##VIDEO ID:pGC0q9LXQJw## good evening this is the meeting of the Town trip committee December 16th 2024 the notice requirements provided for in the open public meetings act have been satisfied notice that this meeting was properly given by transmission to the as Park Press the two were times and by posting at Middletown Township Municipal Building and filing with the Township Park on January 11 2024 Clark here woman C hereo here here mayor here please rise theed of Ali iedge Al States at this time I'd like to ask for a moment of silence to honor our troops serving worldwide defending our constitutions freedoms and way of life thank you our first item on tonight's agenda we have a presentation uh the M County Sheriff Sean golden and M County Commissioner Nick are here tonight to present radios to the Middletown C fire department as part of a countywide Improvement to the communication system I guess so all right now easy second most expensive things than the DRS Che Sheriff I'm looking forward to the new drone program that you have uh well first of all good evening everybody and uh it's great to welcome Sheriff golden and commissioner deraco here appreciate both of you coming to our meeting tonight uh always our Chiefs thank you uh and to Middletown fire always appreciate everything that you're doing um chief chief Kane I want to thank you I know this is uh obviously going to the last meeting obviously for us tonight but uh your uh your tenure in the Chiefs ranks coming to an end um but appreciate your service to the community over the last five years in in the chief's ranks and and just want to publicly thank you uh and congratulations to uh our Deputy Chief and soon to be chief fuls on your election the other day so congratulations to all of you on your Chief's elections but uh Chief Kane I want to thank you for your service to so I get a call uh I don't know how many maybe close to a year ago year uh Sheriff golden called me up and he said mayor we have uh we we're going to be upgrading Radio Systems we're going to be upgrading your your radio tower over on Red Hill and uh and we need to ensure that the largest volunteer fire department in the world has uh has as many and radios as they need to to protect and I know that uh we we've just implemented these new radios and I'll let the sheriff speak to them in a minute but I was with uh I was with some of our firefighters uh over the weekend unfortunately we had a fire where everyone got out safe thankfully um but but the home um certainly wasn't uh habitable um but one of the firefighters said to me that's the clearest I've ever heard somebody tell me what to do on a radio um which is always a good thing but uh I seriously I want to thank the sheriff for his leadership uh certainly as we uh continually work on improving uh communication for our First Responders because at a moment's notice uh and and as always communication is key um especially in in trying times enduring a fire um commissioner dco I want to thank you and the and the County Commissioners for funding this project but these are radios being given to the township of Middletown at no cost to Middletown in order to make this happen and to ensure that our firefighters have everything they need at a moment's notice and with these brand new radios so Sheriff commissioner thank you so much for for your leadership and getting that for us Sheriff I don't know if you want to thanks so much and uh congrats and thanks to our fire chiefs uh both who are retiring as fire chief and and the incoming Fire Chiefs as usual they do a tremendous job I see a lot of EMS so I want to thank uh EMS as well I mean you have tremendous uh amount of volunteer Spirit here and we just want to assist in any way we can and uh I think the radios are are a bit part of that a year ago the mayor and I had a conversation about the the radio system as you know uh with during our partnership with dispatch we had discussed at some point we would have to migrate over uh the radio system to our digital trunk system and that's what this is about uh that would take some upgrades we spent the county with the commissioner uh Nick dco was our fire liaison certainly does a great job for us at the fire academy and with the fire service in the county and director unnown who couldn't be here this evening wanted debate um senses regards and and really the whole board is so supportive of Public Safety um they recognize the continuous upgrade and investment when it comes to Public Safety Communications and radios part of it we had to upgrade uh the Red Hill uh Tower site that was almost a million dollar uh when it was all said and done uh with the equipment on the back end to tie it all into a network that is 13 other tower sites in the in the county so with a total of 14 and some other building amplifiers and the like around the county uh it is a really remarkable and robust system and the radios are part of that so uh we uh with the commissioner level decided to fund the fire service uh that we have as partners so what that means is not only Middletown but Kingsburg Union Beach uh High atantic Islands everybody right on down to Belle and Out West uh in the fire service are receiving the same type of radios I swear Sean told me I was the only one get and uh you know the idea being is that we want that clear communication with the number of channels available and and interoperability we'll get there uh there's some uh fire stations you know we do spat for over 100 Jonathan over 100 fire stations and it's uh you know so you can it's it's pretty remarkable now I pointed out Jonathan Gregory raise your hand now this is one of our radio techs back at Mammoth County communications center and uh day and night he maintains those base stations and tower sites and more importantly he's always responsive to the Chiefs when they want to do all the programming and ID numbers and everything else that is need to be done so I want to thank John so he's got to deal with Kevin well he's worse yet he's got to