##VIDEO ID:YkB5bmASc60## States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please take roll call we have all six board members pres and about a dozen people um gathering with us today out in audience um with that chair would um um I should say yeah there's one on the last page 1 two page three under D consider approval to set a date 12 D 12d yes thank you um that we need to change that to November 14th because the canding has to be done within 10 days of the election and so the 15th is a Friday so we just set it for the 14th that Thursday uh anybody that has elementary kids that is element conference night but it also takes about 5 minutes for the for the meeting so that's something we can discuss I just wanted to point that out that we were going to make you know make that change on here but then we'll discuss and approve when it gets three that time with that change being made chair we entertain a motion for approval of the agenda with as amended so motion by Dakota is there a second second second by Amy any discussion seeing then all those in favor signify by saying I I both same sign carries next up we have uh open Forum uh there's anybody that had wished to to present anything to the board don't see anything so right we'll move on then to Mustang Spirit recognition and looks like BR come on up ending could I have Dale and Kelly come on up all right so uh homecoming day is a tremendous undertaking it's not something that staff want to take on no one applies for that position unfortunately because I think of how much stress it is and how big of a headache it is and the feedback I got from our students this year was it's it was the best day ever I heard multiple kids say best homecoming Day Ever um you know with the new building we had perfect weather outside they had a lot of tweaks that happened um we moved the booths down to kind of the science area so there was more space they've always had cot or popcorn in the past this year they had cotton candy also they worked into the night with a team of people making cotton candy um you should have seen them I mean it was it was a sight to see there is a video actually uh the goal was to have one bag cotton candy for every student um special education there was one hour reserved with the inflatables for all actually K through 12 um special education students so they're not you know navigating that with everyone else else um the petting zoo and the car show those were kind of nixed last year when we came up to the new school they brought that back lot of tweaks um Kelly you went above and beyond with Gathering feedback from students to see what they are really looking for and with the planning Dale you went above and beyond driving to the cities to pick up all that Inflatables uh saved us 925 bucks um he picked him up brought him back set up the stuff I was overall it was just a memorable day for students and we're so lucky to have your dedication thank you thanks way to last time you were sick I couldn't do that so our Mustang spirit for the month of October goes to Matt Anderson uh he's been a great reedition I think is that how we say that coming back to the elementary uh always available on a moment's notice um always professional always upbeat um always able to give me historical answers uh with his background at the History Center and just a great resource for our teachers Beyond uh custodial and maintenance so I appreciate everything that you're doing for us and what a great job organizing the back receiving area it just looks almost like a hospital back there in the 6 weeks that he has been there he has transform things and have I bugged you at all no liar he just as he's doing now he serves us with a smile even though he's busy and pulled in so many different directions he keeps a positive attitude staff have commented like wow he he is right on getting us our stuff right away truly amazing we are so happy to have you back we're blessed the sensory room is blessed because you've dedicated your time there as well so thank you for being back with us Matt you you really do a great job and happy to have you there yeah yeah it's good to be on days we'll keep you thanks yeah I'd like Cory Shredder to come up Corey is uh our bus mechanic um and does a lot of other things at the bus garage it's been a pleasure to get to know Corey over the last uh four years and so one of the things that Corey I think takes an extreme amount of pride in how he takes care of the buses he makes sure that um the district is getting the best price for all the parts and making sure that um like when we bring a bus over to to get rid of it he'll take the good tires off and put on some scap tires and bring it over to make sure that we still can reuse the tires um he's really helped us um make sure that our Fleet is good and sound and as up to- date as possible he gets us some good deals on the buses like when we purchased them for example um this year we purchased uh two or three buses and we were able to secure good pricing before it went up10 to $20,000 so Matt um Cory's got such a great um and Chip have a great relationship with North Central isn't it out of St Cloud so uh we're lucky to have Corey uh on our side and he he works extremely hard so thank you Cory thank you appreciate it any other Mustang Spirit recognitions all right seeing them we move on Jackie uh annual staff development [Laughter] report they have the presentation right okay um so I have a presentation if you can eventually see it on your screens um so on the second slide it just kind of goes over some of the details of the staff development statute as kind of review for the year um because I'm guessing most of you don't live in staff development statute world most of your time um but we had so the there is a St State Statute that talks about staff development in schools um and it specifies a few things one of the things in that statute is that the majority of the district and the sitewide Committees must be made up of teachers and so we do have that that's actually statutory language that we make sure that um teachers are an integral part of planning the staff development that happens um another part of the of the statute is that the district must Reserve at least 2% of the basic revenue for staff development um and or I should say but if a majority vote of the licensed teachers and the school board wave that requirement that's possible and that is something that we have historically done is we um the teachers union votes to wave back 1% of that 2% set aside to the district um and that was something that's been historical practice um uh some districts that set aside that full 2% then will code salaries on staff development days to staff development um we don't code salaries that way and so then we wave back the 1% to the district to kind of even things out um but there is language about the the funding Reserve um in the statute and then it also says that any of our staff development activities must align with our Q comp plans if we are a q comp District which of course we are so those are just some of the things in the language of the statute and we um make sure that we follow all of those really uh carefully um on slide three it talks about our staff development for certified staff throughout the year um some of those days also include par professional staff but not as many of them um par professional staff have two days of professional development at back to school workshop and then they also come on our October 7th day so they have three days of professional development throughout the year um for certified staff we have a full day on August 29th which is the Thursday the last day of back to school Workshop we also have a full day this year um on October 7th we will have a full day on MLK day which is January 20th and I'll talk more about that a little bit later um and then March 28th we have two hours so those are kind of our district planned staff development days throughout this school year um and then in addition