##VIDEO ID:ieFjSHpUh-c## evening this is the Monday December 2nd 2024 meeting of the township committee the notice requirements provided for in the open public meetings act have been satisfied notice of this meeting was properly given by transmission to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and by posting at the Middletown Township Municipal Building and filing with the Township Clerk all on January 11th 2024 committee Clark committee woman cratz here Comm said bro here Deputy Mayor hiel here mayor Perry here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Karen don't we have we have our our silver award girls here right who's our come on come lead us in the pledge come down here on down I'm putting you on the spot absolutely come right down here let's give it up for our silver award we're going to hear from from them in a second come on forward all right flag's right behind you you can lead us in the pledge all right go ahead to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you ladies I love it adaptable all right Karen at this time I'd like to ask for a moment of silence worldwide to for our troops serving worldwide defending our constitution freedoms and way of life thank you first item on tonight's agenda we have a presentation recognizing November 29th 2024 is Native American Heritage day in the township of midle town at this time I would like to invite sandill Indian historical Association director CLA Garland to please join mayor Perry at the front of the room see so so uh Claire is here for a very special reason and for for those of you don't know CLA Garland uh an absolute Advocate uh someone that not only loves history and has stood at this uh well at the front of our Township meetings the last time we did this I think was in the old building right but someone who has dedicated themselves to loving and preserving history somebody that works tirelessly that comes to every meeting with some treats too especially but somebody that's dedicated themselves to ensuring that the legacy of the Lenny lenapi tribes uh of of the Native American history lives on in in Middletown and a few months back not only did Claire join the our America 250 committee which is Middletown's effort to celebrate our 250th uh anniversary AR of our founding which will take place in 2026 and the planning for that began earlier this year but Claire came to the township with a request um and advocated for not only the further preservation of that of that Native American history but to continue to recognize it in and around town and Claire in in perfect CLA Garland fashion did all the research must have provided me with a 26 page report of why we need to create a sign at the location of our train station and our Middletown Art Center uh for what is known as the powow grounds um what I don't think Claire knows yet is that Claire we are making that marker happen and it's because of your advocacy so in recognition of Native American Heritage uh day which was um November 29th um we wanted to bring you in Claire and and actually present you with what will be a copy what it is a copy for you to take of the plaque that is going there and it says this this location at the Middletown train station was the site of the you got to help meas Chas chaset okay I'll get that a by the time the sign goes up I'll have that down chaset Village or the powow field in raming a Native American place for assembly trading Goods celebrating communication and spirituality between the Lenny nav the lenpy navn people and the early settlers who arrived In 1664 the cooperation and assistance of everyone involved greatly contributed to the success of the village of Middletown so Claire your advocacy has paid off once again and this plaque uh will be mounted right near those powow fields because of your advocacy love and dedication to preserving that Native American history so thank you for everything like to thank mayor Perry for his unwavering support of local history preserving our history here in Middletown and around the county and I would also like to thank Rick gkin and Mark goworth who were collaborators in this effort who did um a lot of research writing and editing so we could make the proposal um and I'd also like to thank Mark and his group from AT&T for the mening trail markers on Kings Highway and Red Hill Road and uh Crawford's Corner uh we're working on one in Matan now with the park system so we're still at it so thank you well I'll call I'll call the mayor mwan tell him he did it first all right don't worry Joe's my next call all right uh let's give it up for Claire G beautiful thank you clire and Claire is always here with our with our beautiful family what's that should I leave this no you're taking not with you that's for you all right all right you got it all right thanks Claire see being like person like yell at all right ready next we have a presentation recognizing the Middletown Girl Scouts for earning the silver awards at this time I would like to announ uh invite the silver water recipients to join May Perry at the front of the room second trip up here all right let's give it up for our Girl Scout in the back there yeah all right so uh first of all congratulations um this is the highest Award right for for it goes silver than gold silver then gold obviously that makes sense right uh but the but the the great thing about this silver award was that it not only benefited our community but took place right on uh Municipal property right at the Middletown Art Center in the creation of a butterfly garden right in which is certainly one of my favorite places in town and we were just there yesterday for our Christmas tree lighting but the um the the beautiful thing about this uh butterfly garden and and the preservation of that area over there is you see the beauty