##VIDEO ID:qZZQH0xyEtg## spe e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome it is 5:01 p.m. to January 6 51 p.m. organizational school board meeting we'd like to call to order I said i' do that without smiling and I still smiled let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right now looking for approval of the agenda it's all moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no motion passes 5 I'd like to note devony that um board member Jeff hegley is not present for tonight's board meeting all right so tonight is um our organizational board meeting any member of the board May nominate any other board member including themselves nominations do not require a second all nominations require three calls for nominations before closing out the nomination process if a single nomination is made the board chair will announce election by acclamation if there are multiple nominations we will um do a vote all right so we will move right along into our nominations um our first one on the agenda is um opening up nominations for the chairperson I'd like to nominate Jamie SE as chairperson is there any other nominations second any other nominations if there are no further nominations nominations for board chair is now closed that's Jamie Sten is the only candidate nominated for the office of chair and I hereby declare her elected by acclamation and direct the acting clerk to do so record it in the minutes all right next we will move on to opening up nominations for vice chair treasure I'd like to nominate Casey root for vice chair Treasurer any other nominations any other nominations if there's no further nominations nominations for vice chair treasure is now closed Casey root is the only candidate nominated for the vice chair treasure position I hereby declare him elected by acclamation and direct the acting clerk to so record in the minutes next we will open nominations for the clerk I'd like to nominate Melissa Curtis any other nominations we have to do this three times folks any other nominations if there's no further nominations we will now close the nominations and Melissa Curtis is the only candidate nominated for the clerk position I here BL I declare her elected by acclamation and direct the acting clerk to so record in the the minutes next order of business is action to appoint superintendent to the board as a nonvoting ex officio member this is an action item Soul moved second Soul moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no action motion passes 5 item e designation of the official newspaper of District number 882 which is the monacello times this is an action item so moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no motion passes 5 item F designation of school board committee assignments this one for those of you in the audience that don't know the school board members are on multiple committees assignments and Liaisons on top of um their normal board duties and so these are something that has been um pre-assigned and posted for all the board members to go through and so um we just need a motion to approve the committee assignments as posted so moved second so moveed by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I those opposed say no motion passes 5 on to item G designation of official District depositories this is an action item so moved second mov by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no motion passes 5 Z Item H establish school board meeting structure for the regular school board meetings to take place on the third Monday of each month at 6 pm. the first Monday of each month is a regular school board meeting beginning at 5:00 p.m. these meetings will typically be followed by a work session in the event that a work session or regular school board meeting is cancelled due to unseen circumstances such as inclement weather the meeting will be rescheduled for the following day at the same time this is an action item so moved second mov by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no motion passes 5 item I motion to to participate in federally funded programs this is an action item all moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I I those opposed say no motion passes 5-0 item J legal council and authorized contracts our legal council of squares wallberg and mace who have been the same firm that we've used for very a a lot of years this is an action item so moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I those opposed say no motion passes 5 item K School District authorized contracts for legal councel that would be our superintendent Eric Olson Director of Business Services Tina Burkholder human resource director Rob Daner School Board chair and director of special education John Weekley this is an action item so moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no motion passes 5 item L designation of authorized Personnel to enter into sign contractual agreements with our district superintendent Eric Olsen Director of Business Services Tina Burkholder and Human Resources Director Rob Daner this is an action item still moved second moved by Melissa Curtis move moved by Melissa ctis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I I all those opposed say no motion passes 5 item M on the agenda designation of authorized signatures to be accepted by the official depositories that is the chairperson vice chair treasur secretary clerk Director of Business Services Tina Burkholder controller Amy stalo and accountant Cindy brny this is an action item so moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I all right all those opposed say no motion passes 5 give one second all right good now we're on to item o this is a resolution to approve annual designation of identified official with authority for MD e external user access recertification system the Minnesota Department of Education professional educator licensing Standards Board and the office of higher education require annual designation of an identified official with authority for each local educational agency that uses the education identity access management system the Iowa is responsible for authorizing reviewing and recertifying user access for their local educational agency in accordance with the state of Minnesota