##VIDEO ID:KF2Ft49hBpI## e e e e e e e e e e e e 26 2024 6:31 p.m. everybody please and salute the flag please rise and salute the flag I pledge aliance to the flag the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all in accordance with the open public meetings act it is hereby announced and shall be entered can we please be quiet and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following hear you okay posted on the Bolton Board of the office of the Township Clerk posted on the bulton boards within the municipal complex printed in the home News Tribune and cranbery press on December 29 2023 posted on the Monroe Township website and sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice Laura please take rooll Mr Rothman here miss brosky Mr Patel M damiani here Mr slavich here Mr weiner here Dr Kenzie presentent councilman vanzora here mayor Delina here please chairman Gaffrey here okay uh Laura circulated the minutes of the July 25th 2024 minutes um if everyone's taking a a look at those do I have a motion to accept I'll make a motion to accept the minutes is there a second second okay all in favor I I opposed extensions hearing none that the minutes are accepted we're going to go right into the uh um the application and we're going to pick up where we left off the last time with the public portion um it's pb1 1250 d22 Federal business centers Inc uh requests a preliminary and final site plan with bulk variances Mr chairman I before we jump into the public I just like to make a comment in regards to this um particular application um I um thought it was very important to be here have to excuse me I'm under the weather but I thought it was very important to be here um and I certainly appreciate this opportunity but I briefly want to just address uh the board as well as the residents here and the applicants just for U few moments that as the chairman said we're going to we're going to be jumping into the um public portion of it um but I have reviewed the testimony provided at the last meeting which was in July and so far I strongly believe and I want this on the record that the proposed Warehouse is simply not incompatible with the surrounding area especially the residential neighborhood and particularly of my concern it's the traffic and the testimony and information presented thus far has con not convinced me otherwise so I'm not opposed to warehouses um but I uh like ware houses that are appropriate and compatible meaning that they belong in certain areas um in particular access to better roads Route 33 in particular and not residential roads so I'm not again not opposed to it but I'm I'm not opposed to Smart growth but when we're talking about incompatibility I think this is what we're talking about for this particular application I am certainly eager to hear from the residents tonight and to listen this is what it's about this is why we do it um if the applicant has certainly additional testimony in the future uh at our next meeting certainly will be here with fervor to listen as well but as it stands right now I am not in support of approving this application thank you Mr chairman okay before we hear from the members of the public I understand that some of the residents may have retained private Council if that's the case is are there any private Council here that's appearing on behalf of any or one or more of the residents hearing none um we're going to take in an orderly fashion um residents to come up and speak when you come up please state your name spell your name and provide your address and and our our board attorney will will then swear you in so well um normally under under uh uh the way that the uh policy is with the planning board we allow up the five minutes um per individual um I'm not going to hold people to that I just urge people I think a lot of people here share the same opinions for for the benefit of being able to get through everyone who wants to speak tonight to the extent possible please avoid some repetition but uh going go ahead you please come forward would you raise your right hand you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do would you tell us your full name and spell your last name [Music] hello okay uh my name is sudhir mamdapur I live at 271 Morning Glory Drive Monro uh first name sudhir s u d as in David H as in e e r sudhir last name madapur m as in Mary a m as in Mary a d as in David a p u r madapur okay what would you like to tell the board um I want to talk about a few concerns about the variances um and how like mayor mentioned Mr Mayor mentioned how incompatible this site is actually for this proposed Warehouse so first of all good evening um members of the planning board and local officials I really appreciate the opportunity to speak today the proposed warehouse location is a matter of grave concern to us uh in the area especially on Butcher Road and not dispo Road the significant variances being requested rais serious concerns about the compatibility suitability and safety of the neighborhood uh in a residential um predominantly residential neighborhood now here are some of my concerns related to five variances in particular I know there are many more but I just want to talk about five quickly in the time that's alloted to me number one inadequate lot size and depth now the proposed lot depth is 83 ft short of the required 500 ft which indicates that the site is not large enough to accommodate a facility of this size this reduced lot depth directly impacts the room available for parking truck circulation and the required buffer zones all of which are critical in a residential setting now question to you is if this site is not large enough to meet the basic zoning requirements for lot depth how can it safely accommodate the scale of 176,000 ft² facility and its operations so that's my number one question number two lack of a burm which means no noise or visual buffer the facility is asking for an exemption from the 6t burm requirement leaving nearby homes exposed to noise light and Industrial activity now without this BM there is no barrier protecting residents from The Round the Clock noise and light pollution from delivery trucks and operations my question to you on this is how will residents be protected from the constant noise and light pollution from trucks and facility operations if the required burm is not provided number three is that a question you want the applicant to answer absolutely yeah yeah so I can wait actually I hope it's not counted against my time so okay Mr Smith do you want to respond to that question I'm not sure what it was so do you want me to repeat the first question as indicated you previously sworn and or prepared to testify at this time I do Sir Patrick conell c o n n e l o i Federal Business Center Mr Conelly before you speak just let the record reflect m board member Patel is is now present okay uh I believe the question was um the burm and the variance request associated with the bur correct yeah that's that was my second question yeah I'll come to the first one later got it um so what we could do is um could illustrate that the um the front of the property as you can see is completely forested by an existing uh Forest um as well uh in the front of the building on North this brow as well as the front of the um property of long butcher um we're going to take everyone's comments into consideration this evening and um potentially if that's a concurrence of opinion we would be willing to take those types of things that's why we're here for just like you we want to listen to what everyone says and if that's something that in totality and the and the professionals wanted we would we would we would work to put in the burm it just seems like a shame to to cut all the trees down the purpose of eliminating the burm was to save the trees thank you uh would you like to continue or are you completed sorry would you like to continue or you completed uh no I would like to continue please I have three more actually okay just the extent you can wrap it up so because we have a lot of people here that want to speak sounds good yeah yeah so number three is about parking and traffic hazards the center proposes 93 fewer parking spaces and required leading to overflow parking spilling into nearby streets on nor disa Hill Road and Butcher Road Additionally the reduction in parking stall size and the request to park vehicles within 30 ft of the building will lead to congestion making harder for trucks and emergency vehicles to maneuver safely parking in the front Ard along North Dill Road and butcher road is completely out of character for this neighborhood and Bings industrial traffic closer to residential homes in fact it is almost in a backyards in know backyard for Monro place and Monro Manor so the question to you is what will happen when there is not enough parking for workers and delivery vehicles when they begin and they begin parking on the already narrow residential streets Mr Conley so again thank you for the comment um the just to explain the intent of the design as previously testified was to our feeling is that the parking is appropriate to the intended use um the the uh requirements are a little bit um dated because in a post-pandemic world we feel we don't need that much parking that said it is something we would consider um relocating out of the front yard and increasing more parking spaces so that is again I can't commit to it but it's a a something we'll take into consideration and and and look at it you know for when we have continued discussions thank you okay my next point is on the oversized driveway and traffic flow the facility is requesting a driveway more than double the allowable width 65 ft instead of the maximum 35 ft this oversized entrance is designed to accommodate frequent 18 wheel wheeler truck traffic but these roads were not built for industrial use the narrow residential streets can't handle the heavy truck volume without significant ific an safety risks for pedestrians and residents question to you is do the narrow residential streets surrounding the facility which are not dill and uh Butcher Road have the capacity to handle large trucks entering and exit exiting a driveway almost twice allowable width without endangering residents and pedestrians I'm sorry on this one I'm not sure precisely the question the variance being so thought is to have a driveway width that's wider than what is required which was necessitated by the design of making sure a tractor trailer could properly enter and exit without hopping the curb um is the your concerns related to the width of the driveway yeah the fact that you're asking for double the allowable width you know means that there are going to be more 18wheeler trucks and it's not actually safe for the neighborhood and you know the roads are not built for industrial use Ju Just for the purpose of explanation and and I'm answering all these as the applicant not that one of our professionals but the the the um variance the way the lot uh the driveway width is recorded is out at the street where it's in its widest condition where it flares out so the driveway itself is is a normalized driveway it just flares out at the end to allow a truck to turn but it's another comment we'll take into consideration thank you thank you and I have the last one Visual and environmental impact the facility is requesting three freestanding signs when only one is permitted and they want to place signs just 5 ft from the property line far below the required 20 ft this will contribute to visual clutter and light pollution in what should be when what should remain a calm residential neighborhood additionally no Landscaping is being proposed Around The Refuge areas further diminishing the sites environmental sustainability and potentially causing drainage issues for neighboring homes and communities like mandro place and mandro Manor now question to you is how can you justify granting variances that will dramatically alter the residential character of the neighborhood with industrial signs and no buffer from trash and other environmental hazards so you have two questions there one is related to the sides uh and again this was all testified to by our professionals last meeting were you were you present um no but I okay did you did you look at the recording yes yeah okay so so what was happening is that the the three signs actually were um a um an attempt to make sure that wave finding and everything is enhanced because of the location of the property and frankly we anticipated the concerns of the residents of making sure trucks and cars don't go the wrong way um that said as it relates to signs if it's the collective decision to not have three signs we'll have one sign but the our our opinion was that the three signs are beneficial to wayf finding and keeping people from getting um lost and going the wrong direction um thank the the second question is a little easier the trash receptacle I think on record last um meeting we testified that we would screen the trash uh enclosure so I believe that that variance is no longer of a subject of concern so we U thank you for raising it but that is something we agreed to modify last meeting thank you and and thank you for your comments yeah I just want to say closing statement actually so in closing I just want to say that each of these variances is not a minor adjustment but a clear indication that this fulfillment center is not suitable for a residential area from inadequate lot size lack of buffers and parking issues to traffic hazards and environmental impacts this project presents serious risks to the safety quality of life and character of the community I urge the board to consider these risks carefully if this facility cannot comply with basic zoning and safety standards it should not be forced into a neighborhood that clearly cannot handle its demands I request the board members to drive around the proposed site and see for yourself how ill suited this site is for the proposed project seeing is believing thank you thank thank you [Applause] raise your right hand s to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do would you state your full name and spell your last name Dennis SLO last name is Liu