to that our all of our certified staff are part of a PLC a professional learning community that meet for 45 minutes every week so a lot of our staff development is done through those small group learning opportunities that happen on a weekly basis um uh our priorities are listed on slide four which include our license renewal categories um the list there includes all of the different things that we have to have at least one hour of professional development in every 5 years to renew our teaching licenses so positive behavior interventions curriculum accommodations Children's Mental Health Suicide Prevention reading preparation English Learners cultural competency and contributions of Minnesota tribal Nations so there's a lot of categories that we have to have professional development in within our five-year relicensure cycle um and we have always prioritized and Mora making sure that our district provided professional development includes those categories there are some districts that don't focus on that and then their teachers kind of have to look for outside opportunities to get all of those different categories so that's something that our staff really appreciate is that if they simply attend our regular scheduled staff development days they're able to get their categories for relicensure um we also have a focus on assessment in grading that's specifically um I shouldn't say only through qm but qm is one of the drivers of that area letters training because of the read act um adsis has been a new one making sure that our adsis teachers are trained having garanteed and viable curriculum working with Darcy on that and then staff development lead requests so we try to provide as much for our staff as they need but sometimes there are those outside opportunities for conferences and things like that and teachers apply for a staff development leave request to go to things like that we especially try to make sure that we provide those opportunities for the areas that we know were not always the best at providing professional development in our district for example um next in a week or week and a half or so our counselors are all going to a Minnesota counseling conference me as an English teacher not great at providing profession Prof development for our counselors so for us to be able to provide with our set aside staff development funds the opportunity for them to attend a counseling conference that's really helpful um our egg teacher Jennifer mcau goes to a lot of egg conferences um which is great because she's the only egg teacher in our district um and she's the only egg teacher in a lot of our surrounding districts as well so for her to be able to go to some of those conferences and connect with other people that teach the same same thing we really look forward to those opportunities to provide those funds for those staff development leave requests as well um on Slide Five you see a sample schedule of what um our Thursday August 29th looked like um and as you can see it's got a lot going on in it we offer a lot of different sessions for the day um the letters training groups each met for half of the day that day but then there were a lot of Choice sessions um and these are kind of the schedules that people get used to seeing where they have different time slots different options for those time slots some of them are required some of them are not and they kind of work through their day to get a full day of training um so it's not it's it's not a lot unlike what our students experience of going to seven different sessions in one day um but we get a lot of learning that takes place on SL six is an example of the schedule from our our October 7th professional development day both the elementary certified staff and the high school certified staff um they were similar in some parts but they had a couple of differences um both the elementary and the high school did reunification training um so we actually went to Grace Lutheran and St Mary's to practice if we ever um had to evacuate to a location off site what that process would be like so we all accomplished that on our October 7th day and then on slide seven it includes one of the sample pair professionals this is the high school pair professional development schedule for that day um the elementary one was very similar but they all all Paras also were able to do reunification training that day um and then they also had some additional trainings as well so we've been on the two professional development days that we've had so far this year we've been very busy with lots of different things uh that we offer to make sure we get what we need to get done and then offer things that people really are ready to learn about as well on slide eight um we are very fortunate that we have um our inhouse Trainers for letters um they do a fantastic job every time they present um I hear great comments from our elementary teachers about how wonderful they are um this year the people that are doing letters training have eight 3-hour trainings throughout the school year so it's a lot of time invested into letters training which again is part of the read act I know Darcy has talked about that at other board meetings um we have a group of 30 elementary teachers that are in their second year of letters training so they're doing the second half of the modules um there are eight modules or unit so they're going through the second half and then we had a group start this year and there are 23 Elementary teachers and Paras that are working through their first year of letters training so um that has been a big um focus on our staff development days and it impacts a lot of what we can schedule because we always need to make sure that we're providing that time for those groups that are getting their letters training because it is a big chunk of time that they need um on August 29th one of the questions that we asked staff on their endof day exit ticket was how will what you learned today benefit your students this year it's just nice to see at the end of the of a long day of learning how people are thinking about what they're going to learn or about about what they learned and how they're going to use it so um one teacher commented that they're H feel better prepared to have conversations about mental health with students that they might be concerned about um Jeremy m from ecet came and presented on AI and Google tools and they said they're hopefully going to count cut down on other planning time so they can have more creative activities um we had a Native American session and they feel more prepared to teach about our Native American um subjects and help our students feel more represented um the letters training focused on vocabulary so this person was really excited to start their vocabulary mini lessons and then we did a session on just like how to manage Chromebooks in the classroom um to save a lot of frustration for teachers when you have 30 kids in a room or 20 kids in a room and they're all in their Chromebooks being able to manage that um from our uh computers as well was helpful so lots of I mean everybody had good things to say but those were just some of the samples of how people plan to use what they learned at our district provided professional development so when we have these days who is providing our professional development on slide 10 um this is just for our first two staff development full staff development day so far so the August 29th and October 7th um we had 12 different certified staff that presented sessions um some of them I reached out to and asked them to but a lot of them simply volunteered they had a topic they're interested in they want to share it with their staff so they volunteer to present those sessions to our staff members um Rum River staff uh presented to pair professionals and Jenny Barry also presented Jeremy Micha from ecet came in um he I said could you do a couple sessions for us at back to school workshop and he said put me down for all five sessions and I was like