flag I plag Ali to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay I have a proclamation um I'm actually going to come up there [Music] okay whereas Corney Bank was founded on April 16th 1884 as a bank to help local neighbors and businesses succeed and whereas Bank was originally founded in Arlington New Jersey and currently has over $8 billion in assets and present 43 communities and whereas Carney Bank opened a branch in miltown in 1989 and whereas Carney Bank remains focused on personalized attention helpful banking services and commitment to bring a good neighbor now therefore I mayor George Murray along with the burrow Council of miltown do hereby Proclaim April 16th 20124 as Carney Bank 140th anniversary celebration in in the burough of miltown and urge all citizens to join me in congratulating Carney Bank on her 140th anniversary thank you I apprciate thank you now is it time for public comments limited to the resolutions listed on the agenda if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and say your name and address for the record seeing no comments this portion of the meeting is closed to the public uh the follow following minutes on the agenda for acceptance February 26 2024 executive session March 25th 2024 regular meeting are there any comments or Corrections um just wondering if we can adopt these individually I cannot vote on the 25th as I was not present okay anything else I just have a small question so the 20 the 26th minute says that there are no minutes to be provided for the portion of the executive session so there's just never going to be any minutes provided or is that something that's coming say U Mr Carr did you add during that portion um did you take minutes or do we have anything work both okay so we may not have anything on that uh in light of the nature of how that occur okay you said February 26 right this is the minutes Phil 12 feary 12th okay you said February 12th right sorry 12th yeah 12th executive session got February 26 no no but he's talking about the 12th that was never created right or no there was men for 12 and they were approved the executive session M okay these these the 26 is the on that don't have minutes for the last portion of that meeting okay okay um can I have a motion to accept the minutes as tight for February 26 moot motion to accept the minutes of February 26th second uh motion by councilman Collins seconded by councilman Potter um all in favor I any opposed okay uh can I have a motion to accept the minutes as tight for March 25th 2024 regular meeting so moved um all in favor we need a second second okay I have a um councilman Potter and uh councilman U Collins second it all in favor I any opposed obain okay will the clerk please read ordinance 24-1 1534 by title only ordinance renaming Lanny Lane to Paul W cor Lane in miltown New Jersey does the council have any questions or comments where is Lany Lane oh oh Brook Drive Lenny Lee it's that little dead end no house so it doesn't affect the residents okay can I have a we motion second so mov second uh motion by councilman Potter seconded by councilman Collins um can I have a roll call council president rinsky Hi councilman Collins councilman moo hi councilman n i councilman Potter I councilman Zim Brana I a public hearing on this ordinance will take place on April 29th at 7 p.m council chambers um authorized payment of Municipal obligation will clerk please read resolution by title resolution 2024-the the payment of bills claims and statements against the borrow of miltown in a total amount of $77,400 5 cents you've heard the reading of this resolution to what your pleasure Mr Mayor I make a motion that the bill this be approved this Ty second uh motion by councilman Potter second by council president rinsky um Can clerk please call R is there any discussion discussion you have a discussion yeah I question for Fred I don't know if you know the answer fored it got True Green on land land Lawn Care on page 10 do you know if that's work that has already been done or they going to do more work I'll have to get that answered for you and the council tomorrow okay thanks FR thanks okay B clerk please call the rooll I I have that back council president rolinski Hi councilman colins hi councilman moo hi councilman pansy hi councilman Potter hi councilman Zim Brana hi question a consent resolution has been prepared for Resolutions listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by burrow Council will be enacted in one motion any items may be removed from the cassette agenda at the request of any council members and if so removed we will will be treated in a separate manner any items requiring expenditure are supported by certification of funds if any member of the council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution I'd like to pull one resolution 2024 128 um for clarification I agree with it but I'm just I have questions I just want uh clarification I can start well wait no yet got to pull got to pull it it's okay okay uh will the clerk please read consent agenda resolution whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular special meetings upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its April 8th 2024 regular meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council resolutions 2024-25 127 now therefore be it resolved by the burrow Council of the burrow of miltown that each of the above listed resolution be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each were read its entirety at the April 8th 2024 regular meeting and adopted by separate vote yeah you have heard the reading of this current res content res resolution with's your pleasure move that this resolution be adopted second motion made by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Potter uh any discussion will the clerk uh roll call please read the roll call council president revolinski councilman Collins hi councilman moo hi councilman panski hi councilman Potter hi councilman Zam bran I will the clerk please read resolution 24-1 128 by title resolution 20241 128 authorizing Personnel action senior account clerk what is a pleasure to council move that this resolution be adopted second we have a um motion by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Potter and any discussion discussion okay um like I said I I want clarification I I think Gman is well qualified but I have just questions because I'm I'm new at this um it was a union job then it was not and it's a union job again uh I'd like to know if someone can