okay um with that I am going to start the meeting this is The Pedestrian safety Advisory board meeting for February 12th 9:00 amm via Zoom um just making note of those in attendance uh currently uh mayor Annette Romano Christine bugle Dr Burton uh Brian gilfedder Mar Epstein myself and uh Sergeant Barbosa so um the first order of business for those that were on the board last year is to approve the December um December 12th meeting minutes can I just get a motion to approve the I should note that they were revised slightly uh to indicate uh Brian selman's comments uh that he was looking for the data from the speed signs um uh that was just a slight revision just letting uh letting everybody know that so with that can I get a motion to approve the minutes a motion second I'll second all in favor I okay I good good good good all right next uh next order of business is um and and maybe Mara can help with this uh sort of uh looking at some educational um opportunities and events for 2024 um I know that there is usually a spring sort of like uh event right or is that's in April sometime it's usually the first week in May that is the walk bike and R um uh event um and so uh obviously I wanted I was it was on my list of things but is the township willing to do our third annual poster contest so that because that's used to promote that with within the schools yeah I think that was that's been great uh the last few years uh worked out nicely so um as long as there's no objection from the group I think that'd be great okay great I was uh I'll get that set up we usually we launch it um a couple weeks beforehand so that we could have the posters ready for it and I'll deal with the communications with both the township to promote it and also the district um and the individual schools um but it like I said increased I I want to say like tenfold from the first year so hopefully we'll get a lot of participation again this year but I'll be happy to organize that and set everything up okay and then you know I think that's perfect Mar I appreciate that um the the other thing uh perhaps to discuss is whether there's anything that continues to be problematic that we want to to educate about um and maybe that's something that we can just you know give some thought and and provide to the group but you know I know there have been um you know uh passing school buses was one last year that we were discussing um you know just people actually using The Pedestrian activated signals um and maybe educating them about how to use them um heads up in the crosswalks like making sure people are not looking at their phone while they're crossing the street um which is continuing to be a problem I think everywhere obviously not just here but um so I don't know if there's anything specific that uh we as a group see or feel or understand that we may want to um communicate more about or educate more about so or I mean all of those might work too so I just think I you know I just want to make sure and I have um you know May from my office listening and so you know we can we can kind of jot down what it is that we want to do and and be able to to sort of start pushing things out so any thoughts on that I maybe add to that again continued bike safety particularly wearing helmets I walk a lot around the around the um I walk to the middle school I walk to Washington School um and I do see you know we've got to be able to do you know we'll be doing that inhouse but even across the across the district across town wearing your helmet when you're riding your bike yeah definely Alice I seem to remember that you had an intern over the summer working on like promotion with general safety I know you did some of that stuff when school started maybe we could send that out again as reminders because I thought that was really good that that kind of push yeah we have all that information still so yeah okay good um perfect moving on to so and I just want to you know you know obviously part of this this group's function is to provide recommendations to the township Committee of you know whether it's minor things that you know we want to improve upon or uh larger items so I had put back on the agenda the short host train station uh project that is one of those ongoing discussions um about increased pedestrian safety improvements on the eastbound side of the train station I think we had done a public information session the beginning of last year or the end of 2022 to discuss these improvements and we had included the westbound side which I think was a little bit of the um the dagger so to speak in the project um that that um you know is there any interest uh from the PAB uh to recommend those improvements especially with uh the imminent sort of construction of of uh Woodland Road uh happening um I believe that project we'll find will start sometime this year and in early 2024 um so I don't know if it makes some sense to um uh to to to sort of bring that up again and so I just wanted to put that on for discussion with the group I'm concerned with putting too much on our plate because I feel like the discussions regarding Main and essics and the you know turning into a two-way versus oneway is probably going to be a very heavy subject um I don't want to say controversial but I'll say it uh this uh this upcoming year and I feel like um that maybe should be our our our Focus um and because the Short Hills one also already triggered you know some of that maybe maybe for this year um since we you know we have a committee that's looking into that maybe um that's just something we just put on the on the back burner for next year but that's just my thoughts on it no I think it's a fair point Mara um you're you're right and so you know and it may come to a point where the two-way traffic uh discussion ceases um or continues and so maybe that can be a point in which this group makes the decision but I I I think you're right I think the focus on 2way and what that does as it relates to pedestrian safety is probably our our larger Focus this year um um given that that's probably going to be coming uh we have a meeting on Wednesday about tway with that subcommittee and so I imagine that there will probably be