they take food waiting for couple making me laugh I'd like to call a regular session meeting to order at 7:00 roll call Mayor romic here commissioner huitt here vice mayor here commissioner Watson here commissioner manelo present do we have a pastor in the house for invocation ma'am I forget your name j that's it Miss bradam will you please come up and deliver an invocation followed by Saluda flag Heavenly Father we just come before you tonight and we give you great praise and thanks for just one more day here on this Earth father I pray that you would be with each and everyone that's here father I thank you for this great City Lord that you have allowed us to be a part of and father I pray for our commissioners tonight Lord God as they uh uh Ponder what is in front of them Lord and they make decisions on our behalf give them great wisdom and guidance Lord God and we give you glory and praise in Jesus name amen I PL to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this meeting is being conducted in accordance with the Oakland public meeting Act of 1975 was advertised posted and made available to the public as required by Statute the municipal clerk is directed to include a statement in the minutes of this meeting Madame clerk are there any changes to the agenda agenda no mayor are there any presentations no mayor make a motion we pay the bills second motion motion to second to pay the bills roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vanello yes mayor romc yes any motion carries make a motion to approve and dispense with a reading of the following minutes and to proceed with a regular order of business April 16 2024 regular meeting May 7th 2024 work session May 7th 2024 regular meeting May 21st 2024 work session May 21st 2024 regular meeting second motion we have a motion to Second of approval of the minutes roll call commissioner huitt yes vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vanello yes mayor romanc yes okay motion carries public comment on agenda items only we have now reached the public comment on agenda items only please state your name address please limit your comments to appr 5 minutes thank you good evening Patricia kier's 409 pach drive I have a question on um 191 consent under consent agenda items the resolution authorizing the cancellation of expired Grant balances does that mean we did not use the grants once we got them probably means that we didn't I have to look at it but it probably means that did look at it but I don't remember what it said it probably means that we didn't use all the grant money okay thank you correct whereas the time period of certain Grant Awards have expired so yeah it means we didn't use it all and then uh my next question is on resolution 214 for the um settlement for the Brennan Brothers lawsuit against the city of mville what what was the um extra amount that Brennan wanted originally when the asbest was found first change order what 69,000 69,000 and we did not give that to them correct we approved it but they never returned to the job site and we never P we haven't paid them anything at this point but there's a settlement where we're going to give them 100,000 tonight well they did a lot of work they demolished half the building okay so this is for that not for this is this is only for what they did okay thank you thank you thank you Mr K thank you Miss K seeing no one else I will close the public comment on agenda items only petitions and letters okay uh we have none reports of Commissioners commissioner huitt yes thank you uh a few things I mentioned and I I'll mention it again we got a few people here now uh the uh water rescue on Union Lake Saturday uh it was a stranded fisherman he got the boat turned into the wind and uh caught some water just a little not even 10-ft boat uh took on water and he was out there a way so we were called naturally fire department responded with our water rescue boat and downtown ship Squad 39 didn't have to be toned but they were just stopping a drill that they had and were packing up over over in Vine Street Bridge so they responded so I want to thank them for that and naturally our fire department went out and got the man got him back and uh all was good some upcoming events on Monday July 8th out front here we we will be we're not renaming High Street and Smith Street we're putting up Memorial signs in remembrance of Officer Chris Reeves uh that will be at 1 p.m. Monday July 11 July 8th pal fishing is starting on July 11th first fishing day will be at Corson Park 9:00 in the morning till 12:00 in the afternoon uh four pal members anybody out there has kids that wants to fish ages 8 to 17 and they're not a pal member reach out to the Community Affairs Squad in City Hall uh and police department I know actually they are here in city hall now uh it's free fishing for the kids we Supply the poles and de baat if there's somebody wants to fish that is 16 or 17 they must have a New Jersey state fishing license because we fish in fresh water uh that will go on for almost the complete summer police youth week it's been posted there are Flyers out this is the week that the kids in Cumberland County go away two police week they don't come home they leave on a Monday morning they see their parents again the following Saturday for graduation that begins August 5th through the 10th contact would be Sergeant Reynolds at 825 7010 extension 7345 uh officer Sher is also involved in this and it is for ages 13 to 17 this year could it's always been held at Holly Heights School this year it will be held at the CCT Tech anybody interested feel free to reach out there's no charge for this and it's a great program my grandson went through it two years ago his friends went through it last year you send them away on Monday morning they come back a different person on Saturday morning and that's it mayor thank you commissioner huitt commissioner Watson I do have the um report from our recycling coordinator um just wanted to let us know in June there was 18 damaged carts 10 was missing or stolen um that were replaced uh cards to 14 residents that previously did not have them uh were issued um residents purchased eight carts 92 notice of violations were issued and 10 tickets were written in June um again he wanted me to remind the residents that the county has a new sorting machine for recyclables at the authority um they will now now they will now be able to process the recyclables um quicker than they previously had um this means that if they find any contaminants or recyclables that are not or non-recyclables in the recycling they're going to return the collection back to the truck and they're going to charge it as regular trash um so just please be sure to you're recycling the right things uh some of the items that are not allowed in the recycling carts are plastic bags shredded paper pizza boxes and any other cardboard like uh for takeout rigid plastic like laundry baskets and Lawn Furniture um you can use your recycling coach app um has a tool on there uh but it is currently down uh still working on getting that up and running um the residents are encouraged to bring clean and dry CL green clean and dry cardboard and clean and dry plastic film to 416 South 15th Street to be recycled um along with the small electronics um currently we have 920 users for the recycling coach uh so obviously you more people sign up uh more possibilities we're going to be able to use for the recycling coach app um but they come at an extra charge um for the report for the streets and Roads uh 84 tires were collected 43 appliances were collected 2011 bulk furniture stops were collected uh 221 Street sweeping tickets were written 199 electronic waste was received 4,66 bags of loose leaves and grass clippings were collected uh the VOR is currently cleaning basins at all intersections of malberry Street uh the road repair at 903 barbar terce was complete the road repair at uh 1222 hands Bridge Road was complete the sinkle and brand Avenue is complete the S Cole and Gil is complete the S Cole and shelburn road is complete the dead tree that fell across King Avenue uh was cut up and hauled away the brush hog is currently headed to lurel Lake potholes are being filled um as we are made of made aware of them and if anybody has any questions or concerns