deal with Bobby Dawson and and me but uh he does have to he does that and so uh again the radios uh I know they'll be put to good use here and we hope uh that the fire service not just here in Middletown um but County benefits from the package and I want to thank the mayor and certainly uh the government body for the investment you all made in it because as you know you two are buying radios for the Fire and Police Department we're just helping out and it's funny that my so as you well know you're investing in the same thing and we we did a we did a kind of a hasty switch over though we were handing out radios around the county but we hastily did a switch over because we were having some uh issues with their Middletown's old frequency system and uh it worked out and I know the police department is right behind us on on coming to board so uh with that I want to congratulate you all and I want to thank our County Commissioners and again uh your town for just tremendous effort and putting it all together commissioner yeah no Sheriff you said it so well I just to add on to that the you know the entire M County Board of County Commissioners is really grateful for the leadership of the mayor the township committee all your fire service and your really your public safety personnel the collaboration between the county and this town which is the biggest town county is great and that's why you know you guys really are to be commended for the Innovation and the continued uh collaboration that you you you always seek with us and I think that's why your services are are delivered so well and why uh this is one of the best towns to live in in the entire uh County the director could not be here as Sheriff mentioned he would love to have been here because this is near dear to his our shared services Public Safety uh that's something that you know we all pride ourselves on really that's our foremost uh responsibility as Leed officials so very very excited about this and just know that you continue to call on the county when you when the township needs help Sean Sean uh Chief I want to thank the sheriff um so the sheriff was kind enough we got 115 portable radios from him um as he had mentioned we had a radio failure um about a week ago um I was able to call him the mayor Jonathan at the radio shop and in about six hours they had our radio spun up I went out and picked them up and we were able to deploy him last Sunday um this previous Saturday Saturday morning uh we had our work our first working fire again thank God nobody was hurt but uh the interoperability it happened to be in a Leonardo section right near the Atlanta Colin border and the Atlanta colins fire chief was one of the first ones there was able to get on the same frequency so our Chiefs knew what we had going in um the importance of that interoperability cannot be understated I also want to thank the mayor and the committee um and our CFO our administrator because our town also invested very heavily in this um while we did get the 115 from the county it's not near enough we need to equip all of our firefighters with this uh they also saw the need and we bought an additional 155 portable radios and 69 mobile radios to completely switch over all the trucks so we'll be completely on this new trunk system and uh you know I won't speak for you Archies but it's truly a lifesaver because without the improper Communications to be able to hear people calling for help hear our own people get in there um it had us in a very bad way and through this partnership we're able to solve that and you know get us back to where we can operate safely on the fire ground and so mayor I appreciate it Sheriff I can't say enough and to the committee thank you very much you know I know it was a a tough investment but we appreciate uh you standing behind us thank you well I want to thank everybody up here the investment I know was a more than a $5 million investment from the county level uh obviously Colleen chuckled earlier when we were talking about the prices but for switching over our police and and uh and EMS as well uh was a huge investment for the town so always want to thank you know the partnership between the county and the township and then thank the Chiefs for for their efforts and making this work even when you know we weren't expecting to to switch it over at that moment's notice but you all do exactly what what we know you do so well and that's being adaptable and making it work when it needs to work so um so Sheriff again commissioner thank you Chiefs thank you appreciate everything that that you're doing um so we'll do a quick picture right okay don't press5 million I want at least touch it see what like $8,000 radio feels like you know it's not charging anymore great all right it'll be the one somebody picks up too one two three thank you so much all right let's give it up for our five let's give it up for all and I are actually he's I'm to my conference room what's Emery orange button at the top of the uh at the top of the radio they better remain in an 077 our next item on tonight's agenda we have a presentation recognizing EMS volunteer Dennis Michael wearden for 50 years of service to Fairview first a squad you like please come forward go cheap [Music] m 50 years they said one last so uh you know it's it's always a a you know an honor and to to to be able to pick the brain of to understand how things have transformed for both our fire and our EMS over 50 years and you know often times when we have these 50y Year celebrations you know we just had a firefighter 50 years at Billy Ving over in linkof and you know Billy and I got to talking about the different things that have shifted over time you know how how fire mtic has changed how EMS has changed and you know the the one unbelievable thing that I always feel during these ceremonies though is The Passion of the individual that's receiving this key uh because you you realize that no matter what has happened in in their life no matter what has happened uh with whatever