##VIDEO ID:eDe-12Xp6kQ## when I get that thing a little B longer work session and anticipated hence a few minutes late starting here but good evening everyone and welcome this is the Minista city council meeting for October 7th 2024 quick reminder if you have cell phones with you please put them on airplane mode so they don't disrupt the meeting and second I'd first like to ask you to join me in Pledge of Allegiance PL Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all so again welcome all of you this evening here as well as those in the future watching on YouTube um I'm Lisa whan I'm the mayor and to my left our council members Kathleen Leon an mcregor Peter vickory Claudia and Claudia Lacy and then on the end we have our city engineer with WSB Alison fski and then we also have our Public Works director Gary Peters and then um Ally pus who is our ad um director of administration you always catch me on that one and then uh to my right we have our city um administrator Jasper kral Brian Grim is our finance director David AEL is our community development director and then we have Sarah sinala is our City attorney with Kennedy and Graven and then we have our deputy chief formerly Lieutenant so I'm getting used to the new title Craig squ so with that um is there are there any changes or additions to the agenda if there are none all those is there a motion to approve the agenda thank you Miss Lacy is there a second second thank you Miss re any further questions hearing none all those in favor signify with i i all those motion passes first item on our agenda is a special presentation uh we have on here U Miss froling with the Lions Club but I don't believe she's here so we're going to move on to the Gillespie Center should she um appear um show up um before our um next business item then she will have an opportunity so first um Miss Nelson you are up with the glesby center update thank you for coming and welcome thank you so first thank you for having me I appreciate the time on your valuable agenda um I'm here today to give you a quick update on all the exciting things that have been happening um at the colesy center in the last nine months or so and then um I'm going to ask for financials just give you that heads up right now I um I'm a new director there I started at the end of January um since then um I came in originally as a um contractor um just to help them with a new strategy when I came in we were operating in the red and membership was down and and the building was kind of quiet so um they asked me to come in and help them with a new strategy so we worked with the board of directors and our employees and we came up with a new vision mission and values for the for the deleski S um our vision is um broad it is we envision a thriving community and by Community we really mean the entire West Tonka area um I actually just had question today is it okay if I come to your Center if I live in Long Lake and the answer is absolutely yes right we are um we are open to all um and then our new mission is that we're dedicated to providing a prosperous and supportive environment um culture and space to enrich the life of our community members of all ages and that's a distinction as well because prior to that um you know Mr gpie founded the center almost 25 years ago and we want to be true to his original Vision which was a senior center but what we're finding is that our demographics have changed and our lifestyles have changed so what was a senior 20 years ago is looks a lot different than today so 20 years ago for example I might be sitting every day having coffee in the gesp center right with all my comrades because I'm 56 so I'm technically a senior but 56 year olds today have different needs and Lifestyles so we want to be um an attractive destination for people of all ages and all diversity um I won't go through drain our values but you can see we we did work hard to come up with five core values the one I would call out I think they're all important um I'll call up two actually sustainability right become financially sound imprudent um and the other one is innovation and that really is learning from the past and taking the past but bringing it into the future again future looks very different um so if you yep there you go thank you um so from there we said okay how are we going to make this work how are we going to really live our vision and Mission so we came up with a core set of goals and we're measuring oursel on these goals and some of the goals are we've created yearly goals and then longer term fiveyear goals um we're measuring um two of the four of them quarterly and then the other two yearly because of the nature of the goal so of course yearly it's to increase profit right increasing our balance sheet and the other one is new to us too it's um NPS and that's net net promoter score which is the same thing as um customer satisfaction so when I started we did a survey of our members and asked them you know how likely would you be to recommend the GES Center to your friends and family we did okay but we can do a lot better so we have some pretty aggressive goals I think across the board um and we're measuring um and we're hoping to achieve these goals the other ones are me increasing our membership um which is somewhat meaningful um only because again our Center is to open to everyone not just members we we talked a lot about getting word of that rid of that word member um but there's a whole contingent that we like to become members of something um but we're trying to treat it like it's not a member of a country club right you don't get the exclusive rights to the center um it is open to and really what a member means is a support like you're donating funds to the sener and then the big one is really just use increasing our program usage increasing the number of people in lives that we can h all right so from there we wanted to align everything we do to those goals and ultimately to our mission mission and vision um so we started out aligning our programming our services I will not drain this slide at all but I will just call out that we are um looking at all these continually to make sure that they make sense and that they're um hitting our demographic that we want to hit and we're adding things where it makes sense um also from a financial perspective um being prud in around that for example they used to offer lunches every day well after Co it never really came back to the Full Throttle so we're now just focused on Wednesdays and I'm beefing up Wednesdays by adding um new programming um free seminars entertainment that kind of thing to drive people into the center because we want to make sure that we're not losing money on any of our services go to the next slide um we're also um creating new programming to drive um interest so partnered with a lot of different um local people in town to bring in good valuable not data that people would be interested in so for example rgy Medico they come in and they do a monthly seminar we ask for input from the people that attend what they'd like to hear next time so we take that input and they're really good and they can come up with pretty much any topic so we recently did a session on brain health um and we did one on diabetes um and there's more coming up um we also had a whole series on which was very popular um we've brought in the local Edward Jones um representative and he's done some free seminars on like M Market Outlook and annuities versus CDs um and of course estate planning uh Medicare we we're just in the middle of a three-part Medicare series um and then Community talks I would love to have Miss Wayland mayor Wayland come in U we just had um Jason H from Mound last week and then next week we have the mount fire chief um and then I'm hoping to get the Orno police chief as well or somebody from that department um we're also bringing a special interest again to get um more people in so we had a one on jewelry which brought in a lot of people at different ages um we're what we see too is that the members let's say they're in their 70s bring in their daughter or and or their granddaughter and we've seen that across the board in even um exercise classes so that's been fun um other new things we've done is we've expanded our fitness and he Health um we're working with um Meals on Wheels um and then we've recently brought in somebody to do free Eye Care adjustments um ey glass adjustments and then we're um expanding our social social is so important um so I guess in the past they used to have a van we don't have one anymore I don't not sure what happened to it but I'm Contracting with the local busing company to offer excursions and they've all been very popular and have sold out um so we are actually going to a new theater in Bloomington um next week called the sidekick theater we have a couple gu three gates coming up and U I think we might do a Holiday Lights tour as well um we just recently started up a walking Club too so that's exciting actually start kicks off this week um to encourage um Health and Social if you want to clip to the next one trying to be conscious of time here um fundraising fundraising obious VI ly as a nonprofit as key for us so we've trying to um expand that as well and again hit the multigenerational families um some cool ones coming up that we have is um the turkey bingo so Bingo everybody loves Bingo and being a turkey Bingo it's open to all ages and then we have a breakfast with Santa coming up and I'm partnering with the um M American Legion to do a Veterans Day celebration um to honor our veterans um one of the things that was um first this year is we tried to do a event in conjunction with the spirit of the Lakes because that parade goes right in front of our Center um and it was successful in many ways but we have a lot of learnings and we're hoping to make it more successful next year um but I think that can be a really big asset to community um and then one of our most profitable I should call this out most profitable um fundraisers is uh working with a company I'm sure guessing they minute well it's um alen Elma I'm not sure if they're Mount are they on the island okay um but alen Elma is great they've been working with us for years so this is not new um they offer six cruises for our groups and I actually Market it out to all of the um Community senior centers around the area and what is new this year is that we hit record highs so we made record profits and had record sales um so it was really fun next year I mentioned that we're almost 25 years old I believe um next year we will 25 and we're hoping to plan a big Gala um so you're all invited you heard it here first um we're excited about that um it'll probably be about this time of year next year maybe early November um so planning is underway already for that um and then um marketing so really trying to align our marketing um to our new strategy so we have a new logo as you can see here we did a building refresh so we painted it uplifted it um we actually got lucky too we um we do rent the building and we had a rental where a woman came in and did a furniture sale she does like interior like she popup sales popup sales yeah like she does model homes and stuff and so she had a sale in our large room and at the end of the sale she donated a whole Furniture like a living room set to us so now the big inside looks refreshed as well so it's kind of exciting um we've updated our website and really trying to really focus on social media to get awareness within the community so focusing on Facebook a next door first and then we'll expand out um also working with other businesses to try to sell ad space in our in our gizette another way to get income and provide awareness and Partnerships um yeah so lot's going on in the marketing Arena hopefully you've all been by and saw the new building yes you're welcome to come in anytime um okay so operationally um um we don't want to leave this out um one of the big changes obviously was switching over from Senior Community Services which is a focused on seniors obviously which was a the service that they used and that's who they hired their director through um to go towards me so I'm a new director um we also added youth directors on to the board of directors so we started with one he's now a senior at M TKA high school and we're hoping to add a second um and then I really want to partner with the high school to um again Infuse that young blood so like for example the robotics team what a better a group of people to come in and do tech support for our members right they're they they know it the best um so lots of ideas on how to cross pollinate with high school in the younger generation um okay so next okay so our ask is while we are making every effort to Rebrand and um enhance and Propel us into the future we can't do it alone we are like I said we've approved a negative budget this year it'll take us a while to kind of back on our feet um we are doing everything we can on that front but we would love your support so I'm here for an Ask um I know you've supported us in the past um you're actually my last stop I sa the best for last because I'm I'm a maned resident so kind of excited um we started with Mound which makes sense since they are that's where we are located um and then I've had the other um cities as well so since I started with mountain I went with a big ask I asked for what they were giving us plus