##VIDEO ID:PrzsUu-iWqw## all right um welcome everyone uh this is the regular city council meeting from Min trist December 2nd 2024 uh welcome all of you this evening we have a lot of special special people here this evening um and I'll introduce them in just a little bit and we also have a special event um outgoing um recognizing outgoing uh council member an mcgrier that's why we have so many people here but then we also have some things on the agenda that I'm sure the other people are here for with that would you please first join me in Pledge of Allegiance Al to of the United States of America to the for it stands one nais with liy and justice for all so with that I'm going to start out with some introduction um I'm Lisa whan I'm the mayor and to my left our council members Kathleen rkin an McGregor Peter vicory and Claudia Lacy and then on the end we have our director of Public Works Gary Peters and then ali uh paus is our soon to be assistant administrator she's in the back she's going to be um for the foreseeable future taking some pictures this evening and then to my right we have our city administrator Jasper kral Brian Grim is our finance director David AEL is our community development director and then we have um on the end our chief of police to keep us in order um Paul FS so um I believe we have um two people staff that are also um participating via our internet so with that um next on the agenda is to approve the agenda are there any changes or additions here then is there a motion then to approve the agenda as presented you move thank you Miss McGregor is there a second second thank you miss lcy any further questions hearing none all those in favor signify with I motion passes 5 with that so our first um agenda item is uh recognizing three young men uh we're recognizing Joey and Link and Edison and these are sixth graders from uh Grand View and what they did is they participated in an essay contest the essay contest was what would you do if you were mayor for the day and so they each so this was open to fourth fifth and sixth graders um in at Grandville the um principal along with some of the teachers uh gathered up all the essays reviewed them and picked the top three um students that live in Minista and the top three that live in Mound obviously we're here recognizing the top three minut Trista essay winners so I want to say first of all your essays were really good I really like them especially because I also like Parks but also um I just want to give you some recognition for going the extra mile and doing the extra work and wanting to participate in this so first I'm going to ask Lincoln he said he would read his essay and so he's going to read his essay GNA come up to this microphone here and then after that the other two young students said they don't want to read it but I will read theirs for them so with that go ahead uh my name is Lincoln leus and I'm I'm a sixth grader at gr View Middle School this is my mayor of the Day essay have you ever wonder what it be like to be mayor for the day read this and You' learn what I'd do a mayor's job is to take in local taxes and decide how to spend money in the town they make sure they spend money on good projects that affect the community positively their day-to-day life is managing the town's Administration and operations if I were mayor I would first put sidewalks on the roads I'd do this because there aren't a lot of sidewalks I see when my mom brings me to school so oh sh sorry it's okay so if there were side rocks I could probably ride my bike uh people would also be able to like walk or run on the sidewalks instead of just going on the side of the road too another thing I would do is add more dog parks because dogs need to let out a l lot of energy and dog parks are good for that cuz some some of my neighbors like don't have very big very big yards so a dog park would be good the last thing I'd do is add crossing guards to the roads cuz I feel like this would like organize the roads when people cross um to make it a little more safer I haven't seen like a lot of crossing guards but around so it might help a little but in conclusion I think I would make a good mayor I would help start some good projects to improve the community they're not necessary but that doesn't mean they're not important I can't wait to get started thank you very much [Applause] so um Joey why don't I don't read yours first you can join me you don't have to read it I'll read it so Joey writes have you ever wondered what it would be like to be mayor for a dat being a mayor comes with big responsibilities like demonstrating strong leadership representing the community and providing essential Services if I were mayor um the first thing I would do is make Parks more inclusive for everyone one positive outcome would be that all types of people would feel free would feel welcome and happy by making Parks more accessible and appealing to all demographics more people would be encouraged to walk job cycle or participate in outdoor sports this would promote physical fitness and help combat lifestyle related diseases like obesity I believe this would be incredibly beneficial for the people of Minista as it would contribute to a healthier and more active Community another thing I would focus on as mayor is improving Park safety inclusive well-lit and actively used parks are safer because people are more likely to visit it if they feel secure one benefit of this would be the natural surveillance that occurs when parks are regularly used this means more people present in the Parks creating a wonderful environment additionally parents would feel more comfortable letting their children play outside overall this would make minat Trista a better and safer place to live there are just a few of the re these are just a few of the reasons why I think I would make an excellent mayor as you can see from my ideas I am thoughtful and passionate about about making a difference with my kindness innovative ideas and commitment to action I would be a fantastic mayor for a date or longer work even better I think these gentlemen should run for mayor they they do have to be 18 but you know not that far away this is Edison and and he wrote and he's also a sixth grader and he wrote read it no you don't okay um there is some problems in our city a mayor's job is to keep our community safe and running well a mayor should be doing all that he or she can can to help and support Community a mayor's daytoday life should be busy but not too packed if they are trying to juggle too much at once they can't do everything right if I were mayor for a day I would do all that I can to help protect the Lakes if we could protect the Lakes we would have more fish for fishing which would attract more tourists and improve our economy Lakes give us water which we need to live if the water we get from the Lakes is super dirty we have to spend tons of money treating it so so that it's drinkable which we could spend trying to improve other things like our Parks if the water that we got from the Lakes was really already clean we wouldn't have to spend as much money treating it if I were mayor for a day I would also help improve our Parks if our Parks were better people would be happier they would be able to go for a nice walk and a well-maintained clean park with a smooth wide Trail if our Park were better we would have more wildlife and trees if we had more Wildlife people would be happier seeing cute birds and squirrels everywhere they look if people saw that many cute animals the happiness of our city would improve leading to lower crime rates if we had more trees we could have cleaner air helping reverse climate change in our area the final thing I would do if I were mayor for the day is increase penalties for littering if the penalties for littering were higher people would stop littering and if people stopped littering there would be less trash around littering is a big problem we will just be going for a walk and see a bunch of trash on on the ground nobody likes to see trash all over and nobody likes to be a litterbug in summary I think I would make a great mayor for the day because I would do everything in my power to fix problems one problem that I would try to fix is the happiness of our community I would also try to fix pollution in places like our lakes and Parks I would also try to improve the size and maintenance of our parks [Applause] have a little certificate for you sorry okay get a picture thank you thank you thank you those are super cute you want to do any um introduction okay all right so our next item on our agenda is a special recognition of our out of an outgoing council member and M Gregor and has served on the city council for four years and she decided not to run again s and uh so we always do a little special recognition for outgoing um council members we also do it for incoming council members and I did uh remind an that she had to be here because during her when she was um elected in 20 took office in 2021 um it was Co and so both Kathleen and an never got the pleasure of having an incoming uh greeting with cake and coffee and so hopefully this will sort of make up for it but and and they they tried to do it two years into it and we had that huge snowstorm and they had to cancel it and the staff ate my [Laughter] cake but um so I have a um resolution here and before I read it it's kind of lengthy but um it's well-deserving and I just want to say um I was a little bit hesitant a little bit leery um after the election in 2020 as to how we would get along with an and and Kathleen and I thought you know what I'm G to give you the benefit of the doubt and we're we're GNA move forward with this in a very positive manner and you know it's been an absolute pleasure thank you it has been an absolute pleasure um an has come very well prepared she she asks good questions even though she thinks they're not good but they always always are good and she has been polite and respectful and it has been um a joy and fun working together and I really appreciate that and came too with um kind of some of the same things I wanted to try and get accomplished but with her help we're able to get um over 500 homes in our Northwest Quadrant of Minista that current or at the time had no or very poor internet service and again with an's help this was I think one of the big AC not only but one of the bigger accomplishments that we were able to get those homes served with highspeed internet and now that same company has come back much to our happiness and we don't even have to pay anything this time that was our that was Ann's question well what's the glitch how much do we owe um so they're they're coming back and they're doing all of Minista within the next two to three years and we're very very excited about that and um I want to thank an for that help on that um project so um real quick I'm going to read this this is a resolution recognizing outgoing city council member Anne McGregor whereas Anne McGregor was elected in November of 2020 a city council member she has served one full four-year term as an elected city council member from January 2021 through December of 2024 and council member McGregor held office during a time when the city admin was in a growth curve a time of increased staffing needs and with all the issues normally associated with a growing municipality and council member McGregor has been impactful in the effort to build out quality broadband internet services for all residents in 2020 she was supportive of the deed border-to-border Broadband Grant obtained by the city of city and Mediacom to build out high speed internet services to almost 80 homes and then in 2022 she was integral to the partnership between between the city of Minista henip and County and minc Continental Communications to build out fiber to the home to fiber uh to the home internet to over 500 unserved residents in the Northwest part of Minista mostly recently an has shown enthusiasm and support for the new franchise agreement with Midcontinent Communications to build out services to all current and future Minista residents and council member McGregor has been a valued member of the personnel committee providing a fresh perspective and playing an important role in employment matters such as hiring new staff ensuring minr provides competitive compensation and benefits focusing on Recruitment and Retention and council member McGregor has served as a city's representative for the West Tonka community and commerce the glasby center advisory Council and the leaz on to the parks and planning uh commissions and council member McGregor has been a strong supporter of Public Safety particip ipating in the approval of the public safety department F fitness facility and has been involved in discussions on Recruitment and Retention of police officers in today's tough job market and Miss McGregor's priorities have been to provide reliable internet services to all residents remaining a fiscal Steward of the community taxpayers and pre of the community's taxpayers and preserve the rural character of the community while maintaining controlled and balanced growth and now therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Minista that we thank Anne McGregor for her service to the residents of Minista her presence and valuable perspective on the city council will be missed do I have a motion to that effect no mo thank you Miss rekin is there a second second thank you Mr vickri all those in favor signify with i i i all those opposed and this is yours my signed copy your signed copy [Applause] you know I I'm goingon to say one more thing um recently at the uh Trista days I was sitting out there and an and I were talking and she