explain why it was changed and on Whose advisement changed to a union back to a union position or or from a union position to n well it wasn't it was a union position then it wasn't now it is again correct but I'm just questioning so the previous employee we had was non-un and that was in order to accommodate a particular pay scale okay and uh that that pay scale exceeded the level that would be allowed or permitted according to the current Union agreement okay so the desire is to have all of our employees be within the same Union and therefore we we interview intered Miss Santos and made that point clear to her and we showed that what the pay scale was for that position and uh we're thankful that uh that she responded positively to to our offer well it's needed position so anything I'm bringing up is not going against her or or the idea it's just I said I'm new here and i' just like to know things so I can go for in the future understanding um I I saw as far as um vacation days and personal days and sick days and again I I don't know how you work things out but but it's it's a fair amount and what I what I'd like to know is would there be a deputy at some point an assistant or would you have cross training something because I mean it's a matter like vacation or something it's a needed position so who would fill that Gap when she's not there it's um so we our goal is to have an assistant another person in that office who would be the payroll clerk okay uh we have received a couple of resumés for that already um I don't recall we had a few interviews for the the payroll clerk as well um have we made any motion on that yet I don't know if had anybody yet the person that we had oh that's right that um we did call one person in for I apologize we called one person in for an interview um they showed up and left abruptly before the interview even started okay um and uh and we we haven't had anyone else come in yet but there would be another person there were two in the office before and the goal is to have two there again I I just have one more thing um we've had Supply Clooney accountants working since Krist left which is very expensive for the taxpayers and I believe should have been avoided um and I bring this up because I was voted to to look after the taxpayers and that's what I feel like I'm doing here and that's all I have to say on that can uh can I ask how many how many candidates we actually interviewed for this position before um settling on this candidate was it just two many how many resumes did we get Fred do you recall how many resumés we had for this position for the so remember if you [Music] remember he started off as the executive assistant billing clerk you segwayed into the senior account clerk position um interviewed the same person again for the account clerk the billing clerk I believe there are eight be 11 outstanding interview 11 outstanding resumés that the Personnel committee should have um for payroller for the payroll clerk person uh depending on what the Personnel committee decides it previously was payroll payroll Clerk Personnel assistant um Personnel committee to answer the question is is stuck with just a payroll CLK um but have not interviewed anybody from what I understand other than initially some months ago now my question is for this for this position that we're approving tonight the senior accountor do I have that right the senior accountor how many how many resumes did we receive and how many people did of those resumés how many people did we interview actually interview I'd have to defer that to the Personnel committee since I wasn't involved in any of that I believe this was the only candidate that had Edmund's experience and that's why we vot her in that's she was the only qualified one for the position only qualified person out of all the resumes we have how many resumes did we get Mr poter approximately I off the top of my head I don't know but there were there were quite a few five six could be okay yeah thank you yep seeing no further discussion will the clerk please call the role council president rolinski I councilman Collins hi councilman moo I councilman panski hi councilman Potter I councilman zbr I reports from elected officials council president red Linsky uh short report the search continues as a result of uh the last council meeting um shooting down the agreement with North Brunswick for the shared services the CFO had submitted their resignation and we are now back at it again for another CFO search um I've asked our business administrator to reach out to the other candidates who were certified Municipal Chief Finance officers and see if they were still available as well as to post the position once again as available uh Ford Avenue Redevelopment agency will be meeting on Wednesday the 10th uh to discuss uh the resumés received for personnel for the uh executive director position and as for planning board there was a meeting last week and I believe uh councilman Potter attended that if he wouldn't mind sending it in uh I was actually away on vacation so at that meeting uh there wasn't anything I believe that was a Monica FR there was nothing on the was there anything on the to uh no there was really nothing on there Christopher Street application uh was it still is we're waiting for that that might be in May it may not be but if it is going to come before us again the hearing is starting um from the beginning so the applicant attorney was advised to Ren notice uh all the residents that need to be noticed so as far as Christopher sh that's that and then I anything else there was an executive session I we were and nobody else nobody El and that was all so that concludes my request thank you councilman Collins thank you Mr Mayor miltown Elric utility broken pole with main primary feeder was replaced on the New Jersey Turnpike property by the department members a compromised poll was replaced on Clay Street and a new Transformer was set in the job is in progress and will be completed in April a broken Verizon pole was replaced on Cottage Avenue and the department members completed the wire transfer a new electric service was installed at a commercial location on North Main Street roughly 10 street lights were rep repaired and replaced line clearance was performed on Albert Avenue and Southbrook drive to prevent outages tree trimming was performed at the Little League field tree trimming was performed on a house at norn Main Street with a broken wire was discovered and repaired were made the department