##VIDEO ID:68V80xNMpPU## [Music] automatic St it's nice been on anti for week feel so hello Mother crazy no chocolate right don't give more chocol I don't e I'm really hungry can I eat e e e e e e e e yeah good evening I'd like to call December 23rd 2024 burough council meeting to order will the clerk please read the open public meeting statement adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 specifying the time date and location by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building Municipal website providing a copy of the annual notice scheduled to the official newspaper of the burrow and is on file on the clerk's office will the clerk please call the rooll council president revolinski here councilman Collins here councilman mang here councilman pansy here councilman Potter here councilman Zan Brana here mayor Murray president bur Attorney Peter venol pres B engineer Mike mlen pres B engineer L Lanka pres burrow administrator Fred Carr pres burrow clerk Monica Orlando present will everyone please stand for a moment of silence which will be followed by the salute to the plague Al to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all now is the time for public comment listed to the resolutions listed on the agenda only if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record again say the public portion is limited to the comments only on the resolutions listed on the agenda at this time there'll be a 5minute time limit set forth by the rules of council someone raises their hand please come up to the microphone and state your name for the record name and address for the record seeing none I will close the open portion of the meeting public portion of the meeting um the minutes for the December 9th 2024 regular meeting are on the agenda for approval are there any comments or Corrections seeing none can I have a motion to accept Amendment as typed so moveed second I have a motion made by council president revolinsky second by councilman Potter all in favor I any opposed okay ordinance public hearing second reading the following ordinance was introduced on December 9th 2024 published in accordance with law if any member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance they may do so after reading will the clerk please read ordinance 24553 by title ordinance to amend chapter 25 water section 25- 4.1 water rates of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of miltown may I have a motion in a second please I move that this ordinance be uh adopted second I have a motion made by council president rinsky second by councilman Mano um now I will open up the public hearing on ordinance 24553 please state your name and address for the record these comments are limited to the comments on this ordinance only okay thank you um I will close the public portion does any member of council have any comments I don't I don't know if I got my $471 border Bill I'm not too happy but I don't know I really don't have a choice that's all I have to say I'd like to say something I'm going to speak about the water rates I've studied all the figures in this bill as I have done with the interim Bill I've also seen the original rights previous to the the last two bills m compl is the lowering of the minimum from 7500 gallons to 5400 gallons if the 7500 gallons had not been in place I would have agreed to this bill it appears very fair for the residents to me this bill punishes the lower utilizers or the conservers of our precious water whether they be single men or women or seniors I will always speak after for the lost causes someone has to and I don't mind if I stand alone I also speak out for the Forgotten men women and children Billtown and that includes all of us here we're in a situation because of inflation and how it reaches all the areas of Our Lives stealing your hard-earned money we've all seen how much more of everything costs since Co we've also seen our how our billions in tax dollars go to everyone else except Americans not another dime should leave this country until we have no hungry impoverished homeless and especially homeless veterans and that's what I have to say will the clerk please call the rooll council president rolinski I councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilman pansi no councilman Potter I councilman Zam Brana as I said in my last meeting uh when we were here get together on December 9th I'd like to thank uh our B Attorney Peter violo our mayor uh mayor George Murray and our councilman Potter for pushing this across the line I thank you ordinance public hearing second reading the following ordinance was introduced on December 9th 20124 published in accordance with law if any member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance they may do so after the reading will a clerk please read ordinance 24554 by title ordinance to amend chapter 26 sewer section 26- 7.9 sewer use charges of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of miltown may I have a motion in a second for ordinance 24554 move that this ordinance be adopted second I have a motion made by council president revolinsky seconded by councilman Mano uh I will now open a public hearing on ordinance 24554 please state your name and address for the record cool I will close the public hearing um any council member have any comments yes Mr Mayor I just think it's outrageous that we pay so much for sewer but there's absolutely nothing we can do about it because we're locked into the agreement with New Brunswick I mean it's it's just it's incredible what we have to pay for sewer I mean it's it's more than water it's almost as much as we're pay