##VIDEO ID:3GeJ8XHxajc## oh okay all right then good to know all right it is 7 o' so I'm going to call a meeting to order and again put your airplane put your phones on airplane mode and first order of business would you join me in pledge of allegiance to flag the United States of America stands indivisible with Justice all so welcome everyone here this evening and also those of you watching on YouTube I think we're recording yes yes okay um this is the regular city council meeting from inista November 18th 2024 present this evening is myself I'm Lisa way and I'm the mayor and to my left to your right sorry it's confusing um we have council members Kathleen rekin Peter vicory and Claudia Lacy and McGregor is absent this evening and then staff present this evening is our director of Public Works Gary Peters Ali pus is our um director of administration also with us this evening um online is our city clerk taking notes and then to my right we have Jasper kral who is our city administrator Brian Grim is our finance director David Abel is our community development director SAR szala is our uh legal um attorney legal adviser attorney and then we have Paul Falls who is our chief of police with that um I have one change to the agenda and we are going to be adding an item under consent agendas and it's going to be the settlement agreement and mutual release um and that's a settlement agreement in mutual release Ronald Smith and Scott Fisk versus city of Minista and Jasper kral it's Minista case number 27- c v-24 D1 0838 and we disc Justice in close session and a work session that's the only agenda item change that I have um except for we are also we will not be having special presentation so we're going to be removing the same Bonnie Lion's uh presentation and they'll join us probably next time oh next year okay um so with that is there a motion to approve the agenda with those changes so move thank you Mr vicory is there a second second thank you Miss Lacy any further questions hearing all those in favor signify with i i all those opposed motion passes we have a rather lengthy consent agenda we have persons to be heard I believe um the gentleman Michael and and Michael and Jim you're here for an item and so you'll get an opportunity to speak at during that item okay that all right and then um so our consent agenda is lengthy are there any you wish to remove okay hearing none then we have to approved the work session meeting minutes from October 21st 2024 we have approved the city council regular meeting minutes from October 21st 2024 we have approved the special meeting minutes from November 12th 2024 D has approve our 2025 Personnel policy effective January 1 2025 e has approved the renewal of Professional Services agreement with Le a t for law enforcement Wellness Services f is approve the city of Minista not to wave the monetary limits on Municipal Tor liability G is approve the cost share agreement with school for the water main H is approve a2s supervisory control and and data acquisition skate a task order I is a resolution to approve claims J is a resolution granting a franchise agreement with Midcontinent Communications and then a would be a published by title and summary and then K is a resolution approving simple subdivision between 2585 2605 five Highland Road is resolution accepting improvements and authorized final payment for the West Branch Culver replacement project that's project city project number [Music] 03-242 reate project city project number 0224 then N is a resolution accepting improvements and authorizing final payment for the 2023 millon overlay overlay project a city project 0 3-23 O is a resolution accepting bids and watering a contract for well number three Rehabilitation p is a resolution to approve task order number 14 with a2s for the rehabilitation of well number seven that's city project number 0225 and then lastly is um ex the resolution let's see um awarding the uh accepting and approving the um lawsuit um what do you settlement agreement I'm sorry uh between Ronald Smith Scot fist in the city um and Jasper kros uh City case number 27- cv24 d10 838 any questions it's a lengthy agend um consent agenda it was in our packet lots of fun things to go over any questions hearing none is there a motion to approve all of those agenda items so moved thank you Miss re is there a second thank you Mr vicory any further questions hearing none all those in favor signify with i i i all those opposed motion passes for O next we have a public hearing and this is regarding our street project for 2025 and it's authorizing plans and specifications and we will also and because it's a public hearing after Miss Brown uh does her presentation then we will open it up for public comments thank you and welcome thank you Madame mayor members of the city council here to tonight to talk about the 2025 proposed Street Improvement project here we go uh on the screen you can see the maps of the areas we're looking for the street improvements on that includes windbridge Trail Pine Circle and the Trillium area which includes trillum Lane East trillum Lane West and trillum way uh the streets were initially evaluated based on the surface condition of the pavment we also took payment cores out there to determine any um issues below the existing pavement surface here's a uh photo showing the existing