worked with the billing office to resolve billing issues a meter was replaced and an old meter will be evaluated plans are in place to complete some substation repairs and maintenance I got another one here a broken pole with a primary feeder oh that's same thing oh yep they gave me two of them sorry the water and utilities monitoring of the pump station occurred on a regular schedule the new sewer was installed on West f Avenue from Main Street to albertt Avenue repairs and maintenance are being currently being done at the church Street Pump Station work orders are performed on a daily basis and that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you councilman Collins councilman M okay um so to start with wck uh registration will be opening in mid April for the Albert Avenue summer camp and the burough pool the spring registration for any of the spring programs are closed uh and those programs will also begin in mid April um the rec department also is uh we're working on uh beginning to work on Albert out Park in DPW uh but the rec department also uh will be rting out parks and The Pavilions so we're trying to try to cultivate that if you'd like to book something uh you can do that on community pass as well um they have received plenty of applications for summer employment um they are starting to contact uh people for all of those positions over the next month they uh should be making some good plans on that but you can still apply uh miltown Rec will be starting an adult co-ed softball league and registration for that will open on April 15th there will be a flyer with some more information as well um and they are I don't have a list yet but I know they're planning some things for uh the town's Earth Day uh additional to that uh the library uh always has some great events going uh there are is a board meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 that board meeting is always open to the public uh there is uh I'll go quickly on them but 410 there's after school origami 411 an after school movie uh Wonka crochet for beginners is on 413 and 4:16 there's a uh kind of a whole session about lighthous of New Jersey uh they offer tween crafts on 4117 after school Jeopardy on 418 reading to a pooch on 420 uh and then a situational awareness and Firearms uh learning on 422 which is just useful for adults and kids uh always good stuff to know uh 423 they examine the New Jersey court system and civil rights uh 424 after school Bingo 427 the Lego Club and then 429 Mickey Mouse and friends Bingo uh the library will have a table on Earth Day on 420 uh the library staff also wishes everyone uh celebrating a happy Passover additional to that a couple things that are uh just not broadcasted but I ended up in the library often enough thankfully um they've got a uh they got a jigsaw puzzle table that is a take one Le one which just kind of an interesting thing um I put them together and then what do you do with this thing so it's nice the way you can circulate them back um just a couple of really always have good things going there there today um interestingly there was a Minecraft teaching uh Minecraft being a video game for anyone who doesn't know which you probably do by now uh and my daughter was there for two hours practically had to drag all the kids out uh had a good time a lot of good stuff there and a lot of uh bigger things and smaller things but the library is uh always doing its part to be a central part of miltown and it's a really great service being across from JK that uh I think wraps me up thank you councilman pansy sure I'm going to start off with the senior center Thursday April 11th bus trip to Cranberry Museum the bus will leave at 9:30 Tuesday April 16th 1:30 question and answer with Kelly Boyd miltown Recreation director Tuesday April 23rd 19 9:15 uh bus trip to New Dober flea market in Edison Monday April 29th the bus trip to the shrimp box at Point Pleasant the bus will leave at 10:45 and the VNA nurse will be here April 16th from 12:30 to 3: sign up as required um for the DPW report street sweeping has taking place and is ongoing to meet the EP regulations quarterly catch Basin and outfall pipe cleaning has taken place to meet the D storm water regulations staff continued to address any potholes that need to be repaired please report report a concern feature on the burough web page to report any new potholes clean up of bamboo down trees and vegetation at the schwinderman cabin continues they started to paint the bathroom floors at Albert Avenue Park added and spread infield mix at all baseball and softball fields we removed low hanging branches around the ball field at burough Park and our next the next recycling date is April 18th um as far as the uh the schinman property we're waiting for the architect's report on the viability of the cabin I'm also looking into um cabins that could be 88 compliant for the site and the site is being cleared by the DPW as I I just said as time permits and it looks very nice and um please take a look if you can it's it it gets uh cleared um daily when they when they can and it looks great in there um in historic preservation committee with Randy Ruth um they gave a presentation on commissions weak and strong commission and uh this month he'll be coming to the council to uh discuss the the different commissions and um i' just like to say also I I applaud uh Randy Ruth and Barbara Wright for their determination to make and keep uh miltown a beautiful place to live and be proud of unfortunately we have the elephant in the room the disgrace of Ford Avenue that has played the town for Generations uh we have a person who thumbs his nose at our little town giving us a black eye and shame on him for disrespecting all of us who call miltown home and I'm done thank you councilman Potter thank you Mr Mayor from the Midtown Police Department for the month of March police responded to 1251 calls for service regarding accommodations the miltown police department and burrow Council would like to thank andr and congratulate officer Michael McCabe officer Nicholas espanosa and Public Safety Communicator Kate Newman for their excellence and service to the department and the community on March 12th 2024 officers Michael mccab and Nicholas Espinosa responded to the mil condominium complex for the report of an infant actively choking both officers responded to the address and upon their arrival they provided life-saving care that successfully dislodged the blockage that was preventing the infant from breathing both