double what we're paying for water M that's all I have to say I wish there was something I could do to help people but we're in the contract so okay will the clerk please call the role council president rolinski I councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilman posnanski I councilman Potter I councilman Z bran I authorizing payment of Municipal obligations next on the agenda we have the payment of Municipal obligations will the clerk please read resolution by title resolution 2024 333 authorizing the payment of bills claims and statements against the bur of miltown in a total amount of 2,681 36210 you heard the reading is resolution are there any questions questions may I have a motion in a second please oh I I'm looking at page two it's um I'll just read it it's um 24- 022 82 uh clearly Etc um can uh can those charges uh please be explained yes sir that's the uh that's the uh special counsel hired by the burrow to do the investigation that's their final that should be their final bill okay thank you um I also have another Rothstein page 10 uh the bill this month is 33495 can can anyone explain that one page 10 so I I missed which is the bill again I was flipping my pages s I'm sorry it's it's 2258 labor attorney second uh 33 3349 yes sir that's the labor attorney for the B okay go ahead I'll do after on on page on page 10 SLE Clooney um would we have an idea how long we expect them to be here that's Supply Clooney are they done Fred well haven't they haven't been here all week uh they're I mean I mean as far as the length the length the so their contract now that we have two people in the Bor Hall okay in my office and uh a finance officer they they have weaned themselves considerably back um to they were only Michelle was only here one day last week to assist with the bill list and that's about it so they are considerably less than they were three months ago when there was no one at the end of the hall but Supply Clooney and me you see the two the two women and they're getting up to speed fairly fairly quickly yes sir okay okay thank you you had something councilman Collins no no I was going to ask about Supply County but Fred answered the question so okay may I have a motion in a second please so move second I have a motion made by councilman Potter seconded by council president revolinsky will the clerk please call the council president rolinski Hi councilman Collins hi councilman moo hi councilman posnanski councilman Potter I councilman Zim bran I a consent resolution has been prepared for the resolutions listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and haven't been reviewed by burrow Council will be enacted on in one motion any items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated on a separate matter any items requiring expenditures are supported by certification of funds if any member of council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution I just had a question Mike on this uh 336 North Brook Drive do you know when that's going to start microphone thank you yes Lord I'll try again so uh as you know tonight we're recommending award to the contractor what'll happen is then there'll be a preconstruction meeting and I would say that there may be some work they can do in the winter time but in order to minimize impact of the res is probably going to start Springtime we try if you want us to try and expedite it we will but I think we're in the interest of trying to keep uh roads clear for through snow remove things that that probably best to wait to time and just want to keep the residents informed over there so there'll be a series of notices sent out to the res of the what's going on thanks mik my pleasure may I have a motion in a second please so second I have a motion made by councilman Potter seconded by council president revolinsky will clerk please call the role do you want me to read the consent agenda resolution oh sure yeah you could trying to get out of here quick whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular or special meetings upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the burough council at December 23rd 2024 regular meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all the members of the burrow Council 2024 335 through 2024 339 now therefore be it resolved by the burrow Council of the bur of miltown that each of the above listed resolutions be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each were read its entirety at the December 23rd 2024 regular meeting and adopted by SE vote council president revolinski I councilman Collins hi councilman moo hi councilman pansi councilman Potter I councilman Zan Brana I reports from elected officials council president revolinski um Ford Avenue decisions are are pushed on till January we're not going to have uh much going on there until next year it's surprising I know there's about seven days left this year um and as for finance I'll I'll beat the drum again I'm I'm really happy that uh that the ordinances for the water andu passed um I know a lot of residents were upset over the last few months of what had come out and the $150 increase um by adoption of the ordinances tonight that is now gone away and uh hopefully these rates will carry us through next year uh based on our water consumption but uh it is really going to be up to this body to make the tough decisions for next year on The the electric rates which have been looming over our heads for the past several months as uh as an increase and that's all I have thank you councilman Collins no report tonight Mr Mayor thank you councilman MCO uh I do have a couple of things uh