said boy we've really gotten a lot accomplished do you remember that and I said we have and the reason we've gotten all a lot accomplished one of course an participated greatly in those accomplishments but also because of our our work with our staff and and all of the council together we've really been able to accomplish a lot and thank you an for that that's it's greatly appreciated so welcome and and thank you to everybody for all the help you've given me I had to do a lot of learning from the very beginning I knew nothing about local government um but I I definitely appreciated all the help that I received thank you all right so now we move on to the fun part and that's a budget presentation and anybody that like to Brian is going to do an overview and then if there's anybody that wishes to make some comments regarding the budget you are welcome too so I think this is probably rather uh appropriate that this is a council member McGregor's last meeting she's always been a big uh Finance person I know one of the first years she was on the council like we sat down and she might have been the only person other than me that read all the 120 pages of our audit and asked a bunch of fine fine tune questions or whatever so did appreciate that and uh in honor of that I was going to do like a 40 slide PowerPoint oh were you that's I'm not I one in the audience oh my gosh right so no it's going to be a quick uh less than 10 so as far as this is just our required uh final Levan budget discussion public comment required by the uh statutorily by the state of Minnesota um I'm going to hit some of the highlights here we're looking at this is our last council meeting of the year so we need to take action on our final tax levy and approve that by resolution by the end of the month here so we're looking at doing that tonight as far as our timeline so we had met starting back on seems a long time ago now but August 5th we had some initial discussions on the uh the tax levian budget and then on September 4th we did certify a preliminary tax levy increase of about 99.4% since then we've gone through the final process of looking at our in water sewer our utility funds as well as some of the park dedication funds some of the things that we've heard about tonight even with the May of the day how we you go through and divy up and how to spend those funds um and staff is uh recommending certifying that final gross tax levy of 7,130 th000 there for 2025 collection and that will be done later in the meeting under the business items and then Al also approving the the final budget documents which were the 50 or so pages in the pack along with with some summary information so um as far as the just here's just the different components of the levy you can see most of the dollars go to uh the general fund um there's some debt levies associated with some of the road projects and stuff that as you know some of our facilities that are part of the levy as well as um some road maintenance dollars and some Capital Equipment you can see there's that 7, 130,000 number there as a total and then we do get some fiscal disparities dollars back from the county which brings our total net Levy to just under 7 million there it's just a trend of like the last five years the last three years of actual and then the last couple budgets um the blue lines revenues the uh red is the expenditures you can see the uh expenditures have been pretty linear I guess the revenues there's been some different things um especially 2023 we had some of the commercial permits come in so you can see some of the revenues higher there uh 2022 I think was a catchup of spending down some dollars from some of the uh cares in arpa over the you know from earlier 2020 21 so um that's where you can see a little more of a fluctuation in the revenues but you can see we pretty much have those pretty even for 2024 and 25 there here's just another way to uh look at it as far as the tax levy on the top line some we've used some some years we've had some surpluses and then we've sort of put those back into our budget so you can see that sort of trend there on the second uh row there and then um we always try to Target to keep our general fund money we have on hand at above for our city policy 40% so you can see we're just above that for 24 and 25 projected here everyone wants to know of the general average tax impact to their home so based on our Levy increase most homeowners saw on average you know a flat or slight increase to their home in this last year um there's been some growth in the city as well a couple percent a year usually so when you fact all that in um you can see some of the different property values of 450 650 and 850 um you know most people are looking at if they had that average increase you know anywhere from a you know 50 to $120 that's on an annual basis you know so a monthly basis that's you know four to 10 or what dollar increase as far as just some of the last items here um what the what you we're spending money on in the 2025 budget obviously there's some labor contracts we have in place um for both you know labor unions as well as some non-union salary and benefits we do have to fund our Capital Equipment plan for items for squads and Public Works equipment and all those type of things and then um we've made it more of a concerted effort for the pavement management to do more Mill and overlay in different projects over the years there we are using a slight amount of our fund balance a little about $9,000 to keep our Levy um at the proposed amount and I think as I mentioned ear we're looking at it to be in that 41 43% range as far as what our our fund balance percentages versus our um projected budget expenditures this is the last slide here just to summarize so um just looking for that action on the final tax levian um budget documents later in the meeting I think we've had really good discussions at the council meetings here as far as the overall budget um the uh final Levy as as presented we'd be looking to adopt to to fund some of those things like you know roads equipment and our operations so if anyone has any questions but that's I don't think the council does I know we've you know discuss this unless you have some no okay not tonight every it's all okay so we don't have any questions we've as Brian said we've been looking at these numbers and working with staff um over the past you know 3 to four months but this is a public hearing a public time of if anybody is here tonight regarding um has some questions regarding the budget wish to make some comments regarding the budget um you are welcome to come forward is there if by a raise of hands is there anybody here that's interested in talking or have questions regarding the budget okay so all of you are here for another reason all right um good to know um with that then um we I guess we can close our public hearing um and we'll move on to our next agenda item so I know some of you here have signed up under persons to be heard what I'm going to do though since you're all here probably for the um iup um agenda item I'm going to put that are you guys anybody can talk regarding that when we get to that item is there anybody here for a different item that signed up okay so all of you will be able to okay a preliminary plan um do you why don't you quickly come forward do you have a question uh it's probably going to be approved do you have a do you not want it approved hi my name is Sven Gus I'm representing the owner of property sorry Sven gustofson uh Stonewood LLC 153 Lake Street East um and uh I just wanted to speak on the uh the park dedication fees this is a reapprovals unrelated to to anything we've done the the county had some issues with the underlying plat and wasn't able to proceed with the subdivision and so we've been stalled out uh with a piece of property that's kind of been stuck in limbo for the last year uh and had to reapply because our our subdivision uh approval uh expired and so we're here to ask for that to be done again it sounds like that's that's on track however the park dedication fee has since gone up by about $122,000 since the original approval and so uh I'm requesting that the council consider uh holding to the original Park medication fee for the original approval um because it's a lot of money and uh and we've been stuck for the last year and these are very expensive Lots they they they may well be but we've been sitting on them for a year because of a six inch discrepancy uh in the underlying plot uh that the county had misrecorded maybe 40 or 50 years ago staff any comments no I think he covered it well Madam mayor members of council that's exactly what happened we in the meantime the fees changed the direction of not only the the Parks Commission but the city council as well and I believe this was one of recent examples which caused you guys to to raise those fees so again it's up to the the council to make that decision has this happened in the past where there's a plot hanging out there while we change fees no and that's as per the discussion of why the fees were raised it hadn't been raised in 24 years yeah so there's maximum so the maximum used to be 25,000 so so so depending on how many Lots you're subdividing then there's a certain percentage that you have to pay into the park dedication fee if you're only so in this case um the percentage if you had taken the value of the property and done the percentage would have exceeded the maximum of 25,000 that was last year then we made the change because that number hadn't changed in like 24 years so the park commission said hey we really need to look at our fees a little more frequently because of pricing you know prices going up for parks and prices going up for for land values so then it was increased to 37,000 so it went up from 25 to 37 and that's the M maximum that a simple subdivision would have to pay so should this person be grandfathered in to the the previous that's a council decision well okay I vote for that okay I'm fine with it okay the only one hanging out there correct correct okay yeah they typically go over a year no it automatically kind of disappears so to speak um and because of the issues that they had he's basically coming back that's why it's on consent because it's basically just an extension of it so we we had already approved the subdivision last year and then they have one year in which to get all their decks in a row and get everything filed and so on so technically Madame mayor we are we have started over because they didn't they did not ask for an extension so okay it's basically we had to start the entire process all over again sort of like that yeah they could have asked for an extension though could probably should have come forward and asked for an extension but so here we are so they could have asked for an extension we probably would have given them the extension so I think 25,000 per lot is probably what we're going to go with then if I may we'll I'll put it on the agenda for January so we can officially take action will that hold them up at all no I don't think so okay so just so it's documented and the reason why we'll do that because the resolution States 37,000 so we'll have to change that resolution we're still waiting on the county oh we're close Okay so if you need another extension I have the EXT I have the extension not help us if we need another ex all right so we're going to pull that agenda item I think you said it was G yeah g so we'll pull that off all right uh Council are there any other persons to be heard no we're going to do oh is there anybody else on Persons to be heard that would like to speak on another agenda item other than the iup all right having hearing n then um consent agenda is lengthy so bear with me um a is approve our work session meeting minutes from November 18th do you want to remove one we're going to pull um V just to discuss at the end okay remind me business items all right so we're going to pull V so it's going to be a through whatever F less V and less G so approve our work session meeting minutes from November 18th 2024 approve our city council regular meeting minutes from November 18th 24 see is a resolution to approve claims D is a resolution accepting donations thank you everybody very much for those donations and e is a resolution approving our 2024 budgeted transfers f is a resolution approving a Lakeshore setback variants at 4776 crane Island H is a resolution accepting improvements and authorize final payment with change order number one for Woodland Cove water main improvements I as a resolution approving amendment to process uting attorney jpa and court services agreement J is our pay plan um K is a city council meeting calendar I is promotions effective January 1 2025 um M ml KL M sorry approv promotions and then approve then m is approved City administrator performance review summary and is approve our updates to City administrator employment agreement o is approved license agreement with Midcontinent p is approved conditional offer of employment for Mason storms Public Works maintenance worker glad to have another person on board hopefully that'll work out and approve a memorandum of understanding for earned sick and safe time for LS 1116 LS 343 LS 473 unions ours approve our memorandum of understanding for earn sick safe time and PID time off with ioe Local 49 Union s is approve employee recognition policy T is approv equipment CIP purchase of the 2024 caterpillar 305 mini excavator um U is approved purchase and installation of new fuel management system and W is approved conditional offer of employment for Aon gtis I believe um police officer and we really hope that works out we have been trying to hire our 15th officer