Enterprise identity an access management standard which states that all user access rights to Minnesota state systems must be reviewed and certified at least annually the Iowa will authorize user access to state of Minnesota education secure systems in accordance with the users assigned job duties and will revoke that users access when it is no longer needed to perform their job duties your school board are equivalent governing board must designate an Iowa to authorize user access to state of Minnesota education secure websites for your organization this Edam board resolution must be completed and submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education annually as well as anytime there is a change in the assignment of the identified official with authority it is strongly recommended that only one person at the local educational agency or organization typically the superintendent or director is designated if the local educational agency or organization assigns this rule to more than one person identify each designated person in this board resolution um do I just that's good this is an action item or second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I I all those opposed say no motion passes 0 we're going to go back to item number n designation of authorized Personnel to make electronic wired transfers superintendent Eric Olsen Director of Business Services Tina Burkholder HR manager Zach arry payroll specialist Tom Kirk haer kicker and controller Amy stck this is an action item so moved second by Melissa Curtis second did by Casey root all those in favor say I I those opposed say no motion passes 5 on to item P which is a resolution directing the administration to make recommendations regarding the reduction Andor discontinuance of programs and positions and reasons therefore according to the statute whereas the financial limitations of the district dictate that the school board must reduce expenditures and or there has been a reduction in overall student enrollment and whereas this reduction in expenditures and or this decrease in student enrollment May necess necessitate the discontinuance or reduction of programs and or the discontinuance or reduction of positions and whereas a determination must be made as to whether programs or positions must be reduced and or discontinued be it resolved by the school board of independent District 882 as follows that the school board hereby directs the superintendent and administration to consider the discontinuance and or reduction of programs or positions to effectuate e economies in the district and reduce expenditures and or as a result of a reduction in enrollment and make recommendations to the school board for the discontinuance of programs reduction of programs discontinuance of positions or the reduction of positions second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I opposed say no motion passes 5 item Q resolution establishing combined polling places for a special school board election not held on the same day as a Statewide election okay another long one be it resolved by the school board of Independent School District 882 the state of Minnesota as follows pursuant to Minnesota statute use section 205a do11 the precincts and polling places for school district elections are those precincts or parts of precincts located within the boundaries of the school district which have been established by the cities or towns located in whole or in part within the school district the board hereby confirms these precincts and pooling places so established by those municipalities pursuant to Minnesota statute section 205a the board May establish a combined polling place for several precincts for school district elections not held on the day of a Statewide election each combined polling place must be a polling place that has been designated by a county or a municipality the following combined polling places are established to serve the precincts specified for all School District special and general elections not held on the same day as a Statewide election the combined polling place is the monacello community Center Gym 505 Walnut Street mon solo Minnesota um this combined polling place serves as all territory in Independent School District 882 located in Becker Township Big Lake City Big Lake Township Buffalo Township Clearwater Township Maple Lake Township monello and monello Township oigo and Silver Creek Township all in rone Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota statute section 2059 the polling places will remain open for voting for school district elections not held on the same day as a Statewide election between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. as required by Minnesota statute section 204b do6 subdivision 1A the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give written notice of a new polling place locations to each affected household with at least one registered voter in the school district whose School District polling place location has been changed the notice must be a non-portable notice mailed at least 25 days before the date of the first election to which it registrat status to challenged in the Statewide registration system this is an action item second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I I all those opposed say no motion passes 5 Z Item r designation of devony Moore Communications specialist in school board liaison as the official par parliamentarian for the Monella School Board this is an action item so moved second by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I those opposed say no motion passes 5 and we adjourn this meeting at 5 519 p.m. followed by our regular school board meeting that we will start immediately after all right it is welcome everyone it is 5:20 p.m. on January 6 2025 welcome to the regular school board meeting of Independent School District number 882 uh we are looking for approval of the consent of the agenda so moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no motion passes 0 devony I'd like to note that school board member Jeff hegley is not present for this meeting all right we have no citizen comments tonight so we'll move on to item number four fiscal stability um looking for approval of our