please contact streets and Roads 856 825-7000 extension 7388 um also today we had a meeting with the ACA went very well um I do want to thank um department head wi grman um business administrator Joe couchi um Brock Russell and our recycling coordinator um you know today was he had a vacation day and we came in uh very dedicated to you know working with the city and doing the best you can uh so our recycling coordin came in on his day off to sit down with ACA went very well and hopefully we can have some more details in the UPC upcoming meetings so thank you all thank you commissioner Watson commissioner renella um yeah well uh share share some uh highlights from the Department uh this past Friday June 28th uh we had the second of our four fourth Fridays for the year uh really great turnout a lot of vendors live music lots of activities for the children uh just families having a great time uh a lot of happy faces and we're really hoping to see everyone at the next one that's taking place on Friday July 26th uh this week the department department will be completing our fifth pass of grass cutting through uh out parks and other public areas uh update on the pav project we're winding up on the last few concrete areas we hope to have the entire project completed in the next week or so upcoming events 4th of July is this Thursday celebration will take place at Union Lake Park from 600 pm to 900 PM we're going to have two live bands vendors uh food for sale free fun activities for the kids at 7 p.m. we're going to have the watermelon and uh pie eating contest that's going to take place it's going to be a lot of fun and of course at 9:00 p.m. the main event the fireworks uh right now we have the Christmas in July discount program uh it's running again this year we're going to have 14 businesses that signed up with a discount so stop by any of the participating businesses make a purchase and enter into the raffle uh the program is going to take place for the entire month of July play Streets I'm really excited about play Streets uh it starts on Wednesday July 10th it'll take place every Wednesday until August F August 14th uh play Streets is located on Pine Street between 2nd and 3rd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. uh it's a great turnout I don't care what side of town you from uh join play Streets bring bring your children uh they open up the fire hydrant at 1:00 p.m. the kids love to jump around in the water and get wet uh just bring the kids down you it's a great time I if you should have any questions on any of these events uh please contact the milville recreation department 856 825-7000 extension 7394 thank you thank you commissioner rello vice mayor suie just touch on a couple engineering projects and where they're at so we applied for the grant for ging our Avenue on the amount of 7 $1 48,8 n uh the reason we chose Ginger Avenue is it's pretty busy throughway from Broad Street you know over to 40 uh9 uh the uh third clarifier project should be beginning the authorization should be here on July 8th the week of July 8th to go out for bid I don't want to hit all these because I'll be here for two hours what do you mean it's nice and cool in here yeah the uh water utility so we've Woodland Avenue we've completed the uh final revisions to the specs and the trench details that's being added to the plans and we're waiting for the advertisement dates to be set Pleasant Drive plans are in designed for replacement of this has to do with water we're going to be Paving the road later this year for 00 ft of 6in water pipe and that would also include the uh replacement of the gavanized water services from Pearl Street to Cheston Avenue for seasons has we received their revised plans for their Master permit for the next phase of their uh project the cost will be deducted from the project escrow for the reev for the uh review as far as drainage goes Public Works is they're nearing the uh completion of the temporary storm water basin under construction at the end of airwork street there's several bases out there this is going to double that capacity and that's a temporary fix for the order that comes off the airport CME is designing a dual infiltration Basin at the intersection of Bogden Boulevard and Peterson Street to handle the main problem of that coming out there uh that's all I'll talk about for that I want to address the water situation so as many people know V them had a water problem and they had to go on emergency restrictions and they were talking about shutting the hospital down and shutting part of the industrial park down so if you're business and you need water come to mville good nice but mville is in no danger of that uh our guys work hard these guys vote to pass ponds to upgrade our infrastructure all the time so we have a lot of infrastructure that needs upgrading that includes streets drainage water sewer and all that we try to stay a step ahead so that that allows for responsible development three of us have been up here since the beginning have done that so I'm hoping we can continue with that and that's why you know people ask me well how you going to do all this without raising taxes well part of that is when we sell off partials in the industrial park okay so you use that money for infrastructure and use it for Capital Improvements then you don't need to raise taxes to take care of those problems now you may have to borrow temporarily because usually the money is not available till the next year so to do that we issue notes we ask for bonds we issue notes and we can pay those notes off that's the plan so if you see us doing that that's why hopefully some of that will come to fruition very soon the end goal was to keep this city ready for for not only us but the next generation at least me these guys will probably still be here and I'll be I don't know bu dead whatever so we're in good shape with our water there's no danger of that and I don't know if you were going to touch on it or not I didn't look at your notes and and in reference to that we did sell a parcel of land on Friday to agar Tera so they will be building a factory for I think sace right right toppings what's that toppings toppings so pizza toppings that's right pizza toppings so that construction is due to start next year um another rable for the city little income for the city now it'll start being the land will start being taxed right away so that's another Plus for us so that all help so you know I appreciate you know Joe couchi is now working as economic developer in this in development in addition to the uh administrative post so he's been a big help there his raised hard work is paying off some of our hard work that we put it time into this stuff is paying off are you going to talk about Leone okay he's going to talk about Leone so I'll leave that one Al so that's all I have for now thank you thank you vice mayor and uh leading up to what he was just saying you we had a very good conversation talking about a Agera um and many things that are happening in the near and dear future to uh all our residents here in the city of mville there's a lot of promising things you know he just touched up of a few roads that are being paid I know Pleasant Drive is a is a main concern um commissioner H you'll hear of the main concern as soon as that gets paved of the even increasing speeding traffic on Pleasant Drive sure if not already um zoning board will meet tomorrow June July 3rd I'm still I'm bad at writing dates I write dates constantly for my day job and I still write 06 instead of 07 um zoning board will be tomorrow July 3rd at 6: p.m. planning board will be at 6:30 on July 8th that is a Monday we had a resignation of our solicitor for the zoning board Miss Beth white she is moving on to Greater uh establishments in law office and practice we appreciate all her hard work and due diligence and uh uh we look forward to the next uh zoning and planning board solister that we will have as vice mayor just uh briefly touched on RI we had a ribbon cutting on June 2st at our brand new building here in the milville industrial park of leavon meets this is their first United States production facility located here in milville in our milville Industrial Park um it is momentous they are going to continue to grow I understand people