##VIDEO ID:O0uNL6DLePs## e e e e good evening ladies and gentlemen it is six o'clock on Monday September 23rd welcome to the regular meeting of the monacello district 82 School Board please rise as you are able and join us for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation Under godible liberty and justice for all the meeting is hereby called to order um we need to approve our tentative agenda as our agenda for the evening and I will entertain in a motion so moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root is there any changes of the agenda finding none we um those approval in those who are approving please say yes those yay I don't know what I'm saying all those opposed please say no motion is approved 60 moving on to Citizens comments we don't have any this evening uh moving on to fiscal stability we uh move these items which is Personnel matters Bill summaries um our uh credit card expenditures and wire transfers for the month we approve them as a consent agenda uh members of the board receive all of these documents ahead of time is there any questions or further discussion on any of the consent agenda items finding none um I'll entertain a motion to approve so moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor please say I I any opposed please say no and consent agenda uh passes 60 collaborative connections is our item number six this evening this is consists of our uh donations from our very generous Community Partners uh we're very blessed to receive donations from the community on an almost monthly basis and superintendent Olson is going to um give us more information on these particular donations for this evening yeah just one tonight um Cub Foods has brought forth uh boxes of student supplies for students in need and so um one of our great uh Community Partners uh just uh did an employee Drive in order to um both bolster um supplies for students that need them and um their designated spot that they wanted to bring these was uh to Pinewood Elementary and know we do have a resolution for acceptance of gifts therefore be resolved by the mon School Board number 882 to gratefully accept the fund donations C Food six boxes of school supplies for Pinewood students that need school supplies second seconded by Melissa Curtis resolution read by Jeff hegley all those in favor of accepting the donations from Cub Foods as reported please say I I any opposed please say no motion passes 60 now we're on to something really wonderful we are here this evening um for Item B under agenda item number six to welcome our student representatives for the 2425 school year we do have three student Representatives this year that are going to rotate as I understand two at a time um on a monthly BAS basis so this evening we have uh Cohen schlangen did I say that correctly schlangen and at Thompson and we'd like to welcome you to the podium and they have a report for us this evening all all right I'll start off uh my name is colen schlungen I'm a senior at Monella High School uh my course load this year involves AP Cal BC AP Physics 2 CIS money management and CIS University Writing to name a few I am also a member of the National Honor Society and was a member of last year's Junior Honor Guard I also a captain of the 2024 uh mon aello football team uh I play quarterback until my recent injury uh I'm going I'm not going to lie it feels weird to be the oldest in the building though I mean I miss a lot of my senior buddies um from years past you know growing up with them uh it feels weird to be the alpha dog in the school now I'm not going to lie um I was asked by the principals to be a school board representative and it interested me because I want to be able to talk in front of a large group setting uh I wanted to see the behind the scenes to the school board and I also wanted to add a little bit to my my resume next year my plan is to attend uh NDSU to study civil engineering the third member of our group of student Representatives Will Sher she's not present today but she will be involved in future meetings I'm alicias Thompson I'm a senior this year and my C load also consists of mainly college courses such as classes as AP Cal CIS University Writing CIS econ CIS psychology CIS lit and more I also a member of the National Honor Society and I also have the pleasure to be a participant on last year's Junior Honor Guard uh I also have had the opportunity to be a magic leader for the past three years and this year I have taken the initiative to join the earbook club um when it comes to the adjustment of becoming a senior I do find it somewhat pleasant but at the same time worrisome just you know random nerves and yeah I enjoy the feeling of being accomplished and being able to set an example for underclassman while also representing money when it comes to taking up leadership opportunities such as this one throughout the school as well as I outside of school after graduation I aspire to attend a forer university specifically University of St Thomas in hopes to obtain a BSN degree which is a Bachelor's of Science and Nursing degree and by doing that I'll just continue to do what I'm doing stay focused and yeah overall my time at money has shown me an excessive amount of leadership skills along with growth I'm grateful go first with the c yeah all right on the agenda start of the school year being Newar times class meetings and cell phone update so far I believe the school year has gone well for our entire building in regards to the new scar times I believe the adjustment has been successful and taken well by many of the students in my case specifically the later star times have given me the opportunity to get a lot done in the morning prior to getting ready for school there's a better feel to this there's a better feeli to start the school of the morning not so rushed during the first week of school we had our class meetings which test the foundation of this for the school year along its expectations which ties into the cell phone update we had recently which initially wasn't taken well by many of the students but like many things as time has progressed students opinions has changed [Music] slightly and to move on to our second agenda freshmen how are they adjusted from my perspective I believe the freshmen have adjusted well to the environment of high school based on what have I I've observed they have represented Monty well to the best of their extent during homecoming week they showed an immense amount of school spirit as well as as far as take participating in spirit week going all out and representing their team for iron and volleyball and overall inserting themselves with well into the student body they have also seemed to be doing well find their classes as they have the least amount of tardies for for for for now for the school year while majority of the class seems to find and take things well there are some who tend to find it difficult navigating through the school or that may be finding a class following the adjustment to having phones as well as behavioral issues but that's all normal and will change soon all right time for the third piece of our agenda is about homecoming so this year's homecoming as many of you know it's different uh it's during the second week of school the first full week of school and I got to say we did a pretty good job this year um it was early this year because of the football schedule and we only have one Friday night home game when all the students are in school so that was kind of different um homecoming week was during the first week of school and overall the students felt it was great to have it the second week cuz people are starting to get into classes and routines and you know the beginning of the school year it's a lot of adjusting a lot of new things and it's kind of nice to have something exciting right at the beginning of the school year get you something to look forward to and then your classes just go by easier uh a couple of my highlights as well as pH classmates uh Iron Man volleyball was really fun this year uh I had a brother participate I had a ton of friends participate and it was just great atmosphere I love we some student sections going it was just great um this year as a senior I appreciated the buildup to the football game more um you know kind of just hitting the emotions you know as a senior no more homecoming after this year so it kind of just feels good to have that homecoming game it's a great opportunity uh I also enjoyed the dress up days so Monday was come as you are pajama day Tuesday was Grill Dead versus soccer mom and I got to admit my buddies and I did a pretty good Grill dead impersonation that day uh Wednesday was Hawaiian day Thursday was class color day where each grade had an assigned color and they wore it and Friday was magic Spirit day and I always love that Friday magic Spirit day because everyone participates and doesn't matter who you are what grade you're in everybody's wearing the red white and black uh there was also a lot of Home events students could attend to support each other uh that that week of homecoming obviously the Iron Man volleyball couple different volleyball events there was multiple different sporting events uh and then homecoming coronation took place Friday morning at a Fest in the Fieldhouse exper expressing this week's events watching different grades and Friends Play Iron Man and having