##VIDEO ID:OIzEOvC_VG4## the United States of America the stand na indivisible andice and next you please take the r mrry here here here here okay and now I'd like to um introduce our Spanish interpreter Miss Jette Marie carner hi everybody then J the open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of the public public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the board secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted on the bulletin board located in the hallway outside of the administrative offices and notice was provided to The Courier News the home News Tribune and the middle sex burough Court we do not have a need to go into executive session tonight so we we'll move on to our presentation um the Board of Education will recognize the following employee of the month for September congratulations Mrs Carter it is my absolute pleasure to introduce our district employee of the month this suette Marie Carter Mrs Carter is the brilliant and dedicated Community School manager always far ex seeding Expectations by creating enriching opportunities for our students whether it's through before after or summer programs Mrs Carter is a true student Advocate ensuring every child has access to incredible experiences just last week during the first week of school Mrs Carter launched an exciting partnership with chess Wizards giving all children in the after school program the chance to learn Chess at no additional cost over the summer students enjoyed weekly swim lessons engaging field trips and Unforgettable experiences again all at no additional cost to our families Mrs Carter has even organized drop off nights giving parents a little time to shop around the holidays while they while their children enjoy supervised fund with Community School staff members to further support our families Mrs Carter has championed the implementation of community Child Care Solutions which offers financial assistance making high quality before before and after school care accessible to all middle sex burrow families as you can see her primary focus is the students congratulations Mrs Carter on being named district employee of the month we can't wait to see the Innovative programming you'll bring to our community school nexts you okay now we will move on to our announcements um I just wanted to say we started our new school year uh two weeks now um so we're excited to have that underway and I'm looking forward to a wonderful year um with lots of grow for our students now our superintendent of schools Dr Roberto Freeman welcome back this year my opening address to staff was simple one word two letters one syllable b i challenge our Educators to be authentically themselves knowing that when we Embrace who we are we open new worlds of possibilities for our students be different be great be kind be quirky be positive be the change and my favorite be exceptional that's it be for when we dare to be we Empower others to do the same thank you now our business administrator board secretary miss good evening welcome everyone there's no announcements from the business office get a very smooth start to the opening schol we got all the new employees on board and as I said the last meeting if anyone needs any problems resolved any help don't hesitate to reach out thank you thank you now we will do our Le on reports our middle sex County SBA delegate Mrs Janette De Jesus good evening um the next middlex County meeting will be October 7th the topic is going to be AI in education and any board member can sign up to attend it will be there's a virtual as well as an in person and the inperson starts at 6 the virtual starts at 7 um so if you want to go ahead and register for that um the information is on New Jersey school board's website and hopefully you can see some some of you otherwise I will be bringing back the information thank you um now our njsba delegate Mrs sh uh so as the delegate to the New Jersey school boards Association um I don't have a lot to do right at the moment because our next delegate assembly is not until December 7th however I do want to share some information um the New Jersey school board delegates are the representatives of the each district SS one and they help to um craft the policies and procedures of New Jersey school boards which is our um Association and are basically our lobbying for change in um Centon um for things that the school boards want so I also would like to share Workshop it's my favorite time of the year um it's a ter terrific opportunity for development um professional development for school boards we are all unpaid elected officials so this is an opportunity where the workshop is in Atlantic City it's co-sponsored by New Jersey school boards the New Jersey Association of school administrators and the New Jersey Association of business officials it is one price for up to 25 people within the district and the New Jersey Commissioner has approved overnight travel for any District that travels more than 50 miles to the venue there's over 200 classes on Monday through Thursday and the convention floor is open Tuesday and Wednesday it gives opportunities for um hearing the keynot speaker the commissioner of Education my favorite is the legislative panel we get several legislators who come and answer questions for um the audience um it gives an opportunity to research vendors programs and products and anyone who would like to go make sure Anette had your information and um that way we can each break up and go to several different things sometimes there's 20 to 30 um classes all at the same time so we can't all do everything um and that's my report thank you thank you Shar now our middle sex Public Library Board of