##VIDEO ID:XL6boPMW5oI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone adequate notice of this meeting was provided by sending such notice to the asber P press the Middletown patch and the Middletown Township Public School District website and the posting of such notice at the August T minor administrative offices and each elementary middle and secondary school in the district roll call Mrs CTI here Mrs Farley here Mr here Mrs Min here Mrs fasy here Mr T here Mrs Wright here Mrs tobaco here Mr here and now I need a resolution to go into exec session to speak about hi Personnel matters and legal update all in favor oppose exensions see you a little while e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e one good evening everyone please stand for the pledge aliance toag United States stands our nation God indivisible and jusice for all we going to start this evening with our High School North speaker age hi my name is p p and I am a junior at Middletown High School our football team won their first outright division championship since 1983 and completed the regular season eight and up they will host a home playoff game this Friday night at 700m for Stein ER High School campaigns have ended and the votes are in congratulations are in order to Jason Woods for being voted in as Nord Student Government vice president special thanks to senior Chelsea baxer and Jason woodz who did an amazing job running their campaigns and each will play an important role in the Middletown High School North Student Government Middletown High School North choir members hosted open night choir on Thursday October 10th for a home pick out game against rvr Cho members from Thorne bashore and Thompson were invited to miltown High School North for pizza meet and greet and music practice followed by singing the National Anthem at the home game all state honors PR members for Milton High School North done rehearsal on Sunday October 13th for the 2024 2025 season with performances at November NJ EA convention in Atlantic City and the NJ EAC in Newark New Jersey as well as the New Jersey music educators convention in February 2025 Mr isherwood is assisting and chaperoning at All State Choir rehearsals as well as assisting and teaching and incoming students as needed the choir members completed the annual mum sale for fundraisers and sold 800 mums to the school and family members fundraising is ongoing to support the music program and their performance trip to Disney in February over present day weekend the north marching band has a successful competition season this month receiving high scores improving each week the Lions Roar High School North's online student newspaper includes relevant campus-wide stories and highlights outstanding achievements throughout our Community High School North's praise referral program celebrates students positive actions and contributions across the campus sta me staff members identify students to demonstrate kindness compassion respect and Lead ERS ship throughout the learning community so far this month the following individuals have been recognized for upholding and modeling these ideals Destiny Billingsley Blake eworth Mark Conway Mike deie and Gabby deina High School North continues to be a community that believes in recognizing students for their achievement head of the pride is our monthly student recognition program that highlights outstanding performances across the campus students are nominated based on academic performance character and effort our head of the pride recipients from September were nth grade Anthony Gro and hope Yetman 10th grade Jaylen mle and Chloe tryo 11th grade Julie felo and Ryan hangman and 12th Sean H all the head of the prize students will be rewarded with a breakfast hosted by the administrative team at the end of semester one and will have their photograph photograph displayed outside the main office the homecoming bonfire which also features the recognition of fall athletes in the stadium is scheduled for Tuesday November 26th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. our annual Thanksgiving football prep rally is set for Wednesday November 25th in preparation for the traditional and festive North or South game rehearsals for Little Women our fall play are continuing and we look forward to this highly anticipated production its performance schedule is Friday November 22nd and Saturday November 23rd at 700 p.m. on October 21st over 550 Middletown High School North 10th and 11th graders took the PSAT thank you thank you hello everyone I'm Sophia castone and I'm a 12th grader at Middletown High School South to start South Middle State's visit was was a success a team from middle State spent the week visiting South interviewing staff and students Chosen and selected randomly and had many positive things to say in their report mrito formed by Captain's Council were representatives from each Club meet to discuss how to improve the student experience at Middletown High School South through are various clubs and activities currently the Captain's Council is assisting with promoting the different clubs and activities at mhss to the freshman class on October 15th Mrs Higgins South HIV specialist presented to the PFA meeting for parents who found her presentation very informative congratulations to the lady Eagles cross country team for being named M County Champs the SATs were administered on October 21st for all 10th and 11th graders our Civic leaders did a fantastic job creating skits for the freshman class thank you to Mr lightbody for organizing this congrats to mids South Gymnastics out of 10 teams at the tour conference they play second with a high score of [Music] place in the top 10 for each event and all around congratulations also to the girls who competed at the novice me Mrs Smith Mello and the rest of the physical education