a great group of students on the homecoming Court was really special I mean I grew up with a lot of those people on the homecoming Court it was great to see just how that unfolded and uh I also enjoyed the idea of having Raffles and drawings for students who attended home sporting events I was one of the numerous people to win a $10 gift card I got one to Chick-fil-A uh after the Friday pet Fest there was a school tour and parade with the royalty the pet band captains and fall athletes that went to the three elementary schools and middle schools the goal is to create some kind of uh school spirit and make connections between the high school students across the district personally I thought that was really fun I mean giving all the little kids high fives we had to put a bunch of hand sanitizer on afterwards as you know you never know what you're going to find there but it's pretty cool getting a bunch of high fives from the little kids um but personally the highlight of my week was obviously watching my football team win 29 to nothing on homecoming I mean that's pretty special especially against they were number eight team shut them out 29 to nothing at home uh kind of just speaks volumes to the team we got and the kind of school spirit we had the student section was louder than can be just a great atmosphere and those are the kind of nights I live for on the football field that's all we got thank you very much um it's my understanding that part of your experience as a student representative this year will be connecting it to some of your class work is that is that true can you talk about that just a little bit so we say connecting it to our classwork um so we are doing at and I are uh partnering up so we are both in CIS University Writing and we're partnering up for an ethnography uh project and ethnography you go around you research a small group and this is our small group that we're going to research just to get a little deeper insight into just to understand a little more into behind the scenes of it so yeah um similar to what Cohen said we'll be doing an ethnography basically what anthrop correct me if I'm wrong but anthropologists do in which you interject yourself within a culture of or sub setting that you know or you're not familiar with that you want to know and you approach it basically blindsided and you learn it from a point of view in which you're gaining knowledge and you're also gaining experience so as we're here today we're going to connect that with our project as Miss KAG likes to call it um and yeah that's how we're just going to nagate through it we're going to jot down some notes and just go through it thank you for explaining that uh so the school board members get to be kind of the the rats in the cage so to speak for that does any of the other uh school board members have any comments or questions for our new Representatives no I'm really glad to hear that welcome um and I invite you to even stay for some of our work sessions um and we probably have some other meetings too that you'll be invited to come and observe as well so you can see kind of the behind the scenes as well to what we do just a couple of things that I saw um happened to be last week and and uh I was in one of your classes that I got to um observe both of you and um see the um high quality and caliber of people that you are um a spoke about the cell phones and um a entering the classroom um he had a pass in hand and um at before he went and gave it to his teacher he put his cell phone in the pocket and just went and sat down and I just said that I just it just looked so awesome and so professional how he handled himself and just did that it just beca it was already part of um the culture and Co is just I I remember I got to speak a little bit on relationships during that class and silver engineering U my brother-in-law is a civil engineer and being able to speak in front of um groups like this is a a skill that um he didn't practice until after college you're doing you're giving yourself a leg up on that so that's awesome um leadership to um go grab that yourself so awesome job guys all right thank you also um as part of your membership as a student uh uh with our school board you'll be receiving information from devony um related to access to the Minnesota school boards Association and all of the behind the member uh information on that website and there's a just a a huge variety of webinars and all sorts of information about running for office and things that might be helpful to you as you move through your project so I want to make sure that you knew that you were going to have that opportunity as well so and thank you very much thank you thank you thank you moving on to our agenda um teaching and learning item number seven for this evening we're very well uh happy to welcome back this year our Northwest uh Talent academy uh leaders Leanne gerz and Janine Severson um they had an absolutely magnificent summer with nwta I was very very lucky to get to spend a whole day with them um watching the students from so many different school districts that were so enthusiastic and very well behaved um during their classes um so welcome to the school board meeting and we're excited to hear what you have to recap for us thank you thank you for having us again um we're very excited to be back it's always good to get out and show what we're so proud of um and let you experience just a little bit of it and ask questions if you have any um so most people have heard of nwta but if you haven't it's Northwest Talent Academy it is a collaborative that we started I don't know seven eight years ago was the thought bubble of it um and it has grown immensely we are a collaborative of 10 local school districts that offer summer programming for gifted and talented students within those 10 districts um as we go throughout the presentation you'll see pictures of uh Snippets of our classes just to give you an idea of what goes on um one of the questions we get is who can teach at nwta well anybody who has a passion for gifted and talented students and any hobbies that they may have um and reaching reaching those kids to further enhance their education over the summer and whoever is willing to teach over the summer as well after a hard school year who can attend um any student ages 2 to 8 in our collaborative um District um who are invited and those invites are chosen um by the teachers by the Admin um here in monel it can vary District to District in monel we use colat testing um but we also have teacher recommendations and if a student is excelling in art or music then they will also receive an invite for um for our classes um we ran for four weeks this past year we've teetered between four and five weeks over the years um our morning classes were 3 hours and afternoon were also 3 hours and then we had the full day classes we have a lot of numbers to go over this was our sixth year um we now have 10 districts it just started out as monello and to grow to 10 districts is huge and amazing we did run for four weeks we had 23 total teachers 18 of whom were returning which I think says a lot about the program and wanting to come back and we had six assistants this year to help um in the classrooms some more numbers we offered 25 different classes and there were 55 sections some of those classes doubled um we had over 850 enrollments with just shy of 400 individual students across all 10 districts these are my favorite Parts the graphs um you can see the number of classes since our Inception in uh 2018 um you'll notice this year the class the number of classes decreased but the student population increased so we just had larger classes this year and that also has to do with how many teachers want to teach and what kind of proposals we get and teacher availability within the summer so we didn't have as many classes to offer but there was still as many students that wanted to participate so this kind of goes over some of the student numbers that we had um you can see that the numbers of enrollments keep moving in the right direction so this is the student count by week we couldn't start until June 17th this year with the late um end of the school year so typically we see the first first three weeks in June as our highest rate of attendance um and by the 24th of June we had almost 300 students in our program which was just amazing um and then you'll see in July it tends to tends to curve downwards a little bit so we just ask that you keep this in mind when you develop your summer planning or your school calendars for the next year um we do need about 2 to three days to set up the office to have teachers coming from districts um to set up so if we don't finish school until that Friday of June then we can't start Inta until um later in June and it also depends on the other 10 districts we always make sure that they're out of school as well um so that we're not overlapping when they're still in classes we did have one instance uh extra school days two summers ago and Elk River had an extended school year and their superintendent actually gave students a pass that said if you're going to attend classes here we'll count that and you won't be marked as absent it'll count towards your school year which was pretty fantastic student grade levels as you can see our younger population is our biggest um population that comes to classes by the time they