as soon as you arrive at the art center and whether you come in from the parking lot on the one side or you walk down the path towards our 9911 Memorial Gardens that Beauty has now only been enhanced by the efforts of of our silver Award winners so no pressure but we can certainly use another butterfly garden Don will bring the milk weed no problem right Don okay beautiful um to attract those butterflies but um we're so proud of you Middletown is so proud of you and I'm really proud that I got to call you up here and corner you into doing the pledge of allegiance without asking CU I can already hear my not even four-year-old daughter yet telling me that she I embarrassed her by calling her out um so uh congratulations so on behalf of the township committee we want to congratulate uh the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore on earning their Girl Scout silver award receiving a silver award is is the is the highest honor a Cadet Girl Scout can earn and we appreciate how much you work you how hard you had to work to put to achieve this thank you for dedicating your project to addressing the need for more pollinators and butterflies by building a community butterfly garden at the Middletown Art Center hosting a virtual event to raise awareness about the issue and creating a garden of perennial flowers through this impressive project you've helped improve our community while leaving your mark signed on this day the 2nd of December 2024 congratulations to you take uh ready all right one two okay okay we won't use this photo one two three congratulations good all right let's give it up for our Girl Scout okay okay next we have a presentation recognizing MC Spirit red 2013 girls team for winning the 2024 New Jersey president Cup champion ship I'd like to invite the coaches and athletes to join Maya Perry at the front of the room take a time out Speed Lock last year when I read your class were used you have you have history you can kick it off all right we're reversing R this is good I won't take long um my name is mat fing I'm one of the managers coach Chris and Coach CST uh these girls are the 2013 Middletown soccer club President's Cup champions uh president's cup is one of the State Cup competitions it's a prestigious event they are actually the first team the first Middletown team to win the President's Cup since 2015 it's the first one in 10 years so we're very proud of them you guys want to say anything um they thank you for having us and everyone behind the scenes to get us here um these girls showed up and with just a warrior mentality um and that final of you know the president's got that championship game they just they came together um and we were in the final the year before that and we went home as finalists and I heard it for an entire year we are now returning and walking off without a trophy and I said okay so um they put in the work but they were just determined to get the job done um and they did it and they're just an awesome Bunch off the field so congrats girls very good job that's they said all right so let's give it up for our Champions real quick so I've had the opportunity recently to host quite a few championship teams winners and Coach brought you said it perfectly you know with with each lesson that you had last season you realized what it was what what a taste of defeat was but it's the lesson that you learn from that defeat that makes you a champion today right and all those cool sweatshirts that say President's Cup Champions on that you all had to quickly remove uh before coming up here um that that's the taste of that Championship mentality the the taste of that defeat the taste of that challenge the ability to go out and and drive each day practice harder work harder work more collaboratively together understand each of your strengths and weaknesses on and off the field that's what makes a champion um do me a couple favors real fast number one say thank you to your parents that are out here in in the audience for driving you to practice and taking you to all the things and getting you all the all the equipment and all that stuff give him a big thank you I always love that but like the shoulders go off yes you're shaming me into doing it all right now turn to your coaches and say thank you so Middletown is so proud of you you should be proud of yourselves most importantly is the the the drive of a champion is in each one of you now the goal has to be though bringing at home again going out there each day knowing that you can be better you can get better you can work on on everything that you've accomplished this year and build off of that and bring home another trophy next year all right so on behalf of the town committee have certificates for all of you the township of Middletown congratulates Middletown soccer club Spirit red athletes on winning the 20124 New Jersey president Cup Championship we're proud of you earning this amazing AC accomplishment with your dedication your teamwork you're able to grow as a soccer player as a person and make friends and win that trophy thank you for representing Middletown so well and keep shooting for your goals on and off the field congratulations ladies you did great congratulations all right great handshakes all right let's take a quick picture real fast all right come we've all taken pictures before right all right I'm take one and then all right ready all right on the count of three we're goingon to say Spirit red okay one two three awesome congratulations you wait a second you gotta let the all those people that I just forced you to thank they're now going to take pictures where's that June in Pennsylvania all right let's we're going to take a two-minute recess for anyone that would like to leave before the rest of the meeting attes okay okay we have a proclamation