there I said I'm yeah all like official meeting start that's all good okay good excuse me good evening I'd like to call the burough council meeting to order adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice in the municipal building providing a copy to the home news and by filing a copy in the office of the buau clerk will the clerk please call the role council president Zam Brana here councilman Collins here councilwoman odonnell here councilman Paretti here councilman Potter here councilman rinsky here mayor Trina mayor here all right so please join me in a moment of silence followed by IED alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay so now it is time for the public comment the public comment portion is lied to resolutions listed on the agenda if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and say your name and address for the record seeing none I will close public comment and move on to the approval of minutes from the October 23rd 2023 regular meeting any comments or Corrections I'll be abstaining as I wasn't present for that meeting okay um um can I have a motion to accept the minutes so moved second I have a motion by councilman Potter second by councilwoman odonnell all in favor I extensions Iain uh will the now we're going on to bills will the clerk please read resolution 276 2023 authorizing bill payment by title only resolution 276 2023 authorizing the payment of bills claims and statements against the burrow of miltown in the total amount of 2,461 741 98 you've heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure Madame mayor I make a motion that this bill list be approved the S second I have a motion by councilman Potter second by council president Zam Brana that the resolution be adopted is there any discussion yes Madam mayor I had a question on page 15 it says Nature's Choice Corporation logs and tree Parts I thought we ground up our stumps I think those are the ones that are too large for our machine that gets sent out oh see any other discussion seeing none will the clerk please call the role council president Zam Brana hi councilman Collins hi councilwoman odonnell I councilman petti hi councilman Potter I councilman rinsky hi okay now we'll move on to the consent agenda a consent resolution has been prepared for the resolutions listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by the buau council will be enacted by one motion and the item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of f FS if any member of the council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution yes uh I'd like to see 278 uh 280 281 um 282 285 and two 294 please so six in total right yes yes okay most most of them just questions for discussion anybody uh anybody else oh could you tell me those numbers again I got five 278 280 281 282 285 and 294 okay thanks will the clerk please read the consent agenda resolution whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular or special meeting upon certain conditions and whereas the following resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its November 13 2023 regular meeting appear to have unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council 279 2023 283 2023 284 202 3 286 through 293 2023 now therefore be it resolved by the burrow Council of the burrow of miltown that each of the above resolutions be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each was read in its entirety at the November 13 2023 regular meeting and adopted by separate vote excuse me you've heard the reading of this consent resolution what is your pleasure Madame mayor I make a motion that these resolutions speak be adopted second have a motion by councilman Potter second by councilman revolinski uh will the clerk please call the role council president Zam bran I councilman Collins I councilwoman odonnell I councilman Paretti I councilman Potter I councilman rinsky all so move will the clerk please read 278 2023 by title authorizing extension correction authorizing extending appointment of qualified purchases agency December 31st 2023 you heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure make a motion that this resolution be adopted I second a motion by councilman Freddy second by councilwoman O'Donnell any discussion yes uh just more of a point of clarity uh this is through December 31st 2023 so it does expire expire on the 31st yes and then did we put out an RFP for this as well along with other rfps um one is going out I don't know if it was already going out that's what the next resolution is to authorize that's right I thought so and that's why I just wanted to check question any other discussion yes I I got a how much is this going to cost us do you do you have any we pay well um he working on percentage for the extension it's one month of service so it's $8 $33.33 yeah 833 just like we've been paying him all year okay thanks you're welcome anyone else will of course please uh call the role council president Zam Brana I councilman Collins I councilwoman odonnell I councilman petti I councilman Potter I counc revolinsky I so moved will the clerk please read 280 2023 by title authorizing the hiring of a police special Duty scheduling and processing vendor through the competitive Contracting pre process you've heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure I think a motion that this resolution be adopted I second we have a motion by Council MC Freddy second by councilwoman odonnell any discussion yeah I have a couple questions about this one um haven't we been utilizing a special services contractor for this yes you have to renew it you have to so we have to go through the process again and we've been using that since when April last year since uh this year this year so so it's only a three-month term no it's um it's going to be an annual one but there was a this is on the recommendation of the um the qpa that we go out um again for this and how much does that wind up costing the burrow so we pay a percentage they take a percentage of the administrative uh a percentage of the collections so um the way that the uh special duty pay works is that the we charge an administrative fee and a vehicle fee and uh they'll get a portion of that what's that portion whatever it's bid at so at this I think this year I think it's eight or 10% we had increased our administrative fee several years ago to allow for this because um it was increased to 18% um so um the thought is that you know they're going to take a portion of that but it really hasn't cost the burrow any addition additional money because the percentage that we would have gotten before um amounts to about the same amount of money and now somebody else does the billing and the scheduling but it's lost revenue and the officers still have to report through with that company for the scheduling it's not well it's lost Revenue but it isn't because we we we increased the administrative fee to cover the cost of this service so had we not ever entered into the service we probably would have never adjusted the administrative fee but now that the administrative fee is higher we don't have to have the service we could generate that Revenue ourselves M sure so I'd like to make a motion that uh this would be denied if I need to make a motion to that because I think I think this is yeah there to approve it and if we go out with the qpa do we have to award it no and is there an additional fee from the qpa in order to do this or is it just part of that monthly fee it's part of the job any other discussion will the court please call the role council president Zan Brana I councilman Collins no councilwoman odonnell I councilman Paretti I councilman Potter I councilman rinsky no good for you so moved will the clerk please read resolution 281 2023 by title authorizing the hiring of a computer it consultant vendor through the competitive Contracting process you've heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure Madame mayor I make a motion this resolution be adopted second I have a motion by councilman Potter second by councilman odonnell uh any discussion um this one says for a contract up to five years um most of our Consultants are one year for rfps so Wonder this this isn't an RFP so what happens is you go out to competitive contract and then there's renewals within the contract you don't have to renew it so it's a one-year contract that can be renewed um several times and you don't have to renew it so you're not bound by it anyone else I just it sounds a little uh confusing it says it consultant Services it doesn't name the vendor is there a reason for that because we need to go out to bid for a vendor for a vendor I see okay anyone else will the clerk please call the rooll council president Zan Brana I councilman Collins I councilwoman