place at Corson Park so bring the little guys down registration uh for children ages 5 to 18 years of age will begin at 9:00 a.m. and fishing takes place between 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. the winners will be announced shortly after noon uh if anyone has any questions about any of these events please contact the milville recreation department 856 825 7000 extension 7394 thank you thank you thank you commissioner rello vice mayor suie yeah I make a motion to receive and file the following reports from the tax collector the annual report of taxes not collected in for 2024 and the tax collector's report for the month of April 2024 second motion I have a motion in a second to receive and file the tax collector and reports any comments roll call commissioner huitt yes vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner Bello yes mayor romc yes motion carries any other thing oh that's it thank you welcome um I would like to say that zoning board will happen on June 6 at 6:00 planning board will be on June 10th at 6:30 both featured right here at the Richard mcarthy Chambers high or Tall Grass this is your warning residence that don't cut your grass violations have been sent to multiple addresses with unkempt grass and weeds and a bait by date is included on the violation if nothing is done by the abatement date we will cut the cut the grass and weeds by the city's authorized services and the property will be responsible for the cost of the cut and any further administrative fees on May 16th along with the Home Run Derby here in Moville we also had greater M Chamber of Commerce had the pride and mville awards ceremony uh every year that's well attended and I was pleased to give opening remarks and as well as give uh the award one of business award to um National Highway products located right here nearby and the pride and Moville Award winner was uh very well-renowned and known and uh great City employee here for many years was Lou Thompson so once again Lou congratulations uh the spring block party as commissioner Rella said uh that was well attended uh the music uh in generally totally was uh very good the music the band they were an R&B group I was uh over ly impressed I did not know what to expect but everybody I talked to when they're playing um it was of utter uh excitement and enthusiasm when they were playing uh they got the crowd involved um they played you know the the top hits and they were very very uh very good and I was pleased to see that uh Samantha Cruz was able to get them for the spring block party uh lots of great events this weekend uh although it's a Schoolboard matter it happens right through the city of mville this Friday is uh Olympic Day Parade starting at 10:00 a.m. um I always uh look forward to that I believe commissioner ranello uh will be there with me as well it's a nice long walk get to uh remember the past and you know I'm a proud of Mount Pleasant Panther alumni so uh even though that was a very long time ago uh um i' encourage any of the other Commissioners to come out um for the Olympic Day Parade as well uh but Citywide events um we do have a lot coming up but block party for Fridays uh play Streets will be happening soon uh we do do a lot of events for all ages and groups here in the city of Milo so I do encourage the public to come out to each and every one of those that you can ordinances in second reading okay we just have one which is an ordinance authorizing amendment to motor vehicle and traffic regulations Municipal Code article 10 schedule 21 to remove parking reserve for handicap person at 719 North 2 Street make motion second a motion we have a motion and second on the ordinance and the second reading first item there's a public hearing on this anybody would like to address the commission on this ordinance please come to the podium say your name seeing nobody I would close public hearing any comments roll call commissioner huitt yes vice mayor SEI yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor romanic yes okay motion carries ordinances in the first read reading all right item one is an ordinance amending milville code chapter 1 General Provisions article 3 General penalty section 17 violations and penalties to update the maximum penalty now permitted under njsa 40 col 495 for an ordinance violation from $1,00 to $2,000 make a motion second motion we have a motion to second on the ordinance first reading item number one any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Wat yes commissioner reelo yes mayor romc yes motion carries item two is an ordinance amending milville code chapter 50 section One Creation contained in article one milville Police Department's established in order to add one additional Lieutenant make motion second to motion we have a motion in a second on ordinance in the first reading item number two any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor Sue yes commissioner son yes commissioner reelo yes mayor romic yes okay motion carries item three is an ordinance amending milville code Chapter 30 land use and development regulations article 12 zoning District regulations Section 30 through 11714 Airport Enterprise district and attachment One schedule of District regulations in order to clarify that asphalt plans and Mining operations are not permitted uses in the AE zoning District make a motion second a motion we have a motion in the second on ordinance in the first reading item number three any comments yes if I may when we first got in office uh the original commission myself and another commissioner visited an asphalt plant locally that was interested in coming here to this city at the time I think they felt they had to support myself we need ratables we need work we we do a lot of uh letters of intent for cannabis facilities and stuff uh I just don't see after my trip that I did make to an asphalt plan uh why we're doing this I mean there's no smell from that there's no smell from marijuana uh so my vote will represent my thoughts if you guys look at the Airport Enterprise Zone you'll see a boun Road Silver Run Road and you can imagine heavy truck traffic going down those roads if an asphalt plant is built in one of those areas I don't think the residents would like that truck traffic I don't think we need it going by the school that way in particular um you I realize we're trying to develop the industrial park but where that goes AB Avenue and buum Road Etc so but right on Cedarville Road or right on Silver Run Road you know think about like right across from the airport so I don't think he'd want an asphall plant there I don't know maybe you do but uh I don't think that's a good idea so that's why I will vote according roll call commissioner hu no vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Watson no commissioner rello yes mayor romic yes okay motion carries item four is an ordinance renaming South High Street from the intersection of East Main Street to the intersection of Smith Street pursu to njsa 40 col 67-1 K to officer Christopher reway make motion second motion we have a motion and second on ordinance in the first reading item number four any comments roll call commissioner huitt yes viar sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor romanic yes motion carries item five is an ordinance approving an agreement of sale that would authorize the city of milville to convey a deed abasement to the state of New Jersey make a motion second motion have Motion in second on ordinance in the first reading item number five any comments roll call commissioner huitt yes vice mayor SEI yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vanello yes mayor romanc yes motion carries budget presentation Okay so turn budget resolutions we we're okay I don't know I don't remember bear with us while we set this UPS Bluetooth Wi-Fi Bluetooth Wi-Fi Wi-Fi I'm sorry any show that's good show available Networks Wii turned off right try going to Bluetooth go to Bluetooth she said Bluetooth yeah I know okay all right go back to Wi-Fi not connected show available networks that's click Wi-Fi down there is it okay all right okay meeting room mhm okay connect all right so it is asking for a password can't connect to this network wonder if it's I don't know why you can't connect to it let me let me go get my computer from downstairs maybe we can get on it there but i' have to still have toess do you have it on a USB uh meeting room connect there you go okay all right type in capital M it looks like it's v i l l e 2021 yes okay and then let me get my phone for a minute yeah all right so cast screen beam get back room I be like when was the city incor where did it come from I like the year 1916 that was my favorite Mar very d 16 day very pretty sure 197 that big probably right yeah where is cast screen beam that's what we're trying to get yeah okay is it in control well it wouldn't be on her maybe screen beam's not on her computer she has to access her thing it's on here all right so let me try this way 17 197 I think I'm wondering if it's it's on could be you 1801 they incorporated into the township until 193 looking for what says 193 to the W 19 I thought it was 17 came from think so where's