I will don't worry um and the administrators uh presented the reunification training and led us through that really nicely and then we do have options for um teachers that are Education Minnesota members um mea online is an online platform that has all of the different relicensure categories that we need so if somebody is missing one or the other we build in some time that they can do one of those online courses through um the online education Minnesota system to get their relicensure hours that they need on slide 11 we do have three staff development committees within our district um they each one represents the teachers per professionals and administrators from those areas so our Elementary staff development committee our co-chairs are Sarah Barry and Jamie Wright um at the high school our chair is marsh moliner and then I am the chair of our district committee so the Elementary and high school um committees meet monthly and they approve any leave requests talk about any upom coming issues for uh staff development in their buildings and then as the district we meet about four times during the year and then we have a planning meeting at the end of the year so slide 12 talks about a couple of big things coming up for us in MOA um both of these things are events that have been happening for a long time but for the next two years MOA is hosting them so January 20th on MLK day is epic it is is a collaborative professional development day that we have been a part of for a few years now it includes certified staff from MOA um Pine City Hinkley and East Central and so um we've gone to the first year we did it was it was virtual three years ago or four years ago um and it was technically hosted by Hinkley but again it was virtual we've gone to East Central the last two years and now for the next two years years's Morrow will be the host so on January 20th we will have um teachers from all of those districts coming here for a full day of professional development um the sessions are mostly led by teachers in all of those different districts um so that uh next Tuesday is our first planning meeting for that um so that'll take um a lot of work from our staff here but it's exciting that we'll get to kind of show off our facilities and the good things that we have going on here and then similarly um lake ecme is a technology educational technology conference that's offered through ecme to all of the member um any staff from the ecme member districts it's been going on for quite a few years and once again it's Mora's turn to host for two years in a row so we ended up on the same cycle for both of these conferences that we're hosting them for the same two years so um Jeremy Micha from um ecme Works closely with both helping with epic and with like ecme so that was one of the reasons I got him to present it back to school Workshop was so he could come scope things out since they'll have to be here a lot for those events but that'll be really cool because we'll have teachers from lots of other districts for the next two years coming into our schools and seeing what they're all about um so that's kind of our update for this year here for staff development did anybody have any questions any questions for Jackie great thank you appreciate it all right uh next up number five world's best Workforce and comprehensive achievement and City readiness garc no [Laughter] I don't see it up there sorry for the delay cooperating here tonight that's okay well we'll get started then not a big deal thanks for having me uh purpose of tonight is to present on U present and inform you and communicate through our world's best Workforce goals which is now morphing into a new role of comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness um that is a mouthful to say so I don't um I won't say that they have paired it down at all they did not reduce the amount of goals that set forth for a district but um they have made changes to it uh the first three things actually are the exact same as far as how we have to report it out um the chain of commands that we go through on our committees locally um and then we do have to have that posted on our website publicly as well it does work backwards in that we Look Backwards at last year's goals to report out um and then we set forth new goals they have made an adjustment in one of the goal areas and I liked how they used to have it as a prek to graduation sequence of goals they have taken out the read well by third grade because that is replac with the react um and they took out those two slides and replaced that with a 30 page uh literacy plan it's a good one I really do like it but uh like I said they did not pair this down all by taking out two slides so you do see at the bottom that um I did say that they took out the the read well by third grade they didn't eliminate that because they have other entities that we will be reporting that information out they did add the very last one though prepare students to be lifelong Learners as a goal um and that's been an interesting goal to try and Tackle um I have met with numerous districts to see what Avenues are you going with so we'll get to that one all right so at the top you'll see um I I put the initials world's best Workforce for the old goals that were're reporting on and then the next slide we'll have the new initials so I kind of went back and forth on purpose so um all students ready for kindergarten I am working with Carrie cell on this goal with our preschool students and um she has a goal for letter identification that students will achieve a 70% um achievement rate for her preschoolers by the end of spring she did meet that goal you can see in the middle of 82% so she has met that goal with those preschoolers last year so we will report that to MBE rolling forward then the next slide is hers again um and when I asked her I said would you like that goal to carry forth for next year 70% again um she agreed with that it's kind of a tricky goal to set because she doesn't have any prehistoric data it's it's the first time that they are entering school is the first time that we're seeing him um and we don't have a requirement that every kid goes to preschool so it's a little slippery slope to set a goal for kiddos um and she has it was fun to to talk with her and actually met with her again today um I can't remember which one one grade level is it's her threeyear olds or four year olds one is up one is down um but her early childhood family education group has flourished and she said she met with a group that she did not know any of the families in that group the evening and she thought that was fantastic cuz that meant those are new faces coming into her community so even if they weren't enrolled in preschool yet their eyes are on us and and they're getting their families in the door so she has a great great grasp on getting families in she does a phenomenal job and actually as well was walking through this evening she has an event going on every kiddo is in uh fun little costumes running around down at the elementary um she has a a family education event going on this evening so she set the same goal as well um she has increased with her staff though all of her staff are letters trained through the redact already um her preschool staff has already been the first uh group that went through that so when Jackie mentioned that all of our preschool staff are already completed with that which is phenomenal and she has included a few other entities with testing um to go with that science reading so she's doing a phenomenal job next school well it's not there so read well by third grade has been taken out of this um piece and so that'll be recorded on the literacy act um probably by me in the spring I can't remember which timeline that is so you'll see me for that one all right our next goal is um closing any achievement gaps that we have with the racial or ethnic diversity groups or socioeconomic groups and so I included this slide because I I mentioned last month on