##VIDEO ID:1pdg2LY7NHQ## come could interesting when I was walking the the was walking you want me to remember the words get he was in the Marines he never volunteer for anything Mar show you drafted so the GU St neighborhood went in said where you want to go wor come to what's it so many people here tonight good evening I'd like to call the December 9th 2024 burough council meeting to order will the clerk please red open public meeting statement adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 public one 1975 specifying the time date and location by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building Municipal website providing a copy of the ual notice scheduled to the official newspapers of the burrow and is on file in the clerk's office will clerk please call the RO council president rinsky here councilman Collins councilman moo here councilman pansy councilman Potter here councilman zamb Brana here mayor Murry pres B Attorney Peter Veno pres bur engineer Mike mclen B engineer luk wanka here bur administrator Frederick Carr pres B clerk Monica Orlando present well everyone please stand for a moment of which will be followed by the salute of the flag flag the United States of America stands naice now is the time for public comments list limited to the resolutions on the agenda only if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record again this is the public portion limited to the comments only on the resolutions listed on the agenda at this time there will be a 5 minute time limit set forth by the rules of council if someone raises their hand please come up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing none I close the public comment portion of the meeting the meeting minutes for November 12th executive session or on the agenda for approval are there any comments or Corrections seeing none may I have a motion accept the minutes as typed so move second I have a motion made by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Potter all in favor any opposed thank you meeting minutes for November 25th 2024 regular meeting are on the agenda for approval are there any comments or Corrections yes Mr Mayor I've got two quick um on page nine Kimberly colop sack it was actually kup sack cup name name so hold on I got to get the okay page nine go ahead yeah that's page nine at the bottom mhm and then just a correction on page 10 well I didn't hear the correction so I was pulling up the page I'm sorry he the colip sack so it should be hyphenated I believe it's KO okay it's like the street and then Sak okay just I didn't know how pertinent that is for for the name of the record and then uh page 10 paragraph one two three four five six seven councilman rinsky noted that money is taken from the electric to balance the water budget as opposed to taking taxes um correction on that it's not taken from Electric to balance the water budget it's taken from the electric to balance the Burrows taxes B tax so I didn't want to be misrepresented okay so you can vote to approve them as as tyed as amended not as tyed may I make a motion to accept the minutes as amended so moveed second have motion made by council president revolinsky second by councilman Potter all in favor I any opposed thank you meeting minutes for November 12th regular uh executive session I'm sorry 25th executive session or on the agenda for approval or any comments or Corrections seeing none may I have a motion to accept the minutes as typed so move second all in favor I any opposed thank you ordinance public hearing on the second reading the following ordinance was introduced on November 25th 2024 and published in accordance with the law if any member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance they may do so after the reading will the clerk please read ordinance 24552 by title ordinance to amend chapter 25 Water of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of milk please uh so moved We need oh go do we need to do uh public hearing on it first or no yes you have to move and second it and then you can talk about it sure second I have a motion made by councilman Colin seconded by councilman resen rolinski sorry I will now open a public hearing for ordinance 24552 please state your name and address to the record these comments are limited to the comments on this ordinance only seeing none I will close audience comments uh does council have any comments see none no no no this is the tap one okay no no I'm sorry from T no I'm sorry I'm not on you're good you're good with it okay um will the clerk please call the rooll council president revolinski Hi councilman Collins councilman MCO hi councilman pansi councilman Potter I councilman Z BR I motion passes okay ordinance introduction first reading this ordinance introduction of 24553 there will be no public input on this ordinance tonight the in this is Introduction summary will be published as required by law and a second reading public hearing and final adoption will be considered on December 23rd 2024 full copies of this ordinance will be posted on a bur website on the bulletin board at the municipal building and available at no cost in the office of the municipal clerk between the hours of 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday will the clerk please read ordinance 24553 by title ordinance to amend chapter 25 water section 25- 4.1 water rates of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of miltown you have heard the reading of this uh ordinance may I have a motion please I move that this ordinance be adopted or adopted read and then to be adopted on the December 23rd meeting second I have a motion made by council president rev Linsky second by councilman moo are there any uh comments yes um I'd like to read comments that I have here I appreciate all the work that was put in by council president rinsky and our CFO Mr Zenga I feel that by lowering the minimum threshold that we have had that we had the previous existing water rate to the existing water rate hurts the lower utilizers whether they be seniors or single adults for those that are complaining about the rates on the highest or third tier it's time to think about the precious commodity that is clean water you realize that we can no longer take it for granted we can call it conserving preserving or sustainability something must be done that is fair to all the residents in the drought that we sustain summer into fall keeping sprinklers going and watering trees was necessarily going to be costly inflation has r tuly head into all aspects of Our Lives I'm hopeful that the future is brighter that's it is there anybody else um I'll I'll just add something for uh for the public if you guys aren't looking at this ordinance sorry I move the microphone a little bit closer thank you between the uh water and sewer between what was and what is being proposed the minimum goes from 7,500 g to 5,400 Gall there's an increase of $93 cents per quarter the first tier uh which is proposed to go from 5,400 gallons to four times that amount which would be 21,600 Gall that change is an increase of 41 cents per ,000 gallons however because the old structure had a tier that was at 15,000 to 21,000 that amount for usage in that area goes down by 4 cents or $4 And1 per th000 gallons and lastly the highest tier the highest users to see the biggest amount of Change is Going up at 21,000 gallons and higher to be built at 3875 per thousand gallons that is an incre increase of $14.16 per thousand gallons that is your summary so most of the people who are minimum users if you're at 5,400 gallons your bill is going up $93 per quarter I just like to thank councilman rinsky for all the work he put in on this I mean we went round and round we try to keep it you know the uh bills down for the seniors and we try to keep their bills down for the regular residents and uh it was a lot of struggle but I'd like to thank I just say Thank you Rich I'm going to vote I and I'd like to thank uh the mayor councilman Potter and our burough counsel Peter violo for pushing this across the line so that's an i motion passes I'd like to thank Peter venol for pushing this across the line as well do what I you're so great Peter ordinance introduction first reading this or this introduction of this ordinance 24554 there will be no public input on this ordinance tonight the ordinance the introduction summary will be published as required by law and a second reading public hearing and final adoption will be considered on December 23rd 2024 full copies of this of the ordinance will be posted on a our website on the bulletin board at the municipal building in available at no cost in the