odonnell I councilman Paretti hi councilman Potter I councilman revolinski I uh will the clerk please read resolution 282 2023 by title authorizing the burough of miltown to join and participate in the sourcewell National Cooperative heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure I make a motion that we pass this resolution second a motion by councilwoman odonnal second by councilman Potter any discussion yeah I I was curious um sourcewell is that who we've used in the past yes it is the same that's I thought it was but I'm just I've never noticed before this Minnesota statute that's listed here 123a .21 and I'm just wondering so they're they're a company based out of Minnesota well it's it's a it's a national Co-op where so yeah so they they cover the whole country so certain pieces of equipment and things that aren't uh local or to a state um will come through this uh Co-op and um so we we haven't we don't have the resolution that um authorized our membership before so we're just closing up loose end do we have any specific items that are we intend to obtain through sourcewell or can you give me an idea of some of the items I don't know off the top of my head there was something we were purchasing that um that what that we didn't have the uh what was this for do you remember um DPW for some type of equipment some type of vacuum equipment oh the Mad V mad mad V thank you that's through DPW so even though we are in the National Co-op it will still have to be advertised with an intent to award the contract but this is just having us join the co-op um and that gives us better pricing on certain things because we're part of a national Co-op possibly better pricing right no it generally is because the bigger the co-op the better the pricing you get like when you go to Costco and get wholesale stuff you usually get a better price I just recently came across something at the schools with with my child's computer and was pretty taken back by the fact that it cost $150 to repair a keyboard for a computer they pay 300 which I can go to the store and buy for 150 so it just raise the question on you know these co-ops are we really saving money but we'll we'll be able to reserve the right to go and purchase outside of the co-op if we select it yeah you don't have to go through the co this just join this is just doing the membership and joining and being able to partici speed if we choose to thank you anyone else will the cour please call the role council president Zam Brana hi councilman Collins hi councilwoman odonnell hi councilman Paretti hi councilman Potter I councilman rolinski all right so mov will the clerk please call uh read resolution 285 2023 by title authorizing promotion Public Safety chief of police you've heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure Madame mayor I make a motion that this resolution be adopted I second I have a motion by councilman Potter second by Council odonnell any discussion yes I just noticed that um on this particular resolution the salary is not indicated whereas for the others in public safety that we have in front of us this evening or recently passed the salaries were indicated so I wasn't sure if that was by accident or is that left to negotiation that's a negotiation the other officers are covered under the PBA contract any other discussion will the Flor please call the role council president Zam Brana I councilman Collins I councilwoman odonnell I councilman petti I councilman Potter I councilman rinsky I so moved and finally will the clerk please read resolution 294 2023 by title authorizing waiver and refund of fees uh Diane soras Albert Avenue Park you heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure Madam mayor make a motion this resolution be adopted second second I have a motion by councilman Potter second by council president Zam Brana any discussion was just curious I noticed that we're refunding the fees but uh I did get a question uh whether or not they were still going to hold the event does does anyone know about that um I can the only thing I can speak to the reason that it's on here is I got a call last week from a woman who um had preserved the park um the sasus did a memorial to their uh daughter who passed around Thanksgiving and I believe this is the 10th anniversary and they have moved out of town and the resident asked if they could use Albert Avenue Park as part of a a memorial and since the sases you know lived right there they used to do it at their house and they wanted to do it Albert so if they're if they're still going to have it the fees are W if not I haven't heard allate that it's not it is okay good so that it's basically just to wave the the park any other discussion will the court please call the role council president Zam Brana hi councilman Collins hi councilwoman odonnell hi councilman petti hi councilman hi councilman rinsky hi so mov all right now we will move on to reports from officials we start with councilwoman Marg o thank you Madame mayor I had several reports tonight I'll begin with the police report uh this comes from Chief Brian canelli between October 4th and November 7th 2023 police responded to 1233 calls for service during during this period police conducted 123 radar details in numerous locations police made 339 motor vehicle stops and police investigated 26 motor vehicle accidents four arrests were made which included active warrants shoplifting resisting arrest theft and receiving stolen property I'd like to share accommodation we would like to commend the quick action of two miltown police officers who were able to identify and arrest a local adult male resident who was accused of theft from Maria's pizza restaurant on October 29th 2023 patrolman Michael mccab and nicolus Espinosa were dispatched to Maria's Pizza for the report that a man had stolen a charity donation box containing cash from the counter within 45 minutes the officers were able to identify a suspect and close the case with an arrest the money was later returned to the business I have a notice as well psng work should be completed within the next two weeks yay I expected a collective yay from the whole room um please continue to use extra caution as detours will pass through residential neighborhoods residents are reminded to drive with with caution and watch for crossing pedestrians school is in session and pedestrian traffic has increased let's continue to do our part to keep our roads safe by obeying our local speed limits and traffic laws this is a message for solicitors the burrow of miltown currently has no active solicitor permits issued to anyone not one person was approved for a solicitor permit in 2023 individual companies cannot get solicitor permits they are issued to individuals who apply pay a fee and go through a background check a burrow of miltown solicitor permit is approved by the bureau and issued by the police department the permit will have the burrow of miltown seal the person's name the company they work for the date of issue and the date of expiration If You observe any person's knocking on doors to solicit work please contact the miltown police department the miltown police department is in need of school crossing guards applications can be found on the burrow website for more information about the position please contact Lieutenant Chris Johnson at C Johnson miltown please continue to report suspicious activity traffic concerns and non-emergent type calls to 732 828 1100 emergency and life-threatening calls use 911 any concerns Andor complaints can be submitted by using the official burrow website or by calling miltown police directly um my addition to that report is to congratulate our uh police Personnel who received promotions with the passing of tonight's consent agenda we wish you continued success in your new roles from the miltown fire department Department this month there were three drills one meeting 20 fire calls four special assignments and five work details for a total of 33 incidents this month um 272 incidents year to date and 3,820 point7 man hours to date the type of fire calls included activated CO detectors um and open open fire pit burn an activated fire alarm a gas leak a motor vehicle accident a brush fire um a rollover vehicle uh an issue with a gas meter smoke condition odor of gas uh further assist uh to EMS um and a truck fire um the work details included equipment checks the drills included a cold smoke search um vehicle fires and uh equipment cleanup and the special assignments included the collectible show at the American Legion uh two fire prevention events at good day and uh the trunk retreat at Gloria Bradford Park um in terms of training members attended the middle sex County fire academy and trained on Motor Vehicle fires this month um preventative