for the record recognizing December 7th 2024 is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day in the township of Middletown next on our agenda we have public hearing of proposed ordinances first we have 2024-25 3434 by providing an appropriation of $2,100,000 for acquisition of property by and for the township of Middletown in the county of Mammoth New Jersey and authorizing the issuance of 1,995 th000 in bonds or notes of the township for financing part of the appropriation any member of the public wishing to speak on public ordinance number 2024 3441 seeing no member of the public stepping forward move to close public portion and approve second committee woman CS yes committee men said and BR yes Deputy Mayor H yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass this ordinance on second and final reading next we have ordinance 2024 3442 an ordinance authorizing acceptance of Declaration of restrictive and protective covenants for storm water maintenance and various related de Dev easements over portions of block 720 Lots 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 and 4.05 Atlantic Avenue any member of the public wish to speak on public ordinance number 2024 3442 come on down like those glasses mayor you still can't see right I remember all right sir state your name and address for the record hi my name's Don Watson living at one Collinson a new M um I was just wondering whereabouts Atlantic Avenue is whereabouts in the town yeah or whereabouts that we need these easement what do we need these East okay this is the Atlantic Avenue um in the Hillside oh okay you heard I think this is sort of like a dead end right I thought it was down by ID Beach and I'm trying to think of what kind of slopes and stuff Beach besides sand anyway um I wouldn't have these questions if we were able to search on the gis um property map by block and lot number all we can do is by address soon yeah that's what you said back in the spring yeah we gotta wait till the contract expire so it expires the beginning of January of 2025 yeah okay thank you that's all I got all right thanks Don any other member of the public wishing to make a public comment see no other member of the public stepping forward move to close public portion and approve second committee woman Katz yes committee man sen brino yes Deputy Mayor hiel yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass this ordinance on second and final reading next we have ordinance 22434 43 an ordinance amending the code of the township of Middletown governing smoke and vape shops and the sale of vaping and smoking products and paraphernalia in business establishments any member of the public wish to make a public comment on public ordinance number 2024 3443 Melanie come on down good evening uh Melanie eler Green Tree Terrace in Lin coft I'm trying to make sense of all the information about smoke shops especially in light of the technical memorandum that was on November 18th of the zoning Board of adjustment um where Lyn crof smoke Smoker's Haven asked for a request of interpretation and um I guess my question is this um in section one you have all the definitions of the different types of smoking paraphernal and shops but it doesn't really Define what a cigar bar or a cigar lounges and I'm trying to understand where does the state have jurisdiction where does the town have jurisdiction as it pertains to the smokefree Air Act um like throughout Middletown could you have just lounges where people smoke cigars even if it's not sold that's the purpose of why we created the ordinance so the or so what you're referring to on November 18th at the zoning board was an interpretation as to whether or not an applicant Who currently has a license could move directly across the street into the location that you have discussed before this uh before this Township committee previously whether given that he has an a license currently whether he could move that license across the street to the old pastrami house right because they were doing work inside of there trying to create a smoker's Lounge the zoning board denied the inter the interpretation that they were hoping for um stating that they could not transfer a license to another location um so the the the ordinance as it stands is preventing that very thing from happening that's why the Zoning Board in my opinion rightly made the decision that it did because the purpose of the ordinance that we created a year and a half ago I guess at this point um has not only brought brought forth fines to several um uh locations that were improperly um illegally operating um and selling smoking paraphernalia to miners right um they includ as well as being targeted by the department of the treasury by the state of New Jersey for their operations as well I I was more pointing towards the exception in um letter I um provide a notice of exemption as a cigar bar or Cigar Lounge pursuant to the smokefree Air Act issued by the state of New Jersey I'm I'm just trying to understand what is the definition of a cigar bar or Cigar Lounge do they typically sell paraphernalia or is it a place just that you pay a membership fee and that the state could possibly give them an exemption to open an establishment like that in a location the state wouldn't be able to give them an exemption because it it's governed by the local ordinances of the town then can someone explain what I means I don't understand what I means about the exemption there there are under the Smoke free Air Act there are cigar lounges are permitted and so so obviously we can't adopt ordinances that conflict with state law and areas that are preempted by state law and so under the Smoke free your Air Act if there's a certain percentage of the sales I believe it is and the there's a whole formula for cigar lounges then under