uh where do you live uh 31 Beachwood Drive so I'm literally the Corner House right across the street at the so I can see itward what was that you can proceed proce okay uh yeah so like I said my name is Dennis I'm here to speak on behalf of my fellow resident Monroe place I grew up in Middle sex County uh more specifically East brunwick starting from kindergarten Irwin through Churchill harmi East runuk High School and finally recer my undergrad Masters I live like I said I live on Beachwood Drive that runs directly parallel to Butcher Road and in fact um I can see the intersection of North disbro and butcher from my bedroom uh despite the builders cropping out a majority in in the previous exhibit you can see it here and you can see it like again right in the corner lower right that gray Mass that's me you know um contract contrary to what their lawyer claimed none of us moved in knowing and accepting that this was an overlay in HD Zone as they stated it's literally across the street from me so there's a direct impact to my family and just about everyone else's here it's quality of life uh as previously stated you know we all object to building of the warehouse to begin with but we also want to point out why we don't agree with any of these variances I'm here to raise an objection against the request to allow the exception for front yard and employee parking along Butcher and variances of the front set backs the actual amount of usage percentages present presented by the engineering planner sound great in relation to the overall lot ownership but the amount they're planning to utilize is pushed up against local residents to the West we residents are burdened with the impact caused by them avoiding the wetlands as dictated by existing regulations and as a result they seeking variances to squeeze their massive footprint into a tiny space that may not really you know accommodate for that for that size they're asking for variant benefits because they say they're using less land but the location of the actual amount of land used passes the detriments to us the local residents it's demonstrated by them requesting to put a front yard parking lot along butcher which is going to be again facing my yard and all our backyards um so our concern is parking the front yard along butcher it's not suitable for the neighborhood it detracts from the streetcape increases noise introduces light and sand pollution from cars and workers and reduces the residential feel of Butcher Road in the surrounding area we believe that the design should follow existing ordinances and should be enforced so as not to encroach on the front yard space it's important to preserve the streetcape prevent the introduction of additional sources of Automotive disorder and maintain the residential character of the neighborhood currently car and truck sounds they boom boom boom down Butcher Road I could hear that from my bedroom I can hear it from my bed every time they come down I have no doubt that a large parking lot right up against the road will contribute to making this significantly worse car lights truck lights motion activated parking light and building lights will all be visible and Illuminating my bedroom and there is no guarantee of any time related limits at night it all depends on who who stays there what like you know what they're doing so there's no guarantee at night lights lights lights we have many kids in the community that play in the common area parallel to Butcher Road and in our own yards as well and this will be introducing many unknown strangers with direct line of sight into our private spaces in regards to variances for setbacks within 30 ft existing standards should be maintained there are a lot of reasons why they should not be allowed less than 30 ft first fire safety and access but wider setbacks crucial for preventing rapid spread of fire between buildings and reducing such distances can put significantly increased fire hazards putting our lives and property at greater risk in case of fire building codes were created for a reason and should be thoroughly enforced to maintain safety for all parties and property two privacy and quality of life reduce setbacks with buildings closer closer to each other resulting loss of privacy this close presim will lead to increased noise and visual intrusion to the neighboring properties our properties reduced setbacks will create a cramped and uncomfortable atmosphere and have a negative impact on our ability tojoy our yards and outdoor activities in our private spaces three Aesthetics neighborhood characters setbacks contribute to visual Harmony and the overall Aesthetics of the surrounding area reduced setbacks can result in a more dense Urban field which will be inconsistent again with the areas established identity and this will have a negative impact on property Valu due to the changes in the Aesthetics and the spatial quality of the neighborhood lastly Sturm Water Management flooding adequate setbacks are crucial for Effective storm water management reduced setbacks will lead to poor drainage increasing the risk of flooding and water damage to nearby properties which are our properties my property right there in the corner it's essentially considering that Bentley Brook borders the space and then there's a flood zone conservation to the South setbacks will help manage so erosion by providing space for vegetarian natural ground cover whereas reduce setbacks and exacerbate erosion problems impacting the stability of properties infrastructure so ultimately reducing setback requirements can have a lot of negative impacts such as fire risk compromised emergency access privacy intrusion and many other environmental concerns they're essential for maintaining quality of life safety and overall character of our neighborhood in conclusion I urge the council to not approve for the front yard parking along putcher Road or the redu setbacks and maybe even reconsider allowing a warehouse to be built here at all while I don't have an idea of what I'd like to see there I do have a concept of an idea so thank you for your time thank thank [Applause] you I there no questions there right so okay thank you okay next Resident you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth that your full name oh your last name chirag B Patel spell your last name but first name c h i r a g b h a i last name Patel p a t e l and where do you live uh I live in mandro place Community 19 Beachwood Drive middle of the um I mean uh yeah facing to the uh Warehouse okay you can proceed thank you uh good evening member of the planning board um I'm speaking to you today as concern Citizen and resident of mandro place Community the proposed Warehouse will be located merely 200 100 ft behind my home which contradicts the NJ planning board guidelines recommending 500 to 100 ft buffer from Warehouse developments and the residential areas my neighbors and I will be directly impacted having Warehouse in our backyard would turn our peaceful lives upside down would any of you like to live with constant noise pollution and traffic it's not just an inconvenience [Applause] it's not just an inconvenience it's a nightmare our kids need more parks and safety I appreciate the planning board's acknowledgement of the need of Regional Park in South Monroe to improve quality of life as stated in 2022 master plan however I am shocked to learn that the land tagged as potential open space is now proposed for warehouse development doesn't this degrade the quality of life for South mandro residents I have several questions to you how does proposed Warehouse aligned with 2022 MRA Township master plan which designates this lot and block as potential open space I have another question to you doesn't the master plan's designation imply that Township intends to acquire this land for Regional Park purposes conflicting with the warehouse proposal according to mon Township's environment resource inventory 2020 this land supports diverse Wildlife including endangered and threaten spaces of States concerned rank three and rank two habitats you can refer this on page 163 figure 22 Warehouse operations would generate air water and noise pollution threatening local Wildlife storm water runoff and potential chemical spill would contaminate nearby water sources I would like to ask applicant has an environment impact assessment been conducted and this is something I guess uh the MRA Township planner has mentioned in the report as well how will development affect water quality and the Aquatic Life considering freshwater Wetland and proximity to flood Hazard areas The Proposal proposed Warehouse required uh cutting hundreds of trees along Butcher Road for parking and utilities however front yard parking lots are not allowed under Township law and contradicts our neighborhood character I question the applicants compliance with the required continuous 30 to 50 ft width of trees along buter Road in Le of burm for visual screening from residential areas the safety of South M residents is also concerning the applicant proposes a 65 ft driveway exceeding the allowed 35 ft applicant is well aware of 35 ft driveway is not enough for big trucks traffic due to safety concerns but 20 foot narrow northe Brill Road and third busy 30 ft narrow Butcher Road is good for big truck traffic for them this is Major safety issue for for our neighborhood residents and kids due to increased traffic congestion and its impact to emergency response time what is the plan to decongest the traffic on ever busy Butcher Road left only lane on buter road right only lane on Northeast Brill Road as mandro Community Homeowners we pay over11 million in property taxes annually are we paying to live with constant noise and disruption noise pollution will make it difficult for our children to focus on their studies noise nuisance will disturb our sleep and adversely affect our mental well-being can applicant applicant provide a noise impact assessment demonstrating compliance with Township regulations I'm not opposed to Warehouse development but this site is unsuitable due to its proximity to residential areas and surounding infrastructure it's about life of the people who live there it's about our right to enjoy our homes without constant [Applause] disruption to Federal Business Center Representatives your Tri family business has not had to deal with the impacts of Warehouse in your backyard the human cost far outweighs the economic benefits this Warehouse would bring this Warehouse will remind us that our quality of life is secondary to economic interest while applicant request bulk variances we request just one variance HD Zone permits Warehouse development no commercial development is allowed at this site [Applause] yes thank you planning board for listening to my concerns I hope you will consider our plea to preserve our community's character and quality of life thank you Mr P [Applause] we'd like to swear you went raise your right hand you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so hope you yes and tell us your full name and spell your last name my name is San mahotra first name San s a r a n s h last name mahotra and m a l h o t r a where do you live I live in Monroe Manor on 264 Morning Glory Drive proceed with your statement so good evening esteemed board members I first want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk today I I'm a junior at Monro Township High School I stand before you today not only as a teenager to be taken lightly but as a resident who deeply cares about our community I'm sure the well-versed adults who come after me will talk a lot about details about construction variances and things like this but I'm here to talk to you guys specifically I want to offer a perspective that might often be overlooked that of a young driver and teenager in this community the roads near this proposed Warehouse are already narrow and difficult to navigate especially for someone like me who is just starting to gain confidence behind the wheel as it stands driving on these roads can be daunting with their tight lanes and dense trees lining both sides introducing high truck traffic into this environment would not only increase congestion but also make driving significantly more dangerous for inexperienced drivers currently like [Applause] myself this isn't just about traffic though it's also about the safety for those in our neighborhood I myself often go on runs and bike rides uh with my friends on Butcher Road there are areas for the majority of the path where there is no sidewalk or curb for pedestrians to walk safely which already poses a risk to this [Applause] community the addition of an influx of trucks to this mess will make these roads even more unsafe especially for young people like myself who enjoy taking walks around and near our community we should not have to fear for our safety while being around our own neighborhoods listen I love Monroe okay I've lived here for eight years now and I've built some amazing connections and I've made some great memories with some great people I understand that development is inevitable and I'm not here to argue against progress because progress is what constitutes the American dream I do believe though that warehouses like this belong in designated industrial areas not in the heart of residential neighborhoods as a teenager I worry about the long-term implications this will have on my community's future if this Warehouse is approved what precedent does it set will this open the door for even more warehouses to be built around our homes our schools and Parks what happen to young children having fun and enjoying themselves I myself have a younger brother we would greatly greatly appreciate some sort of Resident uh sorry some sort of um recreational center being built there instead of the residential center that is currently in [Applause] place a lot of events in Monroe happen at the Monroe Community Center as you all know which is about a 25-minute drive from my own house so why would we build a uh um a resident uh things near residential areas instead of recreational centers themselves we want to build something that complement and adds value which is my request to the Builder himself I'd like