Education representative Miss Aron gas good evening everyone I don't have anything to report tonight but our next meeting will be Monday October 14th thank you um and I would like to take this time to introduce our new student representative ashh parar did I say that correctly thank you for joining us and it's nice to a very pleasant evening to everyone myself and I'm the senior in high school um I'm honored to be the Board of Education representative for 2024 and 2025 and I understand the value and the discipline of this post I would try my level best to fulfill all the responsib thank you so much for having me thank you so now we'll move on to our meeting minutes superintendent recommends approval of the minutes as presented which are the committee of the whole on 8:20 the regular public meeting and the executive session on 821 2024 so move oh I'm sorry we also have to go over the corrections and revisions to previous board agendas as noted um we did have time to discuss those last night but anybody have any questions on any of that superintendent recommends approval of items 5.01 to 5.02 as presented now so second andette can you please take the role yes Mrs yes Mrs yes Jeffrey yes yes yes yes M re yes yes thank you um so now we are going to move on from for to our communication from the public um before I open the public comment portion of the meeting um for those of you who are here last night I just want to reiterate how this works um our our meetings do proceed with order and respect um we do have very specific policy or procedures on how public comment Works um and we will to those for tonight comments at this time are limited to agenda items only please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette diano business administrator board secretary director comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each like com last thank you I misread the name of person receiving personel six uh receiving the teacher Mentor apologize for that thank you f hello um I'm Elizabeth CI 7 17 MAV middle set I'm also a teacher here as well a as a concerned taxpayer and an advocate for our student education I'm here to express my concerns regarding the recent increase in admin positions within our school district and the implications this growth has had for our commun I've been here 22 years and through that time I have seen our admin continue to grow now I understand and it's important to have a strong leadership and support structure within our schools but I also believe that this current course we are taking raises several important questions specifically I'm concerned about how the rising number of admin positions may be impacting our budget and increasing the taxes paid by our community members in lie of voting on another new principal hire this evening I urge this board to consider conducting a thorough review of the existing admin positions to ensure that each ble is necessary and effectively contributing to the educ educational mission of our district transparency in this process will not only help in justifying the cost to taxpayers but will also Foster trust within our community when we really want something to fight for possibly a new building for our elementary schools I don't work in one that's falling apart but I know some that are I ask you not to rush this vote you see from last night you may even see from tonight I know you of see a lot of blue shirts to support our contracts but you see how upset the community is and I'm just asking to take more time really see if this position is needed to show us this consideration see we don't really need another principle we need to settle our contracts we don't need another principle we need to be financially fiscally responsible and finally we do not need another principle because by the way we have one and he is exceptional thank you for your time evening Laura thomasy 109 green Avenue I was here last night to speak and I'm back again with my strong feelings and there were a few board members that were not here last so I'm going to reference the um agenda item of school boards Association Convention but I would like to also say that um as a board member and I looked at the uh school board's duties you are to De plans make policies fiscal responsibilities hire and evaluate superintendent when you get this job it states right in there becoming board member does not surrender the rights that you have as a citizen such as freedom of speech following the school ethics act so I ask yourself want you to ask yourself when you vote tonight on the agenda items that deal with a lot of unreasonable spending as we were talking about and you ask yourself again do we really need this or do we want want so that's what I'm asking look at um in regards to the School Board Association I appreciate all of you I respect you for volunteering to do this job it's not an easy task I realize that we spend a lot of time but with the money crunch that we are having and our taxes are going up I would ask you to consider and I understand chin and what you said about sign up to who's going to be going but for the people public that don't know it cost approximately $800 per board member so my suggestion at this crunch time would be select a few people to go even though they can't attend all the classes and then bring that information back to share with the rest of the group because money is so tight I in the same respect on the agenda there is um action for approval for the Community School director congratulations um to go to a national After School Association event in Tennessee so is that something that we want her to do or is that something we need her to do it sounds to me like her accolades approved that she's