##VIDEO ID:ni62F4rQSKI## [GAVEL] >> GOOD AFTERNOON. MY NAME IS AHA CHUGHTAI AND I AM THE CHAIR OF THE BUDGET COMMITTEE. I AM GOING TO CALL BACK TO ORDER OU ADJOURNED COMMITTEE MEETING FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10. AT THIS TIME I'LL ASK THE CLERK TO CALL THE ROLL SO WE CAN VERIFY THE PRESENCE OF A QUORUM. >> COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE. >> PSENT. >> WONSLEY. IS ABSENT. RAINVIE. >> PRESENT. >> VETAW. >> PRESENT. >> ELLISON IS ABSENT. >> OSMAN. >> PRESENT. >> CASHMAN. PRESENT. >> JENKINS IS ABSENT. CHAVEZ. >>PRESENT. >> CHOWDHURY. >> PRESENT. >> PALMISANO. >> PRESENT. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI. >> PRESENT. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI. YOU HAVE >> PRESENT. >> THERE ARE 10 MEMBERS PRESENT. >> LET THE RECORD REFLECT WE HAVE A QUORUM. COLLEAGUES, WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE WORKING OUR WAY THROUGH THE MARK-UP PACKET THIS AFTERNOON. WE LEFT F WITH AMENDMENT NUMBER 39, SO WE WILL BEGINITH AMENDMENT NUMBER 40, SO WITH THAT, AMENDMENT NUMBER 40S THE SMALL BUSINESS HIGH ROAD LABOR STANDARDS INTERVENTION PILOT PROJECT ITEM OFFERED BY VICE CHAIR KOSKI. VICE CHAIR KOSKI, WILL YOU PLEASE INTRODUCE AND MOVE APPROVAL OF YOUR AMENDMENT? >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR.THE M HIGH ROAD LABOR STANDARDS INTERVENTION PILOT PROJECT IS THE PILOT PROJECT I CREATED AND BROUGHT FORWARD FOR THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT PHASE 2 FUNDING. THE PILOT PROJECT PROVIDED SMALL BUSINESSES, ESPECIALLY BIPOC AND IMMIGRANT-OWNED BUSINESSES WITH MUCH-NEEDED SUPPORT SERVICES, ONE ON ONE MEETINGS WITH BOOKKEEPERS, ACCESS TO H.R. SOFTWARE AND YEAR ONE WAS SO SUCCESSFUL IN GENERATING BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY INTERESTS AND LEARNING CRITICAL LESSONS ABOUT NATURE OF THE PROBLEM, AND THE BEST APPROACHES TO BUILDING SOLUTIONS. IT CONFIRMED THE CITY'S LABOR STANDARDS ENFORCEMENT DIVISIONS ASSUMPTIONS THAT THEOURCE OF THE NUMBER OF LABOR STANDARDS AND VIOLATIONS IN THE COMMUNITY WAS NOT PURELY WILLFUL, BUT LACKING FROM THE SYSTEMIC MARGINALIZATION. YEAR TWO WE ARE AIMING TO BUILD ON THE INITIAL SUCCESSES AND IMPLEMENT CHANGES INFORMED BY THE FIRST YEAR. WE ARE MAKING THE PROGRAM MORE FLEXIBLE WITH A GREATER EMPSIS ON MEETING OUR BIPOC BUSINESSES WHERE THEY ARE WITHIN THE COMMUNIT WITH MORE COORDINATION, WITH BOOKKEEPER SUPPORT AND WORKING TO REDUCE THE LACK OF GOVERNMENT COORDINATION AROUND ALL IN BUSINESS SUPPORT A LABOR STANDARD COMPLIANCE. AND THE CREATIVE, INNOVATIV VISION OF HOW TO SUPPORT EMPLOYERS ACHIEVE WITH THE LABOR STANDARDS AND IMPROVE JOB QUALITY FOR EMPLOYEES. THANK YOU. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI HAS MOVED APPROVAL TO AMENDMENT 40. IS THERE A SECOND? >> SECOND. >> THE ITEM IS PROPERLY MOVED AND SECONDED. BEFORE WE BEGIN WITH DISCUSSI, I WILL NOTE THAT WE HAVE BEEN JOINED IN THE MEETING BY COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY. COLLEAGUES R THERE ANY QUESTIONS OR DISCUSSION RELATED TO THE ITEM? I WILL FIRST RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. I WOULD LIKE TO ASK DIRECTOR HANSON TO HELP EXPLAIN WHAT THIS DECREASE MEANS TO THE BTAP PROGRAM. THIS SOUNDS LIKE A VALUED PILOT, AND IT HAS THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL RIGHTS AS I UNDERSTAND IT. >> WELCOME BACK, DIRECTOR HANSON. IF YOU BEGIN BY INTRODUCING YOURSELF. >> MADAM CHAIR, MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE, I AM ERIC HANSON, THE CPED DIRECTOR. THIS WOULD REDUCE ABOUT A BUDGET FOR BUSINESS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM O $350 A YEAR AND BRING THIS DOWN BY 100,000. BASED ON OUR ESTIMATES AT ABOUT BETWEEN 50 TO 100 FEWER BUSINESSES THE WAY THE PROGRAM WORKS AND COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS A BASED ON WHAT THE NEED IS. AND IT IS HARD TO PUT A SPECIFIC DOLLAR TO HOW MANY BUSINESSES AND SOME NEED A LITTL ASSISTANCE AND SOME NEED MORE AND THAT IS THE MESSAGE OF THE IMPACT OF THE BUDGET AMENDMENT. >> I'M SORRY. HOW MANY BUSINESSS? >> BETWEEN 50 AND 10 # 0 WOULDN'T GET FREE SERVICE. >> MM-HMM. SO WE ARE --HAT IS THE TRADE-OFF HERE, COLLEAGUES. IS HELPING BUSINESSES THAT HELP -- THAT ARE LOCAL JOB CREATORS. I HAD TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH A GROUP IN THE UPTOWN AREA WHERE THEY SHARED WHE THEY ARE 28 SHUTTERED BUSINESSES AND THIS IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THE CONCERN THAT I HAVE BEEN EXPRESSING EARLIER. THIS IS A PHASE TWO OF A PILOT PROGRAM, AND WE DID NOT THOROUGHLY PLAN FOR THE POTENTIAL OF A WHOLE PROGRAM HERE. SO THAT'S WHY WE'RE HERE NOW NEEDING TO L A KATE MORE MONEY TO -- NEEDING TO ALLOCATE MORE MONEY TO IT. WE TRIED SOMETHING NEW WITHOUT THE FORE THOUGHT OF HOW TO SUPPORT IF IT GOES WELL. THE FACT THAT PHASE ONE WAS SUCCESSFUL AND NOW WE WANT PHASE TWO IS A GOOD PROBLEM TO HAVE, T IT IS A PROBLEM NONETHELESS. I WOULD ENCOURAGE TO BETTER CONN THE FUTURE. I WISHHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE HERE. I WILL SUPPORT THIS. THIS IS A NEED WITH CIVIL RIGHTS AND THEYERTAINLY HAVE DEMONSTRATED THE CAPACITY TO USE IT. BUT I JUST NEED TO POINT O THAT WE SHOULDN'T BE DOING THESE KINDS OF PROGRAMS WITHOUT ANY KIND OF PLAN FOR HOW TO FUND THEM IN THE FUTURE AND WE GO AND TAKE AWAY FROM OTHER NEEDS THAT HAVE BEEN WKING VERY SUCCESSFULLY LIKE OUR BTAP PROGRAM. >> THANK YOU. VICE CHAIR KOSKI. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. AND DIRECTOR, I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE TO CLARIFY THE BTAP PROGRAM HAS CURRENTLY $350,000 ONGOING FUNDING. IN THIS NEW BUDGET, WE ARE ADDING ANOTHER $300,000 TO UP TO $650,000, IS THAT CORRECT? >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, COUNCIL MEMBER KOSKI, THAT'S CORRECT. THAT OTHER AMOUNT IS FOR UPTOWN-RELATED BINESS ASSISTANCE. IT IS SPECIFIED FOR THAT AREA AND GENERAL BTAPUNDING FOR CITY-WIDE ORGANIZATIONS IS ABOUT 350. >> GREAT. THANK YOU. I APPRECIATE THAT. AND I JUST ALSO WANT TO NOTE THAT I HAVE BEEN PREPARING A PLANNING FOR THIS PROGRAM AND THE FUNDING THAT WE CAN GET, AND SO TS FUNDING HERE IS GOING TO LEVERAGE OTHER FUNDING THAT IS COMING TO THE PROGRAM THROUGH FOUNDATIONS AND OTHER SOURCES, SO WE ARE NOT THE ONLY SOURCE OF FUNDING FOR THIS PHASE TWO AND WHAT I DO HOPE IS TO BE THE FUTURE ONGOING PROGRAM BECAUSE SOMETIMES IT TAKES ONE OR TWO PHASES IN ORDER FOR US TO UNDERSTAND THE IMPACTS AND WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT I DO THATN A SUCCINCT WAY BEFORE WE MAKE IT AN ONGOING PROGRAM. SO THANK YOU SO MUCH. >> THANK YOU. AND THEN I WILL NOTE THAT WE HAVE ALSO BEEN JOINED IN THIS MEETING BY COUNCIL MEMBERS JENKINS AND ELLISON. AND WITH THAT, I WILL, COLLEAGUES, WE HAVE THE SMALL BUSINESS HIG ROAD AMENDMENT BY VICE CHAIR KOSKI BEFORE US. I WILL ASK THE CLERK TO CALL THE ROLL. >> PAYNE, AYE. WONSLEY, AYE. >> RAINVILLE, AYE. >> VETAW, AYE. >> ELLISON, AYE. >> OSMA AYE. >> CASHMAN, AYE. >> JENKINS IS ABSENT -- >> OH, SORRY. >> CHAVEZ. >> AYE. >> CHOWDHURY, AYE. >> PALMISANO, AYE. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI, AYE. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, AYE. >> THERE ARE 13 YAY YAYS. >> THAT MOTION CARRIES. AMENDMENT NUMBER 41 HAS BEEN REVISED IN JUST THE PROPOSAL DOCUMENT TT HAS BEEN REVISED, SO THE MOTION DOCUMENT IS THE SAME AS WHAT'S IN YOUR BINDERS. AMENDMENT NUMBER 41 IS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY AND MYSELF. I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY TO PLEASE INTRODUCE AND MOVE APPROVAL OF YOUR AMENDMENT. >> THANK YOU SO MUCH, MADAM CHAIR, COLLEAGUES. THIS IS A PROPOSAL ALLOCATING $900,000 ONE-TIME FUNDING TO CREATE A FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAM SUORTING SMALL AND LOCAL BUSINESSES IMPACTED BY MAJOR CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS. I'M SURE I'M NOT THE ONLY COUNCIL MEMBER WHO HAS HEARD FROM SMALL BUSINESSES IN THE CITY THAT HAVE SUFFERED THE IMPACTS OF INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS. THIS IS ALSO IN CONSIDERATION OF THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC THAT HAS MADE THE ECONOMICS FOR LOCAL BUSINESSES TOUGH AS WELL. I HAVE HAD SEVERAL CONVERSATIONS WITH LOCAL BUSINESSES AND MY WARD AND THROUGHOUT THE CITY ABOUT THE NEED FOR THIS. I HAD A CONVERSATION WITH DIREOR HANSON ABOUT CREATING A FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAM AND HE WAS KIND ENOUGH TO SHARE WITH ME THAT THERE IS A VAST HISTORICAL KNOWLEDGE OF FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAMS CARRIED OUT DURING HIS TIME AT THE CITY. THE PROGRAM WOULD TARGET BUSINESSES ALONG A FEW CORRIDORS, LOWRY AVENUE NORTHEAST, HENNEPIN AVENUE SOUTH, THE FULL LENGTH OF LAKE STREET,ROVIDING LOANS STARTING AT $10,000 U TO $37,000 FOR THOSE DEMONSTRATING AT LEAST 15% REVENUE LOSS DURING THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION AND 90-DAY PERIOD. EACH CORRIDOR WILL RECEIVE $30 # O,000 WORTH OF FUNDING. THE PROGRAM IS A GOODWILL EFFORT TO STABILIZE BUSINESSES THAT EXPERIENCE SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGES DURING CONSTRUCTION, HELPING THEM RECOVER AND MAINTAIN THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LOCAL ECONOMY AND HOPEFULLY MITIGATE THE ECONOMIC STRAIN OF CONSTRUCTION-RELATED DISRUPTIONS. I'LL JUST CLOSE BY SAYING THE SMALL BUSINESSES HAVE HAD TO SHOULDER A LOT OF BURDEN AND HARDSHIP WITH THE DROP -- THE HARDSHIP WITH T DROP OF REVENUE WHILE CONSTRUCTION OCCURS AND THROUGH THE CLOSURE OF MAIN THOROUGHWAYS, AND WHILE IMPROVEMENTS ARE NECESSARY, THE IS NOT A LEGAL RIGHT TO RECOVER FOR CONSTRUCTION IMPACT AND SO THE HOPE IS THAT WE CAN HAVE THIS PROGRAM TO HELP THEM IN THEIR TIME OF NEED. I WILL MOVE THIS ITEM FOR APPROVAL AND ASK FOR A PROPER SECOND. >> SECOND. >> THAT ITEM HAS BEEN PROPERLY MOVED AND SECONDED. IS THERE ANY DISCUSSION ON AMENDMENT NUMBER 41? I WILL FI RAINVILLE. >> THANK YOU. I'M WONDERING IF THE AUTHORS WILL BE AMENABLE AND HEN PIN AVENUE EAST ALSO HAD A CONSTRUCTION THAT WAS VERY DAMAGING TO THE BUSISSES. COULD WE INCLUDE THAT IN THIS? >> COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE, I JUST LOOKED OVER AT MY CO-AUTHOR AND GAVE EACH OTHER A NOD. I THINK WE WOULD BE AMEN TO BELIEVE THAT INCLUSION FOR HENNEPIN AVENUE. DO IAVE THAT CORRECT, CO-AUTHOR? >> HENNEPIN AVENUE EAST. >> YES. >> THANK YOU. >> ALL RIGHT. SO THERE ARE A FEW OTHER COEAGUES IN QUEUE. I PUT MYSELF IN QUEUE. I JUST WANTED TO ADDRESS THE QUESTION OR THE POTENTIAL QUESTIONS AROUND THE SOURCE. I KNOW THIS CAME U EARLIER WITH AN AMENDMENT THAT WAS USING THE INCREASE TRANSFER FROM THE DOWNTOWN ASSETS FUND AND SAK TO WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE DOWNTOWN ASSETS FUND, SO THIS YEAR THERE WAS BASED ON PROJECTIONS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS, A $32 MILLION TRANSFER FROM THE DOWNTOWN ASSETS FUND WAS ALREADY PLANNED. IN THE MAYOR'S RECOMMENDED BUDGET, $42 MILLION WAS INCLUDED AS PART OF THE TRANSFER FROM THE DOWNTOWN ASSETS FUND TO FIT, TO PAY FOR DIFFERENT EXPENDITURES WITHIN THE BUDGE AND SO AN EXTRA $10 MILLION WAS TEN BY THE MAYOR IN THE RECOMMENDED BUDGET FROM WHAT WAS PLANNED. BASED ON THIS PLANNED TRANSFER, THE YEAR-END PROJECTION FOR THE FUND BALANCE ITHE DOWNTOWN ASSETS FUND AT THE END OF 2025 IS $85.4 MILLN. SO COMBINED THE THREE COUNCIL AMENDMENTS THAT TAKE U THE SOURCE AND ADD UP TO AN ADDITIONAL $2.25 MILLION WHICH IS A QUARTER OF THE EXTRA ALREADY TAKEN BY THE MAYOR IN THE RECOMMENDED BUDGET. AND THAT WOULD MEAN THE NEW 2025 YEAR-END PROJECTION WOULD COME DOWN TO $83.15 MILLION. THE THREE AMENDMENTS COMBINED, THEIR TOTAL DOLLAR VALUE IS 2.6% OF THE OVERALL FUND BALANCE PROJECTION FOR 2025. THIS AMEMENT ACCOUNTS FOR 1% OF THE PROJECTED YEAR-END BALANCE. AND I UNDERSTAND THE HESITATION ON USING THE SOURCE. AND I WANTED TO PUT THAT INTO THE CONTEXT OF WITH THAT AND I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER CASHMAN FOLLOWED BY COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. AND YES, U AGREE. FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAM FOR BUSINESSES WHO HAVE ENDURED HARDSHIP AND RECONSTRUCTION IS A GOOD IDEA, AND ACTUALLY, THERE ARE CONVERSATIONS HAPPENING ABOUTTATE LEGISLATORS WANTING TO MOVE THE STATE TOWARD FUNDING THIS, AND I DON'T KNOW IF THEY'RE GOING TO BE ABLE TO GET THAT DONE THIS YEAR AND I APPRECIATE THE EFFORT TOWDS CREATING THIS AT THE CITY, AND I HAVE TO VOTE NO BECSE OF THE SOURCE WHICH I COMMUNICATED TO THE AUTHOR, I DON'T BELIEVE WE SHOULD BE TAKING DOWNTOWN ASSET FUND FOR WORK THAT DOESN'T ACTUALLY SUPPORT DOWNTOWN AND THE GROH OF THAT FUND. >> THANK YOU. NEXT I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN FOLLOWED BY COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS. >> YES. I HAVE A COUPLE OF QUESTIONS. IS THIS THE PAST CONSTRUCTION OR THE FUTURE CONSTRUCTIONS? >> COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY, WOULD YOU LIKE TO ADDSS THAT QUESTION? >> COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT, I THINK YOU MIGHT BE BETTER EQUIPPED TO ANSWER THIS ONE. >> YES. SO IT HAS BOTH, BOTH ONES THAT HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION AND ARE GOING TO BE EFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION IN THE UPCOMING YEAR >> I SEE THIS IS ONLY FOLKS ON SOME AREAS, WHICH -- A FOCUS ON SOME AREAS, WHICH I REMEMBER AS A BUSINESS CHAIR, AND A COUPLE OF BUSINESS OWNERS STRUGGLING WITH LOWRY AVENUE NORTHEAST WHO HAD A MAJOR CONSTRUCTION AND COULDN'T EVEN GET THEIR DELIVERY TRUCKS TO DPO -- TO GO THROUGH THAT. IT WASERY CHALLENGING, AND SAME THING WITH LAKE STREET EAST AND WEST THAT HAD THAT MAJOR CONSTRUCTION GOING ON. AND WE DO HAVE MAJOR OTHER STREETS THAT HAVE SCHEDULED CONSTRUCTIONS LIKE FRANKLIN AVENUE. WILL THAT BEOMETHING WE CAN INCLUDE IN THIS? >> COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN, THE THOUGHT HERE WAS, OF COURSE, EVERY YEAR THE CITY IS GOING TO BE IMPACTED BY MAJOR RECONSTRUCTI. IN CORRIDORS ACROSS THE CITY. AND THAT IS A GOOD THING WHERE WE'RE MAINTAINING THE INFRASTRUCTURE AND IN ORDER TO SUPPORT THAT ARE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION, WE HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE. AND TO ESTABLISH SOME SORT OF PROGRAM THAT PROVIDES THESE TYPES OF LOANS AND THE THOUGHT WAS TO START WITH THESE THREE IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF OUR CITY AFFECTING SEVERAL WARDS, SO THAT WE CAN THEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT THE COST OF SOMETHING LIKE THIS WOULD BE IN ORDER TO BE EFFECTIVE IN ITS GOAL. AND SO THAT WAS GENERALLY THE THOUGHT WAS TO INCLUDE SOMETHING IN SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, SOMETHING IN UPTOWN, AND SOMETHING IN NORTH MINNEAPOL SO ALL COMMUNITIES ACROSS THE CITY CAN EXPERIENCE A BEFIT AND THAT THE LEARNINGS FROM THOSE DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES CAN INFORM A MORE LONG-TERM PLAN OR PROJECT MOVING FORWARD. >> AND THIS MAJOR STREET OR CONSTRUCTION ISAINLY HENNEPIN COUNTY. MAE DIRECTOR HANSON CAN ANSWER, IS THERE ONGOING PROGRAMS THAT HAVE MAINLY -- TH AND ARE THERE PROGRAMS THAT THEY DO FOR BUSINESS SUPPORT? THE BUSINESSES THAT HAVE BEEN IMPACTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION? >>HAIR CHUGHTAI, COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN, THERE ARE NO FINANCIAL SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR BUSINESSES THAT ARE IN CONSTRUCTION AREAS FROM HENNEPIN COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA, OR THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS RIGHT NOW. >> OKAY. I THOUGHT THAT I WOULD NOTE THAT WE DEFINITELY NEED THE HENNEPIN COUNTY TO STEP IN BECAUSE THIS BUSINESSES HERE HAVE BEEN AFFECTED UNUSUALLY AND THEY ARE STRUGGLING. THIS IS A GOOD WAY FOR THEITY OF MINNEAPOLIS TO SET A GOOD EXAMPLE OF SUPPORTING THIS BUSINESSES AND I AM HOPING THAT IN THE FUTURE WE WILL HAVE SOME KIND OF HELP WITH TS BUSINESSES THAT ARE STRUGGLING. SOME OF THIS CONSTRUCTIONOMES ALONG WITH NO PLANNING FOR SOME OF THE BUSINESSES AND NOW TY ARE STRUGGLING, AND SOME MIGHT BE CLOSED BECAUSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION THAT TOOK PLACE. I REMEMBER A GOOD EXAMPLE OF LO THE COMMUNITY. THANK YOU. >> AND I WILL NOTE THAT HENNEPIN AVENUE SOUTH IS A CITY-LED REINSTRUCTION PROJEC AND NEXT COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS FOLLOWED BY COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. YEAH, YOU KNOW, I REALLY THINK WE NEED TO BE HELPING SMALL BUSINESSES IN CONSTRUCTION AREAS. THEY REALLYTRUGGLE WITH THESE ISSUES. WHEN I SAY WE, I MEAN GOVERNMENT OF HNEPIN COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEED, ETC. I KNOW THAT, I MEAN, THE DIRECTOR HANSON SAID THERE ARE CURRENTLY NOT ANY PROGRAMS, BUT HISTORICALLY OR IN THE PAST THERE HAVE BEEN SUPPORTS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES ALONG UNIVERSITY AVENUE AND LIGHT RAIL WENT IN AND ST. PAUL ALONG LAKE STREET WHEN WE RECONSTRUCTED LAKE STREET. AND SO THERE IS SOME HISTORICAL PRECENCE FOR THIS, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE PLAN MORE BROADLY. I MEAN, WE'REOING TO CONTINUOUSLY HAVE ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, I MEAN, THAT'S NOT GOING AWAY. AND THEY WON'T BE ON BUSINESS CORRIDORS -- AND THEY WILL BE ON BUSINESS CORRIDORS. AND QUITE FRANKLY, WE COULD HAVE 38th AND CHICAGO IN THERE RIGHT NOW, BUT THAT GOT BOOTED OR DELAYED OR I DON'T KNOW WHEN THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. AND I DO KNOW WHEN THAT CONSTRUCTION HAPPENS, THO BUSINESSES WILL NEED SOME SUPPORT. AND I HOPE IT HAPPENS SOMETIME IN THE NEXT DECADE. THE BUSINESSES WILL NEED SUPPORT AND OTHER BUSINESSES, SO I'M JUST STRUGGLING WITH THIS VERY LIMITED APPROACH TO THIS, TO THIS AMENDMENT. >> THANK YOU. COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY, WOULD YOU LIKE TO ADDRESS THAT AT ALL? >> THANK YOU. AND I MEAN, I AGREE WITH YOU, COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS. IT WOULD BE VERY NICE TO EXPAND THIS ACROSS MULTIPLE CORRIDORS. I THINK GIVEN THE LIMITED AMOUNT OF RESOURCES AND ALSO WE AS AUTHORS HAD A DISCUSSION OF HOW MUCH WEANTED TO END UPTAKING FROM DOWNTOWN ASSETS TO REDISTRIBUTE. WE WERE, LIKE, WHERE CORRIDORS THAT WE POINT THAT PAST AND PRESENT HARDSHIP AND GET SOME GOOD DATA AND INFORMATION BACK FROM OUR CPED DEPARTMENT. WE'RE HOPING THAT THROUGH THE PROGRAM THAT THEY HAVE DONE BEFORE, THEY CAN UTILIZE THAT TO GIVING FORGIVABLE ANS. I PERSONALLY LOOKED AT WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST FOR 38th AND CHICAGO, AND I MEAN, COME TIME, I WOULD BE VERY SUPPORTIVE OF ADDITIAL FUNDING GOING TO 38th AND CHICAGO, BOTH IN THIS FORMAT AND THEN 38th STREET THRIVE. >> THANK YOU. AND THEN FILLY, I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISAN >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. THE USE OF DOWNTOWN ASSET FDS IS AN INCREASE TO OUR SPENDING AS A CITY. IT IS AN INCREASE TO THE BUDGET. THIS IS ONE TIME, SO IT'S JUST FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK THEN HAPPENING IN THE NEXT YEAR. I'VE GOT A LOT OF QUESTIONS AND IT MIGHT BE FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY OR IT MIGHT BE FOR C.O.O. ANDERSON KELLIHER. ARE WE ALLOWED TO USE DOWNTOWN ASSET FUNDS FOR ECONOMIC SUPPORT TO BUSINESSES THAT WOULD BE CONSIDERED OUTSI THE DOWNTOWN CORE? I'M NOT SURE THAT THAT IS EVEN ALLOWABLE. I DO KNOW WE USED IT TO DECREASE OUR BUDGET LEVY TO THE EXTENT THE MAYOR FOUND TOLERABLE. THIS IS ANOTHER ALMOST $1 MILLION FROM IT. SO I GUESS NOBODY IS GETTING UP OR JUMPING I TO HELP ME ANSWER THAT. AND I TRIED VERY HARD, I WILL SAY, TO WORK WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO CREATE A VICTIM SERVICES FUNDS FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND INTIMATE PARTNER ASSAULT. IN THE END I WAS TOLD THAT ALTHOUGH IT'S A LAUDABLE GOAL, A PROGRAM LIKE THAT WOULD NOT MEET OUR PUBLIC PURPOSE GUIDELINES BECAUSE IT BENEFITTED AN INDIVIDUAL. HOW WOULD A FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAM LIKE THIS BE ANY DIFFERENT? >> WELCOME, C.O.O. ANDERSON KELLIHER IF YOU CAN BEGIN BY INTRODUCING YOURSELF. >>HANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. MARGARET ANDERSON KELLIHER, I WILL TAKE THEIRST PART OF YOUR QUESTION. THERE ARE THREE MAJOR FUNDS FUNDED THROUGH THE DOWNTOWN ASSETS FUND AND TAXES THAT ARE COMING INTO IT. AND THERE IS ONE TAX AND THE ENTERTAINMENT TAX THAT'S BEEN IN PLACE SINCE 1968 AND THAT IS THE MOST FLEXIBLE PORTION OF THE TAX. IT DOES NOT HAVE THE NUMBER OF RESTRICTIONS ON IT. WE DO HAVE POLICY, THOUGH, THAT GUIDES HOW WE UTILIZE THOSE DOLLARS. AND THOSE DOLLARS HISTORICALLY HAVE BEEN USED FOR ITEMS WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN AREA, THE DOWNTOWN ASSETS, BUT IT DOES HAVE SOME FLEXIBILITY. THE OTHER TWO PORTIONS OF THE TAX DO NOT HAVE THAT SORT OF FLEXIBILITY ON THEM. AND THE FUNDS CO-MINGLED. >> I AM CURIOUS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY, ARE WE GETTING CLOSE TO TT? HOW WILL WE KNOW IF THIS FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAM CAN BE USED OUTSIDE OF THE DOWNTOWN CORE, BUT HOW CAN WE SAY THIS WOULD MEET SOMETHING LIKE PUBLIC PURPOSE WHEN WE COULDN'T HAVE A DOMESTIC VICTI SERVICE FUND MEET PUBLIC PURPOSE? >> DEPUTY -- >> I THINK THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PROGRAMMATIC CREATION WITH ELIGIBLE PARTIES AND HAVING A FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAM OR A GRANT PROGRAM THAT'S CREATED THROUGH THAT VERSUS SOMETHING CONSTRUED DIFFERENTLY WHICH MIGHT BE JUST A GIFT PRIMARILY BENEFITTING A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL AND PUBLIC PURPOSE DOCTRINE. YOU HAVE TO HAVE PUBLIC PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY. AND I'LL NOTE THAT A LOT OF THE AUTHORITY IS ESPECIALLY IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REALM AND THE HOUSING REALM IS ROOTED IN STATUTE AND THE LAWS IN FINANCIAL POLICIES REGARDING IN THIS CASE THE DOWNTOWN ASSETS FUND. >> THANK YOU. AFTER HAVING JUST BEEN THROUGH SEVERAL MAJOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS THAT, FRANKLY, DEFR STATED SOME OF THE LOCAL BUSINESSES IN SOUTHWEST MINNEAPOLIS, I AM KEENLY AWARE FOR THE NEED OF SOME TYPE OF FORGIVABLE LOAN PROGRAM. I WAS GETTING ASKED THAT AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRETY OF THE E-LINE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM. WHY WOULD THIS FOR THE AUTHORS NOT APPLY TO ANYBODY ALONG THE E-LINE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM? AND I WILL NOTE THAT THE LINE SPANS 13.3 MILES FROM UNIVERSITY AVENUE FOURTH STREET, HENNEPIN AND FRANCE AVENUES. PERHAPS THAT'S WHY THIS SHOULD MORE OF A STATE LEVEL THING. THANK YOU, COUNCIL MEMBER CASHMAN, FOR MENTIONING THAT BECAUSE IT SHOULD APPLY TO METRO TRANSIT PROJECTS, TOO, AND WHAT I TOLD MY SMALL BUSINESS OWNE IS THIS WORK DISRESULTED THEIR LIVES FOR FOUR MONTHS, LONGER THAN WE PROMISETHEM IT WOULD. THIS TOOK AWAY THE LIVELIHOODN FRONT OF THEIR BUSINESSES FOR FOUR MONTHS LONGER THAN WHAT WE PROMISED THEM. A GOOD CHUNK OF THE E-LINE, ABOUT 25% IS IN THE 13th WARD. AND I TRY TO GET OTHERS TO SEE THAT IS A $15 MILLION INVESTMENT IN OUR COMMUNITY. AND I THINK TT'S SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE, BUT TO BUSINESS OWNERS, IT'S BEEN PAINFUL AND THEY HAVE STRUGGLED. THERE IS A SMALL, VER SMALL INDIAN RESTAURANT RAJ, FOR EXAMPLE, AND THE OWNER HAD NUMEROUS MEDIA INTERVIEWS OVER THE SUMMER ABOUT HOW HE WAS ABOUT TO LOSE HIS BUSINESS BECAUSE OF METRO TRANSIT'S E-LINE CONSTRUCTIO WORK SHUTTING DOWN THE INTERSECTION AND REMOVING THE PARKING IN FRONT OF THE RESTAURANT. FOR ALL THE OWNERS, OUR 2% LOAN PROGRAM IS AVAILABLE TO THEM. METRO TRANSIT ALSO OFFERS THE SAME 2% LOAN PROGRAM, BUT THAT WASN'T SEEN AS BEING PARTICULARLY HELPFUL. AND IT SOUND LIKE CPED HAS THE ABILITY TO CREATE AND IMPLEMENT SUCH A PROGRAM. BUT I'M CURIOUS ABOUT THE CAPACITY. WOULD THE CAPACITY, AND WOULD IT USE EXISTING STAFF IN AN OVEREXTENDED WAY? THE SAME STAFF THAT WE DECLINED TO GIVE A COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT LIKE REPRESENTED GROUP IN OUR CITY? HOW COULD WE NOT BE INCLUSIVE OF METRO TRANSIT PROJECTS? WHAT ABOUT THE BLUE LINE EXTENSION? THAT'S COMING UP. BUT THIS IS GOING IS TO BE A ONE-TIME, ONE-YEAR THING. MY POINT IS THIS, MORE BROADLY, YOU ARE CHOOSING WINNERS AND LOSERS IN THIS. WE HAVE NO SENSE OF HOW POPULAR A PROGRAM LIKE THIS MIGHT BE. HOW MANY BUSINESSES MIGHT WIN THE LOTTERY OF THIS VERSUS THOSE WHO DON'T. HOW WILL WE EVEN VENTURE TO BEGIN -- HOW TO DETERMINE WHO IS MOST AT NEED WITH THIS TYPE OF SUPPORT. I HAVE 32 SECONDS LEFT AND GET BA IN QUEUE FOR THE AUTHORS TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS TO DETERMINE WHO MOST NEEDS THIS SUPPORT BECAUSE IT GREATLY EXCEEDS $900,000. >> AND I THINK THAT IS DETERMINED BY PROGRAM DESIGN, AND AGAIN, LIKE THE GOAL HERE WAS TO START SOMEWHERE. I'M NOT SANG THAT $900,000 IS GOING TO ADDRESS EVERY NEED IN ALL THREE OF THESE CORRIDORS, BUT THE SAM COULD BE SAID ABOUT EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM WE HAVE IN THE CITY AND THEY ARE PART OF FUNDING AND DON'T ALL FULLY ADDRESS THE NEED THAT THEY ARE SEEKING TO -- I DON'T -- COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO FOR THE SECOND SPEECH. >> REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE CURB IS ENCUMBERED BY E-LINE METRO TRANSIT INSTALLATION OR THE HENNEPIN RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT THAT'S ING DONE BY THE CITY? >> I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION YOU ARERYING TO GET AT. >> AND TRYING TO GET TO THE POINT THAT THE BUSINESS DISRUPTION IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IS BUSINESS DISRUPTION IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND IT SHOULD BE FAIRLY CONSIDERED ACROSS ALL THE DIFFERENT NEEDS FOR COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS IN OUR CITY. >> DID YOU DELIBERATEL NOT INCLUDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT INSTALLATION OR COULD YOU INCLUDE THAT IN THE BUDGET AMENDMENT OF YOURS? >> COUNCIL MEMBER, THIS BUDGET AMENDMENT IS NARROWLY FOCUSED AND THREE CORRIDORS THAT EFFECT MULTIPLE WARDS AND GEOGRAPHIES ACROSS THE CITY AND SOME OF THOSE INCLUDE INSTALLATIONS OF INFRASTRUCTURE BY METRO TRANSIT IN SOME SORT OF WAY AS IS THE CASE WITH HENNEPIN AVENUEOUTH AND THE E-LINE, OR WIT LAKE STREET AND B LINE. BUT THIS IS WHAT WE -- THIS IS THE PROPOSAL THAT WE CAME UP WITH. IT IS IN FRONT OF YOU FOR CONSIDERATION. THIS ISN'T SAYING SOMEONE HAS A NE AND SOMEONE DOESN'T. >> SO, MADAM CHAIR, WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO INCLUDE THE REST OF THE E-LINE EXTENSION IN THIS BUDGET AMENDMENT? >> THIS IS INCLUDING ALL OF HENNEPIN AVENUE. >> IT DOES NOT INCLUDE ALL OF THE E-NE EXTENSION THAT GOES THROUGH MY WARD. >> YEP, BECAUSE THAT'S THE CORRIDOR THAT IS AFFECTED BY MAJOR RECONSTRUCTION, IN THAT IS INCLUDED HERE. >> IT IS VERY FAIR TO SAY THAT BUSINESSES IN MY COMMUNITY HAVE BEEN DEEPLY AFFECTED. >> SHUT DOWN FOR THE ENTIRE SUMMER. AND I DO THINK THEY WOULD BE INTERESTED IN APPLYING TO THIS TYPE OF HELP, JUST LIKE OTHER BUSINESSES. WE ARE CHOOSING WINNERS AND LOSERS HER. WE ARE SAYING PEOPLE IN THESE THREE CORRIDORS IS WHERE WE'RE GOING TO START AND DO IT JUST NEXT YEAR. I FIND THAT TO BE INCREDIBLY UNFAIR. I DON'T SEE THAT MEETING PUBLIC PURPOSE ARGUMENTS. AND I DON'T APPROVE OF USING THE DOWNTOWN ASSETS FUND AS ITS SOURCE. >> UNDERSTOOD. COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE. >> IUST WANT TO CIRCLE BACK TO INCLUDING HENNEPIN AVENUE EAST BECAUSE YOU KEEP SAYING THREE INSTEAD OF FOUR CORRIDORS. >> I THINK IT WOULD BE HENNEPIN AVENUE EAST AND SOUTH. >> GOT IT. THANK YOU, THANK YOU. >> ALL RIGHT. WITH THAT, COLLEAGUES, SOUNDS GOOD. WE HAVE THE SMALL BUSINESS SUPPORT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND HARDSHIP AMENDMENT OFFERED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS CHOWDHURY AND CHUGHTAI IN FRONT OF US. MR. CLERK, CALL THE ROLL ON THE REVISED AMENDMENT NUMBER 41. >> COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE, AYE. >> WONSLEY. >> AYE. >> RAINVILLE. >> AYE.. VETAW. NO. ELLISON. >> AYE.. >> OSMAN. >> AYE.. CASHMAN, NO. JENKINS, NAY. CHAVEZ, AYE. CHOWDHURY, AYE. PALMISANO, NO. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI, AYE. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, AYE. >> THERE AREINE AYES -- EXCUSE ME, THERE ARE NINE AYES AND FOUR NAYS. >> THA MOTION CARRIES. ALL RIGHT. AMENDMENT NUMBER 42 IS THE STREET VENDOR ENTREPRENEUR GRANT IN COMPLIANCE PROGRAM AMENDMENT OFFERED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS CHAVEZ AND CHOWDHURY. I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ TO PLEASE INTRODUCE AND MOVE APPROVAL OF YOUR AMENDMENT. >> THANK YOU, COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT CHUGHTAI. I AM BRINGING THIS FORWARD WITH COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY WHICH SEEKS TO PROVIDE A PATHWAYOR FOOD VENDORS IN THE CITY TO LEGALLY OPERATE AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE LOCAL ECONOMYND CREATE AN INCLUSIVE AND THRIVING STREET VENDING ENVIRONMENT AND THE PROPOSAL WILL ADDRESS FOOD VENDORS BY HELPING WITH STARTUP COSTS WITH THE STE REGULATIONS AND TO OPERATE THE BUSINESS. YOU CAN SEE THAT VENDORS ARE SELL FRESH FOOD AND SNACKS AND ADHERING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS TO PROTECT THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE. IT WILL FUND A SIDEWALK FOOD CART STREET VENDING PERMITS WHICH ARE EENTIAL FOR FOOD VENDORS TO OPERATE IN DESIGNATED AREAS IN OUR CITY. AND WITH THAT, IILL MOVE APPROVAL OF THIS ITEM. >> AMENDMENT NUMBER 42 HAS BEEN -- COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ HAS MOVED APPROVAL. IS THERE A SECOND? >> SECOND. >> THAT ITEM HAS BEEN PROPERLY MOVED AND SECONDED. COLLEAGUES, ARE THERE QUESTIONS OR DISCUSSION? I WILL FIRST RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO AND THEN COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS. >> I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT THIS IS THEHIRZ OF FOUR AMENDMENTS THAT USE THE ARPA REVENUE REPLACEMENT AS A SOURCE, OTHERWISE A SOURCE THAT WOULD HAVE REDUCED THE CURRENT LEVY. IT WOULD HAVE REDUCED THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY BY ANOTHER 1.5%, BUT THAT BODY VOTED AGAINST THAT TO PROPOSE NEW PROGRAMMING THAT WILL INCREASE THE TOTAL BUDGET. EVEN IF IT IS NOT USED FOR LEVY REDUCTION, THE FUNDS COULD FALL TO THE BOTTOM LINE AND COULD ALSO BE USED NEXT YEAR TO BUY DOWN THE LEVY. WE ARE DECLINING TWO CHANCES TO LOWER THE LEVY CHANCES FOR BUSINESS OWNERS AND PROPERTY OWNE. LET'S BE CLEAR ABOUT THAT. COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVE OR POSSIBLY THE CITY CLERK, WOULD YOU REMIND ME OF WHERE THIS ORDINANCE IS IN THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS? >> SO COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, WE ARE WORKING WITH STAFF TO GET IS UP AND RUNNING BY THE SPRING OF 2025. AND I HAVE VN VERY CLEAR OF THAT THROUGHOUT THE COUNCIL TERM. >> THIS WILL BE A BRAND-NEW ALLOWABLE BUSINESS CONCEPT IN E CITY AND IT WILL TAKE A WHILE TO GET UP AND RUNNING ON AT WORK. CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO HELP STREET VENDORS HOW HE AS A CITY MAKE SURE WE HAVE REG SERVICES AND MAKE SURE STREET VENDORS ARE SELLING SAFE FO? >> THIS WOULD BE WORKING WITH AN ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISRED BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO HELP PEOPLE GET IN COMPLIANCE, AND ALSO HELP WITH MICRO BUSINESS START-UP COSTS SO THEY HAVE FOOD COMPLIANT CARTS AND MEANT TO WORK WITH A TRUSTED ORGANIZATION TO WORK WITH THE VENDORS TO INSURE THEY ARE IN COMPLIANT WHEN THE NEW ORDINANCE IS IN PLACE. >> THANK YOU. >> MM-HMM. >> THANK YOU. NEXT I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. I'M JUST CURIOUS, HAS THERE BEEN CONVERSATIONS WITH THE MINNEAPOLIS PARK BOARD? I KNOW A LOT OF TIMES WE SEE, I SEE VENDORS NEAR THE PARKS, AND MANY OF OUR PARKS HE RESTAURANTS AND FOOD VENDORS, ETC. HAVE WE HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH THEM ABOUT THIS ORDINANCE? >> COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS, OR POTENTIAL ORDINANCE. >> IT IS NOT EVEN AN ORDINANCE YET. THANK YOU. >> CAN YOU REPEAT THE FIRST PART? HAVE I HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH WHO? >> WITH THE MINNEAPOLIS PARK BOARD. >> SO IN OUR CONVERSATIONS WITH PARK BOARD AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES, IT IS CL ALSO ESTABLISH ITS OWN WORK, AND IF MINNEAPOLIS COMMITS TO DOING ITS HOMEWORK, THEY WILL BE COMMITTED TO DOG THEIR PART IN THE PARKS. WE HAVE BEEN WORKING HARD TO ESTABLISH AN ORDINANCE IN COLLABORATION WITHSTAFF. WE DON'T ALWAYS AGREE, THAT IS CLEAR, BUT WE ARE TRYING TO WORK TOGETHER TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE IMPACTING THE COMMUNITY AND WE MEET BIWEEKLY -- I WILL GIVE YOU YOUR TIME BACK, BUT WE HAVE HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH THE PARK BOARD, AND THEY HAVE COMMUNICATED WITH U THAT WE SHOULD DO OUR OWN PART SO THEY CAN ALSO DO THEIR PART, TOO. >> OKAY. AND THAT'S IT. I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE WE ARE HAVING THESE CONVERSATIONS. I MEAN, YOU KNOW, WE HAVE MANY, MANY RESTAURANTS, SO COMPETITION AROUND FOOD IS HEALTHY AND GOOD, BUT WE HAVE A LOT OF REQUIREMENTS ON THOSE RESTAURANTS. AND I THINK OUR FOOD TRUCKS HAVE MANY REQUIREMENTS AN APPROVED KITCHEN, BUSINESS MANAGERS OR FOOD SAFETY MANAGERS. AND SO, YOU KNOW, IT'S GOING TO BE DIFFICULT TO HOLD STREET FOOD VENDORS TO THESE SAME STANDARDS, BUT WE HAVE TO HAVE SOME LEVEL OF STANDARDS FOR FOOD AND PARTICULARLY WITH THE POTENTIAL LACK OF OVERSIGHT OF OUR FOOD SYSTEMS THAT WILL BE COMING DOWN THE PIKE. BUT THANK YOU, SIR. >> THANK YOU. AND FINALLY, I'LL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE. >> THANK YOU. JUST A QUICK QUESTION FOR COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ. U HAD TALKED ABOUT HELPING TO GET IN DESIGNATED AREAS, FOOD VENDORS. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHERE THE DESIGNATED AREAS WOULD BE? OR IS THAT YET TO COME? >> COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT CHUGHTAI, IF I MAY, WE ARE WORKING WITH STAFF ON THE LEGISLATIVE DIRECTIVE THAT WE HAVE IN WARD FOUR WHERE THEY ARE GOING TO GIVE AN UPDATE ON THAT WORK TO COUNCIL. SO ONCE WE GET THAT REPORT, WE'LL HAVE MORE OF TEMPERATURE CHECK OF THE ROUTE WE'RE GOING TO GO TOWARDS. OBVIOUSLY CONVERSATIONS WITH ALL OF YOU HERE AND IN REGARDS TO THAT, BUT WE DON'T AT THIS MOMENT HAVE AN IDEA OF WHERE. WE JUST KNOWE WANT TO BE PERMISSIVE AND CREATE THE PERMITS SO PEOPLE CAN -- AND I HEAR COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS' CONCERNS ABOUT THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERNS AND ADDRESSIN THE HEALTH CONCERNS AND THE CURRENT SYSTEM WE HAVE RIGHT NOW ISN'T WORKING AND WE NEED TO CREATE DIFFERENT PERMITS TO ALLOW THIS TO BE MORE ACCESSIBLE AND MORE FRNDLY AND ALSO ADDRESS THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERNS, TOO. AND THAT IS A CONVERSATION I WOULD BE HAPPY TO HAVE WITH YOU AS COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY WOULD, TOO, I BET. >> THANK YOU. I LOOK FORWARD TO IT. >> THANK YOU. AND THEN FINALLY I'LL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER VETAW. >> THANK YOU, CHAIR. COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ, I HAVE CONCERNS WITH THIS BECAUSE WE HAVEN'T VOTED ON AN ORDINANCE YET. I REALLY WOULD BE OPEN TO HAVING THESE DISCUSSIONS IF WE HAD AN ORDINANCE AND WE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WE WOULD BE DOING WITH SUCH A PROGRAM AND HOW MANY PEOPLE WOULD BE IN IT. THERE IS OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO AMEND THE BUDGET -- I MEAN, IT HAS TO BE VOTED ON. THIS IS ASSUMING THAT THE ORDINANCE HAS PASSED ALREADY IN MY OPINION AND IT HASN'T. IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN CREATED. SO I THINK WAITING ON THI IS -- IT MAKES MORE SENSE TO ME TO DO IT AFTER THE PROGRAM IS ESTABLISHED. YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE SAYING THEY ARE GOING TO DO A STUDY ON A LEGISLATIVE DIRECTIVE ON KIND OF THE MAKEUP OF THE PROGRAM. WE PROBABLY WOULD HAVE A BETTER GAUGE AROUND HOW MANY PEOPLE COULD POTENTIALLY BE STREET VENDORS OR WHERE THEY WOULD WANT TO BE. AND THE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THAT. THIS JUST FEELS ARBITRA BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE ANY OF THAT INFORMATION. IT JUST FEELS LIKE $150,000 WAS SELECTED AS THE NUMBER, BUT WE BE DOING AND WE DON'T KNOW IF WE WILL HAVE A PGRAM ESTABLISHED. >> IF I MAY, COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT, SO WE'RE TAKING THE SAME APPACH AS THE MAYOR'S ADMINISTRATION. THE MAYOR'S ADMINISTRATION ALLOCATED FUNDING FOR SPEED CAMERAS EVEN THOUGH AN ORDINANCE HASN'T PASSED AND WON'T PASS UNTIL NEXT YEAR, AND I DON'T SEE A BUDGET AMENDMENT IN FRONT OF US REMOVING THAT FUNDING WHEN THE ORDINANCE ISN'T INPLACE, SO WE'RE DOING THE SAME EXACT THING THERE, SO I TAKE THAT CONRN SERIOUSLY BUT IT'S THE SAME THING. THE MAYOR'S ADMINISTRATION PUT THOUSANDSF MONEY FOR A SPEED CAMERA PILOT PROGRAM AND NO ORDINANCE ESTABLISHED YET. AND NO BUDGET AMENDMENT TO REMOVE THAT FUNDING BECAUSE THERE IS NO ORDINANCE AND I AM DOING THE SAME AS THE MAYOR. THE SECOND PART IS IN CONVERSATION WITH STAFF WE HAVE MMITTED AND THE MAYOR'S ADMINISTRATION AND MY OFFICE HAVE COMMITTED TO PASSING AN ORDINANCE BY SPRING WITH AN ISSUE IMPACTING THE RESIDENTS AND WITH THE ADMINISTRATION AND OFFICES TO MAKE SURE THIS IS GOING TO BE IN PLACE. AND IT IS GOING TO REQUIRE FUNDING. THAT IS MY COMMENT. >> I THINK THAT THE STATE IS ALLOWING US TO HAVE A PILOT PROGRAM FORPEED CAMERAS. AND WE'VE HAD MULTIPLE YEARS OF DISCUSSIONS ABOUT THE PILOT PROGRAM FOR SPEED CAMERAS. AND WE NEED TO HAVE THE MONEY IN THERE. I'M NOT GOING TO GET INTO A DEBATE WITH YOU ABOUT WHAT THE MAYOR IS DOING AND HOW THE MAYOR IS DOINGIT. I'M TALKING ABOUT THIS VERY SPECIFIC THING THAT IS BEFORE US BECAUSE THERE IS NO PROGRAM ESTABLISHED. I UNDERSTAND YOU ALL ARE COMMITTED TO MAKING THIS HAPPEN, BUT THERE'S GOT TO BE A MAJORITY VOTE FOR IT TO HAPPEN. AND IT'S NOT LIKE YOU CAN'T AMEND THE BUDGET. EF DONE IT MANY TIMES WHERE YOU VE AMENDED THE BUDGET FOR PROGRAMS OR FOR ORGANIZATIONS WHEN IT'S NOT BUDGET SEASON. SO IT'S NOT LIKE IT CAN'T HAPPEN. IT JUST FEELS ARBITRARY. IT JUST FEELS LIKE YOU PICK -- AND WHAT IS $150,000 GOING TO DO? HOW MANY PEOPLE IS IT GOING TO SERVE? IS IT GOING TO -- WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH IT? >> I ALREADY MENTIONED WHAT I AM GOING TO DO WITH IT. THERE IS -- WE NEED AN ORDINANCE IN PLACE TO HE THE SPEED CAMERA PILOT PROGRAM THAT IS THE SAME THING AND I DON'T SEE A DIFFERENCEN THAT, AND I'LL JUST LEAVE IT AT THAT >> ALL RIGHT. AND THEN COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ, WERE YOU HOPING -- >> NO. >> OKAY. WITH THAT, I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. >> MADAM CHAIR, SOMETIMES THE DEVIL IS IN THEDETAILS HERE. THERE'S A LOT OF PUBLIC PURPOSE PROBLEMS WITH, FOR EXAMPLE, GIFTING SOMEBODY A FOOD CART OR GIFTING SOMEBODY EQUIPMENT TO MAKE SOMETHING LICENSABLE. THERE ARE STATE LAW CHANGES THAT GO WITH TRAFFIC CAMERAS. THERE IS NOT AN EQUIVALENCE HERE ABOUT WHAT WE'RE DOING AND HOW IT FITS ALL OF OUR CURRENT AGREED UPON POLICIES LIKE OUR TRANSPORTATION ACTION PLAN. BUT THERE'S A LOT OF MONEY HEADED HERE OUT TO NONPROFIT PARTNERS AND OTHERS THAT WE -- THAT WE'RE REALLY TAXING EVERYONE IN OUR CITY FOR. AND TAKING IT AWAY FROM THIS PARTICULAR ACCOUNT THAT W AN ARPA FUND REPLACEMENT ACCOUNT THAT HELPS US TO BE CONSISTENT WITH OUR FEDERAL GRANT MONEY, WE ARE TAXING PEOPLE HERE TO GIVE MONEY TO ORGANIZATIONS THAT WILL GIVE MONEY TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THERE IS A LOT OF GIFTING PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THAT. AND I THINK THERE'S ACTUALLY A LOT MORE WORK HERE TO BE DONE THAN MIGHT BE ORIGILLY APPARENT. THERE IS ALSO IN THE CONVERSATION THAT I LISTEN TO ABOUT PARKS AND THE PARK LICENSES AND VENDORS IN E PARKS. AND WE DON'T -- THE CITY DOESN'T HAVE A ROLE OF THAT LICENSED AND HAVE SAFE FOOD PROTOCOLS IN ORDER TO GETICENSE. AND THEN THEY ALSO HAVE A LICENSE TO SELL ANYTHING IN OUR CITY PARKS. AND THAT IS NOT UP TO US. AND THAT ISN'T HAPPENING TODAY. >> THANK YOU. AND I'LL BE QUICK. >> COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ, THANK YOU SO MUCH. >> COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ IS HERE TO SOLVE AN ISSUE EXISTING IN OUR CITY. IF YOU HAVE DRIVEN OR DRIVE ON EAST LAKE STREET, YOU WILL HAVE FOLKS COMING TO YOU AND SELLING FOOD, TRY TO SELL FOOD TO YOU WHEN YOU ARE ON THE TRAFFIC LIGHT. THAT IS A HEALTH ISSUE. THATS A HUGE ISSUE. AND THAT IS WHERE HE'S COMING FROM, TRYING TO SOLVE THAT ISSUE. AND ALSO STREET FOOD IS A WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON. WHY ARE WE NOT CATCHING UP AND TRYING TO CREATE A WAIT FOR PEOPLE TO ENJOY MINNEAPOLIS? THANK YOU. YOU ARE REALLY BRINGING SOMETHING THAT WE ARE MISSING OUR CITY. AND THE PROGRAM IS A PILOT PROGRAM AND HOPEFULLY WE CAN LEARN FROM IT. WE CAN COME UP WITH A WAY THAT BUSINESS OWNERS AND OUR CITY AND OUR COMMUNITY CAN ALL THRIVE AND ENJOY THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS. SO 100% SUPPORT IT. IT'S A GOOD, GOOD IDEA THAT IS COMING FROM YOU, COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ. THANK YOU. >>. WE MOVE TO CALL THE ROLL ON THIS ITEM, I WANT TO JUS MENTION THIS NOW AND THIS IS GOING TO APPLY TO ALL AMENDMENTS. EVERY SINGLE AMENDMENT AND PROPOSAL WAS REVIEWED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. WE HAD EXTENSIVE CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THE ALLOWED USE OF CERTAIN TYPES OF MONEY, THE PUBLIC PURPOSE CONVERSATIONS, A OF THIS HAS BEEN CLEARED. SO I JUST, MOVING FORWARD, IF WE CAN PLEA REFRAIN FROM INSINUATING THAT THESE AMENDMENTS HAVE SOMEHOW NOT BEEN VETTED BY THE ATTORNEYS OR SOMEHOW ILLEGAL TO DO, THAT WOULD BE REALLY BENEFICIAL. NOW, ON -- WE HAVE THE STREET VENDOR ENTREPRENEUR GRANT AND COMPLIANCE PROGRAM AMENDMENT OFFERED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS CHAVEZ AND CHOWDHURY BEFORE US. I WILL ASK THE CLERK TO CALL THE ROLL ON AMENDMENT NUMBER 42. >> COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE, AYE. >> WONSLEY, AYE. >> RAINVILLE, NAY. >> VETAW, NO. >> ELLISON, AYE. >> OSMAN, AYE. >> CASHMAN, AYE. >> JENKINS, NAY. >> CHAVEZ, AYE. >> CHOWDHURY, AYE. >> PALMISANO, NO. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI, AYE. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, AYE. THERE ARE NINE AYES AND FOUR NAYS. THAT MOTION CARRIES. NEXT WE HAVE AMENDMENT NUMBER 43 FROM -- FROM COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY. COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY, WILL YOU PLEASE INTRODUCE AND MOVE APPROVAL OF YOUR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION WORK FORCE DEVELOPMENT AMENDMEN >> YES, THANK YOU,HAIR CHUGHTAI, SO THIS PROPOSAL WOULD FUND THE CPED EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION TO EXPAND WORKFORCE DEVELOPME AND TEAC TEACHER TRAINING TO INCREASE THE MINNEAPOLIS CHILD CARE WORK FORCE. WE HAVE HAD EXTENSIVE CONVERSATIONS ON THITHIS YEAR AND MUCH ANALYSIS SAND CLEAR ACCESS TO HIGH QUALITY, AFFORDABLE CHI CARE, HAS MASSIVE IMPACTS ON EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN AND WE KNOW THOUSANDS OF WORKING CLASS MINNEAPOLIS FAMILY CANS NOT AFFORD CHILD CARE AND THIS IS PARTIALLY DOUGH TO THE MASSIVE SHORTAGE OF CHILD CARE WORKERS. SO INVESTING IN WORKFORCE AND ADDRESSING THE AFFORDABLE CHILD CRISIS. CPED EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION ACTUALLY ADMINISTERED A COMPETITIVE R.F.P. PROGRAM FOR WORKFORCE TRAINING PROGRAM TO RECEIVE FUNDING A HAVE RECEIVED FUNDING THAT AND EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL OUTCOMES IN SUPPORTING OUT EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION WORKERS AND ADDRESSING WORKFORCE RRUITMENT AND RETENTION CHALLENGES. AND I WANT TO REITERATE HERE IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO INCREASE OUR CITY'S INFORMSMENT AND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION WORKFORCE AND IMMEDIATE ACTION THAT THIS BODY CAN TAKE TO IMPROVE CHILD CARE ACCESS AND WORKFORCE CONDITIONS. I ALSO WANT TO NOTE THAT MY OFFICE HAS BEEN IN CONVERSATIONS IN BUILDING UP TO THIS AMENDMENT WITH BOTH STE LEGISLATORS, LEADERSHIP ON THE MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS, THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AND GROUPS OF ORGANIZED PARENT ALSO CHILD CARE AND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROVIDERS AND ALS LIKE THE YMCA OR YWCA WHO ALL HAVE IDENTIFIED INCREASE INVESTMENTS IN THE CHILD CARE WORKFORCE AS BEING A CRUCIAL MEASURE THAT THEY WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE CITY HELP SUPPORT AND ADDRESS IN PERTAINING TO OUR CHILD CARE AFFORDABILITY CRISIS. WITH, THAT ASK FOR A SOND AND A MOTION FOR APPROVAL. >> SECOND. >> THIS ITEM AMENDMENT NUMBER 43 HAS BEEN PROPERLY MOVED AND SECONDED. COLLEAGUES STLSHGS ANY DISCUSSION RELATED TO -- COLLEAGUES, IS THERE ANY DISCUSSION RELATED TO THIS ITEM? I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER RAVILLE. >> THANK YOU. I COMPLIMENT THE AUTHOR ON IDENTIFYING THIS NEED, BUT I WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR THIS BECAUSE OF WHERE THE FUNDING IS COMING FROM. THE COMMUNITY SAFETY RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN, WE ARE UNDER A COURT ORDER TO INCREASE OUR POLICE FORCE FOR ABOUT 35% SHORT. AND THIS WILL PUT US IN LAL RISK THE NEXT TIME WE APPEAR BEFORE THE JUDGE THAT IS MONITORING THE CASE. AND WE IN ESSENCE WOULD BE BREAKING THE LAW BY NOT STANDING TRUE TO RECRUITMENT CAMPAN. >> THANK YOU. AND THEN NEXT I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO FOLLOWED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. THIS CRISIS FOR CHILD CARE IS A MATTER OF COST AND A LACK OF ADEQUATELY TRAINED CHILD CARE PROFESSIONALS. I UNDERSTAND THAT NOT EVERYONE OR EVEN MOST PEOPLE HAVE THAT FINANCIAL ABILITY OR FAMILY SUPPORT, THE KIND OF SUPPORT THAT I DO, AND I KNOW THE INCREDIBLE FINANCIAL STRAIN THAT IT PUTS ON FAMILIES. I WOULD BE HAPPY TO CONSIDER THIS PROPOSAL IF AN ALTERNATE FUNDING SOURCE WOULD BE IDENTIFIED, BUT COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE IS POINTED THAT THE FUNDING SOURCE FOR THIS IS THE M.P.D. RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN. I'M PLEASED AT THE PROGRESS WE'VE MADE IN HIRING QUALIFIED STAFF FOR 911, AND I BELIEVE WE ARE FULLY STAFFED WITH USE OF THAT CAMPAIGN. HOWEVER, ALTHOUGH WE'RE MAKING PROGRESS TOWARDS HIRING MORE OFFICERS INTO M.P.D., WE STILL HAVE A LONG, LONG WAY TO GO. WE ARE STILL OVER 150 SWORN OFFICERS SHY OF OUR CHARTER MANDATED MINIMUM. I'M NOT SURE IF COMMISSIONER BARNETTE WOULD LIKE TO GIVE US AN UPDATE ON THIS CAMPAIGN AND HOW MUCH ME HIRING NEEDS TO BE DONE CONSIDERING THE GOOD NUMBER OF FUTURE OFFICERIN THE PIPELINE, IN THE C.S.O. AND IN OTHER PROGRAMS. BUT BECAUSE OF THE SOURCE ON THIS, THIS HAS TO BE A HARD STOP FOR ME. AND I HOPEHAT OTHERS ALSO DON'T SUPPORT DECREASING FUNDS THAT ARE TRULY HELPING US TO RECITE MORE OFFICERS. THANK YOU, CMISSIONER, FOR COMING ON UP. COULD YOU TELL US WHAT THIS COMES AT THE EXPENSE OF THE M.P.D. AND THE RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN. GOOD AFTERNOON, CHAIR CHUGHTAI. COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, I KNOW THAT CHIEF O'HARA, I BELIEVE, GAVE AN UPDATE AT THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE. YOU ALL ARE WELL AWARE OF THE SHORTAGE OF POLICE OFFICERS AND WHAT THA MEANS FOR OUR RESIDENTS. THE MORE OFFICERS WE HAVE T BETTER RESPONSE TIMES WE HAVE. THE MO WE'RE ABLE TO RESPOND TO THOSE CAL THAT AREN'T JUST PRIORITY ONE CALLS RIGHT NOW. YOU KNOW THAT THE OFFICER ARE RUNNING FROM PRIORITY ONE TO PRIORITY ONE CALLS IN OUR REZ -- AND OUR RESIDENTS WAIT A LONG T PRIORITY TWO AND THREE. THE CAMPAIGN ITSELF AND HAS BEEN GOING REALLY WELL WITH THE REACH OF WHAT HAS BEEN DOING THE DIGITAL CAMPAIGN, SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN WITH THIS OUTREACH ON META, LINKEDIN, YOUTUBE, WE'VE BEEN ABLE TO -- THE VIDEO THERE, I JUST GOT THIS THROUGH BEGINNING OF SEPTEMBER HAVE REACHED NINE MILLION PEOPLE. OSE WHO HAVE LOOKED AT THAT VIDEO, AT LEAST 15 SECONDS, AND HAVE A 15-SECOND I BELIEVE OR 30-SECOND VIDEO. ALSO IMPRESSNS MEANING THOSE PEOPLE WHO JUST TOOK A LOOK BUT NOT NECESSARILY LOOKED AT THE VIDEO AND I BELIEVE IS $35 MILLION. AND SO WE'RE MAKING PROGRESS WITH AT LEAST THOSE FOLKS WHO APPEAR TO HAVE SOME INTEREST IN VIEWING THAT IN THE REACH OF THE CAMPAIGN, I THINK, HAS BN GOOD. >> THANK YOU. THAT IS THE COST OF THISHANGE. BUT JUST TO GO BACK TO THE CHILD CARE NEED, YOU KNOW, MY OWN FAMILY HAD CHILD CARE NEEDS AND FULL-TIME CHILD CARE NEEDS WITH 10 YEARS AND THERE WERE DAY CARES THAT PUT ME ON A WAIT LIST WHERE MY SECOND CHILD LITERALLY AGED OUT OF THAT AND WAS IN KINDERGARTEN BEFORE THEY ID, OH, WE HAVE A SPOT AVAILABLE FOR UR SECOND CHILD, AS WELL AS FAMILIES, YOU KNOW, COMING AND GOING WITH ME WHO REGULARLY STRUGGLE TO ACCESS THE VOUCHERS FOR PEOPLE WHO WERE IN GREAT FINANCIAL NEED SO THAT TY COULD HELP TO FUND OR PAY FOR EIR CHILD'S DAILY NEEDS SO THAT THEY COULD GO TO WORK. I HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK WITH COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY ABOUT THIS BECAUSE SHE SHARED HER BUDGET AMENDMENTS WITH ME AND OTHERS IN AERY TRANSPARENT WAY, AND WE SPOKE A LOT ABOUT HOW THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE THAT WORKED AT THE DAY CARE CENTERS WERE THERE BECAUSE OF THE FREE OR GREATLY REDUCED COSTO HAVE THE FAMILY MEMBERS IN CARE AT THAT TIME. AND I THINK THAT IS A REALLY IMPORTANT REASON WHY PEOPLE CHOOSE TO GO INTO THIS KIND OF A PROFESSION, AND IT'S NOT A FOREVER PROFESSION SOMETIMES, BUT IT REALLY HELPS TO SERVE THEIR NEEDS AND THE NEEDS OF THEIR CHILDREN OR STEP CHILDREN OR NIECES AND NEPHEWS, AND ETC. THANK YOU. >> THANK YOU. AND NEXT I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY FOLLOWED BY COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY. >> THANK YOU, CHAIR CHUGHTAI. SO I WANT TO REITERATE A COMMENT THAT YOU MENTIONED EARLIER BECAUSE IEARD THAT ESSENTIALLY THIS PROPOSAL IS ILLEGAL AND ONCE AGAIN, ALL OF THESE PROSALS HAVE BEEN VETTED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. BUT WHAT I WILL NOTE ABOUT THE FUNDING SOURCE IS THIS $500,000 WOULD BE IN ADDITION TO THE $7 MILLION THAT THIS BODY PASSED IN ARPA FUNDING AND EXPLICITLY FOR RECRUITMENT EFFORTS FOR THE PUBL SAFETY WORKERS AND ESPECIALLY HARD-TO-FILL POSITIONS IN 2022. ALSO TS SUMMER WE PASSED THE POLICE CONTRACT UNDER THE GUISE OF, AGA, DEMONSTRATING THAT WE ARE TAKING SERIOUS STAFFING CHALLENGES AND ALSO MAKING AN EFFORT TO DO RECRUITMENT AND THAT CONTRACT CAME WITH A $9 MILLION PRICE TAG. AND SO WE HAVE DEMONSTRATED AT LEAST AMONGST THE BODY THAT THERE HAS BEEN TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF RESOURCES DEVOTED TO RECRUITMENT EFFORTS AND PARTICULARLY FOR THIS ONE DEPARTMENT. AND I THINK WE ALSO NEED TO BE EQUITABLE IN HOW AND WHOE ARE INVESTING IN AND ALSO RECOGNIZING THAT CHILD CARE IS A MAJOR CRISIS FOR MANY OF OUR RESIDENTS. AND A MODEST INVESTMENT OF $500,000 ESPECIALLY WHEN WE'RE PAIRING THAT TO THE ALMOST TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS THAT WE HAVE POURED INTO RECRUITMENT FOR M.P.D. ALONE, I THINK IS A WORTHY INVEST TONIGHT MAKE. AND THAT WILL HAVE LONG-TERM ECONOMIC BENEFITS FOR FAMILIES AND WORKERS IN OUR CITY. AND I THINK WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY A TRACK RECORD IN WHICH, AGAIN, THE BODY HAS FULFILLED THE FIDUCIARY DUTIESO DEMONSTRATE THAT AND WE HAVE DONE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO MEET THAT CHARTER MANDATE. I WOULD HOPE OUR CITYATTORNEY'S OFFICE COULD BE ABLE TO DEMONSTRATE THAT. BUT I FEEL CONFIDENT THAT WE HAVE BEEN DOING THAT ON THIS BODY AND WHY I FEEL CONFIDENT IN BEING ABLE TO USE THIS SOURCE.ST CONTEXT AND THE INTENTIONALITY OF WHY WE FELT COMFORTABLE IN USING THE SPENDING PROPOSAL IN LIGHT OF, AGAIN, PAIRING THAT WITH THE OTHER ALLOCATIONS WE HAVE MADE TOWARDS RECRUITMENT EFFORTS, ESPECIALLY NOT ONLY AS EARLY AS JULY OF THIS YEAR, BUT ALSO, YOU KNOW, OVER THE PAST TWO YEARS AS WELL. >> THANK YOU. NEXT I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY FOLLOWED BY COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS. >> THANK YOU SO MUCH, MADAM CHR. I ALSO JUST WANTED TO ECHO THE POINT COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY MADE ABOUT THIS ALARMING, ALMOST FALSE IDEA OF LEGAL RISK. IT IS AN ALARMING STATEMENT THAT THIS PUTS US AT RIS WORLD CUP THE LEAGUE STLEMENT AGREEMENT -- AT RISK OF THE LEGAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, SO I WANTED TO ASK THE DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY THROUGH THE CHAIR TO CONFIRM THERE IS NO RISK WE DON'T DO THIS P.R. IMAGINE RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN. >> MR. NIELSEN. >> IF YOU CAN TURN ON YOUR MIC PLSE. >> AAPOLOGIZE. THANK YOU, CHAIR CHUGHTAI, COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHUR YES, I AGREE. YOUR STATEMENT IS CORRECT. I AM NOT AWARE OF ANY COURT CASE ANALSO NOT AWARE OF IMPLICATIONS REGARDING THE SAME IN TERMS OF THE METTLE I WANT AGREEMENT WITH THE MDHR OR D.J. NEGOTIATION. >> THANK YOU. P.R. CAMPAIGN SPECIFICALLY, APOLOGIZE. >> THANK YOU. AND I WILL MAKE NIGH COMMENTS. I WAS JUST -- I WAS -- WHEN WE TOOK THE PRESENTATION ON ABOUT THIS ITEM, I FOUND IT VERY STAGGERING THAT THERE WERE NO METRICS THAT WERE SHARED WITH US TO GIVE US DATA-BASED INFORMATION THAT I BELIEVE WE SHLD BE ABLE TO EASILY COLLECT ON THE EFFICACY AND THE SUCCESS OF A SOCIAL MEDIA P.R.AMPAIGN THAT TOOK $1 MILLION OF INVESTMENT, AND I REQUESTED AN ADMINISTRATIVE FOLLOW-UP AROUND THE SPECIFIC NUMBERS AND METRICS THAT WERE USED. UNFORTUNATELY, WHAT WAS SHARED WITH US WAS ONLY INFORMATION AROUND WHAT METRICS WER COLLECTED, NOT THE ACTUAL NUMBERS. IT WAS SHARED WITH US A NUMBER OF CLICK THROUGHS AND THE METRICS THAT WERE COLLECTED FROM CLICK THROUGHS FROM SOCIAL MEDIA, SURVEY RESULTS, NUMBER OF APPLICANTS THAT TRANSLATE TO SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES BUT THAT WAS NOT GIVEN TO US AND THE ACTUAL METRICS ITSELF, AND THAT WAS AN OPPORTUNITY THAT WAS THERE TO PROVE TO THIS BODY THAT WE SHOULD CONTINUE INVESTMENT IN THIS P.R. CAMPAIGN. ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I VOTED FOR THE POLICE CONTRACT ALONGSIDE THE ASK FOR MY CONSTITUENTS WAS IN THE NAMEF RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION, SO THAT IS WHY I SUPPORTED THAT. AND THEN HAVE BEEN SUPPORTIVE OF THE PATHWAYS PROGRAM THAT HAVE SHOWN US VERY CLEARLY IN THE WAY WE HAD OUR C.S.O.s IN THE CHAMBER JUST THIS LAST COUNCIL MEETING. I HAVE A REALLY HARD TIME WIOUT APPROPRIATE METRICS TO SUPPORT THIS WHEN WE WEIGH OUT THE NEED FOR CHILD CARE IN THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS. SOY JUST WANT TO THANK THE AUTHOROR BRINGING THIS FORWARD. I THINK THERE IS SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF DATA AVAILABLE WITHIN OUR -- WITHIN THE PACKET AND THE PROPOSAL OF WHY THIS IS NEEDED. AND I A TIME WHERE WE HAVE A VICE PRESIDENT WHO SUGGESTEDHE WAY WE SHOULD ADDRESS OUR CHILD CARE NEEDS IS JUST STAY HOME AR FIND A GRANDPARENT OR AN AUNT TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS, MUNIPALITIES NEED TO STEP UP, SO I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO SUPPORTING THIS TODAY. >> THANK YOU. COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS FOLLOWED BY VICE CHAIR KOSKI. >> THANK YOU, CHAIR CHUGHTAI. EARLIER THIS SUMMER I ATTENDED THE HUNT INSTITUTE . . . >> -- TO SUPPORT GETTING MORE WORKERS INTO CHILD CARE PROGRAMS AND MORE SO, SUPPORTING THEM WITH GETTING MORE ACCREDITATIONS BECAUSE WHEN YOU HAVE MORE CREDENTIALS AND ACCREDITATIONS, YOU ARE ABLE TO ALSO RECEIVE AS A CHILD CARE PROVIDER, MORE FUNDING FROM THE STATE. AND AS WELL. SO THI ACTUALLY IS LINKED TO HOW WE ARE ABLE TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO FAMILIES AND IDEALLY LEADS TO OUTCOME OF LOWERING COSTS FOR FAMILIES BECAUSE YOU DO HAVE WORKERS PRESENT WHICH THEY ARE THE OWNER AND THEY DON'T HAVE THE ARRAY OF THE WORKFORCE TO MEET THE NEEDS OF FAMILIES RIGHT NOW AND WE HAVE SO VERY FEW SLIDES. TO MEET THE RANGE OF NEED FOR DEMAND IN OUR FAMILIES. AND IS IS WHY WE ARE BRINGING THIS FORWARD AND PROGRAMS LIKE THIS HAS BEEN SUPPORTED IN THE PAST BY CPED. AND THERE HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED IMPACTS TO IMPROVE THAT ACCESS. AND SO I ALSO KNOW THAT THIS TYPE OF WORK IS BACKED BY DATA AND THAT IS WHY WE FELT CONFIDENT INOVING FORWARD WITH THIS PROPOSAL. >> THANK YOU. HAVE YOU HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH CHILD CARE PROVIDERS? IS THAT WHATHEY ARE TELLING YOU, SAY THAT DON'T HAVE WORKERS? >> OR TRAINED PROFESSIONALS. >> AND COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS, AS I MENTION, AND IF YOU LOOK IN THE PROPOSAL AND YWCA AND CHILDREN YOUTH AND FAMILIES TO PROVIDE TO CHILD CARE CENTERS AND HELPED US GET CONNECTED WITH THE PROVIDERS AND NAMED THIS AS IDENTIFIABLE NEED. AND BASICALLY SAID WE KNOW YOU HAVE PROVID THE RESOURCES IN THE PAST AND LOVE TO SEE YOU SHOW UP AGAIN THIS THIS WAY. AND WE HAVE BEEN IN TOUCH WITH PROVIDER WHO IS NAMED THIS AS A CRITICAL NEED. >> THANK YOU. AND THEN NEXT I WILL RECOGNIZE VICE CHAIR KOSKI FOLLOWED BY COCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. A QUESTION FOR DIRECTOR HANSON. >> THANKYOU. I WAS JUST WONDERING ABOUT THE E TO UTILIZE THIS FUNDING FOR THIS TYPE OF PROJECT. I AGREE THAT IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT, BUT WANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PLAN MIGHT BE AND HOW TO GET THOSE FUNDING OUT. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, COUNCIL MEMBER KOSKI, OUR EMPLOYMENT IN TRAINING TEAM IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISN WOULD TAKE THIS FUNDING AND WITH PART OF THE CAREER PATHWAYS PROGRAM AND TYPICALLY OFFER THIS THROUGH A NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY AND GET A COMMUNITY-BASED PROVIDER AND THEN DO THE TRAINING AND WE WOULD DO THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE CONTRACT AND ALL THE COMPLIANCE CHECKS THAT WE ARE WORKING UNDERNEATH. AND ALL THE CONVENTION HERE IS THE WORKFORCE AND MAKE SURE THEY ARE EFFICIENTLY DOING THAT WORK AND THAT IS HANDLED BY THE EXISTING STAFF. AND I APPRECIATE THAT. AND I HAVE ANOTHER QUESTION FOR COMMISSIONER BARNETTE AS WELL. >> AWE CHAIR CHUGHTAI, COUNCIL MEMBER KOSKI. >> THANK YOU SO MUCH. >> AND SO THE CAMPAIGN THAT WE HAD PREVIOUSLY AND I KNOW AND UNDERSTAND FROM A PREVIOUS PRESENTATION FROM THE CHIEF THAT IT DID INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE THAT APPLIED AND KITE SIGNIFICANTLY FROM LAST YEAR TO THIS YEAR AND EVEN OVER DOUBLE, WHICH WAS REALLY EXCITING TO HEAR. AND WHAT I DIDN'T SEE AND MAYBE THERE IS SOME CHANGE IN THIS, BUT THE HIRING RATE ITSELF WAS JUST ABOUT, I BELIEVE, AROUND 5%. FOR ME THAT'S THE OUTCOME THAT I WANT TO SEE. I WANT TO SEE HOW MANY OFFICERS WE GET ACROSS THE HIRING LINE A INCREASE, SO I'M WONDERING HOW THIS $500,000 WOULD HELP ACTUALLY GET GOOD OFFICERS ACROSS THE LINE AND INCREASE THAT HIRING RATE AND PERHAPS IT SOUNDED LIKE A LOT OF BARRIERS AND HOW WOULD THE DOLLARS REDUCE THE BARRIERS TO GETTING OFFICERS ACROSS THE LINE. >> YOU KNOW, THE CHAIR AND THEN COUNCIL MEMBER KOSKI, SOME OF THE BARRIERS THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT HAS TO DO WITH THE STATE REQUIREMENT. IT'SOT ABOUT OUR RECRUITMENT OR WHO WE HIRE AND THINGS LIKE THAT. AND SO WE'VE TRIED VERY HARD TO WORK AND I KNOW CHIEF O'HARA HAS TRIED VERY HARD TO WORK WITH THE POST BOARD IN TRYING TO GET AT LEAST SOME SMALL CHANGES FOR PEOPLE, AND YOU'VE HEARD THEM BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT PEOPLE WHO HAVE AEADY GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE HAVING TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL TO GET CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS AND SO THOSE AREN'T BARRIERS THAT WE AS A CITY PLACED ON IT AND THOSE ARE THE ENVIRONMENTS BY THE STATE. THOSE THINGS HAVE TO CHANGE FROM THE STATE AND I WAS ABLE TO GET NUMBERS FROM H.R. IN WHICH THEY SAID 420 APPLICANTED APPLIED BY VIEWING THE CAMPAIGN. 134ERE ELIGIBLE. 123 WERE REFERRED. 73 ACCEPTED AN INTERVIEW AND 32 WERE HIRED. AND SO OUT OF THE -- IT LOOKS LIKE OUT OF 68 OF THE OFFICERS HIRED, WE HAD 32 DIRECTLY FROM THE CAMPAIGN WHICH MEA THAT'S ABOUT A 47 OF OUR FOLKS WHO ARE HIRED WHO CAME AS A RESULT OF VIEWING THE CAMPAIGN. >> SORRY. I MIGHT BE DOING MY MATH WRONG. 32 WERE HIRED AND 420 APPLIED. >> AND 68 TOTAL WERE HIRED. 32 OF THOSE THAT WERE HIRED CAME DIRECTLY FROM THE CAMPAIGN. AND THAT'S CURRENT. I MEAN, I THOUGHT, WHEN WE TALKED ABOUT THE 420 APPLICATIONS, AND WE WERE LOOKG LIKE 1200 APPLICATIONS. >> ALL I AM SAYING IS FROM H.R. FOR 420 APPLICANTS, RIGHT, AND 420 APPLICANTS THAT APPLIED FROM VIEWING THE CAMPAIGN. SO THIS IS OUR SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN. >> THIS IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO -- >> A DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE CAMPAIGN VERSUS SOME OF THE OTHER DATA WE WERE TOLD THAT WAS 1200 AND APPLICANTS AND OF THE 1200 APPLICANTS AND 420 CAME FROM THE CAMPAIGN. >> I THINK YOU CAN MAKE THAT ASSUMPTION. I DIDN'T ASK THAT QUESTION, BUT THE QUESTION WAS, WHAT DID WE -- WHAT WERE THE APPLICANTS THAT WE GOT FROM THE CAMPAIGN. ARE WE ABLE TO TELL THAT INFORMATION? >> OKAY. AND THAT WAS 420. >> OKAY. >> AND SO THEN BACK TO THE QUESTION AROUND THIS SPECIFIC $500,000, HOW DO YOU FEEL THAT THIS FUNDING AND THIS SPECIFIC INCREASE WILL THEN CONTINUE TO SUPPORT MAKING SURE WE GET THOSE OFFICERS ACROSS THE LINE AND 32 OR 68 IS FOR GETTING THERE AND THOSE ARE BETTER NUMBERS. >> AND IF WE CAN KEEP THE ONES THAT WE HAVE. AND THAT IS THE CHALLENGE AND TO RECRUIT GOOD OFFICERS AND KEEP GOOD OFFICERS. IS THAT $500,000 TO GO TOWARDS THIS $500,000 AND THIS $500,000 GOES TO THE RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN. LET'S TAKE A STEP BACK. WE HIRED T FIRM, ACCENTURE, WHICH WE HIRED. THAT CONTRACT EXPIRED AND SO WHEN THAT CONTRACT EXPIRED, WE GOT ALL OF THEIR INFORMATION AND ALL THE PRINT DATA THEY HAD. EVERYTHING THEY HAD FOR THE CAMPAIGN OUR COMS PEOPLE, O.C.S., RECEIVED ALL THAT INFOR. AND ONE OF THE THINGS FROM THAT THAT WE'RE TRYING TO DO IS THAT WE KNOW OUR YOUNGER FOLKS THAT ARE OUT THERE, THE MAJORITY OF THEM VIEW SOCIAL MEDIA, SO OUR PUSH HAS BEEN ON SOCIAL MEDIA. HOW DO WE NOT ONLY MAKE THAT TOUCH PNT ON SOCIAL MEDIA BUT WE'RE USING OTHER THING. THIS IS NOT THONLY -- >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI, YOUR TIME HAS EXPIREED. >> -- BUT WE USE OTHER AVENUES TO RECRUIT AS WELL. >> WONDERFUL, PERFECT. >> THANK YOU.>> COUNCIL MEMBER . AND THEN COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS. >> AND THANK YOU, CITY ATTORNEY, FOR CLARIFYING MY REMARKS. BUT I WAS NOT REFERRING TO THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. MAYBE YOU CAN HELP ME UNDERSTAN KNOWLEDGE YOU DO. BUT WE WERE --HE CITY WAS SUED TO BRING OUR POLICE FORCE UP TO 731 PER THE CHARTER. AND DO WE NOT HAVE TO SHOW THE COURT THAT WHILE WE DO NOT HAVE 731 OFFICERS, WE ARE MAKING EFFORTS TO GET TO TH POINT? >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE, I'M TRYING TO RECALL ALL THE TAILS OF THAT CASE. I KNOW THAT IT IS NO LONGER, YOU KNOW, HANGING OVER OUR HEADS SO TO SPEAK. THAT THE REQUISITE SHOWING HAS BEEN MADE TO THE COURT AND THE CASE IS ESSENTIALLY RESOLVED AT THIS POINT. BUT THAT IS NO LONGER SOMETHING THAT WOULD IMPLICATE YOUR DECISION HERE ON A BUDGET MOVE RELATED TO A P.R. CAMPAIGN. >> THANK YOU FOR MAKING THAT CLEAR. SO I GUESS JUST -- I'M GOING TO CHANGE MY REMARK TO SAY THAT BY TAKING AWAY $500,000 FOR THE RECRUITMENT IS JUST ANOTHER AROUND THE CORNER WAY TO DEFUND THE POLICE AND I WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR THIS. >> THE FUNDING FOR THE MINNEAPOLIS POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS INCREASED. PLEASE LET'S STICK TO FACTS HERE. I'LL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS. >> THANK YOU, CHAIR CHUGHTAI. WOW, IT HAS JUST COME TO MY ATTENTION THAT THERE ARE TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION OFFERED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, IN-PERSON, AND VIRTUAL, SO OUR RESIDENTS -- AND THIS IS A STATEWIDE ISSUE. IN FACT, IT'S PROBABLY LESS OF AN ISSUE IN THE TWIN CITIES THAN IT IS OUT IN SOM COMMUNITY WHERE IS THERE ARE NO COMMUNITY CHILD CARE SERVICES AVAILABLE AT ALL. I'M JUST CURIOUS, YOU KNOW, IS IT -- A THING THAT WE CAN BE DIRECTING PEOPLE TO THESE EXISTING TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES OR DO WE HAVEO CREATE A WHOLE NEW PROGRAM SPECIFICALLY FOR THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS. OR MAYBE THE AUTHOR WOULD BE WILLING TO ANSWER THAT. >> COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY. >> THANK YOU. CLARIFICATION, WE ARE NOT CREATING A WHO NEW PROGRAM. WE ARE SUPPORTING THE EXISTING CAREER PATHWAYS PROGRAM. AND WITH THE $10 PLUS MILLION THAT THE STATE ALLOCATED THAT WENT TOWARDS VOUCHERS FOR FAMILIES AT THE STATE LEVEL, AND ACTUALLY, COUNCILEMBER JENKINS, THE THING YOU REFERENCED EARLIER IS WHAT STATE LAWMAKERS PRIORITIZED IN THE MOST RECENT LEGISLATIVE SESSION. IT WASN'T ALSO DIVERSIFYING INTO THE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS. THERE IS FUNDING GOING THERE, BUT ALSO THINGS UP IN THE AIR CREATED THE NEW DEPTMENT OF YOUNG FAMILIES AND CHILDREN. SO THERE STILL NEEDS TO BE AND THEY TALKED ABOUT THIS PUBLIY OF NEEDING TO DEVELOP WHAT FUNDING LOOKS LIKE IN THAT AREA AS TY ARE GOING TO THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION. BUT I WANT TO NAME, AGAIN, SPEAKING TO THE PARTNERS IN THE SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS THEMSELVES AND THEY HAVE ALSO SAID THERE IS A NEED HERE. AND EVEN WITH THE ANALYSIS AND THIS IS ON LIMS. THEY CAULKED ABOUT THE GREAT NEED HERE IN HENNEPIN COUNTY IN MINNEAPOLIS AROUND SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES AND HOW EXPENSIVE IT IS. AND THIS IS ONE OF THE WAYS THAT WE CAN SHOW UP AND ADDRESS THE AFFORDABILITY CRISIS THROUGH THE WORK FORCE SHORTAGE THROUGH THE EXISTING PROGRAM. >> COUNC MEMBER, YOUR MIC. >> I HAVE NO DISPUTES WITH THE REALITY OF CHILD CARE AFFORDABILITY AND IN SOME CASES IT COSTS MORE THAN SENDING A CHIL TO AN ACCREDITED UNIVERSITY AND/OR COLLEG AND SO IT'S RIDICULOUS. BUT ADDING MORE TRAINED PEOPLE, I DON'T S HOW THAT SOLVES THE PROBLEM. AND, YOU KNOW, ONE OF THE OTHER PROBLEMS WE REALLY HAVE IN OUR CITY IS OUR TAXPAYERS ARE FEELING COMPLETELY OVERBURDENED. OUR RESIDENTIAL HOMEOWNERS ARE FEELING COMPLETELY OVERBURDENED AND THEY SEE US MAKING ALL THESE, QUOTE, NEW PROGRAMS AND NEW SPENDING AND GETTING INCREASINGLY MORE FRUSTRATED, WHICH I'M SURE WE'LL HEAR MORE ABOUT THIS EVENING. THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. >> THANK YOU. WITH THAT COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN, WOULD YOU -- >> NO, I WAS GOING TO CALL THE QUESTION. >> LOOKS LIKE WE'RE READY TO DO THAT. >> WE'RE TALKINGBOUT CHILD CARE AND ALL OF A SUDDEN TALKING ABOUT DEFUNDING THE POLICE. I DON'T KNOW. BUT I WAS GOINGO CALL THE QUESTION, BUT SOUND LIKE NOBODY IS BEHIND ME. >> PERFECT. WITH THAT, WE HAVE THE -- WE HAVE THE EARLY CLDHOOD EDUCATION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT OFFERED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY BEFORE US. >> I WOULD ASK THE CLERK TO CALL THE ROLL ON AMENDMENT 43. >> COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE, AYE. >> WONSLEY, AYE. >> RAINVILLE, NAY. >> VETAW, NO. >> ELLISON, AYE. >> OSMA AYE. >> CASHMAN, AYE. >> JENKINS, NAY. >> CHAVEZ, AYE. >> CHOWDHURY, AYE. >> PALMISANO, NO. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI, NAY. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, AYE. >> THERE A EIGHT AYES AND FIVE NAYS. >> THAT ITEM CARRIES. AND COLLEAGUES, IT TOOK US ABOUT 33 MINUTES TO DISPENSE WITH THAT ITEM. SO PERHAPS WE WILL TAKE LESS TIME THAN THAT FOR THE NEXT ONE. AMENDMENT NUMBER 44 IS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ AND MYSELF. I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ TO PLEASE INTRODUCE AND MOVE APPROVAL OF HIS MINNEAPOLIS WELCOME AND LABOR CENTER AMENDMENT. >> THANK YOU. WE'RE BRINGING THIS FORWARD WITH THE COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT TO ASSIST IN CONDUCTING COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, RESEARCH, AND PROVIDE FUNDING TO MEET THE NEEDS OF GROWING NEWCOMERS AND REFUGEES IN MINNEAPOLIS TO IMPLEMENT THE JOURNEY TO BELONGING IN THE TWIN CITIES REPORT AND TO HEAR THE ONGOING NEEDS AND CHALLENGES AND FOR EXAMPLE, CNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY AND I HAVE BEEN MEETING WITH FOOD VENDORS IN OUR COMMUNITY. COUNCIL VICE PRESENT CHUGHTAI AND I HAVE MET WITH DAY LABORERS ON LAKE STREET, MAN OF US HAVE BEEN TALKING WITH THE IMMIGRANT RESIDENTS STRUGGLING WITH FOOD INSECURITY AND EMPLOYMENT ISSUES AND HOUSING CONCERNS AND HEALTH CONCERNS ALONG WITH FOLKS THAT NEED SUPPORT WITHHEIR BUSINESSES. THIS PROPOSAL HAS COME TO FRUITION WITH COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS THAT WOULD HELP DO COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND EVERYTHING I LISTED ABOVE TO ESTABLISH A LOCATION TO MEET THE GROWING NEEDS AND DEMANDS OF THE POPULATIONS BUT WITH THE UNDERSTANDING AND PRE-WORK IS NEEDED BEFORE THIS BEGINS WITH THEOAD MAP FOR THIS AND THEY WOULD COME TO PRESENT THROUGH THE CY COUNCIL. AND I'LL MOVE THIS FOR APPROVAL. >> COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ HAS MOVED APPROVAL OF ANDMENT NUMBER 44. IS THERE A SECOND TO THAT MOTION? >> SECOND. >> THAT ITEM IS PROPERLY MOVED AND SECONDED. IS THERE DISCUSSION RELATED TO THE ITEM? I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. REALLY LIKE THE IDEA OF CREATING A MORE WELCOMING PATH TO EMPLOYMENT FOR IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES AND OTHERS IN OUR CITY. BUT I NEED TO UNDERSTAND A LITT DECREASE WILL MEAN TO THE DEPARTMENT AND SO I WOULD INVITE UP C.O.O. ANDERSON KELLIHER TO HELP US UNDERSTAND THAT. >> WELCOME BACK. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. COUNL MEMBER PALMISANO, MY UNDERSTANDING IS THIS REDUCTION WILL TAKE AWA FINANCE'S ABILITY TO REIMBURSE STAFF WHO ARE PURSUING FURTHER EDUCATION. >> MS. ANDERSON KELLIHER, SOME OF OUR JOB CATEGORIES REQUIRE CURRENT LICENSING AND CURRENT CREDENTIALS WHERE PEOPLE TAKE, LIKE, CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASSES AND THAT SORT OF THING. SOMETIMES THOSE THINGS ARE REQUIRED. WOULD IT BE TAKING AWA ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE? >> MADAM CHAIR, I WAS JUST LOOKING TO MAKE SURE WHO WAS COMING IN THE ROOM AND I KNOW FINANCE HAD OFFSITE MEETING TODAY. WE ONLY REIMBURSE FOR THINGS THAT ARE APPROVED, SO IF A PROGRAM IS APPROVED FOR AN EMPLOYEE OR IS NEEDED FOR THEIR LICENSURE OR KEEPING UP TO LICENSURE TO DO THE WORK HERE, SO GENERALLY LICENSURE IS GENERALLY NOT COVERED BY THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS, BUT IF THERE IS A SPECIFIC LICENSURE THAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR JOB, WE WOULD COVER THAT. >> MS. ANDERSON KELLIHER, WOULD WE CONTINUE T COVER THAT? >> MADAM CHAIR, AND COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, ACCORDING TO OUR FEEDBACK TO ALL OF YOU, NO, THAT WOULD BE CUT AT THIS POINT WITH THAT $50,000 CUT. >> I SEE. I REGRET THAT IT WILL TAKE EDUCATIONAL TUITION REIMBURSEMENT AWAY FROM JUST THIS DEPARTMENT STAFF. OTHER THAN THAT, IT WOULD HAVE A PRETTY MINIMAL IMPACT ON DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS, SO I SEEM CURIOUS IF THE AUTHORS MIG AGREE TO ADD BACK IN REQUIRED TUITION REIMBURSEMENT CREDENTIALS, SO THESE WOULDN'T BE ANYTHING EXTRA, BUT IT WOULD ENABLE PEOPLE WHO NEED TO KEEP CERTAIN CREDENTIALS, AND AGAIN, I AM NOT AWARE WHAT THOSE MIGHT BE IN FINANCE AND PROPERT SERVICES. I'M NOT SURE WE HAVE THE PEOPLE IN THE ROOM SINCE WE HAVE AN ALL-DAY OFF-SITE MEETING WITH FINANCE, BUT WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO EXEMPT THAT FROM THE AMOUNT OF MONEY THAT YOU'RE TAKING FOR THIS PROGRAM? >> I THINK TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION IT WOULD BE HELPFUL TO UNDERSTAND, IS $50,000 THE TOTAL ALLOCATION FOR THIS? AND IS IT ALL FULLY USED EVERY AR. SO MADAM CHAIR, FIRST OF ALL, I IS THE FULL AMOUNT IS BEING TAKEN HERE. IT IS FOR ACCOUNTING TAX AND IN THE CASE WE HAVE VERY JUNR PEOPLE COMING HERE WHO NEED TO GET THEIR ACCOUNTING CERTIFICATE. WE THEN REIMBURSE THEM FOR THAT AND WE WANT TO TRAIN THEM UP AND KEEP THEM. >> I WANT TO BE ABLE TO ANSWER COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO'S QUESTION SO IT WOULD BE HELPFUL SO UNDERSTAND MAYBE IN THE LAST THREE YEARS HOW HAS ALL $50,000 BEEN USED EVERY YEAR BY THE DEPARTMENT. >> COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT CHUGHTAI, I'LL JUST SPEAK -- THIS IS A NEWER PROGRAM THAT C.F.O. DYE, I BELIEVE, CREATED IN THE LAST TWO YEARS AS AN EFFORT TO INCREASE DIVERSITY WITHIN FINANCE AND PROPERTY SERVICES, SO IT IS A REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM FOR APPROVED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS. >> IN THE THE PAST TWO YEARS, HAS IT BEEN USED ENTIRELY? >> I DON'T HAVEHAT FIGURE OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD, BUT WE CAN FIND OUT FOR YOU. >> I THINK COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ AND I WOULD BE INCREDIBLY AMEN TO BELIEVE REDUCING THIS AMOUNT TO COV WHAT H BEEN USED CERTAINLY, SO IF YOU CAN GET US SOME FIGURES ON HOW MUCH OF THAT $50,000 HAS BEEN USED, WE CA ANSWER COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO'S QUESTION, AND I AM NAMING NOW WE AREMENABLE TO MAKING THAT CHANGE. >> THANK YOU. IT FEELS LIKE PRETTY NECESSARY TRAINING TO DEVELOP PEOPLE INTO CAREERS IN THE CITY, AND NO, YOU HAVE TO COME WITH THIS CREDENTIAL AND WE WON'T BE HELPING THE TRAINING TO PAY FOR IT SEEMS SO INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER PROGRAMS. I'M CURIOUS WHY YOU IN LOOKING ACROSS THE BOARD FOR FUNDING CHE FINANCE AND PROPERTY SERVICES SPECIFICALLY TO TAKE THIS FROM? >> I AM HAPPY T SPEAK TO THAT. WHEN THIS AMENDMENT WAS OFFICIALLY SUBMITTED, IT WAS, I THINK, THE CUT WAS COMING FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE IN THE DEPARTMENT WITHIN FINANCE AND PROPERTY SERVICES. AND AT THE DEPAMENT'S REQUEST, WE SHIFTED TO THIS AS THE SOURCE, SO I MEAN, I DIDN'T GO AND PICK EXACTLY WHERE THIS CUT COULD COME FROM, BUT AGAIN, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH WHAT YOU ARE SAYING AND THAT IS THE REASON FOR BEING AMEN TO BELIEVE THE CHANGE. >> -- TO BE AMENABLE TO THE CHANGE. >> I HOPE YOU WOULD BE AMEN TO BELIEVE PULL IT AND DO IT AT THE END AFTER WE HAVE MORE INFORMATION AND FIND OTHER EXTRANEOUS INFORMATION IN OTHER DEPARTMENTS IN PLACES THEY HAVEN'T USED TRAINING BUDGETS IN THE PAST. >> SURE. WE'LL CONNUE WITH DISCUSSION AND SEE IF WE HAVE AN ANSWER FROM DIRECTOR BY THE TIME WE GET THROUGH THE NEXT TWO AUTHORS, AND THEN WE WILL -- WE CAN TABLE THIS. SO WITH THAT, I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN. >> THANK YOU. I WANT TO TALK ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO MAKING MINNEAPOLIS A WELCOMING CITY. OUR IMMIGRANTS BRING SO MUCH TO OUR COMMUNY. THEY CONTRIBUTE A LOT OF MONEY. A LOT OF X. THEY START NEW BUSINESSES. THEY CREATE REVENUE FOR THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS. AND FOR THIS $50,000, TO HAVE THAT PROGRAM AND MAKE THEM FEEL WELCOME AND THIS DEPARENT IS ACTUALLY UNDERFUNDED. THEY ONLY HAD ONE FULL-TIME STAFF LAST YEAR THANKS TO THE COUNCIL MEMBERS WHO ADDED LAST YEAR WHEN ANOTHER STAFF WITH THE IMPORTANCE OF IMMIGRANTS AND WHEN WE TALK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF IMMIGRANTS AND NOT SAYING TT WHERE WE GET INTO SOURCES IS LESS IMPORTANT. EVERYTHING WE FUND IS VERY IMPORTANT. I WANT TO HIGHLIGHT THAT IT IS CRUCIAL THAT ESPECIALLY THE TIME WE ARE IN AND WHO IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND TO MAKE OUR COMMUNITY FEEL WELCOME AND TO MAKE OUR CITY A PLACE THAT WELCOMES EVERYONE AND IMMIGRANT OFFICE, THAT WE HAVE IN THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS HAS DONE A LOT OF WORK AND THEY HAVE CREATED A LOT OF SERVICES AND MY OFFICE GETS CONTACTED FOR IMMIGRANT ISSUE AND I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE WITH IMMIGRANT ISSUE AND I DIRECT THEM TO ASK SOME OF THE QUESTIONS WITH THE WELCOME AND LABOR CENTER, AND I THINK IT WOULD BE WONDERFUL TO SEE SOMEWHERE ON LAKE STREET AND ON OFFICE ANDHE PLACE THAT NEW IMMIGRANT CANS GO AND GET -- AND FEEL WELCOME. AND I WANT TO HIGHLIGHT THAT IT'S IMPORTANT AND I SUPPORT IT. THANK YOU. AWE THANK YOU. >> OH YES, WOULD YOU ALSO PLEASE ADD ME AS A CO-AUTHOR FOR THIS. >> YES, ABSOLUTELY. CLERKS, IF WE CAN NOTE THAT COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN IS ADDED AS A CO-AUTHOR AND COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, I SEE THAT YOU ARE IN QUEUE. IS IT OKAY TO PAUSE FOR A SOND TO SEE IF WE HAVE AN ANSWER FROM -- FROM THE BUDGET TEAM? >> NOT YET. GO AHEAD AND. AND THEN AFTER YOUR COMMENTS WE WILL BEGIN AND HOLD THIS UNTIL WE HAVE AN ANSWER AND WE'LL MOVE ON TO NUMBER 45. >> SURE. THAT'S ACTUALLY WHY I WAS IN QUEUE BECAUSE I SAW DIRECTOR DYE COME INTO THE ROOM. BUT I AM CURIOUS, I GUESS, FROM THE AUTHORS WHY ONE-TIME? WE CAN'T CREATE A WELCOME CENTER -- AND JUST SHUT IT DOWN. WHY WOULD WE DO THIS WITH JUST ONE-TIME MONEY? THAT SEEMS TO BE ANOTHER THING THAT INCREASES THE BUDGET ONGOING NEXT YEAR. TO INCREASE THE BUDGET IN FUTURE YEARS. >> I CAN ANSWER THAT QUESTION. WE WANTED TO TAKE AN APPROACH OF ENGAGING WITH THE COMMUNITY TO SEE HOW WE COULD DEVELOP THIS IN HOPES O TRYING TOMPLEMENT AND ADDRESS IMMIGRANT CONCERNS AND TO SEE WHAT IT ULD LOOK LIKE AND MANY DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES THAT ARE REPRESENT AND THIS IS TO SEE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE AND THIS IS ONE ME. SO THIS IS THE AND IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO HAV ONE PERSON AND OUR ONE PERSON LEVERAGES SO MUCH NAVIGATION TO TH DIFFERENT NONPROFITS THAT OFFER THINGS LIKE FRE IMMIGRATION, HELP, LEGAL AID, THESE KIND OF THINGS FOR PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY, WHICH YOU, COUNCIL MEMBER CHAVEZ, ARE CERTAINLY WELL VERSED IN, PROBABLY MORE CURRENT THAN I AM IN IT. AND THIS CONCERNS ME THIS WOULD BE A REPORT AND WHAT IT WOULD TAKE TO CREATE A TO BE SOMETHING THEY RENT OUT OR COULD BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TO HAVE THE MONEY BE CAREFUL TARDS THE APPROACH AND TWO TO DO THIS IN THE FUTURE. >> THIS IS ACCOMPLISHING A NEW SERVICE AND I APPRECIATE IT COMES WITH MONEY BECAUSE I DON'T THINK THAT THE DIRECTOR HAS MUCH TIME TO ADD THIS TO HER DOCKET OF THINGS, THINGS THAT ARE DONE. >> AN I'LL JUST STOP BECAUSE THE REST OF MY TIME WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR DIRECTOR DYE. >> ALL RIGHT. OKAY. PERFECT. COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, I WILL NOTE THERE ARE TWO STAFF MEMBERS AND THAT WAS THE CHANGE MADE IN THE LAST BUDGET -- >> I'M WELL AWARE, THANK YOU. >> I HEARD YOU SAY ONE PERSON. >> IT BEGAN WITH ONE PERSON IN THE DEPARTMENT ANDAS TWO PEOPLE IN THE DEPARTMENT AND THIS DIRECTOR WOULD BE LEADING THE WORK OF THIS CENTER AND WH $50,000 YOU MIGHT OUTSOURCE IT. >> SURE. >> DIRECTOR, DO YOU HAVEAANSWER TO THEUESTION? >> I HAVE A PARTIAL ANSWER TO THE QUESTION LOOKING AT THE RECENT ACCOUNTING REPORT FOR THE DEPARTMENT. THERE IS ABOUT $35,000 IN SPENDING AND REIMBURSEMENT THAT PAYMENTS HAPPEN AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER. >> SOUND GOOD. THIS IS HELPFUL. I THINK I HAVE A SOLUTION AND A PATH FORWARDHERE. DURING DISCUSSION, I HAD A CHANCE TO TALK WITH OUR CITY CLERK CASEY CARL WHO IS THE HEAD OF OUR CITY'S LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT AND HE JUST OFFERED SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO THE AND WELCOMING IMMIGRANTS INTO OUR COMMUNITY IS A PRIORITY FOR THIS BODY THAT THIS IS SMALL ENOUGH ONE-TIME COST THAT CAN BE ABSORBED INTO THE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT OF CITY CLERK'S BUDGET. SO IF IT IS OKAY WITH EVERYONE HERE, I'M GOING TO AMEND ON THE FLY. I KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HATE THIS. I'M SORRY, CLERKS. WE ARE GOING TO CHANGE THE SOURCE HERE FROM FINANCE AND PROPERTY SERVICES EXECUTIVE TO LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT, COMMA, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK. WITH WHATEVER FD CODE, WHATEVER IS APPROPRIATE FOR YOU. >> AND IF THAT WORKS FOR EVERNE, I'M NOT SEEING ANY FURTHER DISCUSSION, SO NUMBER 44,S AMENDED TO CHANGE THE SOURCE TO THE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK, AMENDMENT NUMBER 44 IS BEFORE US, AND I WILL ASK THE CLERK TO CALL THE ROLL. >> COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE, AYE. >> WONSLEY, E. >> RAINVILLE, AYE. >> VETAW, AYE. >> ELLISON, AYE. >> OSMAN, AYE. CASHMAN, AYE. >> JENKINS, AYE. >> CHAVEZ, AYE. >> CHOWDHURY, AYE. >> PALMISANO, AYE. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI, AYE. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, AYE. >> THERE ARE 13 AYES. >> THAT ITEM CARRIES. AMENDMENT NUMBER 45 IS FROM COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE. I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE TO PLEASE INTRODUCE AND MOVE APPROVAL OF YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS IMPLEMENTATION STAFF AMENDMENT. >> THANK YOU, VICE PRESIDENT CHUGHTAI. THIS AMENDMENT IS MOVING RESOURCES OUT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND INTO THE OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS. THIS IS IN SUPPORT OF OUR ONGOING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND CONSENT DECREE WORK. WE HAVE HAD THIS CONVERSATION ON A PREVIOUS ANDMENT OF MINE, BUT A LOT OF THIS WORK WAS VERY HEAVILY FRONT LOADED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AS WE ARE IN THE NEGOTIATION ASE, AS WELL UP HERE ON THE DAIS, WE ARE GETTING CLOSELY TOWARDS THE END OF NEGOTIATION PHASE AND HOPEFULLY HAVING AGREED UPON SETTLEMENT -- CONSENT DECREE WITH THE D.O.J., BUT WE ARE FULLY IN IMPLEMENTATION MODE AND THAT BODY OF WORK IS LARGELY OWNED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WHICH WE'VE MADE SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENTS INTO AND THAT IS PROBABLY THE BIGGEST SOURCE OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET GROWING IS THE ADDITIONAL STAFF THAT WE'VE ALLOCATED TOWARDS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. THERE IS A HUGE BODY OF WORK IN THE VIL RIGHTS DEPARTMENT THAT, I THINK IF YOU ALL RECALL, WE JUST RECENTLY APPROVED A CONTRACT FOR AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATOR SO THEY CLD WORK AGAINST THE LARGE BACKLOG OF CASES THAT HAVE NOT GONE THROUGH INTAKE YET. AND SO THAT BACKLOG EXISTS BECAUSE OF MA, MANY YEARS OF UNDERINVESTMENT IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS DEPARTMENTHERE THE CASES WERE COMING IN AT A FASTER RATE THAN WE COULD GET THROUGH THE INTAKE ON THOSE. AND SO ONE OF THE THINGS THAT WE SHOULD ALL ANTICIPATE AND ACTUALLY HOPE FOR I AN INCREASE AND UPTICK IN THE NUMBER OF CASES COMING IN THROUGH OCPR AND THOSE WOULD BE THE CIVILIAN BASED COMPLAINTS AS OPPOSED TO COMPLAINT INTO INTERNAL AFFAIRS. INTERNAL AFFAIRS HAS STAFFED UP QUITE SIGNIFICANTLY AS WE DRAFTED AND WE HAVEN'T HAD THAT SAME LEVEL OF INVESTIGATION IN CIVIL RIGHTS. SO THIS AMENDMENT IS BUILDING A STRONG FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE OF IMPLEMENTING BOTH THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND THE CONSENT DECREE. >> COUNC PRESIDENT PAYNE HAS MOVED APPROVAL TO AMENDMENT 45. IS THERE A SECD? >> SECOND. >> THAT IS PROPERLY MOVED AND SECONDED. COLLEAGUES, IS THERE ANY DISCUSSION RELATED TO THIS ITEM? I'LL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. I WAS SEEING WHO ELSE MIGHT JUMP INTO QUEUE AHEAD OF ME. THIS IS A REALLY STE CUT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, ESPECIALLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE F.T.E. THAT WAS ALREADY TAKEN WITH THEM IN AMENDMENT NUMBER NINE. THIS IS THREE F.T.E.s FROM THE CIVIL SIDE, AND THERE IS ANOTHER F.T.E. IN THE CRIMINAL SIDE COMING UP IN AMENDMENT NUMBER 65. SO I'D LIKE TO ASK THE CITY ATTORNEY IF SHE WOULD BE WILLING TO COME UP. I'D LIKE HER TO ADVISE US TO HOW THE CUTS MIGHT IMPACT HER OFFICE. WELCOME, CITY ATTORNEY ANDERSON, IF YOU WOULD PLEASE BEGIN BY INTRODUCING YOURSELF. >> MADAM CHAIR, COUNCIL MEERS, KRISTIN ANDERSON, CITY ATTORNEY. SO MY -- FIRST OF ALL, MY UNDERSTANDING OF AMENDMENT NUMBER 65 IS THAT'S COMING OUT OF OUR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BUDGET AND NOT PERSONNEL BUDGET. >> THAT IS CORRECT. SO JUST TO CLARIFY THAT. >> THAT IS CORRECT. >> THE IMPACT OF THIS PARTICULAR AMENDMENT, MY UNDERSTANDING IS THAT IT'S LOOKINGOR A LEAD ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY, AN ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY, VACANT POSITIONS. THE LEAD POSITION IS ACTUALLY IN THE CRIMINAL DIVISION BUDGET. WE'LL FIGURE THAT OUT ON THE BACK END, BUT ESSENTIALLY THE IMPACT IS THAT, YOU KNOW, I HAVE DELAYED DOI ANY PROMOTIONS IN MY OFFICE BECAUSE WE WERE SO CLOSE TO GOING OVER BUDGET BECAUSE OF THOSE UNANTICIPATED RAISESUT OF THE MARKET STUDY THAT THE COUNCIL HAD APPROVED. AND SO WE WERE GOING TO USE THAT LEAD POSITION TO MAKE SOME PROMOTIONAL DECISIONS, SO WE WILL NOT DO THAT IN TERMS OF THE VACANT ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY POSITION THAT IS TAKING AWAY CAPACITY ALWAYS. PUTS US IN A POSITION OF NOT BEING ABLE TO DO AS MUCH. WE WERE IN THE PRESS OF TRYING TO FILL THAT POSITION. WE DID ACTUALLY HAVE A FAILED SEARCH, SO WE HAVE A VACANCY AND WEILL JUST DO WITHOUT. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. THANK YOU, ATTORNEY ANDERSON. I'M A LITTLE WORED THAT OUR CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE IS BECOMING AN EVER MORE TENUOUS PLACE TO WORK. AND I'M CURIOUS IF COMMISSIONER BARNETTE WOULD BE WILLING TO COME UP. IT LOOKS LIKE HE ISN'T HERE. I'D BE CURIOUS HOW THE POSITIONS, MAYBE CITY ATTORNEY ANDERSON KELLIHER IS WELL EQUIPPED TO ANSWER THEM. -- ANDERSON IS EQUIPPED TO ANSWER THEM. AREN'T THESE NECESSARY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION AND IF THEY AREN'T NECESSARY, WHY DIDN'T WE IMPLEMENT THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? WERE WE TRYING TO TAKE A SWAG AT IT LAST YEAR? >> COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT, COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, SO THE POSITIONS THAT THIS WOULD BE TAKING FROM ARE VACANCIES. OUR IMPLEMENTATION WORK CONTINUES ON. WE FRANKLY, HAVE JUST AS MUCH IMPLEMENTATION WORK AS WE EVER HAVE. THESE ARE LEGALOCUMENTS AND SO IT'S ALWAYS GOING TO REQUIRE WORK FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, BUT THE WAY THAT SORT OF OUR HIRING ANDOSITIONS GOES, WE DON'T HAVE SPECIFIC F.T.E.'S THAT ARE, YOU KNOW, IMPLEMENTATION TEAM F.T.E.'S OR WHAT HAVE YOU. AND THEY ARE JUST ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY, LEAD ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY POSITIONS. THE TWO THAT WE'RE LOOKING AT FOR THIS ARE VACANAT THE MOMENT. SO IT WOULD BE TAKING TWO VACANT F.T.E.'S OUT OF THE TOTAL CITY ATTORNEYS COMPLEMENT. I DON'T ANTICIPATE -- I MEAN, I'M NOT WAVING ANYBODY OFF, AND THE IMPLEMENTATION TEAM, I'M GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS THROUGH GIVING OF VACANT POSITIONSO ANOTHER DEPARTMENT THAT I KNOW HAS A NEED. >> THA YOU. I APPRECIATE THIS CONVERSATION. I APPRECIATE HEARING FROM T CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTLY ON IT. I WAS QUITE RUCTANT TO BE SUPPORTIVE OF SUCH CUTS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. IT SOUNDS LIKE THE CITY ATTORNEY ALREADY HAS A PLAN FOR IT. THANK YOU. >> COLLEAGUES, WITH THAT, WE HAVE THE CIVIL RIGHTS IMPLEMENTATION STAFF AMENDMENT OFFERED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE BEFORE US. WILL ASK THE CLERK TO CALL THE ROLL ON AMENDMENT NUMBER 45. >> COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE, AYE. >> WONSLEY, AYE. >> RAINVILLE, AYE. >> VETAW, AYE. >> ELLISON, YA I YAY. >> OSMAN, AYE. >> CASHMAN, AYE. >> JENKINS, AYE. >> CHAVEZ, AYE. >> DHOU CHOWDHURY, AYE. >> PALMISANO, AYE. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI, AYE. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, AYE. >> THERE ARE 13 AYES. >> THAT MOTION CARRIES. AMENDMENT NUMBER 46S ALSO FROM COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE. I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE TO PLEASE INTRODUCE AND MOVE APPROVAL OF YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT AMENDMENT. >> THANK YOU, VICE PRESIDENT CHUGHTAI. THIS IS BUILDING ON THE THEME OF OUR LAST AMENDMENT THAT WAS JUST APPROVED OF LOOKING AT THE LONG-TERM SUCCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STLEMENT AGREEMENT AND CONSENT DECREE. AGAIN, THIS IS RELED TO THIS BIG BACKLOG THAT WE HAVE IN INTAKE RIGHT NOW, WHICH WE ARE HOPING TOORK THROUGH THROUGH HIRING OUTDE COUNSEL TO HELP WORK THROUGH THAT BACKLOG. ONCE WE GET THROUGH THAT BACKLOG BOTH FROM OPCR AND IA, WE'RE GOING TO RUN INTO A WHOLE OTHER BOTTLE RECK WITHIN THE CCPO. BOTH OF THOSE DIFFERENT COMPLAINT WORKFLOWS ARRIVE AT A PANEL FOR CCPO. ONE THING THAT'S GOING TO BE UPCOMING IN THE DRAFT LANGUAGE FOR THIS HAS BEEN SHARED WH CCPO COMMISSIONERS IS EXPANDING THE CCPO MEMBERSHIP SO THAT WE CAN HAVE MORE PEOPLE AVAILABLE TO SIT ON THOSE PANELS AND WORK THROUGH THE CASES. EVEN ON OUR EXISTING NUMBER OF MEMBERS NNCPO, CIVIL RITS, JUST LACKED THE RESOURCES TO MAKE SURE THAT ALL THOSE COMMISSIONERS ARE GETTING THE TRAINING. AND ESPECIALLY AS WE'RE GOING TO BE EXPANDING OCPR AND SE ADDITIONAL TRAINING NECESSARY FOR THEM AS WELL. THIS IS ABOUT BRINGING CAPACITY INTO THE CIVIL RIGHTS DEPARTMENT SO THATE CAN SCALE UP BOTH OUR COMMISSIONERS AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF AS IT RELATES TO THIS BODY OF WORK. THIS IS COMING FROM THE RACIAL EQUITY INCLUSION AND BELONGING, RACIAL EQUITY FRAMEWORK PROPOSAL HAD DISCUSSED IN A PREVIOUS AMENDMENT. >> COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE HAS MOVED APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT 46. IS THERE A SECOND TO THE MOTION? IS >> SECOND. >> THAT ITEM IS PROPERLY MOVED AND SECOND. COLLEAGUES, IS THERE ANY DISCUSSION OR QUESTIONS RELATED TO THIS AMENDMENT? I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PAISANO. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. I WON'T GO BACK AND TALK AGAIN ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF THE RACIAL EQUITY FRAMEWORK, BUT THIS IS THE SECOND OF THREE AMENDMENTS THAT CUT THE RACIAL EQUITY FRAMEWORK PROPOSAL FROM REIB. AGAIN, THE NARRATIVE FOR THIS AMENDMENT STATES REIB CURRENT OPERATIONS WILL NOT BE SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACTED BE I THIS PROPOSAL. MAYBE CURRENT OPETIONS WON'T BE IMPACTED, BUT THE FRAMEWORK IS THE ONLY NEW SPENDING PROPOSAL THIS SMALL DEPARTMENT WAS GIVEN. THESE THREE AMENDMENTS TOTAL THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL AND RENDER THE FRAMEWORK COMPLETELY UNFUNDED. HOW ON EARTH CAN THAT BE CHARACTERIZED AND NOT HAVING SIGNIFICANT IMPACT? >> ARE YOU ASKING -- >> I'M ASKING A QUESTION TO THE AUTHORS. >> SURE. COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE, WOULD YOU KE TO ADDRESS COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO'S QUESTION? >> YEAH, I MEAN, THIS IS NOT EXISTING PROGRAMMING, SO THIS WAS A NEW BUDGET REQUEST THAT WAS IN THE MAYOR'S RECOMMENDED BUDGET, SO WE ARE NOT TAKING MONEY FROM EXISTG PROGRAMMING. WE ARE REPRIORITIZI THAT TWO CONSENT DECREES IS ONE OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT INCREASES. >> IT DOES HAVE WORK THAT WAS PROPOSED THROUGH THE BUDGET PROCESS. WE CAN'T TAKE AMENDMENTS HERE, COLLEAGUES, AS STAND ALONE PROPOSALS. AS I MENTIONED YESTERDAY, WE HAVE TO BALANCE THE LONG-TERM NEEDS OF THEITY VERSUS THE IMPACTS OF THE DECISION WE'RE MAKING AND THE MOTION OF THE AMENDMENT SAYS FOR TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES FOR APPOINTED BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. BUT IT APPEARS IS ONLY VERY SPECIFIC APPOINTED BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ARE MANAGED THROUGH THE CLERK'S OFFICE BUT THIS FUNDING IS FOR CIVIL RIGHTS. HOW MANY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ARE STAFF SUPPORTED BY CIVIL RI >> MR. CLERK, DO YOU WANT TO SPEAK TO THIS? >> I'M SORRY. I WASN'T FULLY PAYING ATTENTION. WHAT I HEARD IS HOW MANY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ARE SUPPORTED BE I THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL RIGHTS? >> CORRECT.>> EXACTLY. I BELIEVE THE CURRENT NUMBER AND THE DIRECTOR IS IN THE AUDIENCE -- >> AN IT'S THREE. >> I KNOW THERE IS THE CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION. AND THERE IS THE COMMUNITY COMMISSION ON POLICE OVERSIGHT. OH, AND THE WORK PLACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. >> SO THIS IS JUST FOR CCPO TRAINING. I PRESUME. >> THAT'S -- THAT IS THE GREATEST NEED IN MY OPINION. BUT I THINK THERE IS A DIRTH OF TRAINING NEEDS ACROSS ALL THOSE COMMISSIONS. >> MR. -- >> CITY CLERK. >> I WOULD JUST ADD TO THAT, I THINK THIS BODY IS AWAREHAT WHEN WE CREATED THE CCPO BECAUSE OF THE UNIQUE NATURE OF THAT BODY, THERE WERE SOME FUNDS THAT WERE SET ASIDE. THOSE ARE ONE-TIME FUND, AND WE USED THOSE TO PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVERAINING AND ASSOCIATION WITH THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OVERSIGHT -- THE CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT OF LAW ENFORMENT, I THINK -- AND I WILL STRUGG WILL THE NAME, BUT WE NOT ONLY USED THOSE FUNDINGS TO BRING REPRESENTATIVES FROM THERE T MINNEAPOLIS TO PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING FOR THE CCPO COMMISSIONERS AND ALSO ABLE TO USE FUNDS, I BELIEVE, AND THE DIRECTOR CANORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG TO SEND SOME OF THE COMMISSIONERS TO THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE FORRAINING AND ULTIMATELY CERTIFICATION. MY EXPECTATION IS THAT WHILE THERE ARE THOSE THREE BOARDS, THERE IS CLEARLY A HEIGHTENED NEED FOR THIS FUNDING FOR THE COMMUNITY COMMISSION AND POLICE OVERSIGHT AND CCPO AND THAT THIS FUNDING WOULD ENABLE THAT TYPE OF TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO BE CONTINUED AND THE DIRECTOR CAN CERTAINLY COME FORWARD AND CORRECT ME WHERE I MIG BE WRONG AND HAVING THAT EXPERIENCE I WANTED TO PUT THAT OUT THERE FOR THE REST OF YOU THAT THAT MONEY HAS BEEN VERY HELPFUL T US WITH THE CCPO. >> I AGREE THAT WE NEED TO PROVIDE TRAINING FOR CCPO SO THEY CAN MEET THE NEEDSF OPCR, OF OUR CONDUCT REVIEW CASES. AND I'M IN FUL SUPPORT OF THAT. WHAT I MOSTLY STRUGG WILL HERE IS THE SOURCE. I CANNOT SUPPORT THIS AT THE COST OF A MAJOR LINE OF WORK IN ONE OF OUR SMALLEST DEPARTMENTS WHOSE GOAL IS TO CREATE THE FRAME WORK FOR US TO BECOME AN ANTI-RACIST ENTERPRISE. I WOULD BE HAPPY TO CONSIDER ALTERNATE FUNDING IF ALTERNATE FUNDING IS IDENTIFIED, AND I NE TO POINT OUT THIS IS ONE-TIME FUNDING AND THE NEED FOR CCPO WILL CONTINUE OVER TIME TO TRAIN PEOPLE WHO TERM ON AND OFF THIS BOARD. AND THAT SHOULD BE SOME TYPE OF ONGOING FUNDING, NOT SOME ONE-TIME ALLOCATION HERE. >> I'M GOING TO -- I'LL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER CASHMAN. >> THANK U, MADAM CHAIR. HOWEVER, I AM IN QUEUE FOR COUNCIL MEMBER ELLISON AND HE IS NOT BACK YET. >> YO I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THAT. >> IT SOUNDS LIK WE ARE READY TO CALL THE ROLL UNLESS COUNCIL MEMBER ELLISON APPEARS IN THE NEXT FIVE SECOND. >> I AM NOT GOING TO FILIBUSTER ON HIS BEHALF. >> COUNCIL MEMBER JENKINS. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. I DO JUST WANT TO EXPRESS MY CONCERN FOR THE REIB DEPARTMENT WHICH, YOU KNOW, JUST -- AND WORKING REALLY HARD TO CREATE THIS DIVISION AND SEEMINGLY IT'S BEING DECIMATED. A >> CIV RIGHTS TRAINING STAFF -- >> [OFF-MIC] >> GOT IT. UNDERSTOOD. IN THAT CASE, WE HAVEHE CIVIL RIGHTS TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPRT AMENDMENT OFFERED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE BEFORE US. I WILL ASK THELERK TO CALL THE ROLL ON AMENDMENT 46. >> COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE, AYE. >> WONSLEY, AYE. >> RAINVILLE, NAY. >> VETAW, NO. >> ELLISON, AYE. >> OSMAN, AYE. >> CASHMAN, AYE. >> JENKINS, NAY. >> CHAVEZ, AYE. >> CHOWDHURY, AYE. >> PALMISANO, NO. >> VICE CHAIR KOSKI, AYE. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, AYE. >> THERE ARE NINE AYES AND FOUR NAYS. >> AND THAT MOTION CARRIES. COLLEAGU, WE HAVE STARTED PICKING UP THE PACE HERE. LET'S CONTINUE WITH THAT MOMENTUM. WITH THE 34 MINUTES WE HAVE LEFT OF THIS COMMITTEE, PLEASE. NEXT IS AMENDMENT NUMBER 47, WHICH IS OFFERED BY COUNCIL MEMBER CASHMAN AND MYSELF. I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER CASHMAN TO PLEASE INTRODUCE AND MOVE APPROVAL OF YOUR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR UPTOWN REVITALIZATION AMENDMENT. >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. I AM SO HAPPY. REACHED THIS AMENDMENT FOR UPTOWN. SO AS WE HAVE DISCUSSED A LOT TODAY, COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS AND NODES THAT WENOW AS UPTOWN HAVE FACED SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGES IN THE LAST FEW YEARS BECAUSE OF RETAIL PATTERNS HENNEPIN AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION, CIVIL UNREST, ETC. THIS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PATTERN EFFORT IS A PROCESS THAT THE CITY HAS INITIATED IN OTHER CORRIDORS IN RECENT YEARS INCLUDING IN THE WAREHOUSE DISTRICT LAST YEAR AS WELL AS AT THE KMART SITE A FEW YEARS BACK. AND IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THIS, AND TO ISSUE AN R.F.P. TO IDENTIFY AN EXTERNAL PARTY CONVE LAND USE EXPERTS AND OTHER ENTITIES TO EXAMINE THE CONDITIONS AND IDENTIFY OPPORTUNITIES AND DEVELOP ACTIONABLE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CITY ANDTHER STAKEHOLDERS TO GET UPTOWN BACK ON TRACK TO ITS FULL STRENGTH. AND AGAIN, MANY OF YOU SHOULD BE FAMILIAR WITH WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE FROM THE CORRIDORS THAT WE HAVE DONE THIS IN IN RECENT YEARS. THE FUNDING WOULD SUPPORT ONE, A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES FOR CONVENING THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROCESS IN REPORTING. AND TWO, THE PARTICIPATION OF KEY COMMUNITY-BASED AND NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS AND TO GET AHEAD OF QUESTIONS AND I KNOW FOLKS WILL HAVE AND THE SOURCE ISHE BTAP PROGRAM. WE HAVE DISCUSSED THAT TODAY. THERE WAS ADDITIONAL FUNDI AND DESIGNATION FOR UPTOWN IN THE MAYOR'S BUDGET AND IT WAS AN ADDITIONAL $100,000 FOR BTAT AND UPTOWN. I TALKED WITH SEVERAL STAKEHOLDER RS AND BTAP IN UPTOWN WHO AGREE THIS VISIONING STAKEHOLDER PROCESS WOULD BE A USEFUL IESTMENT OF HALF OF THAT FUNDING. WHILE YOU WILL SEE IN E STAFF RESPONSE THIS THIS WOULD LIMIT SOME OF THE UPTOWN BUSINESSES THATOULD BE ABLE TO ACCESS BTAP RESOURCES, THIS IS A PROACTIVE WAY TO GET THE STAKEHOLDERS AT THE TABLE AND SOLVE THE PROBLEMS TOGETHER. D WITH THAT I WILL ASK FOR THE UPTOWN TO SUPPORT THIS AMENDMENT AND I WILL MOVE APPROVAL. >> COUNCIL MEMBER CASHMAN HAS MOVED APPROVAL. IS THERE A SECOND? >> THAT IS PROPERLY MOVED AND SECONDED. COLLEAGUES, IS THERE SNI QUESTIONS RELATED TO THIS ITEM? I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. >>HANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. I MUST SAY I APPRECIATE THIS AMENDMENT DECREASES FUNDING FROM ONE UPTOWN TO FUND A DIFFERENT INVESTMENT IN UPTOWN, SO THANK YOU FOR KEEPING THAT IMPACT LOCAL. AND THANK YOU FOR TO LOOK AT THE BROADER AREA'S NEED AS A WHOLE. I HAVE A QUESTION FOR DIRECTOR ANDERSON KELLIHER OR I THINK FOR DIRECTOR ANDERSON KELLIHER. OH, SORRY. I DID N SEE YOU, DIRECTOR HANSON. I'M CURIOU DIRECTOR, DOES CPED HAVE THE ORGANIZATIONAL ABILITY TO CREATE THIS PROPOSAL? >> WELCOME BACK. >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, IT'S GAT TO BE BACK. WE HAVE DONE THIS TWICE BEFORE. WE WILL WORK WITH, YOU KNOW, WITH EXISTING STAFF TO ISSUE THE R.F.P.. WE'VE WORKED WITH UNIQUE OVIDERS IN THE PAST FOR THE WAREHOUSE DISTRICT. AND WE DID THE R.F.P. FOR THE ONE ATMART AND WE DO AN R.F.P. FOR THIS ONE, AND WE WOULD JUST USE E TYPICAL STAFF. THIS IS WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY DEVELOENT, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF, WORK PLAN AS WELL AS OUR SMALL BUSINESS TEAM. >> THANK YOU. ANDOULD THIS REQUIRE AN OPEN R.F.P. PROCESS FOR A VENDOR? >> TOUGH THE CHAIR, COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, YES. >> THANK YOU. >> I DON'T HAVE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS. >> THANK YOU. SEEING NO FURTHER QUESTIONS OR DISCUSSION, COLLEAGUES, WE HAVE THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FUNDEDG IS ONCEHOSE ARPA FUNDS RAN OUT, LAST BUDGET CYCLE, I TRIED TO ADDRESS THE SUSTAINABLE FUNDING INSTEAD WE GOT A LEGISLATIVE DIRECTIVE THAT I CO-AUTHORED WITH COUNCIL MEMBER KOSKI AND IT CAME TO MAKING THOSE CONNECTIONS SO THIS AMENDMENT ESSENTILY SETTING US UP TO MAKE THAT CONNECTION USING COLLEAGUES, IS THERE ANY DISCUSSION ON THIS ITEM? I'LL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. THIS IS A HUGE CUT TO CPED >> CHAIR CHUGHTAI, COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO, YEAH, THIS IS A BIG CUT TO THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES IS PRETTY LEAN. I HAVE A HARD TIME REACHG THIS DEPARTMENT. IT'S NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE LACKING GETTING BEHIND ME. IT'S BAUSE THEY'RE ALREADY RUNNING AROUND TRYG TO KEEP UP WITH ALL OF THE REQUESTS COMING AT TH. I'M NOT SUREOW THIS AMOUNT OF MONEY WAS SPECIFICALLY SCOPED. YOU MIGHT ALSO WANT TOHIME IN ON BUT FROM THE DIRECTOR'S PERSPECTIVE, HAVE A FEW BUT ANY ADDITIONAL FUNDING FROM THE CODE ENFORCEMENT FUNDING, OF COURSE, WOULD (PAUSE.) BUT THIS FEELS PRETTY STRONG WITH THE FUNDING SOURCES BUT I UNDERSTAND WE NEED THE FUNDING FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT BECAUSE IT'S SOMETHING THAT COMES UP EVERY SINGLE YEAR. IT'S SOMETHING THAT WE LISTEN TO MANY, MANY STORIES FROM PEOPLE ORGANIZED TO COME AND LOBBY US FOR THIS MONEY. THANK YOU. >> MAY I ADDRESS -- MAYBE THERE'S A QUESTION THAT I COULD ANSWER. >> GO AHEAD. >> THE UNDERLYING MOTION HERE IS ACTUALLY FUNDING THE LSAD DEPARTMENT IN CIVIL RIGHTSND CIVIL RIGHTS IS A DETERMINATION WHAT'S THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY FOR THOSE WORKER PROTECTIONS. CODE ENFORCEMENT HAS BEEN AN EFFECTIVE METHOD AND IN-HOUSE TO PARTNER WITH ORGANIZATIONS -- I THINK ONE OF THE THINGS WHEN YOU HAVE ONE-TIME FUNDING WHICH IS HOW HAS BODY OF WORK HAS BEEN FUNDED, YOU END UP BEING KIND OF FORCED TO DO -- PARTNERSHIP BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE THAT FUNDING STREAM IS GOING TO COME FROM. NOW THAT WE HAVE THIS ONGOING QUESTIONS FOR YOU COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE. DID YOU THINK THROUGH OTHER SOURCES? DID YOU CONSIDER OTHER SOURCES FOR THIS FUNDING? >> THANK YOU FOR THAT QUESTION, COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE. * -- COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE. M VERY FIRST ATTEMPT GETTING SUSTAINABLE FUNDS FOR THIS -- I BELIEVE I WAS ACTUALLY LEVERAGING SOME OF THOSE SERVICE WORKER ONES IN THAT FIRST BUDGET YEAR FOR THE 2023 BUDGET YEAR. THATMENDMENT DIDN'T PASS. AND SO WE DID A LEGISLATIVE DIRECTIVE AND WE ASKED THE ADMINISTRATION TO SUGGEST WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD SOURCE OF FUNDING F THIS AND THAT SUGGESTION WAS THE BUSINESS LICENSING FEE. >> OKAY, AND THEN SKEW EXPAND -- AND THEN CAN YOU EXPAND? >> EXPAND? >> I'M SORRY. I TUGHT SOMEONE WANTED TO SAY SOMETHING. >> WELL, WE HAD SET UP A NUMBER OF MEETINGS WITH THE ADMINISTRATION AROUND HOW WE COULD OPERATIONALIZE THAT RECOMMENDATION OF LEVERAGING BUSINESS LICSE FEES AND, FRANKLY, THERE WAS SOME WIRES CROSSED IN THE ADMIN TO DO THE TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THAT. >> OKAY, AND THEN YOU SAY THIS WOULD -- THIS CONTINUOUS SOURCE OF FUNDING WOULD OPEN THE DOOR TO PERHAPS TAKE THIS IN-HOUSE? >> THAT WOULD BE UP TO THE CIVIL RIGHTS DEPARTMENT BUT, YES, I THINK IT PROVIDES THAT LEVEL OF CLARITY WHAT THAT FUNDING MIGHT BE SO THERE CAN BE LONGER TERM FUNDING. >> DO YOU SEE THE PROS AND CONS WHATEVER THROUGH CONTRACT SERVICES? >> I MN, I HAVE A PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE ON THAT BUT I THINK IT IS ULTIMATELY THE JUDGMENT OF THE CIVIL RIGHT DEPARTMENT ON WHAT THE BEST USE OF THOSE RESOURCES WOULD BE TO ACCOMPLISH THE GOAL OF WORKER PROTECTIONS. >> OKAY, THANK YOU. >> NEXT I'LL RECOGNIZE COUNCIMEMBER VETAW FOLLOWED BY COUNCIL MEMBER ELLISON. >> THANK YOU, CHAIR. THANK YOU PRESIDENT PAYNE, FOR THIS. YOU AND I HAVE HAD CONVERSATIONS FOR A FEW YEARS ONIGURING OUT SUSTAINABLE FUNDING FOR THIS. I DON'T AGREE WITH THE SOURCE. I DO NOT WANT TO GIVE UP THE CITY SERVICES THAT THE -- THE TRADEOFF IS GREAT FOR -- FOR THIS SERVICE ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I THOUGHT THERE WAS MONEY. MAYBE DIRECTOR PHILLIPS CAN ANSWER THIS QUESTION OR COO ELLISON KELIHER BUT I THOUGHT THERE WAS MONEY IN THE BASE BUDGET FOR THIS SERVICE. >> WELCOME BACK, DIRECTOR. >> THANK YOU, VICE PRESIDENT CHUGHTAI. THROUGH THE CHAIR TO COUNCIL MEMBER VETA YES, THERE IS ONGOING FUNDING APPROXIMATELY $182,000 OF ONGOING FUNDING FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT. >> OKAY, SO WE COULD USE THA MONEY FOR THE VERY SAME THING THAT COUNCIL PRESIDENT PAYNE IS PROPOSING? THAT MONEY COULD BE USED IN THIS WAY AND SO THEN -- THIS IS TWO PARTS, I'M SORRY. WOULD THAT BE $680,000 FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT? FIRST PART WE COULD USE THAT FOR WHAT HE'S PROPOSING? IS IT >> SO THA MONEY IS EARMARKED SPECIFICALLY FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. >> OKAY. >> SO WE'D USE THAT VIA RFP AND OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS. SO THE SECOND QUESTION AS FAR AS THE TOTAL GOES, YES THEY WOULD BE APPROXIMATELY 682,000 IN TOTAL. >> SO COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE, COULD YOU EXPLAIN A LITTLE BIT MORE TO ME WHAT IS YOUR FINANCIAL GAIN? WITH THE 180 NOT ENOUGH AND YOU DETERMINE YOU NE 680 OR WHAT'S THE GOAL FINANCIALLY. >> YEAH, THE GOAL IS TO GET THIS TO A HIGHER NEED TO ACTUALLY MEET THE NEED? >> WHERE DID YOU GET THE $680,000 NUMBER FROM? >> THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN FUNDING, USING ARPA FUNDING FOR UP TO THIS POINT. >> BUT ARPA FUNNG IS DIFFERENT; RIGHT? IT'S THESE ONE-OFF ALLOCATION -- YOU KNOW WHEN YOU RECEIVE I IT'S LIKE A ONE-TIME THING AND SUSTAINING A PROGRAM MAY NOT BE AT THE SAME LEVEL AS WHAT YOU WERE -- YOU KNOW, WHAT YOU GOT TO ACCOMPLISH -- LIKE YOU CAN DO MORE WITH THESE ONE-TIME FUNDS WITH ARPA VERSUS, LIKE, WHAT YOU WILL HAVE FOR AN ONGOING PROGRAM? >> SO OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS, THIS HAS BEEN FUNDED AT ABOUT THAT 680, 690 LEVEL AND IT'S BEEN UTILIZED FULLY EACH OF THOSE YEARS. >> NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M SAYING. I'M NOT SAYING YOU CAN'T -- BUT I'M SAYING WHEN A GROUP -- ARPA IS LIKE A BONUS; RIGHT? LIKE AT CHRISTMASTIME SOME COMPANIES GIVE A BONUS. ARPA IS LIKE A BONUS TO THE CITY. AND IT COULD DO LOTS OF DIFFERENT THINGS WHEN WE HAD IT BUT IT'S NOW BACK TO THETATUS QUO THAT THOSE DOLLARS AREN'T THERE. ARE YOU OPEN TO THE 180 BEING THE ONGOING AND BASE MONEY BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT WE HAVE HERE IN FIGURING OUT WHAT WE CAN DO WITH THAT SINCE WE NO LONGER HAVE ARPA -- SINCE WE NO LONGER HAVE THEONUS. >> THE REASON FOR THIS AMENDMENT IS TO GET U TO THAT FUNDING LEVEL WITH THE ABSENCE OF ARPA. >> OKAY, THANK YOU. >> THANK YOU, NEXT I WILL RECOG COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN. >> I WOULD ADD JUST IN RESPONSE TO MY COLLEAGUE I THINK ARPA WAS INTENDED TO BE A TO BRING. I THK WE TREATED LIKE A BONUS. NOT LIKE WE -- AND SO NOW WE'RE HITTING IS CLIFF. ANDHO -- I DO APPRECIATE THE SPIRIT OF THIS AMENDMENT. I DON'T THINK I CAN SUPPORT IT AT THIS LEVEL, YOU KNOW, THERE'S -- CPED IS AN IMPORTANT DEPARTMENT. I KNOW WE ALL KNOW THAT. BUT FOR THIS ONGOING FUNDING TO HEAR WHAT THE TRADEOFF IS ESPECIALLY KNOWING WHEN WE'RE HITTING A MOMENT WHERE WE WANT TO BE MAYBE ENCOURAGING A LOT OF ENOMIC DEVELOPMENT, A LOT OF -- LIKE, YOU KNOW, PERMITS PERMITTING NEW BUILD, YOU KNOW -- WE'RE HITTING A NATURAL SLOW AND I DON'T THINK WE WANT TO BE IN A POSITION WHERE THE DEPARTMENT IS BEING FORCED TO SLOW EVEN FURTHER. I DO THI THE TRADEOFF IS REALLY DIFFICULT TO -- TO SORT OF ENGAGE WITH AND I TAKE REONSIBILITY FOR THIS. IT HAS COME UP EVERY YEAR A IT'S SOMETHING TO BEEN EAGER TO FIND A SOURCE FOR BUT DIDN'T -- BUT I WASN'T AS INVOLVED THIS YEAR IN THESE CONVEATIONS AND THAT'S MY APOLOGIES TO COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE BUT I'M COMMITTED TO FIGURING OUT A WAY TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN -- EVEN BEFORE THE END OF BUDGET, EVEN IF IT HAS TO BE ANOTHER ONE TIME SOURCE BUT THE ONGOING SOURCE AND THE REDTION OF CPED IS REALLY DIFFICULT TO WRESTLE IS. >> NEXT I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER OSMAN FOLLOWED BY COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE WILL >> THANK YOU, COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT. CPED IS SO YOU CAN TELL HOW LONG THE MEETING -- HOW LONG THE MEETING TAKES. THERE'S -- AND I WOULD NOT BE SUPPORTING THIS ITEM AS IT CUTS A LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY FROM CPED DEPARTMENT. I THINK THE CODE ENFORCEMENT IS VERY IMPORTANT AND CIVIL RIGHTS HAVE -- HAVE BEEN WORKING AND WE WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE GETTING THE CODE ENFORCEMENT AND MAKING SURE THAT THE PEOPLE THAT SPEAK PEOPLE'S LANGUAGE, THAT KNOWHE COMMUNITY ARE WORKING WITH THE CITY TO MAKE SURE THEY'RE NOT GETTING WAGE THEFT OR MISTREATMENT BUT THIS IS A HUGE CUT FOR CPED DEPARTMENT. THAT AND HOPEFULLY, WE CAN COME BACK WITH DIFFERENTOURCE AND MAKE SURE THIS IMPORTANT TOPIC THAT WE'RE DISCUSSION WITH THE CODE ENFORCEMENT CAN BE FUNDED IN THE FUTURE, THANK YOU. THANK YOU, AND FINALLY I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER RAINVILLE. >> THANK YOU. SO COUNCIL MEMBER PAYNE, I APPRECIATE THE MORE DETAILS THAT YOU'VE GIVEN. I CANNOT SUPPORT THIS. IN WARD 3, I SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON BUSINESS LICENSE ISSUES AND BELIEVE ME THEY'RE SHORT ENOUGH AS AND KUDOS TO THE STAFF AND ANSON YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB. YOU NEED TO GO FASTER NOT SLOWER. AS OUR ECONOMY PICKS UP AS WE PRIME THE PUMP WE NEED THE FASTER SPEED AND THINK THE 280,000 IS A VERY GOOD BASE TO START WITH AND COUNCIL MEMBER ELLISON, IF U COULD LEND YOUR EXPERTISE AND KNOWLEDGE TO TRY TO GET THAT UP THAT'D BE GREAT BUT I WON'T BE VOTING FOR THIS TODAY. THANK YOU. >> COUNCIL MEMR PALMISANO. >> I THINK A COUPLE THINGS ARE OBVIOUS HERE. FIR CIVIL RIGHTS DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS MONEY. SECOND, THERE'S AN OBVIOUS IMPACT TO DELIVER BASIC CITY SERVICES. IT'S OBVIOUS THAT ANY REASONABLE MAYOR WOULD NEED TO RESTORE THAT TO PROVIDE OUR CITY WITH BASIC CITY SERVICES AND FOR THIS REASON IT WOULD INCREASE OUR BUDGET $500,000 NEXT YEAR TO FILL THIS HOLE IN AN ONGOING WAY. THIS HALF MILLION DOLLAR INCREASE WILL BE TO OUR BUDGET IN FUTURE YEARS. THIS JUST DOESN'T FEEL LIKE A RESPONSIBLE SOURCE. AND FOR THOSE THAT WISH TO OPINE AUT MY PROCLIVITY FOR COMMENTING HERE, I'M PRETTY CALM ABOUT THE CRITICISM THAT I T UP HERE ON THIS DAIS BUT I'M FORWARDED THE OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT JUST AS EVERYONE ELSE HERE IS AND I AM OPERATING WITHIN THE RULES THAT OUR CHAIR SET. >> COUIL MEMBER CASHMAN. >> THANK YOU, I ACTUALLY WASN'T GOINTO SPEAK ON THIS BUT I AM IS GOING TO SAY THAT AFTER FAILING TO CREATE THE LABOR STANDARDS BOARD THIS YEAR I FEEL LIKE WE JUST OWE IT TO MAKE SURE THAT THIS CODE ENFORCEMENT IS SOURD SO TH WORKERS CAN HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY F THEIR LABOR AND WORKFORCE CONCERNS TO BE -- OR TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE CITY SO I'M GOING TO BE SUPPORTING THIS TODAY. >> I COULD NOT AGREE MORE. COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY? IS IT >> THANK YOU, MADAM CHAIR. I JUST WANT TO POINT OUT THE FACT THAT THIS BASE BUDGET OF 182,000 TO PRETEND THAT THAT'S ENOUGH IS NOT FACTUAL. THIS WOULD BE CUTTING CODE ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN A TIME WHEN WE HAD THAT ARPA ALLOCATION, THERE WAS STILL RECORDED WAGE THEFT HAPPENING IN THE TWIN CITIES. I BELIEVE THAT THERE'S A RUT CONSIDERS REPORT THAT 32,000 WORKERS WERE FACG WAGE THEFT IN OUR CITY SO TAKING AWAY RESOURCES, EVEN ADDING RESOURCES, WAGE THEFT IS STILL IS GOING TO OCCUR SO IS IS -- THIS IS -- I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A DIFFICULT DECISION BUT THIS IS ONE OF THE VERY FEW TOOLS THAT WE HAVE TO ENSURE THAT WORKERS GET PAID WHAT THEY ARE OWED HAD. >> WITH THAT, COLLEAGUES, WE HAVE AMENDMENT NO. 48 BEFORE US. MR. CLERK, WILL YOU PLEASE CALL THE ROLL. (ROLL LL.) >> THERE ARE 8 AYES AND 5 NAYS. >> THAT MOTION CARRIES. ALL RIGHT. I THINK WE HAVE JUST EUGH TIME TO GET THROUGH ONE MORE AMENDMENT. SO NEXT UP IS AMENDMENT NO. 49, WHICH IS OFFERED BY MYSELF AND COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY. YEAH. THERE IS A RISED VERSION OF THIS AMENDMENT THAT WAS BROUGHT -- THAT WAS BROUGHT TO US BY THE CLERKS THIS MORNING. AND THISMENDMENT SEEKS TO CREATE A FINANCIAL POLICY DIRECTOR WITHIN THE CITY COUNCIL. 'M GOING TO BREAK UP MY -- I'M GOING TO SPEAK TO FIRST THE NEED FOR THIS SORT OF POSITION. AND THEN I'M GOING TO SPEAK TO THE SOURCE. AND THEN I WILL MOVE APPROVAL OF THIS ITEM AND WE'LL SEE WHAT WE GET THROUGH. FIRST ON THE NEED, THE BUDGET AND FINANCIAL OVERSITE IS OUR MOST IORTANT -- IS THE COUNCIL'S MOST IMPORTANT POLICYMAKING OVERSHT AND REPRESENTATION POWER. UNDER THE NEW GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE, IT' IMPORTANT AND VALUE HAS ONLY INCREASED AS EVIDENCED BY THE LAST 3 YEARS OF, YOU KNOW, QUOTE-UNQUOTE, HISTORIC NUMBER OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS. THIS IS THE WAY IN WHICH WE EFFECT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES. THIS IS THE WAY IN WHICH WE AFFECT THE WAY -- HOW OUCONSTITUENTS IN INTERACT WITH THE CITY ENTERPRISE AT OUR POLICYMAKING LEVEL. SECOND, I'M GOING TO SPEAK TO THE SOURCE. SO THE SOURCE ON THIS AMENDMENT, AS YOU CAN SEE, IS DEPUTY CITY OPERATIONS OFFICER FT HEALTHCARE THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND THE DEPUTY CITY OPERATIONS OFFICER POSITIONS WERE CREATED FOLLOWING THAPPROVAL OF THE -- FOLLOWING THE ADOPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT RESTRUCTURE OMNIBUS ORDINANCE. AND IN THAT ORDINANCE, WE -- WE CREATED THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC RVICE AND WE STATED EXPLICITLY THAT IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COUNCIL TO FURNACE THE OFCE OF FURNISH THE OFFICER WITH AT LEAST ONE DEPUTY CITY OPERATIONS OFFICER OR AS MANY AS THE COUNCIL CHOOSES TO PROVIDE. AT THIS TIME, CURRENTLY, THE COUNCIL S CHOSEN TO PROVIDE THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SERVICE WITH THREE DEPUTY CITY OPERATIONS OFFICERS. AND, YOU KNOW, I'M GOING TO -- I'M TALKING ABOUT THE SOURCE IN THIS LEVEL OF DETAIL IN PART BECAUSE WEE HAD EXTENSIVE CONVERSATIONS WITH OUR CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ABOUT HOW MAKE THIS WORK. SO SECONDARILY APPOINTED POSITIONS ARE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL THROUGH -- THROUGH PATCHY -- TOUGH -- WHEN THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT AND RECENTLY THE DEPARTMENT THAT IS ASKING FOR THEREATION OF A NEW APPOINTED POSITION COME BEFORE US AND SHOW US THAT THE NEW APPOINTED POSITION MEETS THE CRITERIA OUTLINED IN THE MINNEAPOLIS CODE ORDINANCES SECTION 2010. THOSE ARE THE ONES THAT BNDA MILLER COMES AND PRESENTS TO US IN THE BUDGET COMMITTEE. SO THERE IS -- SO THAT'S THE SECTION OF THE CODE WHERE WE, YOU KNOW, UPDATE AND ADOPT THE FINDINGS AND SALARY SCHEDULE. CURRENTLY THERE'S NO PROCESS THAT EXISTS TO UNCREATE SOMETHING THAT IS APPROVED IN -- VIA SECTION 2010.10. IN ADDITION TO THAT, I WILL SAY A PLACE OF AGREEMENT THAT I THINK WE HAVE WITH OUR ATTORNEYS IS THAT WHAT WE, THE COUNCIL, HAS THE POWER TO CREATE OR THE POWER TO FUND WE HAVE THE POWER TO UNCREATE OR UNFUND OR TAKE AWAY. AN EXAMPLE OF THIS, YOU KNOW -- YOU KNOW, CONTINUING ON THIS SECTION 20.10.10 DISCUSSION -- VERY RECENTLY WE HAD THE DIRECTOR OF CIVIL RIGHTS COME B WAS AND CREATE -- AND ASK US TO APPROVE, WHICH WE DID AN APPOINTED POSITION FOR A DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF CIVIL RIGHTS. WHAT CAME ALONGSIDE THAT ACTION S THAT SHE ACTUALLY USED -- SHE RECLASSIFIED OR USED THE POSITION FOR A DIVISION DIRECTOR, THE EQUITY AND ENGAGEMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR TO BECOME THIS NEW DEPUTY DIRECTOR POSITI. WHEN WE APPROVED THAT DEPUTY DIRECTOR, WE DID NOT APPROVE UNCREATING THE EQUITY AND ENGEMENT DEPUTY DIRECTOR. WE JUST CREATED THIS NEW POSITION. NOW, THE -- CURRENTLY IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS DEPARTMENT, THE EQUITY AND ENGAGEMENT DIVISION NO LONGER EXISTS. IT'S ACTUALLY A PART OF THE ENTIRE REASON WHY THE SCHOLAR PROGRAM WAS MOVED INTO THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. THAT WORK USED TO BE MANAGED IN THE PAST. SO IF THE CIVIL -- IF THE ADMINISTRATION, AS EVIDENCED HERE HAS BEEN ABLE TO UNCREATE AN APPOINTED POSITION WITHOUT FORMAL ACTION IN 2010.10.10 TO UNDUE -- THAT FORMER APPOINTED POSITION THEN THE COUNCIL THENS I BELIEVE E ABILITY TO DO THE SAME. WITH THAT I WILL MOVE APPROVAL AND SECOND. >> SECOND. >> THAT MOTION HAS BEEN PROPERLY MOVED AND SECONDED. COLLEAGUES IS THERE ANY DISCUSSION ON AMENDMENT 49 AS REVISED? CITY ATTORNEY NIELSEN? >> THANK Y, BUDGET CHAIR CHUGHTAI. IN REVIEWING THIS AMENDMENT AND AS YOU'RE AWARE FROM OUR DISCUSSIONS THERE'S A -- THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BUDTING AND FUNDING A POSITION ON THE ONE HAND AND THEN ESTABLISHING OR DISESTABLISHING A POSITION ON THE OTHER HAND AND THIS IS PARTICULARLY TRUE WITH THE UNCLASSIFIED SERVICES. EXCUSE ME, I CAN'T TALK RIGHT NOW. TO ESTABLISH A POSITION IN THE UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE, YOU ARE CORRECT. THAT COMES BEFORE YOU FOR AN APPROVAL AND YOU DETERMINE IF THE FACTORS IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES 20.1010 ARE MET. YOU WOULD HAVE TO ESTABLISH ANY ONE OF THOSE FACTORS NO LONGER EXISTS IN ORDER TO DISESTABLISH THE POSITION. ALL OF THAT IS SEPARATE FROM THE BUDGET DECISION. AND SO THE ADVICE OF THE CITY ATRNEY'S HE OFFICE WHICH HAS ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED IS REFERENCE TO THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OFFERING SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE AMENDMENT. YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY FREE TO TAKE THAT POT OF MONEY. THERE COULD BE ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS IN TERMS OF SEPARATION OF POWERS OF GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE REGARDING THE NEED OF THOSE THREE POSITIONS AND HOW THE DEPARTMT MIGHT BE ABLE TO MANAGE THAT GOING FORWARD, ACCORDING TO NEED. BUT OUR ADVICE IS THAT THE REFERENCE TO THE SPECIFIC POSITION NAMED BE REMOD. YOU DO, OBVIOUSLY, HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO TAKE -- TO TAKE THE DGETARY ACTION. THAT DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE ACTUAL POSITION. >> THANK YOU. I WILL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. >> WL, FIRST, MADAM CHAIR, THE CITY ATTORNEY JUST SAID THAT THIS MOTION IS BASICALLY IMPROPER UNLESS WE REMOVE THE TITLE POSITION. SO ARE YOU PLANNING ON DOING THAT? >> THE CITY ATTORNEY SAID IT IS OUR ADVICE, IT IS OUR RECOMMENDATION THAT YOU REMOVE REFERENCE TO THE SPECIFIC POSITION THROUGHOUT THE DAY-TO-DAY AND THRGHOUT THIS AMENDMENT PACKET WE HAVE APPROVED AMENDMENTS THAT HAVE PREFERENCES TO SPECIFIC POSITIONS IN THEM. AND, YOU KNOW, I WANT THE BODY TO HAVE THIS CONVERSATION AND IF IT FEELS INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT TO THE BODY RIGHT NOW, THEN I'M HAPPY TO CONSIDER THAT. WHAT I WILL NOTE IS -- YOU KNOW, THERE ARE SEVERAL EXAMPLES THROUGHOUT THE DAY TODAY OF WHEN WE HAVE APPROVED AMENDMENTS THAT CREATE OR FUND IMPLEMENTATION OF -- OF PILOTS, PROGRAMS, ET CETERA. THAT REQUIRE ENABLING LEGISLATION THAT HAVE NOT YET BEEN APPROVED AND IN THAT VEIN, RIGHT, LIKE THERE IS NO WAY -- THERE'S NO FORL WAY IN WHICH WE UNDO SOMETHING THAT EXISTS IN 20.1010. I OUTLINED AN EXAMPLE. WHEN I INTRODUCEDHIS AMENDMENT OF HOW JUST RECENTLY -- A POSITION WAS ELIMINATED, AN APPOINTED POSITION WAS ELIMINATED BY THE ADMINISTRATION WHEN NO SUCH ACTION TO ELIMINATE IT WAS APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL. >> THANK YOU MADAM CHAIR I WILL PUT MY 2 CENTS IN. YES, YES I BELIEVE THAT THIRD POSITION SHOULDE REMOVED. THE PERSON THAT OCCUPIES THE POSITION HERE, RE IN THE IMMEDIATE AUDIENCE. THANKS FOR POINTING OUT SOME OF THE THINGS I'VE STRUGGLED WITH THROUGH THIS BUDGET PROCESS NAMELY ADVICE FROM OUR CITY ATTORNEY THAT OUR BODY DOESN'T TAKE AND INSTEAD TAKES VOTES TO DO THINGS THAT ARE EXTREMELY PROBLEMATIC AND RISKY FROM A LE MOTION SPECIFICALLY LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT. THIS SUBSTITUTE AMENDMENT PROPOSES TO REMOVE THE FUNDING AND THE FTE FOR 1 OF 4 DEPUTY COOS FOR FUNDING A BUDGET DIRECTORS FOR OURSELVES. IS THAT ACCURATE. >> 1 OF 3 AND IT'S A LEGISLATIVE POLICY DIRECTOR WITHIN THE -- WITHIN THE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK. >> GREAT, SO WHERE DO I BEGIN? WHAT HAS CHANGED OTHER THAN COUNCIL TRYING TO FLEX ITS MUSCLE THAT REQUIRES THIS? THE NARRATIVE FOR THIS ITEM STATES ONE OF OUR CITY COUNCIL'S PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES IS FINANCIAOVERSIGHT. ISN'T THIS WHAT OVERSIGHT AND EVALUATN IS FOR? MADAM CHAIR, ISN'T THIS WHAT OVERSIGHT AND EVALUATION -- THAT DIVISION IS FOR FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT? >> THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT THINGS THAT ARE OUTLINED WITHIN THE OVERSIGHT AND ELUATION SETTINGS ROL THAT HAS BEEN PRESENTED TO THE AUDIT COMMITTEE AND TO THE -- TO THE COMMITTEE OF WHOLE TO OUR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. AS YOU ARE AWARE THERE'S ALSO A NUMBER OF OTHER THINGS THAT ARE MOVING RIGHT NOW WITH -- WITH THE FUTURE OF BOTH POLICY AND RESEARCH AND THE OVERSIGHT AND EVALUATION DIVISIONS. >> MADAM CHAIR, WE HAVE 5 FULL-TIMEMPLOYEES IN THAT DIVISION ALREADY. AND THIS IS AT THE EXPENSE OF THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SERVICE. I'D LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT THERE ARE 17 DEPARTMENTS THAT ARE IN OPS WITH THE COO AND 3 -- SORRY, 3, YOU ARE RIGHT DCOOS IN THE LEADERSH THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY SAFETY HAS 5 DEPARTMENTS WITH A COMMISSIONER, A CHIEF OF STAFF, TWO DIRECTORS AND NOW A DEPUTY COMMISSIONER. SO THAT IMBALANCE ACROSS OUR CITY IS ALREADY APPARENT. OUR DEPUTY COOS BRING A LEVEL OF COORDINATION, CONTROL TO OUR DEPARTMENTS THAT HAVE NEVER EXISTED BEFORE. THEY HAVE A LOT OF INTERACTIONS WITH US AS ELECTEDS ON THIS BODY. DEPARTMENTS OF CIL RIGHT ARE CLUSTERED FOR IDEA-SHARING TO GET OUT OFHEIR SILOS AND TO GET OUT IN SOCIETY THEY HAVE A DIRECT LINK TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND THEY RECEIVE SUPERVISION AND DIRECTION THAT HAS NOT BN AVAILABLE TO THEM IN THE PAST. SO I SEE THIS AS A HORRIBLE TRADEOFF. COO ANDERSON KELIHER, I'M SURE I DID A DISSERVICE IN EXPLAINING THE VALUE OF DEPUTY COOS. CAN YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN THEIR LUE TO THIS ENTERPRISE. >> WELCOME BACK. >> THANK YOU VICE PRESIDENT CHUGHTAI AND COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO. THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SERVICE OVERSEAS 63% OF THIS ENTERPRISE. 63% OF THE ENTERPRISE. THAT IS DONE BY MYLF, AND THESE THREE DEPUTIES ALONG WITH THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS WHO HAS HIS OWN QUITE SUBSTANTIAL BODY OF WORK. I WANT TO POINT OUT A COUPLE OF THINGS. IT IS NO DOUBT THAT THE COUNCIL NEEDS MORE ASSISTANCE ON THEIR BUDGETING. THE COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT AND I DISCUSSED THAT LAST WEEK. BUT TO TAKE A DCOO THINK SO WITH ITS SALARY AT 264 AND PEA APPARENTLY THE FINANCIA MORE THAN THE IN-CHARTER BUDGET DIRECTOR FOR THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS -- AND I'M SURE THIS IS UNCOMFORTABLE. THE SALARY IS $134,000 AND FRINGE IS 30,000. THAT'S A SWING OF ABOUT 100,000. I JUST WANT TO POINT OUT THAT THIS COUNCIL IN THE LAST 2 YEARS LOOKED INTO WHETHER THE MORALE AND HOW EMPLOYEES WERE FEELING, HOW IT WAS GOING -- I THINK COUNCIL MEMBER WONSLEY HAD A COUPLE HEARINGS ABOUT THAT. DATA FROM THE RECENT MYMINNEAPOLISMPLOYMENT ENGAGEMENT SAYS THE CURRENT STRUCTURE THAT WE HAVE S HAD A POSITIVE IMPACT HOW EMPLOYEES ARE FEELING. IT INCLUDE INCREASING EMPLOYEES INTENDING TO STAY AT THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS. IT INCLUDES INCREASING EMPLOYEES EASE FEELING OF BEING VALUED. THE INCREASE OF EMPLOYEES WHO BELIEVE THEY CAN ACHIEVE THEIR CAREER GOA HERE. I WILL SAY IN THE OFFICE OF RVICE Z THAT IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO REALLY GOOD MANAGEMENT AND GOOD SUPPORT OF OUR DEPTMENT HEADS, OF THEIR DEPUTIES AND, THEREFORE, THOSE PEOPLE CAN SUPPORTHEIR EMPLOYEES. >> IAPOLOGIZE, COUNCIL MEMBER PALMISANO'S TIME HAS EXPIRED. NEXT I'LL RECOGNIZE COUNCIL MEMBER VETAW. >> COO ANDERSON KELIHER, I'LL LET YOU USE SOME OF MY TE BUT I JUST NEED TO MAKE SOME COMMENTS. FIRST BECAUSE I ACTUALLY FEEL ILL -- LIKE THIS IS -- THIS IS TOUGH. I'VE TAKEN MY EARRINGS OUT BECAUSE I'M WILLING TO FIGHT FOR THIS POSITION. I MEAN THAT. AND I DON'T MEAN LIKE PHYSICALLY FIGHT. I MEAN, LIKE -- WE GOT TO HAVE A REALLY BIG DISCUSSION ABOUT THIS. THIS IS -- THIS I A WOMAN. THIS IS A BLACK WOMAN'S POSITION THAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HERE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I CAN OR CAN'T SAY BECAUSE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A SPECIFIC POSITION HERE BUT IT JUST FEELS SO ICKY. IT FEELS -- IT JUST FEELS BAD. IT FEELS LIKE EVERYTHING THAT THIS COUNCIL HAS BEEN TALKING ABOUT, THE MORALE OF STAFF HERE -- I'M HAVING A HARD TIME JUST EVEN HOLDING MY HEAD UP JUST THINKING ABOUT WHAT SOMETHINGIKE THIS JUST DOES TO EVERYONE, EVERYONE IN THIS ENTERPRISE, EVERYONE THAT'S WATCHING THIS POSITION BEING TAKEN THIS WAY PUBLIY. IT JUST FEELS SO BAD. I DON'T KNOW HOW MY COLLEAGUES DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT THIS EITHER. THIS IS NOT THE WAY YOU LEAD. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DO BUSINESS OF A CITY. AND I'M NOT -- I'M NOT -- I DON'T EVEN FEEL LIKE I'M CRYING ABOUT THIS. I'M JUST HURT. I JUST HOW IT FEELS LIKE TO BE A BLACK WOMAN ON THE CHPING BLOCK IN THE WORKPLACE. I KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO GIVE ALL TO A POSITION AND GIVING THE TONE TO DO BEST. YOU DON'T HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO NOT BE THE BEST. WE ALLROW UP KNOWING WE GOT TO BE BETTER THAN EVERYBODY OR THOSE POSITIONS DON'T LAST FOR US AND THEN JUST TO BE PREVIOUSLY JUST TREATED THIS WAY. IT'S SO BAD. I JUST -- I FEEL TERRIBLE. I KNEW IT WAS REAL BUT I JUST DIDN'T FEEL LIKE IT WOULD BE. I REALLY THOUGHT SOMETHING WAS GOING TO CHANGE AND THIS WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. I JUST FEEL TERRIBLE. THIS IS JUST AN AWFUL, AWFUL WAY OF LEADING. IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. I WANT MY COLLEAGUES TO HAVE THE SUPPORT THEY NEED. I UNDERSTAND THAT THESE LEGISLATIVEOSITIONS MATTER. THEY REALLY DO. I BELIEVE IN THEM. BUT IT'S WHAT -- CAN AND I DON'T WANT TO USE YOU IN MY FIGHT COUNCIL MEMBER ELLISON, BUT WHAT YOU AND I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT FOR 3 YEARS JUST RINGS SO TRUE IN THIS MATTER. WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO WORK TO DO BETTER. WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO WORK TO INCREASE RELATION BETWEEN THE COUNCIL AND AFF, SOMETHING LIKE THIS -- THIS IS COME BACK FROM. THERE'S AN ENTIRE ENTERPRISE OF PEOPLE THAT ARE WATCHING THIS, COLLEAGUES, I'M BEGGING YOU, I'M PLEING PLEASE, LET'S BECAUSE ON THIS. LET'S FIGURE OUT A WAY BECAUSE WE DON'T NEED TO DO THIS. THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE OUR LEGACY AS COUNCIL MEMBERS. THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE A PART OF WHO WE ARE. IT IS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY. WE DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS. THIS WAY. WE REALLY DON'T. I'M BEGGING YOU -- I'VE NEVER FELT SO TERRIBLE ABOUT AN THOUGH -- I MEAN, I'M NOT SUPPORTING IT BUT IF I PASSED, IT BELONGS TO ALL OF US. IT'S GOING TO BE THIS COUNCIL STRIPPED THIS BLACK WOMAN MUCH HER JOB. THAT CAN'T BE ME. I DON'T WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT. COO ANDERSON LIHER IF YOU WANT TO I HAVE 3 MINUTES IF YOU WANT TO SPEAK MORE. PLEASE DO SO. >> MADAM CHAIR, COUNCIL MEMBER VETAW, THANK YOU FOR THOSE COMMENTS. I WANT TO SAY THIS. I DON'T INTEND ON FIRING A DCOO BUT I WILL TELL YOU WHAT THE REST OF THE BUDGET IS. BECAUSE I THINK IT'S IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO KNOW. WE HAVE $7,0 FOR BASIC OPERATIONS EVERY YEAR IN THIS DEPARTMENT. THAT CERS EVERYTHING ELSE WE DO. WE HAD $250,000 ONE TIME FOR GEORGE FLOYD SQUARE. THAT WAS ONE TIME IN 2024. WE DON'T HAVE THAT GOING FORWARD. E HAVE $250,000 FOR OPEN STREETS GOING FORWARD. WE HAVE ABOUT -- I THINK, 5 OTHER STAFF PEOPLE BEYOND THE THREE DCOOS AND MYSELF IN OPS DIRECTLY. WE HAVE ONE LINE ITEM OF $31,000 STATUTORILY REQUIRED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR THE ST. ANTHONY FALLS HERITAGE BOARD THAT I THINK A COUPLE PEOPLE SERVE ON HERE. WE HAD ONE THIS YEAR. I BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD, IF YOU KNOW ME,NOW I'M NOT AN EMPIRE-BUILDER. KNOW I AM THRIFTY. WE HAD ONE -- ONE TINY CAPACITY-BUILDING REQUEST FOR $30,000. I HAVE TRAVELED NOWHERE THIS YEAR. I WILL PROBABLY NOT TRAVEL ANYWHERE THIS YEAR. I WO HERE EVERY DAY AND SO DO MY DCOOS. I WILL LET THAT STAND FOR ITSELF. >> COLLEAGUES, WE ARE 12 MINUTES OVER THE TIME THAT WE WERE GOING TO BREAK SO IF IT IS OKAY WITH EVERYONE. I BELIEVE THAT WE NEED TO TABLE THIS AMENDMENT AND RERN BACK TO THIS AND FORMERLY WE'LL NEED TO MOVE TO SEND EVERYTHING THAT WE HAVE APPROVED SO FAR -- EVERYTHING WE'VE TAKEN -- ALL THE AMENDMENTS WE'VE TAKEN FINAL ACTIO TO COUNCIL AND MOVE ALL AMENDMENTS THAT WE HAVE NOT TAKEN FINAL ACTION ON TO -- TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION SO THAT WE WILL BE DOING. NOW, I UNDERSTAND -- THERE ARE SEVERAL COLLEAGUES IN IF QUEUE. I HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO TALK WITH COUNCIL MEMBER CHOWDHURY AND CERTAINLY IT IS OUR INTENTION TO REMOVE THE REFERENCE TO A DEPUTY CITY OPERATIONS OFFICER, THAT SPECIFIC FTE FROM THE AMENDMENT ITSELF. I THINK THAT THE BEST COURSE OF ACTION HERE I TO TABLE THIS AND MOVE THIS AND ALL REMAINING AMENDMENTS WE HAVEN'T ACTED ON FORWARD TO COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. --------- ##VIDEO ID:Qq3CSP3Oz9c## e good evening everyone my name is Elliot Payne I'm the president of Minneapolis city council I will now call this adjourned meeting of the city council for December 10th to order and the clerk will call the role council member ksky present present wansley pres Jenkins pres Pomano present chowri present Cashman present Osman present rainville present Chavez present Vita present Ellison here vice president chuk Tai present president ping present there are 13 members present let the record reflect that we have a quorum before we begin the meeting I want to offer a friendly reminder to all members and staff that this meeting is broadcast live to enable greater public participation the broadcast includes real-time captioning as a further method to increase the accessibility of our proceedings to the community therefore all speakers need to be mindful of the rate of their speech so that our captioners can fully capture and transcribe all comments for the broadcast we ask all speakers to moderate the speed and Clarity of their comments with that we have the adoption of our agenda colleagues the agenda for today's meeting is before us I would entertain a motion to adopt the agenda as presented so moved second the clerk will call the role council member KY I wansley I Jenkins I Pomano I chowri I Cashman i ausman i rainville i Chavez I VTO I Ellison I vice president chuk Tai I president pay I there are 13 eyes all right that carries and the agenda is adopted uh I'll note that we have been joined joed by uh the park board so I want to welcome president forny vice president uh Cathy a Ben uh commissioner Becky Alper commissioner Billy menz I think I saw uh Stephanie music and commissioner Tom Olen commissioner Charles Rucker commissioner Elizabeth Schaefer and commissioner Becca Thompson uh also want to welcome Board of vestiment and Taxation uh President Steve Brandt and vice president Samantha priest Denson tonight's hearing is the third and final opportunity for the community to provide input on the city's 2025 2026 recommended budget mayor fry presented his Budget on August 14th providing a proposal a proposed fiscal plan for the city's operations in 2025 totaling $1.88 billion and a copy of the mayor's recommended budget is posted to the city's website which is available at Minneapolis mn.gov budget since that time the city council through its budget committee under the leadership of of council vice president chug Tai has conducted a series of hearings to examine the details of each Department's budget requests all of those meetings were broadcast on public access television from the city website and On Demand access to those broadcasts are still available from the city's YouTube channel starting last Friday the budget committee began its markup of the mayor's budget proposal a total of 75 Amendments have been reviewed during the markup session of those reviewed 48 Amendments have been forwarded as part of the complete uh budget package being considered tonight through this markup process the property tax levy has been lowered from 8.3% uh which was increased by the board of estimate and Taxation uh down to 6 uh a 6.8% increase Additionally the committee has 27 Amendments that it wasn't able to get to those proposed amendments are now in the hands of the council to consider uh which we will take up uh once we finish our public hearing uh if you plan to address the council as part of tonight's hearing please note that we will be taking speakers in the order they have registered speakers can register with the clerks at the table outside in the hallway every speaker has an assigned number we will be calling uh Speakers by number and name because we have limited seating available in this room there's an over full space next to this chamber as well as on the second floor where the public can monitor this meeting each registered speaker will be given 2 minutes to address the council we have a timer available to help speakers monitor the use of their time we ask that you wrap up your comments when your time is expired so that we can accommodate all speakers today we also ask that everyone be respectful of all speakers and of all opinions offered if you have written comments or materials to submit please give those to the clerks at the registration table to be included for the public record we also have printed comment forms available at the registration table if you'd like to submit a comment on this proposal and have that included in the public record I also would encourage everyone to take advantage of submitting your comments about the budget in other ways the easiest way to submit your comments and ensure that they are added to the public record is to send those from the city's website at minneapolismn.gov comment all submitted comments will be included in the public record related to the 2025 budget which is accessible via the city's legislative information management system or limbs in file number 20 24-9 59 we have arranged for interpretation for those who may need need that assistance to participate in tonight's hearing if you require assistance please let the clerks at the registration table no we have interpreters available for those needing Spanish Somali ormo M and American sign language interpretation with that we're ready to open the public hearing so far we have about 30 speakers registered for tonight's hearing I will call speakers in groups of five by their registered number if you are in the Overflow space please to the chamber as we approach your number uh the first five speakers who have registered for public comments are and forgive me if I have trouble reading handwriting or mispronounced names I have number one which looks to be Martha uh number two Christy Marsden number three slow down number four Mary slobig number five Lee Samuelson and I will work welcome up up our first Speaker her name is Martha and I cannot read the last name Speaker number one good afternoon councilman members my name is Martha and I live in District 8 I'm here to thank you for the program for the support for the program and the grants for entrepreneur Ur for vendors ulatory V vendors Street vendors currently it is very difficult to find a job in our communities this program will benefit both parts either the um both the City of Minneapolis as well as the street vendors [Music] min this program will help us a lot because we will be able to be independent and participate in formal economy without being afraid of the authorities it will benefit the City of Minneapolis because we will bring income from the street vendors in addition when we finally have the opportunity to sell in public places we will bring diverse families and at the same time we will be we will create an environment for a cozy environment for all our communities [Music] and then to to start any business it is a little bit hard to start or move forward and with this support we will let people know about food from Ecuador Colombia and Venezuela I love who are my neighbor uh countries I love Gastronomy and this program will help because it will benefit directly members in diverse communities who will be able to share our culture with the [Music] public thank you very much for your attention and and blessings thank you next we will welcome up christe Marsden number two christe Marsden uh hello my name is christe Marsen I live in Ward 7 in East Isles um and thank you for the opportunity to listen to me today over the past several years I've seen miniapolis struggle to meet the needs of its community so I'm here to share my concerns and a vision for how we can do better Minneapolis should be a place of dignity for everybody no matter their income bracket or where they sleep at night Minneapolis should also be a place that helps its people prepare for the extreme weather that we're already experiencing and will continue to experience because of climate change the fry Administration talks a lot about climate change but does little to follow through on commitments to make a difference to people this leaves the people of Minneapolis exposed to the health risks of extreme heat poor air quality and then as well as increased cost to heating due to poor poorly insulated homes so that increases the cost of heating and cooling dir to to the extreme weather it also leaves people with increased costs to insurance as well as the burden for increase improving their homes so that those costs can be reduced due to the change in the federal Administration it is import more important now than ever before for Minneapolis to be a leader when it comes to helping its people prepare for and adapt to a changing climate we need to be more ambitious with our climate work which includ or which means furthering and expanding the community the climate initiative sorry the wording of that the climate initiative so that more people everybody renters and owners included can all be prepared with for the climate change which includes weatherization for their homes electrification as well as making safe spaces for everybody to find Refuge when extreme weather and public health risks occur we also need to use our resources to follow through on other commitments we have already made thank you so much for your time thank you uh next we will welcome up number three slowdown followed by Mary slobig welcome thank you hello um my name is slow down I'm a local artist and Community facilitator living in East Phillips um I also deliver meals to unhoused folks folks on a weekly basis um when I see how the city treats my unhoused neighbors everywhere feel Furious and brokenhearted because I value care and freedom I see the city treating people like trash literally sweeping these encampments I Envision a future where everyone has a home because I firmly believe housing is a human right I'd like to see the money spent sweeping encampments and putting up fences to be documented and tracked or really I would like it to stop completely um I would like to see the Vivo Village be funded um and a study done on social housing I would like to see Minneapolis be a place where all people can be supported in their access to safe to a safe and secure place to sleep thank you so much thank you next we will welcome up Mary slobig followed by Lee samlon good evening thank you for this opportunity to speak my name is Mary slobig I live in South Minneapolis my husband bill and I have owned a home in the Kingfield neighborhood since 2009 I love this city and I want Minneapolis to be a place where everyone can live with dignity no exceptions I have a neighbor who lives on the corner of 46 and nicholet if you drive past this corner you've probably see her or her stuff she's been there for about 3 or 4 years and she and I've chatted she's given me advice about my bike I've boughten her food or gift cards but I don't know her story I do know that that could be me if circumstances were different I'm privileged to have a job that covers my needs I haven't had a major medical emergency or a job change or any other crisis displac me from my home I have health insurance that covers my chronic health conditions I know that we live in a place where there's little to no safety net for folks who are not as fortunate as me where some individuals or corporations profit on a market that's built on scarcity privilege segreg and inequality as I drive by her every morning on my way to work I feel sadness and anger and helplessness as I see her or her stuff and I wonder especially like thinking about tonight if she's going to make it through another cold Minnesota winter night I think no one no one should have to live so precariously I urge you to fund a study on the steps that Minneapolis can take to implement socially owned housing so that all of our neighbors can Thrive thank you so much uh next we will welcome up Lee Samson followed by number six Milton gutiz seven Molita Palomo uh eight Mora Palomo nine Mercedes Mercedes and 10 Mary uh uh so next I will welcome up uh number five Lee thank you yes president pay members of the council I agree with the effort behind Amendment 57 to increase the zero waste funding to 500k from uh 300K so we can honor your resolution to phase out the hurric incinerator I attended the March 6 rally at marado Central when council members Cashman and Chavez both called for raising the city climate Legacy initiative from 10 million to 100 million in a future year for neighborhood scale weatherization electrification and Renewables and for that reason I really hope that our upcoming utility franchise agreements will be arranged in a way that would allow the city to follow through on its 2019 social cost of carbon policy and for how that could work I've shared with some council members this report from inmt titled Equitable funding mechanisms for climate action in Minneapolis for this year however the health department and sustainability have confirmed with me that they're happy with where the CLI funding is at for 2025 they had to do lots of hiring and capacity building but next year we will finally have the long promised public facing climate Equity Roundtable for Community oversight on how the funds will get invested and Community power and Cooperative Energy Futures will be partners in helping the city have a fully fleshed out year of successes to report back to you on and uh starting early next year we will need to begin laying the groundwork to start increasing the climate Legacy initiative to match the scale of the of the crisis particularly in the absence of federal leadership and also support funding the behavioral response team for mental health dignified and encampment response and the social housing study and whatever you could do to help bolster our work if if our EPA Grant gets gets slashed next year would be great thank you Lee uh next we will welcome up number six Milton Milton uh [Music] Gutierrez good evening um counc council members my name is Milton and I live in District 8 and I'm here to thank you for supporting the program scholarships for Street vendors and I want to thank you because with these scholarships we are able to support our families and also help support other families and with that uh program that would allow us to have jobs for us and also help others we have come um to this beautiful city and we want to be able to uh also pay our taxes [Music] and again I want to we want to thank you because we want to work we we don't want to be a burden we want to work here in this city yeah thank you thank you next we will welcome up number seven Melita Palomo [Music] welcome