another public information session uh beginning of March uh with with regard to two-way so um so I think yeah and I think that you know the participation of this group in any way that we can uh will be important too um to make sure that you know the thoughts and and um uh Insight from The Pedestrian safety Advisory Board is brought forward in those public information sessions or when it's presented to the T committee or whatever so um I agree I agree that's fine um just thought I'd uh put it out there and also just make sure nobody for get said it's still there Alex was there something specific in that project of of which there was a you know some type of of safety concern my thinking is only in as you're mentioning is if the construction is imminent does that need to be on our radar prior to as versus afterward well yeah so it and again it might be again the Mara's point is like you know talking about that as well as everybody going through Construction with the with the development may just you know set it off but as you recall this group had reviewed The Pedestrian safety plan for the Woodland project and so there are certain things that they need to achieve as well up there um with that project but this is you know what what started this was you know this project has been talked about for the last four years essentially um where you know there's just a big wide Road up there and a lot of pedestrians Crossing and a lot of disorganized traffic flow and and it is it is a little bit of a um a uh some chaos up there and so it it's just it was more about organizing that area and making sure that it was you know one of the things was closing off one of the entrance exits to lot three so that you know it was you know understood that you know you're in and out of one place you know there there were a couple different things but but again uh it might be something that gains a lot more attention to once you have additional pedestrians and people living in that area and you know a desire to have more safe Crossing and pedestrian uh friendly uh infrastructure so um all right those ballards though what's that maybe we could put back some of the temporary Ballers that used to be up there to assist yeah I don't see any issue with that figure out what's going on with the construction and all that before you put up something permanent yeah I don't see any issue with that um if those the the the stickum ballards um the post ballards that were up there I think did provide some uh least attention and um uh pedestrian safety so I agree with that I think that should be done uh with that we're going to go to public comment which we do not have anyone from the public uh in this meeting at this point so we will move on to reports of the group so so uh first and foremost is uh mayor Romano I don't know if you have anything that you wanted to bring up I know first first time on the on the PAB meeting here yeah no uh good morning everybody I'm uh happy to be here um it looks like this group's been doing a lot of uh great work and I agree on all the points you made about uh you know safe Crossings um I don't even think people are aware of the buttons that are there to cross streets they don't they don't even see it um and uh you what Christine said earlier about the helmets I agree 100% I see people you know are I guess it's like are our younger adults um they they don't wear helmets they they don't just don't wear helmets so um I'm just listening and trying to understand the group a little bit more but thank you um I don't really have anything to report okay thanks mayor thank you I also don't have a lot to report at this time um with the exception of you know and and this might come up in Christine or Sergeant bosa's report but we are moving forward with the lacana Improvement for uh that that pedestrian activated crosswalk um we've authorized the electrical work uh which was a you know small uh I think a$1 thousand sort of um piece of work that needed to make sure we understood exactly where all the electricity was flowing um in those current uh beacons and we're going to replace them uh with motion activated beacons so that when people are crossing there by the library between the library and lot 7 that um those beacons go off and that there's an advanced warning Beacon for prior to the bridge so it's a pretty hefty project um all in all um we're using a state contract vendor um Garden State Highway products that will be doing that I think the total cost of the Improvement is about 22,000 um and we are uh but it's one of those areas that we have received consistent complaints about and we have um I think a real need uh to provide uh pedestrian safety there especially with the amount of people using various lots for Locust Grove or Sports fields or the library or the parking deck whatever it may be the train station uh it's it's a hub and it's uh it's a I think it's a really positive Improvement so um I think we'll be seeing that and maybe uh Sergeant Barbosa or Christine can provide some insight in into the timeline but um that is um that will be happening this year um all you know as I had reported at the last Township committee meeting all of our speed signs as well as our pedestrian activated beacons are in um we will evaluate in terms of the budget this year whether uh additional signs um will be purchased uh for for pedestrian activated signs but to the mayor's point point you know maybe what we can do is you know start to sort of put together a map of the town where these pedestrian activated beacons are so that people know and that they can you know because when you think about safe routes to schools or to Transit you know generally speaking people tend to take whatever is the shortest distance but I think as a safety group we should be promoting the fact that people should be seeking out these safer Crossings whether there's a crossing guard or whether there's a a pedestrian activated Beacon you know these are obviously going to be um you know more safe um places to cross and so you know by identifying them and letting people be aware of them that that's that's important as well um the other thing that I will share with the group um outside of once we've