regarding the library Saturday December 28th crocheting for beginners at 11:00 a.m. Monday December 30th uh adult yoga at 9:15 a.m. movie MAA featuring The wild robot at 3 p.m. on January 2nd Monday January 6th uh is a program to help you keep your New Year's resolutions at 6:30 p.m. the library will be closed on Tuesday December 24th Wednesday December 25th Tuesday December 31st and Wednesday January 1st of 2025 the staff wishes everyone a healthy and happy holiday season and New Year and then uh regarding the rec committee uh they've had a great year as as a library done some very good things uh their winter registration is still open for some of the adult programs yoga uh men's basketball and women's volleyball and the deadline to register for youth basketball is January 3rd and spots are still available volunteer coaches are always welcome the program will start on January 25th January 25th excuse me uh there was an ice skating event on Monday December 16th 85 people had signed up um was a great success and they had about half as many guests that day though compared to the with the bad weather um but they're fortunate to have a lot of good things going on the annual tree Ling was on Friday December 6th and that was a great success even with the cold winter that's been upon us uh the children in the fresh the theater arts program uh also put on their production of Beauty and the Beast on November 19th uh and there will be more coming with that program soon thank you very much thank you councilman pans um I have a small report it's a DPW report on the schwinderman property um I took a tour last week um I I have investigated the property its structures and its ponds for an assessment of the the site as a park grounds are pie or wedge shaped somewhat limiting in its use in my opinion the site consists of the integration of the 1950s Log Cabin structure with a newer addition attached and a deck there's a three-car garage and a shed the site being abandoned for many years is in Desperate Straits in every way possible the repairs to bring the site up to code and acceptable status would be extremely expensive I believe Council and the mayor could view the site for themselves to come to their own conclusions this would be a very expensive proposition for an area that is a wetlands and the taxpayers have other pressing needs thank you councilman Potter thank you Mr Mayor uh for the miltown police department uh there are two accommodations that uh Chief Johnson would like for us to recognize uh they are as follows on behalf of the miltown police department I want to commend officer Michael mccab for your outstanding efforts in organizing the holiday toy drive for the children in the pediatric oncolog oncology unit at the rers University uh record's cancered Institute your hard work and dedication have brought joy and comfort to countless children and their families during what is undoubtedly a challenging time in their lives the smiles you have helped create will be cherished by the children their families at the hospital and staff alike your actions reflect the highest standards of compassion community service and professionalism you have brought a great credit to yourself and the miltown police department thank you for making such a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it the most it was an honor for the other officers and me to help deliver such a large donation of toys uh on behalf of the mayor and Council we would like to commend officer Michael McCabe for his outstanding efforts the second accommodation on behalf of the miltown police department I want to take a moment to commend and thank Sergeant Michael Dennis for your outstanding understanding contributions to the community throughout December 2024 your exceptional efforts with the letters to sander programs and and collaboration with your wife Alicia brought joy to countless children and their families during the holiday season the decorated mailbox for the children's Christmas wish list and festive Playhouse you generously provided created a welcomely and ctory atmosphere to our police station families gathered to take photos and experience the holiday spirit all thanks to your hard work and dedication your commitment to going above and beyond your regular duties exemplifies the very best of community policing your efforts have not only brightened the holidays for many but have also enhanced a positive relationship between our department and the community we serve please accept my appreciation for your creativity initiative and dedication you have made a meaningful impact and your your work reflects the great credit upon yourself your family and our entire department thank you and to your wife for spreading Joy during the special time of the year and on behalf of the mayor and councel we would like to commend and thank Sergeant Dennis and his wife Alicia for their outstanding efforts and finally Mr Mayor we' like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the miltown fire department and rescue squad for escorting Santa around town this past Saturday night the mayor councilwoman elect Payne and I had the pleasure of stopping to see Santa and his crew before they took off when we asked the big guy if you'd be okay with the cold weather he cheerfully responded I'll be fine as this is nothing compared to the North Pole on behalf of our of all our emergency response departments we want to wish all of our residents a Merry Christmas a happy Hanukkah and a peaceful New Year may your holidays be filled with joy warmth and safety and Mr May that concludes my report thank you councilman z uh I have no