maintenance is completed but they are waiting on parts for some repairs for scbas have been out for um repair of their electronic parts and every meeting members are needed candidates interested in joining the miltown fire department are incouraged to stop by the firehouse Monday nights at 6:30 or to email join miltown fire do we thank Chief uh Ray Jolly for that report and from the miltown rescue squad for the month of October there were 134 calls 74 in miltown 26 on the turnpike and 34 in the form of mutual Aid the rescue squad is proud to announce that three members have successfully completed their EMT training and are now fully licensed um and thank you to everyone who participated in the Amazon wishlist equipment drive because they were absolutely overwhelmed with the outpouring of support um this month they will be welcoming um troops of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts for tours and demonstrations of equipment um there's a thank you here to the burrow for the donation at last um last month's meeting of a surplus vehicle to be used in training if anyone has billing questions they should contact Cornerstone the billing company um their number is 877 214 6018 they can also be accessed by uh their website can be accessed by going to the rescue squad's um website which is miltown rescue squad. org do not call the miltown police with billing or recruitment questions and uh the rescue squad will begin accepting applications for the winter onboarding process and anyone who's interested in learning about joining the rescue squad or becoming an EMT should email recruitment miltown rescue squad. org to learn more applications for the January 2024 um uh season need to be submitted by December 10th and they're happy to answer any questions and that I think kind of thank you busy month thanks to all the first respond uh next we will have a report from councilman Rich Rin I think councilman poter up sorry sorry I see what happens when I take my glass sorry councilman but I was giving you a little chance to rest that's okay councilman Dave thank you thank you Madame mayor uh from the Midtown electric utility department from John Ecker line clearance was performed on Harkins Bruce and South mows and Cherry Hill this is crucial work as tree interference accounts for a majority of the outages lineman responded to over 25 calls for broken street lights 15 lights were repaired and 10 were replaced with energy efficient LED fixtures two new poles were installed on Albert Avenue and Harrison Avenue to replace poles with rotting issues pole transfers will be performed in November two broken electric meters were replaced Electric Services were repaired at several locations service drops were replaced in two locations a temporary construction service was connected on Highland Drive an underground service was completed on JFK drive for a new home abandoned Telco and cable wires were removed from several poles department members responded to several calls of down wires bucket truck number nine has been returned to service a segment of primary wire was replaced on chestna Street to accommodate an insulation hose so that improvements could be made to a home on vanl Avenue in addition the fuse cutout and lightning arrestor associated with this segment was replaced with modern materials the Burrow's for generator the four diesel generators were inspected and tested by the utility department members and various power out outage problems were evaluated throughout the burrow and the utility department worked with the building department to troubleshoot billing disputes throughout the month Madame mayor my second report is from the water utility department uh submitted by Don Herman uh PSG continues to work throughout the town which require markouts and just to Echo councilwoman Al Donald's uh in her report uh we did hear from psng if all goes well it should be they should be done by the end of this week as they gave us the 20th is the due date so so we're we're closely monitoring that but I know everybody will be happy about that uh monitoring of the pump stations are current a regular schedule Church Street Pump Station pump 2A is being repaired the water main relining and replacement program on Highland Drive is ongoing the pipes on upper Highland Oak and East Lawrence have been relined and all lines are in service and homes are all reconnected and we do look look forward to hearing from cme's report on on that progress uh repaired a water main break on dur Drive hydrant flushing is scheduled to begin in November dates and times will be posted on channel 15 and the electronic Bill board and on nixel and if anyone isn't signed up to receive nixel notices through nixel please go to to register uh finally with Thanksgiving approaching please do not dump any cooking grease down your sink even if you're using hot water because it can clog your pipes as well as your neighbor pipes all grease should be put in the garbage uh and regarding the planning board the last planning board meeting was on November 1st and the next meeting is scheduled for December 6th and that concludes my report great thank you next now we go to councilman refence thank you madam mayor um I'm going to start off with a report from the library um happy to announce that Wednesday November 15th drop in craft at 11:00 a.m. for children uh they are celebrating dinosaurs this month so if you hear some Roars on your way up don't get scared Saturday November 18th at 11:00 a.m. the Autobon seed craft will be making its way um seed balls and bird feeders which my son will certainly be excited about is open to students in grades 2 through 6 and registration is required on the same day Saturday November 18th from at 12:30 p.m. it'll be read to a poo your child can spend time with a sweet certified therapy dog Monday November 20th at 3:15 p.m. tween craft and this month they'll be making candy corn tealights flameless of course flameless holders so adult yoga on two Tuesday November 21st at 9:15 a.m. Saturday November 25th at 11:00 a.m. come hang out with your friends watch a movie and make some delicious Festival candycraft that is opened to students grades 4 through 8 on that day as well Saturday November 25th at 12:00 p.m. crocheting for beginners for teens and adults Monday November 27th at 6:30 p.m. make your favorite cookie or buy your favorite cookie bring them and join us for cookie exchange Bingo sounds tasty the library will be closed on Thursday November 23rd and Friday November 24th and reopen on Saturday the 25th at 10:00 a.m. please be sure to visit the miltown library website and check out their Facebook page and they wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and for the DPW report for the month of uh October DPW Crews continue to keep lwh hanging and dead branches trimmed annual clean communities Grant report has been submitted street sweeping has taken place and is ongoing to meet D regulations catch Basin and outfall pipe cleanouts has taken placees to meet the storm the D storm water RS DPW was busy preparing the path for the haunted Riverwalk by clearing low hanging branches as well as cleaning up Leaf litter and debris soccer field has been painted and prepped for the last day of soccer Recreation uh and Equipment has been put into storage for the season Road repairs were made on first koul Janet and Vanderbilt Leaf cleanup on public property and Parks has begun and continues to be ongoing the pool slide has been covered for the winter and the staff continue to stay on top of any potholes so if you see some please don't hesitate to report a concern leaf bags are available to pick up at the DPW building on Washington Avenue they can be picked up Monday through Friday 8 to 3 and on Saturdays in November from 8:00 a.m. to noon the annual paper shred event was a huge success with miltown residents bringing in over 6,600 lb of paper and we look forward to scheduling another shred day next year trees were removed on Janet Court John Street and along mil Pond Park and on South Wilson a swing and chains were repaired at Albert Avenue Park and the DPW staff participated in the annual trunker treat handing out candy with recycled themed coloring books and pencils uh the next recycling dates please note are November 16th which is this Thursday and November 30th perfect for after uh Thanksgiving I would like to also add that we had a DPW meeting um about two maybe three weeks ago now um I was away on work so I didn't get to report at the last meeting but uh very good discussion we talked about several different topics in town uh updating a tree list for availability to view for the residents so they can see where their their permit request is uh in the log uh some issues over at Burrow Park to address for the future um column