consent agenda so moved second moved by Melissa Curtis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I I opposed say no motion passes 5 now we're on to item number five collaborative collections we have a resolution for acceptance of gifts that superintendent Eric Wilson will go over have two to bring for good day Car Wash they have contacted our activities director thank you uh two to bring forward here today sounds much better thank you Gavin um good day Car Wash formerly known as do north um they contacted activities director and would like to donate um an ongoing monthly donation of $1,500 um per month um and then that's uh to go to the activities uh Department to support all the activities offered um at the monol school district if this ever stops we will let um you know of the SE notice but otherwise that is just an ongoing monthly uh donation um also like like to bring forward um an uh a great contribution from the American Legion Post 260 uh $1,500 um for Softball Field improvements um so just a a combination of um some dirt work and some fencing um that's what that money will be used for um these are two great donations going um in this in this meeting towards activities but we want to continue to thank our community for the great support they give of all our programs whether they're academic activities um Andor um just the support for uh student needs therefore be it resolved by the monello school board 882 to gratefully accept the following donations good day Car Wash 1500 ongoing monthly donation to be used by the activities director to support all of the activities offered by mon solo school district and the American Legion Post 260 for 1500 for Softball Field improvements second moved by Melissa ctis seconded by Casey root all those in favor say I I those opposed say no motion passes 5 now we get to welcome up to the podium uh monel school dean of students Katie Frick and monel school art teacher Britney moral to talk about the Middle School unified Art Club proposal welcome hopefully could become a unified Art Club here at the monacello middle school so for those of you that don't know what unified art is it is going to be an art Club after school for students of regular abilities and special abilities bringing them together to collaborate to make art and to be seen a lot of times these students they can't have art because it doesn't fit into their schedule very well and so what I'm looking to do is to bring them into the community more and to have them really be seen and to be heard for the art club I'm thinking about having a one: one ratio with students two to one possibly depending on how much interest there is and what the goal be would be I have a lot of objectives that I would love to go over when it comes to this our club and I'm very excited about all of them the biggest one that I really want to hit home on is I really want to encourage Community engagement and really build on the community that monacillo middle school already has I think it is absolutely amazing and I love being the art teacher there but I do think there is something missing not having those kids have art while they are in the middle school and so I really want the objective to be building on that community that is already there within the middle school project examples I do have a bunch more than this this is just a sample I would be going off of a curriculum that was built by special educa um Special Olympics by an art teacher in Maple Grove actually and so depending on the students that are interested who we get I would be able to go through that entire curriculum and see what would fit the needs of the students specifically and then we can tailor it to fit those students as well so a couple examples that I have here identity collages we have ceramic relief story quilts we have a woven wall hanging collaborative art projects a lot of times these art projects are going to be students doing things separately and they learn from one another but then there will be plenty of times as well where they collaborate to make the art together as well so the ideal schedule meeting time obviously this could differ based upon how many students are interested what their schedules look like what support looks like as well I'm hoping it' be about 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. after school Monday through Wednesdays consistently each week from maybe March to April sometime in there just so we have enough time each week to get through a project and we not starting something and then having to go back to it the next week when a club comes back around um so I've already been very vocal within the school talking to people about who would be interested in doing a student staff par professional because obviously that is a very big one that needs to be considered for this club up here I do have an examples of two pair of supports that are already very interested in bringing this to the middle school and for my first year I would love to handpick specific students just to make sure that the club is very successful and we can start off on the the right foot and so I've been having those conversations with students and their parents and these are just a few examples of people that are already interested so some other details I would love to also showcase this to the community once everything is done so I did start a middle school art club and art show last year at the end of the year and so at the end of this Art Club depending on when that falls with my regular art show I would love there also to be an art show for this as well to Showcase them so not only families can come and see what they've been doing but the community can as well and I would love to either get out on social media and start a social media page for this Art Club art in general at the middle school just so that can be promoted more or just be on the monacell um social media page more as well so some goals Foster creative expressionism obviously fa facilitate artistic growth and skill development as many as there is on there like I said the one thing I am aiming to do is to build a strong supportive Community within the middle school because I do see there is a need for that based off of what I've experienced my last