conditions of the payment um Pine Circle was built in 1973 and is experiencing alligator cracking and potholes uh the Trillium area was built in 1994 and the asphalt is beginning to lose the bond with the aggregate this was evident in the cores you could see that between the top layer of pavement and the lower layers of Pavements it was starting to debond that's a initial sign of a structural failure of the pavement uh Wind Ridge Trail was built in around 95 and the base area is failing again evident in the cores that we took uh so for all of these streets for proposing full depth Reclamation uh you can see a reclaiming machine that's on the right of the screen what it does is it uh uh grinds up the existing bituminous pavement into the aggregate pavement below uh what that does is it produces a aggregate material it's very much like a gravel road that you experience uh on the back side of the truck you can see that that aggregate that um is produced by this machine what that becomes is uh material that we can Compact and becomes the base pavement for the new pavement area uh we would then be Paving with new pavement on top uh so the street improvements uh the widths are proposed to stay the same uh grades would closely match what is already in place the way we would try to improve any low areas that are holding water uh Minor Adjustments uh just for drainage improvements things like that spot curb repair in the Trillium area the other areas do not have curb and then we'd look at adding a 1 foot aggate shoulder on Wind Ridge and then we would remove and replace the kisac island in Pine Circle uh well we talked about that yes so we weren't I thought we we didn't want to remove we didn't want to remove it replacing it they're taking out remove and replace so we would be um reestablishing it the way it is but we would add a curb a nose on that to help prevent plow damage okay great thank you they not permanently uh utility improvements uh includes the installation of what we call inii barriers INF flow and infiltration on the sanitary sewer manholes M Circle uh II barriers had already been placed in the Trillium area and we'd also replace leaking valves uh leaky valve at the Trillium way to uh Trillium Lane intersection oh my apologies I missed a point on that last slide back back uh we also uh talked with public works and are looking to add three additional gate valves in the Trillium area this would help better isolate the water M uh for any sort of breaks or repairs that could happen down the future that is a a new um thing since we last discussed what council is looking to add three more gate valves so the propos proposed project costs are up on the screen uh it's uh approximately $1,460 th000 in total project cost uh 1.4 million in streeten surface improvements uh 32,000 for sanitary improvements and then the water main improvements are estimated to be um originally estimated to be that $177,000 Mark with the additional G BS it's slightly higher than that and I'll go through that cost in a minute here uh the city of Minista assessment policy uh is to um portion the cost to benefiting Property Owners uh historically that has been approximately 50% of the project cost um in 2022 special benefit analysis uh was completed and the at the city council Direction assessments are proposed to be capped at $10,000 per unit uh pro pro proposed project costs are associated with the surface and storm water improvements the sanitary and water main improvements are not assessed we be and those would be paid 100% by the city uh just to be clear the surface and storm improvements are per project area so um residents in Windridge would pay for the Windridge improvements Pine Circle Pine Circle Etc uh hardship de referrals are available for senior citizens disabled persons members of the National Guard and Military reserves um payment uh period is typically on 20 years and any assessment questions can be directed to Brian Grim the City Finance director so the proposed assessments for these project areas um Windridge Trail is proposed to be $10,000 per unit um Pine Circle is proposed to be 8,700 per unit this includes replace the culdesac island again replacing with curb um and the Trillium area is estimated at $9700 per unit so if we're looking at the funding for this project you can see uh we've got the city responsibility in the First Column specially assessed which would include all of the surface and storm improvements is shown uh there and then the uh totals to the estimated project cost uh just again to reiterate the sanitary and water improvements are not assessed um the addition of the three gate valves would increase the water M cost from that 177,000 to approximately 29 um 29,700 so looking at the schedule uh tonight is November 18th um previously the project was presented to the city on August 19th and to Residents uh who chose to attend that meeting um uh the council accepted the feasibility report and called for this hearing tonight on October 21st um here we are at the hearing we are proposing that if the council moves forward we would look to open bids uh February 5th and the council would order the assessment Hearing in February with a hearing being held in March construction is estimated between June and September of 2025 please note that we do not anticipate that this project would take that