to ask everyone here to think about the future we want to create especially for the younger generation are we willing to sacrifice our environment and our quality of life and air quality for more pollution in residential areas caused by trout congestion as a young person I can tell you that my peers and I care deeply regarding our community's future we want to live in a place where safety and quality of life are prioritized this Warehouse might just seem like another business project to the majority of citizens here but to me it represents a very real threat to our safety our environment and the way we experience life in here in this beautiful city thank you thank you you swear to tell the truth it's whole TR nothing but the truth good evening uh my name is Michael beckus be K as uh 211 uh Valencia Drive Monroe Township who live in Renaissance at Monroe which is right nearby I'm I guess you your last name again B Be e k as where do you live oh I said 211 Valencia Drive Monroe Township Renaissance at Monroe I've been here for 19 years um I I present more of a picture um of seniors living right nearby Butcher Road we are somewhat captive in the sense that in order to get out of where we are we need to make a Jug Handle at Butcher Road and I use it quite often and early in the day and there are trucks there very often and those trucks stifle traffic you could miss two lights because trucks get there and be they have to make this big turn uh Around The Jug Handle the traffic in the 19 years I've been here the traffic has become impossible Route 33 is backed up trucks use Butcher Road to get access to 33 so that they can get to the turnpike so they block all you know all the other traffic going that way um there are too many big trucks that are allowed to you be to use our local roads on Lane roads uh which they shouldn't be I believe there was a segment of the master plan that talked about finding different ways for trucks to get access to the turnpike and wherever they have to go rather than these on Lane roads that go through the turn bike um houses are going to start to depreciate rather than appreciate as they have been because [Applause] when when people when people come to this area and look at the things that are important to them the important things are are uh having a nice neighborhood having an easy flow of traffic and remember Renaissance we are 347 homes we're all seniors driving is difficult for many people driving at night is very difficult for many of the people there and it's just going to get worse as these these trucks come down um Butcher Road and and make it very very difficult um so from our perspective we think that warehouse uh as to where it is is is just a is is going to block traffic it's going to create problems I don't know the facts and figures for this Warehouse about how many trucks are going to access it on a daily basis but whatever it is it's too many we shouldn't have trucks here on these on Lane roads and [Applause] I mean we ask you to uh to look at it and deny them uh building a warehouse in that location this town is is very big and most of the warehouses in our town are in the middle of the town and they're away from uh residential areas like ours A lot of these uh Senior Communities uh why can't they be out there I I would assume that this is a great location for them for the Builder because they're close to the turnpike but all that's going to do is block traffic for all the other cars that have to get to the turnpike or go east or west on Route 33 so please turn them down thank you [Applause] tell the truth all TR nothing with the truth you that your full name spell your last name and then give us your address my name is murali nandigama n a n d i g a m a i live on 24 highin Lane Monro Township M as in Matthew U as in uniform r as in Rain a as in apple L as in love I as in India murali I was driving herei go forward thank you I was driving here and when I came here I see traffic as big as Taylor Swift's concert and it took me 10 minutes to actually take a turn from Monro Place onto the Butcher Road because there are eight or nine cars waiting in front of me for the signal to cross butcher to come on to apple G Ro if two 60t trucks come there and stop for the signal my entire community of Monro Place cannot take a left turn to actually come to the route number 33 so I don't [Applause] understand how the traffic report was prepared in the last planning meeting but I'm happy to pay money to to set up a nice umbrella and a beach chair and drinks for the traffic engineer to real time watch the traffic there for a couple of [Applause] hours all right all I going to say is there are lot of us who looked into the Integrity of the rules and variances that is applied to homeowners who live there and the variances that are being asked and casually being mentioned and passed on and recorded in the records by the warehouse Builders we want parity if I want to build my deck like 20% beyond the variance I don't get a planning approval [Applause] why should there be a dozen or more variances granted to a commercial Builder that is not right actually the cynical part of me thought that hey Warehouse is going to come in front of our property our property values are going to crash my property taxes will go down but unfortunately I paid 12,900 property tax last year this year I paying $13,600 property tax so my property taxes are going up whether my property values are going to go down or up this is not fair we are going to lose our quality of life the safety of commute the place and the the the Clean Air and all those things at a great cost well the property owner has the right to build whatever they want to build there within the variances without any exceptions so I am here to object to any request and Grant of variances to the warehouse [Applause] project hi there hi um my name is would you tell us your name please oh yes ad v c can you move the microphone a little closer to you dear yeah is that good and we we swear in all Witnesses huh we swear in all Witnesses right you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so hope you got okay yes would you tell us your full name oh yes oh okay V and I'll spell that up a d i t h i and then v a d a k a n n e yeah where do you live oh um I live in one more place 15 Clover Lane so I'm obviously here for the same reason but um sorry you speak up a littleit yeah oh speak speak a little louder please oh okay okay so I'm obviously here for the same reason I'm here because there's too it's going to become too much Danger from this Warehouse trust me because [Applause] [Music] okay so first obviously the trucks I'm not willing to get late for school again and and I really and it's really dangerous these trucks are way too big so many cars are going to be going true and so dangerous for everyone and for kids safety um also it's probably going to going to become it can pollute the air a lot right and already we have many factories that already pollute the air it's too dangerous and instead of a warehouse we can provide something better maybe like a playround for kids cuz we don't have [Applause] one because we don't have one really close to right near us um and with the warehouse it's going to be so chaotic and busy with all these trucks going by and car is going back by too much traffic will be coming and car accidents can happen very easily too it's it's dangerous and already there's many empty warehouses laying out instead of building an [Applause] instead of building a new one just use use the ones that they're already made we don't I know in your opinion you probably want to wear house but I think we don't need one and because because it causes too many problems and um oh yeah I'm just I'm just a 10-year-old I would not feel safe living in an environment with a warehouse it's too dangerous for everyone and it's it's too dangerous to play outside or do anything like that okay um oh that [Applause] we want a better future than this trust me I'm sorry if it's your opinion but you I think it's better off with no Warehouse it's it's too many problems cause it's too dangerous thank you [Applause] sir we're going to swear you in you swear to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth good evening my name is prosa p Peter R Robert a apple b boy o Orange D desert okay P Peter R Robert a apple b boy o orange D desert H Henry last name is sh S S sim H Henry a h Henry char H A I say h okay he sir address 296 morning go Monro Township yes proceed I have been resident of this community for 13 years I'm here today as a concerned senior citizens who has witnessed the growth and change in our neighborhood over the year I believe the proposed Warehouse in our resident area is the step in the wrong direction and would have serious negative impact on our community especially for older resident like myself safety concerns of the resident the warehouse will bring a significant increase in the truck traffic to load that are already narrow and congested here we are specifically talking about Butcher Road and the north this borrow Hill Road that so narrow all for regular vehicle and traffic many of us including a senior very rely on the roads for driving and assessing local service I am also concerned and worried about my grandchildren who are new drivers that drive on these roads regularly the idea of negative thing this already ConEd stre with big truck coming and going is not only alarm but dangerous impact on health and well many older ERS including myself deal with despire conern like ASA and the to gopd the increased traffic from the delivery truck will contribute to higher level of all populations and uh our area making this condition condition even more worse than effective over quality of the noise population from the truck and Warehouse operations will also disturb the peace and white we have come to Value so much in this community decreased property value and finan as senior many of us live on fixed income relying on our staying and in many cases the value of our our homes as our largest assets the introduction of a warehouse in a residential area neighborhood like or is likely to cuse home value to drop significant a loss in property value could be financially deved as a directly impact our ability to sell our home preventing our community characters I have like lived here long enough to see this community growth into the wonderful peaceful place it is today what make this neighborhood especially is the Dan of community the Qui Street and the today and close relationship with between neighbors building Warehouse right in the middle of this environment completely undermine the value we have worked so hard to maintain all up to development I understand the development is something necessary but we must ask ourself is this the right kind of development for the for our neighborhood I believe there are other more suitable area for a warehouse please see that are better equipped to handle the traic noise and the distribtion in bring let priorities development inhance our quality of the of of life not d i urge the board of to think about the serious families and childrens who make this neighborhood what is the we deserve a community where we can continue to live safely with clear air and enjoy the peace we have worked hard to build please reconsider this project and seek and alternative the reserve the integrity and safety of our community thank you for your [Applause] time need speak [Applause] those standing in the back there are plenty of seats up up here paper give that his paper paper she couldn't get everything he was saying so if he could hand in his um yeah um sir yeah hand in his speech yeah yeah the stenographer needs the paper so she could correctly uh record everything and we're going to take two more and then we're going to take a break sorry we do two more and then we're going to take a break we're my name is Stan Greenberg we're going to swear you I live at uh sir we're going to swear you in raise your right hand oh you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help yes I do okay your full name and spell your last name okay let's last name is spelled g r e n b e r j I live at6 to Vinci Court uh Renaissance H mon Road uh proceed with your uh my question I have a cou just a couple of questions uh going east on Route 33 how is a tractor trailer supposed to make that turn onto Butcher [Applause] Road is that a question I a problem making that turn with a car tractor trailers have problems now making a left turn from Butcher Road onto Route 33 and that's a two-lane Highway okay traffic will be backed up waiting for a tractor trailer trying to make a left turn onto debrow from Butcher Road okay a warehouse has no right to be in a residential [Applause] residence much less in someone's [Applause] backyard I see some children speaking today they are the future of Monroe not [Applause] [Applause] warehouses excuse me I want everybody to have a chance to speak the interruptions will not not allow that so proceed raise your right hand where to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth to help I do yes yes would you give us your full name spell your last name what your full name spell your last name yeah pradep mam last name is m e l a m my address is 4J place even though I'm not close to the warehouse that is proposed but today I need to speak here I did read the St traffic study submitted by the applicant today but they failed to mention the effects of the warehouse on okay you have the recording next time you can I I just want to speed up because there are so many other people are waiting okay she's the stenographer she needs to report it I did read the study of the traffic study that is submitted by this applicant today but they failed to mention the effects of this Warehouse or the con concern traffic on Applegarth Road or the sub roads that Applegarth Road is dividing especially the Station Road Halfacre Road Prospect Plains Road and force Gate Road why I specifically mentioned that because in the last council meeting the councils and mayor has expressed their concern about the traffic truck traffic coming from the neighborhood towns like cranberry and others now we are going to increase