station they come out of they've been dedicated to the people that live in this great town and I do know the one thing that I thought was unbelievable early in Mike's membership he was recognized for answering 500 calls in a single year that's that deserves a round of applause a l member and at Fairview first aid Mike is celebrating 50 years of volunteer service with Middletown Township um in his 50 years Mike served as president vice president treasur trustee assistant treasur chief engineer assistant engineer any other title you want with that or you good with it janor what is it janitor janitor all right we'll stick with that that one you know in there somewhere but Mike also served and continues to serve on many Squad and EMS Department committees including serving as a delegate for Fairview to the EMS department and steering committee he is also a volunteer Station 8 and the field commoms unit and has been active in both of those organizations for years Mike is an important part of our community and the the Dorothy you know and Karen uh wrote this and it's um you can feel the love and passion uh in this even though it's only two paragraphs it's it's everything that needs to be said in in a single letter so to know that you have uh not only the passion yourself my friend but the love and respect of so many of your colleagues that are here today um Mike it's it's an honor to to know you it's an honor to have you as a part of the fabric of our community and it's my honor to present you with the key to the city our key to the township is proudly presented to Dennis Michael re in grateful appreciation of 50 plus years of service to Middletown Township emergency medical services with Fairview first aid giv this the 16th day of December 2024 Mike congratulations him into it would you he's never shot of words than it was in 1974 and a lot of changes some good some I don't think so good but need to be made it's been a long thanks right sorry Dorthy Karen you want to come up here the squad me yeah bring out no surprised you we're gonna end up having to turn sideways so fig it out all right everyone's ready one two three thank you congratulations hey Merry Christmas all right you want to get your guys come on Mike all the birth really oh so I know stay here longer so that Eric has to sit home with KS soccer practi all right all right everyone ready one two three beautiful thank you so much let's give it one more time up for mik over it's a little a little full for me out there now yeah we do two presentations mayor all right Heidi okay our final presentation for tonight is for the record we have a proclamation supporting Drive over or get pulled over 2024 year end holiday Crackdown nobody wanted to be honored for that no oh okay uh the approval of minutes for tonight are for November 18th 2024 regular meeting and the December 2nd 2024 Workshop meeting motion to approve second minan Clark yes committee woman cratz yes committee Manet brino yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to approve minutes at this time we have public hearing of proposed ordinances our first ordinance 2024 3440 and ordinance repealing and replacing chapter 540-1159 seeing no member of the public stepping forward move the close of public portion and approve second comman Clark yes committee woman Katz yes committeeman srino yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass this ordinance on second and final reading our next Bible is eating like a thing that I feed my three-year-old kid Kim G it's it's Health Jesus oh boy all right the uh next ordinance we have is 20243 444 an ordinance establishing mixed use development standards for affordable housing any member of the public wishing to speak on public ordinance number 224-3146 our final ordinance for public hearing we have 202 24- 3446 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 423 of the code of the township of Middletown governing storm water regulations to include article six tree removal and replacement requirements as mandated by the njde any member of the public wishing to speak on public ordinance number 2024 3446 seeing no member of the public stepping forward moves the close public portion and approve second commit and cl CLK yes committee woman Katz yes committee men sen bro yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries a passes ordinance on second and final reading at this time I'd like to ask the township committee to adopt a consent agenda which would include resolutions 24- 321 through 24- 337 and uh including an appointment of firefighter Shane Brandon motion to approve the consent agenda second committee man Clark yes committee woman Katz yes committee man s brino yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to adopt consent agenda at this time we have the township committee acting as the ABC issuing authority we have resolution 24338 a resolution resending resolution number 24-37 authorizing place-to-place transfer of liquor license at request of applicant circus liquor Inc amazing feel like we just approve this at the last meeting but okay um motion to approve second committee man Clark yes committee woman Katz yes committee man sen brino yes Deputy Mayor hbel yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to adopt resolution 24- 338 at this time we have Township committee comments all right comme M Clark thank you mayor um first uh this past weekend we had the opportunity to recognize George Richdale for 70 years of service in the fire department we were talking about Mike Reen and 50 and Bill vange a couple weeks ago with 50 um which are remarkable all on their own um but 70 years uh is just unfathomable to me I've been in the department now for 27 years and I can't imagine what 50 more feels like it's uh it's pretty unbelievable so uh I just want to say congratulations to all three of them long lines of the fire department if anybody heard that Shane Brandon got his department number today any I know the four down here know Shane well when when I was