office of the municipal clerk between the hours of 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday will the clerk please read ordinance 24554 orance to amend chapter 26 sewer section 26- 7.9 sewer use charges of the revised General ordinances of the borrow of miltown may I have a motion in a second please so move second are there any Council comments same as before those numbers were based on both combined Water and Sewer so the total minimum increases for water and sewer combined is the $9.3 just wanted that to be clear not nine for water nine for sewer that's combined just I just like to say it's it's strange how our sewer cost more than our water but that's what they do to us so okay will the clerk please call the role council president rolinski I councilman Collins councilman moo I councilman posnanski councilman Potter I councilman Zan Brana I authorization of payments of Municipal obligations next on the agenda we'll have the authorizing of payments of Municipal obligations will a clerk please res read the res resolution by title resolution 2024 321 authorizing the payment of bills claims and statements against the B of miltown the total amount of [Music] $843,000 council president revolinski councilman Collins councilman MCO councilman posnanski I councilman Potter councilman zamb I a consent resolution has been prepared for the resolutions listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are to be considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by burrow Council will be enacted on in one motion any items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of funds if any member of council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution none thank you um we'll look clerk please read the consent agenda resolution please where is pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular or special meetings upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its December 9th 2024 regular meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council resolutions 202 24- 323 through 2024 d331 now therefore be resolved by the burrow Council of the bur of miltown that each of the above listed resolutions be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each were read its entirety at its December 9th 2024 regular meeting and adopted by separate vote May I have a motion in a second please make a motion to approve the consent resolution second I have a motion made by council president revolinsky seconded by councilman Collins will the clerk please call the rooll council president rolinski I councilman Collins councilman MCO councilman posnanski hi councilman Potter hi councilman Zan BR hi we have the reports from elected officials council president rinsky uh for Fort Avenue still ongoing uh we it looks like we should hear something in January so you can go through Christmas without worrying about hearing anything about Fort Avenue for now um as far as Finance goes uh I'm thankful that we've got some rates that uh whether we like them or not we could all agree to move forward with those at least for the uh the next council meeting next up is of course going to be the electric rates which we're looking at a $1.1 million increase I mentioned this at the last meeting we talked about it in depth in September this is beyond our control this is direct costs that are coming in from uh the electric providers in the state so with that uh if we wait longer the amount has to be compounded into a shorter time period uh if new rates are adopted in January you guys are probably looking at 9 months to generate that Revenue because it has to be received by the burrow before December 31st so uh our our CFO has that information uh I asked him based on kind of what we looked at here that clearly that you know the governing body doesn't have much appetite for increasing the minimum based on uh our cost of operation and therefore we should anticipate it being a rate increase based on consumption or utilization that's all I got thank you councilman Collins thank you Mr Mayor uh electrical department a pole transferred with a new Transformer was completed on Albert Avenue to replace an old pole damaged due to rot American flags were removed from our utility poles holiday snowflakes had been installed department members assisted DPW with holiday decorating power was connected to the boy C Christmas tree trailer a broken neutral conductor was repaired on a house on Albert Avenue a Service drop was installed on a new house in Highland Drive department members did some troubleshooting on several orcal heaters in the burrow facilities that were not functioning Parts have been ordered four street lights were replaced five street lights were replaced with energy efficient LEDs line clearance was performed on the senior center dead branches were removed on several trees on Fire Road is that right fire the fire Road Three electrical meters were replaced maintenance was performed on at the substation one bucket truck was repaired the Digger dri pole truck is out re for repair getting repaired our oldest bucket truck is out of service while the vendor Source parts department received a new Pole trailer to replace an obsolete unit various work orders from the billing department were issued and assisted with discrepancies that were encountered and the water utility along with daily work orders the daily pump check the water and sewer department has the following a hydrant was replaced on re Avenue there was water main break on Crestwood Drive the assistant Water supervisor oversaw the replacement of lead water line to the main and approved the job hydrate flushing continued twice a month at ryers Lane and South Brook Drive per D requirements and I also like to say thanks to the uh water department for repairing the Desman Avenue this past week and that concludes my report Mr May thank you councilman mango uh regard the rec department uh winter registration is now open for adult yoga men's basketball and women's volleyball the deadline to register for youth basketball excuse me is January 3rd and spots are still available volunteer coaches are always welcome and the program will start on January 25th on Monday December 16th please join us for an ice skating family fund night please register your family for this event on community pass taking all the holiday lights and beautifully decorated window displays in NYC and join the rec department for a bus trip on Thursday December 19th also please register on community pass for that event as well Friday December 6th was the annual tree lighting and though it was a cold night it was a huge success and the rec department would like to thank everyone that came out to support the kickoff of the holiday season special thanks to Mayor George Murray for letting the tree the miltown fire department for always making sure Santa arrived safe to help light up miltown and for the wonderful treat bags for the kids to enjoy the Remax team for delicious hot chocolate cookies and a TV raffle Miss Gary with Toys for Tots I'm sorry Mr Gary Ritman with Toys for Tots Miss Helly and a very talented JK band The DPW crew for all of their help and getting Town Hall decorated for the big night Russ einbinder for supplying the sound system and capturing capturing all of the great times and uh things going on there the children in the fresh theater arts program did an amazing job of putting on their end of season production of Beauty and the Beast on Tuesday November 19th the next session is already being planned the miltown recreation department like to thank everyone for the support of the past year and can't wait to kick off 2025 um a lot of good things are always on their website and also registering for Community pass is just helpful in get everything you want to get done in this town additionally I know at the tree lighting uh the police were involved in a little uh a little Grinch action which was always a good iatrics and just uh nice things that uh you know I think kids remember how just makes an impression and uh kids love that and just falls into the whole thing so thank you guys for that uh we're going to the library tomorrow is the Board of Trustees monthly meeting at 6:30 which is open to the public Wednesday December 11th is the drop in play at 10:30 a.m. and tween craft personalizing Winden holiday gift tags at 3 p.m. Thursday December 12th there's a movie matina at 3 p.m. featuring Home Alone Saturday December 14th Friends of the library will be having a jingle jangle jewelry and accessory sale from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. also on Saturday will be crochet for beginners at 11:00 a.m. Monday