officers were uh commended for their professionalism teamwork and dedication to do Public Safety telecommunicator Kate Newman was commended for her work on revamping our emergency business contact notification system while also completing her regular duties PST Newman volunteered to revamp an important system within the Communication Center after weeks of work and countless hours spent our ability to contact business business owners during a time of emergency has been brought up to date PSC Newman was commended for her professionalism attention to detail and dedication to the community in response to complaints of Rush Hour aggravated driving at North Main Street and miltown Road miltown police officers along with officers from the north runic police traffic division are working together to make our road safer the two departments are strictly enforcing speed limits and complaints of vehicles cutting off Vehicles when entering miltown at our border with North busuk Township the miltown police department needs school crossing guards this is a part-time position with very flexible hours applications can be found on the burough website for more information please contact Lieutenant Carmen D Lorenzo and the miltown PBA local 338 is currently conducting their 2024 annual fund Drive keep an eye out for donation letters that went out in the mail to every resident in business and please support our officers for the Midtown fire department for the month of March the fire department responded to 19 fire calls the department welcomes back firefighter Brian kak to full active duty thank you to everyone who came out to support the annual flower sale it was a success members are needed any candidate interested in joining the miltown fire department are encouraged to stop by the firehouse on Monday nights at 6:30 or email join miltown fire gmail.com and the mil Town fire department Mourns the passing of ex-fire Chief Jack shanabrook who was a pillar of engine company and respected leader of our community for the Midtown rescue squad for the month of February there were a total of 84 calls that the rescue squad responded to the rescue squad's 2024 fund drive has begun keep an eye out for their mailer and please consider donating to support their organization the rescue squad's annual open house will be on Sunday May 19th from noon to 4: this is is a familyfriendly event and all are welcome anyone interested in applying to join the rescue squad should visit their open house or email recruitment at mtown rescu squad. org from the Public Safety Committee no updates no new updates and finally from the miltown 4th of July committee please come out to dusal's in miltown on April 17th and 18th for a DME to donate a portion of every sale dinein takeout or delivery on those two days will go towards funding the miltown forth July celebration and finally tickets are on sale now for the miltown 4th of July organization celebr bartender event at the miltown American Legion Post 25 on April 20th tickets can be purchased online via the miltown 4th of July website and or Facebook page and are available in the following locations Mike's Country Market Maria's miltown convenience and bagel Express Mr Mayor that concludes my report thank you councilman Z thank you uh Mr Mayor um yeah environmental committee met met on uh Wednesday the 27th and that meeting actually was in person uh there was there was much talk over the last half of uh last year in the beginning of this year about getting together at least once or twice in person so on the 27th that happened the first part of the meeting uh was you know just uh uh more of a planning meeting for Earth Day lots of Earth Day things that are being planned by the committee and then the second half was actually uh a zoom meeting for anybody who couldn't actually make it down to us we put on the big TV and the room and um Everybody joined in um Board of Health was on Tuesday the 26th uh it was at 6:30 p.m. start start time um the uh that uh committee met for the first time this year so that that uh that U meeting actually was reorg and um everyone met and and got to know all the new members of the uh of the committee and revitalization uh committee will be meeting tomorrow uh with a start time of 8:00 p.m. that will be via Zoom um and then the HRC committee was re scheduled to May 7th uh for lack of a quorum and uh that's probably my fault uh because you should never um schedule something during spring break so Tuesday May 7th uh at uh 700 p.m. we'll be in the in the big room in the back uh for the HRC Willow me for the first time this year and that concludes my report thank you um my report uh we haven't had a Personnel committee meeting in a couple weeks we're going to have one before next council meeting and I'll have an update then uh burough Attorney Peter vanol no report tonight Mr Mayor uh barl clerk carlando uh I have a couple things uh election day one big announcement for the 2024 primary and general election there is a polling location change for two of our districts district one and District 4 who previously voted at Joyce Kilmer school will now be here at Burrow hall for voting for primary and general election postcards are going to be mailed to every body who's affected by this I'm also sending the message to Russ to put it on our cable television it is on the clerk's website and I will say it every single meeting until we get to primary day so that's districts one and four who previously voted at Joyce Kilmer will now be voting here at Burrow Hall uh with the anticipated large voter turnout with it being a presidential election uh with some previous issues of people trying to get into the school and lack of access to parking we felt it was just safer for everybody and better access to move at least some of our voters here uh let's see what else do I have for excuse me uh sorry Monica but uh one and four or one through four one and four so two and three will remain be at Joyce Kilmer yes I'm sorry Monica where where's that going to be at right here right here in Council chers okay yes we we Tred to move all four districts but uh the County Board of election Commissioners were not a big fan of that so the compromise was to move uh at least half of it to relieve some of the foot traffic especially with it being a presidential year um I spoke with Chief Johnson about it too uh he thought it was a good idea as well just for safety reasons for parking reasons and we'll see how it goes this year and uh take it from there do you think we