I go on the Minesota report card often for um a lot of our data and so I included a slide on our ethnic groups I don't know if you can see that very well um maybe on your screen you get I hope but on the right side is more public schools on the left is um the state overall we do not have a huge diversity population on any necessary group um but neither does the state when I looked and I kind of looked at that I'm like okay uh we do have a few goals that we set forth last year and then we're we're kind of summarizing moving forward for this year and on the next slide um with the the other criteria goal um we have special education we have English Learners we have free and reduced um and homeless population and I thought this one was intriguing to look at because we have a higher sped population than the state average we have a higher free reduced L rate than the state average and we have a higher slightly higher homeless and highly mobile rates than our state average so we have a lot of um tasks that we are conquering and I don't know that it's indicative just to us it's it's our surrounding area as well so to set uh the goals that we had last year or to report on the goals and move forward um free and reduced rates uh compared to our non free and reduced rates students we wanted to close the achievement Gap in Reading between 19.5% down to 18 % we have actually had this goal for 2 years but we did not achieve it last year so I set the exact same goal this year we did achieve it so we decreased that Gap from 19.5 down to 14.7 um I'm really trying to get that down to a 10% right that's kind of my goal um but rolling forward um moving forward I actually want to switch the goal to instead of reading to math because I saw that there's a bigger uh Gap there so I'm I set a goal for 21.1 down to get it to 18% so I don't want to abandon the reading one that since there's still a gap but I think a focus needs to be on the map instead next one we have a we had a special education goal to reduce the gap for reading between 33% down to 30.4 we do report these out to MD so the point4 is a big deal to them and so I was super excited that we got to 30.0 so I am happily going to report that to the Department of Ed that yes we met that goal moving forward though um I did propose to the to our district advisory committee to not move forward with a special education goal I met with um several other dacs in our our area and curriculum people and we looked at the state statute and it says all racial and economic sub groups didn't say anything in our State statue about special education and we really grappled with the idea of these kids are on individual education plans um they have goals set for them individually um should we set a goal as an entity for them um it's in the literacy plan when they pulled out read B by third grade and the literacy goals are in there as well um so when I ran up by board advisory I propose that we don't carry forward with a special education goal because because I feel like it is covered for them already moving forward American Indian um goal I had one for decreasing um from 26.2 down to 20.2 in reading and it dramatically decreased down to 9 13.9 UM and yes I want to get it to 10% um but when I roll forward on the next slide I saw that uh the last slide was 21.1 this one's 21.4 right and I really think that we shouldn't focus on math for American Indian population and and set a goal getting that down to 18% um Hispanics uh compared to our non-hispanic subgroup we have a goal of 13.8 down to 10% remember I want that 10% right and happy to see that it is at 5.8 um and math also decreased into the single digits as well so moving forward I I would propose that we do not have a goal for our Hispanic population for reading or map and we'll still continue with it but I think since it's under 10% that's that's great so um to recap all those goals uh I have two goals one of them is on this Slide the American Indian population a maple and on the next slide slide um free and reduced a mle so hopefully I've condensed that a little bit for us all right so the next area we got a couple more areas to go on this we're almost there um all students College and Career ready by graduation um starting in 9th grade from 9th grade to 12th grade we have students work on a personal learning plan um to try and get them interested in what Avenue they are going to proceed with for postsecondary um it's very comprehensive the program that we're currently using that it's got an interest inventory um it kind of leads them down this path of questions what kind of things do you like to do do you like to work with your hands do you like to work indoors outdoors with people with numbers with computers with you know it really gets kids thinking about this um but we really need them to to to focus on what uh what do you want to get out of life right it's not necessarily are you going to go to a college are you going to go we want to know do you want to go right into the workforce do you want to go into a a specific trade school do you want to go to a 2-year a four year and we're trying to guide these students at a younger age um and it is an estate statute for our counselors to help with this and so they have done a great job within our Blu day of incorporating this so our goal was to get 75% of those kiddos by their senior year completing this task for us doesn't mean that we hold it to them like goodness how many people do change their minds once you get to to out of high school if you think all right me too right um but we did have 87% of our graduates last year that um achieved that task and um met it so I met with the counselors because we've had 75% for the last couple years so on the next slide they are confident in upping that to 80% we'll have that completed by their senior year um they are incorporating a a program zel is the name of it they've had that for two years know I think and they're very confident in um the tracking of it and the completion of it and they really like the program so um I was excited to see that they were interested in upping that goal to 80% of our students having some plan focused in their mind by the by their senior year all right next one all students graduate um this one is interesting to me because the department of EDS set this goal back in by 2020 all kids will graduate 90% or higher um I haven't heard any different now that it's 2020 what right like wait a minute that hasn't been updated I still think 90% graduation rate is a great goal and um when I met with all of my colleagues uh everyone's still going out for that because we haven't had any guidance from the Department of Ed so our our goal last year was to get to 90% um and increase that we were at 84.2 and I will say that graduation rates leg behind so I don't know our graduation rates for our seniors last year until probably like February or March of this year I won't have that data so it does lag far far behind which is kind of a little frustrating on what action steps could we be making this year based on our population last year and we we don't it for some reason it just lags that far behind from the Department of bed um so our goal last year we are at at 84.2 we want to obviously increase that to 9 % we increased it but we only increased it up to 85.6 one so we did not meet that goal um so we're going to take 85.6 one and we're going to still roll that forward to 90% um that does include that includes percentages from our ALC Center and our high school combined um and we'll use we will utilize some of the ideas from resource training on how to increase those percentages to get up to that 90% [Laughter] that's my C right almost done all right our last goal then is um this is a new one set forth onto this plan by the department of Ed across the whole state prepare students to be lifelong Learners and um a lot of districts grappled with this what does that mean and and how do you attach a percentage to this and we we discuss this at our board advisory