um like an increase for cost of living adjustment and they said wow you know did you know that we have a water problem and so they have they're having some budget issues I'm sure you're aware um so they did end up giving us something um but not as much as we asked were so I'm coming here today to ask you for $122,000 a year which is $1,000 a month um um is for five years or as long as we know renew it and I think I would um structure the agreement the same as we had before if that works for you guys um where we're held accountable to provide you guys updates and you know you can see the health of what how your money has been used um and any questions I don't think we have any questions so we're not going to make a decision tonight um we generally don't do that under special present ations are first ones to be heard and um as you know um maybe you don't know but we've already um passed our preliminary um Levy for 2025 and we keep it pretty tight um so I'm not I think um probably it's not going to happen in 2025 um I don't think we have an extra 12,000 so at some time in 2025 we can have this on a work session to discuss it amongst the council uh we have a new council member coming on board as well so um I think that would be a good time to do to discuss this so um but great uh great job I'm glad you're in BO you're doing a great job and I love the look of the kesy center it's um updated like you said it's um really a nice um amenity for a lot of people inolved in surrounding areas so with that do you have any questions of us any other questions well um so thank you again for your time I appreciate that um just let me know then how if you need anything for me or when I should move back with you great and the other thing I could ask too is um if um if there's any opportunities outside of the financial request to partner so for example if you um could put any kind of event our fundraising events maybe in your newsletter or on your website you know those kind of things yeah okay and um Ali paulus would be the um lady that you should talk to because she is our Communications expert so yeah um get take her card I think it's out there on in the lobby there and then yeah EXC great yep all right thank you thank you so much you so now we're going to move on to our next special presentation and that's our third quarter Financial update Mr Grim yes thank you mad and it's not Grim right no the financial update g r i um so no as you can see in the uh packets on pages three through 14 um everything's pretty much tracking um as it should be in this time year for third quarter got listed there we're about at 59% and obviously we we have our second half taxes coming in in early December so that'll push us um close to our um budgeted revenues they um you know building permits you probably saw in the report we're we're doing pretty well there it' be interesting to see how October November you know finishes up and even into December um you know we'll probably come close cl to our budget number there but you know whether we quite get there or not to be determined so um as far as and then I did reference them obviously last year we we had um you know really high you know commercial permits for the you know Mock and Tunes in the apartment building so um we're more in line with where we were in 2022 at this time than than 23 but that obviously makes sense because some of those onetime items expenditures were basically almost where we were at last year at this time about you know 78% which makes sense because some things we've paid through the whole year already um even our fire dep Department our fire quarterly payments we've paid even now through for the full year so um yeah everything seems to be doing pretty well I guess um I'll maybe stand for any questions for either the revenue expenditure cash Investments report and uh go from there so um yeah I think my my biggest concern was building permit Revenue because we're still like 200 as of this date um end of SE is that go through end of September this was through September we still 227,000 or nearly 228,000 under yeah um so Mr Able any do we generally get a lot of permits in October November time frame yeah generally trying to get ahead of the weather okay um we we have had a few coming coming in the door here recently are you seeing that we're going to hit our our projections did they we'll get close I would say yeah I don't know close me close close okay I won't hold you to it no and hopefully like there's some items where like our in investment in market value or interest is sort of tracking but you know had we've been budgeting that conservatively because the market was pretty tough for quite a while or right Todd can attest to that right so but uh yeah all right any other questions all right looks good thank you very much so that concludes our special presentation so now we're going to move on to our consent agenda items and they are are there any you wish to remove here none then there's kind of a lengthy list here so bear with me but um a approve a city council minutes from September 4th 2024 the is approved by resolution number 76-4 authorization of ordinance number 491 by title and summary C is a resolution to approve our claims D is a resolution to adopt certification for unpaid utility fees for 2025 taxes e is approve our license agreement from Material storage site EXL energy f is approve our temporary liquor license for the Lion's holiday Tree Lighting Event which is going to be on December 5th please join us and G is approv a temporary L license for the tank Brew Fest which is November 2nd and then H is approv agreement for the legal legal services with Campbell Canon for prosecuting attorney fees or Services um I is approved the Lakes Shore setback variance at 3360 Hard Scrabble Road North J is approve of Lakeshore and sidey setback variance at 35110 Kings Point Road K is a resolution appr of authorizing filing of application for henan County Youth activities Grant and I is award a contract for Summit infrastructure LLC for the installation of okay obic lining and man holes really important stuff no it is but m is accept improvements and authorized final payment for will number six n is accept improvements and authorize final payment for the Gan lanir Park and O is the same bonifacious fire department pension increase request is there a motion to approve consent agenda items eight yeah thank you um is there a second thank you Miss McGregor and Miss rein made that motion all those in favor signify with i i i all those opposed motion passes so if you are here for any of the consent agenda items you are approved so next we move on to um our business items we don't have any public hearings um first business item is awarding the sale of General obligation bonds series 2024 in the original aggregate amount of 4, 330,000 fixing their form specifications directing their execution and delivery and providing for their teaming Mr T you are here this evening once again welcome back thank you madam mayor and council members P from ERS Senor senior citizen facility looking forward to it um and so um great day to sell bonds let's just say um you were uh the only ones um sell competitively this morning so I just want to say that before we get into the S Day Report um we did have three um bids kind of set up and we we got two more so yay we got we got five five BS um before I go through the S Day Report I want to talk about the rating report just a little bit it's also attached to the to the S Day Report um so we uh couple weeks ago J Brian and I uh we walked through with the um analyst from staring fors um uh they they asked us questions and and anything that they could really see just from all the data that we gave them they they asked they asked questions and um and so the last time you were raed was in 2023 um so we did Focus uh on the 2022 audit which we didn't have then and the 23 audit and then the budget for 2024 so there was some you know updates and uh to get them current that we had to talk to them about um so you did maintain your your doua plus stable Bond rating part of that um if you look at the credit rating um the it's pretty good read it's it's light reading it doesn't take much to to go through that it's it's it's kind of nice little discussion of of Menat Trista but the cut to the chase they they do say at the beginning that uh in their view man atrist is above average economic indicators sound management management practices and healthy Reserve support the rating so so all good there um we have a pretty big project coming out right so um we did talk about that some um the that's going to be uh supported by water revenues right so so that's something they need to see some historical data on um you know we always shoot for an upgrade but um there's always something to do in theist right so so we don't want to set ourselves up for fall either we want a stable rating so um we're we're working on it as best we as best we can um probably the only thing well the only things that are in our control right are um our financial performance how we perform throughout the year um reserves and liquidity uh which is I think as good as you can get right now and you're scoring the top on that we can't do much with the debt and liabilities we still have to keep moving on on stuff we wish we could pay cash for everything but but we can't uh we do want to issue debt for those that are benefiting for from the project now actually paying for the project that's sort of the other concept of of issuing bonds um so management like long-term financial planning um that could help a little bit too looking a little further into the future uh would be in our control again things you can't control you're you're you're at the top of the economy with the top of the reserves and liquidity um it's just those other those other three uh that we could um could improve upon if if if you so choose so what would be the next step up is a A+ stable what would be the next one Triple A okay I didn't know there was AA plus stable Plus or something I I didn't know yeah no you're right you're right so you're at the cut um and then the more um of course history we have on sewer revenues and water revenues for those bonds like part of this bond issue tonight um history on that helps otherwise projections are good but you know it's going to take two years three years of good history and that's going to help I think in the future on the on the debt side then they sort of take that off will they have to do a reating for our fonds that we might next year yeah they rate yeah they rate if you do a direct placement with like um the state or something like that then we wouldn't get a rating on that that's called private placement it's almost like a bank placement it would not require a rating so if we sell one off to the market like we did tonight then we'll get another R yeah is that good or bad that's fine okay that's that's that's good do you anticipate we'd still maintain the AA plus I I would I would think so they also just want to know about it too we already told them about that that's okay and so that's that's good and then they do do surveillance every couple years in case you're really really quiet they don't know what you're doing so kind we did talk about raising our water rates did you and that's that's good right that's great yep so that's that's the rating and and that's that's wonderful so the sale day what I was here you know last month and we uh we set this all up uh we set this out for 4 330 um for you know the equipment we're financing and some you know the improvements to the mpal water system and um and we did get the you know the low bid came from TD Securities out of New York I think they bought your last Bond uh too so they must like you because if you look at the bid tabulation in here they're at a 3.5 I think we projected 3.9 something so we're 43 basis points or so low projection and and then the ones from like Piper and be they're local pretty much they're at 3.57 is and then the other two are kind of close so they kind of going kind of chunks like that so Bo Financial out of milwauke and M Securities out of Minneapolis were 3.59 3.6 or whatever so so TD Securities likes it because you know that's that they're sort of on their own there up up up on their own there which is which is good um so what they did and what you've experienced in the past and what other municipalities C when they issue bonds I think in the last seems like eight years now six to eight years um they purchase these with they give you a premium bid and uh Mar and I talked to that a little bit so they're giving us more money than we need um for the bond issue um if you look um at the good T relation you'll see that coupon rate is like at 4% and that's what's that's what you're actually paying that's we St on the we offering is what their customers are going to get which is more of a reflection of where the market is it's the 2.7 to 3 S let's just say so the difference between those two interest rates is about $230,000 and so staff and I decided to lower your bond we don't need the extra money we still are ful funded if we take their cash their premium cash and lower the bond issu so your debt service is much much lower than our pre-sale reports um so we're paying on less bonds a higher interest rate on less bonds which is really but that yield ends up ends up being yep yep so if you were if you bought