could get a crossing guard up because a lot of people in District 4 you know used to walk there do you think we get a crossing guard up on Main Street till you know 8:00 or something can't get for on on uh you're talking about an election day to help people yeah I mean that that's something I'll write down and we'll we can take a look at that for I'll speak to the chief about it as well the police somebody in the police department to do with I'm just I'm just surprised cuz four is the district in which the school resides that it would be one and four seems unusual but thank you for clarifying yep April 10th uh is the deadline to file a change of party affiliation I have forms in the clerk's office if you need that May 14th is a deadline to register to vote I also have those forms in my office May 28th is the deadline to apply for a mail and ballot also in my office early voting will be May 29th through June 2nd Tuesday June 4th is primary election day as I always say poll workers are needed you do receive paid training it's $300 for a full day $150 for a half day uh I currently do do have exactly the amount I need for a primary day but I'm always looking for backup I'm always looking for people to train so we have them for the general election sometimes people wake up si in the morning of and I like to have a roster that I can call on if you're interested in being a poll worker you can call our office 732 828 2100 extension 181 you can email me you can also go to the clerk's website uh click on elections and there's a form that you can fill out and email to me with your information uh you'll probably noticed when you thank you to councilman Z brand for pointing this out the electronic board outside seems to be having some issues I contacted um the people who run it and there's a server issue so it's going to be getting reset and hopefully uh it will be working better tomorrow but it has been updated it's just not updating out there uh and then finally uh our secretary in our office Kathy Beardsley is retiring at the end of the month um super sad to see her go so make sure you stop in and say hello to her uh before the end of the month and hopefully we will uh be able to hire a replacement for her soon because we are very busy in that office and that concludes my report does any member of council have any old business to bring before Council mayor if I may uh council president rinsky we sent an email out early this morning regarding the part-time CFO want ad is it the wish that we ad adse you said you said you know we need to go out but I didn't get like from the mayor or from councilman Potter an agreement I just want to make sure that we want to go out and advertise for a part-timer yes thank you sir and then I did reach out to the two remaining applicants who appeared to have Municipal CFO uh credentials uh but they have not responded back thank you okay does uh new business does any member of council have any new business to bring before Council no okay open to the public the public comment portion of this meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their comments or concerns the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comments until the speaker is finished it should be first further noted that this public comment portion of the meeting is not structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record when coming to the podium hello uh Debbie Miller 92 Ford Avenue just want to let you know the library gave out 500 solar eclip glasses and if any anybody is interested in recycling them will take them back and have them sent to Latin America for their eclipse in October 20124 thank you excellent excellent thank you good evening uh I got my glasses uh today from the library right before they got I guess right before they got rid of all of them um great service by the library my name is Patricia Payne I live at two Kina Drive uh in miltown um mayor council men um so uh Mr revolinsky I'd love to answer your question about the planning board Mr uh Potter was there just as a member of the audience right as you know that he's not a member of the planning board but I am um and so interestingly enough um we haven't been able to do business because um um the planning board just recently appointed I'm sure as you know an attorney right so uh we've been in a holding pattern uh for months um and also another interesting item um and certainly you know I understand with the transition of party right during the most recent election um appointments to the planning board were done incorrectly so uh I inquired about that um and again as you know members of the planning board are appointed first as an alternate ordinarily you know because there's a big learning curve there's a lot to know being a member of the planning board so I spent an entire year right learning as best I can from members on the board from members of council from members of the public and other people that participate and historically the way that these appointments have been made because that alternate serve in a training kind of period right and a learning period Then they move into vacancies that are created right on the board that's not what happened there there were wives of council members appointed there were friends of council appointed um you know and so um am I sour grapes no I understand how the political process works right but what I'm seeing and sitting in the audience today and what I've been watching and I watch the meetings regularly and based on my participation you know in my service to the community it's not working right so um Mr ptter gets asked a direct question who applied for the position you should be able to answer that um so the hiring process uh I'm not understanding as a resident and I'm not the only one that's not understanding what the difficulties are um why we don't have a CFO why we don't have a budget other towns have presented their budget to the community we so I'm also assuming that without a CFO you expect me to pay my taxes on time right my quarterly taxes are due on May 1st do I get an extension because we don't have a budget no there's an expectation that we'll all pay our taxes I don't know that that's really fair so I want to know and I want to know because we're all talking about this in town Mr Mayor what is your personnel committee doing like what is the problem why why why are why do we not have a budget in place I mean that's your primary role right your primary role is to present a budget budget to the taxpayers right so