Replacements at the gazebos for Albert Avenue Park a PO is issued and we're just waiting to find out when that work will happen um and then we discussed the bike path project over at alberu Park and some additions to that which may include uh some additional benches uh different Paving areas and possibly fixing some of the back stops with ADD and deduct items um Mike or Lou this evening uh we'll be talking and reaching out to you shortly on those items as well um other than that I'm going to zip it up and pass it along that concludes my report thank you and next we'll move on to councilman John Collins thank you madam mayor uh the uh Environmental commission meeting of October 25th 2023 I had a couple questions uh Peter on the Green Acres funding what would we have to do to get Green Acres funding up for Christopher Street I'm going to need more information than that so what what is it we're trying to do and yeah the town owns the street so could we make that at Green Acres area the town owns the street the town it's a street it was a street dedication so the you can vacate it or you can you want to do ire it and utilize I guess a buyback somehow from the owners it would revert to if you vacated the street you could pursue it but I mean we did we vacate Christopher Street no but if you don't vacate Christopher Street it's a street so I don't know that you have the ability to unilaterally decide the dedicated street is going to be a park so that would be something you'd need to look into are we obligated to make it a street obviously not so we could do nothing and keep it green that's probably what it's been yeah so I just need to know more from councilman Collins as to what exactly they want looked into so just to advise everybody this is currently going in front of the planning board so we do have our planner uh here um tonight but anyway I don't know if we can talk much about it since it's an ongoing it's right now sitting in front of the planning board so I don't know if we can talk about it the suggest if if Christopher Street is part of a plan that's pending before the planning board that we don't talk about it's exactly what my point is yeah certainly M councilman Collins we can talk about it awfully thanks Peter you got it um the environmental commission website is up and running uh work is continuing on the schwinderman property lawren Brook Watershed meeting uh lawrens Brook Watershed partnership storm water meeting is tomorrow uh oh I'm sorry Tuesday November 21st at 700 p.m. I believe it's at the senior center I believe the the bike uh run that was scheduled for October 29th got cancell and I was looking on the board of education uh website and I see that they have a short program on how to talk to your children about conflict and War and the next Board of Education meeting is uh Monday November 20th at 7 p.m. thank you madam mayor thank you U next is councilman James FR thank you madam mayor for recreation the youth fall soccer tennis fly football and multisports seasons have all come to an end and we've had a very successful season we look forward to seeing everyone in the spring late fall soccer clinics are scheduled to begin on Thursday November 16th at Parkfield there is still time to register on community pass adult yoga men's basketball and women's volleyball winter registration will be opening in the next couple weeks keep an eye out on community pass for those registrations youth basketball registration has opened and the registration deadline is December 29th the program will begin on January 20th and as always we welcome volunteer coaches our annual tree lighting ceremony will begin will be on Friday December 1st festivities will begin at 6:30 p.m. and Santa plans to arrive on the fire truck at 700 p.m. please be sure to visit our Recreation web page page at miltown Recreation to familiarize yourself with upcoming programs and new activities along with our park locations to register for any of our open programs you can go to the miltown recreation page on the miltown website and click the link for Community pass please help us continue to make miltown Recreation a community emotion and that concludes the recreation report um the rec advisory committee will be meeting on this coming Wednesday for this first meeting with the new director Kelly Boyd uh so we look forward to that meeting and the rization committee met last month to have a recap debrief of miltown day um we reported on that last meeting we have our meeting tomorrow for November to have a few additional tidy up items for the miltown day um feedback as well as starting to look forward to our early 2024 um calendar project so so looking forward to that and as always a plug because we're getting towards the end of the year if anyone is interested in joining those two committees but as well as many of our other committees um that are resident participated please go to the miltown website and fill out a citizen leadership application and that concludes my reports great I actually saw bunny U cleaning out the Planters and so again thank you so much bunny for all your effort on that I believe coun President Dan Brana helped with that is that correct oh yeah right so to make sure that they're ready for next year but she is really gone above and beyond with the taking care of those Planters so thanks again and you're interested in helping her yeah ex and le as my mother used to say many hands make light work so join join the fun make make Main Street pretty um and next we have council president Phil Zan Brandon thank you Madame mayor I do not have a fin report tonight um the next Ford Avenue Redevelopment agency meeting will be uh on the uh 21st uh as uh I don't know how I forgot to say this last time uh our executive director Rich Raj is retiring after 20 years as the executive director of the Ford Avenue Redevelopment agency uh Mr rodstrom will be transitioning through the end of the year and a search is on for a new executive director who will be ready to go um at the beginning of the year um and then I have my senior uh Center report um so there's always a lot of activities going on at the senior center and these activities include aerobics mind dancing chair yoga Billiards walk aerobics men's club cor Spanish arts and crafts Bingo sweating with the oldies and a monthly visit from the VNA nurse um just so everyone understands there is no cost uh for any miltown Resident to see the VNA nurse um the senior center also offers the opportunity to join the miltown senior citizens Club $10 per year for those 55 plus uh for more information you can contact Bob skarzinski at 732 29611 159 uh you don't have to join the senior Citi uh senior citizens Club to participate in any of the activities uh that the Office on Aging programs and activities offers so the following is a list of upcoming activities uh still to come in the month of November um the VNA nurse will be uh at the senior center on Tuesday November 21st from 12:00 to 3: on uh November uh bless you bless you on Monday November 20th there will be a uh movie time at 12:30 p.m. come in grab some popcorn and join the the group and just a reminder that the senior center will be closed on Thursday November 23rd and Friday November 24th for Thanksgiving always as an additional reminder the senior center uh bus is always available for anyone that needs to uh get to and from medical appointments uh all you need to do is contact Debbie cudy at 732 296 0681 to schedule any appointments and then the following is a short list of bus trips still to come in the month of November 14th there will be a bus trip to Boscovs the senior center bus will be leaving uh at 9:30 on the 20th Monday there will be a bus trip to Amazing Savings and shopright and the bus will leave the senior center at 9:30 a.m. and on Tuesday the 1st there will be a bus trip to Delicious Orchards the bus will leave the senior center at 9:30 a.m. as always with all trips and presentations there's a signup sheet on the bulletin board at the senior center you can either sign up there call Debbie 73229 60681 or register via email at uh dcy miltown and as always additional Senior Center details and updates can always be viewed by accessing the B website at miltown and navigating to the senior sen website and Madame mayor that concludes my report thank you uh next is our B administrator M lison report no report tonight and our B attorney Mr vanolo any report just just a quick comment I I know you all have a lot of faith in me but if you if you do have something you want to know if you want to reach out to me in advance of a meeting sometimes it'll make me a little B capable of giving you the information during the meeting so just just a thought uh an option for you guys so that I don't have to tell you to wait a meeting thank