don't like me uh that they start off small but okay most businesses start off small and then they grow um that's how they're going to gain traction they're going to make uh a lot of excellent High Quality Meats I hope to see their packaging that says you know produced in in Italy and packaged in milville uh we have some companies that have uh make hot sauce here in milville for a long time and they still say packaged in SE um so I'm very proud uh Bill horn made an excellent promotional video of the leavon ribbon cutting it was hot uh I bared a suit to be representative of the city and welcoming um from the day they got here um to you know to many years ahead um it was very hot very very hot on Friday uh Bill's video was excellent you can see that on our brand new site that him and see work together of visit milville website um I just would like to thank bill for all your hard work that you do um in continuing progress with us evolving the city uh moving further on uh we also have a brand new uh uh commercial to compete with our neighbors in vinand even though vice mayor said you know come to mville for business we all we have all the space in our Industrial Park um in the west side speaking um but we do love our neighbors in vland we we work uh hand inand um I talk to mayor fucci uh frequently throughout the weeks um and they are neighbors um but we do have a new uh promotional commercial that hopefully you'll be seeing very shortly if it's not up on any of our websites yet um but that's something you know we're always evolving in the technology space here in the city of mvo as uh commissioner reenel has said uh Fourth of July 4th of July City Hall is closed that day I I will see you all out there at millville's Hometown 4th of July celebration ordinances and any of the readings Madam clerk all right so we do not have any ordinances this evening cassette agenda item please okay all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Board of Commissioners and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless the governing body member so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and consider in its normal sequence on the agenda item one is a resolution authorizing the cancellation of expired Grant balances item two is a resolution authorizing adjustments to the tax and utility records item three is a resolution authorizing wat SE termination on July 29 2024 due to failure to comply with the utility ordinance pursuant to section 56-18 of the municipal code make a motion to approve all consent agenda items second we have a motion in a second to approve all consent agenda items roll call commissioner H yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor Ramic yes motion carries resolutions okay item one um I just need a motion to remove resolution authorizing the advertisement of public sale through a contracted government online auction service with CUV deals from Monday June 24th 2024 through Monday J July 8th 2024 from the table Mo second motion we have a motion in a second to remove it from tabling Roll Call Commission commissioner huitt yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor romic yes motion carries and so this is the resolution authorizing the advertisement of a public sale 3we contracted government online auction service with gov deals at from Thursday July 11th 2024 through Thursday July 18 2024 make motion second motion we have a motion in the second for the uh advertisement public sale for GU deals online auction of all of our unused junk um any comments roll call commissioner huitt yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner Velo yes mayor ramik yes okay motion carries item two is a resolution authorizing a construction agreement through a non-fair and open process with Casey Quality Construction LLC at 37 Eddie Drive milin New Jersey and an amount not to exceed $1 19,1 192.50 make a and I have certification funds from Susan corones in the amount of $1,192 second motion we have a motion and a second on resolution item number two any comments roll call please commissioner HT yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor romik yes motion carries item three is a resolution appointing William sadnick III as the municipal Emergency Management coordinator Michael C lipincott John wetstein and Sherman R Taylor as Deputy Emergency Management coordinators and Melvin Kelly John Ren Jr and John feltus as volunteer staff members make motion second motion we have a motion and second on resolution item number three any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner vello yes mayor romic yes a motion carries item four is a resolution approving settlement of pending action of Brennan Brothers LLC vers city of milville do number c l0000 648-2349 take a preliminary investigation to determine whether all or a portion of block 124 lot 16.04 16.05 and 16.06 and proposed future lot 16.08 and block 141 Lot 1 constitute a non-c condemnation area in need of Redevelopment pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 40a col 12 12 A-1 at SEC make a motion second motion we have a motion and a second on resolution solution item number five any comments roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor ramc yes okay motion carries item six is a resolution approving First Amendment to contract with verel LLC verel for additional IT services for Police Department servers and migration upgrades in the amount of 9698 one. 197 for a new not to exceed total of27 $2 21037 make motion with that I have certification of funds in the amount of 96,9 one97 signed by our Chief Financial Officer Susan kodis second motion we have a motion in a second on resolution item number six any comments yes this is a long needed we had a meeting about this is a long needed upgrade to the police it structure uh they have been lagging behind for years and it must be done yes I agree this is a a well- needed and uh uh upgrade for our Police Department to execute efficient operations roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor SEI yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor romic yes motion carries item seven is a resolution authorizing the city to enter into a contract purchase order with Edmond SC tech for 2024 software maintenance in an amount not to exceed $ 44,4 4.39 move the resolution and I have certification of funds in the amount of $ 44,4 4.39 signed by the CFOs Su in quoos second motion we have a motion in a second on resolution item number seven any comments yes this is for licensing for various software used by almost every Department in the city excellent thank you roll call please commissioner huitt yes vice mayor sui yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor romic yes motion carries new business we have none mayor we have now reached the public comment portion of our meeting anyone who would like to address the commission please go to the podium state your name address your concerns please limit your comments to approximately 5 minutes thank you hi Cindy Cook valan milville New Jersey I just wanted to point something out to the Commissioners and to all of Cumberland County recently on June 21st we had there was a graduation at Paris Island of the new recruits that had gone through The 54-hour Crucible training we made history they actually said it at the graduation it was the first time in Paris Island history that two recruits from the same county got top honors one of them was our own 2023 graduate from milville high school camora Batista Rodriguez she got the most physically fit recruit out of almost 360 other individuals that graduated on that day and I think it was it's well deserved that she got some recognition for that the other girl I cannot even pronounce her name is from Bridgeton and she got a top honor too but for Cumberland County to have two they even said at the graduation ceremony that that was a first for any graduation for two people to come from the same county thank you thank you Cindy Cook and Paris Island represents the United States Marine Corps basic training on the East Coast good evening Tamar Davis um mville um I'm here to discuss two things and both are I think at this point related first thing is regulation of parking which includes the painting and not only but just regularly just regular