we've we've distilled the data a little bit more but we did do a a quick look at the last um five years some pedestrian crashes in the town just to sort of get a heat map of you know where these things are occurring um and mave has been able to sort of uh produce a Google map uh with the locations um so that you know you can see various spots that um and you know again short Hol train station might be one of I haven't really like dove into the data yet but but certainly would like to share that with the group so that everybody's aware of that and then continue that practice moving forward so we have that information moving forward so and Alice where where is it how can you see it so it's it's on Google Maps yeah so we just pinpointed the the various locations of The Pedestrian crashes just so that you can kind of see where but again we haven't finished it because I think there's a little bit more information that we want to drill down into um but but it's essentially right now all it is it's just a location of each pedestrian crash in town for the last five years yeah but how do you how like how would I access it so it would just be it would just like that's the that's the map like we send you the map with the pinpoints on it yeah okay and then we'll have a we'll have a spreadsheet supporting that as well so you'll be able to see yeah so once we once we sort of finalize that document we'll get it out to the group just so that okay all right um that's it for me I think I'm GNA move on to the next person which is police chief Brian Gil morning morning uh I just want to update on a couple things we did a radar detail on Wyoming a couple weeks ago just turned out very well we're doing one on Glenn this week so be careful speeding out there don't speed uh and then Sergeant barbos is going to give a couple updates on where the actual speed signs are and where we had a couple speeding complaints over the the past couple weeks we put out the speed boxes and we got results from that thanks Sergeant good morning everybody uh so the I'll start with from last meeting we had a somebody mentioned that there was a pedestrian light that was off or not working correctly on Wyoming so that's been repaired um we put up the five radar speed signs and I'll let you all know where they're at so we have one Hobart near the station Plaza old short by Hillside Glenn near 164 so that's about midway between um the first aid Squad and Sagamore uh Highland across from uh Christ Church that one if you're Wonder Ringle there was already one there that one got waffled so we had to call an audible there and replace it and Great Hills near uh farbrook school so those are all up and we expect to uh we know it's collecting data it's just a matter of still sorting out the data and being able to you know get it to a point where we can use it so I expect that we'll be able to do that in the next couple of weeks uh as for speeding complaints we had uh three basically since the last meeting we had one on Lake View uh mechanic and Taylor all of those came back uh either at or below the speed limit which is good and that's really all I have you know um just out of curiosity Sergeant is uh when we received the insurance money for the one that was waffled uh then we'll replace that uh in another location yeah that's the plan don't know how much we're going to get yet because that one that one's been there for a while but right mean whatever we get we could certainly put it towards you know getting one more and then you know figuring out what's the best location for it okay um and and just so everybody's aware on this group is like when they do the speed box what they're doing is they're they're they're they're looking at uh the whole data set and then they provide what is the 85th percentile of the speed on that street um and that 85th percentile is what we Ed to determine whether there is an actual speeding issue or whether it's just that perception you know you see a car one time go 40 miles an hour and you assume that they're speeding but generally speaking the road is operating at a 25 or 26 mile an hour 85th percentile um so it's not necessarily it's you know it's a one-off or a perception issue rather than an actual speeding issue that's correct yeah um next is Dr Burton thanks good morning so just a couple of items um I know Alex I reached out to you with regard to um I think probably even Mara did as well regarding the utility work around Washington of of most concern were um the students walking to and from the building and being able to have access to um as well as um the timing we always like to be able to if they could let us get in in the morning get our buses in get the get the students in and then be able to um you know by three o'clock get wrapped up so that we can get kids out safely as well because we again we have line up of cars Etc you know for so dismissal and arrival are of and um I know our um safety officer out there um Ron connected with them and just said you know just being mindful of you know our time here um so I mentioned it to you that um allowing a arrival dismissal over at Washington school going back to The Pedestrian activated beacons around town been more than happy to include that Alex if you give me the uh the map I'll include that in my superintendent weekly update I always like to again maybe not after tomorrow but you know as this weather's coming in um but as the weather starts warming up but we always like to be able to give folks um information about you know safe walking safe riding you know etc etc so along those lines um next week February break schools are closed just as an FYI and uh with all of the uh snow arriving we may have a we anticipate a snow event um I don't know that we'll get away with um a delayed opening potentially a closure but we be Tim is gonna be tough timing is gonna be tough tomorrow yeah yeah we've got a lot of mostly in during the day so if we get them in the concern is always getting them home safely well yeah it was uh it was it changed very quickly too I thought it was going to be like about an inch uh and then all of a sudden it was three to five at this point could be seven you know so so understood um