good evening my um name is Monica atupa I am 35 years old I am from Ecuador and I have been here um yes I've been here living in District Six and I'm here to say thank you for supporting the program uh with scholarships for Street vendors and this program this um scholarship will benefit me and my family so that we don't um we are not hungry and it will also benefit all my co-workers to be able to have the opportunity to work without fear without yeah yes and not to be afraid of local authorities because many times we have been chasen by um local authorities in eador I have my own business of fast food I used to sell back there and I would like to bring my food here um to people and also offer um Ecuadorian food and this program will help me to start my business where I could also have the auton autonomy to decide how to uh manage my business and to also um fulfill with all regulations and the support from our city and thank you council members because this is a very uh important program for us thank you thank you next I will welcome up number eight uh Mor Moria Palomo good evening um Council Council council members my name is Maria Mor Mora pal Paloma I am from Ecuador and I live in District 10 and I'm here to say thank you for the support for the program for scholarships for Street vendors Equador it was very difficult to help my family to move forward unfortun because of the economic situation I had to leave my country and come here I have been living in Minneapolis um about two years and I have my children daughters my uh daughters and sons here and I would like for them to have an opportunity to have an education but it's very uh it has been very hard to find a stable job and one of the ways that I have been able to help and support my family has been selling fruit in local parks this is an ability that I obtained back in my country when I work worked in the food industry in Ecuador this program of SCH the scholarship opportunity um has given us the opportunity to sell my products uh my cultural products in a way that is safer because um at the present time the city has not been able to offer a path to establish businesses ambulatory businesses or um Street vendors like mine causing barriers for us I'm selling fruits um drinks soft drinks and pork skin and they are enjoyed by our community diverse Community we offer uh foods that people can use and um to enjoy themselves and also I'm able to spend time with my family local in Minneapolis these interactions with customers give me a sense of being part of our community and economy in Minneapolis just to wrap up this program will secure that our businesses have a base and it will provide all the resources and the foundation to establish a business for our clients our community and our families and I wouldn't be um I wouldn't have to be afraid or worry about maintaining my family or supporting my family thank you thank you next we will welcome up number nine and I'm having trouble reading that it looks like Mercedes number nine welcome good afternoon Council counc members my name is Maria Mercedes and I live in District 9 muches thank you very much for supporting the program of scholarships for Street vendors you w equatorian e I come from Ecuador I have three children and I want to help them move forward with this scholarship I will be able to sell uh food from Ecuador and share our culture and food and I want to um thank you I have been here for three years I'm here with my family and I would like to sell my Ecuadorian products thank you very much thank you next we will welcome up number 10 which looks like Mary uh and then number 11 is James Reinhardt 12 EMT uh daart 13 John tribet 14 Sheila Delaney and 15 Angela Roo welcome inform for me per good evening council members my name is Maria Palos and I am a single mother living in Minneapolis Ward 8 I currently work two restaurant jobs in the city in Ward 7 I've had to hold more than one job so that my children can have a chance to thrive it is workers like me who most frequently experience rights violations as low wage workers as workers who are part-time and we are also the people who have the least access to information and resources about our labor rights I have often seen some of my employers that don't do anything for workers rights education they often simply place an informational graphic on a wall hidden away and only in English there are many workers of us in Minneapolis who do not speak English and so that information simply isn't accessible worker centers like help bridge that Gap by not only bringing information to workers who wouldn't otherwise have that information or knowwhere to find it but present it in ways that are more easy to understand I'm glad to know that there are council members who support workers and who are willing to make sure that there is enough funding permanent funding to make sure that this work can continue into the future thank you so much for your time tonight and we hope to see your support in the future thank you thank you next we will welcome up James Reinhard number 11 welcome good evening my name is James I've lived and worked as a barista and a bartender uh in Ward 7 since I moved here right out of high school in 2021 uh while working in Minneapolis I have witnessed workplace injustices and I can say with outmost certainty that the size of the business makes no difference whether it be at the hands of big businesses like Target or the midsize restaurant group or the small independent coffee shop I have seen injustices committed by businesses downtown I have witnessed peers and co-workers suffer injustices too because it's near Universal among low wage workers downtown but even when we're all struggling it's easy to feel alone especially with without the resources needed to fight to get your sick time your stolen wages or fight just blatant discrimination organ organizations like satl give workers the support and tools to seek Justice more than that they give workers hope sustained funding is going to ensure that workers like me have access to Vital Information so we don't have to put up with injustices in our workplace so that we can continue to serve our communities their coffee and their cocktails thank you to the city council for standing with workers and including a budget amendment that ensures funding for this important program is protected and prioritized thank you thank you next we will welcome up number 12 EMT welcome thank you it's so nice to be here with you all my name is EMT Dart and I am part of Ward 7 I first and foremost just want to thank God for allowing me to come up here and speak to you all as a formerly homeless person the majority of my life uh the issues that I'm going to speak about are near and dear to my heart I have an aunt right now who's living in the encampments and and has been for a while and it's it's disheartening to see what she has to go through Elon Musk one of the most wealthiest people on the planet tweeted today in most cases the word homeless is a lie it usually is propaganda for award for violent drug addicts and with severe mental illness the way the city handles the encampments is ridiculous anyone can become homeless at any given time for various reasons I'm sure as you all know the city has turned so ugly not only because of the gentrification and the square buildings but mainly because of all the spaces I drive by on a regular basis and and see that are filled with fences and Gates and cement barriers uh this is absurd because how can anyone grow up looking at their neighborhoods and expect to thrive seeing those things the beautification of our city is important not only to the mental health the psychological and the physical health but also the spiritual health of our land I propose we reallocate all spending on encampment sweeps to efforts such as restorative justice healing circles some I help facilitate expansion of food Justice initiatives like sisters Camelot soup for you and other coalitions similar to that as well as making sure that we empower the artist of our city to make our city more colorful um to connect with each other deeper if you guys remember anything that I said tonight let it be that you guys are not doing enough to ensure that the most vulnerable parts of our community are thriving uh we're only as strong as we link thank you yeah thank you um next we will welcome up number 13 John welcome good evening uh my name is John tribet uh I work at a Vivo as a service area director in our ending homelessness program Emergency Services area um council president Payne vice president uh Chuck Tai uh all the rest of the council here this evening um I'm here on behalf of a Vio to thank you wholeheartedly for the heartfelt um hard labor that's been put into continuing to support a Vio Village um ail Village is not the only solution to homelessness but it is a solution that's working for uh a group of people that have some of the highest barriers in our communities that have faced some of those highest barriers um to date we've been open four years um as of December uh so uh We've housed over 250 people um of those 40% identify as Native American um that's very deliberate as we realize within our community individuals who are bipac uh have faced traditionally uh historically barriers that continue to resonate in the communities and we have to recognize that we need to really reach into those spaces in a compassionate way you've heard some other people talk tonight about some of the challenges about how people are are what they're facing as a result of policies um so your support in creating a space where every single human being is treated with dignity uh the moment they walk in the door regardless of what they have going on uh that we treat them with curiosity and trying to help them and figure out what it is that they need next in their life um is deeply deeply appreciated um I've had um several conversations with many of you directly and other people on the Vivo team um too many to name but but I want to just thank each of you who have taken the time uh to sit down and have heartfelt conversations and um we we hope that you will continue to support our efforts as we continue to try to work on a really challenging but important issue to show The Compassion that we all have in this city thank you thank you next I will welcome up number 14 Sheila welcome good evening um I came out here tonight not to talk to about anything specific but I want to say that not only do I see you and the grit and the collaboration that has led to a really humane main budget you have fought good fights you protect the taxpayer you protect people who I hate the term most vulnerable you protect people who are not protected and you're doing a really good job of that I'd like to Echo EMT I'd love to see us not allow our communities look the way that they're looking um we can do better than that and I know you guys have the skills to address it but I just wanted to thank you for your bravery your willingness to have hard conversations and um and really be Innovative and address what is actually needed to keep people safe and healthy so thank you thank you uh next I will welcome number 15 uh aneles roblo hello my name is Angeles robo when I first learned about workers rights my family was in the middle of dealing with the repercussions of wage theft and workplace abuse that my husband had been suffering suffering from at this time I didn't know anything about labor laws and it felt like we didn't have anywhere to go one of my community members told me about s and while I was a bit scared I decided to go check them out it was that that I learned all about Labor rights and for the first time in a long time I had hope over time I learned all about Labor rights wage theft and the sick and safe hours we as workers are entitled to I was able to tell my husband all about this and with this information we were able to file a case with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry as we were going through this process I was able to share this newfound knowledge with other wives of workers I quickly realize how powerful this knowledge is and how truly life-changing this information can be before I was quiet and scared but now I am an outspoken leader and part of a committee over 20 women dedicated to sharing these resources and finding solutions to every present issues in our communities and to find solutions to these problems that are afflicting our community and so we as workers of color many of whom do not speak English are far more likely to suffer from labor abuses this Co enforcement program is a vital resource that we cannot afford to lose since knowledge is power and I know we all want to see a stronger Minneapolis for years to come thank you to the city council for prioritizing this sustained funding I look forward to seeing all the good this program brings for years to come thank you muchas thank you uh I want to uh note that we've been joined by mayor fry welcome for being thank you for being here uh next we have number 16 uh Sue goodar uh number 17 is after that Beth uh papisi 18 Estella 19 Joe Benjamin Garcia barera and 20 Karen vetch uh Sue welcome thank you good afternoon my name is Sue goodstar I am a parent a sibling a grandparent and a resident of Jason's Ward here in Minneapolis for years I've been involved with the number of important causes but one that is very near to my heart right now is the co- enforcement it is a well documented fact that communities of color and low-wage workers are far more likely to suffer from unjust workplace practices and is as an indigenous Elder I have seen many people in my community be affected by this my own son has faced challenges in his workplace of being able to access as has earned sick and saved time my sister has had many wage losses workers are struggling to have even the most basic information about their rights and no resources are given to him to fight these rights so the abuse is not only tolerated but it's expected thanks to workplaces like a tool and the city's Co enforcement program my community has had a major shift in disfunction at the workplace workers now have access to training knowledge support from community- based organizations like suul we Empower them and teach them about their rights we help them seek Justice for a dignified workplace I myself myself was able to educate my son and my sister and together we were able to educate their co-workers and we have made a change to improve their workplace and this not only affected them and their co-workers but their families also which is covered a number of over a hundred people it's not enough to pass this legislation but to protect the workers thank you on behalf of my family and the workers we thank you for passing this and we hope it continues to pass thank you sue next we will welcome up Beth number 17 welcome thank you oops my name is bth Papalis I live in South Minneapolis and I live in a small little one and a half story bung low um and according to the levy impact estimator houses in my area are going down in value and the average tax is going up $287 my property taxes are going up 14% $700 I realize I'm speaking from privilege because I do have a home that I've lived in for many years but I don't have the luxury of just increasing my wages I'm on a fixed income which is set to increase 1.2 2% and I know I'm speaking for the concerns of a lot of homeowners and renters who will be faced by this Le this Levy increase I was an department chair for my school district for many many years and we had to pass in lean years what we must have and that was funded first after that our needs that are like really need to have these and without them it would be hard to live but we could those were next funded and our wants usually were not funded for me the must haves in our in our city are the streets fire police basic City Services Public Safety staff costs and I'm sure there are some that I'm missing what I'm seeing in this budget is six and a half over six and a half million in new spending that's astounds me I appreciate the late efforts to lower this Levy I'm deeply concerned that it's on the back of 161 city workers they happen to be non-union workers and these are the ones who carry the historical and institutional knowledge that keep our city functioning well so that's a huge problem I urge you to keep City spending or keep city services before going funding outside agencies I urge you to collect data and fully vet any outside agencies before funding them to assure we're getting a good bang for our buck thank you and I I also urge you to make sure that you increase funding for all of our city workers unless city council workers are willing to take that same W thank we'll be watching next up we have Estella talo number 18 welcome is good afternoon my name is Estella and I live in Minneapolis and next to me here is my son Freddy and you know it can be really hard sometimes as he is my only family that's here around with me I'm sure many of you have seen us around as we have spoken many times about the importance of the city's co- enforcement program in [Music] [Music] I have been working in Minneapolis for many years and I have suffered discrimination and Injustice throughout that time I stand here today in my third trimester of pregnancy because I do not want my children to have the same experiences no child no mother no worker should have to go through what we have gone through [Music] without the co enforcement program and worker centers like satul I wouldn't have learned about my rights I wouldn't have known how to fight against these injustices and my son would not have been able to see his mother grow into a outspoken Defender and advocate for workers rights [Music] I have been interviewed by multiple Publications and every time more and more people tell me how my story my knowledge my experiences have helped them find Hope and seek resources to improve their workplaces [Music] I am a firm believer that knowledge is power and having the necessary resources to spread this knowledge and support workers is of the utmost importance as much as Freddy and I love being here with all of you we know that sustained funding is necessary for workers to not only know their rights but to follow through in any cases that may need to happen until the end thank you see aou next we have uh thank you so much to the council thank you thank you next we have number 19 Jose Benjamin Garcia Barrera welcome IND good afternoon my name is Jose Ben Hamin I live in Northeast Minneapolis and I work in Food Service in ward 6 I have seen the work that has been done by organizations like sat to improve the lives of workers and their families many people have suffered different kinds of abuses and discrimination and I have also seen how these organizations have had to request funding year after year to continue their work organizations in this co- enforcement program invest in people invest in communities and uplift workers and Empower us to seek Justice and fight for for our rights in a way that leaves us feeling stronger this has a ripple effect touching not only just the individual worker but our families as well knowing that people on city council truly support workers and are dedicated to ensuring that the sust the sustained funding for this program makes me happy and I'm excited to continue learning more with more workers thank you so much thank you next we will welcome up number 20 Karen uh vest uh after that we have number 21 Jeff Williams 202 uh 22 Carmen 23 K Joanne 24 Jonathan harmes and 25 Russ Adams welcome hello my name is Karen vetch I live in South Minneapolis w 11 I'm concerned for the unhoused humans I see in my neighborhood struggling to find a place to rest I hear of En encampment sweeps over and over again I feel City resources are being wasted along with wasting what resources the unhoused may have I believe Minneapolis should be a city where everyone can live with dignity no exceptions I feel that continuing encampment sweeps by the mayor is not helping the unhoused or solving any problems I think the City of Minneapolis should conduct a few studies of what is working in other cities or communities we can use this knowledge and data to create safe places for the unhoused data shows that once a person has a safe stable environment this can help that individual focus on other areas of their lives they would like to improve upon if we can help our neighbors here in Minneapolis reside in a safe stable environment I believe our city would be safer for all better livability and improve economically and more importantly be a better place to call home please consider funding studies on encampments community living and the unhoused thank you thank you next we will welcome up number 21 Jeff Williams welcome good evening my name is Jeff Williams I live in Ward 11 and I'm here to give you my views on the upcoming proposed property tax increases uh based on the proposed tax statement I got it indicated there was an 88.3% Levy increase but in reality that translates into a 15.6% increase in my property tax which is crazy in my humble opin opinion even the medium home uh uh House in Minneapolis would see an 11.5% increase I realized that the council has possibly lowered L 6.9% but even then I'm seeing a 14.1% increase where the medium seeing a 99.8% increase in addition I find the uh flyer included from Minneapolis in the property statement uh little Mis mising genu and really doesn't even tell how the property tax gets calculated and no average person can really figure it out so uh my wife and I are retired uh we're working very hard to make our home such that we can age in place but clearly the message is the city does not uh want us in in this city uh the fact that the step two tax statement shows up on Election Day clear uh after election day clearly indicates the city doesn't want any voter input on how we feel about property taxes uh if they in if the city truly wants to get more conservative members on this Council you're certainly headed that direction I am not for that but I'm just giving you my humble opinion that a high property tax is going to lead to that lastly I think the city needs to run uh like a business they need to cut down on expenses just like any normal small and medium business uh there are many programs that I've seen that could be eliminated or at least reduced uh I'm not talking about ones that you know generally help people but there are plenty of out there that could be turned into self-funding uh uh programs that essentially you know charge fees to pay for themselves that's all I've got and thank you thank you next we will welcome number 22 Carmen welcome thank you good afternoon council members my name is Carmen and I am a resident of W 9 I'm here in support of the workers in the room the folks who are employed working several jobs to support their families and those who find ways to make a living through their own entrepreneurial spirit thank you for including the entrepreneur Grant and compliance program in the budget for the last couple of years we have seen Street vendors work hard to make a living by offering fruit food snacks to drivers in the city many of our families do this work because they are barred from participating in safer and more formal employment we've witnessed more and more vendors take on this work with little response from the city to ensure safety from these work for these workers instead we've seen more punitive response through fines and harassment as you've heard today food vendors are eager and ready to build their life here this is a p this pilot program would support them by building a pathway to certifying their business and make Minneapolis on par with the rest of the world street food is part of the culture for many major cities and it's time for Minneapolis to catch up thank you for your time thank you next we will welcome up number 23 K Joan welcome thank you uh good afternoon fellow council members my name is Kate I live in w a and I'm here to support stable homes and stable schools pilot program uh I'm a youth worker and during my time I have worked with families who have um who the head of the household or parents are bringing income that is minimum wage so less than 3,000 a month um an average uh annual income is 28,800 and then rent is um average about 1,300 and so families have to bring food clothing rent and Etc uh the families that I have worked with uh barely have a savings account or funds save for an emergency so it's easy to see how families can fall behind and so as a recent uh grad student I recent I was struggling with seeking employment which took about like half a year to find a stable position so for these families friend it's waiting for them and do not have um the opportunity or um can't wait for an employment to come so the only positions that are available are lowincome positions so it's a clear cycle of why families are in this position so programs like this are important especially especially when wages haven't increased and only increased by a few cents but rent percentages go up um and as City staff I want to reflect I want you to reflect about your income which is about $120,000 um in the income that these families earn and hopefully you push for more um programs that support Youth and families thank you thank you next I will welcome up number 24 Jonathan harms and just uh so folks know we do have our assessors in the Overflow room so if you have questions about your property taxes or your property value there are professional staff uh on hand to answer some of those questions if you know this isn't exactly the best setting to get answers to questions so welcome Jonathan hello my name is Jonathan harmes I'm a homeowner in Ward one my wife and I have put down roots in a 120 year old home which uh at a time like this in the season uh leaks heat like a Civ uh every time that gas furnace turns on um I think about our family's future and the um how many breaths our our kids will have and the the dangers that um that they're going to face um the house needs improvements in order to be energy efficient uh we don't have the ability to pay for those on our own many residents are in a similar situation and can't take advantage of federal grants without City help um I know the city is facing tough questions about the budget for the sake of my family's future and many fam's future I ask that uh climate funding for building decarbonization is uh preserved in full and dedicated for future Years thank you for your time thank you uh next up we have number 25 Russ Adams after that 26 Joey uh Russ 27 Eric Nelson 28 Gary Peterson 29 uh Michael Banton and and 30 Brad uh figerm welcome thank you members of the committee mayor fry um I have a list here of the Amendments and it's not even 73 of them I just tried to pull out the ones I thought are good for bipo businesses commercial quars neighborhoods workers um it's a long list and I know the media likes to cover this process because it's messy um and you're we're in the fourth quarter on it but I do want to thank all of you for your efforts for the mayor for putting out uh his budget and for the council members having um sincere and largely respectful uh conversations about this uh from a distance this process does show those who pay close attention that you do aspire to tackle tough challenges to reach levels of agreement and Forge pragmatic Solutions it is messy um but for those of us who are really desperately needing your leadership and appreciating when you come out to places like Lake Street and other commercial corridors uh we appreciate the effort you put in we don't question your intent um or your commitment to the city so I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for your work thank you thank you next up uh Joey number 26 welcome hello my name is Joey Rosa I live in Northeast Minneapolis um and I believe that we all deserve to live comfortably and with dignity in Minneapolis regardless of our race uh ZIP code income level Creed anything like that I think it's important that no one gets left behind in the clean energy transition that we are in um we continue to see fossil fuel and dirty energy corporations profiting off of harming the planet and we see them dragging their feet on switching to clean energy solutions so I would love to see our city continue to prioritize clean energy um we're starting to see that with raising the city's climate Legacy initiative to $10 million this year and I'm grateful to the mayor and to the city council for doing so ultimately I would love to see a full block byblock program uh to perform Energy Efficiency upgrades and decarbonization work in Minneapolis which would require scaling the climate Legacy initiative fund from $10 million to $100 million uh per year um this has gotten support from multiple members of the city council now I know that increasing the fund to $100 million is not on the cards for this upcoming budget of course but I really hope that we don't lose sight of this um I hope that the city council and the mayor can commit to scaling to $100 million in future years the going franchise fee negotiations uh is a great opportunity to raise this sort of funding by making sure big polluters in the city are paying their fair share to summarize I think we're on a good path with climate action and uh we're going to need to make sure that we do scale it properly in future years I'm sure we can all agree that 10 million is a pretty cool number but I would argue that 100 million is even cooler thank you for your time thank you uh next up number 2 seven Eric Nelson welcome thank you good evening my name is Eric Nelson and I live in Ward 13 I'm here because my property taxes are going up 17.5% uh I feel like I could almost stop there but I'll continue um that's that's without making any improvements the last five years other than painting the house so I I don't envy your jobs uh I think to find a an appropriate level for property taxes and to support these wonderful programs we've heard about tonight like the vendor project I think it's difficult to find that balance I want to thank you for your efforts I want to especially thank lanaa palmisano who I think has been a a voice of moderation on the council um I would like to stay in Minneapolis I enjoy the lakes and I enjoy the the bicycle trails and I hope to continue to uh be here but I I know you'll understand that that will in part depend on the level of taxes we pay and we need we need that tax base if you want to continue all of these wonderful programs that we've heard about tonight so I hope a group of you will reconsider that that sort of increase and find a way to find a more balanced approach thank you thank you next up we have number 28 Gary Peterson good evening council members mayor fry my name is Gary Peterson I'm a resident homeowner in ward 6 I'm a retired Arts administrator for over 40 years I served as lead administrator for Xenon Dance Company Zango flamco Dance Theater James Su ballet an dance theater and the southern theater those organizations and many others like them employed thousands of artists and support staff over the years they performed in all parts of our community and state throughout the United States and served as cultural ambassadors for Minneapolis around the world in communities and Nations I want to thank you for your support for the city arts budget particularly for the cooh center your support is critical for maintaining the equity Investments that have been made in that facility and throughout our community during a challenging time for our Arts and Cultural Community just also want to acknowledge your with thanks your creation of the city's Department of arts and culture and the leadership of Ben Johnson and the able staff that he has uh pulled together thank you for holding this forum and providing an opportunity to here our perspectives thank you uh next we have Michael bainton number 29 oh no that one's not here neither is number 30 okay we are on number 31 Crystal Porter after that will be Mike Johnson 32 33 Donna sander uh 34 has left and number 35 track tackenberg welcome hi hi thank you good evening council president Payne and vice president chug Tai my name is Chris T Porter I live in Ward 5 I'm the executive director of the West Broadway business and area Coalition also known as WBC the only Business Association in Ward five serving the needs of businesses from Basset Creek to Lowry Avenue throughout 2024 we also assisted Victory neighborhood in implementing their great streets facade program in just the last two years we have had to increase our capacity from a staff of three to a staff of eight due to the community's needs I'm speaking to the city's plans to redistribute funds Within cped by cutting the Business technical assistance and business district support programs Bap and BDS a much needed pool of funding that North Minneapolis businesses benefit from and the communities they Supply North minneapolis's population is over 66,000 in perspective Northeast is just over 38,000 our City's entire population is 430,000 which means in 2024 our staff of eight served 15% of the entire city population during the same year WBC saw a 50% decrease in our Bap funding than in previous years which hindered our ability to serve the businesses that depend on us as the only place-based organization focused on serving the needs of businesses on our side of the city members of our city council mayor FR and City staff when we are facing a massive Light Rail construction project directly down our only major business Corridor in North Minneapolis in the next few years defunding North minneapolis's this portion of Bap and BDS funding is off the table our businesses need our support now more than ever and if we're going to connect them with the resources they need in order to not be displaced we will need to make sure that we have all the resources we need to serve them thank you thank you next up we have Mike Johnson welcome thanks my name is Mike um that was a uh speaking about a meeting earlier it was a great catch by uh councilman Jenkins on the uh daycare thing Minnesota's already doing something and she caught that we don't need another $500,000 spent in an area that Minneapolis is nationally known for being uh taken advantage of to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars even billions um and then also uh listening to councilman Paul Masano sharpshoot a lot of these amendments was quite entertaining as well um but to get to my point um the uh whether they're the unhoused as a lot of you like to say or a uh drug addicts as apparently Elon Musk likes to say um it's not compassionate to leave them in a pup tent outside and the cause of these people being there generally is obviously a mental illness or drug addiction but we do nothing about the drugs that they're getting we think drug dealers who deal life-ending drugs should be running these streets and it boggles the mind when all your crime revolves around the drug trade the trafficking of humans the driveby shootings the crime on the light rail it's almost all associated with the drug trade and these people are more in charge of this city than you guys are and it's quite disappointing because people people are going to die in these pup tents they're going to overdose and that that just seems ridiculous in 2024 in the United States of America um I would have no problem with an amendment for treatment get these people productive get these people to where they can afford their own stuff all right thank you thank you next up we have have number 33 Donna welcome hi my name is Donna Sanders and I am the business specialist for the West Broadway business and area Coalition in North Minneapolis uh when I first started uh WBC there was a serious deficit in services available to the West Broadway businesses I saw existing businesses acquiring buildings by contract for deed I saw um businesses using credit cards to fund supplies operational costs equipment and I also saw businesses that were victimized by predatory landlords WBC and myself has helped the businesses over the last few years with regulatory Services we provided uh pro bono legal accounting um I've done research on financial institutions that would provide loans and grants to our businesses help them apply for the grants and loans and also help them with cash flow projections pro fora half of my salary is from the Bap funds The Business technical assistance program funds as Chris Porter said in 2024 50% of the Bap funds were cut from 2023 we need Bap funds to continue to help our West Broadway businesses uh you're talking about reducing them now do not do that we need those funds uh Bap is very important to w BC and we would like to bring the services to the businesses up to par with the wealthier neighborhoods in Minneapolis thank you thank you next we will welcome up number 35 track welcome thank you council president Payne Council vice president chug Tai city council and mayor fry my name is track tractenberg I'm a W8 resident and the city's first transe Equity project coordinator a position I held from 2019 to 2023 I worked in the racial Equity inclusion and belonging Department under directors Joy Marsh and Taisha green and was really grateful for their leadership supporting both the internal facing components of my role related to City policy and the external facing components related to convening the trans Equity Summit and engaging community members the time I worked here reib was both internally and externally facing as well and we significantly increased attendance of and Community participation in planning and running the trans Equity Summit we also passed policies and worked on developing more that were protecting trans Minneapolis residents at a time when trans folks were moving here from across the country fleeing states where they lost access to healthare employment and more we used the summit to share essential Community Resources and now the US has elected a president who is clear about his goal to Target trans Andy residents and strip us of our rights this work is more essential than the whole time I worked at the city after director Marsh left the office went 9 months without a director for five of those months we were two person office for the final three of those months it was just me I worked to carry over our arpa funding to amend a typo in the previous year's budget that reduced our FTE and to keep our office on other departments Radars I don't want to pat on the back to this I'm just saying that I absolutely want the city's racial Equity work to be fully staffed and funded I am here to support budget amendment 68 and 69 transferring the trans Equity FTE and Summit budget to NCR I don't want these departments to have to compete to resources and I'd be happy to see us add new ftes to rib to replace the ones being moved however given re's new internal Focus ncr's departmental resources and priorities are better fit and since reib has become more internally focused we have lost all of the staff who did lgbtq plus Equity work cancelled a contract with community members who held key roles in planning every trans Equity Summit until this point thank you to postpone the summit indefinitely I'm hoping that at this point the city can show up differently it's essential right now thank you next we have maren uh mosco number 36 welcome Council people and mayor thank you for having us tonight I'm um born and raised in Minneapolis and I've been a Minneapolis public school teacher for decades but today I represent the small businesses on East Lake Street I bought a property on East Lake Street and started a small business in 2023 and was somewhat crushed to get a letter saying our property taxes would raise by 34% this year I don't know how we can do this my house is also property tax increase by 18% and as a public school teacher I don't know how to take another job so I'm asking for help today in considering the budget that you're raising on people who want to try to revive East Lake Street and put what they have back into the city thank you thank you next we have number 37 Sean welcome he everybody Sean greski proud resident of board9 and active with the high Lake neighborhoods I have to say I really support the Bap funding for both the Northside and Southside also really um glad to support the behavioral crisis response to team and then Jason's been working with us at High Lake on working with the county on the homeless Outreach and the low barrier housing so it is it's just terrible to see the people outside and we got to figure out more low barrier housing and then the big thing I'm excited about is the climate Legacy fund is doing great uh except that we have gigantic things to get done like 50,000 houses to be weatherized um the amount of solid waste we have to reduce to try to turn off the garbage burner so one of the things I'd like to do is turn to this little diagram I shared with you here is we should really have subw work teams for every goal area for the climate action plan that would include the community residents and businesses nonprofits that helped to write the climate action plan should be brought back into teams to work on getting it done so for example I really like your legisl directive about the um climate Legacy fund tracking but what we should do is we should have a dashboard for every Ward and neighborhood how many houses they have how many businesses there are how many houses have been weatherized so far how many left to go so we need to push on this together um so that it's great to start off in the green zones with weatherization but the high income neighborhoods also need to get going because the IRA tax credits might not be there forever and they should use them before they're gone so let's try to fund two-way communication with the resilience hubs the neighborhoods and block clubs so we can replace the 100,000 ash trees reduce Solid Waste but the the city can't do it by itself so let's fund 2A Corporation thank you yeah we have two more speakers signed up number 38 and 39 uh if there's anybody left in the audience wishing to speak please uh see the clerks in the hallway to get signed up otherwise we're down to our last two speakers and I will welcome up Eddie Olsen and mor number 38 is Eddie here not seeing any movement uh number 39 Jeffrey welcome thank you I'm city council mayor fry I'm extremely tired and uh I'm sure you are all too I'm just here to like express my disappointment at the tax lver that's going on here I've lived in Minneapolis my whole life and I got to say like I've just not been happy with the last like five years like including the 2040 project like that seemed like a big waste the money I don't know I don't know what was like behind the motivation of all of this but it just seemed like there was like a huge lack of research done to fund whatever is being spent on the city um I don't know I don't know what's going on you look at East Lake Street it's a disaster there it has been I think in all of South Minneapolis on very many days there are three police officers from downtown to Richfield um I don't know just I would just urge you to I don't know find something that works you're killing the people that are funding all these like whatever programs and I'm not saying that they're not necessary but there just has to be a better way to be able to make things work for people that are paying for it and the people that are in need and that's it thank you thank you uh is Eddie Olsen and Mar here is there anybody else wishing to sign up to speak I am not seeing any that so that completes the list of registered speakers with that I will be closing this hearing I want to thank everybody who showed up to participate in this hearing tonight and everyone who spoke or submitted comments we appreciate your engagement in this important work that helps move our community forward for the public let me note that the park board will be convening in room 1A City Hall to complete its work on the Park Board 2025 budget Additionally the board of estimate and Taxation will meet tomorrow evening at 400 p.m. in this chamber to complete its business on the bets 2025 budget as well as additional business items all of those meetings are open to the public uh it is 7:43 right now and I am going to take a brief recess before we pick up and come back at 8 no later than 8 thank you everyone e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e uh one minute thank you welcome back from Recess I will ask the clerk to call the role to verify the presence of a quorum council member kosy pres council member wansley present council member Jenkins present council member pal Masano is absent council member chalry present council member Cashman is absent council member Osman present council member rainville present council member Chavez present council member Vita present council member Ellison is absent vice president Shai present president Payne present there are 10 members present uh let the record reflect that we have a quorum we will now proceed to the business outlined on our agenda the first item is a series of resolutions relating to the 2025 City budget first is the proposed 2024 property tax levies payable in 2025 I will recognize council member truck TI to present the report of the budget committee thank you Mr President on behalf of the budget committee I move adoption of a resolution approving the 2024 property tax property tax levies to be paid in 2025 as amended by the budget committee to reduce the taxes payable from 510 m87 42 down to 497 m378 465 vice president chuai has moved adoption of a resolution approving the 2024 property tax levy to be paid in 2025 is there any discussion on this motion uh I'll note for the record we've been joined by council member Cashman seeing none I will ask the clerk to call the role council member kosy hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins hi I council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member Vita I council member Ellison hi council member Pomano excuse me Madam chair you asked me to be brief during this break I took a three-minute break and I was the last person brief so can you tell me what number we're on uh we are approving the levy resolution this is the full meeting of the city council and the first item on the agenda is the consideration of passage of a resolution related to the 2024 property tax levies payable in 2025 as amended by the budget committee and its prior action if you would like to vote on that this sets the tax levy at 497 million yeah which was the amendment from the budget committee forwarded to this body I pres uh vice president Shug Tai I president Payne I there are 13 eyes that carries and the resolution is adopted I'll note we've been joined by both council members Ellison and Paul Masano uh and for our next item I will be handing this off to vice president chug Tai to chair actually I'll just uh the next the next item is the proposed 2025 General appropriation resolution which funds the city's operating departments uh vice president Chuck Tai uh Chuck Tai will present that report thank you Mr President on behalf of the budget committee I move adoption of a resolution establishing operating budgets for City departments under the city council and fixing the maximum amounts to be expended in fiscal year 2025 okay council member trai has moved adoption of the 2025 General appropriation resolution which establishes operating budgets for City departments I will now turn the chair over to vice president chug Tai to chair this portion of the meeting so we can continue consideration of the revisions to Mayor Fry's 2025 budget thank you Mr President um colleagues we we we will begin right where we left off um prior to this afternoon during our uh budget committee meeting um so we will pick up with amendment number 49 which is the revised Financial policy director position um I will uh over the The Break um I had a chance to talk with um council member chowri and um I am going to just share some comments briefly um and then recognize council member chowri and then I believe we will have dispensed with item number 49 and we will be able to continue on with our packet so I'll start with saying you know I want to I want I wanted to be really clear about a few things and and before we close the chapter on this amendment um I want to I want to I want to State a few things um related to this amendment uh for the for the record first um this amendment uh is not about has never been about uh an individual person in 2021 ballot question