uh ticketing and then the bulk Pi the bulk pickup all right I'm going to break them down one by one by one first off the city government okay has been very unresponsive to maintaining and regulating parking when residents ask when no parking zones will be painted so parking can be enforced now mind you I was told that in order for the parking to be enforced areas had to be painted so when I asked that we received one answer that stated it was not the responsibility of the police department this response was just frustrating and unacceptable my question at that time was clear and I'm asking it again today when will the yellow zones and parking markings be painted I don't care who does it all of you have all different departments and all of you could work together to do this and it does require all five departments or all five of your departments to do this together from engineering to streets and Roads and whoever else to get the people to do it okay it does not matter what department specifically responsible what matters is that all departments work together and this commission resolves the issue for the safety uh and for the residents and possibly a good source of Revenue markings are effective despite the fact that parking laws are clear especially regarding the proximity to stop signs and cross crosswalks near hydrant and also includes parking on sidewalks and empty lots that do not have egresses I have been watching the same little gray Volkswagen Pat park in the same area right within inches of a crosswalk on High Street and that still to this day has not received a ticket and the person that owns that car continuously does it because they don't receive a warning a ticket or anything like that now if I pass that car every day twice a day three or four times a day especially in the summertime cuz I'm a little more Mobile in the summer the police should be passing that car or somebody should be giving a warning I hate to disparage any businesses on High Street I appreciate the fact that they are there but the same cars Park right next to the hydrant so they can get their haircut I don't care if you're in there for 10 minutes 5 minutes whatever you should not be parking next to a hydrant at all nobody regulates it and sometimes even leaving their car engine running which could be a little unhealthy um the other thing it includes on that is parking on sidewalks which in the area where I live we have a lot of people coming from the highrises on their on their uh wheelchairs or just walking with Walkers and they have to often cross 47 which is not safe in some areas because there's cars blocking the sidewalk I'm that's either either they're parking directly on the sidewalk walk or they're in their driveway and they're overlapping onto the sidewalk that's a danger and it's not fair and again if I see this multiple times the day police should see it too warnings are effective they are one ticket should work it works with the street sweeper those sides of the streets get cleared every twice a week on Pine Street because you know what takes one ticket and they and the residents don't do it again works for them you have a car following I don't understand why every once in a while you can go out and regulate the parking um the other thing is the bulk pickup still not working we're now going on to the sixth month and I don't know if you're blind to it you choose to be blind to it and the data that you've read does not prove that every single piece of bulk waste is picked up all right I don't know if it's the residents I don't care I don't know if it's the landlords I don't know if it's the renters that just simply don't care but from fifth all the way down to high on pine every single block has at least one pile of household waste on the curb including on the corner of high and Pine two businesses both of them have mattresses on either side of the street okay now whether they made it to the curve at one point I don't know but they're still sitting there and it's been qu it's about it's been about a month and probably none of those residents that live above those businesses probably even bothered to call neither probably neither did a landlord all right now I'm not sure if they have their own pickup or if they have City pickup but it's still sitting there so now it's responsibility of a different department should be zoning I assume I think so I I don't know what will it take for this commission to realize that it's still a problem especially the four of you that voted for it all right I think it works well when you have a um the uh bagged grass clippings being picked up and they and usually the the city vehicle follows the acua um route maybe the bulk waste pickup should do the same thing every week or every day I know it's time consuming but it's not working I see it and I'm sure there's other I'm just talking about what my particular neighborhood but I'm sure it's all over the place and I'm beginning to see more and more things being dumped in wooded areas now it's happening over through all the way over through New Jersey I see that happening where my parents live in Sussex County there's a lot of dumping going on in those woods too so maybe it has something to do with the Tipping fees I don't know but it is becoming a problem and it needs to be corrected and this the the procedure that is in place right now for this city is not working I'm waiting for bulk ways to be dumped in into empty lots or burnt out houses that's the next step people will just come in open their trunks boom whatever trucks and just and just leave it there and then it's going to become even more of a safety hazard so a couple weeks ago I promise you I'm almost done I know I'm probably reaching my five minutes um one of the speakers came up here uh mentioned something about broken windows Theory which I believe to a certain point this Theory suggests that visible signs of disorder and neglect such as broken windows garbage lack of parking regulation can lead to increas in crime and antisocial Behavior this idea is that when minor issues are ignored it creates an environment where more serious problems can flourish in the context of our city unregular unregulated parking is a form of unurban disorder that signals a lack of oversight and control lack of picking up bulk waste just shows that possibly you don't care as long as it's not in your neighborhoods you probably don't care all right if we don't address these smaller issues it can lead to a breakdown in the social order and an increase into more safety concerns and it can all right so frankly many of you said when you were campaigning for the four-year seat that you would you were going to PRI prioritize the safety and the way the city looks and the problems in this city and I I I just haven't seen it with these two simp simple issues and one thing I want to be perfectly clear I am not disparaging the police department in any way they have been very good anytime I've called okay but it is something simple a community is asking them to do something that is not beyond their jobs not beyond their capabilities and the same goes through the trash I am not asking you go be above and beyond what has been regulated but it is not working and it's not going to improve I'm paying a lot of money $240 right now and I'm seeing nothing for it nothing except for me washing my own recycling so the recycling um gets picked up and it doesn't become another tipping fee so thank you for your time um if you have any questions I'll talk to you after the meeting thank you Miss Davis Carol casabon milville New Jersey Nukem Town Road I promise I did not have coffee with Mrs Davis but I am going to piggy back on what she just said I'm a little concerned she took nine minutes and I let her speak because I get to I will not take n I won't even take five commissioner mayor romic promise okay mayor romic I am a little concerned about the fifth floor we have just lost several key valuable people in that Department I noticed that there is two postings for a housing inspector the requirements are needed for one and the other one is a inspector as a trainee anyone who has managed Personnel departments areas knows it takes several months for even a seasoned experienced employee to get acclimated to the job and let alone an