you and next our bur engineer Mr banka thank you madam mayor just one item to report tonight on the uh Water Project we're pleased to report that all the water system related improvements are now complete um that leaves the restoration work including the uh Road um restoration and we're working out those details with the contractor and that concludes my report Madam mayor thank you Lou on budget we bud excellent thank you so Lou I I I'll read this CU I I got a note um that we're glad that the buau has received a municipal Aid Grant in the amount of $496,000 for the continuation of improvements to fos Avenue the grant generally includes improvements to the pavement storm drainage system curb and sidewalk where necessary handicapped ramps restoration and other work so I'm sure you that's correct the uh announc them um there seems like there wasn't a lot of announcement to the towns but the the list was released by The do and um the burrow was successful in receiving that Grant yeah that's great um so that's going to be this the next phase of fion that that's enough to complete it that's correct and um as part of that application um easto was included also so if there's an ample funds good we can finish up West f and maybe use the rest on East fo great that's great and then what was interesting was that they had the list for the entire middlex County so there's 22 um townships in Middle sex County what I thought was interesting was um you the the amount that miltown got was higher than about 10 or 11 so that that's a great amount that we got to finish up this project so we're happy about that thanks thanks to everybody that put it together and you know continues the work to get that's been needed for quite a while um and now it comes to me so first I want to give a shout out to our burough clerk she has only been here a couple of months but she had a Yan's job to um get the everything ready for the election so I thank Monica Orlando and Kathy Beardsley for doing a a fantastic job and and much appreciate so thank you for that uh I've heard mention of Thanksgiving this is our last meeting until Thanksgiving so I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and healthy and enjoy your time with the family we all certainly have a lot to be thankful for here in the burough so uh I hope you have a a wonderful holiday we had a lot of fun things going on in October we have a lot of fun things coming up in December for the uh Winter holidays so we have lots to look forward to so that now we will move on to excuse me uh an ordinance of public hearing and adoption next uh the following ordinance have been published according to law and copies have been made available to the public prior to this meeting will the clerk please read ordinance 23 1528 by title only an ordinance approving the Redevelopment plan entitled South Main Street Rehabilitation plan okay I will now open the public hearing for ordinance 23 1528 if anyone in the audience has anything they wish to say about this ordinance please step to the microphone and give your name and address for the record see none oh yes sir hi Randy Ruth 88 Clay Street um I'm partially up here because I'm surprised nobody else had any other comments about this because this is kind of the last call and I recall that the last time this came before the council the were some no votes and I strongly disagree with that I think that the council as it currently stands really put together something really comprehensive and they were able to get go through the planning board and community outreach and I commend you all so for those voting no I think that if you choose to vote no you should explain yourself or not it's up to you obviously but uh I think it's a really important thing so thank you thank you anyone else seeing none I will uh close audience comments and um ask the council for a motion in a second to approve so moved second I have a motion by councilman Potter second by council president zamb br will the clerk please call the role no discussion oh sorry any discussion we do have our girl we have our girl planner here if anyone wants to yes so I'm going to direct this one over to the the bough planner then um my concern with the Redevelopment plan and I will Echo Mr Ruth's comments in regards to the work that was put forth and I think the the Endeavor is is valuable however um I do have some concerns with the property directly across Kow on Main Street which I believe in review of the plan is the only approved four-story structure and I'm wondering about the justification for that sure um so in in putting together the plan that property is obviously the the largest vacant piece of land um along South Main Street and one of the larger bacon pieces of land in town so um the challenge with redeveloping that site is that as everyone's aware the back end of it slopes down in the wooded area down toward Christoper street that councilman Collins brought up earlier um so part of the justification for trying to increase the height for that property in particular is the tradeoff of we want to prevent the encroachment of development into the sloped areas and into that wooded portion Christopher Street so for those properties we essentially allow a property owner there to take the developable density if you will the amount of land that they have that that's in the wooded area apply the density the number of units they'd be allowed to build within a smaller footprint and in order to do that you have to go up a little bit so the fourth story is really the kind of planning mechanism to offset the preservation of the back end of the property and so the goal would be if it's developed based on the standards of this plan that you would have a three-story building with a stepped back fourth story portion that would get you somewhere in the neighborhood of based on the density 50 or so 4550 residential units um but in as as part of that deal essentially the the remainder of the wooded and sloped areas would be protected and not developed so that's that's what the plan is called for that's the justification for that extra height we understood during the whole process and working through the public process and working through the process with the the planning board that there was definitely concern about going to four stories and that's understandable um because we all in town there's not a lot of you really the the mill structure is really the only thing at this point that's that's that tall um so as I said is is this Balancing Act and trade-off that we have to make at some sometimes and land use certainly and I felt from my professional perspective and then vetting it through the planning board ultimately the board agreed that um that trade-off was acceptable to have that extra you know smaller fourth story as part of a potential plan in exchange for trying to offset the potential development along the Christopher Street area would we be obligated to approve a development along the Christopher Street area into the wooded section if not for this plan well if somebody wanted to pay to extend Christopher Street it's my understanding that they could do that um obviously there's other legal considerations we may need to vet but the way I understand it is that if a property owner wants to improve a mapped public Street they can do so um so obviously there would be a cost involved with that and it may be more than one property owner wants to bear I don't I don't know you know ultimately whether it's worth it in dollars and cents but um that street is mapped on the tax map and know remains available to open and if a street is vacated I'll go back to the question earlier if a street is vacated um it's my understanding that from the center line of that street half is given to one property owner and half to the other not necess adjacent property no the property reverts to the property from which it was created typically it's an interior Street and half it's going to go to either side but if it was a boundary street at the end of a partial it could all go to one piece so essentially reverts back to where it came from and do we know where from that Christopher Street property came from not off the top of anyone's head without pulling the subdivision yeah we could probably find out it's just not something that again this would be one of those uh a little heads up is helpful because it's not something that I think anybody has historic knowledge of did anyone research it prior to developing this plan I didn't take into account the title history of it I know that the subdivision goes back to I believe the 1920s um just you can see the uh the records on the C's um County Register but I I don't know who has the rights to the area underneath it hey John just one question there there is more than one