##VIDEO ID:0lnzIWhCDDQ## e [Music] Fred huh how are you e e e e all e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e is the mic on is that mic on testing is there red light on I got it just your mic hello thank you good evening I'd like to call the 2025 reorganization meeting to order will the clerk please read the open public meeting statement adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 specifying the time date and location by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building Municipal website providing a copy of the annual notice scheduled to the official newspapers of the burrow and is on file in the clerk's office will everyone please stand for a moment of silence which will be followed by the salute of the flag the United States of America and the for stands indivisible for I would like to call Pastor Kevin Jackson up please uh would you join with me in prayer please bow your heads father we do thank you so much for this opportunity to come together and to swear in Dave Potter and Patricia pain thank you Father for your protection over our community we thank you for this great little town miltown I personally thank you uh that I've gotten to raise my family here and it's been such a wonderful experience I thank you for this meeting that your hand is upon us that we are putting our confidence and trust in you in everything that we do we thank you for wisdom that you will give to the leadership of our town and we give you glory honor and praise for the rest of this meeting in Jesus name amen amen amen next will be the uh certification of election statement of determination of the board of County canvassers relative to an election held in the county of middle sex on the 5ifth day of November in the year 202 for for the election of burrow Council the said board deter did determine that at set election Patricia Payne and David Potter were duly elected council members for the burough of miltown County of middlex state of New Jersey uh we're going to do the administration of the Oaths we're going to call councilman Potter up please I David Potter David Potter do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully impartially that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform the duties and justly perform the duties of the office of councilman of the office of councilman to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and that I will support the Constitution and I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith of Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me [Applause] God I would like to call Miss Pat Payne up please Clos to the l i Patricia Payne I Patricia pay do solemnly affirm do solemnly affirm that I will Faithfully impartially that I will faithfully and impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of office all the duties of office of council woman of council woman to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and that I will will support the Constitution and that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear truth faith Allegiance and I will bear truth faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people will the clerk please call the role councilman Collins here councilman here councilwoman Pay Here councilman pansi here councilman Potter here councilman zamb BR here mayor Murray pres burough Attorney Peter venola pres bur engineer Mike mclen pres burrow administrator Frederick Carr pres burough clerk Monica Orlando present thank you so I'm going to uh I have the mayor's message I'm going to try to talk slow about this pastor Kevin Jackson council members for employees and professionals distinguished volunteers honored guests ladies and gentlemen and everyone at home good evening and welcome to the 2025 reorganization meeting for of the burough of miltown council I would like to acknowledge a few dignitaries senator Pat Dagan [Applause] assemblyman Robert kinek County [Music] Commissioner Claire barar moudy cloudy got cloudy uh County Commissioner Charles Kenny assemblyman sterley Stanley South Rivers mayor Pete gindy and former councilman Richard revolinski [Applause] I strongly believe that if we choose to work together United as one to serve our residents then our then together we can overcome every obstacle I eagerly look forward to working with this Council our residents our employees professionals and volunteers for the better of miltown I'm going to touch on a few items and acknowledgements as we enter 2025 we celebrate the success successful completion of several key projects notably the Highland Drive water main replacement and roadway resurfacing project the Albert Avenue Park improvements and newly awarded uh North Brook Drive improvements set to begin in 2025 additionally Main Street uh has been newly paved and we have new natural gas lines thanks to psng all in in place ahead of the 4th of July we also had an entire area around a Little League field repaved at no cost to the burrow in a significant achievement the burrow was awarded $116,000 Grant to provide free swimming lessons to second graders the Council made strides to stabilizing the water rates and with the implementation of the automatic increases in the ordinance to remove politics from billing process we upgraded our communication system replacing nixel with Civic plus and made great strides in clean clearing out our surplus vehicles from the area the existing DPW Yard has been gun cleaning cleaning up and we've taken delivery of backorder DPW trucks new police cars and even replace the fire truck I urge this Council to act swiftly on a battery project that is urgently needed to M help mitigate the upcoming increases in transmission up charges by investing in this project we can realize significant savings which should strategically be appli to offset transmission line costs additionally we must assess the electric rate structure and billing address the flooding issues on Southbrook drive and prioritize a demucking of mil pond looking ahead we're excited about phase one of North Brook Drive repaving and continued improvements of each f f Drive Albert Avenue Park improvements are going to be underway alongside with phase one of water meter Replacements which at no cost to the burrow thanks to