reports this evening May mayor thank you uh I have no report um reports from burrow professionals Peter Veno no report tonight Mr Mayor um for uh C no report mayor unless with exception to on behalf of the partners and staff at C wish all of miltown a healthy happy and prosperous new year thank you burrow staff business administrator bre car thank you mayor uh just real quick for the council as you see in the agend the agenda the bond anticipation notes series 2024 so the translation is that once a year we roll over our long-term debt uh by going out for bid this year we had a uh favorable outcome and bonded for $3.4 million um we had the notes or notes previously of about $2.6 million we paid off $570,000 of that we added additional debt of $1.2 million or about $700,000 over the old debt that accounts for Road improvements water improvements an electric vehicle and other Capital Improvements that the council desire in town mainly roads other Capital Improvements for a total of $3.4 million if you have any other questions I can answer them later and that's it thank you for clerk mon carando uh just wanted to let everybody know that the dog it is time to renew your dog license uh so the renewal notices did go out to all registered dog owners a renewal reminder you have to have rabies that is good through October 31st of 2025 if your rabies expires before then we cannot license your dog State rule not a Midtown rule uh please do not drop it off or mail it in prior to January 1st we can't process any 2025 payments until after the New Year uh if you do need rabies the there is Flyers here uh with all the free rabies clinics in the county they're also at the clerk's window you can get a copy as a middle sex County resident you can go to any of the free clinics in Middle sex County and that is all for me oh and Merry Christmas and happy New Year everybody thank you does any member of council have any old business to bring before Council I do I'd like to speak about our investigation which I had called mediation since that is how it started out seven months ago it was never spoken about no updates given only Whispers after 7 months of nail biting some people on edge verdict finally came back just as I had expected some people had a sigh of relief some people enriched with taxpayer money to the agreed parties there was no justice and none will be forthcoming as long as I'm here and with what I have learned from this I'll never vote for something like this again this will be handled here with our strength and will to do the right thing again we will not friter away taxpayer money in this manner with more to do here I expect the situation to cost more than $20,000 of taxpayer money in attorney's Fe I have U another I'm going to speak about uh the issue I had brought up at last meeting the taxes owed at Fort Avenue site this almost 23 Acres site is an elephant in the room a mystery to most except for the handful involved such as miltown Ford Avenue Redevelopment agency president past council members regardless of the argument of exact ownership name and I do know the name or names there is a tax liability on the site it is over $6 million and it has not been paid miltown has a budget and we have bills that must be paid I've seen the bill list most of us being responsible to pay our bills if not someone else is paying your bill and that is how it works the situation at Ford Avenue is not just $6 million owed it is a lack of certain ratables on the site for 24 years that would have brought in tens of millions of dollars to date another another issue is an area of Mis Revenue construction permits with several permits needed for each unit the lack of revenue from this is mindboggling now considering the taxes too must be paid the burden for the $6 million taxes falls on the Forgotten men women and children of miltown I hope they understand why their taxes are as high as they are and that finishes my rep okay I'd like to close all business does any member of council have any new business to bring before Council yes Mr Mayor i' just like to thank my fellow councilman for uh putting together the holiday party for the uh Town employees and uh we did an outstanding job so I just like to say thank you for all my council members fellow council members okay I close new business uh public portion comment of our of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to council's attention or comments or concerns the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comment until after the speaker is finished it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record and when you come up to the podium just a reminder that under the rules of council individuals wishing to speak during the public input portion of the meeting should be limited to 5 minutes and after uh speakers other speakers have finished may be allowed to speak for a second five minute period if someone does anyone hi I'm dor marcero I live at 3 bur hi I'm Abby Taylor I live at 202 Washington I'm Margaret O'Donnell 8 on CA Avenue I'm here tonight as a representative of the U miltown women's volleyball program um with me are some of the people who play in The League last year in the spring and again this year in the spring similar programs for men and women were not priced similarly they appeared so on the registration forms but the duration of the programs varied by 50% % that means that the women's volleyball program paid 50% more to participate in a similar program I'm comparing volleyball in this case to the men's basketball program when I brought this disparity to the attention of the recreation department last year I