property owner along those boundaries right correct yeah okay I had a question how many units if we put three floors in for rentals versus four floors how many more units are going to be on the fourth floor so the um the number of units is calculated based it's units per acre um the plan permits 15 units per acre which is consistent with the Burrow's various affordable housing overlay zones that's where that number came from so basically to to treat it as if it had been placed into one of the overlay zones in in the past when those were developed um so the total area of the property times 15 units per acre is the determination of how many units you can get in on the site there's obviously other factors that would come into play as well um the ability to provide parking which is a factor of both land and if you build it in a building cost um so the difference the short answer your question the difference between three stories and four stories is not necessarily saying we're going to have eight more units or 10 more units it maybe we have larger units instead of a bunch of studio apartments and we have the same number of units but they're distributed differently or they're size differently if the building is a little larger do could have more children going into the schools if we approve this right well it depends on if it gets built and it depends on the nature of the units that get built if it's mostly one and two bedroom units you wouldn't see a whole lot of school children um market rate one and two-bedroom units generate virtually no children there's been any number of studies over the years including some that were recently updated um affordable units do tend to generate a few more children but uh you know that's that's part of the the Township's constitutional obligation Burrow's constitutional obligation to to provide affordable housing so um you know if if any any development that happens you may generate more residents you may generate more more children you may generate more families but um different types of development do have different impacts John can you just educate the council what you meant by setback on the for the fourth stories I know on the planning board you defined it can you define it for the council as well so they're aware sure so basically um me look at the exact number so I don't so the fourth the fourth story has to be the front of it has to be stepped back at least 10 ft from the vade so if you're standing at the sidewalk or even in the street and looking at the building it would look like a three-story building because it would be set back after you get further away you would be able to see the fourth story but um and then also the fourth story can't be more than 60% of the area of the third story so it would be a little more than half but but not significantly so and you know depending on how the building's designed it may be may may make the most sense as a part of a duplex kind of units where you have a unit that's on the third floor and on the fourth floor with a balcony area or something more of a really like the high-end kind of Penthouse units in the building rather than um using it for for a just smaller set of units on on the floor um that comes down to how buildings are designed and efficiency and economies of scale and things like that but uh we do see some some designs like that in the market today thank you John you're welcome and John I recall from even though it was um you know back in the spring that many of the residents of um especially nicholis Court um were really concerned about development and coaching on that um steeply sloped area because of runoff and things like that and this was really a resp in response to some of those resident concerns um to address uh that steep slope and um some potential runoff um versus just providing a you know a high four-story building for you know no reason at all yeah um well said um and I think it's obvious that there's concern on a lot of fronts about Christopher Street and its potential development and this was an attempt to be sensitive to that and try our best to provide a development opportunity that allows that to be preserved thank you for reconfirming my memory but aren't there limitations on building on such steep slopes as it is in clearing vegetation or or growth you know such as trees that will retain the soils back natur actually there there are some limitations in the in the buroughs ordinance yes so that wouldn't be much of a concern to begin with building on that so actually it was a big concern of the residents I I understand that of the residents I mean in regards to we already have ways to mitigate development on that slope in place could you jump in with existing B ordinances could you jump in here with the steep slope you know yes so there's um there's a definition of a steep slope I don't know anybody's analyzed to see if that whole area falls into that definition so I think what John saying is this will provide protections for that whole area even if it doesn't meet that definition yeah and the um the current standard in the ordinance is I believe is 20% slopes are are you're prohibited from disturbing a slope of 20% or greater um the plan includes um additional language about slopes in access of 15% and limitation on tree removal in those areas so it does take it an extra step from what's in the the regular ordinance now um but as um Mr bonka said some of the language in here talks about when I was talking about taking the density from those back lot and moving it up basically saying if you if you do that you have to combine everything into one lot and there's no disturbance in those areas that you've brought forward so um It's a combination of the steep slope controls plus essentially this transfer of development Potential from one area to the other a Ste a 20% slope just for some folks who might not be in the field that that would be a 20ft drop over 100 ft correct yes so the average home the depth of a of a third acre property which is most homes in Midtown would be about 75 feet give or take I believe think you typical lot depths are about 100 ft so are they about 100 so that would be a 20ft drop over someone's backyard from their front yard to their back right if it was over that but you could have a a a steeper section over a narrower run right so it's yeah well I appreciate that I think this was a very elegant solution to address the uh especially those resident concerns so thank you you're welcome do you know how many units are going on the third floor versus the fourth floor nothing's been designed nothing's been presented this is all just uh setting setting rules in place where if somebody wants to develop that site they could come in based on these parameters with a project that would then have to be vetted by the planning board so it's all it's all hypothetical I I just think it'd be irresponsible for me to bring more children into this school system until we get adjusted it's not guarant that that site would be a residential um development well it's not guaranteed but but is but it will be for residential right sorry it will be available for residential yes under under the plan that's presented in front of us today yes we've actually our plan encourages um mixed use cor cor right it would be it would be required to have a commercial component on the ground floor to contribute to South Main Street but it would any development would likely have a mix of res residential and Commercial so would you rather have an empty lot or would you rather have it developed is that your concern John to leave it empty well I I feel it be irresponsible to bring more children into the school system if you go FL are you an anti-child John no no that was the concerns of the residents I mean if you listen to the planning board here but some I guess the planning board doesn't listen to Residents anyway so I it's obvious but planning War meetings are made public John so and I do announce the planning board meetings at each meeting so the public does come to meetings and they do and they voice their concerns but I at the planning board meeting I didn't hear anything brought about children oh I remember when we were approve you guys approved the AC thing and people said a difference that's a different that's a totally different but they did Express concerns but it's a different project John we're not talking about that we're talk that's correct but they did Express concerns about that our school system well let's let's back up a second the acne location was part of the Redevelopment overlay zones and that resulted in significant excuse me if I may well just so we can be correct it's not a Redevelopment site so you said Redevelopment I just wanted to make sure you you I think you meant to say affordable