hit fifth sixth seventh grade they're having more activities that their involved in sports things like that um so the second and third um grade population is is our biggest um moving forward it always varies District to District like Leanne was saying on how students are nominated and invited things like that for us um with the change in how services are for um the elementary students with a gift and talented program in our district these numbers do have um potential to change and change drastically we're not quite sure yet so we're going to keep an eye on that and kind of watch what that's going to look like um as the year unfolds and what we have going forward and it has been really cool to see those kids who started six years ago to continue on and you'll see a couple of those in our videos in a little bit um District by the number or numbers by the district we have um monello having the most enrollments and you'll notice that the area schools um Elk River stma and buffalo Handover montros also have um a great showing we did try busing for the first time this year to offer it um but we just didn't have enough interest you know to try to reach those in an Andale fully to make it more accessible for them but uh we just didn't have that interest this year the unknown can be are either registrations who did not answer that question of which district they come from or or we also have some homeschoolers whether they started in a district and moved to homeschool or they provide us information to um prove their their um acceptability tour program scholarships we are fortunate enough to have a wonderful Community as you all know um with donations that the school district gets as well um rotary VFW and the American Legion gave um very generously over this last year and so we were able to have um quite a few scholarships and this is a representation of the scholarships through districts each district is responsible for their own scholarships and we were able to have 13 in our district this year the goal overall would be that this program is a self-sustaining program and as we continue to have good profitable years that that money will go back into the program as scholarship opportunities for any of the 10 districts that are within because we understand that not all districts have um support within their communities like we are lucky enough to have with the um ones that gave for our scholarships what don't we do figured it was easier to say what don't we do then what do we get accomplish we don't do a lot of sports that is one thing that we don't do a ton of they do ask for some sports um but there are a lot of opportunities through community aded and things like that um but other than that if you can think it and a teacher can imagine it and has a passion for it there really isn't anything that we won't try so all right this is just a reflection of some of the students that we had um give us how they felt about the program 3 years three attendance I have attended every year since second grade maybe not during Co years obvious same two years two this is my first year this is my first year this would be my third year this would be my second class you to make new friends you learn new things and you get to pick your classes cuz it's fun um getting to meet a lot of new people um cuz I have a lot of friends in the classes are F five then I like this Camp cuz it just has more a variety of things you can do it's a fun experience to kind of go with your friends learn some new things uh kind of find some new hobbies favorite part is that we get to meet new friends and just enjoy fun times throughout the summer making friends at nwta and I like all the classes a ones where you get to make food I guess yay probably I really like doing assign the classes are fun there's lots of creativity the classes are fun cakeology this one or edible foods again cakeology so would be adventures with Miss with Miss Rosa but I do love all the other classes equally I Liv a Greek mythology one that I did back in I think I was going into fifth or sixth grade I can't say that they're all too good included on um teams or chosen so to have these friendships formed with like-minded peers is just amazing and fantastic it's not something that you set out to do it just is a a reflection of of what they get out of the classes which is fantastic as far as parent feedback we always ask for parent feedback at the end of each course um you can read what that parent feedback says right there that's you know they're all very thankful we do it's not always sunshine and Roses we do get Negative parent feedback which we are thankful for because it helps us Monitor and adjust if we don't know that there's a problem or that something isn't being communicated in one way or that they're not understanding something if we don't know that we don't have an opportunity to make it better so we welcome that feedback that we get from families but it is historically always very much on the positive end so this is um from the parents rating the program overall uh it's very high to good in needs Improvement this one was rating the satisfaction of the specific classes that your child took again the excellent rating was was the highest and then the satisfaction with the instructor instructor excuse me again um sometimes we had just where if they didn't understand the instructor was sending something out when they were communicating with families in an email versus seesaw or another form of communication that may be a specific District was used to with their home District it just took a little bit of time but then again that was something where it gave us an opportunity to to make things better and that's all for this year it was a great year I couldn't do it without Leanne and Jeremiah and the support that they give um and the support from the other people in the collaborative that work for each of the different nine districts that we work with so thank you very much um a question and a comment comment first I just I don't know about the rest of the audience how many people are aware but until you guys started this program here the nearest opportunity for GT summer programming was Maple Grove so that's just remarkable what you've accomplished in the last six or seven years and the number of students that we attracted from our own district and other districts and that the program is self-sustaining so I I just really congratulate you for for that and um along with that just a question are there any kids that are turned away because that it's full or there's a waiting list or anything like that it depends on the class kology unfortunately yes we only have one kitchen space available and there's often multiple classes that would like to use the kitchen space whether it's an entire class that has to do with cooking or using that kitchen space or it's just like Stacy Rosa one of the classes that she teaches they use the kitchen a couple times during their their course um but that's part of the facilities and you know we've talked about had conversations on well do we try and have some at our middle school because there's another kitchen there do we you know but then with that the logistics of we need to have some sort of administrative supervision also there we can't have a teacher by themselves you know all the things in the that go into that the logistical aspect we just haven't quite figured that out yet but we are definitely well on our way to being creative if we need to get toaster ovens and bring those in we work with the custodial staff to say okay we can can we use these kinds of things what can we do to help make that if it's a hot plate if that's all they need or they need access to a microwave we try our best to provide what we can so that we can get as many of those classes so we don't have as many waiting lists or turned away you're not on a you're not on a space constraint it's just an equipment constraint yeah pretty much I mean we do share the high school has many programs throughout the summer um so we do try to stick to one kind of area of the building um just because we know there are other programs around and we haven't had any any issues at this point of there aren't enough classroom spaces for us it's more equipment and our teachers have been incredibly flexible with us we had a multiplication Mania class that was literally there were 20 kids on the waiting list and that teacher was willing to open up another section in the afternoon um a a coding class again had another classroom full on the waiting list students 48 students so we were able to bring in another teacher and they were able to co- te and Jeremiah is also amazing at if there's a specific class that's full you know saying oh they might be interested in this class or they might be interested in this class so he has been uh phenomenal helping us juggle all those registrations and with running the class is it only teachers that we have in the district that are running the classes is it teachers from other districts or it's just community members that are volunteering to be the teachers um we have monacello teachers we've got teachers from many of the other districts and a lot of times it's word of mouth so if you've taught with us and you're from a different District you'll talk to other people within your district and they spread the word that way um lean and I have also been to many schools from