already doing a great job and it's this time when we're trying to settle a teacher's contract and find money that we do not do those type of things thank you for your time thank okay I will now close the public comment portion of the meeting oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vot before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the super superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to ensure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting okay we will now move on to our Personnel report by our committee chair Mr Shan sh uh this evening I would have some um obviously items for approval the committee did meet on September 10th um and we did review all of these items um as uh reported last night as well um this evening I would like to make the following motions I would like to make the a motion to approve the appointments contract ual for the variety of people that are on there um 902 is the approval of the classroom AIDS there are no s hourly positions no substitute positions the extracurricular siphons are listed for um the several Sports and other um events uh 06 is the leave of absences 07 is um end of service 08 is the approval of the transfers there are no salary adjustments 10 is the extra teaching assignments as noted 11 is the uh Community School supervisor um 12 there is a variety of things a decision um change to a job description professional development another job description um a membership into a recruiting service um the approval of a provisional teacher Mentor payment the approval of After School academic Advanced program facilitators um for the program starting October 1st and due to our position um roster we are inactivating a um fulltime kinderg Atwood and um changing that person to a second grade teacher um so this evening I would like to uh make the motion oh sorry there it is to approve Personnel action items 9.01 through 9.12 as presented so move second are there any questions the board and that can you please take the r yes yes yes yes yes yes 9.1 L2 Clark holes no yes to the rest thank you now we will move on to our education report by our committee chair Mrs Brenda Perry good evening uh the superintendent recommends the approval of the education action items 11:01 through 1114 as presented so questions okay and I can you please take the RO yes yes yes Jeffrey yes yes yes 11.4 no yes to the rest yes thank you we will now move on to our policy action items 12.01 is the first reading of Pho policies and regulations 12.02 is the second reading and Adoption of bylaws policies and regulations 12.03 is adoption of bylaws policies and regulations 12.04 there are none so the superintendent recommends the approval of policy action items 12.01 to 12.04 as presented the move second any questions I you pleas take the RO yes yes yes Mrs Jeffrey yes Mr n yes Mrs yes Mrs Quin yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs yes thank you we will now move on to our facilities and finance report by our committee chair Mr Todd M thank you Danielle uh the facil finance committee met last Tuesday the 10th superintendent recommends approval of facil Finance action items 14.19 second any questionette can you please take the role um 14.01 check number 03 665 one and 14.07 number one numbers one and two Iain from yes to the rest yes yes Jeffrey yes Mr yes yes yes yes yes okay any ongoing business from the board say something so although it sounds like we are not listening to the public I honestly can tell you that every single one of us are listening but what come on what you have to understand is that things take time in the school district so we listen to the public when they were not happy with our test scores so we tried to do something about it we listened to the public when they were unhappy with with the security so we tried to do something about it what you are seeing right now is a compilation of things that started six months nine months 12 months ago and now we are at this point and I just want to say we do listen we do hear we talk about it but what you are seeing currently may be something that started 12 18 months ago I made a comment last night that it took me 10 years to get a board dock system for our management system it takes time to get these things and I truly believe that the superintendent has our best interest and the direction going to increase test scores to increase security to get all of the federally mandated I mean State mandated sorry the state keeps giving us mandates and over and over again those mandates are unfunded by the state and that is why I go to Trenton and that is why I fight for this district and that is why you are seeing a lot of the changes that you're seeing today thank you thank you Shar okay now we will open our SEC second public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time can be on any topic before coming please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette Jano business administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each uh I just don't necessarily have words uh I'm shocked myself that principal appointment was approv after 50 people on 50 people on a Tuesday meeting and the whole crowd here including the Nea uh speaking for uh Mr John Key you have a uh you have teachers coming from far out of middle SE to show their support and moving moving their boss to a floating position I just don't right and while the me is here they're going they're about to go month three without a contract and upping at admin pay so top heavy the ship is going to s i there got to be something done but at base level this contct I understand there's only two people on this negotiation I understand that I know it's hard I