these bonds you have 4% stamped on it but you would probably get 2.54% in reality because you gave TD security some cash for ability to hold that higher interest rate on because I think they think their rates are going to go up still that's what that's what I'm thinking they're think and that's been that's been the case for many years already so um so that difference between the the low bid and the highest bid is about $60,000 so that's why we don't choose somebody just to negotiate with we send this out and have them bid because you never know which one who had the appetite right for this bond issue today so um it's an easily understood Bond doublea plus stable credit rating is a is great is a great credit you know they're going to get paid right they know they're going to get paid you're not going anywhere right um so that's that's that's great um so I wanted to explain that premium a little bit so uh reduction uh also in the cost of issurance and the underwaters discount which is the fee that TV Securities gets so a decrease in cost cost decrease uh in in the fee for the under to re offer these bonds to the public and you got this premium bid so so we're all good it was a great credit rate so um so we're in good we're in good shape uh the closing date is October 28th you get all the money on that day B councel from Kennedy Graven has a resolution for you to consider then that would award the sale to two TV Securities um and for this price and then that's what I be looking for Council consideration I think I covered I think I covered everything I just want to make sure I give you the whole the whole thing here and then you folks can ask questions if we have probably answer hopefully just one question so in our resolution it says original aggregate amount of 4,330 but we're only doing for one right yeah okay so is is the resolution correct then I think we got a corrected one or updated one from Kenedy Graven if not my presentation gets this all sort of corrected okay so when we make the motion it's 4.1 correct Y correct okay thank you any other questions so good good news I guess um if there's no other question is there then a motion awarding the sale of General obligation bonds series 2024 in the original an amount of 4.1 million fixing their forance specifications directing their execution and delivery and providing for their payment so moved thank you Miss rein is there a second second Miss McGregor made that second you to it m all those in favor signify I all those opposed motion passes thank you very much thanks again for the business app work all right next up we have a water m placement cost share agreement and I believe that's it is it is uh myself and likely Gary will will chime in so um give me a second I will pull up a couple different figures here um 223 thank you all right so what we have before you um kind of go into detail about the kind of history that we've um had with the school and the water means that have been going across the school since the 1970s um it's an unconventional relationship I would say generally I think everybody's accustomed to we have water lines in the RightWay or we have a uh uh utility and easement or utility um and drainage and utility easement over these things the School site is unique in the sense that we have water M that goes across there some of it's kind of used by the school it's it is necessary and Gary can attest to that the the line that goes across that connects Sunny field and um Game Farm Road that's something that's essential for our our water system that we need now how we want to approach this and and continue the relationship we can we can have a conversation about that but I wanted to give a little bit of history about why it's there um and and why we're here today to talk about it so obviously I think everybody knows that the there was a referend that was proposed by the school district which was passed last year um and the school is doing a series of of improvements to the campus and with that um you know as we started seeing those plans at a staff level one of the questions that came up well maybe we should look at this water Bain that has had series of breaks over the last 10 years um that that right now just so everybody's aware the current relationship we have with the school is that Gary's crew the Public Works crew goes in if there's a water main break they repair it if they can and then what we do is we Bill back the school district 50% of that cost so that's on every single water line that isn't a service line on that campus so that's the way we've operated for years um and that's how this proposal initially is is is proposing to continue to operate um to work in collaboration with the school district because it is unconven but we both need those water lines that go across the school so that's a little bit of History here um what is being proposed is the areas on the map which I'll show in a little bit are ductal iron you maybe remember ductal iron being a conversation about the Morning View neighborhood same stuff kind of same vintage year almost in the 1970s so um Gary I think there's been at least SE seven water main breaks in the last 10ish years um I can imagine there's been more uh in the past two that just aren't documented that's just kind of it's basically um before Gary and then after Gary we have a lot more documentation it seems like on these things so um what this would do is upgrade that pipe to c900 which is our standard spec um what we've done and this is kind of a unique collaboration too is you know we have our city spec for our water main the school has their Engineers that work on the project and Supply them with with water what we've had to do is kind of use our Engineering Group to kind of get these numbers and look at this site and then they had to work in collaboration with Larson Engineers who are with the school to make sure that that meets their needs so there's a lot of like coordinating going on and that's the majority of kind of the challenges with working on this site is that you know the school is doing a project and the reason it's happening is because the um in the sequence that it is is you know there's going to be land that's tore up at the school and this is a good opportunity to replace some of this aging and and kind of dilapitated um water water M um as part of the the conversation that we've had with the school we've identified areas that would be 50/50 split between the school and the city areas that would be um 100% the school and areas that uh Veil or ice arena would be 100% um on the hook for so there's kind of three parties that are involved here with this cost share agreement and um all the parties right now are on board with the with the plan that is being proposed um the plan and I'll say option one as a spoiler to we did look at a couple different options as well to see once if there's any appetite for city council to maybe look at that relationship and then and then change it potentially and maybe solidify what what we have going on on the site as opposed to you know continuing something that's been going on for 50 plus years so the the estimated cost that you'll see in your packet um for minat Trista to do this is just over 300 9,000 the school district would be 351 theor would be just over 79,000 so that's kind of the breakdown for what you see in your packet um the financing mechanism for this so I guess let's start with a bidding so the the the school district will kind of facilitate the bidding of this and incorporate it into if if approved um incorporate it into their plans that they bid out and they'd have a contractor that bid it bids it in 2025 when we sell our bond for the water treatment plant we would attach this amount whatever the B bid comes back to to our um bond that we sell we would then enter into an agreement with the school district to reimburse us for the amount however it shakes out that they owe us for the Project based on this option one so we would be the financy or we would be the financer of the of the project the school would then you know pay us slightly before we would have to make our bond payment so it would be no cost to us they would have issuance costs all that stuff built in um to the financing piece of it um so that's kind of the option one option two uh which which Gary and myself and and Dan looked into after some conversations with Council or council members is well what if we could you know solidify the the uh relationship with the school and say this is just our main school you're not part of it you're going to you know take water off of it have service lines essentially but that north south sou line and maybe the the one on Sunny field is all 100% the city what is that going to cost um and then Gary got to thinking well if we're going to do that maybe we should upgrade the size of the pipe that goes north and south to a 12 inch as opposed to an eight um because we're gon for future so if we're going to go in there we're going to do this work you know maybe now is the time to do the upgrade from the 8 inch to the 12 in so we looked at some numbers for that um I don't have a figure yet but so the option one remember our contribution our our part of the project is 39,000 for option two which is an 8 inch line the only thing that changes is the 8 inch line that goes north and south across the property from sunnyfield to Game Farm um we would be at 404,000 so roughly about another 95,000 U more and then if we would want to upgrade that to um 12 in it would be 581,000 so you know whatever that is 20 72,000 more so there's a bunch of different options here I guess I want the one thing I want to just really drive home is that we need we need that connection from sunnyfield to Game Farm Road um the way it's set up right now A little unorthodox with the school admittedly um you Gary and I when I first started we had this conversation like why are we doing this well this is the way we've done it if that's something that we want to change as a city council we can kind of set that table to to start that conversation with the school district now um you know this would be new to that that group too if we start talking about this so um changing what we have proposed here so with this you'll also see the item after this one that that U Mr Peters wrote um is the task order for a2s to do the engineering I think that's for just over $31,000 um for this project so and that would be split with the school district as well um whatever the proportion is for each group and failor so um what I'm looking for is do we want to do this project um if the answer is yes you know what option is it that we want to pursue um I will note that options two or three what that would do is we would we would basically tell the school district hey this is 100% us the areas and I'll pull up a map here shortly and then you know everything else is 100% the school and we'd have a real clear partition about who's maintaining what um moving forward into the future and the cost share agreement would reflect that um but it would cost a a little bit more than what I think we're proposing so that's kind of what we need city council Direction on if we want to pursue I don't know if I missed anything Gary if you want to you want to chime in um I probably did no that covers everything thank you okay right and the maap thank you I have to get into my email real quick so I don't know if you guys can so I I brought this up and then and I met Jasper my biggest issue is we need to change why we're paying 50% of water M Gres on school property that aren't directly our water M the north south one from sunnyfield game par totally agree as ours we need that but the one that dead ends in the tennis courts that's not benefiting our residents the one that dead ends bus garage that's not benefiting our residents we don't pay for watermain breakes on my property we're cut off this we wouldn't pay for it if me and blue on in their parking lot and if we're going to fix it we need to set what part of this we're responsible for and what part of it the school is now responsible for the idea on the map that Jasper's coming up with an and I basically talked through today to get numbers and figure out what it would cost us to basically change the scope and go okay well we'll replace the main line from sunnyfield the gain Farm where it needs to be the school would be 100% responsible for the new line running across the parking lot the school responsible for the basically from Sunny field to the bus depot line that would be their portion we would cover the part on Sunny field because at some point people on Sunny field might want water going Quest um that was my and an's thought on this and hopefully color coordinated nicely for us my thought is yes it will cost more but then will be clearly stated who is responsible if this breaks and the only part we future be paying for would be what benefits our resident not just the school that's my abbreviated version of numerous conversations so just a little history of why this occurred too is when the T was the sunnyfield t 2000 they needed a looping connection is what I am imagining why they add it where it comes down from the driveway right through that area was an added at that time to carry the looping around um so that's the reason that's there I mean otherwise the primary purpose of the entire line on there was just to serve the school area itself so once they