as far as the um the construction goes so it's my understanding just to provide an update is that pscg is only doing um now services to those homes along Willow and Spring Street um so it's sort of they're marching up you know uh the road and they are um only doing single like single Services rather than a trench or you know these these major repairs um I had emailed your concern directly to Eric Adams uh who is the um the area manager as well as the government relations individual uh at psng so um so they are um his response to me was well he didn't respond to that specific concern which I'll follow up with him but um they are uh just upgrading the Main Street which will continue for a while yet um which is a trench job um and well but they're keeping both lanes of traffic open and then they're just res re placing the services uh on will in Spring I anticipate that there'll be out of there um mid-February so we're we're get we're getting there and then and then you know we'll be meeting with them there will be a whole other layer to this which will be the repaving of all of these roads in the spring time so um but uh but that's but that's good news um that that uh that they'll eventually be done in there uh probably within the next you know few weeks here there will be one but uh with the spring and Milbourne Avenue intersection will be impactful but they we we've uh told them that that work needs to be done at night so uh that will not have any impact on schools or hopefully any of the businesses downtown so thank you thank you Dr Burton um Christine Burton I mean sorry yep good morning everyone um I just have just wanted to give an update on the um the Cur ramp project that we've we planning so we did submit an application in December to Essex County for the Community Development block grant um this year the application going to include ramps along um Hobart and coniss which we've been talking about for a while Hobart and North Hobart and South Terrace Hobart with Taylor Road North bla and church Blaine and Rector and then Ridgewood and Ivy so all the ramps that we've been talking about that needed Improvement will be included in that application um typically we get around 35,000 but we've discussed alternating years with Essex County so that we can get a larger Grant every other year so this year we submitted for um just under 880,000 so hopefully that goes through and then everything right now we're just doing our our planning for all of our upcoming road projects yeah um yeah we've and so same same schedule in terms of our road projects for 24 is that we plan on you know uh having an early Bond issuance um or putting a bond in front of the township committee for these 2024 Road improvements that will then allow us to schedule work to be done over the summer barring any major hiccups like we experienced on Fairfield Drive uh that should all work out um the other thing that uh Christine and I have been working on the last week is um getting our comments back to the dot for our safe routes schools Grant um though so that is moving now um moving forward um we are uh we provided our comments as well as all the other people that are involved in this project D um you know uh do themselves various divisions of dot provide their comments back on the um proposal from nv5 who is going to act as a construction manager and engineer on the job um and um once that and and you know I had expressed in this group previously my concern over the price of that contract had a discussion directly with the Department of Transportation to ask about that um and they said that it it it really has to do with the hours of work and what kind of work they're doing and so like our review and our questions were you know there's no historic issues up there so there's no reason to have historic review like you know different things like that to ensure that the contract with NB 5 is as buttoned up as possible the other concern I had was whether that money is directly like whether we have to front that money um because it's a large dollar amount and not something we anticipated when we went out for the grant of $600,000 and so it was confirmed to me that that is not the case it's a whole separate pool of money that they have uh for these federal grants that um what happens is nv5 will build us we'll build the do and the dot will pay them directly so um so there's no there's no sort of U UPF fronting of the money from the township which puts me at a level of comfort um uh because again that was something that we did not anticipate so that's all moving forward now so um obviously it will continue to be slow it's a Federal grant it's dealing with State departments um but but at least there's at least the wheels are in motion now where it was pretty stagnant for a while just wanted to provide that update um Mara hi okay I just wanted to follow up on two things uh Christine we talked about the curb cut list um are crosswalks also going to be painted at those intersections I I thought we we discussed it previously but I just wanted to confirm those intersections that we discussed where we're putting curb Cuts will crosswalks also be painted wherever we're reconstructing the curb lamps we will be striping and crosswalks okay great um and then also I know that Wyoming had a couple of requests for crosswalks if you could just take a look at the PAB memo and maybe if there is if there's a reason why those are not on the particular list if it's you know because of infrastructure concerns or because of the uh different different reasons just so that I can give them a response as to why particular intersections might not be uh appropriate for crosswalks um I would just appreciate that I know that they highlighted a couple on the on the PAB memo but if you could just you know just address that directly that would be really great okay on Wyoming's a county RightWay so we've had conversations back and forth with the county about adding crosswalks there um I could ask them again to see okay if they'd be interested but I think one of the one of the issues that OA has when I talk to him about it is that there's other crosswalks you can use that are close by within a block so he doesn't