this as the previous gentleman mentioned the left turns from Butcher Road onto the Butcher Road is very tough even for cars and now these trucks are not going to make the turn so all the trucks that needs to make a left turn are going to end up on ghost right which is appleg road and now this apple road is starts at as one lane goes as two lane comes as one lane and expands to two lane just before the schools and then Narrows down as one lane and then keep going like that in the last master plan review also we requested the mayor and the team to expand or plan for expansion of Applegarth Road into two Road Two Line Road on both sides but it didn't take up and now there is another Light Within 200 ft from the Route 33 on the apple G on the North side now if that light become functional there will be more congestion on the appar road along with this truck traffic and there is an un unmonitored or non-regulated a junction is there where the wck off Mills Road and Old Church Road meets in Applegarth Road that's one of the dangerous Junction it's just one lane road and everybody has to stop if anybody is making a turnover there the traffic is going to back up a lot and we the residents on south side of the Town we've been appealing for a park and a second Recreation Center or a combination of those in the last master plan review also and it did not Incorporated and we did not get anything out of the master plan on this side of the town but from the density and from the revenue point of view we are no less than any other part of the town so I [Applause] add I add this planning board I Edge this planning board subsequently Council and mayor not to approve any variances they can build any business they want to build without any variance that is applied for thank you thank [Applause] you okay we're going to take a five minute break because the stenographer need needs a break um by a show a hands can I get a sense of who wants to speak okay okay um what this go yeah what what we're looking for does anyone have anything new to say we understand some of the issues that have been raised and we appreciate that we're listening to you but um want to hear what's what's new from the different perspective okay so we're going to we're going to take 5 to 10 minutes for for the court reporter and we'll come back we resume yeah e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay okay everybody okay everybody sit down please everybody sit down please raise your right hand wa before before we begin our Our intention tonight it's clear that we're not going to finish with the public portion tonight so what we're going to do is continue until if if we're not finished by 9:30 we're going to move it to the next meeting and continue where we left off um we do have some additional board business we have to take care of but I promised everybody we'd start right right with the uh public portion so um to the extent that you're not repetitious um please if you have any new issues that haven't been discussed we could prefer to hear those first if we can thank you did you raise your right hand you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so have you got would you tell us your full name my name is lumbert y i r e h l o m b e r t I leave at 3 Butcher Road I'm the last house in Butcher Road he indicate what you want want to for here good evening all thank you for listening to us um I have a few questions for the developer um if they would like to come and maybe answer maybe the traffic engineer or I have a few questions how much traffic increase is considered a substantial change in a residential area so th those types of questions I I can't answer specifically unless we want to start bringing up professionals again all the testimony was given but um you I would like to share some data that we the residents took in unnown school day from 7:30 to 8:15 a.m. we had 499 cars if you look up that's a very high volume of cars going towards an intersection we had 89 cars coming from Applegarth to Butcher Road 183 cars coming from Butcher Road to Applegarth 164 turning left 164 cars turning left into 33 28 turning right into butcher 35 turning right on 33 that's a total of 499 cars on a non-school day during the summer where most people are away how long does it take a a tractor trailer to make a right turn from 33 to butcher it takes 19 seconds that light lasts 60 Seconds there is there is not enough clearance for a tractor trailer to make a safe right turn from 33 to butcher they have to take the Middle Lane turn right and any car that is waiting for the left light to turn has to move back and we have proof of that for a tractor trailer to make a left turn into the 33 from Butcher Road it takes 20 seconds the light lasts 15 seconds do you know where all the tractor trailers do a U-turn right at the corner of my house illegal U-turn in a week at least 5 to seven cars excuse me tractor trailer do a U-turn right at the corner of my house as my fellow neighbors I suggest we approach the developer with a proposal to construct a recre sport complex this amenity will not only enhance our community quality of life but also generate Revenue stream for both developers and our neighborhoods thank [Applause] you we're going to swear you in would you raise your right hand you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got would you tell us your full name and spell your last name Maryanne Sorel s o r i a l where do you live 112 day Grove Road Monroe so I'm going to shift the tone just slightly here I have been a resident of Monroe for 11 years I was invited by a neighbor to come in and to share in this evening I look around I see a lot of Community Partners I see Neighbors I see friends um I'm an educator I've been an educator for over 25 years and I come in that capacity I come as a resident but also as an educator who's worked with children of all ages primarily middle and high school um my parents like many of it seems like this diverse crowd filled with beautiful accents remind me very much of my own parents who came here in the late 70s they were in Jersey City initially which we know is an urban inner city with a lot of congestion and a lot of traffic um and a lot of pollution the research that we know of today for all the factors that are stacked up against children and elderly in particular include a lot of the factors that I'm hearing brought up tonight so I felt compelled to at least offer that perspective my parents moved out of Jersey City they were able to do that and moved into Haslet um a community very similar in Mammoth County to Monroe and I really feel the best opportunity they gave and they sacrificed was my education um and that education came with fewer disturbances than the children I taught I taught in Queens Ridgewood Queens I taught in the Bronx I taught in the South Bronx um and I did um I was educated at Columbia University for both undergrad and for four master's degrees so I I'm not coming in here to offer anything I don't I think many of us in this room are are neighbors we're colleagues we're Partners um and we're family we we have our own families so unfortunately the direction of the world world and I speak again as an educator is that we have um mobilized Humanity in general including unfortunately the children in the school system to just be um widgets um you know everything has become very technologically based everything has become about numbers and unfortunately it's easy to get pulled into that and to lose the sense of humanity and to understand our imprint not just on the next 30 40 50 years God give us all life but generational impact is very real when we consider the patterns and the trends of traffic congestion pollution um safety so I I I offer this and I offer this with a lot of humility to just think about I know for myself that a lot of and this is not about immigrants I know there's an elephant in the room there's a lot of immigrants in the room with a lot of heavy accents however those are people who sacrific to come and give their children what I think my parents were able to give me I don't know if I would have turned out the same had I been exposed to a lot of those inner city um variables that people move out into the suburban area to escape and it comes with a large sacrifice so I just you know again I look around I really see Neighbors and partners and community members and while I know there's some divisiveness I really hope I speak as an educator I'm telling you I see these children every day for over 25 years in the classrooms in these buildings they are the ones fighting the battles it's not us they are they have everything it seems stacked up against them and if we can just minimize what they have to fight against believe me I think will help make the world just a little bit safer and better for everyone and I'm not going to get into mental health but you all know the statistics against adolescence and mental health again anything we can do um the last thing I'll say is the young children who were born during the pandemic we know we're seeing higher incidences of speech um acquisition issues and things related to that so again we don't want to stack more against their development and the Milestones that that they need um to grow into healthy um citizens um so thank you for the time [Applause] to you swear to tell the truth no my name is Anan karnati the whole truth nothing but the truth so yes sir yes Anan karnati a n j last name is carnati k a r n a t i I live in Southfield estate 11 preservation drive I have been living here in Monro 15 years so when I came here Monro was really green and you know very calm very peaceful now really I can see that this is completely disturbance traffic and safety especially congestion because my friend always says that Monro Administration is putting in one pound bag 5 pounds so that is happening in Monroe so before you develop anything why don't we do pre prerequisits first of all requirements why don't we do expansion of the roads infrastructure then you can start building the warehouse to so this is the reason is I'm asking I have been living here 15 years I didn't go to Recreation Park which is in nor side two times even I cannot able to go for work and meet the friends and in the neighborhoods all the children are playing on the roads and no Recreation nothing is there but we are paying the taxes 100% 200% above you know whatever it is required still we are not getting what we want and I strongly oppose this Warehouse personally and on behalf of all my friends and residents this is 200% so second point is please consider building the infrastructure first then do development don't do the development and build later so planning board I'm requesting please plan the accordingly which is needed we are coming year we are wasting our time we are spending our time valuable time professional time working time and coming year we are explaining about the traffic about the congestion why why can't we planning Bo take it because planning board is supposed to do all these prerequisites on behalf of the public this is very important so so what I'm saying instead of public is doing on behalf of administration Administration supposed to do first what is required for the public what is safety for the public what is really needed for the public because we are paying the taxes and we are making money and working hard and whatever the money we are spending you can compare the taxes Warehouse tax versus you know household taxes Warehouse taxes probably 300 to 400k whereas you know property taxes are millions of dollars probably 200 Millions probably I'm saying R figer so why don't you compare that one and make the benefit to the public make the benefit to the residents and I'm asking I'm seeking really Recreation Recreation South side instead of building the warehouse please build Recreation please build Recreation thank you you raise your right hand you swear to tell the truth the whole truth to nothing but the truth so help be God my name is my name is John Connell before we did you agree with be morning yes I agree my name is John Connell I live at 291 Valencia Drive Monroe Township on Route 33 at Renaissance at Monroe could you spell your last name please spell your last name c o n n e l l thank you I will be brief first I'd like to ask the sonographer would she make a copy an individual copy for each of the members of this board of the mayor's statement regarding his view on this project um don't just include it in the notes and assume when you read that statement that everyone in this audience has signed it [Applause] second secondly I want to point out on my way here tonight as I approached Butcher Road right across the street there were three 18 wheelers parked by the uh quick chop quickstep Quick Stop STW and the McDonald's this is a preview of what will happen if you build that warehouse every truck every trucker will want to eat and they're going to be bringing those trucks into into the Wawa and the quick check and the McDonald's and and regardless of what the law says they all leave their engines running um my concerns for our community have to do with noise pollution and safety noise and pollution can all be combined can be combined with the hundreds of trucks that will be coming off and on to route route Exit 8 of the New Jersey Turnpike they will have to pass our community they will be they will be creating traffic issues went off he probably touched something good should okay they will be creating traffic issues isues like we've never seen before in addition safety I represent 347 homes in which almost 600 people live every one of those people that leaves our community whether they're going north south east or west must use the Butcher Road area Butcher Road appleo to make that turn it is difficult now to get through that intersection when you start having the 18 wheelers regardless of what you do maybe to improve that intersection when you when you have the 18 wheelers who are turning right who are turning left who are making The Jug Handle it's going to be a POS impossible situation so I plead with all of you please turn this situation down thank you War thank [Applause] you okay just again if there's other issues that