a chief Shane was riding his bike around Bayshore and uh chronicling the fire departments uh activities via YouTube he actually I think he was the first to Chronicle our our exploits on YouTube and uh kind of helped us form a social media policy so um I I just want to congratulate Shane on uh on getting to where he wanted to be he's he's wanted to do this since he was little little guy he's still a young man but since a little guy and uh so it's exciting to see and officially makes me an old guy in the department that uh little kids like that are now becoming full-fledged firefighters um especially because he's been around for 10 years so like by the time he gets to 50 somebody's gonna be like you really been around for 60 I exactly um and one other thing I'd just like to uh uh I'd like to thank the mayor for his leadership over the last couple of weeks um we've had some pretty crazy stuff going on with drones and otherwise and uh he stepped up and been a great um a great advocate for uh the opinion of the committee and the township and uh the community as a whole uh trying to get some answers so I appreciate that mayor thank you that's it for me thank you all right Community sen brino thank you mayor and and committ Clark the mayor has gotten the same answers that all the Mayors throughout the state have gotten absolutely abely yeah zero um so uh thank you I do want to congratulate Mike for his 50 years of service um just uh the mayor mentioned two items uh mentioned uh compassion and uh commitment and those are two things that define uh your uh volunteerism in 50 years as as commitment Clark mentioned even 70 years I I don't I don't know how I wrap my head around that uh that kind of commitment is uh is something to look up to and something that maybe one day I hope I can achieve um so um so H hats off uh to our volunteers and all our volunteers at Chiefs as well so thank you very much um the only other thing I have mayor is uh this is our last evening and I will'll congratulate you again on your um your leadership with regard to our still mysterious drones um although we've seen seen all the memes I'm glad you weren't in any of them yeah me too uh and just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy New Year thank you mayor thank you committee woman crats awesome thank you mayor so when you go third you Echo a lot of the same sentiments along the Daya so I will Echo some for sure I like swi it up start with me earlier I may have to like ask in the new year that might be a good way change over next switch switch yeah for sure but just so wonderful so we again have had just the pleasure and the blessing in Middletown to honor our public servants who have really served Middletown incredibly well with 250 years and a 70 year which I was able to participate over participate in over the weekend too and it was it's amazing to think of that kind of time and and what what struck me too in in honoring um over the weekend was that the family and saying that you know the the children were were saying that there wasn't a meal that didn't happen where they don't remember their father having to jump up over a holiday and responding to a fire or something going on in town so you know it's not only honoring those who serve but their families also in addition and so we're we're very fortunate to have so many families who are willing to do that and willing to sacrifice that way so very thankful for that for sure um and also just shows you know over this fire over the weekend too the response and and we do talk about you know commitment and dedication and all of those and I too happen to know Shane for for a few years and it makes me so happy to see these young guys too with all due respect gentlemen these younger men too stepping up and and just the want and the desire to also in turn serve our community so we're we're really so fortunate in town and so feeling very thankful and grateful to to also serve here and live here too for my lifetime so thanks to everyone and wishing everyone a happy holiday and uh catch you in the new year thank you all right thank you Deputy Mayor a couple things uh I want to thank the County Commissioners Sheriff golden for uh what was the cost 8,000 per radio is that correct Chiefs okay uh did 1145 good deal 114 after the one you broke yeah yeah I push the emergency button the the 8,000 was because the green the green color on there no yes uh it's just the the the relationship and the partnership we have with the with the sheriff and the Commissioners to uh to get that uh get that to us is a big deal so thank you Chiefs uh much appreciated uh Merry Christmas Happy New Year everyone um great job Mike 50 years amazing amazing task Uh Kevin you got about what 49 right now or little bit less I was just telling the mayor you you just had a big birthday right okay happy birthday all right merry Christmas happy New Year everyone all right thank you um th this is our last Township committee meeting I I won't repeat anything that we said I just want to start off by thanking um our professionals um that are here um you know it's it's uh it's always amazing at the at the end of this year I feel like it comes up so quick but Tony and Heidi um both of your teams to to the mayor's office Laura Shannon to the Communications office and Tara Raven and G um Colleen Ted um to the township committee to our Chiefs to everyone over the course of the year that the mayor has to work alongside um that has to work with do a budget for handle any matters that come up deal with drones flying over the the town whatever the case may be um it's been an absolute honor and my privilege to sit in this seat um it it's uh it's truly been a a unbelievable year and it's been an unbelievable opportunity for me to once again sit in this in this chair so I want to thank every single one of you um for everything that you do for your commitment to the community um and for keeping for ensuring that Middletown is a great place for for our residents to live so um I won't belb