department are hosting a Battle of the Bands tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the cafeteria featuring a backing band and a costume contest the girl soccer team will host a youth soccer clinic tomorrow from 4: to 5:45 p.m for girls in kindergarten through 8th grade they get a chance to meet girls from the mhss soccer program and bond over soccer will also build it skill the student council is holding our homecoming dance on Thursday November 26th in the cafeteria senior council members will be selling Nothing But Cakes Bates throughout November and will begin an Instagram feature titled senior CS with Spotlight Saturday where they will Spotlight a senior on their Instagram account every Saturday yourbook Club just released forms for senior superlative senior quotes baby photos sibling photos and first saage and photos so that form will close on November 26th Itali the Italian Honor Society is selling reefs until November 1 offering three options Bon fur tasa or Voyager each is a 25 in fresh wreath delivered between November 17th and 21st the FR Honor Society is sell virtu C chocolate course to fundraise for the Honor Society and possible upcoming trips yesterday the St pathway program hosted a guest speaker Drew SC and assistant director of nursing at bread Rehabilitation and ke college visits to South have been very successful with many students connecting with the commissions officers and colleges Nationwide by signing up through Nance Middletown South Eagles helping the community and Middletown helps zone are partnering for a Thanksgiving food dve each Homer will receive a collection box for non- perishable Thanksgiving items CRA breakfast Foods canned meal items and soups donations are due by November 13th and The Home Room with the most items will wi to do our party lastly the Middletown High School South academic team is posting a fundraiser at Thea in Middletown on November 14th from 4: to 8:00 p.m. 20% of pro of proceeds will go to the T thank you thank you Soph we're now going to turn to Dr carrian for his presentation for the njs theaters good evening everyone back for another round of test results this is our second present presentation this year on our results as a district I previously spoke about our high school graduation assessment results but we got our njsa results which are given for students in grades three through eight and select High School subjects as well at the end of August and those reports have since been nailed home by mid-september so today I'm going to give a very high level overview executive summary of our results is a district banded by subject and grade level we will post the full presentation on our district website under cul and instruction so you can check out additional tables and information of the way so first be you science students take the science njsla in grades 5 8 and 11 and each of those tests are banded for three grade levels so students taking science 5 are responsible for science for grades three four and five grade 8 is 678 grade 11 is 9 101 some highlights for our district we outperform State averages across the board in grade five 33% of our fifth graders reach the highest levels of proficiency compared to the state average of 27% from the same area for grade eight we were at 29% compared to the state average of 19% and for grade 11 we were at 32% compared to the state average of 28% if we look at the lower end of things across the board we had significantly lower percentage of students in the below proficient category compared to State averages for ELA grades 3 through 5 the district outperform State average in the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations those are the green and dark green Parts on the high end you can see up here grades 3 through five in each case we surpass the state average anywhere from about 10% 12% um down to about 5% so we were happy about that across the board and then also as a district on the low end of things our not meeting expectations rates were much lower than the seed averages you can see the seed percentages of students not meeting expectations were in the double digits and in most cases we were in the low single digits the same holds true for M as well the district outperform the state average in the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations across all three Elementary grade levels we surpass State average by 10% in grade three by 19% in grade four and by 15% in grade five and then similarly on the lower end of things our not yet meeting expectation rate as a district was in the low single digits across all three grades and then the um double digits at the state level Ela 638 how on buet so we did a really good job in ela grade 6 through 8 60% of our sixth graders met ear exceeded expectations compared to States 53% for grade seven also similar 63% versus 54% and for grade8 60% of our eighth graders met are exceeded compared to the state's 53% we especially had a large number of students exceeding expectations in in the seventh grade that that level five category um that was a notable achievement there and then same thing with the not meeting expectations level we were way below that compared to the C and just in general looking across all three middle schools 60% of students met or exceeded expectations in each grade level from math 6 through 8 the same can be said across all three grade levels our students outperformed State average in meeting or exceeding expectations again in grade six we exceeded it by 7% in grade seven we exceeded it by 16% and in grade eight we exceeded it by 15% and again recurring theme across the bottom our rates of students not meeting expectations were much lower than State averages again high schools where it gets a little weird we have the ELA 9 test um we had 66% of nth creaters meeting or exceeding expectations on that