want to stripe every intersection be a crossing right no I completely understand that absolutely and and obviously it's going to keep coming up but I you know I want to let them know that it's something that has been looked at and this is the reason why um and also uh with the speed sign I know they they they had put in the memo um about maybe putting a this is your speed closer to the school um because of they thought that the one that's near Glenn has been very successful in slowing things down but then people tend to speed back back up for the school but I guess you got I will let them know that you're doing um the radar uh check this week so we'll probably get a lot of information about that this week so um I will follow up with them on that um thank you for repairing the uh Wyoming sign and also um I was confirmed by haror all the new signs no parking signs have been installed so thank you guys again for that um Dearfield uh thank you for moving forward on that is there and I'm saying this as we potentially have as I saw this morning 7 to 10 inches coming um has there been any kind of progress in thinking of what we can do regarding that continual icing issue um or is that is that not something that um there's been no uh Solutions proferred as of yet I will let Christine tackle that one if she has information on it we're still talking about Troy and Lawrence that intersection yeah y yeah okay so when we we repaved the intersection which helped put a crown on Troy but there was still some water in the street we added an inlet which took the water off of Troy the water that's coming across Lawrence now is groundwater that's leaching out of the properties so over November and December and January we had such a significant rain and then it froze so that's where we were having the problems so as long as we have nice dry weather or we have snow we won't see the icing and it's also significantly reduced to what was the original problem on Troy so even though we have we're aware of it we can't address it right now it's going to take a road project we need to put in under drains and that kind of thing so we do have it on the radar to do road work up there to address it but at this point it's not such a significant safety problem where it was like it was on Troy right okay all right great thank you so much yeah that'll take a that'll take a r reconstruction project of Florence it sounds like so right which we're not advocating for at all during school time um um Glennwood I'm following up on the light issue um did you guys find out whether or not the developers did put in those lights on the pathway as they were supposed to oh oh oh you're talking about the the the path behind Glenwood yep um I I have not uh found that out okay let me okay and and and I think more so find out just just in confirm that that's what they had they had agreed to right okay um a general issue that keeps seem to come up um is that uh streets are being closed and they're not on the email closure list um and it's causing an issue um for pickup drop offs um at my meeting there specifically apparently there was within the past couple months there was closures on Troy to Athens and Troy Lane um which uh you know obviously wasn't communicated ahead of time so I'm not I I know a lot of times uh you guys don't get heads up with these things um but uh I you know I just wanted to at least Express that there are there continues to be an ongoing issue where there's street closures without um you know either the schools or bus transportation knowing um and that's it's causing issues for um particularly in the morning I would say it's more of an issue with drop off rather than pickup but uh I've i' I've gotten complaints on both ends okay appreciate that feedback um yeah one of the things that had come up at a recent T committee meeting uh which we are addressing is the email um through the Rave system that goes out to people about road closures um but I think that um you know this would have to be something I think that also Sergeant barboso takes a look at and sees you know what um you know what sort of notification we're getting on these on these types of closures so appreciate the feedback on that absolutely uh and then finally obviously it's January but I'm already thinking for NE the the um the crossing guard contract um since it was only one year and I know you're doing budgeting um and uh I would be happy to if if you want me to attend because a lot of people there's a lot of new people on the township committee who don't know the history of the crossing guard um contracts and why we went outside and I would just I offer to come and speak to them if anybody has any questions about why we went outside um and and that kind of thing when thinking about planning and budgeting for whatever we're going to do regarding the crossing guards uh for uh the fall yeah this is a um this is I mean this is an evaluation also that I owe the township committee um to uh to show them the uh you know the what it could be in house and what it what what what the contract is you know look I I've taken a look at the contract too and I think there there are ways to reduce the cost of the contract if if if that is you know again ultimately where um people want to stay but but then also sort of doing this the side-by-side evaluation of what it looks like or what it would look like to bring it back in house and you know again sort of having this the old this still the same goal is that we're not having police officers sort of managing the crossing guards which is which I think has offered uh relief to this to the traffic Bureau and allowed them to sort of focus more on some of these these uh these details about you know whether it's speeding or different things like that um so so that is a uh that that will be a discussion very soon um and as I said I still the temp committee an evaluation of that um um that contract so y so if you need any help with the history of that I'm I'm happy to to help out if you know writing something or if you need me to come speak to them to explain um the history of it um I'm happy to do so thanks mayor is that everything I do I can make up if You' like no no please