put that in there then the main line you know was pretty much all responsibility the one main the two the only break that we've had we had well two of them we had one on a hydrant lead that's in the courtyard and then one that was on the lead going north sou otherwise the other five that we've had all been in lines that are right now servicing you know not only the school but we use as our transmission LS so two of the seven are technically theirs but the five of them have been on lines that we um that we are personally using and the the spot connecting Sunny field to the green and blue that line north south there that isn't being change no the The Gray Zone that's not colored at all this one down this one yeah that that's there that doesn't need to be replaced so like that's still 8 currently and like I say I did talk to J puffy who did the water modeling he is an agreement that if we are going to do something we might want to consider bumping that up if you're going to pull that much a little bit extra is not going make that much of a deal um to bring that up to 12 in so you'll be connecting 12 in to 12 in there yeah um it's currently six we're upgrad it to eight if we you know just do that little section but uh extend it through um the only other option we have is to um not do that line and go all the way out to from on sunnyfield all the way out to County Road um you know 1,800 ft I believe it is 12 in that way but now you run into permitting with the county tear the county road you get hook up so this is conly the best plan at this point so and a 12 in at this point if you're going to do it for future use who knows when it will be expanded you know if you know anything know that way um now be the to consider it to upgrade it to upgrade a 12 in from eight eight will serve fine but a 12 would definitely be a lot more beneficial as looping of everything so Gary is there a 12 in from the tower down to the treatment plan it is 12 in right now all the way down game farm so game farm from the treatment PL wellhouse all the way down through up to 110 okay that's all 12 in everything from the tower coming down to Sunny field was 12 why they Chang it right there to 8 in brought 8 in yet I don't know it would nice 12 over I'm guessing but cost I'm assuming so so you're saying from Game Farm all the way down to Sunny field changing all of that to 12 in that would be my recommendation I mean that's you know your guys's call on that for the pricing I me for the for the for the money that's there right now Now's the Time to do it right yeah so I think what I'm looking for there's a couple different things there's a lot of moving targets here um do we want to continue the relationship that we've had with the school and kind of had this hey if it's a water main on the school property we're going to split it 5050 um I haven't proposed this to the school um but I can only imagine I Gary and I think that they'll like it because their cost is going to go down ours is going to go up but then what we would do is in this area that you see the dark blue we would then get a drainage in I mean that one's already in the right way but going across this whole property we get a drainage and utility easement it would be our 100% cost to maintain into the future we would tell the school district everything else other than everything else that is on the site other than what is ours is now the schools to maintain and um I wanted to just make sure it's clear we we would help them out in the sense that if they have a waterm break we would likely continue that and we would Bill them back you know and that's anywhere from 2500 to $10,000 a pop a time so we would still continue that if unless it's otherwise directed not to um but that that's kind of where we're at so I'm kind of looking for direction do you want to you want to change the relationship and go with this model that we have here I'd have to we have to talk to the school district about it um and if that's the case um are you still okay with us helping them out on the on the site if they I just have one more question so is there a water line on the north side of Sunny field from yeah from there over no we're putting that the blue we would be putting in this one we'd be putting in yeah we would be adding that not on our map here y this is what's currently there go down this is where it would be going in and it's this one right there so presently the line the green line that's going north or east west there Jas you show it from the line towards the existing practice field there there's another line that goes through the tennis cors there going north that connects that lead that's the service lead to this to the bus garage so what's eliminating is all that piping through there added that 12 in for a future extension then they would stop off to the bus Gage from there okay and I will note one more thing this is in this wasn't in our CIP in 2024 for 25 but it is it has been included in our CP for 25 that was just included in the packet we only had 300,000 associated with it if we would go with a different option like the 12 inch upgrade option we'd have to add that in I don't know how much of an impact that'll have over time because we bond for it you know our B not much not much so you know we're talking maybe maybe $280,000 over 20 years so it's it's not much so I don't think it'll affect the rates that much or I don't think we'd have to adjust rates if we went with option three with the 12 inch upgrade I like idea of separating the school from the city good longterm solution 100% and then and then also with this then we would get the easement agreements so that we're we're clear on that I think after talking about drainage and utilities we want I think we want a real clear um easement agreement um and then and then what else and then also upgrading at this time yeah I mean we have the 12 we're just put so if we're going to do it let's put it in and not rip it up in five years to do the smart move and prepare for a few I say you know right now probably won't be used for quite a few years once it expands it's there yeah I don't think there's anything going on in that area no not really how long does does the new pipe how long will that last c900 at least 100 years way more you can make promise which will be good to have all this recorded then of who's responsible for which part years well so there's a couple if I may there's a couple steps I obviously have to talk to the school district about this and I think that they they'll be okay with it it's a little bit of a change but um as long as we're not changing too much up with the project kind of coordination and schedule um they'll continue to have this as be part of their project and then we'll Finance it next year this is a 25 and 26 project so depending on what area of the site they have tore up at you know in 25 versus 26 this will be a multi-year project so okay um I'm trying to think if there's anything else we should get clarified Gary right now but I'll I'll have to I mean if it's okay with the school I'm okay to proceed I'm I'm getting from the group okay um with a 12 in you need motion you want to yes so this cost share agreement I'd like a motion um to approve that and I can modify with those kind of terms as um as we've we said we're gonna have to modify it actually kind of a lot so maybe we'll have to bring it back yeah we'll have to bring yeah there's a lot of Maintenance and stuff in there and that's fine and then um we'll we'll have it reflect what was discussed here and then will you also bring back the task order then just to make sure that that's going to align with this change it will we know it will so I think you guys are okay to to if you feel comfortable uh proceeding with the task order but I will bring back the cost share agreement with some modifications um the tasp kind of must there getting ready to this all so we should get that in place we get our all the nuts in a roll here to okay up for quoting when they for when school their all right okay okay so um you're going to bring back the watermain replacement cost share agreement and then now we're going to move on to the a CK order for a2s for the waterm improvements at the West dka High School campus but um it will reflect this plan it'll it'll more or less reflect this plan with a 12 in correct yeah and and adding the other one so so the task order should cover that still the 31,000 R yeah okay yeah engine stays the same and and just so you know once this moves forward we'll work with Kennedy and Graven to develop a um repayment agreement too so that's another agreement that's coming as well in the in the future once it gets bid out and we know you know final numbers pretty close okay all right so is there a motion then to approve cast order um 13 with the hos for the water improvements as we have discussed some motion thank you is there a second second thank you Miss McGregor cath made that made a motion and M McGregor second that any other questions comments hearing none all those in favor signify with i i i all those opposed motion passes by vote so that concludes our business items so we can move on to our administrative items staff reports yes if if I may um I'll give this to to Ally um we need to well I can I guess I can take it I say well we we have to Canvas our our election results so we're looking for a date to a special meeting to do that I think we're looking at is it the 8th 9th y so the eth is the earliest we can do November 8th the 11th is Veterans Day so we're looking at the 8th the 15th but not the 11th we can do any time a day should just take five minutes we just need we just need three people as well we have 8 okay or what yeah so we do November 8th it's a Friday so proba but how about the 12s just one more it would be at um like 9:30 the 12 do okay so at 9:30 yeah November 12th 9:30 a 9:4 sure we could just do 10 well 9:45 sit around okay 9:45 9:45 it's supposed to end at 9: we're GNA be in Mound so I I'm assuming even if it's yeah 930 9:30 9:30 and we're going to have to leave the meeting promtly at Chef yeah there you go so we're doing 9:30 9:30 okay okay I'll send meeting reest okay meeting request and then posting that of course yeah all right thank you all right um the only other thing I'll I'll add is we're in the middle of holiday tree lighting planning so I think that's all coming along you you see there's a little activity over there that's there's g s that is going to be a concrete slab with a Pergola on it for Santa to sit in and people can go visit Santa there um and then there's some grading going on and then there's also some um hiding of electrical wires I'm not looking at Gary over there um doing that over there so it's going to be a lot cleaner we kind of know I think there's over I don't know Ali knows like there's like 1100 people that have are interested in the event already so um we'll see it was great last year and it's going to be even greater because because um we are going to also have fireworks and um at the end and also I just want to make a note that um Lifetime Fitness is uh contributing one I think our biggest contributor so I think so so um um thank you to Mr AR for that so um and then I think we also have some other um contributors as well so I think we we have like $1,000 in commitments for donations commitments not not not in not in hand yet but commitments which is which is very good yeah yeah so because of the number of people we've uh reached out to W to see if we could have people park there and then um get a shuttle back and forth Just because there's there's a lot of it's not optimal for parking here uh at night especially so we're looking at that reserve for counil right if sure it's h first come first serve but there will be there will be two buses um going back and forth for the duration oh they donated one nice yes okay we should advertise that because I know last time I a lot of people didn't even know know about is there going to be better place to like put them or you can see them better next to the wine tent it was in the back of the back of the CSO truck yeah yeah yeah everything will get a little bit better so you're going to have two shuttles so that they can yeah like 10 minut interal okay all right yeah yeah have pits out oh yeah more fire pits will be out um Mac and tunes will be selling I think like hot dog and BRS and some other stuff um they won't have the Mac Shack if you're familiar with that but they will have you know because they put it away already um but they will have similar stuff to that and some treats and stuff that they'll be selling inside the tent um next to the West TKA liance so it'll be good and we'll see how that goes um I don't think we're going to do s'more we're not doing s'mores this year that was if you want to bring your own s'mores Supply you can um but we burn it was it was a lot of work and it I don't know if we got the bang for the buck on it it was kind of expensive but if people want to bring some more stuff they can I suppose I don't know um so thees are warmth yeah yeah so we'll see um but yeah things are moving forward on that so we're getting pretty close and you'll see some activity all right awesome thank you any other staing parts I I do need a leaz on we're um attempting to have a Parks meeting tomorrow night so hopefully we don't know if we have a quorum yet though so if we don't have a quorum it'll be next month so I do