the other districts where we'll meet in the media center and and anybody after school that day that wants more information or is curious about what it would be like to teach with this program we go and it's kind of a Q&A session where we answer the questions that they might have give examples process through with them I've got this idea I'm super passionate about this how could I turn that into a class and so that's when we step in and have those conversations on what that might possibly look like for them so any additional comments from the board questions well thank you thank you so much and we hope to hear from you next year thank you guys thank you have a good night well moving ahead on our agenda we have with us the director of student services uh Sarah Welk who's going to give us a comprehensive school safety briefing welcome Sarah good evening everyone thank you guys for having me to here today and talking about school safety uh school safety is essential because it ensures that every student and staff member can learn and work in an environment free from fear and harm when we feel safe we can focus on our education creativity and personal growth so I just want to be able to go through the six tenants of a successful safety plan this evening showcase that to you guys the first will be uh systematic training to be able to educate and prepare staff should be well-versed in how to prevent protect against mitigate respond to and recover from incidents and we start doing that by starting with our annual training uh staff have to take this annual training and watch this video prior to the school even starting and this includes all employee groups um and then building principles do a really great job on taking the lead and doing um safety protocols and procedures in their staff meetings um as the week of workshop and then practice drills authentically uh this is something that we take a high priority in doing uh we already have had bus evacuations fire drills and started the lockdown drills at all grade levels um and provide Safety and Security posters to every classroom these have been updated I'll go into that a little bit further but these have been updated they were just given to our admin team last week and we'll be replaced and put up spaces throughout the district in every building the next is preventative safety measures uh we limit School access to one secure entrance and enforc staff and visitor uh badges so we use the Raptor system and so we make sure that visitors come through the building that their identification is gone through and make sure that if there's anything that is red flaged that we're aware of it to make sure that our uh security is safe and secure for anybody that comes into our buildings clear and well communed crisis plans these were also updated and this was shared out to our admin team last week these are placed in every single building um in the principal's building and also in our admin GO bags which I'll also explain in a later um and then our school infrastructure improvements um as we are doing drills we constantly are working through what's going well what improvements can they make you hear principles talk about it all the time on the walkie-talkies maybe fied teachers aren't hearing something through the inter C outside um so they're constantly working and getting feedback from those uh staff members school resource officers um in monacello school res officers from rake County Sheriff's Department assist in District buildings with security education promoting safety preventing incidents and investigating delinquent and criminal Behavior Uh we are able to uh fortunate to have uh Mike nordine at the middle school Jason post up at the high school we also work really closely with Sergeant Migel who oversees the SRO department for Ray County um our law enforcement Partnerships in addition to sro's you'll see that we are part of the right County safe schools committee um that meets throughout the year to help Foster a safe and healthy school culture and this um entails a lot of different agencies through re County and Human Services not just uh the sheriff's department but also probation um so it really brings everybody together in in our in our County so the next would be uh threat assessment teams the crisis teams you'll see every building or every campus um employs an interdisciplinary team of trained professionals that convene regularly to identify evaluate classify and address potential threats they do this um quarterly and these teams review procedures and protocols they also share these updates with superintendent olssen and then he also shares that information back with you guys so you are seeing that there they constantly reviewing the the procedures in their buildings next is the parent and student information uh critical information systems um where families can find information during a crisis you will find this on our website um under families you'll see our emergency um procedures so I have it on paper but you can look on the website and you'll see that it gives them uh parents on what to do what not to do gives them information um to define the difference between a secure mode and um active threat response um and also provides the vocabulary of what um so students and families have common language of what we're using in school so this is also shared um through Mr Wilson's newsletter I know building principles also share this information uh through newsletters as well um have a plan we communicate ahead of time to families regarding what they should do and School emergency situation again this is shared on our website through our newsletters and then just making sure that parents are doing their part and making sure that their emergency contact information is updated uh consume District's emergency protocols and follow directions in the event of an emergency we hope that never happens but we need to be prepared to make sure that we're safe and ready to go um our 2425 Focus areas uh you will see that the start of the Year protocol as I've shared before um a little bit ago we have staff annual trainings this is a safety video that was made by Wright County SRO and this is something that again all of our staff members are watching before the school year starts this is part of our HR onboarding process so whenever there are substitutes or whe it's the beginning of the school year anywhere during the school year process everybody is able to watch this video to know what our safety Protocols are St staff badges uh everybody has a staff badge on that back side you'll see that there is a message so everybody um is able to call a lock down at any given time to be able to have that consistent message because we have itinerant staff that go between buildings this way we're consistent and know what that language is student trainings um we like I said we've already had a bus evacuation to get them started at the beginning of the year uh we have to do five fire drills five lockdowns and then also in the spring we do the severe weather drill as well our Focus areas uh this year as I've shared uh updated the district crisis plan um that is um in in our admin's hands that was shared last week and then also our nuclear evacuation plan we spent a significant amount of time with FEMA and Homeland Security to go through that last summer and so we are making sure that that information as we have different people that come in and out of our buildings that those phone numbers and the switching of people in our buildings are always updated so everything's up to date uh we are fortunate to be able to get a a grant and so working with uh Jason borom the director of Technology he was able to get some cameras updated and provided that training this summer during um our admin Retreat Day in in July and as I said those updated emergency classroom posters um have been updated and they will be in every space across the distri District these uh posters are um the same of what you have seen But it now will include the word hold and this will mean that you stay in your room or your area and this could simply mean just stay in your room because maybe a student is having a tough time and we're just needing that space and giving them the the space that they need to maybe regulate themselves maybe someone got sick in the hallway and we just want to give the custodians time to clean it up it's just a simple hold doesn't mean anything is a huge threat but just making sure that we're giving space in in the hallways so next you'll see the I love you guys uh it's a program through Reich County and this is something that uh we had talked about when we went to the safe schools meeting uh this Summer that is countywide it's a program that is free it's um used in more than 50,000 schools organizations and agencies Nationwide um this is research based and proven and this is something that re county is adopting and encouraging all schools in re County to use and so again that we're consistent in re County these are also available in English and Spanish um across our district and as I shared admin gos so these admin go bigs this was the brainchild of superintendent uh olssen and just wanted to be able to have these available to our admin team our leaders um in case of an emergency they have all information that they need in a backpack they can just grab and go um and so that could be markers highlighters