one was approved by Minneapolis voters we went through a government restructure because one of the most compelling and Salient arguments made to Minneapolis residents was that City staff having 14 bosses to report to was too many but instead of consolidating down to just one boss following the implementation of the new government structure um the executive branch asked us to create two new offices and 23 FTE to manage the new government structure effectively creating 23 new bosses we have taken a peacemeal approach to government restructure and as part of that the council which has authority over the budget has been unable to fully and meaningfully carry out this function as the existing finance and budget staff now report up directly to the mayor through a few layers of bureaucracy the thought process behind this amendment was let remove some of the the this extensive structure just a little piece of it in line with the intent of government restructure and let's staff the legislative Department more operationally under the executive mayor legislative Council system what we heard from staff uh and I'm specifically referencing um what we heard in in coo Anderson Ker's comments earlier this afternoon is that despite all the intent that that I have stated this is not how this amendment has been received I know that staff make our city run that every day across the Enterprise they work hard on behalf of our residents and I hear the COO when she says that this amendment would be a blow to morale I really do that's the last thing I want that's the last thing the authors wanted um with that in mind I'm going to pull this amendment and I want staff to know and understand that we uh that we appreciate you and that I heard you we heard you and took this seriously and that's by council member chow and I decided to withdraw this amendment with that I will recognize council member chowri thank you madam chair um I want to Echo everything that Council vice president chug Tai just said we're in a moment where we're trying to catch up with government restructure and ensure that both branches of city government are able to execute their functions and serve our residents at every level at the level that they deserve I just want to Reit reiterate despite very specific statement alluding that this would impact a specific person I want to reaffirm that the goal and the intent of this was to redistribute resources statements outside of this intent are just completely false or Off the Mark at its core it's a fact of the matter that this council is under supported in completing its obligation to deliver the final budget with the change in government structure the role of budgeting has only grown to meet the needs of our constituents find efficiencies and make informed and tough decisions to help make reductions like this Council has done to the levy however the process that we currently have is not sustainable the fin the financial legislative director would have provided an essential role to support the budget chair now and in the future and the body now and in the future it is not right that the council lacks the necessary access and financial tools that lead to avoidable and often frustrating issues however the present source for this amendment is not worth the impact and the very real feelings that has been brought up from our staff in the City of Minneapolis one thing that is a fact is that no one can change the fact that we are a team and we are the ones tasked together to do this messy work of democracy and public service with that in mind again I'm very supportive of pulling this amendment at this time my hope following this whole discussion is that we will be able to work collaboratively with the administration to find a way to execute the intent of this motion without making anyone feel the way that they have tonight my hope is that commun the communication gap that many council members have alluded to through our budget discussions between the council and staff perpetuated by government structure can change can change and the Gap can be broken down so we can get together in Earnest and roll up our sleeves to solve problems together thank you amendment number number 49 has been withdrawn council member Vita I see you in q but this this amendment has been withdrawn awesome wonderful so with that um we are ready now to move to amendment number 50 which is the oh uh that thank you for the reminder so um I understand uh Mr clerk um if you will note this um colleagues council member Cashman um would like to um adjust her or change her vote on amendment number 41 that's the small business support for construction and hardship Amendment um that we considered earlier today um I'm happy to recognize her to just speak to that briefly thank you so much my computer's rebooting so I couldn't get in priority Q um just looking again at the way the downtown assets fund was put uh into the general fund to the tune of I think 40 million um during this budgeting process and you know I think that the the here is very clear so I just wanted to change my vote to a yes instead of a no on that Amendment doesn't impact the outcome of the amendment um and Council marine vill and I are still bringing forward the legislative directive to look into the health of the downtown assets fund um early next year thank you chair provided there are no objections from uh council members we'll have the clerks note that um and for for folks that may be for colleagues that may be trying to track this um that amendment was approved with nine votes it will now be be approved with 10 votes um all right with that we are ready now to move to amendment number 50 from council member Chavez um council member Chavez will you please introduce and move approval of your Bloomington Avenue facade improvements Amendment thank you Council vice president truck Tai in the interest of trying to get through this all tonight I'm just going to work with my community on this particular budget amendment refine it in the future and figure out how we can address the concerns that we are experiencing and keep done intent on the Bloomington AB Corridor which is literally trying to improve avability in that particular part of philli so I'm going to withdraw that Amendment Council vice president thank you council member Chavez council member Chavez has withdrawn amendment number 50 so we're going to continue to make great progress in uh working our way through the remainder of the packet next up we will consider amendment number 51 from uh council member Ellison um council member Ellison will you please uh introduce and move approval of your ownership and opportunity fund Amendment uh thank you uh this is uh a proposal to put $1 million into the ownership and opportunity fund uh it does use downtown assets uh which I know is is is going to get me really sideways with uh council member Cashman tonight and I apologize for that but um but uh but yes but it but we this is really important Fund in our city we uh you know myself the mayor uh some of the mayor's former staff uh at the beginning of his tenure here uh uh some former cped staff worked really hard to create a fund that could get that could drive local ownership of commercial space um and we have seen this program be incredibly successful to that end but we've also seen this program repeatedly be on The Chopping Block in competitive and constrained years and so you know uh uh I felt like for the for the sake of being able to continue the hard work that the department has put in currently there's uh there's no money in in the opport the ownership and opportunity fund for this year uh this would add a million dollars to the fund to allow us to continue uh uh promoting ownership um and renovation local ownership Community ownership of our commercial spaces we currently don't have a tool like this um and I feel like it's especially important because it it not only allows uh our our our local businesses our local entrepreneurs to pursue site control and Community ownership of commercial space and Commercial corridors but it also um uh uh uh is is is is a a gap financing that's written in a way that makes the space more affordable to those to those owners as well um you'll notice that there's reference to the Blue Line Corridor in here uh it's it's written that way because I wrote this and I always am happy to put my finger on the scale for North Minneapolis but it is not exclusive or uh or actually tipped towards the Blue Line Corridor it's just me letting this the department know uh that I'd love them to look into that but it is still a city-wide fund that goes towards uh commercial ownership and local ownership City uh across all of the city uh and I'll move uh approval of it council member Ellison has moved approve all right uh thank you that item has been properly moved and seconded are there any questions or discussion from members of the council I will first recognize council member Paul misano thank you madam chair um a question for the author council member Ellison you just said we don't have a tool like this but this is about continuing the tool that we started just a few years ago right I don't remember if we started it with um Federal covid money the arpa dollars or what but we started this during our tenure here together on the council is it that this currently has a zero balance for next year uh I'll ask the director to give to give this specifics but my understanding is that uh the mayor did not put any money into it this year I get why but I wanted to make sure that we were able to continue this fund and that's and yes that is true we started this before arpa we did put I think we were able to put our largest amount into this fund during with using arpa dollars utilizing arpa dollars but the first year that we used uh uh I think it was just a general fund appropriation of about $2.7 million welcome welcome director Hansen if you will Begin by introducing yourself Madam chair my name is Eric Hansen I'm the cped director um and uh council member palisano uh we did you to council member Elison uh use general fund money there was an arpa allocation of $10 million but that was replaced in in a revenue replacement because once arpa regulations came out we were informed we couldn't use it so we used gen we've been using general fund there's a $500,000 annual allocation ongoing for the ownership and opportunity fund but there was not an additional funds there are $2 million proposed for the 2026 budget for the ownership and opportunity fund this would add funding and we would be focused from cped on anti-displacement measures based on what's happening with u the blue line constru ruction so we would take the um the the Clause around uh um prioritizing focus on that blue line uh with this million dollars so then um director Hansen I think I heard you say it has $2 million in the fund already and this would increase it to $3 million uh through the chair council member Paul Masano that $2 million would come into the fund on the appr in 2026 there is not 2025 money aside from the 500 ongoing there is a balance that we usually roll over but we have a pipeline of projects that um utilize this fund this would actually Advance projects along the blue line that aren't necessarily in our Pipeline and would be able to give us some opportunity to advertise this to those impacted businesses that might be relocating or making um uh different real estate decisions based on the blue line I see um this item in conjunction with other amendments 39 and 41 end up proposing to transfer for $2.25 million from the downtown assets fund for Council priorities now different than many of the other ones that I've been speaking about tonight this could be a one-time thing it's not something that then has to get um refunded in the same way and then just becomes a part of our growing budget problem um but in general the use of downtown assets is an increase to our spending it is an increase to this budget so I can understand this proposal um having been party to the green line extension that was previously part of my ward and now has been redistricted to council member cashman's area um it doesn't really impact local businesses like the blue line will um I think it's interesting to see how much of the funding remains in that ownership opportunity fund you've just mentioned that um is there an internal mechanism to focus funding but not exclusively for this area is it more about just marketing it and making sure that it's available to people people in the commercial corridors around the blue line yes uh through the chair council member Pomano it this is a um is a pipeline program so it we don't put this out for competitive solicitations people will bring their project to the city we do an evaluation of those projects we do some underwriting we see you know the need that is in the project we only fund a gap of of the development um and then those individual um applications are brought through the city council one at a time and so our program staff Through The Economic Development Division can work to promote this through the um our work in community along the blue line and we've had a substantial engagement along the blue line so we're pretty familiar with the actors that are on that line um but also across the city so we have a team that works with emerging developers either through the DTaP or those that just find us um through our technical assistance programs um and we've been very successful at at deploying the money and then once we get through that uh pipeline um we are um usually working with the mayor to see if we can get some funds replenished into that so we can continue to invest in commercial ownership thank you thank you for having me ask these questions thank you next I will recognize council member Jenkins thank you uh Madam chair and I'm just curious uh maybe um uh director Hansen can answer this is this um a forgivable loan program or is the repayment period extended for like 20 years or something like that I'm just trying to refresh my memory yeah through the chair council member Jenkins this is a 40-year no payment no interest forgivable loan for for-profit businesses that are want to buy their their real estate um the city would have a a loan interest for that period of time and as long as it stays in an accept you know through in the family or in um a buyer that's acceptable to the city um that loan will stay in a kind of a forgivable state until it's until that end of that 40-year term uh the purpose of the the public purpose of this program is to uh activate commercial corridors and reduce the um the Gap that you will see in areas that have had underinvestment because those usually are a little bit more expensive and underwriting for conventional financing as such that there's usually a gap uh this covers that Gap so it's a wealth building program Community activation program um and uh tax base enhancement program and and it increases ownership for businesses of C yes ma'am but I guess just my own thought it does not sort of regenerate itself we have to continuously fund it uh council member chug Tai council member Jenkins it does not um and if the investment the city gets is in in stable long-term ownership and then the benefits of the the businesses that are in that area are most likely to be spending their money within the local economy and so we get the the um secondary benefits from from those Investments wonderful thank you thank you um and finally I'll recognize council member rainville thank you uh so director Hansen since Inception how many uh millions of dollars has this fund helped people with through the chair council member rainville I'm glad you asked I have that right in front of me um we have about 30 loans out uh I'm sorry 20 three loans out since 2020 um totaling about $12.6 million in investment I could get you it's probably you know we do no more than 30% so let's say about 75 or so Ion worth of re real estate Redevelopment in the city 75 million has been leveraged through our contribution roughly our contributions 12.6 right but as leverage 75 I'm I'm estimating there yeah and that's fine thank thank you that's you don't have to do any other research thank you okay thank you seeing no further discussion on this item um I will ask the clerk to call the role on the on council member Ellison's ership and opportunity fund Amendment or amendment number 51 council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins I council member palano I council member chalry I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member VTO I council member Allison I vice president chug time I president Payne I there are 13 eyes that motion Harries uh next up is the revised um amendment number 52 the revised version is in your binders um and this is the Latino Center for Community engagement development project offered by council members Chavez and chowri I will recognize council member chowri to introduce and move approval of this amendment thank you madam chair I'm bringing this for this proposal forward with council member Chavez this proposal will help support gopal's uh Center for Community engagement and Longfellow for those who don't know what goal is they stand for communities organizing Latin power and action this will be a 24,000 square foot space on the 2905 East Lake Street building a building that was damaged during the 2020 civil unrest in Minneapolis and signifies a project more than just a physical reconstruction I am a co-author in this because this is an opportunity to have something all wrapped into one safety inclusion placemaking Equity Economic Development a true page Turner both for the neighboring areas and the City of Minneapolis this project represents a pivotal step in empowering community and has a goal of building Economic Development on Lake Street it is a return of land ownership to Residents and reinforces Latino's historical presence along Lake Street the Latino Center for Community engagement will build power with and will build power with and fulfill the Ambitions of young a young and diverse Community fostering pride and belonging this Center will be a vibrant hub for Unity celebration and cultural exchange it will provide a community space for events and meetings Art Gallery Resource Center Cafe and Greenhouse the center will include spaces for C Civic leadership Health Economic Development environmental justice and a cultural Exchange program and media stations with that I will move this item for approval and ask for a proper second second that item amendment number 52 has been properly moved and seconded colleagues is there any discussion or questions related to this item I will first recognize council member Jenkins thank you uh chair ch I'm you know I brought this project up earlier um and I'm just curious if we can understand what the investment from the city has been up to this point um I can answer that question so there was a henen County Transit oriented so a program from the county uh that was funded for the project that came through the city council but it was not a City of Minneapolis investment so this would be a City of Minneapolis investment all right I see the director I see director Hansen nodding from the audience so how much was that sir that was I believe it's City of Minneapolis taxpayer dollars too but yeah how much was that that was half a million from the county got it thank you um anything else to add council member Jenkins um that's it wonderful thank you um next I will recognize council member Paul Masano thank you madam chair I need to point out that once again we have a set of amendments that work in coordination with one another to completely defund a new spending proposal it was a new spending proposal one of only a few new things in our budget this year but it is amendments 52 53 53a 54 and part of 55 I believe um so the council is in effect completely removing a new spending proposal this one was meant to help provide competitive access to Capital assistance specifically for nonprofits we've had nonprofits come and present to us talking about the fiscal cliff that they're facing talking about their dire um need to access Capital this is the 1 million to help nonprofits operating within the city to have greater access to funding for things like acquisition renovation or construction of their facilities we have been hearing about some of those facilities some of them are on Lake Street the funding will prioritize projects that contribute to the revitalization of commercial corridors and that are nearly ready to proceed so shovel ready kinds of projects so this series of proposals defunds the nonprofits that are prioritized to revitalize the commercial corridors that you reference in your amendments um isn't this the investment that you're asking for I wonder um it feels to me that this series of proposals are a way to circumvent a competitive RFP process in order to Target very specific projects um I'm wondering if director Hansen could come up and speak broadly as to the intent of this new program and what it means to lose it welcome back director Hansen thank you uh Madame chair council member palisano um it is new funding for an old program so the great streets program is a um about a 20-year-old program that that helps with business districts and Commercial corridors and there's um subparts to it um most most of the time you hear about the business district support grants and the facade grants and we've been funding those for multiple years in the past we talked about the ownership and opportunity fund funding that used to go to Real Estate development would go through here in the Gap financing part portion of this um program and uh about 5 years ago at the beginning of Co and when the ownership and opportunity fund was the policy decision was to move it into ownership and opportunity fund to help for profits because the um funding source for the um for this program is for the nonprofit sector uh historically this was funded through cdbg sources that we've exhausted those and we used those in different parts of the city's operations um and we don't use them for uh real estate financing so the proposal here is to respond was The Proposal of the mayor's budget was to respond to nonprofit developers who wanted access to some funding to do real estate development because they were not allowed to participate in the ownership and opportunity fund so the um proposal the Amendments you have 52 53 53a and 54 all uh designate a portion of that funding to these projects so in the normal process we would do a notice of funding availability for this money because it's new as opposed to when we do the ownership and opportunity funding on a rolling basis um but if these are all passed uh staff would just work directly with these organizations so it feels like director that we're handpicking projects up here during the budget process that this doesn't meet the spirit of the nonprofit Gap financing initiative um and that concerns me I'm concerned about setting a precedent for funding only certain projects and not making these funds available openly um do you have any concerns like that through the chair council member palisano um you know directing the funding in this uh these are eligible participants and directing the funding um is a policy decision of the body so if you guys decide that's where you want it to go that's where we'll do it there have been occasions in the past where there has been directed funding to to development projects um it's very it's not used all the time but it has it has occurred in the past so it's up to the body to decide thank you mhm thank you um next I will recognize council member junkins thank you again uh chair Chuck Tai I I I can't support I have so many nonprofits that have been denied support because they could not access the ownership fund and and they're struggling um one such program is hillsbury house theater and we came up with a employment and training program which really doesn't help them with their um construction or Capital costs but it was the only thing that we could do we have to make this a competitive process to allow other nonprofits to be able to at least be in the Quee for these funds Maybe maybe all of these uh projects programs will rise to the top in that process but I I think we have to have the process in my opinion thank you and finally I will recognize council member Chavez I just want to correct the record we did do this for Pillsbury creative comments coner Jenkins and I authored the same Amendment last year with the same exact language and we did do that and this body passed it and we did it for both construction and the second part was for uh the Youth Employment Program so we have done this we did it last year this already did happen this body set that precedent thank you not seeing any further discussion uh colleagues we have the um Latino Center for Community engagement development project Amendment offered by council members Chavez and chowri before us I will ask the clerk to call the role on amendment number 52 council member kosy I council member wansley hi council member Jenkins May council member Pomano no council member chry I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville n council member Chavez I council member VTO no council member Ellison I vice president chugai I president pay I there are nine eyes and four n that item carries um we have have um amendment number 53 which is offered by um council member Chavez I will recognize council member Chavez to please introduce and move approval of your Marcato Central economic development project Amendment thank you Council vice president I'm excited to bring this proposal forward meant to address disparities in the Latino community in a new wallet Hub study published in September Minneapolis and St Paul both scored the worst cities for Hispanic and Latino entrepreneurs out of the 182 large cities Minneapolis ranked at the bottom being number 163 and T Paul number 16366 this proposal hopes to curb those disparities in our city it will help M with the renovation Redevelopment upkeep and repair this is a Marketplace of over 25 Latino and Hispanic businesses and although Mercato has been an engine for re ization and economic development they have suffered over the past few years because of the pandemic civil unrest and Safety and Security challenges uh the mang goal of this proposal is to address the economic development challenges by improving the building and helping back customers support the entrepreneurs of the mall and ensure the success of this important asset to the Latino Community i' move for approval council member has uh moved item number 53 for approval is there a second to that motion second that item has been properly moved and seconded uh colleag is there any discussion or questions related to amendment number 53 as revised in your packets in your uh binders I will recognize council member palisano thank you Madame chair um this is the same as the last one um council member Chavez um we did fund Pillsbury Commons but that was one project and that wasn't part of a coordinated campaign to take all of the money that was to be made available for nonprofits on the whole um this maybe this ends up with less work for City staff we don't have to do an open project but my message still stands these me these amendments work in coordin in coordination to completely defund a new spending proposal it completely decides which nonprofits get money in our city without an open process council member Osman are you thank you um seeing no further discussion we have um the uh Mercato Central economic development project Amendment offered by council member Chavez before us I will ask the clerks to call the role on amendment number 53 council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins nay council member Pomano no council member chalry I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville n council member Chavez hi council member VTO no council member Ellison hi vice president chugai I president f i there are nine eyes and four n that motion carries next we will move to uh amendment number um 53a this is included in your um packets as well this is offered by council member Cashman Chavez and myself um I will recognize council member Cashman to please introduce and move approval of your Amendment thank you madam chair we're back to Uptown so this is uh you're familiar with the source that we've been discussing in the last couple amendments this amendment is to support the riseup center which will be located at 2808 hennipin Avenue South it does lie within the great streets eligible area um it's a $100,000 allocation um I'll just you know provide some data as to why I thought it was really important to support this a newly released report report from the center for economic inclusion highlights that bipac motans are least likely to earn family sustaining wages and that occupational segregation by race in Minnesota results in significant wage and wealth disparities um the rise ups Workforce Development programs recruit and train majority bipo low-income workers to participate in job training and placement programs for example apprenticeship programs in high-rise window cleaners Community safety Specialists Green certified cleaners training and commerci commercial kitchen certification and this proposal advances the Strategic racial Equity action plan re through the community safety specialist training program and will bolster the city's commitment to advancing economic opportunities in disenfranchised communities and this also supports our climate Equity plan by partnering with community members to improve race equity and green jobs training programs by renovating the existing facility it was a former YWCA with geothermal heat pumps rooftop solar and storm water caption systems storm water caption system capture systems in an effort to reduce waste conserve energy and harness renewable energy sources um really excited about the rise up Mission and I'll move approval of this item council member Cashman has moved approval of amendment number 53a is there a second to that motion second that item has been properly moved and seconded is there any discussion from members of the body I will first recognize council member rainville followed by Council member Paul misano thank you uh director Hansen how many dollars has a city contributed to this project already welcome back director all right let me get the right slide up uh Madam chair uh council member rainville uh the rise up Center we put in a $250,000 um predevelopment Grant in 23 again same amount in 24 and then we also secured a half a million dollar um lcda livable communities demonstration account Grant from the mech Council um and we are waiting for decisions on some REM brownfields remediation pass through grants from hen County me Council and I'm I'm aware that they also got money from the from the state uh through the bonding or the cash Bill last year I don't remember how much money that is 9 million of my notes 9 million 9 million there we go so we have been funding this project since 2023 thanks so the the government all government agencies have put in $10 million into this uh through the chair council member rainville right now the city the state and the me Council have funded and the county is potentially funding it but very close to $10 million uh with the the 9 million coming from the state yep thank you thank you next I will recognize council member pal Masano Madam chair um it's likely that people nonprofits that are serving bipac residents and particularly Latino residents um are particularly attractive in an open process for funding uh one of the challenges here in deciding which projects are going to move forward now is that we don't get to determine what's ready to move forward I don't know if the riseup center needs $12 million before their sh ready um per perhaps council member Cashman does and can can share that with us but um I'm interested in in doing good with the money that is taxpayer dollars that we would have to make available to nonprofits that are helping us meet our city goals um picking winners and losers here tonight just doesn't feel right thank you um and next I will recognize council member Osman followed by council member Jenkins I'll be quick I want to talk about how important is this kind of program to lowincome uh immigrants communities uh if folks are making minimum wage they can come here and get trained and you know uh if they put have a solar or or forklift or whatever programs those programs have improved my community you know we're not what council member Cashman did is amazing and I support this amendment and organizations that have offer have been offering training I can name so many organizations have been offering training have actually improve people's life people that I know people that are part of my community and this is a wonderful organization that c minis should continue to partner and support thank you thank you and next uh finally I will recognize council member Jenkins thank you uh chair Chuck Tai I I am absolutely positive that each and every one of these organizations do enormously great work they serve a a a need a deep need in our community but there are hundreds of nonprofits in our community that do the same thing and so we're saying these three nonprofits are our favorites and the other nonprofits don't even get an opportunity to apply for these very limited funds um next I will recognize council member VTO followed by council member palano thank you chair um I I just noticed that there are no North Side groups in this slate of um amendments that money is going to and I'm just wondering if there was an opportunity for us to include that I would have loved to give J Staples a direct allocation for the work that he's doing around um environmental justice on Plymouth Avenue in North Minneapolis but I told him he needed to apply for money so I I'm just wondering um like how do I get in the mix of this to give a direct allocation to a Norths side nonprofit that's in need I mean I've met with a lot of people and I've um directed them to staff and talked to them about uh applications and staff have helped them in coordinated efforts with other sources of government as well and um it just I it it's it seems like it's all been allocated now and there are no North Side groups here so how how do I get in on this action um council member Vita I'm happy to begin by addressing that um so as you'll see in the original um packet uh or or the the or number 51 um the original amendment number 51 in the packet that we published uh last week now um whoa uh it's been a lifetime um the this uh council member Ellison's amendment number 51 was uh actually um a a a $1 million allocation to this exact program so it's the a great streets nonprofit Gap financing program and it was all earmarked for North Minneapolis um and then uh the the conversation that um in the time after that council member Ellison ended up revising his motion to to include to to instead be um that million doll allocation going to the ownership and opportunity fund as that has been a far more um powerful tool and meaningful tool in getting dollars out in into um into North Minneapolis and and so uh just in terms of level of investment that that made more sense but I just so at first that that exact there was what you're talking about was addressed here and and now you'll see in that million dollars that um that council member Allison brought forward for number 51 that all of that is uh uh is it has a specific concentration for areas that are affected by uh the Blue Line uh Construction in in North Minneapolis as well yeah Plymouth Avenue isn't that that won't be that and just for the record council member Ellison set an emphasis on blue line but anybody in the city could apply for the money these are direct allocations to direct nonprofit organizations and I'm just saying there's lots of nonprofits in North Minneapolis who would have loved to hear their name uh being read out we got um a a council member KY and I both sit on the board of cap HC they ask for a direct allocation they're a nonprofit they provide um um access to utility uh help and car repairs help they they ask for $250,000 I would have loved to just give them a direct allocation I'm just saying I I understand what you're saying about 51 but it's not the same thing for me I would have loved to read off the names of some of the organizations that reached out and asked me for money and gave them the uh ability to celebrate getting a direct allocation from the Minneapolis city council for their nonprofit as well thank you next I will recognize council member palanu um to the authors here is it true that so far this program the riseup center is just about half funded oh I can answer that question so the riseup center has already purchased the building they own the YWCA so at this point it is a vacant building in uptown which I think is why there's the urgency of supporting it at every level um I do know that they just submitted a Federal grant a very large Federal Grant and are pursuing funding from all levels of government to get their Capital um needs met in order to be open as soon as possible which is why I felt it was urgent and appropriate to put this forward as an amendment this feels Madam chair like um trading money behind the scenes and not being very transparent these revisions were not made public until yesterday um my understanding on the riseup center is that the state dropped $9 million with another $9 million pending from private matching funds or additional public dollars um this feels like it will be a drop in the bucket toward that particular project but I need to say that to council member Jenkins point this would mean the world for much of the smaller nonprofits out there um you know this makes or breaks a lot of the little Grassroots projects that I thought was kind of the point of great streets dollars um you know there's a lot of skepticism about how how fast something like this can move forward that's perhaps why even if we're going to consider making these direct allocations to nonprofits from something like a great streets um Capital Gap financing program um we should really be doing it with all of the information in front of us and not just be picking these winners and losers almost seemingly haphazardly thank you um and finally I will recognize council member wansley thank you uh chair Chu Tai I did want to remind the body too of um every council member has opportunity to bring Amendment so if there is appropriation that you see is missing and you would like to see your community be reflected and have resources be directed to them a number of us have done the work for several months to be able to do that in a transparent process because I've heard this word um even just now of the of information or decisions being made behind closed doors this this budget book has been public for a while now we earlier in the summer all had the opportunity to share our top five priorities and we voted as a body on those priorities we've went through a very transparent process for several months now around documenting what is most um of importance to our residents and our Wards um so this idea that we're just behind the scenes doing cordinated campaigns that I've heard it's just all literally I I I want to use whatever alternative word you could say to BS um but nevertheless um I do want to encourage I know I already know theum I'll call it on myself either ways um um I will name again every council member has the ability if you don't like something about a budget amendment or if you would like to add money um to a program because I've heard that too of oh I wish we weren't taking money from this or I wish there was another funding source bring an amend amendment is that easy a number of us have done that you have staff at your disposal you have a number of council members who have offered um to support uh some of you in that process on this day feel free to reach out to them um you have several hours to do so or have your staff work on them bring for Amendment if you don't like something or if you would like to bring something to your ward seeing no further discussion um Mr clerk please call the role on Amendment 53a council member KY I council member wansley I council member Jenkins nay council member Pomano no council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville n council member Chavez I council member VTO no council member Ellison I vice president chug I president pay I there are nine eyes and four names that motion carries uh next we will move to amendment number 54 which is the one Southside Clinic development project this amendment is offered by council member Chavez and my S I will um I will ask council member Chavez to please introduce and move approval of this item this project will help with the development of the one Southside Clinic they are embarking upon a 3,950 s fet project Integrated Health Community Clinic and Wellness Center located in South Minneapolis and within a medically underserved area on the edge of the linaa uh Healthcare campus this project will allow Southside to grow its patient-based and EXT hours of operation while expanding the delivery of all services offerings Under One Roof to better meet the needs of patients and the community new services will include diagnostic laboratory radiology and mamography uh Suite Stuff and programs the project will allow Southside to bring its administra staff and stop rep operating in Satellite officers Under One Roof this project will replace uh the current salite clinic in the central neighborhood in W in the East 35th Clinic which Southside has outgrown and more importantly is not conducive to a delivery of high quality Health Care patients deserve uh with that I just like to note that that nearly 100% of southside's patients are publicly insured or uninsured uh and this is a good service to residents of our city council member Chavez has moved approval of amendment number 54 is there a second to his motion second that item has been properly moved and seconded colleagues is there any discussion or questions related to this item I will recognize council member Jenkins thank you chair Chuck Tai I just want to emphasize my um opposition to these amendments is not about the efficacy of these programs it is the um the I I I don't know how else to frame it I guess the the wisdom of this Council to determine who deserves these resources thank you thank you seeing no further discussion I will ask the clerk to call the role on amendment number 54 council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins me council member Pano no council member chalry I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville he council member Chavez hi council member v no council member Ellison hi vice president chugai Hi president pain I there are nine eyes and four NS that motion carries next we will take up amendment number 55 which is the Minnesota fund indigenous wealth Building Center development project offered by council members Osman Chavez and Payne council member Osman will you please introduce and move approval of amendment number 55 yes thank you Council vice president uh this budget proposal supports the creation of Minesota fun indigenous wealth Building Center a facility aimed at advancing economic empowerment environmental sustainability and cultural preser preservation for indigenous communities in Minneapolis the center will expand the American Indian cultural codor and serve as a community hub for Minesota fund programs promoting wealth and wealth building and providing a permanent space for services the programs will include employment and staff the center will create 17 lievable wage jobs including roles like uh business coach home buying uh supporting small businesses the core program will focus on small small business support financial literaly and housing stability uh so I would encourage my colleagues to support this this is a organization that's uh based in Native American um Corridor and uh we all know that um we need to be supporting indigenous communities that are are the uh that are in our communities especially the Earth and around that area so thank you council member Osman has moved approval of amendment number 55 is there a second to his motion second that item has been properly moved and seconded uh colleagues is there any discussion or questions um I'll first recognize council member Paul Masano followed by council member rainville thank you madam chair it seems we've run out of funds after decimating the nonprofit Gap financing initiative and now we're moving back to reappropriations within cped but I have a direct a question for director Hansen what impacts does this $150,000 reappropriation have on the Business Development Division welcome back director uh thank thank you and uh thank you for sequencing all these things in a row um council member Paul Masano uh the way this amendment would be set up is we would be re we would have to repurpose some programming program funding uh most likely out of the ownership on opportunity Fund in order to uh meet the the need of this uh Amendment so be 100 from the nonprofit Gap financing and we'd probably have to take from the balance of the ownership and opportunity fund is that the same ownership and opportunity fund that we just put money in from council member Ellison's Amendment several minutes ago interesting um I've lost track of all the other amendments impacting this division is there some cumulative impact here to this specific part of the city uh Madam chair sounds like no because you're saying you're reappropriate money from the o yeah Council M Pomano the business development um section of the economic development it's it's the it's re it's directing funding for these last few items and then the addition of the o o and then the reallocation of this component otherwise we would have to find other program funding we'd have to look at um the facade program or the business district support as a way to um cover the 150 that's required in this um so that's it's it's put it it's put in front of us we're most likely going to take that's got the largest balance this makes very little sense to me we just put money in now we're taking it back out for this program um but I'll yield to other people's questions um council member pal I will note that uh there's the the balance within the ownership and opportunity fund and then as as director Hansen mentioned earlier the ownership and opportunity fund has a $500,000 ongoing annual appropriation um and then there's the the council member Ellison amendment to add a million doll into the ownership and opportunity fund for 2025 so this five this this remainder would likely come from that 500 ongoing annual appropriation not the appropriation that uh that that was added via council member Ellison's Amendment so Madam chair since you were continuing to use my time it seems I'm still in Q and I would like to say this about it um it sounds like here we're saying oh no we have too much in that fund or we have more than we necessarily need and that's why we're taking it for this other um subsequent need um we put money into that fund because council member Ellison worked on this budget amendment that I felt was a a reasonable way to take even more money from the downtown assets fund I believe um and put it here in the ownership opportunity fund and now we're saying oh but it already had this other money in it and we're going to appropriate it to make good on on this fund again indigenous wealth building is a very important thing to do in our city um I do object to how we are picking winners and losers here tonight it is something I have never seen before this is my 11th budget um I've never seen something like this before usually we're trying to pick winners and losers after we appropriate the money and have an open process to consider projects that are ready for funding next I will recognize council member rainville followed by council member Osman thank you I'm wondering if one of the authors could uh explain this uh I I heard I heard councilman Ros and perhaps you're the one that this is a new project so I'm just understanding what the total Capital cost is for construction development is this the initial money is there other money in there someone help me understand um council member go ahead 7 million has already been put in or that's that's what is need needed total is what's needed but I'm not sure how much they secure so far they