##VIDEO ID:vf-vBL3ZOTE## good evening everyone and welcome to the Tuesday October 15th meeting of the Montgomery Township Board of Education at this time I'll entertain a motion to reconvene an open session so move second and properly move in second any questions on a motion all those in favor State I all those opposed same right exensions roll call please Mr TR yes Miss D pres Miss F Miss Franco Herman pres Miss Harris here miss naron Mr Nunes here miss Le jigan here miss Vina pres Mr T here thank you at this time please rise for I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to The Republic stand One Nation God indiv at this time we'll have the mcsd student representative report from our new student R Sophia Bush hi uh my name is Sophia Bush I'm a junior mon high school I'm very excited to be here just going to talkit about what we've been doing school lately so uh starting at the end of August we've had our kick off toal Sports and we started uh with our uh dance team cheering team and all um have a very large student involvement in our football games especially uh with Homecoming coming up this weekend uh we also had our freshman introduced to the school within our club there and our freshman orientation um and as a peer leader I saw especially firsthand that there were a lot of student involvement and a lot of diversity in our clubs uh We've also started uh the PTSA started meeting as well as hosting freshman boot camps uh for freshmen and parents who be help out high school and our um Youth Government and M educations Club have put an emphasis on vo registration and um having our senior students who are enged to go through the upcoming election um register to vote and as mentioned before we also have started our schools Spirit um homecoming and R also as well as our events for graduating studi thank you for that report and again welcome any questions on this wish to report every none we now move to superintendent reports and presentations good evening everyone there's a few presentations but first I want to talk about what's happening in the schools at the high school as Sophia just said you know the students are in the midst of the college application process and the high school ELA teachers are working hard to support them by workshopping college essays and personal statements in and out of the classroom every year we are increasingly amazed at our students passion accomplishments and creativity and we love helping them highlight the young adults they are developing into teachers in the science department are collaborating with teachers of the art and career electives to create cross-curricular experiences in food Sciences architecture engineering photography and Theater Arts we look forward to our students expanding their experiences and benefiting from the intersection of the Arts and Science homecoming week is here join us Friday 7:00 p.m. as our Montgomery High School football team takes on sville high school and enjoy the amazing halftime performances from our cheerleaders cougarette Dance Squad Squad and our awardwinning marching event ums students attended great level assemblies titled it's not okay led by the principal Vel Rivera the vice principal marker Cy school counselors and the anti-bullying Specialists Miss Genie fedan and Miss Allison doy Smith students were reminded of the power of their own words and actions to stand up against harassment intimidation and bullying by saying it's not okay additionally ums had their first social of the Year hosted by the Montgomery Middle School paren organization more than 250 students attended and enjoyed the flannel theme social Refreshments pizza and music at the end of the event every student received a flannel scarf another exciting update is the week of respect organized by the climate and culture team the school cougar mascot and the NHS drum line kicked off the respect rally at LMS local veterans visited the fifth graders during lunches to share their stories talk to them about the significance of Veterans Day and to invite them to take part in a letter writing contest in support of Montgomery Township's local Veterans Day celebration students submit letters posters stories or videos of what Veterans Day means to them the Montgomery Veterans Memorial committee then selects 10 winners Who present their submission at the Montgomery Township Veterans Day celebration on November 11th October again everybody's celebrating the we of respect across the district LMS engaged in the morning meeting activities focusing on their core values of respect responsibility and kindness on October 16th the Harlem Wizards will visit LMS this fun interactive event is a great way to promote the Harlem Wizards mtsc community event is scheduled for Friday November 15th at 700 p.m. in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month Village Spanish teachers hosted parent guest speakers representing Mexico chile Peru Colombia Puerto Rico and Argentina each shared the history culture and tradition of the countries they represented during the week of respect the village students discussed various ways to demonstrate their respect for others themselves and their Community the MHS peer leaders visited some classrooms to share lessons on respect school counselors taught lessons on treating each other with kindness so everyone feels safe and comfortable in school digital citizenship week is the week this week October 14th through 18th villagers are learning about building healthy habits around technology use through technology lessons and videos presented at the VES Afternoon News these topics include caring for your device balancing technology time with other activities respectful technology use ways to identify and prevent cyber bullying and managing distractions parents can learn more by checking out the resources and there's a link to it on the website Common Sense education students at this building Orchard Hill continue to settle in for the 2425 school year teachers and staff are always looking for opportunities to integrate appropriate play into their instruction especially through opportunities like the monthly days of play and visiting Cubs cave when they can engage with various creative and imaginative materials both are great chances for our young students to build on routines for safe and successful play in math the students continue to explore number Concepts to build their foundational skills and number sets the first first graders are using number wraps to build equations and in second grade students are focused on identifying the correct operation in order to develop solutions to number of stories I love seeing the whole progression how respect we goes from our youngest Learners to the high school and the different events that everyone does so that's it for in our schools we'll now move on to our presentations the first presentation I just held the board is part of the New Jersey Department of education requirements to submit the student safety data system report which is the ssds report tonight I will be reporting out on report Period 2 for the 2324 school year that was last school year report Period 2 covers January 2024 through June of 2024 the incidents covered in the state report are identified as violence vandalism substances weapons and HIV so just a brief overview at montgom re high school there were 35 total incident categories reported with the majority reported under the category of substances other instances incidents included fighting and HIV confirmed at ums upper middle school there were 28 incidents reported with most incidents falling under the category of HIV at lower middle school there were 37 total incidents reported with the rep majority reported under the category of HIV at Village Elementary School there were five total incidents reported with most of them being under the category of HIV and at Orchard Hill there was one incident reported which fell under the category of HIV confirmed that is my part of the report the next report we have Mr Cory Delgado here he will as our anti-bullying coordinator his role his new role um and he will present to us the harassment intimidation or bullying Hib investigations and trainings and programs which is ITP for the 23 24 school year period 2 SL full year and HIV grad support thank Mr delado thank you and welcome Sophia nice to see you um I'm going to wait for those slides to come up okay uh as Mary said I'll be reporting on the Hib ITP portion of the mandatory report out we like acronyms again Hib is harassment intimidation and bullying and the ITP part is investigations trainings and programs do do I have a clicker Jack or you want to click and slide this is Jack you want me to see if I can slide up or share a slideshow with you real quick hope it worked on my work that do you have it on Google Slides share it with me yeah oh I think they just got just sometimes you just have to say it out loud and threaten that want to do something and then it fixes itself okay so I'll be reporting out on the um harassment intimidation and bullying investigation and trainings program which each fall we we are um each fall we are required to report out on period two of the previous year as Mary said that is January to June something worth noting there's a difference between period one and period two besides it being the beginning and the end of the year period two spans 6 months whereas period one spans only 4 months so you'll typically see the numbers a little bit bigger in Period two the honeymoon period is also over at that point so some of our exception kids start acting a little bit more typically uh over the next couple of minutes I'll review with us the um definition for harassment intimidation and bullying a little bit of information and data around the investigations trainings and programs offered I'll share with you our self assessment grades and we'll end with just a reminder of how to report alleged incidents of harassment intimidation and buing so again I just mentioned how exception our students are but occasionally they will act typical with um bad decision making and some behaviors that are always addressed appropriately and sometimes might fit the definition of a harassment intimidation and bullying as per the anti-bullying Bill of Rights in order for it to meet the definition of harassment intimidation and bullying under the anti-bullying Bill of Rights it has to meet some criteria so some of that that all of that criteria is here it starts with it must be a gesture written verbal or physical act or it can be an electronic communication which has become more commonplace as the years go on um it can be a single incident or a series of incidents but it must be perceived as being motivated by an actual or perceived characteristic so there may be mean behaviors that again are appropriately addressed but they don't fit the criteria of being perceived as being motivated by an actual or perceived characteristics such as those listed there it also must take place on school property at a school sponsored function on a school bus or off school grounds so that basically leaves it really anywhere right uh that it could happen if it finds itself in the school building one way or another we are going to U address it it must also substantially dis disrupt or interfere with the orderly operation of the school or rights of other students so it must meet all of that criteria and at least one of these a reasonable person should know under the circumstances that the ACT will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging the student's property or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students or creates a hostile education ation environment for the student um important to mention our anti-bullying Specialists have really become expert not just in adolescent Behavior but also the anti-bullying Bill of Rights and really how to conduct thorough comprehensive investigations they are typically our guidance counselors they're listed here our Orchard Hill um school has has three uh upper middle school has three all three counselors there and then you'll see the three counselors from the high school the anti-bullying special don't just do investigations they're mandated to attend and participate in trainings and TurnKey trainings so they offer trainings for their colleagues um throughout the year parent trainings um they also are chairs of our school safety teams and they do a lot of the programming in the schools and yours truly is the anti-bone coordinator here is our dad on the number of Investigations that took place during period 2 last year and those investigations which were affirmed or founded you'll see we have a total of 112 reported incidences that were investigated 20 of those were founded to meet the definition of hi that's about 18% moving on to trainings again trainings are designed for the staff programs are designed for the students so these are the number of trainings that took place during period two of Last school year in each building we typically have about the same number of trainings over a school year some buildings do a little bit more on the front end some a little bit more in the back end and then um we'll be responsive in every school so sometimes we'll have to add some uh trainings for adults and programs for students as well so here are some examples of the trainings the trainings include uh the legal aspects of the law how to conduct investigations policy and most importantly prevention so this is just a listing of a few of the trainings moving into programs again programs are designed for the students and again you you'll see some differences in numbers um typically over the length of an entire school year it it equals out but it es and flows during the school year so um trainings include assembly programs they uh include some very explicit direct um information sharing of information regarding the law we have things that are embedded into our curriculum couple worth mentioning here we have uh recently partnered with a gentleman named Jared Campbell over the last couple years who has a really effective program that he delivers to our elementary schools you heard some of the weak of respect programming that took place uh earlier this month Eric LR delivered an amazing assembly program to our high school last year um around resilience and treating each other the way that you would want to treat every fall we have to submit a self ass assessment report every school safety team will gather sometime between uh the end of the previous school year or the beginning of the current school year to complete the self assessment the self assessment report is being shared here with you tonight and will be formally submitted at the end of the month again this is for last year's trainings programs investigations Etc the self assessment has eight elements that we assess assess ourselves on with a total maximum score Max maximum score of 78 you can see the different categories there I won't read them to you but I'll let that sit there for a moment here's a little fiveyear look back on how we have scored and then this is how the teams assess them assess uh each of their respective schools for the 23 24 school year and then lastly worth mentioning that um we do encourage students and parents to report we don't expect students and parents to be experts in the anti-bullying Bill of Rights but we do expect them to report it to the experts so that we can take appropriate action and bring resolve to any um incidents and support those students who might be on the victim or receiving side of that misconduct staff is mandated to report it is uh a standardized form that's used across the state of New Jersey which is found on our website that we encourage um the written report to accompany a verbal report and it can be done anonymously all right and that's it thank you Mary since we have Mr Delgado here do you think it would be appropriate for him to highlight some of the changes that we're looking to implement for the policy just since we have him and it's going to be his responsibility sure do you want to wait till the policy report I don't have to do it Cory can do it so at our policy and Communications committee meeting one of the policies that's up for first read this evening is our HIV policy and Cory did a lot of work in investigation and as you could see the amount of reported hivs to the amount that were actually founded as hivs was significantly different and that is because we chose to not utilize when we when the policy first came out cu there wasn't a lot of guidance on what you do if you did do it and now there's more guidance on principal discretion so you want to take it from there Mr do yeah I'll try to be brief um there is uh New Jersey has the option to adopt a clause in the policy which allows for something called preliminary determination so when a report of alleged harassment intimidation and bullying is received by the principal uh today that would be an automatic HIV investigation without without measuring it against any of the criteria of the anti-bullying Bill of Rights you use that trigger word and for the we do use common sense but for the most part most of those reports will get investigated those investigations can be unnecessarily burdensome and sometimes even cause more trauma uh and frustration and confusion so we are I am hopeful that we are going to adopt the clause which allows for preliminary determination so now when that initial report comes in the principal in consultation with the anti-bullying specialist will look at it to see if it meets a threshold level of criteria um before it goes down into a a formal HIV investigation it might it will be it will be addressed appropriately it might not need a formal HIV investigation and so that preliminary determination I hope will um relieve some of our anti-bullying Specialists it will hopefully ruce some of the um students that need to be we use the word um interviewed and investigated we use big adult litigious words with little kids sometimes when we're doing this um and so hopefully we'll be able to handle some of these things a little bit in a in a developmentally appropriate way but outside of the harassment intimidation and bullying um formal investigation you saw last year we had overall we had almost 170 investigations with less than 30 were confirmed so we're over investigating and uh I hopefully this will help us we will always error on the side of looking at it as a Hib if there's any uncertainty we are going to investigate it as a Hib and it's really important to understand that even when misconduct or incidents don't meet the definition of hip investigated or not it doesn't mean it didn't happen it doesn't mean it wasn't awful and mean and disgusting it just doesn't meet the criteria to be categor ized as harassment intimidation bullying as per the law thank you Mr I just want to say I think I'm sorry it's just important to note again that all reports will be investigated whether they will be investigated through the ABS or investigated through the code of conduct and the principal that's where the um yeah y that's where it comes in and so next year part of the report will be I'll be here to tell you how many alleged incidences were reported but not investigated as h so that's something we need to keep track of as well thank you Mr Vado You articulated it way better than there's a couple questions okay hi um so I had a question but you've answered some of them already um I think my first question is based on the HIV Port the presentation what would you attribute the huge bubble at LMS to because that was a huge um I don't know if you can go back to it but it was like over 50 reported and only three found and then I noticed that there was 11 trainings which was higher at LMS so I had some just what what's your yeah I think the the trainings and the programs are um a responsive move towards the number of incidences that were occurring at LMS so yeah it was I mean that age group is primed for making some bad decisions and unfiltered conversations and uh all kinds of emotions right so there's a lot that happens down there typically that was an unusual number of incidences we did have some repeat offenders we did have some some uh groups of students that tended to be in Conflict pretty regularly again most of those cases did not meet the definition of harassment intimidation and bullying but were addressed through the code of conduct so there was yeah I when see like duplicates right so You' have multiple reports you may have multiple people involved that happens yeah so you know Maria could have done something to Corey that's being looked at and then Corey says oh yeah well Maria did this to me we're going to look at that one now so that was happening a lot okay and um what was I going to there there was a p do you think there was any confirmation bias for those trainings I feel like you know the encouragement of of you know teaching students about report please report because you know it's better to report that any of that possibly yes happen okay yeah yeah I do I think so I think that sometimes the more you're training the more it's in conversation the more students parents and staff are thinking about it and the more it gets reported yeah that that could have been happening a little bit too and then one last thing about the changes cuz I did have some questions on that because this is our first so if we're going to talk about that I'm just going to keep it right here um so will this alleviate some of the reports then where like it says in the in the category of motivation it'll list no identifiable nature alleged only and so there would be none of those reports being sent out to the board because those would be stopped at the principal level Ty correct if if it was clear at first report and like a Sur level plans yes and then we might look into that a vice principal might pursue that incident that doesn't appear to be motivated by any of those characteristics and upon looking at it through the code of conduct they might discover oh maybe this was motivated by a characteristic then it can come back on to the hip side absolutely yes but yeah we would hope that that would happen all right I look forward to the data after I he yeah well it'll start November 20th after our next I just one last Qui question um can you talk a little about a little bit about if you can the role of social media in some of these incidences yeah so it's interesting because there there's really like there's no jurisdiction anymore right so something can happen on social media on a Saturday night it finds its way into a guidance counselor's office on a Monday morning and now it's it's in our lap and we're addressing it um cyber bullying is not always harassment intimidation and bullying but there is a lot of students who are new to their phones and are using language that they don't typically even just through text messaging but definitely um they're using gaming platforms text messaging social media we are I do think we are seeing students be more responsible in their usage I do see a trend in that direction I think they're either smarter or they're Le reporting less or they're just um being nicer I don't know but we are seeing less incidences than we used to um on social media but the preponderance of cases that we're investigating are somehow electronic yeah for sure I have a question um kind of picky backing off of that um I know that with you know a lot of times the hip reports you know these incidents Could Happen cell phone lunchroom buses classroom are you guys analyzing that or looking into that or during trainings assessing um maybe some of those key areas and how to I guess educate the students or help support the staff on what to do next to kind of decrease those numbers or yeah that's exactly the I would say the main purpose of our school safety teams so they're taking a look at the data they're looking for Trends they're finding times of day places in the building groups of students certain population subgroups on the offender side and the victim side so that's a big part of our school safety teams they meet at least twice a year but typically they'll meet more as needed so yeah that's one of the fundamental purposes of that team okay thank you thank you our next presentation is our Statewide assessment results for the 22 uh 23 24 school year and Dr Stacy young our director of equity data and accountability is here to present thank you hi everyone good evening Stacy young director of equity data and accountability and I'm here tonight to share out on our 2324 Statewide assessment results in this presentation we'll be talking about the access the dynamic learning Maps or DM and the njsla before we jump into the data it's important that I remind everyone that the state of New Jersey does have student confidentiality laws and essentially what they say is what is that when we're reporting data publicly if there's any particular grade level or subgroup that does not meet a minimum end size which in this case is 10 then we can't publicly share that data so in a few instances throughout this presentation you'll find that some of that data is suppressed and that's why we'll start by taking a look at the access the access stands for assessing comprehension and communication in English state to state for English language Learners so this is a test that's given annually to monitor monitor um students progress for our multilingual Learners it's anchored in the weda English language development standards which assesses listening speaking reading and writing um all of our students kada 12 who have been identified as multilingual Learners or MLS or in some cases also um categorized as Ells English language Learners took this test between February and April of last school year these are the proficiency levels for the access um starting at entering which is where a student knows and uses minimal social and academic language all the way through to reaching where a student has the ability to use social and academic language at the highest level as measured by the test because we don't meet the minimum end size of participation for the access I can't share the data by grade level but what I can do is share District wide percentages by those uh performance levels so you'll see here across the bottom left to right from entering to reaching and the large majority of our students are sitting at developing and expanding 34 and 41% respectively the next administration of the access will take place between February and March of 2025 moving on to the dynamic learning Maps or the dlm this is an alternate assessment in ela Math and Science that's for our students with the most significant intellectual disabilities uh for this particular assessment there are no performance level students are aren't compared to other students but rather evaluated for their own progress um similarly to njsla students in grades 3 to 8 and grade 11 participate in ela and math and students in grades 5 8 and 11 participate in science um those who are eligible for the DM is determined by the child study team students who qualify for this assessment took it between April and May of last school year we don't need the minimum size of participation for the DM so scores cannot be publicly recorded the next administration of DM will take place between April and May of 2025 moving then into the New Jersey student learning assessment or the njsla we're going to start by taking a look at Ela first English language arts the njsla ELA assessment has five performance levels I have them in sort of traffic light colors there with level one in the red being not yet meeting grade level expectations through to that darker green which is exceeding grade level expectations displayed in this chart here is a 2022 23 and 24 districtwide comparison of ela percentages across those five performance levels we're going to look at this data um in a much more digestible way in the next few slides starting first with our percentages of meeting and exceeding in ela um our district is in the green and the state of New Jersey is in that gold color and you can see uh beginning with grade three that 58% of our students were meeting or exceeding in ela grade four 74% work grade 5 81% grade 6 85% grade 7 93% grade 8 87% and grade n came in at 88% meing or exceeding in ela taking a look at the same Ela data this time broken up by sub group race you can see the categories identified on the bottom there our Asian students met or exceeded in ela at 88% our black students at 46% our Hispanic students at 64% our multi-racial students at 77% and our white students at 76% meing or exceeding Ela broken up this time by gender our female students met or exceeded in ela at 85% and our male students at 78% and broken up by program our economically disadvantaged students met are exceeded in ela at about 50% our students with disabilities at 36% our multilingual Learners at 31% and our general education population at 89% this is all of the the categories that I just mentioned um a 22 23 24 comparison and if you take a look at that third column from the left you'll see MTSD and you can see in 2022 we met or exceeded in the ELA standards at 73% um in 2023 that number went up to 78% and in 2024 we saw an increase still at 82% meeting and exceeding so notably the majority of our grade levels in our subgroups are back to or above prepandemic achievement levels and trending up as I just mentioned um a high percentage of each students in GR in each grade level are meeting or exceeding most notably in grades 5 to 9 UM in those particular grade levels we have uh over 80% of our students meeting or exceeding in terms of interventions uh the past couple of years we've implemented the star 360 assessment platform which is aligned to the New Jersey student learning standards and that helps us to identify um any gaps in students learning and address them appropriately um state of New Jersey updated the New Jersey student learning standards for English language arts as of 2024 as of 2024 um so we did update our curriculum and we aligned to some of those new standards which included added adding a core explicit bonic program for grades 1 to 4 um we added some additional foundational writing skills at the elementary level as well in addition to some more explicit vocabulary instruction um at our high school and our middle schools we're continuing with the star 360 assessment platform um and at the high school continuing with the literacy lab course and the ELA clinics in advance of State Testing as we've um certainly seen an increase in those numbers over the past couple of years as a result moving then into math couple of uh important things to note before we take a look at the math data in grade 8 students begin to take high school math assessments which is different from Ela everybody takes the grade A Ela um but for math students might be taking other math um njsla assessments so it's important to note that the eighth grade data that we'll look at is not the eighth grade performance as a whole and it's also important to note that Algebra 1 geometry and number two is not going to include our grade 11 and 12 students um as you all know our grade 11 students take the MJ GPA and that data was reported out in the summer math has the same five performance levels as Ela and again this is just that 22 23 24 comparison District wide across all five of those performance levels but we'll take a look at that broken down we'll start with the meeting and exceeding percentages for math again we are in the green and the state of New Jersey is in the gold for comparison and all of the grade levels and subjects tested are going across the bottom so we can see our third graders came in at 74% leading or exceeding our fourth graders at 75 our fifth graders at 76 our sixth graders at 74% our seventh graders at 82 our eighth graders is at 38 and then we move into the courses our middle school algebra 1 students came in at 99% meeting or seeding the algam students of the high school came in at 47 our geometry students at 97 Middle School our geometry students of the high school at 65 and the algebra 1 um students at 88% meing or exceeding broken down by subgroup race our Asian students came in at 88% meing or exceeding in math our black students at 28% our Hispanic students at 45% our multiracial students at 69% and our white students at 66% meeting or exceeding in math our female students came in at 74% meeing or exceeding in math and our male students came in at 78% and then taking a look at program here students your economically disadvantaged came in at 29% meeing or exceeding in math our students with disabilities at 30 our multilingual Learners at 43 and our J population at 83% meeting or receiving this is the 2223 24 comparison districtwide meeting or exceeding in math and again if you look at that third column from the left there you'll see MTSD and in 2022 we were at 67% meeting or exceeding in 23 we saw an increase there came up to 74% meeting or exceeding districtwide and in 2024 an increase still coming in at 76% meeing or exceeding so in terms of notable achievements again majority of our grade levels are back to and uh prepandemic achievement levels trending up a high percentage of our students each grade level and course are meeting or exceeding grade level standards with approximately 75% meeting or exceeding uh and also really notable I think we need to shout out our middle school algebra 1 students who met or exceeded math expectations at 99% in terms of interventions for math just a couple of years ago we implemented the new map program Bridges since we're seeing scores steadily increase we're going to keep at it with that our Middle School uh BS we had an additional interventionist which allows for just more students to receive tier 2 and tier three inter conventions and we'll talk a little bit about a little bit more about what those look like um in a couple of slides and just last year we implemented a restructuring of our courses for math 7 and 8 and the full year Algebra 1 course for 8th grade so we're really only in the second year of that um and we need to see that through with Fidelity to to see if it's working for us and similarly to ELA we have the math lab and and the math Connections course in addition to the math clinics and advance of State Testing which are for students who demonstrate in Need for additional targeted support moving then into science science is a little different than Ela and math uh the Science assessment only has four performance levels which you can see there beginning with minimal which is a student demonstrates a minimal understanding of the New Jersey student learning standards and science through to that darker green which is Advanced um which is a student demonstrating Advanced understanding of those standards students who take the and jsla in science are only assessed in three grade levels and that's grades 5 8 and 11 and you can see here that same 22 23 24 comparison across those four proficiency levels in the three grade bubbles that were tested and I'll take a look at that broken down so you can see here represented Us in the green and the St New Jersey and the gold this is our proficient and advanced proficient percentages so you can see the Great by Kon at 64% grade 8 at 53% and grade 11 at 74% proficient or Advanced proficient this is the science data broken up by race our Asian students came in at 75% proficient or Advanced our black students at 24% our Hispanic students at 31% our multi-racial students at 57% and our white students at 55% our female students came in at 63% proficient or advanced in science and our male students at 66% broken up by program are economically disadvantaged students came in at 18% proficient or Advanced proficient our students with disabilities at 17% our multilingual Learners at 10% and our general education population at 70% proficient or Advanced proficient and then again here that 22 23 24 comparison if I draw your attention to the third column there which says ntsd in 2022 we were at 60% proficient or Advanced proficient that stay consistent for 2023 and then in 2024 we saw bump to 65% proficient we Advan proficient notably for science approximately 75% of our 11th grade students are meeing or exceeding grade level expectations and you think it's also think it's important to note that we just have a very strong commitment and interest in science over 200 students were enrolled in a full year science elective um at our high school and this is beyond graduation requirements this is just because they are interested um and want to learn more about science in terms of interventions our Middle School just implemented a new resource um the Carolina St CMS and that is phenomena based meaning based in real life it's authentic and aligned to the New Jersey student learning three-dimensional science standards so we're excited to see how that um rolls out this school year some additional interventions um here in the state of New Jersey weuse we use the New Jersey tiered system of support sometimes also referred to as the multi-tiered system of supports um and it has three levels of intervention tier one is essentially the universal support to all students any student can receive this kind of support in the classroom it might be something as simple as a graphic organizer or um chunked assignments or texts at a different reading level Etc if a student demonstrates um the need for additional support Beyond a tier one intervention we move into tier two and that's more targeted classroom support it could include small group instruction um in and out of the classroom or intervention lessons on like a particular standard or skill and if still a student is demonstrating need for additional targeted support we move into that intensive individual intervention I think it's important to note that our teams here are regularly monitoring analyzing And discussing data not just this snapshot of data which the access the dlm and the njsla are they one data point in time but really taking a look at all of the um formative and summative assessments that we provide to our students throughout the school year and using it to Det to determine the efficacy of our instructional practices in our curriculum to in other words find gaps in students learning and and adequately address them so that is constantly happening in our day-to-day here moving forward the next administration of the NG SLA is going to take place between April and May of 2025 that's it at this point I'm happy to take any questions from the board thank you Miss Young I do have one question um on the math one math slide uh there was a big dip between seventh and eighth grade seventh and ninth grade um any reasoning behind that yeah that's because um when students get to the eth grade they can start to take a variety of different assessments um that's only applicable to math and not Ela so all eighth graders will take the same Ela njla assessment but when you get to to math they could be taking grade eight they could be taking Algebra 1 they could be taking geometry so you start to see a split um in the data and that's often why we see that dip for eth grade math and that's consistent Statewide it's not just um our district so additionally other Statewide Trends over time you know that we see the um dips in proficiencies of our MLS our swds and our black and questions and so what are we doing to help those populations um I know there's no Magic Bullet and anything like that but um tell us tell us what we're what we're doing and try to get more of those yellows into green yeah thank you for that question you're absolutely right that some of our historically marginalized and underrepresented populations do tend to underperform as compared to their peers um and that is historical and is has a pretty complex answer but what I can say to that is with all of our students regardless of whatever sub population they fit into we are using assessment data on a day-to-day basis to figure out you know where the holes are in their swiss cheese what gaps they have and to address them with the appropriate interventions um so all of those students fit into those populations that we're addressing on a day-to- day how many of those students that are in those populations are counted in multiple categories of those categories several I mean I can't give you a u a number but yes it can be exactly as you're as you're saying yes sure so you can fit into a particular race and also be counted in a particular program so you can see that student represented twice so if a student is um economically disadvantaged also has an IEP and happens to be a student of color and scores poorly they're going to count three times you got it okay yes so let's talk about disadvantaging those students more and more and more right and just please keep trying to build them up you got it um have you looked at all also at continuous data over these three years since we now have three years of data so tracking um third graders in 2022 to fourth grade 23 and fifth grade yes that's work that we're um often doing in our team and our department meetings um just recently I met with our MTH supervisors or if we took a look what you're describing is basically the cohort model um and we're following students year toe and tracking their data along with the classes that they took and trying to understand if there's patterns and Trends so yes that is something that we do um often have you seen any bubbles that you would be cautious of over you know especially coming off these are the first three years after we had a suspension of testing after so yeah I think um you know speaking specifically for map since that's on the top of my head um the restructuring of the courses we're really counting on that to address some of the uh issues that we saw in the in the trends thank you general f general f was up and to the right like very good results what are some key takeaways from this like is any of the data any fact base start stop continue informal recommendations things that just jumped out cuz there a lot of charts to go through but anything that was learned from this like how can we act on this any informal recommendations great question you know honestly the njsla data is really important data I don't want to U invalidate it but I do want to say that we're constantly looking at what our students are doing right now um because this is a snapshot this is a snapshot from last spring again important we do take a look at that data but we are more often and more frequently looking at what they're working on in their classes right now and responding to that and kind of just to pick it back again off of that um you know some of those areas I'm Maria students that Maria mentioned whether it's the um children who are added disadvantage economically or of color Etc looking at them at at the current moment how are they are we seeing such a discrepancy in the classroom in their studies grade wise report course I know we don't have report CS out yet but currently I know the testing is crucial and very important but how are they overall functioning in the classroom are we seeing that there's that does it feel like a learning Gap um right now or is that make sense it does makes sense it's hard to pinpoint um with such a large po population of students to say for sure um I think that there certainly some gaps in in their learning in the classroom that we're seeing and that we're responding to um and then that's later captured in the in the ajsa so I think to answer your question yes I think that's the reaction I think that if we saw an inconsistency there that would mean that our our instruction and our outcomes are not align I agree with you I think that that speaks to the efficacy of of the assessment any other question board members thank you thank you thank you that concludes the superintendent reports and presentation thank you superintendent MCL we'll now move to committee representative reports first up mtaa report Mr R I'm so sorry Mr roli I have one more presentation and now I am so sorry I didn't put it on the CH out take that back sorry about that Mr than right okay so we are blessed and honored to have the New Jersey state Teacher of the Year miss Stephanie lachenauer who is a teacher at [Applause] ums to come because being the state teor of the yearor her calendar has been filled like she wouldn't be able to make it to meeting this year that's how many night events she has um we so I want to start with a little bit of a history and the process so for the first time since I have been employeed here which was uh July of 2013 so I don't know when prior to that Montgomery participated in the educator of the Year program we initiated it back again last year so each school had a teacher of the year it was a wonderful time we all went to uh Somerset County educator the year breakfast and everybody was honored it was a wonderful um experience for our teachers they were highlighted it was great and then every teacher of the year in all of Somerset County so think about every single School in all of the towns in Somerset County have the opportunity to apply to be the Somerset County teacher of the year and so the first year out without doing it in more than at least 11 years Montgomery got the Somerset County teach Jersy so then of all the counties in New Jersey the County teachers of the year have the opportunity to apply to be the state teacher of the year and once again Montgomery has the New Jersey state teacher of the year for 2025 so in on September 23rd there was a surprise visit from the acting Commissioner of of education and so miss Rivera the principal and I we knew ahead of time but we had to keep it top secret and in fact the state actually sent her an email I was on the phone with M Rivera late on a Friday evening doing work for this big event right we had to have security and we had to have everything names CU there were political dignitaries here there were state dignitaries here our own dignitaries came and so it was a huge process and a huge event planning and we worked closely with the event planner from the state Nancy busat anyway I'm on the phone with Raquel and we're going through the list and who's going to park where and how we're going to do it and do we need a stage do we not need a stage all of the nitty-gritty details and she says oh no Stephanie just texted me that she just got an email that she unfortunately has not been chosen as the New Jersey teacher of the year and she's a little bummed out and I'm like what what are we doing then right so I start calling the County officials and they got back to me and they said oh no that's part of the ruse they they want her to be surprised and my surprise she might not even be there how are we going to get her to be there so we decided we're going to tell her that um like we're really sorry that you got that email and you know you did such a great job you're the Somerset County teacher of the year and we told everyone that the acting Commissioner of Education was coming to do a back to school he chose ums to come and do a back to school um assembly with all the kids and we told Stephanie as the somerson county teacher of the year since you're in this building you know we're going to recognize you as the Somerset County teacher of the year so be prepared to speak right so because I didn't want her to be not dressed appropriately or you know what I'm saying for that kind of event or not be prepared to say a couple of words so it was a spectacular event many of our board members thank you all for coming and this is when she if you can see her facial expression she found out that she actually was the New Jersey state teacher of the year and that woman there is the president of the State Board of Education so we have here um former State teachers of the year they all came out I mean it was wonderful they came out they're she's assigned mentors it was really fantastic just showed you a couple of pictures how happy she was and surprised these are local government officials and the acting commissioner this is all of us all the mtsc admin board members Mr roli was there it was great now how do I do this jaff do I click it again or do you have to click it so Stephanie felt that she couldn't be here W you guys um first thank you so much commissioner all of our for being here here all our Administration vice principal Mr principal Mr and of course my amazing colleagues I get to work with every day our staff and our students we would not be here without you and make everyday for us so we know that in order to have develop care we need to here we know that in order to be our best through it so we can't do it alone we know that if we want to be successful we need each other we need to do it together and we can see that all the things that we do here in we see it in our care we can see in our core Valu Community acceptance resilience and empathy we see in our after school clubs are programming the our school that we can see in our daily interactions it is my great honor to be able to represent monom up Middle School to represent R Township Somerset County and now the great state of New Jersey academics matter selfcare matters Community matters what we do matters and we do it better when we do it together so let's make this a great year together wo so as she gave that speech I'm sitting there saying they think I told her they think I told her cuz that was such a spectacular speech and she was so inspirational like I said this was like the top secret they had their own uh media they had their own security and we were you know told to just pretend like this is the commissioner coming to do an assembly at your school so she was honored then again at the New Jersey State Board of Education meeting and the njaa ETS uh the testing company um the State Board of the State Board the New Jersey Department of Education Personnel were all there and it's really important to note that the njaa and etss are great sponsors of it and they're making it so that she can um go on a sabatical this year to go and do her duties as the state teacher of the year she has to you know travel around not only um the state of New Jersey but she has to go to Washington for National events and things like that as this state so um this is big and for montomery saying oh yeah we'll try it this year to go into the educator of the year um and we're in the process right now for this year's um Montgomery you know based on school teacher and um support staff of the year so I hope you all and all the parents nominated your favorite best teacher for the kids um so again Stephanie said that she sends her best I said let me just show your speech um and now you know why she is the state teacher of the year so thank you now Mr violi I'm sorry I am really dumb this time hold up all right good evening well I don't know if you've heard but Stephanie lockener one state teacher of the year didn't know you got the message um so other than that MCA has been doing the Halloween costume exchange been extremely successful we've gotten so many costumes uh on October 18th and 19th people can go to ums and get a new costume for them a new to you costume so we're going to continue that uh after that on October 21st we're doing trick and treats where people can come to the ums parking lot and they can pick up some kind of Halloween treat plus a book uh for any of the MTSD students that would like to participate will be set up that day uh after the Halloween costum exchange we're going to be starting something new this year a winter clothing exchange so the same exact thing that we did for the costumes we're going to do where we're going to put boxes in the schools and we'll go around and collect them and then in a future date we will have it so that people can come kind of pick up either jackets or gloves scarves things that people that are like lightly used um and we're also going to be sponsoring the Wade's Army 5 Kang so MTA is going to try to put a team in there together and we're going to have a table we're going to sponsor some Waters uh to purchase a great cause for a family in District and then finally we're going to be doing uh FMLA n jfla just presentation for our members it could be really tricky to kind of navigate some of those Waters so we're going to have that upcoming soon so thank you very much thank you Mr roli do we have any board member delegate or representative reports this evening yes I'm going to give um Miss D's report since she has Len J this but um so uh this is for mpa uh which the meeting was on October 1st uh MPA is the Montgomery special educ education parent teacher Association um so it is a PTA organization that fundraises for all grades K through 12 and um it's a collaborative organization where the parents actually come together and um use each other as uh to make connections and to find out what resources and things they can uh use in the community and the schools for children with um uh disabilities and some of the ways that they raise money that they wanted to share out is that there's an annual dance and auction fundraiser um which usually occurs in the winter Springtime uh cookie sale and then obviously memberships there is a donation bin just like there is at every other at all of the schools in um Montgomery there's uh different donation bins and the one at Orchard Hill is the one that um produces uh funding for M SEPTA um some of the things that they've done in the past and want to continue to do is to help sponsor sporting events like the winter bowl for our lld and autism classrooms as well as uh involvement with our unified Club hosting um uh workshops or fundraisers um we do we welcomed the the last meeting um M uh how do I say it Dar d Jer jimer sorry um Michelle jimer who is our new um director of student services um and she was uh there to introduce herself as well as uh Mr roli was there and that was um really great to have a representation from the district at the mpta meeting um there was request for better communication between the teachers and the the parent organization um really um wanting to get more participation especially families in the lower grades with students with special needs to um come on and kind of be taken under the wings of some of the parents of older students that are um looking to mentor and bring on new leadership as well some events are is a college readiness for students with learning differences which will be on November 12th and you can find details of that on the mpa um newsletters which are attached to all of the PTA newsletters uh general meeting dates will happen in January on the 8th the 4th of March May 6th and June 3rd and we'll have uh tentative dates like I said for February or March for that um big fundraiser which is the dance in auction um please if you um have a student with special needs um I encourage you to uh participate with MPA and um that's about it thank you thank you BP Spa any questions on that report any other board member delegate reports yes the Somerset County School Board Association um County meeting took place on October 10th in Somerset votch High School in Bridgewater um it's always a great event to participate and meet board members from other um school districts couple of items that were covered that were of Interest were update from the county executive superintendent on what's the latest uh within the county as well as we had an overview of what's coming up during the njsp workshop for 2024 that's going to be happening next week um but one of the more uh interesting presentations that I saw was around the potential of AI on education and how do we prepare schools uh for the future we actually had a mandum uh Board of Education member who's also a mentor and NJ EXL instructor walk us through a very comprehensive view on AI and how colleges today are managing uh the knowledge and then provided some suggestions for the school boards and I know our Administration is already working on collaborating around how do we Implement some of the ways of utilizing AI within the school district so um it was very informative and and I appreciated his time and and sharing his knowledge thank you board member we like to Jour again any questions on that report n any other reports moving to board committee reports assessment curriculum and instruction committee ACI I'll be brief just very well um the bulk of the present sorry we met on uh October 4th at 9:00 a.m. it was both virtual and in person the bulk of the meeting uh revolved around the assessment presentation uh it was a preview which we just saw this evening uh given by Dr Young um but I also wanted to highlight that we heard from uh Miss Borland about the prek report card um since we started a prek program um all districts in the St uh sorry the states asked all districts um who have had a preschool program to pick one of the three preschool curriculums um that that have been recommended as a school we have chosen the creative curriculum uh and so this will be implemented uh in the past we uh had a report card uh through the Genesis Program which was very much um inhouse and homegrown um because we've purchased the creative curriculum and we will um execute it in our prek classrooms we will that will also include the gold assessment which is an assessment that's nationally normed um and it's known as a preschool assessment which assesses kindergarten Readiness some of the areas um that it Taps into is social emotional development physical development as in grow and fine motor skills language and literacy and approaches for learning I also just wanted to highlight that uh Mr Delgado talked about upcoming events um that all have to do with counseling and college readiness um and as of uh date we have had 300 parent participants um in these events that have occurred so um I encourage you to look on the website for upcoming events in uh October through December thank you any questions heing none we now move to operations facilities and finance committee off I will be penting for board member felak off met on October 9th virtually um michael' Neil led a discussion on the status of school facilities reported that everything is run properly and any small repairs are being addressed as they occur uh Mr Trent and Mr O'Neal discussed the following projects SL potential projects which include the rod Grant roofing project turfield in front of the high school long range facility plan and potential new Pathways to the track ATS Mr Trent went over the bu budget calendar and procedures uh discuss the fiscal year U budget and the calendar and off committee will be providing feedback as we move through the process Mr Trent also informed us um that the audit the auditor will be making a presentation at the November board meeting that was it the meeting was very brief any questions one report no questions but one thank you so um on behalf of uh one of the parents that was at that MDA meeting that I spoke of uh earlier uh who actually did request that we make the uh ums track more accessible for um students with disabilities or community members with disabilities um so a pathway to get from the parking lot to the track would be great thank you so much and we've already contacted the architect in started look at doing that Human Resources committee also met um the only items we talked about were items that will discuss in the executive session sorry policy and Communications committee report okay so on the policy you've heard uh this evening Mr Delgado talk about the latest changes to the policy 5512 which is uh harassment and intimidation and bullying uh where the policy was revised to include a section around principles uh pre preliminary determination um in addition to that we reviewed policies 8420 emergency and crisis situations as well as 8467 which is firearms and weapons those policies were updated to um follow State statutes and Administrative Code um and those were the only changes as we metant um in the prior week so I'll hand it over to cookie for communications um as we requested so moving forward all of us will be receiving eblasts that are significant information about any of the school districts because if you don't sign up if you don't have student that school you don't sign up we don't get the information so moving forward um Ryan will be making sure that we get anything that is relevant to um the board um business the other thing that I had brought up which would probably eventually be a crossover to off um I had asked at the last September meeting regarding uh corporate sponsorships for sports I have been attending um uh games across uh somerson County I noticed that um some schools have engaged with their local businesses and have significant presence in their own um field so I had asked um the superintendent inquiring if that is something that we would consider doing um to help our Sports programs instead of that being solely a um school budget um to cover and um we do have a policy 6162 that covers corporate sponsorship and um in the prior years um prior board boards did not wish to pursue these sponsorship sponsorships however since I brought it up and I hope folks would have the same interest as I do um to offer um sponsors the opportunity to provide support to the district through financial or material means in exchange for recognition and or acknowledgement from the district so the policy outlines guidelines and the athletic director is working to create parameters and levels of sorship to follow that's all that all right any questions on policy and Communications committee report hearing none at this time I entertain a motion to approve the minutes of September 2024 executive Session 1 September 17 2024 executive session 2 September 17 20124 business meeting second it's been properly moov and second to adopt the minutes any questions on the motion all Mr Trent roll call please okay all those in favor State I I oppose same right extensions motion carries this time the board acknowledges the correspondence of the board listed in the agenda at this time the Board of Education welcomes and encourages input from the public members of the public are allowed one opportunity to address the board regarding the action agenda items only for up to a maximum of 3 minutes per speaker all comments must be directed to the board before you make your comment please state your name full name and address and enter both on the Chromebook provided being mindful of privacy rights regarding students board employees and board members and to avoid any liability on the part of the speaker the board discourages defamatory and discour his remarks the public comment portions of the media are not structured as question and answer sessions but rather offered as opportunities for the public to share their thoughts with the board the board may need to refer an issue to the superintendent if the issue has not been handled through the appropriate chain of command usually starting at the school level responses may be provided at the end of this session when making comments please specify the agend action agenda item number public comment for Action agenda items is now open is it about the agenda or is it about something that would be be after the AC here's another public com any comments for the action agendum items hearing none public comment section is now closed this time I will accept the motion to adopt agenda action agenda items 1.0 through 4.3 before we do that didn't I ask a question about one of them or do I have to wait so moved second it's been properly moved and second to adopt action agendum items 1.0 through 4.3 any questions or discussions on the agenda items yes on 3.5 which is the submission of the comprehensive maintenance plan um the maintenance plan even for the previous year 2324 was disproportionally higher for OES than the other buildings is this because of the EC building yes okay and is the EC building ever going to be parsed out from that since it is a separate building not at this point no okay just cuz it's considered part of O it's on the same prop it's on the same property it's on the same property that's why so even though it's two separate structures so that because of how it then looks okay thank you appreciate the clarification any other questions comments on action items 1.0 to 4.3 just for 1.6 um I just want to make sure that I I can request for the board to have a board retreat in March of next year to be able to talk about um our progress and the action items moving forward um having to do with the district call so do it thank you any other questions comments on action agendum items 1.0 through 4.3 none call Mr sh Miss D yes Miss Franco Herman yes Miss Harris yes Mr Nas yes Miss W jigan yes Miss Ena yes Mr Todd yes thank you all motions carry thank you Mr Trent at this time the Board of Education welcomes and encourages input from the public members of the public are allowed an opportunity to bring any new business to the board for a maximum for up to a maximum 3 minutes per speaker all comments must be directed to the board before you make your comment please State your full name and address and enter both on the Chromebook provided being mindful of privacy rights regarding students board employees and board members until avoid any potential liability on the part of the speaker the board discourages affirmatory and discour remarks the public comment portion of the meetings are not structured as question and answer sessions the board may need to refer an issue to the superintendent if the issue has not been handled through the appropriate chain of command usually starting at the school level responses may be provided to the end of this session public comments are now open hello thank you so much uh thank you for for this time uh I'm here today this is my first Board of Education meeting I've been in this community for 11 years um I'm here today as a concerned parent um due to a recent incident that has happened uh I have two kids in the school district and one of my kid goes to the upper middle school and recently an incident happened at least just a couple of weeks after the school has started where she's a victim of bullying and this has happened on a Saturday um through some text exchanges um where the kids um there was a group of text messages going around where it was almost where the other kid wanted my kid to be dead and you know there were the exchanges of uh text exchanges where he where the other person almost had said that she needs to be isolated she has we have to make her life miserable we have to make sure she doesn't have friends we I we need to I would like to see her you know almost to the she used the word there so which while my daughter reached out to her previous teacher and that has raised a safety alert and the principal has reached out um immediately on that Saturday I did uh file a hi report on this happen incident happened on September 21st I don't want to reveal the names here this uh I filed the report on 24th uh today is October 15th I've heard the hi report that was presented here have gone through hip um on our district website um what I want to say is the kind of exchanges that have happened um in the text it has deeply work concerning and I was almost disappointed because I've been in the school district I have lot of lot of uh faith in the school district I'm not saying um you know I have spoken to the principal after um because I was concerned about the safety of my daughter and she was deeply um traumatized for the by this incident she did not go to school for a day or two after which we had to encourage I was deeply concerned of her safety um and you know she keeps asking for us to move away from the school district but that's a separate incident but what I am uh I was really concerned especially looking at all of the incidents that are happening around the country this to me felt as a psychological uh something is going on with I was almost concerned for the other kid to be honest as well and when I spoke to the principal um yes there was immediate alert and you know safety alert that happened and there were things going on thank you sorry I did not I I just need one more minute please I'm sorry a public comment is restricted to 30 or three 3 minutes for everybody okay there other if if there's more time can I continue after other people yeah after all comments are heard if there's time we'll let we'll let you come back thank you hi can you write your name deep and right thank all right so my name is Deepa um so I have two concerns one concern was mine and second one actually stemming out what what I heard uh I just want to understand the whole principle of education is to uplift kids right that's where we are in the business of education and if the parents concerns are not adequately addressed being a line of concern of chain of command I understand thank you for that teachers principls and so on and then what's next if parents are saying it's not addressed adequately what's next there is full stop just like you cut somebody three minutes rules are made for Simplicity of life life is not made for rules and unfortunately we are the best District in New Jersey one of the best district and this is what we are doing we are imposing our life to fit into principles of rules yes you need rules so that Society is civil society is structured but rules are not meant that oh just you cannot move left because we made a virtual wall so my concern is we have reached up to Mr and all we got is one line response that that this was addressed at school we were so deeply concerned that 2 days after the school my kid is a eighth grader we pull the kid out of the school and he's going in private school after paying so much taxes here we pulled the kid out our consern was not addressed that itself tells that W it was not there's not even a single person where we would go and talk and bring our concerns uh so I think point I'm making about my concern and I'm in only less than 2 minutes and about the lady the life of a kid and the life of a threatener who may be needing some medical intervention is that important or 3 minutes important that's concern number one and my second concern in our case also if the school is not addressed that's what forced us to take it kid out once we take the kid out the principal is calling throughout the year we have been writing emails crickets zero of you so I'm really concerned how the school addresses these concerns of parents parents are completely helpless and I'm still 45 seconds but thank you hi it's my second time here so I guess I can count myself as a vetan I wanted to thank the board for listening to the public comments about the situation with the tennis Sports back in July really appreciate your time and your involvement in the situation I also came to inform you that apparently the negotiations between the township and the Board of Education start and the township uh failed to reach any agreement uh or so we were told by the uh Board of recreation earlier today so that's why I'm here I was hoping and maybe I should say that I am not advocating necessarily for myself who for you know my people middle-aged are residents and so on I really concerned about the Young tennis players we're having a fantastic fall a gorgeous fall you know kids could play tennis they can play Outdoors they can spend quality time and we just fail to provide the resources unfortunately Princeton has 24 tennis courts Montgomery as it appears has eight six of which cannot be used uh during the school time for example because they are located at the school properties so we're down to two Courts for those residents who can play during you know business hours for example uh if there's anything that the board may do to uh facilitate that agreement we would appreciate it some of us heard anecdotally that uh Montgomery high school did not have a sincere intention to uh let those cours used by the public we've heard that anecdotally I kind of dismiss those concerns CU I don't know why the school would be against letting public use the courts uh but anyways if there's anything that's in the boards pervue uh the entire Township or those of us who play Talis and the kids in particular would definitely appreciate you involvement the second issue I was going to bring up it looks like it's been addressed the situation was the parking lot was an oversight people with disabilities could not assess the tenis sports to the uh tra facility uh located between the upper middle school and lower Middle School courts uh those people unfortunately out of lock there's no parking there's no parking even for people with disabilities but I appreciate that uh the board is looking into that and it looks like there's going to be an immediate solution I don't know why I I understand that that decision was made by the township uh not by the board of education but it's un important issue I don't think we you know it's it's important to not let people with disabilities not be able to access the facilities so thank you that's all really appreciate your time and your involvement in the situation and I did not introduce myself I don't know if that's an issue but uh let me know if it is thank you any other comment from the public yeah thank you again um so where I stopped was um when they before I filed the H and when the safety alert has come up yes I was receiving the phone calls I was giving getting all the email correspondence and once the kid was my kid didn't want to go to school she missed one day and then second day we had to talk to her and went with the to the principal but as as the other parent has said after that there was nothing else so I wanted to understand where do the parents come in I filed the hip and I again I filed it on 24th of September I know there is a process what has made me concern is in that meeting I did not hear a word of no tolerance policy in the district uh all I heard was yes there will be an investigation going on I'm fine I'm fine with the investigation but I would like to understand what is our district policy on this I've heard today's presentation yes you're trying to reduce I looked at the numbers I'm a quantitive scientist all I saw was numbers what are the things I didn't get anything objective from it to be honest and you're trying to reduce with the preliminary assessment now to reduce the number but overall I did not see what was taken and so far I'm still waiting on the report how long long does it take where do the parents come in where is the correspondence I have reached out last week I was told it's still going through um I am really concerned about this incident and about the other kid U and I immediately went on to see how many incidents have happened in the past year in the country and what is who what was the gender what was the age group and that is the age group and the kind of if somebody comes out and says they want to see the other person dead then that is very concerning and exactly we were also looking at immediately that's my second thought that I went around and I'm looking at what are the other school options that I could think of so yeah please I would like to hear what are the I mean I don't know where I should go to but I would like to clearly hear what is our District policy um I haven't heard so far any no tolerance policy and what are the steps that would be taken thank you any other comments from the public we have comments from the Public Public comment portion is now closed superintendent ml anything You' like to address it yes so on our website under parents of community there's a full page that outlines all all of the HIV processes how to report it the timelines the grade report all the HIV presentations before you were able to access your trial schedule you had to acknowledge that you read and understand the HIV policy and so you click that in order to get the schedule and have access to your child's schedule um that's the policy and that's what outlines it so once the investigation is filed there is a 10 days that there can that the investigation can take place and then it is reviewed by the the findings are reviewed by the board of education at the following meeting which is tonight and then you will receive a letter tomorrow in the mail um from me and then at the next Board of Education meeting the board will um accept the findings and then you will receive another letter from the business administrator the board secretary Mr Trent so that's the that's the timeline so if the report was made September 24th this would be the meeting that the board has already reviewed the findings and then the next meeting they will be accepted that's for that one um to the parent who was had shared concerns um not knowing specifics I you know if you go to the proper person and they didn't get back to you you should go keep moving up the chain of command so it's my understanding that no one ever got back to you with your concerns or they got back to you and it wasn't the outcome that you were looking for so I reached out until Mr discussion okay we we can speak after maybe to yeah thank you all right and then Mr TR do you want to give an update because we we do have um shared services agreements that are being reviewed by the township that's why they weren't on the board agenda tonight because they we're not done with going back and forth with the township and the school district you want to add something else there not sure it's they're in process we're still in uh we wouldn't call it negotiations we're talking with the township how work best for both the school and the township um I think it's been out there the original worry with some of the damage that was caused to the high school courts and how that can impact the high school tenis season and we're working through the agreements to figure out the time frames and I mean we anticipate having that done by next board meeting we're trying to meet with the township that's our intention um we're actively trying to be with them now and uh but the goal is to to figure out agreement that works for the district and the township regarding Taz courts regarding the pickleball courts and the courts that are already open and regarding the pool so that that's all in play right now and in discussion and just one more note um please understand that yes we are a public school we are public school district and the tax money that comes to the schools is for the use of facilities for the students first right and the students are our priority and during the school day when students are here we cannot have any access to the public so but as Mr Trent said we are working on a shared service agreement with the tempure thank you Superintendent mclin at this time any closing discussion from any member of the board he none this time I'll entertain a motion to adjourn second the proper moov in second all those in favor State I I all those opposed same right extensions thank you all have a good evening good evening