it could be a rain Pond show because it might be raining outside um flashlight it's all information it's our district crisis plans it's our phone numbers it's our schedules of every single building and who to contact so it's ready uh readily available to everybody um within their building so and yes our level four program at the workforce center is also getting one because they're off campus as well so um our next is reunification efforts uh we having our first meeting October 4th with our building principles to start having that conversation that's um reunification is not just in a nuclear evacuation plan but it could mean um other evacuation opportunities that we might need to uh to have in place and so this is just being able to talk through this as building leaders knowing what everybody's reunification spot is we generally know what that is but it's good to revisit this and knowing across buildings if there's more than one building that needs to be uh evacuated that we know which the left hand and the rightand are doing and so we are going to be meeting on the 4th again we're doing a training uh through right County um the first week of December second week of December that hasn't been uh decided quite yet but again it's a training through Ray County that they're providing with the I love you guys foundation and going through the reunification process and so we'll be sending a team of people to do that and again we'll meet afterwards and go through our district procedures and we'll also include hoglands and then meeting with Homeland Security so they can look through our plans and make sure that they can find any holes and make sure that we are doing what we need to do to keep everyone safe so and then lastly just continued efforts to gather staff questions scenarios and then providing those quarterly crisis team meetings so and you guys will get those as as the year goes on so and lastly um resources there if you guys want to go through and click through anything anything that I've mentioned tonight uh it's LinkedIn and you can look through all of our district uh plans our nuclear evacuation plan what those posters look like with the trainings are offered what that staff video is that was created by the sro's and what everybody has to watch including substitutes um as they come throughout um our school years to know that everybody is getting trained the same way and consistent instantly and then there's the I guys Foundation website if you guys have questions about that so thank you questions from the board for director wel is this appropriate time to ask the whole plan that was some minor level events yes what's the plan a major event what do we call that uh we'll go into secure mode okay and going to secure mode did you cover I make and wasn't listening um we just talked about the difference of knowing between the uh secure mode and lock down and evacuation knowing what that language is but that is right on our website handout um and it's also on our emergency posters in every building all spaces so and I guess it goes without saying that our other offsite location which is our nature-based has a very specific detailed set of they have procedures that's different than our correct mortar here back on our campus I just want to say that I appreciate the continual work that goes into Safety and Security as a district um and that each time we're briefed on this every single year there's something new that we're implementing to become safer and better so I appreciate that yeah I'll add to uh what Jamie said you're never done and every year there's more recommendations or different recommendations and it is is something that we keep close to the vest you know the details of exactly what our procedures are because obviously you don't want to give away your Intel to people that might have bad ideas so um from a perspective of the board we want to reinforce to the community and to the staff and the students that we are on top of this and we have various different committee meetings regularly um about all of the aspects that uh are entailed with keeping our student safe and evacuations and reunifications and um hardware and software and all the different parts of it together so I'm very confident with what I've seen um we aren't perfect but we're certainly making changes every year and all the time and addressing things moving forward um do you have anything to that I just thought that was a great way to start the year um I find a lot of comfort in having um a director of s service now um in order to um keep this as um have a person a point person at the district level um I believe u the work at the buildings has been tremendous but it's also awesome to have somebody organizing that work so that uh we keep pushing each other to be better and make those improvements so um it's just uh great to have you in front of everybody to bring that level of of comfort through the district and provide that organization so we keep all growing together thank you any additional questions or comments from the board thank you Sarah appreciate it moving on to our Innovation and Leadership we are fortunate this evening to have um John Weekley our director of special education followed by Jason borgstrom our director of Technology Terry Woodworth our director of buildings and grounds and our superintendent Eric Olsen going to discuss building and program uh staff shoutouts basically uh sukudo and attaboys hello everyone thanks for having me I'm honored here to give some shout outs to two teams and one individual um I wanted to start off I'm giving a shout out to our speech practitioners so this year due to Rising student enrollment as well as a need to rely more on Virtual Services we um had to ask our speech people to be more flexible than ever and they've met it with the most positive attitude professionalism Grace and just supporting each other through the process so some individuals that had been in a building for a long time shifted because it was what's best for kids and we really appreciate that um additionally I'd like to support or give a shout out to our our level four staff so our staff that are in the programs of Foundations 1 foundations 2 rise and Summit um we we asked them to do the impossible um T Tuesday of Workshop week we took occupancy of the space Thursday we had open house and so it was all Hands-On deck um admin assistants custodial staff technology um directors coordinators licensed staff nursing we were all assembling Furniture putting the space together and got it ready for um staff and for students and parents to show up on Thursday and we were operating on the first day of school so that is a huge shout out a big accomplishment and I appreciate everybody's teamwork in that effort and then one individual shout out um Megan Jarvis is a teacher at Pinewood Elementary and every year for like I don't know I've known Megan for probably six or seven years I hear the same thing about her um she is helpful to everyone whether your special education or regular education she greets new people with very welcoming attitude she goes the extra mile to to support new people in the building um she triages whenever we have a shortage of Staff she's the the go-to person in the building for special education to make sure that a student has a pair professional and is constantly adjusting a very complicated Matrix of a schedule and she operates with Grace Under Pressure and meets challenges with a very very positive attitude so those are my shoutouts for um two teams and one individual I could give you like a million more people but know what my requirement or my time limits were so thank you Jason you had everybody wondering Mr Wakley thank you John welcome Jason well thank you uh chair zbar superintendent Olson and members of the board for allowing us to do this um I think I'm going to be testing my time limits here a little bit and I am thinking even more people than John here um so I didn't want to point out just one person I couldn't do it coming off of the summer we had uh working through trying to get ready for the for the school year so I'm poting out quite a few different people also Tech is uh interwoven into so many different aspects of the district that it's it's uh difficult to just point to one here um so it may seem like Tech's like on an island doing some sort of Wizardry trying to make sure that data Automation and Wi-Fi and firewalls and things like that are are going strong but what I wanted to focus on a little bit more was the instructional side too um from an instructional standpoint our why you know we think about the text why it revolves around the Four Season sammer it invol it revolves around students it revolves around the mission of the district it revolves around vision of the learner so that's our why yes you know if Wi-Fi doesn't work that's a big problem um but that's not our why specifically uh the purpose of technology is to provide a transformative learning experience for students it's to actively engage our students in the learning process that's the purpose of technology so some of the changes this summer really really quick camera upgrade phone upgrade firewall upgrade 911 system upgrade an intercom upgrade uh the adventures moving the co-op MacBook implementation with uh Pinewood and Little Mountain staff iPad implementation for Middle School staff our mini IST conference which we