inexperienced one it's going to take at least a year to go through the full cycle of what that department does before they become experienced Miss May Adit please yes both positions will be starting on Monday the awesome sauce I'm so glad to hear that because we need it up there because that fifth floor is in big trouble we have an inexperienced business manager who relied on the employees who have left for his answers it was those employees that left that created a very workable condition with a system let's go start here let's finish there so with that said our Police Department our fire department and our EMT services are the backbone of our community but it's the fifth floor that will play a significant role in helping our town grow there's 12,000 housing units in milville and there's 11,887 occupied housing units in milville that's 66% owner occupied there is 30 4% have renters living in them and we only have two housing inspectors along with one part-time code enforcer that's not enough Personnel to cover the basic inspections of a third of these dwellings annually now add the other problem that arise with these dwellings a large portion of these landlords do not live here and they don't know if the neighbors have moved out and threw their trash because guess what they don't care they don't live here they don't care what our city looks like and they don't even bother showing up for court when we do find them so in order to milville to continue to grow and move forward we do need more businesses we don't need more business managers we already have supervisors who can oversee our City's needs we need to get more proactive with the money this city does receive allocate where it would be most effective and productive use common sense when spending taxpayers dollars thank you thank you Miss casabon oops okay those are tough acts to follow my name is Bill Horn I live at 19 East Main Street if you look out the window you can see my apartment um yesterday we launched the visit milville New Jersey uh website the URL is visit milville New and I really encourage people to take a look at it because as we know every city has its problems milville is no exception but the one thing in our catchphrase is there's more to milville as I've been doing this website and traveling around the city and photographing all the things and going to events we are amazed at how many good things things there are in milville and we want the world to know about it so this city this uh website is a work in progress we promise it's going to keep growing we're going to keep adding we've got over 70 events listed at this point we're going to keep adding we're going to put forth Fridays on there tonight or tomorrow um but I want to thank you for supporting this uh your support has made this work maryan lods from glass toown Ares are giving us permission to use an existing website saved a lot of money and time and I think we're heading in the right direction with this so just thank you thank you Bill we appreciate all your hard work seeing nobody else I will close public comment portion of the agenda closing comment of Commissioners commissioner huitt yes everybody uh have a great Fourth of July see you at fireworks uh probably I'll throw a pitch in because we have something to do with it county fairs next week also so we'll have our support out there supporting that for the fireworks and the demolition derby and uh folks let's not remember let's not forget the dedication on Monday out front of City Hall here for High Street and uh Smith Street again 1:00 Monday afternoon other than that have a great holiday thank you thank you commissioner h commissioner Watson yeah just to touch on some of the topics that was discussed today um during discussion uh for the paint on High Street um commissioner uh rello and I spoke uh we talked to both of our departments uh streets and roads already purchased the paint it was scheduled to do or to begin next week or the following um but because of the meeting we had today with acua other things might take priority over top of that um with the meeting that was in acua I would like to get full detail and clarification and make sure everything went well today to you know make any kind of announcement um but like I said it went well um obviously we know the bul waste is a problem it's something that we're always considering um you know we want our streets to be clean um but we can't help who puts out there and how they put it out there or how long it gets out there if they don't call in and follow the procedures we have in place um you know we've discussed this a couple times already in these meetings about what to do um and you know the changes to make and it's part of the discussion we had today um so it's all I really have and happy 4th of July thank you commissioner Watson commissioner renella um I just want to Echo uh we do have a lot of great events coming up I I know I uh brought up uh some of them um mayor romic uh as well as commissioner hwit brought up a uh other events that are taking place that uh we would really like the public to participate in uh public participation is really important um be a part of your community um can't say that there's nothing going on because there's always something going on here so uh we just hope we see the public at these uh events these special events that are taking place thank you thank you commissioner Rella vice mayor suie yes um also to inform you guys I spoke with Sal Goya today Toya as you would say um there sewer department is also willing to work with you guys to a either do a run through the city for for the trash we decid to do that for the V and also to paint lines I spoke to the CFO there is money that we can move around that that could be accomplished on overtime so it doesn't interfere with our normal operations so if you guys need to do that you know we'll speak to the CFO about moving that stuff around um you did bring up a couple other points M Davis Mr Davis um one is the problem with the court if people don't show up nothing happens to them they don't issue bench warrants nothing happens you can rate tickets they don't show up and nothing happens and that's a reflection of our state government and how the courts are run it's not a reflection of us we don't like it I don't like it a lot of times you know the people are getting frustrated they rate tickets and to what end go to court the only people that seem to Really Care are the people that care they'll go they'll pay their they'll pay their ticket if they get one but the you know pardon my French but the scumbags that don't care they just don't care we we see it all the time that we're making rules and enforcing rules not on criminals but on the tax abiding tax abiding or taxpaying and law abiding citizens um sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't you look at the the uh fine for the gas stations that put the gas in the ATV so we're going to penalize businesses for selling gas but we can't do anything to the criminals and now the criminals are so bold that just fill up their own gas KN so it's a mess and it's it's not just here and I understand people's frustrations but start looking at higher levels that are making the rules that are affecting us as well I'm not saying none of it's our fault the line should be painted the buk way should be picked up I agree with you wholeheartedly bill I want to thank you guys did a wonderful job on both the commercial and on the website working in conjunction with Sam Cruz with the website stuff and and coordinating that between you guys it's been phenomenal so I really appreciate that um I know you're going to touch on some of the Personnel changes on your on your floor but I want you to realize too that two of our inspectors left left for substantial pay raise at the state level we cannot compete with that money we can't it's just it's not feasible right now hopefully eventually we can but we can't one of our other people left for violent for another substantial pay rise we have an experienced person coming in from another town she'll be there shortly so these position being food and we can fill them with experienced people inspecting a house is inspecting a house once you learn where the streets are and where the houses are and that's not hard with