need to volunteer for that no I can't be there tomorrow night so if you have the meeting you sure you'll just have to tell us what happens fine and then we are going to have a Planning Commission meeting on the 28th so also looking for ways on to that do I might be able to do that okay sounds good thank you thank you all right anything else otherwise we'll move on to um uh Council reports um any Council reports well on the Pioneers here at Creek Watershed two things they are going to start on fixing the Kingswood Bean start to wash excuse me into tamai property so that should be starting up quite shortly so that's great you should get it done before the snow and then they county has raised um their fees to water district so we'll probably see some increase in our cost next year but I think you know it's not going to be a huge amount and they provide the technical service yes they do they do a lot of the day-to-day work for the ownership we we should suggest that they do it like the assessor's office why not free right now no just a suggestion it might not okay all right thank any other reports otherwise um just uh thank you Mr gger for that letter to the Met Council um hopefully yours and mine will actually get read um and then um one of my suggestions I don't know if if this is possible POS but I'd like to monitor to see when they're going to be discussing this and then if I I would like to if I'm available I'd like to go to that meeting uh sometimes you know you can send emails you can send letters but um if you show up in person and kind of voice and express your concerns sometimes that has a a bigger impact so if you could let us know when they're going to be discussing it and if it's going to be a public meeting a public hearing if we will have an opportunity to speak I think it would be great if the council as many people from the council and staff could go yeah I will I'll keep an eye on it I'll look for it one thing to keep an eye out for as Council I know and if I see something that you know might rise the level of hey we we should maybe write a letter about it but they're releasing all of their policies to um include in the imagined 2050 plan so that's what this was the housing policy that they that were doing a public comment on but there's a whole I don't even know know a whole bunch of different policies that'll that'll basically fill in the blanks for the 2050 plan um one of them is water I think we need to keep tabs on their water policy because I kind just kind of feel like they're trying to kind of overreach again in certain areas just just you know keep an eye on okay yeah so I'll keep an eye on that and if there's like a call to action I'll I'll reach out to the group but I did tell them that they wanted to take on our water infrastructure they're more than welcome to about1 million they to they did they declined so just I wonder why any thank you thank you um and then the other thing um I'll be attending the Northwest league on Wednesday it's uh it's actually a Minnesota um mayor's association meeting as well it's kind of a combined thing and we'll be touring the uh Transportation um facilities out there in Medina before our uh dinner and meeting and then um tomorrow afternoon tomorrow afternoon right not tomorrow morning yeah these 7: a.m. meetings I we're not liking but I like them you go to the next one um so there a 3:30 meeting um the three of us will be there um it'll be in St Bonnie it's the fire partnership meeting we'll see how that goes and we'll let you know all right and that's all I can think of for now so with that to a thank you is there a is there a second second thank you m McGregor all those in favor signify with i i all those opposed motion passes by thank you great job staff thank you very much and good job Council --------- ##VIDEO ID:H7f4j07qNuI## okay it's 5 o' and we're going to get started because we have a lengthy um work session agenda here uh this is the uh City Mina City work Council work session for October 7th 2024 um present this evening are myself Lisa way and the mayor and council members present are Cy rkin and McGregor Peter Hickory and Claudia Lacy and then staff that's present here is Al fski our city engineer Gary Peters our director of Public Works and Ali fos director of administration and then Jas krugle our city administrator Brian Grim our finance director and David AEL our community development director we have a number of items on our agenda water fund budget discussion the sewer fund budget discussion sa Von fous fire department pension increase request a special benefit analysis update of the 2025 road projects Bayside Jennings drainage discussion manage detection and response tool for networks and then we have a closed session regarding some litigation so with that I'm we're going to start out with the fund budget discussion right yes yeah I'll take that or start 10 slides right um Max 10 minutes 10 no I have no slides okay not 30 no no no yeah no it's mainly we're gonna be working off of the uh item in the packet so uh I'm sure everyone's had a chance to to read through that and um we did do the um had uh Shannon Sweeney with David drown and Associates update um helped do the update I know we did the full study back in 2022 and then it's been a year or two where I've just been updating it and then I thought it was I think I talk I did talk to Jasper too and we thought it was a good idea to you know have a little bit of um you know outside help again just with some of the larger projects we have coming up and um it's for a pretty nominal fee I guess I wanted to make sure I noted that or whatever so um but yeah so the items that were included in the packet this is like about the first 15 pages or so the packet was I mean the the the biggest item is the updated utility R study there and then from there um is some more internal reports on a draft 25 Water budget some year-to-date activity and then tried to just take the um current rates and then say you show the projected rates in just a onepage uh summary there um as far as the uh current cash balance in the water fund is about at 1.26 million and um I guess just from going through the rate we we can dive into the rate study a little more is um a 133% uh rate adjustment is What's um I guess from the staff perspective and through the um consultant Mr Sween at CH uh David drown would be recommended for to adjust in 25 knowing that these large improvements are coming online over the next couple years or the main large Improvement on the water treatment plan um I guess got a couple things to not is that um both the uh utility rates as well as the connection and area charges were are uh I guess recommended or proposed to go up by about 133% and you probably saw that on the the rate summary sheet I guess see maybe I'll just flip ahead to um page five I guess I want to get to the memo that um Mr Sweeny put together so some of the high points um you know we looked at maintaining a targeted minimum cash balance of about 1.8 million just the IR rationale behind that is not only does our operating costs you know go up every year and especially you adding another plant will add even small you know cost chemicals Etc but the larger item is the um the annual debt right now we have about 1.1 million in annual water fund debt and by the time this is all said and done and the Improvement done it's probably going to double at least close to it'll be in the low two millions for annual waterf fund debt so that's where we need to obviously you know we get the money to pay for it to our our rate users or water users so um that's what you'll see and we're trying to do the um 133% through it's talks about um on page six water rate impacts 13% through 2028 basically to support that so instead of doing like you know waiting and doing only eight or 10 now and then doing 15 to 20 later I guess our thoughts is that it's better to do 13 over four years versus do some sort of you know eight8 16 16 or whatever the math would be so um I guess you know we can talk about that um you know after that um there's more some inflationary adjustments that and therefore for 2029 and Beyond but obviously that's a ways off I don't know if it's best just to open it up for some questions you know sort of paging through the you know some of the the executive summary year you know it it basically ties into you know some of the uh improvements coming up you know the 15 million for the water treatment plant and then there's another six or so million for some ground well storage in the out years 2029 so but obviously that um you know we'll be talked about more as we get closer to that well that's one of my questions so you know we Dro down in 2029 down to a 3% increase is that really realistic if we're going to spend $6 million for another water tower water storage whatever um or are we just you know hey in 2025 we're going to do 13 and then well realistically in 2029 we're going have to keep the 13% going to cover the additional six million more um it's I mean you know running through the numbers hopefully we should have enough of a a base buildup that we don't have to do keep doing 133% you know because obviously the improvements more six million versus you know 15 million so it's just the economy's a scale I guess a scope or whatever is less but yeah I guess it's hard to know for sure until we know how many connections we get over the next four years and how like the actual cost you know the water treatment plan can be 12 million versus 15 million um so there's a lot of unknowns you know right now but um yeah know that's something definitely we wanted to make sure we had in the CIP plan and and to plan for and whether maybe that needs to be 6% versus 3% as we get closer 8% that'll be it's probably a little more focused on probably those three to four years you know next years as far as but the 133% is based on having to spend that6 million in 2029 so we're actually kind of like charging ahead of what our needs are because we don't really know we don't I mean there's so many variables yeah because what we're doing is we're saying we will indeed for sure be spending the six million in 2029 and so that's what I'm saying is Well we don't know that for sure we don't even know if it's going to be six million and obviously this you we'll look at every year but I I would say the the 133% I think is pretty conservative for what we need the next few years I mean I thought when we originally did this you know and Jasper talked we were thinking it could be 15 18 I mean it's just I mean $15 million is a lot to come up with and then you add interest on top of it because we're paying it over 20 years and stuff I mean we're adding at least a million in debt every year pretty much for the next 20 20 years you know starting whenever you know we issue the bonds whether it's next year whatever so for 2026 and Beyond that's fixed locked in I mean basically once we you know do it did you um do you have any examples of like um what an at a lowend and medium and high-end bill would look like or what it looks like today versus what it looks because I think you know we're we're thinking 13% that sounds like a lot too but but when you look at it in dollar AMS then it's easier to digest I jotted down a few numbers from just using example or billing registers and so someone that uses about 15,000 gallons right now which is you know five a a quarter you know 5,000 a month you know that would be reasonable user that's what I know I use at our family of four um is about $115 right now 133% increase would be about $130 someone that um or you know a property that uses closer to 30,000 and a quarter it's about just shy of $200 right now a quarter go up to about 225 so about a $25 increase someone that uses 60,000 in a quarter keep in mind that's 20,000 in a month you know that's a decent amount um go from about 408 to 461 so that's a little over $50 in a quarter so obviously if the people that cons serve more I mean it's I'd rather do a $15 increase than a 50 but that's sort of it's based on what people use no I know I just want so you're saying um tier one if it's 115 today it's 130 per quarter y not per month correct y okay yeah so yeah so $15 increase and then two 200 would go to 225 yeah and then 408 would go to 46 yeah yeah sort of a low mid and high yeah for cu obviously that's why we sort of set the tier at the the 65 because once you're getting above that you know obviously escalates faster but that's what we're trying to get people to conserve so if I may if you look on page 10 you can kind of see what a average user 25,000 gallons per quarter would get charged what they've gotten charged in 2021 all the way through 2030 what they potentially could be it's about like Brian said about $25 a quarter increase each year so 100 bucks a year for the average user um with this 13% in 25 and then in 26 another 100 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so every every quarter it goes up 25 dollars yeah so $100 each year by 2028 there $400 a year more that they spend so that's it is so yeah it's I know some cities you know in that would be in our same oh you know use the tax levy to subsid we can't do that because we're not not everyone's on water so that's just not an option because cities do use that to soften when they do these big Improvement projects they just you know you add $50 to someone's bill you know quarterly bill on the year you