year here and I'm Katie frick I'm our dean of students and activities director at the middle school and the final piece that we want to talk about just is that Financial commitment so with any new activity or club that we bring to our school there is that Financial commitment that we have what makes this one a little bit different than our typical clubs typically our clubs as long as we get 20 students that actually covers the cost um of the advisor and then anything additional to that goes to our club funds um but with this club we are looking at that additional funding that we need for Paris support depending on what students we get um and so when we're looking at those additional um fees that we would need the funding we are looking at some fundraising options so at the middle school we've been looking at some creative ways that we can fund raise um such as some different concessions uh STS during events that we've been having um we're also looking at maybe bringing in some fundraising during the school day um with lunch before and after school and then we're also looking at some different grants uh around and then Special Olympics is able to do some funding for our first year as well um so we're confident that we would be able to fund this appropriately but that is just kind of a different Financial commitment that is with this club that's not with some of our other ones that's about all I have for you guys I wanted to keep it short not take too much of your time but I'm curious if you had any questions or comments that you'd want to talk about yeah you bet thanks for coming in to uh share this with us uh you mentioned that you talked to the students and parents already Yes uh what would you say was the response from the parents I have so many people that are Beyond ecstatic I have not gotten feedback push back on this and obviously I know that can come from different areas when it comes to parent schools everything like that but everyone is extremely excited and they think this is an amazing opportunity okay and then can you and maybe this is for you miss Frick to um elaborate on the lunch fundraiser you mentioned we're still figuring that one out I have been working with Mr olssen with some ideas of like I in the past the middle school has had different opportunities to um like the slushy Buton I was asking Mr Coldwell about but there's some different things that they've done in the past um and I know the high school does some things too such as their Cafe oh I'm getting looks um but some different ways of just being really creative that we can fund raise money that would directly go back to our students and so just kind of trying to brainstorm some of those and when Mr Olen and I have uh connected just to figure that out um kind of those next steps but we're confident that we'd be able to bring some of those forward okay I would say that she knows that her goal is uh to run a budget neutral program so um that's they're committed to that as well so Mr cwell has a slush fund no not years ago there was a slushy but started she would have to work with the food department on that one to make sure that our our food my ment to are giving me really good ideas not a slush fund that was I had to thank you U well that's pretty exciting too that Special Olympics will help support especially the first year and then you said there's grants how far have you guys gotten looking into that and are they a couple year out grants are they renewable grants yep there's three different grants that I've been looking at one of of them is um taking applications for actually next school year um some of them are so far as like over the summer um there's a couple through like the Minnesota Institute of Art has a couple um Special Olympics has one in general uh and then there's one additional one that's actually the purpose is helping to start unified art programs um some of them are kind of like uh as you apply you get the funding and then others it takes a couple months for them to consider um but considering that we're really trying to go for the unified program we're really hopeful that we would be given opportunity to start one and have you talked and partnered with the high school group then I'm assuming as well since you're communicating with Mr coell and uh we have communicated a little bit with our adapted Sports who's our adapted coach again Craig Craig yeah um he says that he'd be willing to help us out once it was up and running okay yeah because our high school program is fantastic and so they know just what needs to be done to get a program like that started off the right way so any other comments I think it's a great Club to bring forward there's a lot of opportunity for for all the students and staff and parents involved so well thank you for your hard work and we look forward to hearing more in the future thank you you all right next on our agenda we're going to bring monell mdle School Doo students back up uh Katie Frick and 7 grade English teacher Ashley Kennedy to talk about the Magic Dance Company new club proposal hi um as you said my name is Ashley keny I am the English seven teacher at monello Middle School um yeah and so I'm going to propose a new club The Magic Dance Company um first let's start with some of the objectives I came up with uh first and foremost the core route of this club would be to bring dance to every student interested in 6 to8 um dance can really be an exclusive kind of atmosphere um so therefore we're trying to make it a little bit more inclusive creating a no trial all levels from beginner to Advanced um kind of Club most importantly we're thinking about the kind of differentiation in groups dance to create an inclusive production as well as environment my end goal and what I kind of predict is this am I close enough can this be heard okay perfect sorry um my end goal is I hope to create a showcase so students can promote their hard work as well as kind of like the different styles um um I was lucky enough to be taught and um I went to college I dance um I have a minor in dance to be studying and a variety of different styles so kind of creating that differentiation of there are multiple variables of kind of different dances that students are interested