we haven't discussed tonight I'd love to hear those we're going to swear you in we're going to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but Tru you state your full name and spell your last name uh good evening um my name is vihan perek first name v i h a a n last name p a r e k h where do you live oh I live at um 2626 Carnation Road in Monroe Manor so back in March there was this truck trying to make a u-turn on the intersection of Butcher Road and disb Hill Road or North this Brill Road sorry um and it got stuck the front part the the cab was in the grass and the whole trailer was blocking both lanes of Butcher Road preventing traffic from the north and south to pass and and there were school buses trying to get through but they couldn't so they had to turn around and find another route which added like a 5-minute delay so with the warehouse right there there's a much there's a much higher chance of that happening and and God forbid if there's an emergency in in Monro man or in one of the houses in Butcher Road and a truck's blocking the road how emergency vehicle is going to get through that can be the difference between life and death and on Butcher Road every day I see cars speeding down the road 80 90 mph cuz around half a mile of Butcher Road is straight it's basically a drag strip so with bus turning into a big Warehouse the chances of crashes the risk of crashes injuries and deaths are even higher and there's and there's even a decent amount of crashes happening on Butcher Road in like the past 5 years or so um I see I see people walking on the side of the road while cars roaring past them at 60 MPH nearly hitting them um and uh it's going to impact everyone's uh quality of life how uh property vs are going to go down and noise increase noise pollution and air pollution which is not good and so just like my sign says warehouses belong in industrial zones and not in our backyards thank you [Applause] than where to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth shall be God St your full name spell your last into the microphone good evening Mr chairman members of the plan planning board and fellow res can say your name name and spell your last yeah my name is uh Vata mungara Vata mungara last name is m for Martin u n for Nancy G A R A and your first name vanar V for victor e n for Nancy K A T A and your address uh one Beachwood Drive I represent uh mro play Community uh today along with my fellow residents from the same Community uh good evening Mr chairman members of the planning board and fellow residents a big shout out to all the residents whove taken the time to come here great crowd thank you so much for showing today uh I appreciate the crucial role this board plays in making decisions that will impact the future of a Township and I sincerely would like to thank for the opportunity to voice my concerns today I want to broadly touch upon three topics today and all of these are pertinent to the master plan that was revised in 2022 we were here uh some of myself and a few residents from uh my Community we were in the senior center when the whole exercise happened uh the first point I want to touch upon is the preservation of open space the Monro Township master plan very clearly emphasizes preserving open space and Rural character of our [Applause] community it's it's very dising to know right now that a very large Warehouse development is going to be coming there threatening this very preservation for which there was a specific space uh a representation you know allotted within the master plan there has been uh there is a lot of uh indication about many many hundreds of Acres that needs to be protected for future generations and clearly it doesn't appear as if we sticking to that plan on this note number one I wanted to thank the mayor today for definitely highlighting the incompatibility of uh the space for a warehouse development clearly it's a residential area like all the other fellow residents were talking about I wanted to also cite uh another conversation we had in 20122 when this discussion was happening here we had the opportunity to meet with the township engineer who told us uh that that very piece of land is being negotiated uh by the township ship to be bought and basically for building a park or open Recreation space there so we were really alarmed when we got this notice that uh we're going to have a warehouse development instead of you know potentially a park there uh number three is my fellow resident who was here who talked about uh Mr churak who was talking about the 200 200 ft uh that you uh the NJ plan that clearly talks about the fact that you have to have some clearances at least 500 ft but we're seeing clear evidence we're going to have a warehouse especially in the community just about 200 ft uh so it's directly impacting all of us n the other significant point of Interest we wanted to talk about is the traffic and infrastructure concerns one of the master plan score objectives is to improve traffic safety and circulation clearly a warehouse of this the scale would drastically increase traffic on our local roads conflicting the plant's goal of reducing congestion and ensuring safer roadways for residents including school children pedestrians uh we residents have created a video uh one of uh our members is going to talk through exactly that so a lot of residents took time to actually come and measure the traffic we are seeing in uh um 33 taking um taking right into Butcher Road so we were noticing a lot of trailers already coming by and clearly they are not able to make a clear turn into uh butcher even today we saw the video is definitely going to highlight uh those elements the truck while taking the right right turn the the there was a Tesla car on Butcher Road which had to back up in order to accommodate the truck taking a right turn in addition today when a middle school bus stops right outside of community just a 32 second stop backed up the entire Road uh with traffic and we're going to be seeing a lot of trailers uh come in once the project uh gets approved and it's clearly going to be a very big pain Point especially from Monro place trying to get out of the community and take a left onto busher to you know uh go on to 33 and NJ Turnpike but a lot of residents commute to New York City using turn Turnpike in addition in 2024 April we had an incident on dpro Hill Road uh a a tractor trailer it want it could not take a left on North diso as a result it came forward and got stuck and this is a incident that must have been recorded um because we had we saw a lot of cops in there and you know was basically stuck I think the other kid was also talking about the same uh incident the other major point I'd like to uh bring forward is the there is a recommendation by the state of New Jersey that for projects such as this that the Builder and the township should basically engage in what's represented as a community benefits agreement uh I would really uh the board U to facilitate if the project were to be you know U still approved that the Builder should engage in such a uh commitment and hopefully you know fund or you know uh give us uh parks and recreational spaces uh you know we need these kind of commitments when these kind of you know initiatives are coming up the these are broadly the points I wanted to discuss today um I want to thank you for the opportunity and I sincerely hope um you you indicated there was a video you indicated there was a video I'm sorry you indicated there was a video yeah one of the fellow residents is going to show the video uh exactly on those points yeah I mean we can play it right now as well yeah [Applause] it's on you just are you going to do it Mr chairman I don't know that we have an objection but we know nothing about it what is can I ask what the video is of who took it what's their expertise what's the point of it what why don't we play the video and then if there's questions regarding the foundation that you're seeking we can talk about it afterwards but let's see what the video is how long is the video uh it's less than a minute okay thank you for the record having had a chance to understood set okay [Applause] I just wanted to briefly pause and explain as uh on that day there were many residences residents who contributed to this uh video was not just one person uh it was at least six or seven people showing up multiple times to be able to record this so if you see sorry use the mic okay I'm sorry about that yeah so there were many residents who were there that day you know we had at least six residents who showed up on that particular day to take the video so here if you see the truck is actually making a ride from Route 33 onto Butcher and if you observed clearly uh the white Tesla car had to back up uh you could see it even now on another angle the truck is clearly uh coming in from they're not the truck in the first place is not able to take the right turn unless it's stationed on the middle of the lane and while taking the right turn it's encroaching upon the yellow line and coming in if you if I want to I'm just going to rewind just a little bit to show that um Ju Just show the video please no commentary these are the middle schoolers uh this just a random day and this is the 32 second excuse me excuse me Ju Just show the video no no commentary please okay thank you thank you thank you so much for the opportunity Mr chairman and the board you swear to tell the truth the whole truth in nothing what the church to help you got yes and are you talking about other issues other than traffic yeah good full name what's your full name spelling in the last my name is Vishnu V my last name is spelled v a d a k a n e your first name is Vishnu v i s h Nu you where do you live I live at uh mon Place 15 Clover Lane so uh good evening ladies and gentlemen and respected board members uh I'm a senior at monor Township High School and I stand here before you not just as a concerned child of this community but as an older brother today I want to share my thoughts on the proposed construction of the warehouse next to our neighborhood a place where so many children including my younger sister live and play every day as an older brother and one of the older kids in the community I feel a deep sense of responsibility to protect my sibling and other children and ensure that they grow in a safe and healthy environment the construction of this Warehouse threatens the environment in several significant ways so I first want to talk about how the middle schoolers and high schoolers that live in my community wait on the road or on the sidewalk right next to butcher road for the bus and once the bus stops they get on I just want to ask is it safe for a semi TR to try to stop behind a bus when the bus stops for the kids to get on is it possible next I want to talk about how the environment uh will change the warehouse can bring increased no air and noise pollution the diesel fumes trucks from the trucks can degrade air quality posing serious health risk for the children's whose lungs are still developing the consent the constant noise from from Warehouse operating can disrupt the Tranquility of our neighborhood affecting our ability to concentrate on schoolwork and get a good night sleep another major problem is security we cannot ignore warehouses can attract criminal activity such as theft vandalism potentially making our neighborhood a less secure place [Applause] furthermore the presence presence of a warehouse can affect the character of our community it could lower property values and make our neighborhood less appealing to Future Families we risk losing close-knit familyfriendly atmosphere that makes this place so special while I understand the need for economic development it should not come in the at the cost of the children's safety and well-being I urge all of you to join me in opposing the project and advocating for alternatives to prioritize the health and future of our community together we can ensure that our neighborhood remains a safe and nurturing place for the children to grow and Thrive thank you for [Applause] listening thank you and and you're raising new issues my name is chak Kwal chak Kwal is my name my last name spells King Orlando D for Thomas W for work a for apple L for London you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God sorry I cannot pleas yeah for King op orando t for Thomas W for work a for apple L for London chir kotal is my name chak c for Charlie H for house I for India R for Richard a for apple G for George where do you live I live in 8 lot Monro Township Monro Manor okay proceed yeah so as a home buyer I bought a house 2 years ago in the M Township I was residing in Edison and my wife and me both were working in that area still we are working in that area but we decided to buy house in mro Township for a reason because it is a Suburban rural character and I wanted to get more oxygen because there is a lot of green space at especially in the South Monro now so the re when I within 2 years I see that suddenly this development that warehouse is proposed and it is against the [Music] suitability it is against the suitability and the character of the M Township if I am the one of the example of so many home buyers which decide to move to the m Township now now mro Township then certain other Hillsboro and cranberry and all these are the newer Development Area it is a new New Jersey so we should not have the example what like Jersey City or Edison there at that time whatever the planning board was there or their joining board that is the result currently you see the even the Edison so this is not 1974 this is not 2004 this is a 2024 we are a planning Board of 20204 we are a US citizen of 2024 and we have to make a future for a future generation the currently who the students which are studying in the school there are two elementary schools the right besides the our houses like to elementary schools now this is the character of the Monroe Township residential area the T nearby schools that is good but residential yeah it is made so that was the good planning done whenever it was done so now we are creating on paper master plan is this Warehouse is not in the consistence