full duration to be completed uh we anticipate that the duration of construction would be reduced to a four to six week period but it may occur anytime between June and September uh I just would like to note that I did receive a call from a resident who was unable to attend tonight so I wanted to share uh this was from Terry Nelson at 21 or 6120 Pine Circle uh she indicated that they were fine with removing the island in the culdesac and Paving it felt that that may be easier for them to work around um but didn't have a seem to have a strong opinion either way when it comes to the culdesac okay so I'm happy to stand for any counil questions or otherwise I will um seated for when you said they do you mean that family or everyone on the culdesac this resident at this property thank you okay thank thank you any other questions Council otherwise we'll I'll open up okay thank you um and you'll be available for answering questions so I'm going to open up the um public hearing at this time if you are here to if you have questions or comments regarding this project you may do so I'm going to start on this side um if you would like to you have to come to the podium and state your name and address for the record if you have questions or comments feel free we don't bite too hard [Music] good evening my name is Daron harre I'm 36 uh what am I 6190 Pine Circle my question is a couple years ago when they did County Road 44 they parked heavy machinery on that road that really kind of tore it up at all has any of that been considered or does the county have to repair any of that or is that completely on us I think it's completely on on the city um I know it was in pretty bad shape before it's probably a little maybe a little more worse for wear and tear because of that but um I think the the project is on us as you know we're paying actually more than 50% of the project so okay and then I also support leaving the circle in there too okay thank you thank you all right Mr Matt hi there my name is brand palaza I live at 6135 Pine Circle I had the pleasure of presenting this group back on August 19th I was very pleased with the results I got from this group very positive comments from you manire very com positive comments from you also uh regarding the the the safety and the need to have that Circle um I came here because I was under the impression that it might end up being paved over very very pleased to see that is not and I just thank you all for doing a fantastic job we heard you we'd like the kids playing on it like s in the winter time thank you for your comment we appreciate it nice to hear anybody else hi my name is Steve Ock and I live on 4340 Trill Trillium Lane West and with the rural construction what we've seen a pattern of is a lot of contractors with Bobcats hot weather and the roads get ripped up moving forward we can't deal with what's happened in the past but now we're going to get a new road when I have heavy equipment in my yard I put plywood down on on the road is there any thing the city can go after contractors if they're if they're um causing because they don't care they come in and they rip it up and they leave and they get paid by the homeowner sure my concern is we're going to get this new road and it's going to get ripped up you know right no I totally understand so generally what we do is if it's like a new home construction um not it's like it's Landscaping project landcaping projects yeah um what we could do is I'm going to refer to Carrie um when they apply for a permit now sometimes they don't apply for a permit so we don't know that if they apply for a permit and it does include heavy equipment we could ask that they do something but Gary what what's been our with it's Landscaping project stuff like that and we come across that we do contact the police department and they do come out and have the company remove the remove the stuff from the road and then if there is damage they will take pictures and they do WR a report for us so yep the last one that was um on there had plywood down on the road and I was happy to see it but right not the normal thing you see and now you we're spending a lot of money Ro we just want to make sure that you know it doesn't get repped up so us too yeah yeah absolutely thank thank you thank you thank you um any anyone else okay I know some of you are here for another um project so okay uh Roger Schmidt 4350 trillum Lane West uh on the 20y year uh payment schedule so if you pay it upfront it's 9700 and over a period of 20 years What's the total amount that's paid how much interest Etc um well it'll depend what the the market I right now the interest would probably be around five five and a half percent over 20 years so I'm just trying to think some of the corresponding recent projects I mean you'd be probably adding another five 6,000 in interest you know paying you know if you PID over the 20 years it's 15 versus 9700 or give or take or at least in that ballpark okay and they would be on your taxes or yeah if you pay it over the 20 years it just gets added as a a piece your property tax along with the city school County thanks thank you anyone else anyone else going once Mr Klein did you want to speak okay all right I'm giving him a hard time he used to sit here so U he good guy um all right if nobody else wishes to speak regarding the road project