compared to the states 57% alra one is of course that's offered in the high school and in the middle school so I separated out what that looked like compared to State average so for our high school students we had 58% meeting or seing expectations compared to the state average of 40% and then for our Middle School e8th graders who are taking algebra early and in an honors class you can see we had really high results there with 99 98 and 97% of students meeing or exceeding expectations for our high school geometry course as you know we re sequenc math a couple years ago and have geometry happening before algebra one that move has done us well for the njsla we have 69% of students meeting or exceeding expectations in Geometry while the state average is 49% and both high schools had the same passing rate on that 69% meeting or exceeding and again same thing on the low end with our numbers for not yet not yet meeting expectations much lower than the saes average and this last slide I just put up for fun I like scatter pots and lines of best fit probably a minority in in the room on that but um the district did purchase I ready last year and that's part of our instructional program we do I ready benchmarking we use it for personalized learning and I was just curious to see if the students progress and I ready throughout the course of the Year especially their spring diagnosis that they take at the end if it correlated with their performance on the njsla I just took great five as one example but the scatter PLS pretty much look the same all the way across the board when you see all the BS like that kind of gel on a line really tightly that shows that the the work the students are doing in already and the progress they're getting is pretty indicative of how they're actually going to do on njsla so we really pleased to see that across the board as well that the work that they're doing in our schools and on IR ready also matches the outcomes you're getting on the njsi all right thank you very much not going to have Miss Dr Young come up and speak about the ssds and hi grade self assessment report for 232 thank you good evening tonight I'll be presenting on the ssds and Hib self assessment scores for the 23 24 school year it's important to note at the outset of this presentation that there are two reporting periods so tonight I'm reporting on both reporting periods for last school year the 23 24 school year in the spring I'll present again on the information for the first period of this school year which will be September to January so the ssds is the student safety data system it um is part of the New Jersey doe Home Room that requires districts to report out on certain types of incidents that are code of conduct violations and result in out of school suspensions so you can see we have the numbers listed here for the different incident categories for the 20 3 24 school year in the far right column and then we also included the 2223 school year just as a point of comparison and you can see that the numbers for the different in incident types um fluctuate year to year also of note on this slide is the two bottom incident categories other incidents and hi alleged are not calculated in the total numbers for the um numbers reported for ssds incidents also tonight we'll be presenting out on the Hib self assessment scores so the Hib self assessment scores are determined by the building school safety and climate teams each building has a team that meets regularly they come together and they go over these different core elements and the the team assesses the building on each of these elements so the teams at the building level are made up of the principal the anti-bullying specialist staff members and parent representatives and they go through each of these core elements listed on each core element the team comes up with a grade for the school they can be graded from a zero of not meeting any expectations in the requirement to a three where they're exceeding the requirements it's important to note that the maximum score that a school can receive is a 78 and these are the self assess ment scores for last school year that were determined this fall by the school safety and climate teams per building so you can see each of our buildings scored within the 70s range thank you thank you committe reports everybody so curricul instruction [Music] Harley I think few quick things the reminder about the parent University series that's going on there's L of great topics and those are all available on our website um we are going to have an I ready family session over Zoom in February um February 11th so it's a while away but calendars um that'll be after the second IR ready Diagnostic and that'll be with I staff so it's going to be GE towards helping families understand um how to read their results and kind of what to do with them how to work with them with your children's teachers and all that um the cognitive abilities test has administer to Second and fifth grade students across the district and those results should be coming home uh this week via uh US mail so check mailbox um middle State then I was already mentioned I'm sure it will be head on again but sou did earn middle estate's accreditation um which is very exciting and North's assessment is underway as we speak um and we expect the name for north um I think that just right thank you Miss Harley moving to Student Services Mr pul yes thank you we also met on last Thursday the 24th um the highlights for me uh to share in this in this meeting um four things three of which are some really exciting trainings that happened for our different levels of Staff in the district one was um a workshop for all secondary special education teachers um on more effectively and consistently developing uh an acan plps which are present levels of academic achievement and functional