for years two or three years and so we're really um hoping this works out and that Aaron will be able to join our department very soon is there a motion to approve all those and I'm not going to repeat them all um a um consent agenda items they'll move thank you Miss Lacy is there a second second thank you Miss McGregor all those in favor signify with i i i all those opposed motion passes and then we have um number V I think it's go ahead um I just had a question if when we reject it what happens if the school does not reject their portion of it and then the new bidding process how that's going to work out yes do do we want to go over this right now now okay um yeah so the school let their bids for their project um the base the the parent low Bas bidder the alternates that affect our water main project weren't the lowest alternates uh so both Thor and the city are recommending uh rejection the school is evaluating that yet this week we'll hear back from the school by the end of the week if they reject or if they accept their bid we will have a separate project that'll just be the failer and the city portion of the water main and then the school will go along with the apparent little base bidder um so a little bit more coordination Gary and I have have talked to um uh the superintendent there and have said you know it probably would make sense to reject the school bid have it be all one project uh and then coordinate it that way um there're still I think going through the bids they're quite complex so um we will see what they'll happen but but either way we should reject ours because our portion was significantly over the engineers estimate all right thank you so with that is there then a motion to approve which is rejecting approved but rejecting the West Tonka School City of an interest a water main project update so moved thank you is there a second second thank you U Miss McGregor made that motion and Miss refkin second of that any further questions hearing none all those in favor signify with i i all those opposed motion passes 550 so next we're moving on to a public hearing this is our 2025 fee schedule and we will be adopting this ordinance it's number 495 adopting the 2025 fee schedule I'll give this to Brian again please yes uh thank thank you Madame May and Council and this also is an item that we've been talking about for the past several months in conjunction with the budget process so um the reason it has to be in public hearing is there's a few of the fees in there that technically need a public hearing per our City attorney so um obviously some of the main highlights um this just on page 22 222 of the packet and then the subsequent about 10 pages um and everything that's being changed had the the red um highlight and strike through and then the new amount um but the changes were with the uh the water rates due to you obviously some of our um upcoming water projects driving that um the uh sewer rate um some of the the Met Council fees increasing so we've got that we discussed what during our work sessions as well as um the recycling fee with our Waste Management contract um otherwise there's some more changes for the land use fees with the uh engineer and the um attorney that are pretty inflationary and like I said maybe I'll stand for any questions from Council and you know we to open it up for the public hearing and then adopt a couple items after that if there's once everything's been discussed Council questions comments okay so this is also a public hearing for this is there anybody here this evening that has questions or wishes to comment on our 2025 proposed um fee schedule don't be shy okay all right going once going twice all right so I'm going to close the public hearing for the um fee schedule and take it back to council we didn't have questions we've gone over some of this before is there a motion to adopt ordinance number 494 adopting the 2025 fee schedule and then we also need uh to adopt um approve the publication of ordinance number 494 by title and summary I do need a four fist vote on that one any questions comments are we all in agreement on this because if so we can do this and one motion then adopting ordinance number 494 and approving the publication of ordinance number 494 by title and summary so much thank you m McGregor is there a second second thank you Mr vickri all those in favor signify with i i i all those opposed motion passes by vote thank you so next our business item all right I bet most of you are here for that so this is how this is going to work I'm going to give uh staff their we're going to do a quick overview of the application and of of the agenda item and then um we're going to I'll open it up to the public if you're here you would like to make some comments I'm going to ask number a couple things you have to come to the podium please state your name and full address clearly we need that for the record and I'm going to give you just a few minutes we have a lot of people here um so please be succinct please try not to be repetitive if possible um um we want to make sure that nobody falls asleep including us up here just kidding um but I also want to make a note and let you all know that we have received all of your letters and your emails they've been in our packet we also had a stack and they've been sent to us we've read them can assure you that we have read all of them and um we are taking everything that everybody has said into consideration so having said that I'm going to hand it over to Mr AEL thank you uh Madame mayor members of council so this is a interm use permit application uh to operate a boat repair and outdoor commercial boat storage business uh there's two properties on sunnyfield uh Road North uh that are listed in your packet there uh council's obviously well aware of the history and how we got to this point so I won't get into too much detail but a broad overview uh the properties were uh sold and purchased back in September of 2023 shortly they after uh they began operating the business on the site uh the previous Property Owners uh lived on site and operated a garbage hauling business on there since uh as best as people can tell me the early to mid 70s um so shortly after the property was purchased and they were using this new business uh on the the property the city did receive a formal code enforcement complaint regarding the change of use of the property and so as per City policy we follow up with code enforcement complaints verified the change in use and then uh made notification that uh they had two options given uh the the operation that was being used on site one being to cease use of that operation because it did not conform with city code uh the other option being apply for an interterm use permit and hence that's where we are here this evening they have applied for an interm use permit to operate that business currently there's uh roughly around 70 miscellaneous boats jet skis trailers and other uh vehicles on the site being stored there and uh what their uh the applicant is asking for is an interm use permit to be able to operate uh that business on site and store uh boats there as such so the council um does um for for an interm use permit we do allow those in the agriculturally zoned properties which this property is zoned that but um that is if it's deemed appropriate by city council so this is not a specific use that is called out in city code that is allowed in an agricultural property so it it's up to you as Council to deem whether it is appropriate or not for this specific use on this specific two pieces of property uh as pointed out in the packet there's a number of things that the council uh needs to look at when deeming it appropriate just a few highlevel uh General things to think about VI Visual and aesthetic impact it has on in the neighborhood uh looking at conditions for health and safety environmental impacts those those sorts of things public infrastructure and and also as part of that would be the the public cost if any given this operation and what that might look like in the future the Planning Commission did uh review this application and held a public hearing at their October meeting uh they took P public comment uh much of the written comment of course from that meeting all of that is included in your packet as well um they did vote with a 43 vote to recommend approval um of the iup at that time there was however uh an email from a a planning commissioner that went to the mayor and city council that uh originally voted in favor of the request but as you can saw from her email she has uh changed her her position on it and explains why in her email that email was also included as part of your packet as well so that's part of the the record uh with that email staff has prepared a resolution uh for your uh viewing this evening uh the the resolution would be a recommendation of denial of the iup given the public comment some of the concerns that were brought up at the public hearing there are five uh findings that are listed with great detail in the resolution and also in the staff report again high high level uh look at the headlines there uh bigest being inconsistent with our comprehensive plan looking at the zoning of the property in the neighborhood character as I mentioned there's some environmental concerns as pointed out in your packet there's some significant wetlands in the area that cause for concern uh a couple of the other ones visual uh impact on the neighborhood and then traffic and in the infrastructure impact this would have um as we all know sunnyfield road is a gravel road um there's obviously increased traffic uh size of boats and those sorts of things that have been brought up as concerns uh throughout this process so um with that uh we have we do resolution as an option for you this evening and can stand for any questions thank you I I think I'm going to hold questions from the council until after we hear from our residents um and then we're going to close it to the public for comments and take it back to the council I will um I will have I have one more thing to say we did get a request um as you know we um entertained or we we listen to the public at our um November 18th meeting and at the request of the applicant we moved it to the December 2nd meeting and the applicant was here at that meeting um and didn't say anything yay or for or against that um the next morning they sent um a an email requesting it to be moved to the end of January um I'm not inclined to do that but it is a council decision if the council wishes to move this again um delay it again um that would be a council decision staff had to put it on the agenda because that was a motion by the council it was Council directive we uh staff did not have any ability to remove it from the agenda so is there any desire to move this to the end of January I don't think we need to move it okay no no okay thank you I just wanted to clarify that with that then um is the applicant present would the applicant like to start out and make any comments okay um so with that um we're going to start out we'll start out on this side um Mr Christian your first thank you mayor way um you do need to come to the thank you mayor way and we do need unfortunate because I know and have had the opportunity to work with you do need to State your name and address please okay sorry uh for those of you that I don't know my name is Bob Christians uh 6440 Cedar Court North Saunders I am a resident and have been resident of Minista for 35 years uh I moved here 35 years ago from Woodbury the reason I did is because we wanted to live on the lake like many people I think here that move to Minista or the West TKA area they moved to this area because obviously minaka lake is one of the nicest Lakes you'll find in Minnesota okay now in addition to that uh of Once Upon a Time sitting in your chair uh I'm also uh have been a member of the West TKA Community Commerce for uh a number of years and currently on the board of directors as been on the board of directors it is our responsibility and commitment to work with businesses as the saying goes locally support the business locally okay uh many of the people that live here in Minista moved here because of being close to the lake or being able to use the lake and most of them a lot of them have Vats they need to store them someplace during the winter not during the summer but in the spring and in the fall tanka automarine has done an amazing job of servicing these people here in mineta and Mound West Tonka whatever you want to call it okay uh I would be a terrible terrible mistake not to prove this not only to harm them shoot them if you might say but also the residents of Minista who have boats that moved here because of the lake and because of things like taka automarine where they can store them for the summer so I'm asking you and I know my three minutes are probably being close to being up but I'm asking you please please please figure out how you can work with them to make something work okay thank you make something work we need them here they're so much for the community you have no idea how much time they put in the city of working with things like Spirit of the Lakes incredible Festival Food shell Pennywise all these places where they done and have donated thousands thousands of dollars to this community to help the community and help the people here within the please work something out make it work thank you Mr Christians um anybody else here in that that Ro wishes to speak just here to listen Okay well I'm I'm going to give everybody one chance to speak so um if you'd like to speak now please come forward yeah my name is Pete Goran I I've also been here for 35 years um I live at 