have about 3 million so far okay thank you six months ago okay okay so three 3 million secured as of six months ago wonderful um council member rainville any further questions no that's all I wanted to know thank you wonderful next uh I will recognize council member Osman followed by council member Jenkins all right um I want to just to State one more thing um that it's our job to move money around it's our job to allocate funding around is not a bad thing that we have put money to um opportunity fund and then decided to move this money here because it also makes sense here it's a small amount of money and we're not picking picking up winners and losers we're working for our community we were elected to do this work it's not a bad thing that we actually deciding where money where all we're supposed to allocate money in here and there so I just want to make it clear that we're doing our job and moving money and allocating money on what program to fund and what it's what we were elected to do so thank you thank you and finally I will recognize council member Jenkins thank you chair chuk Tai um is minota fund a nonprofit uh council member Ellison or Council me or I'm sorry council member Osman or council member uh Chavez it's a cdfi so a nonprofit uh would should we bring up the director I a CDF bu are nonprofits uh through the chair council member Jenkins it's a Community Development Finance Institute or invest I forget the I part it's been late it's been long day Institute it's uh it is a nonprofit it's a nonprofit fun so they would they would be eligible to receive the great Street Gap funding they would not be eligible to receive ownership opportunity funds that is correct thank you thank you um and then finally I'll recognize council member V thank you chair I I I do want to know how these groups were selected I mean I think I spent a lot of time with nonprofits in my ward a large number of them and I'm just wondering if council members can speak to why these particular groups were selected above I'm sure there's way more um groups that are in need of the funding just wondering why you pick these particular groups council member askman if you'd like to address the question for my district it's uh Native American uh the largest Native American city Minneapolis organizations are located there so this organization is based in my district and they do a lot of work with the Native American communities so they have been meeting with me counc member Chavis counc member pay and uh they have been working with us so it's because the group reached out to you and not that there's like 30 other groups in your board I in yeah I if there's 30 or more I talk to all of them and this organization is do a wonderful job uh to do the work work they're supposed to do and here we're here supporting this organization is and I would say that this is a Native American community and thinking about the history of this country thinking about uh uh how Native organizations are are doing everything they can to make sure they are assisting their communities this organization have reached out to my office and they have uh worked with the city I believe and reach out to the CET department and so on and they are part of the community and they're doing a great thing so supporting them makes perfect sense because that will support our presidents I I I don't like the presidents that's been set with these amendments because you you're you're you have lots of groups in the city that do wonderful work and that meets the needs of specific Comm communities and so now is the Precedence that go to a council member get a direct allocation for what you need because it can clearly be done how how do you I mean like how do you navigate through that that is a real question like how do you navigate through the next five groups that believe they do great work and they're um working with specific communities saying why why wasn't I picked and how do you get me some money too I mean that's why we have have a process for people to apply and submit proposals so that there's scoring there's all these things where you you have a actual system in place that helps select so I'm just wondering with this precedence that's been set around certain groups being selected how are you all uh prepared to navigate through the next groups that come along and say um where is my money I'm doing same or similar work or I think I'm doing better work I mean as was mentioned earlier uh council member to address your question um as was mentioned earlier the president has been is not set by the the set of amendments this exact sort of thing has happened in by budget amendment by a council L budget amendment in in just the last two years um or in the recommended budget when when it is released as well so um so why do you think we have RFP process Council vice president I mean like what is the what is the purpose of that if we're going to have our own selection process I'm just pointing out the president's piece council member we're not selecting a group we're working for our residents's name if you want to vote against Native American community that are struggling go ahead I'm voting against it but it's not voting against the native Community that's struggling it's voting against handing a group that you like that met with you versus a group that met with council member council member Ellison president citizen I live in my district can you please turn his off not can you please turn his uh council member Osman she was not asking you a question please don't argue with her she she is stating things she has time please continue council member I I appreciate that I'm not voting against the work that's being done I'm voting against the presidence that's being set i'm voted against people picking who they want to pick because they like the meeting they had with a group versus um actually being able to be a leader and say hey there's a process if I gave everybody that I liked money in the city's budget believe me basic Services would not be getting done in the City of Minneapolis there is a lot of need and a lot of money to pass out in North Minneapolis if I wasn't able to say no to people or to say there is a process that you have to go through to get money what council member Ellison has done is allocated money and people will go through a process thank you so much council member Ellison because the north side funding is what they're saying this is people have to go through a process I don't have to um you know be outside and say council member Ellison picked who he wanted to pick for this money and so you got it and you didn't because that is exactly what would happen if you had named five groups to give this money to and you pick them in certain places the facts are the facts these groups were selected based on what council members wanted to do and that is not the president that should be set uh for how we give out money in the City of Minneapolis unless we have enough money for everybody that's doing this work this work is not easy for anyone every nonprofit can use more money $5 or5 million dollar they all need more always and so it is it's favoritism seeing no further discussion Mr clerk will you please call the role on amendment number 55 council member ksky I council member wansley I council member Jenkins n council member Pomano no council member chadri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville council member Chavez hi council member VTO no council member Ellis uh I'd like to be I on 55.1 and a nay on 55.2 vice president chug Tai I president pay I there are nine eyes in the report except for item 55.2 which has eight eyes and five knes that motion carries next uh we have amendment number 56 from council member MERS wansley Cashman Chavez chuk Tai and chowri I will recognize council member wansley to please introduce and move approval of your carbon fees Amendment thank you chair chair Chuck Tai so this proposal which came directly from the sustainability Department specifically in consultation with director Patrick hland will fund one full-time position on going to administer the pollution control annual registration program for car carbon dioxide equivalent and a one-time allocation of $125,000 to conduct a fee study in other program implementation needs um adding a FTE to implement co2e par car fees is expected to help reduce carbon emissions by 6% from the largest polluters and keep the city on track with our greenhouse gas reduction goals while recouping the cost of the program by also collecting fees from polluters people will be reminded that we pass um the enabling legislation for this ordinance a couple uh months ago this program is earmarked internally within the Health Department's climate and pollution division that said if the fee level is set correctly and the program is correctly administered U the carbon fee program should recruit about 95% of its operating cost um so that means year over-year this program should have minimal impacts on the overall Department's budget so with that I look forward uh forward to advancing further Investments and policies to support our climate uh climate Equity action plan with that I'll ask for a second and motion to approve this amendment second um amendment number 56 has been properly uh moved and seconded colleagues uh is there any discussion or questions related to this item I will recognize council member palisano thank you Madame chair we knew this was coming and I think council member wansley for communicating this very clearly during the par car ordinance adoption process I'm not arguing here with a funding source but um I do wonder if Deputy Commissioner hanlin could come and explain a part of the staff response the staff response says the combined program results will be a reduction of $149,600 properties to 37 properties there will most likely be a net loss of 1.2 million in green cost share projects due to the leveraging impact of green cost share funding and then there's a similar note for the loss of a million dollar for the one-time funding thank you for being here Deputy Commissioner welcome Madam chair Patrick hland Deputy Commissioner of sustainability healthy homes and environment council member Paul Masano um yeah that's correct with the for both the position and with the one-time funding uh these this is a niche group of uh polluters in Minneapolis it's highly technical uh in terms of solutions and as council member wansley pointed out looking at refining some of the fees um and so uh creating this position uh will take some of the resources because the money is earmarked within the program we'll take resources away from our current uh work that we're doing around climate change and those are the impacts of taking that funding and dedicating it to this and council member wansley you are corrected uh we did uh send in uh worked with your office in bringing this proposal forward uh in terms of how we could move the par car fees and the programming forward so uh it would we'd be looking at refining it in this next year and then developing the program further in in uh future Years thank you as always I just want us to be transparent about the impacts with all of these amendments um council member wansley it seemed like maybe you had something you wanted to add oh the only thing that I wanted to add uh council member Pano is I think uh council members will recall during our deliberations around the PE car ordinance actually brought originally a appropriation to uh give the department resources for upstart costs in 2024 to which we were told by the administration they did not need and to go through the regular budget process um and that they will work with us to identify what the concrete needs were which are laid out in this amendment so any Cuts or decisions that they made and laid out in that memo response that is at their discretion but what I do know is there was an attempt to give resources ahead of time that was rejected so this is where we're at we took them up on their recommendation and I look forward to advancing this for further and calling a vote thank you I also want to note that this is an already approved ordinance um that should matter to us in this budget process thank you um seeing no further discussion U Mr clerk will you please call the role on amendment number 56 council member kosy hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano hi council member chowri hi council member Cashman hi council member Osman hi council member rainville I council member shavez hi council member VTO hi council member Ellison hi vice president shugan Hi president Payne hi there are 13 eyes that motion carries um next we will take up amendment number 57 which is from um council members Cashman chuk Tai wansley Ellison chowri and CI um this is so I will recognize council member Cashman to please introduce and move approval of your climate Legacy initiative zero waste planning Amendment thank you madam chair I'm happy that I'm on my last amendment that I'm authoring here um so this is you know moving $200,000 within the climate Legacy initiative towards um our City's zero waste efforts and specifically The Proposal coming from Solid Waste and Recycling staff is for Innovative waste reduction projects and programs um that will have an RFP process after this year's budget so that local community members and neighborhood level organizations can apply and pilot zero waste programs and staff have identified many barriers to participation in waste reduction programs and are seeking to address that through local Solutions which is why this came forward um from staff and just you know as a reminder to my colleagues on August 22nd we unanimously passed a resolution calling for the closure of the hpen energy recovery center as soon as possible the by 2020 to end burning by 2027 and to seek closure by 2033 and the herk is an integrated part of the city solid wasters um management system where about 75% of the trash deliver of the hert comes from Minneapolis 22% from residents and 53% from businesses so this amendment is really an effort to uh put our money where our mouth is on the resolutions that we pass and make sure that we're able to achieve the the policy goals that we unanimously uh adopted in that resolution thank you I'll move this forward for approval is there a second to that motion second um amendment number 57 has been properly moved and seconded colleagues is there any discussion on this item I will first recognize council member rainville followed by council member palano uh thank you I see the Public Works director have a if you could come forward I have a question please good evening director seon thank you for being with us tonight at 9:21 uh I'm just curious what will this do to the EV charging infrast structure uh program yeah welcome director thank you Tim seon uh director of Public Works Council vice president council member rainville so the $200,000 that would be shifted from um EV charging towards the zero waste would come from $100,000 to reduce the uh off street parking that would have electric vehicle charging and then the other 100 was going to be used for a Federal Grant match which we have not yet received the grant we don't know if we'll be successful um but that's where the 200,000 would be coming from does this affect uh the uh plan to put electric charging in the the parking ramp at the federal courthouse at all Council vice president uh council member um rainville I actually don't have that with me but that would be be the same pot of funding but we would still have some off Street electric vehicle funding available off Street vehicle charging funding available so I I believe that those locations have not all been identified and prioritized so I can't say great and I'm not trying to put you on the spot I just thought you might know sorry thank you that's all for me thank you um and then next I will recognize council member palaso thank you madam chair it sounds like from what director seon just said um that perhaps we'd need to Forfeit any grant money that we've applied for and that's a question actually for director seon who's behind this post I think yep hi welcome back thank you uh Council vice president council member palano um we don't if we were successful the grant has been submitted if we were successful we do not have an identified match at this time if we were to to make this change I see um I've been deeply committed to zero waste initiative since Organics recycling was piloted in my own neighborhood um over 10 years ago I supported the herk resolution and read a long statement of support but also caution that we have a lot of work to do to decrease our Reliance on the herk my neighborhood associations have been asking what can they do and I've been telling them these exact types of things that um that have been listed in the this narrative so I I support this amendment but I'd also like to ask about the source I'm concerned that this Source will lead to about a one to twoyear delay in matching funds for a curbside EV spot Network Grant is that the grant that you said doesn't actually have a match from the US Department of Transportation Council vice president council member Pomano correct I see are there other grant opportunities out there that might be available next year Council vice president council member palano I have not been made aware of any um at this time are there other sources then to still do some of the EV charging Network like how will this how will this impact the overall plan to build out our Network you said a couple of these words to council member rainville but how will this impact our plan because we had a plan for it I think it was approved through council member cashman's committee Council vice president council member pal maano we do have a plan through the climate Legacy initiative and if you could give me a moment I can find it but we do still have some evv charging funding as part of this next year's climate Legacy initiative funding um if if you want to take a moment to find it I'll say that the staff memo here States many of the EV charging sites were chosen to ensure equitable distribution of EV charging options to All City neighborhoods not just cited in wealthy neighborhoods hoods with higher rates of electric vehicle ownership I 100% agree with that goal um my concern and the reason for my question to director seon here is how far does this reduction in funds set this back I really hate taking away from one climate initiative to fund another um so I'm just trying to equivocate here what that tradeoff is and it sound it looks like Council C council member Cashman might have something to say about it too yes um if if you if you don't mind Madam chair um thank you council member Paul Masano really don't want to pit very important initiatives against each other just responding to what was raised by so many of our residents as a priority in the here and now with the her resolution but I will uh say that counting up what's still in the budget if this amendment passed for EV charging infrastructure was 4 175,176 still for EV charging infrastructure 100,000 in one time for Associated structured parking infrastructure and $131,000 for program manager within CLI thank you director seon did you have anything else you wanted to add council vice president council member palano that all sounds accurate I am having trouble finding the table right now and I apologize for that thank you um this is small but is there another amendment that I'm not seeing with this also as a funding source and can you tell me which one that is yes council member palisano there are two amendments that take from the e CL climate Legacy initiative EV charging uh change item those are this amendment and then amendment number 59 which takes $155,000 one time so a combined um $215,000 from this item so that's the impact to our EV charging here thank you thank you um and then I will recognize council member Cashman thank you madam chair I just wanted to also add you know the $40 million that the Minneapolis Foundation just received for clean energy um and climate initiatives in the city and so really excited about that and continuing to work with our private Partners on funding all of these important issues for climate action thank you seeing no further discussion Mr clerk will you please oh uh I apologize council member Jenkins thank you chair check to I just wanted to clarify with uh council member casman I believe that's a competitive process with the Minneapolis Foundation absolutely yes so there's no guarantee that will get any of that $40 million whatever which I mean but we have an opportunity right thank you thank you and now seeing no further discussion Mr clerk will you please call the role on amendment number 57 council member kosy I council member wansley hi council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano hi council member chalry hi council member Cashman hi council member Osman hi council member rainville hi council member Chavez hi council member VTO I council member Ellison I vice president chugai I president p i are 13 eyes that motion Carri next number oh um next we have amendment number 58 which is offered by council members wansley Ellison Cashman Chavez chuk taosi and chowri um this is council member so I will recognize council member wansley to please introduce and move approval of your neighborhood traffic cming Amendment and legislative directive thank you chair of Chuck Tha so this past May in the budget committee council member submitted their budget priorities for 2025 and CVP Chuck Tai then compiled and share those priorities to all council members and the public for full transparency and several council members noted throughout that process that traffic Hing was a top priority for them and their residents hence why there are several co-authors on this amendment so I do want to just know upfront there was no strange collusion on this amendment um with that as many of us are aware in July 2024 the public works department presented to the climate and infrastructure committee and estimated that there would be over 850 eligible applications for traffic Hing entering the 2025 construction season and each application represents a street that is a immediate threat to the safety of residents and unsafe streets often dis proportionately impact children elders and residents with Mobility AIDS or disabilities traffic common continues to be a high priority for residents all across the city as reflected in the hundreds of applications that have been submitted each year since the program was launched in 2022 with over 800 projects in Q I know myself and several of my colleagues were alarmed to see that the mayor only allocated enough funding to complete about 5 to 10 projects President citywi also shared that disappointment and we decided to do something about it um the addition of $1.5 million could allow between 75 and 150 additional projects to be completed and each project will improve pedestrian and bike safety encourage mold shift as well projects are also likely to bring down vehicle collisions and injuries and we also know that traffic calming improves Public Safety and livability overall so while we know this was not a prioritize need within the administration I do know that many of our colleagues once again knew this was a top priority for our residents um I also want to note that attached to this amendment is a legislative directive which Public Works requested which as the public works department to present Council in the public with updates on any internal adjustments that they may be making to their neighborhood level traffic cing programs in the future especially as we plan uh to consider how do we best support this program um also in 2026 and beyond that so with that I'll end my comments and also give space to any co-author that would like to speak as well and ask for a second and move this amendment for approval council member wansley has moved approval of this item is there a second to her motion second um this item has been properly moved and seconded uh colleagues is there any discussion um I will first recognize council member Ellison followed by council member Jenkins uh just shortly was just going to speak in favor of this amendment and I hope that my colleagues will support it uh I'm sure there's going to be questions but um you know traffic calming has been an issue in all of our Wards I know it's especially been an issue in North Minneapolis and uh when we were able to to to uh see movement when neighbors were able to see movement on safe routes to schools especially with the roundabouts and and and uh so on uh there was initially some confusion about like why are there all suddenly all these roundabouts uh but I had a group of neighbors who um who uh who actually held like a like a celebratory barbecue for their roundabout on their street uh and it is and it has completely reduced uh crashes uh on in in that intersection and so I think that I just want to speak to just kind of how important and how transformative some of these changes can be for Neighbors um and even the folks who initially were like well now I've got to turn in this weird way uh notice that the that the speeding is cut down and that the safety is increased because they don't have vehicles flying up and down the streets and so just a big thank you to the department and um and uh and I'm hope hope that we could see more of this infrastructure as a way to uh combat uh speeding in our residential streets thank you uh next I will recognize council member Jenkins followed by council member Paul Paul misano thank you um chair Chuck Tai I guess I just want to editorialize a little bit and I will be supporting this um but you know when I hear from neor people hate traffic calming would only in their NE it's only good in their neighborhoods they hate it everywhere else I have more complaints about uh pin Avenue and I don't even represent the north side uh people hate the little Ballard that are traffic coming they hate the roundabouts so yeah I get the calls about traffic calming too but then I go to these meetings and that's all people complain about so just a little editorial thank thank you for that council member Jenkins um next all recognize council member pal Masano followed by council member Cashman thank you madam chair you know traffic calming in all the ways that council member Jenkins just mentioned is probably the second most common request and issue that I hear about in through my Council Office second only behind crime and public safety concerns um they had a recent Community event featuring information about the traffic calming application in process and we doubled out the capacity of the room that this Ward event was booked in um a lot of people came to ask how long those ballards even last and director klugman's answer was between 10 seconds and two years um and he had proof for the 10 seconds so but needless to say residents are very interested in understanding how they and how we as a city can respond to traffic calming needs um we know there's a large unmet need here I appreciate that every Ward received one at least one project last year because every ward has its specific trouble Spots I'm curious will each Ward receive at least one or maybe even two projects again next year with this increased funding do we know that um director seon um can we welcome you back to address that question thank you and I will say I'm not looking for equality here I am truly interested in equity but this was the previous director's approach and I'm curious if it's yours Council vice president uh council member palano we currently have $500,000 allocated for this program for next year um with the 1.5 million we have not worked out what that would look like how it would how it would work or any of that I think we'd be is there I apologize oh uh why don't you finish your thought I don't want to interrupt we haven't determined what that program would look like with the increase funding thank you you know it's exciting for me to see this proposal could fund between 75 and 150 projects um but I'm also concerned about the pressure we're putting on the staff and public work the staff response memo states that they can handle up to $500,000 in funding on their own but beyond that they would need to contract out for help so this will add administrative costs to the program um I also find the suggestion to consider this as a capital expense to be an interesting one um do you know director seon or does somebody else know here how we might be able to consider that in the future as a capital program expense instead of something we're just allocating on a yearly basis go ahead Council vice president council member Paul maano um we would I don't know the exact mechanism for converting that gen or changing this to a capital program but if we did go through the capital program we'd have to develop data driven criteria prioritization and then it would run through the click process so there would be a more formal process for determining those locations right now the neighborhood traffic cing program is run internally inhouse we do have criteria but like you suggested before there's a bit more discretion involved yeah thank you um I appreciate that I also heard from director kugman at this Ward Forum that um a lot of the ballards are really about piloting what would later be permanent improvements based on our Capital program um so if there's a way seems like there would be a lot of work to do to get ahead of what our cap needs might even be in this program but that's interesting to me because I'm struggling with increasing our budget which this will do because it's taking out of the general fund by $1.5 million our mayor suggested this um because we are in an austerity level budget and I know that's hard to believe after some of the Amendments that we just heard but the proposed funding source here is the general fund cash balance in the general fund can fall to the bottom line and be used the following year here to reduce the property tax levy we already know all of us here on this day us know that another large Levy is expected and with all of the one-time spending in Pilot programs so many pilot programs that will no doubt be before this body again next year with a fresh batch of amendments I really fear our budget will balloon even further so I know I speak for residents from all over the city that keeping our budget and taxes in line is their number one priority and I really do believe that it is a top priority for most of us so it makes me a little bit torn on this as I mentioned on Friday I expressed interest in working on this amendment but my Outreach to get involved was not even recognized let alone honored um maybe I could have worked with all seven of you to identify a source here that would not raise our budget and I wish I would have been given that opportunity it's unfortunate that I was iced out of that process and it's unfortunate that we could not Bridge differences to work together on this but I made the attempt thank you council member palano director Sexton before you leave just one quick note um the the base funding in your budget right now without this amendment for 2025 is $100,000 in 2024 you did in fact receive $500,000 for neighborhood traffic cing that is because in 2024 the the the budget for neighborhood traffic calling in the mayor's recommended budget was $100,000 and it was amended by the council to increase that allocation up to $500,000 without this amendment in 2025 you have $100,000 for neighborhood traffic calming total which as council member wansley noted means 5 to 10 projects total being completed Citywide thank you so much next I will recognize um council member Cashman followed by council member wansley thank you madam chair just wanted to you know just quickly note that we are both reducing the levy in our in our budget while also investing in critical spending that our constituents are asking us to do so I just I know that we can do both I believe that's what we're doing here today um I just wanted to also Echo council member palanos you know talking about how common it is for residents to ask for traffic calming and put it out there that I do believe that our County should also be doing traffic calming because some of the most dangerous streets in our in our Wards are not eligible for traffic calling because they're not city streets and I will point out West Lake Street and I talk about it all the time Council m palisano is very familiar with how speedy and noisy and dangerous West Lake Street is and this is my conversation with commissioner Green from the county every time I talk to her so I will say that again today and then finally just wanted to thank the traffic calming team um Ben brosser has been amazing also wanted to to call out Alan kugman for welcoming me in the W 1 team to the traffic sign shop over by the farmers market and if any council members haven't been over there to see their operation it's really fascinating and wonderful and um I appreciate the innovative ways that they're trying to you know bring like art into the traffic signs in our community as well in w 7 specifically for the for the pride festival they do rainbow signs for the T um wolves games and the lyns games they've done really innovative science and I think that's an awesome way for our public works department to um just show their love for the culture of Min alus as well super excited to vote on this traffic calming Amendment today I'm sorry um and then finally I will recognize council member Onley thank you uh chair chai I just needed to set the record straight on something that was raised by council member Pomano in terms of this whole narrative about being Iced Out this particular Amendment so colleagues know as I mentioned in my introductory comments that I made it very clear this was going to be a top priority of M as many of you all did in our very transparent budget process in which this body voted on just earlier this summer um and many of us in our newsletter had several meetings like again there was public process that say Hey I'm working on traffic coming this is a thing for me um and many of you cuz you all care about doing your jobs uh followed up with my office and followed up with one another and said oh let's collaborate together so we're not in a situation when we come to budget um we're undermining and undercutting and and trying to go for you know various sources like here's a moment to collaborate on something that's clearly a shared need um a shared priority amongst our Awards I will name council member Pomano I got not one email in my inbox from you about this particular Amendment after being very vocal once again publicly for several months about being a champion and supportive of this as someone who's brought legislative directives to get information on this have went through a whole again public process naming that this is a top priority that I am committed to working with my colleagues on and colleagues paid attention and saw that and again reached out to my office I met with you as you noted several times throughout this budget process about my budget amendments then um to do a overview and at that moment you never also mention that hey I would love to join on as a co-author or I would love to work with you to figure out alter a funding source that opportunity has been available to you several times it sounds like it was your discretion to not take up that opportunity for whatever reason whereas many of my other colleagues did decide to do so so I just want to name again let's stop putting out false information I get people want to play politics but also let's not just sit up here and say lies um when I know I could check my inbox and drop some receipts real quick and show there's not been an email directed to me about traffic coming from your particular office so I just at least wanted to set the record straight on that point um and thank you to my colleagues who did make the effort to follow up and collaborate for us to get to this point um and then finally I will recognize council member pal misano Madam chair exchanging back and forth about this seems unproductive at this point in the evening but as you know Madam chair I went to you the budget chair I sent Outreach to your office to get involved and I never did receive a response in that's what I am referring to council member wansley I have complimented you several times through this budget process for being so transparent with your needs but I was not interested in joining on to your amendments council member Wy all right um I agree that uh sharing um back and forth over this amendment is no longer productive as I don't want to go through the amount of times that um I have contacted offices offering to engage in this process and not heard back or been told no thank you I will work directly with the mayor but with that Mr clerk will you call the role with Amendment on amendment number 58 council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins I council member Pomano I council member chadri I council member Cashman hi council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member VTO I council member Ellison I vice president shot I president pay I there are 13 eyes that motion carries colleagues we have are now going to take up amendment number 59 which is offered by council member Chavez council member Chavez will you please uh introduce and move approval of your electric wheelchair scooter and Mobility Aid and phone charging stations feasibility study Amendment thank you Council vice president truck chai this is a $155,000 budget amendment and proposal that will allow the public works department to do research and includes an evaluation of technology in collaboration with the disability Community to see how we can Implement electric wheelchair scooter and Mobility Aid and for phone charging station programs across the city to improve improve disability Justice and impude improve range access for people who use Mobility AIDS as we are um you know using electric vehicle charging stations in our city and improving access for people to use different modes of transportation I think that we should also be considering how we can improve uh a range access for people in the disability community council member Chavez has moved approval of amendment number 59 is there a second to his motion second that item has been properly moved and seconded um is there any discussion from the body I will first recognize council member palano followed by council member Jenkins Madam chair uh this is the Second Amendment to use the the EV charging infrastructure proposal as its source um I want to note that this is one of very few amendments that the source makes absolute sense given the topic and I thank council member Chavez for that and council member Chavez may be surprised to hear that I completely agree with the need for this study disability access isn't something we well it's not something that we talk about a lot it's not something that I talk about a lot and we need to do better and I'm really pleased to see in the staff response that this program would be low impact to the EV charging infrastructure proposal and low impact to Staffing um I'm not sure if director seon wants to talk about any other impacts that he could see to operations of such a thing but I am happy to support this amendment as written uh director seon um welcome back yep Council vice president council member palano no we don't see any other impacts um with this one we think it could be accommodated with the existing funding thank you thank you any further questions or discussion council member from you wonderful um next I will recognize council member Jenkins thank you um chair chai and I would like to ask the author if I can be a co-author on this amendment yes counil Jenkins and we actually made made a change to the amendment because of the conversation that we had so yes thank you to be able to charge cell phones as well Char yeah and you know I I I've literally had my battery die on me and had to drag my scooter around which um was really a painful experience and I I do have some resources but I know there's a lot of people in our uh disability community that don't have resources and so I'm very supportive of this amendment um clerks if we can note that council member Jenkins will be added as a as a co-author on this amendment um and then finally I will recognize council member Ellison I was just gonna I was just going to speak favorably as well and and glad that to see uh Council M Jenkins adding herself as a co-author I know that uh my mom also has her struggles with Mobility and and uses utilizes a scooter much like uh council member jenkins's and um and so I just you know I think this is really important asset in our community and want to support the study and uh and so just speaking favorably and thanking thanking the authors wonderful not seeing any further discussion Mr clerk will you please call the role on amendment number 59 council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano hi council member chal hi council member casman hi council member o man hi council member rainville hi council member Chavez hi council member VTO hi council member Ellison hi vice president sh time I president pay I there are 13 eyes that motion carries next we will move to amendment number um 60 this is the revised um yes I remember um this is the revised Rec connecting uh communities Amendment um there is a version of this in your binder the version I I I would point you to is um what was brought up by our clerks um so the difference being that um in this the version you should be looking at should have motion by wansley Ellison and Osman in bold font um so this this advised motion is offered by council members wansley Ellison and Osman I will recognize council member wansley to please introduce and move approval of this item and I will ask council member if you can please speak to the revisions that were made thank you thank you chair Che Tai and I will let my co-author uh council member Ellison speak to uh the changes regarding uh bring back six uh but just for a larger context uh context I many of my colleagues know that I sit on the rethinking 94 policy advisory committee which is a body of elected representatives who represent the 7 Mile Corridor that is being reconstructed for the last two years this body has had extensive conversations about what it could look like for the rethinking 94 project to transform that seven miles of 94 into a corridor that centers climate resilience and repairs the harm done to communities uh both in the past as well as in the present uh the project is also a once in a-lifetime opportunity to make significant investments in a green infrastructure that will provide longterm benefits that will last for Generations that said this amendment will earmark funding within the Public Works Transportation maintenance and repair fund to act as a local match fund for projects that are selected to receive federal funds through the reconnecting communities and neighborhoods pilot grant program reconnecting communities is a competitive Federal funding opportunity focused on repairing the harm of infrastructure choices of the past by removing dividing facilities and infrastructure projects also known as Highway uh since the inauguration of this $1 billion Federal program in 2022 I have asked the public works department to apply every single year and each year I have received different reasons for their choice to decline potential access to millions of dollars for Community engagement planning and Capital Construction on a project that would significantly support both our transportation and climate Equity action plans uh with the city's budget anticipated to be tight for the next several years I was very grateful that Community organizations in both areas decided to step up and get those federal dollars and bring them to Minneapolis I also want to note that due to commissioner Conley's leadership um on this issue hennipen county has also earmarked funds for this potential project as well and that Amendment would support closing the loop on a local match needed to unlock those federal dollars if the community organization is successful in advancing their application through that process so essentially again this helps select uh I'm sorry this helps us uh support a match at the local level if a Grant application is successful if it is not then Public Works is free to use those resources um and the budget motion is reflected of that contingency um so with that I will uh ask for a second a motion to approve and also invite my co-author council member Ellison to speak more to um council member wansley has moved approval of this item is there a second to her motion second um that item has been properly moved and seconded um colleagues is there any uh discussion related to this item I will first recognize council member rainville followed by council member Jenkins thank you so uh just couple questions for the authors uh on the very last sentence it says uh Services contract between the city and recipient who who is the recipient council member wansley would you like to address that question yes thank you chair checkai the recipient is whatever organization is successful in securing the Federal grant which is the reconnecting communities Grant okay and I'll uh I'll pass on my second question okay thank you okay thank you next I will recognize council member Jenkins thank you madam chair is are there multiple applicants council member wo would you like to address that question absolutely so again it is open to whatever organization is successful in securing the grant as I mentioned in my introductory comments the grant is a competitive RFP process so this local match will go to wherever organization is able to successfully make it through that competitive RFP process I mean there are people applying for reconnecting grants all over the city and all over the region in fact so if 94 gets reconnect Rondo we're going to give them the money I I'm not sure what you're saying this again whatever M there's I know of one specific organization that's applying for for funding for this it's our streets are there more um council member wansley if I'm if I may um so I I'll hopefully just help provide some context as to how we ended up with this language um the the goal here um I I I'm not sure if there are more if there more than one if there is more than one organization um that has applied for this specific grant for this uh specific um project within the boundaries of our city um but this language was determined based on significant back and forths that we had with the city attorney's office and I'm sure City attorney Anderson would be happy to speak to that too but this was this this was the recommendation for the most legally sound language um in in this uh in in this case um I'm I mean we just passed four amendments to give specific organizations resources it was there is there's always we wanted to leave room here uh to to be just like much more Frank here uh about what happens um if if a if a the successful rece receiving of those federal funds doesn't happen with the local organization I'm sorry chair check I can I offer a clarification again please I'm I'm sorry so again as I mentioned earlier the City of Minneapolis could apply Community organizations could apply the Minnesota Department of Transportation can apply again this application is relevant for whichever applicant who is focusing on reconnecting uh or sorry rethinking I94 and the highway conversion proposal whichever applicant is successful going through that competitive RFP process we will support a match similar to again as what has happened with the bring back six uh effort where there was a match secured on that so again it is a competitive any government entity or organization at a community level can apply for it because it's a competitive RFP process and as you see in this language there is not a explicit organization listed yeah thank you for that clarification I I want to clarification so that's what I was asking for so thank you very much absolutely um and then finally I will recognize council member Pomano thank you madam chair an earlier version of this looked like a reduction in the dollar amount um that would have resulted in 3 to five filled positions in the transportation programming and planning division so it's no longer that um it is no longer that so thank you for that I guess um but now we have a problem in the