in as well as um kind of creative outlooks for levels um as I said kind of to students to let to let students collaborate in a positive experience as said our and goal is to create this collaborative kind of showcase case um if not to the public or to the parents at least to each other um show what it kind of looks like um when we're able to kind of create different dances but come together and create at least one performance as a production um once again to kind of foster creative creativity encouraging students to promote Innovative approaches to Academia um I don't know how many people here are comfortable dancing but you can kind of have um you when you moving your body in different kind of formats you kind of meet that kind of adversity what you also meet in the academic profession so kind of thinking of different ways to go about not only finding ways to move your body but you can kind of place that into the classroom where you are meeing these challenges how can we encourage and how can we get out of our comfort zone to become a bit better as not only like as I said right now this is a Dancer kind of thing but as a student as well how can we Foster confidence in our uncomfortability um and that kind of goes into my last objective to let students step out out of their comfort zone without the pressure of perfection a lot of a dance especially in the performance aspect you are being watched and you kind of feel especially Middle School um you think you're in this huge fush Bowl where students are watching your peers are always watching you but when you're able to step out of that comfort so and and kind of be in an atmosphere where you're just encouraged to try encouraged to move and not necessarily be perfect it kind of can build that confidence and once again that collaborative environment which is what is my objective for this goal as I said I have been thankfully taught and have studied many styles of dance since I was very young as I start this club these are the ones that I think would be most interested for the students Jazz hip-hop specifically uh lyrical contemporary musical theater I did a lot of Swing I don't know as I said we're doing for middle school I'm not sure how many of them want to be dancing with Partners right now they're in like seating charts they don't want to be next to a boy so I don't know how that would go um ballet and I have Dum palom these are some schedules um recently since this has been posted I switch do Monday practices it go about 3 to four and hopefully as I said one performance whether that be for public parents or just for students yeah and so since my end goal is to have about 10 different performances truly depends on the numbers I get it could just be six different groups um I just kind of showed what it would look like to make sure that each student was getting a specific routin for their interest as well as collaborative work collaboratively working as I said towards that kind of production which would be all the students as well as um getting taught on their level and taught on their interest so not every student so that every student is felt like their kns are being met yeah these are kind of like really fine details I'll kind of brief over them in case you if you want to hear uh students are going to communicate through the app band this is where they're going to like make sure they have their videos to communicate with each other but also to be practicing at home once again as I said um our goal is kind of be differentiating to making sure every student has kind of a need or an interest met in dance so they not are they're not all going to be learning the exact same routines um students are going be split into different groups based off their interest and based off their skill level as I mentioned at the very beginning our goal is to create performance of a minimum of 10 dances if not it really depends on what numbers we get um each dancer will perform in the production piece a production piece is just kind of get that first entrance number um and hopefully two other dances just so they can kind of get into their initial year learning what it is like to um not only have the challenge of like remembering but challenge of moving your body um eventually I'm not sure if this is the year to do it as I said it's going to be initial year if this gets accepted um I would love to give opportunities for students to learn to choreograph understanding it would be under my supervision I think choreographing especially if you've been doing dance for a while offer offers a unique opportunity to um once again we kind of talked about the or I talked about the adversity of thinking outside the box so now you've been taught to learn and to think and to follow but now to get creative which as I said could kind of go into the academic kind of classroom portion um I would like to give that opportunity whether or not this will be the founding year to do that um once again most importantly I think as I said Middle School is a very like you think everybody's watching you it's a fishbowl environment letting students step out of their comfort zone and feel comfortable in doing so and supported by their peers that is probably the biggest goal of this club and those are just some things I got to think about especially like scheduling like that last performance what would that look like if this club was able to be proposed where sorry okay but yeah next one I don't think okay oh the next one's just my posters oh if you want to see them she designed a lot of posters Miss Kennedy was really excited about bringing this idea forward um she's a newer teacher at our school and dance is one of her passions um and so when she came with this idea I thought it was a really great opportunity to get some of our students involved who maybe don't want the full-time commitment of like a high school dance commitment or newer um this would be ran as your typical um Club at our school um so with that per our contract with so many students is a certain amount of stien so we would be able to run cost neutral with this um Club as well and we already have a lot of students who are very interested in it as well if it's approved any questions when would you be looking for approval