going once going twice I'm going to close the public hearing now for that and take it back to council and staff you want a resolution authorizing plans and specifications um Council any other questions we have to decide about the vacant log oh okay thank you thank you thank you madam um if I may uh mayor and Counsel on page 305 of the packet um we did have a resident reach out with uh a question this particular resident um owns two properties on Trillium Lane East uh one property contains the home and the other one is vacant the vacant property is a corner lot on Trillium and County Road 44 and in the access um one of the access points to this home actually goes through the vacant property on to County Road 44 uh the property owner uh asked the question um if the the vacant property should be exempt from um the assessment uh because it has an access to County Road 44 in the past um instances when there's a vacant property um adjacent to a road that's being improved it has been included in the project uh staff is looking for Council Direction in this matter um it's currently in the preliminary assessment we certainly we don't need to have a decision tonight if there's more information we can bring to the council we can do so um but if there's some preliminary thoughts that the council may have um for staff we would certainly appreciate the feedback you know I think my recollection is in the past if it's a corner lot which this one would be it depends on where the um access is and if it's on County Road 4 we haven't have not assessed it so in that in this case then you would only assess for one parcel that's that's what we did on Highland and and holstead the one the corner Lots can you I if I if I may I think I think the some more information about this lot is that it it could be there could be a house built on it it could be subdivided right um I don't know if that's T been taken into account in the past um for these things um but generally if it's a if it's a lot that you can expand onto if you want if it would be sold then then we would assess that's that's been our past practice could a driveway be made onto Trillium yeah where would the driveway be if it was I'm assuming they wouldn't get the right to put it on 44 if they wanted to they'd have to work with the county but I would say probably not um so they'd have to go on to Trillium I think it'd be hard well I'm just saying one lot but up a lot on the map please Ally what's the address the driveway goes out to 44 right it doesn't look like there's a driveway on Trillium I think the I think the drive if I recall correctly the driveway Loops back onto trillion theway yep there's one there but there's also to the home itself I believe maybe we can verify that and since we don't have to make that determination tonight certainly if we could verify that and then get some more information yep in find out if it truly is buildable I'm not sure if it is I we'd have to figure that out if I may what one option would be to if they you know only wanted to be assessed for one they could combine their lot I believe they could potentially do that too but that that would cost there'd be a cost to that but okay all right so we'll we'll bring that back and then um any other right so with that um is there a motion then to approve plans and specifications so moved is that um Madame mayor if I may uh it's to order it's to uh order the Improvement right we don't have plan PL specifications prepared at this point no I know that ordering the improvements and authorizing the preparation authoriz authorizing exactly I'm sorry um so motion has been made to that effect by Miss rekin is there a second second thank you Mr vicory any other questions comments we'll bring that lot issue back and with that uh motion all those in favor signify with i i i all those in favor motions made all those opposed for o is the vote thank you very much we'll move on now to our next um to our business item which so this business item uh the applicant has requested that um this be um postp or move to a future council meeting and what I would like to do tonight is um allow I know that there's people here tonight that would like to speak uh regarding this item so uh the council will not take any action on this tonight but we will be taking uh testimony or comments from the public I would like to ask and then we'll move this to our December 2nd meeting so that's um in two weeks I believe two weeks from now um that's a Monday December 2nd and we'll the council will take it up at that time and discuss it at that time and then make a determination but we certainly are willing to listen to uh what you folks have to say here tonight I'd like to ask that you kind of keep your comments brief and you will have another opportunity on December 2nd as well so I'm going to start with this side if you would like to come forward you're going to have to state your name and address for the record and you can address the council okay good evening uh thank you very much my name is Jim Samuelson and I live at 1105 sunnyfield road to North and I also own the property next to mine uh 1025 sunnyfield Road um we have lived there uh since May of 2001 and during that time we've never complained or were concerned about the bovc operation because it was not intrusive and it was not an isur at the October Planning