1350 Blair Road um we've got a nice little area uh in that Nick of the woods there are um other small businesses they seem to maybe be more in an area of 10 acres and it's quiet uh there's not huge traffic on the road but um the uh environment is a big concern the uh low area that's behind the area what can happen I really don't know but um I guess I'd like to to also say that maybe there's a way to work it out but um let's protect our environment so so are you for it or against it pardon me are you for it or against it say I'm against it thank you anybody else in this role good evening excuse me my name is Colin charlson uh minat Trista resident 5749 Sunny Brook Lane um I am barely 35 years old so sorry Bob um I just wanted to really quick speak on the character of the people people involved um I opened a business in Mound and moved to minat Trista in 2008 uh some of the first people I met were Steve and Kelly um which at that point operating their business in Spring Park um they've been an instrumental part of our community um Kelly and I were involved in actually starting West H community and commerce our local Chamber of Commerce at the time and they've done nothing but try and help our community and I understand and appreciate some of the concerns but I also think it's perspective to think about what was and now what is um for those of you that don't know what used to operate at this site was a Rubbish Company a garbage company and the poovak family again amazing Community supporters and friends love them keep in mind from a road use standpoint these individuals will use this road for about a month in the fall maybe two and a month maybe 45 days in the spring as they REM boats from Storage the prior use was a garbage company a hul out rolloff company that was up and down that road every day with 30,000 pound truck maybe I don't know uh perhaps Steve or Kelly could comment on what an average boat they H weighs um so the road use issue for me is not a big one it's a road I use often I walk on often I live less than a half a mile from there um and I love that area um the other thing of note you can see where things are being stored there now because there was literally garbage containers stored in the trees if you'd ever walked that property prior well they've cleaned that side up um I had walked that property prior there was old truck stored old garbage truck stored um those have all been removed by the applicant and so I would just ask you guys to consider the Alternatives the Alternatives is that this business leaves minat Trista and goes somewhere else and so I just encourage you to consider that as you make your decision tonight thank you thank you Mr cullins um the next rooll good evening Mike tinger 1305 Blair Road I shouldn't be here I looked into this in September at 23 I talked to I think his name was Adam he showed me the map long as the people live here might better go okay great welcome I'm in I go to the planning I get a letter saying somebody's complained and I look into it and find out do we have zero permits pulled anybody know I think it's close to zero oh I got to get my disclaimer in here I'm retired so I don't want to be you know liable for for this stuff I also don't want to be liable for their business their business and what they've expanded to already and the other things that they talk about and don't talk about they're an auto repair shop if you go on their website it says Tonka Auto and Marine and it has welcome to all of our people with their new vehicles at the new address of sunnyfield road we never talked about that at any planning Mission it isn't on the IU uh I yeah it's not on there either so now we're going to bring Autos out there too I can't afford I'm retired to lose $100,000 on my property value how the hell sorry how am I going make that up because if they expand out on that property we've got nine people that are here with signed letters that's a million dollars to finance them coming in and and tearing out trees and tearing out uh add aggregate moving more dir than Min haa Water Creek District allows without a permit there's no permit there either that I can find in closing people that just came up here they don't live 1500 ft away one of them I had on my thing at 1.7 miles the other one I don't know about but of the five letters that are here three of them don't live anywhere close one's an employee with no address all four of the five never gave their address in this paperwork we're aware of that so I want to try and be a little more succinct here we yeah we know know yeah we know i' like to point that out that I don't know maybe they are good people right but have them in their neighborhood if they love them so much okay thank thank you thank you all right um anybody else over here um we kind of go down the road okay anybody in the on the back wall there okay yeah I'm gonna get to you in just a second okay go ahead sure Kelly gisby Cohen the applicant um at the Planning Commission I gave you um 116 1161 West way outa Boulevard our PE box are Tonka Auto Marine is PO Box 40 in Mound it might be um an easier address for you guys so um I'm going to start I'm going to try to keep this short but I do have a lot to go on over just because I am the applicant so um but just super quick so we know who I could um help address any questions or concerns to um in regards to staff which staff um prepared the report so if I have a specific question which sure yeah me yeah yeah okay I just I didn't know because I hadn't corresponded a lot um um I think it was with or was that you living anyways um I want to provide some quick background about the business and additional background just so you guys know we've been proud residents of this community my husband and I for 20 and 30 years respectively um we lived in Mound we lived in Minista now on the border of Minista we've stayed in the west honka School School District the entire time and we're short distance from sunnyfield um and as mentioned my husband's on site almost daily back in 2009 we started this business um during the recession we started it from the ground up with virtually no money wondering sometimes where our meals were going to come from we didn't take a vacation in four years maybe a day off was a holiday it was six seven days a week 80 or 90 hours a week so this thing is very near and dear to us um back in 2005 I had acquired Island Park Skelly that is our sole auto repair shop um people want to disagree on marketing that's totally fine um but anybody's welcome to come out and see that that repair shop is not fit or does not have the equipment for any automobiles nor is there any intention of doing it no desire for that that's over at over in Mound um and then in the beginning of 21 or 22 we made a strategic decision to downsize the Marine side of our business focusing on not only reducing the size of the boats but narrowing our scope on our customer base um and as part of this transition we sold our semi our large hydraulic trailer and now the average boat is in the mid 20s that we service um before we did a lot of probably mid-30s and up and I just don't want to do that anymore um as we're all well aware in the agricultural Zone in Minista there's many businesses including um concrete companies asphal companies outdoor storage both storage landscaping companies doc companies uh construction companies all of this sort of thing uh directly to the east of us is a size do company and just a few hundred feet to the north of us is another established Commercial Business on sunnyfield road um so I would say any assertion that this use is entirely out of place is factually incorrect and does not reflect the character or the existing uses within the surrounding area in fact in 2013 not very far from here I purchased a property in Minista or six and a half acres that was utilized for outdoor storage with minimal screening we continued that use um during our ownership upon selling it the proper just a few years ago the current owner now um likewise has maintained that for outdoor storage the adjacent property is a landscaping company and right down the road is an ass company additionally a member of the council resides on that same road where the businesses are located all which fall within that agricultural zone so it kind of demonstrates a precedence of business operations within this zoning classification which we feel contributes to the economic and practical use of these properties as stated in the PC meeting the two sunnyfield properties have been continuously used for commercial outdoor storage and mechanical repair for approximately 60 years in fact I actually just learned they started the business um probably in the 1940s when talking with a previous owner just Rec so this is an existing lot of of record with continued commercial use that that did not cease to exist um at any time now it's our understanding that after request for consideration of any applicant that the city council would engage in discussion to direct staff according to the council's decision however it appears that the city staff has taken it upon themselves to already determine the outcome according to the agenda we've noted this bias and presumptuous manner that the report was written and I'm going to provide you with factual information to the contrary of the UN substantiated opinion after the Planning Commission had a healthy conversation with a lot of great questions asked information shared they did recommend approval of the iup with conditions the most two dis um the two most discussed ones were screening and limiting the number of units which we take absolutely zero issue with um the tent has for us has always been to clean up the property first get the dead disease trees all the junk and everything out of there all the overgrowth and then to improve on what was there but we have to clean it first before we can do that because frankly it was garbage um too much of it uh traffic and noise something that I don't know how many people are truly aware of um is that when the city put the road in on sunnyfield it was actually constructed in an incorrect location so we own 25 ft on the east side of that road um so on the opposite side of that road so given that we hold ownership of a portion of of that land on the east side of the road we have the ability to to clear um a section across from the shop um that would give us the capability to address any necessary adjustments or maintain accessibility or usability um for that portion we have not done it we would prefer to get council's feedback on that before we would do any of those things um then in comparison to the previous company operating our use of the road is significant reduced as is the noise generated by the vehicles we have a single on ton dually diesel that's the only diesel truck we have otherwise we have a 2500 that we've used um we did purchase an F550 but that will eventually replace the the other diesel uh so we do not have large diesel trucks dump trucks or rolloff trucks which again traveled there on a daily basis throughout the year in fact from I would say late after October early November depending on weather to Mid spring we virtually have no traffic because it would just be employee traffic and it's very reduced at that maybe one or two employees kind of coming and going um regarding vehicle size so people can kind of put all this in context a full smaller garbage truck can weigh 50,000 a larger garbage truck can weigh 65,000 pound and of course those are full um from the research that I did a standard tandem axle rolloff truck which is standard equipment no box no anything else on it is probably anywhere from 14 to 16 and a half th000 pounds the boxes themselves a 20 yard box is 5 to 6,000 PBS a 30 yard box is 8 to 10,000 pounds that's when they're full but the boxes themselves will weigh about 5 to 6,000 pounds so this ranges from 25,000 pounds to 35,000 pound so these are standard vehicles on those roads on a daily basis we have one larger boat that's it they've been a customer since day one that's probably would come up to close to the $20,000 or 20,000 20,000 pound limit that's it so the majority of the boats that we handle are around 7,000 lb maybe half a dozen might be in the 12 to 15 somewhere in that par ballpark but to make that relevant a 7,000 lb boat on a trailer is the same as a Chevy 25 00 a GMC 2500 and F250 um so so suggesting that our operations cause greater damage than the routine use of the Road by the garbage trucks dump trailers or rolloffs it's just factually inaccurate and unsupported by any evidence so additionally we also comply with spring and fall road restrictions um including specific rules such as holiday weekends afternoon you can't haul oversized load which really don't have but we don't even like to do it ourselves even with a regular one we're just not interested in dealing with the traffic um so I feel that this really shows a reduced impact on the roadway infrastructure compared to the garbage company another item at the Planning Commission meeting that was determined was the noise in question was brought to atten was our Bobcat when it backed up the beeping that is there for um safety and insurance purposes so while I struggle to understand how you can distinctly hear that noise when you're over two football fields away across the swamp that's fine we still address the issue my husband contacted uh Mr Wy and told him we've muffled it we're still compliant with our insurance and everything else we need to do if you continue to hear the noise or it's an issue please reach out to us um since that conversation we've had zero contact UM or say Z communication from him another noise concern that was raised after the