because I'm like I need some assistance for for this um the suggestion we had a couple suggestions and we went with the new par grade that the high school is implementing this year um and so our goal is to have um 75% of our students by the spring um getting an average of 3.0 or higher on their par grades for the district um like I said the this is new to the high school and they get a grade of a 432 or1 so we're going to average those out to be 3.0 and higher um that St I'm sorry par stands for proactive accountable and respectful I think I forgot to say that um it's going to be all students whether it's um mainstream whether it's ALC whether it's fed all students will get a par grade once per quarter once per class um and like I said I I grappled with it so I was glad that board advisory was able to guide us with that one so questions for me questions for yeah I was just one on on the graduation rates how many has that 90% ever been met since 2020 when when they set the standard I think we hit 92 I think we have yeah I think we have okay I can look it up um and it's broken down for us between ALC and high school and District so I can so broke down into three yeah so it'll one one and a group together yes so we go off the district one and then it'll say ALC and it'll say high school as well um but we go off the combined average I can look it up by the end of the meeting for you that'd be great yeah and then for you were talking about resources getting some information from them to help achieve this goal of 90% uh yeah so we're actually on like a an identified list and we're on an identified list every 3 years for being below the average for great graduation rates so this is our last year on that list um I believe and so they have reached out to us I want to say three years ago they came to the old high school and met with us um and maybe Brent you can answer to what progress we've made on that but they have resource they have a a person assigned to us to assist us in different ideas I I didn't attend any meetings last year with that he had them I attended the high school one yeah we're on a watch list for three years this is year three of three and they're really impressed with us they they said we actually don't need to be on the watch list but we benefit from it so we're choosing to stay on there with their Guidance just because we get free resources kind of they're coming out in November on the 13th to meet with our ALC team and look at things that we can tweak to improve so anything else what happens if we don't improve now if we're down a threeyear as long as we're still on it you said that we could go off or you know it's they think we're doing really well what if we're still in the not met the fourth year we're actually fine now once they are because of the size do you remember Darcy our ALC is so little that these groups that we got flagged on are like two or three students so it's hard to we're being compared to big ALCS that have a lot of students so the way I understand it is we're just taking advantage of resource we don't have to have their guidance anymore so is the alc bringing the overall average down is and because it's so small the you know if you only have a group of 10 and three don't then you're at 70% is that the reason it's bringing the that's why they were flagged yes exactly was for that specific group of students yep okay do they diverse it as to movein you know in ALC they don't always have a choice of who's there you know they come from other schools usually they're failing in another school that's actually some of the specifics we're looking at on the 13th um they want to know how students qualify um if there's students on a waiting list do they get any support they've got a lot of specific questions yeah there's yeah CU there's special ed and there's they have so many homeless in there also that don't have the a lot of schools don't yeah like you said Deb a lot of schools don't have ALCS so you know we do get a lot of students from other surrounding districts that come to our ALC because they do want to make progress towards graduation so I mean there's a lot of variables into that population like you said Homeless and special ad and you know home situations and things like that you know I think the alc does a tremendous job of taking students where they're at and trying to get them to graduate and we've all kind of been to those graduations in the alc and heard the story stories of each of those students and they're all unique and different so yeah I mean there's there's a ton of variables on that but and one of the things that they they do try is to look at where the students are coming from and so um our feeder school for the alc is mostly our high school then and so our high school is also identified on that list because they are the main the main feeder to the alc Center so that is how both schools it's not just the alc that's identified then it's the alc and the high school that's both identified for these years anything else for garcy thank you so much appreciate it all right next up October enrollment report sure get out of this yeah I'll just stay here because there's only one slide if that's okay um and so um what we've been trying to do Eric Bou myself and and Bri LC and Bill meet monthly and we try to get a clear picture of where our enrollment is you've noticed hopefully board members that we've updated the board report to give you a little bit more information on you know where is all the enrollment where are this how many students do we have in home school how many do we have enrolling into our school from other districts how many do we have going outside so we've tried to really hone in on our actual number of students enrolled and so if you I I guess the good news is that for the past two years following the the co pandemic we've been able to stabilize our enrollment um and and that's a good thing because districts around the state are seeing declining enrollment for a number of reasons just the whole demographics of the state and the country um the the age of students um the age of the population is uh increasing in fact I think I heard on the radio the the age of that majority of population in Minnesota will be 60 years old here pretty soon so um so that is a good sign for Moa Mora schools um this year we've seen uh at the start now you've seen the population start out a little bit higher and it's kind of dwindled a little bit it takes a while for students to um that don't enroll in school or don't show up to school for 15 days to get dropped so that's why the the enrollment fluctuates and of course it fluctuates on a day-by-day basis a student may move in and and may move out but I think this is a real clear picture and that fact that state uses the October enrollment for um kind of to get a good picture in the end of the school year as where the state says okay you know where are you at with your average daily membership so when we when we just look at enrollment there's a lot of different ways to look at it um but I think you know the board should know we're in a good position um in regard to our enrollment staying steady um the past couple years so any questions D no see then we'll move on thank you for that uh next up Marsha come on up travel Club 2027 good evening uh thanks for your time thanks for having me this evening I am here to give you an update on the mo High School travel club's um current situation and request formal approval for our next trip in 2027 so just as an um a reminder this year is the first year that travel Club will skip a trip in lie of the band inquir trip that occurs in spring break so we do not have a trip this Academic Year so our next active trip is Iceland in 2026 which you graciously gave um permission to last year we are a full trip 9 days in Iceland with 44 Travelers and that is over our Easter um break so from April 3rd through the 10th just as a reminder of what um some of the things that those 43 students and me at this point are