Commission meeting I talked about my concern regarding the isur and now see from that I now see from my yard even though the BL kaks operated their business from the same property I only saw a nice wooded lot today I see a line of more than a dozen large boats wrapped in bright white plastic and it really scares me that they claim they can double the number of the site from 50 to 100 since then I've done some checking and I've become even far more concerned about what is being done there um and the magnitude of the increased commercial usage um from the filing they make several claims which imply they are not really expanding the commercial use of the property much of which uh in fact is order of magnitudes larger and more active than anything that bovc operated bov X used the property to park a few trucks and store supporting equipment to run their business Tona Auto and Marine clearcut a large area to store many boats and trucks at the Planning Commission meeting it was confirmed that they currently have about 50 boats and trucks on site and could add another 50 if allowed the bovc used a repair shop to maintain their own equipment used in the business that is a big difference from this operation which advertises uh the lake Menon area to be the One-Stop shop repair facility for all your Auto and Marine needs the bov ex never used the place to sell other people's equipment but as of yesterday when I looked on the Tonka Marine Facebook page it states they offer Auto and Marine service and sales well our neighborhood now have to deal with used boat and auto dealership the operation is far too out of far out of bounds of what should be even considered in the neighborhood and an interim use permit can't fix that at best it'll be like putting lipstick on a pig this area is not zoned for industrial or commercial it zoned agriculture with a vision towards residential sure we have a few people operate small businesses out of their home such as boarding horses anding trees but this business operation is non agricultural nor is it a person operating and out of their home they do not live in the property they do not even live in Minista I don't like what was done I don't like how this was done I don't trust these owners to follow any guidelines to try to fix the damage to our neighborhood I sent a letter just a few hours ago to to the city which has additional concerns such as the impact on the roads where there're spring where our spring restrictions overlap with their spring Splash where many of their owners will want their boats transported to the lake the ecological impact of having 50 to 100 book b boats and trucks for months some of which will be leaking oil fuel and other harmful chemicals into the marsh in the creek nearby thank you very much for your time thank you Mr Samuelson um anybody else on this side just come forward and state your name and address Mike entinger 1305 Blair Road my wife and I uh built a house on Blair Road uh 41 years ago so I know a lot about the movs their business the like um I also know that we've got Wetlands involved here where the people that have moved on to the property um are intruding on that the minihaha Watershed District was involved with designing in my pond I'm on the start of another waterway that leads that direction there's also another filtration p uh site right on Game Farm Road in the cek that comes directly out of the swamp from behind behind them they're filtering that water to go into Dutch Lake well now we've taken off the cover we've added aggregate we' move dirt around there's so many things that should not be disturbed there I.E the dump that ceased to exist in I think 1970 they used to haul things there the movs are good neighbors they brought their trucks out in the morning empty and they came home at night empty because they didn't want to bring stuff back to their home or to their business and take it back in again so as far as Road impact and that I don't think they're there I uh is only my second time here once was to talk about the gravel roads and I want to I think I talked to you directly on Blair Road maybe a few months ago they're doing an outstanding job on crowning and the ditch work and that it's it's perfect and then I don't get this opportunity so I just wanted to say something to the police chief that he gets no chance I get they took care of the problem with the high schoolers before somebody got hurt feel bad I don't how they did it but then just want to let everyone know that got they do an excellent job thank you um I could I won't go any further as to why that business which we now learned they told us that through Planning Commission is just Marine Auto if you go on your website it says Auto and Marine with the new Sunny Field address doesn't fit into residential agricultural areas thank you thank you um anybody else on this side [Music] I'm Pete Wy 1250 game Game Farm Circle would it be possible to show the before and after photos that were in the packet I don't know if we have access to those sure we do we can bring those up on the screen but um I wanted I wanted you to hear from me I I read all the letters um you know they're very well done they bring up a lot of good points um they're all professionally written but I wanted you to hear from me that I'm very mad about the situation um I just think it's done a