know it takes time but we need to us your spare office it's bottom line you have incredible Talent leave this district will not pay them but they're asking when I Che new hes and pay higher teachers you can't have my name is carollyn muga and I am speaking as very proud president of the midle sex Education Association to say that I'm disappointed about the events of last Wednesday night as M we as an M negotiating team we had every intention of doing the work no matter how long took I even made a joke to the attorney together where are your pajamas we're staying we're getting this done we needed to work to bring together a fair and respectable settlement to both the Nea and the board of education for five years I have stood by my beliefs that Solutions and progress are made with communication and that is dialogue that includes active listening and Reflection by both parties not the constant filing of prances and uls every time an issue arises nor each side being regularly and routinely critical of we're going to have disappointments and disagreements and that's part of Labor Relations but this is a different kind of relationship we can't get divorced we've got to come back to the table and in five years that's been a tiny little one over the watch on Library T often had a much love your table in the superintend office we always come back to the table to talk but last Wednesday night it seem too easy I have to admit beginning back in our second session on I know I did I think a lot of the rest of our team felt the line drawn in the sand that's not a strategy that leads to bilateral agreement and that's not negotiations I'm asking the board to consider what it looks like when the negotiations committee decides to walk away from the table and let me be blun if you want what happened in North Brunswick to rear its ugly headed middle sex you are well on your way to having that happen I have personal interest it gave me a fantastic education class it gave me a home for 30 years and it's given me a career now entering a thir and that story is not mine that belongs to a lot of people out here in this I'm proud of the work that we've done for the five years and I know know that we've done it during absolutely incredible circumstances a global pandemic three different superintendant and all that that comes along with that kind of change but currently we're in an educator crisis and that is unfortunately a fact that none of us can disagree with it's not just the teachers in the classroom it's bus drivers secretaries esps custodians it's imperative to understand that the path forward to a settlement isn't going to be the continued asking of more and more from this staff this staff has been loyal and selfless to this town and its students and its families to the contrary this settlement must demonstrate a sincere desire to retain the ex staff that you have by compensating them in a fair and respectable way and part and parcel with that is Tove them with a topnotch working environment a working environment that makes them want to come to their job every day because they feel valued listened to and respected and now really all we have to look forward to is the assistance and the guidance of the mediator to bring about a settlement that addresses our needs thank you hi everyone my name is Matthew M and I live on 312 middle this is on behalf of Mr joh Kia to start off I just want to say how heartbreaking this is how can someone who has dedicated 10 years of his life to build up ha school to what is today be forced to leave this spot I was Mr G's first graduating classroom hawood when he became principal at the end of our third grade year he started a time capsule Tradition at Hazelwood School where the third graders for the memory of our Hazelwood years I gr I graduated this past June from high school a few weeks before graduation Mr G invited the graduating seniors from h he the W back to open our time capsu he had breakfast for us and put together a slide slideshow of us and his memories from although I'm only 18 I've been through a lot in my life and I have to say Mr G has been nothing but a posi positive male role model to me even up to a couple weeks ago he stopped at my job just to say hi and make sure everything was going going well you don't find many principles that would do something like that I still remember going to Hazelwood on take your child to workday the last couple of years and Mr G was always in the hallway talking to the kids and going in the classrooms making sure everything was good he was always involved taking Mr G is a big mistake it's not only hurting the community but it's hurting the kids and families of Hazelwood Why Try To Change something that isn't broken good evening I am Jen Sherlock and I live at 14 aine I been a teacher at Hazelwood School for over 20 years and I can say without a doubt de jilia is is by far the most dedicated professional I have work done he goes above and beyond to make Hazelwood School the best place it can be for teachers students and staff he instills a sense of family within the building and with his leadership I have always felt supported and respected removing him from ha with school would be a lost felt by the entire community my name is Michelle melik and my address is 3233 Beverly Road in South C field while I'm not a resident of middle sex this has been my community for over 20 years I have taught second grade third grade and now first grade at Hazelwood School therefore I consider middle sex my community and Hazelwood School my second home I stand before you feeling very vulnerable this evening it's not often that teachers speak in a public forum in front of their superintendent and Board of