the control panel can you find it the control panel s it's under display settings on that one I didn't see it on there um I'm not really sure her laptop doesn't have the same asa's but we have to access it through her so manys for many hours just commit iice hours really sorry I missed him he's not as bad as the GU have being in a being focused on his individual all right go to Google can if we access this this one this one will work it's under display on this one will you be able to access it through this one you think got occasion they're going to do without the computer okay she can do it without computer I itens because display I on that screen is so small you can't see it anyway all right minute we had it hit screen beam again oh you had it just wing it that keeps they start playing I don't know why but that's how you do it anyway all right yes so we know it's going to be a full moon this week obviously technology is not our friend today um so we're the presentation is linked to the agenda it will be on the website tomorrow um I'm going to run through the actual PowerPoint presentation you can either follow along on your phones or it will be available on the website um okay my very first screen is the net valuation taxable total rate ratables um we actually have an increase in ratables um we've had a few years where ratables have decreased uh 2024 our ratables are now 1, 48111 it's an increase from 1,461 192 one billion um but if you look at the actual site you'll be able to see the graphs as it increases so increasing the ratables of course shares that tax burden amongst everybody so again the economic development we need to keep continuing in that direction so that way it puts us in a better financial position going forward property tax for support of the budget um 2023 our our calendar year tax rate was 1.43 in 2022 it was 1.38 this budget brings us back to 1.38 so our uh calendar year tax rate is going to return to the 2022 level uh the levy is 20, 468 22635 if anybody's following along uh the next chart is a 2024 tax stre uh breakdown a little pie chart basically shows between the municipality the school and the county everything's about a third of the total tax rate percentage of tax collections so our our tax collections have gone up and down over years um in 19 we were at 97.46% in 20 we were 97.72 in 21 was 98.35 in 22 it was 9857 last year was 98.27 so we have had a decrease in our tax collections last year my next slide is a actual excerpt from the budget itself it's showing the levy change per various assessed values so depending on the actual property assessment what you're going to see is a decrease in the local tax rate from last year based on your assessed value so some people will see more some people will see less it depends on the assessed value but essentially this budget is reversing the increase from last budget year for the local tax rate my next screen is a example of the cap calculation page what it's showing is we are 82,000 underneath our Appropriations cap so even though there was a decrease in taxes we really did not have much wiggle room to increase what this budget is is presenting for this year our budget revenues we are increasing our use of surplus over prior year a $263,900 our total miscellaneous revenue is a decrease of $ 4,231 305 that is made up of partially the fees that were in the tax rate that are now in the solid waste utility and also um what's called the cares act or the American Recovery plan act $3 million that was in last year's budget again our local tax for municipal purpose is a decrease of 500 38866 our amount to be raised by tax taxation is about 54% of our total revenues fund balance is 133% state aid is 133% and our Mis miscellaneous revenues public and private revenues construction code is 2% and only 1% receipt from delinquent taxes again our use of surplus is increased from prior years um that being said we're looking to hopefully have some sales and some things that will actually increase what we can put back into our fund balance some people say Surplus I usually say fund balance because it's not really extra it's just money to help us going forward in future years when we have tough budgets analysis of General operations our salary and wages are increasing by $828,000 $93 431 part of that is um the solid waste utility and part of that would be the um the change from the the cares act from the arpa money the American Recovery plan act money deferred charges and other Appropriations 2,280 9 a decrease uh part of that is amounts that were uh excluded from um the cat Bank a lot of times you cannot take the same exceptions year to year there are a few exceptions to that and that's within our budget um the other part of that total of that decrease is Grants a lot of times you don't know exactly what grants you're going to be awarded by the time you actually adopt your budget but it's the difference from what was actually completely adopted with grants for the end of 2023 so that number gets to be a little bit of anomaly Capital Improvements we are increasing that by $21,500 uh Capital Improvements can go to self-funding larger purchases and it's also our required 5% down for any bond ordinances that we need to um introduce this year and going forward it's basically a bank of money for our Capital Improvement fund our debt service has decreased 1,377 n49 part of that is a few things that were paid off last budget year um so we don't have them now uh most of those were Green Acre loans so they would not be reoccurring and our reserve for uncollected taxes um is a decrease of $469,950 is usually the largest part of any budget you have um employees that are usually there's the most employees of a entity they're 247 so they're out there on the streets all the time so you're going to see that as a larger part of your budget um some of the other increases are part of our normal budget and salary and wages um grants is an anomaly because that's one of those things where it depends on what we're actually going to be awarded for grants for the total year utilities have decreased by $640,000 a lot of that was in order to balance this budget and it was monies that were in excess for last budget year and we just hope that there's no changes in the market in regards to gasoline natural gas things of that nature that we only have so much control over the cost but normally we are participants in co-ops and other ways to try to cap those increases year to year insurance is a decrease of 366,000 $279 I'll go over that a little bit more in another slide again a reserve for taxes is decreased um debts the same our statutory obligations I'll go over that as well as increased by 127,000 statutory expenditures within the cap so there's no exception our cap law applies to these items here our Public Employees Retirement System increased about $113,000 when salaries go up so security goes up that's 28,000 uh police en firment retirement system that increased $541,000 um a lot of times what will happen is when you have retirements it usually doesn't hit your annual liability to the Division of Pensions until about two years later Insurance uh general liability and workers compensation increased Statewide there's a portion of this that has been excluded from the cap law because so many entities within the state saw these Monumental increases in those line items a lot of these are directly contributed to the pandemic and the claims that we've saw over that time and everything has a ripple effect usually one two three years down the road our group health insurance is a a decrease of $600,000 um 300,000 was uh Surplus from last year fund balance from last year what we were able to do was we had um memorandums of understanding with all of our bargaining units with our unions to change the health insurance to something that was a a little bit more budgetarily beneficial to the city but also did not negatively affect any of the employees but that does not go into effect until July 1st it's all in agreement with the state and if it's something that does not work out the memorandum of understanding allows us that if things don't work and all parties are not happy with how this plans out and we don't see a savings then as of January first we can go back to where we were Debt Service our bond principle is decreased by 1, 165,000 and of course the interest on the bonds is2 about $113,000 uh I added slides for the utilities so the water utility uh we're using a little bit wor Surplus because the rents were a little bit lower than prior years um our debt service has decreased so with the decrease in debt service what I did was I increased some of the um we were able to do an increase in the O and so they have more money to work with for anything that they need during the year uh our problem is we're the money we're pulling in sometimes isn't always where it needs to be but our expenses are going up just like anybody El else so something that cost $3,000 maybe two years ago is costing $6,000 and things where you know water utility anything with steel concrete the prices have just skyrocketed and you know we can't always wait for those prices to decrease if there's an emergency repair