PC meeting was the presser washer I want to clarify this is an electric be we don't have half an hour here please bear with us super important there's correct information there may have been but it would have been good had you sent this to us prior to tonight I was advised to present it tonight I I I understand can you what how much longer are you going to go and what else do you need to go over um I am not that much longer I okay so I can skip that electric pressure wash I was just going to tell you where that really sits with noise level and why it's not a concern you have our hours of operation so I will skip over that um but the consider amount of cleanup we've done just to keep this in perspective we all want the same thing that we have remove diesel tanks another gas tank multiple tires have been recycled scrap medeval has been recycled a boat is a sealed unit presenting no risk of leaking or environmental contamination and by very nature Vats have to be watertight and secure to be permitted on the Lakes so any concern um in contrary to that would just disregard the fundamental requirement for the functionality um fluids came up all of our fluids if anything is drained out of a boat is taken off site nothing is stored on site we take it to our other shop and use it for fuel oil uh in regards to the screening we um we did we took down a lot of junk trees we had every intention of um not doing that we had to do that um we've already started the process of transplanting Three Trees which was not advised so we've transplanted three probably 20 to 30 foot tall pine trees for more screening we started doing a BM uh on the west portion and I'm going to give you guys very relevant photos I want to show you to go over as people are discussing them and I won't take your time explaining all of them I will they are what it look like when theats are there perfect and thank you you can see contrary to staff's report the areas remain the same and the use has not gotten so we do want to screen we want to continue screening we want to work with the people around us to get that done um Mr Wy said he would give us a call in 3 weeks when all the we are down to come and see what he's seeing so we can figure out how we can do this we have not heard from him in there you will see photos and I wrote on the back of some of them where the view is and whose property we're looking at so you can see what we're talking about sorry I know you don't have an overhead otherwise I would have put on there for you so that's just jumping over some of that um and one of the big properties in question why we have 1300 ft of a budding property line 180 ft of it is potentially what they see for boats because we marked it off so the other quick things is I want to note is both properties with the homes closest to us one wrote a letter in support the other one knew before he was selling the business or the property well was going on neither one of them have a concern with what we are doing I'd also like to note that Mike tinger was well aware what was going to be going on on this property prior to the sale he was over at the bovia with us conversation yeah right that's and to address a correction on that because he's also asked us to work on his vote so um we've addressed all of that I one of the things to like I said we don't we don't want to get biger we have no issue with that and if for whatever reason it was a turn of events we'd look for a different location we're not interested in being bigger than what you see currently in those photos so um I'd also like to make note of a record we got two verbal words of support today from the davises and the nickols both on game far morome one is in New York City and one is at a hockey game they could not be here but gave us permission to tell you that they are in full support of this inuse perit so well I'm not going to repeat some of the other stuff that maybe Bob has touched on what we've done for the community this is our livelihood this is how we pay for our bills this is how we afford to send our kids to Our Lady of the Lake like this is our harp of the dedication we have to this community we don't take this lightly is it unfortunate it came about in this Ro yes nobody wanted I don't want to spend money on attorneys and I know the city doesn't so I really hope the city understands what this means to us like we lose this we lose our livelihood this isn't a joke to us we have every intention of working with the city and since they've been in contact the communication has not been an issue so so we're going to ex respectfully ask the council to extend us the same consideration respect and opportunity for the collaboration that has been afforded to other businesses within the agricultural Zone and want you to know that we are committed to working together with the council to address these concerns just as it has been done with other similar businesses so I cut that real short if you have any questions about which photos or which I can answer them super quick for you and Council any questions we can always come back to you too okay thank you all right um anybody else over here that wishes to make a comment I think this lady on come come please come forward and then and then next okay hi my name is krie Fise and I'm one of those people that wrote a letter and didn't put my address on it so I am an employee of tonado marine and I've been an employee of tonado marine since April 2017 um my son now is a Val member of this business and tonato Marine has been essential part of our lives and it would be devastating for our family if the business were forced to close due to the misinformation surrounding it as a single mother of three I'm just basically reading my letter that I wrote just so everybody could hear it so as a single mother three I Rely heavily on the flexibility that tonato a marine has provided allowing me to balance my work and family responsibilities over the years the company has not only provided a steady income but also the rare opportunity to bring my children to work when needed this flexibility has been crucial in supporting my family and I'm incred incredibly grateful for the understanding and support the company has shown Tonka is a small business and its impact on my family cannot be overstated the support and flexibility extended To Us by tanka has enabled me to continue providing for my children and to maintain a sense of stability if the company were to shut down it would have a catastrophic effect on our livelihood and my family's wellbeing I respectfully ask that any claims or concerns regarding the company be carefully considered and based on accurate information for us ton AWA Marine is far more than just a place of employment it's a Lifeline its closure would have far-reaching consequences not only for my family but for others who depend on the company as well thank you for your time thank you um anybody else gentleman in the back hi guys my name is Brian Johnson and I'm actually an AB budding property owner I have property at 6690 Game Farm Road and 6570 Game Farm Road and um I've been a believe it or not a resident of mound in Minista since 1980 so I guess that's like 44 years hard to believe on the lake and in the farm country of Minista we're I where we are we're just we're just beyond Hilltop School uh the first gentleman that spoke that's a hard act to follow and Colin as well but I wholeheartedly agree with both of them what they're saying is absolutely it's right on it's it's it's so true it seems to me um we have a lot we have a we have a huge Woods uh we bought 10 acres from Steve Martin The Original ostrich Farm famous and uh JY bought the other 10 and Rick blackoak bought the top 20 the North 20 that's the property that was re that was recently sold for the for the boat operation and I can honestly say I didn't even know they were there it's like it's like there is nothing generated there's no noise there's no there's no nothing I didn't there's no traffic and while you can think all these things are terrible and be worried about about what damage it could possibly do to the swampland or whatever these are boats half of the people in this room if not more have a boat sitting on a trailer in their yard in their yard somewhere this is what we all do this is why we live here and boat is part of the neighborhood and and basically they're doing a great job when it was blackoaks who are our garbage people and your garbage people but we all know that running a garbage business is not the cleanest operation in the world you don't brag about it these people have gone in uh Kelly and Steve and and I've heard that they've been they've been cleaning up they spent all the time since they got there cleaning up the property improving the property and from a planning point of view it seems like rather than I I don't see how you could possibly want to cut this off but you could give them a direction say in in in maintaining the the continuation of of the temporary permit or of the whatever um give us a plan of how how you're going to modify the property further just tell us you know what what what can you do to put up buffers and whatever CU from my property um I guess it would be like 1,500 a th000 feet or something to their property I I can't even see it there's nothing out there but trees and woods and it's so it's so heavily forested that you can't even when I go there the deer all look at me and ask why I'm back there because I think through our property is the only way you can get to that property you can't really even get there from the sunny field side obviously you can come in to the to the old operation from that side but there's so much land and trees it it's like I think you could make an accommodation and if you needed them to come up with a plan to do uh Harbor VY and buffering on the backside where it's more open or whatever I'm sure they could they would be able to do that it's not going to happen overnight but they can have kind of a longer term plan to take care of that so I'm obviously in favor of maintaining their their permanent operation thank you all right um is there anybody else over here otherwise I'm gonna move over here thank you that's for last no um you're probably not last not of history in this room Gary I'm the Mason that lives on sunnyfield North and East that always call you about nice to meet you in person I live at 6605 sunnyfield Road was it which is adjacent to the property in question uh we've lived out there sorry Bob 37 years I beat all of you I beat you 39 years oh yeah almost 40 anyway we love it out there and I just want to say you know people talk about the environment well Bobak's property was contaminated Kelly and Steve has cleaned up their property the Buckthorn is thick through that place and it's you know if you want to use it you gotta you know clear out that Buckthorn but anyway what I want to say about traffic have you ever sat there I have told the police officer sit my driveway and watch the kids the kids in the school buses use that rule consistently more than I've ever seen Kelly in the her company use but kaks were up and down yes I found a lot of Nails in my tire you know and that happens you know and road restrictions but as far as I'm concerned Kelly and Steve have been real respectful they've asked Mark and I about what can we do and you know let us know if anything but you know is happening or whatever and they've been very polite and all I see out there is the shop from next door you know I live out there so for so long that it's just part of the the scenery you know you just you get still see the deer and coyotes and everything else and for the environment like I say boats you have to drain and clean them all up that I don't was know the concern now my mortgage company at one time said we had to get flood zone Insurance it'd have to rain 40 days 40 nights before that water would even come up because it's right in the corner and yes Kelly pointed out the street is Mis lined years ago when Mr Johnson your property owned by Steve Martin where did you leave well we have that half acre that he sued us for to get an easement to your property and at the council at that time said oh he wanted ostriches and the council said at that time well why do you think we named a Game Farm Road you could have the ostriches on there and I'm like really and there was concerned because of the danger they could provide if they got out to the school were just Hilltop down the road well let's get back toway okay anyway but I just great information nice to know um I can probably give you a whole lot more history than you can but I'm not going to do that tonight anyway I you know I'm for Kelly and Steve because like you said they're respective and they are very concerned about environment and safety of everybody right all right um anybody else this gentleman first and then then you I'm Han Ford ice I'm car's dad I live at 6371 Bartlett Boulevard in Mound and I just want to test uh yeah carry is a single parent uh the character and integrity and the business sense of serving the community that Stephen Kelly bring flows through to serving their employees it's big deal it's uh Carrie was working in the corporate world and you don't have the flexibility when the kid's sick or the and the big corporate politics uh uh some kind of Weston's not feeling good I gotta pick him up from school she can it's not a big deal and uh doctor appointments and all that having that flexibility is huge also too it's been encouraging her to grow this past year Carrie studied and pass her real estate license thanks to Kelly Kelly has been mentoring her so not only serve the community big time they serve their employees and they're a tremendous