##VIDEO ID:qb46fZsUtmY## e e e e e e e e e e the public school district website and the posting of such notice at the August team minor administrative offices and each elementary middle and Secondary School in the district please stand for the pleas Allegiance United States of America the for it stands one nation indivisible liy and justice for all on November 5th 202 the following members were elected to a threeyear term beginning January 2025 and ending December 2027 Jo minues Mark sarasi Deborah white we're going to now do the oath of office for the new board members so if I could ask each of you to come up front we will you raise your right hand I your name do solemly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the contition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the contition and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and the state and to the government established in the United States in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do solemly swear do swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed I by law byw for the office of member of a board of education with the office of ofeducation and I that I am not disqualifying as a voter that I am not disqualified as a pursuant to law and statute disqualified do the conviction of a crime puru to law nor disqualify to conviction of a crime or offense listed in La statute stat and that I will faithfully impartially and justly that I will Faithfully and perform all of the duties of that office perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of myor so help me go so help me go we will now take a roll call of the newly seated board Mr Capone here Mrs CTI here Mr Fitzgerald here Mrs minues here Mrs skolaski here Mr sarasi here Mrs tobacco here Mr T here Mrs Right Here our next order of business is to take nominations for the nomination and election of board president for 2025 I'd like to nominate Frank Kone nominations okay we'll take a roll call vote on the nomination of Mr for board president Mrs CTI yes Mr Capone yes Mr Fitzgerald yes Mrs minues yes Mrs skolaski yes Mr sarasi yes Mrs tobacco yes Mr T yes Mrs Wright yes congratulations Mr I saying thank you to this board this governing body for the honor that I'm truly humbled to be leading this board once again for another year um I know we'll continue to do amazing things for our students parents teachers and taxpayers in the district and I just can't wait to get the governing body going and show saying that I'd like to open up the floor for VP nominations I'd like to nominate jaff and tobacco to be the vice president second I'd like to nominate Jose CH there any other nominations there a second on the nomination for Mr oh I'm sorry St no other nominations we will take a roll call vote on the nomination of Mrs tobacco um Mrs cinti no Mr Fitzgerald no Mrs minues no Mrs scasi I'm sorry this is bir nomination of Mrs tobacco for vice president yes Mr sarasi no Mrs tobacco yes Mr to yes Mrs rght yes Mr I'm sorry Mr K yes okay yeah there's a majority of the en so second vot toac has five votes yes congratulations m to the calar does everybody have a copy of the draft calendar that for and start speaking about any conflicts you have and let me know how it looks to everyone I can't do the 28th I told you January yes before so January is the 1 conflict of the 28th that is a Tuesday we have a problem to making it the Monday 27 yes yeah I have the 27 I about the 29th very well sure Wednesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday so we're going to take a a vote of whoever we have up for it so mark would do you have a problem on Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday who else has a problem on Wednesday I have a problem on Wednesday as well Tuesday who has a problem on Tuesday problem on Monday everybody else can make it on Monday Thursday Thursday we don't really usually don't do but does everybody have a problem on Thursday oh well I don't I thought maybe but forget that let's do it on the Monday okay February good everyone March 18 and just so everybody is aware this would be the um the approval of the tenative budget as well as the regular business meeting everybody's good y that's why it's so early in the month April we have the 29th it is the final budget 29 does anybody have a problem with the 28th of Tuesday on April how about Wednesday is everybody April uh Wednesday the 30th Frank good Frank one minute did you change April to the 28th we're trying to change April to the 30th oh to the 30th yes everybody good that's the final budget y Amy we're good with that on Final budget right there yes okay good so the 30th of April the May special voting meeting the rehire May 13th does that work know one say anything we to the 13th the May voting and workshop meeting on the 20th good okay June Workshop voting meeting June 24th now that always has to stay open based upon graduation e e e e e uh Elementary School I just wanted to bring up to the board of that Memorial RJ morale could be uh transferred to um possibly Thorn midle school or another uh elementary school just to keep that Memorial there even though it's no longer be order of that property okay thank you John for your comment and that is being discussed and we've been in contact with the family members thanks would anyone else wish to make a public comment this time any no further comments I wish to make a motion to Jing the meeting all in favor iose extensions have a great night and looking forward to the Great