transportation maintenance and repair division TMR that does our Paving program throughout the city amongst other things director seon could you could I ask you to please come forward um this is a big cut to this division of Public Works that I see as providing the most critical core city services snow plowing pothole patching Street Maintenance mowing Etc can you share with me a little bit about what this would mean to TMR director SE welcome back thank you Council vice president council member palano um the it's hard to say exactly what it would mean but this money would come from those exact Services you mentioned pothole patching street sweeping snow clearing um if the grant applicant were successful uh this spring when the announcements are expected to be made so um that means perhaps slower services or more or cuts to staff Council vice president council member palano um if realized we would expect a reduction in Services before a reduction in staff we don't have any reason to believe this would result in the reduction in staff I see maybe delays to equipment purchases and repairs delays in equipment purchases um yes reduction in what we do and how how we do it and when we do it so yes all all core Services um in terms of a goal here I'd like to better understand the amendment itself um I see the motion just mentions the I94 Grant but the supporting materials mention two different grants so is it just one Grant I'm getting nods I don't necessarily need council member Ellison yeah happy to give some context that I'm also happy to wait until the 60a to give but I'm happy to give it now yeah yeah so um so uh so our streets and the county both applied for the same fund same Federal funding uh both were granted some amount uh and whereas the county to my understanding I don't want to speak for the county uh can can can give itself a match uh our streets wasn't in in in that in that position so you know I know that they're working on a similar uh so they they received the funds in the case of bring back six uh I don't think that they have reive the funds in the case of this of of uh of the 94 uh project yet I think that's still pending um and uh and so uh they required a 20% match I wanted to be in a position to give them that match I had strong reasons to believe that they weren't going to be able to get it from the state or the county what have you um they were able to secure it from the county uh and so uh and so that is a part of why that project is not no longer sorry they were able to receive it from the state m misspoke and um and uh and so that means that that we're not at risk of losing millions of dollars towards that end uh along olssen Highway uh and so that was the reason that I decided to uh uh change course with sending money to that project I see so council member Ellison as I understand this you're asking for possible matching funds should this Grant application be successful correct um and then director ston I see the narrative on this amendment says that this application received a letter of support from public works could you please say more about this and your decision making to support this welcome back director thank you Council vice president council member palano um yeah we we worked with um the city worked with the Minnesota Department of Transportation to understand uh if there was a path forward on the Grant application that could support the work that they are doing along with the city of St Paul to make sure that it would be uh supportive of the work that they were leading as well um we framed our letter of support um around uh connecting the communities uh across the interstates Economic Development Community Development opportunities uh it did not have anything to do with say the preferred alternative for the for Interstate 94 or anything like that thank you I appreciate that and I think that adds a lot of context to this and why it's important um I I am sure this will pass but I cannot support it because it is a cut to the core city services that Transportation maintenance and repair provide to our city thank you thank you and then finally I will recognize council member Vita thank you chair um just a question to council member wansley could you please um tell me what portion of 94 this is council member wansley would you like to address that question yes uh Council sorry chair check high so again um the Twin Cities Boulevard proposal or the at grate it looks at the entire stretch at least on the South Minneapolis side of I94 thank you thank you and with that seeing no further discussion I will ask the clerk to call the role on amendment number 60 as revised council member ksky n c counc member wansley I council member Jenkins I council member Pomano no council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member VTO I council member Ellison I vice president chugai I president Payne I there are 11 eyes and two NS that motion carries um next we will move to the um 60a revised uh or the 60a revised motion this is also a part of the pocket of amendments that were brought up today um revised 60a blue line anti-displacement is highlighted in yellow at the top in case you want to make sure you're looking at the correct document um this is offered by council member Ellison council member Ellison will you please introduce and move approval of your Amendment yes uh thank you I gave some of the some of the early background behind the earlier iterations of this amendment um and I'll say that when uh uh so the new Amendment does still uh seek to leverage matching dollars uh it's just towards a different end uh but barely a different end in the same geographic area um uh uh uh having to do with the the the new proposed Blue Line route and so folks have the language in front of them um it was originally my intent when uh the when the reconnecting six uh project got its match to resend this entirely um but through conversations with uh the county and with the anti-displacement work group that the state designated to work on the blue line project uh uh I realized that there was an opportunity for uh there to be for this for this funding to be matched with anti-displacement dollars uh there's a $10 million uh allocation that the state gave and created a community board to distribute mons funds uh to the tune of $10 million those funds do have to be matched uh and through uh and the the board met recently um and passed a uh a a resolution let me back up real quick the blue line route going down West Broadway in its current iteration uh is is relatively new the original route was to go down Olsen Highway um and when the route was determined to be Olsen Highway years ago uh there were a number of disperate impacts laid out by the community laid out by the anti-displacement uh uh workg group um that uh that affected Harrison neighborhood and some of the other neighborhoods along the Route and so the state anti-displacement work group uh not only has the authority to uh uh to work on on anti-displacement strategies along the current route but they also have the purview to work on anti-displacement strategies along the former route the abandoned route um and this is in this is an effort to leverage anti-displacement work group dollars along the former route the Ula Memorial Highway route to uh work on uh uh a myriad of mitigation strategies laid out by the workg group I'm not on the work group but I do attend the meetings uh and so uh if uh if Harrison neighborhood Heritage Park uh I think a a small sliver of uh of Willard hay was able to get access to this uh to these funds uh These funds would then be matched by the anti-displacement work group and they're willing to match up to 400,000 now obviously this is only 200,000 uh but I was able to speak with some of our County Partners including some of our County Commissioners and uh and while I don't want to speak totally for them I think I can confidently say that the county is committed to partnering with us partnering with the state to make sure that this $10 million gap is closed uh and I do believe that uh if the city uh you know uh if we were able to pass this today I do believe it would be possible maybe even relatively easy to secure another $200,000 meaning that $800,000 worth of anti-displacement doll would would go along the former route Ula Memorial Highway uh I'm I think NCR is the best place uh to to host these dollars uh and get them where they need to go um and uh and so that's why I'm proposing this year this 200,000 can could easily turn into 800,000 uh along the abandoned Olsen Highway route that's that's the context I'll give I know it's a bit tricky but I wanted to make sure people have the history thank you council member Ellison has moved approval of amendment num uh 6A is there a second to his motion second um that item has been properly moved and seconded colleagues is there any discussion on this item I will first recognize council member Osman uh thank you Council vice president uh colleagues it's getting uh 10 10 right now um we still got we still have a lot of amendments to go through uh close to 20 now and it seems like we are um repeating the same thing and over and over again some council members are repeating the same thing over and over again uh and almost filipas during this meeting and I want to make sure that we're getting to work and we're we're finishing this tonight uh our residents expect us to finish the work and I just want to make sure that we all understand that so I'm calling the question and I would uh we love your support to end the debate and start voting on this thank you council member Rosman has moved has has moved to call the question this is not a debatable motion but he does need a second is there a second to council member osman's motion second thank that Mo that motion has been properly that has been properly moved and seconded um Mr clerk will you please call the role council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins no council member Pomano no council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville no council member Chavez no council member v no council member Allison I vice president shag I president pay I there are eight eyes and five Nays that motion fails uh we will return president it needs nine votes count Mr clerk that motion did in fact fail correct requires two3 and so requires nine it failed all right I do I still have my time um we are returning back to discussion yeah you've got five minutes I'm not going to use the five minutes but my my my goal is to get this work done I feel like we continue to bring great amendments to to the floor and talk about what the intention of the amendments are and how it's going to help our community how it's going to improve our residents lives and then same thing over and over again it's it's it's it's happening so I'm trying to save a time uh for um and just get the work done so I that was my intention to really make sure we are uh getting the work done and not just repeating the same thing over and over again so thank you council president vice president appreciate it thank you um next I will recog recognize uh council member Paul misano followed by council member rainville thank you madam chair I totally understand this need um to do this anti-displacement work I appreciate council member Ellison's introduction um and I do feel like we owe something to this area that has been abandoned too um I have reservations but I'm trying to get to yes here so um it's important to me to note that the funding doesn't go to the state but a yet to be named outside organization in one of our neighborhoods or actually it's the Harrison org neighborhood here um and so I'm just curious it looks like this will be managed by NCR and this is a large amount of money going to an outside agency so what kind of financial guard rails do we have on this and how do we manage the distribution of these funds to a neighborhood like this uh that's a I think that's a perfectly good question I uh see we have more okay got it not related um uh you know I I consider the the the programmatics to be left to the to the uh Department uh I'm happy to get more insight from NCR I guess I didn't ask NCR that question directly I know that they work with a lot of our neighborhood orgs pretty regularly and it says uh Harrison neighborhood and uh like uh sorry n resident-led nonprofits that work in Harrison neighborhood and along Olsen highway so to leave a little bit of wiggle room cuz while Harrison is the most affected neighborhood uh there are other affected neighborhoods and so wanted to make sure that we're we we expand uh the the the service area there um uh but I but I I consider those kind of programmatics to be left to um to to be worked out in NCR yeah thank you um and I hope that they will be because um as we've seen in in neighborhood organizations across the city we do need to have some Financial guard rails on these kinds of funds and we have to manage the distribution of them um without seeing director Mo here in the room um well I guess she's on her way um but in effort to go ahead and operate in the spirit of moving things along I'll ask if she does show up if council member rainville might ask that question because he is next in Q um all right with that I will recognize council member oh yep NOP we're going to welcome up uh director Karen Mo please welcome please Begin by introducing yourself good evening council members my name is Karen Mo I'm the director of neighborhood and community relations um Council vice president Chu Tai council member palano I believe the question was what is the oversight that NCR has in place for these funds um it would be the same oversight that we have for our neighborhood organizations so it' be a similar process that we would use for U managing and having oversight of those funds so if I may Madam chair this would be similar to how NRP phase one phase 2 money gets managed in terms of there being an approval process through a neighborhood association Etc or um or something else within your department specifically um Council vice president Chuck Tai counc palano that's exactly right actually this is very similar to the um NRP fund in terms of the oversight that we would use thank you excellent thank you very much um and next I will recognize council member rainville thank you uh uh council member Elson I'm wondering if you could just help me understand a little better not I I did read the letter from the Harrison neighborhood read it twice and I'm just how are they harmed by the abandonment of the Blue Line what I I didn't understand how that causes harm yeah thank you for the question um I think uh you know you're asking me to dig into my memory here about the uh about the cura anti-displacement study gentri and/ gentrification study but that work was done by the University of Minnesota I know that there are folks on the anti-displacement work group who have L laid out the 17 strategies uh uh that they are going to move forward with when it comes to anti-displacement and so I I I do admit that I'm not prepared to sort of like line item those right right in this moment but I'm happy to give you that work the the anti-displacement work group alongside the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs really has done a lot of work to make sure they're defining anti- displacement and make sure that they're defining what the strategies uh for anti- displacement are so that it's not sort of this nebulous thing if you want to know my opinion I think that when a when when when uh when you have large infrastructure projects that are going to come in it does create a certain level of uh anything from uh speculative buying uh uh uh you know um uh land value increases that then people incur cost on um it can hold up potential development because people don't know what the future of the area is going to be uh it can do a lot of potential sort of harm and then when you don't get the infrastructure well then you don't even get the uh the benefit that goes along with some of those unintended consequences uh uh with a route so whereas right now if you know if if if the West Broadway route and I think it is going to be a successful route um some of those things are happening along West Broadway now as well anti-displacement strategies are going to be deployed there as well and in the end whatever sort of uh um speculation or you know increase in value or uh displacement that could occur um at least is going to coincide with the benefit of some of the of some of the the the most expensive expensive and state-of-the-art public uh Transportation infrastructure that that we have across the state um but those are those are those are those are the harms and I'm happy to get you the Cure report and the 17 strategies from the anti displacement work group as well no I I don't I don't need a cure report I'm relying on on on your knowledge so what you're saying is that uh there was land speculation there were uh things that happened in anticipation this line uh which caused anti-displacement and then because the line wasn't built it added to the problem right right it sort of like at compounds the the the injury if you will I don't want to use legal terms of art but you know yeah how about adding insult injury that works for me thank you uh thank you council member Ellison any fin final comments I see you in uh oh I was going to offer uh if it's if it's helpful to my colleagues I'm happy to at the end of this process or later down the line create a staff direction that lays out uh my intention to have NCR uh coordinated with the anti the anti- displacement work group uh and the county to make sure that the matching funds are coordinated with how these funds get spent I'm happy to do that work as well for sure that sounds like a great January project um with that seeing no further discussion I would ask I will ask the clerk to call the role on the revised 60a Amendment council member kosy hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins I council member Pomano hi council member Chalker hi council member Cashman hi council member Osman hi council member rainville hi council member Chavez hi council member VTO hi Council Ellison I vice president chugai I president pay I there are 13 eyes that motion carries next we will move to amendment number 61 um which is offered by council member chowri council member chowri um will you please introduce and move approval of your save Cooper playground Amendment thank you Madame chair I will not be moving approval for this amendment I will be gifting some of this time back to my colleagues and there will be no questions needed to be called because there won't be one um but I would love to just take some time to address my community and make a statement um first of all I'm super lucky lucky to represent the communities that reside in the 12th Ward on the darkest and hardest days here in City Hall it's the people there that remind me why I'm here I go out into community and they lift me up um the people of the 12th WD care a lot about their neighbors they love getting together they love finding ways to make our city better um as many residents across the City of Minneapolis do in the 12th a I get to represent working parents families and the youngest M minneapoli and as a aspiring parent myself and the daughter of working parents who raised me in the 12th it frankly makes me emotional to think about what I owe the families who live here as their Council rap that's why I made a huge effort to bring forward the safe Cooper playground Amendment however despite exhausting all efforts I unfortunately was not able to find the pathway forward to forward that was Ive with our financial policies at this time but I want to share um what is going on with Cooper playground Cooper playground is a heartbeat of this community um it's where the now closed down Cooper School is many families bring their young children here the trust for public land reports that roughly 1,740 households within a 10minute walk of Cooper playground about 20% are lwi Income according to to minneapolis's Neighborhood demographics dashboard there're between roughly 530 to 900 children children under the age of 17 in the Cooper in the Cooper neighborhood and around 2third of them are under the age of 10 surrounding neighborhoods like how have about 800 to 1,400 children and Longfellow has about 700 to 1,440 children there's also a daycare there Bethlehem Child Care Center across the street that uses this playground every single day and these uses keep what would otherwise be a vacant inactive Block in the middle of a residential neighborhood alive it's a major Community Asset that's public and free so as you can tell even though the school was closed in 2006 it's it's an important site for families but the current playground equipment at Cooper Park is almost 30 years old MPS found this play that this playground would did not pass inspection for lack of ADA up grades safety standards and the playground was last year up for full removals parents families Community who actually help handb build the first iteration of this playground organized for now over a year to ensure that the playground was not removed without a plan moving forward the community rallied to form an active safe Cooper Park organization with committees public facing website a Facebook group with hundreds of active members they obtain written statements for support hundreds of local residents and organizations this shows how committed the community is to saving this playground today the community and MPS have earned a grant for $100,000 from hennipin County's Youth Sports Grant not enough um and the ownership and liability insurance is still uh a loose end that needs to be tied up for these reasons that's why I worked so hard with MPS ycb parks and the state government to see what was possible I'll just close by saying this it's my goal to continue to advocate for saving Cooper playground and I will be asking Minneapolis public schools to continue its ownership of the playground and holding the liability insurance and will provide any support within my capacity to help bring people together thank you to the neighbors and families in Cooper for your heart at an advocacy with um limited time between work kids and everyday and the everyday business of life and thank you also for considering the many other families throughout Minneapolis that also may be facing impacts to to removal of playgrounds or lack of places for children to play and I hope my colleagues will join me in efforts in the future um to save this playground and other playgrounds within the City of Minneapolis thank you council member uh council member chowri has withdrawn amendment number 61 which means we will now be moving to amendment number 62 we're not allow to there is no Motion in front of the Body for us to have discussion on there is no Amendment 61 in front of us the count the council member withdrew the amendment rules are rules rules are rules um with that we will be moving to amendment number 62 this is the Senior Services Amendment offered by Vice chair kosy and council member chowri um Vice chair kosy will you please introduce and move approval of your Amendment uh thank you Madam vice president this budget proposal seeks to increase funding for and expand the scope of City Senior Services Minneapolis has a growing need for Senior Services due to an increasing senior population the city's senior population has been steadily Rising reflecting State and National Trends further Minneapolis has a diverse senior population including many people from different racial cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds each with unique service needs the city's approach to Senior Services needs to be multifaceted enabling seniors to maintain Independence participate in the community and age with dignity efforts to provide Senior Services will significantly impact the quality of life for the city's aging residents this $50,000 in funding will be available via a competitive process where providers can submit proposals detailing plans for delivering highquality Senior Services in gap Services areas allowing a BRI broader range of proposals meeting a variety of needs to be able to be submitted this amendment is sourced from the mayor's recommended human resource capacity building proposal in arpa Phase 2 the city approved almost $7 million in funding for human resources capacity building in the 2024 City budget the city approved almost a million dollars um in that uh Human Resources capacity building while I'm sensitive to using the human resource capacity building proposal as a source we've been funding this Department's capacity building to the tune of millions of dollars for the past few years if we're still seeing some of the same issues and originally cost cause that need for these capacity building Investments we should take another look and try to find some the other root causes of those issues because at this point it's clear it's not um the lack of funding in contrast in arpa Phase 2 the city approved no new funding for senior services in the 2023 City budget the city approved no new funding for senior services and the 2024 City budget council member rainville proposed an amendment providing 50,000 in funding for Senior Transport transportation service serves and this was the only new funding proposed for senior services so therefore in the 2025 City budget council member chow and I are bringing forward this $50,000 Amendment for General sen senior services and another 25,000 for senior transportation services I move this for approval thank you Vice chair kosy has moved uh amendment number 62 for approval is there a second to her motion second that item has been properly moved and seconded is there any discussion I will first recognize council member rainville followed by council member palisano uh thank you so my my question is uh what is high quality senior service I I did hear you say that half was for transportation but what what what what do you mean by high quality M shy would you like to address that question I see we have director Mo here who I'm going to have come forward and can discuss all of the wide variety of our PS that are put out for senior services and can help just give a light to some options that could happen director Mo welcome back thank you Council vice president chug Tai um council member rainville uh neighbor and community relations has 140,000 of ongoing funding that we use to put out to community groups that provide basic Services um for our elder population and for folks that are aging as many people like to age in their home and as a society it's a much more economical approach that we support our elders so that they can have basic services in their home these funds do things anything from chore services so that we don't issue citations to folks that they may not be able to pay as well as providing some basic needs coming into the house or bringing encountering people in different community centers things like access uh helping folks access medications um taking tests for them for medical purposes things like that so it's a whole slew of different Services it is Citywide we run a regular RFP so that we identify uh nonprofits that can provide these Services across the entire city great thank you and so what uh I have a senior uh in my neighborhood that uh their son recently died who was shoveling their sidewalk is is that senior eligible for some help some way somehow council member rainville this is a through Council through the uh chair um that's a a great question i' I'd have to follow up specifically uh after that after this but um those are the types of questions and these are the types of services that these groups provide is um making sure that our elders have services so they can stay in their home well thank you director I don't mean to put you on the spot and if you could follow up that'd be great I absolutely will do that council member thank you and finally I will recognize council member palano Madam chair the next three amendments here are all about support for our seniors in our community um and of course I want to support our seniors but as I've said with a few other amendments is the city the correct provider of this type of programming hanpen county is our social service partner um I wonder if our if the work is better managed there and make no mistake that we pay taxes to henpen County too and would be funding this through the county portion then of our property taxes so I'm C ious is this already um a duplication of some kind of services Vice chosy would you like to address that question thank you through the chair this would be additional funding the director just described that there is some but this is the would be new um funding for seniors and it's the only funding that we have right at the county is this duplicating services that already exist to the county is what I wonder my apologies director I'm I know that I can speak to some of the different organizations that I know we've utilized but I'm not sure that they're duplicative of the county if you don't mind director Mo welcome back thank you Council vice president chug Tai council member palisano it's not a duplication of services you are correct that there's may be some additional funding that these organizations access including funding from hennipin County but it is not a duplication of services um in fact we've been running these Services out to these groups for many years some of you might be familiar with the old black Club Nurse Program I am these are uh funding those types of organizations so these are really basic need services for elders as they age in their place and over time they've lost quite a bit of funding um but you are correct that uh some of the organizations May access funding from penipen County but um we do work to assure that we're not allowing duplication in terms of uh double dipping for funding so um I'd like to point out that the motion here said says that this is a $50,000 decrease but the second bullet point of the narrative um seems to list it as a $50 decrease so should I assume that this is a mistake to the main author council member kosy is the second bullet point here accurate or should it actually be $50,000 of a decrease consistent throughout the narrative I am not seeing um sorry is it on I don't I don't see in the budget proposal details under detailed description the second bullet point asks where you're finding the funding and it talks about the human resources capacity building budget proposal is currently funded at $234,500 yeah that's a decrease by 50,000 right so that's a mistake in the budget amendment I don't think get it yeah no I'm seeing what you're saying but just do the do the math right now I'm telling you I'm correct about this well I mean if they take 50,000 out that's what that is yeah that's what I'm saying this is a reduction 234 oh I see I see what okay so it should be 184 18459 is that what you're pointing council member yes that's what I just read out so is that a mistake council member kosy yes did you want to point out my mistake again or I wanted to point out that I'd like it corrected in the final budget amendment um you know as a body we put so much pressure on human resources and now we're further taking away from their ability to operate um effectively and this is on top of denying them they're desperately needed employee resource platform software can we just stop kicking HR when they're down around here please um and may I just ask I I don't know I that's that's a scribing motive council member let's not do that let's not do that um and then for this for the budget book or whatever needs to happen Mr can we note that this is a change that needs to get made thank you very much appreciate that Mr CL all right uh anything else council member palano I'm through thank you wonderful uh council member Osman we are we're done with discussion I I want to speak like everyone else all right go right ahead um I first of all thank you council member I'm standing out for my seniors for my seniors I got 17 uh high-rise M PHA buildings most of them are seniors um really we we need to work with organizations like senior link that provide a lot of services to this residents and um the NCR has been a great partner with uh with senior that live in this area seniors are having a lot of challenges um I think you know U this amendment and anything else that can help we should stand up for our seniors and that is uh what I will vote for so thank you thank you very much uh seeing no further discussion Mr clerk will you please call the role on amendment number 62 council member ksky hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano no council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member VTO I council member Ellison I vice president chugai I president Payne I there are 12 eyes in one day that motion carries next we will move to amendment number 63 which is offered by council members uh chowri and and council member Chow Dre and vice chair kosy um council member chowri will you please introduce and move approval of your senior's Transportation program uh Amendment yes thank you so much Madam chair this proposal allocates $25,000 annually to fund the senior's Transportation program managed by neighborhood and community relations uh I will note for members this funding is relocated from miniapolis Police Department's mounted Patrol budget I know we've discussed that at length and I understand why some members may not be able support this uh however this supports Community organizations in delivering door-to-door Transportation Services for Seniors and underserved neighborhoods I want to recognize who have been offering transportation services to our seniors and provide provided program data testimonials to highlight the impact of services to our aging community members these Services help seniors access essential resources including grocery stores medical appointments vaccine clinics and community events like the seniors South Minneapolis seniors Fair while reducing isolation and promoting Independent Living um in 2024 the program successfully facilitated over 800 roundtrips for seniors with a 30% increase in clients serve compared to the previous year the funding allows service providers to continue addressing Transportation C gaps for lowincome bipac and aging communities particularly in areas where access to such Services is limited by maintaining this investment the program ensures that Minneapolis seniors can access vital resources and remain active in their communities without this funding this uh program unfortunately would go away and I will just also note that this uh supports goal number three goal goal number two of our age friendly action plan um for seniors in the City of Minneapolis to strengthen and promote multimodal Transportation op options that meet the needs of Minneapolis residents as they age with that I will move this item for approval and ask for a proper second um that council member chowri has moved approval of amendment number 63 it has been properly seconded is there any discussion I will first recognize council member pal misano followed by council member VTO thank you Madame chair um as pointed out by the author here this does decrease funding from the mounted Patrol which combined with the other amendments render it basically unfunded um if I remember correctly this budget item actually began last year with an amendment by President Payne is that correct yes and council member rainville This was um originally proposed as one-time funding but now it is presented as ongoing so I'm curious what sorts of metrics of success do we have to support this continuation council member Chad thank you I thought I had laid that out um in my original statement but I am happy to repeat some of those uh 800 round trips for seniors with notably a 30% increase for clients compared to the previous year right so the demand continues especially as our community ages and in a post pandemic world for many seniors who are in isolation and are in need of quality rides um that are free um I appreciate that and I heard you say that the first time but do we have other kinds of s success metric supporting the continuation of this program and I'd ask director Mo to come up and see if she could tell us more about the use of this new program and its performance metrics and outcomes for example um one reason why in The Uber lift conversation we had a long conversation about seniors and metr Mobility versus Metro move was the inability the difficulty in scheduling Metro Mobility the difficulty in waiting for Metro Mobility seniors waiting at doctor's appointments for 4 hours for a pickup from metr mobility and that was why they were using our transportation Network Services instead so director Mo what can you tell us about this program and its Effectiveness for seniors Council vice president Chuck Tai council member palano um first of all we're in the first year of the program this is onetime funding for this year we rent an RFP program and we are working with Community groups this year so we're not actually through a full cycle of the funding um and you raise some really great questions about the impact I think thinking outside of the box in terms of some of the more meaningful um metrics that I don't I'm not prepared to share with today what I can say is the services have been widely used in terms of the number of rides that have been provided um but i' would be more than happy to come back with more details or follow up with all of council members more details on the well I guess I'm just concerned director Mo are we even collecting this kind of information are we asking people why they're choosing this over other options uh Council of Vice President Chuck Council poman my apologies I'm not prepared to answer that question right now uh I I don't know that we are an asking those questions but I would like to give you a confident answer in terms of all of the questions that we're asking the providers when we ask them to submit the annual report so um Madam chair and to the authors I would I would expect that you would come knowing that as a good use of public ongoing funds um when you are ready to support ongoing funding for a pilot like this um perhaps there's more to share that could be done at a later date I do assume that this will pass readily but I do need to point out we're passing this today without um any of these kinds of metrics where we put a lot of scrutiny on other kinds of providers and not this one may I just quick respond I encourage you council member palisano to take a look at also the proposal where there's empirical data that supports the request and um there's more information about potential performance um under the performance section uh I also know the metrics I pulled it was directly working with the contractor that currently provides the services obviously this is going to go through a comptitive RFP process um that's how this amendment set up so I do believe that there is a way to get uh additional additional data that supports this and I believe the data that I have seen and presented is enough to show that this needs to be a continued program well thank you I do appreciate that and I appreciate that it will go through a competitive bid process an open process where vendors can apply and I also hope that we add in these kinds of service metrics to make sure that it's a robust program thank you and finally I will recognize council member VTO thank you chair um I just want to say I think the authors are doing some good work here but I can't um vote against Haven Max ailon Buster blue Trooper te Goliath rooster and Cabo those are the horses I'm going to repeat that one more time hey a maxilon buster blue Trooper te Goliath rooster and Cabo are the name of some of our horses I don't know if that's all of them but that is their name and I cannot vote against them I've met a lot of them personally I know it is it's funny when you hear it right like it's fine I'm not offended by any lives but they are living animals that people love and care for and take care of and I know it doesn't measure the same for us as thinking about you know humans or or the people who we love but they're loved and so I understand that this program has um lost its funding but those horses mean so much to so many people just like we look at other Pets As therapy animals these animals are therapy animals for this community they have names someone took the time to name them and love on them just like we do our personal pets so I I just wanted to say their names because it's important to me that we understand that they are loved by someone too thank you I'll take one thank you council member I certainly hope that all of the horses that belong to our mounted Patrol unit will find a home in a different law enforcement agency um with that too yep with that I will um I will recognize council member rainville and then we will call the question on this or we will call the role on this item I apologize uh counc Vita thank you for sticking up for the police horses uh you know defunding them is going to cause a lot of problems so uh appreciate your your backup on that and um you're you're a good person to bring that up thank you thank you and with that Mr clerk will you call the role on amendment number 63 council member costy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins I council member Pomano no council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville nay council member Chavez hi council member VTO no council member Ellison hi vice president chug Tai I president pay I there are 10 eyes and three Nays that motion carries that item carries um next up is amendment number 64 from council member um chowri uh I will recognize council member chowri to please introduce and move approval of your senior community Navigators program Amendment thank you so much Madam uh Madam chair it is getting late so I'm trying to keep it together uh this proposal allocates $235,000 in one-time funding to sustain the senior community Navigators program within neighborhood community relations department initially funded by arpa in 2020 the program employs two Community Navigators and contracts with local organizations to assist lowincome and underserve seniors in Minneapolis together this team provides in-person support to seniors and caregivers connecting them with vital resources including housing food support assistance with applications for elderly waivers caddy waivers energy assistance medical assistance and much more while the program originated during covid-19 pandemic to meet the urgent need for culturally specific meals and expanded to address broader challenges faced by the city's aging population it continues to fulfill critical goals outlined in the Minneapolis for a lifetime our age friendly action plan including improving housing options transportation services Health initiatives for seniors the program also builds Community connections addressing is isolation many seniors experience and helping them integrate into multi-generational neighborhoods key metrics for the program include the number of seniors completing assessments care plans developed Services accessed um which I believe should be also in the proposal in 2024 to date the program has served 129 seniors with 102 living below the poverty line and 65 identifying as American Indian or Alaskan native 48 as black or African-American seven as Latino Or Hispanic four as Asian 13 as two or more races and 13 as white this program has been instrumental in reducing disparities offering culturally specific services and addressing the unique needs of seniors from diverse racial and socioeconomic backgrounds um this with the sunsetting of arpa this program would have ended um that was something that I felt really important was uh was really necessary to continue especially as um we are going to be revamping our age friendly plan um as I as I've learned from the neighborhood uh community relations department it'll be the first time since 2015 and I also want to note that our Advisory Group on Aging also advocated to me and this body through a letter uh for the continuation of this program and I will also note members have probably seen what the source is it is the race Equity framework proposal for me I believe that this will promote race Equity very tangibly for community members through this critical service and I believe that our race Equity department has the tools uh within the department to build out a framework inhouse and with that I will ask for approval and a proper second uh council member chowri has moved approval of amendment number 64 is there a second to her motion second that item has been properly moved and seconded is there any discussion council member palano thank you madam chair based on council member Chow's comment I'd ask that maybe we consider a short break after this one we could allow everyone a moment to refresh we're going to go until midnight um some of us like me have medical or some of us just have biological needs to tend to to tend to here but some of us in this room have been sitting on really uncomfortable pews most of the day um so I'd ask if we consider that also as mentioned this is the third of the three amendments cutting the racial Equity framework prop proposal from reib with this one actually being the largest cut these three amendments total the entire proposal and they render the framework completely unfunded we need to be honest about that cumulative effect and the precise targeting of these three amendments the staff response memo indicates that this is an extension of a program with one-time funding it was funded it was funded using the arpa dollars um again we're looking at pilots and programs that were meant to be one time and now here we are back at the table and this is still onetime funding so I imagine we will be talking about this again next year peace meal onetime funding is just not good budgeting policy and I cannot support this at the cost of a major line of work in one of our small departments whose goal is to create the framework for us to become an anti-racist City Enterprise council member palano through the chair may I clarify one thing sure yeah um this program the allocation in 2020 or 2021 um I believe 2020 uh was for $250,000 which is the same amount today and it was for a 4-year allocation and so that's the expectation of this allocation as well um help me understand that the four-year allocation was for the lifetime of the arpa funds correct I believe the program through the $250,000 was able to through through that amount was able to continue for four years and so that is expectation with this I see so this funding you anticipate Will Survive the next four years got it obviously obviously costs could change and depending on that we would have to be responsive yeah thank you for that correction all right seeing no further discussion I will ask the clerk to call the role on amendment number 64 council member kosy I council member wansley hi council member Jenkins I council member Pomano no council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville hi council member Chavez hi I council member V hi council member Ellison hi vice president Shug Tai hi president Payne I there are 12 eyes and one nay that item carries next we will take up amendment number 65 that is offered um by council members wansley Chavez and chuk Tai I will recognize council member wansley to introduce and move approval of your immigration Legal Services Amendment thank you uh chair Che Tai so this budget proposal will increase the funds available to the pool of immigration legal service providers offering free immigration legal services to City residents the city already has a pool of legal service providers who are supporting Minneapolis residents with immigration matters like Immigration Court and the the Asylum uh seeking process or assistance um in obtaining employment authorization or helping file documents correctly etc etc so the budget amendment would increase the amount of funding available to these providers and in particular prioritize them being used to support children and unaccompanied miners who need legal support as they navigate the immigration legal system um earlier this year uh I and several of my colleagues worked with director Michelle Rivera to organize the immigration policy Roundtable where we heard from different agencies and City departments about the state of immigration Affairs in our city and state and following that