or replacement that needs to take place sewer utility we actually were able to increase rents so with the increase in rents I decrease the use of surplus so that we have that going forward we also had the decrease in debt service we know that eventually next year or so we are going to be increasing Debt Service on the sewer utility for the third clarifier but what we were able to do between cancelling some Capital that we did not use last year and not having that Debt Service payment we increased capital for the sewer utility by 187,000 so basically move some money so that we have that money going forward if we don't have it in future budget years we'll still have it for capital for those larger expenses the solid waste utility what I have in here is based on the introduced budget we do have a budget amendment that's going to decrease what we anticipated for rents and as such that's also going to decrease our Appropriations in total that's based on knowing that we're not going to have the collections that we were expecting and based on what we've actually have our rate paays and our rates so we have adjusted that um and all that information is with the state and that's my presentation thank you Susan budget resolutions okay um we have a resolution authorizing the reading of the calendar year 2024 budget by title only pursuant to njsa 4A col 4-8 move the resolution second motion Motion in a second on Buzz the resolution item number one any comments roll call commissioner hwit yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vanello yes mayor ramc yes I authorize an open public hearing on a resolution authorizing the adoption of the calendar year 2024 budget if anybody would like to address their want to say concern concerns regarding the budget please come to the podium state your name please limit your comments to approximately 5 minutes the lights are coming on good evening Tim cardi milville I got a lot of questions since there wasn't a presentation and I'm more visual than hearing my first one is since the city is under contract negotiations with numerous unions and if there is possible settlement on the raises in our contracts is that included in this budget Susan can you please come to the front mic we have estimated projections in the budget okay can I ask what the Ed the the estimated projections are uh not right offand that's all in within the budget okay so I guess I got to figure that out on my own tomorrow then along with the public since we don't know what that is okay uh with the cost of inflation which is the annual percent of 3.36 right now is um is it in the budget in case the inflation raises well we can't really budget based on inflation because we have to budget based on revenue and based on our expenses so we can budget as best as we can based on inflation but we don't always know what the inflation is going to be and exactly what it's going to impact okay so is it budgeted in case the inflation does raise on your supplies and your materials is it in there to cover that cost we try to to the best the limitation of the budget um how much of an actual deduction are the taxpayer seeing um out of the budget since the trash is now its own utility on its own I can't speak to the specific how it directly correlates but there is a 5cent de decrease in the tax rate for this year okay is the 5c tax increase due to the trash being removed from the budget or is that also including the $3 million used in the co funds it's both it's both the co the co fund is G we're not using the $3 million year we do have just over 200,000 that we're using that was left over but it's nowhere near 3 million okay so between the co funds and the trash coming out of the budget we're looking at a 5cent tax increase I mean decrease decrease decrease okay as far as improvements in infrastructure highways roadways sidewalks um water sword pipes um is any of that included in the budget that is part of a capital plan and that is something that would be addressed later on once the budget's actually adopted and we will actually have a separate ordinance for that okay so you don't know how much in the contract is in case contract in the budget for the employee contract negotiations no okay okay is that going to be not right offand I can't say this is the X number of dollars for each individual bargaining unit okay is that going to be spelled out tomorrow on the presentation on the website no no no it's not part of the presentation okay do I have to do a open request to receive that information you can okay thank you seeing no one else I Clos the public hearing on the budget amendment to the bud uh budget resolution item number two okay so we have a resolution authorizing Amendment of the calendar year 2024 budget make motion second a motion I have a motion in a second on resolution item number two and budget resolutions any comments roll call commissioner hwit yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner reelo yes mayor ramc yes okay motion carries and item three is a resolution authorizing the adoption of the calendar year 2024 budget as amended move the resolution second Mo we have a motion in a second as the budget resolution item number three any comments roll call commissioner hu yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor romanc yes okay motion carries resolutions Madam mayor I mean Madam clerk think wow you you can switch jobs a resolution of support for suitability of cannabis business with Shipwrecked Labs llc at block 265 lot 5 1300 ween Avenue make motion second a motion we have a motion in a second on resolution item number four any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Watson no commissioner Velo yes mayor Ramen yes okay motion carries item five is a resolution authorizing adjustments to the tax and utility records move the resolution second motion we have a motion in second on resolution item number five any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vanello yes mayor romen yes okay motion carries item six is a resolution authorizing the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners to restrict truck traffic on Crest Avenue County Road 683 make motion second a motion we have Motion in a second on resolution item number six any comments yes if I may uh this has been an ongoing situation and I don't know if everybody knows it or not but uh this road is a is a County Road uh some residents approached the county commissioner's last meeting requesting uh basically make it a no trucks allowed road with signage on each end uh I was watching the meeting they are basically referred back to us uh for us to support them and send a letter of support which is what we're doing with this resolution I do have a quick little letter here from some residents on Prest Avenue I'd like to read into the record this is dated May 15 2024 and written to me uh we the residents of Crest Avenue and milville are requesting for safety issues that the city of milville or Cumberland County Post no truck signs at both ends of Crest Avenue Crest Avenue is a residential area with 32 family homes and one state administered Group Home Crest Avenue is a narrow two-lane road with no shoulders at certain times of the year Crest Avenue experiences heavy pedestrian and bicycle traffic for two years sand trucks have been using crust Avenue as a shortcut between route 49 and Ma Landing Road the speed and weight of the trucks appears to be causing damage to the road surface we average 10 sand trucks a day and it finishes up with for sa for the safety of the residents we feel that these signs should be installed thank you for your time and attention and it has been signed by 19 residents from uh the Crest Avenue area and uh clerk has received and filed this letter and we'll forward it to the County Commissioners roll call commissioner huitt yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vanello yes mayor romic yes he motion carries item seven is a resolution resending resolution number 53224 adopted January 16 2024 and authorizing the execution of an amendment to the amended and restated Redevelopment agreement and Fourth Amendment to the purchase and sale agreement for property identified as the portion of block 12.03 lot 11 on the tax map of the city in the James R Hurley industrial park for redevelopment area with advera LLC move the resolution second motion we have a motion in second resolution item number seven any comments roll call commissioner huitt yes vice mayor suie yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor romic yes okay motion carries item eight is a resolution awarding a Professional Services contract to Holly City Development Corporation to be the Urban Enterprise Zone Program Coordinator and an amount not to exceed $72,000 commencing on June 8th 2024 and terminating on June 9 2025 move the resolution I have certification of funds in the amount of 7 $72,000 soon signed by the CFO Su in Quinones and I'll note that these funds are coming from the uee fund allocation second motion we have a motion on the second on resolution item number eight any comments roll call commissioner HT yes vice mayor Su yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor Ramic yes