Education and other community members in fact I never have however those of you that know me professionally and personally know that I am a passionate person to a fall and I will always support what I believe in and that's why I'm here today I believe that Mr G should remain the principal at Hazelwood School he has made our school an extra special place for students community members and staff I believe that when leaders and teachers work together amazing things can happen for our schools and our children simply put rich is a Hands-On principal that puts all children first he puts his staff first and he puts Hazelwood School first he knows every single Student's name in our school he is present each day throughout our classrooms he is always available for the students the community and the staff Rich leads with a level head of calm heart excuse me a calm demeanor and a Caring Heart you fostered an environment where staff members are not afraid to take risks they are not afraid to ask for help they're not afraid to make suggestions of how to help our school improve Rich has made me a better teacher by believing in me guiding me with positive feedback encouraging me telling parents of the community that they're so lucky to have me as their child's teacher he believes in me and genuinely makes me feel valued and above all else he makes me love coming to work Mr G did something that not many leaders are successful in doing he changed the culture in Hazelwood School 10 years ago he came on board very enthusiastic and we've all seen this type of person before and as a teacher I thought here we go again but this time was different Mr G began to tell hazelwood's story all over social media he started celebrating students celebrating staff members inviting our community into the building encouraging our staff to be a team no more divide between the special education and general education teachers everyone pulling in the same direction and inspiring all to share their expertise with everyone we revised our school philosophy had our very own Pride clap had hashtags like all in for hwood once a husky always a husky Hazelwood School is Hazelwood school because of Mr G and his leadership please know as a teacher it has been a joy honor privilege to work with such a dedicated supportive principal and I would like to publicly thank him for that and share my hope that he will remain the calm in our St I wasn't sure if I was going to talk again um when you're in the leadership role all eyes are on with scrutiny and dedication in this role as a public Public Service I think that what's being forgotten here and I could be completely off we forgetting that you're not just your face you're not just your voice it's a voice of a community that matters and most of the reasons why these meetings are in because people feel hopeless what I'm hearing I'm hearing that people are feeling hopeless and that hurts me as the father in this community me as the leader of this community When we struggle to build trust in the government we struggle to build trust what happened behind the words it is a battle that not many people here will understand that I know all of you understand and it's like it's a battle to keep that on but I promise you I don't know what the hell is happening with Mr John kilia but the 10 years that I have been a parent that I've been interacting with him this isn't he doesn't deserve this he doesn't he simply does not deserve this I nobody perfect everybody messes up that is what we teach ourselves that's what we teach our children I don't want to the only thing I've ever heard about him being bad principal is from rumors and nonsense that happened part 10 years ago is what I'm hearing and that I can't even look at anybody right now and I'm a very like loving person but I'm upset and I can promise you there's 25 families that hold me that have been relative to this over the 10 years that said do you need to let these people know they need to let them know that they're not happy they're not all of you have to realize that if we can't get together as a community we can't do this as a community we can't hear our members then there's going to be no progress it's not going to happen and it's like not what we want to teach our children I see a 17-year-old kid up here like coming up and spearheading I'm proud to see people like that get PA that makes me turning 40 no one judge me I know I'm in the middle it's like I'm hopeful because I don't see anybody my meetings with council member don't see anybody until things happen so to open up the menus to make to make transparency and communication healthy and effective it has to start with listening to people it has to it can't keep pushing up the bill we can't keep pushing people out we can't keep doing this and it's not it's teamwork it's not directed at anybody like you guys talk how you talk you have your rule to follow you have everything to do we have the same thing but I I was caught off guard by all of us whoever arazon is I was caught off guard I was shocked shocked to hear one of our most dedicated local celebrated leaders who I have really active parents I have never heard it and I can't even hear you over there and I heard and then I watched his sister walk out like what happened they I could even hear you I have hearing I'm 88 compant you want me pull out I can't hear you I'm not joking and you voting I I didn't even know they done we were done talking like like what what no call out for people to talk like what's happening what's happening and this is nothing to do with anyone's personal because I know when I became a public leader that I didn't know what the I was doing and I had to learn through fire