had over 75 attendees 20 different presentations um other training in professional development this summer we had over 180 people in over 590 hours of professional development provided this summer so to thank a whole litany folks I want to start with my team the technology team um in addition to my team also we had Thor lpy that was here this summer as an intern I'd like to thank the integrationists both our integrationists and also uh McKenzie MERS over at East viiew as well like to thank the Building Technology committees the tech the tech pilot teams the mini IST team the custodians the principles uh Terry who's willing to do some some things to make sure our our uh our our custodians and in our rest of our staff can put tickets in the same spot so I appreciate that um Tina Rob Johan and Rachel and all the folks over at the co-op Cindy Eric and Allison and everybody on the instructional side Gary doing some great things uh with Athletics and Technology as well specifically I was just on the phone uh working on some data things with them and then finally in in last but definitely not least is our admin assistants they do you wouldn't think of them with technology but without them we would be absolutely toast they're pivotal with technology so those are all the folks I wanted to thank thank you guys for giving me the time thank you Jason next we have Terry woodwork Woodworth our director of buildings and grounds thanks everyone this is really tough to do because we have a great custodial staff right just look at all the work they just did this summer renovating the buildings getting them ready for school um but the two that really stick out in my mind and and Jeff you'd probably agree right uh Dave Phillip and Jason sta um anytime I give them a call they're always of course what do you need help with John you're talking about getting your building ready right I mean I think it was what two days before and we mobilized Jason and uh Dave uh and they went over there and they put tables together move things for them putting swings together I think they been over there two or three times since school started um they've helped out at nature base we've had a couple uh incidents out at nature base that they've you know helped out with it's just anytime you get a hold of them they're just always willing to help whatever I can do that's what they say whatever I can do to help um it just goes on and on um and it probably will continue so again just a big shout out to Dave Phillip and uh Jason St so thank you Terry and I might as well just speak right from here because I have a microphone and it works pretty well uh so I'm going to start out with um a shout out for uh Joel Christian um Joel Christian is a um new uh ba in the district and um I first met him during the new new teacher workshop and um a week later he was uh presenting to hogland transportation for their inservice day and um I re received a phone call from Joel kungl stating I don't know who this is speaking right now but everybody is saying it's the most appal appable uh training we've ever had in um our career here at hoglands and so he delivered training that they all bus drivers felt like they could absolutely use and it would impact their their lives and um so I just want to give a shout out to Joel Christian for um that that training he provided so I heard it once in the morning and then we had a um a lunch in over at hoglands and I walked in and two bus drivers grabbed my arm um so three people and in one day grab my arm to tell me what an amazing trainer Joel Christian is so I've told him that verbally but I wanted to bring um a that shout out here to the school board um and then I also am am giving Dave Phillip um a shout out because it connects to um School uh safety um I don't um have this happen too often but on Friday um Dave philli comes knocks on my door and takes me out into the parking lot and says uh this car is not one of our cars and it's it's about 5:45 in the morning I'm like how do you know it's not one of our cars and he goes because I know it's not one of our cars and he said so I went to the cameras and I watched and and um I was able to prove that it's not one of our cars so we called the uh right County sheriff and they did a um a a um just a check on the car at what possibilities it might have been and the sheriff department was able to give us um a determination that we are all good but it just the the video didn't look the best of what was leaving the car and and how they were leaving but then once we got the description of from the right County as they looked into it we were able to give um a rational why but you don't you're not able to have peace of mind if it isn't for Dave Philip to start that conversation and recognize um a car in a parking lot was not one of ours at 5:45 in the morning so couldn't be more proud of him as well those are my two shout outs for today thank you superintendent Olsson and coming off of um Sarah Welk's presentation on Safety and Security that is very reassuring um you know safety is not just one person or one committee it's everybody knowing something doesn't look right you know the the old see something say something so um I just really want to thank you for sharing that story with custodian Dave philli because had that been a bad situation it's good to know someone was alert so quick so thank you to Dave philli for that moving on to item number e we're going to have superintendent Olsen uh give us a briefing on rally to read awesome so rally to read um a community initiative um we had two Community meetings um the first meeting being a meeting to call Our Community Action uh we invited 50 people um across the district uh Business Leaders um School Personnel that are connected to literacy especially early literacy Administration and instead of the 50 that we invited um 85 showed up um our second meeting we had a lot of um resources of Early Childhood um uh presentations that uh would help guide um future work that we could do in the community um so resources and we have these uh companies share some of the um offerings that they they bring to the table um Jen Johnson and Jeremiah Mack are both in the audience here and those two are the most influential people on our committee right now and so the the big committee um uh you could tell that we have the interest from the big committee and now it's it's having um a small group of people to make sure that we go uh connect with um different organizations across the town to make sure that the work that uh we that the big committee thought we could do that we Fe that we feasibly can do it and you have to have backing of of your community um Marlo sherber is a person that is not in the um audience right now but she is a person um from the public library that has been at all of our small planning meetings and has been absolutely instrumental um in connecting some of the literacy things in the community that we were doing and bringing them to the table so now that we can expand on them so the the rally to read is all about uniting um Community Action um over something that's good um and I don't think there's anything better than um helping a child read we think it's the great equalizer in our nation um has been able to learn and we believe that all children can learn and we want to help um uh make a system so that every child has um resources so I'm going to describe briefly three different um committees that we're going to be moving forward with and then um the some of the work will be U connected back to the committee as we have an October uh meeting um with the community but the things that we feel we can do this committee now this community now um I'll have you scroll down to that first group Gavin um is the community connections um team and this team is taking what mark Mar was doing at the public library so she and a group of retired teachers were doing books for babies and books for babies um is is a great program and and it connects a relationship with our centri care and um and Mara sherber and her group at the public library and it gives every child a free book and an envelope of resources upon their birth um that's great but what Marlo was telling us is that um in that envelope was a coupon for um a second free book and hardly anybody was coming back for that second free book and so that we know if um we have literacy challenges um to overcome a na in a nation in a state in a community um we want to try capture and build a system that doesn't forget students who are children who are 0 to four and it's not to create reading programs but it's to create support programs so that the um families have the support and resources that they need so the the biggest thing that we're going to do in this committee is we are going to create um a partnership with uh Imagination Library and Imagination Library is a doly Parton uh group and it brings one um book to every child per month and so um we feel like that age appropriate book um is it's taking that that uh Foundation that Mara built and it's growing it to a capacity where children between the ages of zero to four will um get a free book every month and so 48 books by time they finish uh being four years old so we're really excited um about that um partnership um that we're going to create Center Care is still going to be a partner of this one and so are uh several right County program programs