anticipated that it would not be repeated this year we are 52 years out from the passage of Title 9 which brought forth equity in sports yet here we are still fighting for Equity I attempted to resolve this with the staff I involved the liaison for recreation and I'm now bringing it to your attention you looked at rates tonight for water and sewer and passionately spoke not just tonight but over several meetings about how important it was for you to have Equity among residents so as you prepare for 2025 I hope that you can resolve this for this session certainly but going forward that equity in sport is considered um every single year I'm not sure if you have any questions for me before we step away from the microphone no but I will um I'm sure that whoever is a council Lea on for January um will be looking into it okay registration is taking place now as councilman Manco um noted and we are certainly hoping for a quick resolution so that people do register for um a program that is uh paid at a rate s similar to that of the men's basketball I know men's basketball went up considerably as well as you know I played in old man's basketball as well um so I know that price tripled um when it went up as well and it short it went into two or three sessions uh over the same time period as it used to be so uh I'm sure whoever is um going to be having Recreation will be looking into that so the current rates are based on 12 weeks for a women's program and 18 weeks for a men's program at the same price I would again love for this to be looked at because the program is supposed to begin the first week in January so if it's possible to resolve it now um that would be great because we may miss out on registrations we may lose um players um so do you where where is it conducted at the Park View School okay it's a similar facility similar duration it's one night per week for two hours of play um this is an open gym um style or um uh not um a traditional competitive with a certain number of weeks needed because then you go into playoffs and um championships um the goal of a uh pickup or an open gym type program is to maximize play on an individual night as well as for an in um any given session so a fixed duration does not necessarily make sense to us but looking at the rate that am men's basketball program um using a similar facility similar duration similar equipment um would um you know be what our objective is instead of being offered um two sessions for the spring or being offered a session that arbitrarily ends in may we would like to go from January to June paying a similar rate per night that the men's basketball does so we appreciate your consideration and um apologies that it had to come to this level but I've have tried other uh options to resolve this Margaret I've got one question for you uh and thanks for bringing this up I know you mentioned it last year when uh when I was in the wre meeting and you had brought this up at that time out of curiosity how many participants would you say you have on average for a uh a volleyball night at the gym so volleyball plays um can play as much as six on six um our current league has 14 registrants we had been in previous years and I know this will go to what uh mayor Murray just stated when rates began to change um part participant levels changed but we could accommodate somewhere in the again similar to basketball which is a five on five game um we could accommodate um you know uh 18 20 um there certainly are times where we have uh personal conflicts expected or unexpected you know an illness um dealing with women we sometimes have people who have child care issues and things like that travel and whatnot so not every parti comes on every single night but we're anxious to build uh the program to capacity and we certainly don't want the inequity and pricing to be an issue admittedly I haven't you know Kim uh the head of of wck I know you were speaking with it so I didn't intercede I thought she would likely come to a resolution uh just in a quick ask I know when I took was on the basketball league too there were several between school closures or holidays even though the span of when we started in September and we went till late May uh there were certainly several weeks where it wasn't active um and I don't know in in that idea and maybe a few maybe I missed it in some of the emails if there was a count of actually how many sessions and not just based on date I know it seems to me that the school itself is um aggressive in their rates that the town gets which doesn't mean that there shouldn't be Equity uh but you know I just wondered I wondered if they have different schedules for different dates too or different days of the week so when Recreation posts this using Community pass there is an opportunity to indicate the exact dates and um often will indicate uh for instance a Thursday evening program um has a conflict in the fall with the teachers convention um so it will say you know no game on this state if there happens to be a makeup that's included perhaps on a Monday night that is also noted but what appears on community pass at this time is 18 sessions for men 12 sessions for women with no um uh notes of um you know not being able to play there have been occasions very frustrating when dates have been on the schedule and canceled at the last minute I consider that definitely a separate issue but because we have been addressing this for so long once a schedule comes out I'll often go to the school schedule and look to make sure that we're not conflicting with back to school night picture night um you know the gym would be set up for a