housing afford part of the affordable housing overlay zones correct that resulted from the Ford Avenue litigation and no that's not correct it it resulted from an obligation of the buau to comply with its third round affordable housing obligation right which was all weird its head as a result of Fort Avenue but we can we can agree to disagree on that I was on council at the time but nonetheless what the result was was a bunch of residents that came down and were significantly concerned over not only the impact of school which I know we cannot deny development as a result of the impact of school but the density of development over there and when they realized that this was all a result of the affordable housing obligations you know it was kind of like well we were forced to approve it and here we have an opportunity to avoid that so I'm concerned about having a site that is at the same density development density as some of the overlay zones right in the middle of town when we've heard from the residents already that they don't want that exactly and if we look further into these slopes I wonder how much they really could do now that the property owner in that particular site has demolished the buildings right before January 1st to avoid paying property tax on the structures and has left the site as a rubble pile and it seems now we're looking to reward them for it and for that reason if we can't come to an agreement tonight I will say that as the discussion stands I am a no vote on this for that reason um I would make a motion to table it until we could find some further information out on that particular site we've had we've had this plan this this is the second or this is the second so no I don't I don't endorse uh tabling something that we've had an opportunity um for months to provide feedback on read it speak to our planner um bring it up at a at a council meeting um this is a council meeting this prior to this prior to this was only it was only introduced at the previous council meeting this is we have had an opportunity to read this since a August yes and I have the same concerns in as I do now but you didn't Express them clearly you're choing to express them and trying to table this no it was not I obained earlier you heard right any other discussion okay we the close oh I need a motion in a second to approve I make a motion that we approve second I have a motion by councilwoman O'Donnell second by council president Zan Brana will the clerk please call the rooll council president Zam Brana I councilman no can't hear you John councilwoman odonnell better go to the doctor and get a hear excuse me I'm not that old yet John I councilman parat I councilman Potter I councilman rinsky no good for you so move thank you does any member of the council have any old business to bring before the council this even hearing none we'll move on to new business does any member of the council have any new business to bring before the council this evening heing none we'll close new business and move on to audience comments the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comment until the speaker has finished it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session um please state your name and address for the record when you come to the podium Alan yes good evening Alan godber for f place um just want to correct something I think I heard councilman Collins say that we didn't hold that bike ride when in fact we did hold the bike ride on the the last Sunday of October and Michael sharan who was leading it thought it was very successful it did rain a bit of course revised it twice to try and avoid the rain fortunately it was only a little bit at the beginning of the ride and the Riders all uh succeeded in cycling safely without falling off which was good so it's a 26-mile bike ride um rides the whole of the Lawrence Brook Watershed basically and they all said they had a good time at the end of it so I guess thank goodness we good we did have a good a good event um I think I heard mention yes that there is we've got a meeting coming up uh the first meeting in Person of the lbook wed partnership since April of 2020 really wow so three and a half years since we've had an inperson meeting good and this is going to be uh week tomorrow the 21st and we normally used to meet at at the um Senior Center at 7:30 p.m. but they've decided to move it half an hour earlier that probably will stay that way in future but we're going to be starting at 7 p.m. and the speaker is a miltown resident Mrs Vivian Morris and she's a Master Gardener and a rain Garden expert so she's going to be talking about storm water management for homeowners and we like to invite you all to come and attend I think be kind of a fun evening she's she's pretty good I've heard this speak before and um so please come join us that's uh a week tomorrow 700 p.m. 21st um we do have a meeting set up for December but I'll give you the details about that later one other matter I'd like to raise if I might which is something I've noticed from time to time this has to do with lights shining from people's houses into the street um I looked at the regulations and as far as I can see it says quite clearly that you can everybody's entitled to have lights on their property but the light must stay within the property so in other words you can have a light on your house various parts around your house but it must not be a focus light which is focusing into the street because obviously that puts people at risk drivers at risk if you're seeing your bright light shining at you and I know I've seen at least three three or four places around town where this is not so people have got bright lights shining from their house which is magnified and it's shining directly towards the street and as far as I can see that is illegal so I'd like to see if somebody could we could have somebody in town just look at these things I'd be happy to help point it out to the experts you know you know on the website we have report of concern you know you go on and you reported so if you would if you see happy to do that that would help to point that you know where they are right okay okay be happy to do that and anybody else sees anything like that I think we should uh discourage that thank you thanks anyone else he good evening George Murray for Brook Drive uh couple questions uh and I don't know who to direct it to councilwoman O'Donnell or councilman Pottery because they both answered the question for PS and G um is the paving going to be done as well the milling and Paving on not this year that'll be done in the spring okay and also um if you could just let them know there's a lot of crosswalks and the stop where the stop signs are a lot of them aren't even done uh where they did pave so I don't know so so again like we said in previous meetings put it in as a report of concern because then it can help uh Ralph track that cuz he's tracking all that working with PSG and all that so if we do notice that please residents put in a report of concern so it's on the list so it doesn't get missed okay thank you and I would like let it sit and cure a little bit first and then the cold weather will affect it so it's not going to be till the spring where they do the full Paving but they can do the other spot right but the painting the painting they can do right away yeah uh and um I would like to to uh thank all our veterans from Veterans Day for uh their service and um also I would like to thank all the residents because it was uh election day for uh taking the time to come out and vote for for everyone uh that participated so thank you thank you thank anyone else yes hello Randy Ruth 88 Clay Street um up here again to um pretty much just voice some of my concerns about things that I've heard about even the discussions about the uh South Main Street Rehabilitation plan which was passed thankfully um and one of my biggest things is I've heard a lot of things about bringing in people in the Midtown specifically bringing in bodies into town to utilize our resources and uh I really think having more people here and shops and businesses to help facilitate that growth and dynamic culture and and ultimately people enjoying their Community being active being Lively is really important so hopefully this plan comes to fruition we see things in the next couple years where there's things that come before the the planning board and then the burrow burough Council and that we can vote on this or the burrow Council can vote on it and approve some things that are really beneficial to all the residents in the community and including those outside of the community who travel through here they should stop and stop check out that new shop because that's what's there or maybe they decide to move from East Brunswick