funding from water grant we must also address the critical water line uh repair or replacement beneath the New Jersey Turnpike as we planned for the future we must remain proactive about the development of Acme Main Street Spirits property it is important to continue applying for DCA grants and support from both Main Street to support both Main Street improvements in our local businesses additionally we need to review and refine our specifications the way our specifications are written and the fees are charged these charges should be implemented before construction begins I'm pleased to report that our relationships with police fire rescue squad have never been stronger with open lines of communication in a spirit of collaboration we also Foster a strong connection with superintendent Dr Stephanie Brown and the Board of Education our shared service with South River thank you Mr Kendy has a will continued support from East Brunswick and North Brunswick are vital to Our Success I would like to extend my thanks to Mayor Pete gindy mayor Brad Cohen and mayor Mack for their ongoing Partnerships and dedication I would like to thank each and every member of the miltown police department for their dedication in keeping miltown a safe Community throughout the year we had a new chief chief christberg Johnson and under his Direction it was marked by outstanding achievements that reflect the commitment to Excellence comparing 2023 to 2024 there was a significant increase in performance across key areas car stops went from 2,636 in 2023 to 5,395 24 radar runs 935 in 2023 to 1,156 in 2024 arrests went from 70 to 108 DWI arrests went from 4 to 18 finally I want to extend my congratulations to officer Michael mccab for our 2024 officer of the year Michael's outstanding performance and exceptional dedication to duty have been an inspiration to us all in 2024 miltown fire department responded to 181 calls I would like to con congratulate uh the following people Anthony fam our new Chief Deputy Chief Tony car Carin assistant chief Tom damansky I would like to thank former Chief Raymond Jolly junor for his service of Chief during the years of 2023 and 2024 I would like to also recognize Mr George G as grandpa is a 95y old man still active member in on almost every call Midtown Rescue Squad in 2024 the squad had responded to roughly 1100 calls and I would like to congratulate new captain Chris Slover and assistant Captain Kyle rafy I would also ident like to identify that Chris and Kyle are both Eagle Scouts for miltown troop 33 i' would like to thank former Captain Will Kaplan for his leadership in 2024 four what do these figures really represent to many they seem like they're just numbers but those of us who rely on Emergency Services can carry they carry profound meaning these dedicated individuals our First Responders are there for us 247 365 days a year they put our safety Our lives our personal property above their own and at Great personal sacrifice their commitment and their selfishness deserve our deepest gratitude and respect I am truly thankful for their unwavy service and their sacrifices to make Keep Us Safe burrow employees I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of the burrow employees who are truly the heartbeat of our community in in 20 2024 alone a total of 3,543 tons of garbage work Collective an impressive feat that reflects the hard work and dedication by our Public Service teams while the sanitation department ensures your garbage is collected our water department works tirelessly to keep the pipes flowing and our electric Department ensures the lights stay on there is no small task especially considering the challenges posed by our aging infrastructure which has not been reinvested in as much and should have been in addition our Parks remain clean and wellmaintained and ready to host both Youth and adult activities thanks to the ongoing efforts to our dedicated staff our administrative team teams continue to keep everything running smoothly and always greeting challenges with a smile I ask one thing from our residents please remember that the burrow employees who serve you are here to help they work hard every day to make our town better and they deserve ve our respect and understanding let's not take our frustrations out or anger out on them let's support them as they work to make miltown a great place to live miltown seniors I truly enjoy engaging with our miltown seniors and in the coming year I look forward to continuing our Q&A dialogue sessions at the senior center these seniors are the build were the building blocks of our foundations of what miltown has become today their experience their wisdom and their contributions have shaped the our community and I am grateful for their opportunity to connect with them to hear their voices together we will continue Foster a strong sense of community to ensure that miltown remains a great place for generation for all generations miltown courts I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the miltown buau judge and her staff for the dedication and hard work the workload has been significantly significantly increased due to the collaboration efforts of the miltown police department the teamwork between the judge Judge's office and our Police Department is truly commendable and I am grateful for the commitment both have shown in the service servicing our community efficiently and effectively their combined efforts are vital to maintaining order and ensure Justice in in miltown I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to Commander Ron Dixon and the staff at the American Legion for their generosity and allowing the burrow to host numerous events throughout the year their support and partnership is truly appreciated and we are grateful for the opportunities that they provide to bring us to bring our community together the American legion's continued collaboration with the burrow plays a significant role to make miltown vibrant connected place to live thank you for everything you do I would like to thank uh I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of our volunteer groups and committees for their tireless efforts making miltown a better place your dedication passion commitment in our community are