of the master plan because there are 16 variances this is not one variance not two variance There are 16 variances so this 16 variances itself Pro that it is not in consistence with the ex existing mustard plant though there is uh I understand that there is a 20 dock Warehouse like trailer dock is there so this is service to be coming out the Distribution Center maybe the goods Will Travel suround USA at the cost of the Monro residents which are living 50 200 ft far from this place so so it is against the US Constitution Declaration of us uh Independence says that right to life right to Liberty and pursu happiness is the [Applause] unable is the unable right for a child who born in USA so we are USA is a democratic country and which inspires other country uh to go Democratic the however we are a democratic country but the action whatever the master plan is that they have give a right to the business to apply for the warehouse but it is against the it is a public Hazard and master plan should not only um planning board should shut down this application they should request the mayor council board in conjunction with the uh zoning board to change the master plan because that is how come this type of application takes and we have to discuss and Manpower ours are invested when it is against the fundamental right of the US when my fellow neighbors talk about the uh they are talking about the traffic and all this day actually they are talking about the right to light uh because when there is the urban first of all we are not against the urban there is expans of economic development but there has to be a buffer zone green zone between the residential area and the industrial Zone means uh this type of warehouses it has to be in the different place far from the residential area then only it aders the US Constitution which gives a fundamental right for a liberty and to live life happily pursu of Happiness pursu of Happiness which is in the Declaration of Independence says it is affecting this Monro residents and we are 7,000 residents so 2024 when the we are talking about the planning board and all the citizen whoever decision makers they have to ADH her to the US Constitution which is given the fundamental right for and it is the First Amendment freedom of right to move freely Pursuit of Happiness depends upon the on Pursuit of Happiness depends on the quality of life why we should have to lose 2 minutes more for each individual lifespan in the to go commute okay and can you w can you wrap up it's beyond 5 minutes yeah and I also would like to highlight is that the that planning board should have a independent study for a um they should order the independent study for a traffic not just the the warehouse applicant proposed it even if it is licensed there are so many license professional so Monro Township planning board should propose the recommend the planning uh Monro uh Township to have independent study also for a traffic uh study also if also they should have a independent study for water storm management uh so that study has to be ordered if any by chance even 01 per chance the planning board is considered uh in the power of warehouse thank you so Mr Mr chairman before we have our next Witnesses who look like wonderful witnesses can we make sure that our Witnesses stick to the facts of this meeting which is a planning board meeting about this particular application I understand a lot of people had certain premonitions when they moved to this town people concerned about growth people are concerned about taxes or master plan and things of that nature we have to Center on the facts of this particular application it would be improper it would be improper for this board to be considering outside factors so we have to focus on what's here the reason for this warehouse and we do understand and you know from the first meeting Traffic Safety there are many many factors that we've heard but trying to get it focused to to what we're talking about here so when we make our decision it'll be an intelligent decision based on the factors in this application thank you Mr chairman go ahead sorry hi my name is an I live at my name is an a n a v my last name is Nama n a m a and I live at 16th Clover Lane mro place did you hear I did you hear me swear the other Witnesses in what we're going to swear you in as a witness go like this you swear you you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God you want to proceed say yes yes okay okay you you can go ahead you can speak now so I don't want the warehouse cuz it's going to be hard for uh the kids in our community to play outside cuz the warehouse will be smelling bad and there will be big trucks coming out and will be causing a lots of a accidents and and uh we will be late to school CU of the traffic and I want to say that if if we're late to school uh we will miss stuff that we have which are very important at school and [Applause] so we're going to say thank you to you yeah thank you thank you for comments than your right hand you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth shall help you die hi uh good evening evening everyone my name is Prine guram I live in 422 Morning Glory Drive in mon can you spell your name uh Prine guram p r a v e e n first name and last name is guram g u r r a n and you said you live where I I'm living in Monro Manor 422 Mor Glory Drive okay you can proceed okay yeah uh uh we moved here in the year 2015 it's almost like 10 years ago and before coming here we used to live in New York City and uh we moved here I am one of those people who though living in a Suburban environment was never part of the nimi movement at all because if this development of mind which is Suburban environment was not there I wouldn't have had a home to live in so fundamentally I am not against development of suburban communities okay I do not come from so-called not in my backyard environment okay so first of all I want to thank that this homes were built and that is why we are living okay second we are not just residents especially my family and I'm not just telling here just for the sake of public to boast what we have done uh we have organized three blood drives in the last 3 years saving more than 300 people collecting blood for them you can ask the record in the mro Township Public Library so you can see that uh my wife actually even works at the volunteer School in the evenings once a week so we have been part of contributing members of the community okay my last one year of my life has been one of the toughest phases of my life okay um I broke my foot last year but I was able to recover in a couple of months but in the month of March my daughter fell down and she had a very serious knee surgery in the month of April okay and she had a surgery done at the hospital for special surgery in New York because it was a very serious knee injury okay and both uh I work in Jersey City my wife commutes every day all 5 days so we are not that we are at home and uh so what used to happen was my daughter comes from school uh when the school bus reaches like you know at around whatever time it reaches around that right okay either myself or my wife have to be there at the school bus bus stop okay not even 5 minutes late because my daughter cannot walk from the school bus stop to the home even though it might be half a mile okay or 1 mile right from the Jessica Drive where the school bus stops to my home okay but she cannot walk that imagine on a freezing day if me and my wife are not able to reach the school bus stop on time how will my daughter walk from the school bus stop to home independently and not only that unfortunately we just came to know that she would need a second surgery which is going to happen next month okay schools have started okay and she's in high school okay and this is so I'm not going to repeat all the stuff about the traffic and things like that for some people 5 minutes may not mean or 10 minutes may not mean but for my family those 10 minutes of me and my wife have not reached the bus stop on time my daughter cannot walk and freezing from from the bus stop back to home Okay so those are situations which are important and I'm traditionally not from a nimi background I understand that if there is no development How can any suburban community do well okay if there was no development I wouldn't have had the home to live in a suburban community I get that okay so I'm just telling you these are situations for some people 10 minutes is okay but for my family 10 minutes will not work okay uh my last point would be this is my last Point okay I'm not going to take a lot of time okay uh we have been living here for 10 years now and what we feel is uh there are different ways to make money in life right even we all do jobs or we do businesses to make money okay to make a living but can we do it the right way I know without development the taxes won't come but right now what are we doing as residents okay for my grocery shopping I go to a neighborhood Township not to Monroe for Walmart I go to a neighborhood Township and pay taxes there to Target I go to the neighborhood Township and I pay taxes there and do shopping there okay if I go for tutoring for my kids anything or any of that we are going to a neighborhood Township so almost everything that we do okay we go to neighboring townships pay them taxes and things like that the area that we are there whatever development can can happen shouldn't that development happen in a way that you raise the you get the taxes but it also benefits the people of Monro as well right both things can happen right a [Applause] warehouse a a warehouse can get you the taxes but is it directly benefiting the people of Monroe no so there should be a solution where both things can happen Okay and basically you know this is this is one thing think about it rather than increasing traffic how can we have a something which can reduce the traffic in the same area if there was let's say any of these things which I mentioned you know which people consume or or do any of that if that was built there the traffic on Butcher Road and 33 would reduce think about it do a development will actually reduce the traffic on 33 rather than increase the traffic on 33 okay okay and and and thank you thank you for your comments I'm just going to direct this to the core reporter how are you doing do you need a break okay thank you so much praise your God do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so to God say your full name by your last name Lydia Gabby g a l a b i and I live at 12 North DB h Road in Monroe proceed members of the board I lived in Morristown New Jersey for a long period of time I lived in the heart of downtown and I liked it then I got married my family grew and we were looking for a place to live where my child can run around can have fun a place where he can be safe we found this property at 12 North DB Hill right on the street where this Warehouse is being proposed we fell in love with the house we fell in love with the neighborhood we fell in love with the people who would be our neighbors every night almost every night my husband takes my almost 3-year-old son on walks down North this Brill down to the farm that is right across the street from that proposed Warehouse are you all personally guaranteeing the safety of my three-year-old son while he takes walk down the [Applause] road members representatives of federal business centers are you personally guaranteeing the safety of my son make your comments to me please how is this okay how is this okay that you want to put a warehouse in a residential area with very very young children my neighbor has a 7-year-old and a 5-year-old and this is where you're proposed to put a warehouse it is not okay and this should be rejected thank you [Music] [Applause] okay we're going to do we'll let you speak and then we're going to take a few minutes you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes you sayate your full name spell your last name clet climac spell your last name k l i m c z a k and where do you live 25 Wisteria court Monroe place okay proceed she I'm going to try to fast forward through some of this since a lot of the questions as you said were talked about thank you so I'll try to speed through this for you my name is claudet kimac and I would like to thank the board for the opportunity to speak tonight as you are aware from the July meeting I am with the residents in this room who oppose the Ware the requested variances the building of this warehouse and the building of any warehouse in a residential area in [Applause] monreal I have two parts to my speech first I have a couple questions which at this point if I'd like to just be put on the record as I understand for time we won't have an we won't have time to answer them my second part of my speech is just a summary of what I've learned in the two months about this process and the people in the town my first question is we would like to have the answers to the action items from the July meeting there was a do do um meeting that was supposed to take place with Federal and uh someone on the chair on the board we would definitely like to hear the results of that my second question there are two small bridges in the area of the proposed Warehouse one on North disbro Hill and one on Butcher Road by the intersection of North disbro Hill and Butcher Road my question there is was there an analysis on the CT drainage impacts on these Bridges with the building of the proposed Warehouse skip my next one my next couple were with trucks so I'll skip those my next question if for some reason after hearing all of the objections from the residents you vote to approve the variances allowing the warehouse to be built what safety measures will the board ensure are put in place in the surrounding area next can the board please explain if there's a conflict of interest rule that would apply in this situation based on the public knowledge of the campaign donations by federal to the [Applause] township to the township elected officials that should cause this application vote to be moved to another Township Council for my last question when the board members are considering which way to vote do you