performance which is a important component of IEPs um the emphasis being on the focusing on factual objective information and avoiding any subjective or opinion based um uh assessments that could affect that what that score really should be what that assessment should be um so that was a workshop for secondary special teachers um we also had the district's uh reading development districtwide reading development teacher who's our sort of inhouse expert in Borton Gillingham and multisensory lit multisensory literacy provided a training to all um or to K through five speech and and occupational therapists along with the ESL teachers providing them with training to help uh strengthen their skill sets that are used in those aition services in the tum um and the third training I'll mention was that all K through five teachers um received the training by the New Jersey Coalition for inclusive education on inclusion in the physical education world so modifications um and uh you know other ways to foster students participation in PE um in the special education r as well and then last announcement is the echo Cafe which is pure's um prevocational project which that works with the autism program there uh it's a cafe they have a newly purchased cash register that they use it's open for business uh for staff and other folks to purchase coffee and things like that baked goods uh so very exciting with a community uh with that thank you thank can we have to finance stor finance committee met on October 9th main topics of the meeting were an update from The District's new Heth insurance broker looking at the first three months of 2425 and talking about some strategies to look at to improve um improve the district's services for the this year or next year depending how what the timing would be so we're going to look at a few things and regroup on that make more information uh we also talked about doing an enrollment projection uh we have not done a full update five years and think that the district is starting its strategic planning process it's a useful tool to have to see what the are ConEd to be over the next five years so uh we're going to get started on that and and should have the report in time to use for the strategic planning process and that was the main point of the meeting Insurance discussion mov to facilities Mrs M Mrs D so the facilities committee also met on October 9th um Mr nass our director facilities and I updated the committee on various on projects the district at the time we had said that the High School North track work had begun the previous week and will continue but I can update that today and say they are basically done so uh we are through that process um we are also still working on the C Annex we have plans that are going to be submitted to the NJ doe we also are progressing on mechanical structural plans of work will be progressing throughout the year uh the harmony at the time of the meeting playground work was during completion that has also been completed in this point uh we are going to be actually there's couple items on the agenda tonight regarding the River Plaza playground uh we are going to be accepting a donation of equipment from their PTA and we also are going to be purchasing a components for the playground using the grant that we received the local Recreation brand uh and that is also on the agenda for the board to approve as well we also uh continued to talk about utilizing our Master facilities plan and budget that we had done in the uh upcoming strategic planning process so that is an ongoing discussion and that boosts the Le topics of great thank you so much mov to curricula this C but I believe M katrick yes good evening the co-curricular uh committee met on October 15th several topics were address big state Sports is a streaming Network that streams High School sports they are currently working with a short conference and they're going to be streaming all of the short conference championship games this year they're also going to be stre streaming our Thanksgiving Day game and there will be live commentary with that game as well information about the Thanksgiving Day game should be coming out shortly within the next week or so as the game is coming up quickly the frequency and tracking of co-curricular club meetings was discussed as was the process for starting a new club and the absence of permission lips to join a club at the high school level the district will be partnering with Allin athletes in order to provide our high school students who play a sport with access to an emotional Fitness consultant the consultant will support the emotional needs of our athletes and finally a local team from the Women's National Football Conference held a combine at Middletown South's turf field earlier in the month they facilitated a flag football Clinic as well uh the organization is exploring the possibility of using our fields for three wnfc games in the spring it right thank you mror moving on to M technology Mr Fitzgerald which I think is gonna stay with Mr M I'm sorry I'm going to you got so our committee met along with the co-curricular committee on October 15 um Mr silak are network administrator and I updated the committee on some of the 2425 technology project updates uh that we have that were in our budget for this year uh this year we or this summer we worked on my grading to the limeline student safety platform uh we have four modules that U make that up our school manager filter monitor classwise which allows teachers uh visibility uh of what's going on in your class and also we'll have parental controls that will be rolling out next month uh we also migrated to CIS Cloud which is a new cloud backup service that includes cyber security features to better protect our data uh we also migrated to platform called one to1 as our it help DES in inventory Solutions so