December 16th at 6:30 Irene Curran will discuss Charles Dickens and a Christmas car registration is requireed reir Wednesday December 18th is a drop in craft uh involving snowman at 11:00 a.m. Thursday December 19 craft Corner in the library will be doing work with gingerbread houses at 300 p.m. registration is also required for that Saturday December 21st Frosty fun and more bingo bingo cookie frosting pizza and a surprise guest starting at 10:30 a.m. registration is also required for that event I'm going to start saying registration is required for most of the events also on Saturday December 21st read to a poo at 12:30 December 28th at 11 a.m. crochet for beginners Monday December 30th adult yoga at 9:15 a.m. uh registration is required for that as well the library will be closed on December 24th 25th 31st and January 1st of 2025 the staff would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season uh addition to that on the website I know the uh the library has a new shed that's put in back if you haven't noticed uh but they are starting to work on what is called the library of things which is uh everything from tools to party supply to cooking things to just random items that uh that could be help out that could be available to you for the town uh with your library card and they have a list on their website of things they are accepting as donations things they are expecting to have it's it's an interesting concept it is around um it's not groundbreaking but it's certainly they're on the newer side of it and uh take a look there and see if there's anything that you might be able to help the town and um beyond that I think both of those entities have done great work this year and uh it's been nice to be a part of it thank you excellent thank you councilman pansi sure I'm going to start with the miltown senior center highlights our upcoming bus trips for the end of December include Hamilton Market Fair bosov alies and lawrencville Delicious Orchards Wick Plaza the Amish market and Amazing Savings please check the calendar for specific days and times additionally please remember to register as soon as possible as the bus can only fit 10 people as with any activities events please sign up on the bulletin board in the senior center or contact Debby at decy miltown burrow.com the VNA nurse will be here on Tuesday December 17th from 12: to 3:00 p.m. please sign up on the bulle board if you would like to meet with her new participants are always welcome the senior center will be closed on Wednesday for Christmas and will not be delivering meals on wheels on that day we are also closed at 12:00 p.m. on December 24th and December 31st if you know anyone that is interested in receiving Meals on Wheels please contact Debbie at 732 296 0681 and for the DPW report um they had put up uh the holiday decorations prepared for the tree lighting which was a success prepared various boards on the foot Bridge the DPW staff has helped repair the hydron on Reva and watermain break on Crestwood and I am touring the schwinderman property and cabin with uh Ralph jasnowski uh either this Thursday or Friday and this concludes my report thank you councilman Potter thank you Mr Mayor for the miltown police department for the month of November miltown Police Department responded to 1100 98 calls for service during this period 76 radar details were conducted in numerous locations 423 motor vehicle stops were made and 18 motor vehicle accidents were investigated there were also 12 arrests uh made which were which included DWI shoplifting and a warrant as the snowy season begins we kindly remind everyone the following important parking rules and responsibilities to ensure a safe and smooth winter for all during the snowfall please remove all vehicles from roadways after 1 hour of continuous snowfall do not return vehicles to the road until the storm has ended and the roads are fully plowed parking on sidewalks blocking fire hydrant or parking another's driveway without permission is prohibited Vehicles requiring maintenance must be removed from the street before the storm begins any vehicle left on the roadway in violation of burrow ordinance 23- 5.3 is subject to A Towing and or summons please avoid throwing snow back on the ploud roads and if you lack off street parking designated burrow owned parking lots are available for use for questions about parking please contact the police department at 732 82810 thank you for your cooperation and commitment to keeping our community safe and accessible this winter as of November 19th 2024 the police department stopped using nixel and switched to Civic ready for mass communications relating to emergency news and important information to receive emergency messages only text the word miltown to 3827 to receive messages from other burrow offices download the app Civic ready for Apple or Android phones you can also stop uh sign up on the burrow website under the heading how do I and click alerts and notifications don't wait sign up today from the miltown fire department there were a total of 25 incidents for the month of November which included 13 fire calls four drills one meeting Three Special assignments and four work details on Saturday December 21st please keep an eye out for Santa Claus as the miltown fire department and rescue squad will be escorting him through town listen for the sirens to know when it'll be your turn to his Santa and his crew a Merry Christmas on November 16th the miltown fire department Department celebrated George Stillwell's 50 years of service he's the O he's only the fourth member of the department to reached this tremendous Milestone George has also responded to over 4,000 calls on behalf of the mayor and Council we congratulate George for his 50 years of service to our community members are needed candidates that are interested in joining the miltown fire department are encouraged to stop down by the firehouse on Monday evenings at 6:30 or email join miltown fire gmail.com from the miltown rescue squad in November a total of 93 service calls were recorded via in town on the New Jersey Turnpike and mutual Mutual Aid to our surrounding communities year-to date the cumulative number of service calls stands at 1,79 the rescue squad is looking to recruit new talent to join their ranks they're accepting application for their winter onboarding process anyone is interested in learning about joining the rescue squad or becoming an EMT should email recruitment at miltown rescu squad. org applications for January 2025 need to be submitted by tomorrow December 10th and for the 4th of July the Midtown 4th of July committee invites you to join us Saturday March 22nd at the miltown American Legion for our annual celebrity bartender event please mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details in the new year and the 4th of July committee and all of our emergency service departments wish everyone a happy healthy and safe holiday season and Mr Mayor that concludes my report thank you councilman Zim BR thank you Mr Mayor uh I do not have an environmental commission report uh tonight um our Board of Health uh last meeting was held on the 26th of November uh that will be the last meeting uh of this year uh the the new uh Board of Health will uh take place uh or the committee will be made up with new members in the new year at rior uh our revitalization uh committee meeting tomorrow is canceled due to the holidays and for other conflicts due to the holidays uh I would mention that revitalization I hope people have um or folks in town have uh looked at the the planners by the town clock and to see the decorations that were put together there by uh our Master Gardener uh Bunny jascot and her uh helper uh Sue wand uh our human relations committee meeting was canceled last uh month Tuesday uh due to uh again conflicts with uh and scheduling issues with the with the holidays and um that concludes my report thank you um reports from professionals no report toight Mr May no report time Mr Mayor Mr car you have a report uh just again to reminder to the council following up on my email last uh from last week uh we were once again swirling around and arguing with the Department of Environmental Protection regarding the um trihalomethane levels which we exceeded because of the running average so just real short we talked about before in our previous reporting period we went over the number it generated a ma a mailing which will then go out to the count to the public again but I think the important part of this conversation is that we didn't exceed the level it's just we've run into uh the math of the running average that D requires