uh Roundtable um several of my colleagues and I were actually able to do a observation visit to uh Immigration Court where we saw firsthand how the immigration legal system operates um and both the round table and the observation visit were very impactful to me personally and I know those who attended as well and I want to thank director Rivera for her tireless work on organizing all of these efforts and just her work to make our city a more welcoming place for new residents and from both of those activities um it was a clear identifiable need that we need to invest more um in Immigration supports also the Minneapolis public schools is also supporting a influx of school age children who are newly arrived um so again expanding funding to our legal service providers is just a simple and effective way that we can show up um on our side of things um in supporting this particular Community um and during my conversations also with the city attorney's office earlier this year because this is being sourced from there um I will note uh that uh we originally wanted to reduce uh their contractual Services uh to for fund this um but since um this amendment has been public I'm pretty sure I think the city attorneys has put out a nice little uh red alert to their providers because I've been contacted by uh restorative justice organizations and diversion programs naming that they're going to be explicitly cut even though our budget amendment makes no uh explicit or direct um uh naming of what would be a cut so obviously that is not my intention so I will also in addition to this amendment be moving uh the additional revised Amendment label 65b um which is also in front of you which will replenish the city attorney's office Criminal Division contractual services with $150,000 from the neighborhood safety department which we have learned do have unspent um dollars available um because the goal is to support diversion programs and I'm not here to pit programs against one another and I wish the city attorneys also wouldn't encourage that neither um so again the small allocation will make sure that the City Attorney office is made whole while also increasing our City's investment and immigration Legal Services I also would like to engage in more conversations with the neighborhood safety department and the office of community safety to learn um why is diversion programs basically segregated into the cao's office and if we need to be looking at how do we centralize his work within NSD so I'll be following up on those conversations from here um and that said um I will ask for a second on this amendment and again I'm asking to both move both 65 and 65b together for approval clerks if we can note that in speaker management uh council member wansley has moved approval of amendment number 65 and 65b together um is there a second to her motion second sorry I believe someone already did that that item though has properly been moved and seconded is there any discussion on Amendment 65 and amendment 65b 65b was a part of the packet of new amendments that were brought up by brought up and distributed um by the clerks um um I will first recognize council member Osman thank you so much Council vice president I want to thank council member wansley for her work on on the immigration and and how much uh uh the fear of immigrants of under Trump Administration is real uh there's a lot going on in our federal government uh there's so much fear within the Immigrant Community Minneapolis and um we don't know what's going to happen next four years we have no idea what's going to happen next four years he's talking about he's not just going to you know get the illegals but he also going to get the naturalized individuals like me I'm a naturalized person who went through the process who has been a citizen for a long time in unit State elected official and if a trump says well you don't belong here it it does create that fear within my community there's a lot of um uh mistrust of the federal government within the community and I think this kind of services uh will help immigrants Legal Services um we want to make sure City Minneapolis say say no to uh the the the the policies that he Donald Trump uh will embose we have seen the worst for the four years he has been on on the president for Muslim ban to uh you know just calling out uh so many uh horrible things to people like me and people that have immigrated in this country even though himself has been uh and his great grand Grandparents has been immigrant in this country probably came here legally illegally but I just want to say that it it's really a real real uh uh issue here the fear of uh of immigrant in in in my community in my district and uh I would love this to move forward and also to uh to ask I will ask council member W she's okay if I can be a co-author absolutely okay and uh with that I will leave that uh I'll leave it right there thank you so much Council vice president thank you uh clerks if we can note that council member Osman has been added as a co-author next I will recognize council member pal misano followed by council member rainville thank you madam chair given our growing immigrant and Refugee populations there's clearly a need for these services and given our national political environment there's most definitely a need for these Services um I want to mention to our City attorney that earlier when I was asking about the cuts to your office you had mentioned that this would be funded from contract funds in the Criminal Division and I really appreciate your willingness to be a team player here I feel like you've been a very big team player across our budget process it needs to be called out and thank you for adjusting the work of your office accordingly um I will support this amendment but I also also am a little bit confused because it sound does 65b the source replace 65 or is this a total of $300,000 of funding and that's a question for the author yes so the original Amendment again keeps uh the City attorney contractual service budget as the original Source what 65b does is neighborhood safety department then replenishes the contractual service fund by again that same figure 150,000 so there's not an increase it's just a back fi I see um you're supplanting one and then refilling it backwards um I can support this amendment but I do just want to be public about what the trade-off is here um and thank you council member wansley for now that you say it that way I understand it and it's about using neighborhood safety money for this this is about neighborhood safety this is about the safety of our city residents precisely um finally I will recognize council member rainville thank you and and I I agree with the author I agree with councilman all this very appropriate use of neighborhood safety money they were directing but is there is the budget director here I I can't see she is are you keeping track of how much money we're uh moving out of neighborhood safety and dedicating to other do we have a running total welcome through the chair uh council member rainville m my team is keeping a Tracker they've I've sent most of them home for the night um but I I believe the total impact to Neighborhood safety is something like 50% of their budget so we've decimated half of their budget at this point um through the chair yet uh keep in mind that a large part of that is picking up the BCR program and moving that out of there um but of course that's a $6 million hit to their bottom line thank you thank you um seeing no further discussion Mr clerk will you please call the role on Amendment 65 and 65b council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins I council member Pomano I council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member VTO is absent council member Ellison all by vice president chug Tai I president Payne I there are 12 eyes that motion carries um next we will move to amendment number 66 which is the updated which is the up revised um urban farm community ownership and operation program Amendment offered by council member Chavez I will recognize council member Chavez to please introduce and move approval of amendment number 66 thank you this proposal will provide a loan or a grant to an organization to purchase land with the goal to help local community Growers aduce address food insecurity and poverty build cultural empowerment and support youth employment initiatives this helps to assist folks in underserved areas with a community focused ownership to help address food insecurities I have revised this motion to lower the amount to $50,000 it is no longer going to impact the health department because we are taking the the funding that was originally going to Cooper playground so I will move for approval okay council member Chavez has moved approval of that I this item it has been properly seconded colleagues is there any discussion I am not seeing any oh I will recognize council member rainville if you can please turn your microphone on sir thank you thank you uh Council shavitz the 50,000 for Cooper where was that coming from theoretically the arpa conversation we've been having I'm sorry could you say that again consc vice president CH it was a part of the uh American Rescue plan act Revenue replacement project okay thank you and then one other so so this is this is to buy land so that it would be owned by a nonprofit or Community um it would be an RFP that would be issued and it would help um prevents a vacant lot potentially from forming in any area in underserved community and helps you know address food insecurity in areas that are impacted by food deserts and this would be anywhere that's underserved in Minneapolis no descriptions sure So when you say owned by Community I'm just trying to understand that if director hland if you want to help me out here welcome back Deputy Commissioner Madam chair chug Tai sorry hit the mic uh my name's Patrick hlin I'm the Deputy Commissioner of sustainability healthy homes and environment um yeah this isn't uh the type of program that gets audience chanting but this is uh these are small small uh grants that go out to community groups uh and as part of our climate Legacy initiative that was a great collaboration between Council uh and the mayor's office um and so we have grants and this program actually dovetails this uh this amendment deails nicely into the existing programs that we have um and so thank you for the amendment the changes to the amendment uh council member Chavez and a lot of gratitude to our uh finance and Property Services for helping to make this happen as well um but yeah this this amendment should dovetail nicely into our climate Legacy initiative work and to be able to uh open up rfps and then it would be available for folks if they have Concepts around purchasing of land uh or other Innovative Concepts in urban farming gardening thank you but my question you're I haven't had my question answered so who is this a when you say a community group would own the land is it a neighbor group a local nonprofit who would own the land so yeah so uh Madam chair council member rainville so if uh it would be we have it would fit into our grant programs that we have in our existing uh programs in the health department around homegrown Minneapolis uh and so this we would be able to add this to some of the uh available Concepts as part of those grants that would go out so they could have uh land ownership it wouldn't be direct ownership by the health department or by the city it would be working with a uh Urban farming or gardening group to if that's one of their Concepts is to go out and purchase land and that would be on them to to do that but this would be Grant dollars that would be assist them to assist them in doing that great thank you director ham thank you um thank you I will uh next recognize council member chowri thank you so much Madam Madam chair um sorry I'm trying to make sure that I can keep on going um I I I really like this amendment I'm glad that it dovil as well with our climate Legacy initiative I wanted to ask the author if I could also be a co-author wonderful thank you so much that's it m Mr clerk if if we can note that um council member chowri would like to be added as a co-author on this amendment yes was that right yeah is my time expired no your time had not expired I thought potentially we were moving okay uh for the fact we're at 1111 make a wish my wish is to call the question and I know members may not like that but that's what I'm going to do council member chowri has moved to call the question um is there a second to her motion second um that item has that motion has been properly made Mr clerk will you call the role council member kosy I council member wansley hi council member Jenkins n council member Anu no council member chowri I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville nay council member Chavez hi council member Vita no council member Ellison hi vice president chai I president pay I there are nine eyes and four NS that motion carries colleagues we will now move to the question yep yep no I I'm getting to it I'm getting to it just take give me a second uh colleag we have the the question um before us amendment number 66 on the urban farm community ownership and operation program Mr clerk will you call the role council member kosy hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins nay council member Pomano no council member chalry I council member Cashman I council member Osman hi council member rainville no council member Chavez hi council member VTO no council member Ellison I vice president chug I president pay I there are nine eyes and four NES that motion carries uh next we will move to amendment number 67 there is a revised version of this amendment um that was actually walked on it it has in writing there's some there's some okay I can talk about yep so I'm going to recognize that's the version you should be looking at I'm going to recognize council member Chavez to introduce uh this amendment appreciate it all right so there's a new item in front of you similar funding stream for the last budget amendment I'm decreasing this from $85,000 to $50,000 only and I'm changing the source to the same source that we did as the previous one so I hope there's no questions about the source anymore this will help provide drivers education license uh programs to community members who want to be able to obtain their driver's licenses you all know that there is a new driver license legislations that passed to the capital it's is helping to make sure that with that new legislation there is programming in place to help uh people go through a process where they can work within organizations and learn how to take their driver's license test uh move for approval uh that item has been moved for approval is there a second second um uh uh is there any discussion um I will recognize council member palisano thank you madam chair um well this is a relatively smaller amount of money than originally um I'm going to ask coo Anderson kellerer to please tell us how she would manage this decrease in her budget that do not decrease as I mentioned it's ARA funding I see it is a general fund budget um item never mind I don't have a question about this one all right I'm not seeing any all right I'm not seeing any further discussion Mr clerk will you please call the RO on amendment number 67 as revised council member kosy hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano no council member chowri hi council member Cashman hi council member osma hi council member rainville is absent council member Chavez I council member VTO no council member Ellison I vice president Shug I president pay I there are 10 eyes and two Nays that motion carries um now uh colleagues before we move to the next uh item I will note that council member Vita was absent for amendment number 65 and would be like would like to be noted as voting in the affirmative on this amendment pending any objection from the body not seeing any Mr clerk can we get that noted um council member rainville uh would you like to how would would you like to be noted as voting on amendment number 67 yes I'll vote I uh can we get that noted as well clerks thank you and with that uh we will now move to amendment number 68 colleagues this is um an amendment offered by me on um the lgbtqia plus uh FTE um this is a decrease to the racial Equity inclusion and belonging department for two FTE including their current um lgbtqia Equity program manager and their uh equity and inclusion coordinator the former trans Equity coordinator um and moving those positions into the neighborhood and community relations department the motivation to bring this amendment forward was uh primarily the um the departmental presentation from the racial Equity inclusion and belonging Department that we received earlier this year really speaking to how the the lgbtqia work which has historically in this department been um really deeply connected to the lgbtqia community in our city um was no longer going to continue in that way um and uh these positions were created in part um you know to to um but the the the coordinator position used to staff the trans Equity Council um and always had like a deep role in planning and executing the um trans Equity Summit and so you know at at a time like the one that we exist in right now I think it's really important that this work continue and it continue to be um uh involved it continue to exist um in deep partnership and collaboration with impacted Community um and so that's the the the purpose for for moving it into this department that is far better equipped for that work with that I will move approval of this item and ask for a second second that item has been properly moved and seconded is there any discussion I will recognize council member junkins thank you chair Chuck Tai well I am dismayed that this department is slowly being decimated uh I am in very much support of this move to the neighborhood uh community relations department um you know my colleague uh council member Osman said we don't know what the Trump Administration is going to do I believe we do know what they're going to do and they have absolutely targeted trans engent and non-conforming people as trying to um uh legislate us out of existence and so um very supportive of this change and I would like to be listed as a co-author if the uh author um chair is amable I would absolutely love if you did that clerks if we can note um that council member Jenkins is co-author on number 68 um seeing no further discussion Mr clerk will you please call the rooll on amendment number 68 council member kosy hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano hi council member chalry hi council member casman I council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member VTO I council member Ellison I vice president Shug Tai I president pay I there are 13 eyes that motion carries next is uh amendment number 69 um that is the trans Equity Summit um this is also an amendment that is offered by me um the annual trans Equity Summit um you know as has been outlined by um council members in the past but was certainly today near the end of our public hearing today um earlier this evening um it is incredibly important especially right now and in the years that are coming ahead um for for offering services and um connecting people within our community uh or within the community um and so this year's trans Equity Summit was was postponed uh indefinitely it is really important that we have an annual trans Equity Summit in our city um and so as the the FTE are moving along with them this this program this contract um in the in the reib department based budget is moving with it um I will move approval of this item and ask for a second that item has been properly moved and seconded is there any discussion um I will call on council member Ellison just expressing solidarity with this and and the the work that's been done in the past and track was here and and gave great testimony to this and so I I actually would be also uh I almost thought about adding myself as a co-author on the last one but would would also uh would love to be added as a co-author on this one um council member Ellison if we if uh clerks if we can note that council member Ellison has been added as a co-author on this item um next I will recognize council member pal misano thank you madam chair I'm supportive of this item but I'm curious do we have a sense of what the cumulative decrease at this point is to reib is there anything left um I guess that's a question for the budget director if she's tracking it but um maybe the authors know because of how these amendments were put together the the the cumulative impact is the racial Equity framework proposal that's new spending that's not existing money in their budget um the impact to their base budget is these two positions and this uh this uh contractual Services money so do you have a sense of about what percentage that is of their budget um director danenza can come and answer that question welcome back director thank you chair chug Tai it's about $700,000 in a reduction um and I'm just pulling up the budget book page to get you the total that they're pulling out of um their general fund budget was planned to be about 2 million in 2025 so 700,000 out of 2 million so about 13 yeah that's a lot MH um all right is there any further discussion C IL member wansley sorry actually yes I will call a question don't need we can just vote there's no one on Q There council member jenin is in council member Jenkins is in Q can can can we please quickly can I ask you to added as can I ask you yes council member Jenkins please go ahead uh I would like to be added added as a co-author please absolutely uh clerks if we can note council member Jenkins has been added as a co-author to this item and then Mr clerk will you call the role on amendment number 69 council member KY hi hi wansley hi Jenkins hi Pomano hi chowri hi Cashman I Osman I rainville I Chavez I VTO I Ellison hi vice president chick Tai hi president Payne I there 13 eyes that motion carries next we will number 70 I will recognize council member wansley to introduce and move approval of her policy specialist Amendment thank you so this proposal will add three additional FTE to the policy and research division the additional new staff will be subject matter experts in areas that align with three of the body's standing committees for example a dedicated policy research staff member to either Biz PHS or climate and infrastructure um I think we all have had this conversation in terms of we spent a lot of our first term making investments into the executive side of of our government under government restructure and we've slowly been trying to build up the capacity of our legislative branch and and through that the legislative Department um and we begun to correct that in the last year and I know this body in the public has benefited so much from the policy and research team who have produced reports from everything from renters rights to child care access a safe outdoor spaces so expanding this team to include dedicated staff or Council committees will continue to improve council's policym capacity while also reducing the workload on Executive dep departments to complete legislative directives and other legislative actions that they're charged with in the absence of having staff like this um so with that I will ask for a second and move this item for approval second that item has been properly moved and seconded is there any discussion um I am not seeing any Mr uh council member rainville followed by council member pal misano so to be transparent I'm going to vote no on this and and it's because I get this work done with the two AIDS I have I'm just wondering why why the authors feel the work isn't getting done so uh council member R more than happy to vote no as I mention in my introductory comments this is to add capacity to the policy and research uh division which has been uh very vocal about their overstrain capacity because they've done a great amount of work for supporting our legislative capacity in developing ordinances and getting legislative reports and they could use this additional resource so this is for the par division more if that's not something you need that's fine other council members who would feel like they benefit I encourage you to support it I don't support Empire Building I would refrain from using terms like that sir um and next I will recognize council member pal misano followed by council member Jenkins thank you madam chair I'll be brief um absolutely I cannot support this shift from our basic city services to this need there are um cuts as outlined to departments that provide those basic city services across the board this Council has already given ourselves a lot of funding especially in last year's budget thank you next I will recognize council member Jenkins followed by council member Cashman thank you chair chug Tai uh yeah I just heard this report uh on NPR the other day MPR um we have almost tripled the amount of ordinances that we have um past this year I mean if we're concerned about the workload maybe we can slow down I I mean and the cut to almost every Department that's providing basic Services I I just can't support thank you next I will recognize council member Cashman thank you so much Madam chair I also can support this um just not something that my community is really asking for and had a lot of conversations about the budget amendments um this year and and had discussed this and you know my community members didn't see the value although I do think that the power team is doing amazing and excellent work and I really love working with them thank you thank you um council member o Osman I okay um council member chre thank you madam chair I just want to be transparent as well I I just don't see this as a need for the body at this moment so I will not be able to support this today all right that with that uh Mr clerk will you call the role on amendment number 70 council member kosy nay wansley I Jenkins nay Pomano no chowri nay Cashman no Osman I rainville Nate Chavez Hi V no Ellison hi vice president chukai Hi president Payne I there's six eyes and seven Nays that motion fails uh colleagues next we will move to amendment number 71 which is uh offered by council president Payne um I will recognize council president Payne to please introduce and move approval of your uh Enterprise policy management system Amendment uh thank you Madame vice president this is through a lot of collaboration with our city auditor and our city clerk there's a real need in uh in the Enterprise to have a centralized location for all of our policies uh and procedures it they're kind of scattered disparately they're a lot of them are out of date the ones that have been updated people maybe don't always know where to reference them and we just need to tighten this up I think this is best reflected through a lot of the work that we're doing with the settlement agreement a lot of the body of work of the settlement agreement is around updating managing policy being able to take feedback on that policy MPD in a vacuum bought a policy management software we need actually something that's much more expensive that serves the entire Enterprise uh and the clerk has been very uh gracious and collaborative in identifying the funding source for this which is uh our election and voter Services budget um council president Payne has moved approval of item amendment number 71 is there a second second that item has been properly moved and seconded is there any discussion I'm not seeing any I will ask the clerk to call the role on amendment number 71 council member kosy hi wansley hi Jenkins hi pal Masano hi chowri hi Cashman I Osman I Grainville I Chavez i v i Ellison hi vice president chuk Tai hi president pay I there are 13 eyes that item carries next up is amendment number 72 offered by council president Payne and myself as well council president Payne will you please introduce and move approval of your Council chamber audio Vis audiovisual equipment Amendment yes oh uh if you'll turn your microphone on please thank you uh this amendment um is to address a real concern that we've been managing managing this entire term which is our microphones our video you've all seen how we've had to stop yeah yell at me to turn the microphone on stop uh the meeting because we have to reset all of the equipment because we're not getting us a clean feed for accessibility and I think more importantly which I think will make this a unanimous vote is is it's one of the most challenging logistical uh uh things that we have to manage as we move from this building back to City Hall for the restock one of the very complicating factors moving over to this building was dismantling all of that equipment and then resetting it up in this building rerunning all the line to reconnect it um what this budget amendment will do will allow us to uh start the process of building out the the new chamber so it doesn't delay our move over that's actually one of the thing the clerk actually wanted to hold up our move another year because of the complexity that was necessary to uh manage making sure that that AV Equipment was functional before we had to start public meetings our current move window is way too tight to be able to manage that and likewise uh the clerk has been very gracious and collaborative in uh identifying uh some uh spare change in the election and voter Services area so that we can make a clean move to the back to our new space Oh and added bonus this building we own this chamber we own uh it could also help relieve some of the pressure that we have over in our new space because this could be a place where the charter commission the Planning Commission and some of those other competing bodies uh are fighting for uh space council president pay has moved approval of amendment number 72 is there a second second uh we have uh the item has been properly moved and second a is there any discussion I'll recognize council member rainville followed by council member Jenkins uh I do want to give credit where credit is due and thank you council president Payne uh I think this is very wise move to get us back into the new Chambers uh that this would become an overflow space is is a big bonus and the faster we can get out of this substandard uh office building the better and uh in your honor council member cash I'm going to vote for this because I hear you sneezing all the time it's the Reas in here because of the bad air so thank you thank you next I will recognize council member Jenkins thank you uh chair chug Tai I just want to say thank you to Santa Claus for uh making it rain on uh city council all right and with that um Mr clerk if you will please call the role on amendment number 72 council member kosy I wansley I Jenkins hi pal Masano hi chowri I Cashman I Osman I rainville I Chavez I VTO I Ellison I vice president chuk Tai hi president Payne hi there are 13 eyes that item carries next we will move to amendment number 73 which is the technical amendments this is a custom this is a a standard thing that we do every year there are mistakes that are caught between when the budget book is published and when we get to final adoption um so you will see those laid out in the technical amendments um as number 73 the last thing in your pocket um uh do I will move approval of this item and ask for a second second all right we have a proper motion before us uh do colleagues need any additional information about this these technical amendments I'm not seeing any and so Mr clerk will you call the rooll on amendment number 73 council member kosy hi wansley hi Jenkins hi pal Masano I chowri I Cashman I Osman I rainville I Chavez hi VTO hi Ellison hi vice president chukai I president Payne I there are 13 eyes that motion carries next we will move to the uh new amendment number 74 this uh is a part of the packet that the clerk's brought up um this is uh offered by council member Osman I will recognize him to introduce and move approval of his motion thank you Council vice president this amendment is uh targeting fer Outreach and education in Minneapolis immigrant communities and standing the process and Democratic process so this supports education preparation of uh East African imigrant residing in South Minneapolis for active participation in US Democratic process a little bit of History uh due due to the absence of uh stable government or democratic government uh many of uh East African have lived without functioning Democratic process for their life the experience of conflict and absence of reliable political system uh have led them widespread uh this um uh lack of trust within the government so hopefully this will Target uh sorry thank you hopefully this will Target to make uh the new immigrants uh new citizen of United State feel welcome and participate and be educated and not live with fear of government and educate immigrant in US political system uh their voting rights uh civil responsibility uh many have not had similar Democratic process like we have it here particularly given their background so I um I would say that uh this will be under uh our um office of uh election and fotter services to do this Outreach for those specific communities um so yeah I would ask for support thank you is there a second to council member osman's motion second um we have a proper motion before us is there any discussion council member rainville thank you I I believe my question was answered so this money is going from the general fund to the office of the city clerk no um this is a this is an appro there a earmark within the C office of city clerk uh election voter Services budget so so who spends the money the office of city clerk but he's already there is that true thank you excellent uh with that Mr clerk will you call the role on the revised amendment number 74 council member kosy I wansley I Jenkins is absent pal Pomano I chowri I Cashman I Osman I rainville I Chavez I VTO I Ellison I vice president Chu Tai I president pay I there are 12 eyes that motion um car what are we miss oh yes that's right um that motion carries um with that we will move to amendment number 75 um for that I will recognize council member wansley to introduce and move approval of this amendment thank you chair checkai there's nothing to introduce because I'm withdrawing this motion so that's it council member wansley has withdrawn amendment number 75 colleag have a um we are now moving we now need um we have completed the amendment packet as it was received now we are going to move I I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it brief um we are now going to move in to consider three motions that are uh revisions to um revisions to or additions to um amendments that were previously uh approved so I'm just going to go go through these in chronological order the first of these um is a is is offered by council member Paul misano it is adding a legislative directive to amendment number 13 which is supplemental behavioral crisis response funding um the day that we took this amendment up uh she indicated that she would be working to bring forward uh such a legislative directive um so I will recognize council member Paul misano to introduce her very first uh Amendment Madam chair um this is actually my second the first the first one was earlier it was on the first day it was the other one that was voted down so this particular Amendment really goes with item 13B as we discussed yesterday I don't think I need to read the entire Amendment but I have worked with um director hasbergen in our PMI Department to put some rigor around the language of this she's based it off of some other similar kinds of programs across the country um this was generally agree able and discussed yesterday um this goes along with the move of our behavioral crisis responders into the fire department and the extra money that went along with it it was something that council president Payne um nodded and encouraged that he would welcome an outside audit of BCR as we make this move um and I offer it for your consideration tonight um is there a second to council member palan's motion second um we have a proper motion before us is there any discussion on this item uh I will recognize council member Onley thank you chair CH Chuck Tai I did have a couple of questions for the author about uh the legislative directive um just a quick thing uh could you clarify well one I'm seeing repeatedly in sections 2 three and five the repeat of comparisons to program efficiency effectiveness of compared to similar programs did you mean to duplicate that um through the chair council member wansley um I did because they applied to the things like the efficiency and effectiveness of the program the results for Community outcomes and the use of budgeted resources in those separate categories I know it looks long but it's not actually meant to be duplicative here okay I just name because it does still look duplicative because it's still asking for a comparison of programs and I don't see see how that relates to quantitative metrics but nevertheless next piece on point 3B I did want to provide clarification it says call outcome by resolution type by perceived race ethnicity and sex are we asking our providers if they are tracking race and sex and ethnicity based off of perceptions and collecting data off of that and if that's legally sound um through the chair council member wansley this had legal review on it today um and we don't know that we don't know that our current BCR provider canopy Roots um even collects this data so maybe this is for the city attorneys because I there is a one question about collecting data but collecting data based off of perception of race and sexual that seems a little troubling um Madam chair council member wansley um although it sounds strange that's actually a a fairly typical way to collect data is based on perception um you know that's that's actually come you know a lot of different data collection mechanisms use that because it's not necessarily the case that they have direct access to be able to ask those questions so if they don't actually know the information then they have to um record perceived so yeah sounds strange but it is fairly typical yeah I'll follow up with you separ on that one US city attorneys that's all the questions I had maybe our consent decrees might B to differ but that's all that I had all right with that um Mr clerk will you call the role on the new 13A council member kosy hi council member won um abstain council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano hi council member Chow abstain council member Cashman hi council member Osman no council member rainville yay council member Chavez no council member VTO I council member Ellison I vice president chug Tai abstain president pay I there are eight eyes two Nays and three abstentions that motion carries um that we will move to the Revis number uh 31 I will recognize council member Ellison introduce this I'm going to um I'm going to go ahead and move 31 and 32 together I'll leave the discretion to separate the votes to to you uh Madam chair we will take them together great so uh the the reason I'm doing that is because the the the Integrity of both Mo motions is the same as what we voted on earlier today uh the intent of both motions are the same I'm simply swapping out the source my intent here is to make the affordable housing trust fund whole uh both these sources use the affordable housing Trust fun as a way to fund them and through a lot of discussion with the admin with the authors of the Amendments um uh uh we were able to land on a source that was better suited uh and so it's a little bit wonky but I'm going to be returning the original sources the laa dollars back to the affordable housing trust fund and supplanting them with uh general fund from um from cped but let me explain that a little bit more the uh these dollars are going to be coming from the uh Noah fund uh the explanation that that I was given uh is that we have uh and I think is is is completely fair and plausible is that uh a lot of what we have uh tried to do through Noah is being um is being filled uh and accomplished through 4D 4D is being expanded uh and the intent of Noah is being reached through 4D and so these dollars are uh a little bit more uh a little bit less subscribed than those uh and that there is some amount of flexibility to redistribute them in this way uh and so that's the that's my intent here uh and uh I'd be remiss to say that there was a little bit of negotiation through with the admin I think that ultimately through playing middleman with the authors in the admin there were some concessions that weren't made so these so the two original motions are as uh as they were um with the change in source and so I'll move that for approval um is there a second to counc uh that item has been moved and seconded um uh Mr clerk will you please call the role council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins I council member Pomano I council member chalre I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville hi council member Chavez hi council member VTO hi council member Ellison hi vice president Shug I president pay I there are 13 eyes uh that motion carries with that Mr President I will turn the chair back to you as we are ready to adopt a resolution establishing operating budgets for City departments under the city council and fixing the maximum amounts to be expended in fiscal year 2025 council member uh Council vice president Chuck D has moved adoption of the 2025 uh General appropriation resolution which establishes operating budgets for City departments is there any any discussion on that motion seeing none the clerk will call the role on the adoption of the resolution as amended by this body setting departmental operating budgets in fiscal year 2025 paid by taxes and fees council member KY I council member wansley I council member Jenkins I council member Pomano no council member chalry I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville no council member Chavez hi council member Vita no council member Allison hi vice president Shug Tai I president pay I there are 10 eyes and three Nays that motion carries and the 2025 General appropriation resolution is adopted uh let's see here uh the next item is the proposed six-year Capital Improvement program for years 2025 through 2030 vice president Chuck Tai will you present the report Mr President I move adoption of a resolution adopting the city's six-year Capital Improvement program covering fiscal years 2025 to 2030 um and fixing the maximum amounts for 2025 to be expended by the various funds under the jurisdiction of the city council second that's been moved and seconded uh will the clerk call the role on the adoption of the six-year Capital Improvement program council member I hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano hi council member chadri hi council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member v i council member Ellison I vice president sh Tai I president pay I there are 13 eyes that motion carries and the six-year Capital Improvement program is adopted next we have a series of uh three bonding resolutions that total over 100 70 million all reflected in the agenda item 4 through6 each of these actions requests that the board of estimate and Taxation authorized the city to incur indebtedness and to issue bonds for those specific purposes all tied to the approved 2025 Capital Improvement program vice president chug Tai would you give us the committee report Mr President as you noted the budget committee is forwarding three resolutions requesting the issuance and sale of City bonds by the board of estimate and and Taxation in a total amount of 170 m763 n91 which are tied to the 2025 Capital program and within the six-year Capital bonding period of 2025 to 2030 I move approval of all resolutions reflected in items four five and six on the meeting agenda second uh vice president Chuck Tai has moved adoption of all bonding resolutions and has been seconded uh I see no one in Q for discussion the clerk will call the role on the those three capital bonding resolutions council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins I council member Pomano I council member chalry I council member Cashman I council member Osman I council member rainville I council member Chavez I council member VTO council member Ellison vice president Shug Tai this is I president Payne there are 13 eyes that motion carries and all those bonding resolutions have been adopted the last item relates to utility rates to be effective January 1st 2025 I'll recognize vice president Chuck taii for the committee report Mr President I move adoption of a resolution setting rates for municipal utility services including water sewer storm water and solid waste all of which become effective January 1st 2025 vice president Chuck Tai has moved to adopt a resolution designating utility rates for municipal services to become effective January 1st 2025 uh is there a second any discussion the clerk will call the role council member kosy hi council member wansley hi council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano hi council member chowri hi council member Cashman hi council member Osman hi council member raino hi council member Chavez I council member v i council member Ellison I vice president chug Tai I president Payne I there are 13 eyes that motion carries and those rats for municipal Services have been established to become effective January 1st 2 our final item as listed as an addendum to the agenda since the budget committee sent it Forward today after the agenda was published yesterday is a legislative directive related to healthy homes proactive enforcement I'll recognize vice president chug taii for the committee's report Mr President I move approval of a legislative directive requesting quarterly reporting related to progress and implementation of the healthy homes program uh vice president Chu Tai has moved approval of the legislative directive uh is there is there a second any discussion seeing none the clerk will call the role council member kosy I council member wansley I council member Jenkins hi council member Pomano I council member chowri hi council member Cashman hi council member Osman hi council member rainville hi council member Chavez hi council member VTO hi council member Ellison vice president chugai I president Payne I there are 13 eyes that motion carries in the legislative directive is adopted uh any announcements seeing none um actually council president there's two people in the priority que um council president when I first came in and we took a vote on item number one which was the tax levy um I was a little bit surprised I came in not quite knowing what I was voting on and I would like to be recorded as a no for that that would make the vote 12 to1 it still certainly passes but I just wanted to register my objection for the levy as you know I brought forward a proposal to change the levy and bring it down further um but I do want to register my vote as a nay for the first part of these budget resolutions as I greatly object to some of the ways that this has been decreased so without objection from others may I do that I'm not seeing any objection Mr clerk do you recognize that request all right great um council member kosy thank you president Payne I just want to uh give a a tremendous gratitude and thank you to our budget chair Council vice president chug taii and uh her entire team so thank you so much for shepherding us through this process and uh greatly appreciated that we got this all down into the wire and um just so thank you so much because I know this was a tremendous amount of work and I know that this um didn't didn't uh happen without all of us here on this Das and so I'm grateful for each and every one of you for making um obviously just the time and the commitment and just you could just hear the passion in people's voices today and I'm just grateful to um to each and every one of you so thank you so much well recognized and also to you as Vice chair and your team lots of heavy lifting uh council member Allison a big time thank you to the clerks and the C microphone big time thanks to the clerks and the captioner who stayed late uh we all owe you uh a beer so thank you guys so much okay seeing no further business to come before us I will declare this meeting adjourned have a great night everybody e