her anymore I just want to thank you I want to thank the public I want to thank the PE the the folks that come here every single meeting um you know we're not going to we're not going to agree on everything um but that's the beauty of this chamber is that we can come in here and we can agree we can disagree we can work out problems but at the end of the day we're all just doing what we what we want for the town and that's to make it a great and keep it a great place to live for for our families for a generation to come so um so thank you all very much every one of you um with that being said any member of the public wishing to make a public comment may do so ask that you state your name and your address for the record at four minutes I'll let you know that you have one minute remaining and if you can begin to wrap up your comments with that being said any member of the public wish to make a public comment yes sir come right here yep Joe's going to put that microphone right there for you good evening merry Christmas happy New Year uh my name is Ray M I live at 58 LLY Drive in linro at the four ponds development and I'd like to thank the business administrator for spending about an hour with me last week to talk about a couple of my I wouldn't say issues but they'll talk about process Improvement for the recent assessment or reevaluation so so the good news is I guess it worked very well overall happy with the process but unfortunately I guess the letters didn't go out to all the targeted residents so I didn't get one and had a little sticker on my house that said someone came by to visit me now unfortunately I'm getting old I live alone I'm a widower so if someone wants to visit my house on behalf of the town i' like appreciate that I know you're coming and I know even the letter may have been misplaced in the mail but I just thought it'd be nice to bring it to your attention since I live in an HOA it might be nice if you could notify the HOA that you're going to have these bunch of people around the neighborhood and it might be helpful to reach out to the HOA to do that I don't know if the assessor's office has a communication plan that encompasses that I also thought another item would be once you do the valuation since real estate is kind of crazy right now and if the assessment is going to be over a certain percentage you may want to notify some people ahead of time that the assessment's coming in quite High m came in since I moved in was probably about 40% so I'm a recent addition to Lin cof in Middletown Township moved in in 2020 but been M County since like 82 um the third point is basically more I'll say National in the scope I think the salt deduction needs to be reassessed and that's the federal tax law and I think given real estate and taxes state income taxes it's time maybe there should be a ground root ground root effort and I know that many of you participate in county or state committees and maybe it's time that we get some of our federal Representatives on board that given that the tax law is going to be reassessed this year at lease laps that' be good if we can get our representatives to look at this again and at least raise the cap to some number hopefully higher than my taxes are going to be after this reassessment and along the same lines point4 is the state tax on uh sales of house over a million dollars I think that is now beginning to distort the real estate market um I really admit I never expected in Mammoth County to ever be assessed close to a million dollars in a house my wife and I started 1992 when we bought our Center Hall Colonial and Ocean Township uh for $237,000 um and I sold it for 560 in 2020 I never thought I'd be in a position to say I have a house a Township a cond though it's now approaching a million dollars and I can say unfortunate but I just think it's not fair because I think everyone's going to hit against that cap and it's going to make your tax assessor's job so much more difficult not to mention how many complaints you may get as Committees of how this is going to be so again if given an election is coming in the next year again given all your connections can you then get some Grassroots root effort to get them CH to raise that cap as well and maybe double it to 2 million because I think right now we don't know where this Market's going to go and I think you might as well get you some relief I don't think the supply side of this equation is going to get resolved soon and given the current demand I think it's not going to change recently and think I was going to get higher but I don't have a uh I might say chrisop PA on that I neither you do you have one either but I recognize that we probably need to look at these two tax laws at the state and federal level to sort of even the playing field as to what people's taxes should be other than that that's all my points unless you have any questions no thank you very much I I agree with you wholeheartedly I believe that the salt deduction should be not only brought back but increased um from the federal level I think that Trenton has a spending problem that I've railed against I think that's part of the the the biggest issue um in 200 17 the state budget was in the $40 billion range it's now more than $60 billion in just eight years it's increased 20 billion dollars um that's an unsustainable path of spending which causes uh municipalities to have to implement unfunded mandates which then comes right back to you and you have to be the one that covers the cost and there was one that we needed to pass today um that was a requirement of the state to do which will only increase uh cost for the township to have someone go out and inspect trees um that's a requirement of the state of New Jersey to go and inspect trees so that all boils down to the DP says it has to happen so we'll pass it to the towns because we don't want to raise costs we're going to force the municipality to do it and you know I I think that the um an issue is is certainly uh arriving for the