asset to the community thank you thank you um anybody else okay uh my name is Greg Becker I live at 5760 Sunny Brooklyn I'm about a half mile from the site um known Steve and Kelly for five or six years now um and my boat is on that site and I uh I only wanted to make a few comments I moved here about 14 years ago from South indanapolis used to live lyen Hills like a lot of people the reason I live here is the quality of life the reason I live here is boating the first boat that I bought was from Reax and Rogers it's a publicly traded company it's about an hour drive when I would have to get it service there's a local shop that's now a mile from my house the owner's phone numberers in my phone when I've got a problem I can call them and it is just a fantastic way to keep my money and the quality of life local the other piece I'm sitting here I didn't know much about this meeting before yesterday but I biked on that road have for years I'm confused when I used to walk and Bike by a garbage dump you could smell from a half mile away how that in some possible world is better or equivalent to to what is there now it looks dramatically different in the year they've owned it from cleaning it up and so I I'm honestly just confused not seeing what you guys see in the idea to shut a business down and force me to to take my business someplace else is uh it it's heartbreaking so thank you um all right next up hold on wait we got two people coming all right I'll make it quick I'm just one of these uh 35 year pests I live at 6475 sunnyfield road which is literally a nine iron and a putt from the property um I'm not even a golfer I could probably make it with a sand wedge um but uh I thought once bovc moved out of there it was going to be get some pece you know all you don't have to listen to the beep beep garbage trucks backing up I think might have just been last night night it was night before you hear a boat fired up at 7 or 8:00 at night and you know I got a pond in my backyard I shut it off a few weeks ago because it's winter and and all a sudden now you still hear boats in you know going into the winter and uh and it's like that in the spring and uh I don't have a problem with uh the boats going up and down the road that's not doesn't seem to be a problem but uh the eyesore if you're coming down Sunny Field North from the North End you look down that hill and you see that sea down there it's it's an isore uh it's a when I bought my property Back in ' 88 I was told that I was living in the 2020 plan which means what four years ago they were going to consider mult multiple you know High dense housing in that area now you got this business in there that's over what 20 acres I'm not sure how much land it's on but um it's a residential area and the I knew the black kaks were grandfathered in but I don't know how if you can pass that grandfather to another business or not I don't what the rules are there but uh it's an ey sore and an ear sore and I'd ask any one of you people in the council to if you'd like to see that within a stone throw of your property thank you thank you uh hello Jim Samuelson I live at 11:05 sunnyfield Road and I've already sent letter so I don't want you to tell my perspective but when I look through the materials I think there's two emails you didn't get one from uh Dan butter 1025 uh his picture view his picture window went from viewing a very nice set of woods to now a line of votes and he's not in favor of an interim use you should have that email or it was sent to Nick Olson a couple of days ago another one came from John Stein from uh 10:15 sunnyfield Road um he's got a bad cold so he sent me the email that he sent to Nick if he sent it in we have it you do have it he sent it we have Dan we have his email oh you do okay good um and then C uh let me see Don didn't send it until about just before seven o'clock because he's got a bad this evening oh yeah then we don't have oh then we don't have it okay not yet yeah yeah but it's in it's in your email I can read it to you John Stein 1015 sunnyfield Road my concerns are lack of getting permits prior to opening using both properties for storage and auto business only one property had a business that was the one bovc was only right um what chemicals are being used and storage for washing boats Etc what precautions are being taken if stored what about Auto leaks groundwater concerns with removal of trees and adding fill the view has changed that was John's comment thank you thank you thank you okay hello I'm Pete Wy 1250 game firm Circle I've spoken at the Planning Commission meeting in the last meeting this time just just I mean the letters do such a good job of providing the perspective of why people like me are opposed to this permit going through so I just wanted to end with one high level comment um the reason that we moved out here we we lived in minetonka for five years it took us five years to find a place that we wanted to live we came here because this is like the most beautiful place we've ever seen I mean the whole area that we live in is like a park I mean thinking about the kids who who read their you know if if I could be mayor it's the beauty of meneta and you know when we moved here I thought the place looks like a park and you know for the people that are are in favor of it that don't see anything well great for you but for me and the other eight people who are against it our views have been eviscerated and to go to go from you know 360 degree panorama to seeing you know this huge mass of shrink wrecked boats on your property it's it's a disaster and I'm asking you guys to help us protect Minista to keep at the beautiful place that it is because this boat operation is completely it's an eyesore and it's ruining our beautiful place to live thank you thank you any can I speak okay can you make it quick sorry my name is Tyler Emery and I live on P Road and I am good friends with stepen Kelly and I've lived in Minista my whole entire life well my own Minista um I'm an avid Outdoorsman so Steve and Kelly have invited me to hunt on their property which is obviously something we can do when we're bow hunting and I would just like to say that when I'm out there in my deer stand in between the wly property and the Cohen property um I can't see much of the boats from the wood line and I'm right on the edge of the swamp so as far as that goes I don't understand what the concern is there maybe they see a little bit more than I do but my big concern would be everybody moves out in the country because they want a peace and quiet and a piece of property well all I hear is people's dogs barking constantly I mean I've heard on all the surrounding Pro properties for hours on end and if that isn't annoying I don't know what would be but I think we agree that that's annoying it's very annoying I have a neighbor to my North that has a dog that barks all the time you need to contact the police people have and nothing gets done about it so what I'm saying is it's not just one property it's multiple properties I have dogs I have neighbors that have dogs be respectful of your neighbors and shut your dog up I don't hear that out there there's a lot of barking I think we agree Mr Emory but that's not the issue here anyways sorry what I want to say is I think that Steve and Kelly have taken every measure to be respectful of the property the land the people surrounding it they're trying to run a business we move to places and we do the best we can so that we can have a livelihood sure okay and you know what when it's private property sometimes people got to deal with it if you don't want to look at stuff moved to South Dakota thank you thank you all right um one last time anybody else wishing to speak or have a comment or questions anybody else okay morning uh my name is Paul of sway I live at 6385 sunnyfield Road East uh I was one of the people that sent a letter in with my wife we moved from London we can to come and we love our home we love our neighbors and just to see what's going on there is heartbreaking for me and I personally um I'm also concerned I'm near retirement I run a small business and I'm also concern concerned that my property price is going to be impacted by this at some point I'm going to have to sell it and move into old folks home so that's all all I want to say thank you I'm against by the way you're what I'm against it well that's hard to believe um okay um having anybody else have any comments or questions all right so I'm I'm going to close the public comment period right now um so you're going to have to bear with us because we're going to have some discussion here and I'm not going to ask for input of from the public um so please be respect of of respectful to that um I'm going to start out by a couple of things I uh we had a lot of emails and they talked about um Kelly and Steve's um integrity and I know Mr um Colin um you you also referred to their um integrity and their character uh you know if we were to um appoint or um agree or um give con consent to an iup or a um cud it doesn't matter if if the person is has their character or great and wonderful people because we have an ordinance we have an ordinance and it says what factors and what categories we need to base our decision on and we as elected officials have taken an oath to uphold not just the state of Minnesota but also the ordinances and laws in Minista and the ordinances and the and our ordinance does not say that we can take or should take um somebody's character into consideration as much as you would like to and we would like to do that we would say oh these are upstanding citizens that's not a category or a that we can use to approve or deny if we like them or don't like them that is not something we can use to approve or deny this application the other thing I've heard tonight too is they service our community maybe they do but what I've heard is they service our community by donating and being great people that's wonderful and I don't think we're questioning that and we would encourage them to continue do that but that also is not a category or of on which we need to base or on which we should base our um decision on what we need to do is we need to look at the facts we need to look at the noise the glare the odor the zoning the character of the neighborhood the um how how does this impact of joining Property Owners how does it impact the community as a whole those are the things that we have to consider we cannot consider whether we like the Kelly or not whether they allow us to go hunting on their property or not as much as that as nice as that is those are not the categories on which we have to base our decision the other thing I want to say is I've lived here almost 40 years so I beat all of you except for Mr Johnson so having said that um I oh You' been longer okay almost um it it doesn't matter how long we've lived here it really doesn't matter how long we've lived here we all know why we came here and we came here for various reasons maybe because you're close to the lake maybe because you you like to be out in the country maybe you wanted a larger parcel maybe it's a beautiful parcel it's a beautiful city and yes it is for whatever reason you moved out here it's irrelevant to our it's not generic to this discussion your reasons for moving here have to be pertinent to the reasons that we have to take into consideration for this application one of the things I did this afternoon is I thought okay if they're only going to be doing storage how much is that going to generate for their business probably not that much they're talking about a 100 boats being stored here first of all that's a lot of boats and if you look right right now at the area photos right now there's only about 40 or 60 boats there right now now think about nearly doubl that that's a concern that we as a council have to address and we have to look at that are they a good business for the community or for the larger Community yes do they have to do it here in this location do they have to that's the question um but the other thing is the forite said if they are not allowed to store these bolts on this property that now they will be forced to close their business that's hard to believe when you do the numbers and you run the numbers how much do you generate from 100 boats of storage Miss gpie if you care to answer that question thank you yeah so these are the things that we have to look at is it z now I just want to make one another comment because I think there's some misconception that one that there's a lot of cups or iups on Sunny field on West Branch I don't think there's as many as what was provided here tonight um what was said here tonight so we don't just willy-nilly hand out iups or cups um for for properties and I'm not aware of in the last 10 years that we have done more than one on Sunny field can you think of so um and every application every application is different and there's different considerations to make no application no two applications are Al like there's different circumstances there's different um areas there's different properties there's different I mean things are different there's no two applications that are alike so even if the council had awarded a cup or an iup to one property that doesn't say that we have to do it for every other application we have to look at each application in and of itself and we have to rule on the merits of that application based on our ordinances so having said that we need to look at zoning we need to look at character of the neighborhood how does this affect neighboring properties how will this even affect the city itself how are we going to monitor this how are we going to pay for monitoring how are we