okay motion carries item nine is a resolution authorizing purchase of temporary construction easements regarding the route 49 Bridge over the Mars River substructure or excuse me super structure replacement make a motion on resolution item number nine second a motion we have a motion in the second on resolution item number nine any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor SEI yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner Bello yes mayor romic yes okay motion carries item 10 is a resolution authorizing to extend the contract with Baska Mechanical Incorporated of milroad viny New Jersey to furnish the city of milville with hbac Maintenance and Service for an additional year from March 1st 2024 to February 28th 2025 in an amount not to exceed $90,000 make a motion to move the resolution certification oh yeah sorry I have certification of funds uh from Chief Financial Officer Susan Quon uh in the amount of hang on uh $90,000 and I move for the adoption of this resolution second motion we have a motion second with certification of funds it's okay it's a learning curve commissioner sorry about that it's uh uh any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor suie yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vanello yes mayor Ramic yes okay motion carries item 11 is a resolution amending resolution number 93 -224 in order to replace commissioner huitt with commissioner vello as a member of the CBA negotiating team for all negotiations except Council 18 move the resolution okay is there a second second we have a motion a second on resolution item number 11 any comments yes without getting too far into detail when negotiations are compromised by somebody on a committee that talks to the other side and let's the other side know what the strategy is or what the tactics are or what the res the resolution will be it's a problem it's great he has a respect to the firemen and they showed up and respected the police and they showed up that's all good but what we can't have is labor negotiations being jeopardized it's unfortunate I've known commissioner hu for a long time it's not really something I relish doing I'm sorry has become necessary to do that but it has that's all I have roll call commissioner huitt no vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vanello yes mayor romic yes okay motion carries new business okay I just need a motion to authorize the following special event on public lands application pending approvals chalk the walk Community event sponsored by Center for Family Services on July 30th 2024 from 5: to 7:00 p.m. at Corson Park make a motion on new business item number one second a motion we have a a motion and second on new business item number one any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner reelo yes mayor romic yes motion carries we have now reached the public comment portion of our meeting anyone who would like to address the commission please go to the podium state your name and address address of your concerns please limit your comments to approximately 5 minutes Brian griffi 334 4th Street South um so out of the $240 I paid for trash I'm going to get 5 cents of that back right wow um how about what I already paid in taxes for the trash pickup no answer no answer I don't have one no one has an answer for that I don't believe you're going to be getting any refund for the previous well I get a nickel it's not necessarily a refund it's just been the I get a nickel deducted off my bill right wow okay um $50 Leed registration fee what is that for process of paperwork for the lead registration that costs $20 every municipality creates their own it costs $20 you also have administrative cost I also have a seat in the municipality you also have administrative cost in there employees to do paperwork etc etc okay so what do I get in return for my $50 lead registration fee oh I get the privilege to pay the guy to come out to do the lead inspection and I you know and basically you grease you guys a little bit right cuz uh the township I live in doesn't do it my other rental property in the City of Salem City of Salem's in worse shape than you guys and they don't do it wasn't the state law that required that to be done yeah that's why it's being done charge $50 why because the state changed the law and then they require these inspections okay now they required these inspections started a couple years ago correct I don't have the effective date but it's recent 2022 I'm not certain I am um why did not why did the city of Beville decide not to enforce these until January and then mandated be done by July I had to do it sooner or later that's all I can tell you so we did it it's not that we wanted to do it we certainly didn't want to do it we get all kind of and it's not just let you just put it off we tried you tried yeah well you just tried once we uh get letters from the state saying do it we do it the law from the state said this is when it was supposed to start you'll see it's a major inconvenience for me CU it would have been a whole a lot easier to do when the house was empty now I have to move tenants around to do it and any abatement then I really have to move him around uh when should oh yeah my other question was when should I look for the tax reduction well okay we already got it 5 cents and you guys wonder why are your R are down where do you live you're supposed to State your address where do I live or where do I own in where do you live I live in Mars River Township okay that's thank you right I pay taxes over here understand on 334 4th Street South okay yeah uh and you guys are charging me for trash pickup and yet you just got trash blowing up and down the street I could actually stop it when I was at the house doing work on it every day I had to pull trash off my lawn that's blowing down your street and now you got to charge me and the truth of the matter is just basically shouldn't have been charged on an apartment complex thank you thank you sir Kurt has 435 Crest Avenue uh on behalf of the residents of Crest Avenue like to thank the commission for moving this letter over to the county and hopefully we can get a resolution to this situation thank thank you very much thank you sir Tim cardi moo I got a question last meeting we had an emergency demolition that didn't go out the bid supposedly at the milville airport for about four buildings am I correct my question is if it's an emergency demolition how come the buildings are still standing they've been that way for a year now with the fence around it emergency demolition would be considered something right away and maybe it should have went out to bid so we could get a cheaper price than $65,000 my understanding is the fencing is down in places it's an attractive nuisance and the concern of the construction code official is that children would play in the buildings and might be injured if a building collapsed I've been riding biding buildings for 2 years going out to the airport to coach soccer and them fences are not taken down and I know they've been up at least for a year I just went by there last Saturday and all def fenes are still intact well there areas where they're apparently not intact according to the construction code officer okay so if they weren't intact why didn't somebody go out there and fix them instead of calling it an emergency which the buildings are still stand in there and my question is if the fences are still down have they been fixed cuz I didn't see any F fences there that were laying on the ground or anything as of last Saturday I mean didn't we just go through this whole emergency demolition court case on the Main Street property commissioner Sue that you took the commission to court and lost that's correct I did take the commission to court to save $2 million and I lost so here we are again so I lost we got an emergency Demolition and the buildings are still standing like me to answer it if not stop talking so I lost and that demolition went on for God I don't know eight months roughly so this one isn't hasn't there are time limits I do not believe they've been exceeded yet for the Emergency demolition I was just wondering why it wasn't out to bid if it was such a big emergency I'd have thought myself being an emergency services it's an emergency and my type of work it gets taken care of right away thank you rosias smille um my questions are on these cannabis businesses um we saw one letter of support that was voted on May 7th for the Kylie flower genetics and that was for cultivating of the marijuana and in the same area we have the one tonight the Shipwreck marijuana which sounds like it's a lab so it sounds like they're two different things so my question is this huge Wheaten property how many different businesses can we place in this area is there it sounds like it's going to be a big um big business there with all different types of cannabis businesses you're here to address the commission yes so that would depend on the size that they require in the size of the building the building's already there so if they require 10,000 square ft and there's 10,000 ft available there could be a business there if the space isn't there then they can't be