that we can take a look at that that's your responsibility as elected officials and and and I am disappointed and many of the residents are disappointed that you are not performing the function for which you were elected to the that you are supposed to serve your constituents whether I voted for you or not it is your responsibility to present a budget it is your responsibility to get a CFO it is your responsibility to have a planning board attorney in place so we can do business and you're failing at your responsibility could I say something I I I I was spent four years on a planning board I never heard what that idea you had where you serve as an alternate before you go on the planning board I can tell you that's not the truth I mean I I'm certain that you're not calling me a liar Mr Collins is that correct no where do you have that I'm assing that you're not calling me a liar is that correct you're missing so then what's your question my question is where did you get that information well so do you know how the planning board works where did you get the information do you know how the planning board works I served four years it so and so are you suggesting that alternates didn't move is that what you're suggesting are you suggesting that alternates didn't move into vacancies alternates can move into vacancies but alternates AR obligated to move into VES well correct but I'm just saying historically that was the practice until this Administration was elected Mr Mr Corbett served on the zoning board for many many years and as an alternate and was never appointed there so it's sometimes it's practice sometimes it's not it's not mandated so you can just do whatever you want that's correct you can do whatever you want that's correct that's part of get being elected and serving your constituents you can make whatever appointment you want appoint whoever you want at the cost of the planning board working right the planning board hasn't done business for the last four months there's something wrong there and it's your responsibility it's your responsibility Mr mayor council comments does is any one on the council we need to close the public portion we'd like to close the public portion uh of a meeting is there anybody on Council that bring up anything at this time I'd just like to make a comment um I just want to reiterate what what um councilman Potter brought up I I'd like to thank um officers MCC and Espinosa for their actions in Saving the precious life of child that's all I want to say I'd like to thank the council for voting for the name changing Street of pole core or World War II veteran I'd also like to know is there a policy too about the council notes cuz I went to pick up my Council notes and the uh a cour of for and somebody said you're not allowed to pick them up till they get approved is there some new policy that I should be aware of I didn't understand what you just said what I went to pick up my Council notes and I said you can't get it till it's approved but you weren't there been approved for relas yet Oh you mean your pack pack yes okay is there some new policy or something agenda packets are available a on Friday after close of business at the request of the mayor oh well it well why is that the mayor said he wants them out on Friday so they go out on Friday oh that's is that a is that a standard thing no sorry it's what the mayor chose that they go out on Friday that's what changed they used to go out on Thursday now they go out on Friday yeah what did it change they were always going out on Friday and then um somebody requested they go out on Thursday but then there was some changes and then everybody started to have issues about the changes so I said just hold it until Friday well they always went out on Fridays yeah yeah I mean we used to get it if you went away on the weekend or something you could pick it up at 11:30 12:00 but now it's like you know but when did they go out on Friday previously well this year they were available Friday this year this year not the afternoon I don't know when they not the previous four years no just this year CU you could been here a while so packet went out packet was available on a Thursday afternoon if you got lucky but you always had it by the end of day on Thursday now it's now it's Fray Friday the afternoon by 12:00 shouldn't it be available sooner rather than later exactly so you could have more time to look at it not less exactly Phil you're working I mean that's what I'm saying we we did have these discussions the first few agendas went through multiple revisions as we were trying to fill vacancies and instead of sending out multiple revisions and saying change the packet change the packet we agreed that it would be best to just have it go out once without additional revisions so was supposed to go out on Friday I didn't expect it to be end of the day Friday always thought that it would be earlier in the day but to give us that extra time there was nothing controversial in this one so why why did it have to go out as late as it did shouldn't sent an email out and tell us I mean I feel like a redheaded stepchild up here sometimes you know it's like you go out you do all these things that they tell me up here I'm sitting there like so is that going to be the standard practice or we going to change it to Thursday cuz Council council president rolinski I remember you kept on saying last year you were complaining because they were coming out Friday didn't have enough time also too that's another reason why um we could have you know missed that vote last time cuz we didn't have enough time to read well I think the resolution so let's let's let's discuss this cuz clearly um clearly some comments have been made and I think there's an attempt to portray the efforts of this Council um in a bad light and I want to say this very very clearly at the beginning of the year this Council this body voted to change courses with our business administrator and our CFO not the entire Council Okay so let's not go there let's not go there regardless the council decided to go in a different direction albeit maybe not all if that makes you happy exactly since then we've had two different CFOs that came on one left after about a day due to family emergencies things happen the second had some family issues but also looked at the state of the books and had concerns the most recent candidate that we had after requesting interviews and after receiving only a few I think there was four or five resumés that came in that