the the way to look at this is that you know you did really well I did really poorly doing a test in in high school you tanked that test because you were not paying attention and now it's going to take you forever to get good grades bring that average up to a passing level that's where we are right now thank you thank you for Clerk uh just a few things uh for Vital Statistics so far through November 30th our office has processed 36 marriage license applications and for death certificates we've as of November 30th we've processed 1,163 in comparison to 546 last year and anyone that's interested in volunteering to serve on a border Committee in town please submit a citizen leadership application they can be found online as well in my office and appointments to these vacancies will be made at the reorganization meeting on January 6th and that concludes my report thank you old business does any member of council have any old business to bring before Council I would one want to I don't me to lead but um I know some points we had talked about so talk about maybe uh assessing a fee or uh basically finding people that are leaving Rubble on buildings they knock down when they especially when they've knocked them down just to avoid paying higher property taxes and I know we never really followed up with it and I know there's a lot of other mitigating that go with with some of those properties but um maybe going forward I know we're at a short month maybe we can re-examine that uh maybe we can think about it as the year starts or comes to a close and it which had some paperwork uh originally or some model of yeah we had a a draft vacant lot ordinance but uh Mr venola was working on that for us obviously the the water rates took precedence over that he has assured me that next year he'll work on it again if the council wants to see it but uh I think and I could be wrong correct me if I'm wrong here that like this body can't introduce an ordinance that the next body would have to you need to take everything in this calendar year so for all intents and purposes that's going to be something for 2025 uh to take care of although as I did indicate to you council president um I will present that to the mayor and Council next year for their consideration um you are correct that the uh water sore rate uh issues have taken a fairly substantial amount of my time recently and prevented me from getting to that and Mr Moo I also discussed that with the head of the planning board for so we can prevent that from happening going forward uh so they address it up front um so the building's just not knocked down and left as a rubble pile yeah thank go ahead no I have a question uh I have a couple things so I don't know you want to go first no you go first all right um how would we get a key for the senior of uh the senior senator uh president he doesn't have a key to the building what we have to do make an ordinance or resolution or what are we asking for I'm not I didn't quite cat I was taking notes the president of the senior Club wants a key the building he's been there 19 years so we want to give a key to the municipal building to the president at senior Club that's correct is there's cameras on there to the senior center to the senior center I I Pro that not the municipal building I mean if that's what the council would like then yes then we could do that we don't I don't from a personal standpoint I don't like giving keys to people right that's just me okay because Keys get lost it changes I understand the the the discussion but that if the council so wishes then yes of course you can and currently I know if you reserve time there you can come down and sign it off out at the police station and then return it back and that therefore it's documented who was in the building and at what time the police department can also just open the door for them remotely as needed oh they can open the door remotely yes yeah the dispatcher we had an incident last week where they came in and I think it was on a Friday count thanks the day after Thanksgiving and they want to come in and decorate it's a normal burrow holiday so the doors were automatically locked based on the software and you know door is locked but they came down here few phone calls were made counsilman and the dispatcher hit the button and opened the door it's been like that for years yeah he used to have a key and then they took the last business ad Ministry took it away from him so but I again she probably had the same thoughts about key control that I did and the second one I had we had uh about at sternos at the senior building they had a slight incident down there and now they you told them Fred they can't use sternos it's been addressed oh well I wasn't aware of it so maybe could re uh refresh it I hadn't heard had been how how how had what happened after the the incident was there a fireman and a fire extinguisher there I don't know if anybody was where the fire extinguisher was in the kitchen so right I just went through the the fact that uh you know they dropped two sternos on the floor and you know for whatever reason didn't put them out and then said maybe we should just be more cautious and just not do it anymore the mayor has addressed it or has changed that then that's okay too well how was it addressed cuz I'm the Leon and I haven't heard anything can you speak into the microphone on the leason I have not heard anything about how it was changed so yes it from what understand it has not been changed but then again I thought you just said it was addressed the mayor mentioned that it had been addressed sir I did not I haven't heard anything neither have I the last I heard sir in my conversation with the senior councel uh with the senior Senate director was that uh we're after the incident and the fire we're just not going to do it anymore until we come up with a better plan so we have to eat cold food at the Christmas party or not quit dropping flammable things on the floor and walking away can go either way yes sir well I mean the accidents do happen I mean if that was the case nobody would drive if you had one accident right Fred a lot of people shouldn't yes sir that's I can name I can name a dozen uh but you know again you are correct accidents do happen but if somebody had dropped a Sterno in my house and had walked away and done nothing about it I wouldn't let them play with it anymore in my house either and the burrow Senior Center is a house so I again Council wants to override my decision I have no issues with that either or put a fire marshal in there we got one sitting in the back we got a fireman there we have a fireman that's at the party so I mean but they didn't do anything or I got it maybe we can use heat lamps whatever the council decides sir I tell my kid not to smoke around gasoline so I mean we're we're covered there oh I'd like to make a motion that they can use sternos at the senior building and that it'll be supervised by a resident fireman there I'll second that I'll third it give you one more and we set it on fire sir what's it I just need one more one more what you you got a motion you got a second you got council president third you could call for a role please council president revolinski councilman Collins councilman Mano hi councilman pansy councilman Potter sure councilman Zam BR what are we voting on I lost so we've uh spent the last 10 minutes talking about CNO and the senior center talk you didn't talk about the water rates at all but that's I got it I understand how this works I I I I hi fine in the words of one of my instructors sh thank God so they can use sternos again yes but only the blue ones you use the green ones too green ones work too so I I did send you an email uh Fred I spoke to the County fire marshall and and uh he did tell me that sternos were okay to be used and he recommend it using the ones not with the the whole Open Flame portion um he says that was fine he says just on he recommended once they were done um done eating immediately put the Caps back on extinguish the flame and and they're good I didn't I didn't get that email sir okay I mean it pasted yesterday Fred we had somebody put a cigarette butt in the American Legion garbage and the bar burned down so mean what we going to do take the Le the bar out of the Legion not my building sir was it not my building I mean that rationale that you're using does any member uh are we done with all business no I got I got I'd like to make a motion that we amend uh was it resolution rules of council 20253 can we do that or do we have you're not amending a resolution according to your rules of council if you want to change a rule