I had to learn through 2020 I had to do this and I watch him do the same thing as a principal and he succeeded and thed and now it looks like you guys are going to let him die backs up the teachers makes me sad to here to all of this the number of people that are here in support of Rich have you heard one negative comment one no so my feeling is if Mr CH did something that was so bad to remove him from being principal why is he then giving another position in the in the school system that's my number one question number two I asked the question last last night at the meeting but I did not get an answer um the police department is going to be paying for an SRO officer in the High School this year which is long overdue but the proposal that was made by the chief of police was for the Board of Education to hire five special special class three officers which are retired police officers that would come in and one would be at Wong Parker Hazelwood Woodland and mor that means that you would get five officers retired officers to do the Safety and Security and the amount of pay that they were getting would be less than what the new position is and rich is one person can't be at every school every moment so I would ask that you table the vote tonight look into that proposal I don't know how many of you know about it whether it just went to the superintendent or to everyone I don't know but I hope you wouldn't consider that because then we could keep the great principal Mr Jia as 41 Glen Gary first of all I would I have two topics um one in the short um I would really like you to push when go for the uh board um School Board I have talked to legislators about having remote burning days not just for snow but for um things that happen in this town like flooding um I think we all have to realize that we have days when we can't get in by being in a classroom that has no air conditioning keep going all through the end of June whatever does not work and trying to reschedule things is not working either so I want you to know that I am also saying it I have spoken at legislative uh meetings with the N to them directly to legislators to say you're not understanding it's not just snow okay so I would appreciate that um I am going to talk and I'm going to send a word of warning to the board and I don't mean it derogatory I'm just sending you a warning the teacher shortage has started it's not at the Pinnacle it's at the very beginning middle sex is not competitive with other districts so the piling is going to start which is what happened at my friend okay and for those of you who don't know 60 teachers left 60 resignations that's a lot I'm asking you to not do that as a resident of this because our education system is one of our most valuable things when you don't respect the teachers then they lead and it doesn't matter anymore because as we're paying top of the pay scale for people coming in because that's the going rate guess what I can leave and go somewhere else and get top of the guide which is more than it is here so please understand that okay I don't have to stay I say if I want to stay and that's going to be the problem when you can't pay your bills and you can't take care of your own children then you have to go and it is heart speaking up here and I'm going to tell you why on my phone I keep a list of all the things that have been done to me over the 20 years because as I came to this Podium and spoke 17 things were done to me personally to hurt my career because I came to this codium and opened my mouth hopefully I won't be adding you 17 things got my classroom changed didn't get my pay raise when I should have it got left things because I came here and spoke the truth well I can tell you right now you can keep adding to the list but I'm not going to shut up we need to be respected and you need to understand compos and I'm warning when you don't have a good school system those of us who live here our house values go down this is just the beginning of the teacher and you guys have the power to change it thank you good evening everyone um again I'm Alison Robinson I live at 256 Beachwood Avenue um and one thing I was thinking about between yesterday and today that I thought might be really helpful for Comm to understand too and and shed some light on it again understood Personnel issues cannot be discussed but perhaps the board could share I know as a teacher if something goes wrong teachers don't make their evaluations we have an action plan we have a chance to improve and I was just curious as to if there is a similar plan in District for our administrators to have that same opportunity so that if something does arise instead of having to put out a fire and move someone in the future they can have a chance to you know improve redeem themselves and you know stay where clearly they are so wanted so um that's my question I don't expect an answer now but I know that you will get back to me with it and I appreciate that and I think that it'll go a long way with the community if we kind of have some answers that aspect as well so thank you so much Thomas again um I'm not sure if I understood correctly when you said um that the this has been in the works for 18 months what's going on now and so my conundrum is why Mr Donia find out in such a short time before the school is g to start as Mrs M find out a week before the first day of school that she was to me that doesn't seem quite had been in the works for 18 months thank you I came last night and I spoke briefly about a problem my daughter having at school I am here tonight because I did not receive anything today nothing I asked you all to think about if it was your child I laid out the scenario for you