um we're going to have to track students in this one track children using uh our census which we already do we have a census program that tells us about the birth of of children um from um the the area people living in our community and so anybody who doesn't come through the center care system to get signed up um through um an iPad that's at centri care and getting their book for baby um bag at at uh centri care we will be able to um get a generate a list and right county says they're pretty excited about taking um Sheriff cars to go um deliver gifts and and uh books and resources to these homes and so it's a it's a a program that um other communities have had high success to get uh your your uh Sheriff Department out in the community doing fun things in neighborhoods so we're pretty excited about that partnership that uh they came forward um and have shared that they will um excitedly be part of um and then if you go ahead that's really the the foundation of of that commit committee and then the second committee I just want to talk about is an education and awareness team um right now Jen is working on building a cohort of of folks um but there are a lot of different places that children can go to during their zero to four years and so we only um you know when children are um three and four um we are only getting about 50% into our early childhood programs and we know that there are many great in home daycares there's uh many Center day cares there's many families who have um stay-at-home uh parents um or members of their family to take care of their children just lots of different options out there and we want to make sure that we have a cohort to um develop some you know foundational things that we're doing across the community community and so Jen's going to be building that cohort and along with the cohort um they'll also be um strategies um to um host parent evening uh parent uh sessions um whether they're connected to things that we're already doing in our schools or um our um elementary middle school high school already do lots of amazing events so some um in some instances we'll connect some literacy pieces to those events and then in other cases we'll build them right at um different organizations across the town I know that Cargill said that they'd love to host one right in their facility or right at the community center so now it's them um being in their and their people um they um hire um a very uh diverse background and and great representation of of our community and so it would be great to help um those families be um connected to the resources um that are best practices for children in their zero to four years um that's the the those are the two main things for that one I'm just trying to summarize and then our final um um strategy will be in every kid everyday team and we're going to um start to develop some um different uh ways to partner with some organizations that are already going and and build upon those but Minnesota reading Corps early reading Corp um create some uh touring scenarios and then also um having some adopt uh um adopted child opportunities um just like we heard from um our nwta scholarships are a big part of of how you connect um resources to all families and so um really um making that big component of this is trying to gain some scholarships more scholarships for uh students and families who who need that opportunity so yeah those are I think our our biggest uh pieces of the puzzle we have um Partnerships um some of them are in the works and um I I mean I know some dollar amounts that are going to be coming in um and we'll start to see those so now you'll have a Prelude to when those dollar amounts start to come in you might see one um in the next couple weeks for $7,500 donation is one that I know that's probably coming in first um and then there are other large ones that they're just trying to decide on how best to um maximize uh their their giving um utilizing the different programs of their company so um we're going to see um this kind of kind of go a fast way and then we'll give our our committee an update of of how we got it paired down to things that we can do not the brainstorming that we did as a committee on the first two sessions so these are all things that we can do and we will we are on course to do now there is a Statewide rally to read um um nonprofit that has been developed and they had their first fundraiser last week and um Jeremiah and I attended that along with Monica Martin a rotarian from and it was a very um cool opportunity there were some legislators there um it's uh we're trying to really kick this um into full gear both at the Statewide level and um here in Monty they're calling us the Prototype you might have read a couple stories in the star trib but um we're really trying to be um Innovative I know that I believe it's chassic Chan but uh there's another Community out there that just uh received a funding to do the Imagination Library um so we're we're not the the front car but we're pretty darn close and I'm proud of all of our Partnerships um that I've mentioned here um today and will be um strengthening those Partnerships and relationships um over this next year where I think we'll be in full implementation mode um in in one year but we're going to start Imagination Library this fall thank you superintendent Olson I'd like to also um connect this project to a couple of different things one is the read Act passed by the legislature last year our elementary teachers in particular have been um deeply involved with with training and um applying a lot of those principles to the way that we teach literacy and reading to our youngest Learners and this program definitely um coordinates with that I also wanted to you mentioned we're may not be in the first car but we're certainly you know leading the traffic behind us along with that um our program is so unique um that we've applied for um a uh submit a proposal to present it at the state leadership conference in January so we'll be finding out in November if we're for that or not um but we certainly think that it's worthy at this point as a model for other districts so just to connect our literacy goals our academic Improvement goals as a district the read act and professional uh collaboration across all of the Continuum I think this program is really exemplary so moving on to I have a quick question um in terms of goals for financial contribution from the community do you have a specific one I did you mention it I know there's one here for the r to read but um yeah each one of the Committees does have um a dollar amount that um you know that um is a goal um I I took those off right now just because I I didn't want to you know as we have a pretty lofty goal when it comes to scholarships um you know and and what is the price of uh preschool um okay and so if you if you think if I took the number 20 um as a starter and times 8,000 I mean that's a lofty goal but we did want to um you know have some lofty goals in here as well just because we think it is literacy is a great equalizer and if you don't build something um you know you you is going to be chasing and making it harder for elementary um folks and Middle School folks to play catch up with with uh uh academics that's awesome and I do want to do a public shout out to Jen Johnson um she's involved in a lot in our district in helping out so it doesn't go unnotice um and you gladly take on initiatives like this to make um it better for early Learners in our district so thank you any comments or questions from the rest of the board I'm sorry for rushing that a bit there Jamie okay moving on um safe and healthy culture um we're going to be hearing from Tina Burkholder our director of Business Services on our preliminary tax levy and board members this is an action item all right so I have our latest preliminary tax levy latest as of September 13 there's probably been a revision or two since then but haven't been able to get back to it uh but overall the levy is decreasing from the previous year our general fund Levy is going down mainly um in our voter approved referendum we saw larger adjustments in the voter approved referendum for the inflation adjustment so they were trying to catch that up based on uh actual calculations vers is we've seen smaller inflation adjustments in the 25 Levy proposed Levy uh in our operating Capital we see an increase and that is mainly to property values increasing so more is going towards Levy and lesses coming in through state aid we've seen a decrease in re-employ Reemployment or unemployment Levy mainly because uh we had a we have to estimate what we think are un unemployment cost will be and so previously two three years ago our unemployment costs were 80,000 well then the following year it was 50,000 I wasn't betting it was going down um so there was an adjustment in that uh followup after you turn in your um Financial numbers um Community Ed is going up a little bit mainly with the ECFE Early Childhood family education calculations and then our Debt Service fund is going down mainly with the reduction in excess fund balance because we have to Levy 105% of our bond payments just in case people aren't paying their taxes they want to make sure what we Levy for is being um covered um but they look at our fund balance and if it gets too high they give it back to the prop to the debt to The Debt Service