the very last rule says you would have to introduce it at a meeting and then put the resolution forth at the next meeting so we have to but as the bur attorney I had also discussed since you guys adopt this at reor you can just amend it and adopt it at reor okay you have but either way you would have to get that to me then so I could put in the rules of council to go out with the reor packet yeah I think councilman Collins if there's a change to the rules of council you'd like to propose it would be beneficial that you let everybody know so that it can be considered and then included or uh you know or the change made to the rules of council and the other members of the council understand what that change is going to be well how do I do that without violating the public just say can understand say ahead of time then we can oh I'd like to I'd like to change section four it says the clerk prepared the the the cour shall prepare under the direction of the mayor or president officer Det ative agreement to each meeting which agenda shall be delivered to all council members two days prior to regular meeting the clerk shall perform such duties as may be designated by the laws of the state of New Jersey ordinances the bur of the miltown and the mayor of council I'd like to change the mayor from that and to comply with state law and put in there the council president or the officer of the council President's Choice councilman of his choice do I have to make a motion on that or no I think you that's legal question just did yeah you say You' just indicated that you'd like that to be considered as microphone please you indicated you'd like that amendment to be considered for the rules of councils in when you adopt them at reorganization so I think I mean at this point you you know that's that's one that would be considered that would be considered so you but You' indicated the change you want to make so uh certainly the council members who were going to carry over uh and I believe the incoming council member is in the uh audience today is aware of that change and you you can consider that at reorganization fine thank you you got it anything else I have a few things um the uh the bill list passed very quickly but I have I have something to bring up it's uh clear giobi alfery Jacobs uh I see another bill for $25.90 on there uh Mr car can you can you tell I I'm pretty close to the figure but can you tell us the the exact figure to your knowledge uh on where we're at with them now for this mediation um if you give me a minute I can dig it up because I think I sent the email out last week that told you what the number was and that number is still there oh okay I did see it so it's heading towards $20,000 yes sir probably okay but again so that what I sent out last week uh plus this bill is the number okay um this is called mediation correct yes sir this is the mediation that we hired them to do yes sir correct uh does a mediation generally Peter I'm speaking okay but I'm trying to correct what the topic of the discussion is so that we're all on the same page so microphone my understanding is that that is special labor Council who's conducting an investigation not a mediation so just so we understand what the the focus of of their services is uh but but for fairness for for those involved do does something like this generally take seven plus or going on 7 months and continuing I'm not labor counsel nor am I special labor counsel and um typically an investigation is going to take as long as your investigator thinks it needs to take in order to gain the information to arrive at a decision okay you've tasked them with that investigation and I believe it's got a number of facets to it um they have undertaken that uh pursuant to the request that the Council made and authorized uh but I will say I'm only one of six here and and into the future um I'd rather see us handle this in the house at the time I I was new and I agreed that this was something that that needed to be done and after 7 months I just shake my head at this whole situation and that's me okay so I I don't I'm I'm not speaking for anyone else but that's how I feel okay and uh I also would like to bring up uh this is from last meeting but I'd like to speak about concerns regarding the legal issues um I'm sorry have something else I'm going to talk about first um last meeting we had an embarrassing situation that was disconcerting to many residents including one who told me angrily that she was ashamed of my disrespect towards the mayor I'm going to share a teachable moment here our buau government operates according to Robert's Rules of Order a widely use formatic approach for conducting meetings it has been a standard for well over 100 years the one part of Robert's Rules of Order that I know I should have that should have been adhered to and is part of our Council bylaws and was not was the reports of officers boards and standing committees and agenda is to be followed from top to bottom no and I repeat no exceptions what I could have done was to ask for point of order being that this was a breach of law a violation to disallow the council from representing or from presenting their reports the same for the professionals and our buau Clerk and our business administrator no one is above the law here especially in this and okay but this violation has created a serious lack of transparency for the residents and this is all about the residence all right I'm done with that that concludes I've I've got some old business um this one goes to Mr venola where are we at all with the uh title search for the trestle over here we have uh received the title search there is an issue with the ownership aspect of the property it has been sent to the owner of the property for them to provide us with some input because it doesn't make a lot of sense and the owner of the property has not gotten back to me regard despite uh some several follow-ups so I'm trying to uh there's there's some inconsistency with the ownership uh due to some uh tax sale certificates from about 25 years ago so as as with most things around here nothing is cut and dry or easy so um that being said um still trying because I just a resident provided me if I'm not close enough maybe I am now uh resident provided me with a copy of the municipal storm water management plan prepared March 2005 page 17 States alleviating of flooding near Washington Avenue and Main Street by removing abandoned railroad Trestle Downstream of mil pond dam as a uh a possible accountable mediation measure so but because this was handed to me I figured I'd bring it up and see where we are sure but it sounds like unfortunately we're kind of stuck dealing with the owner's response we are and uh as everyone may be aware uh or may not be aware uh Mr Burger owns that property as well and uh currently we are in litigation with him over the fort Avenue property and I believe that's probably taking precedence over his interest in our interest in the train trestle fair enough so so it sounds like we got a better chance of seeing Santa Claus come down a chimney that that's knock out every year so I mean and do I didn't see him so okay you got to put sternos in your fireplace yes sir the uh the situation with the the foot Bridge um last year when the mayor ran he he ran on on microphone please he ran on on basically um taking over the uh that area there um but considering the litigation why why have you advised him that it's not wise to to uh to put the town in in in a possible Jeopardy um I'm not sure how we would how the town would be in Jeopardy councilman pany uh you might not pull a Jeopardy but dealing with Mr Burger we're dealing with with Mr Burger he owes is it is it over $6 million that he owes in taxes uh he does well he doesn't ow us any taxes he owns companies that or is he has an ownership interest in companies that owe taxes to the buau just so we can be the same he thumbs his nose at at miltown our residents that that that people here have grown up seeing nothing but but a a uh derel ex site on that property and and we we want to play play footsy with him I I I really don't I don't not playing fozy with him I promise I I'm not saying you but I don't think I don't think we should be dealing with him or doing favors for him I don't know that anyone's offered to do a favor for him I believe there was some interest in trying to ascertain the ownership of the property in an attempt to confirm who the owners was uh whether there were any easements that impacted the property that would prevent the buau from acquiring it and undertaking a project which might provide alternate access uh you know around