going to be seeing um it's of course a small country a small a country so we spend two three nights in rikic the capital and then three nights in the north at that at that City that whose name I can't pronounce because Icelandic is hard um Wales of Iceland Museum they're going to see craters waterfalls um hot springs lava formations whale watching um we're go to the university of aeri I did a good job uh to for for a biodiversity Clinic with their college of biological sciences we'll get to visit Iceland Icelandic horses and then more waterfalls visors and House Springs is a geology teachers Journey so I am here to request permission um and formal approval for the 2027 trip I would like to take students to Eastern no the the main cities on this tour are Berlin Prague kou and Budapest um that would be from again over the um Easter holiday break and that is March 29th would be Easter Sunday that year so it's an earlier trip um it's 10 days students would still miss just the four days of school if the Easter breaks continue as they have with um 3 days off you know whether it's the Good Friday and then um bright Monday and Tuesday off or Thursday Friday before Easter and Monday after those are open to students of sorry 2027 the classes of 2027 2028 and 2029 which if I did my math correctly are this year's 8th 9th and 10th graders so this year's 10th graders would be seniors for that trip um this is how the trip is described um through EF the company I work with they travel through the Iron Curtain and World War II to Gothic cath Cathedrals and ancient cities that are now more vibrant than ever Berlin makes this historical significance Rich culture and exciting Cosmopolitan energy Prague which escaped the bombs of World War II you with old world charm and in Kaku and Budapest two of Europe's most underrated cities architectural gems await around every corner uh so we fly into Berlin um and spend two nights there the first night the first day is a partial day because we usually take a red eye um overnight and so we would spend the entire next day touring around Berlin um brandenberg gate Checkpoint Charlie the remains of the Berlin Wall um the Holocaust Museum am I going too fast um Prague um these are by the way some of my favorite cities ever the the driving force behind my choice to go to Eastern Europe is because I have been there multiple times and they are some of the most beautiful places I've ever been and I'm eager to share them with students to get them to a different part of Europe that they might not typically want to go to or think of um plus the Deep history that's there um so two nights in Prague um going to the Oldtown Charles bridge um if you've ever been there you know why a person wants to go back um kou which is probably my number one city ever I've been there maybe five or six times through my life um V Cathedral um we have the opportunity to visit aitz spino and realize the um Horrors and the history that um the poish people went through in World War II um as well as the Jewish people of course um the Jewish quarter in Kaku is um really quite something as well the vitka salt mines um if you have this open in front of you there is a picture in the bottom right corner that looks like a cathedral and that is inside the salt mines about 10 stories underground they had um while they were mining salt they had um Artisans and sculptors that were among the miners because they could make more money mining salt than being sculptor and they build a cathedral that can fit 3 or 400 people so that's pretty cool um and then wany square is um just kind of a very wonderful Cultural Center in the middle of that City and budapes Via Slovakia where I my family is from so the tatra mountains will drive through and hopefully be able to spend a little time in that area um I have not been to Budapest since I was in my 20s but um the budapes baths are something to behold and I think our students would really have um quite an eye opening experience it's not like anything I've ever experienced before in my life um Castle Hill the fisherman's Bastion and the um Heroes Square as well so the fisherman's Bastion is the beautiful white um Castle which is on the Buddha side of the um D danu River Buddha PES is two different cities Buddha and PES on either sides of the danu and the fisherman's Bastion is a beautiful Overlook of the city and the danu then I tried to take as little time as possible earlier evening um so again I am here to request formal approval to proceed with 2027 Eastern European enrollment any questions any questions for Mar chair would entertain a motion for approval of the 2027 travel Club trip motion by mat or second second second by Dev any further discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign carries thank you all for your time I appreciate it as to our students yes all right um any requests to remove any items from the consent agenda seeing none um it's the consent agenda is uh placed out in front of everybody with that chair would move for approval of a consent agenda as presented by Dakota is there a second second second by man any discussion the only thing I saw was in the minutes that I don't believe Charlie was here for the meeting in September in the minutes so if that could be amended I got Charlie do you yeah I'm trying heing volb he wasn't in attendance on the minutes say one more time at the September meeting that you were not in attendance y that is correct you were not no wasn't no yeah just to change that as all we can make that Amendment minutes yeah Kelly can do that yeah y Kelly do all right thank you so as amended anything further is that okay you yep yep fine for a second okay any further discussion s and alls in favor signify by saying I I both same sign carries nothing was removed consent agenda budget counter review Dan yeah um Eric had something come up with his family so he wasn't able to be here but um in October you know we're managing the budgets that was approved that were uh was approved by the school board um and we're um audit is looking really good um we're just uh the audit is in the auditor's hands and there's very minimal things if they come back with some questions so the board can expect to see the audit in November at the board meeting um Eric and the the rest of the staff in the district office have worked really hard to to get that done um on time so that's been that's been good enrollment I just went through um uh for the board to look at and then and then the adopted budget um for the school year in the ltfm plan so those um those are just things to kind of keep on on your radar so we'll talk a little bit more but those were already approved so is great um any questions for Dan on that seeing none move on to number 12 uh consider approval of the resolution accepting gifts and donations we had uh more Traveling Baseball Association a $500 uh gift to the student council chair to entertain a motion for approval of said resolution so Mo motion my ma or second second second by Deb any discussion seeing none and seeing as this is a resolution we'll start over here with Amy Amy is I Dakota is I Scott is I Matt is I Dev is I Ken is I resolution passes unanimously um next up consider approval of the emm Strategic plan memory memorandum of agreement for 2425 yeah so um as I mentioned last time the the Strategic plan that the board chose to go with Teamworks um I think there are eight or nine meetings with the strategic planning team that they outlined Teamworks outlined and so that's quite a bit of a difference compared to what msba did the time before I think it might have been one or two meetings so um so we're compensating the teaching staff for attending those um other hourly staff obviously will be compensated hour um Administration and and um the district office staff will not be compensated so so do you have to do an anou for the other staff too that no because they're hourly okay um so they get paid their hourly rate and overtime if they work overtime so that's what