I mean the sooner the better um I think the original on this one if we um we could uh um make a change to the agenda here or um or and and have action because this one I know that you wanted to get started a little earlier um so I mean if if if you if you wanted to talk about it uh um if you had any questions or any hesitations we could we could talk about that um otherwise so then we thought about bringing the action forward um at the next board meeting so can be flexible with that start date too it's nothing that's set in stone so let's just start it at the we'll keep our standard but I know that I did see the some of the dates there so I was wondering if they wanted to have it a little bit faster but we'll we'll we'll keep our same board um format and schedule questions yeah quick question for you Miss Kennedy have you ran a dance program like this before Yes actually um this is pretty much mimicked from I ran in college I ran it was the largest dance organization at the University of Minnesota Morris it was called dance emble and it's very much so inspired by this um I ran that my junior through my out of five years so 5 years um where I was the co-chair where I had to organize about 30 different different dances and divide them all by that guaranteed um major difference is I would be choreographing all these dances at this level for the beginning I would as I said I want some students eventually co- choreograph um but no I also currently coach dance over at a competitive studio in Becker so I am quite used to coaching dance and teaching dance but for the collaborative like Club atmosphere I did this in college and that's kind of what I have luckily been able to model this after just knowing that I will do a little bit more a lot more like handson in the fostering of that creativity just so that when we talk about this um before we vote on it I want to make sure I really understand what we're trying to do so you started out talking about from what I heard that uh dance is an exclusive type of program typically so what I'm hearing is you want to make this more inclusive available for more people is that why you would want to utilize the school board to support this rather than doing something like what you're doing in Becker I think what I do in Becker is I said it's a competitive dance studio where if you are fortunate enough to be able to um afford not only the time but like the financial reasons to be on competitive teams um it's great and I said that's kind of how I grew up um my goal kind of with this as I said it was supposed to be inclusive in the sense of as I said dance can really be not includ with in the sense of financial abilities or time some students don't have the time to put into those competitive aspects so I'm hoping just by asking for like an hour a week to be able still perform and like come together collaborative be able to move their body and be able to come with a performance would allow more students to feel comfortable if they've never danced before especially at like the seventh grade level where you already think that students are looking at you picking out like kind of your flaws um feeling more comfortable without having to do the commitment nor the um Financial Financial commitment as well I hope that answered your question a bit absolutely thank you very much and if I could I'd just step back even higher and I'd go 10,000 foot view on this one and you know we have um you know reduced Middle School programming over the last couple years and um so we've asked Our Community Ed we've asked our Middle School administration we've asked our um High School administration to be creative and and offering um activities and clubs and I know at one time um there was the um a goal to you know have intermural programs and and things like that and so these these are our steps of of kind of doing business in a new way where middle school and high school um activities uh take a um uh they they do offer um a burden in front to the general fund and we're really trying to train our people like we still want these opportunities how can we run them um budget neutral but still give kids the opportunity to shine in some new ways so just some different ways and some of some activities are uh more uh readily and easily available to um offer at a budget neutral but those are good because sometimes those are your niches too to not competing for the same um basketball court you can do both activities in a different space and that from a um from a business standpoint is a good is a good model from from how I'm looking at them um they're doing what we've asked and finding those markets places that uh won't uh compete with the exact same uh spaces that are so hard to schedule give the board an idea too so we offer um a lot of different clubs at our Middle School level um this would be kind of our first movement based one to be honest with you but they're $40 so um aford a lot more affordable for families especially if they just kind of want to get into it not as big of a commitment but we have um like our crochet club we do our um American Sign Language club like so we have a lot of different variations this would just be an additional additional one for students to be able to choose from so do you expect this to also um be a fee of $40 yes it would go under our clubs so that is um our $40 fee for our clubs I definitely see where this will fill a huge gap that we have um because of not being able to do as much middle school activities like we have before in the past but then also your point on um um time class sizes are only so big for those dance studios especially the competitive ones there's tryouts and there's a lot of students that maybe didn't make the team um that they want to be on and then the financial commitment so I do feel like it fills a big gap which is awesome so thank you for your hard work and then unlike a dance studio you wouldn't have costumes right it'd be something like less financially yeah okay y got it thank you very much all right and that brings us to the end of our uh board meeting we will be having a work session following this we will reconvene in five minutes but we are adjourning the school board meeting at 5:47 p.m. thank you for coming e e