the pond so the first step was to have a title search done to determine a who owned it and B whether there was any impediment to the use the first item that was identified was the fact that um there's some question over ownership and that's what we're trying to work through now so I mean ultimately if the bur was interested the bur would need to obtain appraisals and acquire it for fair market value um and that's what I believe the interest was okay no okay is there any new business to bring before Council I've got one uh making the recommendation that next year the burough Council invest in Lapel mics um so that we don't have to be told to constantly lean forward and use the microphones no I like to yell at you keeps me awake see actually it does come up legitimately um when as as you guys know that I was coming back from a a work event in Massachusetts and I arrived about halfway through the meeting and throughout the duration of that meeting there's only so much that you can actually hear um so I do appreciate our clerk telling has to lean forward and use the microphone because quite frankly when Mr Carr spoke on a few times while I didn't always want to hear what he had to say there's a lot of times I couldn't hear what he had to say so that being said we should probably do something about the recording capabilities so that we can uh convey the messages that are brought up here to the residents properly as soon as we find that's all I got a new business no new business okay open to the public the public comment portion of this meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their comments or concerns the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from the comment till the speaker has finished it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record when you come to the podium just a reminder under the rules of council individuals wishing to speak during public input part of the meeting should be limited to 5 minutes and they may after other speakers have finished may be allowed to speak for a second 5 minute period uh Russ I'm binder 152 Main North Main Street Robert showman uh North dirs right no North Moes yes see I always get it wrong I pick him up I don't even know the name of the streets pretty bad but we need to know the name of the ches because Robert and I are starting tomorrow night um this this camera he has here you know those nice videos you see every year all the houses for the last 10 years this is your cameraman so everybody thank Robert thank you you can do actually long I think I think it's like almost 12 hey been doing it since he's in since he's in grade school it's amazing and he's got a steadier arm than I do believe or that cuz you think it shakes now you should see when I try and do it but we're going to start tomorrow and hopefully can get it Between The Raindrops next few days after that we'll finish it and sometime next week it'll be on channel 15 he also took a lot of video other night with Santa we have stuff from the last couple of big town events that we have to finish editing hopefully that'll be on TV soon so during the Christmas break you're going to see a whole glut of stuff on YouTube on channel 15 thank you again thank [Applause] you good evening guys so at the uh last council meeting I made a little bit of a I need your name and address for the record please I'm sorry pasal 11 Al Avenue mic Wasing off yes thank you uh the last council meeting I'm a little bit personal with mayor Murray I'm here to apologize to you um let's try to continue the relationship that we want to have that we should have we could have uh my wife made me realize that that was the wrong thing that I did so my wife is here now and she can go watch the Cowboys now so anyway at the end of the day let's make our town as a friendly Community as possible moving forward to Rich rolinski appreciate that you came up with this $9 thing um as you guys know a lot the town a lot the residents in the town been here for 36 years now um owned multiple businesses few businesses everybody always supported me so it's been very appreciative um my main concern was always the resident even though I'm not an elector official I'll never be but at the end of today seniors you know they in danger losing houses and this in economy Social Security the check it is what it is they're always going to get the same one younger crowd younger couples we kids having difficult times um I tend to believe that the economy is Plumbing a little bit uh I talked to different mayors throughout different towns larger towns and they start to advise that um you know here we are a little so it comes in a little later with us um so the rates if they are only $9 it's great uh much much appreciated I'm sure the residents are too there's a lot of single uh parents uh that they are struggling i l in Pizzeria so I'm here to support them and uh furthermore I would like to ask you guys if this could be possible to create an ordinance right that this way these rates could be raised doesn't matter if it's water sore or electric every year you know it doesn't matter you guys pick the date of January 1st June 1st December 1st that this where people already know what to expect because it's always one thing versus another Republicans Blame A Democrats Democrats blame Republicans and who pays for this is really the residents because God forbid the reason would ra that goes up 100% I don't know I got all kinds of numbers in my head but people can do that people can afford that if you guys can create an ordinance that could go up 3 to 5% a year like a cost of living I can only raise my pizza 5% a year to cost a living I can't raise it 100% so if you guys could do that and I remember talking to K that's it's it's in this ordinance okay good it's in there cuz I remember talking to krao back 25 years ago I said eventually Dave unfortunately the water the sewer the electric is going to be the death of some miltown people and we don't want that to happen you know so I appreciate all you guys uh good job that you do once again I apologize to you mayor guys uh let's have a merry Christmas everybody thank you thank you [Applause] so back to the water rates um name and address please oh I'm sorry Rosa Taris 100 Rea Avenue um so the two ordinances that are on the table are going to yield a different amount do we know what that amount is do you had your little computer program Excel sheet last time and you broke it all down for us is that going to be part of the next meeting I'm going to be here on the 23rd so if you'd like that as an early Christmas present I'd be happy to have the Excel file up and do it um but are you asking about how much revenue it's actually generating towards the operating budget or are you looking for what the total dollars is going to be per thousand gallons usage no what the revenue would be at the end for the township and how that will help us right so one maybe will'll have an overage of I don't know 100,000 the other May yield an overage of $200,000 and so with that then what happens to that overage well that that's going to be dependent on the people who are in charge here next year of what happens that overage um but I would believe that uh or like to think that they'll use it for things like if we need a truck instead of bonding for it or if we have an emergency repair like we did on ryer Lane for 80,000 that the money's there um the last run on the numbers that I did was I think it was about $130,000 in anticipated additional Revenue but councilman Potter did point out that Acme is not going to be there next year so then I subtracted that out which was I think around $30,000 so that puts us just around that $80 90,000 in additional Surplus assuming that everyone uses the same amount of water that they did in 2023 right and that's that to me is a little close for Comfort um and you know we are somewhat fortunate that the $150 increase did stick around for another quarter because that will generate around 350,000 so if all things go right by the time we're sitting here next year we should have in Surplus for the Burrows operating an additional about $400,000 to you know rainy day kind of money or to offset some you know costs as they come up but shouldn't be looked at as part of our routine operating budget because if so we're going to be right back to where to where we started right which so from what I understand the reason we are where we are is because we've kicked the can down the road for much too long right so okay we're here now hopefully we've learned the lesson we can move forward so you said two things at the last meeting which was um that and we don't have