think about the risk a project like this adds to the residents lives not only those who live in the area but those who drive in the area do you think about the unthinkable when deciding the impact to us I'm going to move on to my two-minute summary of what I've learned over the past two months so over the past two months myself and many residents continued pouring our hearts and souls into planning for tonight's meeting meeting fully aware this is a d David and Goliath situation yet we still held out hope and are still holding out hope tonight that we have a chance a chance to keep our quality of life a chance to keep our community safe a chance to continue living in a peaceful quiet community and a chance to be heard and listened to as residents of this town [Applause] for the past two months part of our efforts included talking to Residents across communities informing them about this Warehouse proposal encouraging them to come to tonight's meeting and speak out against the approval of the variances and the warehouse in general so many people told me how the town doesn't need another Warehouse in this local area and stated we certainly don't need the additional truck traffic in in our area either and asked what happened to the mayor's promise to the town about reducing truck traffic many residents also told me how mentally taxing the thought of a warehouse coming into their communities has been on them and how exhausting and timec consuming to our lives it's been for preparing for tonight's meeting however they knew they had to put in the effort to have a chance but what really resonated with me the most over the past two months was how many residents felt the township didn't care about them it was clearly an eye-opening educational experience for me what I learned is there are so many residents who who really don't feel the people they elected into office care about their opinion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] iins especially the longtime residents here who have voiced their opinions for years and continue to be defeated I could see on their faces how discouraged they are so I look at this situation as a chance or an opportunity for the planning board to really listen to the residents let us know we are valued in this town and let us know you hear us by voting down the proposed variances and helping to redefine the use of the property in question to something we can all live [Applause] with I thank you all for your time tonight thank thank you CL [Applause] okay okay um we're going to take a few minute [Music] break we're going to take a few minutes bre e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and the hearing at 9:30 we have some other business we have to take care of and we'll resume the hearing at the at the next session and again please if if you can avoid repetitiveness and also hold your applause to the end after the speaker speaking so we can get through it as much and have as many speakers as possible Y and also uh in the back when when folks are up here speaking just try to keep your voices down because it's it's hard for us to hear sometimes up here okay you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing got the truth so let's let me finish got turn it just hold it tap push it down there you go there go do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth nothing my name is s raela okay I want to stop the warehouse because it's very dangerous before you speak we have to say see who you are so you're going to tell us your full name s r and we're going to ask you to spell your last name r a y a l a and where do you live Mon Mon place first name first name s i d d h a n okay I I didn't hear you when you said where you live where do you live Monroe place okay you can go ahead I want I want to always I don't want the warehouse to be there because it's very very dangerous because inexperienced drivers like college people they can't drive well and there's trucks coming and the traffic Jam that means it's hard to drive and sometimes I'm late to school so I go to the I go get in my car and go to school if there's a traffic gym I'll get late to school so I don't want the warehouse thank you thank you okay and and please keep it within 5 minutes where to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you gu you you give your full name and spell your last name my name is suchit Malhotra my last name is Malhotra m a l h o t first name is suchit s UI I live in 264 Morning Glory Drive Monro Township in Monro Mana okay what would you like to tell the board sorry sir proceed thank you okay so respected board members and chair uh thank you for this opportunity to speak this evening I live in Monro Manor for about 10 years now during the last four few years I have seen incremental growth of residential communities such as mro Place arur dear hon and crave as well as two gas station McDonald's and Tractor Supply on the either side of 33 which resulted into mult multiple entries on either side of 33 all this addition have brought substantial amount of traffic to that Junction The Jug Handle as well as the road from communities gas station are always backed up especially during the peak hours addition of any more traffic especially tractor trailers on Butcher Road will create dangerous traffic for dangerous conditions for the drivers we understand that this land is currently zoned for Highway development and this application is under you for a very long time from my understanding shouldn't a highway development Zone must have direct Highway access which can only be approved by NJ dot that's a question as we have seen in the video the turning radius from 33 to Butcher Road as well as turning radius from to nor disb Hill to bitcher road is not adequate for the tractor trailer the width of these roads ES especially nor disb Hill Road as well as the back road of disb Hill is not wide enough for truck traffic I have personally experienced tractor trailers driving on dbro Hill Road takes around 60 to 70% of the road when a truck passes at a speed limit of 45 the cars on the opposite side need to come to a full stop and potentially use the curve or grass for safety and this has happened several times during my 10e living here there are several people biking as well as walking and running on the Butcher Road Applegarth Road n dis Brill Road and dis Brill Road since these roads does not have a dedicated Lane for runners and bikers imagine Vehicles trying to pass the bikers and trucks driving on opposite side at a speed limit of 45 mph that will create dangerous conditions not for our vehicles but also our fellow pedestrians and drivers pedestrians and bikers I would highly suggest everyone here to drive down Butcher Road in the morning daily multiple school buses stop on the curb on the Butcher Road waiting for their turn there are kids pickups as well as drop off on Butcher Road and additional of any truck traffic can create dangerous conditions for our kids as a residents of this town we are extremely hopeful that this board will do their best to ensure safety of the residents and kids before approving any proposed project in this area we request this board should consider all the development that happened in this area over the last few years and definitely consider resoning this this particular piece of property okay please hold your applause and can you wrap up please I'm sorry can you wrap up yes uh we request that this board to mandate several changes to the road infrastructure before considering any new building on the Butcher Road which includes widening of Road extra lanes for bus traffic dedicated lanes for bikers and prant increased turning radius for the truck traffic speed limit reevolution for all these roads time restrictions such as nighttime restriction and the PE cover restriction for the truck traffic thank you okay thank [Applause] you raise your right hand please be SAR to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes okay all right okay please give your name my name is Fernando Gupta last name is G PTA first name is p r n n du U where do you live I live in 75 Violet Court Monroe Township New Jersey I have uh first of all I want to thank the board for the opportunity to letting us speak it's a it's a great that we we are able to have this discourse um I have very few specific questions uh I want to start with the issue close to everybody's heart it's called working from home the study that was done by langang langang uh was done in on June 16th 2022 right after Co everybody was hunkered down or just about beginning to resume normal life at that time uh since then a lot of waters have FL under the bridge uh as of January 23 we had Starbucks require their employees to be at work 3 days out of five as of September mid we had um another announcement come out from Amazon requiring their employees to be at work 5 days per week this study the traffic study which is an important input into the decision to allow a warehouse does not take into account conditions postco right after covid and the growth that is expected out of these kind of changes which will continue to come in uh in Wall Street in uh Financial Services elsewhere uh that has happened between 2022 and now it does account for a growth rate uh in volumes uh anybody know what that number is they project uh because because they're anticipating that building to be coming up in 2025 they project a 1% growth rate uh of traffic background traffic not including gen traffic generated by the site a quick show of hands audience behind me how many of you have you g to directed to the board it is directed to the board it's an important poll how many of you are expecting to go to work after 2022 how many if you are seeing uh uh you know your policy already changed or expected to change to to require you to go to work show up hands sir sir please direct your comment to the board that's good enough that number behind me is not 1% at least a third of the audience of the hand up that's 33% this study does not take into account a bunch of things including including uh growth in the local area as an example it says we are considering new construction coming up on scan properties this is Page Six of nine on the first few pages scan properties it's a warehouse they're expecting on 33 six farington Boulevard and uh NJ Route 33 Warehouse development block it does not take into account that since the study was done new residential communities C came up north and south of that uh Route 33 East West and Applegarth and Butcher Road intersection which ones anybody know new properties that came up in the last couple of years Gateway on the left with 170 units uh on appleg guard South right right there at the intersection we're talking about the intersection where the truck is going to make a turn come come through it and make a turn onto dis Brill Gateway on the left uh if you look North and then um Enclave on the right another 170ish uh units no mention of that because uh they're not they were not complete until 2021 and they were not occupied even if they were complete they were not occupied there is another property which is even closer which is where most of a lot of our speakers are from which is Monro Place U it was included in the study they they took uh took account of the traffic count at peak hour on June 16 2022 coming out of Prosperity Lane there were 34 cars which make made a left turn on the peak hour and two made a right turn there are 90 units in the house in the in the in the in that complex what were the other 60 units doing they had nobody working from there no they were either not occupied or they were not they were working from home so the Baseline data is wrong not by a small amount even if you if you assume there's every other Home has two people working that's 180 cars that should come out of that place a peak hour at 100% so the data is is not off off by a small amount it's off by you know orders of of magnitude in in how it considers background traffic how it considers future growth and for that reason you should throw this out do a fresh study and base your decisions out of that thank you thank you thank you you swear to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but truth so help you go I do okay State your full name so ofor I live on 25 Beachwood bride spell your last name O Conor O Apostrophe c o n n o r soad s o a d d like David I am going to alter my speech because a lot of it was uh said before so it's going to be uh smaller than before sorry um I live 200 ft away from the land proport for the warehouse I stand before you today to express my opposition to this project while it's crucial to promote business growth in Monroe Township it is equally important to choose appropriate location for such Development building warehouses in residential neighborhoods is not suitable please help me to understand why did the planning board change the master plan that was approved in October 2022 the master plan classified block three lots 31 and 32 as potential open space was there a plan to purchase this land from federal and develop it into a recreational area or a park could you please provide details on what happened to this plan and why it was changed ideally using the open space for Park would be a suitable addition serving the families and the children in our community uh residential communities um I moved four years ago to Monroe Township when I was shoing for my new home I was looking for a town that promotes a high quality lifestyle for both young families and adult communities I made the decision to invest in Monroe Township for its space and nature Community F familyfriendly environment I also knew that Mr Delina our mayor promised during his campaign to prevent heavy trailers and trucks from becoming part of the normal traffic in Monroe Township what happened to that promise why did it [Applause] sing I also want to ask the question to the uh Federal Business Center you have been a three generation company very successful why is it he wanted to put a very large Warehouse in a such a small community right in the backyard of people that it's going to interrupt their life and make it upside down [Applause] I trust that you will all make the appropriate decision that accommodates Monroe Monroe residents while allowing companies to invest in Monroe Township in suitable business locations thank you thank you do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but but the truth so help you God that your full name by your last name Shri mam m e l a m uh s r e e k a n t h where do you live 24 V manro okay proceed I would like to thank you Mr Mayor and the planning board also the supporting staff for giving us this opportunity patiently listening to all of our concerns um before I start many residents in the back asking if there is a way they can they can say that they're here to oppose the warehouse by writing their name or raising their hand because they all believe they may not get chance today there is a question coming from the residents I would like to ask on behalf of them before I start uh my concern I'm not quite sure I understand so everyone asking they may not get a chance to speak today or convey that they are here to oppose the warehouse they're asking what is the way that they will be heard today or you know ra is their understand we're just suspending the hearing tonight we're not stopping the hearing so there'll be more opportunity yeah so there are many variances asked for this Warehouse my fellow residents asked for many one particular variance I would like to talk is landscape and then I also have a reasoning on why we should not give any variances there there is a there is a rule 108y 12.23 C and Monroe says that there should be a 5T landscape must be provided but there is none in this plan not having sufficient landscape can have so many impacts some of them are say the the loss to the bio biodiversity they will they will not have any support in the absence of trees and take the climate if if any of us subscribed those messages which alert us on floods imagine how many alerts we received in last 2 years from Monro saying that XYZ road is blocked because there is flooding or some English road is blocked because there is flooding if we keep damaging the damaging the landscape we are going to impact this climate and we are impacting going to impact the floods more and more right and the reason why we should not give any variance not only this Varian is if I take the respected members little back in Timeline couple of years ago from our community when we applied I mean we live in a community with a small backyards where we wanted to build decks or patios when we I think we we own approximately 350 square ft when we apply for a deck greater than 200 our planning board rejected stating that our homes comes under Highway development Zone the same Zone where the warehouse is proposed stating that it will we will allow only the decks which are less than 200 sare ft yes that is our backyard we wanted to build our planning board members did not allow yes we were initially sad more and more decks are getting rejected we were angry on why you know planning board members are doing but as we think what we felt is this planning board is experts right these experts wrote these rules by envisioning a greater good that is why they are rejecting they are not rejecting because they don't like us right if a common man like me or if a poor man like me or if a common neighbor like me does not get any variance to these rules why should a business should get any variance if not one why if if if if a person like me does not get any variance I I believe our planning board members think those rules why they have written and they don't they don't approve any variance for this project unless they are safe so all I request is please please keep in mind why those rules are written consider those if they are good approve it we don't mind but if if they are not good please don't approve that's all I would like to say thank you so much again for thank you very much okay we'll take two more people you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got would you state your full name and spell your last name s o n t i is my last name a m a r e n d r a amarendra where do you live I live in six westera mandro Township uh it's in mandro place okay proceed so I co with uh with each and every member before me who has spoke of the neighbors I EO with all their concerns apart from that I would like to have um rais two two questions to the um to the uh Builder here one is is it going to be a fulfill fulfillment fulfillment center or a distribution center so there is a huge difference between a fulfillment center which is like a maybe an Amazon fulfillment center where we can expect huge number of traffic you know it's big business or is it just a distribution center which is a local Distribution Center you know what is the difference between this and that and what what is the traffic difference between are they expecting it you know whatever the consensus they have given like you know the traffic U you know the numbers they have given so what are they representing is is you know is it a fulfillment center is it applies to fulfillment center or Distribution Center and they they talked about the traffic uh study they did right so did they consider the residential area around it how many elementary schools are there around that Within circumference of probably 1 m 2 miles so did they includeed included uh you know did they include all these things in their in their in their in their survey or in their study and uh you know there are almost like 10,000 families approximately in the same in Just 2 mile or maybe 3 mile radius on this road that itself is like a huge maybe an average size of Township if it's not a village it should be a Township so it this this small build 100 200,000 Square ft of uh in a warehouse is impacting more than a 10,000 family and I don't know how many thousands of school kids are there so are are all these being considered in the traffic study what they are you know when they are doing that this is the these are the two questions to the Builder that I want to ask and then U I have a video of a middle schoolers who are getting down and getting into the bus early in the morning around 5 6:00 or 7:00 and at at the same place the high schoolers get into the bus around 6:00 early in the morning can you imagine maybe a truck driver or 18-wheeler going you know maybe in a sleepy ice just driving here and there and hit the bus or you know just just few inches here and there or if they didn't stop at the stop sign when the bus stops right so can you imagine the you know the damage there maybe you can do talk about inconvenience is different but this is about safety of the future Generations okay we should put more thought into it okay can you wrap up yeah can you wrap up please sure yeah uh I do bike a lot in the biking areas we don't have a bike tracks I do see a lot of townships around us have bike tracks designated bike tracks we should we should we should reduce the traffic more and provide convenience to the you know residents rather than bring in more tra more traffic more trucks andiz our traffic and our safety okay that's all thank you [Applause] you swear to tell the truth the hold truth and nothing but the truth so I'll be God they your full name so your last name SAR Krishna morti my last name is k r i s h n a uh k r i s h n a m o o r t h y first name sh s r i d h a r where do you live six Mar gold way okay so if you guys have done your research you would have understood that uh most of the home that's built around that area that you guys are talking about it's a new community which is built in the last 5 to 10 years okay so if you guys have noticed the most of the homes that's built in and around that area are built in the last 5 to 10 years and almost all the homes have school goinging kids and you know how much time they get to sleep the high school kids they hardly get 5 to 6 hours of sleep and and if you guys want to make their life easy build a Rec Center instead of this that's all I'm a to say thank you very much okay folks we're going to suspend uh uh the the public portion this evening we'll put notice out as to when the next hearing will be more minut last you said two two was done yeah um thank you we're going to we're going to suspend for the evening we've got other business we have to take care of tonight butk thank you all everybody you your your comments meant a lot to us we listen to each and every word and we appreciate you all coming out [Applause] [Music] tonight the fourth thir of next meeting the meeting is Thursday of every month fourth Thursday fourth Thursday of October is that what it is I would like to note that you promis 9 9:30 and you are ending it early you're ending it early you said 9:30 we have to go the hearing is going to continue ma'am the hearing is going to continue the hearing is going to continue the two Monday nights it's the late game is too late how early they start the professionals and the appli will have an opportun respond I think a look on the uh the agenda you know what scary okay um Can people clear the room please we still have a complete our meeeting says prot we are having a hearing where they present the applican presented people in the AUD people in the community present we will then have bring okay we're going to continue with the agenda and then we will discuss for the memorialization there's no resolutions to be adopted um on the discussion items I'm going to turn it over to uh Mr razim Mo to discuss the ordinance yes please good chairman um so the storm water ordinance this is a requirement of njde it's they updated their regulations and uh real quick it's uh basically updates the uh the storm water uh I'm sorry the rainfall data for the storm water calculations of any development within the state so we just need to bring our code up to date um it's it's real real istic where it's taking into account the current storm events that we're seeing where the requirements of storm water management uh prior to this uh had outdated data essentially so they're using more current rainfall data in the calculations and we need to update the uh ordinance to reflect that thank you um is there a motion on the table I'll move I'll move it sounds it sounds like an improvement of what we had before is that correct I I'm I'm sorry I couldn't here okay is it an improvement over what was there before an update correct yes it updates the calculations then and you would be doing a resolution to the council so that they would they they would vote on it to update the ordinance at the next meeting makes sense I move that we approve second motion for approval okay is there any discussion Mr Rothman there is let me put on the record there is a um the resolution in your packet regarding the approval there is a resolution in your packet regarding this matter where the planning board recommends the uh ordinance uh 082 24- 016 so you have a copy uh in in your packet okay we have a motion in a second Mr Rothman yes Mr Patel yes Mr Amani yes Mr slavich yes Mr weiner yes Dr Kenzie yes councilman vanzora yes mayor Delina yes chairman Gaffrey yes okay uh there's no correspondence this time on the agenda um is there a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn second okay well I I'm going to open up uh public portion of there any any items to be discussed by the public other than the application sh R min9 Nathaniel Street uh on the discussion item the storm Water Management when will that go into effect and will it apply to um some of the applications that have not been fully approved Mr chairman um this would be a resolution to the council the council would have to take up a second reading out of that at the next council meeting okay but this is a state mandate when did the state mandate go into effect bear with me I'll have to look at that and get that um for the council meeting I'll have that for the council meeting I don't have a copy of it with all due respect it was just voted on and we don't have the answer to that question does anybody um Mr chair does anyone know the answer to that question I mean the this is a recommendation to the council okay okay so was this read by anyone on the planning board everybody got it in their packet right yes that doesn't mean it was read by any everybody on the planning board so does anyone know the answer to the question that that's our job we read we read what's provided to us in in the body of that in the body of the ordinance does it have does it say when it's mandated to begin Mr chairman it's following the state regulations and what's required by njt P um as far as when it takes effect that that would be legal based on the ordinance um so again I that would be at the time of council I believe okay and then would is the planning board recommending that it is sort of retrofitted to um some applications that have not yet been fully approved would you would you consider putting that to the council as well it's a very important ordinance it seems to me because rainfall data um as significantly I'm sure needs to be updated and we have flooding issues in Monroe we have many communities that have suffered greatly from flooding so I would hope that not only were you going just through the process of of putting this ordinance for but you take the opportunity to uh recommend to the council that it should be retrofitted to some applications that are still not yet fully approved because again um we don't you know let's not have um outside influences saying well you know we're not going to be responsible for that new rainfall stuff or storm water management because we did it before the council approved it I mean please again I heard a lot tonight about uh caring for the community and I would ask that you all consider that very seriously in your decision so um thank you okay I didn't get an answer but I'm going to say that uh that maybe you'll think about asking the council to also approve a retroactive um storm water management you're welcome okay anyone else from the public wish to be heard on any topic other than the application tonight hearing none I'm going to uh is there a motion to close the public portion I so move second okay the public portion is closed and uh is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor opposed we're adjourned right October 24th