as possible once the reason for non-disclosure no longer exists so move second and I can you please take the RO thisy yes this yes this is jeffre yes Mr n yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynold yes yes thank you we will now move on to our district Employee of the Month presentation good evening our district Employee of the Month could not be here this evening but I would like to congratulate Mr Jimny Rodriguez from the vanani Monger Middle School he has a custodian there and we are just that he is a part of our family here in Middle sex and congratulations to Jimmy know my C my kids love Mr Jimmy okay we'll move on to our announcements um first will be me um I don't have much this month I just wanted to say that um Dr Freeman and Miss Gomez and the rest of whoever else is involved um are moving ahead with the prek plans with our Aid that we got and we are excited to start on January 2nd correct correct yes we're excited about that yep and now our superintendent of school Dr ber Freeman so to continue with what you said um we will have our first information session with parents on December 4th we're excited to have our parents come out and learn about prek just not from our January to June session that will happening but also for the 2526 school year so that's December 4th at 6:m and then also I just want to say congratulations to our student re AR she was inducted into the National Honor Society last week congratulations to you and to all the indues that's all I have and I heard you did say that you just got an acceptance to Moravian as well right congratulations Cong okay okay now our liaison reports our middlex County SBA delegate Mrs Janette De Jesus good evening everyone I gave you guys the information about the workshop but this evening I want to just highlight that on December 12th um there will be a another middle six County school board meeting this time it will be at Piscataway high school and the evening's topic will be the collaborative process of the school budget approval and it will be a panel discussion um any interested board member can register through njsca website there's an inperson and a hybrid and a virtual option thank you what time is that 7 o' 6 the virtual starts later right 645 or S thank you our njsba delegate Miss Mrs Sharon Schuler so um I am on the resolution subcommittee and the delegate assembly does meet um one person from each district can vote and basically it's to make New Jersey school boards bylaws and policies so that they can advocate for uh School Districts The subcommittee met three times because there were 19 res resolution submitted nine of them were from planfield um several of them were removed as either um they mirrored language that was already in policies but I believe there's one two three four five six seven or eight going to the um delegate assembly now typically what happens is the assembly book comes out before our meeting so that we can discuss it because the vote that I'm bringing there is supposed to be our vote however it has not come out again yet um I do because I was on the subcommittee know what several of them are and um ironically one of them is to um change the bylaw so that the booklet has to come out at least 21 days before the delegate assembly because of this issue um some of the other recommendations are to add some uh language to um a bylaw two of them are to advocate for additional um curriculum language in financial wealth and um there's there's another there was another curriculum piece sorry you know I don't do curriculum um three of them were for pilot programs which they merged two of them together and then they re rejected one of them and basically what the um synopsis is is to advocate for if there's going to be a pilot program on a building that is going to increase student population that the school should be involved again it's not law it's just to advocate for that um and then one of them is um a resolution that the state get involved in reviewing and renaming schools if necessary and that one the New Jersey school boards is declining to support the resolution committee did Decline and that it should be a local uh Pro District issue it should not be the state telling us what we have to do so um when I do get that booklet I will share it with you and if anyone has any concerns you can let me know thank you um and where's your notebooks they're all in my bag this is just all my papers okay now our middle sex Public Library Board of Education representative Miss Aon gas good evening everyone uh just one quick thing uh this Saturday at 11 o'clock in the morning the library um friends of the library in the middle sex environmental commission are showing a family friendly movie there's no registration required you can go to the library and it starts at 11 o' in the morning thank you and now our student representative Miss arhd Parmer good evening to all the respected board members administrative staff teachers and all the active members of the community who took time to attend today's meeting and thanks for your well wishes I wasn't expecting that so it's not over here today I want to share some important academic initiatives being taken in our school districts from K to grade 12 as we understand that children from different ages need different programs keeping this in mind I had opportunity to talk with Mr Moka uh kindergarten to grade five Super uh supervisor and Mr SEO curriculum supervisor from grade six to grade 12 if I mispronounce the name so I apologize for that Mr maoka is working dedicatedly to build collaboration skills among this among the kids from K to grade five by finding programs which would help kids to develop collaboration which is a crucial skill for grade four to five the focus is to build curiosity in children towards science and math classes for this reason he's working on a new program called CK which is a combination of reading and writing in context of science another program is Discovery Science which is which hopefully will bring curiosity among students about science based discoveries then bringing our Focus to grade 6 to 12 Mr seel is working dedicatedly in implement ing block schedules among students and teachers by having more engaging lessons and movements in the class which could enable teachers as well as kids to be more attentive in the class because now the blog schedule uh our classes are 88 minutes long another focus is to bring electives which are more engaging to students which will help them to stay focused and awake in the classes both