one all right good evening everyone this is a regularly scheduled meeting of the Monclair Township planning board uh in accordance with the New Jersey open public meeting act adequate notice of this meeting uh was given by posting a copy of the notice on the first floor of this building and also by posting it on the town website it's also published uh in the newspaper designated by the township for notices uh we are being being broadcast live on Channel 34 and stream live in available on demand on YouTube um this is a quasi judicial proceeding meaning that the board has powers and procedures that resemble a court of law we're obligated excuse me to objectively determine facts and draw conclusions from them in order to provide the basis for official action any questions or comments uh must be limited to the issues that the board can legally consider in reaching a decision uh and theor appropriate for a Judicial hearing should be maintained at all times uh first thing on our agenda this evening is our roll call and I here Vice chair broo I'm here uh Mr Graham is excused Mr Ian Wally here miss lochman here Mr Ortiz here Mr Pierre present uh welcome Mr Terry thank you I'm here that's councelor Terry uh Miss Willis here uh chair win and here Mr Jacobson here and Mr nean here okay all right and I'd like to welcome councilman Terry Mr Terry whatever your most comfortable with thank you we known each other for a long time whatever so yeah well thank you and and welcome to the board and we look forward to your participation and your input well I'll try to do the best that I can you know uh I know it's been a difficult job over the years but uh I've been following and you've been doing a great job here representing our community so you know I'm grateful to have an opportunity to work with this group here thank you welcome all right um we have minutes from our uh October 30th meeting first okay and I had uh changes to the minutes uh from I VI chair broock and Miss lochman are there any additional changes to the October 30th minutes move that we accept them as uh as modified is there second second um all in favor I opposed abstaining I'm abstaining yep Mr ter yep okay all right and now we have November 6th and I received changes to those as well from uh Vice chair broock and Miss lochman there any additional changes move that we accept them as modified and second okay all in favor I opposed extensions and I I have them all here you your name included okay all right uh we have uh no resolutions and uh but we do have two matters listed um one of which uh John's Automotive uh is going to be continued to our October 30th meeting no no no no it's it was it started in the October 30th oh it started in we what we should do next is we should adopt the calendar so then we can give the dates for those two applications to be because we can't really forward them until we adopt a calendar for next year sounds good so um I included a draft schedule of meetings in your in your packet and the only comment I got was from uh Vice chair broock that April 8th is spring break so my suggestion is to change that to April 15th it's also the uh I believe it's the solar uh eclipse on April 8th that is the day the day of the solar eclipse so it's also the day my taxes are due but that's not on the eth that's the 15th 15th yeah tax day Eclipse tax day Eclipse um so does anybody else have any other changes other than that okay is there a motion to adopt the calendar of meetings second second all in favor I I opposed extensions okay okay now for John's Automotive we have a request to carry that yes the request is to carry that to February 26th so um anybody who's here or listening uh for application 2850 John's Automotive at 160 Glenridge Avenue that application will not be heard tonight it will be heard on February 26th uh at 7:30 here in the municipal building with no further notice and we he did extend the time of decision so the second application that's asked for um an adjournment or to be carried is application 2859 which is 881a Alexander Avenue it's a minor subdivision and they asked that it be carried to the first meeting in January which would be January 8the that also no they told me that they couldn't make it because their expert couldn't be here it is incomplete it is incomplete but what generally happens if it's not if it's just a minor issue of incompleteness they could come here and ask the board from for a waiver from that it's a judgment call I have some applications that I've deemed incomplete that have such insufficient information that we can't even I don't feel comfortable bringing it to the board for a public hearing this one it's not that major of an issue for the incompleteness and they can either provide it at the meeting or ask for a waiver from it and uh yeah it's for the elevations of the house so um so that'll be carried to the uh January 8th meeting and you'll recommend that they get those elevations To Us by then they've had my my report for quite a while so they know that that's been a request oh yeah when you're communicating or or agreeing to uh carry it um you should also strongly urge them to yep take care of that so um so that's it um I just want to report to the board that um I know I have not received or solicited proposals from our board Professionals for next year because we are issuing an RFP it'll go out I think on on this Friday for all Professionals for all my boards and for for my office but it the the purchasing department structured it so that these would be for five a maximum of year appointments and we won't have to do it every year so I think it's going to be by the time we get them back the deadlines December 20th um it's going to be in January that we're going to be selecting our our board professionals so we'll just have a provisional carrying everybody we'll carry everybody until the new board professionals um are in place so I just wanted to let you know okay all right um only other business that I'm aware of is that we did get receive notice of a lawsuit with respect to lacana um what about committee reports did the master plan subcommittee uh meet what what did you ask did the master plan subcommittee meet no yes yes we did I guess I for God it seems like it was so long ago yes we did it does feel like it was a long time ago that's right we did meet we did meet and uh what we decided um there was a couple of items that we wanted to include in our budget for next year we talked about parking was the main issue I've asked for money uh to support our master plan efforts and one of the things that the subcommittee recommended is perhaps to do an updated parking analysis evaluation of how our our parking lots are being used because so many of the issues involve parking and there's there's a big question about that so that's one of the things that recommend and we won't be able to do that until I get the budget for next year to make sure C IFI have enough money to do that so you requested money in your budget proposal but you don't know yet whether it's going to be approved okay thank you when does that get decided the budget sometime in the first quarter of next year they we get a temporary budget to start off the year and we work off of a temporary budget um until it's adopted which is usually in the latter part of the first quarter so um what what else did we decide at the subcommittee that's what comes to mind for me right now yeah we looked at some of the language that was in the master plan and specifically some things that we've talked about at other meetings here about development in different areas of the township and what made sense or not at least from our subcommittee perspective and so we're taking a look at revising some of the text in there and we'll bring that forward for the whole board right any other committees meet um I think to my knowledge that's it the develop development Review Committee but we meet every month anyway so uh that's it just um one more question is there anything major coming down the pike that we should be aware of sometimes I feel like the community knows what's happening before we do so is there any applications you're looking at anything happening there's nothing major nothing major happening no okay thank you all right okay do you want to tackle bills before we go to Executive session um well we can we have to come back out of it anyway but we can do it now just ask want to hear author's advice first decide where they [Laughter] this is why you want us on the other side of the day my voice carries I can really do this from anywhere so we're going to do so yeah let's do the bills and so Keith you had two bills that you had questions about yeah there are a couple of the uh Boswell engineering bills it was invo 18252 and 18244 one I had a question it seems like instead of getting build uh for the regular meeting rate we got build an hourly rate right so I'm not sure if that's accurate so I reached out to I asked I sent both those bills to Marissa and asked her to address them okay I haven't heard back so let's just hold off on those two bills okay until the next meeting but I think we can approve the other ones then I would move to approve the other ones second okay all in favor opposed extensions okay I move to Executive session anything else all right well um yeah we're uh aware of a lawsuit that was served on the uh Township and um so um because of that I'd like to move uh that we go into executive session so that we can discuss what's going on second all in favor I opposed extension okay okay we don't have any further business this evening so I Mo no further business this evening so I move that we adjourn second all in favor I opposed okay see you in two weeks