concert or a graduation things like that we've gotten pretty good at that part um so we'll sometimes go back to the school and say are you sure this date is available um because I don't like to advertise and have people pay for a certain schedule and then not deliver on that schedule Fair points so Margaret I got a question how much do you say the women pay for the 12 weeks if you are a resident it is $75 and if you are a non-resident it is $100 this particular session we have nine residents and six non-residents playing you how much basketball is yes $75 for residents $100 for non-residents but the duration of the program is where the price and Equity comes because their session is offered for 18 weeks and the women's session is offered for 12 yeah 2/3 doesn't sound right Margaret are you interested in expanding like you mentioned you expanding your uh yes um The Proposal that we made to the recreation department via email was to extend the session to uh the typical end date that we have in uh early June and calculated using a per night rate at the men's basketball rate which came to somewhere in the $432 range um and that would have made the January to June session a cost of $85 uh for residents and $110 for non-residents it sounds like something that the recreation department might be able to provide some further information on as to why those rates are set the way they are and some justification to it and uh hopefully next year that the council EA on for that will push forward to uh adhere to your request thank you all so much um best wishes to everyone for happy holidays got question you sat up here do you do you remember a disparity before because I I do see this not not being very fair so the appearance and why I brought it to your attention as a council is you approve the rates that Recreation offers but when it says men's basketball will be $5 and women's volleyball will be $75 and proposes um you know a non-resident rate it didn't indicate that the duration would vary quite as much as it does thank you sure all right and happy holidays to all thank you thanks thank you [Music] par Rosa Taris 100 Reva Avenue I promise to be brief um I just wanted to pass on some information for anyone who's concerned about um contaminant and or lead in their drinking water if they still have a lead service line there are um filtration systems that address both reverse osmosis is one of them actually the only one that I know of that address is lead um there are entire house systems that are very expensive but you can also get a system that just um filters your drinking water um the system that I have happens to be by Culligan um and then there that's hardwired into the plumbing but there's also systems that are countertop um carfts Aqua true happens to be one of those companies that has just a caraffe that you fill and filters and it's always available um anyway and not on commission with either one of these companies but um there's been a lot of concern about that from what I see on Facebook and I've had a reverse asmosis filtration system for many many years and I mean 15 years ago it was under $1,000 to install I don't know what it is now and the the um changing of the filters um obviously that depends on usage but I change it about once a year and there's one filter that gets changed every 5 years so and and that's a couple of hundred you know so they're not and then the the cars uh you know I just purchased one for my mom and it's it's $200 during Black Friday sale and the filters are about 100 something so for people who don't want to be buying water in plastic bottles um the other thing is just a quick um to make sure that I understand understand what will be coming in my water sewer bill going forward so we basically changed or lowered the minimum quarterly amount for water and sewer but the rate per thousand gallons went up on both correct yeah we we lowered the volume that's included in your minimum right and the rate and the rate increased yeah right so in terms of what we may see in our bill there may or may not be much of a difference from what we just had it's just the shifting of numbers kind of yeah and it depends on on your usage right okay um and then the last thing I wanted to ask was do we have a new alert notification system was that I know that was mentioned last time but I didn't take it down what what is it um off the top of my head I don't remember what you can text to you can go on the website excuse me and sign up for it there but there's a number that you can text give me two seconds and I can pull the up for you um and it's also on the front page of the website for you to sign up on but if you give me two seconds because it's no longer nixel right it's no longer um and our board when it got really ice cold out apparently went out so we're trying to figure out because I had it up on there as well but let me um I will pull up and I will tell you what it is shortly just going get into my email sorry and is there garbage pickup tomorrow for those of us there is not Thursday Thursday 3276 H 327 38 276 so you text the word miltown to 38 276 thank you Charlie and that will automatically sign you up via your for text messages if you want the email sent to you you'll have to go on to the burrow website okay and sign up that way but 38 276 text the word miltown 38 276 and it'll it'll work just like nixel y it's going to come the same it'll that number will come and it'll provide you all the inform and I can also do the email version yeah if you that's through the website okay all right perfect that's all and I just wanted to thank you all for working as hard as