that they could have a license or if it was a pre-existing license they could be exempt from this ordinance but there are there is a a narrow exception for cigar bars or lounges off the top of my head I don't remember the specifics of it but it's I think it has to do with the percentage of sales of the cigars and they I don't think they can sell other stuff it's just like strictly I think there's like in Princeton I know is under one of those exceptions I'm drawing a blank on the the the the exceptions that under the Smoke free Air Act we couldn't prohibit if if we wanted to because we wouldn't be as Joan said we can't adopt an ordinance that prohibits that sort of thing but the reality of of a place opening that only is for the smoking of cigars and selling no other products is pretty pretty un unlikely okay because it happens in Red Bank there's a few in Red Bank I think um I'm just concerned about but those are restaurants as well are are they they're selling food yes oh okay so I guess I'm just I think this could be strengthened by a definition perhaps so we understand what is defined as a cigar bar or a cigar lounge but the state the state already defines that that's what oh they Define it that's what the ordinance that's what the ordinance is stating is that you we are we're not deferring but you you're you're in reality deferring to what the state's definition is okay that's what I wanted to know okay so so the state defines that you're not defining it in this ordinance we go to their definition because it's because we are already have to okay all right understood okay thank you the issue of the of the existing business moving isn't affected by this Ordinance one way or the other that it was already prohibited under the way we interpret the zoning board agreed with us um what it does is changes the fees and changes some of the enforcement procedures okay yeah it was just the wording of no notice of exemption and that they're not being a definition because I truly don't know what they specifically do there that defines them as that instead of just a regular Club you know that doesn't that does other things yeah the the locations that you're referring to in Red Bank are those are restaurants they are that that have the ability for you to purchase cigars okay and smoke them inside okay um but that's why Mr Nelson brings up the fact that the definition of a cigar bar is that their sales have to be focused in on that okay okay because Smoker's Haven has locations in other towns that's why I was trying to make that distinction and understand that difference but they also sell cigars which you don't allow but they but Colts Neck does maror does or dis ordinance would not allow it any new loc okay just making sure okay thank you I thought Melanie was going to come up here and be like yeah zoning board denying them yeah raise more questions yeah cigar smoker I didn't ask all right uh any other member of the public wishing to speak on public ordinance number 2024 3443 seeing no other member of the public stepping forward move to close the public portion and approve second committee woman cratz yes committee men s brino yes deputy mayor yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass this ordinance on second and final reading next we have ordinance 20243 445 an ordinance amending chapter 240- 23 of the code of the township of Middletown establishing fees for Carfax accident reports any member of the public wishing to make a public comment on ordinance number 2024 3445 Melanie come on down you don't work for Carfax D I don't even really know specifically what they do differently than with the data that you have now so I'm trying to understand um Carfax accident reports like if you just put an Oprah request in and then they transferred it to the police department um is that the same thing or is Carfax something more enhanced different than Oprah than what we get now like if you put an oper request in they'll transfer it to the police department or you can go directly to police records and ask ask for just a regular accident report you're saying that it would be $5 to get that accident report to get the report yeah yes so here's here's my concern um as you know there's been many many accidents in Lincroft lately there have been a couple sequential accidents uh there was a six-car accident there was a fourcc car accident um we've been trying to study why are these accidents happening so we request a lot of accident reports because when you see an accident it doesn't always explain it in fact sometimes it's Suare sometimes it's you know the driver admits that they they did something and it's it's not the turn or agress aggression a lot of times it's weaving different things so unless you read The Narrative and you can see what people described as as what they what happened even with a witness you really don't know why that accident occurred because just by the diagram it looks like they're clearly at fault so I'm wondering if in as an exception to this if there's any way you can get a data dump of some kind and look at it that way and they're not really providing you know they're just really doing a a like a search on a specific field usually if we request it you know through the link cof Village Green Association we'll say okay the accident occurred on 520 Newman Springs Road with um you know during this time period and I'll get probably a sack of papers this thick we go painstakingly through them one by one and look to see what the behavior was of the drivers because accidents on their own don't tell the story it's the detail of the accident that tells the story and at $5 a report we will never look at the accident reports again we can't afford to pay that so I'm wondering if there could be a way that the police can just dump the data and then you