that was actually something that our summer Insurance helped with uh inventorying our Hardware and software over the summer another project that was in our budget was a consolidation of Elementary camera Ser service for our security cameras uh so we are currently working on completing that um that we will have fewer servers located in each high school for better efficiency and redundancy we also we're looking forward I'm starting to look forward to our 2526 expected technology projects there's a few things uh we're looking at as I just camera servers uh we're looking to do the same thing uh to migrate to fewer servers for the cameras at the secondary school level the middle and high schools and also looking at the more robust security manage detection respon solution so those are a couple of things we mentioned in the committee that we're looking at and okay great thank you so much okay now we're open the micro up for public comment we have any comment let make on agender items only please step forward to state your name and address for the record seeing no code I'm SL the public comment portion and move on okay we have a proclamation National custodian workers recognition day the resolve Middletown Township public education do hereby Proclaim October 2nd as National custodial workers day in middltown Township Public Schools we have National principales month he have resolved that Middletown Township Public Board of Education hereby recognize October 24th as National principal month and urge all Middletown students parents teachers and School District leaders to join them in expressing appreciation for the outstanding work of the elementary middle and high school princial throughout the district and room the reports I need a motion to approve oh sorry the code of ethics from Bo you want to do that or yes on an annual basis uh we get certification or acknowledgement from each board member acknowledging we've received a copy of the code of ethics and have reviewed that I have received most of your acknowledgement so just a reminder that I will need the rest of them but this is according to code and each board member has read and become familiar with the code of ethics and sign so that's you don't need I get good thank you moving on to the superintendent report great thank you um first off I just want to remind um everybody that we are going to be kicking off our strategic planning um for our next fiveyear strategic plan our first meeting um with our committee of stakeholder volunteers will be on November 14th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm and that will be held here in the media center at high school north um also a reminder that all community members have access access to our stakeholder survey um I am going to put that in my October update which will be coming out Friday again so that way if you have not had the opportunity um to voice your opinion on things that should be included in our next five-year strategic plan this is certainly the opportunity to do that that information will be shared with that voluntary committee team in order to have the information necessary to be able to move forward and prioritize um some of the areas that the community is expressing as important in these next um you know five years of our middl toown school functioning um congratulations again to the high school North football team on capturing the first division title since 1983 this is an absolute tremendous accomplishment um they are undefeated um knock on wood so I don't want to jinx anybody um we wish you the best of luck as they take that undefeated record into the state tournament the game is on Friday night um so we are um hoping that they have a victory and continue along in the state tournament congratulations to High School South um as Miss casone had mentioned on their recent middle States accreditation after undergoing the governing body's rigorous 17-month process the middle States team then comes in and spends three days experiencing um kind of a day in the life of High School South and learning about what the high school experience has to offer in our buildings to earn the accreditation um a team of high school teachers and administrators complete a self-study and then that culminates with that on-site review by the middle States team um the middle States process requires schools to demonstrate that it is met a defined set of criteria set on High level research-based performance standards um it also provides provides the opportunity for the school to chart a strategic and realistic course for continuous Improvement um this accreditation is good for seven years so once you're accredited um you maintain that status till you go through the reaccreditation process um this week Middletown High School North is undergoing the same process and um their team of independent evaluators from the middle States group has come in and they will be giving us their final um you know report on Thursday but we are extremely confident that this will be the same outcome that High School South has and we're very proud of both high schools because they are um both fantastic places for our students to receive a really well-rounded education and certainly middle States coming in as an independent evaluator and stamping their approval on it speaks volumes about what we offer here um just to um share again I sent it out in my mid October update but we will be providing a progress report for students in fourth and fifth grade for their language arts and mathematic grades um we are doing this this year because this is the first time in quite a long time that students in fourth and fifth grade will will receive a numerical average for their um trimester score we felt it was really important in absence of an open grade book right now um for uh parents to view um as like what we do at the secondary level