can put $50 on the tax levy it's the same thing but right right yeah we're not able Brian tonight you're bringing this up for us to look far out you're not bringing this up for any changes to the 2025 yeah yes we go 13% you couldn't change the budget you gave it in this is this is the yeah this is budg that yeah yeah yeah that's why we always try to do like get the tax L we talk about that more in like August and into September because we got to have that set and then you try to follow up with the the water sewer in in the utility funds in October November to get because now we are going to accept those and talk about you know what does the council want to do for utility rates the other thing that's that we also don't know at this point is one what what the whole project for for 2025 26 has been a cost and is are we going to be able to get any bonding money we don't know either so yeah that's kind of how how did U fees come in from quarter three with the all the rain and everything um budget yeah we'll probably be um I think our third quarter billing was about 500 515 ,000 luckily we had T done a more conservative budget for 24 I mean year-over-year we're probably going to be down about a few hundred thousand like from one maybe 1.8 to 1.5 but to our budget we're prob we might be off by about a 100 thou you know thousand you know 5 10% or so just based on people using less with the we they're probably using more now than they normally would they could be their fourth quarter bill could be a little higher people are still using water in late September early October here so it's possible yeah but yeah I don't think we'll be too far off I guess in off of our targets question kind to do it I mean to to get I think that even over a few years is better than I think I don't know I mean I hopefully people see the the improvements on the horizon and we're talking about it stuff so there's it's allocated towards something we're not doing this just because we want to we're doing this because we have to so expensive very musle something on your roof and gete water everyone comfortable with and then talk a little bit about the wack fees and the connection charges where we at with those yeah so um I think we should raise those a little more than the 133% then I think we should maybe go 15% yeah so on page 17's a quick summary of where we are versus where we're at I think it's in the rate study too but this is just a quick um summary so right now the water connection fee is at 3,700 per unit and raising that by you know about 133% you know rounded amount um is about 4,200 about $500 increase and then the trunk water charge which we really haven't getting that obviously comes into play when the area trunk water charge when we develop um I guess we propose is to do that the 133% is about, 1500 or going from 11500 to 13,000 an acre so the new is it's I David you want to explain or do you want it's basically a just um basically when a a developer comes in and does their final you know plat or whatever anything above the what the ordinary high water level um they got to pay that much per developable acre or whatever so if you know some of these we've have gotten you know one two three even on wood and cold some of the different phases we'll get and some a little different have the master development agreement but um yeah if it's I guess 10 acres it would be 130,000 right because they're going be tying into our existing system that they hav paid for B so the connection fees and the trunk water charart or the area chart yeah it's also called A Wack a water area chart The Wack um basically pays for the infrastructure that they're going to be using if you will the new amounts how do that put us for neighboring communities we know I think our area charge has always been a little higher end when our connection charge isn't too bad I've seen there's some you know cities that are at you know four five th000 you know 6,000 even some everyone structures it a little differently but yeah I would say our area charge is probably a little more on the high end where our water connection fee if any has you know if we went to even you know 4500 I don't think that' be outline or something if we would depends on the communities if they're fully developed their connection fees are going to be higher but their area charges because they don't have developable land so sometimes I I would wager to say Mound connection fees are higher than ours quite a bit substantially for connection fees but they're they might not even have a trunk water charge because they don't have acreage yeah I wouldn't hesitate to go 4500 a connection 42 from a base of 3700 this year but we're proposing to go to 4200 by oh sure yeah I don't think that's you know when you're building a house know if you're building a house or you're adding you currently don't have water and you want to connect to it I mean I recently checked on Excel for our cabinet oh my God don't want to know anyhow I mean just to get electricity to our cabin was like 10 grand so 45 I all right pretty much do the rates at 13 area charges presented or the 133% 13,000 for the trunk water charge area then do the 4 pretty much for the utility rates they all would go up the same the percentage or whatever seure I guess that would be yeah move on to the rate study with that more more and I we have our our cost of operations to so um as far as the on page 18 B A little over million dollars Milli 45 right now 112 quarter large Council increase for their Charges going up about 72,000 404 470 so um as far as I guess we talked about as staff wise moving the quarterly fee to 12 125 a quarter range and maybe start at the 120 and um see how it goes I guess how our fund is doing I guess as far as um about 8 a quarter 32 for the year about a 7% increase and then bumping of the uh connection and and area charges by you know a couple hundred dollars each there from 1,800 to 2,000 I guess this when we looked at the the budget and the fund there so see there again I the connection in the acreage charge maybe even to 2400 each and then do the 120 125 I think that would be F you know most of those obviously when they're paying the water connection sewer connection let just paid at permit and yeah right when you're building a $500,000,000 house $400 here so and I think it's pretty explainable be tell from a staff perspective that you know a lot of this is a pass that counts and we're getting charged more so we have to charge you know our [Music] residents who's policing 18% like I see it says b their formula foring out cost who r that 18% yeah so they send us notice as far [Music] asend who so I don't know who they have a they have a large Board of Commissioners um staff that works for them they are appointed by the governor so they can they basically come up with a budget and I think their overall budget increased by 6.3% so their overall budget but the formula for whatever reason is causing us to increase by what is the formula I know they basically take all the flows across all the cities that are in the system and then they they allocated out based you know our percentage is 0 you know 015 whatever you know it's basically obviously their their budget's huge or whatever but um I think our flows went up by it was a 20 million or something or it was something that was it was substantial enough for that they're kind of a year behind so we have a big flow year then we have to pay for it the next year yeah 20 2023 we discharg 46 almost 47 million gallons and then uh that was just through our or I'm sorry 107 almost 108 108 million gallons um through our lift stations into the med counil system so and then we also have our flow through through St Bonnie which um discharged I have a total oh yeah 27 another 20 7, correct well they we they have their own flers we have ours at L station that's how we calibrate our pumps every year we do a calibration check just to make sure that what our pumping rate is so we are projected on this year because we have done more I I I was just gonna ask that yeah the I makes a huge difference like I've got that on the uh for some manoles on the agenda now if you take what that how much flow comes in through these cracks and braks and bikes the manoles and you look at that you're talking substantial dollars yeah every year just not leaks but we don't get charge any penalties like a lot of cities do because we are actively doing II already before I got here the city have lined up a lot of the sewer lines between the houses and the lake already all the easan areas have been lined which it you know really um gets rid of a lot of that II and they're really happy with that so we are projecting it down this next year for this year we should be a little bit less so so in 2026 we shouldn't see that 18% increase right well one thing to work here 44 project we did get um a lot of bang for our buckler I mean we got a whole new Li station n eight got redone um you know they done they we got whole new Force Mees that they they p through that Pro we pay for it but but I me it was that project that we that we got it done they're redoing their station 24 down here in Highland and I'm negotiating new curve and on Paving from the bridge to seven and in the deal so you know we'll we'll get you know some benefit but uh you know I we'll get our increase we do we did probably you looking at what we got from the 44 project you probably did get over a million worth of infrastructure from them so of course how much that was like a450 million project we were pennies on that but we did get benefit out of it so I think when we even look the I think compared to like not like looking at our neighbors always the NLB but I think compared to Mound and like Oro and stuff I mean our 476 isn't too bad some of that what they're yeah yeah so I mean that's at least was a silver mining I you know when I looked at that like we could you know glad we're not paying 600,000 a year or something or it's you know 475 but it's a lot of it's probably because and predecessors you the counil is did the inii and stuff whatever so okay all right so that 12 and then do the okay do that especially with the water CH and then the 24 do the 2400 for each of the sewer area and SE connection okay sounds good thank you st B anything else should be good and then fire department increase request how come they didn't go 65 so so I do not know why St Bonnie is recommending uh the 350 versus the 65 which was requested but what they're requesting from us is to evaluate the 6350 um as a no this is their annual pension so every year of service up to 20 well it actually keeps going but you're fully vested at 20 years um they get right now $5,700 per year of service they're looking to go to 6350 um for comparison Mound is at 61.85 so they're pretty close you might ask what will happen if we form a district or a jpa those would have to be evened out and likely go go to go to the higher one so um St Bonnie is is requesting that we uh weigh in on this request because it's in our contract that we do sell uh what we're looking at staff's recommending approving the proposed pension increase from 5700 to 6350 this will the pension fund will remain at 110% funded so they are overfunded at 6350 so that's the recommendation I'll stand for any questions for Market fluctuations yeah so if you know there's a big crash it'll go down to 90% And then work its way up it's generally you try to try to be between like 110 and 125 you feel pretty then the cities are the Fiscal Agent so if there's a gap and a firefighter retires and they don't have the money and the pension the city then has to cover that so you always you know kind of an insurance to have a little bit more funded than just 100% so how much Bigg as far as number of fight fighters um what does mound have 40 38 38 um and I think St body's at like 20 mid 20s something like that I look at it this way I think 6350 is still I think 61 I mean think about it you put in 20 years of basically volunteering and now you get 61 or 63 whatever it is a year this isn't a month this is a year it's like less than $500 a month how many people make and and it doesn't affect any of our budget so this is all self-funded so they have their own own um funds that they have at you know a broker of some sort um that manages their pension it is it is but it doesn't we're not going to have to pay more than what we normally do I guess is what I'm trying to get to and then are they are they as busy as a with us they are definitely yeah they have to do they have a lot of calls I never realized what they do not just so that's incredible stay on that for 20 years it is it is so this is on consent agenda I just wanted to talk about it briefly during the work session any other questions all right B yes Madam mayor M of council one of the that came up during um our public hearing is about the 2025 Street Improvement projects are well what are we going to do for assessments so one of the things that I kind of looked into was updating our 2022 benefit analysis that patch and mner did for the 2023 Street Improvement projects um after talking for a little while they've had some turnover it's a new person that I'm talking to they quoted that it would be about $3,000 or would be $3,000 to update the 2022 to help be reflective of the 20 25 projects you're following all the dates um so it basically they would provide us a report that would allow us to say oh