and move to miltown and you know if it brings a couple people a couple children well then that's fine people are free to live where they live the town should be growing not shrinking and I think that all of this is really positive so those are all my comments thank you thank you anyone else yes good evening um Gary pany 31 Cleveland Avenue um I just like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who voted for me I'm humbled and honored by the number of votes that I received once the results of the election have been finalized I hope to stand before you at the next council meeting and again thank you as your duly elected council person and for all of you who sit before me you have my respect and admiration I understand your personal sacrifices as neighbors selflessly serving your community and I thank you thank you CH you wel yes sir even Lee weisenberger 99 JFK Drive uh I'd just like to get some follow-up answers from questions been asked recently and uh couple to see me uh Mike was supposed to check on the cost of the drudging project in Spotswood and the funding from the county I don't know if you know anything about it Luke I don't okay I'll check he'll be at the next meeting right yeah okay uh and once again if C CME might know something about the gas line on Kula whether they contacted the county or uh psng over that line without moving it about what I'm moving it I believe as a followup because it's holding up the Culver Bridge cool or you oh yeah talking about that one time you might want to just jot that down too yeah I I don't think the plan was to move the gas line I think it was to identify the location they couldn't be precise enough with the location to allow construction to take place there um and I think that that that's what the plan is I don't think that might be part of the problem cu the way it sounded like that it was too close to the bridge and widening it would be a problem I don't think they could um precisely located for some reason I don't know that they confirmed that it was too close to it I think they were um vague about its exact um proximity right well either way we can get a followup to it Luke doesn't the BPU have requirements that if you call in for a markout you have to have your markouts within so many inches of an existing utility whether it's to pressurized utility gas water or buried electric I so I don't understand how Transco or whoever owns that pipeline can say we've got a 42in pipe that cuts through your town we just don't know where it is yeah I don't I don't know the details of I I know there was a the county was moving forward with the project the gas company objected because of their line and I believe that's where it all got hung up but the exact details I'm not sure right uh along that line kind of uh miltown old gas tanks are we done with the monitoring of those tanks we are we are okay that's good uh we'll move to a little article I came across now I don't know how many people are aware of this uh Fresh Pond Road uh fre Industries yes right the contamination yeah they're removing additional contaminated soil yeah but it's an interesting story too when you read it because they were given a green light and now they're removing 8,000 cubic yards more of sediment and that worries me now with Ford Avenue and I don't know is Ford Avenue still being monitored Wells or anything by EPA or anybody good question you know because I see this and I see the money being spent now and that property was turned over to East brunic in 1989 and it's a big headache again well they they put in the remediation Wells over there in the ground filtration system and they deemed it clean so it's scary that they deemed it clean and now they're saying it's not and what impact any of that construction activity may have the on ongoing ongoing monitoring identified something and that's the purpose of having ongoing monitoring from what I'm not just concerned like I said in the future with Fort Avenue whatever happens is are we going to be somebody's going to be ring Wells to get a green light on that how's that work I don't know appreciate it thanks thank you yes Frank man with 21 durot uh I would like to thank miltown bruss for their turn out in the election and I hope that can serve admirably um one thing was kind of came across and a few people that I spoked into town who are looking to open businesses and there are three respective uh I believe they're own by the same people uh but there are three liquor licenses that are currently generating no revenue for the town and they've sat dormant with what seems to be no future plan or no permits pulled for the use of they from where I said it seems like those are kind of a resource for monetary income to the town that's not being used and I was wondering if there's any way that the people the owners can be you fair market value of course not taken from them but they should be able to give them back to the community if they're not using it so that's a uh State ABC so Monica can answer that I could jump in a little bit we don't make money off of liquor licenses other than for the renewal and those renewal fees are still being paid for the those three liquor licenses where they were for the past couple of years I'm we mean to cultivate business and you know restaurants the the actual action that happens from a liquid license being actively used two of those licenses are in pocket and as long as that person keeps up paying the fees and everything else they can keep them as inactive in Pocket as long as they like we can't go in and steal it from them oh no of course not I mean that's something you'd have to contact I understand your concern and I think everybody would like to have as many active businesses as we can but unfortunately as the municipality there's no mechanism for the buau to step in and say you need to activate your license it's it's a state ABC regulation and as long as they're doing the things they need to do if they don't want to generate any money from that asset they have they can choose not to and the and the state has the ultimate jurisdiction over their licenses so there I maybe you can contact them and see what they have to say but ultimately they are the ones you know and both retail and consumption licenses are populationbased in our town so we unless there was a significant population growth we're limited to how many we can have that's why I wonder licenses it almost seems like an unfair business practice to hold them and you know just seem dampening it's just a oh yeah it would be nice to be able to utilize those licenses but that's again ultimately up to the state and the ABC board thank you no problem anyone else seeing none I will close audience comments and move on to council comments anything further that anyone on the council would like to bring up this evening I had add two items Madam mayor one was i' uh Echo some remarks that were made wishing the veterans of miltown a happy belated Veterans Day um we have uh policies here in town to offer um I think it's called the tax credit definitely is $250 off deduction deduction tax deduction for any veteran but we also um have a special programs for fully disabled uh veterans to have um their taxes generously wave wave the right term waved um so uh as an additional thank you for your service um please uh pursue those options uh for our miltown based veterans um and I also wanted to mention that I will be attending the league of municipalities uh convention and looking for vendors and sessions and um opportunities to uh get to know uh elected officials and uh government officials from other communities uh to bring uh fantastic things back uh to miltown it's been great experience the past uh two years attending the uh conference so I'm sure that I will bring back additional items uh to benefit miltown great thank you yeah we wish everyone that's going down to Atlantic City this week well I hope they have a a good time and and learn a lot uh anyone else have any comments this evening uh no I thank I just want to thank Alan godb bar for correcting me on that point thanks Alan anyone else and Madame mayor uh just like to wish all of our residents a happy healthy and safe Thanksgiving yes and congratulations to court water Disney thank you Dave's daughter got married yesterday thank you they're off they're off to their honeymoon as we speak that's great congratulations yeah i' also like to wish the residents a Happy Thanksgiving also thank you all right so with that we will close Council comments and go to Mayor comments I will say the same thing Happy Thanksgiving um enjoy your holidays and we will be back here uh two weeks from tonight on the 27 so thank you I will'll take a motion to return so moved second all in favor all right good night everyone