you did to make the water sewer great issue kind of come to an end for now I know it has to be Revisited but I know you all worked really hard so and thank you for being here on the eve of Christmas Eve to make it happen at the last hour and happy holidays to all of you thank you hi Jackie rinsky 32 Elm Place um I want to say happy holidays to everybody and a safe um holiday season I want to thank all the Emergency Services police fire rescue squad and I want to thank give a big thank you to miltown DPW they do a great job in garbage pickup um I want to thank councilman revolinsky for serving as long as you did I know that you're fulfilling your promise when you were first elected that you said I am not going to be a career politician and that you hope more people get involved um so I'm hoping more people get involved and seek election um when the new Council come comes in I hope political parties are lines are blurred and you continue to work together um and that any issues are dealt with in a timely manner and not kicked down the road uh and blamed on previous councils or anything else we're here for miltown and miltown residents only thank you thank you Lee weisenberger 99 JFK Drive uh follow up the last meeting uh the title search on a Railroad Festival I'm looking into it and I will hopefully have an answer to you by reorg and if I figure it out affirmatively I'll bring you a copy okay appreciate that app uh along that way when you were asked to do that was that done by resolution or ordinance I believe it was done by resolution I believe it was done by resolu it was not a resolution it was just I believe it was just a The Voice vote was a verbal I think it was a verbal vote we definitely did it at a meeting I don't think we did a resolution I think it was just an authorized and we agre to move forward with it yeah so normal procedure is going to vary if a title search had been done before could have done been done different I I don't know the last time we did a title search before this one to be honest right you people didn't but I believe a title search was done on The Trestle so forth back in 96 and that's why if we're going to dig into records whether it was a resolution or an Ordnance or maybe not I mean we can narrow it down pretty close but in order to go digging for it if it does exist just curious so that'll do it for now appreciate it have a happy holiday thank you thank you seeing no one else in the public I will close uh public comment portion of the meeting Council comments here is there anyone on Council that would like to have any comments please y Council pause um first um this is for uh council president revolinsky I would like to thank council president rinsky for his years of dedication and his selfless mission to improve and Revitalize his lifelong home of miltown even with his shy and retiring demeanor he impresses others with his knowledge of difficult and important issues that affect our buau his grasp of water tax electric figures and nuances has been very helpful and will be missed I will miss my urgent I will miss my urgent calls or texts to the council president he has been a valued guide to me um thank you Rich for all you have done for your community I ow you a debt of gratitude thank you thank you Gary um two two more things unless anyone wants to speak I'd like to thank my fellow councilman for helping organize the wonderful Christmas party to celebrate and uh thank our loyal employees the event went as as hoped proving that yes we can work together the food was provided by uh Camilo from maras we fully intended to pay for it Camila would not accept anything but a thank you and it's only fair and decent to recognize those that that choose to give of themselves to miltown and reward them in at least some small yet heartfelt way I was very happy to have done my part and I thank you all and one last thing um as ascends my first year as your councilman I would like to thank those that trusted and voted for me I hope that I exceeded your expectations as for those that did not vote for me if you think I did okay I'm sure I widely exceeded your expectations I hope to show by my words and my actions that I am here for all of miltown I'd like to to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas to some a happy Hanukkah and happy healthy New Year to uh to you and your family thank you and good night yes thank Mr Mayor I'd like to thank uh council president rinsky for his years of service and uh I don't know how his wife Jen put up with him said draws on you and your family and it's it's tough you know and uh Monday nights will never be the same you'll appreciate him being home I just like to say happy holidays Merry Christmas and U Happy New Year to all our residents I I've I've got a few words I guess I'll go down um I know the mayor's got a a a proclamation but um you know reflecting back on on the six years I've I've spent up here um one thing's become apparent and that is that the old ways of doing things just don't work as well as they used to uh it's important that we reinvest in our personnel and reinvest in our infrastructure so that we are better equipped to take on the challenges of our future um bearing the costs might not be popular but we can rest assured we're making miltown a better place for years to come and part of that comes from as my mother actually stated earlier you know our our employees the the bough police who keep us safe the rescue squad who attend to our needs the rescue uh the fire department and especially those those burrow employees I'd like to thank the town for the great opportunity um that they've provided