fund um but I do know based on the uh latest calculation I just looked at the overall total so I'm not sure again where it's at um it's still going down about a a minus 1.16% oh or a decrease of 168,000 almost 169,000 um but I am recommending that the board approve the levy to the max that's what the motion would be um versus a set dollar amount because um I think there are some leas Levy amounts that we're still missing and so we don't want to uh lose out on any of that lease Levy Revenue that helps pay for our leases but I don't think it'll go above a zero like I I still think overall our Levy will be a decrease at the end of the month when everything gets finalized questions for Tina from the board when you say you you explain that yep so for example we have to put in our proposed lease levies in for 25 for this school year and then we also have to report actuals for last year I don't see right technicals leases in there and so we like we paid that last year so we want to make sure we get that money to pay for those costs so right now when I look at your spreadsheet it shows even if we Levy to the max we're still going down $194,000 roughly yep any additional discussion from the board so we have a recommendation for an approval for the property tax levy to the Max and I'll entertain a motion full move seconded moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Jamie sein all those in favor of approving the property tax levy to the maximum as presented please say I I I any opposed please say no motion passes 60 thank you Tina thank you now we are going to have uh Director of Human Resources Mr Rob Daner with a collection of policies for second reading welcome Mr Daner evening chair zbar members of the boarden olon and a collection of policies it is we have of policies uh for second read tonight um we're going to start with 522 this is a REI revision of our Title 9 sex sex non-discrimination policy and grievance procedure um the federal uh guidelines regulations uh what have you uh for title line change effect of August 1st um the current policy we have on in place does not conform uh with um the the updated uh RS on that and so we're recommending um that this be um uh updated tonight and so the general statement of policy policy uh states that the school district does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any educational program or activity that it operates as required by Title 9 including an employment um and so uh that's the overview of 522 um I I want to pause for just a moment and say why don't we go ahead um do we want to approve each one of these individually or approve them as a group does the board have a feeling on that should have asked that ahead of time but there's so many of them I think the last bulk we did as a group we did that's one stuck out we we'll allow the opportunity for discussion after each policy um and then we can always sever them if we need to for the vote um the next one is uh an addendum to 522 and so what's different in um the 522 and addendum proposal for this evening is that our existing policy 522 is basically a bulk uh policy this one separates uh the the essential policy to 522 and then procedures essentially are the 522 addendum um so the um statement here the school district has adopted these grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and Equitable resolution of complaints made by students employees and other individuals who are participating or attempting to participate in its educational program or activity or by the title 9 coordinator alleging any action that would be prohibited by Title 9 or the title 9 regulations and then I believe with this one it was to also expedite some of the processes in there so there wasn't so much for lack of better terms red tape in between all the procedural processes so we can move faster if there's an issue that's accurate and so with the uh with the new regulations uh we may theoretically be able to resolve a title n complaint in as little as one day as um as you state um board member root uh the previous policy did have some significant um time uh timely practices involved that were um um that were embedded into the process because I think it could have been up to 90 days I think wasn't it yeah so the federal government under the previous version of Title 9 uh basically they expected that um Title 9 complaints would be resolved Within days and even moving quickly through that process it would easily take over 70 days right through the process okay moving on all right the next one is uh policy 2011 this is the legal status of the Schoolboard so this next uh series 201 202 uh down through 206 these are um part of our review cycle I should just preface with that so some of these are fairly perfunctory in nature but um have not been reviewed or um revised in quite some time so 2011 the purpose here is the Care Management and control of the schools is vested by statutory and constitutional Authority in the school board the school board shall carry out the mission of the school district with diligence prudence and dedication to the ideals of providing the finest public education the purpose of this policy is to define the authority duties and powers of the school board in carrying out its Mission any questions or comments on 2011 no as I recall there's no substantial changes corre no changes of any kind most of these there was no in most of the set there was no uh substantial changes through 2011 through 206 moving to 202 uh this is Schoolboard officers the purpose of this policy the Schoolboard officers are charged with the duty of carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to them for the Care Management and control of the public schools of the school district purpose of this policy is to delineate those responsibilities any questions from the board y next one is 203 this is titled operation of the school board governing rules the purpose of this policy is to provide governing rules for the conduct of meetings of the school board again any questions from the board or discussion okay thank youing none we'll go to 203.ersp.biz school board and I should just note that in here the um the adoption of this policy does not bind the school board to PO uh to follow these rules of order uh strong suggestions of course but the board May Define their own Rules of Order questions or commentary from the board okay moving on um the next one is 203 point2point and again this one does provide some flexibility to the board um it does state in order but it also has a catchall phrase the school board will at all regular school board meetings follow an order uh an agenda order similar to dot dot discussion from the board okay thank you next 206 and this is the last one of the set for um uh review uh every three years public participation Schoolboard meetings slash complaints about persons at Schoolboard meetings and data privacy considerations the per um the purpose uh there's two purposes to this policy first the school board recognizes the value of participation by the public in deliberations and decisions on school board School District matters at the same time the school board recognized the importance of conducting orderly and efficient proceedings with opportunity for expression of all participants respective views secondly the purpose of this policy is to provide procedures to sure open and orderly public discussion as well as to protect the due process and privacy rights of individuals under the law and of course this policy was um heavily discussed in many districts um during the co era especially when um opportunities participate were somewhat limited discussion from the okay all right then we move to uh the last two for tonight um and these were updates from uh msba and were um in limbo for some time uh specifically because of uh the SRO legislation which um now seems to be um completed and in its finality so the first one is policy number 507 corporal punishment and prone restraint the purpose of this policy is to describe limitations on the use of corporal punishment and prone restraint upon a student of course not only SRO are subject to this but all District employees and Personnel working with students are subject to this but it was um again in the in the new quite a bit because of uh SRO issues discussion from the board okay thank you and then the last one is uh 507.00 five specifically subdivisions 9 11 and 13 which help to define the contractual duties and training requirements of an SRO discussion from the board so these policies while it may seem that we're going through them rather rapidly we do have three board members that sit on policy committee we have uh visited these um in excruciating detail um for many months now um many of these are statutory requirements and our model policies for btim coming from the Minnesota school boards Association so we don't really have a lot of freedom uh according to what our lawyers tell us to deviate from those policies so we do have 10 policies before us um and we have an action item for that seconded moved by Jeff hegley seconded by Jamie sein to approve the policies as presented 522 522 addendum 2011 202 203 23.1 203.27 507 and 507.00 thank you Mr Daner any um additional comments or discussion from the board before we adjourn finding none we are adjourned at 7:27 we will reconvene at 730 for work session we are in adjournment thank you e e for