our our legal council advised yeah sounds good chair would ENT chair would entertain a motion entertain a motion for approval of said strategic plan M MOA someone motion by mat or a second second second by Amy any further discussion I was just wondering how many people are going to be involved in this for that are in underneath this m Mo M MOA on the strategic planning team yeah how many people from the mmm are involved I think there's about 10 I'm not mistaken yeah um don't quote me on the exact number but I want to say Jack agree you was it 10 yeah did they all just come to you or did you seek out the 10 no remember what I said before is the last board meeting is is Teamworks has I mean you hired Teamworks they have a list of people that they recommend to be on the strategic planning team and so then we fill the the administration fills the names because we when we meet with the consultant he asks like who who are these people and then they put the names in there so so so you pick the name based on what they want they give us the template of who's on the strategic planning team and Paul will be here probably in December so if you the board has any questions for him he he'd be happy to answer that any further questions s right seeing none um alls in favor signify by saying I hi post same carries next up uh consider approval of the resolution of governing board supporting form a application to the Minnesota State High School league Foundation yep so the high school league gives um funding to school districts based on a pre-introduced population to reduce some of the activity fees that um that those students would would have so um it's it's a it's a nice thing the high school league does for all all member districts and if I remember right this is an annual annual have no resolution so with that chair we're entertain a motion for approval of said resolution so motion by Dakota is there a second second second by Ken any further discussion seeing none and seeing as this is a resolution we start over here with Ken for voting hi Ken is I Deb hi Deb is I man hi is I Scott is I Dakota hi is I Amy I is I motion passes resolution passes unanimously and then consider approval the set a date to Canvas to November 5th uh general election returns for Schoolboard members and we have set it um pending discussion but for Thursday November 14th at 6:30 reason we had to make a slight change on that one because it is due by November 15 so 10 days after that so we just had to pull that one back right now we just have it set up for the 14th at 6:30 if that works for everybody that is Elementary conference night does not work for no I will be out of state but I can call in if need be I'll be on the road oh okay but with five of us we still have a majority is that work quum yes thank you that work okay um so chair entertain a motion I guess we don't need to we're just going to set that as a date right yeah there's something to there uh board reports administrative update student board member report here we are first time of the year here all right hi I'm part of student council we have this we as a student council have been very busy these past two months in September we hosted our annual homecoming pet Fest and homecoming dance and those seem to be a hit we were involved in the school board candidate Forum as well as the tackle cancer football game this past week and we are gearing up for our parents Night Out babysitting event for tomorrow we have approximately 45 kids signed up for that um we also just elected our seventh grade members to the council and we are glad to have them as part of our group in this upcoming month we are hosting the blood drive we are hoping to get enough people to sign up so we have enough units to present a $1,500 scholarship to one student last year the scholarship was $750 but this year the Red Cross has doubled their scholarship amounts we are looking for almost 80 for about 80 staff and students to sign up to donate for this round of Don donations we are preparing for the food and toy drive in November which aims to collect non-p perishable food items and new or gentle used toys to support local families during this holiday season we'd also like to thank our wrestling football programs for the generous donations to the to buy the blow up movie screen so that we can host more outdoor movies thank you what day is the blood drive November 13th okay thank you 13 there we go any other questions any you any questions that you have of us no thank anything yes thank you appreciate it next up yeah um the board member meeting reports anybody have anything I'm going with the r no that sounds good thank you you for that I know that standard sent out some stuff to all of us so yeah keep us posted appreciate that um activities Charlie come on up um I don't have too much um I had that for me as well so it is a way for the high school league to return money to schools in it's based on the participation by our free and reduced students so um couple other things um fall regular seasons are coming to a close we're in the midst of section playoffs for most some seasons have ended Winters right around the corner Junior High girls basketball started this week and high school girls hockey starts Monday um all other fall Sports will begin on November 11th or 18th um did you talk to these guys about the governance nth grade governance previously I've sent them some information on it a little bit you can mention it did it did pass um nearly all districts voted in favor of passing nth grade governance um most people probably don't realize it but the high school league only recognized governance over 10 through 12 so like our cquad teams of kids coming up from junior high or down from 10th grade we're always kind of Muddy Waters and whatever else so um they'll save a bunch of money on insurance instead of having to pay individually it actually is less for the whole so um there's not really any downside for us that we could really think of um and as far as Community Ed November 1st will be the start of walking Track memberships renewals so probably be another 500 people coming through the office in the next two months so good it's good yep you guys have any questions no sounds good thank you you bet all right chip going up Transportation buildings and ground well we're geing up for winter um those boiler stack extensions were installed I don't know if you've been back there but uh the cool cooler mornings I'm sure can see see the difference um uh over we had the Ia do our lead and water testing here at the high school um I don't have the results but and I'm not too concerned but um that happened um we also are lining up our all of our boilers Elementary in the high school to get inspected um it's a yearly thing um and I'm checking with a a contractor to um sand repaint um those window frames and door frames in the wellness center that are pitting out and Dan and I've been working with uh w trying to see if we can go back and uh it's kind of a long story but these frames were we thought could have been um not under warranty but they had issues with this um brand of frames um but it turns they're going to do a site visit at least and kind of rule it out but we're going to move forward and get that R taken care of anyway um H's working on winterizing things down at the bus garage um we did our fall bus evacuation drills on the 16th um last last week and that was really well um high school kids help out tremendously with the back of the bus and and the drivers did a great job um as you recall we have to do that twice a year required by state so we'll do one in the spring as well and I'm going to have a driver checkin meeting tomorrow morning so I'll bring donuts the last Friday of each month and then we'll uh chat with the drivers and see how things are going so any questions looks good thank you Nick come on up or Brent or both or um on the board pack talks about epic it's our sophomore is going to St Cloud tomorrow they leave about 9:30ish