me uh this is a great town and not just because some politician says so but because of what this town means to all of you it is something special something special to me and my family and it means something special to everyone who has does and will call mtown home I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for all of those who have supported me as well as those who have challenged me to do better for our town and I can only hope our future holds bright for more residents to step up and use their skills to better our town as so many residents and elected officials have done before so thank you everyone have yourselves a merry Christmas happy holidays and a happy and safe new year thank [Applause] you all right so we're going to go down the line um council president revolinski thank you for your years of service to our community community and it's been a pleasure serving with you on Council uh to all of our residents wishing everyone a Merry Christmas a happy Hanukkah and a peaceful New Year thank you I'd like to BL councilman ref Linsky for getting me up here and then uh running out in year uh but it's been an interesting year it's something that i' never really considered and uh but then again if there's anything important and it needs to be done uh I kind of like to not leave the important stuff just people I don't trust so I like being up here uh and I respect all the years that Rich has put in and I can see where uh you know it's just it's hard work and it's uh it's not easy and um Azie my dog will miss all of our our walks where we bounced you know ideas off of each other and complained about everything else in the world um it is right to be said that uh midtown's a great place I have I got a nephew who's going to Ruckers he lives in Pennsylvania and I've been picking him up and taking him to all these you know simple small town happenings and uh you know he's just thoroughly impressed and enamored with this town as everybody is when you know and that's just uh there's something great about this town so uh I look forward to trying to do some good things that we can all do some good things uh it won't all be easy but they'll get done I I don't doubt that um several years ago in my daughter's communion we had 140 people backed into a restaurant that maxed out at 110 uh and the day was crazy the cake wasn't made um it was just a nut house and at some point someone said uh Frank you have to say something speech and I made was made made fun of for well into a decade uh and I said well thanks for everyone for coming it is great to see people here at all these meetings um and beyond that I said uh you know it's a great day it's great to know great things and God bless us all everyone and as soon as I said that I realized I quoted Tiny Tim um but there's a lot of that and merry Christmas happy so councilman revolinsky I would uh um congratulate you on your retirement but somehow I think I'm going to see you in the future somehow some way I surely hope not um take the time spend it with your family uh that's the most important thing this is important but not as important as that um and I'd like to wish everybody a happy holidays a happy Hanukkah and a happy Quanza see you in the new year thank you um I had the Proclamation I didn't get this dressed up for the occasion think you didn't I didn't I didn't nice [Music] best official Proclamation whereas the burrow mtown Council would like to recognize councilman Richard rinsky for his years of service in miltown and whereas Richard resides in B mil toown and has been raising his family with his wife Jennifer in town and whereas Richard has been involved in serving the community since being first elected in 2016 serving from 20177 to 2019 then again in 2021 serving from 22 to 24 and whereas Richard was elected to burrow Council in 2016 and has been served as chair of the Department of Public Works and recycling Utilities Board of Health Recreation Finance Administration planning for for Avenue Redevelopment agency weison and this last year council president now therefore I George Murray mayor George Murray along with f Council and the burough miltown do hereby honor Richard rolinski and thank him for his all his hard work and his dedication to the residents in a bur of ntown behind the SC bra she stay my comments are brief so I would I would also like to congratulate council president rinsky I would also like to congratulate Jennifer um because it is a family thing um and it takes a lot of toll as you know um most of us up here either have gray hair or no hair um used to have hair so it it does take a toll on and everyone including the family uh but you've done a great service to miltown and I thank you um and I appreciate everything that you've done for miltown and for us as as the residents in this Council um so thank you um Peter we are not doing there will not be an executive session tonight I had originally asked uh Miss Orlando to place it on prorally in the event we needed one I didn't want to spring it on you guys at the last minute given the fact that this meeting is on the 23rd and I think everybody wants to go home I didn't want to beat you up unnecessary neily at the 11th hour so I'm happy to report that won't be necessary uh we can we can skip that one and uh right on to the last item on the agenda thank you um may I have a motion to adjourn please motion to adjourn second uh have a motion made by councilman Collins seconded by councilman pansi all in favor I any opposed nay thank you you want to stay B is that rich getting the last word Merry Christmas Happy New Year all be safe be safe everyone thank you