there okay but it sounds like this whole area is going to be set aside for cannabis businesses if I don't know if the whole building will be cannabis business or not I doesn't matter to me really you also see a lot we approve a certain amount but you also see us resend that probably equal amount right so whether they stay is one thing it's stay that's great the city receives 2% gross tax okay thank you Patricia K's 49 Peach drive I'm a little confused with the airport development the Delaware Riverport Authority leases it from us is that correct they lease part of the airport they the airport from airport not the not all bog and Boulevard not all that but there's a section that they need from us okay so when you go down Bogden on the right there are like all open spaces and you can look and see the old carile building you can see all that space is that the Dr PA or is that us recall I can't recall Jody you recall I don't think the Carlile building is it shouldn't be we look at i' have to look at the map look at a map car building is I'd have to look I'd have to have the map in front of me and I don't okay and then on the other side of Bogden where like the airport uh the club used to be the Yuki Club used to be is that Delaware Riverport Authority or mville I would have to have a map in front of me I would have to say exactly where you were pointing okay because I know if I don't give you the exact information I will hear about it later so you're welcome to come to City Hall I'll be more than happy to get the map out and you can look at everything okay we'll do that tomorrow morning so my next we won't my next question is if we own some of that property why aren't we taking this $2 million Bond and building what we need to build for storage a it takes too long B if you're you the main reason is it would take too long and the cost of US building something we have to pay rate so in other words the handicap ramp out front $48,000 why because we have to pay rate so if we build something for rate you're looking at probably a year to build it right so we need something at least till we build something it would probably be at least $2 million at least and you wouldn't be able to use any of the additional money that you get for sell 15th Street on that to add to it well we could use it all but then what would have been the point of selling 15th Street I don't know you would get a great storage spot and you wouldn't be in the Dilemma of trying to put Band-Aids on it thank you I don't think we should put Band-Aids on it but that's my opinion I'm feeling left out Anthony D santis ha today first of all I'd like to say thank you for allowing me to speak uh secondly I'd like to give you um uh some Kudos you did an excellent job with the budget you follow the generally accepted accounting PR principles it was propa uh presented in a very intelligent and professional manner the young lady was very detailed so I'm behalf of the people of the city of milville I want to thank you because I certainly understand exactly what was done and what you were trying to portray um but then again Finance is my background um regarding the demo to building I understand your dilemma I'm living it you know there are circumstances beyond our control that does does create the laay so even though it's a an emergency situation such in in some of our cases you know we have people that we answer to and we do have to follow some outside of authority thirdly gentleman was here complaining about taxes and waste and how you're spending the city's money well I happen to think the opposite I think you guys are doing an excellent job at trying to bring in businesses and to promote the city of mville I've heard many times on how Kirk is out there he has the police department to clean up the city and uh to remove a lot of the homelessness or the crimes that are committed by some of the people out in the area God knows and he's seen it how many times people have come to break into our facility creating in the millions with an S dollars of damage okay so I do want to say thank you to the police department who've been excellent the fire department in their rescue that they've been there a couple of times and they were right on point so Kurt on behalf of myself the people behind me the city of milville please thank any everybody on our behalf um Brock and I have had a couple of conversations I've asked him questions and he's kind of led me in the right direction and I understand a little bit better on how city government Works um it's not like small business you cannot just go out and hire somebody and pay them minimum wage or $20 an hour there's what's called prevailing wages and there's guidelines and rhetorics that you have to follow and we understand that and you know what we want to say is thank you for dealing with it on our behalf because you couldn't pay me enough money to deal with that so thank you um the last thing is money everybody everybody is complaining about their taxes everybody's questioning cannabis well do you know that cannabis pays you 3% of their earnings lowering your tax budget your tax revenue every single individual in this room 2% how much is it 2% 2% 2% there you go that's how much I know 2% that they have to pay to the city of mville that money at the end of the year allows the city to budget them numbers to make it more affordable for the citizens to live here um what else is there that's basically it thank you very much for your time I want to thank you in advance um in conclusion we really appreciate the hard work that everyone has done over here and Madame commissioner welcome to the commission thank you it is uh nice to see some young blood from the old neighborhood thank you be good thank you Mr D santis seeing no one I close the public comment portion closing comments of Commissioners commissioner hu nothing this time commissioner rello nothing at this time commissioner Watson nothing vice mayor Su just a couple things so Susan or CF talked about grants so we have uh some grants that we are couple we got not selected for which was North 10th Street and Kates Boulevard and the airport drainage Improvement we did not get selected for that that's a shame we didn't but we did get selected for refunding uh redoing Pleasant Drive so that's good that'll be coming up sometime this year actually we uh overall cost of the the uh improvements completed was $2.5 million in NG do funded improvements you see work on Broad Street right now I had a question about that that's the county doing those curbs and and ramps the county is doing those curbs and ramps so that's all I have I'd like to thank my fellow vice mayor and Commissioners it's not easy sometimes in government work as commissioner Rell she's probably fastly experiencing it um we're up here to make those hard decisions sometimes not easy sometimes we make decisions that we um versus against one another um but we work as a governing body collectively success ises the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out Robert Kier can I have a motion for adjournment make motion second motion motion a second all in favor I I motion thank you everybody --------- I'd like to call the work session meeting at 6 o' to order roll call please mayor romic here commissioner huitt here vice mayor Sue here commissioner Watson here commissioner rello present please salute stand to salute the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this meeting is being conducted in accordance with the opland public meeting Act of 1975 was advertised posted and made available to the public as required by Statute the munal municipal clerk is directed to include a statement in the meetings of this in the minutes of this meeting Madam clerk are there any changes to the agenda uh yes mayor just the addition of discussion item number two for 15 Street Warehouse material storage and replacement okay thank you public comment on agenda items only anybody would like to address the commission on the work session agenda items please come to the podium sayate your name and address and limit your comments to approximately 5 minutes seeing nobody I'll close public comment discussion of Commissioners I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say this is uh commissioner Watson's delinquent Solid Waste utility flee that is correct I guess [Laughter] right uh I just wanted to go over the some of the um items discussed at the meeting uh last month uh last Monday May 13th or on Monday May 13th um in the meeting we discussed concerns and issues presented uh with the creation of the sales waste utility uh this included evaluating go ideas to extend provided services to rate payers creation of new forms for new customers additional cart request forms account concern sheets uh the creation of bulk way scheduling confirmation numbers communication with code enforcement sharing bulk way scheduling and the possib uh possible creation of the alleyway cleanups uh which we'll talk about that a later time um that was just an item that was brought up by we had everybody there uh the most concerning issue discussed was the unpaid or the delinquent payments for the Sol's waste utility uh currently delinquent notices