governor um I know that he has put forth a requirement of all departments to stop hiring and a 5% cut across the board for all their budgets because the tax revenue uh estimates are not coming in even close to where they need to be coming in at uh to get to these Pie in the Sky expectations that they put out because it's all a it's all a game when it comes to passing your budget and achieving the uh the tax uh generation that is necessary to pass a budget so uh but I agree with you from a federal level I have talked to both Republicans and Democrats about reinstituting the salt deduction I truly believe that that is going to happen um the from a state level though New Jersey has a a spending problem we we spend like crazy uh at the state level and it's only hurting and forcing out um hardworking individuals from being able to afford retire people from being able to afford to live here no I agree I mean part of it is cost of how we and how you manage as a Township you got budgets what was the budget for you last year or this current year what's your current 100 100 million on on them no right on okay so you have to manage that right wrong and different and obviously your tax base primarily comes from the real estate tax the property taxes so I can appreciate at all levels of government we have a spending problem at the federal level we have a debt problem at the federal level not to the same extent in the state level I don't know what your bond debt level here in Middletown is but Colleen you're right Mo most townships have a low fond Bond debt ratio I know sometimes the school districts have it higher but um that's because of their mission is different but but again we're coming to a point as I was sharing with the the administrator is we're coming to a Tipping Point now between the tax law expiring at the federal level an election coming up here in New Jersey which will be a referendum on the last eight years it will be an open election and I'm sure taxes will be again the number one item that would be matter of discussion you hope okay well I fully expected in the last election being as close as it was I expect it to be as close but I just think it's important that you hear it from the least ground rots even though I'm the only one here uh discussing it is to let you know that one I shared with the administrator that you can use my name as a case to share it with everyone else someone came to my meeting and talk to us about it and it's time to say this isn't a Democratic or republican issue this salt I don't think this million dollar tax on home sales is is a Democrat Republican issue I think it now is going to become an equity and fairness issue of how you assess values to people's houses and I think that's the thing that you should bring forward to your your fellow Municipal partners and the state level is that this is an equity issue it's going to become worse and worse and like I said your tax assessments are going to get skewed because of this and I think that's not what you want and you don't want that headache I don't think definitely so so anyway thank you for your time appreciate your time thank you very much for your comments appreciate Tara did you have your hand up come on now hello everyone uh Tara 49 Brandy winee um first thank you to everyone on the committee for your service uh to the community um my thing is short and I think free and the question is when are we going to direct the water company to remove fluoride from the water coming to Middletown I went on the website and it said that's up to the town and Middletown was listed as one of the towns that fluoridate the water and now we know that it's dangerous um the ntf monograph concluded with moderate confidence that higher levels of fluoride exposure such as drinking water containing more than 1.5 Mig of fluoride per liter or associated with lower IQ in children um and just like sort of passing Pharmaceuticals onto the public through the drinking water is probably not the right thing to do um and the water company told me they can't do anything about it it has to come from the township so um I think I emailed you guys but guess you never heard I've never heard of that Authority but um this is very well known I mean I could find more information for I not aware that the town had any authority to be able to direct aside from regulating and ensuring that the uh certain levels of of the drinking water to ensure safety but I've never I've never heard of fluoride being a uh one of those variables that I don't think you could remove it at a municipal level as system system level does go go right now onto the New Jersey American Water website that's exactly what it says I mean I don't know if they just put that up there to avoid people calling them and bothering them but they said it's they had towns that didn't have it they had town we we certainly uh Ted and I were talking earlier today are certainly about to have a conversation with New Jersey American Water um so uh it's certainly something I can try and understand a little bit more um because I I've never heard that yeah so if you could I mean you just have to let them know to take it out and it's um I don't think it it's it is a dangerous form of pharmaceutical is not good for anyone doesn't do anything for teeth um it's a like a leftover from a prochemical process so it doesn't need to be given to the public I mean it doesn't mean to anything to me I'm 59 years old I've been drinking in my whole life but you know little children and things like that in the township shouldn't really be drinking good it's dangerous and again medicating the public really without their consent okay okay thank you all right thanks Sarah any other member of the public wishing to make a public comment okay seeing no other member of the public stepping forward move to close the public portion and journ second Clark yes CS yeso yes Deputy Mayor H yes mayor Curry yes motion cares merry Christmas happy Hanukkah and happy New Year everybody thank you all very much