truly invaluable whether it's organizing events supporting local initiatives or lending a hand whenever needed you make a meaningful difference every day miltown is stronger because of your selfishness and contributions and we are deeply grateful for everything you do in closing I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone for their continued support in 2025 just as you have shown in the past year we are a community that truly looks out for one another and we pride we prove time and time again that we will take care of ourselves when we all come together well progress may not always come as quickly as I would like I remain committed to pushing forward striving to make miltown an even better place to live while keeping cost reasonable for all of us on behalf of everyone at Burrow Hall and the burrow Council I wish you all happiness health and prosperity in 2025 thank you for your ongoing support and making miltown such a wonderful place called home [Applause] may I have nominations and approval for council president please Mr Mayor I'd like to nominate Phils and brown as council president I'll second that motion I have a motion made by councilman Potter seconded by councilman Collins made the CK uh its role actually we wanted see if there's any other nominations is there any other nominations no okay well the clerk please call the RO councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilwoman Payne hi councilman panski hi councilman ptter I councilman zamb BR I now is it time for public comment now is time for public comment limited to the resolutions on the agenda only if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record again this is the public portion is limited to the comments on the resolutions listed on the agenda at this time there will be a 5 minute time limit set forth by the rules of council if someone raises their hand please come up to the microphone state your name and address for the record no one I will close um public comment so we have a few consent agendas so we have consent agenda number one 1 consent resolution 25-1 has been prepared for the resolutions 2012-02 through as a separate matter any items requ requiring expenditures are supported by certif certification of funds if any member of council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and I will pull it from the consent resolution and that's for 02 through2 I I would like to but I'd like to know if I can um if possible if I could preface my votes with a statement I'm going to vote but I'd like to make a statement before to explain my votes say I guess we can do motion second then any discuss make a motion in second and then we have you have any you you so I make I make a motion that the resolutions uh 02 through 020 be be adopted I second I I have a motion made made by council president uh zbr uh seconded by councilman Potter um I'd like to pull three now you okay uh okay I should have done that before then yeah Council then you would indicate you just wanted to make a comment on the resolutions I didn't I don't know that any want to pull what I was going to do was make a statement to basically to explain the reason I was pulling uh three resolutions I'll let it go then okay I I apologize I okay there was some confusion as to logistically what we wanted to do if you have a comment you'd like to make now on those you can I'll well okay I'll I'll just I I'll explain the decisions I was going to make my decisions for how I vote for our professionals are predicated on what I believe are in the best interest financially for the taxpayers of miltown my job is to save residents as much money as possible any where I can that's it okay thank you um seeing no further discussions will the clerk please call the rooll council president Zan Brana hi councilman Collins hi councilman moo hi councilwoman pay I councilman posnansky I councilman Potter I consent agenda number two consent resolution 25 uh 2025 D21 has been prepared for the resolutions 2025-the removed from this consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed can be treated on in a separate manner any items requiring expenditures are supported by certificate certification of funds any member or Council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution will the clerk plead read please read consent agenda resolution 25-21 Mr Mayor do you want to see if anybody wants to pull any first that way when she reads the consent resolution she can pull out any ones that are okay anybody like P any hearing [Music] none whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular or special meetings upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its January 6 2025 reorganization meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all members of the council 202-2222 d52 now therefore be resolved by the burrow Council of the bur of miltown that each of the above listed resolution be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each was read in its entirety at the January 6 2025 reorganization meeting and adopted by separate vote May I have a motion in a second please approve the resolutions uh 2025 23 through 2025 52 I second I have a motion made by council president zbr and seconded by councilman Potter is there any discussion seeing no further discussion will the clerk please call the role council president Zam Brana hi councilman Collins I councilman Mano I councilwoman pay hi councilman posnansky I councilman Potter I consent agenda number three consent resolution 25 202- 53 has been prepared for the resolutions 20 25-54 through 2025 58 listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda have been reviewed by burrow Council will be enacted on in one motion any items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated on as a separate matter any items requiring expenditures are supported by C certification of funds any member of the council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and I will pull from the consent resolution will the clerk please read resolution consent agenda resolution 25- 53 20 25- 53 whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular special meeting upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its January 6 2025 reorganization meeting appeared