were certified uh Chief Financial officers for municipalities we had an agreement in place with North Brunswick that agreement was $1,250 per month to have access to their Chief Financial Officer to serve as a guide and a mentor to someone who recently passed the exam and was offering to do the work for the burrowed miltown as a result of this council's decision at the last council meeting to pull the resolution and vote it down that CFO resigned now if we didn't think that would happen based on their resume and by the actions of the Personnel committee when we interviewed this person and knew very clearly what their requirements were and what their needs were shame on them because you should have seen it coming and it was well it's not fair because North Brunswick uses our courtroom using a courtroom at no fee for two years was a nice neighborly gesture but we can't go back and try and renegotiate a deal after we had agreements amongst the Personnel committee to say now North buun should pay us for those previous years it's not right it's flat out wrong and it was after an agreement was reached that North brunsick approved an agreement that even with the $1,250 per month would have cost us $45,000 a year for a CFO but your CFO was already appointed at the previous meeting yes right knew full well cuz you made the comment I'd like to see this the agreement with North Brunswick as a result the agreement excuse me the agreement came through you can wait your turn while I'm speaking $75 to a CFO So you you're not going to listen councilman Zam BR then there's no point in me discussing this no problem so now the search continues for a CFO shame on the members who voted it down it was a good deal for us was not shame on those who pushed excuse me terrible deal I shouldn't have to be raising my voice then wait your turn please I will wait my turn don't raise your voice to anyone else here put your hand up I signed up to do good things for this town and with my experience and my knowledge we are doing that however when people are acting against the best interests of their town for their own political gain that's where I draw the line and I'll end my comments there thank you councilman council president re valinsky were you at the last meeting were you present at the last meeting I think you know the answer to that I'm I'm just asking you were you present at the last meeting if you were here would you have voted yes yes absolutely 100% then that's the issue right there because you then Rich it would have broken the Mr Murray would you have broken the tie as a yes so that answers your question don't blame the Council priorities my friends priorities Penny wise you knew you knew that was on you knew that was on the agenda and councilman Potter you saw you saw you knew that was on the agenda you should have been here you could have called in you could have voted we wouldn't be in this situation Council so please don't blame the rest of council that this didn't happen because as a head of the finance and head of personnel you need to take some responsibility as well and that's all I have to say I I will remind councilman Potter that you knew very well well what that agreement entailed and had no issues with it I saw saw the email in that discussion did not I saw it that day I had questions recognized for one thing here please thank you I'd like to be recognized the idea of getting rid of Janette and and where she could have been here for three months and we could have gotten her to do what we needed her to do looks very good right now so we had no transition and that's why we're in the mess that we're in right now and it is a mess and I'm ashamed of it that's right that's right I think that it's certainly a situation that no one's a fan of not having a CFO and the challenges that we've had got we've had in trying to acquire one trying to keep one and in all reality for all of the parts of that that don't look good it is to be said that as a small town much like in a lot of things there's bigger money bigger benefits uh there's a limit to who we can bring in who seems to be applying for the jobs I've heard repeatedly in my short tenure that there is a shortage of certified CFOs um and I've heard that internally from people in town I also went to one of the one of the trainings where I met a lot of people uh and spoke with uh some Bas and some CFOs and that does seem to be a realistic concern in New Jersey there are just not a lot of these people with that our struggle is uphill on a good day we simply don't have the resources to pay big money to some people or to accommodate on some levels makes things harder uh I have to agree that I would feel better having a CFO I'd feel better having a budget I'd like to move on to some things that we can do for the town and this has come up repeatedly I wish there was a better way we would you know we're working on it if we can get the right people I think we certainly you know we would certainly all agree to hire the I don't want to deal into the the details of the other contract CU sometimes I think uh I don't think it was that bad of a DE but I do think that it's awkward to in the conversation of it to go back to North Brun and say we want more because we did this it was just late to bring that up it much easier to have done that a couple years ago but it doesn't matter it doesn't help us today I do think that we need to maybe get a little more when we do get resumés when we do get some of these we do get applicants it maybe needs to be handled in a more transparent fashion and perhaps done in a more timely manner uh anything that we're going to do in that negotiation uh you know if if the finance committee or the Personnel committee maybe we all need to Loop in on but it certainly seems that for the benefit of the town we got to find a practice and we have to refine our practices I will say that again I paid a lot more attention over the last few years than I ever did in the previous nine or so that I lived here but it seems that hiring practices in this town have been problematic on several levels not just in these four months but going back and just seems historically that seems to be a problem that I've seen or heard of more accurately um and I don't know if that's our process as a town if it's simply a smaller Personnel committee um that you know that makes that a problem or how however that process is being handled it seems like it's been stated over the years that it may not be midtown's strongest suit so what you're