lot of damage to our to our neighborhood um my wife and I bought our property 15 years ago it was a big investment for us the main reason we bought the property was it's just a beautiful property where we live is you know such beautiful views um we've got about 1,200 feet of shared property line with this with the sunnyfield road situation and now we see boats all over the place it's just that that's our biggest um impact it impacts us directly right but we also see it you know for the people that live on sunnyfield road I mean it's a just drive by it it's a total eyesore I can't you know it's if you look at the before and after um when you saw what was going on with the kak very very minimal impact and you look at it now um I think the aerial photo showed I maybe there's like 40 boats in that photo there's a lot more now it's a it's a huge impact and there's just no I mean yeah so that's the that's the before uh when the blackoaks were there and you know if you look at if you if you go to the next slide it's just this can't I can't say it any better in this picture and just think about there's a lot more boats on the property now and I you know I look at this logo here and it's a little bit humorous but not really I mean should we put like a both facility on the logo is that what we're going to become so there there's a lot of great reasons in the letters but I just wanted to be here to you know let you know I think this is a really big deal and I think a lot of people are upset about this and uh so if if any of you have any questions I want to hear more from sure people that are being impacted directly um you know I wrote a lot so please please contact us and we we have that in our packet and we have read those we have more than just yours too so just so you know yeah thank you thank you Mr Wy um anybody else on this side um I'll move to this side is there anybody on this side that wishes to speak okay um so like I said we're not going to take action um our past practice has always been to if the um applicant wants to um extend the um application a little bit we do that uh but I wanted to give everybody because this was last minute kind of thing um an opportunity that came tonight because I appreciate you coming out um an opportunity to speak we will bring this back on December 7th the council will discuss it at that December 2nd the council will discuss it at that time and then um we'll be making a determination and we will take everything into consideration uh with that um do we need a motion to extend this to December 2nd Madame mayor I would recommend you do a motion to postpone to a date certain which would be December 2nd all right then do I have a motion to postpone the determination until dece 2nd so move thank you Miss Lacy is there a second second thank you miss rkin any further questions by the council all right all those in favor signify with i i all those opposed motion passes for o we will see you on the second thank you very much with that it concludes our business items and so we will move on to administrative items you're all welcome to stay if you'd like like and if not but we have a lot of fun things going on so yeah thank you all right um staff reports uh thank you Madame mayor the only I'll mention is we have our upcoming Tree Lighting Event coming up on December 5th uh it starts at 5: goes till about 7:15 and there will be fireworks wanted to get that in hopefully real fireworks yeah the the light and everything yeah so we're looking forward to the event hopefully uh it's a good turnout we have good weather it looks like it's going to be fairly mild it won't be negative 10 um but it might be about I don't know I don't know what they're saying 30s 20s 30s it's pretty good for for December as long as it's not windy and we can have our fires and uh and there'll be wine and beer for purchase and food too food I think there'll be food from Mac and tun so lots of fun things yep that's all I have okay I do need a Le on Madam mayor please for our Planning Commission November 25th 25th anybody what do you have on the agenda uh um the the subdivision that expired on County Road 44 and a Lakeside setback variance okay I can go okay thank you got one there you go all right um so let's see um Council reports I'll start so back in a few maybe a month or so ago the league Minnesota cities does this um essay contest with fourth fifth and sixth graders and we contacted Jasper contacted the West hka school and said would you like to participate what we changed it up just slightly I believe they're going to be submitting their essays to the Minnesota league as well but what they did at the um grade school is they um went through the essays and they picked the top three so we have three um winners if you will um the top three I have I just got the notice this afternoon uh we're going to invite the the children and their family the three um Award winners or winners here and they're going to read their essays and it's um if they were mayor what would they do and it's so cute it's wonderful it's great I'm going to also ask if they would like to come a little early so I can give them um a tour of City call is that okay and um maybe even ask if one of them would like to open the meeting with the pledge of aliance so just something fun for them to do um it's fourth fifth and sixth graders and