going to address the road issues should they become one this the black kaks were there for over 60 years got to realize lit Trista wasn't even a city 60 years ago we were we became a statutory a city back in the early 70s 60 years is puts you back back in the 50s okay early 60s um so they weren't even EST statutory a city there were no regulations there were no no ordinances at the time and that's why they were grandfathered in because they had started their business prior to these ordinances and and rules going into account what we've done over the years over the past 24 years that I've sat here we have tried to fix if you will things that are out of compliance so if a if a home comes for a um for a permit and it's out of compliance we have to look at it if there's any way we can bring it into compliance we do so because the last thing we want is to kind of repeat ourselves and continue the the repetitiveness of something that's out of compliance if we can bring it into compliance we do that but that's not the number one reason or for or against this application I'll have Council weigh in and ask your questions and make your comments thank you well this does concern me I I think that um as you say kak um doesn't mean that that we should continue to serve or have that property be used in a way that um is not in keeping with the rest of the area and um I think that the fact that they don't live on the property um these properties I understand the agricultural area you have to live on the property and then have your business there too so that concerns me as well anything else um I I heard first of all uh I've lived here for 60 years and I've heard Kelly Gillespie's name many many times in this community as far as being an incredibly influential generous and wonderful person um and I believe that to be true she has a lot of support here and um she's been a wonderful person in the community um I've heard many of you speak out and say um can we work together and you know uh have we taken every measure and what I think you are unaware of is the Extreme Measures this Council has taken and the city has taken into communicate with Miss Gillespie um on these matters um I we sent letters to I think five different addresses we sent certified letters I believe I don't know if it was Mr Abel or um who someone from the city actually drove out to the property um to try to communicate um and I these communications fell on deaf ears it's been over a year so we we didn't we're not not trying to work together we we tried extraord I think we use Extraordinary Measures to try to communicate um and again the city is complaint uh you talk about the bovc no one complain ained about the bov ex had people complained I think the city would have done something but people weren't comp maybe they wanted to like the gentleman with the barking dogs if you don't complain nothing gets done but we've had many complaints and again there's a difference between um the wonderful things that they do with their business and now going out in your backyard and looking at plastic covered boats I if all of you are looking at that same thing you might feel differently we have to listen to our constituents that are being affected directly and so um the the paperwork wasn't done the permits were not issued they weren't even I believe applied for in a timely manner so although it's a terrible thing to say this is now where you have to pay the piper if you did didn't go through the proper channels to start your business it's unfortunate if it doesn't you know if there's longtime residents that are affected by it and don't don't appreciate it so I just want you to know we've worked very hard at trying to listen and be compassionate my question is uh for Kelly why did you pick this property instead of the ones that are already zoned commercial there is no first of all it's property Miss kesie can I'm s sorry it's being recorded So we need need you to come to the microphone fine this property actually kind of fell into her lap it was not something we were searching for um through some other transactions we ended up meeting with them um the gentleman that introduced us it wasn't going to fit for him so we took a look at it from my experience and my knowledge you have property that's been operating as commercial with outdoor storage and mechanical I was like this would be a good fit for what we do right not only does it allow us my husband not to spend crazy amounts of time on the road and actually see his children we can be closer to the people that we connect with um in that regard so it wasn't something that it was something that would only you need a certain size you need certain things if you're going to continue to do this business and it all just fell right into place so from our purview it was if you look at the photos I sent the aerial photos um I think it went from 2018 up to 2022 maybe a few more dead trees that we cleared out to get some more of the garbage out but really the size and the use is exactly the same from that aspect um I would like to make a note the minute we I actually got something from million I actually saw a letter that involved the city I got it in an email from my banker and I stated as the minute I got that that's the first time I've ever I ever saw a paper I immediately because I didn't understand exactly what it was saying I sent it um to our attorney and said hey take a look at this prior we don't yes we don't live at the properties I have renters that are that lived there one of them who we eved so we told like if mail went to here we never got it I don't think they I don't know if they sent it to the PO Box I don't have access to my office manag we're gone a good chunk of the year I travel a lot for work I said I didn't get it the minute I got it regardless how and we made this a granite and and you may not like it but that's the that's the facts as soon as I got it I did that do I ever wanted it to get this far absolutely not I don't I don't want to deal with this either at this point why when you bought the property why didn't you apply for an iup then I mean you you were in you were in Mountain City Council correct so you're aware of my experience and my knowledge tells me I am within the purview to continueous same and similar use of outdoor storage it wasn't but a boat and a garbage disposal company are not same and similar you're both storing units Outdoors ours happen to be cleaner not as large lengthwise but so that is the same and similar um use and I spoken with some Council on and stuff like that and after the fact but um and they told me I'm within my perview so it to me if I knew would have known this was as big of a deal it was this it would have never gotten to this point but from what I've been through and what we were taught when from our attorney at the other City it shouldn't have been an issue I apologize it is I don't want it to be hindsight 2020 you can't go back I'm going go back and change it if I could but I can't so that's where I am and that's that's from my experience which is obviously going to probably be different than maybe somebody else's but like I said with when dealing with similar stuff with our city that's what we're always told okay all right um no any comments no questions no okay um so if the council is um wanting to make a motion or to um make a decision on this then um may I ask are you in favor or of approving or in favor of denying because if you're in favor of denying then we need to go through and we need to um we need to um have findings of fact and so like I said before um so that's kind of my question because one um it doesn't mean if we go findings a fact um it's it's this isn't made up this is um it's in an agricultural zoning District um in order to um be approved for this type of use it has to come to the city council because it doesn't meet um so when you have a so for everybody out here when you have um a zoning district and there's certain different there's different ones in our city and when you when you there's certain uses that are allowed in different zoning districts so in the agricultural zoning District I'll give you an example um a Farm Winery is allowed okay it's allowed um it's allowed with a conditional use permit okay don't want to bring that up because we just went through this but that's an allowed use in that in an agricultural zoning District if you wanted to do a horse boarding facility that would be allowed in the agricultural zoning District what's not allowed is this type of Enterprise or a garbage Enterprise which just a second let me I'm not asking for your input at this time no I just had a question I'm just um taking notes so what's not allowed is a garbage collection company which they were there so they were allowed to continue as long as they were continuing as a garbage collection of company okay what's not allowed is to now change it from a garbage collection company to a boat storage company that's not allowed in this zoning it is allowed with the cup or an iup and staff is saying um that but that's at council's discretion in addition to that the council needs to look at the criteria to see if we feel it meets the criterias set forth in our ordinances and that's what I'm asking the council to do we need to look at our ordinance we need to look at the criterias on which we would base our decision for or against this type of use in this zoning District questions so if you look at this and staff has kind of laid it out I think quite clearly that when you look at consistency to the comprehensive plan it's not consistent with the comprehensive plan you look at the zoning it's not consistent with the zoning you look at the noise glare odor electrical and we can argue that this might be better than blackoaks but that's not the issue in front of us the issue in front of us is if this iup application meets our current requirements forget about Black Cox forget about how it impacted or didn't impact the neighbors or that's not the issue that's not the question that we're addressing tonight we are addressing whether or not this application fits this zoning and this property that's what we're addressing am I right I mean okay so with that questions comments because um I don't know that we could or should um approve this and I I think it's very well said how do you how do you feel if this was your neighbor I know a lot of you say well I live a mile down the road or I live half a mile down the road and I'm okay with it but how would you feel if you bought property and you knew that one SP coex ceased to exist or they ceased to exist quite a few number of years ago and all of a sudden now you're going Sho this is great now we don't have to deal with the garbage disposal Company anymore but now all of a sudden they have this to deal with I I understand that because yes we all move out here for something or other we move out here for peace and quiet unfortunately that doesn't always happen with dogs we move out here for for space and for beauty and for views so with that um that's kind of where I'm coming from I think the the facts have been laid out in in staff's report I vote for the resolution as written denying the application yeah I'm going to have to go that way too because I don't understand since you were a city council person and you're a businesswoman and you you let all this time go and never even contacted the city and I know you've said this thing about the address but why didn't you come to the city in the first place well that's that's neither here nor there at this yeah I tried to address that and then with legal counsel and what I was told um I addressed it correctly so um I think again yeah at this then um well no I'd like to hear what you I say first before I make a statement so I think we've yeah okay okay then I'm going to formally pull my pull my request at this time so that there is no I and then at um and then to Minnesota statute 13.03 and formally requesting access to all public data and relevant Communications pertaining to the iup for ton Auto Marine this request includes but is not limited to emails meeting notes reports correspondence text messages and any other records or documents to discuss or reference this matter if any data is classified as non-public under the Minnesota Government data Practices Act I request that you provide the specific statutory basis for withholding such data and a prop response is also requested as required under Minnesota statute 13.03 subdivision 2 so so obviously I'm pulling the request so I understand that then there will be no vote and I appreciate well we're going to have to check with our attorney first okay yep totally fine they can he she he or she I haven't met him so I don't know apologize sure Sarah Madame mayor members of the council um I was told there's no Zoom just a minute Sarah go ahead members of the council um it sounds like the applicant is withdrawing her application so the council should not be acting on it at this point so I guess you know you can just move on to your next agenda item sounds like she's also made a data request to the city I think for the city's data practices policy she should fill out a data request form that can be obtained through the city clerk and make that data request and then the city can fulfill it thank you so miss GES yeah I I will answer that question and just so you will have to um fill out a form and do it in writing your data request and know this is not open to the public for no no let me explain something this is the first U we just got this and maybe I'll let um Jasper kind of weigh in on this but we don't even have a policy yet um nothing is is in writing yet so we have no way of opening it up to to the public I