um we still felt it was important that parents had some perspective on what that average stand where that average stands um before the trimester expires so parents will have access to an interm progress report on November 2 through the Genesis Parent Portal um we're trying to create Genesis or maintain Genesis as the landing spot for you to get access to lots of information so um staying in line with that theory um parents will go um to the parent portal and under the assessment tab they'll be able to access their students current averages in math and literacy um we will be blasting instructions home um it will also be in my update on Friday with a set of screenshots with how parents can access that information um similar to that um Elementary parent teacher conferences will be held in January as you may recall we amended our school calendar this year to eliminate the half days in December that used to serve as early release for conferences um there um these conferences will now be in January and we are maintaining a different structure so I am going to send home information in that update which will also share the grade level and building assignments because we are conducting these conferences throughout the month of January so it's really important that parents and Guardians take a look at when their child's grade level and building areed scheduled for conferences and just pencil that on your calendar and then a um sign up will be pushed out through Genesis in early December but for now um just marking those dates on your calendar will be important January 22nd will be the night conferences for every single building regardless of when your building's daytime conferences are but that information will all be shared on the schedule that'll be sent out couple more things there with please been a busy month as you know we've been having our stakeholder engagement groups which has been the evolution of our pck committee or our parent information committee they've been very well received really great conversations with um many parents across the district on a variety of topics but the one that I want to highlight tonight was our special education Forum where we talked about increasing awareness um for a variety of disabilities that students May um possess and you know we feel that knowledge is power and empowering our students with knowledge about disabilities is really important in building a climate of inclusion so you know in trying to create this consistently and spread this message across the district we are going to be bringing in a speaker who will help create awareness around individuals with autism um Tim rower he's a 22-year-old um Young man with autism who travels around he's local he's from New Jersey he travels around and he speaks about his school experience with autism um he has been to two of our schools already in previous years and was extremely well-received um and his message is really relatable and the kids connect with him because he's real and authentic but it does in my opinion and the opinion of the groups that we've been meeting with helps to spread this awareness and it Des stigmatizes um students who you know may have um differences than themselves and it does stimulate a climate of inclusion so um we felt what better a way to do this than to bring in someone who our kids can relate to Across The District to hear his message so he will be coming to do a lot of assemblies for us um throughout the year um most of them will happen in April for Autism Awareness Month that's when his calendar fills up pretty quickly but we've taken a lot lot of those dates and we are going to be um supporting every single building and getting him in to talk to our students um across the board K to 12 so we're really excited for that um just um again to piggyback our Thanksgiving game will be televised we are going to have a broadcast um it is one of the only still existing Thanksgiving Day games in the state of New Jersey so um and it's quite the event so we want our folks at home who may not be able to travel to the game or for a variety of reasons to be able to experience the event because it is truly a community event that I know the town has a lot of pride in so we felt that this was a great way to kind of extend that opportunity to anyone who might not be able to come in person um because who knows how cold it'll be right um just one reminder that schools will be closed for fall break beginning on Monday November 4th and ending on November 8th students return to school on Monday November 11th and thank you all again for your continued support um we appreciate it greatly thank you Dr okay moving on to approval of the meeting minutes I the motion to approve P A through C second discussion all in favor I oppose extensions a motion to approve V Board of Education consent agender 11 a through C second discussion all in favor I oppose extensions the motion to approve business office consent agenda 12 a through H and j i is being tabled today second all in favor I abstains extensions any the motion to approve recommendation of super Ten school consent agenda 13A through J J is we're voting on 1 through n and 12 through 20 right now discussion all in favor oppose extensions I had a discussion but I just want to make make it that I'm voting yes on the hibs only because they're all unfounded got it yes okay I need a motion to approve Personnel agenda 10 if I get a roll call Mrs P yes Mrs Farley yes Mr yes Mrs Min yes Mrs mki yes Mr T yes Mrs Right yes Mrs tobaco yes Mr yes and congratulations Mrs grer number 11 itive roll call number 11 Mr yes Mrs fary yeah Mr Fitz yes this m yes thisas Mr this right yes this toac yes congratulations Mr spitsberg heading to Old business anyone have any old business they like to discuss moving on to new business if anybody have any new business they' like to