GPS and everything else they use the same software in other towns as we use makes the transition much easier the last thing I want to touch on is the homeless so I'm sure some of you have seen the recent Supreme Court decision saying you can move them you don't have to leave them in their encampments so I don't know how that's going to play out in New Jersey I guess we'll figure that out we know we have a problem you know we have a problem we have people that want to help them we have people that want to move them we have people that feed them we have people that don't want them fed so it's a pretty big mess for everybody to handle and a mess for us as well you know they they kind of make a mess wherever they go too so some of them want help some of them don't want help some of them are mentally ill and there's no place to put them so i' I've had some discussions with some groups about that and we need to have some more and figure something out works it's a problem that nobody seems to be able to fix so I don't know maybe we get a committee together or something to try to solve this problem or at least lessen it and with that progress thank you vice mayor uh as commissioner R says yes we have many nice uh many good events happening and commissioner Z has said as well uh officer Reeves lost his Li tragically many many years ago um I was just a young boy I was was in Middle School when that happened um uh I'm proud to be millville's youngest mayor uh ever um but that will be a great event we're not renaming the street I believe it'll just be like a sign on top of the street sign correct um I know that got uh the invites got sent out to County and Statewide so hopefully we have a good uh representation from everybody and including the public of milville to remember him um and honor him in his name and as well as you said commissioner huitt of the C County Fair that is happening next week July 10th is opening ceremonies at 5:00 p.m. at the kland county fair Bill I said prior but I thank you for all that you do to the city and helping improving the city Miss casab I disagree with you 100% we do need Management in City Hall what we lacked in City Hall in years past was no management employees did not listen they did what employees wanted to do without management they didn't know what to do I had my house housing previous housing inspectors and inspectors making their own lunches on when to go and where to go and especially their own roots on when to go and where to go multiple for instances they would overlap because they had no management now we have management and Sean fry is doing an excellent job in coordination with our full-time business manager Joseph CI them together and as well as all the other departments work hand inand and well as best they can together if not we learn about it and we as commissioners take care of it within each and one of our own departments not everybody will get together and like each other I understand that that's human nature but we absolutely as a governing body we need managers um supervisors as well we have supervisors that are great um and I'll leave that as that but I truly do appreciate everyone that comes out here um I apologize we are in an old building uh AC is not working if you can't tell it's not that bad um as I said uh when we went to um to commissioner huitt um wasn't as bad when uh the very first summertime meeting we had in here I think it was 91 inside um I think it's 86 right now maybe a little bit warmer but uh I appreciate all the concerns I listen to all the public concerns um this bulk pickup is a um ever evolving um I hear it from all angles I understand uh citizens that live that live in tightly that communities that see it you know maybe they not them but their neighbors are nearby neighbors um I don't have nearby neighbors um and neither I haven't seen any of my neighbors put out bul pickup yet um but we all pay for it I know people that don't pay for it um there's so many Avenues with this bul pickup we're learning um and making those decisions as best we can and we'll continue to evolve the bul pickup and how it progresses to suit the city as best as it can um with what laws we have to follow other than that I hope everybody does have a safe um enjoyable 4th of July coming up on Thursday uh please stay hydrated the temperature is getting increasing um ever swelling throughout the rest of the week uh have fun be safe with your families wherever you go I hope to see each and every one of you at the millville's hometown Fourth of July celebration starting at 6 p.m on 4th of July till 9:00 a.m. with fireworks thank you --------- this meeting is being conducted in accordance with the Oakland public meeting Act of 1975 was advertised posted and made available to the public as required by Statute the municipal clerk is directed to include a statement in the minutes of this meeting Madam clerk are there any changes to the agenda uh yes mayor we had won just the addition of a presentation for the 15 Street Warehouse relocation poll building options thank you move on to presentations so I think commissioner Watson had that presentation I believe this was uh you didn't have it ready since last meeting correct excellent make sure it's on testing testing microphone's on so yeah this um I was trying to work on this presentation and have it up for the last meeting um I couldn't get it done because I didn't have the quotes for the pole buildings so few meetings ago a couple meetings ago back now we explored some options that was you know for the 15th Street relocation um wanted to dig in a little bit on one of those options and kind of share that with everybody here tonight so buying the time temporary solutions for the long-term goal uh this agenda we're going to talk about temporary space permanent Solutions uh which leads to our pole building estimates uh a heating option um just something to go over uh I wasn't able to get HVAC pricing because obviously it depends on size cubic feet the insulation um that's something that's going to have to to be you know quoted out um down the road here and just a quick summary so temporary space that it's available um this is one space that was offered from the sewer department um it's about 1,000 square ft uh it's has four large garage doors um two separate Bays um one of the big concerns was again uh this truck that you see right here the VOR has uh water stored uh answer emergency Co calls for sewer backups uh it's best practice to leave water in the truck so the guys can get out and address any calls um so we'd have to have this area back up and running for the sewer department uh when it comes to Winter or freezing conditions um if this new build option is something that we're going to consider um you know one of the things that we would have to do is you just make sure that the first pole barn built whatever storage is being used here at the uh Sewer Department um it was vacated the shipping containers um we kind of just go over some costs here $2,600 for use $5,300 for new uh they're 40 by8 which is about 320 Square ft um in the previous um presentation uh our engineer Wayne Johnson kind of win over the access area uh so that 320 does not include access area um but an idea just to kind of spread out you know your purchasing or you know what each department pays um um this is just an example you know you just split the cost between departments uh you you have parks department sewer water police fire however you want to do it how many cans each department has but basically you're not putting the cost on every department but after if this option is something we're going to consider after the build after the pole barns are built um you know our departments have something to show for it at the end they have storage on site to use at their departments or at their their disposal uh you know it just kind of gets rid of that leasing option uh so total cost of the city if we were by new it's a little over 41,000 uh at the most for containers for use would be 18,400 uh those prices there that's delivered um and that's if we went with uh one for Parks three for sewer two for water one for police and one for fire um so yeah at the end the department has additional storage uh when moves are complete uh the airport building lease it's 2,000 