enough Revenue coming in so what else can we do or what can be brought in for additional Revenue other than raising our taxes well burrow or Municipal Revenue comes in basically four forms right you have taxes you've got fines you've got uh fees and penalties and those could be homeowners not taking care of their property who get a fine or violation traffic ordinance you know parking ordinances things like that and um and then interest other than that the burrow really doesn't have any other sort of diverse Revenue generating scheme it's not like a business we can just throw another product on the Shelf we do rent park space for people who want to use it but the amount of money that comes from that is noral so bringing in more businesses into town wouldn't necessarily add more Revenue yeah well businesses what how do we do that right like how do you make the town attractive so that businesses want to come here right and I'm sure that's all tied in with the whole Ford Avenue Redevelopment thing which isn't happening okay okay so that's nice longterm planning 5 years from now is New Brunswick water the only game in town for us no okay so I know you know we're here now we we got at least 5 years to go with them that's what right kind of what's on the table but I think last meeting there was some conversation about other townships and what they do and in terms of their water suppliers and that then we don't have to deal with broken water mains and that that's all inclusive in whatever contract we have with them so how do we start that process and when do we start it and shouldn't should we be starting it now for five years down the line yeah yeah it it takes several years to implement it um so to you asked a couple different things there let me try I have tendency to do that no it's okay um as do I uh so as far as municipalities we have New Brunswick um who currently provides us with water and takes our sewage flow um you have East Brunswick which we already have a pipe that connects the Two Towns so if they had the capacity and interest East Brunswick could buy our water system from us and operate it and it would all be on them and everything the whole thing it would have to be if they were interested of course and the same goes for North Brunswick North Brunswick has a treatment plan on Canal Road they would have the capacity I believe to provide the burrow with sufficient water supply then you run into the sewer with North Brunswick the sewer we have a force main that goes up Main Street and hits George's Road over by the McDonald's in North Brunswick um about a quarter of the mile up the way that's where it dumps into gravity it goes through New Brunswick from there so we would have to find a new place to put our sewage because New Brunswick bills are sewage based on how much water we buy so we'd either be paying New Brunswick for sewage and North Brunswick for water the other option is the private entities you've got um middle sex water company which is local they provide in bulk to the city or Township of East Brunswick and you've got New Jersey American which I believe actually owns the treatment plant on Canal Road for North Brunswick so out of those two private entities both of which when they procure a system in actually want to buy the water and sewer because they go hand inand um we have reached out to both of those in the past and earlier this year the mayor and I had reached out to the gentleman in New Jersey American to see if he'd be interested in starting up these conversations again to see if it's even viable uh and I think where did where did we leave off with with him that was a four five months ago maybe was the last real communication yes yeah it kind of because we were trying to focus on with Mr venol the the water rates and trying to get that straightened out it kind of got put on a back burner uh which hopefully it will be uh brought uh to the Forefront again uh not to overburden Mr vinolo um but that we could continue to keep moving forward with that because it's something that we we need to five years goes quick it does it's when you plan for five years it's like tomorrow right right but th those are basically our our local options um that that could be viable we haven't talked to the other municipalities uh I know the private entities were interested I believe uh middle sex water company is currently dealing with Highland Park to begin sort of a transition period where they're operating and maintaining their system in the hopes that they do such a good job that it's an easy transition to them acquiring that system I think it makes sense longterm right to let these people who have been handling Water and Sewer forever to just let them do it like it's kind of rein I mean I I don't know in terms of do we need that Revenue but we're not making money on the right it's not it's it's a liability it's not an asset so yeah okay yeah and actually if you if you go online and you look at some of them uh like New Jersey American had purchased uh I believe it was Manville and Somerville and there's there's some good information out there on why the towns did that and took that approach and really it was the economies of scale their their municipality their local government was too small to try and operate it it was a liability and so they they handed it off to someone who does it for a living right that's my point yeah yeah that's it thank you Lee weisenberger 99 JFK Drive uh relating to the title search here now on a Trestle is that available to the public right probably is yes I'm trying to think I mean I'm going through what we have it for um but I will I will consider that and I'll get you an answer okay because it's it's part of uh property potential property acquisition for the buau so appreciate it you got uh related to that over the years middle six county has archived records miltown sends records to them they have stuff in storage the problem with that that I see from our standpoint out here what records are archived what do we send to them is there a list yeah I as I told you when you came to the office that I log into a system all that's over there right now is old minutes and ordinances that's what I'm saying it's just that kind of stuff because I'm finding out here now within our Municipal Building each department has a destroy records if they're so so little amount of time each department has a different amount of time and they get rid of stuff so I'm just curious what what we're destroying well it's all you have to get permission from the state they have a records retention schedule and everything has a different retention you know some things are three years some things are considered permanent records so it all depends on the document but departments can't just shred it they have to put in for approval it comes to me as the records custodian I look it over make sure it falls within the guidelines of the years that can be destroyed I approve it and then it goes to the state for their approval once they approve it that's when the records can be destroyed but everything has a different retention schedule so depending on what you're looking for um in the retention schedule of that document and what year you're looking for it may or may not have been destroyed but it'll also be within the state guidelines that's that's the question mark can we get an itemized list of what is retained for how long what gets destroyed if you go on to the State website there you look up records retention it'll give you every single government document in the years when you can destroy it how long you have to hang on to it before you destroy for instance vital records marriage license application 75 years you know uh food license applications three years off the top of my head dog license applications three years I know stuff in my office other offices when it comes to me I have to look that up but I can give you most of the stuff that come ordinances resolution The Originals permanent forever that's why those eventually make their way down to our County storage facility because we're running out of space here but uh tax duplicate books permanent record um there there's certain retention for different things so that's easily accessible by anybody by going to the door's website and looking up emis records retention and looking what it is that you want um I get that I brought this up in the past on records and it was like everything's retained everything's car minutes whatnot going back and now I find out no well minutes are no well I'm not sure what you're talking about with minutes minutes are always kept that's a permanent record and but those minutes are