be back for the end of the day it's a great hands-on experience over in St Cloud to explore um technical skills and career uh career things there it's awesome huge shout out to just the Mora Community um with reunification at Grace Church St Mary's um they literally opened our doors for our district to go and if we were ever to have an event where we need to send kids home from a different location um Randy and I and our school resource officer were able to coordinate with them and use their site so more is a great Community Wella they reached out to us as well and said can we help um we're going to go with the churches but because we had some conversations they reached back out and said hey we've got a training we could use your help with um one of those scenarios where they might want some kids to be actors um they want to learn what would tax their emergency department if they ever had to deal with the situation and so they reached out to again the Mora community and they even reached out to Obi um how could we all work together so this uh safety and reunification conversations really got our community organizations collaborating working together at the County City private area and the schools and churches so it's been pretty awesome and then lastly I just want to mention that um that non-exclusionary discipline it's SP going great uh Mr Nelson actually got in on it today and he had a conversation with some girls that we're kind of arguing a little bit and instead of kind of talk to this one person talk to this one person Sit Them Down have a conversation and just work out the problems like adults need to uh so it's going really well so a huge shout out to Resource training solutions for hosting that um we do some weekly things together via Zoom with man like a 100 principles it's pretty good stuff so it's going well it's great to have good partners and great friends and again more is just a great place to be that's great Nick Ry and Jen just wanted to start with a shout out to um our school staff and uh Community for the fundr Run uh just another huge success and because of that success we're able to kind of explore some options for a playground expansion I'm working with the Midwest play keepes to find some pricing on possible expansion so we're really close to earning all those funds through our communities support and and all the kids great work and then we have updated our elementary qom site in Staff Development Goal for this school year and which reads the percentage of all students enrolled in grades 3 through six at MOA Elementary who are enrolled for at least half of the school year our proficient on the MCA reading assessment will increase from last year's score of 67.3 % to 68% this year or achieve 10% above the St State average this year so that is our goal uh family reading night last week was just a great success uh shout out to our title one team for all their coordination with that we made 240 bags um in preparation for the students and we ran out uh we had about 250 students so we were scrambling to make a few extra bags there uh we had 400 pieces of pizza and we were down to nothing at the end that's a number of people that chose not to eat before we were running low so we had just the right amount uh for those that were in line so it was a great night and then Tom W uh wmer wenner gave away four bikes um sponsored by Horseman and uh there was a lot of great face great smiles on their faces throughout the night so thank you and then we're looking forward to the Veterans Day program which will be on November 11th at 9:00 on court six um Mr qu is out of the district then of enjoying himself so I will lead us through the program and we have two great keynote speakers am i g to cry there or what I can help Jen Riley and will be our ke yeah so Rita contacted me this week mom send me an outline I said let's talk about it I said here here's my thoughts I said we could really have fun with this as a family I could have these questions made you guys answer no we'll see what it'll be a great day so to see the community yes it'll be good any questions about her I do want to um the uh U ofm door greetings stud was something that the UFM reached out to our school about and we have a dozen staff that are involved in that and it's just uh a great opportunity to learn more about greeing students in the morning and the connections um that that makes and the way that you establish the great start to the day uh so shout out to the 12 that volunteered for that uh they do get a little bit of a stien from the U so it's kind of a win-win for all of us it's a great best practice anyway and we can use those that that volunteered for this to help uh with the others other teammates sounds great thank you thank you all right superintendent yeah I'll just mention one thing on on the board report and that's um our masasa legislative committee actually it's um being chaired this year by Mark Johnson of Acme and so uh the interesting thing is that there's administrators from all corners of the state and we kind of come together and try to put a platform together so when we Lobby state legislators um for the legislative session we have a common theme um similar to saf which um is schools advocating for fair funding they changed that from C but anyways uh funding is a big piece of it um you know not only just general fund funding but also like ltfm funds um the local oper uh optional Revenue things of that sort that have and and some of the uh formulas that haven't changed over decades and remember when we talked in the levy how uh because property property values have gone up our state aid has gone down just because those really haven't changed so that's another area that we're trying to get the legisl legislators to understand is that it needs to keep up with inflation so that local Property Owners aren't paying more than um they did in the past because of their property values so those are some of the topics that we get into along with other um policy types of things that are maybe hindering schools um and things so it's it's an interesting process and um and uh it's once we get down to talk to the legislators especially our local people it really helps to have that face- tof face contact with them so yeah it's it's an interesting process so and tomorrow is the inperson the cording meeting for that for uh uh saff yeah for staff okay St all right that's great there we got the upcoming dates for remember with picture retakes you know different things that are listed on there for us as a reminder the 14th we will meet here 6:30 it's a relatively quick meeting takes 5 10 minutes something like that but it is a requirement that we have to get done um Everybody election day make sure to have you know get out vote appreciate that um Regular board meeting on the 21st uh correspondence I don't think I de I had a couple things to sign but that wasn't correspondence other board business anybody have anything to come before the board are we planning a work session for November yeah um I probably will send something out and um I have to be in contact with Tanya a little bit more but I'll throw I'll have Kelly throw out some dates at the work session could we have uh the construction Bill list and what we have left over for construction funds could that be on the agenda to talk about at the work session yeah I can request that okay um yeah for sure okay good point any other board business I did just want to say you know if uh Jackie and student council thank you so much for putting on the Forum I know I heard from so many people in the community that they truly appreciate that I know a number of people watched it online and that as well that is you know what a nice thing you know to have so thank you for that um second open Forum anybody wish to address the board at this time seeing none uh chair would entertain a motion for adjournment at 7:47 so motion my ma or a second second we'll give Ken your name discussion SE all in favor sing I [Laughter]