uh for unpaid quarterly payments are sent out between the 15th and 21st following the due dates February 1st May 1st August 1st and November 1st following the initial notice the notice continues to be sent out each quarter when the account is unpaid any balance over $20 is eligible for tax sale tax sale notices will be sent yearly beginning in November for any outstanding charges in 2024 uh and the property uh I'm sorry and should a property be placed in a tax lean sale the purchaser can hold the lean for two years after the two years the foreclose Pro foreclosure process can commence once a tax sale certificate is issued if the property owner falls behind on current charges the lean holder May pay those fees as well as add to their lean getting into discussion of the late fees um additional to the annual $240 utility bill uh we need to consider um we need to consider the fee if we can apply this it is not the punish or give residents incentive to pay their bills the late fee will assist with covering costs associated with the time of material to send out and follow up on the late notices uh just to give you an idea the first quarter outstanding balance is over $70,000 the second quarter outstanding balance is over $200,000 totaling $270,000 85462 this past March delinquent notices were sent out this process included um printing all the notices manually sorting them sending notices through a mail insert machine and finally delivering the notice post office the 3200 late notices uh sent out was roughly 4-Hour process included assistance for multiple Personnel another round of delinquent notice for the second quarter Solid Waste utility bity utility bill is being prepared this week totaling 3,172 notices uh as this reoccurring cost develops potentially potentially rate payers paying their bills on time may absorb the cost with rate increases to me it's unacceptable and those creating extra charge and extra work for the material and time spent on that should not be paying with that currently this is is only in discussion but before we move forward investigating implementation I would like to hear everybody's input so that's roughly a third of all all the uh locations or the areas that we do collect from uh this solways utilities that 3,000 number that's roughly say you'd say roughly a third of all the not residents but we had a name for them um because wasn't there like 9,000 something yeah 9,300 y so roughly a third is do you do you guys know the location of those obviously I mean I would have to follow yeah but I'm just wonder if there's a certain area I talked to the tax collector today she had two opinions one considering the amount of work that it would take to input the late fees into the system each one has to be entered by hand so talking a significant number number of hours to enter those late Fields fees and she also thinks that it May straighten out as time goes on and people get used to this it's been what 5 months not even really so if you're going to make a late fit you're going to have to make it pay for all that I don't know how much it would make it I think if they're not paying the 240 they're probably not going to pay 265 you know $65 or $75 I don't know but uh I don't know if you want to give it a chance to see if it catches up absolutely I mean we've talked about this before making changes um obviously this was a problem that needed to be presented to all of you um you know so moving forward we got to got to discuss some what may come about you know to try to make these change um education is something that we're trying to work on trying to let everybody know when it's going to be done uh reinc Herring notices um are going to try to be sent out through the recycling coach app and also on the website uh to try to help that um you know there is going to be a balance at the end of the year for the time spent for these late notices uh I just don't feel like I don't feel it's appropriate for those paying the bill time to absorb those costs um like I said it wasn't necessarily for to incentivize people to pay their bill it was more so to cover the cost of the time spent put in there and obviously whatever we decide to make that late fee it be that so you want to wait another quarter and see what happens yeah I mean that's why I wanted to bring it up I wanted everybody's input and see where we can go from Maring yeah CU you know I think wait for the summertime you know I I don't assume anything but uh yeah I would agree wait another quarter just revisit this and see maybe that number does go down now that that we have talked about it that there's 3,000 plus Del linqu or unpaid um properties here a big concern would obviously be at the end of the year we don't have enough money to pay acua so yeah yeah that's uh that's all I had for that good thank you for the information discussion item number two 15 Street Warehouse material storage and replacement so uh s's not done yet looks like it's going to be done but again sale is not complete yet when it is done we have to move relatively quickly I know Commissioners hu and Watson were working on a place and I just wondered if they could give the commission an update yeah that was kind of the the idea here um kind of let let everybody know where we are with that um obviously with the upcoming sale of 15 Street Warehouse we've been trying to find a home for materials equipment and the files currently stored at the warehouse uh our main goals were to provide Warehouse relocation and a convenient and easily accessible location within City Limits um we were trying to find an option to prevent disruption of any ratables received find a permanent location to prevent future relocation of departments find a cost effective location have enough square footage for inside storage uh employee parking and visitor parking if there was any and have an outside area available for equipment um just to fill everybody in I'm not going to go give names I'm just going to give areas four buildings have been considered in Moville area one building has been eliminated as it's been decided not to sell three locations have been toured a warehouse in the airport area uh a building near Center City and a building off of East Main Street prior to most recent information it was thought that uh leasing a building near the airport uh was our best choice uh the attempt was to lease a warehouse at 21,000 Square ft with three overhead doors in the front and in the back of the building totaling six Overhead Doors the lease was going to be for $1 for The Unofficial proposal of 20 years with the city into invest on upgrading the warehouse a request was made to add a small office area for bathrooms and a break room and a climate controlled storage area to lease and add on an additional 5 years to the initial proposal of the 20 so $1 lease for 25 years with a $250,000 investment that would be $837 per month for 25 years this option did not interrupt any ratables received to the city it had plenty of storage area Large Garage Doors was cost efficient and easily accessible within the city limits obviously this was not going to be permanent during conversation and correspondents the city received news of an Overlook or misunderstanding from the people that we were working with we we have decided not to pursue this option as the terms changed based on strict rules or guidelines that must be followed and further issues found with the building new investment totals exceeded $500,000 for this type of investment the lease agreement did not make sense moving forward the last two buildings considered one near Center City and one off of East Main Street both buildings had limited access for large Vehicles access use was not adequate due to building layout or property layout although both buildings were in a good location and could be permanent placement for the city City departments purchasing either of these buildings would interrupt current ratables received uh for water sewer and taxes the determining factor is the cost the Center City location at 1663 ft uh only one overhead door with limited access in the back of the building uh the layout on the inside will limit vehicles or equipment in and out on half of the building this property also included a small open neighboring property the ask price was 1.5 million um interrupted ratables received to the city of purchased would be $786 5.73 including taxes Water and Sewer for the main building um that's I'm sorry that is for the main building for the small neighboring property it was $17.30 the total interrupted ratables would be $893 63 annually the building off East Main Street was 10,500 sare ft this building did not or I'm sorry this building did have a loading dock and two Overhead Doors the asking price was 1.6 million the interrupted ratables if purchased would be 9,854 54 annually that would to include water sewer and taxes um in my opinion the idea behind the sale of the 15 Street Warehouse uh is to receive the money for the sale and um to increase ratables received to purchase a building that would be that would interfere with ratables already being received simply does not make sense the city has made large Investments and has made progress