recordings of meetings recordings don't have recordings only have to be retained until the minutes are are accepted and then you don't have to keep them I still have all the minutes from this year because I haven't like I haven't put in for Destruction but I don't know what recording system they even use in the '90s but once the minutes are approved those recordings don't have to be kept that's what I'm saying but when you write up the the minutes of the meeting that come out on the website that's just a small synopsis of what's said and no no offense a lot of time it doesn't agree with what's said well that's what council approves I mean minutes are not supposed to be a court transcript or a Verbatim of what is said it's supposed to be a brief description of what was discussed at a meeting if if they want a if a transcript is wanted that's when you call in a transcription just like when you have a planning board meeting an applicant can bring a court transcriber in to do verbatim but minutes are not supposed to be verbatim it's supposed to just give a a brief description of of the discussion that took place okay good enough for now appreciate it thank you seeing no further audience comments Council comments is there anybody from Council that they would like to bring up at this time yes Mr Mayor i' just like to ask our burough engineer Mike is there anything kind of filter or something we can put on our water system that would eliminate those uh contaminants or something we could put in before it goes through our filter I don't know how you would do that are you talking about the disinfectant byproducts of tthms well what Fred was talking about the trioral methanes or something that's it yes sir the byproduct the answer is there are fil filters that you can purchase that's right uh what usually happens is in a treatment plant they have these types of filters you don't really have a treatment plan you purchase treated water from the brunic so that it would mean the construction of water plant and I wouldn't recommend that residents use it at home because these meter these filters require maintenance and um they're fairly expensive but I think the burrow has a pretty good plan and as Mr Carr indicated looks like you're next you're latest round of testing has been favorable so uh with the procedure they're using I think it should hopefully get it down to where he need to as he said it's a rolling average and fact that your latest readings have come down is good news for all of us thanks BL um I I'd just like to say I was ecstatic that Santa showed up the other night at the tree lighting I don't know how he times it every year makes time for miltown and knows when our tree is actually turning on it's fantastic I'd ALS o like to point out that there is a rumor going around that the uh flag poles in town were painted with a peppermint flavored paint that is not true uh please do not lick any of the flag poles this winter um not only does it not taste like peppermint but you'll probably get some white paint on your tongue uh with that wish everyone a happy holiday season but we do have one more meeting coming up so I'm excited I have a question for Mr venola I I think the uh the residents are happy to to hear that uh there's no taxes Ed on Fort Avenue any longer am I correct I don't think I said that at all microphone I I don't believe that's what I said councilman pasinski well well who owes who's who owes the tax over there because I did bring that up and you said he owes the creditors no I I said that I said that Mr Burger owns entity that owe back taxes to the burrow is what I said because what I said was that burger owes the back taxes and and I'm so it's a matter of semantics then well it's no it's who owes the money so so his his his business owes the money so he doesn't owe it his business a business in which he is I I I do not know the entire ownership structure of the entities that own the properties on Fort Avenue I know that Mr Burger is one of the individuals who has an ownership interest in them right so they owe at least 6 million $6 million in taxes uh probably somewhere between five and a half and six yeah okay so um when they don't pay their taxes who makes up who who makes up for their taxes because we get a tax bill due and and people residents pay the taxes so who pays that that share of the tax no one is paying those taxes right now so the municipal services that would be provided by the that tax revenue would not be capable of being provided or you'd have to find you know another chce CU those aren't being sold at tax sale because no one's buying them anymore well don't part of our taxes chip in to pay his share of the taxes until he pays up it's it's not being you're I was just to say I'm not someone in Municipal Finance so I would defer to somebody who does that as to how we account for the loss tax revenue from Ford Avenue okay but uh okay those uh those entities are also in in bankrupcy presently okay that's it okay all right uh I have a couple other things one is uh um I'd like to honor um um the anniversary of Pearl Harbor which was uh December December 7th 1941 um I'd like to honor it it's uh the 83rd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese forces on December 7th 1941 this is to honor our fearless military especially the Navy and those that served the country and were killed that day there was a poster that was distributed widely as a ring Cry For The Grieving nation and here was a quotation from Lincoln's gett Gettysburg Address it read we were highly we we here highly resolve that those dead shall not have died in vain this was to give Comfort to a stun and grieving country and to remind them of the sacrifice of our great military and previous in previous Wars not finished but i' just like to say happy allay to all the residents and all the listeners tonight and I will at next meeting too say it again anybody else uh Mr Mayor I just have three uh small items as our bur clerk Monica Orlando said uh um reorg is coming there are plenty of volunteer spots available on many committees in town uh incl including uh human relations and revitalization uh we've had some folks that have moved out of town so it's always good to have a bigger pool of people to kind of pull these things together uh especially when it comes to HRC uh and miltown day and the Main Street planners um I was not able to get to the tree lighting I was not able to get to the fire department a dinner due to previous uh commitments I was able however to get to the Winter concert at the senior center on Saturday from 2:30 to 4 uh shout out to the central Wind Ensemble which is basically um run by and directed by uh Nick Soro and barara santor who are residents in town uh wonderful event I've been there 5 years in a row every time I think they're not going to make it any better they kick it up and it just makes it even better uh highly recommend that next year bless your first Saturday in uh in in in December that that you make it and then my last item is um I'd like to just acknowledge uh the passing of uh former councilman uh Nicholas lotti's wife Joy uh she passed away on December 1st after a long battle with Alzheimer's um if if you knew Joy uh her name was perfect she was sassy she was quick with a smile and quick with a joke um longtime Midtown Democratic organization committee woman uh you know if if you see this latti say Hey you know so sorry for your loss to you Mr latti uh and his two daughters Marissa and and Elizabeth and and that concludes my report prayers to the go I have no comments um I'll close Council comments I have no comments um will the clerk please read resolution 2024 332 whereas the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public bides of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas the governing body wishes to discuss attorney client privilege whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the above no longer requires that confidentiality then the minutes can be made public now therefore be resolved by the burrow Council of the burrow of Midtown County and middlex state of New Jersey that the public be excluded from this meeting you heard the reading is resolution so move second I have a motion made by council president rev Linsky second by councilman Collins all in favor I any oppos roll call vote can we have roll call vote on that Mr Mayor roll call vote roll call please council president council president revolinski councilman Collins councilman moo councilman posnanski hi councilman Potter hi councilman Zam BR hi you five minutes we're going to go we're going to go I think yeah we're going to go to the room