here's the range again for a Reclamation project in 2025 based on the areas that we've um kind of determined one of the things that you know talking with them they don't they didn't feel that much would change from the 2022 and if you remember I think um the the Reconstruction we did1 for that this is a little bit different for 2025 as a Reclamation a little less intense but um we do have a couple different areas we have a rural section and we have an urban section one of the things that we talked about was the rural section it tends to be larger a lot so more footage the urban sections have curban gutter so and there's some spot repair that either has been done or will be done um in conjunction with the project so those things kind of their mind kind of wash out and the Reclamation like be the recommendation would be somewhere probably the same for Rural and the urban sections they don't know for sure this is all just conversation so one thing we could do instead of doing the you know $3,000 to get it updated is just kind of follow the model that we did in 2022 for 2023 um you know maybe settle into something similar to you know $10,000 per project or per per property for uh reconstruct which we don't have in 2025 and then something like 2500 per property or 7500 per property yeah we're dropping it down real quick 7500 per property for like a Reclamation so the the idea with this is I'm looking for direction do you want me to uh pursue patch andester to do an update for 20125 or we have to give Allison some direction as far as what we think for for assessments we want to do 7500 or a different number for the Reclamation projects or what is everybody thinking recomendation I spend another three to basically get same I'm surprised the prices haven't gotten up you know it seems like going up quickly um mad mayor if I may so we're seeing prices in the construction industry kind of stabilize a little bit because the development work has tapered off a little bit for these contractors so we're seeing some more competition for public projects now crystal ball is that going to stay I don't know that's that's the challenge that's why because we are drafting report um it doesn't mean the council is bound to do the special assessment methodology that we talk about in the feasibility report but we want our goal is to try to is to reflect what council ising towards and good you remember I think the feasibility report for um the morning Side East View area was like 50,000 I don't know some outrageous 25,000 or something so we had huge push back if you remember and people were very very upset so I think it would be our best interest if we could be really are wanting to or thinking if if you want to leave it up Alison and have put some number and have that have that yeah and I'm just going on here for the last Reclamation project that we did in it was either I don't know that it really was a differentiator between urban or rural we were somewhere around 7500 to 8200 you know depending on the project perod so we were in that that projects so that's to look aten um you know that was 202 bridge that number well you don't we justify go down but think it last year we did a full reconstruct and add curb and gutting on charge 10 so I think it would hard to JY now prices going up charging that was that was andru 10 so I think it's easy to go no curbing year will be curbing we're starting at 10 we can go down I just don't want to go up so what I'm hearing from the counil is there is an for an update on the special benefit analysis at this time so what would to do then Claudia Peter you guys need to no I I agree that 3000 is unnecessary the 10 what you just said Mak with the curb gutter so we can come don't have to if we stand we have to do something special if we need to no we just and one thing I'll know this maybe throws just another wrench there isn't really a correlation in how much the project costs and what the benefit is to the property so even though it might cost more the benefit might not be the same so that's kind of the balance that you have to have to look at so I think what we'll do then in the feasibility report we're certainly looking at project estimated cost for each project area and we would do an assessment calculation based on policy 50% and include that in the feasibility report I don't know where are at right now I don't know that we have enough information to do that and then in ility report mention of the 2022 analysis that was done $10,000 um so that res have some assurances that the council has looked at benefit you know what is maximum benefit to the property um and cly you see some inflationary bumps when you say you're going to mention the % assessment but yet would you then that number would you just say 50% assessment or Max that's a good question I one thing one thing that might come out of this too I don't we don't know the numbers but the 50% might be less than 75 we just don't know so yes if it's more than 10 I guess my 50% more than my just referencing 50% with a maxim so not mentioning certainly giving that direction we can include that in the feasibility report like I said I don't where where those calculations are coming at so if 50% is under 10,000 we would the the estimated assessment at this time is it's just throwing number $8,000 I don't know if that's correct um and then you could also include because we were hearing from some residents at that open house you know how do you know that that's a fair amount we would reference that 2022 special benefit to say like assessments presented proposed assessments 8,000 is still under that ,000 threshold that the council authoriz should say authoriz received all right um dra yeah thank you I will give this to Mr Peters as he is an expert in this area we had a phone call from a resident at 905 Bayside Lane asking to seeking our assistance see we can do for some drainage issues and my staff member went out there looked at it and said hey there's a drain right there let's hook up to this drain and that's where the whole problem started um the backyards of these homes all have um a drin issue due to um plantings trees um and just BMS in the it's just it's kind of a real real bad springs out there and uh Mr Rose boom out there has spent tens of thousands of dollars on tank systems in his yard being buried to collect water it's reing that helping with his and he just can't up um and when Rand storms went to look at it talked about the drain and stuff and brought back to my attention we started looking at this they cannot hook up to the train because supposedly that's a private storm sewer that's in the backyard there so um we talked him so we went back him and came with some ideas maybe you know taking it from his backyard to the street down the street Into the Storm sewer and he was all for he really thought that was a good idea and uh so he's going to pursue and some contractors to get pricing on it um we don't have an issue putting it there I said there's a RightWay permit charge of the 250 fee um you know helping get rid of the water and stuff like that so he talked to his Neighbor Next Door and she's like well the city did a project like that for me back in the day and uh miss out there called me and said doer issues that we' had been passed on here and we had a almost I on conversation about the problems she ran into after she built her house she bought a home out there the first one in there and all the issues they had with moist year water coming into the basement um just the poor drink out there that design of the area um she ended up putting in a basically a some station in her backyard she's thus now built a eated sh over it so she can keep it running because it runs every day 24 it runs all the time basically and she doesn't want to freeze up um so we went to the property so after this long conversation what she did there so said you know what do some investigating she said back in the day when they were looking at they could tap into that drain back there because it was put in by the city and the new owners there said basically told Mr R no you can't because it is ours you we were told by the city that um it's our drain ours all this so um looking back through the files we come across the um with her the moisture analysis that they did in there her house and all this stuff and to come meeting to coming to the council and asking for and the city did or a project there's two different types of projects put in there um one that would be into the corner drain catch Basin or I should say the stor structure where makes the bend there to come in but I guess back in the day there's a lot of trees there and and clear out a lot of trees they opt to go for another plan which just to bring it you it back on one p that's 13 p uh should be on 13 that but it's it's the drawing there is so little bit so they oped to go with the plan where he would have it come out of their house into this pump station there and then out to the storm sewer um it does not say works that did it or not I think it was highed out did P for this project though um looking at that because the the first plan plan a was um ni because of tree removals that's written in there and stuff and uh you might remember this very you're actually listed in there as proving it full disclosure there was 22 years ago and I've had how many hundreds of meetings since then so we should but U so I guess you know so looking at what we've done there and then when I don't call the neighbor just to ask about having any I said well you know heard you want just ask for some documentation so to see whether or not that is truly hers and what she has in place um and that's why kind of that was the text message she got from her that it was just the city told me at that so I guess um what we're asking for is um what can be done for there since we've done it for one but I just don't want to say Hey you know we should go have to do this but I think that we should have a few different things done first off I think you know if you want to pursue this which think could be good for a lot of people in that area to do this kind of have W kind toic look at the area how water is in that area what's collecting through there what can come through there um and what the capacity handling of that it's a 12 in so that drain that's in the ne's yard behind it is a 12 in smooth PVC pip and they're afraid it's going to over the system and I can understand that but this I mean 12in smooth e can take a lot of water I'd be more worried about our concrete structures anding down the road than I would that pipe so it' be nice to do kind of an analysis of that area how much water is coming through there um you know and could that if we just you know if it is decided that we could do something with that would work um you know also look at the feasibility will just having a piping system would that work coming from his backyard in the street down to the catch BAS is there enough fall have to be incorporated there is there enough for that even pursue it um and then also ask can to kind of investigate this SE system you know is it truly theirs there's no easement over anything right now but the city put it in so to the city system what does it entail I somewhere down the road I assum in the house sold it had to be in there that this was there I don't know if there's paperwork somewhere but um you know is it you know truly theirs or is it City owned you know we put it we can't find any on the 880 JS um Co Road property file all that being in there you know when it was put in the only thing we have is if you go to the as bu there only thing that shows is this document right here and the as built for that it shows is it just says a 12 in PVC pipe with a question mark with an arrow you know through that's all it shows up in the corner that's all we have on record G the other the other question isn't um if it if the pipe itself can handle it but if you recall I don't know if you were hearing that it's the pond so all that water is going to then go to that pond the jny CL Pond correct it it goes on the lake okay all that goes down to the lake not into the pond but here's the issue the pond is the issue because the pond is what the city had problems with 12 15 year 20 years ago whatever it was under sized and so now if you're going to be adding water from from that's why we need to have see what you know how much water is there you know how much is coming through that's why you do a topographical that and look at that I mean you know there there's a house there's a house know 20156 or but you know that I remember you know there does need to be some investigation for these guys too I mean you know honestly I mean I do feel bad for they have spent tens of thousands of dollars he still has these issues I I can't imagine see if we can figure it out you know but I don't know you guys want what the next steps are if we can do that would Beal for why is this City's responsibility I mean because the meeting minutes from 22 years ago said here's $1,000 you fix it we're giving you the money but that's it but why are we going to do this on everyone's property that was just used there's a block got problems the ho not the city so like why why is this our well because we don't know if that's our pipe or not we Haven main years and they say it's there nobody's like nobody's coming to the city saying that's the city's to do this but here's the other