to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council 2025 54 through 2025 58 now therefore be resolved by the burough Council of the bur of miltown that each of the above listed resolutions be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each were read its entirety at its January 6 2025 reorganization meeting and adopted by separate vote I have a motion in a second please I move that the resolution numbers 2025 54 through 2025 58 be adopted second I have a motion made by council president zamena seconded by councilman panski is there any discussion no will the clerk please call the role council president Zan Brana I councilman Collins I councilman Mano I councilwoman Payne I councilman posnanski I councilman Potter I consent agenda number four consent resolution 2025 59 has been prepared for the resolutions 20 25-60 through 20 25-64 listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda have been reviewed by burrow Council will be enacted on in one motion any items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditures are supported by C certification of funds if any member what member of council wants any Resolution Act of on individually please give me the resolution number and I it will be pulled from the consent resolution I would I would like to uh 2025-the for the whole bundle right is there um may I have a motion in a second for um 20 25-60 3 60 through 64 minus 63 sorry so we'll look thank you second second second thank you I have a motion made by councilman uh council president zimbrana seconded by councilman Potter is there any discussion I I'd like to if I may I had seen that that there was no one signed up for the senior citizen advisor that one that one we speak on after we vote on these that this is everything other than that one you pulled the G that's okay be good will the cler please by the RO council president Zam Brana I councilman coll councilman moo I councilman Payne I councilman posnanski I councilman Potter I will the clerk please read resolution 20 25- 63 please resolution 202- 63 appointing members to the senior citizen advisory committee um may I have a motion in a second please motion second I have a motion made by councilman Collins second by councilwoman Payne is there any discussion uh I'd like to to speak about that I had seen that no one had signed up and if possible um i' I'd like to volunteer but I've spoken with some people I have one person that's a definite a second that's a possible and a third that's also a possible so if possible since there is no one I'd like to make something of this if I can well I have I can give you citizen leadership forms and you can just have them fill it out and then if they really are interested we could appoint them at the next council meeting okay all right thank you but I'll need to have their forms and then I'll put on the next meeting's agenda thank you that's that's it okay um will L Clark please call the rooll council president Zam Brana I councilman Collins councilman Manco I councilwoman Payne I councilman posnansky I councilman Potter I consent agenda number five consent resolution 202- 65 has been prepared for the resolutions uh 2025 66 through 2025 72 listed on the agenda all matters listed under consent agenda have been reviewed by buau councel will be acted upon in one motion any item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditures are supported by uh certification of funds if any member of council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution will a clerk please read consent agenda resolution 2025 65 please whereas pursuance to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular special meeting upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the burough council at its January 6 2025 reorganization meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council 2025 66 through 2025 72 now therefore be resolved by the burough Council of the burough of miltown that each of the above listed resolutions be approved and adopted by the burough council with the same legal effect as though each were read its entirety at the January 6 2025 reorganization meeting and adopted by separate vote May I have a motion in a second please motion to accept resolution 2025 d65 second I have a motion made by councilman Collins seconded by councilwoman Payne is there any discussion seeing none will the clerk please call the role Council president Zam Brana I councilman Collin councilman moo councilwoman Payne I councilman posnanski councilman Potter I will the clerk please read resolution 20273 by title creating burrow working subcommittees and chairpersons may I have a motion a second please so move second I have a motion made by council president Zam bran seconded by councilman Potter is there any discussion will the clerk please call the rooll council president Zam Brana councilman Colin I councilman Mano hi councilwoman P hi councilman pansy councilman Potter I will the clerk please read resolution 20257 by title appointing Council liaison what pleasure councel please make motion that this resolution be adopted second I have motion made by councilman Potter second by councilman Collins is there any discussion seeing no discussion will the clerk please call the rooll council president Zam BR hi councilman Collins councilman moo hi councilwoman Payne hi councilman posnansky councilman Potter I will the clerk please read resolution 2025 d75 by title authorizing the request for proposals for qualified purchasing agent what's pleasure Council second I have a motion made by councilwoman Payne second by councilman Collins is there any discussion seeing none will the clerk please call the rooll council president zamb I councilman Collins councilman Mano I councilwoman Payne I councilman pansy I councilman Potter I will the clerk please read resolution 2025 76 by title accepting the resignation of borrow employee Mary guyy what's pleasure Council I sadly accept this motion this resolution I second I have a motion made by councilman Potter seconded by council president zimbrana is there any discussion yes Mr Mayor I'd just like to thank uh Mary for her service and dedication to the burrow and she was a a fine individual and we're going to really miss her and good luck on