so we'll do that on this on December 2nd I believe I have to contact the parents and see their availability I'm hoping that they'll be available I'll let you know on that um I also attended uh Northwest league and we had um um actually um H what's his name from Kennedy and Graven and he's kind of okay and it's kind of the guru on a lot of things but one of the things uh that they were talking about is some legislation that passed uh pertaining to policing and I talked to the chief about it he's aware of what this is and it's another tool in their toolkit for them to be able to use I think it's like you maybe you can explain it better because I I know what it is but I don't know the acronym and stuff Madame mayor and counil it is uh emergency um restraining orders for in cases where there maybe people that we feel are a danger to themselves or others uh and it's just it's a mechanism that can help remove weapons or guns specifically from the homes so fortunately we have not had to use that yet but it's just another tool that we can use if that need arises so they talked about that and then they also talked a little bit um I was very familiar about this and I can't remember the other gentleman's name but he knew the case quite well um with um what do they call them um homes for people that are recovering from alcohol and um drug abuse and so we talked about that and the restrictions that come along with that and and so on so there just was some very um good discussion about that because and I was able to weigh in a little bit on that one because as you know or well I'm not sure who was all here on the council at the time but uh we had a have um very um robust discussion and many meetings regarding the one that's in our community so are there restrictions on those now or we don't have restrictions basically we're very restricted on what we can do because they fall under the Fair Housing Act they are considered so people with um that are recovering or with addictions they they actually um are a a protected class just yeah you can't um discriminate against them so is that on U uh West Edge no it's out there on um Scott Susan Susan Susan Lan Scott Susan Lan yeah out there so we had a lot of fun so that was interesting and then so um and then of course Kathleen and I attended the early morning meeting um of Mound uh the fire partnership meeting and we're looking at bringing back a resolution I believe December 2nd possibly we we may uh it might be the beginning of the year we're looking to get some feedback from the other cities before we adopt the version so um what what the chiefs were asking is simply a resolution from the city councils saying that yes they're in favor of moving forward exploring the concept of J of a jointed Powers agreement and we're not we're not uh binding our we're not we're not binding ourselves to agreeing to a jpa we're simply saying we do want to move forward and have more discussions regarding a JP or joint Powers agreement and um so uh they want a resolution just because they don't want to spin their wheels and so on um so we'll be um and then their next meeting is um December 10th that's at 3:30 3:30 so that's a nicer meeting time and um and then also we'll be having a special um recognition of council member McGregor at our December 2nd meeting H so invite friends or family or whoever you think might like to come and recognize Miss McGregor for her time here uh four years as a council member she um was a great um I think she did a great job and she um uh participated and um really added some value to to the Council into the community so we want to thank her for that she will be here and um and anything else that you can think of I think that's it for now oh and then on Wednesday I should say Ally and I you won't be here but Alie and I are meeting with a A midco Team here they just kind of want to come and um I think it's just kind of introduction to their team kind of thing and it's a publicity thing but we want to support them as they have supported us and we're excited about having them in our community and so um they're going to come here maybe we'll give them a tour of city Hall I'm not sure what they what what we're going to do but um they'll be here Wednesday morning so I will be here with and Allie will be here too that's all I can think of right now that's it Kathleen anything I have the St Bonnie Fire Commission on Thursday at least I'm assuming you going to we haven't heard anything so I'm guessing we're still having it but I don't know for sure yeah I haven't uh received an agenda or anything yet so it's on in the calendar might be canceling it but if he's not I will be at at it I don't have anything to report okay nothing you haven't already heard me say we talked about gesp Center at our work session so thank you all right so uh with that um we will have a close so can we we can't close this meeting you can motion to move into close s correct okay so Mo I need a motion to go into closed session is there a motion to go into close session still moved is there a second second thank you the closed session um is in to discuss uh performance performance review we can say that right okay perance thank you all right with that goodbye Brian thank you for coming congratulations congratulations and I know um has been trying to get a hold of you so give him a call