and um I assume as parents that none of you would be okay with being ignored again I could be wrong but I would assume that none of you would be okay with me it had to do with your child's safety um and if I am wrong I'm very disappointed all you that you are okay with that for your children but um I don't think that's what happened here um it's interesting me the one lady before said that there was a great culture at Hazelwood because that was the exact word I was going to use um but in the opposite way this Township has such a terrible culture with regard to its discipline and its interactions between its children The Bullying that is rampant and Ming with schools which we're seeing all over social media constantly and hearing the parents outside the school speaking about all the time it's terrible and it's not only postco which I would understand these children are two years behind socially um and being able to deal with their stress levels while their stress levels are two years beyond their actual age and they have a fouryear gap in dealing with their emotions it's our job as adults to teach them how to do that I'm not quite sure why it's being left in the teachers hands so much um and I don't mean any disrespect I actually feel like they have other things to do I feel like they could do more of what they want to do um and less of that I think it's a big burden on them um and I think that things should be the same from top to bottom there are exceptions to every situation that happens demographic shouldn't be one of them and I have a really strong feeling that demographic plays a huge part in so many decisions when it's left up to individual people to do different things and people have conscious and unconscious biases I would venture to Guess that if we called for a audit of the disciplinary action and we asked to remove all the confidential information and code all the student information for confidentiality and looked at everything with only the demographic information we would probably see a bad picture and I also know that I probably can't call for that audit but it could probably done in a discovery phase couldn't it actually it probably already has been done in a discovery phase because we already settled one lawsuit didn't we it's not good you guys have to start here and then has to be the same through the schools with the discipline every situation if a kid does something to another kid this is what happens in that situation victims should not be moved from their seats in front of whole cafeteras they shouldn't be as if they were the problem they shouldn't be and it was left to the teacher to decide what was best in that situation instead of the principal who it was given to the principal delegated it to the teacher the teacher went in decided to move the kids and shov the victim and the two children who reported it the threat as if the three of them had done something wrong we all know when children sit in a cafeteria you only see it happen and it's Oo we all know how they are they're children they think those children's something wrong it's not okay it's not and they need better directive and I really think it needs to be taken out of the teacher's hands it should not be arbitrary based on the day and it's available if it can't be handled that day wait but I don't think that they should even have to worry about it they should have to worry about keeping their kids safe in the classroom like General stuff that they shouldn't even have to think about teaching the kids worrying about their curriculum worrying about furthering their own educations and their own professional lives and things like that taking the care of their children too you guys are in local paren this you make decisions for my kid and I'd appreciate it if you would make them according to how you would make them for your kid and I do not think that's what's happening here I've had problems since Elementary School it was pre-co my daughter had three different incidents that I got calls home where she was not the aggressor she was a victim two of them were Hib came before this board both of them came back negative I don't understand one of them I get the other one I don't get because it should have been that was handled wrong the problem is that then once kids see that the adults don't handle it right guess what now they got their victim they see it they know and now they know they can pick on that kid over and over and over again and nothing happens my daughter emailed me from the back she was moved the back of the room and I emailed back she was moved back today to the front but she emailed me from class and said I find it ironic that there's a poster on the wall next to me about antib while I'm sitting in the back of the room like I did some she's not wrong she's 11 she's not wrong and the adults should know better than the 11year olds that's my opinion so because I feel like other parents were listened to in this situation and I'm not exactly sure why I have to imagine that it's because um we're listening to whose voices are louder so um I just want to assure you that I used to work in a public library and I can control 150 children with just my voice because I'm very loud and I can project so I'll win and I won't stop because this is about my kid safet and I'm done and I want her safety plan tomorrow uh obviously you've heard a lot tonight you voted on what you voted on but I'd like to end this public comment the quote from the mea in a time when good Educators at are premium why would the Board of Education not com portion of the meeting we have no need to go into executive session so I'd like to make a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor