##VIDEO ID:ySGlOO9Ih-I## good evening everyone a special welcome to those candidates who are bu for a 4month term on the board like to welcome you and thank you for uh stepping up and willing to fill in that position at this time I entertain a motion to reconvene and open session so second it's been properly moved in second to reconvene an open session the any discussion on the motion all those in favor St I oppose same right exensions motion carried at this time please rise for the salute of the flag to the flag the United States of America the stands one na indiv at this time we'll move to the superintendent's report oh sorry roll call please first Mr Miss ding here miss filac here miss Franco Haron Miss Harris here missa Jernigan yeah Miss naron Miss minina present Mr to present thank you thank you Mr Trent at this time we'll move to superintendent report SL presentation superintendent M we you have a please take tonight but I wanted to just welcome everyone good evening uh the district has been off to a fantastic start of the 2425 school year at Orchard Hill which is this building the core Cub core values are in full swing not only in the classrooms but in the cafeteria on the playground in the hallways in the bathrooms and on the bus at the Walk of assemblies the Cubs reviewed safe spaces kind words and friendly faces to ensure that all students have a positive school year many students are earning cup core value stickers and wearing them proudly to support safe spaces on school bus our kindergarteners participated in seat Bel training we are proud to announce that all of our kindergarten clubs can successfully Buckle tighten and tighten their seat belts and get them on and off they are ready to be leaders and role models and ride at Brussels to and from school skipping ahead to the older kids ATS the theme for this year is all in socially emotionally and academically students and staff are committed to being members of of an accepting resilient and empathetic School Community the students have pledged to model these core values by signing Community agreements demonstrating their dedication to fostering a positive and inclusive environment at LMS the entire School came together for an outdoor flag salute to honor September 11th they reflected on its significance held a moment of silence for those who lost and celebrated How We Stand United as a nation the ums and LMS back to school nights were a success this past week family were welcomed by their students uh their children's teachers and administrators happy to announce that this year's Pat will be administered during the school day at Montgomery High School on Monday October 21st all 10th and 11th grade students are eligible to take the PSAT in an effort to make the PSAT accessible for all students while giving the 11th graders opportunities to qualify for National Merit Scholarships the high school will be covering the cost for all 11th grade students taking the PSATs MHS will run a special delayed opening schedule on October 21st to accommodate the school day PSA C across the district students have been provided with a student identification card and lanyard to wear with them after assessing the first two weeks of school when every student was expected to wear their IDs all the time Orchard and Village Schools implemented a modification Orchard and Village students are expected to wear their IDs at arrival at lunch and that's dismissal lmss and MHS students will continue to wear their IDs throughout the day at MHS each grade has a different color langard so you can delineate who's a nth grader 10th grader 11th grader and 12th grader now to our strategic plan presentation and I'm up first I just give me a minute to get over there and I have my gold leaders I'll introduce them right now they can wait so goal one is going to be presented by Fiona Borland our director of curriculum instruction and staff development you want to give away goal two is our communication is going to be presented by Mr Damen Papa our assistant superintendent and goal three is our seal goal and Mr Cory Delgado our director of School counseling and student wellness okay the 2024 to 2029 strategic plan how did we get here but last year the Board of Education wanted to partner with the community and come up with what does the community want the school district to focus on over the next couple of years what do they identify as our strengths and our weaknesses so in partnership with New Jersey school board the Board of Education invited all the community stakeholders to participate in three strategic planning meetings during the 2324 school year they were held in December January and February during these meetings attendees were able to share their insights on the district's presing strength while providing input on the direction we should take moving forward also during the first meeting I did a state of the district which was very comprehensive so if any of you have not seen that it's on the website that I'm going to get to and so during the first meeting the strengths and the challenges were identified three common goal areas were identified at the conclusion of the second meeting you're going to see those goals tonight goals statements and objectives were developed at the third meeting over the past several months these teams could these three teams comprised of Administrators and staff members have created action plans for each goal area so basically at the end of the spring when all of the information was culminated by New Jersey school boards and sent back to the dist we then I then task the administrators and staff with we're going to come up with the action plans to bring us here tonight what we're working on this year so um throughout the school year we will provide updates at Board of Education meetings to the actions being shared tonight so for more information including detailed outcomes for the three meetings you can visit the website and here's a picture of it if you go under um the Strategic plan tab as you can see on the left side there we have what we're doing now in 2425 but if you look under 2324 the overview there's lots of information there the state of the district presentation the outcomes for meeting one outcomes for meeting two and three and then how we came up with the final goal statements and objectives so as you can see this is our goal one team the leader is Fiona band and Jen Mell who's a supervisor of mathematics at the high school as you can see we have administrators and support staff and teaching staff on each of the goals goal two as I said before Mr Daman Papa the assistant superintendent is the leader and Kelly Mattis assistant superintendent of HR and Cory Delgado are the co-leaders for go team three here are the final goal goals and goal statements the first is the student experience student achievement teaching and learning and the goal statement that came out of the third strategic plan meeting was to cultivate a learning community that is safe comprehensive and customized to provide a balanced academic creative and engaging experience to prepare students to make an impact on the future goal two communication Community engagement and Outreach the goal statement that came from the community was increase Community engagement by improving 2-way communication so that all community members are well informed and feel connected and goal three culture and climate social emotional learning cultural sensitivity health and wellness and resilience the goal statement enhance the social emotional learning environment to support the development and resiliency of all Learners so I want to go back just one second before I introduce Fiona to speak about goal one during the meetings the first meeting as I said people came up with their strengths and the areas that they wish that the district would focus on for maybe Improvement or to start an initiative that that we don't have by the end of the third meeting even if there were areas that people felt that they that were their concerns were not reflected in the goals or the goal statements everybody walked out of there in agreement that these are the goals and the goal statements that the district will focus on for the next 5 years so goal one we have Miss F of Orleans hi thank you um it's really nice to have a co-leader so Jen Rell um might see sometimes Jen up here he might see me up here but our uh we have the joy of being able to spend our time focusing on the student experience student achievement and student learning um as ly said that we worked with the community and in the third session of the community nights that we had in the spring these five objectives were built under goal one so these are our five separate objectives I'm just giv me a minute to look at them I'm going to go through each slide with you and talk a little bit about our goal our Focus points this year and what are our actions going to be I want to point out that I just said this year so for all of us as we share with you tonight this year is a this strategic plan is a 5year strategic plan when you are looking at something tonight you are seeing what we believe our first steps and our first steps are going to lead to us gathering information that is going to change our second and third steps and are going to inform what we do in future years so if you're wondering about hey I wonder if that should be part of this objective we've probably wondered it too and it's probably heading on the road not that we are going to be a cic conversation and getting feedback but just know that tonight what you're seeing is only the first steps of the plan okay so our first objective is to support personalized diverse and inclusive learning experiences through comprehensive student advisement our focus is really to help student agency or to develop student agency through Universal Design for Learning goal setting and a growth mindset um you you've heard the Universal Design for Learning spoken from this Podium multiple times by multiple different people but the summary of it it really means that we are going to have students engage in learning um in in representational means that help them so you're going to see that there's different ways to learn there's different ways to show teachers what they know there's different ways to be engaged in the classroom and what we're really looking for is to make sure that those opportunities are fostered so that each student at the different levels can me their goals that um they are looking to establish for themselves and that's really our second action step is to help uh develop classroom opportunities for students to take that agency to set their own goals to develop their own voice and to be part of what do they need as a learner objective two we're going to be to promote a connected creative experiential learning environment fostering real world connections within our curriculum the focus for the year is collaborative Partnerships between the school community and organizations and businesses to provide authentic educational opportunities for our students I do want to point out that for this particular objective it is within the district's curriculum so we are really looking to leverage those relationships in The Amazing community of Montgomery that will actually enhance the classroom experiences so um when we look at what are the steps we're going to be taking we're going to be looking to investigate those collaborative Partnerships between the community organizations and businesses and look at how to provide um authentic experience and opportunities for our students that might look like people coming into the classroom it might look like field trips um it might look like Mentor experiences but there's a lot of things that we're looking at here to draw that Real World Experience into the curriculum um we're also going to review the portrait of the graduate which was one of the artifacts that came out of the F the Strategic plan the previous strategic plan which really highlights some of what we now consider soft skills or um the skills that are really workplace Readiness um or college readiness skills and looking at you know where where that where does that fall into a 2024 uh mindset objective three to examine the curriculum to create a standard progression of learning across grade levels content areas and academic levels so the focus this year is cross building articulation opportunities for both staff and administration it's just so so important to always know where the children have come from and where the children are going um you know you probably hear you know running if there's just a kind of probably a running thought in classroom teachers of like what happened the year before and how you know what what did they do well the teacher taught it and the children engaged in it and so what we need to know is that's our jumping off point for each grade and so that's really why we want to look for those cross building opportunities um we're going to look to schedule pk12 supervisor articulation meetings and really start at at that level and look for the consistency among the curriculum um what are the expectations and where are those transition points um and additionally we're going to look for the opportunities for the pk6 staff to be articulating and those are um that is just where we might have to look at a lot of different components of the school district to figure out how do we make sure that that staff have the opportunity and the flexibility to have that really critical articulation objective four is to integ emerging Technologies and although we are not going to limit that to AI there's no way to not make AI the front and center emerging technology that is affecting all of us um and so really that will be the focus of this school year and of this objective um looking to create a shared vision of AI at the different grade levels um content areas aligning with our academic integr Integrity uh policies it's you know really important that we don't just outlaw it but that we start looking at why why do we make the choices to use it the way way we us it um to inform students and staff of what is ethical and acceptable uses monitor current and local current local and National Education AI software integration um what's being out there that helps our teachers do what they need to do and also helps our students learn how to use this in the best and most productive ways um and explore opportunities with staff and students for them to share feedback around their use of emerging Technologies because although I love to believe that I'm Tex Savvy no one as as tech savvy as the children and the students using it who are born in the era in which is developed and so really giving that opportunity for them to give the feedback of how they see it used in their in their lives and then into their academic experience and the fifth and final objectives for goal one is to provide continuous support for teaching staff and that's if you think of the four things that I just walked through through the four objectives of um goal one they're all ambitious and the only way to do that is to make sure our our teaching staff is supported through professional learning that promotes collaboration robust classroom experiences and best practices so we've spending 2425 researching and promoting staff attendance at local and Regional and professional professional conferences um expanding our fence to make sure that we know what's going on in the outside world and the world bigger than Montgomery um develop a userfriendly procedure so that staff can attend these conferences and they it's not about you know filling out too much redundant paperwork but really making sure that we all get the people where they need to be um building internal staff capacity for leadership in professional learning through opportunities such as Ed camp and Outreach as they learn great things bring it back to the classroom bring it back to their their peers and to explore opportunities for increased faculty to Advent feedback once again closing that feedback loop and making sure that we're hearing from all of our stakeholders good evening everyone sorry my voice is different than you're accustomed to that's what happens when the kids go back to school so as you take a look at goal two objectives I just want to Spotlight um the individuals who join me on team uh gold team to and I had shared this with you um a couple weeks ago so I think we're all fortunate to have the staff in this district and I was very fortunate to have the administrators and the staff on world team to um that signed up and part of that in particular I have some members on the team that are also residents in the community or they former residents so when you look at a goal like communication how valuable is that to have not only a staff member but a parent who can give that wonderful insight and they did just that um so as I move on now to objective one Institute multi-prong communication across a range of channels enabling effective Outreach so quite simply what we're looking to do is we want to redesign and leverage our website and social media platforms uh we could absolutely do better in those areas social media platforms that we currently have would be Facebook and Instagram at the district level our principles have those Instagram accounts they communicate wonderfully um and at the district level we have Instagram as well as Facebook uh invite our community and Spotlight our students accomplishments as I said to you we don't have MSG here or Carnegie Hall but we have the individuals we're going to occupy them so we have wonderful students who we need to have spotlighted in order to do that we want to invite people in we want to invite them in in a way where they can see them perform on the courts fields of play in the art galleries and on stages and we believe we can do that by taking a look at the website and finding ways where it's much easier to get information when are our events and we want people to come we want the parents of the students performing to come we want the younger parents to come and we want individuals who don't have children yet but it chose this wonderful Community to raise a family in the future as well as those who' have already raised their family and then we also want to take a look at something that's been tried and true and just see if we can build upon it and improve and it's a commitment from the team um where we're not saying anything's written in stone let's evaluate everything when I talk about that in particular I'm talking about the weekly EMS uh we have a second area of focus with objective one as well School Community meetings that focus on district and school topics provide updates and answer questions I told you all a couple weeks ago this is like the old school people want to meet with their principles they want to have those um those meetings that are more intimate they want to meet with our superintendent outside of a venue like this and we want them to have that opportunity to do so um also what I shared with you is we can ensure that it's going to be meaningful for the participants when they have the opportunity to have those exchanges with their principles about what's going on in that specific school we recognize that it can't be a one- siiz consol it has to be meaningful but at the same time we want to make sure that the duration and the delivery of those exchanges are consistent we want to respect everyone's time and we want to take into account that in person and virtual is the reality of our current day and we want to offer both of those objective two within goal two Community survey on preferred modes and frequency of communication and content of Interest I hopefully someone's not doing the survey tally so I don't know how many times we've said survey during this presentation we're cognizant of that as well so um you're all aware our superintendent said the results from last year's National normed uh communication survey the nspr and some of the results from that So within this go team we're taking a look at that we're going to analyze that with the intention of we want to make sure that for this year we're doing effective um using communication effectively we're doing it the way in which people indicated how they want to receive information in those modes of communication in addition we're going to administer another using the same nspr survey in the spring of 25 so this school year stakeholder feedback so yes that last slide talked about a survey and that's absolutely stakeholder feedback but we also need in addition to that Norm reference we need feedback from our community stakeholders and it may come in the form of a survey that's created internally at the district level and it might come in a in a different way where it's not a survey but we're looking for just quick feedback so it might be something that's sent out very similar to like hey we'd love to know your ideas on a particular topic what do you think and that's something that I think is more open and it it can create a very creative um very creative people in this community and they might be able to give us wonderful ideas we want to provide that opportunity to do so and then what will we do we'll Analyze That stakeholder feedback to determine effectiveness of our communication practices and if we need to we'll make the adjustments because if it's something that can be approved upon we want to make sure that we're doing that objective three initiate and develop mentorship opport OPP unities for all members of our community leverage expertise and enhanced engagement so um my colleague Miss corland spoke in a similar fashion in the last goal U objective two bringing in these real life experiences to our students into the classroom through the curriculum this would be the going out so these mentorship uh mentorship opportunities for our students so we have to first acknowledge we want to hear hear from our students on this so what are those areas of interest that you would have if you wanted to be a part of a mentorship program and then as we get that information from our students we then want to take a look and say okay we then have to listen to what they're saying and then work and we're going to have to contact outside agents to see if they're willing to serve that other end of the mentorship objective four explore using school buildings to for non school activities after hours to engage community and students so similar to what I said earlier where we want to take a look at the website where can we enhance that where can we make things easier for individuals who are going on that website we also see uh the website playing a key role here so we do need to um allow individuals to know that we do have District facilities that we have folks outside of the school district utilizing and for wonderful things so our actions this year will be creating new section on the district website to promote usage by outside agencies and groups and we want to build and regularly updated calendar of events that are hosted at our district buildings for those outside groups so when you go on very similar to what I said earlier about our art music and athletic if you can go and you can see what's available I think that would be something that's wonderful and then it is giving in a way where folks can sign up they can have wonderful events this is really without the C of town our school our schools are the center of town objective five pull community in by utilizing a software platform for school sponsored events to promote volunteerism and donations so this is something that we want to take a close look at I think we're also going to get a another win when we do this we'll also be able to determine if there is a decrease in volunteerism and if so maybe we could find a way to improve that and then we could also take a look look at what are our annual events that we're currently doing what are we currently using for individuals when they do want to be volunteers or they want to do donations let's evaluate those platforms that we still have in place or that we're using see if they're the most effective ones moving forward and then of course this would be where we would do we might think they're effective but we have to ask those that are signing up and utilizing them what their feedback is so feedback is very critical in this area objective six funnel streamline District activities to the township website to reach entire community so this is where we want to have that partnership with the township and the way we could do that is we're going to establish regular meetings with the Township Community Information officer um we're very fortunate in this District to have a communication specialist um so they'll be working with their counterpart at the township level we want to make sure that we are integrating notable District activities so we have that wider net where we can inform outside of our website outside of our Instagram accounts and and really have folks understand what's going on in this District celebrate the wonderful things that our students are doing the wonderful things that is occurring in our schools with our staff and we want to uh Aid in promoting Township sponsored community events on our district website so it is a truly a partnership okay I'd like to turn it over to Mr Dado thank you good evening Daman I thought you sounded very clear in full transparency I thought I was going to be a little bubbly I I had a root canal at 4:00 today but I'm coming out of it it's feels pretty good right now so hopefully hopefully it sounds uh as clear as it uh does in my head uh but like resiliency right you can't let a Bo now keep me down resiliency matters in goal three so I'm here to talk to you about goal three um which is around culture and climate social emotional learning health and wellness and I was thrilled to see the word resiliency make the objective statement um so that must mean enough people in the community um staff members parents Etc who were at the strategic planning meetings were talking about the importance of resilience so uh that made me happy and gave me motivation to get off that dentist chair and get here tonight um so we are going to move move through the objectives for goal three talk about our areas of focus and supporting actions so the first objective is supporting mental health and physical well-being and our first area of focus is the impact that technology cell phone use and social media have on student mental health this is not a Montgomery conversation a New Jersey conversation or even a national conversation this is a global conversation uh the relation ship between technology specifically cell phones and social media and Adolescent mental health is no longer uh a correlation it's now a cause AG so we want to work with community members students staff to number one create awareness promote responsible usage um we've already started partnering with some Community groups and we want to take a close look at what our ins School usage is we know there's plenty of positive impacts as well when we talk about technology and education our second area of focus under the first objective is the District Health and Wellness services that we are providing our students during the school day so what we want to do is enhance the current programming um and that includes College and Career planning as that can tie into mental health and physical well-being we want to examine the faculty and staff roles regarding student health and wellness it shouldn't this should not be as the responsibility of the theed teachers and the guidance counselors it's a it's a collective wi but the the role has changed as the needs of students have changed so we want to take a look and help to prioritize on line and make sure there's not gaps in our services and who's providing them and lastly develop interdisciplinary umal curriculum aligned to the New Jersey Department of EG social emotional learning competencies uh moving on to OB jective two which is encouraging responsibility and accountability parents doesn't that sound like a good idea so our first area of focus is the structures and practices that we have that Foster the positive student interactions and personal accountability one of the most obvious structures that we have is our school codes of conduct so we want to take a really close look at are they effective are they aligned and if they're not we need to do something about that I codes of conduct lead into classroom management strategies they leaded to what uh our schools refer to as core values for the year so we have pockets of greatness and there might be some alignment that needs to take place in there we definitely need to look at the effectiveness we want to look at the trends in our students behaviors as they have um changed excuse me over the last four year over the last few years and specifically recidivism you know how those kids who continually make bad decisions why and what are we doing to correct that um and we want to take a we want to do a research dive on in the current trends in mental health mental health legislation which is out there and being updated and how that ties into the curriculum moves we want to make and moving into objective three promoting and celebrating diversity and inclusivity so that students feel known valued and connected our first area of focus for this first year are is inclusive practices so inclus of practices are things that we do intentionally to make sure that all of our students including those with disabilities multilanguage Learners all of our students are able to access the amazing Montgomery educational experience um we what that looks like I was here a couple of years ago with Mr roli as a matter of fact and we were we were celebrating our launch of our unified PE program that's a great example of one of our inclusive practices so so we want to take a look at the inclusive practices we have in place are they effective are they doing what we want them to do um we we don't just want it to be hit and run experiences we are hopeful that all of the students involved are building more and better relationships we hope that they are becoming more empathetic and more accepting of those with differences and um that leads to a better school culture and then when those kids go out into the work world that leads to a better Society so that that's the goal there so we want to take a look at measuring that we want to develop a plan to build staff capacity so that more staff can foster inclusive practices and then of course identify more areas to incorporate inclusive programs where they don't already exist and in objective four um which our last objective develop a respectful community that uplifts all members our first area focus is school climate and culture and one of our actions is to find uh something that we find as a reliable survey tool who's keeping the survey tally that's another check uh to to see you know where we stand we need some Benchmark dat it to see get a better idea of our school climate and culture as parents perceive it as students Pro Staff proceed and um we also want to establish protocols for district wide celebrations of Student Success there's a lot of wonderful things that our students are doing sometimes we bring them here and you all get to see it and sometimes we don't so we want to be a little bit more um intentional about how and what we're celebrating and that is it for goal three so I'm not sure what's next we are questions thank you all uh questions from board members I do have one um goal two objective five um we talk about volunteerism what does that look like in a district or what would that look [Music] like the volunteerism or the volunteering volunteering well in this case we're looking at my assumption is the objective was created because there's ways in which folks folks during the strategic planning thought that we could create a platform software utilize technology to get more individuals to participate in volunteerism so whether it be coming to the schools helping out that capacity um looking at our larger events serving in that role is is that what yeah yeah so that that's bolstering participation in our um School sponsored organizations like the PTO and the ptas that um have significant decrease in volunteerism over the last couple of years I think we talked about parental engagement too right how to give access to parents the ways that they can get involved if we utilize technology to share some of the opportunities they might be more well versed in participate as well yes thank I have a question on um from Mr delado just on the uh goal three around uh objective one and social media and so forth uh lately you know New Jersey as a state has been focusing and doing some an analytics around utilization of cell phones Etc I know some school districts have already put strict policies in place where kids don't have access to their devices Wi-Fi don't are not available for social media usage is does the school you think as you look through it do you think that's something that we would have an appetite for to evaluate uh particularly I think at the at the higher great level um that's a grenade so uh you know I I don't think anything's out of question so I there's about a thousand schools in the US high schools in the US that have baned cell phones we're going to it's going to be really interesting to see how that goes we'll be watching closely I think we first have to take a a close look at our high school and not just every high school so um I do think that currently we have a developmentally appropriate kind of practice policy where they go from we don't want to see it at all in lower Middle School to something called off and away at the upper middle school unless teachers are asking you to use it for some kind of educational purpose to a BYOD environment at the high school where the cell phone is not the recommended device of choice but it's also not banned as the device of choice so um a lot of those schools that we have started to look at that are Banning have some it's it's often a different student population too uh you know so for discipline reasons they want to make they're having a lot of issues maybe more so than our high school I would say nothing is out of question I would say that it is um everything's in the conversation to get started I just wouldn't say that U Montgomery High School has the same uh might might not be experiencing the same volume of negative impact as some other schools that feel more desperate and ready to make this move quicker so I I I certainly we need to have that Collective conversation to take a close look but right now I do think you know we are in a developmentally appropriate place where we're preparing kids for the modern world where you all have your phones in your pockets and you maybe even have to step out to take a call or do something so we hope that our kids can use them responsibly but we we got got to mitigate the negative impact that it's having and it it so I don't know that that means a phone ban it's a long way to say I'm scared to say yes or no I'm curious though to know because there are some teachers at the high school who um ask their students to put their phones in like Pockets before the start of the class so um curious if we can get information from those teachers about how that type of classroom policy be for them more importantly I want to hear from those students I I don't do you have an easier time focusing when it's over there and not talking answer so yeah well I hope you're not trying to text him cookie during the school because that's enabling a problem so you know but uh yeah the immediacy of communication that you expect as a parent is something that we have to talk to you about as well right so it's not you Cookie but in general so it's it's a big conversation I think that just Essen makes the the the point that we have to have a conversation about this right so that we're all on the same page I think right now we're we're already behind the apall in terms of how do we deal with it but I think to have that proactive conversation about what is technology technolog is not going anywhere right but how do we address it as a district I think it's really yeah responsible usage I think is the goal in mitigating the negative impact I don't think we'll ever be able to eliminate it um but mitigating it I think is is realistic for us have a question from I had a question on so you're up I hoping I sit down I didn't want you feel left out that's okay um so we know that Montgomery is taking extreme pride in being the L ribbon school it's a premier uh School District right at academics is really very important to all uh parents students um they want their students to succeed they want their students to um learn what they are good at and whether it's a college or trade school they want to be able to uh have someone at school that will guide them and open the doors and possibilities to which path is right for them so I remember during the the sessions um the strategic planning sessions the parents uh that were participating they were asking uh about how we can Implement um maybe different teaching strategies to give our students stronger leadership skills um open doors to different Pathways to career and trade um improve their public speaking and presentation skills but also a lot of parents uh repeat over and over and whether it's the strategic planning or even through the correspondence with to the board there is a um repeating kind of um a pattern of I guess inquiries about whether or not our AP classes are structured in a way that open the door to the m maximum possible number of students so it it appears that we have a AP program that well some parents claim that other programs is much tougher than AP which kind of I don't know got go there we got an objective about that up there and second is when there is a um AP classes and I guess there is a prere prerequisites that allows students to move forward and take AP class in a different um um subject some students seem to be at a disadvantage to take a course that they would potentially do really well but because they either did not take certain class before or they did not get desired grade you know that door is shut even though those two subjects are not really correlated well sort of but not really so I'm asking whether or not you already are thinking about different changes or actions to re-evaluate those type of situations to allow our students to have a maximum opportunities to advance in AP classes so I was as I was listening um I I was count no I was counting to all of the objectives and I I I think that if if I was going to answer all of the different pieces that you hit on I'd say that you're you're really looking at a whole lot of our different objectives right so part of what you're talking about is are we are we giving opportunities for our students to be advised into Pathways that are going to um Inspire them and build their passions as well as help them be successful humans and within that objective one is making sure that our students begin to develop that leadership and to develop that agency in thems elves to start saying hey this is what I think I need as a learner and then based on what I think as a learner here are the types of things I I would like to learn about and that all gets mushed together right that that that's a that's a Continuum of development that we're going to that that we have to look at to create in our students um I think that when we look specifically at the AP World you want to look at two different things um I really have a lot of faith in our high school supervisors who have spent as many or more years than I have in this role um or a in a Montgomery leadership role being leaders of their content area I have a high faith that they are when they're looking at prerequisites that they're trying to set up as many students for success I think another Avenue to also explore is what AP courses are we missing and how can we broaden what our AP selections are and of course it's going to get into Staffing and budget but those are some really those are going to be things we have to look at when we say are we that's that articulation piece are we layering a um expectations and skills in our kids in a way that allows them to explore and continue to grow so I think that's all part of it um you were mentioning you know looking for that standard progression so it's not only grade level it's grade level it's the different content areas and then it's the different levels what does what does a CP course look like what does an honors course look like how does that lead into an AP course what are the prerequisite to in that tunnel that get you there and so yes that's the answer is yes all of those things which are a really robust question are absolutely buried in these objectives or captured any have a question from board members thank you so much for that presentation we now move on to committee representative reports starting off with the mtea report Mr good evening everyone evening MTA is excited to be back in school with our students we uh kicked off the with convocation sponsoring the breakfast we know everyone always loves to start something with food so we went that route um and it was a great time for everyone to kind of connect and kind of share some Summer Stories and just kind of ease back into the year uh inside schools our pep and fast committees have started with that Community engagement focusing on talking to parents about events that we're doing throughout the year so we've been had tables handing out Waters helping some lost parents as they they kind of straggle in there sometimes in their new buildings uh and just kind of get them to sign up for the list so that we can say hey these are the events that we're going to be doing for the year the more you can hear from us the better so we were able to get some emails uh we also put in the Halloween costume exchange boxes into all the schools so that families can drop off some old costumes and kind of exchange with other people so that they can have something different for this upcoming year and we hope that will lead us into the uh trunk Retreat which we're hoping to be a big part of and that's where we start we're excited to kick off the year so thank you very much next up do we have any board member delegate or representative reports this evening yes we have the uh Municipal Alliance the municipal Alliance and Services Commission met on September 9th um and I was there uh in um substitution for uh board member Frank um at first we discussed uh some of the budgets and new programming that um the uh Municipal Alliance goes through with the uh Youth Services Commission grants um some of the the grants that they've helped support programs like Girls on the Run uh and other things that are partnered with our schools they're looking to expand um some of those grants into some uh further boys programing some they've got a couple of great ideas um coming hopefully our way and then we moved into um the fact that September is suicide awareness and prevention month and mental health awareness we talked quite a bit about um uh about that in the um uh new program with our uh police department called arrive together I'm sure there's plenty of more information on that on our uh Township website and we also talked about some prevention and awareness on substance abuses um something new called sin which I had never heard of before but it was it's a smokeless tobacco product and it has increased in usage uh over 641 over the last four years or so uh up from just 2.9% of us adults using it so 641 seems to be more focused on the youth and so um they did want us to all be aware of that talk to our kids about the harms of nicotine and addiction um that was one area also we talked about um the upcoming uh presentation from 10:00 a.m. to noon on September 24th on don't get Vaped in which is a vir training so another area where we can um partner with the the municipal Alliance and and get out the information to our youth and our parent community on how to prevent some of these uh behaviors in our children um she also talked where all also talked about there's a community blood dry and naron training um there's a lot coming up as far as substance abuse and U mental health suicide awareness [Applause] um additionally yep there's uh two additional virtual trainings coming up on human trafficking in children and having anti-bias discussions in the classroom as well as just today Lori sent out an update for a free video on the impact of social media on kids and mental health it's always such a great uh wealth of information at the Community Alliance meetings and a lot of that information is translated over to the um monion SCH District website as well thank you B SP any questions on report a none any other committee or any board member delegate representative reports this evening hearing none we'll move into board committee reports assessment curriculum and instruction committee board member down good evening everyone uh we met for our first ACI meeting of the school year on September number six that was both virtual and in person uh the first agenda item uh was presented by Miss Young who talked about the njsla update reports um the individual student reports uh are to be released to All Families via Genesis uh through the parent portal on December 19th so in a couple of days SE sorry September 19th December SE September 19th my apologies um this is a tenative date um but I haven't heard any different so my understanding is that it will be posted um soon enough in Genesis for all parents to see their individual um student reports from the njsla um the doe plans to have all remaining scores um reported and released by September 12th uh the doe also required assessment presentations will take place uh at this board meeting on October 15th um the preview of the presentation will took place um at the ACI meeting on October 4th uh the 2024 2025 assessment calendar will be posted to the district website on Tuesday October 1st uh then Miss Douglas uh spoke about the new textbook recommendation uh which is called Glenco economics and it is for the new CP economics class course uh in the high school um this textbook is for the new course and the textbook satisfies both the state standards for financial literacy and includes um economic topics uh in a way that is really understandable to all Learners um and it's accessible uh not only through the textbook but it also comes with resources um that the students can Avail themselves to uh in the PDF form um most instruction will uh will be through slides and videos um but this textbook can also serve as a really good resource for students um Mr Brooks spoke about summer technology projects um updated us on how they refreshed all of the desktop computers in the classrooms at uh mhss and LMS 125 other interactive projectors District wi were refreshed over the summertime and VES and OES classrooms um and office spaces will be refreshed in the summer of 2025 um the technology department was on hand um and retained for the 12-month technology staff and also um they hired a 10-month um or they hire 10-month employees for additional summer work uh Windows 10 sunsets on uh October 2025 and we are up against this deadline to refresh all of the district non- Windows um upgradable computers uh SATs uh were given at Montgomery High School in late August um they had a record number of students attending uh this sat portion and um Tech staff members were on site uh Chromebooks were also handed out to the students that needed them and uh the ASAT service was a successful um Endeavor and then Mr Delgado brought up um the graduation requirement um which is uh sorry the faasa which is now a graduation requirement um last spring um the district was notified that completing this uh form would be a graduation requirement for all seniors um the guidance department will be sending something out to senior families and we'll be talking to the senior students uh about how to go about filling out these forms um the counselors will be emphasizing the requirement of filling out this um FAFSA or to fill out the waiver if they are not going through the FAFSA process um a newsletter to parents will be sent um the week of September 9th so this is obviously dated from our from our meeting so it was sent out on September 9th uh the state gave guidelines over the summer regarding the waiver option and Genesis has a form for the parents uh to complete so that we can manage the accountability of uh of our families um the good news is that our community will is very compliant with filling out these forms and next year it will be included in the list of the forms that we need to fill out um as parents at the beginning of this school year um the guidance department will also be offering par seminars on uh on how to fill out these forms in terms of assisting parents uh and then lastly the uh committee was asked um for board members to share any uh topics of interest that they would like to hear uh discussed at the at the future ACI meetings and so the members that were there brought up strategic planning updates School counseling student success stories professional development and students postgraduation um and how they're doing so uh I open the floor to to any other board members of any other topics that you would like to have brought up at ACI in future meetings any questions or comments9 thank you thank you board member D up next operations facilities and finance committee board member F like good evening operations facilities and finance committee met on Tuesday September 10th um Mike O'Neal director of facilities reported on the status of the maintenance work done in our district in the summer all projects planed were completed as scheduled the commit the committee began reviewing the completion styles of the projects that were included in the 2015 referendum we reviewed the list of projects funded by the bond issued in 2016 per uh business administrator report all projects were uh completed and now we are waiting for the report from the architect that will help us assess the actual cost of each project versus the estimated cost included in the referendum the 2016 referendum added 18.5 million to our District's long-term debt the district currently has over 38 million and outstanding uh Bond debt we will review the status of the projects funded by the remaining portion of the issued B Bond obligations in the future committee meetings the committee discussed and evaluated the amount of unpaid lunch Deb amount our district cares for all our students and we would never let any child be hungry however we urge our parents to review their children pay school's account to ensure that there is no outstanding balance in their account Dwayne uh Washington vasqu uh Transportation supervisor uh discussed bus scheduling and transportation performance during the first week of school over the summer a study was done to validate that the roots are designed to trans support our students in the most efficient way the new technology installed improved processing attendance as well as it allows the administration to track the buses and study the routes to identify future opportunities to minimize the time students have to spend on the buses we received an inquiry from a parent regarding the ID badges our students are required to carry to get on the bus as well as to move around the school buildings parents are concerned about the privacy of this of their children as well as their safety the badges include identifying information like picture name and the school where the child attends if the ID is lost outside school the parents are concerned about the privacy and safety of our children so um I would like to ask uh our superintendent to maybe explain how the privacy and safety concerns are being addressed and also maybe she can share with parents what benefits um we will be gaining from using those badges sure I can read the response to that email so the requirement for all staff and students in the district to display a photo identification is rooted in Safety and Security with approximately 5 5,000 students and 800 staff members in our school buildings it's imperative that we are able to quickly identify unauthorized individuals on our campuses each school also has a visitor management system which all visitors must must engage with prior to entering the secured portion of the building the VMS prints out a temporary photo ID which is warn by the visitor while on school grounds in order to get that you have to have your driver's license therefore if anyone is in or around the school building without a district issued ID or a visitor ID they should immediately be brought to the attention of security Personnel who can further investigate this approach allows us to have a greater accountability and access controls to our schools other ancillary benefits to the IDS are using them for payment for food in the cafeteria for increased efficiency and reduce lines borrowing books and materials from the school library and fering personal connections by helping students to learn each other's names and their staff member and staff members names many businesses also offer discounts for students who could produce their ID we also have a window of time where students in the high school can enter with their IDs outside the bus area is open by the time the bus is come and their staff members maning that area they could also come in the front door for a uh moments of minutes I think it's said seven minutes and then it blocks automatically and they can't get in they would have to R the door because and they're late um but it helps with accountability it helps with um security Safety and Security in all the schools um another thing in the high school as I read earlier they are the lens in high school are color coded by grade and so there's a senior privilege where some students are able to leave early and very quickly you can see who's not a senior who's trying to leave the building so it's also help uh secure back as well thank you I appreciate it any questions I guess I have a question for the lower schools like for young kids how are they what what is the administration to make sure that the first leaders have that ID because I can imagine that would be a problem so in the superintendent report in the beginning I said how they assessed it over the first two weeks and they said you know what this isn't really working inside the building for the kids but they do need it for the bus right so that the bus driver then knows that the child is on the right bus that the child is on the bus and then the parents can you know it's very easily accounted for a u let's say a parent wasn't at the bus stop didn't see their kid get on the bus could call and we can immediately tell from the computer system that the child is St the USS um the other thing that they needed for was lunch and then um to go for Qui and so they've reduced the amount of time and they're coming up with the plan for recess had to collect it and then give it back to them because once you recess are attached so they're still working out the Kinks but definitely K4 it's not going to be in throughout the entire day like it is in the older grad any other questions for board m f like he none we'll move on to policy and Communications committee board members we look at jonan and frankco Herman okay so we met uh for policy we met on September 12 uh to discuss a couple revisions around uh board member number and term which is a bylaw in our guidelines that addressed some of the changes and terms that are now applicable by law um all of those changes have been uh updated as uh per the New Jersey state guidelines another policy that we looked at was 5350 which is student suicide prevention policy this uh policy was recently revised to include several new statutes uh there're around training requirements for staff members um as well as um information around student intent um of Haring themselves and requirements to certify the staff um within the school district all of that has been updated based on the recent njsa um changes um we also uh tackled policy 7610 around vandalism this particular policy was also updated based on the recent changes to the regulations uh the new regulations um include notification to law enforcement in accordance with um the appropriate uh shift in in the guidelines um we're also going to abolish uh remote public board meetings during declared emergency uh that was established during the co so we will be abolishing policy 01646 and in addition to this um some good news for uh the board last year we've requested the njsba to perform a wellness check around all of our policy manuals uh we were placed on the list of school districts that are going through the process it is part of the uh fees we pay with the njsba which is New Jersey school board associations I'm happy to inform everyone that the review of our policy manual has been completed and the latest findings um have have been uh sent to um superintendent and myself some of the findings that were interesting um although we do keep a pretty neatly formatted manual uh there were some areas that uh we've been asked to take a look at uh for example we have policy adoption revision dates that range from 1999 to 2024 right and we've discussed this in the past we also have some policies uh that reference different standards uh we have some policies that reference Core Curriculum some policies uh that reference the new njls um I think there's also some um Cleanup in regards to the terminology we use uh just to keep the consistency across uh the policies um in addition to that um some of them are cross reference which we'll need to clean up and um as far as priorities and recommend recommended priorities by njsba they did highlight 12 policies that are deemed critical by by njsba which are missing from our a manual and um there are also six missing regulations so uh this is pretty extensive report they've also attached a spreadsheet collar coded with all the policies suggestions so one of the things I will be reaching out to the board for is just to form a little bit of a subcommittee so we could those of you that are interested in this like myself that would like to spend some time and review it and and make a proposal to the board of how we adjusted going forward and with that I'll turn it over to cookie um the district communication specialist Ryan waldis attended our meeting and um shared with us that he has met with all building principles and reviewed their schools input to their social media pages so as we know if you're in the high school or the upper middle school both schools have highly visible social media pages so he shared that he is helping the other schools the lower schools to have uh more of a presence on social media and the Cs the communication specialist has a plan to centralize more events districtwide while the schools will maintain their own social media pages so the district does have Instagram LinkedIn and Facebook accounts um he also shared that he has been traveling to all schools and taking pictures of events such as the first L schools and will be at the back to school nights and placing these photos on social media to share um he also shared that he will include the board members cuz if you're not in any of the schools you probably won't get the information from the principal so he will make make sure that board members are all are will be all would be on all five school email distribution lists in order to keep informed of everything that is happening in that specific School part of what he's also looking to do is also part of the Strategic plan is to look at the website so he is currently actively maintaining the ADA compliance of our district website as part of the Strategic and he will be restu he he's thinking of looking at ways to restructure the pages of um the website to promote Community participation we had shared with him that you know for easy access including the sports page the teachers page the calendar um so folks would be it' be easier for people to access um events through the calendar on the district um we also suggested um a suggestion box to be on website so you know parents don't have to just email as the principal but it could they could send suggestions directly to the um and um the Cs is also continuing to build a communicative uh relationship with the township as Cory mentioned earlier he has been working with d Gara who is the Township's Chief Information officer um and lastly both the uh both Ryan and the athletic director um have been working with the Monte news they would like to feature um monthly two athletes from the school so a lot of positive storytelling in social media and in our local Pap that's it thank you any questions for board member Frank her no question but I'd like to just say that all of that uh inre ined community outreach and and and increased attempts to keep the community more informed that we will see a an increase in the numbers um shared from superintendent on the communication survey where faculty and parents um families seem to have a a fairly High uh percentage of people that felt good about the amount of communication they've received through the district but the the community at large felt a little disconnected so be good to see if if this works all right thank you next up is human resources committee being that this is the beginning of the school year this meeting was very brief uh we met on September 10th uh two items we talked about the first one being um our outstanding fill rate um assistant superintendent Kelly Mattis reported that at the beginning of the school year we had zero vacancies but obviously that will change throughout the school year as as we um have staff that goes out on leave uh second item we talked about is the tuition reimbursement process for uh teachers and staff um she explained that and everything else was um person Personnel any questions on HRC number none at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of August 27th 202 executive session meeting August 27 24 business meeting and September 5th 2024 special meeting so moov it's been properly mov in second any questions on the motion all those in favor stay I oppos exensions thank you at this time the board acknowledges The Correspondents to the board at this time we will have the presentation of the Boe candidates for the vacancy we will proceed as we did the last time um each candidate will be given 3 minutes um to make a presentation to the board um we will go in alphabetical order and after that we will uh reconvene in executive session and I apologize in advance if I mispronounce anyone's name first up we have Mr BOS bista M roseborn bang and each candidate will have 3 minutes okay s all right hi um my name is rting um I am a mom of three um and a realtor in the community I'm also a uh nonprofit organization nonprofit um founder CEO uh called rofer books it is a nonprofit organization that is based in Ghana where I'm from and we provide books children books to schools and libraries in need um I thought this opportunity will be great for me um as a new mom whose son is currently started kindergarten he started and uh it's um for me as a African-American mom with the African-American son in the school district I kind of wanted to follow him through this journey um and I thought this position would kind of help me know a little bit more about what's going on so I I can provide him um you know with that information as well I have two younger kids who I look forward to them also coming through Montgomery School District um so yeah this is um this is a way for me to just you know provide my services as well to you guys um as far as my knowledge of um my advocacy for literacy um my love for education and um kind of be of help to you guys as much as I can uh be available to you guys to what you need from me as well thank you so much you're welcome M Iona go Miss Puja hello everyone I'm jaob and uh we have been staying in Oney for last 10 years I have a mom of two kids um one in un this year another one in high school so I am here um because we discuss a lot talk a lot uh with the kids and and uh they kind of pushed me that you should go for it and share your ideas at home you better go and share your ideas on Forum where they can you could the ideas can get into action like because I tell them the ideas are nothing if they don't get into action so they're like you have so many ideas you better go and share where they can be accounted for so whether I make it or not but I think I love this this is the first time I'm coming to a Bo meeting and it is amazing to see how hard work he guys have put in um and I'm I'm lucky to present it for you and U share few other ideas if it's okay I noted few points during the presentations which uh I would like to highlight and U um I'm an architect as well so for over like last 2 three years I have been looking into this green School uh uh initiative that has been going around uh with by the usgbc which is the United States Global Green Building uh Council so they are put the initiative and helping schools become green schools so that is something I was very keen on if we can do that to our Moni schools uh so that was one um Forum uh initiative that I would love the kids to know um and if we can help out in any way um here the another one will be like uh it was very nice to see that AI is being presented and how the technology can is go and conses for the technology uh so how uh AI has its worth we have so much of resources in our community we have in this business people we have doctors surgeons entrepreneurs um I would um like to see them coming here and sharing with the kids um in their uh domain how AI can help so bringing all our actually that is kind of volunteerism that where these people can come and share their ideas and present to K from the D from the like course's mouth because they know best they have been to school they have done College they know how the world is there um and the thing is uh when I I read books and um mostly when it's like team building books or anything I go through these books and I see why am I reading them at 40 years I should have read them in school because at that age when you are growing that is the time you need to learn all these steam that shift is we learn empathy caring okay sure so yeah so all these things are coming together one important thing that we I think uh another thing we need to bring in is uh we brought of phys physical health and mental health I think nutrition is more important and I've have heard reviews from my kids where they have had episodes where they felt um laps in the school nutrition so that would be another concern here thank you so much thank you Mr deac career hey good evening I want to thank the board for allowing me to present my candidacy to be part of the board I'll be it for a short period of time um my name is career I'm a fouryear resident of Montgomery Township uh prior to that I was a long-term resident of somerson County Jersey I have one child in the school district he's a graduate of lower middle school as well as upper middle school and is now enrolled in in high school so as Mr tdet said I thought it's time for me to step up um so I definitely want to contribute and be a representative of the community as part of the school board by way of background I'm currently employed at Johnson and Johnson innovated medicine within the Strategic insights and analytics group and my role there is really to provide insights to the commercial team in terms of making better decisions um I was interested to hear all the you know talk about surveys and in that my uh expertise is within market research analytics and insights um Salesforce Effectiveness so I've been involved in a lot of different um annual planning processes in terms of the goals uh and and how to go about measuring them as well so I'd be very interested to see you know how we're measuring success with a lot of the goals that were presented here today um so I've been involved in doing kpi performance tracking as well as setting up okr so what are objectives and what are the key results that we can measure around those uh prior to being at Johnson and Johnson I was also at BR M squib and nost so I have 20 plus years of business experience that I think would bring you know a good skill set to the team here and um helped us support any decision- making that's that's taking place uh also I happened a Treasurer at a homeowners association uh where I was involved in budget planning uh looking at Financial reserves working with the community to reach their objectives so I think there's some experience there as well that hopefully I can bring bring to the board um um I definitely have a strong interest in representing the community as I said I do talk to my son quite often about things like AP programs um the use of the badge uh so it's very interesting to hear the discussion tonight this is the first time here so um again I think uh my background would enable me to perform the duties and responsibilities of being part of the board and I and I look forward to speaking with you all in the future as well thank you I have a question yeah what made you um choose to come here and and apply for this position just curious what what intrigued you about it yeah so again I think you know it's a it's a very strong dist School District um so it's one thing to be just part of that school district but I definitely wanted to contribute to continuing that process so uh I did have a chance to familiarize myself with the Strategic plan and the goals around that and the budget um and I really felt as though my business experience could be helpful um um in any capacity to drive decisions and to get get the go those goals achieved thank you any other questions I can address I have a question how do you uh you come from corporate world right so how do you see the schools and corporate are same in any any in any stages or any field you similarities can you tell me it's a good point I I don't have a educational background so I have an undergraduate degree in bi biological sciences from Ros University and I also have an MBA in finance from Ros as well um so I'm familiar with the academic educational process I do think there are some similarities in terms of this level as far as being at the board how do you set priorities how do you set goals how do you build consensus and Alignment among people I've been told I have a fairly calm personality so it can bring out the best in people and and and work together to kind of move things forward and that's very important in the corporate setting as well thank you thank you thank you much Mr Rohan Maru Mr J mat hello good evening everyone my name is j matu and um have been living in this uh beautiful Community for the past 10 years uh I have uh done my bachelor and Masters in the uh business administration and uh have also done a master of Sciences in data analytics along with some uh postgraduate diplomas in computer and information systems I work for uh JP Morgan Chase now for the past four years now uh prior to that I was working for Johnson and Johnson um about 14 15 yearsor to that I was an entrepreneur I have been uh working with uh Global teams people across uh across the globe for uh my dayto day job for the past 30 years plus and um I have a good uh hand of diversity and uh inclusion uh I support women in technology and U I bring in expertise which I can offer to the board in the areas of project and program management uh formulating policies and procedures standard operating procedures that has been a for2 which I have been working on for the past 20 20 plus years and and uh budgets and uh business case developments are some of the other areas of expertise that I have I have been working with emerging technology leading the strategy for uh for the global companies uh like the fortune companies Johnson and Johnson and J Morgan for the past uh 15 20 years now and uh I think this is what I can offer to the community over here as uh I love the community this is a beautiful place that have been living here for the past 10 years and I've seen the community grow and uh I wish all the childrens can benefit from from this board of education members whatever work you have been doing for so many years it is tremendous and uh I would like to see this uh Community Thrive and grow more and the students uh grow up much better than this community thank you I have a question because um I remember you from the the previous um round of uh flowing the vacancy and from that interview I remember that um you were speaking about the data analytics and how the the that the skills that you have um and you developed in your um uh job could translate into helping us with identifying opportunities for student um academic improvements so maybe you can um tell us about like how your skill set can relate to the jobs and responsibilities that each board member has and um what basically you know our students will benefit from uh theing sure so any decisions when you take uh or make a decision you have to base on some assumptions or some data and this is where the data which uh you have or which you can gather easily from somewhere else within your reach can help after analysis a thorough investigation can be done and a decision and informed decision can be made using the data and this is how you can have a better uh say informed decisions that can help the community or come up with some better policies uh for the school district for example you may have data of uh the number of children over the past years each uh School District or each class has uh how many students every grade you can analyze and see is there a growth in the trend of uh the intake of the students who are coming into the community then based on that you can for example gauge whether you have sufficient number of teachers teachers to teach all these students or not that's some type of a simple example which I'm give you other things is maybe you can have the uh data of the uh Community uh how many houses have been purchased how many new houses have been built uh what is the number of uh families who have come into the community and uh based on this you can maybe predict uh uh whether you need to increase the number of classes but reduce the number of teachers or uh come up with some other ideas these are some simple simple things that you can look and do thank you thank you Miss Britney Miller Mr Julius munz I do want to start off by thanking everybody being here today both the the board for dedicating your time to do this knowing it's the volunteer position as well as all the other candidates were here also under their free time just it's a great sign of the the amount of volunteerism that there is in the committee people wanting to get involved and uh also it's annoying that it is a four-term possession four month long possession um little b a little bit about myself my name is Julius Nunes I've been a member of the Montgomery Community since 2016 um proud husband proud father of three um Emily who's eight entering third grade Alexander who's five entering kindergarten and William who's 18 months old um they're my motivation for being here today it's it's wanting to give back to the community here um the input from the community and what what is where the needs are again also want to be realistic knowing it's a fourth month term um I may have my goals but I also want to understand what where the greatest need is within the school system and what can be done in four months in the existing committees existing meet um hearing just the the report out from the various committees I completely agree right our school district is committed to providing every child with the opportunities that they need to succeed that together we can ensure that every child has those opportunities the resources the counts and most importantly the encouragement for them to reach their maximum potential and I think that's what our goal here is as a as a community as a school board it's creating the opportunity U so when opportunity present themselves the the students know how to go and about it and execute on it and and really reach their Max potential uh both academically and personally um here a little bit more about myself I do as well as um some of the other candidates I do work for Johnson and Johnson um straight out of school in 2005 so I've been there for for almost 20 years now um in global Finance I lead the medical device sector as far as implementing medical uh financial planning systems and actual systems as far as reporting out to Wall Street as far as for internal management reporting uh degrees in finance Information Systems marketing and psychology I do a little bit of teaching and learning like as we're rolling out a lot of these Financial system a lot of it is going back to our multiple user bases and teaching how to do these tools doing the education so heard of some terms that I've heard before about the Universal Design people learn differently we have to be um aware of different ways of learning as far as people learn by seeing some people learn by doing some people learn by a mixture of those so it's it's a balance and I it's great to hear that as far as the the some of the outputs as as far as the committee meeting minutes and how we're approach is toward its education in the school district and again I no and I have 7 seconds left I'm here to help that's the one the one message I want to get across here to help wherever the need is for 4 months um I'm to dedicate my question question so since you mentioned that um this position um is for a pretty brief period of time so um I'm just wondering um if you would be willing to make a longer term commitment in the future um um because I mean like right now of course the the time for submissions for petitions for the fullterm is over for that would you consider a fullterm maybe next year or the following year that's an excellent question cuz I had the same conversation with my wife cuz I've been wanting to get more involved but I mentioned I do have an 18-month-old at home so when I got the email last week first person I text messag it it was her like hey this this has opened up it looks like it's a four month possession um be can we as a as a couple make that decision hey I'll dedicate some time let's see how it goes again I've been in J&J for 20 years now but almost feels like an internship let's feel it out let's see how it is um again also ambitious what they want to do but I also understand where the needs are knowing that's four months it it does feel like an insurance like when we're going into some a insurance give them some goals and objectives what can you do in these four months what can you capitalize on um and yes but at the same time I I also understand like the the November election that that has been closed but yeah this maybe maybe it plants a seat for me to do something um in the future thank you yeah thank you thank you Miss priyan PTI Mr Alby Ric M Jessica Rodriguez I um I'm very excited that I can be be here this is fantastic um I've actually lived in Montgomery for the past almost 40 years now um and this is the first time I've come to one of these I used to go to school in this building in 1985 but it's been a while since then and it's really fantastic to see how everything has really grown and evolved um I mean I remember back then things were not diverse things were not inclusive and now there are so many um pushes to be more diverse and inclusive so I'm thrilled about that um I had two School AG children um one well she's almost School Ag and the other um my son is 11 and he goes to Rockbrook um so I have to thank the district for being able to provide that for him um um I I'm really invested in the future um and the well-being of this district and the children um I am here to stay I am probably going to live here until I until I'm old and gray so I am forever interested in everything that goes on here um my family is is involved in the community my brother's a volunteered firing for the past 20 years um and uh my my mother is volunteers on a lot of different things it's we're we're a very driven family um so I I just want to um make sure that everyone is aware how really devoted um I am even though it's just a former physan I would be interested in doing it longer it's been you know a bit of a road to get to here I I have two jobs um I work as business managers two medical offices and I've been doing that for the past 15 years so um I you know can see where the money goes and I'm good with budgets so uh I I said I have that phe for me um so but I do feel that it's important for everything to keep improving and it's encouraging to see that it's well on the way there and I'd like to be a part of it any questions any questions all right thank you you m jri Sarma Dr T Wayne good evening everybody good to see some of you again I'm back so appreciate it's really exciting to see this opportunity open again even though so know I'm also wronging for the November election too um So within this limited time I want to um introduce myself again and see why I'm running for the board and what I can bring to the board and also I think this is a great chance for me to introduce me in more in depth let the um committee a Bo members know about me and also the community know about me as well so I'm running for the uh Boe because I'm really deeply committed to the improving the educational outcomes for all students in our community um uh I'm I'm a data scientist working at marus I'm also having two kids my Elder kids is in K at or Hill and she's been there for three years we had wonderful uh experience with the school and this also another motivation personally I'm very attached to this school district professionally because I'm working I'm a data scientist at work at rockus University and I'm very experienced in uh statistical modeling research methodology and assessment design so I believe I can bring a very unique experience to the board uh my professional work uh involves using data driven uh data to informed decision making I have led large scale project that focus on improving in educational programs through evidence-based strategies so at rockus I collaborate with colle across a department and schools to analyze the data for decision enrollment management and enhance uh in institutional Effectiveness my work in assessment design aligns closely with the Boe role in overseeing student achievement and growth uh having C also lead cross functional teams as educational testing service which is my previous working organization I worked at the n program and I believe our school district also participated in Nate program Nate program and from the national assessment results we know because of pandemic impact you know student achievement had decreased a lot and then what can our school district do to help our student bounce back and for the younger kids what we should focus for them to build fundamental skills and for high higher grade high schoolers especially how can we better prepare them for college redness and because of my unique experience working both in k12 and highx I believe I can help bre breach the uh close the gaps and contribute this to our community so I think I'm running time here but that's all and if you have questions please feel free to ask any questions yes I have the same question question that I had for the uh the other gentleman uh basically I do remember uh when you came last time and uh you spoke about your work and the data analytics um and then you also refer you kind of uh made good examples about how you worked relates to um analyzing uh students performance and how that aligns with the um program that we have the Universal Design of learning can you um tell us more about how you could bring your skills to to the board yeah that's very good question so I thought about the question again and I thought um because I you know my not just my education or in the certificate or I have PhD in measurement sta dist and research design but all also my whole professional work is all about education K talk and right now I'm working with high at so uh through Ron night uh even my day-to-day work I saw a lot of questions and then I immediately back to very closely to our school district for example as I just mentioned about the NP results you know before pandemic and after pandemic uh the whole nation and also you can go to the website n Nation report card you can see the New Jersey school the New Jersey as a state also dropped significantly and and my question is how about our school district what our school districts performing at this National level and how about we Vision it further how about International there are international assessment there how our school district compared to the international one and if not International we can just also compare about other similar School District but the state assessment how we're doing right now compared to years ago are we improving significantly what are the parts we're doing well what the parts we have red we can grow so those are the questions that also I believe not just me but also the community also interest in knowing about this I believe my role is I can you know we can transparent and how we can deliver the message to the community what we know from this whole process world together as a team work together with the school district together to find the answers to all those questions and those are immediate questions the parents know about want to know about that schools also want to know about that and teachers too because all those questions can become guidelines for practitioners and also for parents how can engage ourselves to help our kids at home and teachers what they can do in school and and this also for different grades to as I mentioned higher uh high school students they have different needs as we mentioned SE in the previous presentation they talk about AI work High T work and then how we can prepare those higher uh higher grade kids uh to merge into that Ro and then we also don't forget we have younger kids growing up right prek and K what can we do to help them build those fundamental skills um maybe high tech is too far away from them but what are the basic literacy early literacy they can build go to that route and also what are the basic stand programs we can help them grow into that direction the it's all about the community work together grow into the same direction and we have the same uh common goal as we want go and I think that's the that's the common goal we want to go yeah thank you thank you all any other question thank you oh by the way can mention we have a great website talk representing our community.com if you're interest in knowing more about us for your November vote please go and visit that website thank you Mr you Frank yo yeah it's working good evening okay member of the board and also the final from the community members uh thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today um my name is El I call myself Frank y I'm a resident of Rocky H um I'm honored to be considered for this position uh for the Montgomery Board of Education uh I moved from to Montgomery 6 years ago from Trenton uh currently I have two kids uh who is at second grade and eighth grade and on the way here my son Henry is still working on my speech and thank you Henry yeah okay so um this is a long meeting for everybody and I'm not I'm very familiar about this kind of meetings because currently I serve on the planning board on the rcky hill so sometime we have the meeting to you know 10:30 11:30 so I really appreciate everybody's uh time and effort to volunteer to serve our community and I look at the bench I do not consider them as a competition today I consider them as the same person as I am who wants uh volunteer our time and effort to this community to build this company stronger okay um a little bit more I want to discuss myself is I currently I'm a state employee not elect I work for state I'm a capital program manager so um I have a experience manage a large scale um Capital program with complex uh components TI deadline uh strict this uh budget uh and also you know the bond funding issues I know Montgomery is currently working on the long-term uh facility mess um Pro Capital program I think my uh I think my experience definely can help ensure that any future capital projects are carefully planned financed and execute through a balance approach that consider budget and Community long-term needs um by managing the capital program uh wisely we can make sure that the district infrastructure is maintenance and upgraded to meet the future demand result bur the tax man um I only have 30 seconds okay meanwhile I'm also vice president Asia Chinese school at PL Bor have zero in comp with M School District as a VI principal at the Chinese school I work close with the teachers parents students and provide supportive in reaching education environment this will give me a firsthand experience with the operation challenge school face the the school facing um it's a weekend school by the we have 400 students I had 400 students I have in that position for almost like 6 years uh okay at the end I really appreciate the opportunity thank you any questions thank you so much okay we want to thank all the candidates who shown up tonight and stated your cases uh I think we all just want you to know that you made our job very hard tonight so we appreciate it um at this time what we'll do is we're going to go into um executive session have discussion and then we will come back out into public session so at this time I entertain a motion to reconvene an executive session second prop movement second all those in favor State I I I all those opposed same right extensions we are now in executive session all right thank you for your patience at this time I will entertain a motion to reconvene an open session so it's been properly moved in second all those in favor say I I I all right we're now back in opening session as I said before uh to all those um who applied for this uh 4mon position we want to thank you on behalf of the board um it just shows that you are willing um to make a short commitment but no nonetheless a commitment to making this community um a much better place so again we want to thank you at this time I will open the floor for nominations for the Board of Education uh seat vacancy uh board president I respectfully nominate Mr Julius Nunes to fill a vacancy on the board is there a second yes I second okay do we have any other nominations from the board every none nominations are closed roll call please Mr Trent yes Miss dman yes Miss beac yes Miss Franco Herman yes Miss Harris yes missa Jernigan yes Miss nargon yes Miss minina yes Mr Tod yes thank you motion carries congratulations Mr Mr nunz uh Mr Trent will be in touch with you regarding next steps so again thank you so much and congratulations at this time we'll move to action item action agenda items public comment the Board of Education welcomes and encourages input from the public members of the public are allotted one opportunity to address the board regarding the action agenda items only for up to a maximum of three minutes per speaker all comments must be directed to the board before you make your comment please State your full name and address and inter both on the Chromebook provided being mindful of privacy rights regarding students board employees and board members and to avoid any liability on the part of the speaker the board discourages defamatory discourteous remarks the public comment portions of the meeting are not structured as question and answer sessions but rather are offered as opportunities for the public to share their thoughts with the board the board may need to refer an issue to the superintendent if the issue has not been handled through the appropriate chain of command usually started at the school level responses may be provided at the end of this SE public comment for Action agenda items only is now open seeing and hearing none public comment um could you please tell us which action agenda it's at out I wasn't sure if this is open to the public I was just going to ask you um is this for for bringing any comments concerns or is it following a certain action agenda item that'll be at the end when we have public comment thank you I can thank you very much any comments on the action items he none public comments on action agenda items is now closed at this time I'll entertain a motion to accept agenda items 1.0 through 4.3 I would like to make a mo to table item 1.5 for f the discussion at the end of the session a second it's been properly moved in second uh miss all are we voting yes yes Miss vac we're voting on the motion to table that is correct for table yes Miss Franco Herman yes Miss Harris yes Miss ala Jan yes Miss nargon yes Miss Fina yes Mr yes thank you yes so at this time I entertain a motion to we'll uh have a motion to accept 1.0 through 1.3 with the exception of 1.5 we properly move in second roll call please 1.1 to 4.3 sorry 1.1 to 4.3 with the exception of 1.5 Miss D yes Miss yes M FR I need to on 3.4 could you repeat which 3.4 trouble um Miss Franco Herman yes Miss Harris yes miss Lea jigan yes Miss naron yes Miss fan yes Mr Tod yes thank you the floor is now open for discussion of one action agenda item 1.5 I didn't my trip is on 3.5 34 3.4 sories floor is now open for discussion on action agenda item 1.5 okay so at the purpose of the discussion for the board is as we've been um hearing today about the Strategic plan and the goals uh for the school district um as um we also had a retreat a few weeks back and we had an opportunity to um enhance perhaps some of the verbage around the the expectations around those goals those goals are very important to uh us as board members as we will be then um assessing whether we've actually fulfilled um the responsibilities not only of the school district but also of the board so there are some enhancements that actually board member um Michelle shared with us that we wanted to to run through so if possible how how should we do it should we just read through the enhanced language and see if we would be comfortable with the way it's written is that a fair approach yes well um one M feel like we need the motion so the floor is actually hers um and then we can discuss nobody's sh it so um just like my fellow board member said we had the board retreat and uh we would like to uh find uh W Smith some of the goals that uh came from the board discussion uh we want to set the goals for for the district that um reflective of what what feedback we collected during the strategic planning and we want them to be specific enough to allow us to evaluate whether or not um our efforts to to to to make the district better um or successful so I personally would like to um change the the goal number one uh language and replace the last phrase uh make an impact on the future replace that phrase with build successful lives and make positive contributions to society you read it again a full yes so the the rise me to so we have a right so the r that's that's that's the one right what's up there is our current what's up there is what's current that's what's current and do you have a written copy of yours and if you do share with Jack so Jack is reject you're talking about goal one is that correct goal one as it as yeah I would like to basically R make an impact on the future with different PR that's more specific to Student Success um so just for for clarification hers will be one motion yours will be a separate motion correct so just for what a clarification she yeah she I don't know it's a separate motion but she she's talking about yeah and I guess mine has worked somethingi as well but in a not using the same words right so you would have to move to change it to the language that I put Jo would have to move to change it to the language you have a motion to amend what part you want to amend leave which leaves the rest of the motion intact so whatever you want to change you have to motion to amend but everything else that you don't change will stay the same and has to pass by 23 23 of a abbreviated or 23 of the N so six or five six even 8 right 75% that I know I know correct that was impressive yeah just feel up our motion's on F is it an attachment oh this is so Jack let me share something with you okay I have the carrent L in I I do it's just they come in second I saved it so you can work this is Michelle the Strategic from the community when ask for the community up for the next 5 years now board M if you like please repeat your change your proposed change yes so I would like to try make an impact on the future and replace that phas with build successful lives and make positive contributions to society should all right you've seen board member felx Pros change discussion on the change so I mean I'm I'm going to put forth my uh opinion about it only because I it's something that I shared with Joanna at uh our Retreat so I think it's only fair for everybody to hear that that as well um I come from the belief that in education we're trying to always uh Inspire children and Inspire Educators to to try to do more and that idea of making an impact on the future is um yes it's a very lofty and sometimes some hard to pin down type of thing but um I always see it as you know we're trying to educate students for possibilities that they don't even know exist yet and so their impact on the future I get where you're coming from saying no we need them to be to have this concrete that they're going to be productive members of society and I want them to Envision what that Society is going to look like and so I like that lofing language first of all I mean I I know exactly um what you mean but I don't think that new phase limits them to to to reach for the highest possibilities of their uh potential uh the reason why I do want to make the change is because in my view the phrase make a make an impact on future relates to pretty much every single person that lives so as long as you know like you part of the society you make an impact on the future whether you contribute whether you don't contribute you make an impact on the future that's why I think you know um our program our curriculum um is to be structured to help our students grow and reach their Highest Potential so they can contribute and make positive contributions to the society any other discussion on the motion hearing none at this time entertain a motion to accept the proposed changes by board member felat second it's been properly mov in second to for the amendment based on Mr fight's motion roll call please Mr Trent Miss alling no I I believe the um language is strong the way it is sorry Miss F yes Miss Franco Harman no Miss Harris no Miss H dran yes Miss nargon yes Miss CA no Mr Todd no thank you motion does not care are there any other motions on the district RS at this time item 1.5 so I'd like to bring up also from the uh discussion that we had at the retreat in um in all transparency um I want to be very clear about saying that I respect the process that we went through in terms of the strategic planning process um that included the entire Community um my goal was really just to sort of focus us as a board of education um to and my understanding is that the Strategic goals can remain um while we can sort of really look at the district goals um again to really get us focused as a board of education to make sure that we are in alignment with the Strategic goals um sorry the Strategic plan but that we also are um really specific in our language so um my proposal really is to change um while while the meet is still there to change the goals um slightly so that academic Excellence is our first goal that really concentrates on the academic um rigor of our program um supporting our students and supporting our faculty um goal two would be the student experience which really encompasses um the idea of guidance customization and support um with it which encompasses um the health and the wellness of our students and then the third um really sort of um talks about the communication piece which is so important but I believe that communication is part of building strong culture and Community sorry uh culture and climate so I wanted to sort of put that in one bucket um understanding the importance of strengthening our communication but I believe that if we strengthen our communication that we will have a stronger culture and climate um so I I played around with the words but the idea again was not to change the the meat of our strategic um planning initiative but to really specifically um Target what what I think we should um value as a board of education I I do like your proposals Michelle I think they really run in parallel to the Strategic goals and just a reminder that these District goals are what we're going to use to evaluate the superintendent so do we make it as clear as possible and it's up to the superintendent to make sure that when at the end of the year she can tell us how these District gos you know um align with the Strategic goals it will be you know her job to do but I think they're they're very much frun parallel to what we already happen yeah I think uh particularly for me the second goal I think we've really wanted to hone in on the need of the students as we've heard in the Strategic uh planning sessions from the community around the enhancement in the guidance the ciz learning uh the ability to support you know different types of academic um needs so I do feel like this language represents what we heard from the community um much more concisely so I I'm very happy with that foren can you just go into for each one how how they align to the Strategic goals um so academic Excellence again the goal one um and when we really heard about the objectives earlier tonight I think again I saw a lot of alignment um if not exact alignment I think this is just in an effort to really hone in on the three categories um that we heard a lot about from the community but the a you know the academic Excellence speaks to the the achievement right of our students um the student experience of the guidance customization support talks about the social emotional learning so that aligns to goal three um and then the culture climate and communication piece while communication stands as a as an entire goal um I would like to propose that it falls into the category of culture and climate does that answer your question and they all intertwine any yeah I mean that's what they do all intertwine I just I I do think that it's incumbent on us to to make sure that we are um focused on our academic Excellence which again I think as a school that's that's our priority um and then to also give as much Credence to um the guidance and support that we give our students and you're Waring for all three that's complet no no propos changes for any of the any other I'm I'm happy to play with the words no I mean we're voting tonight so I want to make sure what we have up there is your words any other discussion on I I just want to I like the idea of having the student experience as part you know kind of elevated above the communication I know that we do have work to do to be done with communication yes especially out in the community um with the larger community that aren't parents uh in the schools but you know the bottom line is that it's all about whether or not the students are having a good academic and social emotional mental health everything experience so I agree with that not sure that I see um the there's no mention of safety in yours there is in the in the Strategic plan goals there's a couple of things that I feel like are left out and I would be a little bit um I don't know that I would I would want to just go without just seeing this for the first time Y and I would emphasize that you know again the objectives of the Strategic plan I think really support each one of these three goals and that was really the intention I you know again it's not to rewrite it it's not to propose something new or different I feel really comfortable with the communication of the Strategic I mean every single objective under communication speaks to the need that our community talked about you know in terms of better communicating and so so without the objectives I don't think that this works but I again the intention was to not eliminate anything but just to um yeah I think that you really um tackled a lot of the once again I'm going back to the discussions we had with the with the community right I mean uh particularly on the goal three with uh resiliency uh of all learners for fostering consistent inclusive and effective communication of strength accomplishment events activities those are all things that became very uh important and um in I just think it just enhances what have been asked of us so I I don't see any any issues I think it's almost fills in the blanks a little bit for me because it was at much higher level initially when we looked at in the first go around and to your point there's a lot of the depth of it Maria that's going to be in the goals of the objectives of the goals where you can really dive into very specific this really gave me a sense of the community voice as we discussed in the past right this was reflective of what we've heard uh during those sessions so I'm very comfortable with that language I think it's so so um to Maria's suggestion if we included the word safety in go three I would suggest to include it after the word health so it'll be Community by addressing the health safety and resilience of our Learners if that if are you okay with that is how do we do that if we if we um edit I mean I think I think that you know wait on this and process this a little bit since this was just introduced this evening or do we wait on have to vote be tables until the next meeting there would have to be a motion for that as well you willing to withdraw your and have a motion to table us to the October meeting sure to give the the committee an opportunity to process absolutely sure motion is withdrawn can I have a motion to table 1.5 until the October meeting so moved second been properly mov in second to table 1.5 until the October Board of Education meeting roll call please yes Miss Miss dman yes Miss elac yes Miss Franco Harman yes Miss Harris yes Miss Jan no Miss naron yes Miss Pina yes Mr Tom yes thank you car and then we offic so that so the motion have to be back on the agenda as okay motion here thanks CH at this time we'll have new business from the public Board of Education welcomes and encourages input from the public members of the public are allotted one opportunity to bring any new business to the board for up to a maximum of 3 minutes per speaker all comments must be directed to the board before you make your comment please State your full name and address and enter both Chromebook provided being mindful privacy rights regarding students board employees and board members and to avoid any potential liability on the part of the speaker the board discourages defamatory and discourteous remarks the public comment portions of the meeting are not structured as question and answer sessions the board may need to refer an issue to the superintendent if the issue has not been handled through the appropriate CH of command usually starting at the school level responses may be provided at the end of this session public comments for new business is now open I haven't uh put my name in any Chrome I wanted to ask if I should just introduce myself with the commentary and then put the name in thank you good evening um I'm chitra tan resident of mtgamer also a parent of a current high schooler and a college freshman first I want to thank the board for allowing me to voice a concern in this public forum about MHS science curriculum I do want to thank you for bringing up AP Chemistry issue for goal one that's my uh commentary with a lot of detail that I want to provide to the board I have gone to the school as well um we are from Connecticut and the example I gave is for Connecticut school systems that are on par with NHS but I did some homework with Princeton and hilsboro and I want to give you that comparison here um other schools seem to have a gradual path in high school to acclimatize students to The Sciences help them prepare for AP courses um in Hillsboro we have two science APS that are offered to sophomores but more importantly they end up preparing their sophomores for it Montgomery offers just one AP we have AP Chemistry in sophomore year Hillsboro offers CP level honors programs in freshman year to ensure that their students are prepared for it that they don't just have to jump in and dive into it montgom has not offered these courses for years now so sophomore wanting AP Sciences have only Choice um I assume and I believe that the school has the students best interest in applying APK metrics um Mam's AP class being very tough is a well-known fact for decades students have experienced difficulty Mr Balu is 100% right it's a tough class if you cannot manage it don't take it but the students don't have another Choice they're forced to take it if they have an ambition to take an E class so in spite of struggling with poor internal scores they do very well on board AP exams though they bring in fours and fives and if they don't meet the school's internal chem criteria they're not allowed to take an AP Bio course in their junior year so I'm quite puzzled why the school would choose to place such Road Blocks now let's consider the current Juniors and the senior batch all three scien has taken away to experiment with iels that's a loss of an entire school year where the children could have been coached on CP chemistry to prepare them for AP Chemistry especially if the stakes were going to be so high so this is um in line with the student experience that I heard and I have to say that this could be demotivating as a student experience the school strategy seems to be at odds with wanting to help montgom students become more competitive College applicants this year radar has also increased in rating which is also going to be a roadblock for being competitive so I want to conclude by reiterating and making a plee to the board to please uh try to remediate this school specific issue for our current Juniors and seniors to make them more competitive College applicants thank you are there any other comments from the public any other comments from the public public comments are now closed superintendent M anything you'd like to address question suggest thank Youk at this time is there any closing discussion from any member of the board can I can I ask a question and just kind of to maybe explain re expl um I'm not sure that taking a CP course in chemistry would help prepare a student for an AP course in chemistry that it right the an AP course in chemistry or in any AP you wouldn't take the same course at a lower level prior to in order to preparate for it it would be based upon um distinct uh grades from other sciences and Sciences like that unque field they're they're so distinct biology chemistry physics and you have to science that's high have that right so I just want to make sure that that I think that that was the suggest that I heard but I don't believe that that would actual something right is that any other discussion of points from the board now at this time I'll entertain motion for adjournment move second prop move in second all those in favor stay I those oppose same right extensions thank you everyone