with Redevelopment all with the goal to increase ratables a one-time sale of a building helps this year the continuous flow of received ratables every year is essential my recom I'm sorry my recommendation is to find temporary storage we should ask other City departments if space is available for temporary use streets and Roads has offered assistance with some storage room is available for the new bucket truck coming and some spaces available for outside storage I know the sewer utility has multiple bays and garage space some of the equipment stored at the sewer utility only needs to be inside due due to the attached water tanks so freezing is a concern obviously with warmer weather we don't need to worry about that that those that equipment can be removed for temporary storage I have not been to the water department for a long time but we can ask them if they have any available space for inside storage as well I did price out some shipping containers new containers vary in size but the 40ft high top container new was $5,200 the city received quotes for used shipping containers as low was $2,600 for 40ft containers these containers are watertight uh water and sewer may be interested in purchasing some of these containers using their budget we can temporarily store these containers on City owned property and when we find a permanent solution the water and sewer utility will have available space so they can organize and clean up their work areas temporary storage um allows us the chance to completely vacate to 15th Street Warehouse without leasing anything from the new developers it also gives us time to find a permanent solution that does not interfere with ratables time has ran out and I believe being rushed into a decision is a bad business in conclusion following temporary placement material equipment and files I recommend we consider building pole barns on already owned city property I have requested vendor names for pole buildings and storage structures listed on any co-ops or state contracts to the qpa um so that's kind of like our conclusion to what we found out well I check with the purchasing agent there's no pole Barnes on the co-op so once we get over the threshold for the bid limit you're going to have to go out for bid so you're looking at at least if everything goes perfectly you're probably looking at 75 days if everything goes perfectly uh keep in mind that every month after two months that we have stuff in that warehouse It's $67,500 a month if you want to build something new I don't know what your long-term solution is if you're going to buy something it's going to be taking away rable if you're going to build something new then we should have never sold 15 street because when we pay rate we're never going to build anything um whatever you're going to do hurry up well I believe this is a joint decision first off and I asked I know but I mean I asked I did ask the qpa temporary I'm not arguing with you I'm saying we got to hurry up I understand that and that's why I believe that we should hurry up and try to find temporary storage using space that we already have at other departments and the shipping containers can be delivered very quickly also you need to look longterm for what happens if we buy a place and maybe there's future development there as well as when you say it's going to take a rateable off well we're putting a rateable on when we sold 15th Street uh as our economic developer had stated for the two years that he was here and Ray did a great job if you happen to be listening probably not you're probably on vacation U jobs and rbl were the were the first two goals with the first being jobs and ratables so I know one location I guess they're going out of business right the one off of Main Street they're so no jobs there right um you're not losing any if we got that the other one is one job 15th Street I think the paperwork says what 20 I think I you reviewed it today right I don't know if you yeah had the number of jobs so the temporary stuff is is all great but like you said it's temporary so you're going to lay out money for temporary stuff and then we're going to be per stuff later anyway nothing's getting cheaper you see the rate of inflation so we need to consider that we probably need to have another discussion on work next work session I know you've been reviewing all the paperwork so I guess that's where we're at well these are guaranteed money that's coming in right now we were selling the 15th Street Warehouse and again it's a one time sale it's going to help this year but it's not going to help anytime it's not going to help like that anyway it's going to be has to be used for Capital Improvements has to be used for Capital so there Stu we can switch around but it's for Capital it's got to be correct it's got to be used for Capital Improvements you're not going to be able to use it to pay salary and wages MH right so you have to keep that in mind but ratables helps out with that right rbl helps out yep so we're going to get ratables from the 15th Street sale correct and if we don't purchase any other building that receives ratables and keep in mind later on down the road hopefully we develop where the water department is now if you're talking out about out in back of this building so that's slated for long-term development because kind of a waste a good River from a property just keep that in mind and I mean I know we have to talk about it more but I just wanted to see where you guys were at yep well I think I think I requested to put this on the agenda right so I it's me reaching out to everybody here to let us know that me and Kirk did our due diligence we try to find an option for us and obviously we're press for time and I don't think rushing into it decision is good um we need to hurry up we're against the timeline we should find temporary storage so we don't have you know those large payments to their uh developer and we should not interfere with any guaranteed ratables coming in I agree that there's a timeline you should excuse me during the uh wonderful allergy season for everybody um I agree there it's it shouldn't be you know on the back burner it's more prudent than anything thing but no need to rush we need we all need to make valuable judgmental decisions with all facts and yes cuz there' be some that you remove ratables but are ratables going to come in elsewhere throughout the city yes as well um so it's you know you got a Rubik's Cube that you're working with and uh I have very hard time figuring out a Rubik's Cube um but you got to figure it out one way and you know there I think what you just laid out for us is there's many Avenues and which Avenue will lead to the right direction um will be is the most difficult decision to make and figure out but I believe there is areas um I'm not fond of temporary because it's just temporary we're just spending money here now um for what eventually has to be done um that's what I believe yeah I will say this it's not like this should be a surprise um if any of you you would I know you one Redevelopment meeting Kirk you've attended a few you've been the one attended a couple so that's been on that agenda for a year yeah absolutely and um so streets and roads have completely vacated that area we were prepped and ready we started in late February um you know I reached out to the other um departments trying to offer some help here uh you know we simply ran out of time you know there wasn't a lot of good options especially in city limits so I'm not going to pay for an overpriced building there's there's and I'm not going to interfere with ratables that we already receive that's the goal increase ratables why would we interfere with that doesn't make sense but that's my input I ideally like commissioner Watson said the airport would have been ideal but uh as you know vice mayor somebody got up on the roof of the building I think all of us have been out to that building at one time or another uh along with other people in the city but once somebody got there and looked at structure of the building uh even with the length of the contract going sideways and everything else that was a game Cher there unfortunately because that would have housed every single thing we need house plus uh and then we started getting into contract situations but when you when you guys mentioned that building instead of guessing I had engineering go out there with a contractor Y and get up on the roof and inspect the interior and just the roof alone in excess of a million dollar the repair aestus in the building broken water system in the building was just it was and plus it's technically our building airport leases it from us and they want a ridiculous amount of money for us to lease it from them have you had have you had engineering gr inspect a gym building yeah I had them over there anything come back from that no if you want I'll send them over there again with a contractor if you like up to you with that building we have to look at cost to get it up to code and everything I don't extinguishers and stuff like that in there you have a warehouse that has a certificate of occupancy so when I check with a construction official if it's a warehouse