##VIDEO ID:trJ_4X4EeU8## okay the board has been in executive session for the past 13 minutes for the purpose of discussing confidential matters as outlined in 2.01 the matters that were discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as possible once the reason for non-disclosure no longer exists so second mat can you please take the RO Mrs yes M yes Mr yes Mrs Jeffrey yes Mr yes Mrs car yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs yes thank you um we have no presentations tonight we'll move on to announcements um I really don't have anything to report I'm think we're all getting excited for a new school year I love to see so many new hires um that's going to take our district to a new level and I'm very excited for that go to our superintendent of schools Dr Roberto thank you and I have the same sentiment same here all The Smiling Faces out here in our our audience our new hires welcome to Middle sex um it's been a busy school year and we're excited to start on Tuesday September 3D and children come back on the 5ifth so we are ready set to go see you tomorrow at new teacher orientation thank you and our business administrator board secretary Miss Anette de down good evening again same sentiment it's so good to see all these spots fill for the year and know everybody's excited to be here it's a great place to be um if you need any assistance from the business office don't hesitate reach out or a phone call what Sally my secretary is there all day so um if you need anything help payroll purchases anything like that to thank you now we'll move on to our liaison reports uh first our middle sex County SBA delegate Miss Mrs Janette good evening um this nothing new to report there will be our first County meeting October 7th and I just looked at the subject it's going to be on artificial intelligence empowering educators so that'll be August um not August October 7 thank you now our njsba delegate Mrs Sharon um so with the start of the new school year there's not not much going on in terms of New Jersey school boards they're ramping up to um get new trainings um up and going as Jette said the county meetings I don't have a date for the legislative committee um yet but the Del assembly is not until December um so I will have more information on that time and I believe I even know Janette knows this yet we have a new field service rep we're going back to our former field service rep of maryan Freeman I know very so excited um so um maybe we can get her to come in and do some trainings with us as we see fit and that's all I have thank you our middlex Public Library Board of Education representative Miss Aon gas good evening everyone uh we did not have a meeting for August we will pick back up in September but I do want to say welcome to everybody we are very excited to have you all and can't wait for new teacher orientation tomorrow and Friday thank you now we move on to our board meeting minutes um 5.01 is meeting minutes for the committee of the whole um Committee of the whole executive session and our regular public meeting on July 16th and July 17 5.02 is Corrections revisions to previous board agendas as we discussed last night and superintendent recommends approval of items 5.01 to 5.02 as presented so move second I'm real quick sorry anybody have questions before we do the call Anette can you please take the roll Mrs fry yes Mrs yes Mrs B abstain from July 17th 20124 yes made section 10.03 obain to section 10.3 nichas Jeffrey so um I think on the 16 I'm you got that July you Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs quinnn yes m M Reynolds yes Mrs SCH yes thank you we will now open the public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time are limited to agenda items only please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette gordano business administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes hi everyone my name is chrisan jit my address is 39 offer pleas Hill um I'm on staff at hwood school um first I'm going to start with reading of some from one of the other teachers are going to be here I am addressing um the updated agenda item that said that our principal was going to be moved um I think that our staff kind of all quickly scrambled together to try to pull you know get here and support him I feel very much that everybody that I've spoken to wholeheartedly supports him and have loved him as our principal this is from Kristen avalo and she's also a teacher at Hazel with school I want to express how upset I am in the movement of our principal Richard jilia throughout my almost 20 years of teaching I have never worked with a leader that is more supportive and invested in the middle sex Community Rich has worked with teachers and parents and other administrators to the best of his ability with one goal in mind the success of hwood students I'm deeply saddened by this decision as it will be a huge loss for our Hazelwood School um I couldn't agree more with what she said I've been teaching here for 21 years I've been through different administrators I've had three different principles rich is by far the best best principle I have ever had uh for many different reasons um I'm going to start with I don't think as a teacher I have ever been more respected or listened to or felt like I was being respected he treat all of us with respect um I've never also felt like I have