figure it out you know not provideing neat papers or any kind of um you know file that they have to manage like is there any other workaround to the $5 do per report let's let us we'll talk to uh our our traffic Bureau and and ask him that question because I I'd be lying to you if I knew that answer at this moment no one has asked me that so um I'm happy to talk to um our our traffic department our records and uh office and and the chief and see if something like that's possible I just don't know any other way to do the work we've done especially as the Acme roads being built like one of the big reasons why the failing Road roundabout was um you know kind of supported by the county is that we went through all the accident reports and we showed them there really are T-Bones coming out of uh the back of Brookdale and it warrants you know this area to be looked at for the speed because a lot of kids coming out of college were getting T-boned but the accident reports themselves oh you look at it you might think oh it's just user error you know the driver not paying attention but truly it was bad sight lines or speed uh so those types of things we we look at to get a a more specific story because it's so easy just to say oh there's so many accidents everybody's driving terribly a lot of times there's a legitimate reason and we can categorize those and group those but only by looking at the at the reports we'll talk to traffic okay thank you thank you any other member of the public wishing to speak on public ordinance number 2024 3445 Don hi my name's Don Watson living at one Collinson Drive in new Mammoth I was just wondering where's Carfax getting their reports from from the police department right it it may not necessarily be uh it could a vehicle that was involved in an accident that didn't and end up necessarily resulting in a police report so this gives the police department the ability to access Carfax to get information about maybe a prior accident that a vehicle was was so Carfax might be going to the insurance companies or something or or it might have happened in another jurisdiction yeah okay I was just curious because if CARFAX is going to the police department they're just going to tack on a fe more than what if I went in there and got the report myself so this is just a a tool for the police department to use yeah all right cool thank you all right any other member of the public wishing to make a public comment seeing no other member of the public stepping forward move the close the public portion and approve second committee woman crats yes committee men sen bro yes Deputy Mayor hiel yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass this ordinance on second and final reading next on our agenda we have introduction of proposed ordinances ordinance 20243 446 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 423 of the code of the township of Middletown governing storm water regulations to include article six tree removal and replacement requirements as mandated by the njde motion introduce second committee woman cratz yes committee men srino yes Deputy Mayor hiel yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass this ordinance on first reading with a public hearing to be held on December 16 2024 at this time I'd like to ask the township committee to adopt a consent agenda that would include resolutions 24-38 through 24- 320 motion to approve the consent agenda second committee woman cratz yes committee man s brino yes Deputy Mayor hiel yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass consent agenda next we have Township committee comments all right commun Cino thank you Mr Mayor just one item this evening for consideration and I did discuss this with the deputy mayor oh boy um I think we should uh review um a Township committee chant U I think that would be uh that would certainly be only only if Hall is the one that comes up with it that's right um no it only if Kevin does a solo at the next meeting Don I do have the microphone on do you want to start the chant I I thought I thought that's what he was doing by knocking on there oh no we I was proposing with the deputy mayor that the township committee uh generate a Township committee chant I was so impressed with the MC correct that was fantastic that's right yeah it's always highall anything but I I do want to congratulate uh everyone this evening uh for the awards we continue to have a a diverse uh group of uh uh of youngsters if you will of uh upand cominging leaders um and and in different disciplines whether it's girl scouts or whether it's soccer um and uh it's just amazing so um that's my only comments for this evening mayor thank you thank you committee woman Katz thank you so also offering my congrat congratulations to everyone that received Awards this evening it's always impressive it never falls short when we have all of these wonderful athletes and and all of these accomplishments in town also want to um give a big shout out to our folks over at parks and wreck and our DPW last night we had our official tree lighting for Christmas and it was really spectacular so each year it grows each year it gets better and uh while it was a chilly evening for sure it was wonderful to see our families really enjoying themselves and and watching movies and having fire there's a couple fire pits out there and really fun to see to see the families really enjoying it so congratulations for job well done to all of them also thank you mayor all right thank you Deputy Mayor just again want to say congrats to the girls there 10year old in a soccer program so I know it's a gr of sport to drive your kids around to Ted and Janet great job on um uh Christmas tree lighting last night it was it was probably the most attended I have seen yet I'm looking for a couple colorful