ft uh it's available um it's a climate controlled area so it's good for records um the lease length uh can be signed for one year um kind of depends on how fast we want to get in there almost but uh it does require some Investments and uh you know some work has to be done I haven't been on site uh but it's something that if we're interested in going this route we can evaluate and you know have the right people out there the right officials to determine cost um but it's going to be $8,000 for the year plus whatever the construction cost would be um and before we dive into it this is I'm kind of big on this idea only because it's a permanent solution uh you know we're not necessarily just trying to you know find Space it's kind of focusing on the needs of what the what the city departments need or you know how to move forward and how to make their Department better and efficient so the focus for records under the state of New Jersey's best practice and proper record storage includes ideal temperatures at the stable 70° Fahrenheit at relative humidity between 30° uh 30 30% to 50% no higher than 70% the best practice states do not store on wood and shelving and to use metal shelving stacking pallets is not best practice uh uniform metal shelving at Arms Reach in a climate controlled area is necessary um low ceiling height 8 to 9 ft would be better for efficiency the parks department they from 2003 2016 they worked out of a single wide Trail trailer with tents and sheds uh Parks then shared to 15th Street facility with multiple departments um you know going this route it's an opportunity to fix years of unnecessary working conditions the public works and Recreation Department uh they use vehicles and Equipment uh for you know longterm years um having backos vehicles commercial mowers tractors Etc um storing them inside prolongs the life of that equipment and you know simply you just ask the residents you know where do you put your mower you know do you leave it outside you put it in a shed you want to prolong the life for police without the 15th Street Warehouse our police department has no storage im9 is a continuous concern to remain covered and out of the elements uh the streets and Roads and now fleet has offered storage to multiple departments uh that storage area obviously has depleted after vacating the warehouse Fleet will also need a garage Bay uh used currently for im9 to install a new vehicle lift uh hopefully sometime this year if the capital budget gets approved fire just like police has limited storage options um space is exhausted from the firehouse fire requires space to remain efficient and organized they need an area for continuous and un interrupted training uh equipment and gear that are operable but are not used frequent frequently can be stored at a storage location separated from the fire hall so for the Records building uh 4,000 squ F feet was requested uh the quoted amount that you're going to see at little bit in a couple slides um that was a 60 x 80 by 10 which is about 4,800 square feet uh has one overhead door two personal entry doors finished low ceiling height for efficiency requires climate controlled area the HVAC is not included with the quote uh electric throughout is not included with the quote but a 4in concrete 4 is for the Parks Building uh 16,250 ft was requested um what was quoted was 80 by 200 x 16 which is about 16,000 Square ft um four Overhead Doors was requested uh does need the parks department does need a 20x 75 area for personnel uh to include like a locker room break room bathroom um it's included in the square footage but would not be included in today's quote uh the 6-in concrete floor um is included no AC or heat in the warehouse I'm sorry no AC in the warehouse but heat would be required in the airhouse warehouse and the quote that you're going to see does have the insulation um HVAC is needed for personnel uh for the 20 x 75 area uh it's not included in this quote uh Plumbing is needed and electrical is needed for the police building 2,000 ft was requested uh a 40x 60 x 16 uh was quoted which is 2 2400 ft three Overhead Doors was requested um no AC but heat and insulation was um this does not include installation in today's price uh one Personnel uh door for Access uh 6-in concrete floor is included and the warehouse does need electrical which is not included for the fire department 5,000 ft was requested um so for the quote it's 100x 50 by 16 five Overhead Doors was requested um no AC but heat and insulation would be required which is not included in the quote uh four personal entry doors 6in concrete floors is included in the quote and obviously we need electric as well which is not included in the quote the oam building uh 40 by 80 x 16 3200 ft one Overhead Door 12T wide 14t tall for the door FL uh and that's for most of the buildings that we have to fit large equipment in and out uh we have a 6in concrete floor which was included in the quote um no AC was requested but heat and insulation would be needed which is not included uh one personal access door and electric throughout which is not included so these are the building estimates uh so at the end of it we're a little over 1.6 million um but we're looking at 31,400 FT um again the quotes do not include heat AC Electrical Plumbing um current Warehouse we have now is more than 43,000 Square ft the Columbia Avenue building which is another option that we were looking at was only 16,600 ft and the listing price for what I was told I was should say not listing price but the price that I was told is 1.5 million and a possible $1 million uh roof replacement in less than 10 years some of the small print that I couldn't get into the quote slides uh the pricing includes architectural drawings and Engineering seals which includes interior walls heating plumbing and Electrical uh quotes include prevailing wage rate quotes include construction debris for removal pricing is with oosha compliance packages uh permits must be uh pulled but once they're pulled and is in hand it's a 30 to 60 days before build begins uh large pole buildings um at the time the build begins is 6 to 10 weeks and right now uh we're kind of going through a way to work with a co-op uh through Omni which the city is already a part of um I'm trying to gather some more information uh in the past few days we've been trying to go back and forth so don't really have too much on that but it's just something we're looking into I couldn't put in there HVAC quotes but um you know in most pole barns warehousing they have ceiling mounted uh heaters this is something that you're going to be looking at this is a 250,000 BTU per hour uh the estimated cost is $2,400 each um put the calculation in kind of simple and this is what we got just to heat the warehouse I left the Records building off of it because that would need full H HVAC so with Parks police fire and OEM just the warehouse cost just to heat those buildings uh with the appropriate insulation uh we're looking over a little $28,000 so we have the breakdown so the building estimates the heating option the year uh airport lease and the shipping containers if we went used not new uh we're about 1.7 uh million and that's all I had for you did you consider the time it would take to put these buildings out for bid is they're going to be over the aggregate of $47,000 obviously um so right now we're trying to get information on the Omnia Co-op which the city is already a part of all right you're going to get a surprise there also when you put bathrooms in you have to have architectural drawings did you consider that architectural drawings come with these quotes for the bathrooms for Plumbing in yeah um also just to give you an idea of price of electric we went to replace the electrical service at lakid not replace it upgrade it cost that we were quoted was over $10,000 so leaving that electric uh part out is a huge cost especially when you're paying electricians rates so you might want to get some idea of that before you kind of like figure out your total price mhm and so I guess what I'm going to ask is what's your end goal you said temporary to meet the end goal what's the end goal so yeah obviously with uh the potential closing for the 15 Street Warehouse um you know we're going to have to find temporary solution