that's all right no no I just I I I think this group has helped us a lot I I just have to like addressing the needs of the school because I remember where we started you know and it was it was uh it was quite a list and so you know obviously I think that goes to your management of issues as well that come forward but but also I think the group uh being able to uh address those issues so um absolutely from from where I was six years ago coming in into this to now it's it's light years better so yeah um all right and so Jeremy you're the you're the sole uh resident on here so if you have anything to to report yeah I just have four kind of like um resident comments I just share them um I got a comment that um pedestrians are walking on uh Ridgewood and Greenwood um um between like the evening hours not using the sidewalks excuse me um and not being not wearing any like highly visible clothing which could lead to you know someone hitting them um I guess a regular driver had reported that who lives on Greenwood um and then the other thing was saying that seems like maybe this maybe some of the street lights are out but I said you know hey tell me which one you think is out and we can get that address but um so that was one um one comment and another comment was and we've talked about this one before so I don't think it's that big of a deal but I'll uh I'll I'll say it is that the um the crossing at undercliffe in Milbourne is dangerous and I think we there was some commentary about maybe they'll just remove that crosswalk um and then uh the the UPS truck that parks on Winningham blocks like on kind of regularly blocks the sidewalk um because it'll back into behind the UPS building and so if you're a pedestrian on walking down Whittingham like towards tayor Park you have to go out onto the road and back around the truck um that's that's more common than than it should be um and then uh you know I'll I walked across um uh Milburn Avenue at Whittingham which is like our you know a big crosswalk I was in the first Lane and there was a car coming to the Middle Lane and I kind of was like okay are you gonna stop or you gonna go uh and they stopped kind of hard and then like another car behind them crashed into so I think that's still kind of like a gamble that that crosswalk um even with the you know the um the lights that they have there but that's all I have yeah that is a uh that that intersection it's a constant thorn in the side um you know and and I think that um and I don't know obviously don't want to put the police department on the spot but um whether it's code enforcement or the police department being able would just have a quick conver like pop into ups and let them know that you know their trucks shouldn't be shouldn't be blocking I don't know whether they even have the capability of not blocking uh That Sidewalk so um which then just kind of goes to whole you know zoning zoning or planning board issue but um but but maybe just a quick conversation with them to let them know that this has been brought up as an issue if there's a way for them to mitigate it uh that would be great so um okay appreciate that appreciate those comments and and again I think this goes to you know um your first point goes to the education is like you know and and we had a resident come you know to a Mee any on and just say you know it's as simple as buying a $10 you know safety vest and wearing that when you're around and and I think that um I think that the the the non-use of sidewalks uh I never really really got but um I think it would be uh beneficial to just remind people to use the sidewalks when they're available because there's enough places in Milbourne Short Hills that don't have sidewalks that you don't really have a choice so when you do yeah you should use them yeah for sure it was it was like a covid um thing you know like when no one was driving for like those three or four weeks yeah South Mountain people were out walking all over the streets and yeah they wanted to separate so they you know someone walk on the sidewalk someone walk on the road and right yeah okay all all all really good points appreciate it Jeremy I would just tell uh Jeremy to maybe you know let let residents know that if there is a situation like the truck in front of UPS to just give us a call okay's go check it out right there and then because you know just taking a mental note of it you know because we to be there that truck is there to kind of you know have that conversation with ups and address it at that moment so call the local number like don't call 911 right yeah just you could call dispatch just let them know hey you know there's a truck that is is parked illegally in front of you PS we'll go there we'll check it out we'll see if it's parked legal or not and we'll take it from there okay yeah 701 701 okay yeah um okay with that uh does anybody have anything else that they would like to speak about um I Alex I I do maybe in the fall we can get we can purchase uh like inexpensive reflectors or something and hand them out to the commuters at night at the train station yeah just as like a reminder yeah yeah I think I think yeah or even like you know um yeah the things that you can clip on that that you can you know clip on that that flash like you know I I I bought those for my kids bikes right so like you can push the button and it'll flash while you're walking or biking and things like that very relatively inexpensive yeah yeah we should definitely look into that um pie okay perfect anything else all right well thanks everybody appreciate your time um and uh you know our next meeting is in uh April uh I just wanted to say something if if it's the second week that the schools are off so we might need if it's the April 8th date date the that's that's when the school spring break is so we might need to move that okay so I so it is let me just see here I got April I think I think it'll end up I think it's tax day I think it'll end up being the 15th okay yeah it it it is the 15th yeah I don't have it in my calendar yet but uh but it will be the April 15th is the next meeting great thanks all right all right thanks everybody have a good one thank you have a good day thanks