thing this man he has nowhere else he has no other options whereas the HOA Woodland Cole probably had some other options whereas this guy water is there and he can't he can't divert it any and the new drin system you know that they put place now I mean there would be drains to the backyards like there is now in Woodland coold I mean you know there's there's a lot of drainage options for you know back of the day there wasn't these options here um feel it back that's between these two developments was the driveway to the house to the main Farmland back there it's maintained for quite a while so I yeah I don't know out there this is above my P BR to you guys and you guys make the decision of what you know what to do with it I'm just throwing out some ideas that would help them but it's totally up to you guys you know the next steps what you want to do with it and you know so and when was this house built this was built in early 2000s 1997 okay and this is the first not not the J cult the 905 b side 1997 this is the first time he's come to us complaining of was he was ask yes yeah because he was doing it on his own trying to that's I see saw all these tanks in his yard and he's still getting you know overrun with water and stuff so he was just kind of and he you know and he wasn't you know M he was just ask what can I do you know is there any other options with you guys he was out of options so he's just asking us what we could do and that's we just you know brought up that drain and you can see it right there it's basically there's a little burm in the way you just s it right to the drain and there goes the water it's gone you build it they bought it in 200 there's a lot of houses in Vista and around the lake that have musy waterfill front backyards and I I just don't I don't know how we will determine how we help a mushy yard yard full of water there's lots of that all the houses Landings have mushy waterfill backyards so I just but they yeah but when you think about how the water fills let's just take the landings for instance they their backyard go like this right down into Jen's Bay I mean they have sometimes there's and along you know the breezes HS I mean they have ponds in there so if we do this for this yard we're just going to open up big can of Snak for every other yard I mean that's my question sitting water lots of yards with sitting water some years it will this become our problem at some point would be the pipe right there you like when you de that it is the maintenance of that just so what do you think all this do you think what do you think a solution what do you think a study C you think soltion I [Music] P there no first first feasibility few a few thousand so to me is there's other Gary mentioned is another component of this is to establish who who really does that's yeah I me that's not feasible that you know grievances that is their ours whatever then this is not void and'll be doing ping system let's do that you know so you know that that me probably is this get into you know it is then we go back and say would it handle it you know would the system handle it but if if the council is to do that you're not willing to do if you don't want to do it you know thenan that's that's your choice you don't want to do it if you're not g to purs anything you know then it doesn't pursue doesn't even buy who owns the bik that's what I'm saying you've got $5,000 to spend I'd rather spend it on seniors someone's yard well we can take this the problem is Springs I mean we have Springs there Springs every there's a lot of well that's the thing like I feel bad for him and the problem that has no other Solutions but it's not our fault we haven't maintained it hasn't been like every year who complains about this to us like help help help and you're opening a can of works if you do it for this because there's dozens of other that's not the point the point is is it responsibility is it I well here's here's my take first of all we don't get inundated by these type of requests if we got one every single week then we could say hey we got to have a policy regarding this okay we don't this has been the first well request in 22 years so um I um I always think to myself if somebody comes as a resident constituent and says here's a problem I have can you help me fix it then I say why not I mean that's why that's why we're here we want to make people's lives better we want to make their lifestyle their their their living conditions better so I guess what I would suggest is find out exactly what it would cost to do um one you know the um s figuring out how to if it does Belong To The City or if there's some other way of doing this asking this gentleman if he's interested in paying for that because if he said I'll pay for it why not you know so let let if he's interested in paying the $5,000 to figure out how we can take the water off of his property and put it into a city system that handle it why not that's the way I feel too we're here to actually help our residents anyway we can without it costing the rest of the taxpayers and I understand your point about LS and lot ofer one full water you're get and the policy would be up and the policy would be well if you're willing to pay for a feasibility St like that and to determine how how and how we could help you then we are willing to do that I mean some property cost others because it has problems like this okay if you to study fine to pay for it if I me I think what we need to do is find out if we own the pipe I mean that's the that's the number one thing if we own the pipe then we can see well you want to study to see if you can look into it so I think we there we still need to do a have keny and gr do a little bit of work to figure out do we own this pipe is it ours should have we been maintaining it and the answer is no then it then this kind of yeah then it stops because there's no really other way to pursue it I mean I know sir what would it cost to do something like a study on that you'll kind of see what ownership of that is or do you have a rough estimate I mean do you know if it's I it was part of the J called developments not it's abstract the development do that and that research and let them know our job that a HOA shouldn't they figure that out instead of it might be in their DEC if it is something that belongs HOA but if it's not it might not be addressed decoration just be something that's recorded against these people's property you know if it's the cities they have City our knowledge there is there is no going on anything we say doation have right there on on this as do have that no's there so so then we have Sarah look up find out confirm that we don't own the pipe and then we let the resident know we don't and then they want to pay for a study or something after that and that's their decision I think then it's a private pipe they would just have to work with their neighbor to see if they can hook into it you know yeah no that's yeah no that's [Music] fine okay yep thank you um so next manage detection and response tool for the city networks yes uh Madame mayor members of council uh one of the items that came up um Ali and I sit in on a monthly kind of network check call With wafler Our IT manag services provider and one of the things they brought up was this MDR manage detection and response Network tool um it's essentially i' say next level cyber security looking to see if somebody has infiltrated our Network and is messing around um changing log files it looks at just changes in our Network that aren't normal and then it Flags it and it looks at it something that can help combat um things like ransomware some fishing attacks things like that it's it's another level of kind of insurance to cyber security um that we have I'd say we keep up with our cyber security and updates on our servers and making sure everything is is um you know supported by our it not just LOF but the hardware um companies you know we we do a good job we spend a lot of money on our it looking at Brian because it's like it always there's always something this is just another tool that they're recommending that cities and you know a lot of small businesses use MDR um to kind of add that next level of of um kind of monitoring of our Network so with something like this there's obviously a cost um there's a onetime implementation fee of $675 and then a reoccurring monthly charge of $827 yeah it's pretty expensive you know 10 10 grand a year um theany is they would recommending company perch P CH there's a couple other vendors do MDR Artic wolf is another one their cost is almost double with purchas um so and then so it's Lo like are we paying first directly or is ler taking a cut of what we've pay first no we play we pay uh we enter into the agreement directly waffler manages that you know make sure that they on our Network so ller we understand it doesn't receive any sort of they don't upch charge or anything the city ofap I'm almost POS I don't know I can almost guarantee that they do have some sort of MDR system on their network uh a lot of small businesses do it you know recently there's been a couple things little cyber attacks but you know some fishing campaigns that have been successful in the municipal world and mayor and uh bla recently so these things aren't going to go away always just try to stay like kind of one step ahead but we do have that so we already have MFA for people accessing the network so all the employees that access it we do have MFA okay I'm not against having one Bas so I would say this is this is already the discount MDR yeah um but I can come back with more but this is the lowest one this is the one they recommend to be most cost effective for Network our size um like I said AR Artic wolf I think has a better reputation and these things called MDR Wars which people try to get into networks and Artic wolf won those um but they are roughly twice as much as perch what's the worst thing that can happen we could uh there's a lot of things yeah they could get into skada is generally air gapped or separated from our Network um but um you know they could get into our financial system they could change things they could you know all kinds of different things yeah so I mean the idea with MDR is that they can kind of see what normal activity is and if there's anything outside of normal gets flagged and then whatever computer that's happening on gets partitioned right away and then it's off and then they can kind of do an examination so it's insurance basically we can choose not it it's a should um I think it's best practices do does every city have MDR protection no they don't how manyi do have that I don't know um money is weared out of your account it's wired it's gone um but that's generally a little bit different a lot of times what you get is Rand some wear attacks so they get on your milons and millions dollars they probably have MDR yeah mayor got it I mean they'll get all different sizes we still have a lot of large transactions you know even as a smaller Community even with our insurance renewal each year they always keep asking about what type of cyber security enhance we're doing and that and I think they TR into their premiums are we not insured for oh no we we're insured to the maximum we can it's like 500,000 something which that's that covers the hardware that you have to get replaced maybe I I think we should do it my only question is can we take this out of our budget oh we we could if we weren't four in that department yes you know at least for 2025 if we you know could take it out of that and we we could I just don't think there's enough I think it's ouring the cable yeah 32 there's only like 31 or 32,000 it's like 21,000 yeah like 30,000 might be a little high amongst all the funds and departments that 10 you we sprit to water and sewer and all the different places it's not that big a hit on yeah the general fun it's probably I mean it's it's probably a good idea to do it's just the the atmosphere of like cyber attacks they're always trying to get one step ahead so MDR is what's you know kind of the the newest thing that you can do but then there's going to be some other way that somebody tries to get on our Network we just hope that they don't come after us [Laughter] yeah you don't want to wish you had it in hindsight it's like you hate to let me ask question okay um haven't gone through VPN with bad experiences and finally taking them off completely thanks to's advice we're not I know but basically it's not something that's fail um we won't rely on it to gain access to our network if that's kind of what you're asking it's just kind of it'll sit there in the background and hopefully just monitor everything and it won't we won't even know it's there where the VPN have something on the server fails we might not be able to get on to theet work so so start start in 2025 so January 2025 yeah okay thank you to our close session we need to close the door who needs to stay and who needs to go um I think maybe D then yeah and we'll do a motion Craig St and Gary oh yeah if you want to read the the um reason on here then I'll close the meeting down and then we'll we won't be recording all right city council The District Court entitled Smith and Vis versus City number 27c do I have a motion I have to relist the whole thing and Mr vicory made that second all those in favor secondos motion passes we are now in Clos session do you need um