discuss public comment Ryan or Megan anything you like to say you can think about it come back what you I would just like to uh briefly mention that the midd student government is now working on our salute to service project uh for November where we basically raise awareness and express our gratitude for veterans who our residents in Middletown and we do that social social media we have a salute to service project in hallway that we do anything good all right now move to public comment you'd like to make a comment please step CL St your name address with the record have three minutes I'll give you a heads up no I wasn't planning on talking I'm Erin niny um I live on sixk Drive um we came here tonight because um I'm part of the PTA at new M school and we um as a board raised $31,000 for a shade structure and um I emailed you earlier regarding and you had said possibly new m is going to be considered for grant for playground equipment and you had mentioned um Amy today that River Plaza was granted a grant and I just want to make sure like plead our case and how desperate need new Mammoth is for a new playground we combined with PT mommoth in 2020 as everybody knows we had over 500 students we had an Autism program we had two students recently with disabilities that um just joined our school this year which I emailed you about a few weeks ago um our playground equipment is old it's broken and it's a little disappointing when we hear other schools who don't need it as much as ours are getting these Brands and I know you said there was a budget cut and we haven heard whether or not we're going to get it but I'm plead pleading our case because we are in desperate need for this for our students so I invite anybody to come to our playground and see what we are um me and when we talk about it um our students need it so that's really all I wanted to say just GNA answer something maybe inat Amy but so the grass that we have been giving out has been I think the riv plasma last year and Harmony was I'm sorry R plasa this year and Harmony was two years ago that's just inition this year we completed this year so when that grant program opens up again you are on the list for that grant program but we have to wait for it I don't remember understand anything about budget cuts but just understand that the grant program is what we wait to open up and then from there we a budget cut you said was cut I think I read in my email like 5% so or I think overall you had said so you were hopeful we would get the grant but it wasn't right based on the criteria to get that Grant probably is what El speak yes so but as speaking as a member of the school our students need it I don't think anybody realizes how for our our playground is and like I said we now recently have two children in wheelchairs and we have nothing for them we are not accessible for them our um handicapped swing just broke we have a ticket in for to fix and as a board we could raise so much money but everybody knows this playground equipment costs a lot of money that $31,000 for the shade structure would maybe buy a small swing set if we went out to purchase it ourselves so just pleading my case I I just want to add to what mrone said the these are grants that are offered by the state on an annual basis so we've appli you know for a few of those as we mentioned Harmony River closet we had already discussed that we would be considering new Mammoth when the Grant application opens up it's not open to We Can't apply right now it does they normally open it up until December January time frame and then we don't find out if it's awarded until the spring so it we we there really isn't anything else we can do at this point except we them to open up I don't know if you might have been I I know that they've put out that they've reduced the amount that's available for these grants and maybe that's where the budget came in not I didn't you overall it was a having the numbers in front of me I believe in previous years that the the pool of money for the whole state this includes not only schools but municipalities so we it's a competitive Grant process so we we're competing with all of these other entities to get the money but I believe that the pool was formerly about 25 million and I think this year it's going to be down to 20 million so there's still money out there but it is less than what it hit them before I just don't know how it's determined which schools are in or needed it like I just feel like we we had already discussed you know putting your MTH in consideration for that yes so and and just so you know how the grants are awarded they're looked at as uh on a community basis so what you what you need to do in your Grant application is build the case that it's these are areas that serve the community at large not not just the school which you know we we can make case for school plements but you know I just wanted to let you know that what that grent is all about and what and we we' normally put in for the maximum amount 100,000 we have never received that they give every I don't know too many places they get the full amount so for Riv claa we received 67,000 Harmony was 69 so Ju Just so you know how it's been we may end up getting less if they cut they pull this year but we will we will certainly when that comes out we will certainly be on thank you okay thank you anyone else wish to make a comment here sfy um just real quickly um I wanted to just extend my best wishes to someone who probably has the most thankless job in the district Barber Vining for all her years of service she never hears from the community other than to complain um when Transportation goes by and I've been one of those call complain so I just wanted to thank her for her years and anyone else wish to public know I'm stepping forward wish you move to all in favor I have a great night everyone