Mr seal and Mr Moka from K to grade 12 have their concentration on two very important issues First Technology in education and second making a balance between pen paper learning and learning through technology technology was discovered for betterment in science and engineering Unfortunately today it is having many negative impacts especially on the mental well-being of younger kids but gladly there will be initiatives taken to use technology for the purpose of education and there is already one in our high school where the kids are not allowed to use hes during school hours under any circumstances another important goal is to have balance between pen paper and Technology learning recently I realized that many teachers especially in our high school prefer pen paper learning over electronic equ equipment which is going to take care uh which is going to be taken care as well as in the future all of these import initiatives might take time to be implemented but education is and always will be our first priority and uh we are going to work on this and there are very wonderful it was it was a very wonderful interview with Mr maoka and Mr SEL and they have very great plans for the future of our school and obviously the country thank you okay now we will move on to our meeting minutes there are Corrections and reev revisions I'm sorry there are meeting minutes from last month 10:15 the committee of the whole and that executive session and 10:16 the regular public meeting um 5.0 two is Corrections and revisions to previous board agendas um we did look at those last night and superintendent recommends approval of items 5.01 to 5.02 as presented so moved second that can you please take the roll mrsy yes Mrs de yes Mrs Jeffrey yes Mr Nikolai yes this Quinn yes this Reynolds yes Mrs sh yes thank you we will now open the public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time are limited to agenda items only please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette gordano business administrator board secretary director comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each g68 Clinton uh guys uh referencing agenda item 904 The Substitute uh so it's about the Woodland interm principle which the approval date is November 11th which was nine days ago uh despite this it seems that the principal is already working uh under njsa 188 2741 uh board approval is required before any any staff American assume assume their duties uh and Je oh sorry Jennifer Jordan the Board of Education of northv Regional High School the court in an unpublished opinion uh reinforced the fact that these must be followed uh and under the uh there's obviously an emergent hiring clause which I guess you could claim under this but it's not anywhere there uh and it would have to be listed there if it was an Emer emergent hiring uh since no mention of the Clause has been made uh I was curious why there was uh she has seemed to start her duties before board approval uh since the the uh Clause of mergent hiring hasn't been invoked uh was asking for clarification on how on what where her status is now if she is work indeed working since it is retroactive to 11-11 and uh what was the we will now close the public comment portion of the meeting often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting okay now we will move on to our personnel report by our chair Miss Schuler uh the Personnel committee did meet last Tuesday and the agenda was reviewed during the committee of the whole meeting last night this evening I would like to make a um motion to approve the following items 9.01 is appointment contractual there's one position 9.03 is hourly positions one uh position 9.0 F four there's substitutes there are two positions 9.05 extracurricular uh co-curricular siphons there are four leave up absence we have um two one paid medical and one extended unpaid leave uh 9.07 is an end of service um 9.08 is one transfer 9.09 is um one salary adjustment 910 is one extra teaching assignment and 912 we have um two memorandums of understanding a volunteer coach and we are inactivating a mid shift custodian and creating the full-time maintenance position which is the higher from 91 uh so as recommended by the superintendent I move um items 9.01 through 9.12 as presented second and that can you please take the role Mrs feny yes Mrs D Seuss yes Mrs Jeffrey yeah Mr Nikolai Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds abstain from 9.05 kingan Reynolds yes toest M yes thank you we will now move on to our education report and Mrs Mrs Terry couldn't be here tonight so um we did discuss these last night all of the items on that report so superintendent recommends approval of Education Act action items 11.01 to 11.13 as presented so moved second any questions or discussion on any of that and that can you please take your role Mrs keny yes Mrs dve Seuss yes Mrs Jeffrey yes Mr niol yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs SCH yes thank you we will now move on to our policy action items uh we have no first readings tonight there is one second reading no adoptions or abolishment superintendent recommends the approval of polc policy action items 12.01 to 12.04 as presented so moved second any questions or discussions okay and that can you please take the RO Mrs yes Mrs yes Mrs Jeffrey Mr n yes Mrs Quin yes Mrs Reynolds yes M yes thank you we will now move on to our facilities and finance report by our chair Mr Nic thank you Danielle um the ass finance committee met on the 12th last Tuesday where we reviewed all these items in addition to meeting last night Committee of the whole tonight the superintendent recommends the approval of facilities and finance action items 14.01 through 14.09 second any questions or discussions it's 14.10 yes any questions discussion okay Anette can you please take the role Mrs Bry yes yes Mrs Jeffrey yes Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mr SCH yes thank you any ongoing business from the board any new business okay we will now open our second public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time can be on any topic please come to the podium put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject over your comment to miss Anette gordano business administrator board secretary director comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each okay we will close the public comment portion of the meeting we do not need to go back into executive session so I would like to make a motion to adjourn all in favor sorry you missed your job Janette was like