lights on a tree next year so just uh so you know that's all I have Mar all right thank you um uh again yeah Ted uh Janet thank you for everything that you've uh that you did yesterday um it was a it was a great event Deputy Mayor thanks for buying me the hot chocolate appreciate that um was cold out there um I I I do want to um just mention uh one individual that I'm going to ask us all to do a moment of silence um the um I believe it was last uh two Fridays ago um Middletown lost a great resident a great man um a true professional somebody that was dedicated to our drug and alcohol Alliance um served as the as the chair of it for a long time um uh in Bob bucko uh was a was a truly a a great great man and for two years he battled and battled and battled his pancreatic cancer and um unfortunately after getting to see him um just a few weeks earlier and I looked at him and told him how great he looked and he was putting weight back on and he looked like he was really coming through it Bob bucko was a true professional a guy that didn't just do work for the town as an as an engineer but somebody that was dedicated to Middletown as a whole his son served uh serves on our library board his family is so dedicated to Middletown and Bob um looking at looking at afro and and and his kids and and everybody was just heartbreaking because I really thought he had gotten through that battle so I'll just ask if you can all just join me in a brief moment of silence to honor the the life of of Bob bucko all right I'll uh open it up for public comment any member of the public wish make a public comment may do so ask that you state your name and your address for the record and that you keep your comments to 5 minutes at 4 minutes I'll let you know that you have one minute remaining so that you may begin to wrap up your comments any member of the public wish to make a public comment Don come on down well my name is Don Watson I live at One Collinson Drive in new Mammoth that's one that's number one okay just make sure that's the first half in got it from the street number two is right across the street I was thinking about um this GIS thing and Tony you were saying we have to wait for the contract to run out yeah we're switching to a new company but wasn't this in the contract that they had to provide um block and lot searching it we can search search by block and lot the public should be able to search by block and they should yes and it will in the with the new company um right but isn't that in the current contract for the public to be able to search block and lot it it is it was it was something that they weren't weren't really successful in providing U and that's one of the reason that's why we're getting rid of with them there was and that wasn't the only thing there were other things that we use internally that they weren't never able to produce for us so right but if you could do it I don't see why the public couldn't do great question we we asked that we asked we asked that too they they never were responsive in correcting the public side of the um the gis system so I think the end of this month we're switching to a new company so it'll be soon and we're cutting their fee right we already did that we already did okay all right thank you very much you got it any other member of the public wish Melanie come on down Melanie aler Green Street Terrace in Loft um I just have a quick question there's something I've been trying to work on probably for about a year and a half um it's related to um the pedestrian bridge uh at Sunnyside on Middletown linro Road which is a county road when the county replaced the pedestrian bridge the they're they told me they're only responsible for creating an asphal burm along the length of the the bridge part um you know kind of slopes down a bit and what's happening is that whole area floods a lot and it not only floods it becomes muddy messy uh it's hard for kids that walk to school ride their bikes um obviously it's winter you'll see less of that um you know cross country Runners don't even take that route anymore because it's too hard to get through um the county cut back a lot of the overgrowth but when I spoke to the uh County Highway they said that it's not their jurisdiction they said they think the problem really is that the sidewalk has to be raised to be more in line with the pedestrian bridge in order for not to create a flood condition um they're saying that it has nothing to do with the road yes the water comes down the road and the BM keeps it off that sidewalk for a bit but um it sweeps right across I'm not sure how that checks out if if it didn't flood prior to it yeah I don't have any pictures prior it's just a complaint we often get from people that don't get busting I'll I'll call Joe a tour from the from the the the bridge at the southernly end of the park um closest toward Sun side Equestrian Center yes if you're going south Clos to to link to closer to Priscilla Drive yeah MH yeah and so it kind of slopes down it's it's really crumbled in between the curb and and the sidewalk area there's like a hole like a hole there and the water gets in there and then it just it really creates impassible um and especially I know you're putting more focus on safe routes to school like with the River Plaza project and that and um you know you really can't pass through there even just people that want to get to uh Sunnyside or the park across the street so all right thank you thanks Melanie any other member of the public wish to make a public comment seeing no other member of the public stepping forward move the close the public portion and adjourn second committee woman cratz yes committee men sen brino yes Deputy Mayor hiel yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to adjourn have a great night everybody thank you all