been listened to or communicated with as well as I have by um Mr um as a staff we have had some difficult things you know happen the past couple years and he has stood behind us every step of the way and honestly I think that some of us wouldn't have made it through those difficult times without his support and we feel a responsibility to come here and let you know that he supported us for 10 years and we are here to support him we love having him as our principal and it will be a huge loss for all of us um we just would like to be heard you know by the board and for you to understand that um we really really would love to keep him with us I appreciate you uh listening to us of course um and I appreciate I hope that you take this into consideration thank you all thank you no others we will now close the public comment portion of the often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the board of education is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting okay now we will move on to our personel report um by our committee chair Mr sh thank you so the committee did meet um last week we did review the appointments that were available at the time however since then there has been continuous um um appointments uh and including some that um hit since we met last night um so welcome everyone and I'm going to start the approvals and I'm going to read out all the appointments contractual if you are here if you could please stand up um so I'm going to try to do the best on your names I apologize um so this evening um for the appointments contractual we have lyanna Antonelli Mara Bergman Catherine Bano Bano thank you uh Jessica chin um adata drala Karen Emmons Mita guli thank you sorry uh Jordan Hill Jeffrey Johnson Thomas Lang Renee laao Colleen Maui Agatha Perez Kayla Ramirez Ryan Reynolds Alysa Rizzo and Diana Vata that's our appointments contra ual um 92 is our salary eight we have um one salary eight Cecilia Bush um extracurricular and co-curricular stens we have um a variety of those I don't know if anyone is here for those um no leave of vins we unfortunately have one end of service uh Mr Morris we have several transfers I do believe a couple of those people are here um thank you and Ezra yes thank you so much for coming and taking our teaching assistant positions um we have a variety of other transfers um sometimes from one school to another um with no salary adjustments extra teaching assignment we have one Community School appointments is to approve the before and after care employees um on the attachment other Personnel actions we have the following provisional teacher mentors for our new teachers um we are resending two positions we are approving summer work for um one person approving volunteer coaches approving athletic game worker rates of pay an additional head teacher stien The Early Learning Network Improvement community and the professional development hours sorry there's more um approving star staff training and um abolishing or creating um appointments as noted and then the following employees are being paid under a Federal grant so for this evening I would like to make a motion to approve the Personnel items from 901 to 9912 as presented so moveed second any questions comments andette can you please take the rle Mrs Bry yes Mrs de yes Mrs B yes Mrs Jeffrey yes Mr Nicholai yes Mrs Parry obstain from item number 95 Robert sare senior and item 912 Ronald J this is Quinn obain 9.12 number8 Gary brener and yes to the rest Reynolds on 9.01 Ryan Reynolds yes to the rest M yes thank you we'll now move on to our education report by our chair Mrs Brenda Perry good even uh the superintendent superintendent recommends adoption of items 12 04 sorry my internet went down um the superintendent recommends the following or the adoptions for 111 through 1113 1112 so move second any questions discussions Mrs Bry yes Mrs yes Mrs yes Mrs Jeffrey yes Mr n yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs qu yes Mrs re yes Mr yes thank you we will move on to our policy action items 12.01 is first reading of bylaws policies and regulations 12.02 is second reading and Adoption of bylaws policies and regulations 12.03 is abolishment of bylaws policies and regulations 12.0 core is adoption of bw's policies and regulations superintendent recommends the approval of policy action items 12.01 to 12.04 as presented so move any questions comments an the mrsy yes Mrs yes Mrs yes Mrs Jeffrey yes Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Barry yes Mrs Quinn yes yes yes thank you we'll now move on to our facil facilities and finance report by our committee chair Mr Thani make a motion to approve fin it1 any questions comments I'm asking pleas the RO yes Mrs yes Mrs yes Mr n yes Mrs Perry yes yes re yes robs [Laughter] [Music] yes um any ongoing business new business okay now we will open our second public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time can be on any topic please come to the podium and put your name at address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette Jano business administrator board secretary director comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes none okay we will now close the public comment portion of the meeting and we have no need to go back into executive session so I would like to make a motion to ajour Second all in favor congratulations everyone [Applause]