already and we're using it for a warehouse we can get a continuing okay certificate of occupancy so it's not a change of use there's no need to send the engineering department back whatever report that they have or findings that they have you could just send it to had them do an official inspection till you guys decided if you wanted to use it or you didn't so if you want that I will do it I'll have engineering do that I'm more than happy to do that to any building you you know you want to do that with you want me to you want me to do that or no yeah okay and all I know like with with temporary storage we have spot spous for temporary storage we have spot right down the hill here next to the police department for temporary storage uh State Fire Department I'm talking to EMS also talking outside talking c boxes temporary SE boxes talking SE boxes to get us out of 15th Street to get us out of that $67,000 a month because yes the time is ticking and I'm going to be right out front and blunt there is no way in the world by time you take public property Parks and Recreation just one department and put the 42 or 4 three pieces of equipment over there not granted not all has to go inside like the trucks right they don't have to go inside where else where's the fire department stuff going to go where is the impound Department going to go for the police department that has to be secure at all times well there's a lot to other consider the impound is getting moved over to the to the street the original plan unless you I don't know if he changed or not that was I'm not aware of that till right now well you got the have the fencing and everything out there now we talking about where the razor wire is MHM which would the you say the impound lot the fence install or fence movement would cost money but I say I'm this is the first time I'm hearing about that yeah there's other things to consider you're talking about a building you're saying that you're not saying all right we don't need to park the trucks or trailers in there and you know you know parks department you know for efficiency to run run their Department efficient you know they leave their equipment in the trucks why it's stored in the 15th Street Warehouse to they cuz when I went out there the other day it wasn't in the trucks weren't on the trailer I was out there yesterday they had blowers leaf blowers um weed whackers all in the trucks ready to roll well that was last week man the administrator out there taking measurements and whatnot I obviously I'm not saying that's not ideal ideally it's like that not nothing's going to be free but whatever is cost effective is obviously the end goal and whatever makes you not whatever but what is cost effective and completing this goal is the the priority of this we can't you know we don't want to spend the the 675 for fining every month but we you know temporary is temporary it's the you know I can pull up the dick you know Websters for that um so I don't think temporary is the right answer just let me remind you guys of one thing whether it's temporary or permanent right we put aside two million dollars in a bond and it'll go away quick so so that we could make this move happen quickly we were smart enough to plan for that so and I would ask any of you if it were your house and you could sell it for $6 million and you had to spend $2 million and you got to put $4 million in your pocket would you do it or not I'm pretty sure the answer is yes so just just keep that in mind as we go through this I guess we better put this on for work session again right you do what you do well I'm asking you I telling you June 5th it's over two weeks I mean we need to have keep having discussions about it till we make a decision we can't do it in the back room so we got to do it out here yeah I think it should be made clear that after reading that ordinance collectively everybody should have known that leasing wasn't an option if you look at the language of that ordinance it doesn't say anything about leasing or renting that's not it doesn't appear to be an option and we should have collectively known that oh you're talking about leasing it for a dollar even if it wasn't to replace the 15th Street Building Warehouse leasing how many square foot was it 21,000 sare ft for $1 it seemed like a pretty good deal at the time AG if worked that would have been agreed it it would have been wonderful if it would have work the recent information that we received it didn't work I was you know I was out there with you guys I I definitely not fall apart through anybody's fault in these five it was not on the city no it was not and again you're saying temporary storage you I mean I would rather temporarily have storage for 6 months to give parks department to give you know the court to give the police OEM permanent location so they don't have to move again and again without interfering with any ratables using property that we already own using the $2 million again we're selling this structure for 6 and half million we're going to spend 2 million right we can spend 2 million on that we already own without interfering with the $10,000 a year from the ratables received from the other facilities I would rather have $10,000 a year spend the 2 million and pocket the four well right now I think we could all collectively agree that the clock is ticking so we did get that out of and we do need to keep on top of this in meetings because as we all know there's no more than two move us together you uh because the big clock is ticking right now when it finally is sold now the clock it's awful small uh so yes we need to stay on this here where we can all talk about it than okay and as far as I know close it with this or start more conversation well there is no other option except for c boxes temporary till a week and get something bu that's in conclusion you can buy seat boxes for $5,000 we could always use them it's not like we're going to throw them in TR to other departments that have the budget to spend I'm sure they'll want the extra space when we're done using them yeah yeah it's not like we you know do you rent them for 10 months a year and spend almost as much as just buying them outright and they're there they they you know I I don't know that's why we got to keep conversing here as the five of us where we can legally do it there's no other building to look at there was one else other on the list but that building is not for sale that's out in South Second Street well just roll right in discussion of the commissioner so now uh any commissioner Watson yeah uh with the sale of the 15th Street um I was advised from my department to replace um a storage area uh for uh DGA and cold patch we're going to need a 30t wide by 40t long by 14 uh foot 6 in high Pavilion um this is required by the DP for coverage uh we do have a quote but is expired um it's about $34,000 that's all I have commissioner Rella nothing at this time ni mayor Su nothing at this time I do not have anything else to discuss during this work session any new business Madam clerk uh no mayor we have now reached the public comment portion of our meeting anyone who would like to address the commission please go to the podium state your name and address your concerns please Li your comments to approximately 5 minutes seeing nobody I close public seeing Mary messic I will keep it open sorry age doesn't help Mary Mare of mville my only concern is I'm not griping or complaining that there is a late fee for people who aren't paying the bill directly on time but has has the commission taken into consideration those that are living on a Sho string of a budget when the taxes are taking over a little over half their pay that they get so that the months that the taxes are due they pay the tax and the following month they'll take care of their water and sewage and their tax bill has that taken any consideration and how is that going to affect your thought on who's getting the penalty for paying their water and sewage and tax bill late and all and I thank you may I like with that said it was again it wasn't necessarily to punish or you know incentivize people for paying the bill on time everybody's on a tight budget but those that do pay the bill on time with the same type budget shouldn't be punished for those who don't so I don't believe if this type of you know work put in and the materials used to send out these late notices I don't believe that the people that are paying these bills on time should absorb those cost just uh one thing to consider so when you have the elderly that frees the taxes and dis bets that don't pay taxes when we started the trash utility now they have that bill to pay and I'm not saying they should they shouldn't just letting you guys know that that's the people I got a few complaints from yeah I mean I can reference the newspaper today I get it just exactly there's a Township being sued right now because they don't have a salid waste utility and they're asking for reimbursements glass glass yes at least we're not going through that right now Dodge that bu seeing no one else I close the public comment portion any last nothing need a motion to adjourn make a motion second all in favor hi