your future endeavors Mary i' I'd like to second that uh Mary was she was an excellent employee and she would be very missed here I'd like to thank her very much seeing none will the um clerk please call the role council president Zan Brana I councilman Collins councilman Mano councilwoman Payne I councilman pan councilman Potter I will the clear clerk please read resolution 2025 d 77 by title appointing Board of Health secretary Ra's pleasure councel I move this resolution be adopted second I have a motion made by uh council president zbr seconded by councilman Potter is there any discussion seeing none will the clerk please call the rooll council president Zam Brana I councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilwoman Payne hi councilman panski councilman Potter I will the clerk please read resolution 20257 by title accepting the resignation of burrow employe employee Frederick Carr what pleasure Council I move that this resolution be adopted second that J motion made by councilman council president Zaba seconded by councilman panski is there any discussion I'd like to make a comment I'd like to thank Fred cor for helping us through a difficult year last year I'd like to wish you luck in your future endeavors thank you sir thank you very much yeah Fred I second that thank you thank you sir I'd like I'd like to thank you Fred personally that you've done a good job I know we batted heads and that's what you're here for and you've answered my questions and I wish I could vote no until you you had to stay but I can't do that so correct well you could he just would he just wouldn't accept it so that's right I'm not letting him out at building don't worry thank you Fred for your service and thank you for your service to your country I very appreciate very much thank you and thank you Fred um it's possible be a better place with you hope so seeing no further discussion will the clerk please call the rooll council president Zan Brana I councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilman Payne hi councilman pansy hi councilman Potter I public uh portion of the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comments till the speaker is finished it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record when you come to the podium just a reminder that under the rules of council individuals wishing to speak during the public input part of the meeting shall be limited to 5 minutes and may after other speak May speakers have finished may be allowed to speak for another 5 minute period Russ binder 152 in North Main Street first graduations to my friends David and Pat Uh I'm here actually on behalf of the miltown Fourth of July committee um we're having uh our first fund raise of the year in about less than two weeks at this point and I just confirmed it because we been working with the VFW very diligently to make sure they're ready to do things and we're going to have a karaoke night there on January 18th people I've had God knows how many people asked me to do that again for our committee but one of the main reasons we want to do it now too is for those you that don't know the mayor you talked about the American Legion unbelievable we support work with them they do so much for the town and Fourth of July and everything else and VFW has done that in the past as well but they've had some inner issues you know getting things together some people being sick they had some problems you know with um finances and they need a roof very badly on their building so we are doing everything we can to try and get people in the town businesses and other folks to help get together and help our veterans in this group get back to where they used to be and where they should be because they have history at rvfw post of really really helping out not just veterans but people in need all over the place we have a really good history there we want to keep it that way so the more of you that can come that's fine there'll be tickets available in the next few days at Maria's and at Mike's Country Market and bagel Express and miltown convenience and of course me and any other um pick person but the idea is we're trying to help them and since it's the 100th anniversary of the 4th in July miltown we want to make it the best one ever and we still want to have the best you know VFW and American Legion Post ever also so thank you for your help in advance hope to see you there em what what's the date again the 18th the 18th and what's the cost oh I'm sorry thank you I to say that good thing you're president I'm only vice president that works now seriously January 18th all right we're going to start at 7 o' it's $30 includes the beer and the wine um there'll be finger foods there our buddy Wayne Cooks all that stuff he's great and uh like I said come you don't have to sing you could just laugh at other people it's fine come on that now see you there thank you seeing no one else from the public I'd like to close public comment portion of the meeting Council comments is there any anyone on Council that has any comments at this time yes Mr Mayor uh just a few um a few things to say uh congratulations to councilman Potter for returning as a as a as a burough council member uh welcome to councilwoman Pat Payne for coming and joining the bough Council um and a heartfelt thanks to all my fellow council members for your support and your faith in naming me your council president um I look forward to working with each of you both as a team and individually making sure we take care of all the residents of the uh borrow in 2025 uh best thing I could say to everyone here is work through your committees um it's the best way to work to come to um an agreement and for a recommendation to the rest of the council and you know the best advice I can give everyone is communicate communicate and when all else fails communicate thank you so much I'd like to make I have three small comments um Dub's tailes and some of the others here um I'd like to also welcome our news council person Pat Payne she brings varied experience and attributes she's an educator an attorney and she has Integrity cares about her community and to me most importantly she's the proud mother of two exceptional Sons with that said nothing else can