saying is that when you have a good employee a valued employee like like a full-time ba and a part-time Co like we had you don't just automatically terminate them on the second day of the year because of political reasons or because someone doesn't like them because that's what that's why we are where we are right now and we're looking for CFO number four well and as much as I understand your statement I will say that a person's performance is subjective um and the evaluation of it I I personally heard both sides of performance um I heard you know certain things were done well certain things did not seem to be because you came to so many meetings during the year um actually even when she was hired I know she stepped into what I would say is not a great situation there was certainly some transition that didn't seem to have enough overlap which I think has been again an ongoing issue in in in miltown and I'm not I'm you you notice I'm saying it's a miltown thing it's been a while I don't think that I just think that we need to try and make some changes into the way we're doing things and that's us like keeping valued employees instead of just letting them go well I think valued employees is again subjective and performance is performance and there are certainly plenty of times in this in this state in everywhere where transition occurs um you know again I can see where I can see where you're going with it and I'm not trying to diminish what you're saying and I realize too that probably being on the finance committee your perception of performance in that issue you may be different than other people you mean like getting things done you mean like hitting a deadline you mean like tax rates below 2% you mean like using $350,000 of covid money to balance the water sewer budget when that money wasn't going to come in the next year and you knew it like signing a deal with New Brunswick that a 3% increase every year can't wait to see your budget well but part of the issue is that that I think were implied in performance in that matter you're just speaking of is that over the last few years I believe it's every year New Brunswick increases their rate their water rate by 3 and a half% MH but that never seemed to get addressed well again again that just pulls money out of a budget just like cinsky that creates a deficit just like counc msky just said I don't think you just heard him that there was this thing called Co where you couldn't raise anybody's rate at all but they raised ours now they've raised it but not at that time what did we do to address that last year when those rates came in anything I don't know I think we should have you know what we should have done no we're going to use it for political cent no no we should have we should have uh sold the water and sewer utility that's what we should have done would have been a great idea yes have someone else pay the $20 million for a force me that would cost us a million dollar a year yes okay we know where we're all at here and no one agrees Where Do We Go From Here CU that's the next conversation is Where Do We Go From Here well I think we all got to work together and solve this problem that's what I think that's what the people put us here is to do the best interest of the residents and this isn't about us it's about the people in town we got we all got voted in because people trusted us exactly and we can't break that trust exactly and you also have to earn their respect and that's where we go from here so whatever disagreements we're having now should end and we just start new right now the cat's out of the B people know what's going on hopefully we get some new resumes coming in soon enough and we can have some uh interviews for these CFOs and get someone on board and start developing our budget and I do think that you know if we get new applicants we need to look at it we look need to look at the pay scale and and I'm trying to do things to say things in a tactful manner but I do think sometimes as much as if that deal was less than perfect again if we need to do things um there have been a lot of less and perfects that have happened over the years and sometimes you can take that CFO and again if it doesn't work you can address it later but we have none we had a chance to have one and that really would have uh it seems in some ways that may have been the a good decision Council president that job posting that I emailed you earlier today that's okay to post again I didn't hear back yeah CFO the part-time CFO job posting I it yes one last thing I'd like to make it soon before uh just so we don't leave this all on a little sugar with all the bidder that's uh that's come forth it does seem that uh the commendations in the police force it's have repetitive name mhm and You Know It uh I just wanted to say that that that's a good thing absolutely we can agree on something agree on a lot of just get it done we do okay next is mayor's comments uh Mr Orlando um I had gotten uh received a call again about the 2024 ordinances still aren up on a our website they are on the website so I'm not sure saying they are front page of the website if you can please just follow up on that they were okay they're on okay um Saturday April 13th at 12:00 noon is Little League opening for miltown little league uh hope to see everyone there and um I also had a comment about um what we were discussing about with the shared Service uh councilman Potter and um Mr Carr uh Bas were on that um since the beginning of March um because the communications were clearly across both of that um Mr car you were involved with the uh North Brunswick with the financial portions of it and uh the communications between Mr Carr Mr Potter M council president brinsky and myself were all throughout the month um so it's kind of a a mood point now but there was Communications going throughout the month but not agreement Mr Mayor so I think we should really just move on we should just move on you had your comments I did I asked I asked my comments in the meeting they weren't addressed and I voted the way I voted my comments now please okay um agenda session next on the agenda we have this items for discussion for April 29th 2024 meeting ordinance public hearing second reading ordinance renaming Landy Lane to Paul W caller Lane in miltown all right any questions no okay jman at this time I'd like to entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second motion by councilman Colin seed by council president rinsky all in favor I all any oppos thank you