if we're going to try to evaluate this option um obviously you know I'm going to need help with it and it's not something that one person can do so you're going to need multiple departments so we're going to need you know everybody on board to make this happen and again this is considering what's best for the city not just finding space just to get by or to make a quick decision this is longterm is this the long-term goal is this is this your long-term goal I think having the pole buildings built for each department would be the longterm goal your longterm goal okay commissioner Watson I like the idea if it's just like you know as you uh like what I asked the question now I'm not a firefighter but as you said like I understand they have extra equipment like they have the high water utility vehicle they have a boat uh we have you know we have a jet ski you know they're not needed all the time but they're not going to be located as they're located right now at Buck Street you know you're not going to build a so like as I'm as that that question grew in my mind we obviously have to have it nearby the fire station that they nonuse um nonf frequently used equipment can be used rather quickly well on Buck Street I don't find a a sizable property for what they were asking um so I just I'm I'm right now as as you gave this presentation location just where we're do you have any mind where all there's a couple locations that we were looking at I was trying to get some more information um on that for a list so we can actually go out to these properties and look um that's kind of something you don't have to you don't have to share but just so like the complete plan that you have just so you can um you know where like every Department's building's needs could be should be yeah like I said we have to have a list of properties and see what's best for each department you know it's kind of like the focus um you know this presentation today was just to kind of go over prices and keep you updated on you know the findings of this potential option thank you appreciate it um I think commissioner Watson uh already knows that I think that these presentations are very helpful um uh to reiterate uh mayor romic I don't see where they're going uh that's my concern this all looks great and I I love it I don't see where it's going uh and I like it here but I can't see it because I don't see where any of these things are going to be built right yeah space is definitely tough um you know so when we're talking about selling our properties we have to consider what's best for us and best for our department so we can't sell every piece of property um so right now I'm working on a list and and I would like to go on site evaluate them probably work with you know know the professional zoning you planning that kind of deal to make sure the properties don't have any other ideas or what's going to be built on them so yeah it's something that's in the works I do have a couple locations I would like to look at um but before I present them or you know talk about them I would like to do my homework on them thank you as far as like like the other day we needed to vote for water rescue one Marine Boat is always inside ready to be just dropped on the hitch of our Brush Truck uh correct but the others right now along with other equipment at the firehouse are just sitting out in the weather between the firehouse and the Verizon building uh and you know what happens when they're sitting out in the weather uh like commissioner Watson says I know as far as the fire department goes as far as the police department goes we're looking at long term is is going to deal with it uh I know of a couple places but like he says right now he's working through the uh the whole deal uh you know especially trying to stay proactive on it and you yeah I mean for that's something that trying to you know only have streets and roads really so you know if anybody else has any options or wants to present anything to go over you know ideas I'm willing to listen to them this is is just something that I would like to support I like that it encompasses all of the aspects of you know municipal government but you know know not to take too much of a bite maybe you know what 15 Street just encompasses maybe there's a just a solution just for we're looking at streets and Roads and parks and wreck streets and Roads is completely out of it only because of they're sustained in the area that they have already yeah so this doesn't even include any of the area that street and previously had you know again the warehouse did have over 43,000 ft that we're trying to replace so I don't really see 43,000 Square fet for a building that's already constructed available and on the market you know I just think that we should look at other options compared to a building that's only 16,000 sare ft so again this is over 32,000 Square ft for the same cost of a single building right now anything else I appreciate it thanks thanks to is a little warm in here we have now reached the public comment on agenda items only if any of the three members of the public would like to come up to the podium seeing none I will close a public comment on agenda items discussion of Commissioners commissioner hu I'll be sure I'll be short we got a close session going to I need to throw a thank you out so I do not forget it uh downtown ship happened to be in town Saturday doing a dive drill off of the Vine Street bridge I call it brand Avenue Bridge uh when a water rescue came and naturally fire department was dropping the boat on the truck and they were heading and downtown sh they just were wrapping up timing was was a bad incident but timing was perfect they were just wrapping up and they responded directly to Union League uh contrary to popular belief out there nobody was injured nobody was hurt a man got caught in high winds and took on water and we wound up with our rescue boat towing him back to land and and uh all was good I just didn't want to forget that as we move to the next meeting excellent thank you uh thank you downtown sh and mayor Rothman right um no you know sometimes with Emergency Services uh timing is impeccable and they could be at the right place the right time and uh luckily everybody was safe um you know we we know from you know the city from downtown sh they always come out to our Polar Polar Plunge and they're always there um so they do a great job they train hard they have that special uh uh apparatus with them all the time um just for that so thank you for sharing that I appreciate that commissioner Watson I don't have anything at this time commissioner rello I have nothing at this time vice mayor suie yeah speaking of Bond Street the uh state was in town last week looking at Vine and uh 47 they wanted to close Vine Street make a bus stop there so engineering told them no they said they had a resolution that was previously signed we said show us thus far they haven't so if you guys get anything for the from the state to sign about roads make sure you read it really carefully what kind of a bus stop a building bus stop or just a so they could pull off and stop at 47 it didn't make any sense but okay that's not surprising I'll address the order at the regular meeting so that's all I have for him thank you at this time mayor rck does not have anything for his department or anything to speak I appreciate uh commissioner Watson in his presentation this is obviously an ongoing matter that we are all actively involved in every Department as shown by uh commissioner Watson so your work is duly uh gratitude we have now reached a public comment portion of our meeting if anybody would like to come up any of the three occupants that are the public here anybody uh seeing none it's nice and warming here uh we have closed session in a closed room uh see nobody El close public comment closing comment on Commissioners see none resolutions okay I have a resolution authorizing a Clos session for the following matter discussion of potential settlement appending action of Brennan Brothers LLC vers city of milville socket number c m l0000 648-2349 second roll call please commissioner hu yes vice mayor Sue yes commissioner Watson yes commissioner rello yes mayor rck yes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e C for