top that so thank thank you g sure I'd also like to this just dils also into uh what the mayor had said before I I'd like to recognize one of our miltown police officers Mike mccab as officer of the year very welld deserved and congratulations to officer mccab all of our police officers are outstanding from Chief Johnson to our three newest members We Salute You I would I would also like to congratulate our new fire chief Anthony fam he is more than capable with for this with the leadership role he has decad Decades of experience and selfless service for his new position I'd also like to thank outgoing Chief Ray Jolly for his many years of dedicated service to our community please respect the volunteers who work tirelessly day and night when called upon they are the lifeblood of the community I also like to recognize our dedicated Rescue Squad they're always ready and able to help our residents in need the police though paid also protect miltown putting their lives on the line every day thank you yes Mr Mayor I'd like to thank uh Phils and Bron for taking the council president's job and uh Dave Potter a friend of mine and fellow councilman and congratulations to pet pay on your appointment to the council and uh I hope you enjoy it it goes too fast thank you minut um I just wanted to say welcome back Dave GL and uh Pat congratulations uh and uh thank you everyone who uh who helped last year was useful or at least wasn't uh too rough on me last year hopefully uh we can do some good things this year um and Mr car Fred Carr uh it's been a pleasure knowing you sir thank you thank you for your help with this Talent um in a tradition in my own brief tradition of time here I have been uh announcing the Library uh events and being as none of the real uh nobody else will do it this week I'm going to do it one last time uh Tuesday January 7th 21st 7th and the 21st there'll be a drop in play at 10:30 a.m. after school bingo at 3 p.m. on Wednesday January 8th Minecraft themed Minecraft snowman themed drop in at 3:15 please register for that Thursday January 9th movie matina uh Ron's going wrong at 300 p.m. Saturday January 11th making pine cone bird feeders and stories please register uh age four and up Monday January 13th adult yoga at 9:15 a.m. please register for that as well Tuesday January 14th drop in craft at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday January 14th board meeting at 6:30 p.m. open to the public Thursday January 16th craft corner at 3 p.m. please register for that as well Saturday January 18th crochet for beginners at 11:00 a.m. and read to a pooch at 12:30 p.m. the library will be closed on Monday January 20th they thank you for your support this past year uh and look forward to doing great things this year not exactly sure because it's been a while but I believe this is the Hundred Years of the library as well uh for this year I know that they uh this year I believe they were looking to do do something in the parade as well in the Fourth of July parade so uh they may be looking for volunteers later and ideas some stuff about that a little there'll be more about that I'm sure uh but it's been a pleasure and the library does great things uh thank you very much miltown I'd like to I'd like to thank someone here today I I'd like to thank Ralph jnow and his crew with the DPW for for uh for for for uh today for keeping us from uh slipping and sliding away thank you Ralph um I would just like to um thank the mayor and the council and all the Professionals for a very warm welcome uh to being on the council I'm really looking forward to working with everyone I have a lot to learn and um I'm very teachable and um again thank you so much um to the citizens uh and thank you of course to my de friend Dave Potter uh it was a blast campaigning with you and congratulations on your reelection thank you uh I'm [Applause] yes first I want to say Happy New Year to everybody um it's been a new year it's been a great year so far uh I'd also like to thank all of our distinguished guests that came to support us this evening as the mayor mentioned um also to family friends and residents uh I also welcome welcome uh councilwoman Payne to the council we look forward to working with you and I look forward to continuing the work with the mayor and my fellow council members uh for the benefit of miltown thank you if if I may there's just one more comment that I neglected to make I just wanted to uh give an honorable mention and a thank you of course to Phil for stepping into this role and also the uh that rich rinsky did not engage in the public comment portion and I know that that took uh that change so I I think he lost his voice tonight thank you it is too late yes too late I will close Council comments um mayor's comments um I did forget and I do apologize I would like to also um we have a former councilman It's been a few years Mr Richard Ryan um so I do apologize I miss you you were on Council a way long time ago so it slipped my memory as well um uh my wife and I were honored to attend an event yesterday called special kids kit DZ where we had the pleasure of particip spending in some of their H in their holiday party it was a fantastic evening complete with appearance from Mr Mrs Claus and the Grinch I would like to extend my thanks to Maryann for the invitation and I look forward to next month's meeting it was truly a heartwarming experience and I am grateful to be part of such a wonderful event lastly as I mentioned earlier I will be forming two separate steering committees one for the South Main Street firehouse and another for the schwinaman Nature Center these committees will consist of two members one from each political party several members of various groups and a few residents I will finalize the details and present them at our next council meeting on January 21st 2025 I'd already had residents reach out to me expressing their interest in being involved I'm excited to see so many eager people to help move miltown forward May I have a motion uh entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second I have a motion made by councilman Collins second by councilwoman Payne all in favor I any opposed happy New Year now you're an educator you're going to get a good education