specifically emailed him and asked him that today clarification would our attorney is out of town for a very solid personal reason had I known that was a possibility this would have been a whole lot different so I I'm frustrated that all of a sudden your attorney's here on a zoom meeting and you didn't give me that opportunity I think that's a little bias uh I mean I can address that that wasn't the question that was asked you you said it was for somebody else we don't we don't we don't offer it to the public right now I said someone and I didn't specify we're not going to argue about that you can talk to your attorney about that sorry uh excuse me Kelly do you the statement you wrote read there can you leave that with us we need it in writing your withdrawal your official withdrawal I can't leave this piece of paper in so we'll need that in in writing officially in writing from you you have a form that you can send no just you can send an email or anything handwritten that says you officially withdraw your application we'll need that in writing so who does that get email too myself any anyone at City staff here is fine city clerk myself anybody is fine drop it off however you want to get it to us but we need it in writing okay we can do that okay perfect all right okay so we are going to move on then since uh it has been say unofficially withdrawn um and move on with our next um business item and that is I believe a budget so we have budget approvals and I'll kind of wait until you you have time to clear out thaty Brian's rethinking is running he's rethinking being on counselor okay um there's a lot of information too that we didn't share tonight um but I there's no need to I mean all right um so we're moving on to budget approvals um we kind of looked that over earlier is there anything else you need to add to that Madam a council this would be uh the uh Levy resolution is on page 288 for that 7, 13867 I guess that we talked about during the public comment for the uh uh so a motion to for adopt the tax levy for 2024 collectible and 2025 by resolution as as uh shown in the packet would be what I'd be looking for okay so adopting final um 2024 tax levy in the amount of 7,13 7, 13867 page 288 all right any questions or comments or anything else gone over it a few times so is there is there a motion to adopt resolution number 1-24 and it's adopting our final 2024 tax levy in the amount of 7,130 867 I think it's 2025 I'm sorry 2025 adop now but colle right we're adopting it now for 2025 collection thank you so move thank you Miss McGregor do it all night all right fine okay all those in favor signify with I all those opposed motion passes and let me see last and then we have one more item I think it's um adopt and approve the 2025 budgets which is different than the levy so budgets it's the general fund the special Revenue The Debt Service the CIP funds and the Enterprise funds is there a motion to adopt resolution number 11-24 for 2025 budgets so move thank you Miss McGregor is there a second second thank you Mr vickory any further questions hearing none all those in favor signify with i i all those opposed motion passes 5 um then we have have um staff reports yes uh Madame May um I'm sure this will come up a couple times maybe but we do have our tree lighting event coming up on Thursday 5 o'clock till 7 fireworks start at 7 hopefully we can make it till then it's supposed to be I think probably around 15 degrees Gary will have the fire pits going um so hopefully we see a lot of people there we'll have food we'll have uh fire pits um cash bar for uh for beverages so um and and Santa and Santa will be there Santa will be there okay fire trucks all that stuff so I think that there might have been something else TOS food did you say food yeah there will be food there food for purchase and some some free app cider yeah apple cider hot chocolate if you like cookies and brownies okay yeah so hope to see everybody there I'll be there Council Park along public works like we can thank you thank you barricades parking will be generally over at w and there'll be a bus or two buses that go back and forth bringing people yeah please have Council parking only G's gonna stand there in put the police over there okay that's all I have any other staff reports okay and reports I have a little one um the gpie center's holiday Boutique is currently going they have hundreds of people that come every day it goes through the eth and uh lots of um individuals um young and old have contributed to the holiday Boutique and um from the surrounding community so I hope you all make it it's uh I think it starts around 10: in the morning goes until 4 it's quite l lovely very crowded very active and festive Peter anything I do um I well let's see I have a couple slides oh I want to show be in there there's only about 40 of them last meeting so the U later on this was a uh stabilization of this Bank in the Kingswood Park and so it's a Three Rivers Park District but then our road men Trista road gravel road goes through there and you can see in the photo on the left what was happening is that you're getting run off uh from the road and the adjacent area and then it was sliding down into this bog of Tamar that you can see at the bottom picture here and so it really threatened the The Grove of the Tamar and it it's one of the few ones in the metro area so Three Rivers Park obviously wanted it protected and of course we want it protected too so uh that's the four pictures and then um the next slide uh shows what they did um too bad Brian's not here because that would take about 40 minutes adequate the idea was to down on the lower left put in a series of uh rocks to slow the silt that's coming down from the road and then it goes across the road and there's then an area where uh catches all the sediment and water that's coming off and uh then it slowly drains it down to the tamarak bond after it's filtered it so the next slide uh you can see so they drill the horizontal drill through there pretty amazing stuff uh and there are the the uh rocks to slow the flow off the road you can see it happen to be raining check dams cheam I should know that what what is it called check Dam check Dam so it's to slow the water silt will build up on on the side of the check Dam and then it can be dug out occasionally and so then the final picture um shows the um that's the area then it's been planted with native plants and it'll catch all the rain uh and build up and when the water gets to the top of those plastic tu tubes then it runs down into that pipe and and goes down to the bog so uh it catches all the silt there and and uh uh you know once the plants U grow they say it'll be hard to even find those pipes does water get that high usually frequently they think it will get that high yeah um so but I was amazed at how many you know jurisdictions and all were involved in this so it was yeah you know CL had to sit through a 4-Hour meeting on this and um you know there are people from the county from from Three Rivers of course our people and uh DNR I think was I mean it was just this array of people it's amazing that it all came together it Army Corp of Engineers and I mean surprised they weren't there okay yeah so very happy with that that uh should really preserve that bog and so it's definitely an environmental win so very exciting it's yeah so that's it thank you and Madam mayor council this is the area that um it was almost a year ago over a year ago that was put into our storm water CIP that you get approved for uh $25,000 towards this so and then the other caveat with this is the check dams they put in on the uh basically the east side there and then there's that holding Pond before it goes to this area um we made arrangements with them that we will be cleaning that out as needed um to help them out with the maintenance yeah okay good okay and and anything nothing no last report okay I attended the St Bonnie fire meeting on November 21st um I will keep it short uh the good news is their retirement Relief Fund is funded at about 120% so around 1.6 million uh they received about $144,000 in donations and use 6,000 of it for the exhaust fans on the new engine and they're using $8,000 of it for what Chief is calling duty boots so then they won't have to use their firemen's boots for their duty calls and keep their firemen's boots in their pants which saves them time when they're going to calls um I asked how long it was going to take to get the boots and he said it's fairly quickly two to three weeks so they should have those um total budget for 2024 was 421 and as of the2 no 2024 budget as of the meeting they were $98,000 under budget but 70,000 of that is for payroll that gets paid at the end of November so there won't be a huge overlap there um calls for 2024 are 180 year-to date with their year ending um as of November 30th um Minista had 112 calls as of then so right around 72% they started using a new program called lexip pole um it's an online tool that has 148 manuals um so they're rolling that out to the firefighter starting in January they're going to do 10 um is it 10 a month 10 at a time yeah it's I think it's per month and um they're doing it with Mound so they'll be on the same system of training and manuals and everything but that just seemed like a very large number of manuals to go through so yeah that is um yeah yeah they got their new wild fire fire gear Wildland fire gear um they are using that like their second set so so they just use that for certain fires and then they have their good set for the other fires and other calls which works out well cuz Mound has two sets but they have two kind of the same sets these ones are a little bit different a little easier to use little more flexible for what they respond to more often uh they have three new firemen they have completed firefighter one firefighter 2 and they're currently completing their hazardous material trainings they will have four starting in 2025 but they are losing three so they're gaining one yeah so they're gaining one he more than our Police Department I you know the budget increase was as predicted at the 11.24% most of that goes towards using the Lexa pole the chief pay increase firefighter pay increase and then for fire prevention events they're budgeting money for all the stuff that they give to people so that it doesn't come out of the so there's line it them for basically now and then adding 10% to the capital La just for increase in the cost of everything and the new truck is fully in service it will be here Thursday it has no I can't think of the word no they can't put magnets on it so they don't know how they're going to hang on the decorations on it oh I did ask it don't matter lot it's aluminum or whatever it's all aluminum so they can't stick anything on it so um it sounds like there going be a lot of Command hooks I did ask because I've seen Plymouth fire trucks and they have the American flag on the front of the grill and Eric didn't put that in the budget for the new truck but I did find out it would be $2500 jeez that's actually not that much when you consider the truck was $900,000 but it can be added after the fact and I thought that was amazing and said he should ask for it because it looks really nice on the Plymouth fire trucks when they're like doing parades or anything and it's awesome and it's very patrion it's like a light yes yeah gorgeous just a little side note ask the chief anything that was what I asked can we do it after the fact um I don't have a lot to report um so at our last um fire partnership meeting we talked about yeah we have that coming up this week uh next week um is that a 7:00 a.m. yeah no that's a 3:30 oh thank goodness 3:30 meeting um at any rate so they wanted us to pass a resolution um approving us the three of us to continue partnership um meet uh talks uh regarding a jpa and we didn't get that resolution all typed up but if you're amenable to that what we can do is we can add that to consent agenda um in January so it's just a a you know housek keeping item and then if I can get kind of all of your approvals kind of with head nodding tonight we can go to the meeting next week and say our council's on board we want to continue partnership meetings and uh jpa joint Powers agreement so um are you on board with that without this formal resolution which will come back at our January meeting and you'll be able to vote on it um is that are you in agreement okay all right I know reason I knew an would be in agreement ni you to give me one of those and then also um tomorrow I have a a meeting with um public safety meeting with the chief and uh the current mayor and then also later on I'm actually going to be meeting the um what we almost to be mayor what is it called incoming or incoming mayor of mayor elect of St Bonnie so I'll be meeting him and kind of talking to him about the fire partnership and seeing where he stands on this and and so on and then next week I'll also be attending the Northwest league so those are kind of it that I have and then yeah I have one more thing yeah um so we did close on Outlaw D of the pond fth Edition Hunter cross last week so we now own a storm water pond that's all done so congratulations that was my last thing I added so that's it um so with that again an thank you for your time and talents and and participation here we really appreciate it we'll miss you sorry Brian we you'll be fine too but all right with that is there a motion to adjourn so move is there a second second thank you all those in favor signify with I motion passes you'll never have to do another one I think I made you do this is the second most you've had to do except for the time that it was just the three of us d